Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Abismo de pasión #146 10/10/12: maybe we should skip the honeymoon altogether, he's not that into ANYTHING....except fighting DamHotInYellow

Elisa’s ‘chilindrina’ WHAAA!! WHAAAA!! skid on Lolita… ‘Dam won’t trust me, I have never been anyone’s but his!’...yada yada. Lolita worried Elisa does not cry anymore (I am not so sure that is a bad thing… well, yeah, only on Elisa) Elisa swears she won’t be at peace until she clears her mother’s name… Lolita warns her she’s sacrificing her happiness for something she might never accomplish. Elisa can’t stay status quo.
Dam comes over to toast the ‘snappy couple’. Gael keeps playing role of happy bunny and sarcastically says ‘I hope your wishes come true’. Paloma walks away to greet DrT’s patients. Gael reminds Dam of his promise and threatens Dam not to break it. .Dam says sorry, deal is off. I came and handed Elisa over to you on silver platter… and to my surprise you married Pal instead. I still don’t get it (no, Dam, you would NEVER get it). Gall has to bring him up to speed in the fact that he boinked Pal while engaged to Elisa and that ‘slippery slope’ of his had consequences. Dam says it makes sense now that Elisa is so upset. She feels betrayed by you. Gall has the nerve to say ‘nope, she can’t stand that I am marrying Pal and not her’.
Lo Nuevo:
Dam says sorry but now you are married and I am single. So I am going after the half eaten candy bar you left behind.
At hacienda, Tonia so happy to see Alfie back. Alfie whines that Tonia gives her too much info… like Dam is still at his bro’s wedding… then that they arrested BeGoneYa for hiring someone to kill Paolo… that Paolo was about to rot out there… that Flo is still in town.. Tonia says Flo must be so sad, she first lost her dad and now lost her uncle. Alfie says Paolo is not a loss anyone will cry a river about, Guido’s death was much more important.
Back at wedding, Ramona and Lupe discuss their same ol’ subject. Ramona: ‘since you had to tell one truth, why not throw the rest of the baker’s dozen secrets’. Lupe rebuttes that saying he is not the only one keeping quiet on some truths. Ramona says Pal cannot find out who is her father, some truths destroy people. She reminds him she feels guilty of Augie’s death.. yada yada. Lupe repeats his usual response, ‘you will feel better when you spill the beans on Stefie/Rosie/Carmina’. Again, Ramona says WHY DON’t YOU?
Carito and DrT… seems she has been drinking quite a bit… DrT is behaving like a pure gentleman… Carito feels bad and faints right before his eyes. HE won’t let Elisa go with him to take Carito to the Centro de Salud.
At Merida police station, BeGoneYa throws her ‘pittiful me’ act to Enrique.. Enrique seems willing to give Dam some good competition on who will be more of an idiot to his mother’s ‘I am the victim’ speeches. Enrique tells her she is not arrested, she was brought here only to be questioned on the murder.
At Centro de Salud Carito wakes up, DrT lets her know that during his checking her out he discovered she had had a mastectomy (breast cancer surgery) and asks her when she had her last chemotherapy. That is surely why her body immune system is weakened. Carito gets really upset/angry, ‘you had no right!!’ SLAP!!!
Back to wedding… Paloma announces it is time to throw the bouquet… Lolita goes to grab Maru to go stand with the women. Elisa goes too, and she convinces Flo to go along. Do it for Pal. Of course Elisa gets the ‘prize’ and before she can realize what she has in her hands, she has Dam behind her ‘see? I told you so! You are going to lose that bet.’
Back to Hacienda, Alfie is worried, Dam is taking too long (as if he were 5 years old and went to town alone). A little while later she gets a surprise/scary visitor… Horacio came to check why she has not stopped by the cemetery. Still interested in messing with Gabino? Alfie seems to trust Gabino won’t harm her anymore. Horacio not so sure. Alfie sends him back, promising she will visit him when she feels better. Tonita comes by and could swear she was talking to someone. Alfie says no, I am still waiting for them. Tonia looks at her like not totally buying it.
Back at wedding, Paloma urges Dam to get going on marrying Elisa. Dam congrats Paloma on expecting. Pal teases Elisa with ‘you are getting married… you got the bouquet’… Pal tells Elisa she feels like in a dream. Elisa hugs her, notices Gael looking at her and Elisa intentionally puts the bouquet to block his seeing her face.
At quinta, Gabino arrives. Throws himself on couch. Carmina comes in, he asks her ‘where the heck were you?’ Carmina can’t believe his nerve. He wants her to cook for him. She says you know the way to the kitchen. If you want me to play a woman who waits on you and cooks for you you must be very sick in the head. Gabino starts to leave, she says no no no wait… Gabino plays like he is willing to please her and stay, but he walks away… again, Carmina is alone.
At wedding, Lucio has loaned the truck to Gael again. They are all smiles… Lucio wishes them all the best. Asks Pal to be VERY Patient with her hard headed hubby. IF he does not behave let me know and I will smack him over the head. Elisa also greets and wishes the best for the couple. Elisa reminds Gael he promised to make Pal happy. Dam also came to say goodbye. Warns Gael the road to Cancun is good but still drive carefully. He embraces Gael and tells him he wishes them all the happiness. Ramona warns Gael to take care of Paloma. Dr T arrives in time to say goodbye to the newlyweds. Paloma asks him how Carito is… well, just needs rest… Pa’padre also arrives in time to say goodbye… gives them one final speech of the life as a couple is not easy, but love is a splendor thing. After all ‘you are always with what/who you love’. Wherever I am I will always look out for you, and come see me if you need me for anything. Gael is thankful to him. Gael calls him padre, Loopy asks to be called Guadalupe, Gael says no, you will always be my papa’padre. ((ANVIL ALERT!!! THIS GOODBYES ARE VERY VERY VERY SCARY!!!)) and FINALLY!!! They are on their way! (Gael did not open the door for Pal… strike one, Gael!! But you stroke out for all 27 outs already, man!!)
