Friday, September 07, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #37 9/6/12: Show Me the Money

There is a reprise of Eva, Helena, and Lucia's rendition of Rata de Dos Patas in the elevator.

Toni comes home to Pluto and Rebeca walks in a minute later, to which Pluto remarks, "What a surprise.  I was hoping not to see you in this house again."  At Rebeca's egging on, Toni asks Pluto why the hotel manager in Playa Majagua says he was there only once when Pluto claims to have been there twice.  Pluto feigns indignation, and to prove himself he rattle off the names of people working at the hotel and brings out pictures of Playa Majagua (which Onesimo took).  He says it pains him that Toni doesn't trust him and Toni begs forgiveness.  Rebecca glowers.

Mutt and Jeff are having a fight.  Santi suggest Fer is exaggerating his problems while Fer states that no one at home understands him.  Santi tells him Marcela does more than he does, and Fer says, "You see?  You're on her side."  Paty baby comes in and Santi falls over himself to accommodate her.  Under his breath Fer calls him hen-pecked (madilon; madil means apron), and Santi asks, "What?"  Santi and Paty are disagreeing because Paty still wants a big wedding.  She calls Santi selfish.  She uses her sexuality to tell him the reward will be great, and as he hovers in for a kiss she untangles herself from him and leaves.  Fer is enjoying the shoe being on the other foot with Santi also having relationship problems.

Bastardo is cranky at Silvia's helping him down the stairs- he accuses her of wanting him to feel like an invalid [push him, dear].  Helena, Lucia, and Lalo show up.  Lucia talks to him a mile a minute while Bastardo looks pained.  He pointedly tells her he could be worse and although SOME people wanted him to die he hasn't done it yet [ass].  He tells Helena, "At least you kept your word in bringing Lalo home.  We'll see if you disappear with him tomorrow."  Helena smartly excuses herself from the abuse.

Rebeca disbelieves Pluto's story about going to Playa Majagua twice.  He says he has too many problems to put up with her hormonal changes.  She acquiesces, but tells him she wants a new car.  "Do you think I have a machine that makes money?"  he replies.  Rebeca states she deserves the car for putting up with him because her period is once a month but his is daily [ouch].  He threatens to go and she says fine, she'll tell the manatee everything.  He calls her a dirty blackmailer, and she says, "Blackmailer, yes.  Dirty, never."  He stares at her [which he's good at, but he seldom smiles].

Jesus asks Adriano out to lunch and Adriano is visibly relieved when he sees Jesus doesn't suspect the truth.  Jesus wants to know if a man of his age looks ridiculous with a young woman.  Adriano stumbles over his words, but tells him that in love age doesn't matter if your intentions are serious.  Paola shows up (surprise!) and physically handles "Uncle Adri" in front of her father to Adriano's embarrassment.  Under the table she runs her hand up the inside of his leg, making his eyes cross more than usual in discomfort.  In his office, Adriano is mad while Paola laughs about the lunch.  He doesn't like to hide things and he thinks it would be better if her father knew the truth about the two of them.  She now gets mad and says he'll ruin everything.  She storms out.

Mimi and Eva are at lunch, with Eva talking as JC.  He is telling her how difficult it was to share a bed with Helena.  JC complains again of his abstinence and Mimi says she feels his pain but nobody ever died from that.  He tells her his last time was with Helena.  She tells him that next time he should take a cold shower, and if that doesn't work to think of the most horrible thing that happened to him.  Paying taxes, he says, and she tells him that clearly he is like a pressure cooker, so lock himself in the bathroom.  "What's wrong with you?"  he replies.  He says it's not just the sex, that with Helena it's different, it's much more.

Lucia compliments Silvia on dinner, while Bastardo complains that it had no flavor and each day she cooks worse.  Helena scolds him that Silvia is only following doctor's orders for a bland diet for HIM [ass].  Bastardo leaves with Lucia and Lalo.  Helena tells Silvia how much it bothers her how Bastardo treats Silvia, and that she fears that he is exaggerating his illness to take advantage of them.  Silvia defends him while Helena bangs her hands against her head [really, Silvia, it's time to stab him with a fork already.  he's done].

Eugenia is upset that JC hasn't called or visited in months.  Modesto tries again to get her to accept JC's death.  She quotes Shakespeare at him: "To die, to sleep, perhaps to dream."  She asks Modesto to bring her to Grupo Imperio; perhaps JC is there.

Helena is bending over in short shorts, making the bed, and in walks Eva who screams at the sight.  Eva asks if she's going to sleep like THAT, and Helena replies it's hot and Eva should too.  Eva says she's like her Aunt Cuquita and is always cold.  She then heads back to the bathroom for a nice cold shower.

