Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Amor Bravío #37 (Uni 32) Tue 10/2/12 There’s a special place in hell for people like Leoncio.

The Search for Luzma
Piedad arrives at Luzma’s room only to find she’s not there

Yago and Bratgirl are in town.  Yago has received a call from Mariano saying they haven’t found Luzma but they did encounter Tolontino.  Yago assumes her plan was for Tolontino to intervene at the wedding.  BratGirl agrees, a little too quickly, that this indeed was her plan – to provoke Tolontino into stopping the wedding.  Yago sees that her “plan” failed and wonders why Luzma didn’t arrive if she wasn’t stopped by Tolontino.  Ileana admits her plan failed but doesn’t care so long as that wedding didn’t fail.  The next part of her plan must now be put into play – to seduce Pablo and get him to forget about that “naca” (ugh, I hate that word).  She asks Yago for his help in convincing Pablo she’s the better choice for him. 

The Pond
We see Luzma in the murky water but suddenly she rises up and takes in a huge gulp of air.  She’s alive!!!

Back in Town, the search continues…..
Pedro is with Mariano, frantic about Luzma.  Irene comes running up to say no one has seen her.

Back at the pond, our poor little Luzma is on the bank of the pond, trying to scrub off the ugliness of what just happened to her. 

Alonsocreepy continues his date with Ximena.  He likes her so much, she’s so easy to fall for.  (ahem, the operative word here is “easy”) Oh! And then he starts to nibble on HER fingers!  Does that count?  Oh, what the heck, Salud!   She says she takes life as it comes and just hates ataduras (ties, connections).  Alonsogross says that’s what all women say but then they want a commitment.  She tells him he’ll soon find out that she’s not like other women.  She’s not interested in exclusive relationships.  When she’s with a man, it’s because she’s decided to be with him and she likes being with a man who feels the same way.  Alonsocreepy thinks they’ll be perfect together and she agrees that she likes this arrangement.  He goes from nibbling on her fingers to sucking her face.  Eeeeewwww

In Town,
Rafael accompanies Viv to La Delegación, assuring her she’s doing the right thing in pressing charges.  He reminds her he’s her friend in good times and in bad.  Dionicio’s henchman Julian is watching from his car and calls in to report on Rafael’s whereabouts.  Dionicio realizes from Julian’s description that Rafa is with Viv.  He instructs Julian to determine why they’re at la Delegación and keep him informed.

The Devil’s Lair
Dion returns to his company, Aggie and Hissadora. Hissie decides to leave the two lovebirds alone.  As he walks her out, Hissie whispers that Aggie signed the documents without reading anything!  Dionicio says all that’s left is the final blow.  He returns to Aggie, saying he was dying to be alone with her.  They raise their glasses in a toast.  Oh, poor Aggie.  Like a lambie to slaughter. 

Aggie protests as he serves her another glass of bubbly and he tells her not to worry, he’s with her.  She tells him she feels so protected when she’s with him and he says he’ll always protect her.  “Siempre?” she asks.  “That’s a word that signifies commitment.”  He assures her he’s not a man who goes from woman to woman.  He doesn’t need to fill his solitude or his needs.  He’s a one-woman man.  (wow, 4 lies in one breath!)  Aggie’s stunned.  What does he mean to say to her?  “I’m not making myself very clear,” says The Snake.  “You are that woman.”  “Really?” asks Aggie.  “Of course. Don’t ever doubt that,” he hisses back.  Aggie can only sigh and giggle.  She never thought this would happen.  She’s happy and complete and ready (dispuesta) for this relationship.  He tells her that’s what’s called AMOR!  And he’d love for her to demonstrate her love!  EEEEEEWWWWW!!!!!  Oh my, our little Aggie is properly shocked.  Could it be he’s asking for………?  Yessssss, he replies.  Is she not yearning for that as well?  She giddily replies, Sí!!  Well, times-a-wasting!!!  He quickly puts down her glass and carries her to his chamber.  She asks him to draw the curtains.  As he turns to her, he notices something peeking out from under the bed from his earlier romp (I couldn’t make out what it was – could it be Kimodo’s sloughed off skin?).  He deftly pushes it under the bed as he crawls toward her and plants a kiss on our fair Aggie.  Cut to commercial………

La Delegación
Rafael stands supportively behind Ximena as she provides info on the break-in while in the background Julian enters and stands by, eavesdropping. 

La Malquerida
Piedad continues her search throughout the ranch for Luzma, desperately shouting her daughter’s name. 

D’Andres and Camila return and Piedad is anxious for news of Luzma.  Camila calmly explains they were waiting for Luzma at El Registro Civil because she was going to wed Pedro, but she never appeared.  Leoncio enters the room and feigns shock at this news.  “What’s the meaning of this?  With who’s permission?”  he shouts.  D’Andres reminds him Luzma didn’t need anyone’s permission now that she’s an adult.  Piedad can’t believe Luzma wouldn’t have confided in her.  Camila remains calm as she explains Luzma’s concern that Piedad and Leoncio would have opposed the wedding.  Leoncio says of course they would have opposed that wedding.  That rich kid only wanted to take advantage of her just as was done to Piedad.  (brute!)  D’Andres defends Pablo, saying he was there waiting but Luzma’s the one that never appeared and even now Pablo is looking for her.  Piedad worries about her daughter’s whereabouts.  Camila assures her they’re all worried about her.  She explains how Luzma was to prepare for her wedding at Irene’s but didn’t show up there either.  Now Piedad realizes that Camila knew all along about the elopement .  Leoncio now remembers how Luzma had recently been so attached to Camila.  He calls her an alcahueta (go-between, gossip).  D’Andres warns him on how he speaks to la Señora Camila.  Camila understands his anger; however, it was precisely due to his intransigencia (uncompromising) and lack of comprensión (understanding) that drove her to elope with Pablo.  She reminds him of his physical and emotional abuse toward Luzma.  Piedad still doesn’t understand why she was left in the dark.  D’Andres explains that Luzma knew that Leoncio is more important to Piedad than she is and assumed that together, they would ruin her wedding.  Leoncio agrees but also sees that the wedding has still been ruined.  And that’s what happens when things aren’t done correctly.  He’s going to look for her, and he’ll find her!  Piedad can only cry as Camila looks on sympathetically. 

