Monday, September 17, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #114 Mon 9/17/12 Luci Learns a Jacinto-Flores by Any Other Name is Still a Jacinto-Flores; Aldo Learns the Art of Lying is Best Left to the Experts- Tio Max and Tia MentiRosa

This weekend, the poets, writers, and sassy troublemakers of Caray Caray decided to try our hand at writing prose and greeting cards inspired by our telenovela characters. If you missed it, you must go back and read it:

I wrote this little greeting card ditty for our hapless galan, Rodrigo:
Two baby-mamas is a lot to handle
In fact, it seems quite the scandal
But, you double dipped your wick
Now you look like a dick
And your life is all a shambles
Felicitaciones Papa!

Back to our show…
Gala has just made herself a patient of Luci’s (and Connie’s and Melissa’s) OBGyn, and given him some bull story about being Luci’s “friend”, only to have her scheme bite her in the tush when the doctor waxes poetic about the movie-worthy kiss Luci’s “husband” gave her. Ha! The look on Gala’s sour face is priceless!

Meanwhile, said happy papa is in his office when Luci’s papa CL comes in to warn him to quit sniffing around his daughter. Rod tries to assert his rights as expectant papa to stalk Luci, but CL reminds him that he is no longer Luci’s husband, and shouldn’t act as such. His daughter has already had enough troubles without Rod’s crazy wife jumping down her throat all the time for Rod’s behavior. And CL doesn’t want this to be a risk to Luci’s pregnancy. “You are the father of her child, NOT her husband.” Rod clenches his jaw muscles, but seems to get the message.

In Het Het, Luci is treating Ariche to a game of hide and seek and a race through the crops, as they used to do. Mama-to-be looks pretty darn healthy and happy.

In a café in D.F., Aldo and Vicky are thinking up new ways to get themselves into trouble. Today, they’re looking at salon spaces for sale online. Aldo is incredulous that Max just up and agreed to buy Vicky her own salon. Vicky explains how she turned on the major waterworks and broke Max down. Aldo wants to be a partner in the salon, since he’s the one who gave her the idea in the first place and gave her tips on how to manipulate his tio into being a true sugar daddy. Vicky is not on board with this partnership plan at first, but then Aldo’s eyes light up with more ideas on how they can take advantage of the fact that his tia now knows Max has a lover. This make Vicky’s eyes twinkle as well. They toast with their coffee drinks. These two will get themselves killed one day.

Back in Het Het, another delicious meal is being eaten, and Luci is being sure to eat enough for her baby’s health, including taking the prenatal vitamins the doctor gave her. Ariche goes to open the door for Procopio who runs in out of breath and discombobulated. “We’ve lost him! We’ve lost him forever! This town won’t be the same as before. We’re all lost!” It takes him a while to explain that he’s talking about Don Aquiles, who came back from the capital with marriage plans!

Rosa returns home, and surprise, surprise, no one is home to have lunch with her, except the servants. Frigida doesn’t miss the opportunity to tattle on Connie for being excited about the news of Luci hearing her baby’s heartbeat. “It seems like SHE’S the one who’s the grandmother, not you…” Mission accomplished. Rosa is supremely annoyed. Rosa starts whining about having to eat alone again, when Max comes strolling in offering his company for lunch. She cuts her eyes at him and walks away.

Magda is pissed about the Aquiles marriage news, and Copio wants to know why she’s got her knickers in such a twist. Luci’s happy with the news, as it means Aquiles may finally leave her alone. Copio thinks the new wife will distract Don A for a while, but soon after he’d be back knocking on Luci’s door. Luci’s always been special for him. Magda asks about the “novia”, but all Copio offers up is that she’s in the capital before he runs out. Magda starts fretting about why he didn’t bring the novia back with him. Perhaps he’s romancing her Violeta and bringing her back?! (Bingo Magda!) Paz shoots down that idea, since Vio knows the kind of person Aquiles is, and Luci said Vio is doing well. Luci is looking mighty thoughtful, hopefully remembering Vio’s words to give the first old, rich dude who approaches her a chance. Seeing the moms are in much more of a dither than usual, Luci asks what they’re talking about. Magda says they’ve been worried that Aquiles went looking for Vio on his latest D.F. trip. Luci tells them not to worry since Aquiles didn’t recognize Vio in her costume and only knows her as Coral. “Call her so that you can feel more tranquil.”

Marcial has once again dared to show his lemon sucking face in Vio’s apartment. (What is up with the stalker men in this tn who won’t take no for an answer? Aquiles, Lastra, Marcial.) Vio says she’ll move or even leave the country if that’s what it takes for him to leave her in peace. This time, Marcial says he’s not there about “them”, but he needs her help. The nerve! He needs intel on Inferno. Vio wants to know what the hell she has to do with it. Her phone rings before she can really get going laying into him. Magda wonders why the heck Vio hasn’t been answering her phone or returning the calls after all the messages she left. Vio apologizes, but makes excuses about the time getting away from her, and that she’s been with Luci. Magda points out that Luci is back in Het Het, so what’s Vio’s next excuse? Vio remains vague about what’s going on with her and says she’s well. She has to hang up because Marcial is there. This does not ease Magda’s worries. She tells Vio that if she needs anything, or if anyone is bugging her, to please tell her. Vio promises and gets off the phone to continue the spat with Marcial. He needs to know, who is the owner of Inferno?!

