Monday, October 01, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #124 Mon 10/1/12 A Near Miss; A Judas Kiss; and a Sacred Promise

Tonight’s episode mainly consisted of a few cat and mouse games and lots of important conversations, which I have detailed. Max is a vicious alley cat who fights dirty, but mighty mouse Aldo lives to fight another day. Julie is more of a lazy, pampered house cat, who thinks she’ll catch clever mouse Claudio with little effort, but Claudio is smarter and more agile than she. And city cat Rosa thinks she can easily outwit and trap country mouse Luci, not realizing that she’s facing a mountain lioness. Let the games begin!

When we return to our story, Pato is handing Rod a big fat reality check. Doesn’t he know Luci at all? Of course she won’t rush to his open, manly, muscular arms as soon as he divorces the harpy he’s currently married to. Not only that, but Pato wouldn’t be surprised if one day soon Luci has her daddy Claudio move their offices elsewhere. Why doesn’t he talk to Gala about enacting a truce (dejar la fiesta en paz), and think about giving Gala her rightful place/respect as his wife?  At the end of the day, she IS Mrs. Torreslanda. (You know Rod, because of that stupid decision to marry her that you made against Pato’s and Viewerville’s advice, after that stupid decision you made to sleep with her.) Rod clutches his ball (not THOSE ones—they shriveled up long ago), and appears to be in deep thought.

In another section of TL Corporate HQ, Aldo is showing that his balls are firmly in place and large, and walks willingly into the lion’s den. He enters Tio Max’s office (the guy who nearly choked him to death the evening before) and says they need to talk.
A: I don’t like that you called me a traitor, because I’m not.
M: Oh no?!!
A: No Uncle. I’ve been very straight with you. You asked me to help Lastra get rid of all evidence of Inferno, and I did it. Last night my mom asked me how I had betrayed you, and I made something up to throw the blame away from you…
M: Enough already Aldo!! You’re expecting me to thank you for your loyalty, right? (Approaches Aldo and shoves him hard in the chest.) You’re the one who came to me, begging me (rogandome) to give you work. Don’t forget that!
A: But uncle, you’re the one…
M: How many times have I told you that Vicky is off limits?! That this woman is prohibited to you!
A: Yes Uncle. You told me. But the truth (la neta) is that she doesn’t want anything to do with you. 
M: Now it seems that she’s been speaking badly about me behind my back.
A: No Uncle. What’s happened is that Vicky is my friend. (Max turns his back to Aldo and starts fondling a dangerous looking letter opener on his desk. Yikes!) She told me what you did to her, and excuse me Uncle, but truly you’ve gone too far (te pasas). Look…
M: Enough already imbecile!!! (Max grabs the letter opener with one hand and Aldo’s collar with the other! Then he points the letter opener at Aldo while holding his throat.) Neither you nor a vulgar manicurist is going to question my actions!
A: (Stammering) No, no Uncle. Everyone knows Maximino Torreslanda is very powerful. But for realzies Uncle, Vicky’s really hurt by/disappointed in you. You mistreat her regularly. And what’s more, you could have any girl you want. Give Vicky a chance and leave her in peace already!
M: What are you thinking, imbecile?!!! (Throws Aldo to the couch and goes towards him as if about to give the death blow with the letter opener.)

A knock on the door interrupts, so Viewerville (and Aldo) is both relieved and left wondering if Max would have really done it. It’s Oscar coming to say the auditors are there. He totally misreads the situation, thinking Aldo is being lazy (flojero) and lounging on the couch. He tells him to get his butt up and get back to work. Then he tells Max to stop spoiling/coddling Aldo. LOL! Poor Aldo looks like he might have crapped his pants. Max chimes in to say that Aldo’s going on “vacation”, starting now. (Uh oh! It’s way easier to make someone disappear when everyone thinks they’re on “vacation.”) Aldo plays along and leaves. Oscar looks mighty confused, but continues on about the meeting with the auditors. Max calls it a waste of time and just Claudio trying to stake his claim and make his presence felt. He fondles his letter opener and scowls… 

CL is also telling Luci about the meeting with the auditors as they enter his office. Today she is wearing a sleeveless, salmon colored silk blouse, with a brown leather belt, and a long dark skirt. Luci doesn’t much care about the audit. She just wants to get out of Dodge as soon as possible-- tomorrow, in fact. CL doesn’t see a problem with that, but he is concerned that being in D.F. has caused so many conflicts for her. “This isn’t my environment (ambiente), Papa. Plus, I’m not welcomed here. And I’m really bored (me aburro).”  She has enjoyed learning so much from him and Pato. But he’s her dad and she loves him and can be with him anywhere, and Pato she can also meet up with elsewhere. CL gets it, but they have to learn to live with the TLs. Max and Rosa specifically. Luci wants to know, what about Gala? She’s Rod’s wife and has a right to come and go in the offices (which she has done, OFTEN). Luci is not willing to tolerate Gala offending her, but also doesn’t want to give her motives to do so. CL thinks the solution might be for the Linares to set up shop in another part of the corporation, in separate offices.

At the big house, Rosa is headed out to TL HQ, and Frigida is pretending to dust. She spills the chisme, which she says isn’t chisme, about Max fighting with and choking Aldo nearly to death the night before. Rosa is shocked, but Connie arrives and says Frigida is exaggerating. Rosa wants the 411, and Connie gives her the version of the story Aldo gave her—Max is upset Aldo is befriending CL. Rosa immediately takes Max’s side and says that Connie’s kids are traitors, fraternizing with the enemy. Rosa suggests that Connie’s kids might as well ask CL if they can move in with him!

