Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #130 Tue 10/9/12 Head For The Shelter, We're In Full Catastrophe Mode Tonight

The worst has happened. Luciana and the baby are in danger and not only is Rodrigo far away, but Claudio is also. Here's the Wikipedia explanation of her condition:

Pre-eclampsia or preeclampsia is a medical condition in which hypertension arises in pregnancy (gestational hypertension) in association with significant amounts of protein in the urine.
Pre-eclampsia is a set of symptoms rather than any causative factor, and there are many different causes for the condition. It appears likely that there are substances from the placenta that can cause endothelial dysfunction in the maternal blood vessels of susceptible women.[1] While blood pressure elevation is the most visible sign of the disease, it involves generalized damage to the maternal endothelium, kidneys, and liver, with the release of vasoconstrictive factors being secondary to the original damage.
Pre-eclampsia may develop from 20 weeks' gestation (it is considered early onset before 32 weeks, which is associated with an increased morbidity). Its progress differs among patients; most cases are diagnosed before labor typically would begin. Pre-eclampsia may also occur up to six weeks after delivery. Apart from Caesarean section and induction of labor (and therefore delivery of the placenta), there is no known cure. It is the most common of the dangerous pregnancy complications; it may affect both the mother.

This is no telenovela pretend medical condition. A few years ago, a young mother I knew died (and her baby with her) after developing this. Her regualr ob-gyn was away and the doctor fielding his calls did not realize the gravity of her condition. By the time action was taken, it was too late.

The group is alerted and head off for the clinic after explaining to Marianita that she can't go. Serena will stay with her. Lastra, still skulking around the neighborhood, calls Ofelia. She tries to blow him off but thankfully, he manages to tell her that he saw Estellita and another woman putting Luciana into a taxi. Clearly she was seriously ill. Ofelia heads to the hospital also.


Pato gets the call about Luciana's condition and he and Jana plan to go to the hospital. Roselena plasters on a worried face and asks if she can go along. Pato, who's not fooled for a minute, answers firmly that “You're the last person that Luciana would want to see.” Roselena turns away and thought bubbles “Ojalá the baby dies in your womb.”
Send Roselena straight to Hell. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.


Gala is ranting about the discomforts of pregnancy: swelling feet and difficulty sleeping since the “escuincle” (kid or brat) keeps moving around. Her two (her only two) friends fan her face and massage her feet while the rant continues. I could put up with all this if it were a boy—but it's a girl!”
Val – The important thing is you have a life within you. That's padrissima!
Gala- Well, if you're so maternal, I'll hire you as a nanny.
Brigida calls with the “chisme” that Luciana is “muy grave” and has been taken to a clinic near the barrio. Julie toasts the news with champagne but opines that “lo correcto” would be to go to the clinic and pretend to be concerned.


Doc comes and and announces to the barrio gang that's rushed to the clinic, that she's “muy delicada” and “corre serio peligro” (is at great risk).


Matilde returns and Roselena is in high dudgeon because Mati, along with her sister Estellita, sought medical help for Luciana.
Roselena- “Quien paga tu salario—yo o esa tipa?” (Who pays your salary—me or that........?)
Mati- Please, it would have been inhumane to leave her in that state.
Roselena-How dare you!
Mati- I dare because I raised you. I saw all the harm you did to your children, your marriage. If I don't tell you, who will? You can't go on trampling on people. But you decide—do I go fix dinner or do I pack my bags and go?

Wow. I know we've criticized Mati in the past for being mealy-mouthed and a pushover, but she really stood up to Roselena this time. Guess it takes a life or death situation to get her mobilized. Well played Matilde!

Max and Aldo arrives and the Roselena Farce begins (while Mati shakes her head in the background.)

Roselena is doing her best Meryl Streep imitation, pretending to be gravely worried about the life of Luciana and “our grandchild”.
Max-What do you know Matilde”
Mati- “Muy poco señor.' She has dangerously high blood pressure. We need to tell Rodrigo.
Roselena- No! Why worry him? He's “al otro lado del mundo” (on the other side of the world). And let's not forget, this baby is “fuera de matrimonio” (born on the wrong side of the blanket). Rod hasn't treated Gala right during their marriage, and if he rushes back to Luciana, it might upset Gala so much she loses HER baby! What should we do Max?(still faking concern) Both babies are at risk. (Is it wrong that I want to smash her hypocritical little face in?)


Fortunately Pato calls Rod in Shanghai. Rod wants her out of that barrio clinic and put in the best hospital available but it's too risky to move her. Pato promises to be in frequent contact and asks Rod to alert Claudio.

Gala and Julie arrive. Pato lets them know he's not impressed by their hypocrisy (Yay Pato!)
Gala- Even though you don't believe me, I'm really sorry because “yo tambien voy a ser mama” thoughtfully patting her belly .
Pato – Scornful laugh.
And he turns away.
Gala- “Maldito tullido!” (damned cripple)
(Well, I have to say, Gala is an Equal Opportunity Bitch, she pretty much rags on everybody)
Meanewhile, the resourceful Champagne Queen sidles up to the receptionist desk and tries to milk some information that way. No news, but she gets the phone number of the clinic so they can call later.
(I hate these people!)


