Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Abismo de pasión #157 10/30/12: Why Everyone in La Ermita is Birdbrained; A Wedding, and a Long Awaited Denunciation

The makeshift stage is empty. At one end of the Patio of Lowered Expectations a backlit, tightly stretched white cotton sheet serves as a screen. There is muted conversation as Patio regulars wait for the great man to appear. From the right, he enters behind the screen, leading with his stomach. As he moves toward the center of the screen, the silhouette becomes an old, but well-remembered outline—The sloping forehead, prominent beak, receding chin and thick double chin. He pauses, holding the pose and waiting for our recognition. The denizens of the Patio giggle, murmur and then applaud. In a gait that could be placed somewhere between a waddle and a strut, the bird makes his way from behind the screen to the standing microphone placed in the center of the stage. The applause swells and fills the Patio. Cap'n Sylvia introduces our guest. “Hello! Tonight I have the 'privilege' of introducing the Director of ‘Abismo de Pasion’, perhaps the best known member of the bird clade Columbidae film directors, Alfredo Paloma-Hitchcock.”

Mexico’s most famous near-passarine artist clears his throat.

“GOOD EVENING.” He says in all caps.

“In tonight’s lecture we will explore the history and themes of ‘Abismo de Pasion’. Although this show was inspired by the work of my Great-Great Uncle, the human English Film Master Alfred Hitchcock, this work has been a collaborative and inter-species effort, one I could not have completed without the creativity and lateral thinking of our simian writers. Fluffy and the Chimps, who have a table of their own, clap and scream loudly for banana Daquiries.

Dry coughs are heard on the Patio. Doris says, “Hey, DaisynJay, this is going to be a long night. Pour me another tall one, will you?” The bird continues speaking, “ I invite all of you to join me in expressing your feedback on tonight’s episode using avian metaphors. Blue Lass grins and says—“Now this should be fun.” The bird drones on. “My uncle first took up the bird theme in his 1963 classic horror film, The Birds…” “Just roll the tape!” orders Cynderella.

Scene One - Blue House of Shame
Carmina and Elisa face one another down. After luring her niece to her lair with the promise of giving Elisa Stef’s long-lost wedding dress, Carmina begins to torture Elisa with words.

 “No me parece..” she begins, “It seems incredible to me the love you feel for Damian. You should forgive him for what happened between us.”

“I hope you understand,” replies Elisa, “That there is nothing you could do to separate me from Damian. I am going to marry him today and only death could prevent it.”

Carmina mumbles, “Don’t worry, nothing is going to happen, I’m here. I’m putting this dress in your hands.” She gives Elisa the wedding dress.  “My sister would have liked you to marry Damian. I’m doing it for her, you know? I loved her a lot.” Elisa responds by accusing her aunt of hypocrisy.

Meanwhile, back on the Patio, the bird-metaphors start flying. Novela Maven lets loose with the first. “What’s someone of her age doing with hair like that - she’s no spring chicken! CathyX and Marta chuckle.
Carmina clucks, “I’m telling you the truth, Elisa. You have to get ready for the wedding why don’t you do it here?” For some stupid reason Elisa takes the bait. Idiot. Carmina leaves Elisa to try on the dress.

Scene Two - Hotel L’Ermita
Someone is knocking on Gabino’s door. Gabino has a headache. It’s his misbegotten snot, Chente. Gabino is not happy to see his son and berates Vicente for leaving him alone. “What’s your problem stupid brat! I told you to take care of me while I was sleeping and what did you do? You went out and left me alone!” Gabs says that with all his enemies he was very vulnerable. Chente asks forgiveness and when Gabs notices that his evil spawn has his GUN Vicente tells him he took it for a reason. He threatened Ramona with the gun and she gave him the secret bullet-in-the-brain pain relieving herbal concoction.

Well, you gotta give it to the kid. He’s an enterprising little bastard. Gabino is sorta grateful and praises Vicente with this:

Thanks son, you’re a real Mendoza. Now that is a dubious complement if ever I have heard one. Chente warns Gabino not to take all the medicine at once, Ramona won’t make any more! Gabino chugs the red Thermos jug to the bottom and smacks his lips. Gabino wants to know the ingredients used by Ramona—they were herbs and other stuff.

Scene Three – Gael and Paloma’s House

Paloma nags at her husband, “Gael, get a move on or we’ll be late!” Just then Delores bursts in in her usual state of hysteria looking for Elisa. Elisa left on her wedding day without saying where she was going and Delores and Lucio can’t find her anywhere. Meanwhile, Gael slips quietly out the front door.

Scene Four – At the Blue House and at the Church
Elisa has tried on her mother’s wedding dress. It fits perfectly and I think she looks just lovely but she needs to do her hair. She tries to leave but discovers that the damn door is locked! Carmina taunts her as Elisa realizes she is trapped and tries to open the front door.

Over at the beautiful little church the kinder gentler Alfonsina stands with her hijo and greets the incoming wedding guests at the door. Elisa hasn’t arrived yet and Lucio is worried. Damian, oh he of little faith, mutters that he knoew that this could happen. Alfie takes Elisa’s side,

“No son, you can’t believe she’s going to stand you up.
Tell me mom, tell me what I must believe.” Oh Grow Up Damian. Alfie explains that she’ll be along. It’s complicated for chicks to get ready. Damian has his doubts.
At the Blue House Elisa is demanding to be let out and Carmina continues to gloat, tellin her to forget about the wedding. She’s going to drag Elisa down to the Pit. She demands that Carmina opens the door at this precise moment!

