Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Abismo de pasión #158 10/31/12: Ghosts of Murders past keep wrecking havoc for Carmina, but Gabino might be the one to benefit from her bad night... the Arango brothers have a nice night... Gael has a revealing morning, but Murphy's law just won't leave Elisa and Dam alone

At the rather chaotic wedding reception/celebration: Elisa confronts Carmina about the lies she told Augie about Elisa not being his and Carmina’s own baby not being his… Alfie urges Carmina to respond to Elisa’s statements. Carmina denies, denies, denies… Ramona says no lie, Mrs.. IIF a woman like you can be called a Mrs… Alfie goes to the punch line, tell everyone that you were my husband’s lover, not Stefie!! Carmina brings up the plane tix as proof, Alfie says I found out long ago those tickets Gabino gave me were fake!! Also, when Augie and I went back to the quinta that night, your bags were packed!! … Dam adds that he saw Rosie leave the blue house one night, quickly followed by her. Lucio adds in that the blue house was never Stefies, only Rosie’s and Carminas’. Carmina continues with her denial, denial. Ramona reminds her you can’t run from the truth or from destiny. Either you finish the story or I will do it for you…
Lo Nuevo:
Suddenly among the crowd, Carmina sees Loopy next to Elisa and Nina next to Damian and in front of Lucio urging her to ‘tell the truth’. Suddenly she turns another way and sees Augie alone staring at her and it seems to be enough… Carmina goes beserk yelling NOOO!!! Several times and runs out of the gates of the hacienda… only to have Loopy dressed with his priest attire standing by her again… just staring at her, no words… Now she is wabbling down the town center street sidewalk listening to Loopy’s words at their next to last meeting ‘divine justice does exist, Carmina’… and she is yelling to no one around her to leave her in peace… Again Nina shows up to spook her with her own final words ‘hypocrit, fake, you have no morals or decency!’ … Carmina yells she had nothing to do with her death and yells at her to shut up, keeps wabbling and running, suddenly Paolo comes in her direction and yells at her what he yelled at her before he raped her ‘I will teach you what I learned at the jail!!” … Carmina runs and ends up believing herself at the cenote… hearing Augie’s words ‘you are a good actress, but your performance is over… I now know the truth’… Carmina yells at him to shut up as she falls in the water… once in the water, she believes she is struggling again with Kenya… Carmina puts deer in the headlights eyes… suddenly she is outside her blue house and Ingrid is waiting for her outside the house to continue the spooking (so on point with tonight being Halloween)… Carmina desperate runs into the blue house only to face another ghost from crimes past… her own sister Stefie, who tells her ‘what hurts me the most, you were capable of building that lie and blame me, allowed Alfie to blame me, knowing that the guilty one was you… what kind of sister are you?’ … Carmina gets under the covers in her bed only to hear Rosie, another ghost from her crimes past… ‘I too would like for us to spend more time together, you know you have me going crazy (for you)…’ … Carmina cries saying Rosie’s name… falls on side of bed…
At another Arango house in town… Paloma is so ‘hot’ she is out of words (wow! At least Gael is giving us a break from her constant nagging by keeping her mouth busy)… Gael himself is telling Paloma not to say anything… (YES!!!) … and they get busy with their own hanky panky…‘ (seems someone wrote a song about ‘living the romance as a passion pit’ LOL…
At blue house Gabino arrives to a very scared shaken Carmina with her hair looking like someone dumped a bucket of water on her head … She tells him about the ghosts who won’t leave her in peace… and that Elisa married Damian Arango and she could not stop them…. Also that Alfie knows the plane tix he gave her are fake… He is in disbelief… Carmina tells him about everyone accusing her of all her crimes… Gabino wants to know that she did deny deny deny everything… She tells him Elisa warned her she would dig and dig the past until she found the whole truth… She can’t stand Elisa. Why didn’t I kill her? I could have drowned her in cenote like… (Gabino catches up with this ‘who did you drown at the cenote?’ and you can see his brain gears at work suddenly amongs the migrains) … Carmina keeps mumbling that Elisa’s happiness is her worse punishment/disgrace… That Elisa should not keep Damian… Gabino can’t get why it is so important for Carmina that Elisa marries Dam… Why can she be happy and I never could enjoy anything?? … Gabino swears to her that there is still a way to fix all that. That they just have to take out the problem from the root… between you and Dam you all have to forget her (Elisa) and I can help you (get rid of Elisa)… Carmina takes his word ‘are you saying you can finish her off for me?’ …Carmina is willing to give him anything in return… Gabino says… wait for it… wait for it… I want you to marry me ojitos. Deal?…  Yup. Deal. [Sealed with a sloppy kiss…]