The auditors are introduced to all the executives, then give a boring explanation of the reasons for the audit and hand the documents to everyone. Rod sneaks glances at Luci. Max stares daggers at CL. Surprise, surprise! The auditors find nothing fishy and say TL Corporation has been managed with honesty. Max smiles like the Cheshire Cat. Meanwhile, Rosa arrives at the offices and does a dust check on the reception chairs. LOL! Julie has also made an unexpected and unwelcomed visit and asks to see Rod. She also asks which office is CL’s…

The men leave the board room, but Pato catches Luci and asks her to join him in his office later to go over foundation stuff. Rod lurks and listens in the background. Luci then invites Pato to join them for lunch, but he has therapy later and can’t make lunch. The invitation is NOT extended to Rod. Pobrecito! When Luci returns to her office, Rosa is laying in wait for her. And just as CL is about to enter his office, Julie pounces on him too. Julie acts like they’re old friends, even though they don’t know each other. CL gives her a polite, non-committal smile.

Rosa tells Luci that they have a pending conversation, but the last time she felt unwell. Boohoo, poor Rosa.  Luci is polite, but wary. Before they speak, Luci says she wants to ask her a question.
L: Why did you give me away? What harm could a newborn baby have done to you? Why did you tell my father that I was dead? I have been made to understand that my mother held you in high regard. (tener en gran aprecio) That you were with her in her most difficult moments. Then I don’t understand what happened! What did you do to her?!  Did you want her to live, or did you help her to die?!
R:  How dare you Luciana!?
L: I dare because of the way you have treated me since you met me.
R: I already confronted your mother. Then I confronted your father. And now I have you in front of me, questioning me. Judging me!
L: No Señora. I’m not judging you.  The only one who can judge us here is God. And He’s watching us both. He knows and can see our hearts. He can see what’s within them; the feelings that are really in each one of our hearts. 
Rosa seems stunned into silence, having not expected this aggressive questioning and right on target assessment from Luci.

Speaking of seeing what’s really in someone’s heart, the heartless Julie is slinking her way into CL’s office, like it’s a catwalk. He offers her something to drink. She asks for coffee. (I guess she knows a man like CL wouldn’t have champagne on tap.) She’s already using the familiar “tu” form with him, while he sticks to the polite “Usted” form. She asks how things are going for him in the company, then lays it on thick about liking men who live intensely—people who enjoy life! Ofelia brings in the coffee and CL politely pours Julie a cup. Is he buying this act? Hard to tell, but I don’t think so.

Back in Luci’s office, Rosa’s trying to outdo Julie’s performance. She decides to play pious and wounded. Let’s see how it works out for her…
R: How good that you mention God. Because God is witness that all that I have done was for love!
L: For love?
R: Yes!
L: No Señora. Because love… (walks over and gets in Rosa’s face), love is giving (dar), not taking away (arrancar). And you took me away from my mother, my father.  Without compassion, without feelings. Without thinking of all the pain you were causing.
R: Of course love is giving, Luciana. I had to give peace and tranquility to my family. If your mother hadn’t gotten between me and my husband, this all wouldn’t have happened.
L:  One moment Señora! I’m not going to permit you to insinuate such things about my mother!
R: You don’t have to permit me anything. The sin has been committed!
L: Do you have a way to prove it? Because if not, right now let’s go talk to your husband and my father!
R: This is between you and me Luciana! And believe me, this is the last time that I’m going to speak about this.

In peaceful Het Het, Magda and Paz are wrapping up finished pottery pieces with Namurachi. Namurachi decides to call Luci to find out when she plans on coming back. Magda has the hope/dream that Luci AND Vio will come back to Het Het and decide to stay here. But she’s worried about Aquiles’ presence ruining that dream.

Over in Aquiles’ office, Procopio is telling the Don about his run-in with the ghost. Aquiles is incredulous. “No wonder no one dies in this damn town!” Copio spreads the word that the Padre is asking if the wedding is still on. This annoys Aquiles greatly and he wants to know why that penguin (Padre) is being so damn nosey! “If I get married or don’t get married, it’s my business!” He then gets nosey himself, and asks if Luci or Violeta have returned. He still refuses to accept that Vio is his daughter. He’s simply not marrying her anymore, that’s all. He wouldn’t want Magda as a suegra anyway. Copio thinks it’s more likely that Vio kicked him to the curb. Aquiles tells him to keep his mouth shut about what he told him (about Vio maybe, possibly being his daughter), and kicks him out. Then he tries to convince himself once again that Vio isn’t his child.

Julie has moved on from playing fawning coquette in CL’s office, to indignant mother-in-law in Rod’s office. She berates him for not caring about his wife and child. “Gala is very temperamental, and in one of her tantrums she could do something crazy.” She reminds him again that Gala is carrying his first-born child and heir. Rod cuts her off-- he doesn’t like talking about his personal biz, but they both know the child Gala is carrying will NOT be his first-born. Julie says, legally it is, and that’s what counts.

We leave TL Towers for a breather, and see sad sack Lastra, looking like the classic trench coat pervert you would avoid, waiting for Ofelia in the park with flowers. It’s obvious she’s not going to show up. He leaves the flowers on the park bench.

