Thursday, November 01, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #145 Wed 10/31/12 “You must remember this, a KISS is still a KISS, a sigh is just a sigh, the fundamental things apply, as time goes by….”

       This is a very long narrative, so the Lo de Ayer and the Avances have been left out.

Het Het – Luci and Rodrigo have left Paz’ happy gathering to go get something for Magda.  As they walk, Rodrigo waxes romantic about the memories that being here in the pueblo and on these streets mean to him.  Luci tries to avoid looking at him, but agrees that it was a magical story of love that unfortunately didn’t have a happy ending.  Rodrigo contradicts her  –This story isn’t finished yet; the next chapter hasn’t been written; we’ll write it ourselves, you and me.  There is an almost kiss.  Rod says, –Don’t resist it, accept it; you love me as much as I do you and we deserve to be together.  He leans in for a Kiss, and Luciana, against her normally better judgment, responds.  The Kiss becomes passionate.

(We leave our unhappy pair kissing in the middle of the street in faraway Het Het, to go to DF, briefly, we hope, where we have a couple sharing a meal.  One of the pair is not very happy and it shows, the other is very happy, but maybe it’s only for show.  It’s Jana and Bossy Bore-us The Bull-y [gracias in part to Decie].)

Jana’s Surprise Lunch – Boris is quite animated.  He’s brought out *the* engagement ring and has asked her to marry him.  He takes Jana’s hand to put it on.  She looks as though she just lost her appetite and might even lose her lunch, but Boris the Bull charges ahead.  Jana doesn’t know how to resist.  She frowns as he compels her to fix their wedding date.  Finally, she reacts.  Slow down, boy  –I don’t know what I want yet; there are so many things I want to see and do; work at the corporate offices, or something else.  –Ok, I won’t pressure you, but don’t delay setting the date!  He grins at her.  He wants to be married asap (cuanto antes).  Jana’s talk with Padre must still be ringing in her ears; the prospect of being Mrs. Boris for the rest of her life gives her pause.  Perhaps it was that her mother’s 5-year old threat of what she would do to Lorenzo if he came near her is still in play.  Boris keeps up the no-pressure pressure by telling Jana how anxious his parents are to formally request her hand.  Boris’ grin begins to fade as he becomes aware that Jana’s reaction is not one of a happy bride-to-be.  (Good thing he didn’t try this on the giant public screen at the last soccer match between Mexico and El Salvador.)  But, maybe he should have expected this, after all Jana has been cool and distant with him, but he’s hopeful that going along with his future suegra’s wishful thinking, or wishful hoping, or wishful prompting will engender a trip to the altar.

(We wonder, don’t we, what kind of matrimonial pair this will be—does Boris really love Jana as a person or will she be a trophy wife?  We do know that he’s the jealous type, very jealous and that could be dangerous.  Now we return to our momentarily interrupted Het Het Kiss.)

Het Het – The Kiss had both partners fully engaged.  Finally, Luci breaks away,  –This isn’t right; I can’t be alone with you. I always fall [into it] (siempre caigo).  Rodrigo wants to know what is wrong with this Kiss, with being together, if they love each other.  Luci has to explain (simpleton)  –You are married–to Gala–and even if you don’t love her, she’s the mother of your child, your wife.  I don’t want to be La Otra (the other woman).  Rodrigo protests  –You are not La Otra, you are La Unica (the only one).  She disengages from his hold and leaves, hurrying down the cobblestone street with Rod following sadly behind, his fantasy world disappearing with her.

(We are surprised to be taken back to the DF where a pair united only by blood are together.  She-who-has-everything-under-control is desperately begging for help from her sister, whom she normally treats in a most contemptible manner.)

TL Mansion – Roselena is afraid history is going to repeat itself (QTH?).  Conny doesn’t know what she’s talking about (and neither do we).   –After all these years of psychiatric help you should have found a little more peace.  RE can’t find any peace,  –I’m looking for some emotional balance in my house and in my children’s lives.  –If you are talking about Rodrigo, ain’t gonna happen sis, as long as he’s married to Gala.  RE says it’s not about them.  They cannot separate; they have to stay together because they have a daughter that unites them.  She’s talking about Jana,  –I’m sure she’s still pining away for that Muerto de Hambre de Lorenzo.  I caught her on the phone yesterday and she hung up and looked guilty as hell.  I’m sure she was talking to...  In comes poor innocent Mati with coffee, interrupting RE’s one track mind.  Suddenly and inexplicably, Mati is grabbed by RE.  She rages, accusing Mati of being deceitful,   –Matilde was with Jana when she took that mysterious phone call and handed the phone to her.  Conny comes to Mati’s defense,   –Was the call from Lor, Mati?  Mati answers, semi-truthfully,  –I didn’t ask his name; Jana’s been getting so many calls from friends since she got back.  I’ve never talked to Lorenzo enough to recognize his voice.  With that and a con permiso, Mati flees the sisters.  Conny thinks the story that is being repeated is RE’s delusions of persecution, thinking everything that happens on earth is a conspiracy to hurt her.

(We are relieved that Roselena is left with absolutely nothing more to say, for we are being transported back to peaceful San Francisco de Alto, a much sweeter, happier and safer environment than the TL Mansion.  However, that peace has been disturbed.)