Maximino, el Dueño del Inferno, is opening a bottle of wine to have a romantic meal with his loving wife (NOT!). Rosa is in drill sergeant mode and orders Mati to serve the meal, and Frigida to get her butt to the cleaners (tintorería). Frigida mumbles and grumbles her favorite mantra, “Todo yo, todo yo!” (I have to do everything.)

At the office, Pato has his cool, touch-control pad on his desk and is practicing his hand mobility by moving his hand off his wheelchair control and over to the desk to the control pad. Bright sunny Hannah pays him a visit. She came to have lunch with her father, but it turns out he went to the house for lunch. They tease each other about both avoiding going home for lunch. Pato makes his excuses saying he has too much work to do to head home. Hannah sent Lula and Boris off on their own to buy the needed materials for their group project. They decide to have burgers made by the corporation’s chef. While they banter, Hannah has made earrings out of paperclips on Pato’s desk. LOL!

Max looks happier and more content than ever as he eats his lunch. Queen Rosa is NOT amused. He calls his affair just a fling (aventura). Rosa accuses him of having a lover (amante). “Let’s call it what it really is!” Max calmly admits it. His lover gives him what Rosa has denied him for YEARS. “I don’t understand your anger.” *shrugs* Rosa gets more ticked off and agitated and points out that SHE’S always respected their marriage and has been faithful to him, as she swore before God to do! Max says they both swore things that they didn’t come through on. “I have! I have respected God’s laws!”  Max wonders about the laws of marriage—her respect for her husband, life partner, and father of her kids! “I do love my wife and want to have her close—to embrace her at nights, and to kiss her when I wake up in the mornings. A wife who fixes herself up so that we can enjoy our love! I want to be with my wife, my woman, my companion! And THAT you also swore before God! You have not complied!” Rosa lays all the guilt back on him—it’s his fault for not respecting her and having cheated on her since way back when they were novios. His infidelity killed (apagar) her love, dedication, and desire (entrega- which literally means surrender).  “Are you going to start that again?” Rosa says she’s not going to waste her time anymore. He needs to be prepared to figure out what he’s going to say to his kids. “What will you say when I tell Hannah that you have a lover? When I tell her you’ve disrespected our home and family? I’m no longer worried. You worry, my dear. Provecho.”

The Taco Boys wrap up their picnic with the maids. The one who’s after Lorenzo wants to meet again next weekend and has a plan/lie all ready to get time off from her patrona. Lor blushes and dodges giving an affirmative answer.

Vio wants to know what makes Lemon Face think she would be willing to be his spy in Inferno. Marcial is sure that Inferno is nothing but a money laundering front. “Look, your job is to investigate Inferno. My job is to sing and attend to customers. I’ve never asked you to betray your job; don’t ask me to betray mine.”  She tells him to get out and fix his own problems. This dude is dense, so he: a) doesn’t understand why she won’t help him; and b) wonders if she’ll ever forgive him. Vio bursts his bubble by saying she’s getting married soon. Ruh-roh?! “With who?!” He begs her not to make a rash decision because of him. Vio tells him not to be so vain (vanidoso); it’s not all about him. “I made this decision for myself- for my own interests (conveniencia). A man with lots of money who will permit me to not work anymore.”  Vio warns that her new man is dangerous, so Lemon Face better git and not come back! Marcial tries to act tough and says he’s not afraid. “Oh right! It’s just your WIFE who you’re scared of.” (Ooohh!) Marcial leaves, and Vio sits down to contemplate what she’s going to squeeze out of old Aquiles. The first thing will be her own house. “El que quiera azul celeste, que le cueste!” (You want the honey? Show me the money!)

In his office, Aquiles is totaling up the value of all his assets to see how he can pay for all of “Coral’s” demands. His memories of her fine self is enough to keep him on task. He wants the honey…

In Casa Jacinto-Flores, Ariche answers the phone. It’s CL, who’s called to say he’s coming first thing tomorrow to finalize the inheritance issue. Luci is happy he’s coming. He immediately gets a visit from Melissa after he hangs up. She reminds him that her thesis exam is this Saturday. She wants Luci to be there too. CL thinks Luci would come back to D.F. for the occasion. Melissa tries to get out of there before she spontaneously combusts from being in such close proximity to CL. But he asks her to stay and chat for a spell. She knows he must have lots of important things to do… CL says he was just planning on staying in the office and eating in the cafeteria, since he’s single and alone. (And somehow, from him, that doesn’t sound like some pickup line.) Melissa gets bold enough to ask if he’s ever thought about remarrying or living with someone. This goes right over CL-ueless’s head, and he talks about how he wants to live with his daughter and grandchild. But it will depend on what Luci decides. “What she wants is what I want.” Melissa smiles at his obliviousness.

