Monday, November 12, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #151 Mon 11/12/12 Looking for the Light at the End of the Tunnel; Things Still Look Pretty Grim

Roselena, that BITCH, has just called Luci up in Het Het to rile her up by telling her Rod has most likely found her little boy, but declined to tell Luci about it. She begs Luci not to tell Rod that she’s the one who spilled the frijoles. She’s doing this because she doesn’t feel it’s fair that Luci is the only one who’s gotten the blame for LOSING her son (BITCH!).  She just can’t imagine how Luci can go to bed at night not knowing if her son is alive and well. Oh no, Luci doesn’t deserve that. (BITCH, BITCH, BITCH!) Luci says that although she can’t remember what happened that night, she’d rather be dead than have lost her son.
R: I know Luciana, and you don’t know how sorry I am (that you DIDN’T die).  You must be suffering a living death (muerta en vida).

Luci agrees that this is exactly how she feels, but she won’t give up looking for her son, until her last moment of her life. Paz, not liking the sound of this morbid conversation, comes up quietly behind Luci. Rosa pledges her support and promises to help look for her grandson. (Your recapper is really getting sick of this hypocritical conversation.) Rosa finally twists the knife a little more by mentioning that Claudio is in on hiding the big news from Luci too. He went to the clinic with Rod when he did the DNA test, doncha know?  They just want to surprise her. Remember, not a word that I’m the one who told you.

Once they hang up, Luci turns to Paz and predictably blows her top about being kept in the dark.  Rosa gloats that Rod’s lack of faith in Luci has once again separated him from her. (BITCH!)

Max arrives home and shares a mutual enablers’ moment with Mati. They are both worried about Rosa, who Mati thinks is worse than ever. Max tenderly touches Mati’s cheek and agrees that Rosa is not well at all. (What’s new?)

The Little Princess of the Dungeon in the Sky greets her papa when he arrives home.  She ate all her lunch today and it was delicious! (No more liver!) She even ate her veggies. This poor child is really deprived of familial attention because she thinks the visit of her grandmother was an exciting thing. Rod asks why grandma came. Gala swoops out of her bedroom to dish out her daily dose of trauma to her little daughter. She tells Alexia, in the most salacious way possible, that her Papi has another child with a woman who is NOT her Mommy.  Rod shoots up from the couch like he’s about to slap the grin off her wide grill.

In Het Het, Paz and Magda don’t understand Luci’s anger (corage) when she should be jumping for joy that little Roddy might have been found. Luci can’t get over the fact that they didn’t tell her. She and Rod should have gone together to meet this little boy. Magda immediately hits upon the correct reason why they didn’t tell her—to not build up false hope and then have disappointment, as has happened so many other times over these five years. Paz agrees. Rod didn’t want her to suffer. Now Luci has a bee in her bonnet about her Papa not telling her. She is not buying this excuse that they did this to protect her, when the ONLY thing she has lived for all these years is the hope of finding her son. Paz begs her not to judge them harshly. Luci is not willing to listen.

We leave one mother who would do anything for her child, and go back to a “mother” who would do anything to hurt her child. Gala was not counting on the natural innocence and joy with which little Alexia views the world. Alexia is excited that she has a brother. She wants to meet him! Gala goads Rod to tell his daughter the truth.  Rod bends down to Alexia’s level and explains simply that before he was married to her mommy, he was married to another lady, and they had a baby. “Yeah, yeah papi. But where’s my brother? Where is he? I want to see him!” Rod is pleasantly surprised by this. He takes his baby girl in his arms, turns to Gala, and says he also wants to see Alexia’s brother. Then he takes Alexia to her bedroom and leaves Gala’s bloodlust thoroughly unquenched.

At TL Manor, Max is chilling in bed with Pato and catching up, mostly about the Hannah-Bore-us engagement dinner fiasco. Max says Rosa is NEVER going to forgive Hannah. (Excuse me, but I think it’s Rosa who should be begging for Hannah’s forgiveness!) “Of course not, since my mother doesn’t forgive anyone who disobeys her and who won’t do her bidding, even if it’s against their own principals.” Pato does not see Rosa enter his bedroom as he says this, but she voices her agreement.  She of course blames Lorenzo and calls him a muerto de hambre. Max and Pato roll their eyes.

Speaking of…Lorenzo texts Hannah their café date location for the next evening. Hannah reads it in front of Mati just as she gets home. Mati warns her to be careful, as they know her mother is capable of anything. (Uhm…that’s the kind of thing you call the police about people! Follow the example of the brother of the Unibomber!) Hannah is determined that Rosa won’t destroy her life like she did Rod’s. She begs Mati to help her.

Luci is being obstinate. She refuses to call Rod to ask him about the lead on their son. She doesn’t even want to hear his voice! Instead, she’ll call CL. He’s still at work, and Luci immediately lights into him about keeping the news from her.

In Princes Alexia’s bedroom, Papi Rod has just finished giving her more details on his relationship with Luci. He asks if she understands. She says she does. It’s just like one of her fairytales! Rod promises that it will have a happy ending. All Alexia wants is to see her brother—she’ll even lend him her teddy bear. Rod promises that very soon she’ll meet her brother.

CL apologizes to Luci and tells her their reasons for not telling her. All they have to go on are some similar dates, but nothing more. Luci says she’s coming back tomorrow to meet this little boy. CL agrees that they’ll go together tomorrow to meet Pablito, and already stars are dancing in Luci’s eyes thinking about Pablito. She is in for the heartache they were all trying to avoid.

