Thursday, November 08, 2012

Amor Bravío #59 (Uni 54) Wed 11/7/12 "As the Screws Turn"

We begin our capitulo, with viewerville in  post-election hangover, in need of poll free night and a review of Monday’s scenes.  Mariano and Ana are in the hospital planning moves for both the marbles and herself, back to El Rancho Albarran.  Mariano, clearly smitten with his little Ana Angel is told to concentrate on the game or he is going to lose (Pablo tells him the same later on in regard to his unrequited love for Camila).

Flashback to a field at Malquerida and Rodolfo and Nat are strolling in a field chatting about her “business dinner and meeting” at Rancho Albarran the previous night.  Rodolfo has set her up to embellish her description of the evening and then turns the screw and asks why she is lying to him and to her mother.  Tripped up, but quick to recover, Nat tells him she owes him no explanation of her private whereabouts and whomevers.  He turns the screw tighter asking about her decision to be his novia… she declines the offer for any novio at this time… he presses onward asking if it is just him she is rejecting…. she says “Ya, basta, no novio, punto!!”  She walks off  (we people who wear wedgy shoes wonder how Nat strolls away in an uneven cowpatch cleanly and without tripping).

Having recovered our equilibrium from  our election hiatus we are ready for new information.  Dio, Bruno and Omar (legitimate henchman number 2 – Dandres doesn’t count as he is a spy and Leo Sordido is too  incompetent to be counted) are discussing the progress in Daniel Jr’s  communications with Camila.   Daniel has put meeting Camila off, again, and she has to wait for Daniel Jr to contact her, again.  Dio hands a photo of “Daniel Jr ”- which is really a photo of Aaron posing as Daniel Jr -to Omar and tells him to keep close watch for his reappearance.  Bruno intercepts the picture and blurts out that he recognizes ese tipo.  He was the imbecile living with Vivian de Valle, the photographer in town, his ex-mujer.  Dio finds the news interesting.  Dio contradicts Bruno, believing that Viv was living with Rafa.  True, says Bruno, but she was first living with this “Daniel (aka Aaron)”.    Bruno has to admit to Dio that he knows this because he has been following her.  Dio tells Omar to keep a very close eye on Viv from here on out and tells Bruno he needs to be Dio’s spy and get Viv to tell him everything.  “No can do”, insists ever practical Bruno, pointing out that Viv hates him and has a restraining order on him and doesn’t want to violate it and end up in the pokey.   No, not being an option for Dio’s ear, roars his protest, but Bruno holds firm that he’s going to have to pass on Dio’s request.

Over at the church, Luzma has arrived and is waiting inside for Padre.  Tolentino asks how she is and she tells him she is still confused as this is one of the most important decisions of her life that she will be making soon.  He tells her to take heart, that nothing,  such as the pain she feels, is forever.  He picks a flower and gives it to her and takes leave  (I am liking this young man more since his drunken brawl days).   Luzma breaks TN law says a prayer to the crucifix rather than the Virgencita asking for illumination on her pending decision.

Elsewhere, Dandres is on the phone with Rafa talking about the recent visit by DNADan Sr.  Rafa is fairly certain this guy is the real DNADan Sr because the woman in the picture is Agatha, DanJrs mom.  Dan agrees this fellow is legit and considers that Isa and Dio must be behind this and that this is a trap for DanJr.  They wonder if the DNADanSr will recognize Dandres: if not, they can continue to use Aaron to play the role of DanJr.  They need to be sure so Dandres asks Rafa to call on  Aaron to return from Chiapas to help them.  The gumshoe gang decide to test who DNADanSr recognizes as Dan Jr,  and what he is planning  They will wait a little longer to confront Isa and Dio and for DAndres to reveal himself to  be called Daniel by the recappers once and for all and stop irritating people by using Dandres.

Dandres’ next call is to Amanda.  Relieved to hear from him she tells him that DNADanSr is at the hostel.  She is certain it is him because he showed his identification and it squares with Amanda’s recollection  of what Agatha told her from years back.  Dandres assures her that the gumshoe gang’s plan has changed again but that all is under control.

Over in the big city of Maltepec, Isa is having a clandestine meeting with DNADanSr quizzing him as to whether people are buying his story about wanting to find his long lost son to repent.  He gets a little touchy and reports, “But I am his father”.  “Yah Yah!”, she says, but did they buy the  want to ask for forgiveness story to which her replies “Of Course!”