Outside, Gael the stalker has proved that stalkers can serve a valid function when one has been kidnapped. He yells, “Elisa, are you here!
"Yes, Gael! Gael, help me please, my aunt doesn’t want to let me go! Please help me!”

Gael comes in and Carmina gestures to Elisa, “There she is, dressed as bride, about to marry your brother. Look at her, aren’t you going to help me to stop this wedding?”
Gael says that she is right, Damian took Elisa away from me, now turnabout is fair play. Elisa screams to be let go while Gael manhandles her out of the house and onto the back of a conveniently saddled horse he just happens to have right there. They ride off together without Elisa’s horse.

Carmina goes back inside the house and freaks out when the ghost of Father Lupe appears. (He will always be Father Lupe to me.) She screams at the apparition, “Get out, get out!”

Alfredo Paloma-Hitchcock whoo-woo voice reminds the people on the Patio of the woohoowhew music we hear around Carmina. “Now you will notice a distinct lack of PLAID in this episode. Many of yourwill recognize Alfred Hitchcock’s use of plaid as a device to indicate a certain rustic quality in its wearer. The best example of this might be the plaid dinner jacket worn by the ill-fated gambler protagonist of the ‘Alfred Hitchcock Presents’ episode entitled, “A Dip In The Poole….”

At the Church
Damian greets Enrique and Florencia as they come in. Flo has a sympathetic face on as Damian scowls at his guest. She tells him not to be nervous and he tells her,
“I am not nervous but I’m rather worried about Elisa who hasn’t shown up anywhere.” Now he sees Paloma and Delores approach and asks them about Elisa’s whereabouts. Paloma doesn’t know and worse yet, she doesn’t know where Gael is either.

But have faith, dear readers. When a character like Gael suffers a complete change of personality on a routine basis, he could be anyone today! Today, he tells Elisa as they ride up to the Cenote, he is her savior in the disguise of her abductor. He tells Elisa to calm down as they dismount from the horsey. He abducted Elisa as a ruse it “so your aunt was calmed down. She wanted to stop your wedding no matter what and I had to make her believe I was with her.”
Elisa thanks Gael for kidnapping her from Carmina’s house. She swears that for the first time she saw something in Carmina’s face that froze her blood. Elisa was sure Carmina was going to kill her.

Gael smiles what seems to be a genuine smile and tells if her decision is to marry Damian, everybody including him has to respect her. But he wants her swear one last time to him that she has no doubts.

She swears that she is madly in love with Damian, and isconvinced that he’s the only man with whom she could be happy. Gael says, “Well, there’s nothing more to say, it’s more than clear, then let’s go, right? My brother must be desperate to know about his bride.” They head to the church where Damian is about to cancel the wedding.
Gael and Elisa ride up, Elisa dismounts and walks up to Damian announcing that she is there to be his wife. They have a few words and Damian accuses her of “Arriving by horse with Gael to take revenge on me for the way I prevented you from marrying him.”
Elisa replies, “No Damian, of course that was never my intention. I had a very serious problem with my aunt. Gael did something so I could get here and marry you. You should thank him!
Damian tells her, ”I’ll wait for you in the church.” Paloma and Dam’s ex-wife Flo walk up and offer to help Elisa get cleaned up in twenty minutes.

At Ramona’s Cabaña
Gabino and the Bad Seed break into Ramona’s house with the intention of getting her stash of secret herbs. Gabino orders Chente to “Focus and think well what she used, how many herbs she used, everything!”
Chente cannot remember, it was too many things. Once again Gabino berates him and tells him he is now, again, NOT a Mendoza. Chente claims he is starting to remember and they clean out Ramona’s herbs and potions.
“What! Think with your head idiot and tell me what she used,” says Gabino the loving dad. Chente replies that he is not sure, Ramona used too many things and Vicente was too nervous. They return to the Hotel with their booty and Gabs orders Chente to make another batch of the pain relief formula while he goes out and enjoys a few headache-free hours. When he gets back, Chente had better have the stuff ready. I guess if he doesn’t, once again Vicente will not be a Mendoza. Too bad.

A Long Awaited Wedding
A radiant Elisa has now gotten ready and Don Lucio walks her down the aisle. Lucio says, “Damian, I hand her to you forever, make her immensely happy.”
“With every second of my life,” replies Damian. The two lovebirds say their vows, the priest marries them, everybody in the audience is very happy, it’s all very sweet and the Bride and Groom kiss. Whew.

On the Patio of Lowered Expectations
The folks on the Patio smile, yawn, and feebly raise their glasses. This wedding has been a long time coming and not everyone is that interested in the ‘Main’ couple. At this moment, Alfredo Paloma-Hitchcock, stops the tape, taps the mike and raises his voice and captures everyone’s attention. “I am sure you will all remember one of Uncle Al’s most familiar tropes—his cameo appearances in many of his films. I have taken the liberty of ‘borrowing’ this action in the following scene.” All eyes are now on the screen. Sure enough, just as Damian and Elisa descend the church steps, Paloma-Hitchcock himself, in all his dovely glory is seen close up and for a couple of seconds.

The Wedding Party at Hacienda Arango

“Raise your glasses, please!” The wedding party is in full swing. Alfonsina’s doppelganger continues to smile and look very happy at Damian’s wedding. Everyone congratulates the happy couple, including Ramona, who pulls Damian aside.

Damian wants Ramona to tell him if his fate is finally being accomplished? Now Ramona puts on her portentous voice and says that a much stronger magic than her amulets will join him to Elisa forever. That’s god’s blessing. Ramona and he talk about Gael and Elisa being together at the cenote right before the wedding. Ramona thinks
Gael needed to say goodbye to Elisa, to finally leave her behind. Damian asks if she believes that is possible? Ramona wants to think that it is.
Dam and Elisa now have a spat and she walks off to the stable. They meet there, pull out their amulets (Elisa’s in in her cleavage) and they repeat their first kiss and make up in front of the horsey.