Rod calls Claudio. 'No puede ser “(if you don't know what that means, you're in trouble) Claudio calls Norma to find out what's going on and to arrange for him to return to Mexico.

MANSION DINNER TABLE (the Farce continues)

Max- I'm worried about her. I'm going to go to the hospital.
Roselena- Oh, so now you're compassionate!
Max- It's not compassion—It's preoccupation with what could happen with her and our grandchild.
Roselena- The grandchild of your Worst Enemy!
Max- Don't start that.....
Roselena- May I go with you?
Max- Why? (good question Max!)
Roselena- (with a saccharine smile) The psychiatrist said we should spend more time together. “Hay algo malo en eso, mi amor?” (anything wrong with that, darling?)
Max looks skeptical. Aldo looks disgusted. Roselena just keeps grinning her Chesire cat grin. (Have I said I hate her as much as Julie and Gala?)


Lorenzo asks Pato to make the call to Paz, simply because he understands the medical situation better than Lorenzo does. Pato also notes that he will send a plane to bring Paz to the city.


Paz and Magda are working on baby clothes and reminiscing about their own childbearing days. Especially Paz' joy when Lorenzo was born. Then boom! the “llamada de la sangre”, the call of the blood, strikes .Which works even when there's no blood relation...a Mother always knows...and Paz suddenly intuits that there's something wrong with Luciana) They decide that they will go early-- tomorrow even, to see if she's alright.

The phone rings. We think it's Pato. But it's Namurachi with the news that they need more ceramic pieces to send abroad. If the head of a “cadena de hoteles” (chain of hotels) likes them, he'll order more. So Paz and Magda grab the boxes of ceramics and trot off to deliver. Naturally they don't have an answering machine. So when Pato calls, the phone rings and rings. (And we wring our hands.)

Our resourceful guy then calls the Funeraria, gets the usual “Die now, pay later” and gives the urgent news to be passed on. Procopio promises he'll deliver but when he can't locate Paz, he stops by the Abastecedora (supply house) to tell don Aquiles that Luciana is “muy mal”. Don A rises to the occasion and promises to pay Paz' airlines ticket to the city. (C'mon, alright, I know the guy's a wretch but every once in a while, he does something generous.)


Gala is hoping for a “miracle”--the miracle of Death. If Luciana and the baby would conveniently just die, that would end Gala's suffering and bring Rodrigo to heel. Julie listens with a sly smile. (Did I already say I hate these women? Well I'm saying it again.)


Docs haven't been able to stabilize the blood pressure, have to do a C-section “cuanto antes” (as soon as possible). Lorenzo hesitates to sign because he's not a blood relative; Pato says he'll be responsible and gives his signature to proceed. Talk about "miracles", he's recovered enough movement that he can sign his name on his own.  A poignant moment and one we could celebrate if we weren't so worried about Luciana and the baby.
 Lots of hand wringing, shoulder rubbing, worried looks and muted hysteria by the assembled.


Montage of serious surgeon looks ,interspersed with shots of Claudio and Rod, a gazillion miles away,  looking equally serious. Heavy dramatic music.

We see the knife.  We hear the explanation that they're using a local so Luciana can be awake during the delivery.

Suddenly the background music stops. Dead silence. Luciana does not even seem to be breathing.

Qué qué qué!?

Then we hear the blessed sound of a baby crying. The surgeon announces that Luciana has a beautiful, healthy “varon” (male child.) Whew. One anvil down, a lot more to go.


Late at night, Don Aquiles raps on the door. Magda immediately starts in on a rant which he ignores. He's the one who delivers the news that Luciana is “se puso mal”(has taken sick). We get another “no puede ser”.

And more ranting from Magda. Don A assures them that he'll pay if they want to go right now, “me pongo a sus ordenes por lo que necessite” (I'm here for whatever you need). No way is Paz going to accept that, but still...he offered. The old fart is not without a redeeming quality here and there.  Paz wants to get on a bus and head down there tonight.  Magda persuades her to wait until morning when Pato can send a plane. (Another anvil?  Should they really have taken the bus.  Ay yi yi...the tension!)


Lorenzo is on the phone with Paz when Max and Roselena arrive. He gives them a steely stare-down while his mom, in full lioness mode, instructs him to do whatever it takes to protect Luci from Roselena. Somehow, during all this, Jana has gravitated from the barrio crowd to stand beside her parents. More hard looks at the Torreslandas. Interesting though, that Pato has stayed with the barrio crowd. His priorities and loyalties are clearly stated by his  physical position.


Norma calls to let Claudio know why Luciana couldn't be moved to another hospital but she doesn't have the news Claudio really wants—the condition of his daughter and his grandchild.

 So Claudio prays. And so do we.


The surgeon gently puts the baby on Luciana's chest. She cries. (I cry!....And if you didn't cry, you have no heart)
Luciana- I'll take care of you always. (Anvil alert) I'll protect you all my life (Major anvil alert) “Te amo musho”.
Doc assures her that the baby is fine, but she is very weak. She kisses the baby and then the actress playing the nurse takes the infant and briefly lets his head hang down! (I am wincing. Does she not know you need to support a tiny baby's head?! Dang, I worry about the babies who are put in these telenovelas.)


