Monday, October 15, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #134 Mon 10/15/12 Where in the World is Luciana Jacinto Flores Linares, ex de Torreslanda?; Roddy Stars in His Own Version of ‘The Hangover’

Remember everyone, DEEP breaths! Breathe in…breathe out…breathe in…breathe out….

All of Luci’s peeps have FINALLY arrived at the clinic to find both Luci and the baby gone. A group freak-out ensues. Luci is currently bleeding and unconscious in the back of an ambulance, whizzing by the clinic and to a hospital with a real emergency room. Baby Rodrigo Jr. has been dumped by that BITCH Gala in a pile of garbage in the driving, freezing rain. He is luckily being protected by his uncle Pato’s Virgin medal, and a shuffling drunk hears his cries and rescues him. I mean, who could resist that cute face?

The Duo of Witches returns to the scene of the crime, the garbage heap where Gala so callously left Rosa’s first-born grandchild. Gala panics that the baby has disappeared. Rosa panics that someone saw her. Gala is sure no one saw her, but she’s ticked that SHE’s the one who had to take the risk. She says Rosa’s name aloud, which makes Rosa panic even more—the authorities might be near and hear. Rosa really loses it. “Estamos perdidas!” (We’re sunk!) Gala, doesn’t like to be upstaged as the drama queen in any situation, so she tells Rosa to shut the hell up. They make a hasty retreat to their rented car.

Not far away, inside the clinic, the cops are wasting the precious time just after someone has gone missing to question the friends and family (who themselves have all just arrived) about Luci and Roddy’s whereabouts. “Two people can’t just disappear into thin air like magic!” The head detective figures at least one of them must know something. Carmela, the nurse, points the finger at Julia the cleaning woman. Julia claims she was only in Luci’s room for a little while after Carmela. She had SOOOOO much work to do. When she left, Luci was lying comfortably (acostadita) with her baby. Carmela urges Julia to tell them what she told her before (about the lady wanting to kidnap the baby). Julia plays dumb. “Before? Before what?!” Hearing Carmela repeat the story of a blond pregnant lady, immediately makes Rod’s ears perk up. He and CL look and each other and Rod runs out of the room without saying anything.

The Diabolic Duo fuss and fight in the car. Gala calls Julie to let her know they’re on their way. (Will they make it there before Rod?) Gala sarcastically says she forgot she was driving with Madame Torreslanda, the Perfect!
R: Listen to me. From today on, you and I are accomplices. But that doesn’t give you the right to think that we’re equals. So from now on, you will RESPECT ME!

Back in the clinic room, the cops continue to waste time asking questions, instead of canvassing the neighborhood. CL decides to interrogate Julia himself, and demands that she tell him who this woman is and if she had anything to do with his daughter’s disappearance. Mr. Head Detective doesn’t like this one bit. “I ask the questions around here!” Paz is tired of this dilly dallying. Can’t he see that they kidnapped her daughter and grandson?! Mr. Detective thinks she's jumping the gun on the kidnapping idea. From what he can see (in his very limited view), the baby was not kidnapped. He was taken by his mother—who just happens to have disappeared with her baby.

Gala and Rosa finally arrive at the Dungeon in the Sky, and begin stripping off their wet over clothing.  Julie nervously asks for the details, and tells them they have her heart in her throat/on pins and needles. (me tienen con alma en un hilo) Rosa calls Casa TL to get the latest news, and to further establish an alibi. She panics for a second when Frigida says the only thing that’s news, is her—everyone is looking for her. Rosa says she’s been with Gala who wasn’t feeling well. She asks if Rod has arrived, then demands that Genaro be sent immediately to pick her up. Her teeth are chattering and she’s got her creepy deer in the headlights looks when Julie comes back with tea. Julie cheerily asks what did they do, like they went on a mall trip or something. “What did we do? We committed a crime…again.”

CL calls Norma and asks for her and Barrera’s immediate help. He tells her what’s going on and Norma jumps out of bed. (She’s wearing cool blue nail polish.) CL says the cops have started an investigation, but he wants them to do their own investigation too. The word is spread. Rod calls Gabriel as he drives around searching, and begs for his and Marcos’ help finding Luci.

Gala throws her clothes in a bag and tells Julie to get rid of it and take it far away. Gala’s panic and Rosa’s million miles away stare, prompt Julie to ask once again what they ended up doing.
G: The domestica came out of the hospital with her baby. And because of her illness and her weakness, that idiot fainted. I felt so sorry for her.
J: And?
R: I ripped the baby from her arms.
J: Well, why are you so worked up? It’s not the first time you’ve done it.
R: No. It’s not the first time. And nor will it be the last time! (warning glance to Gala)

At Estelita’s, Ofelia is trying to explain to the two kiddies why they can’t go to the clinic to see Luci and her baby. She sends them off to bed as Lorenzo and Fabian rush in looking for Luci, and tell her Luci and the baby have disappeared. Gabe and Marcos are together calling all the hospitals in the city.

Lorenzo comes back to the clinic teary eyed and has to report to his Ama that Luci is not in the vecinidad and no one has seen her. Paz breaks down calling for Luci. “Where are you my daughter?!”

The Three Blond Bruja Bitches are still at it. Rosa is worried that the clinic janitor will talk. Gala assures her she’s got that under control. Julie’s not so sure either. She’s sure she’ll crack under interrogation.
G: She knows EXACTLY what she has to say!