Pato, Rosa and Max continue to argue about Hannah’s love life. Pato’s stance: What does it matter if Hannah and Lorenzo have a relationship? He’s a hard worker.  Rosa’s stance: He’s a poor wretch trying to defile Hannah. Max’s stance: You’re all making a tempest in a teacup (tormenta en un vaso de agua) out of this. I don’t even think they would date. But if so, the most important thing is that Hannah is HAPPY. Max went and said the “H” word, which we all know Rosa can’t stand. She can’t believe Max is saying this crap, when he more than anyone else LOVES money and all the comforts (comodidades) it  brings. “Listen up you two. I am not inclined to support this relationship. EVER!” Pato asks his mother if the reason is because Hannah and Lorenzo are from different social classes (like he doesn’t already know Rosa’s answer).
R: Yes. For that reason Patricio. You’d see that I’m right if you could ever one day become a… 
P: FATHER! Is that what you’re trying to say?!
R: Son, forgive me. It wasn’t my intention to offend you by mentioning your “condition.”
P: My “condition” doesn’t make me less of a man than any other man, mama! The fact that I can’t walk right now, doesn’t mean that one day I couldn’t have a family. Because I will. And I will have the woman I love by my side.

Okey, dokey…On to more awkward family conversations. Gala pretends to casually read a magazine and sarcastically asks Rod if he finished his father-daughter talk. Rod tells her not to mess with HIS daughter. Of course, Alexia is OUR daughter when it suits Gala, and it suits her now.
R: Well, then ACT like it! What you just did was unbelievably base (bajeza inconcebible)! You used her to hurt me. But you know what? It didn’t work. Alexia’s innocence is much greater that your evilness.  And far from turning her against me, you brought her closer to me.  Because now, Alexia wants to meet her brother.
G: Aww, how sweet! (tierna)
R: I made her a promise, that I will reiterate (reitera) to you. I will not stop until I find my son Rodrigo!
Gala’s feigned indifference lasts only until Rod walks out the front door. She hurls her magazine and curses that domestica (drink!). Then she curses all the Torreslandas, just for good measure.

Procopio passes on Luci’s wishes for improved health to Don Aquiles. “She’s no longer the young girl who ran wild through the fields. She’s now a grown woman (hecha y derecha), who has suffered much. But despite that, she takes the time to ask about you and sends her greetings. Galdino’s family, may God rest his soul, don’t hold on to grudges or hatred. They’re very worried about your health.” Aquiles doesn’t think his gout is such a big deal, and wonders where Copio got his medical degree.

Lorenzo gets advice on love from all his amigos in the vecinidad. Delia looks pretty sad that he’s so in love… with someone else. Lorenzo says he wants Hannah to be his wife, and if he has to confront all the Torreslandas, so be it!

On the wrong side of the tracks, Mateo gets ready for bed and wonders when he’ll get to see his amigo Rod again. Don Chelo is surprised that Mateo already seems to have such affection (cariño) for Rod. Mateo really likes him because he always buys a paper from him, they always chat, and plus he has a really pretty daughter. This pleases Don Chelo. Doña Chuy brings over some sweet pastries and gets a hug from Mateo. Chuy, however, is annoyed with Chelo to see that Mateo is once again peeling and sunburned on his delicate fair face. Mateo asks if his skin is like his mama’s.  Chelo and Chuy fib that, yes, his fair skin is like his mama’s. Meanwhile, in Het Het, fair Luci frets about how much longer she has to wait to find her son.

Rod has gone from one loveless, dysfunctional home, to another. He arrives in Pato’s room, where Rosa and Max are still hanging about. The brothers greet each other warmly, then Rod gets right to scolding Rosa about telling Gala about taking the DNA test with Pablito. (Just wait till he finds out she told Luci too!) Rosa plays innocent. “It’s no secret. Everyone knows you had a child outside of marriage.” (BITCH!) All of this is news to Pato. He wants to know what DNA test they are talking about.  Max and Rod get him caught up. Max can’t wait to have both his grandchildren with him. (I’m not even going to bother to retell the hypocritical crap Rosa said.) Pato is happy about the news. Oh jeez, I have to actually tell you what Rosa says next. She asks Rod to be able to accompany him the next day to meet Pablito, saying the call of the blood will tell her if he’s her grandchild. Rod refuses. (Yay!) He won’t let her meet any child until he knows for sure it’s his son. (I say not even AFTER he knows it’s his son!) Max agrees. Rosa has no choice but to STFU.

Hannah enters just then to lighten the mood. She asks Pato about Luci. Pato says how happy he is to see his sis and kisses her hand. All this love and affection is asphyxiating Rosa. Pato brags to Hannah about the success of Luci’s foundation, and her personal success gaining the exclusive contract with the hotel chain for her pottery pieces. Rosa looks like she’s sucking on a dozen lemons and sulks in the corner. She makes a sarcastic comment about Luci’s artistic abilities. Mati interrupts to say Connie has arrived. They all breathe a sigh of relief once Rosa leaves the room, and Pato announces that he’s ready to look at options for another operation. They all begin to worry, but Pato shuts them down. He knows the chances of an operation giving him back his mobility is slim, but he wants to give it a try. Rod assumes it’s because of the promise he made Luci, and looks mighty miffed when Pato confirms that yes, he does want to walk for Luciana. Max doesn’t look happy about it, but agrees to support Pato and spend up to the last TL cent to make it happen.

