Monday, January 21, 2013

Amor Bravío #109 (Uni 104) Mon 1/21/13

Capitulo 109:  Scenes From A Marriage (with no apology to Ingmar Bergman)

Lo del Pasado

Pablo and Luzma leave the reception in the decorated vehicle with all the guests cheering.  Cayetano meets Hissadora at the restaurant and she hands him the letter.  He waxes nostalgic about how Pablo's birth saved his marriage, but Hissadora bursts his bubble by suggesting that Don Daniel's sperm might have been the one to make Pablo.

Lo de Nuevo

Restaurant: Hissadora goes on about not wanting to cause him pain [hypocrita!] but felt she could not remain silent. He asks about the other letters and she says perhaps it was better she didn't find them because they would hurt more. He asks if any of those letters said that Pablo was Don Daniel's son and she tells him no, not exactlty. However, she talks about the content of the other letters which apparently say that Don Daniel was the love of Rocio's life and that she herself believes that Cayetano raised a child that wasn't his. Cayetano doesn't want to believe this. “Pablo has to be mine!” he says, emphatically. She gives him the line about parents being the ones who raise and educate, not just engender. She tells him about not actually being Alonso's birth mother and what her husband did about putting her name on the documentation. He points out that Alonso was born before she married Eleazar, but that Rocio committed adultery. Hissadora promises to stick with him through this [just as she is sticking it to him].

La Buenaventura, Parlour: Rocio looks at the photo of her sons as she paces and finally sits down. Refugio enters and points out that she should be supporting Pablo in all this and forget her stupid pride. Rocio changes the subject and asks if there is any more info on Hissadora. Refugio tells her she was not present at Pablo's wedding, but couldn't figure out whether Rocio's presence was to check on this or to see her son. Rocio doesn't answer her and presses on about Hissadora.  She reveals that Hissadora was not Alonso's birth mother and that his real mother accuses her of trying to kill him. Rocio is shocked as Refugio further tells her that others at La Malquerida believe in her intent to do so, but that sadly, there is no proof. Rocio sarcastically says that despite this Cayetano thinks her a Great Lady. Refugio points out that Hissadora is now without a centavo because La Malquerida's title went to its rightful owners and of course, Rocio realizes that Hissadora wants Cayetano's money [as she once did, no doubt]. She's a fortune hunter!

Road to La Buenaventura: Some ranchera music in the background as Ileana puts some moves on Rodolfo while he's trying to drive. He finally pulls off the road and stops to avoid an accident. He suggests she might be drunk, but she denies it, just saying she's happy. She places his hand on her bare thigh as the lyrics talk about physical attraction and poor Rodolfo yields to temptation. [We hope this eventually becomes a Lewinsky situation rather than one like Natalia's.]

Restaurant: Cayetano puts the letter back into the envelope and Hissadora tells him not to do anything crazy [exactly the opposite of what she really wants]. He wants to confront Rocio. He would have liked to have seen the other letters, but this is adequate. Hissadora asks what he will do with respect to Pablo. It's likely that Rocio will insist he is Cayetano's because, after all, Don Daniel is dead. He tells her he will figure out what to do and thanks her.

Valle de Bravo: Pablo and Luzma are on their luna de miel in this peaceful-looking place on the shore of Lake Avándaro as their love theme plays. They walk around, kiss in various places, and come to the place where they're staying. An employee comes out to greet them and show them to their suite. Luzma talks about thinking she's dreaming, etc. These two are so cute.

La Malquerida, Cabaña: Daniel and Camila arrive in their finery, talking about how the best part is that Pablo and Luzma are as much in love as they are. Camila tries to excuse herself to change but Daniel stops her, saying he wants the privilege of undressing her. To the sound of “Divina tu” he does so after picking her up and seating her on the desk. [By the appearances of things, he's read a few romance novels.]

Near-full Moon [or The Only Moon Phase In This Series]

Hotel Corridor / La Malquerida: El Diablo and his mistress talk over the phone about her handling of Cayetonto. She tells him to look for those other letters so she can thoroughly poison his soul. He promises to as he moves some large phallic-looking chess pieces on the board. He congratulates her and ends the call as Augustina enters.

