Saturday, December 08, 2012

Amores Verdaderos #22 Fri 12/7/12 The Look Of Love Is In Your Eyes; I Wear My Sunglasses At Night

There is such a contrast between the bodyguards and Salsero, their "boss". While Guzmancito and the Angel wear their expressions openly, most of the time, Salsero has to wear his sunglasses even at night, to hide his expressions. The eyes are the window to the soul, so it is said, and he uses this device, especially when he is making, mis planes, or he doesn't want to be caught in a lie. He cannot mask his feelings with out them. Just an observation before I start this recap. Plus, they look way cool, no? He looks like a bad ass, jus' sayin'. Now on to the recap. I am doing this on the fly, so if I miss something, let me know. Title of this recap courtesy of Dusty Springfield and Corey Hart.

We start this epi, in the deep, dark woods, in the dead of night and there is a rescue operation in progress, where Ms Vikki has thrown head henchie, his name is Espanto (scarecrow, as Marta mentioned on yesterday's comment, thanks Marta)  the money bag, and the Angel has snuck behind Espanto and grabbed his slimy butt. Nikki has managed to get out of the car, by hitting Archie and the Angel is telling her to run like the wind, well not the wind, but to run. She runs straight to her Mama's arms. Now Archie, the other kidnapper is way pithed, aims his gun, and with a look of utter hatred on his face, aims and shoots the gun. I think he was aiming at Ms Vikki and Nikki, but it is very dark and hard to tell. Well Guzmancito sees this, yells no, and gets in the way of the shot. We have waited with bated breath in Viewerville, and now we have a bodyguard down, I say a bodyguard down! Espanto has grabbed the money and like Billy Joe and Bobby Sue, he took the money and run! Espanto starts the car and with Archie and a "screaming" Kendra in the backseat, they take off. The Angel, Ms Vikki and Nikki are trying to revive our downed bodyguard. He is not responding. They are begging him to respond. No movement at all. Well, the Angel, such a smart guy, opens our Guzmancito's jacket, and then finds a, wait for it, bullet proof vest of course! Guzmancito would never leave home with out one, jus' sayin'. Anyhoo, we in Viewerville can clearly see the bullet has struck the vest and lodged in it. The Angel thumps Guzmancito on the chest, and lo and behold we finally have a response. Ms Vikki is so happy, as is Nikki who was crying her eyes out, thinking he had died in the line of duty. He is a mite woozie from the force of the bullet, but the Angel pulls him up and gives him support, and he is fine. Ms Vikki and Nikki are so happy he is alive and they all go in the white SUV.

Speaking of that lyin' ho Kendra, she is now free of her restraints, and gleefully yukkin' it up with Espanto and Archie, thanking them for the great job they did. Kendra has that money in her hand and crowing about I'm rich, we're rich, crowing about the 2 million dollars. She has taken some of that money out and is fanning herself with it. Now it is time to meet up with Dances With Sunglasses, where the money split will occur and now Dances will see how good she is at bidness! She laughs. Well, Espanto and Archie are not laughing and she asks what's wrong? Well, he who laughs first, laughs last so to speak, and now Espanto has to tell her, change of plans, sister. Archie points the gun at her and Espanto has to tell her that that 2 million buckaroos are his and Archie's!!!! Well, Kendra wasn't expecting that, oh noes!!!! So they finally stop the car, and basically throw the lyin' ho out of the car and throw something at her, she tries to stop the car to no avail. She calls them every name in the book and calls them estupido. Well, who is the estupida one now?? Jus' sayin'.

Back at the Balvanera manse, Nelson is verklempt about why noone has called yet, he is way pithed off. The phone rings and it's Nelson's cell. It is Ms Vikki telling Nelson that Nikki is free! Salsero wants to know about the dinero? Nelson doesn't care bout that, just about his lovely daughter. Nelson wants to talk to Nikki, so Ms Vikki hands the phone over. She tells her Papi that she loves him very much and mentions that Kendra was not set free with her. She wants her Papi to help Kendra. Nelson tells her that money was supposed to be for the both of them, for their release, que the hell happened? Now Dances With Sunglasses gets a call on his cell, and I'll give you a couple guesses who it is, and the first two don't count, it is Kendra of course. Well, Dances moves out of ear range of Nelson and answers his phone. Kendra tells Dances With Sunglasses that they were betrayed! He has to go to a corner of the room to talk to her. Meantime, Ms Vikki gets the phone back and doesn't understand what happened either. She tells Nelson that the Angel and Guzman did everything they could and thanks to them Nikki is safe and what about Kendra? You'll see in a minute.

Bea and Guillo are at a friend of Guillo's birthday party and the place looks like a Chuckee Cheese, jus' sayin'. The children are singing Las Mananitas and the little boy is about to blow out his candle. Guillo pulls Bea aside and asks if he can make a wish too, even though, it's not his birthday or his candle to blow out. Bea tells him why not. He wishes for his Mommy and Daddy to get back together. So sad. Guillo goes off to play with his friends and Bea is thoroughly enjoying herself with the birthday boy's Mama. That is until ole Leo the horrible shows up. Bea is really upset and the boy's Mama tells Bea he starts something, anything callin' the cops. Well at first ole Leo doesn't see Bea, but he sees his son, and hugs him and wrestles with him and then he sees Bea. He smirks at her and her friend says he's a manipulator, and Bea is verklempt. Leo plays with Guillo for awhile, and now it's time to go. Guillo doesn't really wanna go, but can Papi come with, please pretty please with a cherry on top please????, er no , not so much. Leo helps put Guillo's shoes on, and tells him that soon the will be a happy family again, oh the horror! Bea doesn't say anything and while Guillo is looking, Leo smiles, poor Guillo is overjoyed, but as soon as Guillo looks down, Leo gives Bea the death ray!