The Devil’s Lair , post romp.
Aggie cries and says she feels more beautiful than she’s felt in years. (oh, my heart goes out to her).  He asks if it’s really enough for her to cry.  She explains she’s never felt what she felt today--never.  He’s already back in his robe.  She wonders where he’s off to?  To bathe, which is what he was going to do when she arrived.  (eew that means he didn’t shower after romping with Hissadora? I repeat: eeeeeeeeewwww too awful to even think about that).  Aggie wonders if they can bathe together.  He just can’t seem to get away from her fast enough.  He explains there are some things he still enjoys doing alone.  Bathing is one of them.  Once in the bathroom, he curses, “Dios mío!  Que mujer tan cursi!” (my god, what a tacky woman)  He’s a beast!

La Malquerida
Piedad tries to explain that she always wanted Leoncio to be for Luzma what she never had – a father.  D’Andres observes that Luzma never felt that affection for Leoncio.  She was afraid of him.  Camila thinks it’s best to concentrate on finding Luzma and learning why she didn’t show up at her wedding.  D’Andres offers to search the ranch and the neighboring ranches as well. 

Viv’s Place
Rafa and Viv return and they explain to Aaron that the police report has been filed.  Rafa will call Daniel so he can come over to talk things over with Aaron.  It’s important that Daniel and Rafael not be seen together (I still don’t understand the logic here, but oh well, I’ll just tweak my beanie).  He leaves Viv in Aaron’s care and knows that idiot won’t dare come back knowing he’s there. 

La Malquerida
Daniel is out searching for Luzma when he gets the call from Rafa advising him Aaron has arrived.  As he gets off the phone, he sees Luzma straggling in the road.

We later see Luzma getting to her room.  She’s a mess and cries as she tries to get a change of clothes.  D’Andres knocks on her door asking if she’s ok.  She’s crying and tells him she needs to be alone.  He rushes off to tell Piedad and Camila he’s found her.  Luzma walks in just then.  She’s changed clothes but is clearly not right.  Piedad runs to her and tries to hug her but Luzma pushes her away.  Leoncio arrives and immediately starts to scold her about the elopement.  Piedad tells him to shut up and Luzma tells her mother she won’t be getting married. 

Camila’s doesn’t understand what’s going on and isn’t convinced when Luzma tells her everything is fine.  D’Andres reminds her that he saw her, disheveled and with different clothes on.  Obviously, something serious has happened.  Luzma insists everything is fine.  She only went to the river to bathe, and that’s all.  She’s crying as she explains all this.  She says she understands now that marrying Pablo was a crazy idea.  She rushes off but not before bumping into that beast of an uncle of hers.  Camila tries to go after her but Leoncio stops her, saying Luzma’s always changing, like a mula pajarera (can someone please explain this phrase?).  He tells Camila to butt out.  During this whole scene, they keep flashing to the other maid in the kitchen looking on sympathetically to what’s happening.  Is she a victim of abuse as well?  Is she a victim of Leoncio?  She comforts Piedad. 

Camila calls and speaks with Yago, explaining they’ve found Luzma.  Yago tells BratGirl that it doesn’t sound like good news.  BratGirl gets a knowing smile on her face --- hmmmmm

D’Andress and Camila go into the parlor and they both hope Luzma will give Pablo a better reason for why she didn’t show up at the wedding.  D’Andres leaves, with Camila’s permission.  We next see him at Camila’s cabin, leaving a rose on her pillow.  (I guess this is supposed to be romantic, but this kinda creeps me out). 

The Restaurant
Kimodo Kid and Ximena are going at it.  He tells her he soooo doesn’t wanna go back to La Malquerida.  If he has money, she knows where they can go.  Ugh, these two are so disgusting, they deserve that anvil that is surely hanging over their heads. 

Well, this wasn’t quite what Alonsodumb had in mind.  We next see our dastardly duo at a casino with Ximena seated at a slot machine.  She’s won again and is overly excited.  Alonsoconspicuous in dark glasses urges her to tone it down.  He’s well known in these parts and needs to be more discreet.  She tells him to relax and not be so uptight, like her sister.  She starts clawing him, suggesting he remove those ridiculous sunglasses.  They only attract more attention.  She makes him very nervous. 

Evening has arrived at La Malquerida
Pablo, Mariano, and Irene have arrived to speak with Luzma.  Camila suggests they speak alone in her cabin and sends Irene to find Luzma. 

Luzma is curled up on her bed when Irene arrives.   Luzma tells her she’s not getting married and isn’t going to answer any questions.  She’s decided and that’s that.  Irene’s confused.  She and Pablo love each other.  Luzma’s not so sure.  Irene tries to pull the covers off but Luzma quickly pulls them back. Irene knows something’s up.  Luzma may be able to fool others, but not her.  Luzma repeats nothing’s wrong and pleads with Irene to leave her alone.  Irene explains Pablo’s waiting for her in Camila’s cabin.  Luzma gets up and winces in pain as she heads out the door.  Irene discovers Luzma’s soiled dress on the floor. 

