Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Amor Bravío #67 (Uni 62) Tue 11/20/12 Who's your Daddy?

When we left Metepec yesterday, Ximena had just imposed herself on Dion, Hissa, and Alonso, demanding to be let in on the plan.   If not, she threatens to go straight to Camila and Agustina and tell them everything that’s been done behind their backs.  Hissadora tries to pretend she doesn’t know what she’s talking about – they haven’t done anything behind their backs.  Alonsobusted has no choice but to tell mumsie that Ximena knows everything.  Mumsie’s eyes are like to bust right out of their sockets as she turns to look at her fake son.  I’m surprised Alonso didn’t just spontaneously burst into flames right then and there.  POOF!!  But he didn’t and he swears to them he didn’t tell her.  Ximena assures Hissie she figured it out all on her lonesomes and Alonso had no choice but to tell her everything.  She tells them she can be of use to them – they’re better off with her on their side.  Dion just laughs and tells her she’s got a point there – Hissa’s eyes bug out again.  Ximena is glad to see that Dion is on her side and asks for details on “el plan”.

Mariano rushes into Ana’s room and covers her with kisses.  She protests that his beard is too scratchy for her to kiss him – has she been reading our blog?  Anyhoo, she asks about Tío Pablo.  She also asks about Andres and wonders who’s watching out for him.  She’s curious as to why Camila is there for him since he has no family.  Mariano doesn’t really have an answer for her but agrees to introduce her to Camila when they go to the hospital to visit Pablo.

Metepec, Council of Evildoers
Dion has explained, offscreen, “the plan” to Ximena.  He trusts she won’t tell anyone about it.  Heck no, she says, she stands to profit from the sale of the ranch.  She could care less if it’s a bull stud ranch or a tourist trap, it doesn’t really matter to her.  Hissadora asks if Ximena is sure she doesn’t mind that Camila and Agustina are in the dark about this.  Ximena explains she really wouldn’t mind seeing Cam and Aggie have some problems for a change.  They’ve never valued her so she doesn’t see why she should worry about them.  Dion thinks she’s a very practical woman and he likes that but he imagines  Aggie must be devastated (deshecha) knowing she’s involved with her sister’s hubbie.  Ximena could care less, she’ll just have to get used to it.  Besides, Camila and Alonso are practically divorced.  Not so fast, says Hissie, at least not until the ruling (sentencia) is signed.  Alonso mentions it’s just about done.  Dion chuckles at this little scene.  He now asks Ximena how it came to be that she left the hacienda.  Ximena admits Camila threw her out, as though she were the owner of the ranch.  Dion tells her not to worry.  He’ll take care of her expenses and hands her a wad of cash.  Ximena thanks him profusely, kissing him and hugging him saying she knew she’d like him as a stepfather.  Alonso gets a little flustered (jealous?) and suggests they leave.

La Malquerida
Natalia tells Luzma about Pablo giving his statement to the police about the shooting and that his parents were there.  Luzma is relieved to know his parents must now realize he wasn’t LeCerdo’s intended victim.  She asks Natalia to find a way to get her in to see Pablo.  Natalia’s a little hesitant but Luzma convinces her to seek Mariano’s help and between the two of them they can get her in to see Pablo.

Iliana comes to Pablo’s room with a bouquet of balloons.  She tries to get Refugio to leave but the old lady stays put.  Yay!  Pablo assures her anything she has to say she can say in front of Refugio.  Iliana turns on the waterworks and swears none of this was her intention.  She feels so badly about how things turned out but she’s really very, very sorry.  Te lo juro!  Pablo doesn’t seem to know what to do and Refugio just shakes her head. 

Metepec, Council of Evildoers continues
Dion tells Ximena that as long as she is with them, she’ll always have their support, at least she’ll always have his support.  Alonso kisses his mother goodbye and literally has to pull Ximena away from Dion.  After they leave, Hissadora has a Hissy fit (“hissy fit” get it?  yuk yuk)  She can’t believe that estúpida has the nerve to threaten them.  Who does she think she is?  Dion laughs and admits he doesn’t like to be threatened either but this is not the time to have loose strings at least until Daniel shows his face.  Hissadora continues to rant about Ximena as Dion calmly mixes himself a drink.  He thinks they should let her have her moment.  What she doesn’t realize is that by agreeing to this pact, she’s signed her death warrant!  Hissie stares at him and then lunges at him in a liplock.  Eeeew