So now Dances With Sunglasses has made it out of the family earshot, and gets the lowdown from Kendra. Kendra tells him the bastardos, her words not mine, stole the money and took off, thank you very much. She wants him to find them and get "their" money back, understand!!!! She is walking on the side of the road, clutching her clutch purse and he tells her sure, don't worry bout it. Well, Nelson has crept closer to earshot and with his sunglasses, tipped on his nose, informs Nelson he was talkin' to his Moms! Nelson informs Dances with Sunglasses that those kidnappers still have Kendra and that Dances with Sunglasses needs to contact his "contacts" in the police to find out what he can, cause Nelson just won't rest, doncha know, until Kendra Ferretti is found already. Dances with Sunglasses contacts his "contact".

Nikki has made it home now, and everyone is there to greet her. Her Papi, Dances with Sunglasses and the staff of Tomasina, Polita and the darling Jean Marie, and the staff has thanked the Virgencita for saving Nikki. Everyone welcomes Nikki home and she hugs her Papi, he loves her so much. Nikki actually thanks everyone for being there. She also thanks Frankie, I guess he's Frankie now instead of Guzmancito, for being a super hero, and getting her home safe and sound, she also thanks the Angel and he is all aw shucks! Everyone claps except of course, you know the one, with the sunglasses. After the hubub dies down, Salsero says he has heard from Kendra, she is free too and Nikki wants her Mama Vikki to call and see how she is, she is all alone. Nikki and Vikki are going to call Kendra and ask Nelson to come with them, of course he is, but he looks like he swallowed his tongue, jus' sayin'. Dances with Sunglasses goes and congratulates Frankie and also the Angel and they both look at Dances very suspiciously and Jean Marie in the background is laughing.

Nikki now has Kendra on the phone and they are commiserating with each other about the ordeal they just went through. They basically thank each other for being there for each other, and one thinks the other was really the stronger. Vikki is wanting the phone and Nikki tells Kendra she cares about her and to get some rest and next the phone goes to Ms Vikki thanks Kendra for taking "care" of her little girl and they did everything they could to find them, next the phone is handed to Nelson. Nelson talks to Kendra and says I, oh belay that, not really, but you get the drift, We were  so worried about you, but the good thing is you all made it back, safe and sound. She "pretended" to be strong on the phone with Nikki and Vikki, but she isn't strong, she's a "mess" and she needs him to be "with her" right now! Nelson is starting to look panicked! He tells her no worries, get some rest. Ms Vikki says it's understandable about Kendra, she's all alone, doncha know. Nikki is happy she has her super Papis. Nikki wants her parents to come tuck her up so to speak in her bed. She was very scared during the kidnap and it was all her fault. Amazing she actually took responsibility! She acted without thinking of the consequences and wants her parents to forgive her. Vikki and Nelson are just happy she's back. Now Nelson is telling his two most "important" women in his life he has gotta go to work at Meta Imagen!!!! But it's so late they say. He says it's about that commercial and it can't wait. Nelson is dead to me, by the way, what a jerk! Nikki finally says its ok, no worries. He starts to go then puts his slimy arms around Ms Vikki and Nikki says he loves them very much,yeah right, and Nikki tells him as do they, and he finally goes. Nikki so loves her parents and they love her back!

Tomasina, Angel, Polita and Guzman are in the kitchen with Jean Marie, who has made them some luscious looking gourment sandwiches for the super heroes. They are giving the staff the hilites of the evening and they start to eat, and the Angel asks if Dances won't join them. Dances can't,  going with his boss to work, and Angel just has a feeling he knows where Nelson is really going, you can tell on his face and Dances says he'll be back laterz. Angel is so psyched to be seeing his wifey pooh and his little girl and their welcome kisses, he's missed them so. Frankie tells him to go now if he wants, but Angel wants to get Ms Vikki's permission first, doncha know.

Nikki and her Mama Vikki are in Nikki's bedroom and Nikki is asking her Mama if she loves her Papi. Of course she does. I think Nikki is asking her Mama bout Nelson when they were young. Vikki doesn't want to tell that, but Nikki tells her mama is the bestest friend in all the world, awww. I don't know for sure if I got this right, but Ms Vikki had another beau before Nelson that was poor and her Papa Anibal made her break up with him. Then she met Nelson and they became novios. There was also a question about Grandmama Pilar (Anibal's wife, the one that died) and Vikki cuts the questions off and it's time for bed for Nikki.

Now it's on to Paula the amante of Anibal. She is sitting in the bedroom getting ready for bed, and thinking this relationship with Anibal hasn't progressed very far in these twenty years. Anibal is looking for that phone number he wrote on the paper he gave Chrissie. He asks Paula if she's seen the number. She says it may be in the book, or he could have written it on the paper, which jogs his memory and he has a flashback of giving Chrissie the paper, you know the one, with the article about the Russian scientist that has discovered the infidelity gene! Now he remembers where the paper is and says Chrissie has it, Ruh Roh. Paula is so not happy to hear this, she has to do something about Chrissie before Anibal finds out she is his daughter!

Now we see Ms Vikki sitting in her hothouse with her plants, tissue in hand, thanking Dios for the safe return of her daughter. Tomasina has brought in a tray of some drops with a glass of water, these drops are for her nerves, so she can relax, after this long ordeal. These drops remind me of the Flors de Bach they used on UFCS. The two women hug and Tomasina tells Vikki to get some rest. Vikki puts about eight drops in her water and sips it.

Meantime, where is Ms Vikki's ever luving, not, husband??? Well he is with Kendra, the lyin' ho, of course, and what a performance she is giving ole Nelson. She is a puddle of tears, doncha know. He tells Kendra he was with Nikki and Vikki , comforting them, as if, and she thought about them too. Smoochies commence, oh my eyes!!!!