In the parlor, Mariano and Camila are confused about what’s happened.  They agree it’s best this happened now and not after they were married.  Mariano speaks on marriage and how important it is to take it seriously; it’s important to find the right someone who will share the rest of your life.  Camila was under the impression that his family didn’t condone Luzma’s and Pablo’s relationship.  Mariano admits this is true, saying his parents are old-fashioned, clinging to the differences between the social classes.    For him, love is more important, it always has been.

Camila’s Cabin
Pablo can’t believe what Luzma’s saying.  He knows she’s the love of his life, and he’s hers.  “I realized that isn’t so,” she says.  “It can’t be possible you stopped loving me in a few hours,” he says.  She tells him that love isn’t enough.  There are serious things that happen for those who don’t change their mind.  He doesn’t understand what she’s trying to say to him.  “I don’t want to hurt you,” she shouts at him, “leave me and forget about me.”  He doesn’t understand.  He approaches her and begs with her to tell him what weighs so heavily on her.  She tells him they live in two different worlds.  “This has been a beautiful dream, but now I’m awake.  I don’t want to marry you or anyone.  Please leave me alone.”  She leaves him alone to wonder what the heck happened here.

Back at the Casino
Alonssso sprays Ximena’s hands, reminding her how disgusting this place is.  She’s quickly tiring of this and asks him again to remove his glasses.  There aren’t any paparazzi around and he’s no celebrity.  He finally removes them and they start making out right there on the casino floor. 

Viv’s Place
Daniel and Aaron meet.  Aaron is anxious to learn details of his plans.  

La Malquerida
Pablo returns to the parlor and tells Mariano he wants to leave.  Camila and Mariano exchange “so nice to have made your acquaintance” niceties.  Mariano gives her a “wanna see more of you” look.  She walks him out.  Well, Daniel is definitely gonna have some competition here. 

Luzma’s Room
She returns to find Irene still waiting for her wanting to know why her dress is ripped and blood-stained.  Luzma gives her a story of falling.  Irene’s not buying it and knows something happened, but she leaves.  Leoncio appears as soon as she’s out of sight.  He walks into Luzma’s room and almost immediately we know it was him!  I just knew it. 

Leoncio: “It’s good you didn’t say anything.”  As he climbs onto her bed he warns her to be careful about what she says.  “You know what could happen to that rich kid, right?”  She starts to protest and possibly to scream but he quiets her down.  “That was just a taste of what I can do to you.”  He mumbles a few other things that I couldn’t catch or maybe just didn’t want to.  He continues, “You’re mine.  Mine for as many times as I want.”  Scream, Luzma,  Scream!!!!  This guy’s gotta die and die now.  We can’t wait til the end of the TN for this guy to die.   Ugh, so disturbing. 

Camila’s Cabin
She finds her rose.  She wonders if it’s “his” and flashes back to The Kiss.  *sigh*  She falls back on her bed as she smells the fragrance of the rose. 

Luzma’s Room
Piedad comes in and knows that Leoncio has already been there.  She’s not there to scold her as she’s sure her brother did.  She’s very sad because she doesn’t know what she’s done.   She was sure Luzma would confide in her when she fell in love and wanted to marry.  She never imagined she would keep that from her.  Luzma asks her to please stop crying.  Piedad wonders how she could when Luzma has more confidence in La Patrona than in her own mother.  Luzma pleads with her to be left alone.  She doesn’t want to speak with anyone.  Piedad tells her she loves her very much.  She’s the light of her eyes, just like in Leoncio’s.  “Don’t every say that again!” says Luzma.  “Don’t ever say that again, Mamá, don’t every say that!”  “But it’s true,” says Piedad.  “Leoncio may be crude and rude but he loves us.  I couldn’t give you a father.  Your father deceived (engaño) me and abandoned me when I thought he’d marry me when I was pregnant with you.  But Leoncio took us in and I thought he’d be a good father for you.”  “You have no idea what you’re saying,” Luzma manages to say.  Piedad asks her daughter to trust her and Leoncio.  Neither of them are going to cause her any harm.  “You are so wrong,” says Luzma, “Leoncio is far from being the saint you think he is.”  Luzma gets out of bed and walks away, still wincing in pain. (how does Piedad not see this!?!?!)  Luzma ignores her as she calls out after her. 

Meanwhile, Pablo is feeling his own pain, trying to drown out his pain with tequila.  Yago sees him but decides to leave him alone.  He meets up with Mariano and tells him to leave their brother alone.  Pablo needs some time alone and realize that what happened is for the best.  “How is that possible,” Mariano asks.  “Don’t you see how he’s suffering?”

Viv’s Place
Apparently Viv has given Daniel the 411 on what’s going on with her.  He pledges his help and support through all this.  She thanks him and says they are all like her family.  He thanks Aaron for stepping in to help him.  Viv says Dionicio, Hissadora, Alonsoclueless can’t imagine what’s in store for them.  Daniel again promises to come forward if Aaron’s life is ever in danger.  One for all and all for one…..basically.

La Malquerida
Wow, Alonssso and Ximena drive up and make some small talk.  She feels like she needs a little somethin’-somethin’ and he asks like what?  She reaches over and straddles him.  Wow, they’re parked right in front of the fountain! 

Meanwhile, Camila’s still in her cabin with her rose.  She gets up, places the rose back on the pillow and steps out of her room

Back at the car, Alonsoexcited, can only say Guau!  Damn!  Mission accomplished!  Ximena climbs back in her seat and Alonssso is beside himself.  So much so, he starts munching on her hand again, (Salud!)
He just can’t believe it!  She wonders if he’s having second thoughts. Hell no, just the opposite.  And they beging making out again.

