Monday, January 14, 2013

Amorcito Corazón Discussion #194-198 Jan. 14-18

In today’s episode we swing into the action almost immediately.  Marisol gets a letter from Fer and also permission to see him in the real prison.  Jorrible has the audacity to show up at the party and gets kicked out.  rIcky shows up at Lala’s to beg her to leave town with him.  Meanwhile one of Jorrible’s bodyguards lurks outside to kill rIcky.  Willy was about to go to Marisol’s party but seeing Jorrible there and more importantly realizing Mr. C is there, so he returns home, sees the hitman and takes him out. 
Perhaps someone can enlighten me but I think the writers are having Beba have some type of amnesia.  She keeps insisting that the only reason Jorrible and Fer have a problem is because of Isa; they are really good friends.  When has she ever been this naive about her son?  It seems to have started last week w/her unwittingly throwing Olga under the bus.

While Lala, Willy, and rIcky are “chatting” about what to do, Jorrible shows up and rIcky starts shooting and runs off.  Willy, who is unarmed I might add, goes to find him.  Does he not realize everyone else involved in this mess is armed?  Ok, beanie time.  rIcky is bleeding and hiding behind a car, Jorrible is driving around, and Willy is running around.

Amanda shows up at the party; didn’t she and Willy break up?  The police show up at Lala’s leaving her looking stricken.  Back at the party, a congo line has started with Lu Chong showing us his dance moves.  This fun is interrupted with Juancho, Chico, Nacho, and a group of mariachis visiting the casa hogar.  Everyone is happy but Knuckles and who cares about him.  Unfortunately Knuckles tries to beat up Juancho causing the singing and fun to stop.  Mr C advises Juancho to go home; he sees his situation with Zoe in Juancho’s sadness.

Willy and Lala go to the Commander Sanchez, the drug trafficking cop, and tell them about rIcky’s situation.  Unfortunately, they don’t have any confession about the drugs.  Knuckles berates Marisol about Juancho and she thankfully leaves him to sulk.  He finally leaves the party and manages to slither his way to taking Marisol to see Fer tomorrow.  Based on all of the blood flowing from rIcky, his death seems imminent but he manages to stumble home.  Unfortunately he does call Beba and set up a meeting with her.

Lucia invited Poncho to her visit with Aldo.  A very obvious bodyguard has been posted outside Lala’s home and when Lucia visits, he tries to block her.  Amanda shows up at Lala’s to extend this silliness even further.  Again didn’t Willy break off this fake relationship?  Good heavens what will it take for this woman to go away?  Poor Beba is feeling the same way about Jorrible as he is sticking to her like glue and this is putting a cramp in her style for her meeting with rIcky.  He drops his cell phone that most likely has all the incriminating info on Jorrible just as he goes to meet her.


Correction - Willy decided not to attend Marisol's birthday not because he saw Jorrible, but because he saw that Lucia was with Cecilio.

Another beanie time - Willy knocks out the man who was lurking around his home and instead of taking the man's gun he leaves it on the ground.

Did they actually show Ricky getting shot? I don't remember actually seeing it happen.

I hope that Beba will be alright and that no bad will happen to her. I know that I am going to feel bad for her when she finds out what a terrible person her son is and when Jorrible gets what he deserves.

Thank you Karen for the recap! We are getting closer to the end.

Thanks, Karen! Much excitement; eager to read the rest.

I feel sorry for Beba, too. I think she's going deeper into denial about her son. All this time I think she's known he's an overbearing jerk, but probably has never even imagined that he steals the art for his business, much less that he has had people beaten up and murdered.

I don't think Jorrible had any particular beef with Fernando until the whole Isa tug-o-war, though. The whole constructora takeover was sort of fall-out from that. Don't know why Beba would think they were otherwise friends, though.

Plus Juancho shows up at Marisol's party drunk and serenades her with mariachis. It was really good!

Thanks so much Anon 7:27 pm for your correction; I will add it. ITA regarding Willy, the hitman, and not taking the gun.

rIcky didn't get shot, he re-opened his wound running. And yes it will be sad when Beba realizes what a lout Jorrible is.

Anon 7:29 pm - we are getting closer to the end and there is a lot to cover so I hope the writers use this time wisely.

Julia - Since Fer had been jealous of Jorrible from day one, it is unrealistic to me for Beba to think he and Jorrible were buddies.