Meantime, Ms Vikki has fallen asleep at her table in the hothouse. The Angel comes in looking for Ms Vikki. He tries to wake her up by calling her name. He doesn't know what to do, so he gently touches her back, but she continues to sleep. He gently sits her up and she leans her head on his shoulder. He is gently touching her face and he smiles, as she does in her sleep. Sigh! He has picked her up to carry her upstairs and the love theme plays.

Lili is at home doing dishes and Chrissie is having a hard time selling her tamales. I don't know if there are no buyers or she needs a permit, but now what can she do to earn some extra money so she can pay off Vikki, she wants to know. She wants to go back home already. She thinks it was a bad hour when their paths crossed Ms Vikki's. Jealous much, Chrissie?

Now Angel has made it to Ms Vikki's bedroom, he is still carrying her and he gently lays her on the bed. He strokes her hair, very softly, and puts his cheek on hers, and oy vey, I can't look away. He kisses her cheek and gives her butterfly kisses basically all over her face, oh my and there is another butterfly kiss, very close to her lips. He realizes what he is doing, and comes back to himself and stops. He is about to go, but decides to take her shoes off, and then finds her feet are cold and he's lookin' around and sees a blanky on her bedside table, he picks it up to cover her with, but a music box has become entangled in the blanky and drops to the floor with a loud thump. This wakes Ms Vikki up and she wants to know what is goin' on round here. The Angel is looking much like a little boy with his hand caught in the cookie jar, so to speak!

Meanwhile, at the slut fest, we have Kendra macking on Nelson and telling him lets' get in the bed, him , meh, not so much, she's been through a trauma, doncha know! She is so like, please don't leave me, she's very nervous doncha know and having sex, er having him there will cure all her ills. Well she manages to continue the macking, getting Nelson's tie off and oh, my eyes!!!! They are on to do the deed!

Ah, now back to the Angel and Ms Vikki she wants to know what he is doing in her room, good question. Well he explains how he found her asleep, carried her upstairs, put her on the bed, and now he does a white lie, cause he "forgets" to mention the sweet butterfly kisses he was giving her while she was asleep. He put her on the bed, took her shoes off, found them cold and then was going to cover her, when the music box fell and woke her up. She says she fell asleep after taking those drops they had an effect on her. The Angel thought she was upset with him, on the contrary she says, oy vey if she only knew, and calls him a true gentleman. I think she said something about Nelson not doing this for her in years, or something to that effect. And now the Angel and Ms Vikki are gazing at each other with that look of love in their eyes. Angel brings up his request to go home to see his girlz. Now she stands up and they are very, very close to each other, in fact so close she has her hand on his shoulder and their faces are within kissing distance. Will they give in to their mutual urge, can they, would they???? He is leaning closer, and looks like it's about to happen, but they both come to themselves and they shake hands. So, no, no cheating going on, in their hearts yes, in body, meh, not so much. He thanks her for giving him the time off. He is going and then turns and then half curtsies, lol. He then leaves, sigh. Ms Vikki is sure sighing and crossing her arms again, imagining his recent closeness, his touch and the almost, but not quite there yet, kiss, sigh.

So now we have our little contretemps with Dances with Sunglasses. He has located Espanto, at last, who is sacked out, drunk as a skunk and snoring. The empty bottle of Jack or Wild Turkey, Southern Comfort, whatevs by his head. When in comes Dances with Sunglasses and points a gun right at Espanto's head, and he's awake all of a sudden. Dances disarms him and then proceeds to beat the tar outta Espanto, who is mewling like, what was that for. Well, in a nutshell, Dances is there for the dinero, which Espanto points out. I don't know if it is all there, I think maybe Espanto and Archie may have split some of the money and Espanto was afraid if Dances got the money he would kill him. He tells Espanto, I think, he'll die like a dog, cause at least dogs don't bite the hand that feeds them? If you know please comment. He now punches Espanto, calls him a traitor and goes with the dinero.

Jean Marie, in a fetching peach beret, is in the kitchen and catches Polita doing some late night snacking. She couldn't sleep that's why she's eating and Tomasina comes in too. Polita tells them that Nelson went to the office, he's working, always working and Tomasina doesn't look like she is buying it.

Now this scene is out of order but I am starting with this first. Since the Angel has left the building, Ms Vikki is in her private hideaway, doing some more painting on the Angel on her canvas. She is adding some silver little wavy things into his hair, and it almost looks like wings.

Now on to the Angel and Chrissie. She is up and looking at something when the Angel comes in. She thinks at first it is Bea, but then sees the Angel and his is, you know a little, can I say horney? I hope noone is offended. Anyways, he greets her, by running his eyes up and down her, says he missed her like crazy, and when can they, er, now, er, you know. Well she is a little reluctant at first, you know Lili is in her room, maybe awake, Bea and Guillo are still out and could come in at any minute, well, he doesn't want excuses, he wants some action, so she actually puts the couch between them at one point, but he skirts around that and finally they are kissing, and clutching and well you know, walking into the bedroom. They get there and dispense with the clothes and my what a chest the Angel has. They get into the bed and get en flagrante and that is where we end this epi.


Chrissie is displaying her jealousy about the Angel by yelling at Ms. Vikki on the phone and the Angel is pithed!


Hi Y'all I am working on the recap and here is a place for you to discuss until it is ready!

Madelaine, love your title, especially "I wear my sunglasses at night"!

Can't wait for your recap.


Ok, y'all the recap is up, please enjoy. If I missed something, please let me know.

Thanks for the great recap Madeline. Love your snark and your title.