Braulio sees his house, newly decorated by Lolita… they get smoochy talking about this being what they both dreamed years ago, her being the only woman he ever really loved, and still being in time to see it through, she wants to show him the rest of the house before they get too clingy… well, once in bedroom after a quick approval, they kiss passionately, he manages to stop and tell her it is getting late… but she won’t let him stop now that she has him where she wants him… she has always been ‘tu mujer’ FINALLY!!!
Carmina is ready for bed… again hears noises… comes out of bedroom to investigate. When she comes out to kitchen she notices a broken glass thing on floor… she grabs a huge knife and takes it with her to bedroom.
Dam and Loopy finally arrive home… She could not sleep … Loopy not willing to witness another of her ‘scenes’. He is more willing to hug her and say he his glad she is finally back home… in HER home. HE goes away to rest. She tells Loopy she is glad he is finally living with them ‘this is your house’.
Dam warns ALfie that Elisa did not marry Gael, and although she still does not dance to his tune, he won’t stop until she marries him. Alfie starts to confront his will… He is not willing to yield anymore. ‘Elisa already won the war on you’. ‘if you put me between the sword and the stone and make me decide, you know which choice I will make. I already lived the life you chose for me. I grew up very far from me. I married the woman you chose for me. And everything turned out awful. So now I will live my own life whether you agree with it or not.
At Cancun hotel… Gael seems to be ok with Paloma… even pleases her when she asks him to carry her through door ‘como en las peliculas’ (as in the movies). But once they are in balcony, she gets all excited about the luxuries of the hotel, never been away from LaErmita, then she wants to get steamy and he doesn’t. He almost goofs saying ‘its been a hard day’. When she asks him why, he says for all the events of the day…Again she tries to get steamy and again she is turned down. THE JERK wants to shower and go to sleep. He leaves her there alone, very sad. … (I am surprised my tv doesn’t have a couple shoes through the screen yet)
At cemetery, Elisa gets her surprise… Stefie’s toumb looks wonderful ‘Here rests eternally Stefie Bouv de Castanon, loving wife and mother’… Elisa is totally moved. Lucio comes over and explains it was a surprise, and that Lolita helped him too. Elisa thanks him for the best gift she has got … EVER!... She wants to go see Lolita to thank her too. Lucio says Lolita never came home to sleep. She and Braulio are finally having their powwow…
Said Lolita is being awaken by Braulio… she asks him to tell her she is not dreaming… they are very happy together, happier than I would conceive any of our younger couples could ever be. Braulio says it was the happiest moment of his life. She says she never thought she would feel so much and so wonderful. HE has been hoping to wake up beside her and say good morning… She realizes she spent the whole night with him. What will I tell Don Lucio and Elisa? Braulio took care of it. HE called LUcio early to let him know. What is wrong with it, we are both adult, available… he tells her Lucio said ‘about time!!’… HE fixed her a coffee, and will go fix her breakfast. She wants to make it herself, but he wants to pamper her. She is in heaven.
At quinta, Carmina is getting dressed… sees the knife and puts it in her purse… (YIKES!!! OOOH NOOOO!!!!)
Carito arrives to quinta, tells Carmina she is interested in buying the quinta.
At Santa Ana Procesadora, Dam and Maru are very worried about the financial state of the procesadora. Maru sort of gives him a speech ‘what did you expect after the adventure of stealing the bride and staying away days?’ … need to convince mother to accept that we find some investors. Dam is decided on taking the reigns of the procesadora. Maru excited to hear that. He needs to find investors because he certainly does not want Gabino to be it. Maru giggles, she has an idea, what if Elisa becomes the investor.. then she would be associate of the procesa… that way Alfie would not reject the idea of Dam and Elisa marrying. Dam agrees, for my mother it would be a way to keep some level of control.
Gabino visits Alfie and fakes being happy she is fine after her crisis. Gabino reminds her that they have a pending deal, he still wants to be associated to the procesadora. Will do anything to get that. Alfie asks how far would he go to get it. Gab offers to make Elisa stop breathing.. (and stop crying too?? That does not sound THAT bad)
Previews don’t look very encouraging at all for Loopy, he even wears all white, and says(I believe to Alfie) he has an appointment at 4pm with Elisa… Loopy meets with Carmina at cemetery, she says ‘I would be willing to do anything’… (and seems she stabs him, but I could be wrong). It all looks very gloomy for Loopy… yikes!!
Wait a minute… if this happens at the cemetery, where is Horacio? Will he witness Carmina’s newest deed?


