Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #37 Tue 1/1/13 Fighting Over the Tender Morsels of Man Candy

Lo siento, you knew you'd hear it from me again. Totally phoning it in. Not even pretending to do screenshots. Too much going on today (well, yesterday). Stress. Drama. You don't want to know! In fact Amores was a welcome diversion!


Refried: Nabila the slutty ball of crazy is chatting with Nikki by the pool. She sees our more mature morsel of man candy (Big Angel) approach and drapes herself all over him. He is polite but keeps a formal distance.  She even tries to faint so he'll pick her up. He shows gentlemanly concern, but no more. Vicki comes in to break up all the fun with that. She asks Big Angel something about him covering for Salsero (Sunglasses dude) since Salsero's mom is on her deathbed *cough*not*cough*.

* Nelson the Useless is discombobulated because his slutty mistress Kendra has shown up at the house. He also has some weird words with his former main squeeze, Nabila, who really gets around.

* Christina is telling Lili that Paula the neighbor is actually the main squeeze of Anibal, the boss's dad. But they can't tell anyone. Lili is impactada but won't tell.

* Paula dripping tears in her drink because her son won't see her. Boo hoo hoo. Anibal returns home and says he's more firm than ever that he won't marry her. Boo hoo hoo.

* Guzmancito is very distressed and angry with Bea for setting him up to see his useless mom after he's been very clear that he never wants to see her again. Bea whines that it wasn't her doing, that mom insisted! Guzmancito says doesn't matter. Tell mom that I lost a mother and she's lost a son! Hangs up the phone, very angry.

* Nikki comes in right at the tail end of this whole thing and approaches Guzmancito. Wants to know what's up. She's super sweet to him, says he can count on her as a friend. He seems sincerely touched by this. Says that sometimes she's so sweet like an angel, but at other times . . . this brings out the non-angel in her, as she says the same for him. That him hooking up with these other women doesn't look good. (Or something.) So that moment was spoiled, I think.

* Kendra jumps Nelson's bones on his wedding bed. Nelson is impactado but doesn't fight her off. She's acting like she's in heat. Yuck. Of course an unsuspecting Vicki comes in. *gulp*

* Kendra hides in plain sight making erotic gestures to Nelson as Vicki talks with an uncomfortable Nelson. Yuck. What a classless bruja Kendra is. Just saying.

* Disturbing scene with Bea's useless bully husband visiting Guzman Gambling Dad (Felipe) wanting to know where Bea and his son are. Guzman Gambling Dad doesn't know, but wouldn't tell if he did know. (I like Felipe more and more.) Useless Bully is getting nasty. At this time Bea and son arrive at the house. Useless Bully is all sweetness and light. Sucks up to son, hyper dad-like, all love love love. Pardon me while I wretch. When Bea says that no way will she go back to him, he says Okay, we do this the hard way. The hard way is to turn her little son against her. (What. A. Douche.) He seriously tells the son that the boy's mom is "bad" because she won't let them be together. He really does a number on the kid. Totally turns the kid against mom. The kid later has a temper tantrum and yells that his mom is bad and he doesn't love her. This causes Bea more tears. Bea says to her dad that Useless Bully Husband wants to take the boy away. Felipe is supportive.

* Odette calls Vicki. Says she missed her at the conference. Wants to meet with Vicki to keep her abreast with what happened. Whatever, Vicki thinks that no harm can come from seeing her. (I'm sure she's wrong! LOL.)

* Big Angel talks to Salsero, the supposedly devoted son who is seeing his supposedly dying mom in hospital. In fact Salsero is kicking back, watching sports on TV. Big Angel is covering for Salsero at work. Salsa dude says that mom is going to pull through. Will be a little longer before he can return to work.

* Thomasina is concerned about Nikki. She hasn't needed sanitary products for a few months! That must mean she's pregnant! (No, it means that often a woman's cycle stops when she gets too skinny.) Vicki is concerned (but not angry). This is a very delicate thing. I can't approach Nikki until I have proof.