Actually in the conversation between Nikki and Vicki in Nikki's bedroom, when N asks V about Grandpa and his former, Pilar, Vicki tells Nikki that she would prefer if Nikki asks Abuelo that question directly. That should be very interesting.

Looks like Nikki might be in the process of becoming an empathic human being.

I love how the writers have now twice shown us that when Vicki and Angel are having "their moment," Nelson is off boinking Kendra-Ho.

The writers are really priming us for a romance that keeps getting hotter by the minute. I have to wonder how Vicki will free herself from Narcissistic Nelson. I think if she keeps working on that painting and listening to Malu singing "Ahora Tu," she will have no problem. Love the part in Malu's song where she says that you know it's true love (Amor Verdadero) when it feels like teeth in your soul. I'm thinking Vicki is feeling those teeth, and they are biting hard.

Madelaine - terrific. What a treat to get to read two of your recaps today.

Loved when they gave Kendra the heave-ho out of the car. Ha, ha, ha.

Nelson looked joyful that Nikki was safe. I thought maybe he realized what a fool he'd been as do-nothing father, but nope he sneaks off to Kendra.

The steam was coming out my ears during the Angel-Cristina scene. Muy sexy. Now, was Angel trying to get Vickie out of his head or was he trying to keep her in? I guess we'll find out next week.

I like that Crissie knows Angel well enough to know that there's something up between him and Vickie. Both she and Tomasina get the vibes. I'd much rather Crissie go ballistic as she does (I would too!), than become a sob queen. It's only natural that Angel would lie that there's nothing there, but I do hate it.

Hi everyone, I Haven't posted here much because I promised I wouldn't comment if all I have to say is negative, which has been the case, but I have been reading the recaps and mostly ffing through the show because it's not that complicated to follow in ff mode. (ok, that was a bit negative and I apologize)

Thank you for the recaps though, sometimes I miss something when I ff through the scenes, and it's nice to read what I missed.

I thought that it wouldn't hurt Nikki to use waterproof mascara, it's not that much more expensive than regular. And I liked how she punched the bad guy to get away. He must be a wimp, because no punch from her could really hurt.

I didn't watch ahead, but I wouldn't be surprised if Angel said Vikki's name while doing it with Christina. That's probably why she was so mad at her and him.


One more thing. What Ariaga did with Vikki, caressing her face with his lips, is a betrayal to his wife. Christina hasn't given Ariaga any reason to stray. She's been a good wife and mother. So therefore, I can't feel compassion for him in being tempted by Vikki. Christina has every reason and right to be mad and jealous of him. I would be just as upset as she is if my husband is doing what he is doing.

Madelaine, I love your opening paragraph! And the title - I recently bought the Will Downing version of that song from iTunes - very nice!

Cloud forest - that's what we are seeing in the opening credits sequence: the green hardwoods and mist, the large trunks covered in moss, epiphytes and lichens, the thick green vegetation - truly a beautiful environment. I once visited a cloud forest in northern Mexico and it was so magical and beautiful. From what I searched there are cloud forests near Cuernavaca which is where I think the hacienda is. Cloud forests occur along mountain slopes at lower altitudes where the weather is just right to cover the area in clouds most of the time, and much of the precip comes from the mist. The clouds deaden sound somewhat, especially from a distance thus kind of creating a cocoon effect, yet you still hear a lot of birdsong carrying through it.

Just in case anyone wonders about what they are seeing....

I think it was awful of Angel to rid himself of the hots he has for Vicki on of all persons, his wife.



Madelaine - Thank you for the recap! Great title, too.
I got the same impression about Viki having the prior novio that was poor, etc., just as you described.

I was rather appalled at JA giving butterfly kisses to Viki and that entire scene. I kept wanting to yell "inappropriate!" at my TV screen. I was definitely yelling inside my head. This is a rather weird telenovela.

cathyx - Nikki's mascara bothered me, too. After all, she apparently used waterproof in all those swimming pool scenes.


Hi Madelaine, love your accent.Is that from Minn/Wisconsin? anyway love the snarks too. I'm so lonely without the Refugio, don't like the Crown of Tears too much but I enjoy the Amores because of our usual company of bloggers.
Now about this Amores, I too am too grossed out about the Rheumy eyed Nelson and Kendra. Why, I think that Augusto of Abismo has more sex appeal than him. I am confused about the opening credits pictures of Angel and Vickie. They both are married!!! what to do!!!!! I like the chemistry between Gorilla and Nikki and I find Lili too young and immature for Gorilla anyway. Thanks again Mads.

Don't psychologists recommend fantasy when marriages become mundane?? Have sex with your spouse but imagine it is someone else??

Nah, doesn't work.

Actually, I think Angel is probably being portrayed as too dense to realize what his body is feeling yet.


Thank you for the person who explained the white streaks in the painting on Angel's hair. (My son and I could not figure that out at all. Angel wings??)

I am not sure the head kidnapper lived through that last gun butt to the head shot. May be the first death on this telenovela.

Stockholm Syndrome - that's the term I was searching for. Hope the younger kidnapper was smart enough not to take his money to his KNOWN hideout like the older kidnapper did.

I was also wondering about Angel hitting Gusman on the chest right where the bullet hit! But maybe it helped wake him up...I've seen pictures of people who were shot with a bullet proof vest on and their bruises lasted for weeks!

Thanks for all the help with these recaps...very useful for us.

Peace to all, Tiempe.

Madelaine, thanks for this wonderful recap. I really enjoy your style, doncha know? I cracked up at the fact that, like me, you counted the drops of her Sleepytime potion... yep, I counted eight as well.

I find myself nodding in agreement with doris over the butterfly kisses... inappropriate? Yes, and I agree with cathyx... betrayal? Sure... and I'd even go so far as to add creeeepy...OK? I halfway expected him to kiss her toes when he pulled off her shoes.