Augustina:    Mi, amor, (kisses him) I've made supper.
Dionisio:    Thanks, but I'm not hungry.
Augustina:    Dionisio, please don't stay annoyed with me.
Dionisio:    You just don't understand, Augustina. I've done everything to please you, to demonstrate my love, and nothing – absolutely nothing – is enough for you.
Augustina:    No, it's not like that (sits on arm of chair and puts her hands on his shoulders)
Dionisio:    Yes, it is. It is. If you were surer of me you wouldn't have this stupid jealousy.
Augustina:    Take my jealousy as proof of my love.
Dionisio:    No, no, no, Augustina. Jealousy is only about insecurity, not love.
Augustina:    Yes, I guess you're right.
Dionisio:    Of course I'm right.
Augustina:    It's that you're so handsome, so intelligent, so gallant [caballeroso], so perfect it bothers me that some other women might be interested in you. (He looks irritated through all this, but she doesn't see this) I notice it in the street, but I feel insecure because I'm not as attractive as Isadora.
Dionisio (after thinking for a few seconds, looks at her):   Do you know how many women I've known and continue to meet? Many, and if I'm at your side it's for something very important. Learn to control your jealousy or we're going to have serious problems, Augustina. (picks up the chess piece, moves it) The kill! (rises and exits)

La Malquerida, Kitchen: Piedad enters, followed by Hipolito. They talk about how happy she is that Luzma is married and Leoncerdo is in jail.  And how nothing he did will prevent Luzma being happy.  Hipolito talks about staying... if he can find work. She tells him she will talk to Camila.

La Buenaventura:  We hear that same ranchera music in the background and Ileana wants Rodolfo to hang out longer, but he's looking to leave. He's not altogether happy about what happened. [As we know he's no Iago] She tries to say she wanted to do what she did and it wasn't the alcohol. She bids him farewell and something about seeing him tomorrow. They appear to have a love theme although he looks as though he can't make a fast-enough escape.

Hostal: Natalia plays with the veil on the cake's bride figurine, looking pensive. Amanda asks whether she's gotten back together with Iago and if this is what she had wanted to talk to her about. She tells her mother that Iago was going to talk to his family about her, but Amanda can't be fooled about this. She reminds Natalia of Iago's reputation, but Natalia is as deep in denial as Augustina. She talks about leaving Amanda's house and all its lies. Amanda asks “What lies?” and Natalia exits.

La Buenaventura, Parlour: Mariano, Iago, and Refugio are there to tell Rocio about the wedding. She asks whom Cayetano entered the reception with and is horrified when they tell her it was Piedad, the mother of the bride. Just as Rocio is about to go into one of her snobbish rants about this, Cayetano enters shouting her name, then denouncing her as an adulteress. He whips out the letter and names Don Daniel the man who was her lover twenty-three years ago. Mariano refuses to believe this. Iago looks slightly confused. Rocio says they should talk alone, as this is about them, but Cayetano won't be put off. He even wishes Pablo were there to hear it all. He demands to know whether Pablo is an Albarrán or a Monterde, with an aside to Refugio that she should know because she had been Rocio's confidante her entire life.  He demands an answer from her.

Valle de Bravo, Honeymoon Suite:   Nice place, with a lovely white sofa, flat-screen TV, a table covered with red roses, red candles, and crystal champagne flutes. A champagne bucket sits in a stand is at the right. The hostess discreetly departs, Pablo carries Luzma across the room, and opens the champagne. He pours a little for her and we learn that she's never had it before. Among her people tequila is the celebration drink. She does try it, but it looks like she's rather kiss Pablo.

La Buenaventura, Parlour: Cayetano demands that Refugio tell the truth about who is Pablo's father or leave his house. She refuses to say anything and Mariano stands up for her. Cayetano then says that neither Rocio nor Refugio is to leave until one of them talks. Rocio claims not to know, then says that Don Daniel had raped her. Refugio looks at her reproachfully, but none of the men appear to notice this.

Valle de Bravo, Honeymoon Suite:  A knock on the door; Pablo admits the waiter with a cart.  Pleasant music plays.  After the waiter leaves, Pablo picks up a red gift box and tells Luzma this is his first surprise. She opens it to find a flowered dress, which she likes. Pablo talks about pleasing her all through the honeymoon [That boy has been reading the right books].  There is more on the cart and as Luzma goes into the bathroom to change Pablo takes out platters of food, which he puts on the table. One of their love songs is heard as we see the delicious-looking food and Luzma eager to put on the dress. The music crashes as Luzma looks down, then up in shock.