Het Het  – After that Kiss, Luci is all shook up.  She doesn’t trust herself enough around Rodrigo not to show her feelings.  She’s in a hurry to leave and begs Claudio to start home now, before it gets dark.  Paz wanted her to stay longer.  She promises to come back for a longer stay after her studies are finished.  Pato will make sure she does and when she returns she’ll have a university degree as Deseñadora en Textil.  Paz then commits a little boo-boo by asking Rod how his daughter is.  Luci’s face falls.  Rod says she’s very well, and thanks her for asking.  That done, Paz gets the boxes she and Magda have for Lor, Vio and Estelita.  Luci’s goodbye includes an invitation to Ariche to come and stay with her for a week during his vacation.

(Oh dear, we aren’t going back to Luci’s apartment just yet.  We’re forced to check back in with the pair of sisters with opposing views on love and marriage.)

TL Mansion – What RE wanted Conny’s help for was to get Jana married to Boris asap  –Only then will I feel better.  Conny is probably wondering what Mati put in her coffee,  —Boris hasn’t even asked for her hand in marriage.  RE says that is the least of her worries (es lo de menos).  She’ll handle that end of it for Boris.  Conny is convinced RE is just going to repeat the mistake she made with Rodrigo and Gala.  Has she even talked to Jana to ask if she loves him enough to marry him?  RE is convinced Boris is the most suitable (conveniente) mate for her.  Punto.  Conny is not talking about suitability, she’s talking about the love Jana feels for Boris.  What they have is habit (costumbre), not love.  Love? –What does it matter if she’s in love, spits Roselena.  I got married totally and deeply in love and for what?  For my husband to be unfaithful.  And you?  All that love between you and your husband and you got DeeVorced.  Where is LOVE—it’s exactly the same whether you are in love or not.  Punto.  Conny warns that may be what she thinks, but if there IS love between Jana and Lorenzo, nothing she can do will prevent them from being together.  She reminds RE that if she tries to separate them, lo más cerca que son los corazones, más cerca son las tentaciones (the closer the hearts, the greater the temptations).

(Glad to be out of that poisonous atmosphere and get some fresh air, we are strolling through a neighborhood park where we get a small glimpse into the lives of another pair, an odd pair, an old man and a little boy conversing on a park bench, obviously a happy family unit.)

El Parque – Don Chelo is putting on Mateo’s jacket.  He’s not cold.  Don Chelo says Mateo is his sun.  Mateo exuberantly exclaims,   –You, you, you are like, the clouds, the stars, everything.  DC is touched, then he reminds Mateo they still have to sell the papers.

(There is another child, a child of privilege we begin to observe  She is part of another odd pair, a younger man and his daughter.  What is odd is that neither is part of a happy family, although what happiness they do have is only shared with each other.)

The Mausoleum in the Sky - Rodrigo is quizzing Frbrigida (sorry, but her rehab is not quite complete),  –What do you mean la Sra. Gala isn’t here.   –Dunno, she just left with la Sra. Juli and for us to put la niña to bed because she doesn’t know when she’s getting back.  Alexia asks her dad not to get mad; she’s more than ok with mama gone because she likes it better when it’s just the two of them.  Frbrigida looks on approvingly.

(Drowning their happiness in drink, we find Juli and Gala swigging away on champagne.  Carola is present, but the pair we’re watching interact is mother and daughter.)

Local Restaurant that Serves Champagne (flirting extra) – Gala is complaining that she couldn’t get away from the Mausoleum in the Sky fast enough for a cuppa bubbly.  She can’t stand Rodrigo, he makes her sick.  An equally sick Mama encourages her in this vein,   –I understand how you feel, but you can’t leave him.  If he makes you sick, being with us will cure you.

The little hen party has been augmented, but not enhanced by the arrival of Fernanda (Val is MIA.  Maybe she’s finally become disillusioned with her two bffs.)  These four are giggling and carrying on like a bunch of desperate housewives, of which there is really only one.  Gala makes eye contact with a young Lothario at another table.  He winks, raises his eyebrow and lifts his glass toward her.  Gala doesn’t seem interested enough to follow through, but thinks to herself she still has what it takes to score.

(Observe another pair, an invisible bond has had them tied together since one of them was born.  There is caring, confidences, secrets, joys and sadness they have shared forever.)

TL Mansion - It’s nighttime.  We see Jana arriving back home.  (What? No bodyguard?  Maybe RE has fitted her with a GPS device.)  Mati has been waiting up for her.  She tells her about the confrontation with her mother and being blamed for facilitating her conversation with Lorenzo.  Jana takes her to her room to talk.  Jana has taken off her ring and is holding it up.  Jana tells Mati she is sure she does not want to marry Boris.  She’s been around him all these years to please her mother, but there are things she doesn’t like about Boris, namely his arrogance, possessiveness, jealousy.  He claims it is for love.  Jana realizes he’s like her mother, it scares her,   –She does horrible things and then says it’s for the love of her family and her children.  Boris is not the guy we all think he is.  Mati, please help me.  Matilde doesn’t let her finish.  Her mother is furious at her, she called her a procurer (alcahueta) for Lorenzo!   –Seriously, Mati, I want to see Lorenzo, help me.  Who’s to know if you help; just tell RE you want to see your sister and I’ll take you.

(Here is another pair, Roselena with her Creator.  She’s talking; He’s not listening)

Roselena is on her knees praying to an unresponsive God, who seemingly no longer recognizes her prayers for forgiveness or answers her pleas for help.  Moving between paintings representing the agonies of the Christ, her arms outstretched in supplication, she again hears no words of comfort or support in her desire to rid Lorenzo from Jana’s life and rid her of bad thoughts.  (We hear the Kyrie Eleison—Lord, Have Mercy—swelling in the background.)  It seems there is no mercy for her.