The interrogations of the nurse and the janitor are underway in an office in the hospital. The nurse explains that there was an elegant lady hanging around the nursery, and she even asked if she could hold Luci’s baby. The detective is shocked. “And you let her?!” Sensing this could land her in major hot water, the nurse denies letting the “elegant lady” hold the baby. She had never seen her before in the hospital. She was high class looking (fina), young, blond, and pregnant. Other than calling her elegant and high class, the description of Gala is right on the money. The detective looks skeptical, however.

The janitor gives a totally different version of the story. The lady was NOT pregnant. In fact she was middle aged with black hair streaked with gray (canas). She then discounts the nurse’s account of things since the nurse works long shifts, sees lots of people, and is too tired to observe people. She, the janitor, however, only deals with trash cans all day. She does observe (fijar en) people. The cops ask exactly what happened when the nurse left her alone with Luci. The janitor acts like she’s going to make a big confession—something that will get her in big trouble. “I left to smoke a cigarette, with the security guard.”

The security guard is next and confirms the janitor’s story. It was just a little while, and right at the door. No, he didn’t see anyone leave, and he was at the door.

Max arrives home and is next to get the call with the shocking news from Rod. He rushes to change his clothes to go join the search.

Julie drinks her tea calmly, while Gala does her best to act sure of her influence (or the influence of her pesos) over the janitor. Rosa, however, paces nervously. (She better get her game face on before she sees her family.) Gala once again wants to know what the big deal is, when she’s done it before. “This time it’s my grandchild!” Gala tries to call Rod, but leaves a text message instead. He immediately replies to tell his mom to head back home. He has an emergency. Rosa’s phone is next to ring. It’s Max. She immediately says she’s been with Gala all day. Apparently, Max has no inkling as to how evil his wife is, because he doesn’t act suspicious in the least. Instead he’s as panicked as the rest of Luci’s friends and family circle. He wants Rosa to get home right away to be with Pato and Hannah, while he goes to join in the search. He tells her that Luci and the baby are missing (extraviados). Rosa pulls her game together and acts shocked and surprised.  Genaro arrives for Rosa, and her parting words for Gala is that she better make herself feel sick by the time Rod arrives. Julie is sure Rosa will have no problem playing her part of concerned grandma. “I know what I’m doing, and I hope you two do as well!” She quickly changes out of her wet designer pumps and slips into an identical pair of dry ones. She tells her b/witch sisters to get rid of the wet pair, then puts on her creepy evil smirk, and wishes them a good night.

Pato and Hannah are still clueless, cuddled up in Pato’s bed, and chatting about their nephew. Hannah is excited that the baby offers another opportunity for her and Lorenzo to be brought together. She chatters on, but it’s clear Pato is exhausted and near the point of sleep. Hannah wants to know how many god parents a baby can have, since Lorenzo is going to be godfather, she figures as the sister of the papa, she’s a good candidate for godmother. She can imagine them walking into the church together (for the baptism, of course). Mati comes in and sees Pato hasn’t eaten any of his food. Max comes in and tells them what happened. He has to leave right now. Rod is desperately searching for Luci and the baby. Pato looks like he's having an anxiety attack.

Outside the clinic, Paz and Magda walk around looking for Luci. Magda is sure they’ll find her. Since the clinic is so close to the vecinidad, surely that’s where she was trying to go. Paz wants to know why she didn't arrive at the vecinidad then? They come upon the pile of garbage, where Roddy was not long ago, and ask the garbage men if they've seen a pretty girl with long black hair with a babe in arms. They haven’t seen her.

Rod is driving and stopping to ask people in the street the same question. He walks the streets, asking pharmacy workers and neighborhood bicycle cops.  

Day breaks, and the audience finally sees Luci—still unconscious and hooked up to machines in another hospital. Rod is with her and kisses her hand. She finally comes to, and sees Rod who is crying. He tells her to be calm and not to push herself. Luci’s first thought is her baby. She can barely get the words out at first:
L: W-w-where is my son? Where is my baby? Rodrigo. Where is he? Where is my son?
R: Luciana. Our son…

Luci starts to panic and lose her mind. She can’t calm down. Rod tells her their baby isn’t with them. She freaks and her blood pressure monitor starts going crazy- sky high and then super low. She passes out. The docs and nurses rush in and kick Rod out. Outside her door, Ros breaks down and begs God to help Luci.

Gala is wasting no time continuing with her plan. She’s in a cell phone store, buying a prepaid phone. So as to not be recognized, she is wearing a black bob wig, big sunglasses, and wearing a poncho-like top to hide her pregnancy. (She should have thought about this disguise when she went to the clinic.)

CL and Doc Nice join Rod, Paz and Magda at the new hospital. Rod explains to CL about Luci’s dropped blood pressure. CL wants to know what provoked it. Rod says he had to tell her that the baby was missing. They all beg Doc Nice to save Luci and he enters her room. Paz and Magda go to the hospital chapel to pray. CL collapses in tears to the floor, but Rod catches him and pulls his ex father-in-law into an embrace.