* Kendra is all friendly with Vicki. Wants to borrow a swimsuit so she can swim in their fabulous pool. Vicki obliges. Kendra goes to the pool and hangs out. Witnesses all the shenanigans with a bunch of women fighting over the Tender Morsel (Guzmancito).

* Nabila is ticked that our tender morsel Guzmancito prefers the plump and delightful Polita over slutty nasty Nabila. Tries to take potshots at Polita who is serving them drinks at poolside. Polita, who isn't stupid (and Nikki to her credit acknowledges this) says to Nabila that it sounds like she's jealous of a mere maid! LOL! Nabila doesn't like the sound of that.

* Lili comes to see Guzmancito. Nabila is offended by Guzmancito's friendliness with Lili. She approaches Lili and promptly pushes her in the pool. (Why is this bruja tolerated in this household?) Lili does not take this lying down. Starts a little hair-pulling action with Nabila. Nabila wants to play the offended victim (of course). Guzmancito somehow doesn't intervene until much hair-pulling has occurred. Nikki notes this. Guzmancito advises that Lili leave the premises. Lili does, but pushes Nabila in the pool as she's leaving. Ha!

* Kendra has some mission that she must complete while she's there. Is talking on the phone about it.

* Christina visits her loving hubby at work. He expresses some jealousy over the display the other day (when Paula came over to the house to make a scene and Christina cut her off at the pass). He wants to know who this fictional "Chema" that she talked about was. She says Chema doesn't exist. She's delighted to see he's jealous. She gets frisky. They are getting along really well now. No shadow of jealousy. She wants to have an exciting evening with him (if you know what I mean). He's looking forward to that too. We are blinded by Big Angel's gleaming white smile.

* Vicki is rummaging through Nikki's bathroom, presumably looking for "proof." Nikki catches her. Vicki makes up some lie to cover why she's there. Nikky promptly faints (due to lack of food, I'm sure). Vicki moans with concern over her prone body, but does nothing other than put a towel under her head and give her smelling salts. No one else is called, nothing else is done but wait. Nikki wakes up. Says the heat must have gotten to her.

* Anibal returns home. He's staying for good now. He sees Big Angel approach. He wants to know what was the deal with that lady (Paula) making a scene at the house. He's trying to see how much Big Angel knows (how much Christina may have told Big Angel). It's obvious that Christina told nothing. Big Angel seems confused, apologizes and says that he's told his wife to not tell anyone where he works, yadda yadda. Anibal is satisfied and simply says that he expected that response from Big Ed. Big Ed is like Huh?

* Kendra sneaks into a room (Big Ed's?) and places a bottle of liquor and a note which says, "For Big Angel with love." on the table by the bed. Uh oh. She leaves the room, but is caught in that area of the house by Thomasina, who wants to know what she's up to. Uh oh!


Avances: It looks like both Vicki and Big Ed are being set up to be in a compromising-looking situation at a hotel. Vicki is going to a hotel. (Was she "invited" by her husband, so she believes?) Big Ed's been invited to the hotel by that message Kendra left in his room (which he assumes is from his wife). We see a preview of Big Ed admiring the silhouette of a woman undressing behind a panel (thinking it's his wife but I'm sure it's Vicki). There's someone with a hidden camera photographing all this. MUST SEE TV!!!!


Elvira, loved this recap. You got all the high points without missing a thing. Glad Nabila got dumped in the pool, bout time. I too wonder why Nikki tolerates her and it's funny, I thought Nikki felt bad that Nabila shoved Lili in the pool.

Nikki, preggers, who knew???? Lol. I agree Elvira, her monthly stopped cause she is too skinny, but her Mama and Tomasina don't know that. I wonder what Nikki will tell them.

The Angel and Cris where hot, I have to say. Don't like the avances at all. But sometimes these avances are wrong, I am hoping this is the case here.

I too am liking Felipe. He grows more and more each time. Can't stand ole Leo and what he did to Guillo. A pox on Leo. He needs another beatdown from Guzmi.

So Kendho is doing a setup. I thought for sure that Kendho and Nell-son would get caught. It would have served them right. And the bathing suit that Kendho had on, looked like one she got from Ms Vikki, and not Nikki, interesting. I wish that Nell-son had been caught. He would have had some major 'splainin' to do.