Oh, look who’s come to visit her hubby! Gala’s in Rod’s office as he paces around like a caged bear. She doesn’t get why he’s so upset about her decorating a room for THEIR baby. He’s ticked that she’s making decisions on her own about their house, for things that concern him (like his MAN CAVE). He doesn’t understand why his gym needs to be sacrificed, when the studio is perfect for being converted into a nursery. Gala turns the tables and calls him selfish for not being willing to sacrifice his gym for his child. Saved by the bell! Selena calls on the intercom and sends Marcos in. Gala wants Rod to come home to eat. He insists he has too much work and will stay to eat near the office. Gala is in full cling-wrap mode and says she’ll stay too and have lunch with him and Marcos at the office. Oh goody! There’s no escape Rod!

While they eat lunch, Melissa is drooling as CL-ueless talks about his plans for living with his daughter and grandchild. “Me gusta…errr, me gusta como habla de su hija.” (Good catch Melissa. CL was catching on for a second there when you made that slip.) CL-ueless continues on, glowing as he talks about his daughter. Hannah and Pato interrupt and CL invites them to join. Poor Melissa can never get CL to herself. Pato asks about Luci, and CL reports they now have a house phone in Het Het. He writes the number down for Pato and says how much he misses Luci every minute. Pato solemnly answers, “Yo tambien.”

Gala, Rod, and Marcos also arrive at the rooftop restaurant of the office. Gala and Rod spot CL and crew first, and Gala promptly says she has changed her mind and wants to eat elsewhere. She makes some excuse about not feeling well. She and Rod ditch Marcos. Lucky Marcos.

That evening, Vicky and Don Jero are eating their meal together at home. Jero wants to know what’s up with her and Aldo. She says they are working on a plan to buy a salon. (Nice way to cover your butt on that one Vicky.)  “I’m finally going to be independent.” Jero wonders where she and Aldo are going to get the large amount of money needed. Vicky says they’ll only start with the basic equipment and work their way up as the biz grows. Jero still wants to know where they’ll get the start-up cash! Vicky puts it all on Aldo. He said he’d take care of it…

Ahh, a happy/stress-free meal with a loving couple. Connie and Oscar are dining at a nice restaurant. Oscar starts speaking about “a guy he knows.” There have been many nights now when this man has been waiting to have this marvelous lady, with a divine smile and eyes, by his side. He’s wondering if this lady would accept being his novia, amiga, mujer, amante?  He doesn’t think this woman knows how happy she’s made this man. Connie toasts to these two people, because she is sure the man has made the woman happy. Oscar continues the game. This man has something very important to ask this woman, but doesn’t know if he should. He needs Connie’s advice. Should this man ask her or not? Connie says to risk it, if it’s beneficial for the both of them.
O: Well, this man is going to risk it, and ask this lady to live together with him; to formalize their relationship/commitment. But he doesn’t know whether or not she’ll accept. What do you think?
C: Tell him to give her time. That this romance has been a marvelous surprise and that she’s scared of messing it up (tronarse) and acting hastily (precipitarse).
O: Does that mean no?
C: It means, give her time. Just a little more time.
She caresses his face and they kiss.

The next morning in Het Het, CL arrives. He’s only come for a while and needs to go back today. He wants Luci to go back with him to finish up the will/inheritance process (trámites). The main issue is that in order for Luci to be considered his sole heir, she needs to take on his family names (apellidos). Luci replies with a firm no. CL doesn’t want Paz to feel like he’s pushing her aside and disregarding the Jacinto-Flores family/names. This is just a legal administrative matter. He wants to register Luci with his and Aurora’s last names. What do they think? Paz tries to wrap her head around Luci going from being Luciana Jacinto-Flores (such a lovely poetic name- Light Hyacinth-Flowers), to being Luciana Linares-Talancon. Luci gets up from the table, stubbornly saying no. Paz tells CL that she understands, but it’s Luci’s decision to make, not hers.  She then tells Luci that her father is waiting for an answer and she needs to think about it carefully; she doesn’t need to worry about them. Luci says it’s not fair because she loves them both so much. Just as she’s proud of carrying the last names of Paz and her papa Galdino, she’d also be proud to carry the last names of her papa Claudio and her mama Aurora. CL says this is why he wanted to speak to them personally about it. CL tries to soften the blow to Paz by saying she is just like Aurora (sweet and generous), and cared for and educated Luci in the same way Aurora would have. No one else could have been better or given what she and Galdino gave to Luci. Paz says no thanks is needed. Paz tells Luci that a Jacinto-Flores by any other name, is still a Jacinto-Flores. “Luciana is my Luciana. My good, loving, generous little girl. The name won’t change her. It’s the feelings, values, respect for others, and the heart that matters. And my Luci has an enormous heart.” Tears and a big hug between Paz and Luci, and Luci seems to finally accept the name change.

Connie enters Rosa’s lair to tell her she’ll be out of the city with clients all day and won’t be back till late at night. Rosa sees the opportunity to scold Connie, like she’s a teenager, for making it habit coming home late at night recently. “Last night when I went to bed, you still hadn’t arrived.” Connie can’t take the big smile off her face when she reports that she was with Oscar. Rosa, who never passes up the opportunity to poke holes at her beloved sister’s self esteem, tells her to enjoy it while she can, because men change loves as often as they change socks! (calcetines) Connie doesn’t take the bait. She’s HAPPY, and happiness comes in fleeting moments that you have to capture and enjoy. This is her moment, and she’s extremely happy. Connie might as well be speaking another language, since Rosa doesn’t understand the concept of happiness. She giggles, kisses her sister, and floats out on Cloud 9, just as Mati comes in.