Phone lines still burning up, we now see Camila on the phone with Rafa, imploring him to try to contact DanJr so she can settle this ranch ownership business once and for all.  Rafa, appeals to her imploring, agrees and assures her that he will do all he can for her.  She tells Rafa that she wants to move on and define herself and her life anew.   Sure, sure, he convinces her.  Upon hanging up, Camila self chats about her future;  work with other ranchers, other veterinarians, plan a wedding, plan to have kids (two to be exact) and off she goes, talking in earnest to herself.   NoKnock Agustina wanders in to hear the soliloquy and asks Camila who she is talking to .    Agustina, it turns out, has come to ask if the happy newlyweds can have the empty master bedroom.  Camila takes the opportunity to say that frankly, she doesn’t want Dio living at the ranch and that the pair of them should go live at his place.  Agustina is predictably insulted and feels run off the ranch.  Camila adds, she is not running her off, just giving her opinion and  putting her cards on the table.   Agustina counters by reminding Camila that the ranch is not hers, but is owned by her bastard cousin and it will have to be said bastard cousin, Daniel, that runs them off the ranch, not her.  Camila throws up the hands with a “Fine! Stay if you want,  just know that your husband will have no say and no vote on the business of the ranch”.  Agustina,  in disbelief, adds that Xinmoral has accepted Dio (there is a reliable endorsement, yessiree).  Camila points out that Xinmoral accepts anyone with a fat wallet and a desire to please her little whims.  Agustina digs in her sensible heels, turns the screws a little tighter on Camila and announces that she will not be leaving the ranch, y punto!  In a last ditch effort, Camila threatens to tell Dio her opinion and picks up the phone.  “My heavens no!” replies Agustina, and refuses to let Camila humiliate Dio.  “No I am not, yes you are, estas cegada (you are blinded), no I am not, aiiiieeeeee ….” screech, slam!   You get the idea.

Back in town, Xinmoral shows up at Al’s place wanting a response.  Al tries to dodge her by saying Mumsy Isa is home.  X, not buying it, tells him they need to talk.  Al blows her off saying that he has no intention in letting X interfere in things between himself and Camila.  He blows even harder saying that he and X are just two people sharing a little caring, booty calling, friends with benefits, take your choice.  Big mistake, X goes into desperation mode asking for her money, reminding him of the sweet nothings he whispered in her ears, that he can’t leave because she has no one.  She pleads, begs, clutches, wrinkles his shirt and tie (he keeps his hands hygienic, however) and they stand in the doorway until we see them again later.

Cut to Camila reminding Rodolfo that it is six months and time round up the ranch workers to lasso and to treat the bulls.  We see an extended clip of the charros lassoing the young bulls and vaccinating them with a cattle herding pooch alongside.

We return to Dandres  who is still on the phone with Amanda.  He tells her to keep her eyes open for Aaron’s arrival.  Amanda is concerned but Dandres assures her this is the only way that they will be able to put the screws to the bad guys, flesh out the plan and nail them once and for all.  He assures her that Aaron will be safe as long as he is kept from crossing the wrong person’s path.  

Back at the church Padre is counseling lovely Luzma that she still has a pure soul in the eyes of Dios.  Luzma is sad to say that although she always dreamed that being a mother, she would be so happy,but  in this case she wished she did not have this baby. When born, this baby will always remind her of Leo Sordido.  Padre understands and says that neither she nor the baby is guilty and urges her to give the baby the chance to be born and be placed with a loving family.  He assures her he will help her find a good family.  He compliments lovely Luzma on having such a good heart despite what has happened to her.   Luzma has made her decision, she will have the baby and put it up for adoption.

Dandres has finally finished burning the phone wires and  buzzes himself in to see Dio.   Omar leads him in to wait for Dio to finish business with some other men.  Lo and behold, in slimes Leo Sordido.  Dan, with disgust, tells him he belongs in jail.  Leo Sordido sarcastically responds “Who would think we would be working for the same guy gringo?”  He jabs again that Dandres is clearly no saint.  Dandres, like the rest of viewerville asks to be excused to el bano.