So now that Pau-Whiner and Anibal have broken up, does Pau-Whiner get to keep that apartment? I wonder.

Oh, and Elvira I hope you have a more normal rest of the week, now that the holidays are over. I was rushed too, and despite all that you put up a wonderful, funny recap.

Elvira - terrific recap. Thanks a bunch. Love "Nabila the slutty ball of crazy" and "Nelson the Useless."

At least Nikki looked uncomfortable about Nabila harassing Lili. Will Lili and Nikki one day become friends - inquiring minds want to know. Lili needs a friend her own age, and Nikki needs to lose the stick people.

Is it just me or did Arriaga's (Yanez) face redden when Cris (Sanchez) went for his ear? Maybe that wasn’t scripted - lol.

Can't wait for tonight's hijinks and to find out why Arriaga would think Cris had enough money to book that hotel room shown in the previews.

I just got to thinking about those avances, even though the Angel and Ms Vikki lust for each other in their hearts, if this avance is going to happen, can you imagine??? I think nothing will happen, because Ms Vikki and the Angel are very true to their marriage vows and also remember when her dress ripped and she had the Angel look away and was so embarrassed? I think it will be the same. I just can't see them getting carried away, IMOHO.


Great job! Whatever happens tonight will most likely further intensify Chris' jealousy, and I expect major explosions will erupt.

Wishing good health to all in
the new year.

Elvira - What planet have I been on? I didn't even realize there was an episode last night because it was New Year's Day. ~caray! caray! ~ Thank you for the recap; it'll help me stay current.

Thanks so much Elvira. You got everything. Things look bleak for Vicky and JA. They won't do the deed once they realize who they're with, but there will be enough "evidence" on tape to sink them with their spouses.

Off Topic: RG, who sometimes comments on Caray, did a Best of 2012/Worst of 2012 List for the tns and tn actors we saw this year on all the US Spanish networks. Some of our faves from Televisa/Uni (AB, LQNPA, Refugio) and Telemundo (Flor Salvage, Mariposa, Escobar) make the best of list, and the worst of list is amusing:

Thank you for your great work, Elvira, and never worry, your recaps are always amusing. :)

I am also consumed by the aftermath of the Christmas fiestas, my next exam, my full force love for the Hobbit (we watched it for the second time yesterday, hot dwarfs FTW) and the Lord of the Rings nostalgia, but I try to work on my next recaps. :)

The next two episodes will be hilarious and interesting. Especially ep. 39, don't miss it.

"Can't wait for tonight's hijinks and to find out why Arriaga would think Cris had enough money to book that hotel room shown in the previews."

Good point! I think in those moment his blood won't in his brain, if you know what I mean. And I really hope he has a very good salary because his job is dangerous and he has to spend most of his time away from his family.

Floridia asked about Mónica Sánchez yesterday. I don't know much about her aside from the fact that she was the villana in the wonderful Laberintos de pasión. She was born in 1969 and she has two kids. She participated in Corazón salvaje 93 and La otra, but unfortunately I don't remember her, and played the villana in Pueblo chicho, Apuesta por un amor and Amar sin límites.

By the way, she was gorgeous and very seductive in those scenes with the Angel. And I agree with Niecie, Yanez's head was suspiciously read in the second scene. :) The lucky big guy is always surrounded by hot actresses.

Vivi- thanks for the link and just read it had to lol about ElTal. That TN will haunt us forever, lol. RG was so on point about EL Tal and Aaron Diaz, lol. Some sentiments we fully took advantage of, lol.

Thank you Elvira---You hit all the high points. Great recap.

Nikki's brat friends had better not mess with Little Orchid, they will loose. The spoiled rich brats think that they can bully anyone but not so---Little Orchid is tough and will take them down. Orchid had Nabila's arm behind her back and was in complete control at that point. YEAH!!! GO Little Orchid. Those brats will think twice next time they want to cause trouble.

Tonight could get interesting.