Mati, ever the optimist, tries to get Rosa to see the bright side of having CL and Luci in their lives. Luci is going to give Rosa her first grandchild! “What happiness! What a blessing!” She imagines a child running around the house. (Let me pause here to ask what Mati’s smoking, because whatever it is, I want some. This is the second time she’s mentioned Luci’s child running through the TL house. Like Rosa is ever going to let THAT happen!) Ah, Rosa’s giving her the verbal version of the slap down I’ve been dying to give Mati.
R: Don’t be ridiculous Matilde! You’re getting old.
Rosa flies out on her broomstick. Mati sighs and pouts.

Poor Oscar. Max isn’t in the office (Oscar says he’s with the judge, but I’m inclined to believe that’s “Judge Vicky”), so he has to entertain Rosa la Loca. Hearing that Max went without Aldo, Rosa demands to know where she can find her nephew.

Back in Het Het, CL continues to try to convince Luci to come back to D.F. with him today. She agrees and asks Paz to inform Namurachi. Paz tells her everything will be alright. Magda arrives on this teary scene, but Paz tries to put on a happy face, telling her Luci is headed back to D.F. Magda asks her to check up on Vio.

In his office/supplies closet, Aldo is checking up on Max’s under the table earnings. He’s mightily impressed. Inferno is making WAY more money than Lastra is reporting in the official Inferno financial records. “My Tio Max is laundering money! There’s no other explanation.” Aldo has not listened to Viewerville’s advice to turn his desk to face the door, so he barely has enough time to shut the laptop and jump up when Tia Loca arrives. She shuts the door and locks it, and poor Aldo is sweating bullets. “I want you to give me the name of the woman your uncle is cheating on me with.” Aldo falls to his chair, trying to figure out how he’s going to talk his way out of this one.

Max, meanwhile, is calling Vicky to make a date to meet that night. He wants to talk about her salon. I bet not before he gets his happy ending.

Aldo starts to mutter and sputter. He doesn’t know who/what she’s talking about. His uncle would never do such a thing. Rosa goes into serpentine interrogation mode.
R: Aldo, please. Don’t try to pretend that you’re surprised. Your attitude betrays you. In fact, I’ll bet that your hands are sweating. See. Lying is an art—an art that one masters with age.
A: I’ve already realized that Tia. Let me tell you one thing. It’s true that I take him everywhere and that I’m his executive secretary, but as far as knowing who he’s with…well, I just take him where he needs to go and with that my job is done.
R: Lately, Max doesn’t make a move without you. I want you to tell me the name of that woman right now!

Avances: Gala says she HATES Luci’s brat and she’s going to make sure to make it disappear! Oscar wants to know how Aldo could dare bear false witness against Max by saying he’s having an affair. (Poor Oscar is going to be so disappointed when he finds out what a slime his boss really is.) Luci’s back in the office, and Rod’s jealousy of her growing relationship with Pato.


Thanks for the recap Vivi. ITA, Aldo and Vicky are trying to get themselves killed. They are amateurs playing with stone cold killers (though neither Max nor Rosa have killed anyone, yet). And I loved your comment on CL saying he's single and alone - "And somehow, from him, that doesn’t sound like some pickup line."

I know CL has business in the DF but I wish he could think like a bad guy and be more aware of the danger Luci is in every visit.


Such a fulsome,enjoyable recap Vivii, and now we have
CL ueless, which is just perfect. I find it hard to believe that he spent 20 years in the carcel yet emerged as sweet and innocent as an angel.

A funny moment for me was Frigida standing there with ... what ... an upright rainbow dustmop? This character looks like she's at least as much in drag as Jaime Camil's Eva and there she is with her dustmop pride flag. She is just the funniest!

That was such a long scene of Luci being asked to change her name. She's being transformed one step at a time from a little provincial maiden into someone who can identify herself as part of the Torreslanda/Linares world. My jaw did drop a few weeks ago when half of the corp. was being transferred to her, and her identity/relationship was unproven ... yet the notary just said ... oh sure, sign right here. Wha?? Well this will fix that! Still, I wanted to see some time given to a scene of Rod screaming at Gala about the gym but it was only referred to. Wonder what they had to talk about at lunch.


Carol- Yes, I think Rod was rather restrained in the discussion about the destruction of his man cave. Maybe he's maturing?

As for CL, he is very clever about most things (still savor the way he took down Rosa in the cemetary), but about love, when it has to do with him, it all just sails right over his head.

Great analysis of Luci being transformed bit by bit, and the name change being part of that. She is fighting it tooth and nail though, and so far she hasn't found much that she likes about this new life in the big city.

Karen- I agree that CL needs to start think about the physical danger Luci might be in if she's in D.F. He has at least thought about the emotional strain of having Gala up in her face starting arguments all the time.

Vivi, Tia MentiRosa ... good one!!