Cut to Pablo and Mariano talking about lovely Luzma and congenial Camila.  Pablo worries about Luzma with Leo out on the loose and wants to be near her at the ranch. He glumly reports that he cannot make headway in reclaiming their love.  Brother Mar advises him to stay close and prove his love to her day after day, suggesting that in time, Pablo will win her over.  Pable turns the tables and asks Bro Mar about progress with Camila.  Mar tells him that, sadly, he is under the “kiss of death” let’s be friends agreement and they agree that Mar’s newly reclaimed daughter may change his chances with Camila as well.  Pablo tells Bro Mar to take his own advice and prove his love to Camila a day at a time.  Time will tell.

At the rancher business office, Nat shows up for work and Yago asks where she’s been?  She reports she’s been at Starbucks (um not really) and hands over the coffee cup. Their hands touch, zapo!  Yago asks her for another date and Nat hems and haws about not wanting to lie to her mom among other excuses.  Yago needles her about acting like a child rather than the woman he thought she was.  He turns the screw further and leaves telling her to let him know when she is ready.

In the kitchen at Albarran, Bratgirl saunters in demanding coffee from the kitchen staff.   Refugio asks where her “please” is which falls on very deaf ears.  While appealing to the demand for coffee and azucar dieta, Refugio suggests Bratgirl come clean about what she has been up to, turning the screws on Bratgirl.  Bratgirls claims ignorance about what Refugio is talking about and tells Refugio to butt out.  She flounces her sorry little self out and Refugio pleads to the Virgincita for Pablo and lovely Luzma to find one another again.

Back at the Dio den, Dandres is eavesdropping outside Dio’s office. Dio is reassuring some unsavory sounding businessmen about the progress he is making in taking control of El Malquerida.  Soon he will turn it over for development into a tourist attraction which they all growl their approval of.   They take leave as Dandres is ushered in.  Dio starts in with a general discussion about the importance of loyalty (la lealtad (yes Dio, a highly honored value of yours) and how he doesn’t support traitors.  He wipes off  and warms his pistola as he yaps on and tightens the screw on Dandres.   We watch as he caresses the gun and then ….  Whamo, he points the gun at Dandres’ head and says he heard Dandres is sleeping with Camila!

Lovely Luzma, having made her final decision about her pregnancy has left the church and is at Irena’s house telling her the news of her decision.  Irena admires her  and asks Luzma if she has thought about Tolentino’s offer to marry her.  Luzma tells her that she turned Pablo down and has no desire to marry anyone else at this point. Irena challenges her about listening to Bratgirl’s manipulations but Luzma is still in agreement with Bratgirl’s suggestion that Pablo should be free to live his life unburdened by her.  She tells Irena that she told Pablo to go away to study as he wishes and lo and behold, he listened to her.  Seems lovely Luzma wasn’t prepared for Pablo to listen to her plea for him to leave town.  She does not know that he has only left town to visit his sick niece.  But, our lovely Luzma believes he has left for good and now she is missing the air that she needs to breathe.  Sigh!

We return to the showdown between Dio and Dandres.  He manages to convince Dio that the rumors are false and are likely a manipulation by unknown bad guys to split his and Dio’s association.   Dandres adds he could never do such a thing knowing how Dio feels about Camila (gagggg).  Dio relents and then rethinks to remind Dandres he has never killed anyone with his own hands, but, if he finds out that he has been betrayed, he would kill the traitor with his own hands.  Dandres tap dances as Dio tightens the screws, putting the gun up to his neck and forcing him to double swear he is not lying.   I swear says Dandres with his fingers crossed behind his back.

Over with lovebirds Al and Xinmoral, they have apparently moved from the doorway to the bed etc. Post ehmm! activities Al is looking at his computer and X asks wutchadoing… He blows off her question and asks if she is now sure he does not love her sister (dumb Al thinks his ehm! activity proves this somehow).    Al has big plans and is looking forward to humiliate Camila like she has humiliated him with her lover, el chofer! Dandres!.   X snickers uncontrollable- no puedes ser! – but realizes it makes sense because Dandres is feeling just a little too entitled to protect Camila.  Al continues his little pinchy faced  threat to reveal it to everyone and he asks for X’s help in keeping an eye on Camila at the ranch.  Con mucho gusto, of course, Xinmoral agrees to help with their public demise.

