Saturday, October 20, 2012

Amor Bravío #48 (Uni 43) Fri 10/19/12 There’s More Competition for Camila’s Marriage Bed and Multiple Milliones de Dolares: Could Cam Have A New Secret Admirer?

Cap 48

Lo Del Pasado:

Mariano’s mama, Rocio, tries to enlist his daddy to help her dissuade him from getting involved with Camila Monterde.  However, the look she and Nana share is rather telling--so Viewerville can assume there’s more to her dislike of Camila for Mariano than her becoming a divorcee, especially since there was a time, according to hubby Cayetano, that she used to rave about Don Daniel’s fine qualities despite his being divorced; Amanda has decided to have D’Andres talk Natalia into leaving her job at La Malquerida to avoid any further contact with her daddy, the deceitful and dastardly bastardo de Dionisio, aka Amanda’s former husband, alias Hector Gutierrez; and D’Andres informs Dio that there was no hurt bull for Cam to tend to and that according to one of the cowhands there, a female guest asked him to tell Cam there was a hurt bull, and then got into a fancy dark grey sedan.  He mentions that when he went to look for Cam per Dio’s instructions, there was an open pen and a healthy bull was standing nearby.  Dio knows instantly that it had to be… Isssadora!!

Lo Del Nuevo:

At Hacienda La Malquerida, Ximeana learns from Agustina that her sis has made it through the night. (Tough tootsie-claws, you Isadora wana-be!!)  Debby Downer tells Mama to prepare for the worst instead and stop kidding herself.  Gussie tells her to nix the Negative Nellie trash talk.  She also mentions that Alonso secretly left a flower on Cami’s pillow last night and has shown how much he truly loves Camila despite their marital problems.  Ximeana’s impish grin does a speedy 180. She tells Mama she doesn’t believe Alonso did anything of the sort --but we know she certainly means to find out and fast!   Gussie insists she saw the flower with her own eyes and then goads Xi into joining her at the hospital.  Xi says she’ll go on ahead and meet her there. 

Meanwhile, Leoncio’s on the phone griping to Not-So-Lonesome-Lonnie about D’Andres having seen him off Julian.  He’s afraid D’Andres will blackmail him or turn him into the police.  Lonso tells him to fageddabowdit since D’Andres is a double-agent and really works for Dionisio.  “—If he went looking for Julian’s stuff and found them in your room it was with orders from Dionisio!”  Leo asks if Dio knows he killed Julian then also. (Duh, yeah!) ‘Lonso loses patience and tells Leo to make do with knowing he not on Dionisio’s enemies’ list and to keep the heck out of D’Andres’ way--cuz Leo doesn’t want to make an enemy out of the guy if he’s smart.  In the meantime, promises ‘Lonso, he will find a way to get D’Andres to stop working there.

Nat tells Daniel there’s no way she wants to leave the M.Q., no matter what her mother wants.  Dan doesn’t understand her mother’s sudden attitude change either and promises not to force her off the place.  He promises to try to pacify her mother for her since she is not in danger working there at the ranch.

At the same time, El Gettin’-Lucky-Lately de Lonnie gets a visit from his lady love, Xi, having made a quick deter while on her way to the hospital.  (Cam can wait!)  She is pissed as hell at the way that he shamelessly shows his love for Camila by leaving a flower on her pillow in the middle of the night, while still shagging her on the side!  ‘Lonslow is a bit puzzled cuz he doesn’t know the first thing about what she’s bitching him out about.  It then suddenly hits the two of them that Camila must have a secret lover.  “--No wonder she was so quick and eager to replace you!  She has somebody else!”  Cara de cuckold de Lon the Loser.

At the hospital now, Mariano, Pablo, Rafael and Viviana are all waiting by Cami’s bed.  Pablo, it seems, has had the only match for Camila’s rare RH negative blood type.  (Possible Secret Family Tree Branching Alert!)  On his way out to return home, Mariano assures Rafa and Viv that he will be bypassing Alonso while continuing to manage the ranch for Cami.  He’ll get his info from Nat and that’ll be that.  No way he’ll let Lonnie the Loser intimidate him, if that’s what they’re worried about.

Back at the townhouse, Lon is pissed at being shoved out of his prestigious position at the M.Q. for some lover of Camila’s.  Xi says her sister has been playing the victim all this time and yet is nothing but a two-timing hypocrite!  “--She’s such a prude nobody would have ever believed she could do something improper [indebido].”  They agree it has to be one of the two new guys she’s gotten to be friends with: either Rafa or Mariano.  Alonso feels like he’s been cheated on, but Ximeana reminds him Cam is only his wife on paper.  His real wife, or rather, “his woman”, at this point is Ximeana!  He tells Xi he’d feel worse if it turns out to be Mariano and explains a guy’s ego still feels trashed at times like these, anyway.  (Boo-hoo.  Pardon me while I wipe my drippy nose—not!!)

Rafa is having deep and morose thoughts now about Mariano being in love with Cam and apparently she’s been confiding quite a bit to the dude.  Viv repeats some sage-ism I can’t begin to translate, but I think it means if it’s not your turn or if it’s not your time and place it’s not gonna happen, or if it happens, then it happens and either way you’ve got no choice in the matter.  He says yeah, that it’s difficult to face reality and deal at times.  She agrees and says like her and Bruno.  He keeps turning up like a bad centavo.  In fact, he followed her there to the hospital today.   