We finally find out the real reason for Luci’s angst.  She tearfully tells Paz that she has started to forget her baby’s face. Each day it grows fuzzier, and she’s afraid that one day she’ll forget all together.  She’s afraid she’ll never see him again and she doesn’t want to wait anymore.

Julie pays her spawn a visit and gets the update on the Pablito situation. Gala just can’t understand why Rod is so obsessed with finding the son of that domestica (as if it isn’t his child as well!).  “Alexia should be his priority. And what about ME? I regret having married him.” Julie thinks they should retake their strategy and declare war on Luci at every turn. “That ranchera is the only one to blame for everything.”
G: You don’t know how much I want to see her dead.
J: Don’t even say it. We are not murderers. (Oh really? Infanticide is murder Julie.)
G: Open your eyes, Julie! If that brat turns out to be a TL, he’ll be the longed for first born son. If I disappeared him five years ago by leaving him in the trash, now I’m capable of flushing him down the drain (desague)!
J: You’re talking pure nonsense. Either take a chill pill and go to sleep, or go out partying. But don’t stay here obsessing about it.
G: I’m desperate! I feel impotent. What? Do you have a better plan?

Julie’s plan is to hit Luci where it really hurts—her papa Claudio. Luci went 20 years without him. Now it will be Julie who will take him from her, forever. (Delusion, thay name is Julie.) She calls CL and uses her most sultry voice to invite herself to dinner with him.

Back in Pato’s room, Max departs by sharing the happy news that Connie and Oscar got married today. He’s going downstairs to congratulate the bride. The siblings are very happy about this news. Hannah sighs over the novel idea of getting married for love, and not out of imposition. Pato tells her he supports her decision to ditch Bore-us. Rod agrees and points out that she has the rocks he didn’t have. Now, he’s paying the consequences… but not for long, he promises. Cara de ruh roh de Pato.

Downstairs, Rosa is reminding Connie of the vows she took with her first husband (meaning, she and Oscar aren’t really married). Max rolls his eyes and wonders if Rosa expects Connie to track down her deadbeat ex-husband after 20 years, and ask for an annulment. He and Connie share a hearty chuckle over this. Rosa doesn’t find it funny. She should have tried! Connie says all that matters to her is Oscar’s love. They didn’t even need to get married, as they have lived happily together the last five years. Rosa: In SIN!  Max: Happiness isn’t a sin. Well, maybe for you it is.

Seeing that she can’t win this argument, Rosa gets on their cases for not supporting her in railroading Hannah into marrying Bore-us. Rosa sings her new favorite tune about that “taquero ese”. Max promises that Hannah won’t be dating Lorenzo. (Oh, really Max?) Rosa says that Hannah is telling him one thing, but the reality is another. Hannah and Lorenzo are still seeing each other. (Uh, oh. Max does not look happy to hear this news. What happened to that little speech about just wanting Hannah to be happy, that he gave five minutes ago?)

Upstairs, Hannah finally admits to her brothers that she does/did not love Bore-us, but she does LUUURRRV Lorenzo. The brothers understand, but they warn her that mama is going to make her and Lorenzo’s lives hell. Rod and Pato promise to support her. Hannah thanks them, but says she also needs their dad’s support. (That’s looking doubtful girlfriend.) Pato promises that they’ll speak to him. Rod brings up the promise Pato made to Luci again. Pato says Rod is part of that promise too. He promised that they would one day scale that mountain again—together. Pato smiles. Rod and Hannah look worried.

In Het Het, Luci has been given some sleepy time tea and Paz and Magda look on, worried. Magda reminds Paz that there is no night so long that day doesn’t come/there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel.  (No hay noche tan larga que no alcanza el nuevo dia.)

Oh jeez! Now Max is freaking out about whether or not Hannah and Lorenzo are really seeing each other. Rosa swears it’s true. Connie wants to know what’s the big deal? “Because it’s not a relationship of equals!”  Max agrees with Rosa! Hannah has, after all, studied at the best schools and grown up surrounded by luxuries. Even though Lorenzo is a nice boy, does Connie really think Hannah would be happy at the side of someone with no future—who the most they can expect is that he expands his taco business? (Obviously, Max doesn’t know that some of the biggest and most lucrative restaurant chains started out just this way.)  Connie agrees that Hannah deserves the best of men—someone who respects her and loves her above all things. Rosa reminds Connie that this is real life; not a cheesy telenovela. When hunger/poverty comes through the door, love flies out the window.  Connie had hoped that Rosa’s experiences had taught her to quit interfering in her children’s love lives. If Hannah and Lorenzo truly love each other, nothing can separate them. Rosa begs to differ. “I will separate them, if it’s the last thing I do.”

In the hood, Lorenzo polishes his boots to a high gloss in preparation for his date with Hannah tomorrow night. Fabian wonders what happens if Hannah kicks him to the curb. After that kiss in the closet, Lor is sure that’s NOT going to happen. Fabian tells him to cool it with the hot lips. He needs to respect her and take it slow. (Yeah, like he and Serena were doing on the couch a few episodes back?) Lor promises to respect her. He wants her to be the mother of his children some day.

In her bedroom, Hannah moons over Lorenzo’s text message, and leaves her phone in a location that’s way too easy for Rosa to find.

