Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Amores Verdaderos #6 Wed 11/14/12 A new day/show in the Ring-Round-The-Rosie Brothers Frankie and Angel Circus… and Salsero better be a good dancer, he sucks at coordinating kidnappings..

  And let's not go there about Salsero's job as security manager for the B family.

And the day/show begins where the last show cut off... 

On ring no. 1 we have an unnamed man in black grabbing Vic from behind, she  calls for Big Angel (her guardian angel Arriaga), although not really very loud or sounding very alarmed … Big Angel responds ‘digame senora!’ but without coming out of the try-on room…  The men in black drag Vic out of the store and down the mall, Big Angel finally exits the try-on room and asks the employee lady for Vic, she tells him Vic left with another man, Big Angel gets worried and runs out, wearing only his shorts and a white shirt that belongs to the store. The shirt he is wearing belongs to the store, thus there are about three mall security guards instantly on his tail in hot pursuit of him… they catch up with him and a brief tug-o-war with the white shirt ensues since Big Angel has the clear mind to take the shirt off… but of course it is not enough to just send the security guards away… then he maneuvers them off himself, but to no avail, they continue in pursuit… Meanwhile Vic and the two thugs in black are heading down the escalator…

On ring no. 2 we have Nicky falling into the pool from a faint…  Frankie in hot pursuit believes this is Nicky’s repeat of her bad prank to humiliate him, trying to make him believe she is drowning…  After a few minutes of talking to her from edge, trying to get her to stop the ‘prank’, while poor Nicky is drowning face down in the pool, Frankie decides to jump in, and after realizing she is not responsive, checks her pulse at her wrist and performs drowning CPR on her.

At ring no. 3, at Big Angel’s home (also referred to as the Engall’s house in the prairie), halfpint Laura… I mean, Lilli and Cristina seem to be feeling like doing a major home remodeling… most of the house is covered in newspaper and Cristina is painting the house in sky blue… Lilli suddenly feels her chest pounding, and ‘something strange’ in the mouth of the stomach (why not call it butterflies or moths?), something bad is happening to her dad. This alarms both herself and Cristina…

Back to Ring no. 1, Vic has managed to fake a twist of her ankle, forcing the men in black to slow down a bit… then she pulls some spray thing out of her purse, slams the GIANT SUV door on the hand of one of the guys while spraying something into the eyes of the other one, she turns around and starts running.
Meanwhile Big Angel has stumbled down the escalator and also enters the parking lot.  So a hide and seek game within the parking lot ensues, Victoria trying to run/hide away from the men in black, the two men in black, armed, looking for her through the cars, and Big Angel, still only wearing his shorts, also sneaking between cars…  Suddenly a hand covers Vic’s face so she won’t scream (good idea, this woman would be a good backup for a firetruck siren).  Vic is freaked out but manages to thank him for being there. She hangs on to him for dear life… he keeps scanning around with his eyes, to try to locate the men in black… The mall security guards are also joining the action in the parking lot, they seem to be looking only for the man wearing only shorts…
One of the men in black reaches Vic and Big Angel, but Big Angel manages to put him out briefly enough for them to get away. The security guards and men in black exchange gunshots… The HUGE SUV gets by the security guards while they shoot at it, and as it goes by where Vic and Big Angel is, the lead man in black gets out of the door and shoots, aiming at Vic but of course gets Big Angel who covered her with his naked (almost!) body.  Once the SUV is gone, Big Angel manages to ask Vic if she is ok. She is, but she notices he is shot… then Big Angel goes unconscious and Vic goes beserk with panic, screaming for help.  Circus ring no. 1 relocates to hospital.

Back to ring no. 2, Polita and Jean Marie have reached the pool and she shreaks at seeing Guzman doing something mouth to mouth to Nicky… He yells at them to call an ambulance, while continuing CPR… Eventually Nicky is placed in an ambulance and heading to the hospital. As they put her in the ambulance, the paramedics tell Frankie Nicky had a mild heart attack, and her pulse is weak. All the servants and nannie are freaked out… Frankie asks them to contact the parents… they already tried but no answer yet. Frankie jumps in the ambulance and it takes off. So ring 2 action is relocating to the hospital.