At La Buenaventura, Rocio complains to Nana that she can’t understand how she was always able to keep her kids far away from Don Daniel while he lived.  Now that he’s dead they are closer than ever.  Nana offers that life has a way of playing dirty tricks on people.  Rocio shakes her head.  She was able to pretend all these years that she was indifferent towards Daniel; she even cried about his death in silence.  Who’d have thought that the tribute for him would have brought the two families together, she tells Nana.  She was so happy when Camila got married, but now?  Her secret, she fears, may soon come to light. 

Rafa’s glad to hear that Viv didn’t allow herself to be humiliated or intimidated [amedrentarse] this time.  He agrees to do what Aaron suggested and to move back into her apartment with her.  Viv tells him she doesn’t want him to feel obligated.  He says he doesn’t and that he would rather be there to protect her; he sort of likes them being together.  They hug. 

Hisssadora arrives at Dio’s and demands to know what was so urgent she had to fly right over there.  He demands to know why she tried to kill Camila.

Gussie and D’Andres arrive at the hospital.  Vivi tells Gussie that Xi hasn’t arrived yet and Gussie wonders what’s up with that crazy kid of hers. D’Andres asks about blood donations and Vivi explains that Pablo was already able to donate his blood since he had Cam’s specific blood type.  Rafa and D’An decide to go to the lab anyway and ask if they need more donations.  The doc comes out and tells Gussie and Viv that Cami did well with the blood transfusion and should be regaining consciousness soon.  Gussie gets permission to go in and see her.

Meanwhile, Dio reads the riot act to Hisssadora.  If she ever tries to harm Camila again she and her son will regret ever having been born!!! “—Are you finished yet?” (Isssa, I wouldn’t take what he says so lightly.  This guy’s connected, you know what I mean?)  Isa tries lying her way out of it, saying what would she have to gain by killing her DIL.  She’s divorcing her son anyway, right?  Not so fast, says Dio.  He’s still married to her and could fight for her property.  Oh, sure, says Isssa.  Heck, she may even have a will; “—er…pshaw… I don’t even know even that there is one, come to think of it.”  Dio isn’t buying that truck load of muck.  He grabs her by the arms and starts shaking her.  (He’s so angry he’s actually making my tv screen vibrate.)  “—Oh, there is and you well know it--and don’t you even try to deny it!!  I followed you to some notary’s office in the city. You brought it to him.  You are feeding me a bunch o’ baloney [patraña= er… the polite term here being literally, humbug. However, I prefer the vernacular translation of ‘bullshit!!’].  No, if Camila had a will drawn up she would have gone to Becerra to have it done, not to some unknown notary in the city somewhere.  You’ve got something planned and I want to know what it is!!  Tell me!!  TELL. ME!!”

Isssa’s head is rolling around on her shoulders like a rag doll’s.  “--Alright already!!!  I drew up a fake will stating Alonso would get all her property and possessions.”  She thought this would help her and Al negotiate with Daniel for possession of the M.Q., she adds.  Dio screams at her to explain why she did it behind his back!  She screams back because he wouldn’t help her kill Camila!!  “—You’re getting too involved with her and are losing your objectivity!  With her out of the way it would make it easier to achieve our objective!!  Got it?” (This broad would have been deadly as a general on a battlefield, or as somebody’s mouthpiece in a courtroom.  Too bad she never went to law school!) 

Back at the hospital, Dan explains to Rafa that he thinks he’s spread enough seeds of doubt around to get Dio suspicious of Isssa and Al so that they’ll start to argue with each other and to mistrust each other.  Sooner or later they’ll start making mistakes and eventually Cam will see through them and realize they’ve been the ones responsible for all her troubles.   Rafa agrees.  He mentions that he’s moving back in with Viv and actually wants to take care of her and to protect her.  He’s developed a lot of affection for her and once Cam’s better he plans on explaining his motives for his decision.

Meanwhile, Issa reminds Dio the kind of woman Cami is and says she’d never fall for the man who’s been dating her mother.  Dio guffaws.  “—I wouldn’t be so sure of that.”  “—Well, I would.  You want the whole package, but you aren’t gonna get it.”  Dio threatens again.  She tells him to get over himself.  He doesn’t want her acting on her own, Well. She won’t.  He reminds her that those outbursts of hers only succeed in destroying the team effort and it’s only team unity that gives them strength.  (Uh, ok.)

Back at the hospital, Cami starts talking in her sleep.  Gussie hears her say, “I love Andres.  Andres…..” 

Irene tells Pablo and Tolentino that because Luzma was raped she felt too unworthy and humiliated to marry Pablo.  Pablo wants to find out who it was but Irene can’t discuss it with her again and has only told them because she felt she could trust them. They’ll have to find out on their own somehow. 

The doctor tells Gussie that it’s normal to confuse things while dreaming, and if Cami mentioned Andres, it was because he was the last person she remembered is all.  But, the good thing is that if she’s talking unconsciously, it is a good sign she’s on the way to recovery.  (Happy, happy!  Joy, joy!)

The new padre tells Piedad that Luzma hasn’t any true vocation for becoming a nun.  Besides, a girl who thinks to get married in secret doesn’t change her mind over night and suddenly decides she’s joining the convent.  “—Some think of becoming a nun as a type of punishment.” Piedad has to process for a while.  “—Padre, do you know something I don’t?”  He tells her the only thing he can suggest is for her to question and investigate herself to arrive at the truth.  (Damn, I hate these vagueries.  Hard enough on me, but for poor Piedad?  Talk about head-scratching.)