Julie is out to dinner with CL, and getting nowhere, as usual. This should remind her of the days when she used to try to seduce Oscar in vain. (Good times. Good times.) Since her charms aren’t working, she decides to pump CL for info on his possible grandchild. CL confirms that the DNA tests are being done. Julie tries to form a united front with him, since their daughters are the “victims” of this sad story. CL points out that it was her daughter, Julie, and Rosa who declared war on his daughter. Julie tries to lay all the blame in Rosa. CL thinks Luci has been the biggest victim of all of this. Not to be outdone, Julie says her daughter Gala was the first victim of this whole situation. CL narrows his eyes and tries hard to maintain his gentlemanly composure.

At a bar somewhere in the city, Gala and Fernanda try to find happiness at the bottom of a glass of whiskey. Up pops the handsome stud that was checking Gala out the last time they were at the bar. He takes up the tab of the “señoritas.”

Julie tries to spin a tale of love and heartache with Gala as the protagonist. Her first marriage failed. It was painful. She found love with Rod again and had never been so happy. She was so excited about her wedding. Blah, blah, blah. Then BAM! Along came Luciana. CL can’t believe she’s trying to blame Luci. Julie backtracks a bit. “Who’s to blame for Rod dumping my daughter at the altar? Rodrigo! You can’t imagine the pain Gala lived through." (Cry me a fricking river!) CL reminds Julie of how much Luci suffered when she and Gala brought false accusations of being a tramp and a thief against her. Julie blames Lastra for the fake evidence. Then she blames Rod for not giving Luci the chance to defend herself.  “He’s the only one to blame. Both Luci and Gala are victims of Rod.” CL isn’t buying it. The only thing they can hold against Rod is falling in love with Luci while he was still engaged to Gala. He pushes Julie to tell him who is to blame. “Love?”

Rod arrives home. Gala left a message with Frigida—don’t wait up. Rod goes to look in on Alexia.   

Vicky and Aldo are out at a fancy looking wine bar. Aldo tries to impress Vicky by letting her know he’s the one who picked out the SUV that Osito sent her. They both try to play it cool. She admits she likes the SUV, but she’s not going to be bought so cheaply. If Osito wants her, he’s going to have to pony up a LOT more than an SUV. Aldo is impressed by her new tougher attitude. He admits that he’s been using his earnings from Osito as well, to start up his own businesses. Vicky doesn’t believe it. Aldo says he has a business like this wine bar—elegant, nice, good music.  A: “You like it?” V: “I love it. It’s a beautiful place.” A: “It’s mine.”  Vicky can’t believe it. Aldo admits he opened it recently and no one knows about it. He tells her his strategy of going slowly and building his businesses quietly. They toast to Osito and their mutual lofty, slightly larcenous, ambitions.  These two were made for each other.

It’s finally bed time in Casa Torreslanda. Any good feelings I had for Max are evaporating this evening, as he promises Rosa that he will speak to Hannah tomorrow about staying away from Lorenzo. Rosa looks smug and happy that she’ll finally have a partner in crime. Had he supported her in separating Luci from Rod, then none of this would have ever happened. Max reminds her that they wouldn’t have all this trouble had she not faked the death of Luci, given her away, and then tried to hide the truth when she came back into their lives. Their lives would have been much different had it not been for her lies and deceptions. This is NOT the same situation as Rod and Luci, my love.

The next morning, Gala comes stumbling in just as Rod gets ready to head off to work. Rod demands that she adhere to their contract and not let their daughter see her in this condition. He points out that he’s never disrespected her and their home this way by coming home in this state in their LONG five years of marriage, nor has he disrespected her with another woman. Gala laughs, and so do we, since we all know he has lusted in his heart for Luci all these years. Rod tells her to get to her room, so that Alexia doesn’t see her in this state. Gala drunk babbles and demands that no one disturb her while she sleeps it off.

We finally get a bit of respite by seeing how a loving husband and wife start the day. Connie looks smashing in a blue dress and her hair swept to the side. Oscar asks her help fixing his tie, but is not in too much of a hurry to give her a kiss and tell her how beautiful she looks. He asks after Vicky, since he knows she was just at the salon. Connie sadly says one never gets over the death of a loved one. She then mentions that a friend of Vicky’s father visits her every now and then and looks out for her.
C: She says it’s someone who has known her since she was born.  A Señor Campos. He and her father knew each other over 25 years ago.
Oscar emerges from the other room with a puzzled look on his face. He silently mouths “Campos” to himself.

Luci storms into Rod’s office like a fury, demanding to know why he didn’t tell her about the possible discovery of her son. “How did you find out?” (Wrong response dude.) Luci says it doesn’t matter how, because the truth will always come out.  Rod looks like a deer caught in the headlights, and gives the same excuse about not wanting to get her hopes up, only to dash them again. Luci demands to be taken to the child right now!  Rod promises that he will be the one to bring their son to her.

Avances: Rosa freaks out about Rod and Luci being close to finding their son. Julie and Gala plot and scheme. Luci meets Pablito.  


There was way too much Rosa time tonight and it got on my nerves. Could you tell I had no patience for her? Or Max. Or Julie. Or Gala. I am so ready for some anvils to fall. The Pedro Campos reveal can't happen soon enough for me. Maybe Max will get off his high horse and get back to thinking about more important things than keeping Hannah and Lorenzo apart.

As for the three Bs...please, please, please, can those anvils starting falling on their blonde heads now?!