At Arango hacienda Alfie, Lucio and Lolita are saying goodbye to Dam and Elisa and sending them off on their honeymoon… (funny how Alfie said she did not want the past to be an ‘anchor’ weight on the happy couple) Make her happy.. will miss you, son.. blah blah (for crying out loud, Get going already!!!) Elisa thanks Alfie for the party and tries to apologize for Carmina spoiling the party, Alfie says no need to apologize.
Whoa! The pickup that Dam and Elisa left on is followed by another pickup… not quite a late luxury model, it is Gabino!! … Dam wants Elisa and him to concentrate on themselves and forget the town and everything else for a while.. he has a surprise for her (the place they are heading to).
Ramona gets home… notices all the herbs and jugs missing, whispers curses for Gabino… Suddenly she gets a visitor … The black widow of LaErmita herself (wait, no, that would be Alfie)… more like the Orange female mix of Dr Lechter, JASON, Jack the ripper and Elmer Fudd… shaken, not stirred… Ramona doesn’t think they have anything to talk about… Carmina says of course we do… you were the only one that was completely certain of my guilt… but it was all a lie… Ramona says don’t even go there, don’t bother trying to fake it. You are right, I am certain of Stefie’s innocence… Carmina says Augie once told me you were there at the road the night of the accident… Yes, I was there. And I got to hear Stefie’s last words before she died… a phrase I thought was ambiguous back then and took me years to decipher, but I have it very clear now… she locked you in your room to prevent you from going with Rosie, then she caught him at the road to tell him you were not going with him, that is why they were coming toward town when the car crashed… Carmina figures out it was Ramona who had told Augie… Ramona says yeah, it was me who told him, and he could not handle the truth. Augie could not take the pain of knowing he had hated for so many years a woman who had loved him so completely… Carmina keeps blaming Ramona for her fate and warns she will prevent Ramona from fillng any more lies into anyone else… Ramona says I am ready to leave this world, but you, don’t you fear what will happen to your soul?...Carmina says I never believed in that… Ramona says living with hatred, bitterness, and cruelty is the true hell… for people without soul like you, living is a much worse punishment than death itself. (with this Carmina quietly leaves …)
And the secret honeymoon place the groom has chosen … the beach where he kidnapped her to a while back. … this time she is more willing of course… Gabino has followed them and is planning the next move.
But before they can get to hanky-panky, Elisa wants to clear up what happened at the cenote… Dam gets the wrong meaning and thinks she meant about her and Gael stopping at the cenote before the wedding, Elisa says that is not what I meant, I meant you and my aunt … she warned me about it… I never imagined in my worst nightmares that you would allow her… no I never let her… ah no? first at the stables at your hacienda, then at the cenote naked and caressing each other. I can’t erase that image from my head… ah! There it is! I now understand why you have been so miffed at me… he apologizes…  He tells Elisa the story of what happened at both the stables and at the cenote… SURPRISINGLY, Elisa believes him. He is thankful for that. Elisa feels like putting her own cards on the table too so she does clear up to him that she never was with Gael, that Dam is the first and only man in her life. She says she was very hurt and jealous of Flo and it was not until she read Flo’s letter that she understood, then she tried to explain with her kisses and caresses to him that he was her only man, he says that day he was sick and drugged, so he could not see through his jealousy of Gael. Elisa notes now you are not drugged or feverish… you are in luck, I do feel like explaining it to you all over again…  Then they get (FINALLY!!) to the hanky panky with ‘junto a ti’ as background… (Surprisingly, Univision showed more than I had expected of their wedding night scene)