Vida2, thanks for the shoutout to Augusto. We had a place for you at his table on the patio.

Madelaine, you had that just about right, Salsero said:

"You deserve to die like a dog... Of course (claro)... like a dog... no. Dogs don't bite the hand that feeds them."



Agree with Carlos, and even said "creepy" to the tv when Big Angel was giving Ms. Vicki those little kisses. He realized kissing her lips would have crossed the line though he was tempted to. And in a way he betrayed Chrissie because he was all worked up by Ms. Vicki when he rushed over to the apartment. Bad Big Angel. And Poor Chrissie...I wonder if Kendra will off poor Chrissie though Kendra has been screwing up all her crimes.

Have to get some of those sleepy time drops though remember not to use eight drops. Maybe it was Rescue Remedy.


Mads- Thank you for your second wonderful recap of the weekend. This was another fun episode. ITA with all of you about the inappropriateness of JA's butterfly kisses and caresses of a sleeping Vicki. In fact, it made me want to bring back our Mr. Inappropriateness Award that we started with CME. Here are my nominees for this episode:

- JA for molesting a sleeping Vicky.
- Nelson for leaving his just rescued daughter and wife who had been through the wringer to rescue their daughter, to go boink his skanky mistress.
- Salsero for first asking about the money, instead of Nicki or Kendra's well-being.

Who's the winner?

For the first time, Salsero earned the right to wear those bada** sunglasses by beating the crap out of Henchie #1. Up till now, he's seemed like a really wimpy villain. We know he's incompetent, but incompetent AND wimpy would just be too much.

Back to JA, Vicky, and Cris. Not being married, I am no expert. I do remember reading and seeing reports on how it's a good thing for couples to use fantasy, even about other people, to inject passion into their love life with each other. The problem is that Vicky is no mere fantasy, like a far off movie star. She and JA live under the same roof and spend all day with each other. They are very close to starting an emotional affair, even if they don't cross the line to a physical one.

I don't doubt JA loves his wife and is attracted to her. I think he was turned on by his experience with sleeping Vicky, but even more turned on by his wife in that negligee. He is attracted to both women. Someone pointed out that aside from their coloring, the two women actually look a lot alike. They both have soft rounded features and bodies. This seems to be JA's type.

But with Vicky, he is having exciting new experiences. No matter what he says about the bodyguard job, he's really enjoying it. He's also enjoying learning about the MetaImagen biz and helping Vicky. If Cris keeps reacting with a closed/upset/jealous attitude each time he tells her about one of his adventures (that always involve Vicky), he will stop sharing his new life with her and they will begin to have less and less in common. She will be facilitating the emotional affair between him and Vicky. I understand her jealousy because it is founded on truth, but her attitude will contribute to the problem.


Vivi in DC - As for JA being attracted to both women, coloring, body type, etc., I have to keep reminding myself that they ARE half-sisters.

I think Henchie #1 is dead. There was something about the way he fell to the floor...

An "emotional affair" is what this may be, and it recalls the memory of a former U.S. president admitting to adultery by way of 'lusting in his heart,' back in the, what, 1970s? IIRC. Maybe I dreamed that.

I too think the butterfly kisses were inappropriate. However, back at the beginning Cristina was always "in your face" complaining to JA and even Lili would try to get her to tone it down. Abuse doesn't have to be physical, like Leo and Bea. Granted she takes good physical care of her family, but on an emotional level perhaps, not so much, until recently while she is living in "nice" digs.

I may be mistaken, but didn't Cristina say something about everyone "dieting" in the building?

I thought Nikki kicked the kidnapper in a very delicate place, leaving him somewhat impaired.

I do so enjoy the recappers! I laugh out loud and look forward to each posting!

Thank you so much!

Teresita- Yeah, everyone in that building is too high class to eat high calorie/down-home food like tamales. That's why Cris thinks her tamale biz has no future. What she needs to do is take her tamales to a street corner.

Thank you, Madelaine,
Once again, a tremendously detailed recap with verve and humor. This requires an enormous amount of time and dedication. Bravo ! and Mil Gracias!

It seems to me that JA views Ms Vicky in a rather ethereal light; he places her more in the realm of a goddess, an unattainable being whom he adores from far below her level. Perhaps he is not connecting the dots with his sensual maneuvers. She too is portraying him as an Angel. Yes, they do indeed have their fantasies.

And the nightgown on Chrissie
further intensified JA's desires
from whatever origin. Was that Vicky's very own nightgown?
I wasn't sure. She said that she had worn it before, but he did not remember it. They lost everything in the fire, and they don't have much money, so why would she buy such a fancy gown
when she's not selling enough tamales? I thought she may have come across Vicky's gown and worn it but didn't want to advise JA of same.

Love all the comments.
Thanks again, Madelaine

Vivi, as Juan Ángel gently molested the snoozing Vikki I also was reminded of our Mr. inappropriate awards during the CME days. Remember how disturbed we all were when Augie took similar liberties with a gorked out Renata?

Certainly, if we included the ladies, Nikki, Vikki, Kendra, and Cristina might all receive nominations on most any given evening.


Good Morning Y'all and thanks for the great comments.

Anon 4:21- Thanks for what I missed between Vikki and Nikki about Grandmama Pilar. I don't know about Nikki yet, we'll have to wait and see, Ok? Good point about the writers and those two scenes. I am writing down the name of the song so I don't forget. I really like it.

Niece in MD- I too liked the heave ho Kendra got out of the car, lol. Nelson, it seems, only wants what Nelson wants and he doesn't give a rat's patoot about anything else, although I don't think he wanted any harm to come to Nikki or Vikki, cause I really think Anibal would kick him to the curb.