Camila’s Cabin
Agustina is waiting for Cam when she arrives.  She can’t believe Cam spent the night at the hospital.  Cam explains she did it because the man she loves is fighting for his life.  Agustina can’t believe she’s set her eyes on a simple chofer.  She doesn’t know what’s gotten into her daughters!  This isn’t how she raised them! Camila can’t speak for Ximena, but she’s very comfortable with her relationship with Andres because he is integro (honorable).  Aside from being a “simple chofer” as Aggie likes to call him, he’s  in-te-gro!  And she finds this much more appealing than being married to an businessman (empresario)  of dubious reputation.  Agustina is affronted she should speak this way about Dioncito.  He is irreproachable (intachable).  “Oh please, mom, are you sure?” asks Camila, frustrated.   Agustina accuses her of trying to sully his name to justify her own actions.  The difference between our two men es un gran abismo!  Camila would like to be wrong but she’s convinced Dionicio is not a good man and will end up hurting her.  Agustina can’t believe Camila’s saying this to her.  “The one here who will end up suffering the consequences due to her bad choice is you!” says Agustina. “Love has blinded you and you are headed for a disappointment (frentazo).  That man is a gold digger.  He came to Mexico chasing after a woman and when that didn’t work out, he had to stay here and make enough money to go back to his country. But of course, since he’s won you over, he’s going to stay until he tires of you.”  Camila doesn’t know where she’s getting this from -- she’s sick.  Agustina tells her Andres told her this himself.  She can ask him if she’d like but then don’t say she wasn’t warned!  She will respect her as the adult that she is.  She demands that Camila do the same with respect to her marriage to Dionicio.  Understood?

Rafa and Vivi have come to see Daniel.  Doctor tells them he’s going to run some tests to make sure there isn’t any internal bleeding and then bring him back from  the induced coma and see how he’ll react.

La Malquerida
Cam’s on the phone with Osvaldo.  A few “housekeeping” items and then she tells him she’d like to continue their conversation about Dionicio.  He’s eager to speak to her.  There are some vital details she needs to know.  Camila worries about how her mom will react to learn about all of Dion’s misdeeds. 

Outside, Dion is arriving and Agustina confronts him, demanding to know how he dared dump her at a taxi stand last night.  He explains he had an emergency.  Agustina demands to know about the emergency, or could it have been another woman?  He admits yes, it was another woman.  She can’t believe the nerve he has in admitting this.  He disagrees, saying it involved her daughter Ximena.  She called to say she needed to speak to him urgently.  She’s living with Alonso in Camila’s house in town.  He turns the tables on her and wonders why she didn’t tell him after all that time they spent at the hospital together.  He’s very hurt at the way she’s treated him.  Agustina takes the bait – hook, line, sinker, and the pole itself!  Dion tells her Ximena is devastated.  She’s fallen in love with Alonso.  Agustina’s and Camila’s rejection has hurt her deeply.  Agustina protests that she should not have fallen in love with her sister’s husband!  He’s off limits to her!  Dion says she knows that but even so love found them.  He understands Ximena and would like to act as mediator between her and Agustina.  Agustina can’t look the other way.  She can’t imagine the scandal when everyone finds out.  She won’t be able to bear it.  “It’s as though Ximena’s dead to me!”  Whoa there, Gussie!!  Dion looks at her like, what?

Alonso/Ximena Love nest
Alonso manhandles Ximena and complains.  He can’t believe she had the nerve (the nerve!) to show up at Dion’s.  She doesn’t care, she got what she wanted—to be included in their plan.  Ruh-roh – Alonso’s pulling up his big boy pants now, telling her not to forget everything he put up with when he was with Camila, “always forgetting that the man in the relationship is me!  I put up with all of that, and now you’re trying to do the same thing?  What’s wrong with you?”  Ximena refuses to pagar por los platos rotos de me hermana (literal translation: pay for my sister’s broken dishes – love it!).  His relationship with Camila  is one thing, but with her, it’s very different!  Has he forgotten that with Camila he couldn’t…….. Alonso raises his hand, kind of, as though to strike her but not really and demands she never repeat that!  Ximena tells him to chill already, she only wanted to be included in the action (jugada) and see? She even walked away with a little cash!  She pulls out a smartphone and says she even took advantage of being in town to pick up a new phone – it was horrible being without one!  He tells her not to change the subject.  If she got the cash, it was thanks to him and their own plan and he expects her to share.  Oh no, says Ximena.  He didn’t really share the plan in good faith (de buena gana) because she actually discovered the plan on her own.  Alonso stares at her, dumbfounded (not so hard to do for him).  She takes a call on the landline which is presumably for him and takes a message.  She informs him the insurance has come through from the fire at his mother’s house and now he has his own “little cash”. 