When they return, Alfonsina encourages them to have their first dance as man and wife. As they dance and murmur sweet nothings to one another, Carmina stalks down the long sidewalk toward the fountain and the Party.

“Whistling women and crowing hens always come to bad ends”, so says Sandy from TN as Carmina maks her grand entrance. "Good one", says EJ and RlaO agrees. Julia looks knowingly at Anon 207 and says, "You might want to begin a list."

“Your father must be rolling in his grave to know that you just married the son of Rosendo Arango!” Carmina gets in the first blow. Alfie orders her out of her house as Carmina was not invited to the party. But Carmina is on a roll and beginning to self-destruct. She points out that as Elisa’s only living relative she should have been invited.
Elisa is full of love and champagne and tells Carmina that she cannot ruin the night, Carmina turns of Alfie, “How could you let this happen, Alfonsina? Everybody knows that Elisa is the daughter of the woman who killed your husband. It’s Estefania’s fault that he died on the highway.

Ramona finally opens her mouth to say something worthwhile. “If you know what’s best for you, shut up and get back!” Carmina disrespects Ramona calling her ridiculous and old, but Ramona is on a roll! “Okay, since you insist on staying and talking about Mrs. Estefania and Sr. Rosendo, may they rest in peace, there’s something I want to clear up with you once and for all. Years ago, it was very criticized that you married Augusto Castañon a few days his wife died. And especially it caused amazement how quickly you allegedly got pregnant, because your son was born exactly at the 8th month.

Carmina accuses Elisa of ending her pregnancy (at 8 months) because “Elisa pushed me into to an empty pool.” Elisa denies this, in front of the whole town. “No! You know perfectly well that’s it’s not true, that you fell because you wanted to beat me!” A collective gasp from the crowd as truths come pouring out. Now Ramona jumps in to the conversation again. “Dr. Tovar is here, he can confirm that you were pregnant before you married Mr. Augusto, or am I wrong, doctor?”. Edmundo agrees with Ramona.

Carmina swears that Augusto and she were having an affair before Estefania died.
“That’s a vile lie, Carmina. I talked to Augusto one day d here he killed himself, and he made clear that there was never anything between you while he was still married to Estefania. And unfortunately he knew at the very end that the son you had wasn’t his.”
A strong, energized Elisa runs with this. “I want here, in front of Alfonsina and the whole town who always thought the worse of my mother for you make to clear—From whom did you get pregnant?” Don’t be silent, Carmina! Who was REALLY the father of the baby that died at the medical center?”
Carmina, looking trapped and sounding hysterical yells, “No, no, he didn’t die, he didn’t die. Elisa, you, you killed my son.”

Delores and Dr. Tovar both chime in. Tovar says the baby died of crib death.
Elisa moves in. Now she is on the attack, “Why don’t you answer, Tia? Why? In front of everybody make clear if the father of that baby was Rosendo Arango.

Now we inconveniently cut away for a second to Gael and Paloma at home. Paloma asks Gael why he left the party early? He replies that he needed to think, he needed to be alone.

“Forgive me, Paloma,” says Gael. She asks, “Does it hurt you so much to see your brother married to Elisa? No. Today I decided to leave behind everything I felt one day for Elisa.

I know I have to tear Elisa out of my soul, and I swear I won’t continue hurting you. Just tell me how I tell my heart to see you differently?” Paloma answers, “Don’t force it, just spend more time with us, with us, Gael. Is that so hard? Elisa is your brother’s w now, and me, I’m your wife, I’m yours, I’m yours Gael, I’m yours.

Back to the Party
Alfonsina says, “There are those gossips that say the father the your son was my husband.” Carmina yells, “The father of my son was Augusto Castañon. Elisa pushes home the point, “Why did my Father marry you days after my mother died? That’s why you told him I didn’t carry his blood. What else, what else did you tell him to convince him? Only that you could give him his son? And the worst of all is that the only baby you had wasn’t even his!”

Carmina, “What about the tickets?” Alfie replies, “Long ago I learned that the tickets given to me by Gabino were fakes.” Elisa to Carmina, “Annswer this! Why did my Mother lock you in your room? I remember you had your luggage packed. It was to prevent you from leaving with Rosendo! Now Damian jumps in, “And I wasn’t confused when I was a kid and I saw someone leave the Blue House. It was my father. And later I saw you leave the same house! You own that house, Carmina, you cannot deny it!”

Lucio jumps in, “It’s a lie that Estefania left the house to you, because my niece and I found out from Public Records that the house has only had two owners, you and Rosendo.”

“Lies, all lies,” screams the Tangelo-ho! You will pay for this I swear that all of you will regret this!”

But Ramona gets the last word, “The time to talk is come. We cannot escape our destiny, let alone the truth, for one always arrives, sooner or later. Finish your lies or I will do it for you.”

The screen goes blank. Alfredo Paloma-Hitchcock ruffles his feather up a bit and preens a bit.  “Any comments on tonight’s capitulo?” he queries.

The folks on the Patio release their collective breath. And the babble of avian feedback  begins, “Did you see that? Carmina was mad as a wet hen!” “Ramona had her eagle eye on Carmina, tonight.” “I thought that Elisa was a s happy as a chicken in a corn patch.” “I think getting Gael to forget Elisa will be harder than putting socks on a Hawk.” “That Gabino thinks he’s the cock of the walk.” “I think Gael is going to end up hen pecked.”