La Buenaventura, Parlour: Cayetano is not buying what Rocio is trying to sell him. It contradicts the letter. She tries to say that Don Daniel took advantage of their matrimonial crisis, tried to seduce her, and that she resisted because he was only looking to notch the bedpost. She rejected him and he raped her in revenge. Mariano looks confused at this story and asks why she didn't tell his dad at the time. She wanted to avoid a misfortune. When she discovered she was pregnant and she and Cayetano were back together she was hoping they would be happy again. Cayetano calls her a coward. She tells him she didn't have the courage to tell him that Pablo could be the result of a rape. He still doesn't believe this, accusing Rocio of having flirted with Don Daniel, and saying that a decent woman doesn't do this even in thought. She pouts, saying she thought he never loved her and thus she always felt alone. “That doesn't justify this,” he replies. He then declares that he will have a DNA test done to find out. Mariano sensibly points out that that the affection between him and Pablo is real. Cayetano acknowledges this, but says he still needs to know. Mariano realizes he can't stop him from this. El infeliz de Iago smugly asks what Cayetano will do if Pablo isn't his since he was always his concentido and Cayetano replies that he does not know. Rocio asks about herself. He doesn't know about that, only that he can't continue to live with her. She breaks down and cries, crying out that he can't abandon her; he exits. Refugio looks on while Mariano tries to comfort his mother and Iago looks like he'd rather be anywhere else. Cobarde.

Valle de Bravo: Pablo lays down a trail of rose petals on the floor and knocks on the bathroom door. Luzma doesn't answer at first; ominous music begins, and she then finally opens the door and informs him that she is bleeding, so something must be wrong with the baby.  He embraces her to comfort her.

La Malquerida, Cabaña: Daniel and Camila sleep, but Daniel dreams of a hospital room. A medical team attends the birth of a baby girl with black hair. We do not see the mother's face, which is hidden behind an IV bag. We hear Miriam's voice saying “Daniel, a daughter just like you wanted. She's beautiful.” He wakes up saying her name and this wakes Camila. He explains just having dreamt about Miriam. He wasn't “dreaming about her” in that sense, and didn't see her face in the dream, but he heard her voice telling him about the baby. The Daniel/Miriam love theme plays.  Camijla asks when Miriam became pregnant and he tells her that it was nine months ago. She seems quite understanding of this, finally suggesting that he really wants to be a father. He tells her he does and she tells him she is itching to have a baby with him. They get busy with Don Vicente's approval [Ay, dios mio! Can't you just enjoy Daniel's total hotness for a while longer?]

The Moon Wanes a Little (clearly symbolic of different things to come... or not)

Valle de Bravo: Luzma lays on the sofa, leaning against Pablo. She is scared and doesn't want to see anyone, but he calls the desk to get a doctor quickly. She is sure something is wrong with the baby.

La Malquerida, Cabaña: Daniel thinks about Miriam, their honeymoon, and the moment she told him she was pregnant. Their love theme plays as he gets up, covers himself with a blanket, and goes outside, leaving Camila asleep. He looks up as the crickets chirp and cries. “Miriam, remember how happy we were that we were going to have a baby? How we planned the rest of our lives together?” The memory of Abraham telling him of her death and of himself crying in his cell intrudes here. “Miriam, Miriam, I still remember your smile, your eyes and how they shined, and most importantly how you were there for me whenever I needed you. “ (We see their wedding day) “Although you didn't have the life you deserved, I never thought that someday I'd be able to love again. But it happened. I was so surprised when I met Camila...” (flashback to their first meeting in the cafe) “...and fell in love with her. That happened because you were not here. I know that you know that she was with Luis and he was a good person and important to her. I opened my heart and allowed myself to love again. Miriam, thanks. Thanks for everything you gave me. Thanks for everything we lived together and for that I will never forget you. I carry you in my heart forever.”


Hissadora insists he find the letters while El Diablo dares to ask Camila whether she wants the truth.

Valle deBravo is a tourist destination popular with the upper crust of Mexico City for weekend trips.


The final love scene had a small edit, but not much,

There are 58 episodes remaining.

Fabulous job Urban!

New turns in the plot happening. The Albarrans are imploding and soon Pablo's Monterde connections will be revealed. Luzma possibly losing the baby? And looks like the writers are inching closer to Miriam being on the scene...with a baby girl!

They actually edited BOTH Cam-Dan love scenes. I went and looked online. In the first scene they edited out Dan kissing Cam's thigh in a suggestive way as she holds down her skirt, then he takes the arm holding down the skirt and puts it over her head as he kisses her. Pretty damn hot, and obviously too hot for Uni (although it's perfectly fine to show the villainess in Amores Verdaderos dancing on a table wearing butt floss). The sceond scene didn't need an edit at all. They scene to have edited out Cami climbing on top of Dan and positioning herself, and then her bare back (which the censor really seems to hate), although it's a REALLY tame scene. I will never understand what the censors find so offensive with some of these scenes!

