Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #153 Wed 11/14/12 Lorenzo gets into Hot Water with RE; Mati gets into Hot Water with RE; Jana gets into Hot Water with RE; RE gets into Hot Water with Patricio; Max stays Lukewarm

El Refrito
Rod and Alexia are sitting at the coffee table drawing.
Claudio and Luci are driving by where Claudio met Rodrigo’s little friend Mateo, but she isn’t able to see him because his head is inside the white bag.

Partial Refrito
Roselena has kept Jana’s date at the Café de Chinos with Lorenzo.  She’s punctual, she points out, showing Lorenzo Jana’s cell phone.  Her presence commands respect, she radiates power and possesses complete self-control.  What is she up to?  Smiling sweetly, after cleaning off her place, she avers she’s never been to a place like this, accepts Lorenzo’s choice of Bisquets and orders coffee, but wants the liquid boiling.  They watch as it is served at the table.  Lorenzo is sweating bullets, expecting a show-down in the OK corral.  The internal heat is getting to him, so he takes his jacket off, then politely warns her not to burn herself as the coffee is hot.  RE answers, still smiling sweetly, I know, as she flings the hot liquid across and splatters it all over Lorenzo’s chest.  Then she innocently exclaims, Que Barbaridad, as if someone else had perpetrated the deed.  She looks around saying, Forgive me, Forgive me, to anyone who might have been watching.  She gets up, and while Lor is in agony, hisses in his ear, this is the last time she’s going to warn him to stay away from her daughter.  Then she sweeps out.  In the car, she tells Genaro to vamoose and we are witness to that sick smile as she rolls up the window.  The woman at the next table who saw the “accident” thinks it was deplorable behavior and remarks, as Viewerville knows already, that señora is LOCA.  Poor Lor, although badly burned, says the thing that hurts most is his heart.

Note:  Why do the episodes I recap have so much important dialog.  Or is it just me that thinks every spoken word is critical to the storyline.  Forgive my verbiage—again.  Ultimas semanas is giving me ultimas headaches with the rapid-fire scene changes; so I, too will be combining action in the interest of saving on aspirin.

Lo de Hoy
TL Mansion, Cellblock  J – After being locked in by MamaLoca, Jana has cried herself out and is a bit calmer, pining away on her bed, remorseful that she bears the blame for leaving her cell phone at the house, giving her mother the opportunity to snoop and discover her movements. (Q-Jana knew where she and Lor were going to meet, why didn’t she just GO there, and forget the phone?)

TL Mansion, Living Room –Pato arrives to find Mati in hysterics.  He can’t make heads or tails of the nonsense she’s trying to tell him—that Roselena locked Jana in her room when she found out Jana was on her way to meet Lorenzo…she knew because she saw Lorenzo’s cell phone message because Jana forgot and left her phone in her bedroom…then RE left probably to go intercept Lorenzo at the Café de Chinos, pant, pant, pant.  Mati couldn’t let Jana out because RE took all the keys, including the duplicates. (Your recapper also calls that dangerous and irresponsible, in case of fire, but our Roselena is only thinking of carnal dangers.)  Pato wastes no time—Let’s GO.

El Barrio  – We see Lor, with serious 1st degree burns and in pain (and shirtless) being tended to by Estelita.  She wants him to report this incident to the police but Lor doesn’t want to.  This is just between him and Roselena.  Meanwhile, Estelita is applying salve with her fingers and he’s flinching with pain.  Lor is firm that he doesn’t want Estelita to tell anyone, not even Fabian.  She calls Roselena a LOCA.  Lor, bless his heart, is still trying to see the best side of RE—menacing him is not enough to kill his love for Jana.  It’s true love he feels for her.  He’s not going to give her up just because of the kind of mother she has.  Señora Roselena is the mother of the person he loves and so, deserves his respect.  (What a guy!  Can we have some more just like him, please?)

TL Mansion, Cellblock  J   Mati and Pato arrive too late to help Jana.  RE got there first, and as cold and dangerous as dry ice, is unlocking the door.  Pato reacts—What are you doing, mama? Are you making our house into a prison? Are these new house rules? Locking up your children so they will listen to you?  Merely reading her look, it says, who are you to challenge me, I am the mistress of this house.  There’s a staring contest between the two and neither RE nor Pato back down.  (Can your recapper call this a Mexican stand-off without getting into trouble with the PC police?)

Rod and Gala’s Doom ‘n Gloom Room— Rod comes in to Gala’s bedroom to find out what she wanted.  It sounds like the start of a civil conversation.  Gala says she recognizes she didn’t behave properly last night and begs his pardon, but asks him to put himself in her place and see how it feels to live this way.  Five years of silence, rejected, scorned (despreciada), ignored, undesired.  Rod replies that he is sorry he can’t respond to her the way she’d like or deserves but he can’t fake it (fingir). In trying to fix one mistake, they committed another.  Gala thinks he’s referring to Alexia as the mistake.  No, the mistake was getting married when the love between them had come to an end.  That causes Gala to state (she’s fingiendo, no?) she loved him then, loves him now and always loved him.  (What a two-faced Juli she is.)  Does he think there would be any other way she would tolerate his constant humiliations?  Rod is struck dumb(a$$).  Is he thinking she’s right or is he thinking she’s a great actress.  (Being the dumb(a$$) we know is dead to us, he’s probably thinking the former rather than the latter.)

Rod backs down (darn) with a weak-kneed, sorry, I couldn’t love you.  He agrees that it’s not pleasant living this way, without love.  Gala wants him to try, for Alexia’s sake.  Rod says it’s Alexia he’s thinking of.  It’s not her fault things are the way they are between them.  Don’t put her in the middle of their battlefield.  He would give his life for her and Gala knows it, so she shouldn’t use Alexia to get to him (agredirme).

TL Mansion, Cellblock  J   Pato, Matilde and Roselena are now in Jana’s room.  Pato has embraced her and she is crying on his shoulder.  Mati is looking on in disbelief as RE pooh-pooh’s Jana’s sniveling (lloriqueando—constant crying).