(In another house, we eavesdrop on two siblings who truly love each other.)

Luci’s Apartment - A loving conversation is ensuing between a brother and a sister.  Luci is filling Lorenzo in on her trip to Het Het and arranging to pick up the packages their loving mother prepared.  She persuades him to come to her office to get them.  He’s never been there.  Reluctantly, he agrees, though it’s clear he feels uncomfortable in that environment, but for his sister, he will indulge her.

(In a darkened section of town, there is another pair, one unaware of the other.  It is a strange relationship which is unseen to most, but has deeply affected both of them.)

La Estetica de Nicole - Vicky has locked up the salon and is on her way home.  Someone is watching her.  Then we hear the voice,   –Vas a volver, Vicky, volveras a ser mía.  Max hasn’t changed his stripes, or his spots.  He’s still obsessed with Vicky and sure she’s going to return to him and be his again.  (Has he been playing monk to Roselena’s nun for the past five years?  Just sayin')

(Originally a happy pair, nearly married once upon a time; now married unhappily; one partner struggling to provide a normal home for a daughter; the other barely acknowledging this child’s existence.)

The Mausoleum in the Sky - Gala arrives home, not very quietly.  Rod has been snoozing on the couch waiting for her.  He’s pithed that she’s home at an ungodly hour and drunk to boot.   –Oh, and that bothers you?  –Of  course.  –Well, get used to it, as she rattles off the reasons why, if he’s going to ignore her and the marriage bed, she’s going to ignore him and the marriage bed.   –You don’t care anything for Alexia, do you?  She ignores his question and stumbles toward her room.  The door slams behind her and we see the grin on her grill.  (She may have enjoyed her little escapade, but knowing Gala as we do, we can’t really believe that she has been the chaste and faithful wife for five years.  Only the script writers would try to make us believe that whopper.)

(Mother-daughter combinations still puzzle the experts.  Are we like my mother, my self, or are we rivals for our father’s affection or something a little more random or perhaps emotionally neutral.  One of this pair is still on her road of discovery to be her own woman and no longer her mother’s little girl.)

TL Mansion - Roselena is admiring Jana’s ring, which lord knows why, is back on her finger.  RE thinks Boris, besides being very generous has good taste.  Jana has heard enough.  She gets up.  She’s off to the office to meet with Rod and Pato to see what projects they have planned for her.  Before she can get away, RE promises her that she will take charge of her engagement party, so how about tomorrow night?  Jana says,  –No way, de ninguna manera.  It’s one thing for Boris to ask me to marry him and give me a ring, but a very different thing to pick a wedding date.  I didn’t come home to get married, not yet.  As Jana leaves, RE says to herself,  —That’s what you think, Jana.  Around here, I have the last word.

(A mismatched pair appears before us, a man and a woman; they are better described as two of a triangle of love.  There are two men in love the same woman.  The woman loves the right man who isn't for her now, although he is wrong for her; she doesn’t love the wrong man who can’t be for her, although he is right for her.)

TL Offices - Pato and Luci are arriving together.  He’s telling her what a great time he had in SfdA with all her gente.  It makes him feel alive.  That’s what Luci likes about the pueblo.  Everyone is so warm and generous, they would share everything they have.  Pato is thinking about going there once a month, if Luci would go with him, after all, she promised to help with him rehabilitation.

(Your observer has run out of steam and there are too many pairs of characters to describe yet.  It was fun doing, but I’ll get this posted now.)

TL Offices - Aldo is whistling while he doesn’t work.  Oh, my, Oscar must have finally succeeded in getting him to wear a tie.  Well, it’s a bow tie, which makes him look more like a waiter than a mini-empresario.  Right around the corner we see Hector and Ofelia noodling (that’s not quite all the way to canoodling, it’s the office, after all).  Aldo spies them and chides them, in good humor, about the office rule regarding fraternization.  Ofelia finds no humor in his remarks and quick-steps back to her desk.  Aldo counsels them to keep the desk between them.

Lorenzo arrives at the offices to pick up the packages.  Aldo greets him as he steps off the elevator.  It seems they are still socios and bróders after five years.  Aldo shows Lor to Luci’s office.

Rodrigo is in Luci’s office, ostensibly to help her understand something her dad tried to explain.  Rod is not listening.  He’s staring (leering) intently at Luci a few inches from her face.  Luci realizes he’s not concentrating.  He says it’s hard to concentrate when he’s so close to her.  Luci doesn’t have a chance to put him in his place because Lorenzo arrives.  She greets him and starts to show him around her office.  The two fellows leave and run into Jana in the hall, who has just arrived for her meeting, but wants to stop in and see Luci first.  Jana and Lorenzo are taken by surprise when they see each other.  Their meeting is so sweet: two shy people, exchanging inane pleasantries while their hearts and souls are screaming out, This is the One.  Reality knocks both of them upside the head when Lor sees the ring on Jana’s hand.  It’s too late to hide it or take it off.   —Is that an engagement ring?  Are you getting married?  With El Boris?  Jana doesn’t want to have to admit it, so she says nothing, but continues to gaze at Lorenzo with consternation and sadness written across her brow.

Jana finally has found the courage to tell a heartbroken Lorenzo that yes, she’s getting married.  He says he doesn’t know what happened between her and Boris during those five years, but before she left, she said something very meaningful to him. Has she forgotten already, because he never forgot.  Jana can’t look him in the face—she has a flashback to the I love you over the phone.  No, she can’t remember.  Lorenzo swears that as long as she isn’t married by all the laws, he’s going to keep fighting for her (he’s been using the formal Ud., while she’s been using the familiar tu) because he loves her and loves her well.  Jana flees.