BL - Yes the serenade was great! I love Juancho

Whoops! Sorry, Karen -- I see there's a second part coming. I just loved that Juancho serenade so much. Diego A. has such a way with charming drunkenness.

My husband walked into the bedroom when Ricky was pouring whiskey into his suppurating wound, yelled "BLYEEEAAAH!" and ran away.


Great job Karen!

Knuckles was such a pain in the a** during the party. How could Marisol pass up cute, serenading Juancho and choose THAT thing?

The makeup people must have struck a deal with the camera man. They really wanted to show off the great work they did making that nasty, icky wound on R-Icky. How many close-ups did we need? And did we need to spend so much time seeing him gasp for air and wince in pain? Blech!

I have no idea why Faux-manda is still hanging around.

I think Ricky was shot again. This wound is on the other side & one of the hitmen said that he was sure he hit Ricky.

Faux-manda (great name, Vivi) is after Willy for real now. He told her that the game is over & that he doesn't feel anything romantic for her but she broke up with her boyfriend & she thinks she can get Willy to fall for her if she keeps hanging all over him.


BL & Vivi - Ewwww with regard to rIcky's wound and then having to endure close-ups. BL I wanted to be like your husband and run.

Vivi - excellent name for Willy's icky, clingy fake gf. And yes why Marisol continues to tolerate Knuckles is beyond me. She knows she doesn't like him.

Güera - thanks for the correction. I didn't realize rIcky got shot again. And this last minute gf, Faux-manda has got to go.

Agree with all y'all. Amandarin Orange, scram.

LOVED the mariachi serenade. Truly delightful. Also loved Lu Chong's dancing. We need more of those scenes, and less time watching villains moan over their gaping wounds.

Seriously. MORE DANCING! Although before Lu Chong started getting down with his bad self, that was the lamest conga line I've ever seen.

I got the feeling they were filming that conga scene without anyone providing a beat. No one seemed to know when they were supposed to kick or anything. But Lu Chong was great. I love his enthusiasm and he has some happenin' moves.

Too bad Fer wasn't there. I love it when he dances. Too bad the cockatoos couldn't join the party as well.

My other favorite part was the expressions Lucia was making behind Amandarin's back.

Julia & BL - yes indeed more dancing and specifically from Lu Chong. Fer is hilarious when he dances.

Woo-hoo big doings on Tuesday. This is getting exciting. A breakfast date missed, a confession, a bracelet, papers served, Glad for Fer. Sad for Lala & Willy. Anvils of gold for Manuela.

No more time now but Woo-hoo!


Thanks for the teaser, Guera! Can't wait!

Tuesday Recap
Güera’s teaser was right on target. A LOT happened today, so let’s get to it.

Minor stuff:
- Aldo gets a visit from Poncho (the closest thing to a dad he has), and the little guy is all smiles.
- Barf gets Knuckles to cancel and taking Marisol to the carcel to see her papa, so that they can meet with the actors who will play her parents, so that “we” can get “our” inheritance. Barf makes things way more complicated than they need to be, by trying to force the actors to act like they are aristocrats with “class”, instead of just ordinary rich people, which they understand better. She even names them after the royal couple, Katerina y Guillermo, instead of just using her real parents’ names as Knuckles suggests. We find out Lala’s name is Eulalia, which causes Knuckles to break out into a fit of giggles that lasts the whole scene.
- Poncho gets Susy to copy Jorrible’s hard drive onto an external drive. They overhear him speaking to Smith once again, but other than seeing that he seems to be scared of the guy, they hear nothing incriminating. Poncho decides to take the copied hard drive, which contains mostly financial info, to Idrogo.
- Mani gets nowhere trying to find out where Fer is—her government contact is out of town and incommunicado. She goes to Isa’s apartment to try to threaten the info out of her, like THAT will work, but gets caught in the act by Idrogo, who reminds her she’s still under suspicion for Zoe’s accident. Later, she gets served divorce papers. Bwahahaha!!
- Zoe (who has super fast healing powers, as all her bruises are gone) gets released from the hospital and calls Isa to pick her up. Felipe arrives with the baby, after being tipped off by Sarita (what is she up to?). They three take the baby to Isa’s place in Felipe’s car. (All these days Felipe has had care of this baby and there is NO child seat in the backseat!!!)