Ruh-roh, Rodolfo’s in the courtyard, near the fountain,  Camila comes up to him asking for D’Andres.  Rodolfo reminds her he had the night off, with her permission.  Ah, she’d forgotten.  Hey, is that Alonsso?  Rodolfo came out to see if there was anything he needed but he’s still in the car.  She tells him not to worry about it and bids him Buenas Noches.  He leaves and she starts heading for the car!!!!  Ximena and Alonsohorny are still macking in the car.  Rodolfo looks on (methinks he doth know about the snogging) as Camila approaches…..........and darn!  We have to wait until tomorrow!


Where the hell is that Centaur? (see EJ's comment from yesterday). Sure I wasn't the only yelling at Luzma to TELL HER when she was talking to her mother. Or tell Camila. Someone.

And now we have to wait until thursday to curse leo more. I will vote for whichever candidate quits messing with the telenovela schedule.


Where the hell is that Centaur? (see EJ's comment from yesterday). Sure I wasn't the only yelling at Luzma to TELL HER when she was talking to her mother. Or tell Camila. Someone.

And now we have to wait until thursday to curse leo more. I will vote for whichever candidate quits messing with the telenovela schedule.


Sorry about that. Shouldn't try to comment from the phone.



This was such a disturbing episode. No Kelly, you were not the only one yelling at Luzma to tell someone. I was also yelling at Leoncio and squirming every time he came on the screen. Disgusting. He can't die soon enough for me.

Oh, and Dionicio's a pig too!

I am finding this beyond my tolerance levels with Uncle Leo. Not that I know that family member don't abuse their relatives, but this is more than I can stand. I am going to watch from DVR from now on, so I can fast-forward through the Leo spots when I need to.
Happily, the action is moving so fast that Leo may be gone by the time I return from a trip I am leaving on today, so I can return to live time soon.

Great recap of a nausea-producing episode.

Who do you think will become the confidant or LuzMa?


Thank you for the detailed recap.
I too, am hoarse from screaming at the tv. I wonder if Piedad will ever have a clue?
It was a sad episode to watch, from Aggie to Luzma to Viv, my stomach kept turning.

And everyone thought Monday's episode was hard. Gracias, Paquita, for taking this one for the team.

I agree; Leoncio can't die soon enough. As to how Piedad can be blind to what a brute he is that is often the case with women in her situation. Some even become convinced they don't deserve better. We all know that if she told Camila she'd make short work of him legally, but she's too ashamed. Leoncio might have Piedad convinced that if he lost his job at La Malquerida she'd lose hers.

However, she doesn't have to accompany him to prison.

As to whether Alonssso got a stiffie for Ximeana, they are two of a kind. It would not surprise me if Ximeana would try to queen this over Camila. And it annoys me that we have to wait until tomorrow night for this!

It is irritating me to no end how blind people can be about Luzma having been raped, given that it's really obvious that something horrific has happened and that slimeball, Leonicio, is always leering at her! Agree with you all that he can't die soon enough.

Paquita - Thank you for the recap. It was such a depressing episode, but you managed to add some fun interjections, my favorites being:
-operative word here is "easy"
-and then he starts to nibble on HER fingers
-Kimodo's sloughed off skin
LOL How do you think of these things?

I do NOT like this Leo storyline. I hope it ends sooner than later and there are no rapeats.

Robey - you were right yesterday when you guessed/hoped Luzma was submerged in the water to "wash her rapist's evil off".

Also, Robey, you said your bf is back, Alejandro Ruiz. He's the tree swinger from CME, right? For some reason I haven't seen him yet in AB. What part is he playing?

Thanks again, Paquita. You are a trooper.

Rosemary la Otra

Por favor Piedad put 2+2 together. Even Irene has figured it out though she hasn't said so out loud. I wanted to throw the remote at the TV when Leo told Luzma that he could have her as many times as he wants.

Looks like Alonssso is getting his groove merecen.

Is Agustina the most naive woman on earth?

I don't speak any Spanish, but am hooked on this series. Thanks for this blog. It helps explain what I am seeing. Also, I did figure out how to get CC# (Closed Caption service 3) on my DirecTV system, so now I can get English subtitles.

Anyway, I was looking at the Wikipedia article on this show and noticed that it lists the cast of characters, who are the actors, and their fates! So, if you are wondering what happens with Uncle Leo, do not read the Wikipedia article!

GoBlueFan: Stay away from the light, do not go into the light, do not read Wikipedia in the middle of a telenovela.

Thanks for the recap Paquita. Your title is so appropriate and sums up our feelings. I will NEVER understand why TNs have plots like these even if the pretend angle is a PSA. Like Cindy, I just have to FF through those parts. And yes tio can't die soon enough and please now that the scenario has been established please don't show us anymore.

Whatever plan Dan has, I can't imagine it stopping our other two crazies from trying to kill Aaron. At this point Aaron needs to live and protect Vivi from her horrible ex.

Welcome GoBluefan - yes Wikipedia often is laden with spoilers (info about what happens in the future) Most of us avoid it.

Paquita- Thanks for finding the humor, even in such a depressing episode.

I wonder when we'll find out what Dan's plan is? I am so worried for Aaron. But I'm also glad that now Vivi has a man in that house, for the next time Bruno comes calling.

Two things about Luzma:
1) I do think she intended to commit suicide, but at the last minute couldn't do it. She's a fighter and her will is too strong.
2) I think the main reason she is keeping quiet is because Leo threatened to harm Pablo.

I want Leo to be found out RIGHT NOW and I want him to suffer immensely and then DIE!!

Everyone-- Stay away from Wikipedia when you are wathcing a tn. It always has spoilers about character fates and story developments.

Paquita, thanks so much for the recap. Loved the comment about Alonso / nibbling HER fingers / and what the heck SALUD! LOL.