More comments anyone?



Hello everyone.
I'll be joining you later in the morning PST but for now, please have at it. Don't forget to add your birdie metaphors.

This one took a while to write becuase there was so much wrap up material I couldn't really summarize and do the Capitulo justice. I am tired and so it is not edited. Please enjoy the recap in this raw form and perhaps I can edit and spellcheck in the morning.

What an episode!

Your birdbrained amiga,


Wow EJ!! you had a DOOZY of an episode!! much more entertaining than i would have expected...

Gael's about face... believable?... well, that's debatable... either way Mark did a wonderful job with some facial expression nuances to let us know that Gael was 'faking' it right from the get go when he showed up at the blue house...
So he did his best to make this believable...

more comments when i actually read the recap... again, in advance, what an episode!


on this line..
'You should forgive him for what happened between us.”
i think she said stte of 'THAT you WOULD forgive him for what happened between us' (Carmina is in disbelief that even when she made Elisa believe something happened at the cenote, Elisa would go forward with the wedding)

elna june - thank you for the recap. Yet another 'feather' in your cap. ;-)
This truly was a Hitchcockian type episode. Bizarre, if you ask me.

What brought about Gael's about-face??? Did I miss something??? That seemed rather....odd.

Doc T said Carmina's baby died of … crib death? I thought she lost her baby when she fell into the empty swimming pool, and the fall caused the death of the unborn child. Is my memory really this bad?

Even my husband is freaked out that there was a 'boda' and it's not the Por Fin episode. He asks, "Isn't that breaking a telenovela rule???" (BwaHahahahaaa)

I am so over this telenovela and the lame script writing. See y'all at the PoLE for margaritas.


Loved: Oh Grow Up Damian. Alfie explains that she’ll be along. It’s complicated for chicks to get ready. Damian has his doubts.

She screams at the apparition, “Get out, get out!” (she also said something to the effect of ‘and if your bastard son has deceived me, you all will pay dearly!’)

Now you will notice a distinct lack of PLAID in this episode.(yeah here and in the Loopy funeral… except for Gabino of course

(this is right after Elisa tells Dam that Gael only helped her get there to marry him)
D: So it turns out that I need to be thankful to him??
E: Know what? If you don’t believe me, that is your problem!!
D: ok… I trust you… but please.. PLEASE, don’t do anything else to break this trust.
E: if any of us here has no right to demand any explanations, it is you…
D: What do you mean?
E: I know perfectly what you did and who you did it with..
D: I will wait for you at the church…
(Nope, nope… That marriage is not starting on the right foot… In real life I would have given this marriage about 30 mins of life.)

Meanwhile, Gael was very calm and patient with Paloma’s new tantrum:
P: Do you know how I am looking in front of everyone with this new prank of yours?
I am your wife!... what were you doing with Elisa?... don’t touch me!... where were you?
G: That is the least important detail.. I will explain later.. the important thing is that she is here now to marry Dam.
(Nope, realistically I would have given THIS couple about an hour)

So we have Braulio and Lolita as padrinos de arras, and Gael and Paloma as padrinos de lazo… have to say the wedding was very sweet and beautiful… even Gael and Paloma’s smiles to each other were realistic… even with the shaky preamble.
I also liked Dam’s response to Lucio’s request to make her happy… ‘every second of my life’.


Doris, 'muerte de cuna' is sudden infant death syndrome...
i remember DrT telling Carmina that the baby was fine, even though her fall made her go into early labor... (the baby being fine when she fell belly first into a concrete pool is ... ODD to begin with... but that is what he said about the baby.. SIDS)

I actually like the fact that the wedding happened BEFORE the villains are dealt with... it is very different than most novelas where the wedding doesn't happen until the villains are disposed of.

Elna June, high, delightful drama. This was creative, and all around sensational. Hitchcock? "The sloping forehead, prominent beak, receding chin and thick double chin. He pauses, holding the pose and waiting for our recognition" was perfect.

There were simply far too many wonderful lines to note so I pared my favorites down to: "...this work has been a collaborative and inter-species effort, one I could not have completed without the creativity and lateral thinking of our simian writers" and "misbegotten snot".

Marta, ITA, Gael's transformation from stalker to supportive BIL was a stretch, to be sure. But Mark pulled it off. Let's hope happier times are ahead...

My favorite was the all too brief reappearance of Padre Lupe. How to inspire trembling fear without saying a word.

I loved the writers putting Carmina on display in front of everone at Hacienda Arango. Will she spill or will Ramona do it for her?

Gabino has done some strange things but having his demonic spawn prepare his treatment may be the dumbest. No spoiler but I can't wait to see what the little reprobate conjures up. I am sure it will be some vile concoction to do (even more) damage.

When David Z. gives an understated performance, speaking quietly and flashes that sweet, semi-smile, I understand why he may be one of the best galans around. We are finally seeing some chemistry with Angelique - high time.

Doris, I think Carmina's baby survived the fall without substantial injury and did indeed die of crib death but let's see what others say.

EJ, thanks again!