Tuesday Recap Part 2
Major Stuff:
- R-Icky and Beba decide that he will come to meet her and her son in the restaurant. His wig, fake beard, and gun are firmly in place, but he drops his phone (with Jorge’s number and his call log in it). As soon as he gets to the maître d’ he collapses. Beba and Jorrible see that there is a disturbance, but don’t see the restaurant staff cart Ricky off and get him into an ambulance. Jorrible takes Beba home and gloats that she was stood up.
- Ricky’s is taken to the same Cruz Roja where Zoe is being released. This helps to spread the word more quickly to everyone as Isa, Felipe, and Zoe are there to get the news.
- Ricky succumbs to his gunshot wound and loss of blood and dies before Lala and Willy can get to the hospital. He does manage to tell the police chief that he was paid to put the drugs in Fer’s car and frame him, and to beg the cops to protect his mother and siblings. Yay! But he kicks the bucket just before spilling Jorrible’s name. Drat!
- Mr. Smith gets updates from the henchmen he’s loaned out to Jorrible. He is NOT pleased that the police are now all over the Ricky/Fer/drugs case, because it could lead back to him. Plus, he warned Jorrible not to mix business with personal matters (his beef with Fer). He decides to off Jorrible, who is trembling in his boots as Mr. Smith’s henchman points a gigantic gun to his head. Unfortunately, Jorrible is saved by the bell when Henchman #1 (aka Maldito Fito el Bandito) reports from the hospital that Ricky died without ratting out Jorrible. Mr. Smith lets him live, but orders him to get Fer to sell his shares of the company, no matter how much money he has to offer him.
- Lala and Willy are devastated by Ricky’s death. Lala is inconsolable as she weeps over his body. Very sad. Willy calls Moncho, who like the good friend he is, offers to go straight to the hospital, but then takes on the responsibility of setting everything up for the wake and funeral. Willy wants Juancho to track Barf down to give her the news. (However, when Isa tells Lucia the news, she doesn’t seem to react with enough sympathy for Willy. I know she’s happy her brother will be freed, but if it were Willy who heard her brother had died, he would have been over to that hospital in a heartbeat to support Lucia. Maybe she’ll pleasantly surprise me tomorrow.)
- The police chief figures that Ricky must have been at the restaurant to meet someone, and decides to go there to look over their guest list.
- Marisol decides to wear THE BRACELET to go visit Fer in jail. They have a tearful reunion, she gives him her sisters’ letters, and then he sees THE BRACELET! He has a flashback to giving the bracelet to Sofia—it’s a custom-made piece, with their initials on the clasp. He tells Marisol that the bracelet is key to them finding out if Sofia’s death was an accident or MURDER. She tells him Knuckles gave it to her. Cecilio immediately calls Idrogo with the bracelet update. They are going to speak to Knuckles together. Then Cecilio gets the news of Ricky’s deathbed confession. He comes back into the jail visiting room, and tells Marisol and Fer that Fer is FREE!!!!


YAAAAAAAY!!! Thanks, Vivi!

Good call on the child seat -- how WAS Felipe getting that baby back and forth? In the trunk?

Meester eh-Smeeth bought his artwork for his office from Victoria Balvanera.

Great episode today. Thanks for the recap Vivi.

Sara- I was going to comment that the lady in red painting is one of Vickie's from over on AV. :)

Jijí. I love Meester eh-Smeeth. When he showed Jorge all his teeth and said, "Tienes SWEAR-TAY," I totally cracked up.

Vivi thanks so much. Wow, a great deal happened today and most of it was good. ITA regarding your comments on Lucia but hopefully she will be at the hospital tomorrow. And I hope Sarita doesn't become a F5 supporter because he wasn't a jerk with the baby though he use a lot of others to help him.

Güera - thanks for the teaser!

Sara - good call on the artwork. The number of props that move from TN-to_TN is funny.

BL - Mr. Smith is a mess but I must admit I did love it when his henchmen pulled out that gigantic gun on Jorrible. I can't wait 'til he finds out Jorrible killed his friend.

The face on that lady in red painting...I think we now know it was Vicky who butchered that Jesus painting in Spain, not some old woman.

Buh-bye, rIcky. It was not nice knowing you. Barf is probably going to be TICKED that his inconvenient death will mess up her swindling plans. Too funny when she was trying to explain "class" to the actors. Yes, act like royalty; that isn't overshooting the mark at all. And throw in lots of English words. ?.