Morning at beach… Elisa is at the edge of the water, Dam wakes up, gets a bit scared that he is alone, but quickly realizes she is at the beach, joins her… they get ‘going’ again….
At the other Arango lovebirds nest, things are not much different, Gael is very charming cuddly with Paloma… they share impressions of the best night since their wedding (since their wedding? I would say since forever, since the first two times it was a more one-sided affair).
Elisa nad Dam are touring the Yucatan landmarks, with the huge tourist/cruise ship docks under construction. (ok, Dam, cut the cheesy comments…  do your commercial script reciting and move on…)
Back at the beach, Gabino is buying a very tiny think venom snake (la coralillo)… he has a little picnic basket surprise for Dam/Elisa… the guy tells Gabino that you barely feel the bite… but it makes you lose your breath slowly and then the end comes… Gabino is very careful handling the picnic basket, even stretches his arm as far as he can from his body ...
meanwhile Elisa and Dam continue touring the area… (they are at ‘manglares’ which reminds me of a place in Puerto Rico just like that in the southwest town of Guayanilla) Oh, now Elisa joins ins the duet regional tourism promo pitch script…
Night of day after wedding, Paloma is cleaning up and, as her usual nosy self, she opens the folder that Loopy left Gael. Gael comes and asks her ‘what are you doing, ‘mi amor’?’ (is this first time Gael calls Paloma that way?) As he tells Paloma it is papers Loopy gave him before he died, Gael gets a nostalgic facial expression that is priceless… Paloma tells Gael that he should read the papers, it is the last will of his father … of Loopy? … no, of your father, Rosendo Arango. (Gael is confused/ surprised).
Tonia has again asked Braulio for help since Chente did not come home to sleep… She really is annoying with her whinning… Braulio suspects Chente is with Gabino who is staying at the hotel…
At the hotel, Chente is indeed in Gabinos’ room. Gabino arrives back from the road with his huge migraine which has returned… Chente wants to know where Gabino was since he was on road all day… Gabino  refuses to tell him, then tries the ‘recipe’ that Chente fixed for him, but Gabino can tell from the taste it is not the right recipe, ‘if you can’t do this then I have no use for you, I will go back with Carmina!’… Chente wants Gabino to take him with him. Gabino refuses, so Chente wants Gabino to give him one last shot at the recipe.
Gael goes to Lucio’s with the folder including the will from Rosie… Lucio is surprised that Gael has it. Loopy gave it to me before he died, he asked me not to open it (and there should be a reason for that, right Gael?) but Paloma opened it accidentally and told me that it was my father’s will. Lucio wants to know if Gael’s name is in it. Did he leave you anything?  Not exactly, but it does state that he leaves everything to all his ‘heirs’ in equal parts… so I guess I would get half of all the Arangos own. Lucio laughs happy, what do you want to do? … that is why I am here, to see if you know of a lawyer who can give me some guidance… Lucio is happy to provide him with contact info for a lawyer he knows… (wait, Gael, do you really plan to ‘claim’ your part of the Arango fortune? Didn’t you say a while back that none of that mattered to you?  Why don’t you rather ask yourself … what would Loopy do?)
Elisa and Dam make it back to the beach hut (Dam tells Elisa he bought the shack from the fisherman so they can come back there anytime they want…) … Elisa goes right to the basket wondering if Dam is hungry… The snake bites Elisa right away… Dam opens the basket and realizes it is a ‘coralillo’ (well, for having spent most of his education years in Europe and being here only a few months, Dam knows a lot about venom snakes, and that a coralillo is very dangerous…) Dam rushes Elisa to the truck to go get help since he knows that snake’s venom is very dangerous…
At Arango hacienda gate, Alfie is standing pacing very nervous (maybe having a feeling that something will happen)… Carmina comes to scare her saying Dam and Elisa are going to have the same fate Rosie and Stefie had, they will die…