Luci holds him back and advises Lorenzo to leave her be; look what happened to her.  No, Lorenzo is not going to give up.  If she is marrying Boris it’s because of her mother, so he’s going to fight till the bitter end for her.  (Don’t we wish Rodrigo had had the same resolve to fight for his and Luci’s love.)

Jana heads for Pato’s office.  He can tell something is wrong.  She holds up her hand and he sees the ring.  Boris gave her the ring yesterday, but just a few minutes ago, she ran into Lorenzo.  She gives him the whole convo.  Pato says,   — If you don’t love Boris, then you are in love with Lorenzo.   —You aren’t the young girl who left five years ago, you are a woman, ready to make your own decisions about your life.    –But Mama will never accept Lor in the family.  I’m sure she’s the one who sent Boris to Italy after me, because no one knew where I was going to be, not even you and he just showed up and enrolled in the same school.  Pato says it sounds like her,   –She’s done things she thought were helping, but they turned out to be the opposite.  Be patient, time will give us a sign.  Jana is so happy he’s her brother.  He always has the right words for her.

Surprise Lunch for Boris - Roselena is pressuring her shill, Boris, to hop to it and get that wedding date set.  He says, he gave Jana the ring, what else does she want?  Roselena says that a Ring is Just a Ring (not the same as a Kiss is Just a Kiss), no, it’s just a rock, signifying nothing.  Since Boris can’t figure it out for himself, she’s going to tell him straight,  –As long as there is no wedding, ese Maldito Taquero can make inroads on your territory.  Donde el diablo mete la cola, todo se descompone (where the devil sticks his tail, everything comes undone).   

En El Parque - Don Chelo and Mateo are getting ready to do another show for tips.  This time it’s the story of the three bears, even though Mateo would rather wear the tiger mask, since tigers can eat bears, right?  He dons the bear mask, asking first if DC is going to finish up singing Figaro and Funiculí, and gives a short rendition of his own.  If they have time he will, but he reminds Mateo they still have to pick up the papers to sell.

TL Offices - As he leaves, Luci is still dispensing advice to Lorenzo,  —Don’t let this break your heart, like mine was broken.  –I’d like to take your advice, sis, but I don’t think I can.  Lorenzo is a lovesick young man acting appropriately.

Rodrigo comes up behind Luci as she after saying goodbye to Lorenzo.  R—Are you going out?  L—No, just saying goodbye to my brother, and you?  R—I have to go pick up Alexia, something about a tummy ache and since Gala can’t be counted on, it falls to me.  Why don’t you come with me?  L—Of course I can’t.  There’s no way I would put myself between you and your marriage.  We see each other here because it’s work—nothing else is going to happen.  Rodrigo is a lovesick man acting inappropriately.

The Mausoleum in the Sky - Frbrigida is trying to help Gala get over her alcohol-induced headache.  She passes on messages from the office, even though Gala isn’t interested in hearing her talk.  Frbrigida does get a little dig in when she mentions the kindergarten office called about Alexia’s tummy ache, but since she doesn’t care about anything having to do with Alexia, she told them to call Rodrigo.  Gala is fine with that, let him take care of his daughter, she’s going back to bed and no noise, please.  Send them to her room to play, not in the living room.

Ice Cream for What Ails You - Rod has picked up Alexia.  Now that daddy is there, the tummy doesn’t hurt as much.  He thinks a chocolate ice cream will take care of the rest of it.  She agrees.  (It's too bad ice cream doesn't work for all our unhappy pairs in this story.)

TL Offices - Luci comes into Pato’s office, with a serious look on her face.  Please, she has to talk to him.  She’s going to resign from the corporation.  Cara de impactado de Pato.

Het Het - The two moms are talking about Don Aquiles.  Magda says,  —Dolor con dolor se paga.  (Pain is paid with pain.  I think she means that he's being paid with pain for all the pain he caused others.)  Paz sent him a sure-fire home remedy, but he has to follow the instructions.  We finally get a chance to see how much Don A is suffering.  A lot.  Procopio is treating his gouty foot.  He’s complaining about all the foods and drinks he likes being on the no-no list.  He gives them up but his foot still hurts like crazy when he puts his weight on it.  TheoII tells him that the treatments will work, but he also needs to rest—which earns him a virtual caning.  Then he gets an unwelcome visit from the two metiches and sends them flying promising not to leave them a cent of money.  (I guess they are alive and working hardly after five years.)

Curvaceous Car Wash - Violeta, Velia (or Delia) and Serena are patting each other on the back (fig.) for the success of their business, all by themselves.  In fact, they are going to need to hire an additional person.  They talk about the old days at the Antros, the Inferno, Lastra…..and….

Un Antro up in El Norte - …and….speaking of El Rey de Roma, here he comes, strolling down a leafy green street, his days of hoboing in the park over.  Head held high, fashionista dark glasses–not, classy suit and cell phone to his ear.  Life is good.  On the other end of the call is Max asking him how’s it going.  Couldn’t be better.  The place they’ve opened up in el Norte is doing better than the old Inferno.  Max says he’s sending Aldo in a few days to supervise.  Lastra doesn’t want Aldo.  He’s doing fine on his own and is planning to bring in a bud to give him a hand.  Max says his plans are not up for discussion.