RE - You promised not to see the Taquero again and you deceived me (yep, it’s all about RE).
JA - I only made that promise knowing that was what you wanted to hear, not what I wanted to do and I just didn’t want to fight with you anymore.
RE - See Patricio? She can’t be trusted when it comes to the Taquero. (She, Juli and Gala are alike in that people at the lower rungs of the social ladder do not have names, only occupations.)  Ever since he came on the scene I’ve had problems with your sister.  And you, Matilde, why did you keep your mouth shut?  You were supposed to be minding her, and instead, what did you do?  Aided and abetted her.  You as good as handed ese tipo to Jana on a silver tray (bandeja).
JA - Mati didn’t do anything. Don’t make it her fault.
RE - Don’t defend her.  Who was it that hid your cell phone so I wouldn’t find it and discover that the meeting was to be in such a vulgar place.  It was Matilde.  Patricio, you should of seen that place.  It was not a place worthy of our princessita.  --Patricio finally finds his voice.
PA - What was wrong with it?  It was a Café de Chinos.
RE - It’s a place I never took you, or wouldn’t have taken you.
PA - Maybe true, but we’ve gone.  What’s the problem?
RE - Don’t line up against me.
PA - Don’t be so dramatic.  Why do you get so dramatic over things you don’t like?  What is so wrong with Jana and Lorenzo wanting to meet in a Café de Chinos.  You always take things to the extreme.  (We’re all screaming in unison, Go, Pato, Go and holding our breaths at the same time.)  It could be Lorenzo, Boris, anybody.  What’s wrong with it?  (OMG—He’s nearly apoplectic now.) It was simply an invitation.  Nothing was going to happen.  RE has no comeback, yet.

**See end of recap for some background on Cafés de Chinos**

Patricio backs down (darn) with abject apologies for having spoken to his mamacita loca like that, but she should accept Jana’s decisions.

RE - No, I can’t, because she’s wrong and I won’t forgive you, Pato, for speaking to me like that.  I’m tired of it. You have abused my patience and tolerance.  Just because of your “condition,”  she sneers, doesn’t give you the right to judge my acts.  If you think so, you are mistaken.
PA - What do you mean?
RE - Just because you are stuck (postrado) in that wheel chair does not give you any advantages over me.  It’s your own fault you are there, because of your badness….

Jana can’t stand the verbal abuse Pato is getting and tries to say something, but RE speaks over her and at her.

RE - …and you, I’m tired of the abuse, waiting for you to come to your senses (recapacitar).  Look at me while I’m talking---I can’t do anything to you because you are my child, but your accomplices? Yes, I can punish them as they deserve, beginning with Lorenzo.  You’ve been warned and it’s on your conscience. (That menacing voice and sneer is enough to make even the bravest tn cat hide under the sofa pillows.)
JA - I wasn’t doing anything wrong.  Lorenzo is a good man; he’s good to me.
RE - That’s what you believe.  He might act that way, but he’s just after your fortune.  You can’t see it because you’re a silly girl.  I’m tired of all this.  Matilde—we’ll talk later. (We’ve never seen Matilde look quite so disgusted and disillusioned with her niña Roselena before.  We all wonder if she’s going to stand up to RE now.)  Jana loses it and starts to cry.  Pato and Mati are quick to comfort her.  Even at age 23, it’s hard to be confronted by her own mother, spewing venom all over her dreams.

Luciana’s DF Apartment — Claudio and Luci are talking over dinner.  She’s still thinking about Pablito and the possibilities.  Whether it turns out he’s her son or not, she’d like to incorporate that shelter into her foundation.  Claudio tells her they don’t have to stop with that one, but help all shelters and organizations that provide services to abandoned children (niños desamparados) since they have the means.  He’s happy to see her so animated.

El Barrio – Estela disobeys Lorenzo and immediately calls Matilde to tell her what RE did to him.  She repeats our mantra that Mati’s patrona is LOCA.  Much to Viewerville’s disappointment, all Mati can say is, mi niña Roselena.

In Os & Conny’s Snug Double Bed – As the two are getting ready for bed, Oscar asks Conny if she remembers talking about Sr. Campos.  He thinks it’s the self-same Pedro Campos who committed the fraud at the Empresas Torreslanda and originally blamed Claudio.  Os has removed his beanie and put on his thinking-cap.  If Claudio didn’t perpetrate the fraud, he needs to know who did.  Furthermore, he doesn’t think that kind of fraud could have been engineered without help—an accomplice, and that person had to have worked in the corporation.  He is most anxious to see him in the flesh and talk to Vicky’s Mr. Campos.

TL Mansion, Our Hero’s Room – Max pokes his head around the corner of Pato’s room to ask how he is.  This morning he saw him very lively and now he seems despondent.  When Pato says he’s worried about his mother, Max throws up his hands and wonders, now what has she done.  He tells his father about RE locking Jana in her room and why.

PA - She can’t accept the fact that Jana is a woman and her children are adults, free to make our own decisions.
MX - And if a decision of Jana’s is a mistake beginning a relationship with Lorenzo?
PA - Jana is old enough to know what she wants.
MX - But parents have a responsibility to watch out for you and tell you when you are making an error.
PA - How are we to learn if we can’t make mistakes? If Jana has made a mistake with Lorenzo, then let her make the mistake.  You can’t choose her life for her.  If you do, what you’ll accomplish is to drive her from the house and live a bitter and resentful rest of her life.  With my brother, we have more than enough, don’t you think?  Max nods, resignedly.

TL Mansion, Kitchen – One is the Loneliest Number – Mati is having a very solitary té, trying to collect herself after the day’s events.  She knows she’ll have to confront RE sooner or later.  RE approaches Victim/Accomplice No.1.  Mati innocently asks if she would like some tea, mi niña?  No, she doesn’t.  Standing over her, RE calls Mati a traitor.  She was the repository of all her confidences, secrets, plans, thoughts.  Never did she imagine she had an enemy in the house.

MA - No, not your enemy, your accomplice.  I’ve been witness to all your actions, good and bad.  I’ve kept quiet even when my silence has hurt other people.  You have no idea how that weighs on me.
RE - Are you accusing me?
MA - No, that was my choice to be on your side, to let you do what you wanted to do, so it hurts me that you think me a traitor.

Roselena knows she’s telling the truth, but that doesn’t stop her.  She needs revenge, and pronto, to sate her thirst for abuse—to herself and others.  Looking at Mati, her face a mask without a soul, she says, Te vas; you’re gone; you’re history.  Get your things and skedaddle and don’t dawdle.  Her cold air of superiority has frozen the ambiance.  Mati slowly and deliberately folds up her apron and hands it to RE, her dignity intact.

TL Mansion, Living Room Parting is Not Sweet Sorrow – We see how forty years of accumulation fits neatly into two small suitcases, easily carried out by Mati.  (Your recapper needs that much for a week’s vacation somewhere exotic.)  Mati tries to make the best of it, and conserving what little respect she has left for RE, they say adiós to each other.  Mati says hopefully, may God illuminate her.  RE informs her that God is always at her side and she should know that.  Mati will be staying with Estelita, in case she needs anything.