And thanks Paquita for being the first, I think, to show some sympathy for Aggie. She may not be very smart or discerning but she is generally a very nice person who doesn't deserve to have this happen to her. I'm actually a little irritated at Camila for not questioning her mother a little more about this whole investment deal. I know she's busy but I think Camila knows that she is the one with the brain between the two of them. I wished she had at least tried to look out for her mom a bit more.

As for the whole Leo/Luzma story-- too sad and disgusting to even think about.

Gobluefan, welcome. Always happy to welcome a new fan to the fold.

Speculation is acceptable and even fun, but his blog is a spoiler-free zone; any and all spoilers will be promptly deleted.

Also, I have seen wrong spoilers as well, so looking up these series on Wikipedia does little to enhance enjoyment.


I haven't read the recap yet and I will right after I say that Leoncio needs to die quickly. I won't be able to stand him any longer. I hope Luzma tells on him.

Also, did you catch the terror music that they played when Dion and Aggie were in bed? That must be their love music,lol. I laughed at that and then his disgust when he was in the bathroom.

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This comment has been removed by the author.

I feel sorry for Aggie until I remember what she calls Daniel Diaz Acosta.

I love how they give Alonso his quirks. The hand sanitizer is too much. I wonder if he put it on after he did it with Ximena in the car.

No episode tonight because of the presidential debate.

I completely forgot to thank you Paquita for an awesome recap. And the vocabulary lesson.

I had to look up the word cursi. I never heard it before. And I want to know what mula pajarera means too. A mule bird?

Paquita, thanks for this great recap of a very difficult episode. I loved the way you could be sympathetic and snarky at the same time! And thanks also for the useful vocabulary--you picked out some of the same words I wondered about. And if anyone knows how to translate "mula pajarera," I too would love to know.

Perhaps because I was looking for comedy rather than tragedy, my favorite scene in this episode was the one between Dionisio and Augustina. I too felt sorry for her, but what a ditz! As for Dionisio sleeping with her right after he slept with Hissadora, you summed it up perfectly Paquita: "EEEEEEWWWWW!!!!!"

I confess that, in spite of all the evidence pointing his way, I was a little surprised that the rapist turned out to be Leoncio. I'm not surprised that he raped a family member, but I AM surprised at his hubris in being so confident that she won't ever tell anyone. I suspect this hubris will ultimately be his undoing.

As for who Luzma will finally money is on either the young priest or her friend Irene, who seems already to have a good idea of what happened.

I'll be away for the next six days, so CarayCaray will be my only lifeline.

What a great recap of last nights drama. Thanks Paquita. I like the simple minded character that Augustina is playing. She's very entertaining and a living example of how easy it is to be taken advantage of when you're so madly in love that you can't see the forest for the trees. So much is going on behind her back until it's not obvious to her that smooth talking, gift giving Dion is taking advantage of her. We the viewers are privy to the decietful sides of his character that he goes out of his way to hide from her.

As for "mula pajarera", as an adjective it means fun loving, jumpy, nervous, skittish. A synonym: "amante de la diversion". So putting both words together I take it to mean a stubborn, fun loving person.

Ref: Spanish dictionary, library reference copy)

Gracias, Paquita...a masterfully-handled episode. Just wanted to pop in and say "hi" and a big fat "ditto" to all the disgust over Leoncio Quesepudreenelinfierno.

Come to think of it, El Diablo being able to boink Augustina after Hissadora... I'm impressed! In fact, I'm rather surprised that the writers allowed Alonssso to succeed with Ximeana in the same episode because I would expect another round of "Quien es muy macho?" between those two cads.


What a great recap of a dreadful episode. OMG. Thanks for doing such a fine job.

Kelly: I am calling the centaur RIGHT NOW. In my mind, he is already shooting the face off of Leoncio—and Leoncio is already in the river of blood and fire.

Luzma is probably too traumatized to speak right now. Fortunately, others know about her disheveled state, the torn and bloody dress, etc. I think Leoncio will not escape justice. I just want that to happen soon. I want him off my screen NOW.


Like you I felt for Aggie. Why do they have to make the older woman making love as a figure of fun? Aggie lying down on the bed in her full suit was just silly. And Dio is as evil as Leo, just not quite as vile. I felt bad for the actress having to play that part.


EJ- Well right before Gussy, older "lady" Isa was slithering around and being her sexy self, so not all older women are portrayed the way Gussy was when having sex.

Just want to say thanks for the great recap and for all the "recappers." I understand a decent amount of Spanish, but I need to check the recaps to see if I missed anything because the rapid speaking trips me up! Muchisimas gracias!

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Reposting my comment from earlier since it was taking up too much blank space and was annoying me. Shoot. Not the one I meant to delete and repost. This is one of those days.

RlaO: He's playing Padre Enselmo.

“He instructs Julian to determine why they’re at la Delegación and keep him informed.”—looks like the bad guys may be recruiting Bruno.

“(I guess this is supposed to be romantic, but this kinda creeps me out). “—my TN friend thought the same way and he was talking about the rose—he didn’t remember about Dan sniffing Cam’s pillow. At least it wasn’t as creepy as Bruno’s invasion.

I feel sorry for Mariano. That look he gave Camilla after she kissed him on the cheek was great. But his heart’s going to get broken.

I thought the actor playing Piedad did a great job at the end of the scene in Luzma’s bedroom when Luz was leaving and she tried to call her back.

I won’t be able to stand it if Luzma is raped repeatedly. Surely they wouldn’t ask viewerville to watch that happening.

That whole fountain thing—such a typical Hollywood code metaphor.