So now we will have a new circus ring no. 1 at some high end restaurant where Nelson is talking with Salsero about Kendra, whether or not she will give Nelson the time of day before he is no longer married. Nelson believes he is sure he can ‘conquer’, because she is not immune to his ‘charms’.  Said Kendra arrives, Salsero walks away. Nelson wants to enjoy this meal with her, one on one. 
Outside, Salsero does not get good news on phone, the lead of men in black tells him about it being an ‘almost success’ but again they fell short at last minute, this time because the mall security cops showed up.  The head man in black also tells Salsero that Vic and Angel saw his face, and now he will need to hide, so ‘show me some money’. Salsero says heck no, you are on your own, bud!!  Then seems Salsero gets the call from the Barbarena  home with the news on Nicky, so he goes back in to tell Nelson.

At the new circus ring no. 2, the hospital, Grandpa has arrived to the hospital and is told of what happened with Nicky. HE is confused of what happened since nicky is an excellent swimmer. He is in a hurry to talk to Nicky. Frankie says the doctor is examining her now. Said doctor comes out and says she is stable now, the guy who performed CPR on her saved her life, he really knew what he was doing! … Doc walks away… grandpa thanks Frankie for what he did. Nothing short of saving his granddaughter’s life.
At that moment Vic comes in with Angel on the stretcher… Frankie asks Angel what happened. Vic sees her dad and asks what he is doing here… Grandpa tells her he is here for Nicky. Again another panic attack on Vic… (I really hope this woman has a very strong heart, she probably had a calm life, suddenly the new pattern is for her to freak out about people trying to either abduct or kill her or her family.

Speaking of freaking out, at circus ring no. 3, the little house on the prairie, they hear on radio the news of the new attempt on Vic and that the one injured was her bodyguard. Now we have two more women freaking out with panic attacks.

Back to Circus ring no. 2, the hospital, Vic and Grandpa come in to talk to Nicky. She can’t remember what happened, only that she fainted near the pool. Grandpa tells her Guzman (Frankie) rescued her and saved her life. Vic tells Nicky that she could not go on living if something happened to her. Nicky assures her she is alright. Grandpa is also moved… my princess … my princess…
Salsero is now out in waiting room on cell phone, calling Kendra to tell her what happened, and her reaction is predictable ‘the karate-ka rancher was able to handle all three of your men in black? What a bunch of bums! Didn’t you say that rancher was a nobody?’ ‘Yes, because when the men took Vic out of the store he didn’t even notice, but the mall security guards interfered’. (Salsero now is starting to sound to me like a frustrated lead of a bad guys band which can’t get one successful ‘strike’… I wonder who is ‘pleasing’ off Salsero more, if the honkeytonk Big Angel or the pro Frankie… my guess is Angel since Salsero would be most flustered by a ‘nobody’ spoiling all his ‘plans’)
 Kendra keeps blaming Salsero. Even more when he tells her that Vic and Angel saw ‘Marcado’s face…  She keeps on yelling at Salsero on phone and throws the phone. (isn’t this about the third phone she destroys?)
Elsewhere in ring no. 2, Angel’s room, Frankie is visiting Big Angel. They are exchanging notes about ‘our terrible day’, what happened to Vic and Nicky.
Doctora comes in to tell Angel the bullet did not cause any major damage, so he is released, with the promise he will be resting the next 24 hrs. Doc exits.
Frankie starts the talk about the events of the evening again… twice in a week Mrs Barbanera suffered two attempts at her life… Angel asks Frankie what he thinks. Frankie says it is evident that both attempts were planned (autor intellectual) by the same person. Angel keeps cursing himself for not knowing much about bodyguarding bidness.  Keeps begging Frankie to teach/train him. Sure. At that moment Vic comes in… very worried about Angel. Angel tells her what Doc said (asks Frankie to confirm.. yes!)… She thanks Angel for again exposing his life to save hers. Its my job ma’am. (right?... yes!)  (this whole thing of Angel responding and then asking Frankie to confirm was a bit odd but funny). Frankie asks how is Nicky. She is fine, seems it was too much exercise with low sugar level. Vic is glad he can go but reminds him he needs to rest for a day. Vic asks ‘see how right I was? … that you are my guardian angel (holding his hand. Angel is quite uncomfortable) Vic turns to Frankie and tells him she will be grateful all her life.