Finally Ximeana arrives at the hospital and Gussie gives her grief for being so late.  Xi lies and says she got lost and didn’t have a cell (just in case any of you were interested.)   Gussie tells them all that Cam’s talking in her sleep, but at least she’s talking now and that means she’s getting better.  Cara de relief de D’An.  He’s dismissed to go back to the rancho.

Back at the M.Q., Luzma’s cutting up corn for lunch.  (Cringe alert!)  In walks her disgusting turd of a Tío Leo.  He tries making advances.  She threatens him with the carving knife. “—Don’t come near me!!”  He mocks her and asks if she’s really going to stick him with it.  She hasn’t got it in her.  No, she’ll do whatever he tells her to and whenever he’s a mind to.  Nat walks in on the two of them in this very compromising position; but Leo lies and says they’re joking around, right? (Skin crawl alert!)  From the look on Luzma’s face it seems Nat wouldn’t bet her last plug nickel on it.  Leo wipes a tear off Luzma’s face and she recoils in total disgust.  (That move of his truly made my skin crawl!!  I wanted to do a little slice ‘n dice right then and there, myself!)  He shuffles away.  Nat tries to quickly move out of his way. 

Once the perverted prick is out of the room, Luzma loses all control and cries boatloads on Nat’s shoulders.  Nat tries to get at the truth and asks if he’s done something to her.  Luzma only continues to cry.  So, Nat tries getting through to her and suggests that since she and D’Andres are good friends and there’s no love lost between those two, she should trust him enough to tell him.  “--He is the only one who can put Leoncio in his place.” 

In the meantime over coffee with Rafa in the cafeteria, Xi tries getting the goods on him and/or Mariano as possible candidates for Cami's secret lover.  She brings up Cami’s supposedly dumping on Alonso only because she’s already got another lover and says she figures it’s either him or Mariano.  Yes, Rafa admits, he’s definitely interested in her sister, but Cami’s not the kind of woman who bed-hops or who takes a lover lightly.  As for Mariano, no, he’s definitely not the mystery man Xi’s looking to nail and he isn’t either.  Cara de crap-on-that-goody-two-shoes-sister-of-mine-and-who-is-it-then? de Ximeana. 

In the waiting room, Gussie and Viv discuss Alonso’s supposedly lovingly leaving a flower on Cami’s bed last night and the fact that Isadora asked her if Camila had a will.  She thought it rather out of place and it bothered her since Cami had told her Alonso had married her for her money.  No, it is odd and out of place, agrees Gussie, but she’s certain that Alonso really loves her daughter.  After all, he did leave a flower on her pillow last night.  Viv didn’t expect that one, she says. Cami doesn’t have a will.  Gussie tells her, so she’s going to talk to Lic. Becerra about that right away.

Back at Amanda’s B&B, Dan’s having a snack and chatting in the kitchen with his mama’s old BFF.  Dan asks why Amanda hasn’t gone to the hospital to see Cami.  She finally is forced to come clean and admits that Dionisio Ferrer is her ex-husband who she and Nat fled from years ago.   She begs him then to make sure that he doesn’t find out and that he stays the heck away from Nat. 

Across town in the condo, Isa tells Alonso that she had no choice but to admit the truth to Dio and she’s mad as hell about it, too.  Al, for his part, is sick to death of the whole thing and wishes he was a million miles away from there already.  Hisssa has another hissyfit.  “—And leave Camila and all those millions to Dionisio Ferrer?  Over my dead body!!  Never!!” Not to worry, says Lonnie Boy.  Cami’s never going to be Dio’s.  “--She’s got a lover.”  Oh well, that’s a horse of a different color.  That should work to their advantage, says Hisssa.  They can drag her reputation through the dirt and come out smelling like a rose, playing the victimized (and take a bundle from her while they’re at it). 

Dan tells Amanda he understands her need to make Nat leave the M.Q., but he’ll make sure she doesn’t get involved with Dio.  Speaking of the Devil, Dan takes a call from Dio just then.  Dio wants him to gain access to all Cami and Rafa’s e-mails so that he can get a hold of Daniel Diaz Acosta’s whereabouts and/or his email address.  D’Andres assures him he’ll take care of it for him.   
Back at La Buenaventura, Pablo confides to Mariano that Luzma was raped.  Mariano is incensed and demands they report this S.O.B. to the police!!  Pablo says he agrees, but she won’t say who it was and doesn’t trust anybody around her.  He needs Mariano’s help in getting close to her and regaining her trust.

Piedad prays to the virgencita for guidance regarding Luzma.  El Lecher de Leo walks in on her.  She tells him she’s worried because Padre Anselmo won’t take Luzma as a novice since he feels she hasn’t a true calling.  Leo laughs and says good thing and get that silly notion of becoming a nun out of her head.  She’s not leaving this ranch.  Her place is with him…er the both of them.  Piedad says well, he’s got another think coming.  If Luzma wants to go far away then she’s going to do what she can to support her decision.  “—What do you think of that, huh!”  She walks out of the kitchen and the ol’ pervertido de Leo is drop-jaw impactado that Piedad would have dared to cross him like that.

At the hospital, Xi and Gussie get word that Cami’s being transferred out of intensive care. 

Dio is screaming at somebody on the phone in the hospital parking garage that he needs something immediately.

Across town, Isssa calls her attorney and wants somebody found for her.

Dio meets up with Xi and Gussie in the lounge and gets word that Cami’s out of danger.