well, if previews do come true, Loopy dressed in white and being right there at cemetery, he is really making it easy for anyone to just dispose of him, isn't he? i am already crying... for him and for Gael... it will cut the 'not-so-honey-moon' WAY short.

Marta, great recap.

I swear if I were Paloma, I would have push that darn Gael off the balcony. What a jerk! How can he ruin her happiness?

OMG, I don't know if I can watch Loopy get stabbed to death. He is my very favorite.

Rosemary Primera


Marta, what a superb recap! Gracias amiga, you rock. Even though it had nothing to do with anything, I quite enjoyed the scene with Doc Tovar mimicking the habanero-suffering gringo shouting for the waiter. I guess that says something about the supposed plots.

Rosemary P, I could have kicked Gael in his wee banana bunch tonight. I get how he might not be in the mood, but did he have to be a complete buzz kill? Like you said...jerk!!

I had a chuckle when, at the wedding, Lucio called Gael a blockhead and Elisa stood behind Gael nodding vehemently. Not that she is one to talk but it was still funny.

Braulio and Lolita, oh thank you telenovela gods.

Carmina with a big knife...ack!! I hate that she visits Guadalupe. Can't we please keep him alive and humming now that he is hitting his stride? Does Ramona have an amulet for that?

Thanks again Marta. Your recaps are such a joy to read.

Thanks for a fast recap of a mostly filler episode. I love how you always catch every detail!

I am so sorry about the avances and what they imply. Rosemary, Lupe is my favorite, too. I CANNOT stand how he said goodbye to Gael.

Now lately Gael is a total jerk, but honest to goodness, Fluffy and the monkeys have a special grudge against Plaid-Boy. If they kill off Lupe, Gael has really been stripped of his family in the worst way. Carmina is responsible for sister Kenia's death, Gabino for bad-mommy Ingrid's; we can only guess which of them will go after Lupe. Ay Caray!

Thanks again, Marta. I was out all day today and couldn't join you all in commenting on NM's recap but tomorrow I hope to commiserate with the folks on the board.

Does anybody know if we pre-empted on Thursday or Friday or Tuesday next?



marta - great recap! Thank you.

In all honesty, I expected Gael to be a bigger jerk to Paloma on the 'wedding night' than he actually was. Considering he only married her out of duty and barely likes her, there wasn't going to be any rolling in the hay anyway.

Horacio wanted to carry Lolita's milk, but Braulio undid her braids. Vaya!

I'm worried about Civilian Lupe going to the cemetery and Carmeany with that butcher knife in her purse.

How does one go back to sleep, knowing someone has entered your house and you're ... home alone? Carmina has nerves of steel.

Really hilarious Spanish caption error last night that had hubby and I rolling with laughter:

According to the Spanish captions, after Doc Tovar asked Carita when was her last chemotherapy, he told her that he examined her and could tell she'd had a "vasectomía". Oooo - that was a doozy. I mean, not only was the, um, gender wrong, but a visual exam would never reveal a vasectomy either. No wonder Carita slapped Doc Tovar! LOL!