Vivi- Amiga, wonderful, wonderful recap as usual. Am so with you about the blonde B's they need to go. We need some justice. I hate, hate, hate, what la loca did to Luci, but I have to say it, Lucy should know better. That woman has screwed her over since she was born. I know Luci wants her son yesterday, but if she had really thought about it, she would have wondered why all of a sudden this la loca is calling her, jus' sayin'.

Gagme is becoming la loca number 2. Hate, Hate, Hate, the way she treated Alexia, but thank Dios, Alexia is more like Pato here, and is willing to listen to her Daddy instead of damn Gagme. Loved how Gagme had to "eat it" so to speak. And her drunken forays will be getting her into mucho trouble I am thinking. It could be the way that Rod finally gets custody of Alexia. I hope Rod divorces the grill ASAP.

CQ- I really hated the way she was trying to buffalo Claudio and how he wasn't buying what she was selling, YAY!!!!

Max is disappointing. You would think he would stick up for his princessa. I am hoping in the end he will.

Loved the siblings Pato and Rod sticking up for Jana. I think they will try to make sure to be the buffer zone between la loca and Jana. But if Jana is really serious about Lorenzo she will move out of that house.

So with you about being mad Vivi. I can't take too much more of these three Bitches, I want that GIANT, SUPERSIZED PIE CART FOR THEM STAT!!!!!

Vivi, like Mads, I am totally with you about the B's and how things are not progressing for the good guys; sigh, its so similar on AC. Rosa's phone call alone had me wishing for lightening to strike her. Her comment about Pato, while completely consistent with who she is, was vile as well.

Now Gala wants to kill little Roddy?!! The only thing that gave me comfort during this episode was thinking about our normally reserved Luci slapping the witches into next week.

Yes Max is still bad and Pedro can't throw him under a bus quickly enough.

Yes, Mads Hannah has to leave the casa de Hades. To give Rosa a pure migraine Hannah needs to move in with Luci. They can protect one another from Rosa and Hannah can see Lorenzo when she wants.

The high point was the siblings chat and the boys supporting Hannah.

The only thing that could make Roselena any worse is for her to actually commit murder. I'm betting that's on her agenda.

"Un hijo fuera de matrimonio" indeed. Someone also needs to remind Gala that Luciana may be richer than Rodrigo.

Urban- You are so right about Luci being able to sell Rod, or CQ or Gagme two times over. I am sick of Gagme calling Luci "la domestica", as if and CQ calling Luci "la chacha" and la loca doubting this girl is good for nothing except scrubbing toilets, Enough already I say. It would be divine retribution if at the end Gagme loses everything and has to work as a "domestica" along with the CQ and la loca is left all by her hateful lonesome in a manicomio!

They are all delusional. Every single one of the insults they have used against Luci are false: domestic worker, maid, uncultured, poor, low-born, uneducated, unskilled, thief, whore, liar. Really, they have slandered this woman all kinds of ways. Almost all of the descriptions fit either Julie, Gala or Rosa. The only thing they haven't been is a domestic worker/maid. Hopefully that is at least one of their fates.

When push comes to shove i think Max will stand up for Jana. Rosa has so emasculated him that he gives in to her to stop her incessant yammering. On the other hand he does have a point about the lack of education between Jana and Lor. The class thing isn't such a big thing because the boy is a hard worker but over the long haul that education thing can be a real problem.

I loved the contrast in the scene when the TL's were all in Pato's room and the four of them are talking while sourpuss Rosa stands apart with her back turned. After she goes out it is all a relaxed loving family scene. She certainly poisons the air around her.

Little anvil hit Gagme when her bomb to Alexia turned out to be a dud and instead of creating a wedge created a stronger bond.

Claudio is so not buying what Julie is selling. She kept changes horses in midstream with her poor Gagme story even when he threw it back in her face that he knew what the 3B's had done.

Lord God Jana made a mistake leaving the text message where Rosa can and probably will find it. Shades of Max's gaffe when V sent her message. Apparently without big ears listening at the door people feel a little safer about leaving messages around to be found by La Loca.

Luci irked me again by not telling everyone that Rosa told her. Has the girl learned nothing that keeping silent is the wrong way to go. I could have shaken her. Now what the heck is wrong with both Claudio and Rod not figuring out that the only person who could have told her was Rosa. Jeeze guys use your brains and remember who the master manipulator is.

One can hope that at the end when the brujas have been exposed wwe will see them cleaning loilets in prison.

Who is the guy playing Gagme' bar stund I've seen him in something and it is driving me nuts.

Decie Girl- Did you ever see any episodes of Ni Contigo Ni Sin Ti? That's the only place I've seen the guy playing Gala gigolo.

No way are these three going to get off that easily. They all deserve prison for what they've done.

Perhaps they'll be scrubbing the floors on their hands and knees? I'd love to see that.

Oh, I forgot to mention in my post. Loved the Pedro Campos mention by Conny to Oscar. I think Oscar is going to go looking for Campos after getting this news. Will this be an anvil for Max? I wonder.

Marta- I don't know if you'll look at the Amores recap so I am leaving you a message here. Aribeth is unable to do her recap for Amores this Wednesday. Could you possibly do it. I don't have your email addy, or I would have emailed you. Please let me know, ok.

Wonderful Vivi. I am so with you about way too much of the three bruja's last night--could just feel your frustration through the recap.