RE - I won’t need you, nor anyone.  I’ve devoted my whole life to my children and my husband and look how they’ve paid me (se me han pagado).  Everyone betrayed me, used me, abused me.  I might have expected it from anyone else, but never from you.
MA - It’s with a great deal of sadness that I leave, after a lifetime devoted to you and your family.  I’m sorry it has to end this way.
RE - I’m even sorrier, but you’re the one who chose how things were going to be.

These last moments between Mati and RE are very strained.  Mati tells RE to take care of herself.  RE merely says adiós.  Mati picks up her suitcases and heads out to get her taxi, trailing strains of very sad, swelling orchestral music.

The Boxcar Barrio —Lest we forget how cute Mateo is, we see Don Chelo and Mateo going throughtheir bedtime routine, brushing teeth, saying prayers and tussling over getting covered up—it’s too hot; then it’s too cold.

Curvaceous Car Wash – Our three cuties are hard at work.  Vio gets a phone call from Luci to let her know that Don Aquiles is on his way to DF.  Speaking of the Gouty Old King of Rome himself, he arrives on the scene no sooner than Vio hangs up.  He greets her with his usual Errryyyiaah.  Vio won’t let him get a word in edgewise.  She wants nothing to do with him, except to move his truck out of the way of paying customers.  If he won’t leave, she’ll help him along with a couple of buckets of water.  Don A is flabbergasted—he just stopped by to greet her.

Serena steps in to help Vio get rid of Don A.  He tells her to keep quiet.  He wants to talk to Vio, take her out to eat, talk.  Vio says –There is nothing you have to say that interests me.  I don’t even want to know you exist.  Forget about my mother and me, just like you did for all these years and Don’t Ever Come Back.

TL Offices Rod’s Office – His computer dingggs.  He’s got mail.  He calls Luci immediately and Viewerville knows why.  The DNA tests are in.  Luci won’t open it.  Rod does it.  She looks, then he looks.  There’s no match.  No words need to be exchanged, their faces tell the story.  Rod offers to print out (imprimir) the results.  They are probably the saddest non-couple on earth right now.  Luci finally speaks.  No es. It isn’t. Pablito isn’t our son.  Rod reaches for her hand across the desk and takes it.  Don’t lose faith, he says.  Luci says that what is worse than her own illusions is the illusion Pablito must have had thinking she might be his mother.

Busy DF Intersection – Lest we forget Mateo again so soon, Luci and Rodrigo’s son is counting papers with Don Chelo.  This kid is going to be the successful head of an advertising agency, a marketing guru when he grows up.  He hands out Chiclets* (see Vocab) to the folks who won’t buy a newspaper from him, then later on they do. Don C is impressed.

TL Mansion, RE's bedroom – Pato finds out Mati no longer works for them and she didn’t quit; RE fired her (and looking quite pleased about it, too).  Pato says  —Answer me, mama, you fired her because she knew Lorenzo and Jana were going to go have coffee?  Right?  RE evades a straight answer by telling him to leave her in peace to manage the household staff.  Pato doesn’t let up reminding her that Mati is much more than a servant for him and his siblings.  RE retorts, not for her.  She was disloyal and now has to pay the consequences.  Patricio looks at her incredulously as if thinking, Who Is This Woman?

El Barrio – Estelita is happy to have Mati with her again, like old times when they were young girls.  Lor feels terrible since he feels it’s his fault she was fired.  Mati disagrees; it was neither his nor Jana’s fault.  It’s RE’s arrogant and excessive (desmedido) character.  What she did to Lor was inexcusable.  Lor does try to excuse her actions—she was defending her daughter.  Fabian and all of Viewerville want to know, defend her from what, Lor isn’t a criminal.  Lor, ever the caballero, says she’s Jana’s mother and she deserves my respect.  (Well, lad, you see what she did to Mati; wait until she turns you into Victim/Accomplice No. 2.  Tossing the coffee was just a start.)

TL Mansion, Dining Room – And Then There Were Four – RE and those who are left are sitting around the breakfast table. There seems to be food and drink on the table, so someone got up early to slice the peaches and squeeze the orange juice. Max can’t believe RE dismissed Matilde.  Jana can’t believe it either.  Aldo can’t believe it either—who’s going to fix the meals? (It’s clear where his interests lie.) Pato is incensed.  He wants her back.  RE says she’s never coming back, she won’t tolerate disloyalty.  Besides, the agency is sending over a couple of prospects, including a new head housekeeper.  Max indicates strongly that Mati is not just another servant.  She’s indispensable.  RE begs to differ, she is just another servant.  Wrong, says Max, she’s part of this family.  She raised you, then raised our children. (Editorial observation--Maybe this is a key to all that has happened.  Mati didn’t know what she was doing starting out with Roselena, and ruined her, but she learned and did a better job with the three sibs.) Jana pipes up, acknowledging that maybe it was her fault that got Mati into trouble, but it’s not fair to take it out on her and dismiss her.  She’s the only person in this house she trusted with her feelings—she was like a MOTHER to her.  Jana is so out of there.  Max, disgusted, says  —Is that what you wanted; that your daughter trust her nana with her confidences more than her own mother?  Congratulations, you did it.  Pato is looking at her with a mixture of sadness and contempt.

TL Offices – Luci’s Office – Claudio and Luci are talking about the disappointment that Pablito was not her son.  They were hoping for the best.  She wants to continue going to see him.  Claudio promises to support her decision.  Luci then calls her mother to tell her the news.  As always, Paz has words of encouragement for Luci.

The Living in the Mausoleum in the Sky – Now it’s FrBrigida turn to be called a traitor. It’s Juli dressing her down. FrBrigida calls out Gala ‘cause she can’t believe la Sra. Gala is permitting la Sra. Juli to speak to her like that.  Boy is she surprised when Gala picks up the same tune to sing.  Gala reminds her she was hired to watch her back not to run to RE with chismes.  Who, Me, says FrBrigida.  Gala’s pithed at her for having squealed to RE about arriving home at breakfast time, after a drunken night out. 