Back in the ranch office of biz, Bratgirl comes in screeching that Yago needs to remind Refugio she is a lowly servant and to stay in her place.  Yago blows a fuse and tells her off, that Refugio has an honored position in the family, more so than Bratgirl.  In fact, he reveals that Refugio overheard that it was Bratgirl who made the call to LeoSordido.  Bratgirl, now desperate tells Yago this must remain a secret, otherwise, she will be outed and kicked off the ranch to go live with her soon-to-be destitute parents.  Lightbulb goes off for Yago as he realizes that Bratgirl and her family are just pretending to be keeping her at the ranch so she does not learn of her family’s economic problems.  She sputters a denial over this, but Yago knows that her pretense for living at the ranch is a BIG FAT LIE.

One last scene with lovebirdies Al and X lounging in bed.   X suggests the pair live together and Al shuts down that idea because he is broke and has other plans.    On the other hand, he proposes they can continue to hang around together if X swears to obey him and be docile at all times (Viewerville snickers loudly).    Okeedokee says X  as Al puts the screws to her literally and figuratively.   Al leaves the room for important biz with his ridiculous little strut for a few minutes, long enough for X to grab the computer and discover the tourist development that Al and the gang are plotting.  With her Cheshire cat grin she assures herself she has the bargaining chip she now needs to keep Al in his place.  Al returns to the room and X convinces him to stay around for a few more ehm! rounds of activity to the sound of “te odio…” playing in the background.

Final scene at Dio’s place.  Dandres has left and Dio pledges to himself that Dandres has fallen from grace and that Dio himself will now watch him verrryyyy  closely.

Dandres has gone and is back burning up the wires with the gumshoe gang.  He and Rafa and Viv discuss the new info.  It is Dio that got LeoSordido out of jail.  They plot to report that Leo killed Julian but still do not have proof.  Dandres reports Dio suspects he and Camila are an item.  Viv worries aloud that the list of mentiras to Camila is getting a little long.  Dandres agrees, but reports that they must know what Dio is trying to communicate to DanielJr before the gang can come out from the shadows.  They plan to get Aaron back to town to help.  And, en fin, Dandres has learned Dio is planning the tourist attraction takeover.  The gumshoe gang is working in the shadows to turn the screws on all the bad guys.

Back at El Malquerida, Dio is moving in and wondering where the welcoming committee is.  Agustina tap dances around an answer.

Al reports that the insurance check for the “burned” house has arrived.  Isa claps with glee.  Al wants some of the money to pay back Camila and keep his good name intact and not end up in the pokey.  Isa tap dances around paying Al the money back.  Don’t worry, she says, soon we will be paid out in full.
Camila is getting ready for bed, as is half of viewerville.  Mariano and Camila text back and forth a nighty-night and talk to you soon and thank you for the phone.  The tone tells us they are still just friends.  Dio (who is now officially a pervert) is seen looking in the window of Camila’s cabana spying on his secret fantasy girl.  He turns slightly and sees…. Dandres near her door.  Dio asks what he is doing there.  Dandres tap dances that he is doing nightly rounds… Dio forbids him from doing rounds near Camila’s cabana.  Yessirreee, says Dandres.  Dio leaves and Dandres slips into the cabana and thankfully closes the curtains.  He explains to Camila that Dio is plotting; he wants her lands, her body and Dandres to disappear in a lake somewhere.   He pleads for her to help him regain Dio’s help, for her own safety and that of her mother.  She agrees and we fade out on Dandres’ face.

Avances:  DNA results are in and it is looking like good news.  Al refuses to give Camila the divorce.  Isa sees Camila and Dandres together…


OT: Flaco saw an advert for the new TN starting in December. Boo hoo! Not FC’s, though I’m not surprised since they just started showing it in Mexico last month. The new one is called Corona de lágrimas (Crown of Tears).

Looking forward to the recap, Mena. Especially interested in the scene between Cam and her Mother and Luzma and Irena. Flaco told me Luz has decided to keep the baby and put it up for adoption, but I kept hearing Tolotino's name brought up in that conversation and I'm afraid Luz might choose to keep the baby and marry him. I hope to read that I'm way off base.


Nanette- I saw that ad too for Corona de Lagrimas and was not excited. It stars Victoria Ruffo who is the queen of llaronas! The title seems appropriate.