Roselena is rudely demanding to know news. Violeta confronts her. Roselena confronts right back, insulting her by calling her a third rate bar girl (“cabaratucha de quinta”). Doc comes out with the news that it's a healthy baby boy. Roselena stalks off in a fury. (Have I mentioned I hate this woman?) The barrio gang cheers. Even Max is happy. Our first born grandchild will have the Torreslanda name in first place, he announces.

Pato asks about Luciana and when they hear that she's still at risk, Roselena thought bubbles “Esa infeliz se va a morir”. (that wretch will die!) (Lord, I really really hate that woman! Have I mentioned that?)


Rod checks in with God and brings him up to date on his character (like God doesn't know). God, I”m not a good man. I resent my mom. I'm married to a woman I don't love. But I beg you, turn your eyes to me. Save Lucia and my child. Please!

Like an answer to prayer, the phone rings and he learns he's the father of a strong healthy boy. A little light-hearted brotherly chaffing ensues.
Pato- Just hope he looks like Luciana 'cause if he looks like you—ouf!
Rod- I agree...I hope he looks like Luciana. But...how is she?
Pato- “Delicada. “ Por favor”, tell Linares that his grandson has been born.
Rod- Thank you God! A boy, my son! Hi eyes fill with tears. I get weepy again. (and you too, right?)


Lorenzo calls Paz with the news that her grandson has been born. Fibs and says that Luciana is fine. Mom's worried about Roselena but he assures her she's left the premises. And Violeta will stick around to care for Luciana. But he adds, “You should have seen doña Roselena's face when she found out it was a boy!--”muy rara” (very strange). Paz assures him she will be there early tomorrow (and I'm feeling the weight of another anvil, aren't you?)


Roselena phones Gala with the bad news that it's a boy.

Tantrum of Evil begins.

Gala- “Maldita maldita. La criada esa (Damnit, damnit, that dang servant...) has a boy and I'm having a girl. Then there's some prolonged whining about the baby getting the Torreslanda name.
Roselena- I can't stop Rodrigo from giving that damned baby his name. Rod would never speak to me again if I did that. And my husband and other children wouldn't put up with it either.
Gala- Then you and I have to make sure that this damned brat disappears from our lives forever.


And there we end. Nervous, anxious, ready to face an infinite number of anvils that seem to be lining up. Gosh, and we call this entertainment! (It's just a story, it's just a story.)


blandengue = softy (Roselena chastising Matilde for getting worried and taking Luciana to clinic)
varon = male child
no puede ser = it can't be!
Cuanto antes = right away
hay algo malo en eso, mi amor? = anything wrong with that, darling?
Lo correcto = the right thing (to do)
padrissima = really great
cabareterucha de quinta = third-rate bar girl (in Spanish, they're saying “fifth-rate”, but we say third-rate)
escuincle = kid
chisme = gossip
cadena de hoteles = hotel chain
al otro lado del mundo = on the other side of the world
se puso muy mal = took a bad turn, a turn for the worse, became very ill, took sick
me pongo a sus ordenes por lo que necesite = I'm at your service for whatever you need
muy rara = very strange
fuera de matrimonio = outside of marriage
yo tambien voy a ser mama = I'm going to be a mother also
esa infeliz se va a morir = that wretch is going to die
corre serio peligro = is in serious danger
maldito tullido = damned cripple

Dicho of the Day

Dios los cria y ellos se juntan. (Lit. God creates them, they get together) (Fig. Birds of a feather flock together.)
Well, it's hard to believe that God created Roselena, Gala and Julie, but for sure they're flocking together as they scheme to do away with Luciana's baby.


I'm biting my nails, wringing my hands and probably boosting my blood pressure as well. Lordy, this was a tough night and there seem to be more anvils to come.

We're going to have to hang in and comfort each other when things get too tough. Refugio Counseling Group will be holding their first meeting "cuanto antes"!

Thank goodness for your recap. My cable DVR didn’t record the show and it is set to do it every night, agh!! I’ll have to watch it tomorrow on Hulu.

I am sorry about your friend, JudyB, it’s shocking, because nowadays it is so rare to die from pre-eclampsia.

Luci is 8 months along, the baby should be fine. Unless they let Rosa visit.


Oh dear, EMARIE...Probably that witch Roselena...or Gala, put the hex on your DVR.

It IS rare to die from pre-eclampsia today. And should be. This was about 40 years ago, actually. But this woman already had two sons. Luckily, her husband did later marry a wonderful woman who was a great mom to those two boys, and bore her husband a little girl of her own (and his wife who died would have had a little girl also). So there was some happiness for him out of this tragedy.

Judy- Your recap captured the nail-biting tone of this episode perfectly. As well as Viewerville's repulsed reaction to the Blonde Bitches. Wonderful recap amiga.

So glad the little guy with all that black hair was born healthy, but we also know those witches are gunning for him. And Luci isn't out of the woods health-wise either. That is cary info in preeclampsia you gave us. How horrible for your friend’s family and loved ones to have such a happy occasion turn so tragic.

I also got teary when Luci saw her baby and cried. I felt so bad for CL, who was once again trapped somewhere else as the woman he loved had a difficult birth.


Thanks much JudyB! Wow - the tension!

I'm glad to hear the Refugio Counseling Group is standing by.