Elisa and Dam continue to start their marriage on the wrong foot:
E: Why are you looking at me like that?
D: You said Gael went to pick you up, but someone saw you two at the cenote. Do you want to tell me what you and Gael were doing at the Cenote?
E: Don’t worry, we did not do anything of what you are used to doing there.
D: I don’t’ like your attitude… I don’t know how long I will take that …
E: don’t worry, remember this ‘deal’ won’t last longer than 2 yrs. We will divorce and that’s that.
D: Can you pls stop talking about divorce? We just got married.
E: Yeah but this marriage is no more than a contract, let me remind you..
D: (grabs her rough) not a deal, we are now married, you are mine, Elisa… my wife. You better get used to that.
E: can you let me go? Everyone is looking… mi amorcito… (she walks away toward the stable, he has an instant migraine… while we listen to ‘por debajo de la mesa’ music in the background, that is a beautiful song, love the interpret by Luis Miguel especially)

(it was so funny when Gabino and Chente came back to the hotel room and as Gabino
was pulling the herbs and jars out of the bag, he ,kept trepeating ‘que asco!(YUCK!!))

It was a good detail that Alfie told Ramona ‘you are welcome at my hacienda’. And Ramona respectfully acknowledging it.

Right as Dam/Elisa started dancing (to the tune of Besame Mucho), Gael mumbles ‘goodbye Elisa’ and walks away. Paloma thinks the worse and follows him shortly after…
(Ok, stop the presses! Is it me or did Paloma have a magic HUGE pendant that appeared and disappeared from her cleavage from one scene to the next? She had it when Gael/Elisa arrived at the wedding, then in this moment she doesn’t have it… when she gets home and has her ‘talk’ with Gael, the HUGE pendant that matches her earrings is back!!… hmmm! I want one of those!)

just spend more time with us, with us, (the second ‘with us’ was feminine, since Ramona has told her the baby she is expecting is a girl…)

Talk about a team effort to unwrap the evil deeds of Tangel-Ho: Elisa, Ramona, Lolita, DrT, Alfie, Lucio and Dam himself!... (And Ramona didn’t even tell the infamous ‘last words’ of Stefie) Ramona does put the final nail.. ‘you can’t escape your destiny, the truth sooner or later surfaces’.

ROFLOL on: “I think getting Gael to forget Elisa will be harder than putting socks on a Hawk.” “That Gabino thinks he’s the cock of the walk.” “I think Gael is going to end up hen pecked.”

All in all, a rather odd… but very entertaining ep…


ita about David Z's quiet 'charm' ... you could tell when he let Elisa and Alfie walk toward the dance floor first even after Alfie had grabbed Elisa's hand and his... bue he let go of her hand and pointed his hand as the universal gesture 'ladies first'. i bet he is a very detail-oriented gentleman, regardless of any other details of his personal life.

Good work, Elna June.

Yes, Carmina fell into the drained pool while chasing Elisa. It made me think of Rosario falling halfway down the stairs in Mi Pecado. Despite the fall (yes, belly first) the baby was alright at birth, then died of SIDS shortly thereafter. Elisa was in the room and Carmina took advantage of that to accuse her of killing the baby.

It was totally appropriate to unmask the TangelHo in front of virtually the entire town like that. If this were a period piece she would be run out of town.

I was hoping that Ramona would mix up something toxic to rid us of Gabino, but now I think his stupid bad seed will do that.

Oh Elna June...Have to respond with a music metaphor rather than an avian one. "Nooooobody does it better, noooobody does it half as good as you..."

That was so fine. Love the Hitchcockian theme, all the bird proverbs (did you make some of them up, clever girl?), and like my good friend Diana, got a special zing about of "misbegotten snot Chente." That says it all.

Now about the episode: Didn't Alfonsina look smashing in her wedding finery and hair in a chignon? Too much bright pink lipstick on her at the reception, but otherwise, simply gorgeous. Of course the softer, gentler look on her face helped immensely as well.

On Elisa's wedding finery: I kept thinking, as I watched her slip out of those shorts and into the dress-- Dang, it's clearly hot. She rode over on a horse. She's got to smell of girl sweat and horse sweat. I mean, the aroma of a horse stays with you after a ride.... big-time. And all she's worried about is a little hair work and some make-up to get ready? 'Scuse me but I sure didn't see a bathtub in that church.

Oh well, sorry to get off track, aromatically speaking. A strange episode, but very interesting. And an awesome recap! Who cares about proof-reading? Simply great.

That was a gorgeous bridal gown. I took flamenco lessons for eight years and always loved the dresses and skirts associated with it. Alfonsina's coiffure and fashion were very elegant, also.

I also doubt the cenote is that far away from the church.

What gets me is how informal Gael was dressed. I've seen this before and it bugs me.


Okay, crib death it was. Thanks marta and Diana. My memory does not serve me well on this; another problem with novela extensions.....

Elisa was beautiful as a bride. She was also beautiful the night before, when Dam gave her the engagement ring. Elisa really 'cleans up well', as we say down South here. ;-)

EJ - I got "goose"bumps reading about the entrance of our patio visitor. What a delightful recap and who knew you were so well versed in avian sayings?

I LOL'd the most at "Julia looks knowingly at Anon207 and says 'you might want to begin a list'" Hahaha!

I love mention of Chente as The Bad Seed, one of my favorite all-time favorite movies. Your disgust for him came through, and we agree!

We've been waiting months for everyone to spout out what they know. Por fin!


ITA with I was hoping that Ramona would mix up something toxic to rid us of Gabino, but now I think his stupid bad seed will do that.
and also with Gael's lack of 'formal wardrobe' or reluctance to dress more formally even though he clearly should be able to afford it now.

Rosemary, ita with the fact that our whole patio has been waiting for quite a while for the teamwork unmasking of Carmina we finally got to watch last night.

we are still missing the final ghost appearance... i bet Cesar Evora was just busy and could not tape an appearance of Rosie...