As we wait for Mena, I'll clarify for you. Yes, Luzma is going to have the baby and give it up to adoption. Padre will look for a family for her baby. Irene brought up Tolentino offer to marry her to Luzma. Luzma said if she didn't marry Pablo, who she loves and who also offered, there is no way she would marry Tolentino, who she doesn't love.

That argument between Camila and Gussy was great! Can't wait to see Mena's take on it.

that's lloronas...

This comment has been removed by the author.

(Sorry, had to edit errors) :-)

There were several key plots and discussions in this episode in which I missed a lot of the detail/fine points.
1) Does Dan plan to alter his relationship to err on the side of caution. I probably misunderstood the conversation between Dan and Camil but I thought he mentioned being more careful and iI understood her to not think it was a big deal.

2) I was listening for Dan to tell Cami about the encounter with Dio in which Dio pulled the gun on him. If he mentioned it, I missed it. If he didn't mention it, I wonder why not.

3. I gathered that Rafa and Vivi are suspicious of Dan's father. Is it because they don't believe that it is his father, or because they suspect he's up to no good?

4. I'm anxious to know how Dan reacted to the news that his Dad is in town. Is he suspicious of him?

5. Someone mentioned the other day how long it took Amanda to dial that phone. I had noticed the same thing. It seemed to take forever which caused her to miss getting the news to Dan that his father was at the B&B.

Foxy- I'm sure that the recap will clear up all your answers. Here are some brief answers.
1)Dan has some plan for throwing everyone off their scent, and Camila has to play along. They didn't show him saying what the plan is. That's where the episode ended, but Cami looked ready to hear him out and do what needs to be done.
2)Dan told Cami that Dio threatened him. He didn't mention the gun, but he was very clear about Dio's threats.
3) Rafa is pretty sure it's Dan's dad, because he recognizes the woman in the photo as Dan's mom, whom had met. They are suspicious of his motives.
4) Yes, Dan is suspicious of dad and is pretty sure Dio/Isa/Al have something to do with it.
5) The phone is decorative, but she didn't get to talk to Dan at that time because his phone was off.

Not plot related:
-When Camila got that text and they showed Mariano in a restaurant kind of in the shadow, I thought for a brief instant it was Geronimo! Now, that would be a twist in the plot!
-Luzma sure is looking like cute little Winnie Cooper from the Wonder Years.

RlaO: Geronimo?! Really?! Darn! I think I deleted AB from the DVR so I can't check it out. Love this TN, but still missing CME.

RlaO- Yes, the texting reminded me of Renata and Jero and their lovely texting sessions!

Thanks for the clarification Vivi. I was listently intently for any word that might imply using or holding a gun and I never saw one. Also I never saw an expression on Cami's face to indicate that Dan had mentioned something as significant as that. Oh well, I feel better knowing that my understanding wasn't completely off.

The previews showed Dan and Cam kissing and Isa seeing them. Yikes!

After all the mention here about Camila's curtains, it was nice to hear Daniel tell Camila to make sure she closes them because he saw Dio spying on her in the cabana.

Loved the way Camila held her ground in the argument with Gussie about where she and Dio will live. Gussie had the nerve to tell Camila that she was not the owner of Malquerida and therefore had no right to put her and Dio out. Dio and Gussie are going to take Camila's former bedroom with Al so Dio can have more room to spread out.


How sleazy was it with Dion spying on his new daughter? She's your daughter for goodness sakes! This is going to be fun.

Re: the advances. It looked like Al's confrontation with Cam was after Isa saw Dan and Cam kissing even though the scenes were flipped in the avances.

And Dan didn't seem too convincing to me when he denied being Cam's lover. Dion isn't going to trust him anymore.

Those curtains in Camila's room are so thin! You can still see through them!

Cam and Dan kinda deserved to get caught, the way they were carrying on everywhere. The only thing they could have done worse, was to tell someone at that hospital that likes to announce everyone's business to the world.

Geez folk, this recap felt like it went on forever!

Hope it fills in the question marks for all.

Happy catch up reading! MENA


It was great Dan told Camila to close her curtains but she needs to close more than just those sheer ones. And Dan should know! Remember he was a a creepy peeper too!

Talk about lying by omission. D'Andres telling Camila that Dio threatened him but not mentioning it was with a gun to his head is a large chunk of info missing. Camila is probably thinking that the worse Dio would do to D'Andres is fire him. Dan, Dan. Just tell her already!!