Judy, this evil triumvirate deserves the deepest level of hell. I was cheering Paz when she told Lorenzo to make sure Roselena didn't get near Luci or the baby. Here's hoping he has the spine to actually do this.

WELL WELL WELL ~ TONIGHT'S Episide Was MOST Interesting!
Luciana has a HEALTHY Baby Boy!!!!! With little to no incident!

Now the WITCHES are hard @ Work ~ Working overtime with their EVIL Plans. I hope the choke and die!!! Well as for Julie I hopes she drowns on a gulp of her Champagne!!!

The roller~coaster ride has Begun!!!!!


That's "scary" info on preeclampsia.

I also liked Rod's little prayer admitting his faults to God (who already knows them all too well).

I also appreciated Aquiles' generous gesture, even if he's a metiche. I did sense that anvil about Paz getting to D.F. But Magda was right that the bus would take them a full day to get there-- from one night to the next. But it seems the writers are going to keep toying with us. I'm glad that at least Paz had the good sense to tell Lor to be on guard about Rosa. The whole group needs to be told this. I hope none of them fall for her fake concern for a second.

I also gave Mati a pat on the back for standing up to Rosa. It doesn't make up for all the other times she wimps out, but it's a good start.

Could not believe that Val and Fer were back for more abuse from Gala, and fanning her and rubbing her damn feet! WTF??!!

I am glad Paz & Magda refused to accept Achilles' help!
Did she say "Not even a glass of Water"? LOLOLOL!!!
Paz is too funny! I like her gusto!

So Judy, my dear, how do you REALLY feel about Rosa and the two bruja's? Not sure that was clear. KIDDING...This was wonderful. I appreciate your medical info at the start too. My heart breaks at the thought of that poor young mother who you mentioned. My sister-in-law had this occur three weeks before her due date on her second child, and it was very touch and go with her for a few days. But she pulled thru, as did my sweet nephew. I think I went through a few kleenex thinking back to those days.

I was a wreck thru most of this episode with all the events, not wanting to watch, afraid of what would happen next, despising every time Rotten Rosa or GT's pusses got on the screen.

So now that my sniffeling is over ( and can I say the dang preview had me bawling the worst??), I can think a little clearer on all that happened.

Kudos to Don A. I can't stand the jerkwad most days, but bless his heart. Maybe this is the start of the grinch's heart melting? Make him think about his own daughter differently?

OK, it has to be said....what the blazes would these people do without Pato? I did not understand Lorenzo's hesitation at all in signing the form. Heck I would have grabbed that form so fast the doc wouldn't have finished asking.Just because he's not her blood brother? Pato saving the day again and being where his brother should be is getting to be a habit. I still think it was a total plot contrivance with the China trip--if they had been true to these characters, CL at least would not have left Luce's side with two weeks to go.

I digress...as for the evil that is the Smiling Banshee and her Toothsome Twosome, please let me be the one to drop the anvils on these three??? PLEASE! (I'm doing my best Paloma whine--I just watched Abismo, so I got it nailed.) There is no redemption or easy way out now for them wishing an innocent child dead. I get nauseous just thinking about their antics.

I can't wait for tomorrow when Pato gets to hold the bebe. I need to lay plastic on the couch or chair because I will be bawling buckets when that happens.


Hi everyone...yes, our very first Refugio Support Group meeting is in session.

Glad you're all as upset as I was with those damnable witches...(and that you puddled up like I did, Vivi, at the birth. Have to admit, I cry every time I see a picture of a newborn. Me and Gala's friend Val are suckers for babies!)

Yep, AUDREY, this was a nail biter. And UA, normally I'm as "blandgue" as Mati, but I with you that these women deserve the deepest level of Hell.

AMOR...the support group will join you in hoping our trio bites the dust. Love your plan for Julie!

Buenas Noches all. I just hope I don't grind my teeth all night, thinking about those three!

Judy- thank you so much for this marvelous recap. I especially loved, "Have I said how much I hate these women", lol. I'm glad you told us how you really feel, cause honestly we are all with you. I cried when that little cute bebe boy was born, and I cried yesterday when Luci was in such pain.

I am glad the bebe is healthy and I am hoping Luci is too. I had pre-eclampsia when I had my daughter and had to have an emergency C-section, but they completely knocked me out. I wasn't awake like Luci was. I noticed her blood pressure was dropping like a stone 77/60. I really hope the anvil doesn't drop on our Luci.

Those three brujas deserve hell, nothing else. How cruel and awful especially Rosa the loca. How horrible she is.

Loved the barrio gang with Luci and Pato too. How wonderful he is. And Mati, who knew. So glad she has FINALLY stood up to la loca. I am glad Pato called Rod to, to let him know. Let's hope Claudio makes it back soon. And Don A that was a surprise too. Glad he stepped up to the plate to do something nice for a change, and Lastra, how odd. I liked how Max was proud of the bebe too and worried about Luci. Rosa can go straight to hell, and I hope she is going soon. She is unredeemable. So are Gala and Julie. I just hope Gagme's bebe is healthy.

Oh, and not letting Rod know, what is wrong with Rosa la loca???? She is afraid Rod will take one look at that bebe and never look at Gagme again, Can't be havin' that can we???? Same worry for Gagme, although Rod will love that bebe too.