I agree with everyone: line up those anvils please. Julie was just sickening with her blame game and CL looked like his dinner was going to come up listening to her. Plan down the tubes there woman.

As for GTM using her daughter as a pawn, that was beyond reprehensible, but lord love that little girl. She just showed her sorry excuse for a mother what a person with a heart really is like. Plan down the tubes for the bar-hopper.

As for RE - why do people just let her spew her venom and not say anything. Tip-toeing or just tsk-tsking her attitudes.So sick of that and you would think they would all learn by now what she's capable of, instead of just talking about it---do something to stop her! Thank the lord for Pato who at least tells her like it is. I'm so disappointed in Max. If he had half a brain, he would see the potential in Lor and help him out in business. Too much to hope for.

But RE's phone call to Luce was really stupid. She honestly thought this would drive a wedge with Rod and get rid of Luce--which of course does not account for the fact there is a child that will always bring them togther. It's horrid watching how much she enjoys just sticking it to people, including her own children.

I have a feeling our final weeks will be a lot of this type of bruja evil. Hopefully the anvils will give them their comeuppance when all is over. No redemption for any of them.

Oh, me too Mads. The Campos mention. Loved that it was Oscar who is the one who picked it up. Hope he DOESN'T tell Max and just checks things out himself.

Good thing the siblings are so supportive of each other. They are going to need it as the revelations about Max and Mumsy's descent continue. (But please, stop making Pato so excited and happy---that bodes so badly and makes me beat pillows up. My pillows are really looking bad....)

Vivi, I share your heartfelt comments that Rosa has gotten on my last nerve and that the evil Gala, Rosa and Julie need to be stopped - and quickly.

But, stepping out of the dark into the light - your recap was excellent. "mutual enablers' moment", "We leave one mother who would do anything for her child, and go back to a “mother” who would do anything to hurt her child" and "leaves Gala’s bloodlust thoroughly unquenched" were but a few of my favorite, insightful lines. Your embedded vocabulary was a treat.

Madelaine, Karen et al - I am also disappointed in Max. One minute he is lounging on the bed in a heartfelt conversation with Pato, the next, he's agreeing with the evil one that Jana and Lorenzo should be kept apart. I don't agree with Max and Rosa about the difference in education. Wit and humor do not require a formal education. Lightness of heart and spirit, a willingness to share and commiserate and voila! There is never a lack of things to discuss.

Quite a surprise about Aldo...I'm rooting for him and Vicky but I can't fathom how the storyline will twist to bring these 2 together.

Loving little Alexia. Can't wait for her to be united with her brother. I sense another Jana/Pato/Rod and Luci/Lorenzo a close set of supportive siblings.

Hoping for quick resolution of the poor Pablito situation so Mateo can finally come home.

Thanks again Vivi for all your care and wonderful details.


I think the guy playing Gala's new 'interest/catch' was an apprentice doctor in Cuidado con el Angel, he was beside Juan Miguel during Marichuy's medical mishaps toward the end...

and yes, i saw the Aribeth message and i will do wednesday's recap for AV.

Vivi, great recap!
I too am tired of RE getting away with her talking everyone into misery.
btw, i like the pie cart idea too!

here are some of my favs...

he’s about to slap the grin off her wide grill.

he takes Alexia to her bedroom and leaves Gala’s bloodlust thoroughly unquenched.

All Alexia wants is to see her brother—she’ll even lend him her teddy bear. (awww moment)

Max went and said the “H” word, which we all know Rosa can’t stand.
(I’m not even going to bother to retell the hypocritical crap Rosa said.)

Rosa has no choice but to STFU. (YES!!! Actually Rod was on a roll last night, he had the same effect/conclusion with Gala about her attempt to traumatize Alexia)

What happened to that little speech about just wanting Hannah to be happy, that he gave five minutes ago?)

(No hay noche tan larga que no alcanza el nuevo dia.) (I like that!! I have to use it!)

Max doesn’t know that some of the biggest and most lucrative restaurant chains started out just this way…. So true!

They toast to Osito and their mutual lofty, slightly larcenous, ambitions. These two were made for each other.


Daisynjay and Diana- I also agree that Lorenzo has plenty of potential to become a savvy businessman. He’s well on his way, and with a business course or two, I think he’ll be able to hold his own. Max should be thinking about how to help Lorenzo get to the next level and consider investing in him.

Although Hannah has a great education, she isn’t an intellectual. She’s not like Melissa, who lives and breathes human rights law and would definitely need a man who shared her passions and could talk about the same subjects. Lorenzo and Hannah are people who speak from the heart. They speak about their feelings, hopes and dreams. So although she may be speaking about a building she’s designing, and he may be speaking about expanding his taco biz in some new way, I think if they listen with their hearts, they will understand and support each other’s endeavors.


I completely agree, Vivi. If Max would spend 10 minutes with Lorenzo he'd see that this young man has the same potential he did at that age. He might even applaud his pride at not taking money even from Luciana.

He may even develop more refined tastes down the road.

Marta thank you :)

Max and Rosa are also ignoring the fact that Jana is serious about her career as an architect, and isn't dependent upon a man to "give her the luxuries". Rosa completely ignores that Jana has any career aspirations whatsoever since the doesn't fit with her world view. Max is just lazy thinking - even though he is totally encouraging his daughter's career aspirations, he forgets that also means freedom from financial dependence on a husband.

Thanks much Vivi! Lovely recap.