Cathyx- negative or positive comments doesn't matter, I like your input. Yeah Nikki and the mascara, too true. I think maybe the make-up department at UNI wanted to make her look more sympathetic with the running under the eyes.

Audrey- thank you for the setting, the cloud forest. I would love to see one of those one of these days. It is almost etherial looking. I've gone hiking in the States and in Europe and have never seen anything like that.

I will address what I think it is about the Angel and Ms Vikki seperately as there were so many comments about it.

Doris- thanks about the novio before Nelson. I thought that was what I heard but wasn't sure.

Vida2- thanks for joining us here, I too miss Refugio :(. For some reason I can't stand Nelson and Kendra together, speaking of sleeping with the enemy. Nelson isn't even remotely sexy, but I think your comparison was great, about Agusto lol. I too like the chemistry between Frankie and Nikki. I don't think Lili is immature really, I think Nikki is more immature, but Lili is naive. I don't think she has ever had a boyfriend, and as Aribeth says, I think she is sort of like a Disney character, all birds, sweetness and light and not much worldly experience.

Tiempe Herald- I had heard that before about fantasy. Interesting. About the angel wings, that was me. To me it looked like she was painting small wings in his hair in the form of highlights. The character of Angel is really a good guy, but undecisive I think. I think he is a mite naive as far as women go.

Carlos- thank you for the dog convo. I thought it was what I heard, but that word claro, I am forever thinking of that word as clearly. It throws me off sometimes and I think that is why I didn't get the whole thing. I was laughing so hard about the kissing of the toes, he was kinda massaging her feet, si?


Oh Vida2- about the doncha know. I think it is from Minnesota. My daughter, when she was young, used to watch Bobby's World, the cartoon, and Bobby's mother would say it all the time. It struck my fancy and I've been using it ever since. The Y'all is from Texas and yes, I do use that in everyday conversation.

GinCa-I don't know about the Angel being worked up over Vikki as far as Chrisse went. So far he hasn't strayed physically, as in done the deed, with Vikki, yet. When or if he does that, I'll rethink what I think of him. I think he really did miss Chrissie and that's why he was so hot and bothered.

Vivi- I so agree with you about JA and his wife. He is attracted to her as she is to him. She and Lili kinda had this discussion about how in love they are and a hint of the physical between JA and Chrissie. And I agree that he is becoming attracted to Vikki. The sad part is Vikki and Adriana are sisters and now we know that Chrissie is their half-sister.

Doris- Yes President Jimmy Carter said that in the 1970's about the emotional affair.

Oh, and Vivi- I like your inappropriatness awards too :). I didn't watch CME though.

Teresita- I think Chrissie is very jealous. She doesn't like the fact that JA works for Ms Vikki, who she sees as a rival, and she doesnt' like the fact that Lili likes Ms Vikki too. She thought Ms Vikki was trying to "buy" Lili's affection in a previous epi, but Lili put the kibosh on that by telling her Ms Vikki was just nice.

Floridia- Yes, that was Ms Vikki's own nightgown. They did lose everything in that fire, and I too agree she didn't want JA to know where that gown came from. She hates taking anything from Ms Vikki

Madelaine, what a fantastic recap again!

Oookay, here's what I think about That Scene:

1. First of all, I have issues with the director, Salvador Garcini. I can't say he's a horrible director because he made many good scenes in many telenovelas, but he's way too much into melodrama and exaggerated emotions. While directors like Mónica Miguel or Benjamín Cann can make look even the weakest actors good, Garcini often turns his actors into clowns.

I can easily imagine the scene was much more innocent in the script but in the making it turned into this face-licking thing.

2. I think the whole point of the attraction between Vic and Angel is that it's absolutely, completely, totally, utterly subconscious. Victoria loves her husband and José Ángel adores his wife but there's this strong connection between them. They are like innocent kids who don't realize what's going on. (Of course innocence isn't an excuse to everything, I mean, innocent people can deeply harm others, too. In this case: José Ángel doesn't realize his attraction but his actions can hurt Christina - who actually totally gets the vibes between her husband and Victoria.)

And because it's a subconscious thing so far, I think the butterfly kisses scenes was over the top and out of character.

3. And yeah, this show is about a middle-aged married woman and a middle-aged married man who fall in love with each other. The woman has a scumbag husband but the man's wife is a quite cool, nice and feisty character (aside from the jealousy and the occassional whining). She's likeable and it makes this morally ambiguous story even more complicated and interesting.

So this situation will never be as clear as the driven snow.

Naturally I except Angel to fight this attraction towards Victoria until the writers find out what to do with Christina.

Now to what I think is going on with Ms Vikki and the Angel. I'll start with Ms Vikki first. Here is a woman that has everything in the world, loving Papa, loving daughter, and no love from her husband. She is a lonely woman with out the support or love of her husband.

Angel is really a country bumpkin, without much experience with women. He is committed to his marriage, even pointing out to Salsero, that he doesn't like Nelson cheating on Vikki. He loves his family I truley think.

But now to the two of them. They are having some problems. Vikki with Nelson, who never shows her affection, unless Kendra is around, and Angel with his jealous wife.

Vikki I think, doesn't much go for infidelity,cause she hates what Anibal is doing with Paula. Angel doesn't like it either cause he sees what Nelson has done.

I agree there is an attraction between Angel and Vikki. There has been ever since he saved her from those kidnappers in the beginning. They have drawn the line so far. I agree it was inappropriate for Angel to do those butterfly kisses while Ms Vikki was asleep, but I think he wants her to know, on some deep down level, there is someone that cares for her as a woman. He sees she really isn't getting that. What he doesn't get is that this is simply not done this way. And at least he does have guilt about what he has done. Ms Vikki is trying to fight the attraction, but is having a hard time. He is trying to fight it too. They both have the same view of marriage, till death do us part, but this attraction is throwing out the window some of their beliefs. They are both lonely on an emotional level. Does this make sense? I really think that both will fight this attraction until something else happens, we will have to wait and see.