Meanwhile, Rafa and Dan arrive in time for din-din with Vivi.  Rafa’s lending an older laptop to Daniel since Dio needs him to do some things on it for him and he can’t afford his own.  Vivi mentions that the gossip is that Cami has a secret lover, that he left a flower on Cami’s pillow, but that Gussie thinks it was Alonso that left her the flower.  Dan admits then, a bit sheepishly, that it was him that left her the flower.  He agreed that he’d avoid giving in to his feelings for her, but well, he was unable to control himself.  (I think that’s what he mumbled.  No CC at this point.)  Caras de pissed-off de Rafa and Vivi.


I am hoping that Alonso and Isa conclude that her new boyfriend is Dionisio.

I'm sure at least she will. She's got thrice the IQ points of Komodo Jr.

So that makes four for Isa then.

The avances look steamy, I hope the scenes are for Monday.

Cathy- No Amor Bravio or Abismo on Monday because of the debates. :( We have to wait till Tuesday to get that steamy scene the previews showed us.

I thought it was funny how everyone was all up in Camila's romantic life biz, while the poor woman was unconscious. The news of her having a lover spread like wildfire. Technically, she and D'Andres haven't crossed that line yet, but it looks like after Tuesday, we can officially call D'Andres Camila's lovah.

We won't have either show on Monday? I can't say I'm sad that I have to miss recapping Abismo. But I will miss this show.

Yeah! Finally a priest who gives good, practical, useful advice. How refreshing. I am so loving this show. And with eye candy called Cristian de la Fuente, I'm in heaven.

Seemed like a slow episode, or my rudimentary Spanish missed a lot. I could not get over the bid deal made of a stupid flower.


Cindy, here's the big deal. Dan told the nurse that he was Cam's husband in order to get her to let him put the flower in her room. The doctor? told Aggie and Ximena that Cam's husband put the flower in her room. Xi was mad that Alonso would do that since he says that he is over Cam and likes Xi. Xi then goes to Alonso and asks why he put the flower in Cam's room and he denies doing it. So she thinks that Cam has a lover who pretended to be her husband in order to get in the room and leave the flower with her and wonders who did it and thinks that the lover must be Rafa or Mariano. Rafa then goes for coffee with Xi at the hospital and she tells him that Cam has a lover because of the flower and thinks it's him or Mariano. Rafa says she doesn't have a lover. That it's neither of them. That makes them both wonder who left the flower. At the end of the show, Dan is with Rafa and Viv and the flower is discussed. Dan says he left the flower. That's the big deal.

No, not much action but I did enjoy Ximeana's sourpuss expression when Gussie tells her Al left Cami a flower on her pillow in the hospital the night before.

Great job Jardinera. I always love your nicknames for everybody. I was hoping you would know what Dan said at the very end, but I see you had the same problem that I did. Not understandable and no cc's at that point.
Thanks for the great recap.

So if Pablo has the same blood type as Camila, then Pablo is maybe Dan's son? Although, if that's the case, then it wouldn't be a problem for Mariano to have a relationship with Cam. Boy, that Don Daniel sure got around. He must have been quite the lady's man in his day.

Sure has me wondering!

OK... so Pablo must be the son of Don Daniel and Rocio kept her mouth shut all this time. Considering the age differences of the Albarran sons, it could be that Caetano's supply dried up somewhere in between. If Mariano is also the son of Don Daniel (and Rocio could have reason to be concerned about that) that's reason enough to want to prevent any romance between him and Camila from happening.

What's so interesting is that Mariano and Pablo are more like each other than Iago is like either of them. Makes me wonder whether Iago is the son of Caetano while Mariano and Pablo are the sons of Daniel.

Don Daniel was probably very attractive when young and was certainly charming. This should come as no big surprise.

Thanks for yet another of your trademark recaps. It sure cleared up a lot of the fine points that I was missing. I do have one question though:

In the part where you said Rafa plans to move in with Vivi, you said "He’s developed a lot of affection for her and once Cam’s better he plans on explaining his motives for his decision". What decision is he referring to?

Also, I forgot whether or not D'Andres thinks that Cami is his cousin?

Dan DOES NOT think Camila is his cousin, because he doesn't think his mother would lie and claim Mr. Diaz was his father even as she was dying.

So we have 2 secret relatives alerts:

Dan/Ximena (same birthmark) and Camila/Pablo (same rare blood type).

If either Mariano or Pablo are Don Daniel's sons, their lives are in danger from the Komodo Gang, so it might be a good thing for Rocio and Nana to keep their mouths shut about her past involvement with Don Daniel.

It will be a long time before the parentage of any of Rocio's sons is known beyond herself and her Nana.

However, Mariano will be questioning his mother's objections to Camila because they are not reasonable.

For the moment it is just as well that Mariano and Rafael are suspected by Hissadora and El Diablo of being Camila's lover. Daniel/Andres is relatively safe from them because he's on the ranch. The big however, though, is Leoncerdo. If he is trying to run Daniel/Andres off the property he might be the one to find out.

Jardinera- Your recap was well worth the wait. There wasn't a ton of action, as you noted, but there were a lot of things being set up and you gave us all the needed details.

Looks like Pablo is Camila’s cousin! Don Daniel must have been quite the player in his day. And yet, he never gave poor Gussy the time of day. She is going to be really pissed once she eventually finds out that Rocio was also his lover. Once Camila learns the truth she will want to share the ranch with Pablo, or maybe even give him the whole thing if he’s Don Daniel’s son.

The other set up was Vivi putting that bug in Gussy’s ear about a will for Camila. I wonder that if by starting the process of writing a real will for Camila, Lic. Becerra will find out about the false will that Isa had drawn up.