That was a fabulous little lecture she gave Aldo about the art of lying. And Aldo was perfectly flummoxed to find himself in that tight spot with, as you so cleverly said, his Tia, a master of the form, winding her snaky self around him. Great observation.

Carol- The Tia MentiRosa moniker got started over on the La Que No Podia line with the heroine's lying aunt Rosaura. But it's perfect for our Rosa too.

Vivi what a wonderful, funny recap, so enjoyed your little poem in the beginning, lol, so true.

I had a different take on Gagme this epi. She wants herself to be seen constantly at the Torreslanda bidness so Luci will see her alot. She is staking her claim on Rodrigo es Mio big time. Gagme wants no chance of Rod being alone with her, although Gagme can't be at the bidness 24/7.

I like how Luci is slowly being transformed, although I think she will always be the same, simple, lovely Luci she has always been. Unlike Vio, that just wants the money, Luci likes the simple life, no fru fru's. I remember in the beginning when she and Rod were first married, she wouldn't take the credit card or money he gave her. She wanted to get things on her own, with her own money. This may be why she is so hesitant to be her Papa's sole heir. I am glad though she is taking his name, and I loved how Paz handled that.

Connie and Oscar what a lovely couple, so love them and so glad they are both together. Hate the way Rosa la loca treats her sister. I am glad Conny blew her off.

I really hope Aldo and Vicky know what they are doing. I like them so much as a couple, I don't want to see anything happen to them. I don't think Aldo will spill to la loca, his Tio would kick his butt.

Loved the CL-ueless label you gave Claudio, lol. He really is. The only way he will ever know that Melissa has feelings for him is if she kisses him. I am surprised when she asked him if he ever thought of getting married again, and Melissa with all that feeling of love in her face for him, he didn't get a clue. lol.

Frigid with the dust mop kind of looked like a Roman Centaurian, lol. From one of those old movies.

Loved your line about what Mati's been smokin' lol. She always wants to look on the day that la loca will be well, I think we all know that will never happen. I like how everyone in that house loves Luci,well except for Frigid and la loca.


Great recap Vivi. A subtle episode but enjoyable.

Last night was like "guess who's coming to dinner?" Everything centered around a meal of some sort - interesting imagery they like to use in this TN. The meals seems to be used to strike a tone on the relationships involved. And Gagme flat out refusing to eat--yeah, she won't even share a meal, she acts alone...

Someone please buy a clue for Mati. Her stupid running at the mouth about the baby just feeds Rosa's distain. What about the "Rosa Gates Luci" sitcom she's been living in doesn't she understand? Man, I wanted to slap her silly last night.

Pato lighting up like a Christmas tree finding out Luci has a Het Het phone. Too cute. I love him and Janna together. Nice to know as everything implodes, big brother will be there for little sister.

The name change scene went on entirely too long, but I guess it was meant to be a pivotal change scene for Luci, and Paz's reaction was sweet. (I could see her and CL more and more being a good fit-but somehow don't think that would happen.) Little by little Luci will change--I think maybe it will be the wardrobe we will see with some subtle changes soon.

Melissa's stalking and love-struck smile is getting on my last nerve. I wish CL would realize what she is all about and gently put her out of her misery. Where is this going?

So CL's warning to Rod to back off Luci seems to have lasted a day from the previews. Wonder if we will get a split between the brothers?

Great work, Vivi.

Aldo should not give that information to Roselena. Not just because he's pursuing Vicki (which is stupid) but because this is not his information to disclose. It's also caving to Tia Loca's mental illness.

Sorry, but the actor who plays Aldo is very unappealing and will likely end up playing sleazebag henchmen in the future.

I wish Connie would really let loose at her crazy sister. She has no bloody business trying to bring Connie down. It is beyond self-centered to believe and preach that one's experience is the only valid experience. Max didn't begin cheating on her without a motive. Roselena insulted her marriage by refusing sex and she is incapable of seeing that.

Gala's statement in the avances is scary. She is definitely losing it. I don't think she is going to lose touch with reality the way her suegra has but she will definitely go over an edge somewhere.

Vivi, terrific title. I laughed out loud at your ditty - so much fun. Of course, the recap was sensational and your embedded vocabulary most appreciated.

Of course you are right on point with your sage "What is up with the stalker men in this tn who won’t take no for an answer? Aquiles, Lastra, Marcial." Exactly. Please, for the love of heaven Magda, go investigate. Your concerns have merit! I do not wish to see any more "looks" between Aquiles and Vio. Shudder...

Like you and Karen, I am very concerned about Aldo and Vicky. "Amateurs playing with stone cold killers". Indeed.

Carol, I also laughed at the rainbow dust mop. A nice little touch to the scene.

daisy and Madelaine, ITA that the "name change" scene was pivotal but agree that the name may change, but the girl will not.

UA, Gala is definitely close to the precipice. Just a question of when she will jump....


great recap, Vivi! and I loved the verse on Rodrigo! so on point!

I am with daisynjay, my fav moment was when Pato's face lit up at finding out Luci ahd a phone at home in Het Het... and his relationship with Hanah.

I too think the ep was either 'guess who's coming to dinner' or 'lets come up with excuses NOT to come home for dinner'.