Oh my - thank you thank you EJ for giving this slock some humor. Hey, I'm always happy to fall back to my old college days and play bartender!!(Saved me from having to watch too much of the episode. And everyone needed something to get through this.)

as for the wedding so early, hey, maybe even the monkeys and Big Al realized not too many folks even care anymore about the two main dimwits getting finally hitched. Bring on the good stuff- Carmina and Gab's comeuppance. Only reason we've hung on. (Oh, and take Chente with them, somehow, someway).

As for Gael's "realization" and letting go of Elisa which makes us believe now all will be well with Pal... Horse hockey. He is truly his father's son, not Dam. Miserable marriage, will devote his time to work and his child. But I'm sure they will show a fast-forward with everyone smiling as babies are born. Poor kids.

Get your drink orders in early tonight.


ej - per the aviary theme ...

- Who hatched this bird-brained plot?
- I will learn to never put all my eggs in one basket, as far as a telenovela goes.
- The writers have been winging it, trying to make an extension work, and all we got is chicken feed.
- The 'yolk' has been on us, for sure.
- My brain is scrambled from trying to keep up with the abismo de tontería.
- All of Carmina's chickens are coming home to roost. Finally!
- Carmina is just like a pigeon, and we know what pigeons do best (and are famous for).
- I hope Carmina, Chente, and Gabs get eggs-actly what they deserve.
- Viewerville is cackling over the silliness.
- To which telenovela will we migrate, when this turkey is over?


daisynjay - we should have named this Abismo de 'horse hockey'.

EJ- This was just masterful, and hilarious!

Marta- Thanks for giving us some of the conversation details between Elisa and Dam. I also kept thinking as they had their childish conversations pre a post altar, that the only way this marriage will work is on a wing and a prayer...

They both looked great though, and so did all their guests. Elisa looked beautiful.

Daisynjay and Doris- Horse hockey exactly sums up my feelings about Gael's sudden transformation. But as was pointed out, he changed from Good Gael to Bad Gael just as quickly before, so why not?!

Doris, great list!
my favs:
- The 'yolk' has been on us, for sure.
- All of Carmina's chickens are coming home to roost. Finally!

i for one will take a break from tns after Abismo and Refugio are over, at least until the comedy with Colunga and Blanca Soto begins. hopefully this will not follow refugio, i really need a break at least until beg 2013

UA, i have to agree with the dress being gorgeous, and even matching with our aviary theme (it looked like a white peacock when the train was spread out! LOL!)

OT: have to share this... watching Price is right and everyone is in costume... a heavy (understated) construction worker dressed guy just made it on stage and gives Drew a bear hug... Drew's reaction?
man! the Village People really have let themselves go!.

Carmina's goose is cooked. Ditto for Gabino.

Or a fantail pigeon.

Yet another feather in your cap, my brilliant friend. Your story-telling artistry takes wing and soars. Because of your ability to egg on the auteur, at last I have come to understand Alfie's temperament -- she is modeled after her creator and namesake (in his mind's eye, that is; and since he is a birdbrain...)

Thank you for another flight into the interspecies creative process. You may recall we began this journey in Fresno (but there the less-evolved improvisational method yielded only chirps, grunts and monosyllables. ¿Qué?)

So now that the flock has made like the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and sung its heart out and the Big Lie has been exposed; and ugly duckling Gael has unaccountably been transformed into a beautiful swan in a short-sleeved Poindexter shirt; and our Love Birds have paired off as Guadalupe so desired -- now we have four days (and five episode hours) to make public exactly Who Killed Cock Robin.

That's a lot of episodes, folks. How do you say "Time Leap" in pidgin Spanish?

I am hoping that whatever herbal concoction Chente mixes up for Gabs will be fatal. (such compassion, no?)
This would again provide TeleRisa with a major PSA opportunity regarding the dangers of messin' with herbs. After all, we saw what happened to Sabrina, who drank the KoolAid ... tea.

I really, really, really want a satisfying end for Gabs & Carmina!
I have a bad feeling Chente will get off the hook and not suffer much in the way of consequences.

*%#@! I just watched this episode and my recording cut off the last 10 minutes so I didn't even get to see the murder of crows encircling Carmina! Again, may I say *%#@!? Hopefully, it will replay at the beginning of tonight's show.

Oh, how I love a TN wedding! I rewound the couples walking down the aisle and loved watching the crowd.
-Maru snagged a date to the wedding with Lucio
-Horacio and Lolita looked adorable walking down the aisle.
-Gael actually smiled at Paloma
-Elisa looking playful during the vows (where has *that* cute Elisa been?)

But, the one that made my eyes water:
-Gael giving Damian a brotherly-love shoulder squeeze

I loved the visual of Gael returning Elisa to Damian on a horse juxtaposed with when Damian stole off with Elisa on a horse.


Thanks for this wonderful recap, Elna June. I won't get to see this or tonight's episode until tomorrow afternoon because the Lovely Linda and I are in Austin to visit my Spanish Profa, the Adorable Adriana. Last night we enjoyed a great meal at La Fonda San Miguel (I had the cochinita pibil) and tonight we all are attending the Leonard Cohen concert.

Thanks to you (with Marta's supplemental translations), I have a perfect picture of what transpired.

Judy, I must admit that two of my three favorite scents are girl sweat and horse sweat. The third is ether.

Unless I've overlooked a scene, there is another missing ghost that I'm eager to see... the ethereal Kenia. Gee, I really miss that girl.

So both Gael and Alfonsina are getting their ducks in a row? Not surprised at all by Alfy but reading about Gael's retransformation threw me for a loop.



Rosemary, ita about the shoulder squeeze of Gael's for Dam when they put the 'lazo' on them..
and immediately after that Lucio's face of satisfaction watching the 'brothers' finally acting as such...
Also, was that a flip fan in Lolita's hand as she walked in the wedding?