Ofelia is where she should be, at work, greeting Violeta who has just arrived at TL HQ. Vio is wearing a red, curve-hugging dress, that falls just at the knees. It’s less hoochie-mama looking than her previous dresses. Ofelia reports how happy she has been working for those princes, Pato and CL. Vio has nothing to report on the job front, other than hanging with Luci. But she hasn’t been doing much, and feels a need to go to Het Het to help her mama. Pato arrives and greets them both. Vio says she and Luci are going to buy baby things, and talks about how thrilled they are to plan Luci’s baby shower. She explains about the basinet (moises) the vecinidad girls are making. Ofelia leaves, and Pato asks Vio for a favor. He wants to get a special gift for the baby. Vio says to just give Luci his love; she doesn’t need gifts. “She’s always had my love.”  Hmmm… Pato’s really excited about the baby, and doesn’t care if it’s a boy or a girl. Vio imagines a boy with Rod’s eyes and Luci’s smile. Pato imagines a girl with Luci’s eyes and black hair—as beautiful as Luci. Vio now seems to realize the depth of Pato’s feelings for Luci.

Back in Luci’s office, Rosa still hasn’t given up.
R: You know me Luciana. You know how difficult it is for me to come here to see you. To talk to you. To try to have a harmonious relationship, with respect. And I am trying.
L: I’m listening.
R: How is your pregnancy going?
L: My pregnancy? You came here to speak about my pregnancy?
R: Yes. The child you are expecting is my grandchild. It carries my blood. It’s a Torreslanda.
L: My pregnancy is going very well. And precisely because I’m going to be a mother, is why I need to know your reasons for giving me away!
R: Because for me, just your presence signified the memory of Aurora Linares! I had to erase (borrar) from my life and my mind the memory of your mother! That’s why I gave you away! That’s why! You wanted an answer?! Well, there you have it.

Coffee break! Aldo meets Vicky at a cafe and reports what happened the night before with Max. “I told you your uncle is capable of KILLING us!” Aldo still doesn’t believe he’d go that far, nor send someone to kill them as Vicky then suggests. She’s been watching too much tv. In any case, after their performance at the restaurant last night, they have no choice but to forge ahead. Vicky wants to know what they should do next. Aldo tells her about his forced vacation, but he’s confident his tio will bring him back soon because Max needs him. “There are certain little business dealings between my uncle and me that have us tied/bound together.”  Aldo suggests they wait it out. He’s sure that Osito will come looking for some sugar from her eventually, since she drives him crazy. Had Max intended to do something to her, he would have already. (Give him time Aldo.) Then Aldo makes one of his half-hearted passes at Vicky, she bats him away as usual and puts up her purse as a barrier. He advises her that she’s got to go all or nothing in this game with Max.

Good grief! Is she not done yet? Rosa keeps trying to squeeze an ounce of sympathy out of Luci. But our girl is remaining strong.
R: Very soon you will be a mother. I’m not asking for your forgiveness. But I hope that when you become a mother you will be able to understand what a mother is capable of to defend her children from harm!
L: What harm, Señora? What harm could I have done as a baby? To you? To your family?
R: You have to understand me Luciana. You couldn’t have grown up in my house, next to my children. I couldn’t have raised you; not under the same roof. For that reason, I gave you to those who could. I knew that Paz and Galdino could give you the love/warmth of parents—a home that you didn’t have.
L: Why didn’t you say anything to my father?! Why did you hide from him that I was alive?! You knew the pain he lived through for not having been with my mother when she died. And on top of it, you added the pain of thinking that I was dead!!

Rosa has no answer for this, so instead she sits before Luci, head bowed in a contrite pose. The crocodile tears start up and she stretches out her hands to Luci in supplication.
R: Although it’s difficult for me to admit, you’re right. You have no idea what a Calvary/torment this has been for ME, carrying around this burden. (See, even when she’s supposedly contrite, it’s still all about Rosa.) Help me. You have to help me. Help me recover my trust in myself, and the trust of everyone else, Luciana. Only you, you who I have so injured (prejudicado)—it’s you who can help me. (She reaches for Luci and Luci steps back.)
L: I can’t. Even if I wanted to, Señora, I can’t. I am NEVER going to trust you. Nor am I going to understand. You know why? Because I would never do what you did to me. Because a child is the most sacred gift God can give us. And we don’t have the right to play with, to decide, to change, or to cut short (truncar) its destiny. Because you know what, Señora? I WAS NOT TO BLAME.
R: (Now in full weeping mode.) I know. I know Luciana. For that reason I’ve gotten so close to God, begging him for forgiveness! I need God to give me the strength to keep living! I need Him.
L: Only He, only God can help you.
Rosa finally gets up to leave, but not before asking Luci for a favor.
R: Please don’t separate me from my grandchild. Please let me be close to your child. It’s Rod’s child and my grandchild. (NO Luci! Don’t do it!)
Luci did not hear me screaming NO! at her. So she tells Rosa to go in peace. She won’t deny her right as a grandmother or Rod’s right as a father to see her child. “My child won’t be like me. S/He will know his/her roots (raices). His/her family. His/her grandmother! His/her father!” Rosa brings it all back to HER. She hopes one day Luci will understand HER and forgive HER. She gives Luci a Judas kiss on the cheek and thanks her.  Once outside Luci’s door, Rosa wipes away the kiss from her mouth and the last crocodile tears from her face, and expresses her disgust at having to bow and scrape to Luci. “Qué asco!”  She throws away the offending handkerchief in the trash and flounces out of TL HQ.     

In Casa TL, Connie is on the phone with Melissa telling her she intends to move out soon. Melissa wants her mom to leave Hell House now and move in with her. She has a spare bedroom. (Do it Connie!)

CL calls Luci from his office, and sends her off with Vio to buy the baby crib (cuna) without him. He has more work to do, but wants to meet up later in the apartment he’s picked out for her. Vio comes in right on cue. Luci tries to act like everything is normal, but Vio saw Bruja #1 leaving the office and wants to know if she was bugging Luci. Luci is mighty confused by their random conversation of 20 questions on both sides, but what she does know is that she doesn’t believe ONE WORD that woman said. “May God punish me for being untrusting, but there’s something about that woman…” Vio thinks Luci should follow her gut, and shares this dicho: Piensa mal y acertarás, (aunque alguna vez te equivocarás)./ If you think the worst, you are prepared for the worst (although you may sometimes be wrong).