La Malquerida
Dion has ensconced himself in the parlor, reading the paper – looks like a financial paper, it says DINERO splashed across the front.  Piedad comes in informing him some guy is at the front door saying he’s the father of the owner of this here spread.  It’s Dan’s dad alright.  He introduces himself as Francisco Javier Diaz Medrano,  Daniel’s father, and he has a notarized legal document signed by his son giving him authorization to take over the ranch!  Camila walks up and, recognizing him as Javier, wonders what he’s doing here!  Now Agustina walks in and says the same, telling him he hasn’t bothered with her or their daughter since their divorce.  What’s he after now?!  Dion is surprised to find out this is Agustina’s ex and he informs the ladies that he’s Daniel’s papa!  Javier says he’s surprised to find them there.  Camila doesn’t understand how Daniel would have failed to tell him the ranch was left to him by her Tío Daniel.  Javier insists Daniel didn’t share that with him and if he did, Javier certainly didn’t realize that man was her Tío, or the man Agustina was so in love with.    Agustina tells him to shut his trap!  She explains to Dion that she knew her ex had been married but didn’t know he had a son.  Javier responds that Agustina never wanted to know anything about his past.  He married Agatha, they divorced and she went to Chile and for many years kept him from contacting his son.  But Agatha’s gone now and he and Daniel have reunited.  Camila doesn’t believe him and neither does Agustina.  Aggie can’t believe she never knew that Agatha, who fooled around with Daniel, was married to Javier.  The fact that he was married to her and Daniel carries his name doesn’t mean he’s his son. “That muchacho is my brother-in-law’s bastardo and that’s why he inherited this ranch.”  Javier declares that by law and in his heart, Daniel is his son!  And nothing she says can change that!  Camila finds it strange to think that Daniel is either her cousin or Ximena’s half brother.  In either case he’s family?  Javier says Daniel is no stranger as they may have thought.  Dion butts in, saying Daniel may not be a stranger but just because he carries Javier’s name doesn’t mean he’s related by blood.  Don Daniel wouldn’t have left his ranch to another man’s son if he wasn’t sure Daniel was his own son.  Yeah, says Agustina, and besides, that bastardo is named after her brother-in-law and not Javier.  Javier is sure that’s due to Agatha’s stupid sentimentality toward Don Daniel.  He doesn’t know why Don Daniel left the ranch to his son, the fact is that he did—and that’s what counts.  Dion suggests they take this conversation into the parlor. 

Rafa calls the police to report (anonymously) that LeoCerdo is the man who shot Pablo and Daniel.  Furthermore, he’s living at Dion’s house and provides the address in Metepec.  He leaves but quickly backtracks – Dion’s henchman is hanging about.

La Malquerida
Javier can understand why they aren’t happy to see him but Daniel trusts him enough to have him claim the inheritance.  Dion wants to know where he ran into Daniel and Javier wonders who wants to know?  He chuckles when Dion says he’s Agustina’s latest hubby.  In fact, he has a good laugh at Agustina’s expense.  All joking aside, he understands he should be dealing directly with Camila and she confirms this.  Dion stands up and says he would like to point out that it’s obvious that this tipo is trying to pull a fast one.  Javier asks him to show more respect.  After all, he’s standing on the ranch that belongs to him (Javier) and Daniel!  Camila corrects him, the ranch belongs to Daniel, not Javier.  She knows him and knows he is not to be trusted.  She doubts his story of being a devoted father.  After the way he treated Ximena, it’s clear to her that the role of fatherhood doesn’t suit him well – at all. 

Vivi and Rafa sit outside Daniel’s room.  Rafa confirms he’s made the call to the police.  It’s only a matter of time before they arrest Leoncerdo and Dion too, for harboring a criminal in his home.  Vivi hopes they’re doing what Daniel would’ve done wanted.  She shares the doctors are still considering whether or not to bring Daniel out of the coma. 