Loved both the scenes though, especially the first one when Dan claimed his rights to undress Cami. Ay yay yay! I like that Cami was so understanding of Dan having Miriam on the brain. They are such a great couple. I hate the trouble that will come when/if Miriam is alive.

I also loved Luzma and Pablo. They look like such babies in that hotel. I wondered if either of them would even know how to initiate the love making. Looks like Luzma's health crisis will delay that for a while anyway.

I have to say, that Rocio sure does think quickly on her feet. Rape! Good grief. Rufugio's face when she said that was hilarious. Too bad the Albarran men didn't see it.

Typo..."they seem to have edited out Cami..."

I can't believe that Gussy was begging Dio to forgive her. Dio and Isa were at their manipulative best tonight-- Isa with Cayetonto and Dio with Agustonta. And Natonta wasn't much better, trying to convince herself that her little ultimatum convinced Yago to speak to his parents about her. Girl...please! He wasn't even thinking about her two seconds after their argument.

Thank you, UA. A great recap with editorial comments we can all support!

What a lovely set of scenes with our young lovebirds in the hotel. I enjoyed Pablo's efforts to spoil Luzma. The problems with the baby are one obstacle to the marriage moving forward, and then we have the anvil of Pablo's parentage. I want this to get settled so that we can have one happy couple (in addition to Rafa and Viviana) as we pass through the next 58 episodes waiting for those in the direct path of Isadora and Dio to find happiness. I'm guess is that the Natalia-Rudolfo-Ileana-Iago mess will endure for a while.

Pobre de Mariano. He's no Daniel, but he's such a warm, good, kind character -- I hope that good things lie in store for him. The possibility of Camila being plopped down in his path is of course lurking out there as Daniel's psyche moves him closer to whatever is happening in Chile.


ITA on Gussy and Nat. I feel sorry for them, but last night I could only roll my eyes and shake my head at them both.

Ileana and Rudolfo...ew. I can see how she's got fire and Nat's being Gussy-like, but since I haven't seen any actual hints of affection from either side, my vote remains "ew" for now. It's too bad because when Rocio was trying to corrupt Ana's mind with her rich/poor guy talk, I thought I was a flicker of sad recognition in Illy's eyes, like she was flashing back to her own childhood.

Poor Luzma! She was so upset and scared. Pablo was todo un galan! I was so proud of how he handled such an upsetting wedding night. Already he could teach Cayetano something about being a father.

Rocio - I wish for the sake of keeping a family together that Caye and Hissy had bumped uglies so she say "you did it too, so lay off!" but since she chose the low road, I am done with her. Cami's gonna tear her apart when she finds out how she's besmirching Don Dan's name. And I wonder how everyone (but especially Pablo&Luzma) are going to react given that Luzma is actually going through the trauma of being pregnant from a rape.

I'm wondering why is it taking the lawyer so long to figure out what happened to Miriam. Is she alive? She and the baby? Just the baby? Sigh. I guess if Abe used police power to muddy waters, this isn't unusual?

Augh! Forgot to say thank you again! Sorry UA, that was a great recap and that should've been the first thing I typed.

Thank you UA for the excellent recap. I loved this:
Hissadora promises to stick with him through this [just as she is sticking it to him].

Vivi, I also loved your nicknames Natonta and Agustonta, there are so many we can give that nickname to. Rodolftonto.

I loved that scene where Dan was saying goodbye to Miriam. Or that's basically what he was doing. He was putting her in the past, and acknowledging he is moving on with Camila. Sweet and sad.

Rocio claiming to be raped. That will come back and biter her for sure. Cayetonto had no business having this conversation in front of the children. They should not have been put in the middle like that.


Cathyx- Rodolfo was indeed tonto for having sex with Iliana, when he obviously feels like a cad about it sonce he has no feelings for her. Urban was so right to point out that he's no Yago. But Iliana wants to some more of whatever it was that Rod gave her in the truck. She was all over him afterwards and said she was pleasantly surprised and what a fool Nat was. Yago who?

Traveling Lady- I caught that look Iliana gave Rocio too when she tried to brainwash Ana, and then she pointedly called Ana to her so that they could leave for the wedding. Maybe she's starting to rethink her marry rich plan?