Good work. This series is determined to have a spectacular finish and I am hoping for some very serious Karmageddon for the evil ones.

For a while I thought Carmina had done something to the dress that was meant to kill Elisa when she put it on. Carmina is a monster of mythic proportions, like a Gorgon or something equally horrible. I'm hoping she will ultimately off herself.

Ugh. I came in halfway through, and all I got was the boring travelogue and the snake. :p

But seriously, who sticks their hand in a picnic basket without even looking? At the very least, you'd get mustard all over yourself.

Blue lass, you have me cracking up laughing... so true! the first one,

I came in halfway through, and all I got was the boring travelogue and the snake.

sounds like a tee-shirt or bumper sticker... lol

yeah, I too was wondering if Elisa was not the least curious as to how the basket got there... and then when she got bit, Damian had a higher jolt reaction than herself right at the same moment... as if he was the one with his finger/hand on the live power line... er... in the basket.

oh UA, I sneaked at the 2 hr finale and you will have an action packed ending... just trust me. it will remind you some action movies of the 80s and 90s.

Super Marta, your descriptions of Carmina tonight are AMAZING! Slam dunk every single time..."wabbling and running", "the Orange female mix of Dr Lechter, JASON, Jack the ripper and Elmer Fudd… shaken, not stirred". Wow, you nailed her completely.

UA, I agree that Carmina is a monster of mythic proportions. The actress is certainly giving it her all in spite of her physical ailments.

Those manglares looked very interesting. I would love to visit that area sometime. I always was a sucker for travelogues.

I can't believe that Paloma's smothery nosiness finally came in handy. 'Bout time! And I don't blame Gael for wanting to explore his options.

A snakebite? Really? Where is Fernando Colunga when we need him? Remember Soy Tu Duena? Start watching at about 06:30 minutes for the snakebite or just go right to 08:45 to go directly to the hunkaliciousness, or 10:45 for the gratuitous shirtlessness. Doesn't Dam know that the first thing a galan does to help snakebite is to rip his shirt off?

Thanks Marta!

Doesn't Dam know that the first thing a galan does to help snakebite is to rip his shirt off?

oh cap'n!! you rock!!
actually the first thing, depending on where the wound is on the body, is to bite/squeeze the area to try to spit out most of the venom... not sure if that is current anymore, but that is what was done earlier on...

I fully expected Ramona to come in running and yell 'i had a premonition about this so i brought my herbs and 'yucky' stuff!! ... oh wait! she was busy scaring away the murder witch... (more like Staring away the murder witch) ... what exactly was Carmina's intention to visit Ramona? to 'talk some fear into her?' where has she been the last 30 yrs ? doesn't she know Ramona is not that easily 'scared' away other than by learning of someone dying after she tries to open their eyes to the truth?


Marta, Fernando did that sucking thing first, but it just wasn't as interesting as the ripping-off-the-shirt part. I think Dr. Carlos can advise us of the current treatments for snakebite.

Wasn't it funny how Carmina came in to Ramona's hut all crazy bluster but left with her tail between her legs? Thank goodness, I was worried for Ramona. I think Carmina went there to threaten and maybe even hurt Ramona, but things didn't exactly work out that way for her.

Favorites from today:

- Gael himself is telling Paloma not to say anything… (YES!!!)

- the beach where he kidnapped her to a while back. … this time she is more willing of course…

- the best night since their wedding (since their wedding? I would say since forever

- what would Loopy do?(Forget the t-shirts -- we need bracelets!!!)


Sylvia, I think Carmina went to Ramona's on a fact-finding mission and she left satisfied with what she learned: Ramona knows she's a sleazy OrangeHo (ho-hum. yawn.) but she still thinks Augusto killed himself.

She was afraid that Ramona, like Lupe, knew she had murdered Augusto. Had Ramona revealed knowledge of Augusto's (or Kenia's) murder, she might have met the same fate as Lupe last night.

Thanks, Marta! Great job!

Gracias NM. Ah, fact finding. I forgot that Carmina only kills when she gets backed into a corner and becomes super emotional. Ramona's calm might have been her (Ramona's) saving grace. That and the fact that Ramona doesn't know ALL the facts. No wonder Ramona keeps her mouth shut. It's dangerous to reveal too much in La Ermita. I am beginning to understand her wisdom.

Yikes. Listen to me speculating on Carmina's motives. As if her actions were governed by motives and not just by a simian-produced screenplay.

I guess NM has drunk the Kook-ade too.

i found some info on manglares... translated by me so forgive the rough draft...

'manglares' are a type of forest of wood plants which grow in lakes, river fronts and tropical coastlines which are protected from big waves. Due to its coastal location, they are always in contact with bodies of salt water, or in combination with water that comes from the river openings to the sea. This group of trees are adapted to permit them to survive in or above salt water. Part of the adjustment includes tolerance to water with high salt content, roots that grow up in the air shaped like crutches, which allow the trees to anchor in unstable grounds, and floating seeding for dispersion.

here are some pictures of the manglares in Puerto Rico soutwhwest coast...


at the very end of the novela Maria Isabel with Adela Noriega, we also see them rowing around manglares in Mex...

lol actually she rows her boat, he uses a motor boat...