I still can't believe they made that caption error, LOL! Should have been "mastectomía". Someone was asleep at the switch!

Thanks much Marta!

LOL!!! Loopy: 'Don't forget the SACRAMENT of marriage is SACRED!!!' way to rub it in into the JERK, Loopy! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!

he examined her and could tell she'd had a "vasectomía". Oooo - that was a doozy

LOL!!! Audrey, indeed a doozy!!! i usually don't have captions on so i dont get those ... thanks for noting it!

another one of those i remember was in Yo soy betty la fea, where Jose Armando says 'de eso me encargo yo' (and i will take care of that personally) the caption said something like 'and i will take that as a charge (credit card transac).'.

IT has been a while since i saw Gattorno on a steamy scene, but he and Lolita really took it home last night! lots of chemistry and a great reflection of a love scene between two fourty-somethings.

i don't know about you all but in the scene in the hotel balcony (and by the way they seem to be in the penthouse), a hotel that has no less than 10 stories...
there was a WHOLE LOT of kids/mothers/etc background noise (the type of noise you find in a hotel or residential community pool)... either the people and kids on the street are REALLY LOUD or they are flying around them!! LOL!! Either that or next to the penthouse there is a pool open 24 hours!!

wouldn't it be poetic justice that if Carmina ends up dead by the FIN, SHE will have a dirty simple grave with a cross marker... bwahahaha!!

All I can say is another one out of the park Marta. How all our recappers are making silk purses out of these episodes continues to amaze.

FINALLY is right. Can I say that after 146 episodes, we fnally got a romantic moment to watch where it was actually toe-curling romantic. Braulio should hold a seminar with the young jerks in town in "how it is done boys".

As for the honeymoon, what can be said. Delusional is getting her bubble burst and maybe that's sad to see, but honestly, she had to know this going in. Gael may be a jerk, but I'm just as tired of watching Pal believing that if she pushes hard enough suddenly the birds will be chirping and hearts will appear all around them. Go home and go commiserate with Alfi. She'll be able to tell you all about loveless marriages.

Wrong that I was furious with Elisa at the cemetery. yeah, sweetie, someone ELSE thought of doing this for your mother. Gift for you??? You should have done this as a gift for HER. Someone slap her.

So we had the whole Carmina walking through the empty house just so we can understand how she gets the knife in the purse. Way to drag things out.
And our Padre. Oh my...that farewell with Gael was just that. The last hug, I choked up a bit. Gael is so not going to like he was gone when things happen. Those previews, the Padre looks like an angel already. Sigh....

Those previews, the Padre looks like an angel already. Sigh....
AMEN to that amiga!! and yes he said goodbye to Gael and also had a great moving scene with Alfie, rare moment of Alfie to expose her positive feelings for her brother.

Thanks Marta!

This could be the time for Horacio to come out from behind the tree and save Ex-Padre from Carmina's knife.

The show is on tonight, not tomorrow.

R la O

Oh dear oh dear. I think I may have to FF with my eyes half-closed for a few days. Thanks for keeping us up to speed, Marta.

Favorite lines:

- Gael keeps playing role of happy bunny

- " you are married and I am single. So I am going after the half eaten candy bar you left behind."

- Dam is taking too long (as if he were 5 years old and went to town alone)

...and the all-around winner:

- Gab offers to make Elisa stop breathing.. (and stop crying too?? That does not sound THAT bad)


Masterful job as always Marta. The only scenes I really paid attention to was Brau and Lolita. Yowza! I could for sure watch that again.

I also noticed that Gael did not open the car door for his bride, so thanks for mentioning it. Jerk! Yes, the kids in the pool were playing Marco Polo. I could hear them shouting that.

Carmina with a knife meeting Lupe who's all dressed in white is not a good thing. Perhaps this death will be what brings good Gael back. Gael now has the will that Lupe gave him but he still hasn't opened it. Did he ever open the present him mom gave him for the wedding? We still have no idea what was in that box. These people's lack of curiousity, especially Gael's is maddening! Missing sister, missing mother, mysterious box, mysterious envelope...hey, I wonder what Elisa is up to? That's way more important.

And have I mentioned the exasperating absurdity of, "I lied to that guy I keep saying I love more than life itself about bonking his brother and he believed me and now he won't believe me when I say I lied and it's all his fault and WAAAAAAAH!!!"

Sheesh. I don't even have a greeting card for that.

Marta, fantastic job. I loved the half eaten candybar reference about Elisa. It's so true.