Loved Rod's and Claudio's prayers also. Rod and Claudio's prayers were so from the heart. I hope Rod makes it back at the same time as Claudio. I can't see Rod staying in Shangai.

@ Vivi ~ Yes Mati definitely grew a set of balls this episode! I was waiting for her to grab Rosealena and shake some Sense in that cabeza of hers, which in the end would stil be futile. But hey nonetheless.

Why didn't one of the "Fab Five" (Luciana's Neighbourhood Family/Friends there in the Hospital Lobby) STAND up and Send Rosealena to inferno ... Yes Vio stood up to her But I had a few chosen word just for her that I definitely spell out to her in no uncertain terms!

Poor Patricio and Hannah would be owed an apology when I was done with her.
But oh we'll I have to remind my self it's only a TN.


I think it was silly of Lorenzo to hesitate to sign because he isn't related by blood to Luci. I think it's more that he was too young and unsure to do it. I'm not even sure he's 18 yet, so he might not have been legally able to sign the form.

It's a good thing I have sound proof windows or my neighbors would have been calling the cops the last couple of days. Last night I was screaming to call a f'ing doctor and tonight it was you miserable bitch. Believe it or not i rarely swear but who could avoid it the last couple of days.

Unfortunately now the writers have slipped into cliche territory with no one home to answer phones in an emergency, mature adults acting like twits, parents and lovers far from the place they need to be in an emergency and a baby in danger. I guess we can be thankful we've been spared them to date.

Pato certainly knows how to remain calm in an emergency and actually the Barrio gang was much more controlled than the usual hospital scene. Poor Jana had to rotate over to her parental unit or risk getting sent back to her room for more punishment from Rosa.

Loved Max asking her why she wanted to go to the hospital he knows how she feel about Luci while he on the other hand really did want to go. He knows she is putting on an act and I wished he'd told her to stay home and do a little praying.

Lorenzo is no fool, he noticed Rosa's give away hate look when she found about about the baby being a boy and how Max was thrilled with his first grandchild. Lor thought it was odd and passed on the message to Paz who will arrive like an avenging fury. The next time those two ladies cross paths should be very interesting.

Couldn't help noticing that baby is very dark, has Max's coloring. Of course in the way of all novelas he is likely to suddenly morph into a blue eyed blonde. LOL I also noticed that actress not holding the little mite correctly which is unusal. I've often noticed that novela actors of both sexes always seem to hold babies like they know what they are doing. I thought she might drop it.

Poor Claudio being so far away that had to be a nightmare for him.


Thanks so much for the incredible recap. But next time, you really need to tell us how you feel.

Some of the characters surprised me tonight but unfortunately the the Brujas did not. I hope they get jobs in their next life as the official polishers of the hinges of hell. They shouldn't even get a Aldo type office for their supplies.

I can handle a lot but if they hurt that sweet baby I am afraid I will be the first in line for the Refugio Counseling Group.

Rosemary Primera


Thanks, Judy, for leading our little support group tonight and getting us through this catastrophe.

Yes, I cried at the times you did. Rodrigo's prayer, Claudio's pain, and Luciana's welcome to her baby were so touching.

I'm not a violent person. I'm patient and forgiving. But I hope those 3 f'ing brujas rot in hell.


Thank you Judy. That was such a good recap ... "and they call this entertainment" Loved that line.

Yay ... the bebe is finally here. Did Luci call him Rodrigo? Didn't she once say that Rodrigo is what she would name a boy?

I expected more befuddlement at the term, pre-eclampsia but everyone just took it in like they were familiar with it, except maybe Lorenzo. Unusual medical savvy for Novelaland. The emergency clinic looked very competent to me. Good medical care in la vecinidad.

I hate to hate but can I get away with hating fictional characters? Rosalena is in a category of her own (diagnosable borderline personality, but we don't need to go there) but Juli and Gala are just plain self-centered evildoers. Pato calling them hipocrites ... right on.

I hope everyone gets to see the baby and bond with him before he disappears, if that's what happens. Especially Paz, Claudio and Rodrigo. It might have to last them awhile.

Max cares about Luci and the baby. He's mouthy to Rosa but he doesn't really do anything to limit her even though he knows she's dangerous and can see through her hipocracy. A lot like Rod is with Gala.

Rosa could wind up with the power to be alone with Luci in the hospital, since she's the mother-in-law and Lorenzo doesn't think he's related enough. Or, since Rosa now knows that Claudio bought Luci an apartment, she'll figure out (this time that useless PI will come through) where to find the baby. I'm definitely scared and tightening the emotional seatbelt for this ride. I can hardly stand seeing Luci hurt again. Rod? I see the pain he suffers as part of his rude awakening to becoming his own man/husband/father.

Great recap and comments. So glad I'm not watching this one alone!


Oopsie ... Not mother-in-law but grandmother. The synapses are barely firing at this hour. G'nite.

looooooved how pato stood up to gala & champagne queen (haha love that name judyb) and his mom. I know its been said many times, but that pato is one smart dude.

& I'm totally with you about hating these characters like that nurse at the front desk of the hospital, ugghhh so annoying.....wish I could put gala&julie's face on 'do not approach or help' posters and plaster them all over the hospital.

my sentiments exactly on those witches, is nothing sacred to them?????