Thanks Novela Maven, by reading your recap, I've decided to skip watching it. It sounds like I would have ff'd through most of it anyway, and your recap gave me all the info I need anyway. Thank you.

Such a common plot device is the snake bite. We were privileged to it twice on La Que No Podia Amar.

Can Dam save Elisa in time? Well, of course he will, so silly of the monkeys to even try to fool us this way. Again, they aren't thinking like the human viewership.

The only questions left yet to answer is how the bad guys will meet their fate.

Oops, I'm so sorry, I knew Marta wrote this, and I spaced it when I wrote Novela Maven. And I've been meaning to tell you too that I love the picture of your grandson, he looks like such a smiley little guy. He must be so fun to have around and kid with.

yes he is, cathyx... he is definitely the soul of the family now.

Manglares are mangroves. They have a very nice mangrove park on Sanibel Island in Florida, if you can't spring for the trip abroad. Good place to look for a mangrove cuckoo. (That's a real bird, not a scriptwriter joke.)

Marta: the recap was perfect, particularly as you noted "(so on point with tonight being Halloween". The spirits were alive and well and short of Scrooge, selected just the right target. "they share impressions of the best night since their wedding (since their wedding? I would say since forever, since the first two times it was a more one-sided affair)" was among my favorite lines.

Sylvia, ITA that Sabine's acting has been stellar despite what she must be enduring physically.

NovelaMaven, you are so right that Ramona's blissful ignorance of knowing she killed Augusto prolonged her life. I tell you I was just waiting for that huge knife to appear and was very relieved to see Ramona unscathed. At least for the moment.

I thought Gab was jumping off the edge of sanity last night for a few moments. I'd hate to see Carmina taking that journey alone.

I still have whiplash from Gael's transformation into loving, attentive husband but if it spares us more "I love Elisa" histronics, I'm all for it!

Can't wait to see what happens tonight.


have to agree totally with...
I still have whiplash from Gael's transformation into loving, attentive husband but if it spares us more "I love Elisa" histronics, I'm all for it!


I'm sorry but Paloma is the new Alfonsina (smothering, controlling) and Gael is the love child of Augusto & Rosendo (possessive, in love with another woman).

Gael is "if you can't love the one you want, love the one you're with."

The only way I see Gael/Paloma's marriage working is if Gael decides to live up to Lupe's example.

And will he EVER open up Ingrid's wedding gift?

Wonderful recap Marta! Carmina's haunting was just perfect for Halloween. Paolo coming towards he on the street was particularly scary.

Was Alfie wearing tight jeans in that last scene? She looked good. Can't wait to see her and Carmina go at it.

I just roll my eyes through the Gael-Paloma scenes and pull my beanie on tighter. Now that she finally has him (and finally got to have sex with him in a bed), she's still all clingy and all over him. Give the man some space already! But I'm glad she was nosey enough to finally open the damn envelope.

Gael’s sudden about face about NOW wanting to be an Arango heir is equally unbelievable. In any case, Damian already offered him half of everything, for just being his brother, and he turned Dam down. The only real purpose the will serves is showing Dam that his mother is NOT owner of the proce and has never had the right to meddle in the decisions he makes about it.


Anon207, I fear that Ingrid's present is going to be one of those loose ends the monkeys forget about after a couple banana daiquiris...but don't worry, we on the Patio -- the REAL brains in the operation -- will rewrite the ending anyway. ;}

marta - Thank you for the recap! I am so grateful for your translation. I thought Ros's will said Gael inherited everything. This is why I am not qualified to do a recap. Ack.

Ramona told someone (this time, Carmina) for the second time in the past week, that she is ready to leave this world. I wonder if she'll be offed before the Por Fin. I HOPE NOT!!! But this does not bode well, with me.

I'm rather surprised that Carmina didn't have a gun and shoot Ramona, right then and there. I think the theory here about Ramona's calming influence and not knowing that Carmina killed Augusto made all the difference.

As for Gael's about face with Paloma, I am not just drinking the KoolAid, I'm using an IV. Gah.

Eeew. Coral snake bite. Gabs isn't taking any prisoners, is he?! Their venom is some of the most fatal.

Jarocha had posted here and told us the Por Fin would be pretty good, and worth watching. Marta, I'm glad you snuck a peek and liked it, too. Gives me something to look forward to.