I too agree that Aldo and Vicky are just collecting anvils all over themselves, not thinking of the implications of messing with a 'money laundering' bidness usually comes with some potential violence to whoever tries to stop it. Aldo acts more like a 12yo than the 24 or so he is supposed to be.

Great recap, Vivi, very relaxed and enjoyable, like this TN. I also loved, "What is up with the stalker men in this tn who won’t take no for an answer? Aquiles, Lastra, Marcial." I would add Rod to that little list.

I don't like that it is taking so much time for Luci to become CL's official heiress, I worry that there is an anvil over CL's head. Too much at stake.

I like the actor that play's Aldo, very comical, of course the Aldo character is unscrupulous like his Uncle. Love his little office with the toilet paper in the background, good detail by the set designers, which is one reason I love this TN so much.

Rosa more and more reveals her great evilness-like with her comment to Aldo on how it takes time to become a good liar. She should know

I’m torn about Luci being dragged into the D.F. world. She doesn’t like it there. She has plenty to keep her occupied in Het Het with her own art and starting up something for the women in the region. She so happy and carefree in Het Het. In D.F. she’s in danger from Rosa-Gala-Julie, AND she has to see Rod, which makes her sad. I know she should learn as much as she can about the TL biz, but honestly she doesn’t need to be the one running things. There are plenty of trustworthy people for that. Maybe one of you can convince me why it’s better that she be in D.F.

Mads- I totally agree that Gala is hanging around TL offices to stake her claim and run interference between Rod and Luci.

Daisynjay- This tn does use the “family meal” a lot for pivotal scenes and to show the relationship between the characters- more than any other tn I’ve seen. I’m just glad that no one was sitting around a table eating Tostachos and dip…

I also loved how Pato’s face lit up when he realized he can call Luci directly now. I’m sure he’ll be glowing tonight when he sees Luci back in D.F. Both Papa and daughter are pretty clueless about the people who are in love with them (Melissa and Pato).

What really bugs me about Mati’s yammering about Luci’s baby, is that it just ticks Rosa off more and makes her more of a threat to Luci. Mati, who supposedly knows her niña like no one else, should realize this. At least when Frigida does it, she’s doing it on purpose.

Urban- I really don’t think Aldo will give up Vicky’s name. But he might say something to purposely send Rosa in another direction, thereby putting someone else in danger. As for Connie, I’m kind of glad she didn’t lose her cool and happy buzz to go off on Rosa. The best thing she could have done (meaning the most annoying thing to Rosa) was ignore her and remain in her happy place. Now, she just needs to take Oscar up on his proposal and move in with him! THAT will really get Rosa’s goat. Hah!

Diana and Urban- I agree that Gala is getting more dangerous. They all need to look out for her. Hopefully CL’s warnings to Rod about Gala will open his eyes a bit.

Marta- Aldo has always acted more like a pre-teen than a 20-something. That’s precisely what everyone is always scolding him about, and it will get him in big trouble before this tn is over, I bet.

Emarie- I hope the inheritance issue is taken care of immediately too. As for Rosa, her statement to Aldo shows that she is in her right mind, and knows exactly what she’s doing when she spins/changes the facts to her benefit.

So right. And I think Luci is in danger from Gala and Julie and Rosa, no matter where she is-if I were CL I would hide her until well after the baby is born.

No convincing from me, Vivi. I've gone on record as saying I would prefer Luce to stay in Het Het. It's the one fault I have with CL, his insistence she "know the bus". heck, if she will have all that money, hire a good manager to oversee their portion of the business and leave her alone. She can inherit, sit on the board, she doesn't have to WORK there. It just lends to the idea that CL will not last thru this TN because there is sucj an emphasis on Luce being his heir and learning the ropes. Don't like it.
That's where I hope and pray there is a positive relationship build with CL and Pato, and he moves into the "run the business" role.

For the record, I want one of those feather dusters. With my smaller abode, I could sit in a chair and dust the furniture across the room. I now know what to ask my sons to get me for Christmas.

Vivi, I have a theory, I think about why Claudio is so insistant on Luci being in the D.F. and learning the biz. Max has had his two sons in this company running things like it was their birthright, when in reality, CL is the one that started the biz. CL wants to ensure Luci knows enough about the biz so if there are any more shennigans, Luci will know what's up. Also, truly this is her birthright. I just wish CL had taught her enough about the bidness outside of Torreslanda, where she doesn't have to put up with the stress of facing Rod all the time. And she is also stressing herself out learning the bidness, which isn't good for the bebe. I too wish for the duration of her pregnancy she would stay in Het Het far away from the brujas.

Vivi, do you think Rosa is faking her mental illness?

Urban I agree with you I don't like the Aldo character and that may be because i'm not fond of the actor. Aldo is nothing but Max in training. At first i though he was just your basic dimwit who didn't do much in school and likes to play the big shot. Now i an see that he is manipulating both Vicki and Lor, he's lazy and wants something for nothing. He is playing a dangerous game both by knowing that Infierno is a money laundry biz and that an undercover cop is looking into it while Aldo stays mum.