Thanks Mena, I know that recapping takes a long time to do, way longer than just watching the program. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.

I forgot about the scene when Dion and Aggie come to the ranch and Dion was expecting her daughters to great them. He is so delusional. Daddy's home!

Mena: Great recap. Funny, smart.

Yago’s pooh poohing Nat’s concern about going behind her mother’s back to date him shows that he is definitely not serious about Nat—at least at the moment.

Yay! Nana is on the side of Pablo and Luz—was there any doubt. She’s nana!!!

I’m overjoyed to see Bratgirl get hers but, for a smart girl, it sure was a bonehead move to diss Nana when it’s blatantly obvious that everyone adores her.

“Back at El Malquerida, Dio is moving in and wondering where the welcoming committee is.” Seriously?!!!!


Many thanks, Mena, for the detailed and delightful recap. Loved your calling Dan's father DNADan Sr, and I also enjoyed your asides about Viewerville.

Perhaps it's just that this TN is on so darn late in the evening, but I think I'm beginning to lose sight of the Good Guys' plan. Why continue to involve Aaron, especially since the Good Guys suspect that the Bad Guys are responsible for DNADan Sr's arrival? It seems to me that they're seriously jeopardizing Aaron's life.

I can't wait to see what Hissadora does with her confirmation that Dandres and Camila are an item. Undoubtedly, she'll throw it in Dio's face at some point, and then Dandres's life, too, will be in jeopardy. But why am I surprised? This is, after all, a telenovela.

Just read the recap. How wonderful! How completely detailed. I love it! Also, your title/theme was so true and very well done.

Netgirl, re: curtains. Great minds think alike! And, apparently at the same time. LOL !

Thanks so much Mena. It wasn't too long at all. It probably feels that way because there is SO much plotting going on by everyone.

Vivi is right that the list of lies to Cami is getting longer each day-- too long.

At least Dan is telling her some things about Dio now, and sort of enlisting her help in his plans, even though she hasn't been told the whole truth and doesn't know the entire plan and the reasons for it.

Cathyx- Delusional is right! Dio's arrogance never ceases to amaze. I still can't believe that he thinks Camila would ever be his...willingly.

Yago is a hard to pin down character. Clearly, his intentions with Nat are not honorable. But, don't mess with his Nana! Loved seeing Brat Girl being put in her place, which, yes, IS lower than that of Nana Refugio.

Mena - Thanks for all the detail. My favorite line: "Al continues his little pinchy faced threat..."

Niecy - I just noticed the almost double suggested meaning of the word. I really did mean his pinchy little face - as in crinkly and contorted.

However, if I were to substitute that "y" with an "e", it would be una groseria but still apply to AlLocoLonso. LOL

Juanita- I think some of Dan's allies are asking him why all the need for secrecy from Cami too.

Right now I see two reasons:
1) Dan needs the DNA evidence that they are NOT cousins before he says anything to the woman he has been sleeping with for weeks, and romancing for months. Cami is so committed to the idea of Dan being her cousin, that she will NEED proof that they are not related, othewise she will freak out.
2) Dan wants some form of concrete proof about Dio/Isa/Al plots/crimes to present to Cami when he tells her his story.

I think #1 is valid. But I think that even without concrete proof of Dio/Isa/Al's crimes, Cami is a smart enough gal to believe Dan's story once he comes clean with her.

Now, the complication comes in HOW they are going about trying to get proof on the Terrible Three and their crooks for hire (Leon, Diaz Sr., Julian, etc.).
- They have a copy of Julian's passport with the dates he was in Chile that match with the attempt on Dan and Miriam.
- Dan's eyewitness account of tatood Julian being the gunman. Since Dan's a fugitive, he can't come forward.
- Dan and Rafa's eyewitness account of Leo killing Julian. Again, Dan's status as a fugitive. Rafa offered to come forward on his own, but Dan dismissed this saying it's still not enough.
- Dio's direct e-mails to Daniel. Dan wants to wait to see what Dio has to say first. He's hoping to get him to turn on Isa/Al and give them some real evidence/clues they can use. For this, they need Aaron to play faux Daniel. Now with Diaz Sr. in town, they have even more reason to bring Aaron back to find out how the Terrible Three are trying to use him.