Sorry HellaShelle- I meant to say it was you who pointed out the look Iliana gave Rocio the other day.

Traveling Lady- With almost 60 episodes to go, I wouldn't count on ANY of our couples being happy from now all the way to the end.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Pablo is amazingly mature for his age, isn't he? It sounds like Mariano was his primary influence, but since he was Cayetano's "consentido" (which the dictionary describes as being "spoiled") one has to think that Cayetano was at least a decent father before this crisis. Mariano is responsible, a good father to his daughter, and a decent human being who loves his parents. He didn't get that way with Cayetano being a bad father.

Where Cayetano is failing is from somewhere south of the border because of poison being injected in points north.

You can absolutely bet that Camila won't stand for her uncle's name being sullied by this lie. What truly concerns me is how this will affect Pablo when he finds out. He will be angry with both his parents because his mother kept her mouth shut and because of the (temporary) rejection from Cayetano.

Not to mention the disaster when Hissadora takes advantage of this carnage.

HellaShelle, you are right on about how this will affect Luzma. She is a genuine victim here while Rocio is taking advantage of Don Daniel's death to try to cast herself as one. If anyone finds the photos and the other letters (we don't know what this one said) Rocio can be unmasked as a liar. That would likely end that marriage if Cayetano survives the shock of the revelation.

We can only hope that Camila tells Mariano what she knows about Hissadora so he can protect the ranch from her.

To Vivi's point about the censorship: I also find it insulting. However, we can only be grateful it isn't worse than it is because on English-language TV it would be far worse. I am only hoping that the interest we generate in these programs and the growing viewership of gringos doesn't lead to the same ridiculous treatment of sex and love in these programs which -- because they're not produced here -- would mean more censorship. Personally I love that these programs give us romance novel sex rather than the locker-room viewpoint that happens in US English-language programs.

American censorship is so erratic and hypocritical. We can't watch an uncensored love scene of two people making love that never shows naughty body parts, but we can have 2 and a Half Men at 6:00pm where they talk outright about sex and having sex every single episode at a time when children could view it.

Since censorship is such an irritant and a hot-button issue, it deserves its own discussion. That will be the upcoming weekend's topic.

Great recap UA.

I felt a little sorry for Rocio up until the rape lie. Neither Cayetano nor the hijos were falling for that one.

I don't think mama is going to be too happy about a relationship between Ileana & the mere ranch foreman Rodolfo.

I read that Sofia Vergara played Leonora in FELS. I don't remember that character at all, but I didn't know about Sofia Vergara then. Can someone refresh my memory?

Leonora was the doctor who went into the jungle to vaccinate the native children against a coming epidemic. She got there shortly before Juan Reyes' fight with Fernando that resulted in a case of global amnesia that lasted the better part of a year. She had the hots for Juan, but began to make the moves just as he was beginning to remember Sofia.

I had to scoff when Cayetano said a decent woman would never betray her man, even in thought. Good lord, man, with the thoughts you've been thinking about Hissy, I just can't take you seriously.

Traveling Lady - yes, one other happy couple would be nice. It's a credit to the show, though, that there are a lot of possibilities for couples out there, but none is totally concrete. I'm still rooting for a Nadolfo, but if they turned Ileana into a decent human being, I could live with that (just can't see her keeping house though). I would like poor Nat to get it together. Right this second, I'd be happy if she left after the Dio madness gets settled, developed on her own, came back in an epilogue and maybe fell for someone then. Also, with Luzma so shook up, I'm interested to see how the rest of her pregnancy story goes down.

UA - I agree, I don't see Caye and Rocio getting back together after the rape lie comes out. I think that, on top of her infidelity is too much.

Great recap, UA. Well done.

Now that Iliana seems to have shifted her obsession over to Rudolfo, I'm finding her more appealing. Poor Rudolfo, however... maybe not so much.

While I don't believe for a minute that don Dan abused Rocio, more and more I'm finding it difficult to picture him as quite the wonderful man that Camila remembers so fondly.

I wish we would get to see more of Dorotea. I think she is absolutely stunning.


UA--Thank goodness you had a fan handy, I needed it last night. Great recap.

Rocio and the low road. When since she was introduced to us has she ever taken the high road? If she goes any lower, she's road kill.

Vivi--I had to go to Gato Viejo to nail down every syllable and whisper that Cam 'n Dan exchanged last night (not to mention bodily fluids....). I sincerely hope this love-making scene isn't going to be the last one we see between them if/when they get the Chile surprise.