La Malquerida
Javier assures Camila he’s not here to be judged by anyone.  Camila’s understands but they need to know all the details (pormenores).  Dion starts the questions:  How did Daniel contact him?  When, and where did he give him this authorization/power of attorney?  Javier explains it was very recent.  Daniel sent him an e-mail, they met, and Daniel asked him to claim his inheritance.  Camila doesn’t understand why Daniel would do that when he and she were already negotiating how they were going to handle things.  Dion comes unglued to learn that she’s been in contact with Daniel.  Camila turns on him and says she has no reason to be giving him any explanations!  She’s capable of handling her own problems.  (Bravo Camila!)  Javier interrupts, saying the only thing that matters is the document.  He’s the only one who can claim the inheritance because Daniel doesn’t plan on claiming it himself.  Camila is reading the document and sees that Javier may be right but she assures him she will check this out to make sure this is Daniel’s signature.  Javier swears he wouldn’t be doing this if Daniel himself hadn’t signed it!  Dion is reading the document and he has a flashback to the day when he followed Hissadora and he saw her leaving the attorney’s office.  Bingo!  Back to the present and Javier wants to know when they will vacate the premises.  Not so fast, Dion says.  Camila tells him she will have her attorney, Becerra check out the document and then they will determine how to proceed.  Javier makes the mistake of calling her Camilita and she explodes!  “No me digas Camilita!”  Javier continues to provoke her, saying how the years have been kind to her.  She ignores him and eventually agrees to reach him at the Hostal.  She turns to get the document back from Dion and he suggests he have his attorney review it.  “What part don’t you understand?  I can handle my own affairs!”  She grabs the document away from him and storms off.  (Again, Bravo Camila!)  Javier then asks Agustina to show him around “his property”.  Dion glares at her and she nervously explains she’s got a lot of things to do.  Dion walks away angry.  Agustina starts to run after him but Javier stops her.  He asks how many times has she been married?  At least 3 times?  Doesn’t she think that’s a lot for not having learned her lesson (escarmentado)????? (or is it punished?) He laughs at her. 

Rafa gets a call from Dion asking to meet him at Vivi’s.  Vivi worries Dion may have guessed he called the police.  Rafa doesn’t think there’s been enough time for him to have heard about it yet.  Vivi’s very worried, they hug, and we hear their song.  Awwww.

La Malquerida
Agustina isn’t buying it for a minute that Javier’s a doting father especially after the way he ignored Ximena all these years.  Why, he hasn’t even asked about her.  Javier complains that she always has to dramatize everything!  There’s a price to pay for having a man such as himself.  He reminds her she once thought he was a big deal and never thought to know anything about him.  All she was interested in was catching a husband and she succeeded!  Agustina admits she should have realized what a tipo nefasto (dreadful type) he was and none of this would have happened. She doesn’t think Daniel is his son, although by all appearances he’s a vivales (smooth operator) like Javier and is even capable of killing his wife for money!  Javier is shocked to hear this. 

Amanda’s Hostal
Osvaldo comes by to visit Amanda because he knows she’s very worried about Daniel.  She admits she’s very worried and frustrated because she can’t go see him.  She doesn’t want to run into Dion. He tells her not to worry.  To Dion, Daniel’s just a simple chofer.  She shouldn’t be afraid.  He offers to go to the hospital with her.  She thanks him profusely for being such a good friend and then bats her eyes at him.  Hmmmmm, is there a budding romance here? 

La Malquerida
Javier tells Agustina nothing she says will tarnish the image he has of his son.  She understands now why Agatha ran off to Chile.  Being married to him is the worst thing that can happen to any woman.  She’s very happy Agatha cheated on him.  Oh, he’s happy too!  Thanks to that affair, this ranch now belongs to Daniel who is legally his son!  Who would have known that his first wife’s lover and the platonic love of his second wife would have given him this marvelous property!  Sometimes life is fair and he came out the winner in all this.  He laughs as Agustina fumes! 

Out at the pasture,  Rodolfo and the other ranch hand (sorry, forgot his name) talk about strange goings on.  Rodolfo saw Camila leaving the house very angry and Dionicio as well.  And now this stranger (Javier) came looking for Camila and he kept eyeing the place.  They start talking business and the other ranch hand says he’s glad Rodolfo is the new foreman. 

Bulls being weighed and herded.  (Salud!)

El Hostal
Osvaldo asks Amanda if she’s ever had another love after Dion.  She’s such a beautiful woman and can’t understand why someone hasn’t snapped her up, etc. etc.   She thanks him for the compliments.  They hold hands, she bats her eyes, and he looks lurvingly at her.  Yup, budding romance!

La Malquerida Kitchen
Luzma prays to La Virgincita to see Pablo again.  Piedad doesn’t think his family will allow it.  Luzma thinks Mariano will help her.  Piedad supports Luzma in fighting for her love.  She’s sorry she didn’t do more to keep them from Leocerdo’s harm all these years.  Luzma deserves to be happy.  They both turn to pray together. 

Yago tells Natalia he’s willing to help Luzma see Pablo.  Natalia’s surprised.  Yago wants to make peace with Pablo and he thinks Luzma will help him. 

Speaking of Pablo, Cayetano comes to his room and announces that everything is in place for Pablo to attend the university for his master’s degree.  Pablo’s shocked.  Cayetano says it’s too late.   After what’s happened, it’s not safe for him to remain here.  Rocio and Cayetano will take him to the university as soon as he’s out of the hospital.

La Malquerida
Natalia calls Luzma with the good news that Yago has arranged for her to see Pablo.  Luzma can’t believe Yago is willing to help her and he’s on his way to pick her up to see Pablo! 