At Casa TL, Rosa and Max are alone at the breakfast table. She comments to Max that Pato is in a deep sleep after being up the whole night worrying about Luci and the baby. Max doesn’t think this is odd, but doesn’t want Pato to risk his health by going and staying at the Red Cross hospital with Luci. He can see her when she’s been released. Rosa puts in a performance she is sure will get her nominated for at least an Emmy, and expresses her shock. SHOCK, I say! She and Mati were just there with Luci. She even brought her a cross for the baby that Padre Honesto blessed—to protect the baby from evil. Mati (the idiot) corroborates her story. Rosa continues her performance. They (she included herself) shouldn’t have permitted Luci to stay in that clinic. They should have taken her to a better hospital with security and this would have never happened! (Oh the NERVE of this woman!!!) Max says they can’t beat themselves up about it, because at the end of the day it was the clinic’s responsibility, and they failed.
M: But I’ll tell you one thing. I won’t stop until I find my grandson and make the guilty ones pay for all they have done! I will make them rot in jail for what they have done to us!!
R: Yes. Do it please. Do it! (crocodile tears in her eyes)  Find my grandson. You can’t let those responsible get away with it! Do it. I beg you Maximino. Do it!

Amigos, I have no words for the kind of evil, cold, heartless calculation we just witnessed.

Gala calls the janitor to set their meeting in an half hour, a few blocks from the janitor’s house. She’s shocked Gala knows where she lives. Gala warns that she knows much more about her.

Max leaves to once again join the group to search for Luci. He puts Rosa in charge of hiring investigators. Rosa says she will pray, and pray, and pray that her grandson is found and that Luci gets well. Aldo comes up behind her, and seems to be the only one not buying this b.s. He’s somber, unusual for Aldo, and tells his uncle he’s ready to take him to the hospital to see Luci before they go to the office.  Max asks Rosa to take care of Pato, then kisses Rosa on the forehead. The fact that she actually let him touch her, should be setting off alarm bells for Max. Frigida asks Rosa about Gala’s health. Rosa, playing her role to the hilt, acts like she had totally forgotten about Gala, as she’s been so caught up in the drama of her missing grandchild. She’s sure Gala’s better, otherwise they would have called. Once Frigida and Mati are out of the room, Rosa breathes a sigh of relief.

Gala gives the janitor a wad of cash and tells her to get out of town and never contact her again. Otherwise, she will rot in jail. Gala then pulls her own disappearing act, but the janitor is very happy with the amount she received.

Hannah is watching over Pato as he fitfully sleeps. Mati brings in his food, which he obviously won’t eat. Hannah cries and wonders why such bad things happen. Mati says only God knows. Hannah leaves to get the utensils (cubiertos), and Mati watches over Pato who looks like he’s having a nightmare as tears roll down his face. He wakes with a start and the first words out of his mouth are to ask about Luci and the baby. He wants to talk to Rod, now. The call to Rod’s cell phone doesn’t go through, and Pato cries out in frustration.
P: I need to know how Luciana is! I have to know, Nana! Does she know that her son has disappeared?  She needs me and I’m tied to this damned bed and this damn wheelchair!  I can’t do anything for her! I’m useless!
M: Tranquilo Patricio. Why are you in such despair?
P: Because I love her! It causes me despair because she needs me and I can’t do anything. Because I feel impotent! I love her with all my soul!

At the hospital, CL and Rod bring Paz and Magda coffee. The moms haven’t even eaten. CL says they need to keep their strength up, because Luci needs them all to be healthy and strong for her.  Rod is frustrated that the doctor hasn’t come out of Luci’s room to give them an update. Norma reports in to CL and they’ve had no news. Max arrives at the hospital, and actually greets CL. He then asks Rod how Luci is. Rod reports the blood pressure issue, but they really haven’t had updates. Rod tells Max that he needs to be the one to tell Luci about their missing baby, although when he tried earlier, she had her blood pressure crisis. CL comes up to the two and says they will find his grandson. Max humbly says they have the same goal. Max tells Rod that he loves him a lot, and won’t leave him alone in this. He gives his son a hug.

Gala drives through Mexico City, flinging her wig and sunglasses in random spots as she merrily rolls along.

Rod takes Paz’s hand and asks what they are going to do. Paz says they’ll make sure to have lots of faith. If she doesn't hold on to her faith, then she will go crazy (perder la razon). Rod promises that he will find his son and bring back Luci’s happiness. He will not rest until she has their son back in her arms. He swears!

CL watches over sleeping/unconscious Luci. He also promises to not fail her and help her be happy again. He begs her to get better so that they can look for her son together.

In what looks a bit like a gypsy camp, or colorful tiny trailer homes on the edge of the city, we enter one of these tiny homes, and hear the strains of opera. Lining the wall are posters of operas and plays, and many theatrical pictures of one particular dark haired man. Suddenly, the opera gives way to a piercing baby cry, and we see an older, grizzled, and scruffy version of the face in those pictures pop up in shock from his alcohol induced slumber. He gets up and looks inside a cardboard box on the chair of his dining table and finds little Roddy, swaddled in Ofelia’s black raincoat, and crying his eyes out. Cara de impactada. “Oh man! What do I do with this?!”

Avances: Rod tells Luci the painful truth again. They go to the bus stop where she was found and cry over their loss. Rosa tells Gala to take advantage of this opportunity. Her baby will now be treated like a queen. The King is dead. Long live the Queen. But our friendly drunk tells a friend that he’s taking the baby to the authorities!


Tonight's Episode (10-15-12) was THUNDEROUS!!!!!!

Poor Fabian looked the Most terrified in the hospital room when they discovered Luciana y bebe are missing ~ The LQQK On his faces was PRICELESS!!! Magda had the most evil look I have EVER seen since the beginning of the TN when she was looking @ Fabian!!!
You would think it was his fault by the look she kept giving him... Not even Don Achilles was the recipient of such scorn ~ Oh No Magda ~ LQQK TO THE LEFT.... It's Estelita who all should be blaming!