At a new circus ring no. 3, Paula calls Gilda to get news on the attempt on Vic. Gilda tells her that is not the only news, also Nicky suffered an accident at the pool. Gilda suggests to Paula to use this moment to try to support Anibal and expose yourself to his family to get them to accept you as his companion. Paula is reluctant, since now that the investigator has confirmed Anibal’s daughter Cristina does exist, her new goal now is to become Anibal’s legal wife.

Circus ring no. 2 now moves to the B house, where the family, the bodyguards and Salsero have returned home. Vic asks Jean Marie (the funny guy) to fix Nicky a beek stew or chicken stew, hearty.
Nanny tells Angel that his wife has been frantically calling to ask about him. He needs to call her back.
At her bathroom, Nicky has a ‘twilight zone type daydream’ where she sees herself and her actions in the bathroom earlier that day, causing herself to throw up… she is really upset (I guess at how she has been damaging her own body). She gets to the sink and holds water in her hands, and looking at the water she recalls falling in the pool and sees herself unconscious floating head down. She gets even more upset. (Sorry this woman cannot fake a cry and that is disturbing).
Anibal urges Vic to go get some rest herself. Anibal gets mad and tells Nelson he will call Comm Robles to get his people to find out who is behind these ‘attempts’. Then walks away.
Vic and Nelson have a little session where they blame each other for neglecting Nicky due to their jobs…  Of course Nelson is trying to make a pitch for Vic to ‘delegate’ to him all her duties (creative design of the commercials) at the company so he can be free to hang out with Kendra and the other models.
Nelson says ‘so much time working together is pulling us further apart than ever’. This upsets Vic even more.
Angel can’t get anyone to answer the phone… Frankie is trying to calm him down, but Salsero comes in with the wrong attitude ‘you have to get used to these events’. Angel says heck no, I won’t get used to working away from my wife or to have Vic suffer so many attempts. Also I have this man in black’s face imbedded here in my head… Salsero is visibly concerned about this.

In living room, Nanny Tomasina is trying to console Vic… Vic is having a low self-esteem moment, I guess Nelson succeeded in making her feel guilty of neglecting her daughter. Tomasina does not agree. Vic says she has to respect Nelson’s opinion. She has to talk to Guzman at the library room. Tomasina comments alone that Vic’s husband has rotten timing in his take downs on Vic.

Polita is in Nicky’s room drooling about Guzman giving Nicky CPR.. Nicky still resists and keeps talking trash of Frankie.  ‘Do you get it or do you need me to explain using apples so you understand?’ Polita keeps drooling on Frankie holding Nicky close, yelling at them to call the ambulance and contact her parents.  Once Polita leaves, Nicky does sigh and says ‘so… Guzmansito did worry about me’.

At library room, Frankie comes to talk to Vic. Vic shows Frankie the blood work results of Nicky, seems she has anemia since she has low red blood cell count. Vic asks if he has noticed anything strange about Nicky. Did she have anything that startle her or meet anyone? Frankie says she had a small argument with her boyfriend. With Romel?... Frankie offers to keep a close eye on her. Vic is thankful. Urges him that it is her daughter’s health and life, which is most important for her.  Vic comes to Nicky’s room, she has been brought the food… we haven’t talked for a long while. Want to know about you. Like what? Are you eating well? … (not a good start). Blodwook analysis show you are anemic. (Nicky is in denyal) Do I look anemic?? I eat!! (stuffing her face with bread) I have breakfast, lunch and dinner just like you all! Well, the doctor says otherwise… Nicky blames being nervous because of Frankie making her nervous following her around all day. Fire him! Vic says you need to understand, we both are in danger. The men who are after me know all about me, and they know that the most important thing for me is you. So I can’t let you go out without a bodyguard!