Aribeth- exactly what I was trying to say about the Angel and Ms Vikki. I totally agree with you.

Doris, I think poor Jimmy Carter was just referring to finding any woman other than his wife physically attractive - no way at the level of an emotional affair. He never lived down that unfortunate confession (which was basically TMI). I mean, who doesn't get pleasure from admiring a fine looking man or woman? - not TN watchers, no way! No lusting in their pure hearts amongst my fellow Caray, Caray watchers (not!). LOL!

Audrey LOL

Carlos agree with your nominations.

Marta wrote this on Friday:
" sorry but i have to admit, i heard in despierta america this morning that EY won that award, but have no clue at all what that is for... don't tell me he is nice to the press, i dont think so per the news clips i have seen of his interaction with the"

He definitely hates gossip rags and 80% of the press. I think most actors find them irritating but they learned how to play the game and how to use the media in their own favor. EY's problem is that he has a short patience and a difficult character, so he can be quite unfriendly to the press when he isn't in the right mood. But I've seen dozens and dozens of interviews (including short videos on the street and long deep interviews) in which he was very nice to the reporters and journalists.


Most of what I know about EY comes from the video link you posted when we were watching LVO. It was an in depth 2-part interview in which I found him very candid and delightful.
Based on that and the little I know about Erika B, I think they would make a good couple in real life.

They both seem to be needy with regard to personal relationships, but need a mature person for a partner.

Forgot to mention, I wanted to scream at JA and Chrissie,

Madelaine, what a nice and funny job you did on this recap. Thank you very much.

I would like to propose a thought experiment to gauge the relative creepiness of someone putting the moves on another unconscious person: What would happen if the situation was exactly reversed?

I could see Vicki doing something similar to what Angel did; in no way could I see Renata doing what Augie did in CME.


Why in the world did vikki decide to paint JA? Was it ever brought out? Or did she think he was an interesting individual to paint? Maybe subconsciously she had an immediate attraction to him that she was unaware of?

I'm assuming JA knows nothing of this painting nor anyone else...maybe Tomasina. She is always in that room.



She decided to paint him after she'd taken a peek of him in the shower in episode 4.

Strike a pose!

That decision was also quite inappropriate, strange and a little bit stalkery. I say it's a match made in heaven. :)

I just checked my cable schedule and this coming Friday, the 14th of December there will be no Amores Verdaderos shown. It is two hours of Corona de Lagrimas from 7:00 to 9:00 pm and then Amor Bravio from 9:00 to 10:00pm. There is a telethon, similar to the Jerry Lewis telethon after that into Saturday. Thought I would let y'all know.

"...JA views Miss Vicky in a rather ethereal light."

Florida - ITA with your statement. JA has her own a pedestal as this perfect princess. Those butterfly kisses were soooo wrong, but I didn't feel a sexual yearning from him in that scene. My feeling was that if he could've he would've lain on the bed and just held her.

To give JA some credit. His plan was to tell Vicky he'd like to go home that night, and it wasn't even his Sunday off. I think he was genuinely, sincerely turned on by his wife when he saw her. Yes, the nightgown was among the clothes Vicky gave them after the fire, and Cristina had worn it the day he was busy going to work. But I remember thinking at the time that Vicky must've purchased it for her as it was too small for Vicky herself.

I also think that though JA was indeed turned on by his wife (they've been through a lot and this probably was the first time they hit it since the fire), his head was in a weird place and he need to just let it rip, multiple might have been in the mix too - not unusual.

Vicky and Nelson need to get a divorce - punto. He doesn't love her or she him, or she'd be more demanding of him meeting her needs. Vicky settled for Nelson after giving in to her father's demand to give up the poor boy she loved.

JA and Cristina need a vacation, without Lili in tow. Agree with Vivi that JA needs to be free to talk about his work (except the parts where the boss lady is asking him for hugs and fainting so he'll have to blow in her mouth or carry her :D ), and Cristina needs to tell him about her desire to go into tamale catering. Plus, they haven't even talked about the ramifications of Beatriz and her son living with them.

Madelaine - Thanks for the tip about no AV Friday. Rats! I'm hooked on this show.

Thanks, Madelaine. That song keeps running through my brain whenever I see Mr.Foster Grant. That one and ''The future's so bright I gotta wear shades''...although Salsero never smiles and his future doesn't appear very bright. The lusty scene of Big Angel greeting Chris was muy hot. If I were Chris , I'd get my man out of that place pronto. Not everyone respects the bond of marriage. And when Vikki gets that dreamy look in her eye as she gazes at the Big Guy , I'd announce ''Hey...standing right here...back off, Sistah.'' Been there...done that. I can relate to Chris.

Madelaine - thanks for the warning about Friday. CdL is not my cup of tea. I actually tuned in one night, and within LESS than five minutes, the Reina de Lagrimas, V. Ruffo (bless her heart), was crying. Gah!

LOL Doris. My immediate reaction to 2 hours of Corona de Lagrimas in Friday - Waaaaaaaaaaaa!

Madelaine: Fantastic title and excellent recap. So enjoyed your musical references and your detailed filled, fun and vibrant recaps. "slut fest" and "little contretemps" were a few of my favorties.

There are times we see something and see only what we want to see. I was floored when you noted JA had given Ms Vikki butterfly kisses!! I would swear that I only saw nuzzling!! In all honesty, I did not at all realize he was kissing her. At all. I'm a little disappointed but think that he does love Chris and subconsciously, Vikki too.