Meanwhile, we have to deal with all the other Pairs 'n Spares. Rodolfo was a knucklehead, but he's been experiencing a severe drought for a long long time. This little storm was too much for him to try to avoid.

In Daniel's touching "despedida" to Miriam, he was giving her the credit for his choosing Camila after thinking he would never fall in love again.

He said (to quote Gato):
And what's most important, you were always by my side when I needed you. Even when I couldn't give you the life you deserved.

I loved you, I loved you so much that I never thought I could fall in love again. But--it happened and it caught me by surprise when I met camila and I fell in love with her. It happened because-- because you weren't here anymore.

I know that, wherever you are, you knew what she went through with Luis and that she's a good person. That's why you put her in my way. That's why you softened my heart so I could love again.

Miriam, thank you. Thank you for everything you gave me. Thank you for everything we shared. I'll never forget you, wherever you are. You'll always be in my heart. Always.


Anthropologist, thank you for another one of your excellently written recaps. I so like your writing style!

Anita, thank you for the translation. Oh my, oh my. I know that many of you feel that Miriam is going to show up at some point. Honestly, I don't know. I guess I don't know because I feel that Dio is so involved in this, but...if she does show up, Daniel is going to be the most conflicted man on the face of the planet.

Camila is strong, but if I try to put myself in her place, I know that I would be devastated. My own personal reaction would be to walk away and find someplace alone (for some time) to clear my head.

Daniel clearly loved Miriam with his heart and soul. How would he/could he leave that behind?

Guau! What a story!

Thank you again Anthropologist.

Anita- Thank you for the translation from Gato Viejo's feed. Can you share the link again-- I've lost it.

That was a really poignant conversation Dan had with "Miriam". He and Cam are really being set up for some intense emotional turmoil.

Thanks for the recap. Thanks especially for laying out Rocio's story. It still seems like a desperation lie, but now at least I understand what she was trying to say. Knowing the content of the letter and the profession that Don Dan was the love of her life i didn't really get my head around the rape claim. Is there any sort of sense of violar that would include caddish seduction, undermining her resistance, false pretenses or declarations of love on his part, rather than imposing relations without her(manipulated)consent?

If Don Dan knew of Pablo's likely parentage, why turn over MQ to a possible son in Chile rather than a probable son next door? I don't think he would care that much about preserving Rocio's secret.

If she isn't redeemed from conniving skankhood by the love of a good man, maybe Bratgirl is there to taint Rodolfo just enough for him to have a bit of compassion when Natalia ends up pregnant and rejected by Yago?
Chris in FL

Vivi et al: Here is Gato Viejo's side-by-side conversation translations. It's still not perfect, but it's a lot better than relying on my ear (especially when Silvia starts her rapid fire Spanish).

This is the index to all the episodes:

I think he started this with LQNPA, but I don't know where it went.


I was afraid that Cayetano would try and bring Isa as his date to the wedding. Seems like Rocio might have had the same idea.

Here I was sweating the whole honeymoon that once Luz and Pablo got down to serious making love, she would freak. I never expected the baby crisis. I wish the writers had given them at least the first night. Pablo worked so hard at making it special. I think if Luz loses the baby, she’s going to feel guilty because of her not wanting it. Though, now that there is a crisis, she might realize she does.

Rocio is despicable for saying Don Daniel raped her. However, I can see how desperate she is. After writing this I read the recap and saw how she reacted to Caye escorting Piedad. I don’t care how desparate she is. I want her to suffer.

“accusing Rocio of having flirted with Don Daniel, and saying that a decent woman doesn't do this even in thought.”—seriously!!! I’m sick of this man’s double standard. I’m rooting for Isa to destroy him.

Love the scenes showing all the couples and what they were doing right after the wedding.

Daniel’s wedding nightmare was prophetic. So maybe the baby dream is too.

This seems to be the rape TN: Luz raped by her uncle, Cam almost raped by Al, Rocio lying about DD raping her. I’m expecting a rape attempt by Dio when he realizes he can’t charm Cam and he loses his temper.


UA: Loved the recap. Thanks for the Gussie/Dio convo translation.

HS: “when Rocio was trying to corrupt Ana's mind with her rich/poor guy talk, I thought I was a flicker of sad recognition in Illy's eyes, like she was flashing back to her own childhood.”—didn’t she end the conversation very quickly after that? (I see Vivi answered that). “ Cami's gonna tear her apart when she finds out how she's besmirching Don Dan's name. And I wonder how everyone (but especially Pablo&Luzma) are going to react given that Luzma is actually going through the trauma of being pregnant from a rape.”—good observations. I thought the same about Cam, but didn’t even think how Rocio’s declaration would affect Pablo/Luz in regards to the rape.