Two corrections—1) Amanda was the one who left Dion, not the other way around. Once she learned he was a swindler, she took her baby and ran. Which means, if Dion finds her, he is not only going to be worried she can blow his cover, but he’s also going to be really ticked off that she left him and took his child from him. 2) Don Daniel was never divorced. He was a widower. I think Cayetano said that back in the day Rocio was so enthused about Don Daniel that she even wished he had a daughter to marry their son (Mariano) off to. Well, he doesn’t have a daughter, but he does have a niece.


I doubt that El Diablo will give a flying damn that he has a daughter, even a cute one like Natalia.

I hope that Augustina talks to Becerra about that will. He will get very suspicious and do something fast. It is also overdue for him to know that Andres is Daniel.

Who also seems to have the same blood type as Camila.


Your customarily witty and comprehensive recap was a great first-thing-in-the-morning read. Thank you. I especially liked the way you captured the interaction between Alonso and XI (his true wife!) I love your many names for Alonso, particularly El Gettin’-Lucky-Lately de Lonnie.

I have a question that you and Vivi (in her addendum) may have addressed already. I'm just not sure. I got Rocio's statement to Nana that she tried to keep her children away from Don Daniel, the event brought them together, etc. There was something more about a pariente . . . "se habla casado." Was she referring to Camila?
Just flew by too fast and even repeating it with the CC, it eluded me.

This is the first novela I've watched from this writing team (except Bajo La Misma Piel years ago). I am loving the density of the interaction and plot, but you can't miss a beat!

I didn't watch CME because it felt like a betrayal of my memory of La Mentira, a virtual cult hit a few years back. I gather from the commentary here that it was pretty special. I am going to go back and look at the Caray,Caray comments on it.

Traveling Lady- Rocio did say that she tried to keep the families apart. But she was happy when she heard Don Dan's niece was getting married, and she suffered in silence when she heard the news that Don Dan died.

Now, we know this distancing of the families came some time later in the relationship of the two families, because Cayetano mentioned how chummy they used to be. I'm guessing Rocio caused this distancing sometime after Mariano was born, beut before Pablo was born.

Since Amanda left Dion and they were married, did they ever get divorced? If they are still legally married, then Dion won't be able to marry Agustina. I'm curious how this will play out. Especially if Dion is using different names and Amanda doesn't want anyone to know about her being married to him before. And since Becerra knows that Amanda was married, and he likes Aggie, he's not going to let them get married.

I'm not sure how Becerra could know about another will drawn up in Camilla's name by a different Lic. It's not like wills are registered. What has Isa done with the will she has? And if Cam were to die, was Isa's plan to just present it to everyone? Or maybe hid it in her office so that it would get found? Or give it to Alonso?

Jardinera - Thanks for the fun. Love fab lines like "Ximeana's impish grin does a speedy 180" and "Cara de cuckold de Lon the Loser."

My head is spinning from all the secret kinfolks: Camila and Pablo with the same blood type, D'Andres and Ximeana with identical birthmarks, and Dionisio and Natalia father and daughter. Agree Dionisio could probably care less about the daughter he never knew. My guess is he'll just try to use her for his $plans if/when he finds out.

Foxy - I think Rafa is referring to his decision to move in with Vivi. My guess is he still feels he has a shot at Camila so he wants to make sure she knows he's living with Vivi for strictly protection purposes.

Loved when Dionisio grumbled, "Maldita Isadora!" Got a feeling he's going to have a lot of opportunity to curse his partner in crime. Hisssadora is trusting no man and will always come up with her own plan.

I'm guessing that Rocio did not want either her husband or Don Daniel to know that Pablo could be a Monterde. Had Don Daniel seen Pablo on a regular basis he might have been able to figure that he was his, either from his birth date or some family trait/resemblance.

ViviDC: Thanks, and I guess I'm starting to get confused at this point. You're right, then, that Amanda left Dio, but I had forgotten that. I wonder why he married her to begin with. Did she have money or land back then or was he just a no-account in the food chain back then?

I do remember the reason Amanda left Dio was after seeing all the passports and different names she checked to see if Hector Gutierrez was his real name and found it was not. She said this meant her marriage was a farce and did not exist tho' they had registered Nat legally with the name Gutierrez. So no divorce was necessary I'm guessing. Her marriage as such doesn't exist in Mexican law.

Even episodes like this one that doesn't seem like much action occured are interesting learning tools for me. There certainly are a lot of "irons in the fire". It's going to be interesting to see how it all plays out.

UA, did I misinterpret your 08:59 comment or did you say that D'Andres had the same type blood as Camila??

Thanks Niecie for answering my question about Rafa's decision. I didn't think about that since at Camila has made it clear to him that she sees him only a friend. Besides, it seems that if the situation needs explaining, it should be between the 2 best friends, Vivi and Camila.

About the Will, even if the fake goes unnoticed, the valid Will would be the one with the latest date. Oh, and that's brings up another point that still needs to be solved; what on earth is Isa holding over that lawyers head that she could manipulate him into making up that phony Will??


Daniel donated blood for Camila, so he must have the same type.

The crooked lawyer had illegally registered Alonssso as Hissadora's son back in the day and I suspect there is more shenanigans beyond that. He may or may not know the identity of Alonssso's birth mother, but it's also likely that he committed other fraud in Hissadora's name in the more recent past.

Regarding El Diablo, we could also be in for him approaching the altar with Augustina (whom he actually despises), Padre Anselmo asking "If there be anyone present..." and Amanda speaking up. No, scratch that; the problem with that would be that it would derail him too quickly.