Truly this TN has passed the pathetic stage. I agree with Daisynjay that Paloma knew she was marrying a man who didn't love her and she's getting what everyone expected but her.

When they were saying the goodbyes, I was thinking the anvil was hanging over Gael and/or Paloma. If Gael were to die, that would free up Paloma to marry Enrique again, and take the heavy weight off Dam and Elisa.

I laughed when Alfie said she wasn't worried about Gabino. Was she pretending to be asleep when he was kissing on her in the hospital?

Marta, I always love your recaps, your Spanish translations are the best. I love your insightful comments too! Thanks.

I don't care for Alfie, but I'm so glad she was loving to Lupe and said that he'll always have a home with her, that was beautiful. If he dies, and it looks like he might, maybe this will knock some thoughtful kindness into her personality, (probably impossible!) she does love her brother. If she can't change, Dam and Elisa will have to move, or she will have to "disappear," she will never give them peace.

Wouldn't 99 point 99% percent of men have sex with a beautiful young wife in those circumstances, like her on not, in a honeymoon room in Cancun? The only thing I can say is that there is some cosmic justice that Paloma and Gael "have each other!" The poor baby though....

OT, I don't know how anyone is posting from a phone, it is nearly impossible on mine. Our Caray upgrade or change is another electronic "improvement," like all new kitchen appliances, that makes them worse!! Baaa Humbug!!

Blue Lass said...
And have I mentioned the exasperating absurdity of, "I lied to that guy I keep saying I love more than life itself about bonking his brother and he believed me and now he won't believe me when I say I lied and it's all his fault and WAAAAAAAH!!!"

Sheesh. I don't even have a greeting card for that.
Blue Lass - I bet if you put your clever mind to it, you'd come up with an excellent sympathy card for hopeless Elisa's idiotic logic.

But don't forget her insistence that Damián should be able to clearly "read" her caresses and thus decipher the actual truth. She's just as outraged over his failure to do that.

Um, caresses over actual spoken words, hmmm.....

I forgot about Ingrid's wedding gift for Gael. Wasn't that for his marriage to Elisa?

Has anyone ever asked --- 'Donde Está Ingrid?'

If Elisa had bought the tombstone for her mother, she would not be able to play victim over that issue. Instead, she issues bonus checks to everyone and who knows what she did with her share. What a twit.

Counting the daze until the POR FIN.


When I read a recap on my iPhone, I see all the names of our regular 'members' or 'posters' or whatever, but mine never shows up.
--- On the regular computer, no list of names appear anywhere.

Alternatively, I do not see the big banner/header Caray!Caray! that I see on a regular computer.

So much for upgrades. Like Sandy said, as good as upgrades for appliances, like the new-fangled comptuers that bake a/k/a ovens. They all have 'self-clean' but you do not dare use that feature for risk of the heat frying the electronics. GAH!!!

Doris, she wants to buy la quinta with the money.

And if Lupe dies, will Gael look at the envelop that Lupe gave him?

Doris, what about the electronic components in dishwashers (that cost $500) that are ruined by "dampness." Who designed that?

I think the "monkeys" have a lot of jobs around the world!!!!!

Karmageddon Poll

As with the one for LQNPA this will be posted daily until five episodes before the finale date. You need a Google account and a unique identity to vote so there will be no stuffing of the ballot boxes. You can change your vote any time up till the last day. There are multiple options per villain as a disfigured villain can also go mad or end up in prison.

This is a simplified poll and will have no further elements added.

Carmina, the TangelHo
Death (choose one of the following)
-- Accident
-- Suicide
-- Murder
-- Natural Causes

Gabino, the Sleazebag
Death (choose one of the following)
-- Accident
-- Suicide
-- Murder
-- Natural Causes

Horacio, the Unfortunate
Death (choose one of the following)
-- Accident
-- Suicide
-- Murder
-- Natural Causes

Alfonsina, the Botox Queen
– Redemption
Death (choose one of the following)
-- Accident
-- Suicide
-- Murder
-- Natural Causes

Chente, Sleazebag Jr.
Death (choose one of the following)
-- Accident
-- Suicide
-- Murder
-- Natural Causes

Florencia, the Trust Fund Brat
Moves Away

BeGoneYa, the Trash Talker
Reconciliation with the doc
Death (choose one of the following)
-- Accident
-- Suicide
-- Murder
-- Natural Causes

Padre Guadalupe
Moves Away
Moves in with Damien and Elisa
Becomes Episcopalian and remains a Padre
Meets a good woman and becomes a padre
Death (choose one of the following)
-- Accident
-- Murder
-- Natural Causes

I'm going to do either a Tim Tebow celebration or an obnoxious Tiger Woods fist celebration for the older posters here at Caray Caray. Yes, the Braulio/Lolita night was beautiful....topped off with the gift of coffee! They were so cute together! The young whipper snappers characters in Abismo are bring nothing to the romance table. The older couples are bring the heat!!!!!