At the po-po station, Marcial is getting shut down big time by his boss. Marcial begs for more time, but is told the case is closed, drop it already! Plus, they are going to release Ivan since they don’t have enough proof to hold him. Marcial says he thinks/supposes (suponer) Aldo has valuable info. The boss doesn’t want hunches, he wants certainty, which Marcial can’t provide. Marcial admits he told Aldo about the impending bust, and that’s likely why Lastra and his boss got the jump on the cops and cleared out. This does not help his case. The chief can’t believe he was so inept as to advertise their intentions and his real identity to a stranger! And this, after falling for a waitress there!  “Forget it Marcial! Inferno is declared a closed case! And after that, turn in your badge (placa) and your weapon. You’re out of my department!” Too bad, so sad for you Lemon Face.

At Casa TL, Frigida and Mati have their usual argument and give each other a hard time about who does more work. Rosa walks in and is immediately greeted with Frigida’s second piece of juicy gossip for the day—the overheard conversation between Hannah and Melissa about breaking up with Boris. She “infers” that Lorenzo is sniffing around Hannah because he knows she broke up with Boris. Rosa’s evil little mental wheels start spinning. (And Frigida hasn’t even told her about hearing Hannah say she likes Lorenzo yet. Uh oh!)

Hey, it’s Norma! We haven’t seen her in a while. She has come to TL HQ to bring CL some documents he asked for. She and Barrera miss him. CL thinks perhaps she can work part of the time with him at TL Towers. Max comes up just then to rub the favorable audit in CL’s face, and sarcastically asks if he’s planning to do another. CL says he’ll accept the results, but he’s not totally satisfied (conforme). “You and I both know what we’re both capable of and how far we will go.” Max, like Rosa, sticks to his erroneous version of the facts, even when speaking to the person who knows for sure what the truth is, and once again accuses CL of defrauding HIM. CL thinks Max has said that lie so many times, that he’s started to believe it himself.
M: When are you going to give it a rest and admit that I AM BETTER THAN YOU Claudio?
C: Nah. You’re not better than me Max. You never have been. And when you least expect it, I’ll present proof that all of this is nothing but a front (parador) for you to hide behind. So that you can play at being the big businessman.
M: You can’t prove what isn’t real/true Claudio.
C: We’ll see Max. We’ll see. (He starts to leave, then comes back.) Ah! One last question Max. Do you still like the night life? Clubs and casinos? Like when we were young. I ask because you always said that that’s where the easy money was. No, no, no. But you, being such an upright (
íntegro) man, wouldn’t be capable of investing in such shady (turbio) businesses. Right?
If looks could kill, CL would be deader than Max’s soul.

Connie is trying to get some work done, when in storms Hurricane Rosa, with a bee in her bonnet about Hannah breaking up with Boris. She starts ranting about her family and those damn Jacintos. Connie doesn’t see the problem. Young couples break up and get together every day. Rosa could accept the breakup, if there weren’t a Jancinto right in the middle. Rosa doesn’t believe Connie knew nothing since her daughter Melissa knew. Connie can’t believe that Lorenzo was the bone of contention (la manzana de discordia/apple of discord) between Hannah and Boris. Connie asks why Rosa is getting her panties in a twist because of a woman who spends her time listening to gossip behind doors! “Don’t commit the same errors of the past.”  She reminds Rosa of the troubles her obsessions caused in the life of Rodrigo (like Rosa cares). Rosa accuses Connie of being happy had Rod married a servant, and if Hannah winds up with a taquero. Connie rolls her eyes.
C: No Roselena. I would be happy if your children end up at the side of the person they love.
R: But never at the side of a wretch! A poor bastard taquero! Never!!

Pato comes into Luci’s office and tells her about wanting to get the baby a gift. She doesn’t want him to start spoiling the baby already, which Pato has every intention of doing. They go back and forth teasing each other about this, and laughing. Rod walks in on their banter. I note that he didn’t wait to be invited in. He wants Pato to remain in the room to hear the promise he will make Luci.
Rod: I’ve come to offer you an apology for what happened last night. You don’t have to put up with the consequences of my bad marriage. That’s why I’ve come to tell you, to promise you, here in front of my brother, that I’m not going continue pestering you (importunarte). I’m not going to call you, much less come looking for you. Luciana, I’m not going to bother you ever again. Never again.

Avances: Pato tells Rod that by making this promise (that he better keep) he is setting Luci free to find love again. He is sure it won’t be long till she finds a new love. Oh, and by the way, Pato has NO intention of leaving Luci all alone during her pregnancy. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Rod!


Vivi, this detailed recap boinks every nail right on the head, spells out the dialogue (thank you! thank you!) and you write such apt and adorable transitions from scene to scene that it's like sitcom writing. Kudos.

Juli, I left off with her last night. What a lame dame, thinking that Claudio wouldn't see through her scheme. But I don't think he has yet; can't tell with his Cheshire cat smile. Noncommittal so far, as you say, Viv.

Pato ... hmmm. He's quietly wooing Luci and is he also undermining Rod's determination to win Luci back? Methinks yes. Rod, for all his muscles and his name, is weak and impressionable. What Pato says is essentially true but he could say the opposite ... Lucha por tu amor ... that old novela sawhorse, but he doesn't. He's the voice of reason to Rod because it serves his purpose, which he might not be conscious of since he's so angelic probably even to himself.