Yes, this is really dangerous for Aaron. He will be exposing himself to Dio, and to Isa's man, Diaz Sr. He is a saint for doing this.

The other thing Dan's gang is now working on is his status as a fugitive. That's where Padre's lawyer connection comes in. Once Dan can walk around free with no fear of being sent back to a Chilean prison, that he will be able to drop this game with everyone, not just Cami. I think he was also hoping to present himself to Cami as a free man (from the law...we still don't really know for sure if he's a widower). I dont' think he can afford to wait that long to tell her the truth. Once he has the DNA evidence, he should tell her.

Dan also can tell Cam and Aggie that Dion is paying for the lawyer to free Leoncio. What excuse can he come up with to explain why he did this? Even Aggie couldn't excuse this.

Mena, loved your recap.

I was hoping you would explain what was going on with the bulls. I guess that's the way they hold them down for vaccinations, but I found it very upsetting. I also cringed looking at, I guess it's their identification, the tag stapled in their ear.

I guess I'm just a softee at heart.

I just love this novela.


Cathyx- Yes. Although I believe it was Bacerra who got the proof that Dion is paying for the lawyer. Dan just suspects. Bacerra called Cami and asked her to come see him after finding out Gussy married Dion, so he might just tell her this.

Vivi, I figured Dan knew when he saw Leo in Dion's place. And didn't Dan tell Viv and Rafa that Dion sprung him?

Yes. He has his eyewitness account of seeing Leo at Dio's place. Once again his status as a fugitive and questions about what he was doing in Dio's place will come into play. He told Vivi and Rafa what he suspects because he saw Leon there. Bacerra never circled back with him and told him what his investigator found out.

Viv - There is a wild card (among miscellaneous others) in gathering evidence that everyone does not know about yet...

Piedad - she is gathering evidence against Leo


Mena- That's right! Piedad plans on gathering evidence on what happened to her baby-daddy and if Leon had anything to do with it (which we know he did). That will lead to this link to Julian and motives for murder. Plus, Luzma's baby DNA evidence.

If Luzma is going to have the baby, then the DNA evidence will put him back in jail.

Great recap if a complicated episode. Thanks do much! Regards the "vaccination". This is not how they doctor grown cattle. They are too big. Only in an emergency away from the squeeze chute. The chute allows the cattle to enter, then is manually closed leaving them held by two gate like sides with their heads sticking out.

The animal being "roped" was a very sick steer. He was extremely thin, his tongue was hanging out of his mouth and he just stood still while they "roped" him. Hopefully the shot was an antibiotic and they used him because he needed care.

They've shown the chute for the grown bulls before. The first time Dan helped Cami with the bulls.

I thought these were 6 month olds getting their vaccinations and that's why they were small.

Thanks VERY much, Vivi, for your clear account of The Good Guys' plans. What you say really helps a lot.


Cathyx, I agree that Dandres could tell Cam and Aggie about Dio's paying for El Cerdo's lawyer. However, now that Dio is suspicious of Dandres, he certainly shouldn't say anything to Aggie. She's too much of a loose cannon. And he probably shouldn't say anything to Camila either. But Becerra can, when Camila comes to see him. That is, if she gets to see him before the anvil hanging over his head falls.

Ann-NYC: I had to fast forward through those scenes, too. It's one of the few things I don't like about this TN, that it takes place on a rancho that raises bulls for bull fighting.

Wow, Mena what a fantastic, thorough recap. You cleared up several things that I wasn't clear on. For example, I had wondered what that diagram was that Xi saw on Al's computer. Nor did I fully understand what Dio's meeting with his flunkies was about even though I assumed that the info was useful to eavesdropping Dan.

Nanette, I agree that Dan and Cami needs to be a lot more descreet instead of grabbing every single opportunity to demonstrate intense love for each other. Both of their safety depends on it (not to mention that I get palpitations at all of their "near misses") :-)

Great work; sorry I didn't comment earlier; I was out all day.

I forgot to ask, what does "gumshoe gang" mean or insinuate used in reference to Rafa & Vivi. Thanks. I

Hi Foxy, Gumshoe is a very old phrase for a private investigator, or private "eye".

New to this community, started watching to improve my Spanish and now I'm possibly more hooked on the recaps then the show! Love what you guys do!!! Thank you!


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