Previews (for Friday, tomorrow are the latin Grammies): some of the same, plus Angel recognizes the one man in black on the laptop computer… Kendra suggests (to Salsero, I guess) to change targets and try to abduct Vic’s daughter instead.

(Not sure if I prefer broken waterworks Elisa or broken siren Vic)


SuperMarta- wonderful, wonderful recap and thanks for the details there were so many of them tonight. One thing though, the family name is Balvanera.

I felt bad for Ms Vikki cause this is the second attempt now, but she is very smart keeping either hairspray or pepper spray in her purse to spray the bad guys with. The Angel was too funny in his plaid underwear, but so sexy, sigh.And Marta you are so right about that band of men in black, lol. They couldn't do anything right, not the first time and certainly not the second. lol. They are a bunch of bumbling boobies, lol. Salsero must know more about dancing than being a bodyguard, jus' sayin'.

You are right about Nelson. He just wants to take over that company. He wants Ms Vikki out like yesterday. He'd like to boink the models in peace. I hope Vikki doesn't let him run the company.

Poor Nikki, for a minute I thought she might be faking again, but she really was drowning. I am glad Frankie saved her, but she isn't even remotely grateful. And now she seems to be the target of the bumbling boobies, men in black. Frankie will make short work of them.

I love Polita and Jean Marie how cute are these two? I like Jean Marie's outfits, they are so unchefy lol.

Ya know it looked like Lili was doing automatic writing. That was certainly different. She must have good radar where her Dad is concerned. Interesting.

Can't wait for Friday to see how Frankie deals with Nikki.

Paula must really be afraid that Candelaria will surface. She is desperate to marry Anibal.

Thanks so much, Marta, for the speedy quick recap. It was a bizarre show. Big Ed racing through the mall and all over the parking deck barefoot and in just his skivvies...que the hell ? Vikki was a quick thinker..dropping the scarf and then grabbing her pepper spray. The actress playing Nikki is so painfully thin in reality that it's hard to watch her posed over the toilet like that. And I have a question...does the calm old lizard [Nelson] have just that one expression ? Madelaine, I loved your comment about Nelson's wish to ''boink the models in peace.'' A simple man with a simple wish, but he looks to tired to boink anyone.

Great recap, Marta, loved your circus comparisons, very apt!
All the women in this TN are made out to be helpless-but in my mind Vikki rescued herself from some very inept kidnappers.
Nikki is a mess. I suppose the story line will have her straighten right up with the right man...ah, the solution to any woman's problems. I guess I just need to tighten my beanie. This is not going to be empowering for women the way Refugio is.

marta - thank you for the recap. I've been super busy and this is the first recap I've had a chance to read. I'm not sure if I'll stick with this telenovela. Lots of beanie hat moments already and disbelief has been suspended innumerable times already. But . . . I keep watching. LOL

Is this telenovela supposed to be a comedy? I had to LOL when Frankie flipped motorcycle lady over his head and she landed so neatly behind him, on that seat. ~rolls eyes~

Since telenovela rules mandate that the main guy & woman end up together, that would mean that HunkyJose's wife dies at some point? How else can the path be cleared for him to end up with VikkiVikkiVikki.

Poor Salsero, his kidnapper goons are so incompetent. Good help is hard to find, these days.

Nikki's heart is probably weak from her bulimia. Isn't that now Karen Carpenter died? heart failure from her anorexia?

Nelson is disgusting. From the very first episode, his tongue was hanging out over that 'super'model.

Well, I have to say that it's amazing that a 52 year old man can run around in his skivvies and look that good. Impressive!

The extras in the mall - that must have made their day!

doris, yes i believe that is how Karen Carpenter died... she had suffered from bulimia for many years and her heart failed.