Conny’s Surprise Lunch - Oscar and Conny are at lunch in a nice restaurant, not eating.  Instead, they are smooching.  He takes glasses off, but never takes his eyes off of Conny.  This guy really means business.  Clearly a deep romantic lip-lock is about to take place.  Hey, I was wrong, but what a great surprise.  He goes down on one knee in front of her, opens a small box he offers to Conny and asks if she would like to marry him.  Conny’s reaction, if it can be read correctly is surprise, pleasure and fear. C –Listen, Os…   O—Listen, you, I want to formalize our relationship.  I want you to become la Sra. Gaitan.  C –It’s a beautiful, romantic gesture, but, my love, I have to think about it.  O–Quit analyzing, do what your heart tells you to do.  C—I just have to talk to my children.  O—Fine, tell them afterwards and when they hear they’ll be happy for you.  C—Still, I want to talk to them before I make a decision.  O—Why, in your entire life there always has to be a pausa?  C—Because one should always think before making decisions.  O—Very well, I can wait for my future wife.  C—Thank you, Oscar.

TL Offices - Max is thinking about Vicky.  Now we know why he wants to send Aldo al Norte—to remove any possible rival or rescuer of Vicky.  He picks up his phone and sends Vicky a text.

Vicky’s Surprise Lunch - Don Pedro, her dad’s friend and colleague from the early days at Torreslanda is Vicky’s mysterious lunch partner.  Apparently these two have been seeing each other from time to time. (We in viewerville wonder why it is so important to keep his face hidden from us.  I thought it only mattered to Max and Claudio to know where he was and what he looked like now.)  Vick is telling him how happy she is and things are going so well.  He says he’d like to give her a helping hand, for old time’s sake.  Just as she’s considering it, a text from Osito comes in.  From the look on her face, Don Pedro thinks it’s bad news.  No, it’s just someone she knew a long time ago and hadn’t heard from.  But never mind, keep telling me about my father.  Did you know my mother?  Tell me about her, too.

The Mausoleum in the Sky - Rod and Alexia arrive home.  The only bright spot in the whole place is Alexia’s hot pink back pack.  Rod asks about the Sra.  Frbrigida tells him she’s asleep, no calls, no noise.  Alexia is happy it’ll just be the two of them, but then Rodrigo tells her he has to go back to the office, but she can play with Frbrigida until he gets back, then he will tell her stories.

TL Offices - Pato is bowled over by Luci’s news.  But why?  Luci admits that,   —I can’t continue to be always this close to your brother.  I don’t want to.  I can’t be.  Five years have passed and I’m still as in love with him as I was when I first met him.  When he kisses me (she catches herself) or if your brother kisses me, I just lose it.  I lose my self-control.  I don’t want to.  I can’t take it any longer.

Cuanto antes, lo mas pronto posible = as soon as possible, the sooner the better
Siempre caigo = I always fall
To be deceitful = ser una estafadora—also swindler/defrauder
Es lo de menos = The least of [something]
Conveniente = suitable (it also means convenient, but not in this context)
La Costumbre = habit

Lo  más cerca que son los corazones, más cerca son las tentaciones = the closer the hearts, the greater the temptations

Sacar pan de su boca para darte = lit. translation is a little unsanitary, they’d take bread from their mouths to give you.  It means they would share everything with you; take the shirt of their backs for you. 

Donde el diablo mete la cola, todo se descompone = where the devil sticks his tail, everything comes undone.  Sort of like saying the best laid plans of mice and men, etc. or twixt the cup and the lip, etc.

Dolor con dolor se paga = Pain is paid with pain


Anita, thanks for this great, and wonderful recap. Luci and Rod still have it, sigh. I loved that kiss, but knew Luci would rein herself in. Rod, eh, not so much. He just wants her back, but is going the wrong way about it. Luci is right, she would be la Otra, not the Unica. He needs to find a way to divorce Gagme already.

Rosa la loca is on my last nerve. She never stops to think that her actions are just not the done thing. Really, praying before the agonies of Christ, like she thinks she is going thru are just insane. I'm sorry I think she has already gone around the bend and is completely mentally ill.

Loved Oscar and Conny, how sweet. I think Conny is just teasing Oscar about how she has to think about his proposal I bet she says yes.

Aldo's tie is cute. It fits him, really. I liked the playful chiding, but he was really helping them out, I think, in case his horrid Tio Max caught them.

So Luci wants to run away again. I don't know, I thought she was beyond that already. But maybe it will do her some good to get away for awhile. I think the happiness in her family up there, will go a long way to cheer her and give her some calm that she seeks so much. Hopefully Rod the Bod will stay away and give her some distance.

Poor Lor and Jana. Jana is so NOT into Boris and is only doing this, for now, so Rosa won't try to get rid of Lor. I still think, when push comes to shove, Jana is going to be doing the shoving. All Jana really has to think about is how Rod is so unhappy and what her loca Mama did to Luci, that should make the decision for her.

I wanted to smack Mati upside the head. Get out from under Rosa la loca and help Jana out. Mati know this marriage to Bore-us would be bad.

How cute is Mateo now? What a lovely, cheery child he is, just like his sister, she is lovely and cheery too, despite their circumstances. I can't wait until they know about each other.

Anita, what a beautiful recap. You're a storyteller. Now why is Luciana being impulsive? Deciding to go back to HetHet would mean abandoning her lost child. Just stay away from the office but stay in the city where her child is. She could lose the chance meeting we are waiting for. Rodrigo is the reverse." Words words I'm so sick of me!!!!" or show Luciana. Just do it. Divorce that woman. Of course Luciana would not even suggest to him to leave his wife for her!!! He was always saying he would but nothing is happening. He couldn't even move out of that house not a home.He has become almost like a henpecked husband.And this is what I am afraid of. Mateo and Chelo's conversation of sun moon and stars. How would the true parents separate him from the only known beloved parent once found.Tn writers, get your acts together please.