Adriano compliments Marcela on her great work.  Fer is standing looking pained, but says, "I always told you my woman was ideal for this position."  Adriano jokes that from now on it will be Marcela who overlooks Fernando's work.  Uncomfortable laughter from both.  Adriano tells Marcela he wants her to finish the thesis left half done and it will be another source of pride for the family.  "No es asi, Fernando?" Adriano asks.

Helena asks Toni for a copy of her thesis but Toni admits she can't find it and will have to go to the university for a copy.  Eva asks Helena why so much interest, and Helena tells her because Pluto based the work on it and she wants to know it.

Everyone's meeting at the big colorful table.  Helena says that thanks to the team all the objectives of the first phase of the project have been accomplished.  Santi gives a cheer and Adriano scolds him while Eva tries to quiet him.  Toni tells how wonderful her trip to Playa Majagua was and that the people have complete trust in Helena.  Eva gives Toni credit for her role and Toni is exuberant to be part of this team.  Pluto throws a wet blanket on everything, saying he's worried about the people's cooperation with construction permits.  Rebeca backs him up saying that there is no one on their level with whom to negotiate.  Pluto says the money is all Grupo Imperio's and that JC's embezzlement of 3 million is making things difficult.  Adriano doesn't want to talk about this but Pluto persists.  After the meeting Helena asks Toni about JC's fraud, but Toni tells her that Adriano and Pluto keep the details to themselves.  Rebeca says it was horrible and that JC broke Adriano's heart.  Eva interrupts to say that absolutely no one has any proof against JC and that he's not here to defend himself because God has him in his Glory.  Rebeca rolls her eyes.  Helena asks about bringing Lalo to a weekend work party in Acapulco and Rebeca says no way!  Toni overrules her.  Eva smiles.

In Toni's office, Eva asks her about the embezzlement.  Toni says the money is legally stuck (atorado).  Eva asks, "Stuck where?  In a door or what?"  Toni says she does not have a single good memory of JC.  Cara de impacta de Eva.  Toni tells of seeing Rebeca in a bikini in Playa Majagua and feeling bad at the comparison.  Eva tells her that Rebeca has a good body but Toni has a heart, which lasts longer than the body. 

Eugenia and Modesto just miss Eva in the hallway at Grupo Imperio [my guess is Eugenia will be the first to recognize JC].  Adriano is happy to see them.  She asks for JC and Adriano gives Modesto a questioning look.

Lucia is feeling bad because another boyfriend is giving her the brush-off.  Helena acknowledges that even JC's father thinks him guilty of embezzlement, so what is she to think?

Pluto tries again with Adriano to ask about his share in the business.  Adriano tells him, "When I decide it."

Helena asks Lalo to go to Acapulco but Bastardo enters and says Lalo's not going anywhere [ass].

Eva calls a hotel to ask about the money from the embezzlement to hear that it never arrived at its destination.  Look of shock.


Thank you for the recap, Bill!

I didn't find much to comment on in tonight's cap except the Eugenia scene. So instead, an observation that's been rumbling around in my head.

We've all observed that a core theme in this TN is "Men are pigs." But I see an equally important theme: women enable them to be pigs. It's as if almost all the women in this show have a "Kick me!" sign taped to their backs.

* Paty Bebe now knows Santi doesn't love her but she keeps dragging him to the alter.
* Sylvia is the quintessential doormat no matter what abuse Ed throws at her.
* For a long time Marcela did all her own work plus all her husband's work plus all the home and family work. Now that she is his "equal" all his work has been officially moved to her, so he still does nothing because she does it all.
* Lucia falls into bed with a man, he ditches her, and she falls into bed with another, who also ditches her.
* Toni has plenty of evidence that Pluto has a lover but she eagerly swallows his lame excuses rather than face the truth.
* Helena is letting Ed "steal" her own child, and although she gets angry or she pines for Lalo, she still hasn't taken him to live with her, even though the law is on her side.

Mimi don't take no crap. And Toni at least asserts her rights in the work world. Oh, and Eugenia totally ignores Modesto's protests. But other than that, the men treat the women like crap because the women let them! No hay ca***n sin pendejo!

A wonderful recap, Bill, I love the side thoughts.

Excellent observation, Paula! Eva's character is a refreshing diversion from the sleazy men and the passive women.

I completely agree, Paula. This was niggling at me as I wrote the recap but you’ve put it out there into words.

- Silvia has the most obvious “kick me” sign and so is the one I responded to. I have to give the actress credit; she plays doormat excellently. I feel for her but I’m starting to see her complicity in this bad dynamic.

- Marcela also is beginning to tire me with her acceptance of Fernando’s tantrums. At first I admired her using love and a calm demeanor to win him over, rather than responding with anger. But now I wish she’d be firmer with him (and for Gods sake let him make his own friggin’ dinner).