Nanette (formerly Robey—my TN friend didn’t like internet nickname, so I finally told him to pick me a new one. He asked what my middle name was and said it was perfect, so there you go ☺ )

This is the one I meant to repost. Sorry guys.

Great recap, Paquita. I like when the recap is divided by location.

RoL: Forgot to note, yes, he was the one who was hanged in CME.

Vivi: When Luzma came out from underneath the water I could only applaud how strong she was. I think you’re right that she intended to kill herself. I also agree she will keep quiet because Leo threatened Pablo. Hopefully, she’ll tell Padre Enselmo. Telling someone can only help and that way she isn’t putting anyone in harm’s way. Also, he’s feeling too humiliated to tell anyone she knows.

Gobluefan: Welcome. I don’t understand Spanish that well either (though a lot better now that I’m watching TNs). This is a great site with a great group of people. You’re going to get hooked!!

I too feel sorry for Aggie. My friend wonders why she doesn’t realize what a snake he is considering how her second husband treated her. I said when someone is desperate to be loved, they’ll turn a blind eye. Dio is completely disgusting for taking advantage of Aggie, in this way especially, and then to ridicule her behind her back. Ugh!!


I was impressed that Dion could carry Aggie to the bedroom. That man must work out.

Thanks for this very well done recap, Paquita. This was an even more disturbing episode than yesterdays and you handled it perfectly.

of course I was disturbed by being completely wrong about the rapist but also because it was her uncle and he has almost unlimited access to her and apparently, at least for the moment, complete domination over her... what an unendurable nightmare.

I hope some frisky bulls decide to have sport with him. Too bad there are no hungry hogs around the rsnch.

I'm so glad that Luzma is still with us... I absolutely don't mind being wrong about that.

Who could have guessed that the sweetest (relatively speaking) would involve Alonzo?

I don't like Dionisio but I must say I'm duly impressed.

And speaking of impressed, Vivi, you were right on all counts yesterday.

My apologies to Yago, was I ever wrong about you.


Thanks Nanette! Your TN friend? You have TN friends other than US? I guess I was so traumatized I didn't even notice a new Padre.

PaquitadelB - Thanks for the recap and bearing up under some truly humorless moments. I am glad to know I have company within the ranks of viewerville that the rape storyline is somewhat over the top. Yes I know this happens in real life and it happens in NA soap operas as well, but it clashes with the lighthearted undercurrent of over-the-top caricatures and story lines. OK, I could go on, but enough of my unrequested opinions, just saying. Hey, maybe a weekend discussion could be a discussion of thumbs up and down on characters and story lines!

Off that topic, the Al/ Ximena staging is funny. The sharing of the hand sanitizer and nailbiting along with their theme song "Te Odio".

The Camila and Mariano connection is appealing. The character is so effusive and his eyes even twinkle. I've also taken a liking to Pablo with his garb. He reminds me of a young man from the English countryside as well as the intended wealthy Mexican ranch family look. Bratgirl also has lovely eyes, but what a twit character. I hope it is not lost that she is technically responsible for letting LeoelSordido in on the wedding and therefore the subsequent events. She deserves some karmic justice.

Ay, Vivi:

Regarding older women and their roles in TNs—

Olivia is 57 to Leticia's age of 44. With respect I would argue that Leticia is still playing sexy cougar role while Olivia is the dowdy, older but not elderly woman.13 years difference is age may not be much between say 30 and 43 but it is hug between age 44 and 57 for women. As my doc says, "Women over 50 experience epontial aging." That isn't to say that those of us in that age range are not attractive, well kept, etc. It is just that we so rarely see a woman of 57 having sex. I wish that she could be portrayed as being a pleasing partner instead of the stereotyped "grateful".

Certainly I agree that Isadora is NO lady!

With a smile,


Vivi et al:

Oops—sorry about the typos. Should be 'huge' and 'exponential aging' in my last post.


I'm going to credit Gussy's bedroom timidness to her low self esteem, and not her age. She has probably always been this way. Even as a young lass.

EJ, Considering TNs, in general, it seems villlanas are expected to be very sexual with the suggestion of scandalous behaviour. Protagonists and their group are characterized as very selective for that one special person. I am trying to remember the last time I saw the character like Agustina allowed to have an encounter at all. Anyone know of one? LQNPA had Rosaura and Maria as older maternal types. Teresa had T's Mom and Juana ... hmm Juana had a partner but she was a little bit younger.. Calling on TN memories!?

RoL: It was my friend who got me hooked on TNs with MEPS. He is Hispanic and he and his family have been watching TNs forever. Also, because he missed a crucial bit of business in the beginning of STuD, I had to search the net for the info and found this site. We have a lot to thank him for. On the flip side, because of me, he's now lurking. :)

The new padre appeared earlier this week.


Comedies, more than dramas, tend to have older ladies (who are good) who enjoy a good sex life. Nieves (Ana Martin) in Gancho had a VERY active sex life! Great character all around.

Vivi: I wished I seen that one. I love Ana Martin.


Viv, THanks for the memories! Glad to see equal opportunity for all LOL?!

Older ladies with love lives (dramas):

Piel de Otoño: Laura Flores was a mother of teens marrying for love and passion after dumping a controlling husband.

Niña Amada Mia: Eugenia Cauduro as the mother of a teen who later marries Eric del Castillo (by then an abuelo).

Por un Beso: Luz Maria Jerez marries Alfonso Iturralde (a wealthy and attractive widower) after divorcing Enrique Rocha. Lourdes Munguía (single mother of an adult son) marries Otto Sirgo (the real protagonist of this tale).

La Vias del Amor: Daniela Romo had two teen children and was pursued by two men (Enrique Rocha and Raúl Ochoa).

Good call on Nieves! She is the only 'older' character I can think of who had regular love encounters.