Excellent, Anita. And very insightful.

It always blows my mind that people think the most miserable parents should stay together "for the sake of the children." All that does is make said children repeat their parents' mistakes. Patricio is the only one escaping unscathed from that because of his accident and rehab. Right now the wheelchair is the only thing protecting him from being railroaded into marital misery by his insane mother.

Roselena does not believe that love exists. She does not truly love her children. They are puppets in her show of normality. They exist solely to validate her own loveless existence. She moves them around like pieces on a chessboard while attempting to check everyone else, including her own sister.

Does anyone else think that Connie's hesitation is because of Roselena's stubborn hammering at her?

BTW, according to the book Dress for Success bow ties are definitely not to be worn on a day-to-day basis because people think they make a man look untrustworthy.

Since history has repeated itself at least once in this story, anyone else predicting that it will again with Jana pickin gup the pen and refusing to sign?

Great recap, and great vocabulary, thank you for your hard work. Nice treat this morning with breakfast.

Anita, I thought that saying sounded unsanitary, taking the food out of your mouth; thought I was the only one who thought of that.

Rosa also said something about the devil is smarter from being old than from being the devil-did anyone catch those words? Rosa is sure talking a lot about the devil lately.

OK, what is this with wearing the engagement ring and running around telling everyone you are not ready to get engaged but telling Lorenzo you are getting married??? Is this a Mexican costumbre I haven’t heard of yet?

Anita, I'm in total agreement with Madelaine, Vida2, UA and e-Marie - this was stellar. It was so well written and full of delicious details. The vocabulary, particulary "Dolor con dolor se paga" was excellent and particularly poignant for Don A. So much suffering -from lack of or being in love.

Difficult to pick my favorites but "a triangle of love", "Rodrigo is a lovesick man acting inappropriately" and "Aldo whistles while he doesn't work" were among them.

Jana's hardened appearance helped by too much makeup and harsh expressions makes me sad. I'm happy Lorenzo is not giving up and will fight to win her back. I want to see the young, happy young woman we've come to care so much about.

I'm surprised Luci lasted for 5 years there. How she could submerge her hurt and her sadness compounded by seeing Rod every day is beyond me.

We need the tide to turn and quickly.


This is a girl buying time until she can stand up to a crazy mother who might actually kill her someday for disobedience.

That's how cold Roselena is. Remember that her favorite photo is of herself with her two sons; Jana is not even in that picture and we were not told she was holding the camera.

about to read the recap now but i wanted to add one more 'saying' from last night, i believe Don Aquiles has used it before in the novela...
'ya eramos muchos y pario mi abuela' (or stte)
(we were many already [in town, at the table, in the family... take your pick] and my grandma decided to give birth to more)


Anita- You mentioned running out of steam, but I didn't see that at all in this recap. It was masterfully crafted.

I can understand Luci wanting to go to Het Het for a little r&r, especially after getting a taste of it for one day. It doesn't seem that over the last 5 years that she's spent a lot of time there. She has spent a lot of physical and emotional energy on work, school, trying to get over Rod who she sees every day, and trying to find her son. Now with the encounter with Rod's little girl, and Rod ramping up the romantic pressure again, she needs a break. I understand.

Rod has learned NOTHING. he is once again trying to pull Luci into an emotional (and maybe more)affair, with no real effort on his part to clean up the Gala mess. Words, words, words. Just like the beginning of their relationship. The only time he ever jumps into action is when Luci leaves him. It looks like her leaving this time, and with Pato, is what will finally make him take action. For this reason, it's probably the best move for Luci to go for a while.

Hannah is falling into the same trap as her brother. If she can barely accept Bore-us' ring without throwing up, I just can't see her walking down the aisle, signing the marriage contract, or kissing or letting him touch her. But when she denied to Lor that she remembered their pre-Italy conversation, that showed me that she's doing this to protect Lor from Rosa la Loca. I thought it was very insightful when she compared Boris to Rosa and said he's not a good person. She seemed a bit scared of him. But that made me wonder all the more why she would even consider marrying someone whose scary side she can so clearly see. That will only get worse once they're married and he thinks she belongs to him.

I'm glad Lor isn't giving up.

Loved Connie and Oscar. I have a feeling this is not the first time he's brought up marriage over the years. In fact, we know it's not because he made his intentions to her clear from the beginning that he eventually wanted her to be his Mrs. But this is the way Connie works, and he knows it. He proposes something to her (dating formally, being novios, going away together, living toger, marriage); she laughs it off; he proposes it again; she tells him she'll think about it; he proposes again; she backs away; he gives her a dealine or ups the pressure, but also ups the romance; she finally says yes. I have no doubt she'll eventually say yes to his marriage proposal. That Oscar is a patient man.

Anita, great recap... this has to be my fav definitely:

(Here is another pair, Roselena with her Creator. She’s talking; He’s not listening)

also loved the love triangle between Rod/Pato/Luci...

and your descriptions of Janah/Lorenzo scene... so painful... i am firmly planted in teh Lorenzo/Janah table to the end of this show for sure... and somehow i want Pato to survive too, either bring him a new love interest or make it work, writers!!

LOVE LOVE the family lifestyle comparisons... so true that the only ones that care for each other at that sky suite are Rod and Alexia...
it was a surprise that Frigida was so willing to stay playing with Alexia while Rod went back to the office for a while..

about Don Aq' suffering from gout. i have one word for him... CHERRIES!!! load yourself with cherries: fresh ones, canned ones, maraschino ones, yogurt, ice cream... doesnt matter that much, just load yourself with them and the gout swelling will give in...