- When Paty overheard Santiago tell Angelica that he loves her and not Paty, and Paty said to herself that she now wants to marry him more than ever… I thought, What?? Now there’s a constructive response- marry the guy who doesn’t love you. But then I like Angelica more than Paty.

- I’m having trouble relating to Lucia. I want to like her but she doesn’t have any backbone.

- Antonia is wonderful and I am enjoying the way she’s coming to a slow realization about many things.

It’s ironic that the villains in this piece actually behave better, at least on the surface. Rebeca stands up for herself (although I do love the way Eva needles her), and Pluto treats Helena well (for his own nefarious purposes, of course).

My one great wish for this telenovela is that they don’t wrap everything up in the last episode as often happens. Changes, like the one we’d like to see for Fernando, happen over time to be believable. A quick turn-around at the end of the show would be very unsatisfying.

Great recap Ithabill!

Yes, it seems that BOTH our female and male characters have a lot of maturing and growing to do. The men may be obvious in their faults, but the women are also a big part of the problem. It will be interesting to see which of our characters starts to make the biggest changes first. Well, the first to change was JC, but life and circumstances forced it on him.

Thanks so much Ithabill. I enjoyed those asides to Sylvia.

That's a good analysis of all the doormats, Paula. It is true that most jerks only get away with it because someone lets them.

It has always seemed to me that this show's main theme is that macho stereotypes need to be brought out into the light and examined and that women as well as men have fallen into the trap of thinking that such behavior & attitudes are normal. It feels a bit like a long, funny, touching PSA about real family values It's way over the top but I love it.



Thank you for this marvelous recap Bill. I too loved your asides to Silvia and it's true she has the biggest "kick me" sign on her back. Paula I loved your analysis of this TN it is right on the money.

I loved the scene where JC/Eva was talking about the nightgown and how she is always cold, lol, and then JC has to take a cold shower lol.

I really hate that Helena caves to the Bastardo, I too agree she should just take Lalito and go. The heck with the Bastardo.

So loving the fact Marcela got a promotion but you're right Paula she will end up doing it all, cause Ferni won't lift a finger.

I wonder if Paty is planning this big wedding, now that she knows Santi doesn't love her, to dump HIM at the altar like he did her? Just a guess. It would be perfect revenge for her.

My one great wish that they don’t wrap everything up in the last episode.

I think you're getting your wish, in part.

Fernando has come a long way already, but of course he had such a very long distance to cover. He used to talk over and talk for his wife when meeting with Adri. He used to sit on the couch and holler for supper. Now he only whines and snivels. It's an improvement.

Antonia is making great gradual improvement on all fronts - work, diet, and doubting Pluto.

Adriano is the best. Bit by bit he is realizing that women can be valuable employees, and bit by bit he is growing disenchanted with his lifestyle.

The other day Julie said she keeps waiting for this TN to get lousy (that wasn't her word), and it doesn't! I keep waiting for it to bog down into plot stagnation and it doesn't. One of the (many) great things about PESE is the continuous ongoing plot progression, and this character development is an important part of that.

Of course, Bill, none of these threads will be FINALIZED until the final week, but this is a TN after all. We can't expect them to break ALL the TN rules!

dump HIM at the altar like he did her?

Madelaine, that never occur to me. I'll bet you're right. It rings true.

Madelaine -- you may have hit upon it. Paty Bebe's increased resolve to marry is not another "kick me" sign. It's some sort of vengeance -- but I never thought of her getting him into debt & then dumping him at the altar. It's perfect. Even if it's not the actual plot -- you've made my day just thinking about it.


Great recap, Ithabill, and very interesting comments today. Madelaine, who knew you had such a devious mind! We'll see if your predictions for Paty pan out.

I concur; Paty is getting revenge. I don't think she plans to actually marry him. Or if she does, she plans to totally break him first!

Thanks for another fine recap, Bill.

Looks like we're going to Acapulco tonight. I hope that doesn't mean a lot of promotional tourism fluff instead of good juicy plot development.

Judy, lol. I just got to thinking of it the other night. I couldn't fathom why this girl, who is so nice, would want to marry this womanizer, knowing he doesn't love her. She didn't look like the type that wants to change him. She was pushing so hard for that fancy, huge wedding and the only thing I could think of was so she wants revenge. I thought she might do to him, what he did to her. I think her parents footed the last wedding, so now he has to pay for this one. And he got a loan from Adri for it too, so if this pans out, she will essentially have ruined him. Perfect revenge.

Thanks, Bill, for the excellent coverage.

Paula, I would agree with your take on our characters. The men flourish in their bad behavior due to the women allowing it. If they can all develop and meet in the middle, it can be a happy community.

Adri's little chippy (an old word of my mother's) is really dragging him around. I'd love to see him and Mimi in a relationship.

La Paloma

As I work on tonight's recap, I can't help noticing that it can be difficult to avoid misspelling Adriano's name. "Adraino" is pretty close.

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