Mariano receives a call from Rodolfo who tells him something about the bulls (sorry, didn’t catch it).  After the call, Mariano fantasizes that Camila has changed her mind about Andres and he and she and his daughter are very happy.  Back to reality, Natalia comes up and gives him a folder with some info on the bulls from Rodolfo.  She walks away with Ana and he’s left thinking aloud that he refuses to give up Camila without a fight.  Ruh-roh!


Great work!

Francisco Xavier is a real piece of work. It makes me wonder how Augustina landed her first husband (whom we have believed was a good man). I was cheering Camila all through that scene where she let him know she had his number.

I am not looking forward to her finding out that Andres is actually Daniel. Once she realizes they have no common DNA she will still be angry at the deception.

Amanda deserves a good man like Osvaldo.

Ileana should take a long walk off a short pier.

Cayetano is quite misguided. When he finds out that Pablo is actually the son of Don Daniel he will have a lightbulb moment or two but he still won't want him marrying the daughter of a servant. Whether he would still support the idea of Mariano with Camila is another story.

Fabulous recap Paquita! Very good episode with the FX bomb finally dropping on Cami, Gussy, and even Dio (who didn't know about Isa's side plan).

Since Cami recognized FX right away, that must mean she was old enough when he was her stepdad to have very clear memories of him. They said Xi was little when he left, so she might not remember him. Cami certainly knew him well enough to immediately have his number. It was so gross when he leered at her and mentioned how good looking she turned out. Now Cami has two lecherous stepdads hanging around. Yuck! Loved her keeping Dio in his place and putting her foot down about taking care of her own damn business, thank you very much.

Speaking of lecherous stepdads, that was a creepy exchange between Xi and her sugar daddy Dio. Glad that Al cut that short. The girl has no shame. And now she’s landed herself in deep doodoo by tangling with the Devil and his handmaiden.

If Cayetano and Rocio think that Pablo is going to hop on a plane and leave Luzma behind unprotected, they are stupid. Especially now that she has finally lowered her guard with him again and professed her love as they rolled him by on his gurney. I'm glad Yago is trying to redeem himself by helping the young lovers see each other.


Thank you for the recap!

Poor Agustina. Osvaldo has turned his sights toward the beautiful, kind, and smart Amanda. Agustina had him, but she rebuffed him in favor of Dionisio, and did it nastily. I guess Osvaldo said "fine, forget you then."

Ximena and Dionisio, Alonso and Isadora --- boundaries people! And then Dionisio and Isa ... ewwww ... they're so animalistic. It really looks like they are eating each other alive when they, um ... uh ... "kiss."

So glad that Camila has the document in her own hands!!

Agustina and Javier ... I guess this shows that Agustina really hasn't had a man who truly loved her. So sad.

Vivi and Rafa (love them!) are really good friends to Daniel/Andres. I was touched to see them hanging outside of his hospital room, trying to do the things that he would want them to do.

Glad to see that Yago is trying to be a good guy.

Luzma and Natalia ... great girlfriendy moment between them as they walked arm and arm through the field! They seem like they will be lifelong friends!

Rodolfo ... yes, he was in charge. Good job Senor Foreman!

Paquita, I liked this line in your recap:
* Hissadora has a Hissy fit (“hissy fit” get it? yuk yuk)



netgirl- I think, from what we've heard, Cami's dad was a good man and loved Gussy. He just died too young and too soon.

Great recap, Paquita! I always love your humorous comments, and this recap had lots, plus some very well-chosen vocab.

I especially liked your saying that when bug-eyed Hissadora looked at her son, you were "surprised Alonso didn’t just spontaneously burst into flames right then and there." Indeed, it's also hard to believe that Hissadora's eyes stayed in their sockets through the episode, first during Ximena's revelation and then Dionisio's seeming support for Ximena.

For a fleeting moment, when Agustina chews out Dio for his terrible behavior toward her, I thought perhaps she was growing a pair (biologically improbable, I know), but she winds up pathetic as usual. As you said so well,
"Agustina takes the bait – hook, line, sinker, and the pole itself!"

It's hard to believe that Gullible Gussy the Wuss managed to raise two gutsy daughters. I loved Camila's repeatedly standing up to Dio, but last night I also found myself cheering for Ximena as she demanded part of the action from the Powers of Darkness. Whether this will get her killed off is anyone's guess. It's certainly Dio's intention, but so far he hasn't been as successful as most TN villains in accomplishing his evil deeds (starting with Julian's failure to kill Daniel in Chile).

As I said before, it feels that we're much further along in this TN than just the halfway point. I still think we're likely to see a temporarily disillusionsed Camila turn to Mariano as more than just a friend, but I can't guess what else the writers will throw at us.