Marta, many thanks for all your wonderful recaps through this show. Yoo sure got a fun one with Carmina's banshee run through town ( and it was so fun seeing all the ghost sighting, although Paolo looked more like he was auditioning for The Walking Dead).

Hey, I say Gael should try for a few bucks. Heaven knows he's more Rosendo than Dam is. (Better businessman too). After all, we know what makes the man happy now, little tickle time and he's good to go. If only Alfi had been more like Pal, what trouble the town would have been saved.)

Going to be a trial to sit through two hours of this thing, but hoping the undoing of Carmina and Gab will be fun to see. Maybe we'll get lucky and get one final ABS GAB moment before he says his final farewell, whatever that may be.

Do wonder who just may be any collateral damage in the final Armageddon. (please oh please make it Chente). I guess we'll never get a final Begonia sighting? Not sure why, but I kind of miss her suddenly.

per the Patio boss- drinks are on the house Monday. ( We'll need it.)

daisynjay - I sort of miss Begonia, too. Sort of, but not much. Small doses are good.

Open bar on Monday? We need it!!!

This comment has been removed by the author.

Daisynjay, totally agree on:
Hey, I say Gael should try for a few bucks. Heaven knows he's more Rosendo than Dam is. (Better businessman too). {snort snort... so true!} After all, we know what makes the man happy now, little tickle time and he's good to go. If only Alfi had been more like Pal, what trouble the town would have been saved.)

there's a heck of a lot to cover in 4 hours, isn't there?
Finding Ingrid
Paloma finds out Gab is her sperm donor..
everyone finds out what Carmina did to Kenya and Augie
Ramona publishes a book called 'I had to stop them'...
Gael, Elisa and Dam merge procesadoras and construct a habanero monopoly in Mex
The Arango baby factory kicks into high gear...
Elisa finally runs her tear dam dry...
The mysterious wedding gift box gets shipped to sit, unopened of course, inside a crate somewhere in the US classified archives/objects warehouse...

oh yeah! the plane tickets finally appear in an archive three generations later during an investigation by Elisa's great grandson...

forgot Ramona's book subtitle... 'with my secret avocado concotion (sp?)'

Great recap! Thanks!

I think the episode was a perfect fit for Halloween with all the ghosts. Carmina can't escape her crimes mentally.

It seems that every TN has to be a little x-rated with wedding nights. I'm just glad Elisa stopped with her lies.

These last few episodes are sure to be pretty intense!

I was also happy to see Elisa and Dam FINALLY have that conversation to clear up the misunderstandings. See how easy that was?! I was suprised that Uni didn't go censor crazy with the wedding night. Someone must have been asleep at the chopping block.

For my part, I would be perfectly happy with the heavily symbolic flight of flamingos...but I guess they have to show that married sex is way hotter than illicit sex, or it wouldn't be much of a PSA, would it?

Okay, now let's have some more slapping.

Well, I'm thinking the Lemur Censor brigade was advised by the Monkey Band Screenwriters that they need a major uptick on ratings for the finale, so let the good times roll for the fearsome foursome so viewers will tune in.

"I guess they have to show that married sex is way hotter than illicit sex"

Oh yeah, BL, way hotter. And Fluffy was so shrewd in choosing the bonomos to choreograph the wedding night scene.

Finding Rosendo's will reminds us that the kinder, gentler Alfonsina is still holding out -- she has known all along that she owns nothing and controls nothing. It will be fun when she is outed on this.

Will we ever find out what document she burned after Rosendo's death?

Hey SuperMarta...I'm always amazed at your ability to get in all the conversations and needed detail. I'm going to watch this anyway (in a few minutes) but if I couldn't, you would have told me all I needed to know. (but I really think I need to see the scene that shows that married sex is even hotter than illicit sex...who knew?)

Also happy to know the grand finale is shaping up to be a winner...'cause three hours of Abismo is A LOT.

Thanks too for another cute photo of your grandson...his sunny nature just shines through that photo. One. Cute. Kid.

Hi, Marta:
The Ghosts of Murders Past... great title.You did a fine job describing the haunting of Carmina. My husband walked by as that was showing as commented about Sabine, "Wow. She really knows how to play crazy, doesn't she?"

And in this section, "Ramona says don’t even go there, don’t bother trying to fake it. You are right, I am certain of Stefie’s innocence…", you did a masterful job of translation.