Not sure if we do know that Dan has the same blood type as Cam. Dan and Rafa both donated blood, but we didn't hear specifically if they were both a match like we did with Pablo. And if you are O-, you can donate to anyone. TN's like to make a big deal out of this blood type thing, but it doesn't necessarily mean the same parentage in real life. But I'm certain it will in this show.

Jardinera, your marvellous recaps are always a highlight of my weekend, and this one was no exception. I loved your continued inventiveness in dreaming up great names for Alonso, and I laughed out loud at your aside about Dionisio: "(He’s so angry he’s actually making my tv screen vibrate.)"

Though I had thought Rocio was opposed to Mariano's interest in Camila simply because she would be a divorcee, I now see that there's much more to it than that, though I'm still confused. It now seems likely that Pablo is Don Daniel's son, but Pablo is much younger than Mariano, and it's Mariano that Rocio wants to prevent from having a relationship with Camila. So is Mariano also Don D's son? Somehow, it seems unlikely that a relationship between Rocio and Don D would have gone on for so many years (esp. since she seems to me to be a bigotted snob, not the sort of person Don D would love).

Oh well, I guess I'll just have to suspend my disbelief, at least for a while, with a little help from my trusty beanie.

The avances seem to indicate that D'andres and Camila are going to, um, progress big time with their relationship. That makes me very nervous, since they're likely to be discovered, either by Tio the Turd or by Alonso and/or Ximena. And as Hissadora pointed out, Camila's having a lover will make things easier for the Evil Ones (well, Evil Threes)...for example, it could screw up, so to speak, her attempt to divorce Alonso.

Well, the one good thing about TNs is that all our worry ultimatetly doesn't matter, unlike in Real Life.

We don't know that Dan & Camila have the same blood type. We DO know that Pablo & Camila have the same blood type and that Mariano & Yago's blood was not a match to Camila (they also donated blood)

Dan & Rafa showed up at the hospital to donate blood & the doctor and/or Augustina told them Pablo was a match for Camila and the transfusion took well.

Dan & Rafa went off to donate blood anyway, but we the audience were never told what Dan's (or Rafa's) blood type was.

Dan could be a universal blood type like O. What we know for sure is Pablo & Camila have the same uncommon blood type (that Mariano & Yago don't have).

Jardinera-The flower sure became the central theme in this episode. Yes, a lot of secrets are getting set up, just so they can come out. I'll be updating the Playlist to add the Cami-Pablo blood thing. Thank you for a rollicking good session, even if Cami and Dan didn't have any face-to-face in this one.

And about the blood thing...the doctor said in front of Gussie and the others that Camila had used up a lot of blood during the operation and now it needed to be replaced. Mariano immediately offered himself and Pablo did, too and I forgot who it was said that everybody at La Malquerida would donate as well. This blood most likely would go into the hospital's blood bank. I think that because Pablo's blood matched exactly, they gave it to Camila right away.

About what Dan said at the very end about the flower, Gato Viejo's CC's also ran out. Without double checking, I'm positive Jardinera got it right.

Ok, now about the will. When Vivi was in conversation with Aggie at the hospital, she mentioned about Issy's asking whether Cami had a will--Jardinera, you were spot on there--with all the rest of the discussion in your recap.

Gussie didn't think Camila had a will. The lightbulbs go on in both of them, I guess, realizing that Alonso would have inherited everything if Camila didn't leave a will. I think Gussie is going to fix that before long. So, yes, Becerra will do the legitimate will and will have a later date on it.

Issy's version of the will is worthless now because Cami didn't die and Dio has threatened her, should anything happen to Camila. Issy's going to have to think up another scheme to end up with the whole ball of wax. I don't think she even wants to share with Sonny-Boy.

cathyx--It isn't likely that Dio and Amanda got a legitimate divorce. She fled with the baby. But that wouldn't stop a scam artist like Dio, especially when he is now known to use a lot of aliases.

I'm sure he knows that his daughter's name is Natalia--she looked to be about 3-4 mos. old in the flashback Amanda had. At some point he will make the connection, if he learns her last name. So far he probably hasn't heard it mentioned. That's what Amanda is so scared about and wants Nat away from him and the ranch.

Jar--I didn't see yours and Vivi's explanation on Am-Dio divorce. Of course, the marriage was probably not legitimate, but he must have had documentation in order to register the marriage, so as far as the law is concerned, Amanda and a certain Hector Gutierrez have a legitimate marriage--with a child.

What do we do in the States about serial bigamists. Who is the legitimate wife, the first one? We don't know if this was Dio's first marriage or not, regardless of what name he used. If Natalia is 20ish, Amanda is 40ish, where should we put Dio, 50ish? So, he could have been married to others before Amanda. Ay de mi, why do the writers make it so complicated for us....

Oh, and Jardinera--I loved your title.

"Dio is screaming at somebody on the phone in the hospital parking garage that he needs something immediately."

He says he needs a hacker; he says it in English, even pronouncing the "h."

Earlier when he tells Andres to find out Camila's and Rafael's email adds, he says that he needs to "hackear" (again pronouncing the h)their accounts, a Spanglish neologism I'd never come across before. I checked the dictionary and both words are given in the English to Spanish side, as well as a hispanicized alternative spelling for the latter: "jacuear." None of these are in the Spanish to English side, though, which might mean that they haven't been approved by the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language:)



I misspelled "jaquear" above.


Karamy- Thanks for reminding us about what Dion demanded on the phone. Yet another plot piece being lined up. Fascinating how new language (like computer/internet terms) are incorporated into languages around the world.