We don't know if Mr. Monterde was a good man or not. What we do know is Gussy is a very silly woman who chases men (so she can say she has a man) and is very status oriented. FX told her that to her face last night. She didn't care to know about FX's background/character b/c she was thirsty to have a man.

Gussy is totally the type of woman who gets her self worth from having a man, and who would have disbelieved/blamed Camila or Ximena had one of her husbands molested them.

The sad thing is she could have had a good man in Osvaldo, but I guess he wasn't as dashing as Dionisio. Augustina likes the money & prestige (no different than Ximena)...too bad that's going to be her downfall.

Question: Did Rafa say something to the effect of maybe it would be better if Dan died, or did I imagine that?

Anon207- Viv says I can't bear seeing him (Dan) like this (in a coma). Then Rafa says, better like this than dead, no?

Ok, thanks Vivi, I totally misunderstood.

I see Camila's and Ximena's gutsiness as a reaction to Agustina's silliness with men.

I think Camila has worked hard in school to have her own career and to be able to support herself so she won't end up like Augustina, either depending on Don Daniel for support or living off of Camila for support.

I don't think status matters that much to her because she knows it can be taken away from you in a second. She would have grown up as the daughter of wealthy Mr. Monterde had he lived, and would have grown up as the daughter of wealthy widow Monterde had Gussy not been swindled by FX, but all their money was taken away* & they had to depend on Camila's uncle for support.

I think Ximena sees how silly her mother gets over men and has vowed not to be hurt by a man so she's out to get what she can get and have the good times she can have before she gets hurt. She's going to stand up for herself and stand up for what she wants instead of being like her mother, who pined away for Don Daniel for 15(?) years and did nothing about it.

I think both Camila & Ximena are reacting against Augustina in different ways.

*If FX swindled Agustina out of the inheritance Mr. Monterde left her, what did he do with the money, because he clearly looks like Bob from Accounting instead of a fly by night swindler livin' it up.

Anon207- I'm guessing he lost it all in gambling, drink, and unwise spending.

Paquita, I am continually amazed at how great a recapper you are week after week. This is no exception.

I very much doubt that an 11 year old would care or even notice Andres and ask about him and why Camila is there for him. No kid would do this in real life. Ok, that was the first time I needed to put a beanie on for this TN.

I am SO glad that the kiss between Mariano and Cam was just his imagination going wild. Pheew!

Anita posted a good point at the end of last nights comments that Dan isn't supposed to know Rafa and that's why Cam was wondering about the computer.

I figured that Javier would eventually run into Aggie. I think Dion recognized the notary that was used knowing it was the same one that Isa used for the will. So he knows Isa is behind all this.


Poor Xi. She doesn’t realize that these guys aren’t just con men, they’re killers (at least Dio and Isa are). She’s doomed. Selfish witch.

Couldn’t tell if Pablo was looking at Nana because he was uncomfortable with a girl crying all over him or if he didn’t know whether to believe her or not. There was a split second moment when I thought Nana might believe her, but for the most part she just kept rolling her eyes. It looked like that final look she gave him was a “no way is she sincere, dude” look.

Paquita: Laugh out loud line: “After they leave, Hissadora has a Hissy fit (“hissy fit” get it? yuk yuk)”. Great recap.

What is it about Agustina and her paranoia re: everybody talking about them?! She’s annoying me.

Javier, die. I don’t care if you never do anything worse than conning people. Die. Because I can’t stand your laughing, lying face (I hate these kind of villains).

“He reminds her she once thought he was a big deal and never thought to know anything about him. All she was interested in was catching a husband and she succeeded!” OMG! That is exactly who Agustina is.

Once Agustina turned Osvaldo down for Dio, I was all for him hooking up with Amanda. She is so much the better woman. She’s kind, intelligent, strong and a perfect partner for him. I’m on Team Amanvaldo. Do they have a theme song yet? I didn’t notice.

“Speaking of Pablo, Cayetano comes to his room and announces that everything is in place for Pablo to attend the university for his master’s degree. Pablo’s shocked. Cayetano says it’s too late. After what’s happened, it’s not safe for him to remain here. Rocio and Cayetano will take him to the university as soon as he’s out of the hospital.” What?!!! Isn’t he of age? These people are annoying me, too.

I knew after the Mariano/Cam fantasy moment and he was smiling, that he was going to fight for her. The deal was sealed when they ended the ep on his frozen face.

Now on to the other comments. Can’t wait.


I think there is a song for Amanda and Osvaldo and I definitely see these two getting together.

Also agree that both Camila and Ximeana decided to not be like their mother. But that's where the resemblance stops.