For me Rodrigo hold up Claudio Linares was an EPIC scene. #SOLIDARITY

WOW!!!!! Rosalena PANICKING?????? No I can't believe this COLD CALCULATING BIAAAA***H had the nerve!!!!!! This Witch should just turn herself in Now. Because she is Going to ROT then BURN in HELLL!!!!!!

Julie & Gala were so quick to wash their hands, reminding Rosalena that she (Rosa) isn't new to this baby disappearance Business!!!!

Its only a TN ~Seat belts WELL TIGHTENED (Baseball Bat in hand in Case I see R- G- J- along the way ) Because I'm Taking them OUT PERSONALLY!!!!


This evening didn't start all the way back with Rosa and Gala in the car, so I didn't have a chance to hear that conversation again.

This is what I thought when I heard it last Friday. Rosa was upset that Gala didn't really get a chance to fully cover up the baby. The police car going by scared her and she rushed away before she could do the job right. They went back to make sure he was good and covered up. Tonight they were upset that someone finding the baby that quickly meant that someone must have seen Gala put the baby there. They weren't upset that the baby was gone, and now they can't do X (take him to an orphange; sell him on the black market; I don't know what). They were upset that him being missing so quickly meant they had been seen.

Now, this is so supremely evil that I want to believe that I am wrong. But honestly, I can't fathom what their plan for the baby was, if it wasn't to abandon him in the rain in the garbage. Any other ideas?

Vivi amiga, thank you so much for this quick wonderful recap. Oh, ay yi yi. I hate both Rosa la loca and Gala. Add to them the janitor Julie. I want the anvils to fall on all of them, but for Gagme after her bebe is born. I really hope Rod raises that bebe.

The drunk doesn't look like too bad of a sort. Was he the star of Operas perhaps and fell on hard times with his drinking? He actually took the time to settle the bebe in a safe spot before he passed out. I hope he does take the bebe to the authorities.

The poor Barrio gang. Loved how they all pulled together to help find Luci and the bebe. Luci will be devestated and inconsolable until that bebe is found. Thank goodness she has so many friends and Rod and her Papa and Mama. I felt so bad for Claudio collapsing. But Rod was there to catch him and I like how they are growing closer, that is a good thing.

Rosa la loca and Gala and both Julies need to burn in hell. No other recourse for any of them. I hope they really pay in the end. To leave a poor innocent child in the trash, but I look at it this way, if Gagme had gone back and the bebe was still there, what evil thing was she going to do to that bebe her and Rosa???? I hate to say it, but I am really glad that drunken guy came along and saved bebe Roddy. Rosa la loca is a good actress that is for sure. Let's see how Gagme is. I thought for a minute that Rod and Claudio had figured out who took the bebe when they mentioned that description of Gagme, but I guess not.

The cop in this TN what an idiot, but in his defense, he was right, after all he doesn't know the "family" history of the prior bebe 'napping.

Oh, and I could feel Pato's frustration about not being able to do a darn thing to help Luci. It's too bad he isn't stronger, cause he would have been right out of that bed and by her side in a flash.

Oh, Vivi I commented before I saw your comment. I really think the vile bees would have left him there to die. I notice he was missing his hospital braclet. Did Gagme take that? If she did, what did she do with it? Could this be a clue to follow?

Mads- Yes. Gala cut off the baby bracelet and popped it in her jacket or purse.

Thanks Vivi ~ Great recap!!!

Wow, the levels of depravity of those women is amazing. I couldn't bear to watch so thanks for your recap Vivi.

I think the witches actually may have watch the child die or put him in further harms way. It hurts my head to think about the evil they would attempt. Thank goodness for the drunk!

Thank you Vivi ... wonderful recap as always.

Made ...Rod and Claudio heard what the Nurse said about the blonde, fina, pregnant woman. They made eye contact after she said it. They have got to follow up on it.

Rosa making a not-so-veiled threat toward Gala's baby. I didn't get why she'd do that. Julie stared her down but Julie's botoxed face didn't register much emotion. Was she mad as hell that Rosa would dare to threaten them, like you'd think?

Everyone in this novela is cast to look very right in their role but that drunk ... whooeee ... he looks like he's in bad drunk guy costume with a bad drunk-guy-in-the-rain wig. I hope we don't have to look at him for too long because he doesn't show the same realness as the rest of the cast. He's too much like ... dare I say it ... a guy in a bad telenovela, which Refugio is not.

Carol- LOL! The drunk is being played by a very good actor. He was the awesome Padre in Mi Pecado and an evil gangster in La Verdad Oculta.

Painful episode. Poor Pato no way to help and the frustration had to be awful. I hope this all doesn't set back his recovery.

Interesting watching Max and Claudio agreeing they have this horror in common. Max didn't pull any of his BS and it made me hurt for all three men in that scene. First class acting all around.

One thing did bug me was how in the heck did they suddenly all find Luci? That had all the earmarks of a scene cut to me.

Interesting that Rosa said she had done it before and would do it again to warn off Gagme and Julie. I hope they enjoy their time as queens of the hill because when push comes to shove they will be very sorry and Little Roddy will be king of the hill.

I do hope the opera singer/drunk does take the baby to the authorities but I have a feeling something will stop him. We have too many episodes left for him to do it and for the 3B's to get away with their infamia.

Have to say it ,i hope Gage has a colicky baby that screams her guts out day and night and that has the good sense to puke all over her and Rosa and Julie every time they try and pretend they are loving and concerned mother and grandmothers.