Laughed at the comment about Frigida looking like she is in drag. Back in the beginning I commented that she looked like Juan Ferrera in drag. Slap me upside the head because of course she does she is his sister. Both she and Juan have their late mother's smoky voices as well and those looks are much better on him. LOL

That constant emphasis on the inheritance and Luci being a legitimate heir is worrying It also played a big part in the prior version as well. It makes me worry that we won't see Claudio walking his daughter down the aisle in the final episode and that pithes me off because i want him to be happy with his loving daughter and grandchild around him. I too think the name change and sending more time in the DF are a way of showing Luci gradually growing up and changing to fit her new status while letting her remain the caring, sensible girl she is. Subtle and well done.

Loved Max giving it to Rosa about her failure as a wife and how her actions have driven his. So now she off on a tangent that he cheated when they were kids. Nothing that Mati or Conny have said that would indicate that was true, on the contrary . Shades of Aurora. It's Rosa and the Phantom Amantes. Yawn I'm getting as bored as Max.

Rod did seem marginally restrained over the man cave and he was right. if they have another room why is Gagme making and issue of it - of course because she can. Love the thought of her showing up at the office all the time to stake her claim. Why not she is just a bitch marking her territory - the office instead of a fire hydrant. It doesn't occur to her that it is a lost cause and just makes her look desperate.

Somebody please get to Vi and tell her she can't marry that loathsome pig. Frankly she is better off not knowing he is her father and how he treated her mother. Sooner or later someone will call her by her right name in front of the randy old goat. I wonder if she actually plans to go through with a marriage using the wrong name or if she is just going to bleed him for what she can get. She is really disappointing me at this point.


Urban- I go back and forth about Rosa's mental illness. I do think she is really mentally ill, or at least has some sort of obsessive personality disorder. But I do believe she knows exactly what she's doing when she lashes out at people, lies to cover her ass, or tries to manipulate her children/family. Isn't the term crazy as a fox? She is crafty and cunning in her craziness.

Her insistance that Max started cheating on her with Aurora way back is just crazy. No amount of proof with convince her otherwise. Does she know the truth and is just lying? To me it seems like she has convinced herself that this is the truth. She's lying to herself. But if she accepted the real truth, she would have to admit that the failure of her marriage, and her crimes against Aurora and CL, are her fault and no one else's. So she is serving herself by holding on to this lie. Is this technically crazy? Or just cunning? Or both?

LOL! Decia Girl, love the statement/image of Gala marking her territory.

Weren't Max's expressions at the table a hoot! When he put spread on his cracker, and offered it to her. LOL! I can just imagine Roberto B and Laura Flores just cracking up during that table scene, in between takes.

Right away, LOVE the title, you clever lass. Now back to read the recap and the comments.

Vivi--You got through the whole episode without a Trago! You owe yourself one for a memorable recap--especially everyone's table manners.

Roselena is an enigma. She's certainly delusional in reaction to the real or imagined betrayals by Max. She and Max each gave their side of the story as they saw it and lived it. Max's as a reason to stray; RE's as the reason she became the Ice Queen. It's a matter of which came first, the chicken or the egg. Vivi--you did a masterful job on their conversation.

Her delusions have governed her life. As she "divorced" Max physically she became the protector of family values--at all costs.

The guilt of what she did to Claudio and Aurora is nowhere near what she would have suffered had she herself taken a lover. It was more blessed to abstain.

I think she's in full possession of her faculties. She has a low tolerance for imperfection and uses her power and her rage to make people conform.

Her vendetta against Luci now is more about Rodrigo, who strayed from the straight and narrow when he got involved with Luci. She wants to erase any trace of Luci, and that includes el bebe.

She's the one who could more easily become a real cold-blooded killer than Gala or Julie--in the name of protecting her family.

Julie, of course, is prepared to do anything for money--or protect her investment. Gala, despite her own hatred and rage probably wouldn't try anything on her own. Right now, anyway. She's hell bent, as everyone has commented--on marking her territory. Luci needs to be put out of bounds. It would be enough for her, I think, to have Luci stay in HetHet--but it would eat her up every time Rod runs off to HetHet to see the baby. She may decide that it is better to have her enemy close.

Sorry I got so winded.

Thank-you Vivi, I always love your recaps.

Looked like another loving dinner at the Torreslanda mansion---NOT

Emarie---ITA There is an anvil hanging over Claudio's head.

Gagme is getting worse and worse. She is getting close to the edge and it looks like she will attempt something very bad soon.

Remember when Luciana told the doctor that she didn't want to know the sex of her baby because she would love which ever one it is. Well---Gagme could plan a baby swap, her girl for Luciana's boy and Luciana would be none the wiser. Gagme would then have a male heir to the Torreslanda fortune, or---Gagme might arrange for Luci to have an accident. Luci needs to say more prayers because the future is beginning to get dark and cloudy.
the gringo


" Melissa tries to get out of there before she spontaneously combusts from being in such close proximity to CL." Ah, now that is just the kind of interpretive sentence that I love, Vivi. You express things so well, always going for the feeling underlying the dialogue or action.

My favorite part of last night was when Rodrigo snorted in disgust, as he got bamboozled into eating with Gala. He sounded just like a big ol' horse.