Good to see that Claudio was able to mollify his daughter's fury - she was out of town taking a break after all. (and she probably felt very guilty about that) And Claudio wouldn't let Julie make any headway in her attempts to make him sympathetic to Gala. The woman is delusional! She was bringing up the exact wrong things to say if she wanted to rise in Claudio's esteem, LOL!

Folks are probably as likely to think Gala told Luci as well as Rosalena.

Awesome recap!

One more time writers. Stop screwing around and get on with it.

And are we seriously to believe that Luci would first have been furious with Rod is dead to me before she would be overjoyed at the news that they had finally found little Rod? Writers, you just can't have her mopping around for years her whole life turned upside down over her missing son and then she gets mad and goes into a melt down over not being told. The five year jump to extend this TN was really hard for you, granted but come on you couldn't even throw us a one happy scene with Luci joyous at the thought of finding her missing son..instead one more poison dart for Rosa loca. Appears to me this TN will be wrapped in the last episode and that is just sad. Excuse the rant but we are running out of time and that doesn't bode well for the viewers to get the satisfaction of the bad guys finally getting theirs..and that is my problem with this TN: There is no rating system for TN's. If I had known this TN was 164 episodes of misery, I might have thought twice about investing my time.

Anon 10:11- Inhale. Exhale. :) Sabina the Het Het witch did warn us and Luci in the first episode that there would be MANY, MANY tears ahead for Luci, so it's not like we weren't all warned. LOL! In any case, this has been a good tn, well paced until these last few weeks. It was extended, so a bit of drag makes sense. But I also wish the writers wouldn't be so stingy about doling out the karma to the bad guys. I would really appreciate seeing some of the bad/evil ones taken out of commission right NOW.


I really want extended karma for those who have it coming and i sense we might see some of it this week. However in typical TN fashion they usually just get one big dose of pain which sucks since they always cause so many variation of grief.

Technically both Gagme and the CQ got a small dose last night but Rosa still continues to skate unless you call Pato's anger with her a small dose of what she has coming.

Lorenzo is very proud, he wouldn't take money or help from Luci so who knows if he would be receptive to Max or for that matter Claudio offering to help him with a business education. I think he is going to have to come to that conclusion himself and go for it. He still doesn't even have a high school diploma although he had promised Paz and Luci he would continue with his schooling. I'll be curious to see how that goes but being a TN they may just skip over it, give them HEA and we'll never know.


I did see most of Ni Contigo,Sin Contigo so that was where I saw Gagme's stud. it always drives me nuts not to be able to place someone. Brandon Peniche was also in that one playing a not so nice guy coincidentlly named Diego Torreslanda. His sister also had a bit part in it.


Hey there VIVI...What a great recap, from the title and the booming refrain of BITCH! to a string of lovely zingers like "shares a mutual enabler's moment with Mati" (that was a gem) to "slaps the grin off her wide grill" (perfect!).

I'm with everyone else in wondering how much longer we have to endure the cruelties of the Three B's before some retribution arrives. This has been a verrrry long slog of Evil Triumphing.

And I still cringe at the thought of sweet Luci being separated from that darling child for 5 years.

The first five years of my children's lives are my sweetest, most tender memories. And that can never be given back to Luci. Or Mateo.


Luci's behavior has been consistent in this TN: when she gets upset, she has a panic-like "meltdown". Very much like Paz's anxiety attacks earlier in this TN. I guess the writers will not let her calm down until the LAST episode!
I cannot imagine what the writers have planned for Pato. I hope he is able to walk and find a partner by the end of this melodrama. He certainly deserves a happy ending.
As for the three witches, death or jail would be just fine for them.

Decie girl,
i would like to think that just like Lorenzo vowed to make something out of himself and his business while Janah was out in Italy getting her college educ, he would also take the time to finish at least through high school... but then again nowadays if you have your own business, you don't technically need any diploma, so i too would not be surprised the subject is never touched for the rest of the tn... everyone is already well aware of what really matters for these two youngsters, and it is not precisely the requirements list RE has in mind.

Anonymous, yes you are right about Luci's tantrums... i remember when Rod was heading off to Canada (?), Luci almost had another meltdown in front of him and he swore to her he would never stop looking for the baby.

Marta- You brought up such a good point about Lorenzo. I bet la loca thinks he only has that taco stand on the corner, when he's got them all over the D.F., plus he is either renting or bought that building where the ladies now make all the sauces and the filling and probably the tacos. So he must be making some money in order to afford the money for supplies, the rent or mortgage on that building and he has a bigger apartment now too, that he shares with Fabian. I think that Lorenzo is doing really well for himself and will probably do much more. There are some billionaires back in the day, that never finished high school or ever went to college and still made masses of money.

Hey, Vivi, thanks so much another fine recap. Yep, I'm with everyone else in wondering what fate has in store for Roselena, Gala and Julie. So much so that I went to Wikipedia and refreshed my memory for Prometheus who was chained to a rock, liver re-grows each day and is subsequently pecked out by a vulture. That's gotta be bad for the vulture's cholestorol. The thought of the three chained to a boulder, out of sight of each other, is not without appeal. Perhaps the fate of Tantalus would be better for Julie with a magnum of champagne substituting for the grapes just out of reach. Ah, well, hubris earns its own rewards, most of 'em pretty damn ugly.

December 3rd's the Gran Final, right? And it looks like this Thursday's the Latin Grammy's, so we may have an accelerated plot over the next couple of weeks.