Yay! Our resident storyteller blessed us with another classic. I didn't want to count my chickens last night but I was sure we would get an EJ Masterpiece. And this was a hell of an episode. Wow. But crib death? I thought the kid died when Carmina did a belly flop in the empty pool. Oh, thanks Marta, UA and Diana, I just read your comments. I guess I have heard Carmina's bird-brained lies for so long I started to believe them.

I was cool with the pre-finale wedding. After all, a bird in the hand is worth two in the...never mind. And even though the wedding is a, ahem, "business arrangement" Dam and Elisa could not hide their utter joy and love for each other.

It was fun watching Carmina run around like a chicken with her head cut off, especially now that Gabino has blown their little nest egg.

Bwahahahaaaa! I definitely noticed Paloma-Hitchcock during the wedding. I just didn't recognize him at the time.

OMG I haven't thought about A Dip In The Poole in years. Plaid, cenotes, dips, dips***ts, it all fits together!

Lupe sighting! Well yes, Lupe will always be Padre to us, especially if he keeps popping up in his cassock. Actually, I think that's how we know it was Carmina's imagination. If it was really P. Lupe paying a visit from the great beyond he would have been wearing his white suit.

Thanks EJ. Your recap is brilliant.

Novela Maven, hee, your comment is too much fun.

JudyB, I thought both Paloma and Alfonsina were the stunners at the wedding. Paloma looked gorgeous in that blue color and Alfonsina, with her amazing posture and terrific figure, was really the belle of the ball.

R la O, I also really liked the brotherly shoulder squeeze. Last night it felt like the original writing team came back and let the kids revert back to their original characters.

What an awesome recap! I love the birdbrain thematic framing of the story.

Gabino is really getting desperate and stupid. Chente suddenly says, "Oh, sure! I know what she put in it! ...herbs...and stuff from jars!" Now that sounds like a solid recipe. I can make my own super-high-power brain-bullet pain potion now. Carlos, did you write it down to use in your medical practice?

The wedding was in the chapel at Hacienda Arango, so I hope Elisa took advantage of one of the bathrooms in the house to wash up.

I don't know how Elisa thinks she's fooling Dam with this 2-year not-quite-marriage bit. If she really meant to divorce him, she wouldn't have married him in the church, would she? I like that they got married before the finale, but don't like that they're married and still lying and not trusting each other. Neither of them has shown any character growth.

Thank you for this recap! I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I knew right away when Gael went to the Blue House that he really was going to help Elisa. He sure fooled Carmina.

Elisa is really birdbrained if she herself believes that she wants to eventually divorce Damian. I liked his line of "We just got married!"

Looks like the night was Carmina vs. LaE. She can't win that one.

Hi, All:

Thanks so much for the comments, especially from Marta! Super Marta you outdid yourself by adding in the missing pissiness conversations between Dam and Elisa. Now our readers have a complete view of what took place on the day of the big boda.I confess, those conversations bored me and so I did not translate them.

Doris, I would be delighted to sit with you and share a margerita on PoLE. Your husband is funny and he is right—this boda and the denunciation are too early in the story per classic TN rules. What are we going to do for the next FIVE hours of the show? That is an eon in Gran Final time.

Diana, you are unfailingly gracious. Thank you for your kind words. Do I remember that you are somewhere in the path of the storm? I hope you are safe and well.

Urban Anthropologist, I share your hope that the Bad Seed will mix up something that make his Papa's head blow-up. A large brain explosion WOULD get the bullet out. Also, on a serious front, I seem to recall that you live in our beloved NYC. I have thought of you often in the last few days.Do tell us that you and your lovely fur-babies are safe and sound.

JudyB: You sweetheart! You flatter me, and from you—I love it. Thank you so much. In this telenovela, when logic has been shunted aside and the absurd is the norm, my birdbrained flights into magical realism seem perfectly natural. Writing chimps, doves who direct TV series—these things make sense to me in this context. Oh, I am not fooling you am I? I live in a world of magical realism every day! Big smile.

RlaO: Por fin is right! Last night's murder of crows scene was a real treat, wasn't it?

And to all who loved the wedding hairdos and sartorial splendor, ITA. Alfie was stunning, Elisa was beautiful,Paloma was lovely as were Maru and Delores. Damian was fab in the dove-grey morning suit. But why were Maru and Alfie wearing the same hot pink opaque lipstick???



On another note, it must have been very hot the day they filmed this. Inside the church everyone was working their fans overtime and Elisa had a sheen of sweat on her face after the horsey ride that looked quite real. The wedding dress was gorgeous but man it must have been hot!

DaisynJay:Oh, yeah, Gael is Rosendo's son for sure. Who knew you were a bartender in college? ñMy drink order is for a San Francisco Boilermaker—Double shot of Jameson Irish Whiskey with an Anchor Steam beer back. I need the strong stuff for the last few hours of TN delight.

Novela Mave: The recap was riddled with typos and grammos but I did have fun with the imagination. Thank you for commenting.

And yes, Alfie is Alfredo's namesake. ¿Perfecto, no?

Doris: great list! I LOL. Judy asked me if I made up some of the avian metaphors. Actually I did a quick troll of the 'Net and picked my list from other writers. It is pretty amazing how often we use bird metaphors to make a point.


Elna June, we're fine. Carmen and Figaro went a little nuts the day before it started but slept through it all.

No damage in my zip code that I know of; my nabe wasn't even mentioned on the news. My Manhattanite friends are out of reach, though, and I couldn't get my cousin in North Carolina on the phone.