Is Lolita preggers now? We KNOW Elisa is.......

Doesn't Elisa own 25% of the Quinta?

How can Carmina sell it if she's not the sole owner?

Gael took Paloma to the CGI Best Western.

I can't feel sorry for Paloma because she knows Gael doesn't want, respect or even like her. If Elisa flashed her boob at Gael he'd leave Paloma faster than you can say "cenote."

On my post above, make that “bringing” the heat. I’m the worst proof reader ever!

Anon207, I don’t feel sorry for Paloma either. She is an aggressive, manipulative and very selfish young woman.

It's funny though. Gael wasn't able to keep his hands off Paloma before. So now what's his excuse?

Resentment: it's a real banana-wilter.

Because now he's obligated to have sex with Paloma because he was obligated to marry her.

He could have fun times with Paloma before because he felt he could have sex with her and toss her to the side. But now he resents her for making him have sex with her and making him get her pregnant.

He actually blamed FLORENCIA for why he had to have sex with Paloma!

Gael could put a paper bag over Paloma's head, and pretend it's Elisa.

Anon207, i could not agree more...
He could have fun times with Paloma before because he felt he could have sex with her and toss her to the side. But now he resents her for making him have sex with her and making him get her pregnant.

He actually blamed FLORENCIA for why he had to have sex with Paloma!

It is ALL Everyone else's fault, not his!! they should have let him MARRY ELISA, who cares if she is madly in love with my own brother, whom i despise just because Elisa loves him and not me... and because my dad never knew i existed...
so it is all Florencia and Damian's fault... how about putting some of the blame on Elisa herself?? she DID NOT HAVE TO go with Damian, and like she said herself, she DID NOT HAVE TO STAY at the beach with Damian...
Florencia only set Damian free, something he, Gael, has not had the guts/co___es to do himself with Elisa... he is such a jerk and sore loser... i want 'Mi Gael' back so badly... Take this jerk back to the factory and stamp him as 'DEFECTIVE'. missing some parts related to feelings, and sensitivity, they used selfishness stucko instead of those.

Doris, my name doesn't show up either. I thought maybe we just couldn't see our own names, but I checked my list and you are not on there. Am I on your's?

Blue - you really are Queen of the Quip!

What a delight that DamFineInYellow (thanks Marta!) finally stood up to his mom.
I wonder if Alfi will ever truly like Elisa?

Oops, I meant DamHotInYellow

Well, we know that Elisa will forgive her. SNORT. What a sap.

BTW, I suspect that the reason some of you aren't appearing on the "contributors" list (whatever that is) is that you haven't had posting privileges, i.e. even if you recap, someone else posts it for you. But what do I know? I don't even have a "smart" phone and the one I have isn't speaking to me.

"Resentment: It's a real banana wilter."

Oh YES! ...and therein lies your card for Gael, Blue Lass. Please, have Hoops and YoYo deliver the message to him.

I don't think that even the Theatre of the Absurd would claim this ridiculously stupid novela.

Gael and Paloma make me sick. Paloma has now become a caricature of herself. Gael looks downright ugly to me even if he did finally get the haircut he needed a long time ago.

I will believe up until the very last minute that The Simians will not kill of my wonderful Guadalupe/Rene Casados. That would be the final insult to all of us.

You gotta believe.

Blue Lass, not that it matters, but it is "Another Anon" who is requesting that you use Hoops and YoYo to deliver your delightful message to that disgusting Gael.


Another Anon

R la O - I do not have posting privileges, so that must be it.

I foresee a series of banana-colored, banana-themed cards on the sale rack at AbisMart...get 'em while they're hot! Or at least warm. Ish.

Banana yellow could be the theme color for our Por Fin party.

Or.... we could all wear banana yellow bandanas---> copy & paste link:

Here's a really nice one:

Can y'all see that I am stuck home and bored???

Just passing through: Uni started running promos this morning for Amores Verdaderos, with a "Noviembre" timestamp. Looks like we now know what's replacing this...

Audrey, vasectomia, bwahahahaaaa! Wish I had captions so I could have seen that one.