Mike- Yes the finale is December
3rd but we are close to the end anyway.

About the billonaires that never finished high school, the first is John R Simplot, came up with a way to freeze french fries, got a patent then sold the hold thing to Mc Donalds, he made a killing. He was a hog farmer that grew potatoes he fed to the hogs.

The second is a guy named Alan Jerry who started a cable company in 1956 called Cablevision. He eventually sold it to Time Warner. Made billons, only after he sold it did he go back to school finished high school, took some college but never finished, who knew?

ooops, I spelled Alan Jerry's last name wrong it should read Alan Gerry.

Wow do you know this stuff? I'm impressed.

And MIKE...all the classics lore! Equally impressed. I do like both scenarios for our three B's. Don't think the writers will go there, though.

Vivi--late to the party, but wouldn't miss one of your recaps unless I'm in intensive care.

Max is not who he thinks he is. He may be a big shot at work, making and closing deals, riding herd on his staff, running money laundering businesses out of the back door, but Roselena rules the roost at home and he becomes a wimp. He has a few moments when he steps up to the post and takes his lickings, but for the most part, he is ineffective.

I was also thinking, with most of you, why RE is so dead set against Lor--unless it's only because he's Luci's sister.

We know Max, at least, came from a very modest background himself (although they met in college). He needed Claudio's money to start the business they are in and had him as a partner--and what a way to get rid of him--charge him with fraud in order to have the business all for himself. At least that anvil fell early on and he has to play nice and share.

Max seems to have made amends with Claudio and gets along with him ok--after the disappearance of LilRoddy.

Roselena kept warning Jana, then Conny and Max that Jana's going to starve and go through tough times if she marries Lorenzo. What's wrong with making sure your only daughter doesn't starve or have to live in a cardboard box after she gets married. It's not like they have to provide everything for her. Jana has her career, for which I assume she'll be salaried and Lorenzo has a booming business. That reason doesn't hold water and is just plain snobbish perversion.

The only thing Max could come up with to keep them apart was their educational chasm. Lor has said several times he's no good at schoolwork, but for Jana he would go back and finish.

BTW, Vivi--you said it best that Jana's and Lor's speaking from the heart. The whole pp is brilliant, brilliant. All of us should go back and re-read it (at 8:37 am)
And, Audrey's follow-up on Jana's career not fitting into "Roselena's world view," is spot on, too.

See you all for the Jana/Lor meeting later tonight.


So glad you dropped in Anita amiga. Glad you liked the recap and comments. ITA with your whole comment too.

Yes, between Hannah's salary and Lorenzo's profits (we know he's making profits because he's been sending money to Paz AND saving towards his own place), they wouldn't starve or go homeless.

I think part of it is that Roselena doesn't like being reminded that once they were not who they pretend to be today.

Jana won't starve whether she marries or not. Of course, Roselena has issues with sex as well so she can't deal with the idea that other women enjoy it for its physical pleasure and its emotional bonding to the man. She isn't capable of either.

UA--I overlooked the sex angle. We see how effectively RE shut out Max from any intimacy, at least after Jana was born--and I wonder now if Jana was not a planned pregnancy, but a surprise she didn't really welcome.

There must be acceptable types of sex for her, too. She was willing to marry Jana off to Boris. I guess she thought they would only have sex (and not make love) once, each time they decided to have a child--or at least she didn't have to imagine it.

Lorenzo represents her idea of low-class, vulgar sex, like dogs in the street or "unfinished" men on outdoor restaurant tables, without any relationship to love, just lust. Throw in a muerto de hambre and a wealthy girl and RE's imagination starts to run away with itself.

Yeah, Rosa is totally grossed out by the idea of sex and desire, or as she likes to call it, LUST. I guess if all her children are in loveless marriages, she'll be more assured that they aren't enjoying sex with their spouse, or having it very often.

Two children down (Pato is included since she no longer considers him a real man), one to go.

I think it's simply that Rosa wants to choose her children's spouses. It's a control thing. She wants Jana to marry the guy she thinks is best (for Rosa).

You're right there. I'm sure she doesn't see anything wrong with Rod never having touched Gala since Alexia was conceived.

You got Rod & Pato. Poor Jana is next, unless she is lucky.

Then she has surrounding her:
1. FrBrigida--never married
2. Mati--never married
3. Genaro--no wife that we can see
4. There are the occasional gardners we see, but the one couple she had, she sent far away.
5. Conny and Oscar's relationship horrifies her. Probably the "married for life before God" is just an excuse to not have to think about their carnal relations.
6. Melissa--virginal, although she probably doesn't approve of her male-dominated career choice
7. Aldo--not married, no novia; she probably doesn't care what he does as long as she doesn't know about it.
8. Julie--hasn't managed to snag anyone yet
9. Gala--untouched for 5 years, 9 mos.
10. Max--poor Max, emasculated; if it weren't for Vicky, "it" would have shriveled up by now.
11. By Association--Fernanda, still playing the field
12. Ooops, Val--Married and pregnant. I guess she doesn't see her much.
13. Luci--never remarried or had a novio; but she's besmirched by the sex before church wedding and the resultant child.
14. Claudio--never remarried or had a novio; but he's besmirched by the happy relationship he had with Aurora.

Do I have it covered?

Audrey--Your answer is reasonable and simple. Why do we need to complicate things, huh?

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Rosaelena is soo evil.

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