I wonder how much harder it will be to get a job during the aftermath.

How did Damian not die of heatstroke in that 3-piece suit? He's often wearing heavy jackets and all when everyone else is in crochet booty shorts and barely-there tops. Is he a robot?

I don't get that, either. It reminds me of the missionaries in Michener's Hawaii who put on long underwear under wool clothes in October because that is what they always did in New England.

It was a relief to see an absence of plaid.

Thanks, EJ! What a hoot!

It reminded me of The Thornbirds, when Meg and that guy she married moved to Darwin, where it was super hot and muggy, and she was miserably wearing her full-coverage dresses and stockings and all and the native women were wearing loose, shorter, short-sleeve cotton dresses with bare legs, and Meg was all sniffy "I can't believe they're looking at me like *I'M* the one who isn't properly dressed, the heathens!"

How did Damian not die of heatstroke in that 3-piece suit?
yeap, at least Elisa wore her mother's dress and it fit her perfectly... (a bit of a custom in novelas, i remember seeing this same thing in ACA where the bride has to go get her mother's gown from a drawer because her friend's gown was soaked in blood at last minute.)
anyway, this wedding happened within a week of them deciding to get married. is there a "David's bridal' or stte in LaErmita? or did Alfie have access to the internet to order the suit for Dam?

I agree with everyone else that Paloma, Alfie and Elisa did look stunning (even with Paloma's magic necklace glass pendant). I have to say dark colors (navy blue and black) look great on Blanca Guerra with her being so fair skinned with black hair... also Paloma looks great in solid saturated colors (similar to myself) and Elisa looks great in white with her tan on (as does Gael, even though i agree he was radically under-dressed for the event.)


Carlos, you are right! Kenya was another ghost with no appearances (still working on her wings?)

One thing I have noticed when visiting Mexico is that there are really a lot of wedding dress shops there, so maybe it is a lot easier to buy something at the last minute, off the rack, than it is here. Maybe we just assume Dam and Elisa went shopping in Merida. Or, of course, Mom's dress is always still stylish and fits perfectly.

It's a good thing I'm not a telenovela heroine. I would never wear my mother's 70s wedding dress. It is UGLY, and probably wouldn't fit me anyway.

I agree with Marta: breaky breaky from TN time when Abismo & Refuio end. Looking forward to see Colunga in a comedy-like TN.

Elisa's wedding dress: Stunning!!

I will say this: the actress portraying Carmina can play the psycho-b***h to the hilt.

From what I recall about Carmina's baby's birth:

Elisa was playing with the baby clothes. Carmina caught her and tried to beat her. Elisa ran away towards the empty pool. Carmina tried to snatch Elisa but tripped and fell belly first into the pool.

Carmina had the baby...the early birth was attributed to falling into the pool. The baby seemed fine at first. Carmina left the room, Elisa was in the room, Carmina came back and the baby was dead. Carmina then accused Elisa of killing the baby.

Augusto was at the cemetery (burying the baby) and Gabino rode up on the horse and told Augie that Carmina's baby wasn't his, but that of someone close to him.

Yay, Carlos!

Next time you visit Austin, check out the Chiles en Nogada at Manuel's. There are two Manuel's - one downtown, and one near the Arboretum. Also, their Campechana is a fabulous seafood appetizer.

Thanks much EJ, that was hilarious!

EJ thanks for this smashing recap! The addition of the birds, also the name of a film that terrified me as a young child, was splendid.

Sylvia: Do you remember 'A Dip In the Poole'??? What a funny 'Alfred Hitchcock Presents' epi that was. Somehow my mind connected the plaid in AdP with the horrible plaid dinner jacket worn by Keenan Wynne in that episode. From there on the theme was obvious, espcially when there was a non sequitur two-second shot of a dove in the middle of the capitulo. Only a birdbrained Hitchcok relative could have Directed this telenovela.Thanks for commenting, Sylvia.

Vivi: So glad you enjoyed the recap.
On an unrelated note, do you have power? I sure hope so.

Julia: Your praise is praise indeed. It's funny that you mention all the bridal boutiques in Mexico! I had nver really thought about it but they are ubiquitous!

Blue, TF and the Anons:
Thanks for checking in.

Carlos: I hope you and the lovely Linda have a great time in Austin. It is one of my favorite towns in Texas—so beautiful. Enjoy a little extra food for me, would you?

Audrey and Karen: so glad you dropped by. Karen, 'The Birds' was filmed just a few miles from here, in the hamlet of Bodega. I still think that was one of the scariest movies ever.

And speaking of scary stuff, Happy Halloween y Dia de los Muertos to all.


Not messing around huh EJ? No fancy margarita's, just going for the straight stuff? You got it.

(And trust me, I often wonder why my job gets especially stressful whether I should seriously think of renewing that bartenders license...)

There's an anonymous comment that should be deleted at 2:23pm.

EJ, what can I say that hasn't been said already? So I will kill two birds with one stone and say great job with the bird comments in the recap.

EJ- I got off easy with the storm. Power intact and Mon-Tuesday at home. Today, it's back to the office.

Cesar Evora is busy playing bad guy Dionisio Ferrer on Amor Bravio.

EJ, yes I do remember A Dip in the Poole, based on a short story by Roald Dahl, but I haven't thought about it in years. I'm amazed at how your mind works. I used to love watching Alfred Hitchcock Presents and I still enjoy watching his films. I can never drive through Bodega Bay without thinking of The Birds.


daisynjay - you had to have a license to be a bartender? DH tended bar in graduate school, he never mentioned a license. I'll have to ask him.

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