Gala and Juli continue berating FrBrigida.  They graciously agree to give her one last chance to redeem herself, not because she deserves it but, astutely, they’d rather have her close and watched than far and wagging her tongue for free—because it was for free, wasn’t it?  They assume she didn’t ask for money, she just wanted to raise some fury or rage (meterse sañas entre los demas).  Gala calls her a hypocrite, feeding them information as long as they were filling up her bag with money, but now that she works for them, she has nothing to sell; so betrayal is just for the fun of it.  Gala promises to throw her out like a dog the next time.  Juli will be glad to help.  FrBrigida, with all the coolness at her disposal, says, con permiso, if they are through insulting her, she’ll withdraw.  Once gone, Gala says, if it were up to her alone, she’d kick her out now.  Juli reminds her that she’d just go back to the TL Mansion and work for Roselena.

GA – There’s another one I’d like to be finished with.
JU - Bad idea, not yet at any rate, we don’t know if that child is the cha-cha’s and Rodrigo’s yet.  If it turns out he is, you and RE could come out damaged (perjudicadas).
GA - You are in on this caper just as deep and if RE and I end up in prison, you’re going, too, for hiding evidence.
JU - Whaa?  I’m your mother.
GA - And I’m your daughter—funny how you’re my mother only when it’s convenient and when it’s not I’m merely your purveyor of funds, nothing more.
JU - Well, whatevva; are you sure there is nothing to link you to the child?
GA - Of course not. No one could have seen me.
Then, in a flashback to the disposal site, to her horror, Gala remembers the hospital ID bracelet she cut off of Baby Torreslanda-Linares wrist in the rain, putting it in her purse.  She flies into the bedroom to empty out all the purses, with Juli coming in to help.  (We get to watch her desperation, knowing she can’t remember she told FrBrigida to toss out the wet, smelly purse with the bracelet in it when she got home after getting doused at the car wash five years ago.  We smugly watch a smug FrBrigida taking the bracelet out of its hiding place and admiring it, probably seeing gold in them thar plastic, but says to herself  —They’re getting on my last nerves, but he who laughs last, laughs best.)

Gala and Juli are still frantically re-searching all the bags, pocketbooks, purses, wallets looking for the missing bracelet.  Gala obviously has had a pre-senior moment.  FrBrigida can’t resist coming to the door, sneaking a smile, observing and then asking if she can help. Gala throws her out and the two go back to their re-searching. (Q. Recapper wants to know—Do any of you keep complete sets of contents in every purse you buy and use and never refresh the tissues and hand sanitizer?  Even five year-old ones?  Just askin’.)

TL Offices – Luci’s Office – Jana is giving Luci the down-low on her café interrumptus with Lor and its aftermath.  Luci is impactada at the news of Mati’s dismissal, but learns she’s at Estelita’s place.  Jana is desperate to talk to Lorenzo and asks Luci to take her to him.  Luci doesn’t think it’s a good idea.  In fact, she advises they forget about each other.  She doesn’t want the same thing to happen to Jana that happened to her brother Rodrigo.  Jana doesn’t think there’s any danger in that.  She and Lorenzo are just getting to know each other—as friends.  Luci looks at her, and who does she think she’s kidding?  Lorenzo is hopelessly in love with her.  She doesn’t know exactly why Jana didn’t marry Boris, but one doesn’t have to be too intelligent to figure it out, right?  She and Rodrigo are still paying the consequences for what her mother did to them.  Incredulous, Jana wants to know if she’s recommending that she just give up on Lorenzo without a fight and resign herself, like Rod and Luci did?  Luci bristles and starts to respond that she never did…. when Rodrigo enters and wants to know if it’s true what Pato just told him about Matilde.  Jana says it’s true.  He doesn’t think their mother can do that when they all want Mati back so much.  He’s going to go see her later and convince her to return to the house.  (Wait a min, dumb(a$$), you don’t live there anymore.  You’re going to persuade Mati to come back where she isn’t wanted by she-who-wears-the-pants-all-the-time?  Think, dunderhead.  How are Patricio or Jana, who have busy lives themselves going to be there to protect her, if she can even make it through the door, let alone into the kitchen?)  Rod presses the button on his beanie and it answers automatically for him: I promise.

Outside Alexia’s School – Rod is picking up Alexia from school and she’s babbling on about her friend Mateo, the one with the turtle head.  They decide to stop at the ice cream store where they met before and maybe they’ll run into him again. 

El Barrio – Luci finally gets around to visit Mati at Estelita’s place.  Lorenzo hears her voice and comes out to greet her and give her a hug.  He hears Jana’s voice and he turns.  When Jana steps in Lor sees her. She sees him. They freeze in their tracks and just look moony-eyed at each other.  Is there any doubt that these two were meant for each other?  It’s un dulce encuentro.

En El Parque – Mateo and Don Chelo have sold all their papers and are getting ready to do one of their open air theatre pieces.  This time it’s to be Little Red Riding Hood, or at least there’s a wolf and a shotgun involved.  Mateo wants to hurry up and grow so he can go to school.  Don C asks if he no longer likes working with him.  That’s not it, Mateo says he enjoys working along side him, but he wants to go to school.  He gets the standard adult kick-the-can-down-the-road answer, Ya veremos, we’ll see.  On with the show.

Don C and Mateo finish up the show and pass the hat.  He thanks the man in the glasses (espejuelos).  Mateo begs for ice cream.  They do indeed run into Rod and Alexia as they are coming out of the shop.  The two kids are as happy as, well, as two kids can be.  While Rod and Don C talk, Alexia wants to know where Mateo's turtle head is.  He tells her it’s back by the tree.  Ale wants to see it and they all persuade Rod to let her go with Mateo.  It’s safe and they can see the kids from where they are.  He finally consents and tells Ale not to get separated from Mateo (no se despegue). 

Mateo and Alexia are rummaging through the bag of costumes and masks.  Mateo takes his jacket off because he’s hot.  Alexia finds a red ball, her favorite color and bounces it off a humongous wasp (hornet or bee) nest.  Hundreds of those winged stingers are mad as hell and look for the guilty party.  Alexia screams that she sees a bee (abeja), no, lots of them. Mateo is screaming, Quitamelo, Quitamelo (get it off me).  He squats down and in brushing them off, loses his medal.  Alexia picks it up before racing back to get her dad and Don C.

And Thus Endeth the Lesson of the Bees.