2537Marta: Loved the circus ring theme. Perfect. Speaking of, this was simply superb.

Your play-by-play narration was on point and had an excellent mix of insight "(I really hope this woman has a very strong heart, she probably had a calm life, suddenly the new pattern is for her to freak out about people trying to either abduct or kill her or her family" and humor "gets Big Angel who covered her with his naked (almost!) body".

So enjoying all the performances here, especially Eduardo who is playing this tongue in cheek (and seemingly enjoying himself), with Rulli who manages to look credible and endearing and Vic whose sweet and loving manner has me rooting for her already.

2 questions:

1. Will Kendra try and break Sergio Sendel's broken phone record?

2. Doe anyone else think Jean Marie looks like James Carville??

Susanlynn, "does the calm old lizard [Nelson] have just that one expression". Yes. So easy to loathe him. And to pick last night to harrangue Vic for her inattentiveness to Nikki was beyond pathetic. Hope to see him and Kendra at the bottom of the pool pronto.


The Kendra actress is another one whose "range" seems "limited", which is why I think they always have her throwing a phone.

Good work, Marta.

I neglected to mention yesterday that when Jose Angel jumped off the balcony barefoot and landed on the stone steps he should have ended up with a broken foot or ankle from the impact. I've been shaking my head ever since.

There is no good reason for a 52-year-old man to not be in good shape when it is possible to be in this kind of shape at 62.

Marjorie de Sousa (Kendra) has very limited range. The best she ever did was in Rebeca where she played the title character's friend rather than one of the many villanas in that series. Her voice is also annoying, so I guess Venevision doesn't think that voice instruction is particularly important.

Doris and Marta- Karen Carpenter, one of my favorite singers, died of anorexia nervosa. It is different from bulimia, in that you don't force yourself to throw up, you just diet to the point of no return. Karen Carpenter took lots of laxitives, barely ate and was stick thin. She had been turning her life around when she died. Her heart was damaged from all the laxitives and the severe dieting.

Diana- you are so right about Jean Marie. When I saw the first episode I kept thinking who does this guy remind me of? You are spot on, lol.

Why did Jose Angel come over the TOP of the car when he found Vikki? What could be more conspicuous than a big man clad only in boxer shorts on top of a car in a parking garage, and why didn't anybody see him?

Just asking! Still like the novela. Thank you so much for the recap.

Thanks, Marta, this is excellent.

Didn't we already learn that bulemia is not a good thing during CME? Sooo... plis feed Nikki and let's move on... OK?


UA - ITA with you about JoseAngel surviving that leap from a 2nd floor balcony. That was one of those telenovela beanie hat moments. Something should have been broken or injured, instead of him going into those push-ups. Sheesh. . .

Great recap.

Suddenly a hand covers Vic’s face so she won’t scream (good idea, this woman would be a good backup for a firetruck siren).

I watched the first episode of this TN on the web, and instead of all the screaming she did in that first episode she should have grabbed something to hit the kidnapper, I got turned off. I was very happy to see her pull out that spray.

But I have to admit it has captured me, but I am watching this because Sebastian Rulli is back to form, he looks smashing. I like when his hair is short. I have to say the 52-year old man in shorts is also capturing my attention. I am not a fan of his, I felt that in all of his TN's he always gave these long winded speeches, but so far so good.

I don't get Nikki and Kendra, and feel they have been miscast, but hopefully soon maybe their acting chops will get better. I hope they carry through Nikki's bulima storyline and she is not cured in one episode. I say if you start a storyline like this, it should be played straight and as most realistic as possible without the one episode cure.

Why did Jose Angel come over the TOP of the car when he found Vikki? What could be more conspicuous than a big man clad only in boxer shorts on top of a car in a parking garage, and why didn't anybody see him? - Exactly my thought, how could the thugs not see him, he was up there for a while.