Great work, Vivi.

Gala could easily have murdered little Roddy. She is without human feeling. The only difference between her and Roselena is that Roselena is a hypocrite. Gala has acted her way out of being discovered, but that will not last much longer.

Luci won't get little Roddy back this week, but I hope it doesn't take until the finale.

CAROL - I agree the casting is Superb. (This is officially my 1st TN followed by AMOR BRAVIO MY 2nd. I also started watching the re-run of SORTILEGIO.)
Each character was precisely matched to its Actor. Down to the Janitor /Sanitation Engineer - Creepy old witch!

Yes the Good Samaritan / Drunk is Creepy almost scary looking!

Decie Girl- I guess because Marcos and Gabe were burning up the phone lines calling every hospital in the city, they eventually found her. It was obvious that it was a long, hard night for all involved.

Mads- I really hope Rod and CL don't let that pregnant blonde thing drop. I am assuming that their first priority was Luci's health that night, but they should have sent someone over to the Dungeon in the Sky immediately to check is anything was amiss. I'm hoping as the initial shock wears off that they'll all start asking questions of the usual supsects-- Gala and Rosa.

Of course the nurse and janitor having different stories doesn't help. Nor does the nurse, lying to save her own butt.

Vivi, thank you for taking one for team. I don't know how you were able to recap this vile episode. You are the best.

Amor, tell us how you really feel! You mirror my feelings.

Vivi, did Gagme say that someone had stolen the baby? If she did, it was ladron que roba a ladron which made me LOL.

After this episode, I think Gagme is more depraved than RE. And that stupid Julie just sits back and enjoys the show.

Poor Pato!

Rosemary Primera


When Rosa said that piece about it not being the last time she steals a baby it sounded more like a promise than a threat. And like Carol said, there was no reaction from Gala/Julie. That scene confused me.

Pato is the least useless person! He doesn't need to have mobility to be strong and helpful to Luci right now. He has a driver and plenty of people to come help him out of bed and get him to the hospital even through Max seemed to forbid it. Or if he is sick he just needs to stay there and think... he could put the pieces of the puzzle together. He could get the photos out there and the info about the medal. I will stop going on right now but this is what I was thinking as Pato was feeling so useless.

Thanks for the recap and clarification of the car scene Vivi. I was confused about why R and G went back to the garbage.

Awesome recap, Vivi!! I too was totally outraged when RosaE yelled at Max to find her grandson and acted so coldly and evil...

Also agree that the Rod picks up Claudio and embraces him in support was a CLASSIC moment for the ages... SO glad these two got a chance to mingle over the Asia trip and over this painful moment ... Rod is finally growing some backbone swearing he will not rest until he finds the baby...

On another note... is there any doctor in the house? i think they are setting us up for possibly having Pato gone by the fin. Judging from the way he was feeling when he learned of Luci and baby being lost and then when he could not communicate with Rod... he was feeling lots of pressure on chest. I believe sometimes when people are very active (judging from the huge amount of trophies and medals in his dresser/room) suddenly becomes inmobile, their heart might have a hard time adjusting... so they might end up with heart ilness...
and his extra efforts in recovering as fast as possible to be helpful to Luci would only worsen the load on his heart... but i only have 100 hrs or so of first aid, i am no doctor or nurse.

About Gala and the janitor lady, the janitor's eyes popped out when she saw the amount Gala gave her (more than three times the agreed amount per Gala's words herself). I guess Gala REALLY wants this woman to dissappear... (just like RosaE wanted Paz to dissappear)...

I dont remember the actor name for the drunk old guy who ended up with baby Rod, but you could tell they used his real past role pictures and portfolio pictures in the scene.


Also, it was kind of funny how Janah was planning to be godmother for baby Rod and would be there beside Lorenzo... aaah!!! teen love!!



cool! it works. i loaded an older pic of me and grandson, he just had new pix done so i will be updating soon with pic of just him.

I agree, Marta (nice pic!) that those Pato moments were unsettling. The entire Luci/baby situation has brought Pato face-to-face with his severe physical limitations and a clearer understanding that he won't have Luci no matter how much he loves her. In this devastating moment, he can't help her. After he was struggling to breathe in bed, the next scene was Claudio and Rod striding in the hospital corridor, altogether a contrast with Pato.

If the janitor disappears like she's supposed to, won't it point up the fact that she has something to hide? Claudio had better hire his own detective to investigate.

Does Brigida suspect that Rosaloca is involved? She looked like her brain was churning during that table scene with Max and the ultra- concerned Rosa.

The editing in this novela has been different than most. Rod suddenly turns up in Luci's room at a different hospital ... bam! The editors have, throughout, had some major jumps (where maybe they left interim scenes on the cutting room floor) which bothered me at first but now I appreciate that they take these liberties with our understanding and it isn't so strictly linear and tedious. They get on with it!

Hi Vivi, thanks for your detailed recaps. As always I appreciate your wise take on this episode. I now realize that Rosa la loca is a serial kidnapper of babies!!!She threatens to do it again. I fervently hope that the drunk guy who found the little one will turn him over to the authorities soon. My fear is that they might put the search on the news which would make the finder fear that he might be suspected of kidnapping the baby that he might just keep it with him.With all this happening, Rod should really suspect his mom and his wife of the evil deed for goodness sake!He should leave his disgusting wife and get a quickie divorce right away.Even if there is no hope of having Luciana again.