Have to agree with Vivi, that Rod is an out of control lovesick bod.
get a grip, man!! and work on what you CAN do something about, like the divorce... better to have Luci around even if you see her seldom, than not have her around at all if you scare her away...

Connie and Janah need to shake themselves off RE and move out!! now that Janah will work at the corporativo, she should be able to afford her own place... so move out!!


poor Pato... he has to hear from both Rod and Luci about their kisses... talk about silent torture.

Marta- Well Connie has moved out. But she needs to stop visiting her crazy sister. Hannah should move in with Melissa.

What a wondrous retelling Anita! These episodes lately have so many nuances in them, just have to try and pay attention. I appreciate the detail on dialog I didn't get.

As frustrated as I am in Janna, I get why she is playing this dangerous game. It's her love of Lorenzo and the full knowledge now of the person her mother really is and what she is capable of. Frankly, her only way out at this point would be to bolt town with Lorenzo, but I think her love of her brothers and father prevent that. Quite a tight-rope she's trying to walk. But hurray for Lorenzo--boy has the brain cells firing.

As for The Rock, not so much in the brain cell department. Drives me crazy when he pushes Luce and doesn't realize that as long as he is married, and being the person she is, it's rather disrespectful to keep espousing his love and well, seemingly trying to get more out of her. He's playing on her not cool.

We had the Ofelia sighting, cool to see her with cutie-pie, but I could have done without Aldo and Lastra. After all these years, the Aldo routine is wearing thin. Wouldn't mind him being "reassigned" off my screen.

Vio needs some amor and fast.

Interesting that RE doesn't realize the more she prays so fervently to make things go her way, the more they don't and the more miserable she feels. guess she can't take the hint that the heavenly phone on the other end isn't being answered.

So the previews...I got a call and didn't catch much but it looked like Pato taking off with Luce for Het Het? Did I get that right? (And I'm panicking because if they do get together, for her to get back with Rod....ok not going there. I'm at work, don't want to start sniffling).

Daisynjay- Yes, Pato and Luci go to Het Het together. I don't think Luci would ever lead him on though. But the news does rattle Rod.

It was nice to see that something has developed between Ofelia and Architect Cardenas. I think this non fraternization rule at TL Corp is stupid. I know a lot of companies do have this rule. But if work is the place you spend most of your time, then it's also the place you're most likely to meet someone. As long as you're not canoodling during work hours, you should be able to do what you want with who you want after work hours. I hope this won't mean that one of them has to quit.

Maybe Luci should bring up this non-fraternization rule to Rod any time he makes romantic overtures to her, since reminding him that he’s married doesn’t seem to work!


JudyB, sorry didn't get to comment on your great recap and analysis on faith of our characters ...
loved your 'her will be done on earth'... and 'in the beginning there was Gala'... (ITA that neither Gala nor Julie have much faith at all...
Pato and Lorenzo seem to be the best examples of 'man of faith' of their generation... i am firmly seated at the Lorenzo table (and by association, eventually i expect it to be the Lorenzo/Janah table'... besides visiting the Pato 'man of faith and determination' table often...


I see Rodrigo as a man undecided, confused as to which side of the fork on the road to take a chance at... on one side he is sure he will have Alexia but will have to lose Luci and withstand Gala for life... on the other side he will try to get Luci (although I agree with Pato that divorcing Gala does not guarantee Luci will take him back)... but good chance he would have to lose contact with his daughter princess...
he believes he can sit on the fence and face the fork on the road forever, not realizing if he does not decide soon he might end up losing it all...


Good morning everybody (while it's still morning). I got up not quite ready to face the music. Thank goodness it sounded nice and upbeat.

By running out of steam, I meant the comments in between scenes. So many of the scenes featured a pair of our characters interacting. It was so tempting to shine the spotlight on it. I started to do those after I did the recap.

E-Marie--I knew I had missed that first dicho of RE's. It went by so fast and then here came another one which I was able to I kinda skipped over the first one. It's a good one. Roselena certainly seems to admire the devil's deeds, no?

UA--Conny is living her own life away from RE and with Os which is in RE's mind a worse sin than a divorced woman remarrying. RE's hammering has had little or no effect on her. She genuinely cares about her sister and her sister's state of mind, but doesn't know how else to help her other than be there and act as a sounding board and try to point out her irrationalities. At least she didn't agree to help her with Jana.

Vida2, Vivi, Marta, et al. So agree that Rod's actions are frustrating all of us. He is not a man of honor, suggesting he and Luci could have some kind of extra-marital relationship (not necessarily all the way one) would be ok. He's thinking of his own needs and desires and not how it would hurt Luci.

Marta--your last comment on what he stands to gain or lose is so accurate. I guess I'd have to give him some slack after all.

More later when I think of something else to say. Thank you all for your kind attention.

Rodrigo has been emasculated by his fear that Gala would rake him over the coals in print while fighting him in court over Alexia, whom she doesn't care about. The child is too young to have a voice in her own custody, so no judge would be asking her questions at this stage.

Thus far Gala hasn't had a long track record of DUI and she hasn't been caught cheating on Rod yet. Despite the usual favoritism shown to mothers in Mexican custody law I'm sure that adultery wouldn't work in Gala's favor. It's only a matter of time.