Chris: “If she isn't redeemed from conniving skankhood by the love of a good man, maybe Bratgirl is there to taint Rodolfo just enough for him to have a bit of compassion when Natalia ends up pregnant and rejected by Yago?”—good point. I was thinking as things stood before, that Nat and Rodolfo were less compatible due to their different life experiences.

Anita: thanks for the translation of Daniel’s talk to likely not really in heaven Miriam.

Urban--I completely skipped over the Lewinsky/Natalia reference...naughty you.

And thank you so much for the Dio/Gussy conversation. I rolled my eyes and shook my head when he told Gussy the honest truth, that if he's at her side it's for something very important--ya think?

Poor Gussie, he has visions of Camila dancing in his head when he says that--I think she's even more important to him than the Malquerida. How is he going to pay off Estevez, though. Is Hissy going to step up to the plate I wonder? It's going to take Hissy awhile to do everything that's necessary to get her hands on the money:
1. She has to get Caye divorced.
2. She has to get him to marry her.
3. She has to get him to change his will and cut out all his sons, bio or non-bio.
4. She has to kill him.
5. She has to pretend to be the grieving widow, bury him, listen to the will and talk to the notario.
6. She has to sell off as much of the BV to cover the multa.

By this time, she's going to be an old lady (ha) or in jail. I don't think the Scooby Doos are going to stand there with Brazos Cruzados. Mariano and Pablo will be in there fighting her. Iago may go to the dark side, though (he wants his bread to be buttered forever).

I wonder if the writers want to test Pablo even further by telling them that Luzma cannot have sex until after the baby is born. Maybe New Girl will come out of hiding and flaunt herself in front of Pablo.

Iago is likely to go to the dark side unless he is also intelligent enough to see Hissadora for everything she is. It should not be long before word is out about how she is suspected of causing Alonso's accident.

I don't think Hissadora will succeed in getting La Buenaventura. Mariano doesn't like his father's pending dalliance with her any more than we do. He's going to find a way to end it.

As for the comment about Pablo's parentage, Don Daniel did not know. The letter Hissadora handed to Cayetano doesn't say so and the others don't either. They're love letters and nothing else. What is incriminating about them are the dates on which they were written and the photo of the younger Don Daniel with the young Rocio (who looks like the actress who played Jana in Refugio).

Somebody is going to remember that Pablo was the only one with the same blood type as Camila.

As for Camila's image of her uncle, I don't think it's so off the mark. He didn't mess with jailbait, his adulteries were during mutual marital crises or after he became a widower (I don't recall any specific reference to when his wife died), and he continued to pine for Agatha long after the end of their affair. He never led Augustina on and he treated Camila like the daughter he always wanted. Rocio initiated the estrangement between her family and the Monterdes for exactly the reason she discusses only with Refugio. However, this could be circumstantial evidence toward the lie she is now telling.

Camila -- if she finds the missing letters -- will quash that one ayer.

Finally, there is no way in hell that Camila would ever be within El Diablo's reach once she finds out he's behind the attempt on Daniel's life.

RlaO: "I wonder if the writers want to test Pablo even further by telling them that Luzma cannot have sex until after the baby is born. Maybe New Girl will come out of hiding and flaunt herself in front of Pablo."--I hope your wrong. However, it doesn't make sense to introduce NG for two-three scenes and then drop her. She has to come back for some reason, doesn't she?

Cam and Dan will warn Mariano and fill him in about Isadora's shenanigans once it's clear she has set her sights on Cayetonto and they become an item. Now that Buenaventura is the target and no longer Malquerida, I feel like I can just sit back and enjoy the show. Sorry Mariano and Pablo, no offense, and I do hope it eventually turns out well for you in the end.

I think Mariano will end up with Teresa, since she was his first love (or he hers) and Ana will have a strong female role model in her. She'll forgive Camila when she sees that Camila is with the man of her dreams.

That is, unless he goes back to Miriam. However, I doubt that Camila will end up alone on the ranch with Augustina.