There is no doubt in my mind that Rod will divorce Gala and fight for custody of her baby if it survives. She has made his life a living hell as she swore she would.

I think Roselena and Gala are equals. Sooner or later they would be at each other's throats if they didn't have a common focal point for their rage and their need to control. Because if there were no Luci we can be sure Gala wouldn't have gotten pregnant and Roselena wouldn't have another generation to try to control.

Is it me or does it look like Amanda from Amor Bravio & Matilde could be somehow related in real life. Just pull Amanda's hair back in a Bun, ditch the lipstick & VIOLA!!!!

Just something I noticed today!

CAROL - The Shrew Brigida does seem as though she's being Tamed! - Granted 134 episodes later.
I did notice she was either suspicious of Rosa's story RE: her whereabouts OR she just wasn't buying what Rosa was selling.
With Brigida secretly crushing on Rod she just may turn out to be an ally of Rod & Luci when she discovers the harm they may do to his LoveChild. That would be interesting.

Rod suddenly turns up in Luci's room at a different hospital ... bam! ... I appreciate that [the writers] take these liberties with our understanding and it isn't so strictly linear and tedious. They get on with it!
well, it is not so out of the blue if we saw Rod's buddies call every hospital looking for Luci... she's GOT to be at a hospital if she was not well... (that is, if she was still alive) so the logic there was fine IMO. But you are right, the writers/editors here don't give you the runaround like in other novelas... which I like too.

Vivi, loved the recap, thank you for your hard work, and your wise observations, THANK YOU. Loved Roddy and "the Hangover", and especially, "the Diabolic Duo."
MartaIvett-Spinal injury people have autonomic nervous system dysfunction and are vulnerable to changes in position and temperature changes depending on the level of the spinal injury.

BUT-I am giving up trying to explain things in TNs. I just think of the TN world as another planet, where blood pressure and pulse go down instead of up when Luci is upset, and cops run around in circles but never solve any crimes, where the call of the blood is stronger than DNA, and where a lost woman shows up suddenly in the hospital bed of a different hospital.

A wonderful recap Vivi, still difficult to read through without wanting to throw something, but enjoyable none the less. Thanks!

This episode was so well done, box of kleenex worthy. I was so moved when CL collapsed and Rod had to grab him. But then came Pato's scene with Mati and let's just say I was total mush. I can see his determination to get better now growing ten fold.

Maybe this was just me, and maybe it's GS, but I would have liked to see someting more from Rod...not sure what it was, I wanted him to be more comforting with Luce as he tried to tell her the news ( a hand holding her, caressing her hair, something as he told her the news, just me I guess and I get he was nervous), maybe showing more anger, oh, don't know. Too much staring. Can't put my hand on it...

Maybe this was a purposeful, a wake up call to hardship and thinking of someone besides himself.

I had to try and ignore most of what the bruja's were babbling. I don't have high blood pressure, but listening to those three can give it to you. I know, breathe, it's just a show, it's just a show....

When is the support group meeting?

Oh Vivi, I cried when reading your recap - what a heartwrenching episode, what a marvelous recap. "The Duo of Witches returns to the scene of the crime, the garbage heap where Gala so callously left Rosa’s first-born grandchild" and "The fact that she actually let him touch her, should be setting off alarm bells for Max" were among my favorite lines.

Tragedy is bringing Claudio and Rod together.

I don't know what else to say but gracias Vivi. May the agony end soon and may Gala and Rosa meet the fates they deserve.



ITA with you all about it being nice to see Rod and CL being brought so close together, even if it's over something tragic like this. Although, I do think they have built a mutual respect through their work over the last many months. And for once Max put his petty jealousy of CL aside. That was also good to see. At least he knows when to prioritize family.

Daisynjay- The way Rod reacted with Luci is in character with Rod. He cares deeply, but is often paralyzed by his emotions. He doesn't know what to do with them (other than take out his anger and frustration in his gym). He will have to reach deep within himself to be a real emotional support for Luci, while also dealing with this great loss himself.

Emarie and Marta- I hope Pato isn't having a major health crisis. His breathing did look very labored, and I would have brought in his doctor to look at him. It really seems that he's experiencing some of the same symptoms Luci is having-- even being in a deep, coma-like sleep for a time. But you are right that he is not useless. They will need his brains, and Luci and Rod will need his emotional support. He needs to get himself together emotionally so that he can be there for them, as he always is.

By the way Marta, it's nice to finally see your lovely face and your grandson is adorable!! I am sure you are the opposite of Grandma Rosa in EVERY way! :)

Vivi as only you and the rest of our recappers can deliver. What a depressing turn of events. Thank you amiga for making it easier to swallow. Pato's frustration was contagious. My need to throw something last night was great. Brigida's BS detector was in high gear last night. She knows what RE is really capable of. She listens in on all their conversations. She was around when they were wishing the disappearance of the baby. It's hard to tell with her face though what she is really thinking. RE's hate is demonic. To kill( I believe that was their intention)a defenseless baby takes pure evil.I have no words for Gala and her dominatrix mother. They had better die painfully. SE is going to roast in hell. No amount of money can make her happy for her role in this.


Poor Pato's heart is breaking so I think his pain in more emotional than physical.

I cannot blame Rod for his inability to deal with emotion. Just look at his mother and dear old dad is not far behind. Rod and CL are more in tune to each other emotionally than Rod is with either of his parents. RE is a robot with absolutely no emotions. I often wonder what the TL family would be like if Max and RE had divorced long ago.