Max ... I don't want a body count but the two things that turn him murderous are interfering with Vicki.. his property.. and his dirty money from the ancho. Aldo knows about both and while Max loves his children and seems also to love Melissa, he has no love for Aldo, so Aldo may be close to an anvil he won't get up from. Aldo is straightforward and has some, um, avocados, but he's got a dumb blind spot when it comes to his uncle and that's going to get him hurt. I hate to think what could happen to Vicki very soon. Claudio better watch out too, now that he's intimating to Max that he knows something.

Luci ... whoooeee. She has got MAJOR avocados. I was really surprised that she turned on Rosa and held up against Rosa's bobbing and weaving to get a shot in on Luci. Our girl is a clear thinker. Having inhabited Novelaland, I thought Luci would right away fall for Rosa's sobs and admissions of guilt and pain. The writers surprised me again with Refugio.

I do get annoyed at Claudio when he agrees that Luci isn't happy there but always has some reason for her to stay longer or some way for her to bear it better. Actually, he's a little like Juli who goads Gala into staying with Rod when Gala's better sense tells her to get out of there.

The nooses are tightening in Refugio and the little release of tension tonight in Het Het wasn't much. It's building.


What a wonderful comment Carol. Yes indeed, this was a really tense episode. There was no way I couldn't give the details of those conversations because they were all so important.

I was also very proud of Luci. She was fantastic! How refreshing to see a heroine who thinks so clearly, despite having a good/pure heart. Good and pure doesn't have to mean stupid.

Yes, Rod doesn't seem to be able to generate and stick to his own decisions. He rellies on outsiders to do it for him- Pato, Rosa, Max, Julie, Gala. Since the beginning of this tn, Pato has given him good advice and told him to fight for Luci. Now, I guess he's tired of Rod whining and hurting Luci, so he's telling him to suck it up and deal with his reality. Of course, I think he's also starting to think it would be best of Luci found a new love, and he just might be the right guy...

Very true, Vivi. Pato both encouraged and warned Rod time and again to be in Luci's corner and Rod messed it up. If Pato's sick of it all, I don't wonder. So he's acting now in his own best interest. BTW that phrase that had the word fiesta in it ... I scratched my head the minute I heard it. Thanks for that one.

Really, I'm hoping there isn't a body count at all, except maybe Max at the end. Probably naive, but the writers have departed from a lot of formulaic action and they've fleshed out the characters well so there isn't anyone major who I'd regard as expendable. It'll hurt if one of them has to go.

Might Mouse Aldo! ROTFLOL!

OK - back to reading the recap......

Vivi, great stuff, thanks.

Luci standing up to Rosa was priceless. It was probably the first time in Rosa's life that it had ever happened. She could have been halfway normal if someone had straightened her out long ago.

It is too bad we cannot have a bet going to see how long Rod can stay away from Luci!

I love Pato. He is the only real man in that family and I bet he was the true athlete. He has brains and compassion which is something neither of the other men in that family have. Aldo comes close but is a diamond in the rough. He has compassion for Vicky, stands up to Tio and is smart enough to fool them all into thinking he is worthless.

Rosemary Primera


Great work, Vivi. My favorite was Rod clutches his ball (not THOSE ones—they shriveled up long ago), and appears to be in deep thought.

I love how Luci stood up to La Loca. That was better than a spanking. She needs to keep that up.

Rosemary P.- Yeah, we'll see how long it takes before Rod is giving Luci longing looks, brushing up against her, and finding any excuse to talk to her. Then again, this time he WILL have Pato watching his every move since he made that promise in front of him.

Urban- It was so great to watch someone calmly confront La Loca with the truth. But that woman is evil. She will never really accept any truth that isn't convenient to her needs.

Brilliant intro paragraph, Vivi! I love all the characterizations of the different cats and mice! Especially the nasty TL cats! Great perspective on the various encounters as cat and mouse games - definitely.

And Carol - I agree that Claudio definitely wins the Cheshire cat smile competition, LOL!

It's official. Aldo is a complete blockhead. Let's see Max threatens him with a letter opener, Vicki tells him what he did to her and he still tells her not worry, nothing will happen. The dude is too dumb to even run the business at the antro.

So Rosa is on dust patrol at the office. Loved Luci standing up to her and not backing down. I'm pretty sure La Loca thought she could cow the dumb girl from the boonies but is getting the shock of her life that the girl isn't dumb and has a backbone of steel. Loved Luci telling Vi that she didn't believe a word the woman said while La Loca is probably thinking that stupid girl bought it all.

Thought the whole Claudio/Julie scene was odd. As far as i know she has never met him yet she sails into his office sits and sips and never once mentions her name. She did the same thing when she told Ofelia to tell Rod that she was there. I guess crystal ball reading comes with the job. I didn't think he bought her act but some men especially one who has been out of circulation take everything of face value. Time for Aurora's ghost to make a few appearances to warn him of the danger to their bebe from the woman.

Laughed at the poor forlorn Lastro in his pervert raincoat. He would be well advised to get out of town. Marcial might not have a job looking for him but he isn't going to quit the search.

I'm trying to remember when Pato met Vi. He's been to the barrio but I can't remember him meeting her and he did have a qustioning tone in his voice when he ran into in the hall. I kind of liked them togther although in the past it wouldn't have occured to me. Since we know he doesn't have a hope in hell with Luic in the long run and Vi is looking for or was looking for a guy with money, it is a possiblity. Think of Rosa's explosion at that thought.

Glad to see that Conny has finally reached the point of no return and is preparing to leave Hell House.

Can't help wondering how long Rod will live up to his promise to Luci to leace her alone and spend his time in his 50 Shades of Grey pad with the shrew.