Que Barbaridad = What a scandal; How cruel; What lack of Breeding (and more)—a useful expression (obviously, it derived from the word barbarian)
El desprecio = scorn, n.
Despreciar = to scorn, v.
Fingir = to fake it
Fingiendo = faking it
Agredir = get aggressive, v.
Lloriqueando = constant crying
Una bandeja de plata = Silver tray (in an earlier episode they called it a charola de plata; same thing)
Postrar; postrado = prostrate; but in simpler terms here, stuck—as in stuck in a wheel chair
Recapacitar = recall to mind; come to your senses
Niños desamparados = abandoned children (remember how Maria Desamparada in TdA got her name?)
Se me han pagado = they’ve paid me
Chiclets = The brand name comes from the Nahuatl Meso-American word tziktli (English, chicle), the substance from which chewing gum was traditionally made.  Chiclets—the little squares of mint gum with a white hard candy coating in a yellow box.  In Spanish it's pronounced chicleys.
Imprimir = to print
Desmedido = excessive, a.
Meter sañas entre los demas = Lit. Insert fury or rage (saña) among the others; I think it means to drive a wedge between parties.
Perjurar = perjure (not used by Juli—see next entry)
Perjudicar = damage, hurt, v.
Me estan llenando el buche de piedritas = (Lit. They are filling my craw with stones [instead of feed])  In context it means: they are getting on my nerves or trying the ends of my patience
Los espejuelos, pl. = eyeglasses, also lentes, gafas y anteojos (espejuelo, s. = a small mirror)
No se despegue = don’t separate or don’t get separated
Despegar = to separate, v. (to glue something is pegar [not to be confused in context with hit], so despegar would also be to unglue, unstick)
La abeja = bee
Quitamelo! = Get it off me—quitar .. me .. lo

Gran Finale, Dec. 3 (unless it’s Nov. 30).

OT – Try out your grasp of the language

A Little Background on Cafés de Chinos

(In the early part of the 20th C.) en México, los inmigrantes chinos (Chinese immigrants) todavía fueron más acogidos (were still welcomed), tratados (treated) con más calidez (with more warmth), que en el país vecino (the US), que había un racismo muy marcado (marked, branded). También al llegar a México se encontraron (met) con otros chinos que habían llegado años antes (who had arrived years earlier) y estaban prosperando bastante bien (were prospering pretty well). Comentaron (They commented) a los recién llegados (recent arrivals) lo fácil que era encontrar empleo (how easy it was to find work).

Los mexicanos veían (could see) que muchos de los empleos y oficios (jobs and occupations) estaban acaparados (were monopolized) por chinos; cobrando (charging) salarios miserables y quitándoles (taking away) el empleo a los mexicanos que se cotizaban (valued themselves) más caro (more expensive) [they commanded higher wages]. Éstas fueron manifestaciones de racismo en cierto modo.

Por otro lado, estos chinos comenzaron a seguir el ejemplo (began to follow the example) de los chinos ya establecidos y abrieron lavanderías (opened laundries), tintorerías (dry cleaning and alterations), fondas (restaurants) y cafés, por donde quiera (wherever they wanted) con competencia desleal (competing unfairly) para los mexicanos.

Los Cafés de Chinos han influido en gran medida (in great measure), a la vida de los mexicanos en muchas ciudades como las de la ciudad de México.  Dijo un patrocinador (patron):

[Abriged]  “Ahora que vivo distante de esas delicias, me trajo el recuerdo por esos olores (aroma) ricos, suaves y calientitos ¡Bisquets y Café con Leche!, con variados panes dulces y los platillos para almorzar (lunch) y cenar (dine) más tradicionalmente, en donde se le pasaba anhelando (breathing in) el ruido (the noise) del café (the coffee) oloroso (fragrant) cayendo (falling) en el grueso vaso de vidrio (thick glass)...seguido por (followed by) la espumosa (foamy) leche...aahhh!!...”

Los Cafés de Chinos son o fueron, lugares (places) donde toda la familia (the whole family) se podía reunir y comer bastante (eat plenty), pagando poco (paying little), hasta las personas más humildes (inlcuding humble folks) podían desayunar (eat breakfast) o pasar un rato (or spend some time), aquí, donde ambas culturas (where both cultures) comienzan a fusionarse (begin to blend).

This story repeated itself in Montevideo, Uy.  When I was little we went regularly to La Confiteria China near my father's office for tea, sweet buns, pastries and petit fours.  Don José, like many of his countrymen, had emigrated from China in the late 1930s.  He left his wife and children there.  Little by little he brought over his brothers, sons and daughters and finally his wife.  It took him 20 years.  I don’t think it’s there anymore, but there are still lots of confiterias around the city.


Oh, Anita Amiga this is simply a work of art. I know this took you a long time to write but O.M.G. is it good.

Ya know what struck me tonight was the Jana, Luci convo. Jana was so right about Luci completely giving up and not fighting for Rod, and also Luci was right about things things Rosa did/is capable of doing. I really liked that convo.

Now I have to say I didn't see the firing of Mati coming. That was quite a surprise. I wish Mati would work for Luci. They would make a great pair, and this way all three Torreslanda sibling could come visit Mati.

Gagme and the CQ are truly stupid. The alcohol must have fried their brains, truly. Not to remember that she had F/Brigida throw out the smelly purse. lol. Glad they haven't figured it out, cause I really fear F/Brigida would be toast, so to speak. Oh, and I had to laugh during the purse search cause they are always calling everyone else estupida/o. They were truly estupidas.

Rosa is around the bend. I wish Lorenzo had listened and filed a complaint against la loca. She deserves to be locked up, like she locked up Jana.

Poor Jana. I loved, loved how Pato and Jana both stood up to la loca. Pato told it like it is. Of course la loca isn't having it, oh noes. It's her way or the highway. And how estupido is Max? What ruin his Princessa life as his la loca wife ruined Rod's? Aiding and abetting her to keep the peace? Jana and Pato move out like yesterday already. Oh, and the threats by la loca? Just tell her if anything happens to anyone she threatened she will be on the way to the manicomo. Fight fire with fire I say.

So does Don A want to get to know Vio his daughter? That would be first for him. Interesting.

Loved the Lorenzo and Hanna look. Luci could see this plain as day.

Poor Mateo and now Alexia has his medal. I wonder what is gonna happen to the medal now. The only people that knew about the medal are Luci, Pato and Vio. Noone else knew. This will be very interesting. Also maybe being allergic to bee stings maybe? I wonder if any Torreslanda or Linares is allergic to bees.

This was a masterful recap and multi-cultural history lesson. I am trying to follow the Ultimas of Refugio but missed tonight's offering. Because of your recap I feel like I was right there, in the epi.

Thanks so much to you and the wonderful recapping team over here at Refugio. Do we know anywhere we can pick up 20-30 IQ points to give to handsome Rod? He's gonna need 'em if this TN is going to have a happy ending.