@ Judy ~ Thank you for your EXCELLENT Review/Recap!
Thoroughly Enjoyed!
See we share te same sentiment towards Ruthless Rosealena, Grievous Gala & JealousRidden Julie... Aaargh!!!

My Darling Patricio IS the ONLY voice of Reason in this Telenovela ~ I have yet to find a single fault in him. He is appropriate in season and out of season.

I worry about him and hope the writers don't do his Character wrong in this version and make anything tragic happen to him!
I watched him (Brandon) on Hoy last week along side Paul Stanley (Funny man Aldo) and he was as sweet as the Character he plays.


This is Not Related to this TN ~
But I wondered will there be a recap of tonight's Amor Bravio?
I've checked.... This was such an exciting episode!
I'll keep checking back on the main page.


Did anyone notice how cute Claudio looked in his PJ's?
Oh how Melissa would have love this view/site of him.


Good Morning Refugio Support Group! It was a rough night last night. A lot of us committed to love and forgiveness slipped off our pedestals (Me no. 1!) and thoroughly hated some characters and wished them ill. (Just like they are wishing for Luciana and that innocent child. Part of the reason for our fury is our utter helplessness. These are imaginary characters, conjured up by real writers, but we have no way of influencing them. All we can do is watch in horror as they do things to harm their own happiness (Rodrigo for instance) or work tirelessly to harm others (Roselena, Gala and Julie.)I've found in the past, these dramatic stories, as well as the discussions, sometimes give me real insight into my own character defects. So, in addition to the Spanish, and the knowledge about other locales and customs, I'm getting an education on other matters as well. Hope you are too!

Really enjoyed your comments and the passion you all bring to this. DAISNJAY, I missed your comment and Vivi's and Amor's second ones last night when I toddled off to a hot hot shower. So sorry to hear your sister-in-law had pre-eclampsia also. But glad she pulled through. And MADS...this must have brought back disturbing memories as well. Thank goodness you're here and healthy and your child as well. Pregnancy is a vulnerable time, even in this very medically advanced country.

Welcome SUSAN. Don't think we've heard from you before, but the more the merrier...or in this case, the more that chime in the more we can support each other! 'Cause we're all upset!

DECIE GIRL..I can just imagine you swearing and ready to throw something at the windows. Hang in there lady!

JLK...I can't claim credit for "Champagne Queen". One of my team members coined it (speak up clever one!) and I just borrowed it.

CAROL...Know what you mean about normally being kind and forgiving (in intention anyway) but Roselena really pushes all my buttons and so does Gala. I think Roselena is the more dangerous because her evil intent is cold and calculated. Gala is more hot-headed and obvious in her evil.

ROSEMARY PRIMERA...Loved your phrase, "official polishers of the hinges of hell". Well said my friend.

VIDA2...Armed guards would be good. And Claudio can certainly afford them. How I wish!

VIVI...I thought Lorenzo's unwillingness to sign was a little contrived as well, but it was a pivotal moment since Pato COULD sign (remember how hard he worked to get both hands operational so he could hold the baby) and it was also a further sign of his love and commitment to Luciana.

Finally, I realize I was soooo upset last night, I forgot to mention the previews. In it, we see the medal of Guadalupe on the baby, so we have to believe that not only with that medal protect the wee tike, but it will serve as an identifying mark if he is indeed taken away.

Boy, could not stop thinking about this episode last night. The biggest heartache coming is we know the writers will do a history-repeating itself storyline and someone is going to take that baby. Hate it!!

But I keep thinking that Rosa would be the first suspect if that happens so I don't think she could dare either do it herself or even get someone to do it. Now GT on the other hand -- she has had her moments of paying off the smarmier characters of this TN, so I can see her doing that again. Is this where Lastra comes in?

Oh, that was me with the Champagne Queen, which right now I would like to drown said woman in a vat of the bubbly.

DaisynJay- So with you about drowning that Champagne Queen in champagne, but not the really good French stuff, how about some Andres Pink Champagne, lol.

Ah well, DAISYNJAY...glad to know whom I can credit for that great phrase, Champagne Queen. Should have known it was you. Still think you should recap. Start workin' on that Spanish, girlfriend!

And yes, MADS, if we're drowning her in bubbly, let's make it cheap...like Julie herself.

When my brother used to work construction, the rough trade's favorite libation was Thunderbird Wine. I think that might do nicely for marinating Miss Julie.

Judy thanks so much for your recap and establishing a support group. These next few episodes will be very harrowing and at least we'll have one another and Pato!

I like your observation about TNs teaching you things about your own character. Regarding the witches, some of our reaction is the level of their cruelty. We all have people we dislike but to harm their children seems so beyond the pale of wanting some type of vengeance. Moreover Rosa's hypocrisy is nauseating.

No, Champale. Save the good stuff for the finale.

Gala would have no conscience about kidnapping or murdering a baby. Is she impulsive enough to do it herself? We'll see.

Champale! I like the way you think, UA.

KAREN....Roselena's hypocrisy is, indeed, nauseating. And she's so delusional, I think...on some level...she believes everything she does is justified and "right" because it's based on her "devotion to her family". That's the part that really sickens me. Oh hell, it all sickens me.