Dear Vivi-this is such a wonderful recap, one of your many best. I loved the convo's too, so clear and concise. I can't beleive our Rod wants to stay compeletly away from Luci. What about when the bebe is born? Does he want to be a father to the bebe? No wonder poor Luci was crying. I think Pato would be more than willing to step in. I really don't like the fact that because of Rod's asinine decision to marry Gagme, now he is staying away from Luci. He ought to just divorce Gagme already. This is ridiculous. Rod and Luci love each other so much, I guess it will be awhile, if ever when they get together.

Max is as bad about power as Rosa. I don't think he "loves" or even really cares about Vicky. This is a power trip for him, like how dare she dump his butt and take up with someone else. I really hope that Max doesn't hurt either one of them.

Lastra was too funny, and loved your description of him too. He did like a perv sitting on that park bench. I thought he'd never go, or the po po's would swoop down on him. Too bad Marcial was otherwise occupied. Speaking of Marcial, how dumb was he admitting to his boss he gave a guy at Inferno the heads up about him being a cop? I guess his storyline is over.

Good for Luci standing up to la loca Rosa too. I am very happy she didn't back down and wanted answers from the la loca about why she gave her away and why Rosa allowed CL to think she was dead all those years. I also liked what Luci said about Dios can see all our hearts and knows what's in them. La loca was so NOT expecting that. Vivi, I was screaming at the TV too, don't let that loca near your bebe, I was yelling NO.

I really don't think CL bought Champagne's Queen act. He knows what she is all about. He just isn't letting on, in my own opinion.

Like how CL stuck it to Max about the casinoes and clubs. He is letting Max know he suspects, about Inferno that is. Good for CL.

Loved what Conny told Rosa too, about Rosa's kids being with people they love. But don't like the fact Rosa will exact some type of revenge as she likes to do.

Great recap Vivi! Precise, with some grammar thrown in. Dar-to give, and arrancar-to take. Learning opposites is actually a very good way to learn verbs and adverbs, too.

Yeah, Aldo seems to like to live dangerously. Still, am glad he is there to annoy his Uncle. Someone has to do it!

Rosa in that crying scene with Luci reminded me of the slimy alien in Alien 3 in that scene with Sigourney Weaver...ick!

Wow- fur flying last night. These episodes that are so much about the dialog are tough on us novices, so I'm ever so grateful at your great recap Vivi. Love knowing the little details of the conversations.

Luce ROCKS!! I kept waiting for that TN caving the heroine always does to the villianess, and it did NOT happen. How Rosa thinks she made brownie points escapes me since she basically just did the same "poor me" and "I did it for family"number justifying her horrendous actions. She is so delusional, and unfortunately still very dangerous.

Connie needs to move out ASAP so she can get out from under the "cave to Rosa" spell. If she had any thoughts her sister was ever going to change her attitude about the classes, I think she knows now it won't happen and has nothing to do with her supposed mental illness. She's just a spoiled snob. Period.

And Max is losing it--I'm guessing Vicki is toast before this is over. I don't know why, but I get the idea that Max won't ever let her just walk away. And Aldo is too stupid to tell anyone what's going on. Argh! Secrets again.

The Champagne Queen makes me hurl. I can't believe CL would ever fall for her antics, especially since she's GT's mother. Please, no.

So how long before Rod breaks this earth-shattering promise of his? I can't imagine a registered stalker like himself being able to just leave Luce alone. Only way is if CL would stop laying the guilt trip ( my one big fault with him) on Luce and let her get back to Het Het.

To the TN gods: Pato--please dear heavens, let this man be happy at the end of this show. I want to fade to black looking at his big smile. (And I had those same thoughts last night when he was talking to Vio. Maybe? )Thank you.

Vivi, awesome retelling of the episode..

Rosa seems stunned into silence, having not expected this aggressive questioning and right on target assessment from Luci.

if looks could kill, CL would be deader than Max's soul.

getting her panties in a twist

btw, the last time i heard a promise like Rod's, it was in Yo soy Betty la Fea, and about two novela hours later they reconciled for good... but then again at that time they were both single and commitment-less. But we know Rod won't even keep his promise for two breaths...


I also don't like have CL pressures Luci to be in the office - she doesn't need to be there, it's not a good or safe environment for her, and she's happy. Enuf said! Pato too - he's always begging her to stick around. You guys are being blind and selfish! No way should Luci be subjected to that environment. She should be back in Het Het where she can enjoy a serene pregnancy. Rod's not the only blind selfish one.

That salmon blouse looked terrific on Luci last night. Great with her pale skin, black hair coloring.

I'm glad Rod finally got what serious problems his "stalking" of Luci was causing for her. Seems like until now he has willfully ignored what horrible things he was exposing Luci and his unborn child to from his nasty wife and insane mother. I think he finally gets that his being around her makes her vulnerable to these horrible women. His "baggage" so to speak LOL!

Oops - I meant "she's NOT happy" (at the office)

Even if Pato recovers he will have most of Rod's baggage to worry about: Rosa La Loca, who is mentally ill but not legally insane. Thanks to how obvious they are Julie and Gala are kid stuff compared to her.

Luci needs to be with Paz now and as far away from Roselena as possible. History is going to repeat itself if she doesn't get out of D.F. ayer.


Audrey- Glad you liked the cat and mouse theme. Rosa, Max, and Julie all think they are so smart and can fool other people. But they are just arrogant, and they underestimate other people.

Decie Girl- Aldo has guts/avocadoes. Often, that doesn’t go hand-in-hand with smarts. But Aldo is actually very intelligent. Don’t dismiss him like others in the TL family do. His problem is immaturity—and immaturity blinds one to real dangers. That’s why teenagers get into such trouble.