One thing about this show, you really dislike the bad guys. Slimy creeps. I can't stand Pablo's mother either. She deserves some lesson for being a snob. And I hope Pablo does not fall for apology. The results of her selfish conniving are just too tragic to forgive.

Great recap. I wish my Spanish allowed me to feel the situation as I watch it on TV as those who can understand the language do, but these recaps make up for it and give you chuckles as icing on the cake.


Paquita - Thanks. Some of my favorites: "...hook, line, sinker, and the pole itself" and "Mumsie's eyes are like to bust right out of their sockets." And "Council of Evildoers" too.

Both Gussie and Don Daniel had no idea Javier was Agatha's husband? A real beanie moment. But now I guess it won't be much longer before Daniel finds out he has a sister.

Time for Daniel to wake up already.

I get a kick out of bad girl Ximeana so I hope they don't kill her off. Gussie saying it was like Ximeana was dead to her was sooo cold.

I've been trying to figure out the timing of Agatha being in Aculco. Amanda said they knew each other as girls/young women, and it seems Agatha spent a lot of time there as a young woman. We know Amanda grew up in Aculco before she went to the big city and met and married Dionisio. This is the timeframe I envision:

- When they were in their late teens/early 20s, Agatha goes to Mexico for university or something. She meet Amanda and they become best friends. She meets Don Daniel. They fall in love, but nothing comes of it and they part ways.
- A few years later, Agatha, who stayed in Mexico (likely Mexico City or another big city), is married to FX but realizes she might have made a mistake in her choice of husband. She goes to visit her friend Amanda in Aculco to clear her head and think things over. (In Amanda's memory, Agatha is telling Amanda her husband's name. Clearly he wasn't there with her.)
- Agatha reconnects with Don Daniel, but unfortunately he has also married someone. They don't discuss their spouses, but they realize their love is still very deep. They have an affair. Realizing this is all wrong, Agatha leaves and returns to her husband. She decides to give marriage to him another chance and suggests they try that second chance in her home country of Chile.
- Once they get to Chile, it becomes obvious that FX is never going to change. Agatha decides t end the marriage. FX returns to Mexico, never to be heard from by her again.
- A few years later, Don Daniel's wife has died, and so has his brother. His widowed sister-in-law Gussy comes to live with him. She has always loved him, but when they were young, he fell in love with that Chilena ese, Agatha. Then he chose her cousin Amparo to marry. She married the next best thing-- Don Daniel's brother. Before he death, Amparo confides in Gussy that Agatha returned and Don Daniel had a fleeting affair with her. Gussy's hatred of Agatha grows even more.
- When it becomes clear that even though they are both widowed, Don Daniel still won't give her the time of day, Gussy falls for the first man who crosses her path and asks her to marry him-- fortune hunter FX.
- Even though Don Daniel never knew who he was, FX knew who the rich rancher was who his wife was always in love with. He might have even approached Gussy purposely to infiltrate the Monterdes and get some of their money- partly because it was a good opportunity, and partly because it was a bit of revenge-- just like now.

In this way, Gussy and Don Daniel would have never known FX was Agatha's husband, and Amanda would have known his name (Agatha might have even shown her a pic). A bit complicated, but that's how I picture it.

Paquita--Superb, as always. Many of my favorite lines have already been quoted. You are a master wordsmith.

Haha...about the whiskers: - has she been reading our blog?

Haha...Alonso’s pulling up his big boy pants now....

Haha...Alonso stares at her, dumbfounded (not so hard to do for him)...

Haha...looks like a financial paper, it says DINERO splashed across the front.

I think Rodolfo called Mariano to let him know the bulls had all been weighed and they are on their way to...???? and something about the papers--which is what Natalia brought him.

UA--thanks for bringing up the point of Rafa's computer in Dan's room. I forgot to.

Nanette: Q. >What?!!! Isn’t he of age? These people are annoying me, too.<

A. Many wealthy families arrange a trust (or the whole inheritance) that doesn't start until the age of 25 or 26--thinking that by that time they (especially boys) would have sown their wild corn and settled down to a career and family. So, maybe Pablo is stuck with a weekly allowance. Thus, having to be at Mommy & Daddy's beck and call.

Oh dear, will Allgussiedup's words re the chofer's story for seducing Camila come back to make her doubt Dan's sincerity when she finds out that Andres is not Andres? In true tn lore, she will believe her silly mother and not Daniel.

Anita- But Gussy's story is true. Dan told Gussy that he came to Mexico to be with some woman, then she dumped him and now he was saving up to go back to his country. I think Gussy was the only person he told this lie to, but he would need to explain this if Cami asks, since he never mentioned it in their heart-to-heart talks about their pasts.