With a smile and a sincere thank you

ELna June

Thanks Anita for a detailed recap and also for that cafe chinos origin. Sounds and smells like Starbucks to me!!! Does TJ have these Cafe Chinos? "Run to the border" real quick!
Well this episode is almost getting there. I can't remember whether Rod knows about this locket. I was thinking that maybe either Pato or Luciana would be the one to see this locket on Mateo.
If Oscar finds out the truth about Campos, would that send Max to prison?
Why is the episode being stretched to miserable nothing?
Come on Tn writers, give us a week of final happiness to Luciana, Rod and Little Rodrigo. Please do not end up drastically.Please put an end to my misery and anxiety.

Anita, thank you for your recap and the beautiful essay with the embeded lessons, gracia amiga!

It is hard to believe that Gala would only remember that ID band now 5 years later. Me thinks that Brigida is toast if she asks for money for that band.

That cafe de chino story is as old as time-done by many groups many places- offer the same services at way lower prices, wait until the indigenous businesses/industry fails from this, then raise your prices. It is what happened to the ceramic nail business in this country in the '80s-90s.

Anita, you are an absolute gem to put so much effort into this recap. I always love verbatim dialog and you truly knocked it out of the park with all you gave us.

If everyone didn't realize how badly RE has descended into her own non-sensical, delusional world, well they know it now. Particularly the next morning when Pato came into Mumsy's room all smiles ( sorry, only time I've ever wanted to smack him--are they so used to her abuse that they brush it aside day after day??) when he hears she fired Mati - that should have nailed it for them. I found her abuse of Pato especially disturbing from what you retold for us. I didn't catch that she inferred he was in the chair from his own "evil" behavior-some sort of God's punishment?-nauseating.

And frankly, though it was sad to see how RE just tossed Mati aside, frankly Mati is paying the price in a way for her true aiding and abetting--but not of Janna, of RE all those years. She should never go back. In fact, Janna should move out ( hey there's Melissa and even Luce's big place--now wouldn't that tick off RE). Wish Pato could move too--leave RE with noone but Max. His inepitude to save his children from this behavior is getting old.

GTM and her side-kick just continue to amaze. Neither is terribly bright which will be their ultimate undoing. Shaking out the purses cracked me up. Agree, who keeps purses filled with goodies that would have sat for five years? I don't think I've ever had a day-to-day purse ever last five years period. So when is Frigida going to spring that she has the bracelet already?

Love love love Mateo and Alexia together. So maybe, just maybe, we will see Dumbass fire a few brain cells and remember the medallion? He has to do something to earn his right to Luce, because I gotta tell you, I'm still not sold he deserves her.


Wow, thanks Anita for a fabulous and thorough recap and vocab.

I also was curious about the cafés Chinos and found the same article you referenced (I recognized the pic), and I had the same reaction - hey, they had "Starbucks" in Mex way before we did, LOL! Obviously everyone was enjoying lattes, anyway. I loved the cafe they filmed in - I wanted some of those goodies! Reading the history was great. I think every country on the planet has immigrant Chinese who brought a unique spin to the local culture. This brought back my own fond memories growing up.

Oooo - Jana did have good questions for Luci, LOL!

Agreed, that dumb(a$$) hasn't done much yet to deserve Luci. I loved your moniker Anita. But I don't think Rod will recognize the medallion - he was totally out of the loop on that one.

I thought maybe Mateo and Chelo were doing Peter and the Wolf - based on the toy shotgun.

Anita, This was outstanding. The title was perfect. Your conversation translations, vocabulary (list and embedded) were fantastic. An excellent summary, written with great heart.

"cold and dangerous as dry ice", "stuck dumb (a$$$)", saddest non-couple were great. But my favorite line was: "(She, Juli and Gala are alike in that people at the lower rungs of the social ladder do not have names, only occupations.)" Excellent.

daisy, you are right in that Mati did aide Rosa all these years and perhaps her firing is payback. I am happy however, as she is with her beloved sister and certainly destined for a happier life. Rosa however has lost her only supporter and is now totally alone (which she so richly deserves).

Speaking of dignified behavior, Lorenzo certainly is taking the high road, refusing to vilify Rosa which he certainly could and should.

Loved Gala and Julie searching fruitlessly for the "bracelet". As I change my purse frequently, I cannot imagine having anything a month old, let alone 5 years old in my handbag. Gross.

Madelaine and Audrey, I read your comments that Rod didn't know about the medal which surprised me. Perhaps I'm wrong but I thought he came in the room after Pato gave it to Luci(?) I guess that was wishful thinking? In the preview he looked thoughtful, but I mistook it for him recognizing it. I guess we will be suffering several more weeks. Ack.

daisy, I love Alexia and Mateo as well. They will be close sibs - just like Luci and Lorenzo, Rod, Pato and Jana...


Luci didn't see the medal until Pato put it on her baby. Since Rod never saw his baby, he never saw the medal.

Great work, Anita.

Lorenzo needs a few more brain cells, too, if he really wants to be with Jana. He hasn't witnessed every perverse cruelty of his suegra but he needs to protect Jana and himself from her if nobody gets her shipped off to the manicomio.

Wait until he finds out about RE's involvement in the disappearance of the baby; he'll be on the warpath with Rod.

The medallion is in the photo in Rod's cell phone. Failing that, Pato will see it and recognize it within the next three or four episodes.

RE's abuse of Pato is truly over the top and unforgivable.

Thanks Audrey. Yes, Rod never saw the baby. My wishful thinking kicking into overdrive.

I really hope they don't wait for the last episode for them to reunite.



Oh, I didn't think about the medal being visible in the cellphone picture. I didn't remember noticing that.

Yes, it was unbelievable that RE told Pato he was stuck in that chair due to his own sins. OMG! I wonder if Max would have snapped out of his lethargy if he had heard that!

Love it that Oscar is on the Pedro Campos trail. I wonder what's making him keep quiet about it with Max. Clearly he is more suspicious these days. And is Connie not privy to Max's involvement in the "fraud"?

Thanks for your comments UA - you have given me hope.


Someone commented yesterday how there is no photo of the entire family. That is obvious evidence of how fragile the family ties are in this one and an omen as to what will finally happen.

Prediction, no spoiler: There will be a full family photo at the end but Luci will be in it. Roselena will not.

Anita- This recap went above and beyond! Conversation details, vocab, dichos, and background on cafes de chinos, AND a pic! Fabulous job.