Frigida may have softened a bit because of Alexia, but Gala and Julie have stuff to hold over her head. Roselena may know that Frigida was spying on them for the two gold diggers, but Rod doesn't. His wrath would be Frigida's punishment. I'll bet that's why she didn't reveal baby Roddy's hospital bracelet.

Of course, Mateo will keep the name he now has. We don't know the calendar date of his birth, but possibily it was on St Matthew's feast day?


Anita, What a
great/excellent/detailed recap, I loved it, it was so helpful. I also love your lines---Roselena with her Creator. She's talking; He's not listening. --- The door slams behind her and we see the grin on her grill. And your name for Gala and Rod's apartment, The Mausoleum in the Sky is a real winner. You had me LOL with the Aldo whistling while he doesn't work line. Does Aldo ever work?

Marta---ITA Pato is living with silent torture. Poor guy, I feel for him. I hope the writers do something good for him before the novela ends. With his accident and the deep love he has for Luciana, I hope something good comes his way but I'm starting to fear as time is getting short.
the gringo


Oh Anita...that was so beautifully and thoughtfully written. I agree with the commenter (Emarie?) who said that you "are a storyteller". Yes, indeed and you do it so well. Thought UA nailed it also when she mentioned your insight.

Agree with the inappropriateness of Rod's actions last night, as much as I love seeing heartfelt kisses.

Now on a more trivial level. I love Connie's new hairdo (the bangs). Makes her look younger and prettier. Actually she looks younger than Oscar now. Something about his hair etc. has aged him. But ni modo.

And interesting that Connie looks younger and fresher, and Roselena looks older and dried out. Your thoughts and outlook eventually manifest on your body. Rose's hate and venom have put years on her.

On bowties...the president of OSU, Gordon Gee, wears bow-ties each and every day. He's up at 5 am working out on the treadmill, still up at 11 pm to midnight, visiting students on campus and in fraternity houses etc. He does it all and is very trusted. But he's quite the fundraiser and quite a character. Makes his own rules, I'm sure.

So sad last night watching two good younger brothers get knifed in the heart. First Lor with Jana and her lie. Must be a TL trait. Why tell the truth when a lie keeps things from getting emotionally nasty. I will admit i feel sorry for the poor girl being so terrorized by her mother that she doesn't know which end is up.

Poor Pato living in a fools paradise for five years and then having Luci once again natter on about how much she loves Rod.

Interesting how Aldo has now become the official greeter for the company guiding folks to the correct office, chiding Hector and Ofelia about their relationship. The TL policy may be odd but lots of companies have similar rules. The one i worked for did not, met my husband there and there were all kinds of relationships going on all the time. We even had one couple get into a screaming match before work one morning, and another case one guy was told marry the woman or we are transferring you down to LA. It was a never ending source of gossip so maybe Max knew what he was doing with no fraternizing rule (exception made for himself).

Do not get me started on Rod who has remained a Dumbass. He has learned nothing. He is still crowding Luci, making her miserable but does he care? NO! He just wants her while at the same time stringing Gala along - isn't this where we came in and now of course Luci reverts to wanting to run away again. That surprised me because i would have though nothing short of the coming Mayan Apocalypse would have gotten her to flee the DF. She really needs to be firm with Rod and perhaps go set up an office away from him if the temptation is too much for her. A big slap upside the head for him and a little a wake up shake for her.

I agree with Madelaine too. While it's plainly apparent Luci still carrys a torch for Rod, she's smart enough not to be a home wrecker. I think why Rod has tolerated (use of that word mildly) still being around Gala is for Alexia's sake. If he leaves and divorces Gala, not only will she rake him over the coals but hold Alexia over his head as leverage especially since she knows where he would go to. Since she's not Mother-of-the-Year material and doesn't give a rats patoeey about sweet Alexia, Rod's not going to let anything happen to his little girl. Not while there's breath in his body.

Ofelia and the Architect sitting in a can guess the rest. LOL

Hanna is only going along with this sham of an engagement to protect Lorenzo. She won't sign on that dotted line. In fact I hope she tells Boring where to take that ring (give it to Lula..she wants Boring anyway). Max will accept Hanna's decision and hopefully tell Rosa to just go to her prayer room. Where she'll go anyway.

Conny will marry Oscar. After her kids finally prod her to. She's making that dog beg for that bone though.

I thought for a sec that Vicky might have been lunching with Lastra but I don't think so. It's gotta be Don Pedro. Nice to see the botox job has lasted on Lastra though.

Emarie and Anita,
RE's first diablo dicho was "mas sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo," the devil knows more from being old than from being the devil, = age is experience.
I caught that dicho since I am familiar with it, but the second escaped me and so when I read your recap, I thought I had heard wrong!
Very insightful recap Anita, thanks!


Anon at 2:26--Very cute. Please show up oftener and give yourself a name, any name will do, so we don't attribute all the Anon comments to one single Anon.

You, too, Clara, thank you for stopping in. We need more bi-lingual or Spanish first speakers to help out, especially with these Mexican sayings.


@Anita: My name is Paula. I usually type my comments while on my lunch hour at work so I'm in a rush to get it typed. LOL

We'll try to keep your cover. Just sign Pau and we'll know!!!

Anita, I forgot to thank you for the song title. That is one of my favorite standards and the song will be going through my head all day now....and that's a blessing! As are you. Thanks again for a superb recap.

Luci should stay in DF, but move her offices, then start showing up at Gala's offices, demanding that she (Grill Mouth) keep her husband away from her (Luci) - "If I told him once, I told him a thousand times ... stick to your wife!" - then flounce out and go about her business and leave Gala with her mouth open.

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