Sandy, is Lolita preggers? Yes yes yes! I love the romance between Lolita and Brau and totally agree with y'all that these two bring it home. I got all tingly during their scenes.

R la O, will Alfie ever truly like Elisa? It's hard to fathom because she has practically made it her life's mission to hate all the Bouviers. If hate for someone defines you, what's left of you if the hate is gone? Not everyone can do a complete makeover.

Smart Phones - I have a Droid and don't really have problems posting and reading recaps (even though it's a huge pain in the patoot). But I don't think I have ever seen a list of contributors. Or maybe I'm just not looking.

Doris, I like the yellow "fashion" bandana. The solid one looks too much like a "Q" flag. I'm for sure going to have to pick one up for the party even though it doesn't go with anything I own.

Blue Lass, let me know when your greeting cards go on sale. Will you have a "Get Well Soon" card for ladies recovering from a vasectomia?

¡¡Jajá!! I wandered off to make a new sympathy card but got distracted and decided to open a line of business cards instead...

Marvelous Marta Miercoles,

Another perfect recap! I particularly liked the title (DamHot in Yellow) and the half eaten candy bar reference! And the part Blue mentioned about the "How bout crying?"

Cap'n: "Kick him in the wee banana bunch"! you ladies are SO. FUNNY!!!

I was incensed that Gael didn't open Paloma's door. He begged her to marry him for their baby then he treats her like trash all night. And I didn't get a chance to ask yesterday but did he actually hit on Elisa at the wedding? What did he ask her? What a lowlife.

What about if Ingrid isn't really dead and she's messing with Carmina by breaking the glass in the kitchen?! I'm usually wrong about my wild guesses but it did seem like someone was in the house and who is left (unless the monkeys start using ghosts of dead characters) to haunt her? I would LOVE a little Ingrid payback for ol' Carmeany.

I also think its foretelling that Padre Lupe gave Gael that file and said don't open without me. We know that Alphie's secret won't die with the padre.

Lastly, a beanie moment for me is the fact that Carita can buy a hacienda without telling them who her employer is?! Wow. Isn't that pretty much the first thing, after name, that goes on the loan app?!

Great recap, Marta! Thank you!


Several years ago our insurance company declined to pay for Mike's two abortions! One teensy coding error...

Thanks for the superb recap and all the comments. Hate to admit that I own a yellow bandana. Oh, the shame!

I loved the comment,"Maybe Ramona has an amulet for that." Could become our mantra.

New t-shirt:


Rosemary...a 'get well soon' card specifically for women for vasectomia... Priceless!!

Emilia, Blue... i want to buy a dozen of those tee's for 'Does Ramona have an amulet for that?'


Saw that Bill. I'm no fan of Yanez, but I do like some others in the cast, especially Sebastian. (Almost didn't recognize him with the short 'do. Will have to check into the plot, etc. Quite honestly, it can't be worse than what Abismo became.

I don't hold out much thinking II might rise from the grave, but could Horacio be our "drive Carmina nuts" in the night guy? I have expect to hear him be whispering eerily "I know what you did". Actually that would be fun...


As always, super job, Super Marta. Thank you.

Blue Lass, I found this card in AbisMart -- it had fallen behind the display shelf but I happened upon it when a flash of its banana yellow envelope caught my eye:

For the maiden who cried wolf -- or --
A flower cannot be unplucked

So sorry he doesn't believe you
But some bells cannot be unrung

Now your lie is what he thinks is true
And your truth has the value of dung.

Once you told him he wasn't your first love
The image was etched in his brain

Now you're telling him you were just kidding?
You were mad and just yanking his chain?

It's as if you had asked him to tell you
If your pink hot pants made you look fat

And he answered "well yeah" without thinking.
Would you ever forgive him for that?

One more thing you might want to consider
Before wasting more breath on Dam Slow --

If he couldn't tell he was your first love,
Does he really deserve now to know?

Daisy, I too think it's Horacio who's going bump in the night. He seems to have taken to wandering.

I read up a little on Amores Verdaderos and there seem to be a plethora of bodyguards. I kinda like the idea.

GOOD ONE, NM! And I think we now need another t-shirt:


Or maybe:


NM: A scream of a poem, m'dear. Blue, here is my greeting card offering:

Our deepest sympathies to you
On the occasion of your prevarication being accepted as true;
(Turn the page)
Is there anything sadder than being believed?

With Love,

Caray, Caray

Sweet, Elna June!


Of the many things I find unappealing in our protagonista, Elisa, the most annoying is her tendency to lie at the first sign of stress. I think all those years of living with toxic Carmina and indifferent, resentful Augusto were a great training ground for learning to dissemble, lie and manipulate with the best of them.