You also have a point about Agustina's shyness.

Mena, you are so right about the bad women being more sexually active. They always seem to have a voracious sexual appetite.


Paquita, loved your recap.

I agree with everyone that Leo should die -- a suffering death!

Another evil guy is Dio. But how can Aggie be so dumb? The way he found her so disgusting; he's not so hot. I was more uncomfortable with Aggie's scene than with Issi's, altho I thought they both somehow put older women in a bad light....pathetic.

I was wondering when Mariano and Cami were saying goodbye, he seemed to be looking at her chest. I'm wondering if he was told to do that.

Mariano seemed not to take leave and Cami said she would show him the way out. He wanted her to go before him and she pushed him a bit to go first, pulled down her dress, grabbed her shawl (which I loved or was it a poncho) and went behind him. I was wondering if that was all planned, but somehow I felt Cami was uncomfortable with her outfit.


Paquita - Thanks. Agree with all your commentary.

Leoncio has had Piedad brainwashed for a long time. He keeps mentioning the lover that got her pregnant and "abandoned" her. I'm guessing the scum killed her boyfriend to keep Piedad under his control.

What beats me is how Daniel didn't notice the blood on Luzma’s dress and that she was walking gingerly as if in pain. Seems like he would tell Camila, not only because she’s a caring woman but also has medical training.

Luzma is in profound shock and disgust, but I don't think she'll let Leoncio have his way. There's too much fight in her. Plus I don’t think her best friend will let up on her. Maybe Luzma will run away? But then that would take her out of the story since all the action is at Malquerida.

I feel bad for Augustina. The second husband who cheated with her best friend and took her money left her with low self-esteem with men. But I really don’t like the way she rudely dismissed Licenciado Becerra, who’s crushing on her and tried to warn her about Dionisio.

Thank goodness for the Alonso comic relief. So he finally had lift-off. Good, even more ammunition for Camila to divorce his skinny butt.

Re: older women being romanced. In CME, Regina had a grown daughter and married Gonzalo who had a grown son.


UA, You just reminded me of another TN with Victoria Ruffolo, "Victoria". She was dumped by her husband who had a mistress and a child and later went on to have a romance with a younger guy. I am vaguely remembering this. There were numerous encounters between them although it was such a new thing, she was scared to explore the relationship (like Agustina). She was encouraged by her friend (also older) who had many young amantes and finally ended up with an older guy despite resisting him.

More equal opportunity TNnexamples!

We've seen plenty of the older ladies being romanced, just not that many having sex and being really into it.

Mena- Great example with Victoria starring Victoria Ruffo. I saw that one last year when it was on in the afternoons. Her character Victoria in Triunfo was also shown to enjoy sex with her hubby-- both before and after his affair.

Vivi: Actually, now that you menion it, I don't recall whether Regina and Gonzalo in CME were ever shown making love. You've got such an awesome TN memory. Do you recall any scenes like that?


Nanette- I believe before they got married, but after her mom passed away, he brought her home one evening and stayed the night. But they didn't show us any of what happened, just what led up to it. The actual sex was just implied.


I think we should start all the recaps with that line and then count down the episodes and maybe have a pool to guess which episode it will be.

Paquita--Late to the picnic, but whatever. You handled the contrasts with grace and humor.

None of us can believe that Luzma merely changed her mind about marrying Pablo. How can the folks at MQ not see how she is. Luz herself probably believes that if she doesn't tell anyone, sooner or later the experience will go away like a bad dream, with the exception of having to give up Pablo. I trust Pablo not to give up on Luzma any time soon.

As for Gussie--I was astonished that she even said yes to Dionisio wanting to have sex. She comes across as someone who would not have had sex before marriage, but it's been a long drought for her and she may have a more active libido than we give her credit for.

@Ann in NYC--I'm with you on Camila being uncomfortable in the outfit wardrobe picked out for her. Didn't anyone there notice Silvia's skin tone before picking it out or did they want her to look naked, wearing only furry boots and feathers. Yuck. She did her best and that funny looking shawl was her best friend that day. Of course, D'Andres would have told her she looks gorgeous in any old rags.

Somehow I didn't get creeped out by D'Andres in her bedroom and the minor sniff he took. I think he was really remembering the night he put her to bed when she was drunk--and if she hadn't passed out in his arms, would have been their fist kiss.

I'm going to start keeping track each time Daniel shares some important information about his past with Camila: 1) when she was drunk he told her about being at fault for the death of someone close to him; 2) on the drive back from town after Luzma disappeared, he told her about his wedding and the accident in the pool; that his wife died several years later, so he is a widower.

Didn't ANYONE notice Luzma's pink muchila (backpack) on the ground outside the rancho gates? We didn't see Leoncio pick it up and Luz was too undone about it. That should have been a BIG clue that something bad had happened.

Vivi--I can't remember if we actually saw Gonzalo undressing Regina in CME (always a prelude to making love), but they certainly spent the night together.

Speaking of May-December couplings, in Sortilegio, Victoria (Daniela Romo) did it with Fernando (Gabriel Soto) and ended up with him.

Yeah Anita. Just prelude stuff.

I also wondered about the backpack. Did no on find it?

Yes, Victoria in Sorti! They showed them making love once. Maybe there is just something about characters named Victoria of a certain age, getting to make love to hot men. :)

Let's not forget Victoria Ruffo in Triunfo del Amor and her predecessor in the same role in El Privilegio de Amar, Helena Rojo. Two more women with grown children and sex drives.

I vividly remember Gonzo and Regina kissing, standing up, while Andreas sang what is still my favorite song, then we blinked and he was leaving for work while she was glowing in the bed with her fluffy nightie and speaking in her soft voice.