I really hope Mati leaving is the beginning of Rosa ending up ALONE. That was a powerful scene between the two I thought. I appreciated that Mati took full responsibility for her actions-- being Rosa's accomplice all these years, and stated her reasons for not being willing to continue watching Rosa hurt people. She did it with dignity and without simpering.

Lorenzo really should press charges. But I understand how he was raised to be respectful. He's also thinking of the long-term, as Rosa will always be Hannah's mom, and he intends for Hannah to be his wife. It's smart to not set up a situation where Hannah has to take sides between him or her mom in a legal fight. Hannah needs to make the decision on her own to cut ties with Rosa. She's not there yet emotionally. Lorenzo is right to not push that.

Audrey- No. Connie does not know that Max committed the fraud. Max and Rosa (and Pedro) are the only people who know.

Awesome recap!

Finally some action. (But considering no TN's tonight, last night's show would have been spaced out over two nights, so maybe not all that much.)

Not to make light of bee stings but can computer generated bees, the kind we saw last night, sting..they looked like tiny, little flying bow ties.

And, again as in so many TN's, Mateo is being royally stung and those sitting on near by benches show little to no concern about that which is going on about them.

Won't be long before Rosa loca is totally alone in that big house..then everything will be perfect.

Does anyone else hope that Luci and Rod will adopt Pablo when everything else is settled? That child needs loving parents.

UA, for some reason, I was hoping he might meet Pato and have Pato adopt him. The timing is so off for Rod and Luci, with everything so unresolved and their present non-relationship, I'm not sure that would occur. I'd be happy if he ended up in a loving home and hope this isn't the end of his story...


Pato might be the most emotionally stable member of that family, but he's not yet in a position to do that. Could you see him bringing that poor child into that house of horrors? Roselena needs to be in prison first.

Thank you, all, for the kind words and support. Recappers need it, even when the writers and actors provide excellent material to work with.

Novelas have gotten far more complicated (and sometimes interminably awful) in recent years and recappers have necessarily more to understand and recap. And, we don't know who the audience is out there--how much translation is really necessary. We do have our little community of commenters, but judging from the "hits" it's far more than our morning-after bunch.

Anon at 8:59--Could this be Pau? I had a chuckle, too, about the "bow-tie" bees and the folks on the park benches not reacting. It was a weird place for a nest anyway. The park caretakers would have gotten rid of it long ago. More realistic might have been a loose dog biting Mateo on the leg. That still could have made him lose his medal and have to seek medical attention.

To all of us medal watchers. Did the medal really show in the cell phone picture? The baby was wrapped up pretty tight and the medal hung down quite low. If it showed in the cell phone picture, (whether it was Melissa or Jana who took the picture)then they also would have seen the medal, although maybe not noticed it.

Not to belabor the issue too much, nor how often we have to repeat it: only Vio, who bought it, Pato who put it on in person while Luci watched (and the nice nurse was there, too) have actually seen it--THAT WE KNOW OF FOR SURE.

Mateo having the medal alone can't authenticate him as Rod & Luci's child. The authorities or even Don C himself may claim he got it somewhere or someone gave it to him. Only DNA will tell them for sure, but the medal will be the first alert.

Vida2--Max and the Fraud. I think it would be enough in the US. I don't know how Mexican justice is served, but if it is a criminal act here, a local, state or federal jurisdiction would be arresting him, charging him and prosecuting him. If they consider it a private matter, Claudio would have to sue Max and since Claudio got back what he was defrauded of (except his 20 years in prison), he may decide not to sue. Knowing Luci, she wouldn't want to send him to prison, but somehow she would want some kind of restitution--maybe contributing his time and money to NGOs serving abandoned children.

I want RE to realize she's driven away everyone who really cared about her and suffer for her misdeeds, before descending into true madness. I wonder what she'll tell Padre Honesto this time!

The info on Cafe de Chinos was lifted directly from some website on Google, no pride of authorship can be claimed. I just cut it and shaped it a bit.

Great recap, Anita. i think we all feel the same way about our favorite and not so favorite characters...
about the 'cafe de chinos' subject, it is a story that is seen all around... the same type of argument could be made with latinos in NYC, mexican farm pickers in the west coast, middle eastern and India folks and the 7-11, Wa-wa and other convenience stores at gas stations.
it is very similar, with people from the same countries supporting the newcommers and encouraging them... and it also could be argued whether or not it is fair competition...
i personally don't know enough about the matter to really argue against one side or the other... but i can't blame/condemn people for wanting to work and be successful to support their families whether in their own country or overseas...

I agree that Lorenzo should accuse RE but again he is thinking more of Janah than of himself and he knows Janah would be sad to see her mother in such a mess, even if Lorenzo is right to pursue justice.

Janah was a bit drastic in comparing her and Lorenzo to Rod/Luci but bottom line she is right...

poor Pato, had to show face to RE and probably feels bad about the way he had to do it, but in concept he was right and it was about time someone stood up to RE.


Could not believe how vicious RE's attack on Pato was. Every time she sinks to a new depth I think she can not go deeper but she does. She is a bottomless pit of hate.

I'm not surprised she fired Mati. I could see it coming and it works that now her house is getting even more empty. My choice would be for Pato to get Aldo, Luci or Jana to help him find an apartment ASAP and move in, hiring Mati as his cook/housekeeper. Jana should bolt for Melissa's or else risk God knows what new horror from La Loca.

I too wondered if the Dumba$$ and he was particularly dumb last night might have seen the medal. If not the only way it can come back into play, since I think the clasp is broken, is for him to offer to get it fixed and with Pato or Luci seeing it and asking where it came from. Alexia clearly said it was Mateo's. I also wondered about the potential for Luci walking in the park and seeing the bee attack and rescuing the little guy or for the dreaded anaphylactic shock, mad race to the hospital. In any event i want Luci to cross paths with him NOW, as in Friday not later. He needs to know her before he finds out she is his little mother in heaven.

Those children are adorable together. Obviously they are feeling "the call of the blood" and it will be wonderful for both of them when they are told they are brother and sister.

Nearly laughed myself sick watching CQ and Gagme tearing through all those purses. I don't know anyone who puts away purses full of stuff. Yes, a pen or two, maybe some gum or breath mints but not the whole kit and caboodle. I also noted that Gagme is back in her cheerleading rig but must say i loved those turquoise shoes. Want me a pair of those.

Couldn't decide if I should be disappointed in Luci trying to rein in Jana and Lorenzo. Yes she has been hurt but as Pato told Max they have to learn from their mistakes and if it is a mistake, we in Viewerville know better, then so be it.