Most of the new tech-speak and financial words are coined in English and tend to remain pretty much in English. This seriously annoys the French.

Daniel and Camila have to be very careful from this point on. However, Alonssso doesn't have to benefit from a divorce over this because she can annul the marriage first. If I were writing this I'd have her say, "Listen, pendejo, if you even try that I will reveal in court why our marriage was never consummated. If you don't want that all over town you'll withdraw your petition."

Karamy: Thanks for the translation assists!!


Anita: Thank you also for the info and translations. BTW, if you could give me a link to Gato Viejo's AB "daily guia updates" since I've lost track of him and don't have an e-mail for him, I would be totally grateful, amiga!!

Will do, Jar. Check your e-mail.

I don't think there's anything wrong with posting the URL for Gato Viejo's wonderful captions, so others can also find them: If by chance I shouldn't have posted this, I hope someone will delete it.

UA--About English creeping into other languages. I heard a long time ago, that aviation terms in flying between tower and pilot are also use English terms.

Thought it was cute when you said it annoys the French. I think the Royal Spanish Academy also gets annoyed, but not the extent the French do, with England right next door and the chunnel open to all those English invaders, they are much more vulnerable.

Is Spain vulnerable to German? When I was there umpteen million years ago, German tourists had invaded the country and the Spaniards didn't like them (of course) and us blonde haired Americans were often confused with Germans, until they realized how nice we were!

Lordy, the real/fake parentage is getting so confusing here. What the heck was that priest doing this whole time? Clearly not talking about coveting another man's wife.

I didn't catch Camila's blood type but I think they said it was negative, which (thanks Wikipedia) is much less common that positive types. Still not so rare to assume a family connection though. Except on a telenovela, of course, but it's still no matching birthmark.


Kelly- I believe that Camila was the standard telenovela AB negative, which is rare in the US, but extremely rare in Mexico. I looked up blood types when this came up in Abismo some time ago.

When I was in Spain and speaking Spanish to shopkeepers and hospitality personnel one asked me whether I was French because of my ability to pronounce Spanish. Now, I think I look German, but I told the gentlemen. "No; lastima soy tan gordita para ser francese." Which, alas, is still true.

Kelly- .6% of people in the US are AB negative. In Mexico .05% are AB negative. So yes, very rare.

And if we were looking at a universal donor, which in this case would be O negative: In the US, 7% of the population is O negative. In Mexico, only 1% of the population is O negative.

Here's the complete breakdown of blood types in Mexico:
O+: 68%
O-: 1%
A+: 22%
A-: .4%
B+: 7%
B-: .1%
AB+: 1%
AB-: .05%

In the U.S., here's the breakdown:
O+: 37%
O-: 7%
A+: 36%
A-: 6%
B+: 8.5%
B-: 1.5%
AB+: 3.4%
AB-: .6%


Jardinera thanks for the recap. Though there wasn't a lot of action, the groundwork being laid is intriguing and hopefully the writers will continue our fun journey.

The paternity issue w/Mariano and Pablo is very confusing. Is Rocio playing keep away b/c Pablo (based on his similar blood type of Cam) is the son of Don Daniel? And if so, why is she trying to control Mariano?

Vivi- So much for wikipedia. It didn't list the breakdown for Mexico. So I guess the writers got this one right. Good for you, writers.

But it still doesn't help with all the Who's Your Daddy questions.


AT least ONE of Rocio's sons could be Don Daniel's...that's why she's tried to keep them apart (which answers for me why La Malquerida & La Buenaventura are right next to each other but Camila/Albarran Gang have never met (besides Pablo creeping around to be with Luzma).

...suppose Rocio thinks Mariano could be Don Daniel's son (b/c maybe they had a years long affair). Then of course she would want Mariano away from Camila...they would be first cousins. But social hypocrites like Rocio would never want to admit the truth, so they pretend it's class differences or find other reasons to dislike their son's intended instead of telling the truth.

Regarding Amanda and money, I think I heard Amanda say she inherited her parents' house and turned it into the hostal. If Amanda's parents' house was big enough to turn into a hostal, Amanda's family must have had some money...maybe they were just solidly middle class and not rich but they definitely weren't on Piedad & Leoncio's level either.

Rocio is probably worried that Cayetano would divorce her worthless self if he knew he had been cuckolded and she would lose face.

And her sons, who would never trust her again.

Thank you all for taking time to read and/or to comment again this weekend. (Glad to bring a couple of snickers or giggles, too.) This is really turning out to be a great little gem of a TN. Can't wait for Tuesday's voyeuristic return, either, to see how Cam and Dan decide on the moment..... ; ? >

Just finished the ep. Was wondering, how bad do you think Ximena will end up being? Do you think if she finds out about the plot to kill Cam, she will go along with it?

The new TN they've been adveetising looks interesting.

No new ep until Tuesday?!


I'm O+ and was told that I'm a universal donor and 50% of the US are O+.

Jardinera and all recappers thank you for your time and super hard work.

Maybe Mariano and Cam aren't related but Pablo might, so, Rocio knows that the further away form Cam the less likely the truth to come out which will in turn hurt many, but most importantly, she wouldn't want anyone know about her rePUTAcion.

Now let's look at the bright side: at least the hospital received many blood donations and they were from the good guys only (I believe) good thing.

For Nannette and anyone who missed the very beginning or forgot it, Ximeana actually hates Camila.