Olive, your description of Gagme and her mother are spot on.


If Max and Roselena had divorced years ago it would have been a disaster for their children. Mexican law favors giving custody to the mother so unless Max could prove her mental illness (which would have been harder 15 years ago than now) no way would he have been given custody. Rod, Pato, and Jana would be in far worse shape than they are now if they grew up without him at home.

Rod deals with his anger in a constructive manner by taking it out on a punching bag. Max takes it out on other people but he hasn't gone completely over the line. Roselena takes it out on others and she has. What makes the difference is that her anger is as cold as an Antarctic glacier while Max and Rod have hot anger that cools off.

Does anyone think that Frigida is redeemable? Does she have a threshold that Roselena can't cross?

Urban- I'm not sure about Frigida. She knows a LOT about the witches and would likely be the first to suspect they were behind the kidnapping. But she's kept he mouth shut so far and she seems to like the feeling of power having all that info gives her. However, she has a soft spot for Rod, and even wanted to buy the baby a gift. She seemed really sincere about that. I'm not sure what she would do if she got confirmation that the witches did away with the baby.

I am on the fence post about Frigida. If she had positive proof about the Killer B's, I think she would probably wait with the information and use it to her best advantage. After all, she needs to fill that designer handbag. But then there is her love for Rod. Would her love over ride her greed?



Another vote that Frigida may be the key in bringing down the Killer B's. She has heard many a conversation among them including at least one about getting the baby to disappear. She does have a thing for Rod but on the other hand she is greedy and can be bought off. I think it would be fun if she dropped an anonymous tip to the police and set the ball in motion. Unfortunately i think she'll keep her mouth shut.

Whew! What an episode! And your recap did it justice VIVI...well-written, with grace, anguish and strong emotion. My stomach tightened up all over again, just reading your vivid re-telling of the events last night.

"Creepy evil smirk". So true. I felt such loathing for Roselena when she was faking concern at the dinner table. I could tell you did too.

And I suffered when Pato cursed his impotence, and felt the double anguish of Luci's loss and his own inability to help. Yes, he could be there to comfort her, as someone noted. But a man wants to ACT, to SOLVE, to TAKE STEPS. We women are good at the hand-holding and the empathy, but a male would want...and help in a different way.

Even though we're all on pins and needles, maybe we need a night off to recover. This was intense!

Anyway, thanks VIVI. Beautifully written as always, as were you insightful comments.

Oh and love the picture Marta! What an adorable little guy! You too! In fact, too young to have grandchildren, lady.

Vivi--Thank you for letting us in on Luci being found and the bebe being found. Now we just have to get them together again.

You write so beautifully, even when it's about disreputable characters (and we know who they are), tragic figures and our hero, Pato.

Poor Paz, she didn't even get a first look at her grandson or to touch and bless him before he disappeared. Everyone else got cell phone pictures.

Estelita will clearly be blamed for leaving Luci alone and she is going to take it hard. But, the ruse was very realistic. SE Julia was taking a chance that Estelita didn't know bills aren't presented until the person is discharged. She was also really TN lucky NO one saw her leading Luci through the halls. Curious how she convinced the inspector that Carmela didn't know what she was talking about describing the woman who was so interested in the baby--working too hard, long hours, sees a lot of folks, gets confused.

I felt terrible for Lorenzo, too. Especially when Paz reminded him that she had made him the one responsible for looking after his sister.

Pato was both a tragic figure and still our hero--for all the things commenters have already said.

I also thought Rod should have been leaning closer to Luci, touching her, but you all explained very well that Rod has a hard time being demonstrative. And he's in shock, too. He's just landed after a 20 hour flight to show up in Luci's room that is in utter chaos to learn she and the baby are gone. Once they have been reunited, all he can do is stare at her while she hasn't even come to. He's still processing everything that happened. If she hadn't reacted the way she had (normal for a mother whose child has gone missing), I think we may have seen them come together. P.S. Her blood pressure shot up (I was watching the monitor) as she fainted.

The one scene that made me cry was Rod rushing to Claudio's side to hold him up from falling in a faint and ending up hugging each other.

Can't say anything else about our Killer B's. I'm going to try to find out what it was that Rosa said to Gala in the car before dumping the baby that made them go back. They were actually risking being seen more by going back than they were to leave bad enough alone and get going. It may not have been anything more damming than what Vivi said--just cover him up real well. Note that the refuse guys would have found him as they were bagging the hospital trash, but it might have been too late by then.

Marta--Love the picture. Can't wait to see the update. How old is he now?

I have a feeling that the one of three brujas will throw the other 2 under the bus in order to try to save their skin. Which one remains to be seen.

Unless Gagme remembered to throw that baby ID bracelet away, what could happen is she'll drop her purse in front of Rod, the contents will spill out and OMG what do we have here??? Keep an eye out for that scenario..

I think Fridiga will put two & two together regarding Rosa and will either (1) be this TN verson of "Deep Throat" and be the "anonymous" rat to the police or (2) will try to milk it for all its worth out of Rosa for some cash. In this particular scenario, I can see Rosa doing the ole follow Fridga down the stairs and trip her, creating the demise of Fridga.

Also keep an eye out on that janitor. She may have gotten some $$$ to keep her trap shut from Gagme but will it be enough $$$$? Especially if Max, Rod & Claudio decide to offer a reward for the safe return of Little Rod.