I'm jumping ahead and trying to figure out who Lili's suitor will be, don't see any prospects. I expect her mom's stay to be shortlived and Lili moves into the mansion. So what snob will she end up with?

Marta - Fab recap. Love your ring-round approach. My favorite line: " he can be free to hang out with Kendra and the other models."

Hope Anibel notices that his son-in-law isn't working up a sweat about Victoria having two attempts on her life. Nelson is stupid to want Vic out of the business. My guess is without her creative talent, it would sink.

Enjoyed the mall-garage chase, with all the implausibilities of a good action-adventure film -- and on a TN budget. Kudos. Glad amidst her fear, Victoria was able to fight back. Dropping the scarf, grabbing her pepper spraying, banging the car door on the goon's arm -- good moves.

Seems Jose Angel may have remembered he’s married after all, since he looked uncomfortable at Vic’s emotional thanks and snapped at Salsero that he won’t get used to working away from his wife.


Wonderful recap, Marta! I really enjoyed it and I love your comments and insights.

UA, I think Big Angel (I love that—I'm going to use that!) was wearing shoes during his descent from the balcony yesterday. (My screencaps from yesterday show it.) Doesn't make his jump any less of a Whiskey Tango Foxtrot moment, though. There are a lot of those in this novela!

But still, I really enjoyed it. Thought the chase in the parking garage with Big Angel in His Undies was actually pretty suspenseful.

Nelson is quite repellent. I am sure that the actor can play good guys and be okay and all that, but in this show he has these small eyes that always seem a bit red-rimmed and watery and he's just major yuk.

It's ludicrous that he thinks he can cover the "creative" part of the business. Clearly that is Vicki's domain. She's got her art studio and is the "real artist." I doubt he has any creativity at all. Some people think being creative/artistic is "easy" and that anyone can do it if they put in a little effort--a common but delusional belief that Nelson apparently shares. LOL.

Nicki is funny, the little bruja. I was EXPECTING (silly me!) that after hearing how Guzmancito saved her life, she'd feel obliged to be nicer to him, because he SAVED HER LIFE. But oh, how foolish I can be! She's still going to be a snarky bruja, I guess? It was amusing how she giggled to herself privately that he cared about her, since he was so freaked when he found her drowning in the pool. I wonder how she's going to manipulate poor Guzmancito now. I know she'll be redeemed (we see the signs of it already) but it'll be an interesting journey.

It was pretty awesome that Vicki had her moment of strength and slammed the door on the one thug and pepper-sprayed the other. Go Vicki! It was a nice moment, anyway.

Loved Big Angel in his undies! Good use of humor in this novela, I hope they keep it up.

Elvira, 'repellent'. i like that. it is as if his breath spray was more a repellent spray to push people away rather than to attract them to him. I have to say his 'Anibal' character in Manana es para siempre is very similar to this...
i have been watching him on and off since he played a teenager in 'Los ricos tambien lloran' where he was the long lost son of Rogelio Guerra's and Veronica Castro's character. Their adopted daughter was none other than Edith Gonzalez.

Marta thanks so much for this recap. Last night's mall chase was so much silly fun. If they keep placing Jose in ridiculous rescues, I may have to keep watching this.

Karen Carpenter died of emetine (epicac) cardiac toxicity. It was so sad at the time because we thought that she was recovering. Anorexia and bulimia are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
As goofy as this TN is it seemed to have done their homework and made Nikki's problem seem quite believable.

Did anyone else notice that there is a bulimic theme song (eerie piano music) when Nikki is having an episode? I notice music. Kendra has a bump and grind theme song.

OK, I like watching this TN. I do think it's dumb, but I still like it. What bugs me is....a man gets shot and they discharge him from the hospital 15 minutes later. A girl has a heart attack and she is discharged 15 minutes later. These people are rich, it's not like that have HMO insurance.

Marta, thanks for writing the recap. I have been watching this TN on Televisa for a couple of months. I had not clue all what was going on with these characters. I know I said it before, but I didn't understand their motivation. Why does Anibal's girlfriend want to get married just because she found out about Christina? I don't get it.