Felt sorry for Bea last night. Leo is a creep. Bring in the Guzeman to set him strait.
the gringo

Mads- Yeah. RG's comments about El Tal and Aaron Diaz were hilarious and on point. I also liked her glowing review of Refugio.

Off Topic:

thanks Vivi in DC for the link to

I've been reading RG's reviews in the recent months, and thus far, I agree with almost all of what he/she's written. Especially "Worst Telenovelas of the Year," and choice lead actors both from La Mariposa.

I would watch Las Detectivas y El Victor w/ Gregorio Pernía on MundoFox, but it doesn't air with English captions.

Thanks Elvira. Loved the recap.

For the record, not only pregnancy stops a woman's periods. So does a severe eating disorder which Nikki clearly has. I am guessing that if the writers were going to produce a pregnant Nikki they would have shown her with one of her male friends like clueless Vladi. I'm hoping that Nikki will be taken to the hospital and given a complete workup which reveal the secret she's hiding.

Come to think of it, the whole Balvanera household is marinated in secrets. Anibal has just moved in but doesn't want anyone to talk about the visit from Paula, and I'm sure he won't tell Vicki the whole story about why he plans to stay in her house permanently. And do I need to say anything about Nill-Son and Kendra Ho?

Wasn't this whole hotel rendezvous set up last week by Kendra-Ho who was wearing the black wig and had the two thugs with her?

Dona Gringuita- loved your line about the Balvanera household marinated in secrets, lol. Too true and Anibal has not 'splained why he is moving back in. I don't know if Ms Vikki will ask either.

I too think Kendho set this up last week with those two henchies of Odette Longoria's. I think Odette actually came up with this plan, but we will have to see if this is revealed.

Thanks Elvira, I really enjoyed this recap.

So what has happened with the Bailey's? I guess Anibal's feeling really stressed so he wanted something a bit more substantial in his coffee last night.

Nikki seemed pleased that Liliana shoved Nabila into the pool. I don't see that it mattered much since she was wearing a bikini. I'd love to see Nikki and Lili bond but since there's the little matter of Guzmancito standing between them I don't see it happening. Too bad since it looks as though one way or another they will turn out to be cousins.


The writer(s) seem(s) to have hit a block all of a sudden. This is getting to be monotonous - Nikki faints (again), no doctor is called; Nabila smears herself (again) all over the bodyguards and everyone just stares and acts brain-dead; Kendra's voice is so screechy and annoying ALL THE TIME (I wonder if this is the actress thinking she's being 'sexy' - it's totally the opposite - very off-putting); Sunglasses dude puts them on, takes them off - again and again and again; JA and Vicki being set up over and over again - enough, already! Better writing needs to kick in right about now.

Anon 5:49- This TN has just basically started, we are only on epi 37, not 137. I think the movement of this TN is fine so far. By the way, please use a name when commenting. We have so many Anon's it is easier to answer questions if you use a name. It doesn't have to be real, you could use Superman, or Batgirl, we don't care. We welcome all comments, good or bad. Have you seen a TN before and which ones have you seen or are watching now?

My point exactly. It's only Episode 37 and it's already monotonous. And, of course, that's just my opinion. I may be in the minority, but I'll probably pass on the rest of this one. Those voices of the screechy actress playing Kendra and the one playing the whiny Nikki are just too difficult to take. I'm watching Amor Bravio, watched Un Refugio and La Que No Podia Amar - like(d) them all.
Anon 5:49

Anon 5:49- This is more a light, fluffy dramedy, and personally I think this TN is funnier than Por Ella. I like the team of Tomasina, Polita and Jean Marie and also the dynamic of the couples. It has a tad of mystery and of course nothing like AB. I wish you would join us cause you would be great to debate this TN :)

Anon 5:49- So far this is definitely not a tn you watch for plot. But as Mads pointed out, it has some great fun/funny interactions between many of the characters. But every tn is not for everyone, so don't punish yourself if this one isn't your cup of tea. I'm only watching this one with one eye and half my brain at the moment. But it's fun filler until Amor Bravio starts.

ITA w/ Anon 5:49. I tune in every now and then, simply for eye-candy... Guzmancito.

and I also really like Tomasina, Polita and Jean Marie.

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