I sympathize with how the character became this way, but that doesn't make me like her.

In real life, I can only imagine a kid growing up in such a dreadful environment becoming a master of manipulation and not having a clue as to what they really feel. Shudder.


Ms. Sonoma, agree with your comments 100%.

Love the poetry for the cards. :)))

Another Anon

Who Does Damian Remind You of?

When Damian beetles his brow
and places his face in a scowl,

His lips purse and quiver.
I realize with a shiver

There are none he so resembles
(I must admit and not dissemble)

As Fluffy our Alpha Primate!
How tragic! He has such a Fate.



Awesome sympathy poem NM, really brilliant LOL!

Omg I am so glad I checked back!!! NM and EJ, sooooo funny!!!! Hysterical greeting cards!

Too witty for words!


Aw shucks, Audrey, thanks. There's just something about this show that brings out the poetaster* in me.

*poetaster: n. A writer of insignificant, meretricious, or shoddy poetry. [from Latin poeta, poet + -aster, pejorative suffix]

Oh boy, I just looked it up and you can say it in Spanish too: m. poestastro. jejejejeje

Great recap, Marta, good job.

So just how difficult would it have been for Gael to make Paloma's wedding night a real night to remember? Jerk.

Oh my... Lupe's white suit... he might as well be wearing a sign:


Well, white suit + huge butcher knife... should be colorful and visually striking.


Loving the comments today.




I love this word! I am filing a claim to share space on 'poestastro' right now.

...So much more elegant than just calling oneself a 'hack'.


Oh my, EJ, pardon my typo --

poetastro (not poestastro). And I am happy to share though not convinced that you fit the definition.


Let's not forget the velador in gray. Action, Horacio, action!

Doris, I agree. Our super sleuth, Blue, figured it out! I don't have those privileges either. Oh well...we can belong to the SNL ooooooh eeeeeeeh what's up withat club.

What a group! Between NM and EJ's poem, Blue's tees, and Mike's 2 abortions...

R la O - That SNL skit always cracks us up. Hubby and I always break into song now, whenever we say 'what's up with that?'


Just caught up with the episode -- Marta, thanks for the heads-up (so to speak) on the hot times at Casa Braulita. They do indeed have a thing or two to show those youngsters.

And wasn't Don Lucio the hot grampa at the boda? He looked dashing in that black-on-black jacket and striped tie. I noticed he's still wearing his wedding ring, though -- no wonder poor Maru can't make any time.

My favorite part was the way everyone kept reminding the newlyweds to drive oh-so-carefully, then sent them off with a pile of flowers the size of a roast pig strapped to the hood of the truck....

I noticed that, too! I fully expected them to crash en route to the honeymoon due to the giant shrubbery on the front of the truck blocking Gael's view. And maybe Gael would die in the crash, and Paloma would be a widow who could forevermore delude herself into believing that her husband had loved her.

I too noticed the flowers on the truck hood and was like WTH?? no wonder Dam was warning Gael to be careful even though the roads were good... a bit of wind sheer and those flowers are like a rug all over the windshield and they get off the road and Gael has to whistle a call to his Amadeus to come get them.

I too noticed that Don Lucio was quite handsome... but still giggling that Braulio and Lolita sneaked out of there and noone noticed.

Whoa! Gael is wearing the amulet! he must respect Ramona's 'powers'.

A little late in commenting. Tonight's episode starts in twenty minutes for me.

About last night's episode, I gotta say Gael is like the worst groom ever! I don't get why he refused to have a wedding night when technically he already "gave himself" to Paloma. So to me it wouldn't make a difference if he still thinks he wants to have that with Elisa. He didn't get it through his head that Elisa willing gave herself to Damian.

I fear that tonight viewerville will bid adieu and RIP to Lupe.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Now you guys have me super worried about recapping tonight's episode. Lupe die? Noooooooooo!!! I have to fret for two hours before the episode begins. I think I'll re-read the poems and greeting cards to take my mind of tonight's episode.

Emilia, what a funny story about Mike's two abortions. Good grief.

ok we will need tons of either boxes of kleenex or laughing gas to not take any of it too seriously. How is the AbisMart stock in both of those?

ultimos capitulos!!! so the end of the agony at the Patio is near!!

Oh Dear LOL blushing Lolita, blushing bad-timing visitor and Braulio enjoying the whole scene... that was a fun 'relief in middle of all crazyness' sight to see.

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