No screechy Where's Mi Cheque in CME.

Ah, CME. Still my favorite. What a great TN. What great discussions we had.


Oh, I know. Sniff sniff (and I don't mean Augie while Renata sleeps).

Thank you for the recap!

I have to say I think Leo is the most disgusting character out of all the TNs I've watched. At first I didn't think it would be him because when shots of the mystery person were shown, I thought his legs looked to skinny to Leo's. But I'm not surprised it turned out to be him.

Oh so Dionsio is going to work, huh? I didn't think that would happen. Too bad Augie doesn't know what she's getting into. And Izzy, she's just as cunning.

So does this mean that Al is cured of his ED??

I agree about your sentiments about Leoncio being one of the most disgusting characters on a TN. I'm not even as disgusted with a murderer as I am with him.

Anita, I too wondered about Luzma's bright pink backpack. Actually, I didn't wonder--it seemed to be screaming THIS IS A CLUE!! I suspect that it will figure into the plot in the next few days.

Thank you, Paquita. Late in commenting again but I wanted to saw that it was a wonderful recap of an episode that had me on the edge of my seat and cringing all at once.

I didn't mind the Cesar/Dio and Augustina bedroom scene. He's evil, she's hopelessly naive, but it's all so broadly played that it's hard to take seriously.

The Luzma-Leo plot, on the other hand, is too much. The Leo actor played a similarly cruel and vengeful character in Pasion. He was especially rotten to his blind wife, played by Daniela Castro who won some awards for her performance. She was not an especially likable character, but he was a million times worse.

I smiled at Alonso in the casino, with the dark glasses and hand sanitizer. Loved Ximena's reminder to him that there were no paparazzi in sight -- he could take off the glasses.

Thanks for the good discussion about older women and relationships in novelas.

I remarked here before that the inclusion of brutes who abuse women like Bruno really put me off, but mucho peor is the slovenly brute who molests children. Next she or Leonicio will tell the new priest about the rape and he won't be able to tell anyone because of his sacred duties. Ay, Telenovelas!

Luzma is not a child, but I am wondering whether he abused her before. Not sexually, but violently.

She's 18 now so she's no longer jailbait, which would have made the legal penalty greater, I'm sure.

Does anyone know how many more episodes remain?

The plot seems to move at glacial speed, and each episode contains so many flashbacks that hardly anything changes.

RlaO: "Oh, I know. Sniff sniff (and I don't mean Augie while Renata sleeps). " Cracked me up!

My TN friend and I are intersted in how Alonso is going to act towards Cam now that he's functioning. Like a little banty rooster, is my guess.


Mula pajarera means stubborn as a mule, according to At this site, you can type the English or Spanish the box for translation. They also do phrases and slang.


Oops! I meand mula pareja. If forgot to say the it referes to a mule in a cage.


Oops! I meand mula pareja. If forgot to say the it referes to a mule in a cage.


GoBlueFan- Do you really think this is moving slowly? In 37 episodes we've had:

1) Luis die in an accident- sending Camila to the ranch.
2) Dan's wedding (and the accident that nealy killed Miriam)
3) Dan's mom's death
4) Don Daniel finding out about Dan, and sending an investigator after him.
5) Camila's wedding to Alonso.
6) Alonso's impotence.
7) The total breakdown of Al and Cami's marriage/her decision to divorce him.
8) Attempted murder of Miriam and Dan.
9) Dan jailed.
10) Dan's escape and adventures to Mexico.
11)Don Daniel finding out the truth about Alonso and Dio; changing his will; and dying.
12) Padre finding out the truth about Dan.
13) Padre finding out the truth about Al, Isa, and Dio.
14) Padre attempted murder, and then later murdered.
15) The formation of the league of justice- Dan, Rafa, Vivi, Nati, Amanda, and Aaron.
16) Isa changing Cami's will.
17) Luzma's rape.
18) Bruno terrorizing Vivi.
19) Cami finding out Al is stealing money from her.

And that's not even including all the other stuff the villains (Isa, Al, Dio, Ximena) have been up to as they con the good guys and each other.

In the works, we have Cami possibly catching Al and Ximena; Lic Bacera finding out Dio gave them a fake death certificate; and whatever the plan is that Dan has been hatching with the Justice League. It's like a mystery novel how it's all unfolding.

I'm not sure how many episodes this will all be though.


My TN friend who will, henceforth, be referred to as TNF has an explanation of "mula pajarera".

He says back in the day, around 30s/40s when there were a lot more horses and cowboys around, it meant a mule that was scared of everything. (they used to put blinders on them or hoods to keep them from getting skittish when being loaded). He also said the term was used in a lot of songs about horses back in the day.


This episode was so sad poor Luzma!!!

What do you think Aggie signed without reading? She has no power at the ranch right?

I love reading the recaps. I don't understand much Spanish either so I use the CC3. My father-in-law got me hooked with La que no podia amar.

Thanks to all you recappers :)

On the other hand, Vivi, one can miss a week of viewing and see they are having the same conversation upon your return.

Why am I jealous Nanette has a TN(F) that doesn't include us? Does he read this blog? If you want him to think you are mixing with normal folk don't let him read this! Most people wouldn't get our humor. They may even call us mean.

RlaO- True. I guess I just like all the plots and plots within plots. :)

Hey, what's you're new avatar?

RlaO: It is nice to have someone I can discuss the TN with face to face, especially because of his family history of TN watching. He seems to be enjoying lurking on the site, too.


Vivi - my new avatar reminded me of something Elisa would cry about.

Vivi - it says "Bought new shampoo, forgot to bring it in the shower". Lol We've all done that, only Elisa would have tears over it.

RlaO- LOL! Yes indeed. She would be devastated.

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