Just got the title, started laughing..."Max stays lukewarm". You're cracking me up! Back to read the recap now.

Does anyone remember our 'Fabian', Francisco Rubio, played 'Rafael' in Cuidado con el Angel, that blind character who fell for Marichuy? i loved him in that.

Hola Anita---I'm running late today, will read the comments later but I just had to say thank you, thank you, thank you for your GREAT recap filled with wit from beginning to end. Line after line was SUPER GREAT.

TL Mansion Cellblock J was hilarious, it had me laughing for five minutes.
Another one that had me nearly splitting my sides with laughter was your Mexican stand-off line.
Another good one--what a two faced Julie she is. and - that menacing voice and sneer is enough to make even the bravest cat hide under the sofa pillows was also a winner. there were more as you were really on a roll with this recap but you get my message. I'm sure others feel the same way.

Luciana never stops thinking of how she can help the less fortunate -- incorporate that shelter into her foundation. What an angel.

Violeta was a tiger last night. Will she ever be able to reconcile with her father?

A few more I have to mention.---seeing gold in them thar plastic.

The Gouty Old King of Rome

her false Roslena mask without a soul

and finally--40 years in two suitcases
the gringo


Yes, Gringo..."40 years in two suitcases." I think we can be sure Mati was not overpaid. And there was no talk about compensation or any kind of retirement package was there?

ANITA...You have outdone yourself. And I loved the information on Cafe Chinos. You are a born "teacher"...your recaps educate, inform and enthrall. Thanks my friend. I always learn something from you.

Gala is a great actress (as Roselena once noted). She was so convincing in her portrayal of the loving, repentant wife last night, I practically believed her myself!

Hated seeing our dear Pato addressed that way. Clearly Roselena does not have the first idea of what it means to love children. Control and/or punish are her only two modes. Affection, much less love, has no place in her emotional package.

Boy the writers hit us all with a curve ball with Mati leaving Casa de Torreslanda. Somehow though I think Rosa will have no choice but to ask her to return. Pray Mati makes Rosa beg & plead on her knees (wishful thinking I know but hey we all can dream).

Boy Gagme sure didn't like being summoned by Rosa did she. And CCQ Julie: last time I checked you are only a vistor to the Dungeon in the Sky. I don't think that gives you carte blanche to be lady of the manor.

If I was Jana and 23 years old, I'd be moving the heck out of Casa de Torreslanda and go bunk with Cousin Melissa. She has her job at Torreslanda Corp so its not like she has to go find work. Guess Jana is Rosa's last and feeble attempt to at least control one of her kids.

Looks like we're getting to the start of the end of reuniting Little Rod/Mateo with Rod & Luci. Rod will show the necklace to Pato and the ole lightbulb will go off in Pato's head.

Sure hope little Mateo isn't allergic to bee stings. And hey to those sitting on those park benches: you think you could go help a little boy out who is being swarmed by bees?? Just saying...


Anita, finally got to read the recap top to bottom.
LOVED the mexican stand-off... what an image!
also loved:
TL Mansion, Cellblock J
Rod and Gala's Doom and Gloom room
Os & Conny’s Snug Double Bed
TL Mansion, our Hero's room.

btw, Frigida's statement/slang
'me estan llenando el buche de piedritas' means stte of 'they are getting on my nerves/ they are trying the ends of my patience'.


Thanks for the recap Anita.

Wow, Rosa's words to Pato were the most evil to date. I hope her ending is good.

Couldn't help wondering how Don A knew where Vi's place of business was. There has been some speculation that he might have been a secret investor but i don't see how that can be. It isn't like most of Vi's pals would know him well enough to take his money to give to Vi and I don't think she would have had the assets to get a bank loan. They've never been too clear other than that she had saved money and I'd think Luci helped her.

I wonder if Don A is feeling so poorly that he wants to try and make it up to her. He did say she had a mouth on her like Magda and Lord knows she's been telling him for years he will die alone and unmorned. I guess in the five years since the truth came out he has ignored Vi so her bitterness now and unwillingness to have anything to do with him are understandable.

Everybody's comments are so thoughtful and enlightening. I love reading everyone's point of view and especially covering what I missed.

Marta, I will fix that dicho. Wow, I just looked up buche. I thought I heard bolso. I'll have to sanitize buche a bit, haha. Best literal def would be craw--filling my craw. An old dicho using buche is: sacar el buche a alguno = extract someone's secrets.

Words are fun. Wish I knew more of them!

Enjoyed the recap. I think it's funny how Lorenzo was all "burn that witch" to Luci about Roselena but now that she's his (possibly) future MIL, he "must" show respect. LOL. Oh, yes, one little note on the vocabulary - "perjudicar" means to damage; hurt; affect negatively (and in this instance, that's what Julie was saying). Perjure is "perjurar."
A Visitor

Thank you, Visitor, I'll make those changes.

Buche is a new one for me too - a bird's crop/craw. Funny how in English we also have sayings using craw.

Never realized, although I knew chiclets were Mexican, that it was (yet another) Nauatl origin word.

Chelo and Mateo went off to get chocolate and vanilla ice cream - two wildly popular flavors that were introduced to the world by Mexico. I don't know where I'd be without my daily dose of chocolate.

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Cell block J was brilliant! RE's jail warden persona was amplified last night. And I loved Pato calling her out on acting so outrageously horrified over a simple eatery.

'llenando el buche' cleaned up could be compared to 'filling/overflowing my glass, filling/overflowing my bucket'
picture a flamingo or one of those birds in 'Finding Nemo' that yell 'mine! mine!' with their mouths full...

OT: have to say Zuria and Gabriel looked STUNNING at the grammys last night. Jaime Camil looked very weird with that short hair.

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OT: It was so nice to hear that Juanes and Juan Luis Guerra are doing a concert at NJ for gathering funds for the 'Sandy' victims...


Marta--I need to stop with the book learning and come live with you for a while.

Marta- Yes. Zuria looked beautiful last night, and Gab looked great. I watched the Green Carpet pre-show and saw them interviewed together. They thanked the US fans for the support of Refugio. I watched the actually awards show on mute (I was on the phone most of the night), but saw them present together.

Gabriel is very 'hands on' with the fans, you could see him shaking many hands of the fans on the crowd... not all artists are that 'approachable'... but you can tell from his interviews and what he said last night, they both feel very grateful and, especially him, seems very approachable with fans.

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