Also I appreciated that you knew about the coral snake. Are they usually that small in Mexico or was that a baby? Of course, baby or not, the venom is the same.

With the snakebite, I guess we think that Elisa is not pregnant, huh?

Thanks, Marta, for your thorough and fun recap.



Blue and Maven:
Married sex? I think the bonobos are just projecting their own fantasies outward.

Sylvia: Loved the first aid reminder regarding what to do to treat a snakebite: First, take off your shirt. Heh hee hee.

Marta: I don't see how you could tell the camionetas apart? I guess one had flowers on the hood, but otherwise to me they were just big, silver trucks. How could you tell that Gabino's truck was not a late model?

Urban Anthropologist: A Gorgon! Excellent! I think if Carmina offs herself she would for sure not be a candidate for heaven. (Ironic grin.)



Thank you, Marta! I haven't seen this one yet but now I know what to look forward to.

I am really hoping something goes wrong with Chente's potions. Maybe Gab's most-used parts will fall off? And I don't mean his abs.

Aren't small, young snakes actually MORE venomous than the big old ones? Or is that just for rattlesnakes?


Like JudyB., I must, once again, admire your grandson. He is so handsome and his SMILE! I am so glad you have him in your life.


I fear Alfonsina's mystery document and Ingrid's mystery present will forever remain just what they are...mysteries. They are just another loose end that the monkey writers will forget to tie up.


When we were children my sister stepped into a hole that turned out to be a rattlesnake den. She was bit several times by what were determined later to be 'baby' rattlesnakes. It was a close run thing...She was in the hospital for a long, long time.

I knew baby rattlesnakes were AS venomous, I did not know that they were MORE poisonous than adults. Yikes!



I'm afraid of that, too, Cap'n. We've been burned before...

You don't think they'll just leave Ingrid in the garden, do you?

Well, I was hoping that since Horacio actually found her earring and decomposing hand that we might have some advancement on that plot. But since Horacio has been a no-show lately I'm beginning to wonder. Harrumph. I REALLY want it to come out that Carmina killed Kenia and Gabino killed Ingrid. And that someone digs Ingrid up so that they can find the original plane tickets in her purse.

Maybe Ingrid will, like Daphne, of Greek myth, morph into a tree. Only Ingrid won't be a laurel -- she will be a stinky ailanthus. And someone will find her big purse hanging from a branch. The original tickets will be inside the purse, having out-lived several sets of owners as well as the issuing airline.

I like everyone's wishes and hopes for outcomes. I would like it if Gab takes the magic potion and it makes his head hurt even more.

I don't want to see Carmina go bonkers, though. Then she won't suffer like I would like her to. I want her to maintain her sanity and end up in jail.

The big secret I want to know about is what did Ingrid give Gael for a wedding gift? I hope the monkeys didn't overlook that.

Didn't Gab drive a dark Blue pickup when he tried to run over Lupe? Now it's gray?

EJ- We already saw a pregnant woman lose her baby to a snake bite in La Que, didn't we?

Capn- Where's Horacio(Waldo)? Did the monkeys forget him too? They can't if they want Lola to end up with Braulio. So he must make an appearance and die.

The plane tickets shouldn't be in her purse, because Gab threw them in as he buried her. Unless she was able to put them in her purse while she was underground somehow.

Cathyx, Gabino told Awful Chente that he "borrowed" the pickup he used to run Lupe off the road. I assume that's a euphemism for "stole," as he does not have any friends.

We sure did! But the thread of Little E possibly being preggers has never been followed up on. ( What a horrid sentence I just wrote. Giggle) The foreshadowing was so heavy for a few days that I thought for sure Elisa was with child—but it may be yet another thread left to drop.

I just thought of something. If little E is pregnant with an Arango nieto, Alfie will go nuts if that baby is killed by Gabino and Carmina. Oh my. Thinking aloud...that could be why Elisa cleared the air last night about Damian being the ONLY ONE.

Naw, they don't have enough time to add another plot element, do they?



Cathy, has Ingrid been underground long enough for the tickets to rot away? I want them to be found!! "Unless she was able to put them in her purse while she was underground somehow." totally cracks me up. Cathy you are too funny.