It reminds me a little of the Jerry Sandusky case where he so clearly believes that he is innocent and high-minded, he actually manages to make some of these people he abused, doubt themselves and their memories.

The mind is an amazing thing...and can accomplish much evil as well as much good.

Judy great parallel b/t Rosa and Sandusky. It is so disturbing how some minds can really believe in an alternate reality (at least Rosa isn't real). As you said the mind can do great good or evil.

And what is so crazy about Rosa and many other TN mothers is their supposed religiousness. They do things that are so clearly evil yet cling to their own spiritual piety. I also think that is why the medical angle is enabling to me b/c Rosa does what she wants to do and doesn't care about the consequences; that's not mental illness, its choosing to be evil though she knows right from wrong.

Thinking about Lor being reluctant to sign wasn't really contrived. I believe he is underage and knew he couldn't sign. Years ago my cousin was baby-sitting my sister. Mary fell and hit her head and my cousin who was 16 took got her to the emergency hospital but couldn't sign papers for her care. It was smart of Pato to step up and Jana did guide his hand while he signed. Funny how sometimes we notice the small things and miss bigger ones.

I do have to ask the question what in the heck was wrong with Claudio and Rod. They have access to a private jet and yet they hang around in China praying. They should have both run to the airport ASAP. Yes they had meetings but what is more important. That looked contrived to me to keep them off scene when whatever happens to the bebe

Everyone knows that I detest Don A but I am fair so it was very kind (if out of character) for him to offer to help Paz get to his palomita. I guess he isn't a complete lost cause but even while showing that spark of humanity he was still his usual nasty self to Magda.

I keep telling myself it is stupid to get worked up over fictional characters on a TV show in a language i don't speak and barely understand but because these writers and the cast have done such an outstanding job I've really come to care for them. At odd times of the day i find myself wondering what is going to happen next and creating scenarios in my head. Truly the sign of a first rate novela.

Judy Love the reference to Jerry Sandusky. He could almost be a model for Rosa - Everything that goes wrong is someone else's fault. The universe is conspiring against them. They do no evil, everything is done for their twisted and perverse idea of love. He got what he had coming and i devoutly hope she does to.

Hello JudyB, thank you for recapping this nail biting episode. Indeed, is this entertainment? We all need counseling. stress in the world we can ignore, but not TN babies in danger. I was surprised by how upset I was and nothing has happened. The very thought of that precious baby in danger hmmmm. All I can say is the end better justify all this anguish.Who writes this stuff? They really do need our savvy recappers. Why? because our recappers get it...
Mati's actions are too little too late. Can't get myself to forgive her. Don't get me started on her sister,diarrhea of the mouth Estela. Loving your sister doesn't mean you tell her everything.Especially since she works for the enemy.
Okay, I am going to calm down with a double mint ginger tea.
JudyB, great info on pre-eclampsia.
Have a great day everyone.


This comment has been removed by the author.

Decie Girl- About Lorenzo-- It was stupid of him to bring up the not related by blood issue. He and Hannah are probably 18 by now, as many months have passed, but that's still a kid. Add to that being scared about your sister's health, and not totally understanding the health issue, and it makes sense to me that he would hesitate to sign. That's what the writers should have had him say, just like when he wanted Pato to explain everything to his mom. His expression and body language through the whole scene expressed fear and uncertainty. The writers didn't need him to say the blood relation thing. The audience would have understood his apprehension.

All in all, the writers are doing their jobs well. Our reaction is fear and worry for our heroine and her child, and loathing and hate for the villains. Mission accomplished, I'd say!

Wed Oct 10, 01:56:00 PM EDT


Olive- I was laughing so hard at the comment you made about dirrahea of the mouth as far as Estelita goes, lol. She does have this condition, I may borrow that for a recap if I may. It is so perfect for Frigida too., lol

We finally have bouncing baby boy Torreslanda!! What a cutie also. Anyone notice when he was on Luci's chest how he kinda looked at her like "it's o.k. Mom I'm here now". Aaawwwww...

Now that Rod & Max both know Luci had a boy, scratch any possible baby swapping by Gala. I think what she'll do is pay heavily to have Luci & her baby taken from their home. Only the Baby T will be found oki doki and it will be made to look like Luci was overwhelmed with work, the artcraft, motherhood and just couldnt copy and she "disappears". Only she will be held by Gala's well paid henchmen. That's seems to be the only way Gala could pull off keeping the male heir but getting rid of Luci.

And Rosa seems to be having a war within herself with past ghosts rising up. I think Rosa will go along with Gala's plan at first but in the end to repent for her past sin on Luci & Claudio, will give up the ghost and Gala and the Champagne Cougar Queen.

Interesting scenario Anonymous 2:45. I have given up predicting what twists and turns telenovelas take because I am always wrong. 100 per cent wrong as I recall.

OLIVE...where do you get that double mint ginger tea, child? I could use some. Absolutely silly to be so disturbed about the possibility of harm to fictional characters but there you go...if we think something, it's real in our world, and the world we live in is the one inside our heads.

DECIE GIRL...Lady, you could have knocked me over with a feather. I agree...you ARE fair, if you're giving don A credit for his generous gesture. And yes, he was still rude to Magda. But she started off by being rude to him and continued to be. I understand her deep and abiding hurt, so that's alright. But harsh beginnings make for harsh endings in a discussion...and that's just what happened.