Vivi--Interesting time-line. It certainly fits our story. Maybe I'll add this to our Playlist. It keeps getting longer.

Interesting, too, that both times, FX was married to women that were really in love with Big Don Dan ("g" maybe he had one of those...). He must have really been something--and for both of them to have settled for someone so far beneath him is very curious.

I know. I remember when Dan first became her chofer they were walking near the caballerizas or some portico and I heard him. We all knew then it was a lie, but for Dan it was a good cover story. But now it has turned into a loose cannon.

Anita- "Big Don Dan ("g" maybe he had one of those...)" LOL! Bad girl!

The timeline is all my speculation based on what we've seen and heard. But it's the only thing that makes sense to me. Don Dan was the only one who stayed stationary in Aculco, while Agatha, Agustina, and Amanda seemed to come and go at various times over the years.

I'm surprised they didn't give Rocio an "A" name since all the other older women have one- Agatha, Agustina, Amparo, Amanda.

Thanks Paq, for a great recap. There’s so many subplots going on and it’s amazing how well you covered them.

I was very annoyed with con artist Francisco’s behavior at the ranch. When presenting his argument, he was so sure that the phony documents gave him the upper hand until he had no qualms about insulting them and laughing in their faces.

Cathyx 12:27, you wrote: “Anita posted a good point at the end of last nights comments that Dan isn't supposed to know Rafa and that's why Cam was wondering about the computer”.

I don’t understand this. I thought that Cam is aware that Rafael knows both Andres and Daniel. No?

Cami knows Rafa knows Daniel. To everyone, Andres is/should be just her driver and ranch hand. There is no reason for Rafa to have a relationship with Andres. When he drops Cami off at Vivi's, he doesn't even come inside with her.

Until Andres was brougt to the hospital, the ONLY person who Cami had confided in about her relationship with him was Vivi. She has no idea that all these other people know because they are on Team Daniel and Andres is Daniel.

I hope Camila doesn't turn to Mariano when the truth comes out. There is a whole lot of truth that is pounding on the closet door and it's all explosive.

Finally, why has nobody until now gotten someone to investigate matters in Chile to find out whether Miriam is still alive or not? It's very likely that she still is. How is that going to play?

70It's also realistic to tell one person that you came to Mexico to follow a woman who ended up dumping you when the real story is too painful to explain, like your wife and child dying. So Cam shouldn't be too mad that the story is different than the one she heard.

UA, perhaps the lawyer lady(can't remember her name) will.

I don't think it will be just one thing that makes Cami ask Andres hard questions, but a lot of little things not adding up. So far, just in recent days:
- Al suggesting that Andres is a spy.
- Andres not having any form of ID anywhere.
- Andres having Rafa's computer.
- Gussy saying Andres told her he came to Mexico following a woman he loved.

Vivi--Maybe Rocio is a lower ranking protagonista, although she does have a super secret she's guarding.

Hmm, what does that make Camila.

Xi comes pretty much at the end, unless we want to spell Javier with an X.

Fun to speculate on choice of names for all these tns. Sometimes I try to check the credits to catch how many names of real people have been used (splitting up first and last names, of course).

Over on Refugio, we do NOT have a real Bruno, so my statistics are screwed up on how many times a Bruno is a villain. But a Bruno clone has shown up in Mirko, no?


Anita- Ay, yes, Mirko (sounds like murky) in Refugio. First time I've heard that particular name, but it has a similar feel to Bruno (which always makes me always want to say bruto).

I'm going to spell Xavier with an X since I Ximena is being spelled with an X. Plus I like writing FX for his name.

Maybe it would have been too much to give Rocio an "A" name, especially since her last name starts with "A".

I like the name Camila, but wasn't that the name of the bland protagonist in Talisman? This Camila has way more personality than that one.

Anita: Thanks for the info. Pablo has told his parents that Luzma is more important than money, so I can't see that swaying him. He's not going to leave Luz while you-know-who is on the loose and if he went, he'd take her with him--just to get her out of harm's way. He's been very loyal and steadfast (or is that the same thing?)

And Pablo especially won't leave Luzma after she told him she loves him when he was being transferred to his room.

Vivi- True, there are lots of things that are not adding up with Andres. Can't wait til she has her talk with Osvaldo. Hopefully that will happen tonight.

Vivi, thanks for clearing up my confusion about Cami not knowing Rafa knew Andres. I had forgotten or didn't realize that he had never presented himself as any other a chofer. Now I remember how upset we were getting with Rafa when he was continously forgetting and refering to Andres as Daniel. Wonder why there was no followup of that computer scene in last nights episode?

Hold on to your foxy tail, Foxy, no doubt the computer will play a part, if not tonight, then tomorrow!

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