Elvira - JA was definitely wearing shoes when he jumped from Vikki's balcony.

Cynderella - These people are rich, it's not like that have HMO insurance...

I rather enjoyed JA's plaid boxers. He had white knit ones on under them, as evidenced by that scene in the garage when he was flat on his back.

Cynderella- This tn isn't long on motives for anyone. I have to admit that I enjoyed the mall/garage chase scenes way more than I thought I would.

This one isn't going to suck me in like Refugio or Amor Bravio, but it's a fun bit of brain and eye candy so far.

I felt for Nicky during that bathroom scene, so I think the writers are doing something right with that eating disorder storyline so far. I may be giving these writers way more credit than they deserve, but I don't think they'll resolve Nicky's issues simply by having her and Frank fall in love.

This is the second time now that Lili's gone all supernatural when her dad's been in danger. The first time a big gust of wind came through the door and she dropped her flower pot. At the time I wondered about it. It wasn't just the usual "I have a bad feeling" kind of thing. I think they are trying to show that Lili is super in tune with nature and the universe and stuff. Hmmmm..... Burn the witch!!!!!!

I am rather horrified to learn that the actress (for Niki) lost 15 pounds for the role. I mean, obviously she did not have 15 pounds to spare! Seems like you would suffer bone and muscle loss doing something like that.

I admit I too tuned in mainly for the mall/garage chase scene which I thought was highly entertaining. Then I was able to tear myself away to get my chores done.

Thanks for the recap Marta - I picked up the rest of the story that way :) . I too am confused as to who Cristina is (Angel's wife?) and why Paula cares about her existence.

Audrey- Yes, Cristina is Jose Angel's wife, AND Anibal's love child (unknown to him) with his mistress from 40 years ago. This means she is Vicki's half sister.

Paula seems to think that if Anibal finds out about Cristina that he'll dump Paula like a hot potatoe and track down his old mistress (who he supposedly loved more than even his dead wife) and marry her. Cristina's mother was apparently the one who ended the affair and left without a trace, without telling Anibal she was pregnant.

I think this TN is more like a dramedy, than a straight drama. Someone mentioned yesterday that the actors are trying to hide smiles, I think some of this TN maybe ad libbed and not straight script. I like the supernatural thread here too. I haven't seen that in a TN before. Except for EVA where there was a haunting by Antonia a few weeks ago. Plus the eye candy is wonderful sigh.

Cheesy or not I loved the "Big Angel" garage scene. With the exception of EY climbing over the car to rescue Vicki(I agree with the other comments about it not making sense) the action was great and you can tell he keeps himself in shape. EY does appear to be very comfortable with his Jose Angel character and isn't overdoing. Thank goodness Mejia isn't anywhere near this story.
I'll give him a pass on the jump from the balcony scene. For a humble farmer, he has a lot of smarts. I also like his budding friendship with Francisco. Such eye candy.

This ridiculous TN is transformed into high comedy thanks to the witty recapping and lively commentary around it. So much fun - thanks!

OT: did anyone else notice during the latin grammys one recipient slipped a mexican 'taboo' word out? the presenters were like 'whoa!!' and immediately the univision backstage woman said 'no worries!...' and went on with the show...
what's up with Lucero's leg popping out? that dress was hideous in any case and her leg is not in the shape it was when she did Manana es para siempre... and that kissing back and forth between her and Christian was distracting... have to say they do look good together, i would not be surprised this is a pre-hint to couple them in an upcoming novela.

OT: hey, Kendra just popped in in Despierta America...

'Kendra' says she will teach Salsero (Gattorno) to dance salsa, so apparently he is not that good at that either...

Marjorie says 'Kendra' will mess with 'absolutely everyone in the novela'.. i wonder if she means she will lap-hop around all the men... man! i wonder how 'Salsero' will feel about that if it bothers him so much that she 'mess' with 'Nelson'

Thank you very much for the recap, Marta!

This was a cringeworthy... yet fun episode.

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