At the funeral of Camila's first fiance, Ximeana said something we didn't hear to his parents and his mother promptly went over to Camila and accused her of killing her son, also demanding to know why the hell she was there. Camila was in a wheelchair and a neck brace and had a face full of bruises. She cried even harder. After the funeral Augustina let Ximeana have it and the little bitch made no apology for her actions.

This is a pattern of behavior for her because Camila didn't miss her during the following three years when they didn't see each other at all and Ximeana barely kept in touch with Augustina.

UA: I get that Xi hates Cam, but hating enough to have a hand in killing her?

I have no doubt that Ximeana would kill her own mother if there was a financial benefit. Remember that Hissadora sees a kindred spirit in her.

She is unlikely to do the actual fatal deed, but possibly would be an accomplice before or after the fact.

Paging all Talismaniacs (and the few of us that subjected ourselves to Peinados abominables,, er, Corazón apasionado): Venevision strikes again, y'all. Behold the first promo for Rosario. Yes, there's Aaron Diaz in it. :)

OMG, Guy Ecker is starting to look old. When is this supposed to begin airing?

Ay de mi, Bill C. Must you present us with such a quandry on Monday?

Guy I would watch at any age--just wish he'd do something with his hands besides clasping them infront of him when he's standing around and do more DANCING.

Sergio Reynoso--it's too soon to have to watch him again.

Ditto for Aaron--he's wearing glasses, does that make him a good guy? At least he's baring his chest--which we didn't get to see much of in El Tal.

Dunno about watching. Fernando/Guy; Guy/Fernando; Fernando/Guy. I may have to toss a coin. Fernando-Mejia? Guy-Venevision? Maybe I won't watch either of them.

Back to AB and Ximeaniea. I think she would not kill Camila or become an accomplice. For Camila do die in an accident gave her enough to fantasize about, but plotting to kill her is a different story. Much as she hates what Camila has and represents, she's happy to be away from Monterrey and with Alonslow. She's not too deep into the conspiracy. At this point, she'd be glad just to have her unmasked as a goody-two-shoes and have her reputation ruined.

BTW, Flaco--I loved your use of rePUTAcion.

Besides, I think we can close the chapter on anyone trying to kill Camila. With Dio quashing Hissy's plan and he and D'Andres being more vigilant and the will thing getting resolved, they'll have to hatch another plan to rob "Daniel" of the Malquerida.

Dio is going to work on Gussie, poor thing, although I don't know how that will accomplish anything. Cami has already stood up to her mother and rejected Dio as administrator.

Aaron and Sergio are going with Venevision again. Did they not read the blogs? Isn't this about a girl dating her father (hard to catch the story)? Are they that desperate for work? I stuck with El Tal from start to finish but that was mostly for the outstanding recaps. Just don't think I could trust Venevision again no matter how much gratuitous shirtlessness there is.

And Ximena would let Camila die just for something to do. Things would have to change a lot for her to look capable of redemption.


UA: someone apparently tweeted that Rosario would begin airing in November, but apart from that nobody's officially said boo about it AFAIK. I suppose there's a chance it could replace Un refugio para el amor; being a joint Uni/VV project, I can't see them dooming it to afternoons from the start. That said, with Uni's wacky shuffling of their late-morning/afternoon schedule over the past month or so (and its predecessors both ending up there) it wouldn't surprise me either...

Kelly: more like "girl falls for the man who once dated her mother before she was born" (Aurora with an actual daughter thrown in, I guess)...the trailer seemed to indicate that some other guy got Natalia Ramirez's character pregnant during a one night stand. (And saying that, there probably has to be an arc where Rosario herself thinks she's Guy's character's daughter.)

Honestly, I was already there for Guy and the cheesecake (Lorena Rojas, Frances Ondiviela, Lupita friggin' Jones, and Itahisa Machado herself), but the additions of Terminator Reynoso and Aaron Diaz looking for all the world like a porn star playing a geek just ramp up the potential for comedy gold...I don't think it can match El Tal, but hey...

Traveling Lady: I can see why you hesitate watching a remake of a fav TN. CME is my favorite, so far, but it was also only my third TN. I think AB has the potential to equal CME for me, except I really don't care for this galan. I liked the one better in CME. He did take some getting used to--he was quite horrible at times. I also find I'm more attracted to Juan Solar who played the hero in CME than CdlF. I might rewatch it when/if it shows again.


I just thought of something.
Not sure if it happened in this ep or the previous one but there's a new character. He's the guy Dionisio was ordering to investigate Mariano, and he imperatively told him he want to know EVERYTHING!.
Well we may just find out if Cam is related to him.

In Mexico Refugio was followed by Corona de Lagrimas. Poster is here. Victoria Ruffo is the mother of the three boys.

Jardinera, Thanks for the recap. My favorite lines are:
Ximeana’s impish grin does a speedy 180.
Lonso tells him to fageddabowdit since D’Andres is a double-agent and really works for Dionisio
El Gettin’-Lucky-Lately de Lonnie

I think these characters just lend themselves to some of the best humor and wittiness!

OT: There was someone here I used to talk Bollywood with, I don't remember who. If they're on this board: Just found out Yash Chopra died.

Nanette- There are a few of us here that enjoy Bollywood films. Thanks for passing on that news.

Vivi: So sad. His final film is being released on Diwali. He was retiring. Read he had dengue fever.

Is there any site where one can view past episodes of AB? I recall being able to do that for LQNPA, usually 3 days or so after the capitulo aired. I
I will be on the road w/o access for a couple of weeks and of course can read the summaries but.......hate to miss visuals. Thanks.

You will have to sign up for Hulu Plus or Google search for them somehow. Sorry!

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