I was struck when CL described Max as a young man being drawn to clubs and casinos and seeing that as being where the easy money is. Sounded just like Aldo to me. Someone (Oscar, CL, Pato?) needs to take a real interest in Aldo and mentor him. He did not have a father growing up, and he has idolized his Tio Max—the only constant male figure in his life. Max (the real Max, not Papa Max) is a horrible role model, and Aldo will continue down a bad path under his tutelage. A good man needs to come in to fill the void, and put Aldo back on the right path.

Pato and Violeta saw each other at Melissa’s professional exam. But they weren’t formally introduced there. Hey, they both sing… Still don’t think that match is going to happen either.


Mads- I really don’t understand why Rod can’t make his own damn decisions and divorce Gala already. He shouldn’t need to ask anyone else. He is the one who lives with her, and only he knows what kind of hell it is. Why is this so hard for him. Solve one problem first, then go on to the next one (winning back Luci).

I also don’t think Max will let his property, Vicky, go. Not of her own free will. He wants to be the decider.

Emarie- Glad the vocab was helpful. Arrancar is a particular aggressive meaning of to take. It’s more like to rip from, so Luci was really drawing a vivid picture of what Rosa had done. She ripped Luci from her mother and father. Rosa’s lame excuses couldn’t stand up to that harsh fact.

Daisynjay- Delusional and dangerous are perfect descriptions for Rosa. Perhaps for Max too? ITA about Max and Vicky.

Marta and Daisynjay- As for how long Rod keeps his promise. I’m not going to bet the farm on that one. He doesn’t have the strongest will. But he just might mean it this time. I wish he would take that resolve and apply it to divorcing Gala instead.

Audrey and Urban- ITA. It’s time for Luci to go back home to her mama. She has learned a lot from CL and Pato, like she said. She’s got a good basic understanding of the biz . Now she can be full-time dedicated to the foundation projects, which she can do in Het Het.


Hello Vivi, your recap reminds me of the song " I've got sunshine on a cloudy day". Thank you. I keep missing the show but who needs it when the retelling is much better. If only Univison will listen and consult with our recappers. One can only hope. Max and RE truly deserve each other. What a pair! I still don't get Aldo. 124 episodes and I don't know what his deal is. He is very aware of who the real MTL is and yet is very loyal. Screw loose somewhere.
Luci made me so proud. She gave RE a run for her money. what was she hoping for? barge into the girl's office and be treated like a queen? Luci told her some hard truths,but she is too crazy to change.
Thanks again Vivi.


Rodrigo is afraid of what Gala will do to the baby whom he knows is only a means to an end. I think his plan was to wait until it was born and then divorce Gala.

He should be dragging her skanky ass to the doctor to document the drinking and start building his custody case.

Glad you raised that point UA. If I was Rod, I would have blasted her for that. How could she accuse him of endangering her when she pulls something like that. Of course, she would put it back on him, but he didn't force those drinks down her throat. My heart goes to that little innocent.

I worry a little when Luce shows at the doctor how he reacts to her. He probably thinks of her as the knocked-up mistress on the side. Hopefully, not and still treats her well...but this is a TN.


As much as it might be safer for Luci back in Het Het the focus of the story is in the DF. If Luci were to go back to her pueblo and spend her days painting pots and doing foundation work nothing would advance in her life. Pato would make trips and begin his own form of stalking, he is already showing some signs of possessiveness and Rod despite his promise would be hot on the trail. The TL's and the blonde bimbos would be neutralized and we would have no story so Luci has to spend time with in the city.

Actually I still think things wouldn't be so perfect in Het Het since Don A is still there and now that he knows Vi is off limits (if he ever admits it) Luci is still in danger of being harassed by him. Even the other day he was asking Copio if Luci was back in town and i don't think he got over his obsession with her as easy as we might think. Poor Luci is not destined to have a serene pregnancy no matter where she goes.

Urban absolutely agree Rod should haul Gagme to the doctor to have her get awake up call about what her drinking and tantrum thowing may be doing to he baby. He is going to need evidence for the inevitable custody battle although i still have my doubts that child will ever be born.

I found it interesting that after 124 episodes we still are learning new things about Max. Who knew that when he and claudio were younger they liked or at least Max liked going casions and clubs and spotted the potential for easy money. Actually there is nothing wrong with making money in those areas (people in my family have) but the difference is that Max doewsn' have a legal gambling license and is evading taxes.

Claudio knows about Infierno from Luci and also from Berrera's connection as Lastra's one time lawyer but I'm darned if i can figure out why he thinks Max is behind it. Can't be the only antro/casiono in town.


Vivi thanks so much for this detailed recap. I hope to say more later but wanted to appreciate your work.

Just at the title so far, but what a great one! Especially the Judas Kiss which is what I thought when I saw it. Now back to the recap.

Okay, I'm back. Lady, you are the master. Your opening paragraph and theme of various cat and mouse games was excellent.

Incredible detail on the conversations, and yet every single word was important. Glad you took the time.

And as Carol noted, your transitions were so skillful and flowed so well. This was really a marvelously well-written recap. One of your best.

"If looks could kill, CL would be deader than Max's soul." Yes, the ambivalence is gone. Max is darker and more evil with each passing day. He makes don Aquiles look like Santa Claus. Even pervy Lastra seems tame by comparison-- at least now that he's been cowed by a very uninterested Ofelia.

Violeta and Pato. Hmmmmm. There have been some interesting looks between the two. And wouldn't it just kill Roselena if her choirboy got hooked up with this voluptuous naco? Wow! That alone makes me want to root for their romance. Her energy and vitality with his balance and wisdom...might work. Stranger things have happened. Think Marilyn Monroe and Arnold Schlesinger.