The episode was excellent and Madelaine you have once again outdone yourself.

The comments were excellent so there's not much more I can add other than I love this show.


And now I cannot get the song "Butterfly Kisses" out of my head.

Now that I think of it, JA just seems to have a natural empathy for people. It's more so with Vikki as he is in the position of watching over her as his work and Vikki, being the artistic type - she is is naturally open and vulnerable. She was and is a favorite of Anibal and it comes naturally to her to just ask for what she needs. She is not demanding nor feels entitled (like Nikki) because she has always been secure with her place in the universe (attempted abductions aside). She too is very empathetic (like noticing that Cristina and Lili needed to have clothes, which she provided after the fire), and a place to live. She and JA are alike in that way. Perhaps Cristina takes after her papa in some unknown way. Anibal doesn't appear to be jealous but that remains to be seen... Cristina is very driven, like when Vikki came to visit at the ranchero to offer JA the job, and Cristina was making sure that Vikki paid him - and insisted that he take the job because they needed the money. Had she been "cool" we might have a different story. I can't wait to see where this goes.

Niece in MD- You made some good points and I agree about Vikki and Nelson getting a divorce and punto. No love lost between them at all.

David- Hmm if the situation were reversed I too think she would do the same thing. She was takin' peeks at him showering and them he saw her in the bath, so it would seem they are the same that way :) Don't know about CME cause I never watched that one.

Floridia- Same thought about the door. She was worried about someone seeing them, and yet the door is wide open, lol.

Susanlynn- She tried to stop him from going back to work for Ms Vikki after the fire, but the Angel was out of options so went back to work for Ms Vikki. That scene was hawt!

Doris- I did the same thing with Corona de Lagrimas. I had never seen VR in anything, turned it on, and she was bawling her eyes out. Couldn't take it, so switched the channel, lol.

Audrey- ditto about this Friday, lol.

Diana- yes he was kissing her but softly and quickly and I too think he loves both, Chrissie in the here and now and Ms Vikki subconciously for now.

Doris- I wasn't even thinking about that song as I was writing the recap. It just looked so soft what he did, it reminded me of when a butterfly gently brushes against your face or hand :)

Ann-NYC- Angel was in her little hideaway once, but never saw the painting. He just saw her dancing in there, came in, and she was upset he had seen her dancing. She made him promise never to come in there again, as this is her private domain.

Teresita- you make some more good points. Angel and Ms Vikki are both the same wanting to help as much as they can. But Nelson and Chrissie are not this way, and I think this will cause alot of conflict. I can't wait to see where this goes either.


Crissie's support to Beatriz and her son shows she likes to help too. But as she told Lili, not when sees someone wants what's hers.

David- No, Renata in CME would not have done the same thing to Augie, but Vicky just might do the same thing or something similar to a sleeping JA. I guess if the feelings are reciprocated, even if inappropriate, it's less creepy. :)

Both Vicky and Cris are good women, with virtues and flaws. This is a sticky situation JA is getting into.

I actually do think that Vicky loves Nelson. Remember how excited she was to have him back home in that first episode, and she's always trying to get close to him, physically and emotionally. But her marriage to that lout can't be saved. It will take her a while longer to realize this.


Thank you so much, Madeline, for this wonderful recap! I've been very busy and stressed out the last few days and it's all I can do to watch the episodes. Recaps maybe get read later! So I'm just catching up with this now.

Oh yes, during the episode, I actually said out loud that Big Angel was INAPPROPRIATE with the nuzzling. (I saw nuzzling too.) Very uncomfortable with that. Bad, bad Angel. Though of course there are quite a few inexplicable scenes, like the "peeping Vicki" scene when she was grinning and watching him take the shower earlier in the novela.

I wasn't as bothered by a horny Big Angel jumping his wife's bones. I interpreted it to mean that he doesn't want to do anything "wrong" with Vicki (not that he really will admit that he's thinking anything "wrong") and he truly does love his wife, is attracted to her, etc etc. He was itching to see his wife and kid earlier that evening, before the nuzzling scene. He's a vital guy and he hasn't "been" with his wife for a while anyway. So he probably would have been jumping on wifey when he had his day off anyway. It was made more intense by the nuzzling of Vicki. (And I emphasize that the nuzzling was VERY inappropriate and I think Chris has every reason to be ticked off and jealous.) But at the same time, I don't think Angel will cheat (with his body at least) as long as his wife is at home making tamales and being the faithful wifey. He'd better not, anyway!

I think Vicki is in "love" with her wonderful, 'perfect' husband (so she thinks) and I don't think either of them would sneak off and do anything, not really. (Though of course I wouldn't think that Big Angel would nuzzle Vicki either, so what do I know?)

I thought it was sweet that Frankie aka Guzmancito says "Am I in heaven?" when he wakes up from the shooting and sees a very contrite Nikki hovering over him, gushing and cooing over him. That was cute but still, let's see how sweet Nikki remains. I don't know if she can stop from being a bruja for too long! LOL.

Vivi- you do make a good point about Vikki, I think she does love Nelson but you would think she is wondering why he never shows her the affection she would like, but then again he kinda did when Nikki came home from the kidnapping, but just for a moment and then he fled. I don't think that marriage can be saved either. And I completely agree about both Vikki and Chrissie. JA is getting into something a bit over his head. I really don't want him to hurt Chrissie.

Niece in MD- you are right about Chrissie, she is helping Beatriz and Guillo.

Elvira- I meant to put the heaven line in my recap and just forgot, but thank you for that. She was so sweet to Frankie, and I agree how long this might last.

I agree with everything you said about the Angel and Chrissie and Vikki. It is a slippery slope though the Angel is standing on. I hope that he thinks very carefully before he slides down it.

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