Poor, deluded Natalia. She just won't remove the blinders, no matter how many times people have pointed out to her that Yago is no Pablo. When Amanda asks if she thinks the Alberrans will accept her, she (still) naively retorts, "Pablo fought for Luzma, so I'm sure Yago will do the same." Uh, hello? Have you been listening to anyone (including Yago who has told her on more than one occasion that he is no Pablo)? The only way she's going to marry Yago is to go crying to Devil Daddy and MAKE him do it!

Ileana may have realized she has no hope of snaring an Alberran, so now she's just going with her feelings. It's beyond making Yago jealous (which was never going to work anyway) and now she's all over Rodolfo even when they're alone. I think she's fallen for him. Oh, oh, wait 'til mommie dearest hears about this.

Except for whatever fallout Pablo and Luzma suffer because of it, I am enjoying the Isa/Caye/Rocio mess! Don't like any of them anyway, but Isa is funny in her evilness, complete with mustache-twisting evil smirks.

I'm not sure Ileana's motive was to make Yago jealous, as much as get back at him for embarrassing her. She thought that if she could get Rodolfo to make Natalia jealous so that she would leave Yago for Rodolfo, it would hurt Yago's feelings and pride.

Except that Yago couldn't care less if Natalia left him for Rodolfo. He would've been relieved that she was no longer hounding him for a committed relationship. And Natalia is so blinded to any but Yago that SHE barely glanced at the Rodolfo/Ileana pairing. Ileana's plan was bound to fail either way.

Mommie Dearest will have a conniption. Just as well because Rodolfo can do much better.

Iago might have his ego hurt, but that will be all.

Great recap, UA! Many thanks. I'm so late in commenting that almost everything I would have noted has already been said by others. I did enjoy your remarking on the "Near-full Moon [or The Only Moon Phase In This Series]." I think it is thanks to you that I've started to notice the phases of the moon, and last night I found myself wondering when the last time was that I saw any other phase in this TN. So I especially enjoyed your comment.

I have a small question about Spanish. You wrote about Dionisio's playing with his phallic chess set [I love your description!], and you wrote "(picks up the chess piece, moves it) The kill! (rises and exits). I had assumed that when he said "mate," he was saying "checkmate" rather than something having to do with "matar." ???

Juanita- He did say "mate" which means checkmate. But it does have an interesting double meaning, particularly coming out of Dio's mouth, doesn't it?

"Mate" could also be the past tense of "matar" (at least to my ears).

Regarding the moon phases, in LQNPA the moon always seemed to be full. I was at that time trying to determine the passage of time according to the moon phases when we all realized that the moon was always full on that program (which could have accounted for a lot of lunatic behavior). We only ever see the near-full moon in AB. I'd love for some producer someday soon to adjust the moon phases appropriately.

Thanks UA, for another great recap. I very much appreciate the level of detail as there are always a few things that I miss or muff.

Rocio, Rocio. I would have liked to have given you the benefit of the doubt that you were trying to keep your son from having a lifetime of social snubs ahead of him – which he will have, no matter how much support he gets or does not get from his family - but when you start making false accusations of rape, that is indefensible. There is no way that your claim could be true; Nana’s expressions made that clear.

And to think Rocio really cared about Don Juan, er Don Daniel at one time.

A false accusation of rape crosses a line, and what is the worst part for me is the harm it does to real victims of rape, whose stories tend to be discounted in part because of women who have lied about rape. Her horror of Cayo being seen associating with a cook is also a bit hard to look past. She isn’t looking out for her family there; she is being a snob.

Count me with those who can’t see how Don Dan had supposed Dan Jr. might be his son and ignored the possibility that Pablo, right next door, might be a little chip off the old block as well. I also can’t quite see how a 40 or so year old (and therefore not-so-fertile) woman who is talking about divorce with her husband and presumably not doing a lot of nookie with him gets preggers without some kind of help, like a whole lot of sexy time with the neighbor. Otherwise, the odds of that actually happening are slim to nada.

I thought that Cayetano had been a good dad up until he got bewitched by that bee-itch. However, discussing his wife’s infidelity in front of the kids? and Nana? is way, way, out of line.

Dan’s dream and little make believe chat with Miriam serve two purposes – foreshadowing and to refresh the memories of Viewerville of previous events with Miriam and the baby. I hadn’t realized the baby’s due date hadn’t long since come and gone. I thought she was pretty far along when she got shot and a lot more time had passed. If Dan is dreaming about the baby’s birth at the time of her due date, and possibly at the very time of her birth, then given the importance the co-dreams Cam-n-Dan had at the very beginning of the show, I think it portends very strongly that Miriam and the baby are alive.


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