I think we can all safely say Rod isn't leaving Luci now. No way no how. I'm just waiting for Gagme to hunt him down & throw another of her hissy fits or he finally goes home, she throws a hissy fit so he tells her to go back to her apt and to not contact him until she's delivering little Gagme.

I too think the drunk was a former opera star who fell on tough times. But I also think he has some sort of tie to one of the main characters also. Sometimes these TN like to throw this monkey wrench in near the end of the TN.

Wonderful recap once again---thank you Vivi.

With all of the comments, what more can I say.

Pato---not being able to help, I thought would cause him to speed up his rehabilitation but now I am no so sure. This may begin to work against him---Will have to wait and see.

Fridiga is a mystery. I'm also on the fence about which way she will turn. Another wait and see.

Can't wait for the next episode---Wednesday. DRAT!
the gringo

I was horrified when Claudio had his spell. All I could think was OMG not a heart attack that would kill him and keep him from seeing his grandson. This man has led the most tragic life of them all. He loses his beloved wife in childbirth while he is unjustly in prison, lives with the belief his child is dead only to find her and lose her and her baby. It is just too cruel. He needs to be alive and well and happy at Luci/Rod inevitable wedding. Anything else will truly pith me off.

I believe Gagme put the baby's ID in her coat pocket. When she got home she tossed all of her clothes and Rosa's shoes in the garbage. The key to identifying the baby, other than DNA, is the medal and only Pato, Vi and Luci know about it.

The money and power of the Linares/TL's can work for them and against them. The janitor could spill the truth for more money not that that would help them find LRod but it would get the three witches. The opera singer might be too afraid to come forward lest he be accused of stealing the baby. The money is a double edged sword.

Decie--You are on the right track. And if you are right, it will be some time before LRoddy is found, or traced (even if opera guy takes him to the authorities and he's not wearing his necklace). Do we actually think the social welfare offices talk to hospitals and police about disappeared babies in tns? If so, then it'll all be cleared up in a wink + a DNA test. I tend to think not.

Anyway--Back to the Gala/RELoca convo in the car. Here's the gist of it--and Vivi is correct.

RE says to Gaga: Do what you have to do and I'll take care of Luciana. We see Gagme hunched over saying something about it being La criada esa's fault and the only thing I heard clearly was: Die You! When Gagmequick gets back in the car, RE wants to know: what did you do with him. Gala says: I put him in the trash where he belongs. RE says: did you leave him well hidden? Gagame says: No, I couldn't. The police patrol came along and I was afraid they'd see me.

That's why they went back--to make sure he was buried down deep enough so no one would hear him when he cried.

Ahh! Thanks Anita for going back and watching. I was pretty sure that's what they said, but like I said earlier, it was just SOOOOO evil, I wanted to believe I had heard wrong.

The Opera has-been guy needs to feed that baby. How long has it been anyway since the baby had it's last meal? It seems like it has already been hours.

I shudder thinking how long that poor baby has gone without being properly held and loved, fed, or had his diaper changed. I am in agony watching this.

Yes, no wonder poor Roddy is bawling his little eyes out.

Did I hear wrong or did Rosa really berate Gala for talking on the phone while driving? Because this is a dangerous thing to do when you're driving away from ALMOST KILLING A BABY.

Poor Rod and Claudio. They haven't even had time to sleep after their flight. Get Pato over there asap. We all agree that he is NOT useless. Bet he and Aldo could get something together. No one is buying the act from Rosa, probably not even Max.



Max knows Rosa better than anyone even Conny and Mati but she managed to pull the wool over his eyes about getting rid of Aurora's baby. She might get away with it this time because like everyone else Max is extremely upset about this latest infamia and i think even he would have a hard time believing she could get rid of her own flesh and blood. They may all suspect her but getting proof is something else and she is very good at "how could you all think something so horrible of little old saintly me". I suspect that the good Padre is also going to have doubts.

JudyB, Anita, Vivi, et al... i updated the picture in the profile. this is Romero now. he is 3 yrs 3 mos.

Marta- How adorable! He's going to be one handsome man one day.

Decie Girl- ITA. Even Max will have a hard time believing Rosa would do this to her own flesh and blood. He can be pretty evil, but he would NEVER even think of doing something like that. This is the problem with most of our characters. They can't imagine someone being so evil, so when Rosa plays her "how dare you suspect me of doing something so horrible" card, they fold.

Kelly- Yes, it was pretty funny that Rosa was worried about it beinf safe for Gala to drive and talk on the phone, when they had just essentially attempted to kill a baby.

Hey Marta..commented on the Abismo line but it's worth saying again...that little dickens is so cute his picture should be poster size. What a doll.

Marta--He's got a wickedly winning smile--May he be our next D'Andres (I know, wrong forum, but whose shoes could he fill better other than TBLMOE, Jr.).

About RE and Gala driving while yacking. She was mostly concerned about being pulled over by the police because if they are, there goes their alibi if they have to show identification.

Anita- That makes more sense. I still think it's funny because I need something to laugh at right now. But once Gala finally has her baby, Magda should beat the crap out of her. And Juli. And Rosa. We know Magda could take them all.


Kelly--Are you talking about Magda, whom we all know is a fighter, but so is Paz, Luci's mother. She can probably argue circles around Rosa and Gala.

NOTICE: Due to personal circumstances, the recap tonight will be very late....but it will get posted eventually.

gosh! that is so tough to watch (wed's ep)... on a side note... Gab Soto (Rod) looked SOOOO different around 2000 when he participated in Carita de Angel... i barely recognized him.

he started to appear in it today as a love interest of a new character.

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