EJ- Do pregnant women who get bitten by a snake actually lose the baby? And if so, do monkeys know if a human gets bitten by a snake while pregnant that the human loses a baby? Do writers of the different TN's share plot info? Is Elisa pregnant? She wasn't eating for 3 days before she got married. Was it morning sickness?


The 2012 film version of Anna Karenina runs 130".

You really think the monkeys don't have enough time to add another plot element to the Pit, given 170" or so? Hmmmm.

When Horacio uncovered her hand, it was just bones, so the flesh had decomposed. Is paper longer lasting than human flesh? And don't forget, Ingrid had her hands tied behind her back. Could she be like Houdini? The Great Ingridini?

Snort!! Cathy you are making it dangerous for me to drink my tea.


Actually, her hands must have been tied together in the front for Horacio to have uncovered it. Then I guess she could have slipped the tickets into her purse. Is this a stoopid comment or what?
I just hope they do uncover all the loose ends. It was very disappointing when they left several things unanswered in La Que.

thanks for the compliments about our dear Ro-Ro and his smile (Romero).

about Gabino and Chente's version of the concoction... i would not be surprised that Gabino gets side effects like moving/dancing around like Michael Jackson in his Thriller video and scares the eyeballs out of Carmina... or his face begins to rot and flake out... anything that would either scare Carmina or make her sick... even better if she gets contagious of whatever Gabino gets...


I know the plane tickets were in the airline envelope thingy and they were folded in two... so maybe between the vynil/leather of the bag and the fact that the tickets were folded it woudl make them last longer than Ingrid's exposed flesh on the ground.


That paper tickets could decompose slower than human flesh—Now there is a thought that reminds us of impermanence!

I did not know about the Clift's Notes movie version of Anna K. With that perspective in mind, sure we have time for a pregnancy and its outcomes.


Well, we still have the Gutenberg Bible -- but we don't have Gutenberg. :)

Maybe we do. Anybody been haunted by Gutenberg lately? Speak up!

I just love the Halloween, decomposing bodies, ghosts theme we have going on. So timely. I'll bet the monkeys are laughing at our discussion of whether the tickets have rotted away or not.

JudyB, last night I was haunted by a tall man dressed in a Hooters outfit, a tiny Princess Belle and a tinier Hulk, but no Gutenberg. Unless Gutie was dressed as something else and I didn't recognize him.


That was Gutenberg in the Hooters outfit...he was just trying to throw you off.

JudyB, must have been those tight, bright orange shorts that distracted me. Gutenberg is such a card!

Totally understand. Tight, bright orange shorts on a man have always left me dazed and confused.

I go out for a few hours and this is what happens!
Well here is a little *science* I can vouch for but it does require summer-like conditions:

Place a sheaf of papers in the trunk of your car. Examine the condition of the paper 72 h. later.

Have your husba... er ... colleague leave a raw chicken in the trunk of your car under identical summer temperatures. Examine the chicken's condition in 72h.

What do you learn about the transience of flesh and the permanence of paper?

P.S. I am convinced that Ingrid managed to put the tickets back in her big purse by using teeth, claw, toes, whatevah.

Oh gross!! Imagine the stench. Did that really happen? I am laughing so hard right now. Last step: sell car if you can.


Yes, it happened. And it took a long long long long long time for the stench to go away!

See you later -- we're on the way out! I checked the trunk for rotting carcasses and we're good to go.

Adios amiga!

Sylvia, still laughing.

If we're talking about leaving food in the car, I accidentally left 5 dozen eggs in the backseat of a closed up car one fine hot summer day. They were in there for about 3 hours. When I remembered, I put them in the fridge and thought about what to do with them. I hated to throw them away without knowing for sure if they were bad or not. So the next day, I fried one up and at it. I didn't get sick. I ate the rest with no problem. That's how cheap I am.

OK Cathy, you are the bravest. Five dozen? That's a lot of eggs. I guess I don't blame you for testing one out.

Sylvia, how could I let 5 dozen go to waste? I took one for the team and I won. I did smell it first, by the way.

Wow - I am SOOOOO behind!

Alls I remember is a serious flash of Elisa's thong under that see through white dress when they rushed out of the cabin after the snakebite.

There are awesome mangroves in South Florida in Everglades National Park, and I recommend the mangrove boat tour from Flamingo Florida.

We also have mangroves along the Texas coast, and they grow quite thick in areas around South Padre Island. But nothing like in Fla!

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