Lots of different story lines percolating here. On Aldo, I initially did not care for the actor, but he's growing on me. Plenty of flaws in the character he's playing, but he does it with a light touch and I'm enjoying it.

The scene with Connie and Aldo was lovely. I loved studying both their faces, the play of emotion, the tenderness. Sweet!

And a great recap. Thanks Vivi.

I agree Aldo & Vicky are playing with fire. Going to be interesting to see who will get burnt.

I don't think Vio and Don A will get to the Mattress Mambo point because Mama Magda will get wind of whats going on and be forced to spill the beans to Vio & Don A (at least you'd think she would). Then at point I feel while Vio and Don A would naturally be pissed, in the end you'd see a family unit come together.

I have this feeling now that Luci is back in town Gala is going to try something to rid herself of having to deal with Luci being preggers with her Rod. And note to Rod...two words: ear plugs. Just saying.

Thanks Judy, Anita and Gringo!

Anita- Isn't it amazing how niether Max nor Rosa can take responsibility for their own actions? A perfect pair in many ways, but just think how much more they could achieve if they worked together instead of at odds with each other. I can't even imagine Rosa even thinking about taking a lover. She'd bathe herself in hand sanitizer after every encounter. LOL!

Gringo- I also see Gala wanting to get rid of Luci's baby. I'm not sure how likely a switch is because the babies are due in different months. But I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Judy- Aldo amuses me too. I like that he's not perfect and angelic, but also not a bad/evil person. It means you never quite know what he'll do. He and Vicky are perfect for each other in many ways. Both gray characters, not black or white.

I also loved that scene with Oscar and Connie. Had to rewatch it, just to watch the expressions on their faces. So much love there. I'm so happy the writers have chosen to keep this couple together and let them whether the storms.

Anon 2:00- I sure as heck hope the writers don't let incest happen! That would be a tn first, no? *shudder*

Wouldn't it be fascinating to get more of Rosa and Connie's background? How do two sisters become such different adults. I didn't see the first week of episodes, so was there ever anything said there. Mati has always implied that Rosa was special--but I still tend to translate that as "spoiled" and I'm sticking to it. Add that to using her religious beliefs to aid and abet her every move, her actions now look to be someone unbalanced. But Adults who were forever indulged all their lives, and adored ( she was probably the Knockout of the two sisters) have a really hard time coming to grips with not having things go as they want. They don't know what to do when someone says No. As my dear dad use to say " Socially uneducated and not prepared for real life."

You know, I just can't warm to Aldo any more than as looking at him as almost a comic relief. He and Vic match so well I think because neither is the brightest bulb in the room. They can manipulate and plan and are basically not stoopid, but they just don't quite understand the consequences of the decisions they make. And that always leads to unfortunate events...I think those two are in for some major heartache before long.

Rosa and Connie are indeed very different but I have seen this in real life as well. If parents were diametrically opposed, and one daughter takes after one, the second after the other...well, there you are.

A few years ago, I was at the wedding of a nephew, and one of the guests told me she could NOT believe that my sister and I were related. We have two different personalities and vastly different appearances. But so it is. Same parents, different results.

Daisynjay- They didn't really focus on the past in the first week. We've only seen snippets of memories, and none as far back as Connie and Rosa's childhood. Urban did a good analysis of the two sisters some time back. I think we're all in agreement that Rosa was spoiled and willful as a child, and still is. She was likely "the pretty one" between the two sisters (although Connie is nothing to sneeze at). We know she was intelligent and seen as such (Max spoke about how smart and clever she was).

Rosa was probably the center of attention, until they all got to university and Claudio and Aurora came into their lives. All of a sudden, Aurora was the center of attention- the person other people naturally gravitated towards. Her genuine charm and goodness trumped the learned/practiced/fake charm and goodness of Rosa, and Rosa couldn't stand it.

Judy- Thanks for the info on the saying: "El que quiera azul celeste, que le cueste." I've updated it with the full saying in he recap. Online they have the English translation as "no pain, no gain", but I prefer my honey/money saying better and think it's a better fit in this situation. :)

I agree about Rosa being spoiled and willful and of course having been aided and abetted by Mati. I think the college foursome got along well but Rosa was always competitive. She envied Aurora even while considering her a friend/sister because the other woman married the guy with more money. Rosa still felt she had the upper hand because she had the two boys while Aurora was childless. Rosa could then indulge her fantasy of the perfect marriage and family while Aurora didn't have kids. She was able to ignore that people gravitated to the other woman and admired her integrity and her relationship with Claudio.

Then Aurora got pregnant and Rosa's suppressed envy and hatred swung into high gear. I don't think for one moment that Rosa is nuts. Consumed with guilty probably and I also think that when she committed in the infamia of giving away a newborn her hyper religious behavior began.

I do wish she would blurt out seeing Max and Aurora go into the jewlery store only to have him tell her the other woman was helping him pick out a gift for her or that he was helping Aurora do the same for Claudio. Then she could albeit unlikely admit to herself that she screwed up her own marriage and is hell bent on dong the same to her kids.

I like your translation better also, Vivi. And it still rhymes! The "no pain, no gain" saying is more apropos of a fitness workout than a romantic scam.

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