VIVI...Nice analysis of Lorenzo's dilemma and hesitation. He's still just a young lad, regardless of actual chronological age,from a very small town. Now here he is in Mexico City in the midst of a crisis. I'm sure our savvy Violeta could have signed for Luciana also, but having Pato do it was so wonderfully symbolic of his devotion and commitment to Luciana and the baby.

And finally, yes...back to the baby put on Luciana's chest. Adorable baby! I'm madly in love with every baby I see (which has always embarrassed my children) but that baby was unusually beautiful.

KAREN...In our paper this morning they had an interview with a therapist who deals with abused children and he says this self-deception by perpetrators is classic. Guess that's part of what allows them to continuing doing what they do.

To have it associated with religion, (when it is) is disturbing, but all kinds of violence and abuse have happened under the cloak of religion. I am a person of faith but can't deny that the human mind can twist anything to an evil use if determined enough.

Well, I guess I'm 43. Coming late to the discussion, again. Judy, please let me come to the Refugio Counseling Group. Are you allowed to be selective and turn the Three Killer Bees away if they try to join? They can't be allowed to invade our Caray neighborhood when we're in such dire straits.

What a lot of comments were generated. I'll just sign off with a thanks to you, Judy, and everyone else who commented about Luci and Team Luci and for the short lesson on preeclampsia.

The one thing the barrio gang plus two TL's need to do is to make sure one or more of them are in Luci's room at all times and that none of the brujas is allowed in. Unfortunately none of the Team Luci players can conceive of the evil that waits. Being basically decent people it would never cross their minds, even Pato and jana, to think that anyone would wish harm to Luci or the baby. That naiveté can be very dangerous for our new mom and bebe.

Why do you think Max gives in to Rosa's hipocrisy? I was hoping he'd step up and tell her off. Everyone knows what she did and no one believes she's changed so why cater to her? Even Matilde finally said something!

Not sure Juli deserves even cheap champagne. She should spend the rest of her life drinking nothing but Boone's Farm.

And Val needs to get out of there. She's nice. She could find new friends.

But at least they found a baby who looks almost newborn! Not like those 4 month old "newborns" we usually see.

Side note: Has anyone ever bought these novelas on dvd that say they are recorded from tv? It says digital tv but i was wondering how the quality is.


KELLY...A CarayCaray friend send me some DVD's that were recorded from the show and they were quite good. I believe Jardinera over on the Amor Bravio line has the address of a supplier who's reliable if you want to order something. It's pricey tho'...a hundred dollars or so I think to get the whole series.

And heck! even Boone's Farm is too good for Julie. I still think Thunderbird (it's cheap carbonated wine) is her "due".

Not sure why Max indulges her..but he's got his own skeletons...she knows where HIS bodies are buried, so......

DECIE GIRL..so right. Good people too often can't conceive of how dangerous others are. I'm afraid our Luciana and little Rodrigo are in dire jeopardy.

ANITA...of course you're part of the Support Group. And of course the Three Killer Bees can't join. In fact I might be other for a little violent action if they try and come in the door.

A husband of integrity would stand up to Rosa and try to protect other people from her. And we all know Max is NOT a man of integrity. He's lazy and greedy - he wants things the easy way. I'm sure for him it's easiest to just pretend Rosa's issues are not that serious or somehow contained. Denial, denial.

He may care about his children, but not enough to overcome his own selfishness (and laziness). He has failed to protect his own children from Rosa, and that shows his weakness.

Also - Rosa knows about some things Max has done that he doesn't want to come to light. So it's overall just easier for him to "not rock the boat".

I guess nothing binds a relationship like the potential for blackmail. Wonder how they worked that into their vows.

JudyB- Thanks for the info. I'll go to AB and check with Jardinera.


Gala got her hands on Luciana's bebe!!!!!!!

Tonight's Episode 10/10/12 has me in angst just as Monday's Episode!!!!!!!!! 10/8/12

Fate is a heck of thing!!!
5 months since this TN has been on and Ihave never seen a drop of rain ~ And now MAL WEATHER, STORMS, DELAYED FLIGHTS!!!!!!
Everything that could possibly go wrong IS GOING WRONG Right now!!!!!

IMO the take-home from this whole experience is: OFELIA DO NOT HAVE YOUR MOM WATCH MARIANITA WHILE YOU ARE AT WORK. I wanted to slap Estelita when she was hand wringing and going QUE HAGO, QUA HAGO while Luciana was in flat out Shakespearian death mode. Hello! Do they not have ambulances in Mexico, I couldn't believe she had NO IDEA what to do until Mati got there and then they were hussling her off off to a CAB ? Seriously?

abIMO the take-home from this whole experience is: OFELIA DO NOT HAVE YOUR MOM WATCH MARIANITA WHILE YOU ARE AT WORK. I wanted to slap Estelita when she was hand wringing and going QUE HAGO, QUA HAGO while Luciana was in flat out Shakespearian death mode. Hello! Do they not have ambulances in Mexico, I couldn't believe she had NO IDEA what to do until Mati got there and then they were hussling her off off to a CAB ? Seriously?

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