Vivi---You hit the ball out of the park, HOME RUN! Your cat and mouse comments were beyond great--loved it. Also, a Judas kiss and a sacred promise. Sacred promise, que? How long will that be kept?
Rosa on dust patrol was another great line. What's with that woman?

Luci didn't cave last night. That was great. The city mouse thinks that the country mouse is dumb, but not so. Rosa Loca has finally met her match. WOW! A few more like last night should set {better than others} Loca back a ways.

Decie Girl---Vi and Pato--Rosa explodes. LOL

Continued from yesterday--I still believe that Aldo and Vicki are in grave danger from psyco Max. Watch your back Aldo

We all saw the daggers look that Max gave Claudio. This guy is going to go off before the telenovela ends. Max is a psycho in a fancy suit.
the gringo


Olive- I’m so glad the recap filled in for the episode you missed. Aldo is a bit of an enigma, but in many ways he seem the most real to me. Hang around enough young guys (teens and early 20s) and you see that kind of cocksure, yet misguided, attitude all the time. Add to that a young man with no male role model, and you have Aldo.

Urban- You make a good point of Rod waiting till after the baby is born to divorce Gala. I wish I had that much faith in him to believe he has thought/planned ahead like that. But I will hope that’s the case.

Daisynjay- I wonder what the doc thinks too, now that he knows Luci is NOT the wife. But what must he think of Gala for gushing that she and Luci are bffs, when that obviously can’t be the case, considering their shared baby-daddy?


Decie Girl- True, Don A would be a pest too in Het Het. But a pest is better than dangerous. Don A isn’t dangerous. Rosa and Gala are.

Way back in the beginning, when CL rescued Luci in Inferno, everyone asked why would a man like CL be there. By the way Coral/Vio treated him, it seemed like he was a regular. Sometime after that, he made a comment about places like Inferno not being what they seemed, much like what Marcial said to Aldo recently. Then when Inferno was busted, CL immediately talked to Barrera about knowing Max is behind Inferno. CL has known for a LONG time, longer than anyone else in our story, that Max owns Inferno.

Judy- Gracias amiga. Glad you liked the title and theme, and that we were tracking on that hypocritical kiss.

As for Pato and Violeta, it would be a fun match, if only to see Rosa absolutely lose it. LOL! She would have a nuclear meltdown.


Gringo- "Max is a psycho in a fancy suit." Perfect description of him! I wouldn't want to be Vicky or Aldo right now.


Vivi--Haven't had a chance to send congratulations your way. Cats, have to love 'em though. They're good company if you behave correctly for them.

Can't add much to anything. I immediately thought Judas kiss too when I saw it. Rosa is laying the groundwork for her big intervention. She has said several times to the brujas that she hasn't been wasting her time and that she first needed to gain Luci's confidence. She might of said Que asco as she wiped the kiss off her lips as if her act was no biggie, but she probably didn't cound on Luci being unbendable and actually go on the offensive. I'm glad we learned right away that Luci is on guard.


Anita- Rosa for sure didn't realize it would be so hard to win Luci's trust. She overestimates her skills, and underestimates Luci's intelligence. She was ticked off that she had to stoop so low-- begging Luci and kissing her.

Vivi, many thanks indeed for such a clear recap. You hit everything that mattered and I greatly appreciate it.

I was really hoping Luciana would stop Roselena with a standard "no me toques" when Roselena was hovering for a kiss. But that was a great scene by any measure.

One thing I'm really enjoying about this TN is Roberto Blandon and David Ostrosky having a chance to be major characters. Both those guys have been relegated to the margins in the TNs I've seen them in previously.

Have we ever heard anything about Connie's husband's absence? Death? Divorce? Just curious. Also, has Melissa earned the title "licenciada" now?

Are we starting a pool on who's playing the Fantasma of SFEA? My guess is Theophilo.

Thanks one more time, Vivi!


It is fun to see solid pros like Roberto and David get roles they can really sink their teeth into and boy are both of them delivering the goods. Conny was divorced years ago and apparently the ex was never involved in the kids lives. I guess Conny came out of it OK she does have a beach house and she works unlike her dear sister who is a spoiled scheming socialite.


Hey Mike! Love seeing you drop in here. How's the grandbaby?

Yes, Melissa is now officially a licenciada. Don't think she has gotten a job yet, but she just graduated the day before. LOL!

I hear you about David O. and Roberto B. I have seen them both before in tns, but always smaller roles. Nice to see them both get meaty/starring roles. But that could just be because this wasn't a prime time telenovela in Mexico. They have both probably had starring roles in other afternoon tns that also air in the afternoons in the U.S. or not at all in teh U.S.. Refugio got such amazing ratings in Mexico, that Uni decided to put it in prime time when they brought it to the U.S.

Mike- My bet is also on Theo for the fantasma.

Thanks, Decie Girl and Vivi!
Very pleased to say our grand daughter is doing quite well, too cute by half and she'll be three months Friday week.

I'm glad Refugio got great reviews in Mexico, well earned in my view. Besides, Univision owed us something decent after Talisman. I've enjoyed this one and hope the next 7 pm TN will be as good. Emilia manages to watch this and "Por Ella Soy Eva" and also "Abismo". I pay about half attention to Eva just because I enjoy watching Jaime Camil and Lucero, but otherwise there are some slimy characters and storylines there. I've given up on Abismo and rejoice that it's in ultimas semanas.

Finally figured out who Lastra looks like. Anyone else remember a proto-Limbaugh named Joe Pyne?

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