So glad Fer is finally free, although with Jorrible and Manwitch on the rampage he might have actually been safer in jail.


- Manny goes to the judge & demands to know how Fer can divorce her FROM JAIL. He tells her Fer's lawyers are claiming she's crazy, and she proceeds to object to this characterization by acting...crazy.

- Idrogo questions Mauricio about the bracelet and he claims he doesn't remember where he got it. When Marisol finds out he lied to the police she rats him out herself.

- Lucía calls Barb to tell her about Ricky, but Barb blows her off. She ends up being the last to know.

- Jorge gets his drunk on & flashes back to Meester Eh-Smeeth's big gun.

Más Miércoles:

- Felipe keeps hanging around Isa's apartment b/c he's sure no one but him knows how to take care of a baby. The ladies are remarkably patient with him. He tries to put some pressure on Zoe, but she holds him off for now.

- Irma doesn't want to go to Ricky's velorio, but Moncho & Adelita talk her into it to support her comadre. It comes out in this conversation that Moncho isn't Tuqueque's real papa, and Adelita tells Irma that makes her admire him even more.

- Horty tells Manuela to give up on Fernando: she's obsessing, and he's a jailbird anyway. Manny says no way.

Fin de Miércoles:

- Willy is touched to see Lucía at the velorio; they hug and she looks longingly after him. But when Cecilio comes to tell her Fer will be out of jail in the morning, Willy sees them hug and is newly depressed.

- Ceci tells the girls no school tomorrow, we're all going to pick up Dad -- Isa & Lucía, too. Meanwhile, Manny has finally found the jail, but they tell her visiting hours are over and she should come the morning.

- AVANCES: Fer throws Manuela and all her clothes out of the apartment! YAY!


Blue Lass - thanks so much for your recap. Aside from rIcky's funeral, the good guys had another good day. I really hope Zoe doesn't go back to lying, cheating F5.

Julia - yes Fer is safer in jail than roaming the streets but based on the preview at least he is handling EWM.

Great recap Blue! My favorite part of the episode was when the prison guard totally dismissed and dissed Mani and told her he didn't care who she had permission from-- come back during visiting hours and get the heck away from my gate. Hahaha!

Karen-Just making sure you don't need me to recap.

Blue-Thanks for the recap. I was also glad Manuela didn't get to visit Fer.

Oh, and I learned a new word the other day -- "la hampa," the underworld (life of crime.) Ricky used it when he went to get Lala. I also liked "rehén" (hostage.) I don't know when I'll get to use these words, but I'm keeping them handy. ;}

Gracias, Blue Lass. It was so satisfying to see the guard dissing Manuela and telling her to come back during visiting hours. I wonder -- is she at the correct prison? When she went to find out where they had moved Fer the official said that probably due to the severity of the drug charge he was sent to some maximum security pen. But -- due to the suspicion that he was innocent he was actually sent to a less secure facility where he could have easy access to visitors. So maybe she will be further frustrated when she shows up in the morning. OR -- maybe getting turned away is just setting up a big confrontation when she shows up at the same time as Isa, the Maris & Lucia. Which way will it go?


Guera, I was wondering that as well. Guess we'll just have to tune in today and see. Either way, there are bound to be fireworks (fuegos artificiales)!

Sara - I can cover today but thanks. I'll let you know if things get too crazy next Thur for me and thanks again for your offer.

BL/Güera - I am also wondering how it will turn out but the good thing is whatever direction it goes, Fer is throwing her out today! I think we only have episodes to go.

Was the director going for humor in the wake scene? That was quite the casket. I'd have shoved him in a cardboard box, but I guess Moncho is a better friend than I. Padre's speech would have been nice, if he weren't talking about rIcky. "We will miss him, but we have faith that we will be together with him again someday" etc.? No, Padre! We do not want any cosmic reunions with this toad! We are finally rid of him! But maybe it is comforting for Lala.

I enjoyed Marisol's disgust with Knuckles. Isn't it time she dumped him for good? Why does she put up with him? But at least she wasn't having his selfishness when he accused her of caring more about Teniente Idrogo than about him when she wanted him to tell the truth about something involving HER MOTHER'S DEATH.

Blue Lass, thanks.

The best part was EWM at the prison. Why does she always feel so entitled? Who died and put her in charge?

Everytime I see one of these over the top funerals for the bad guy, I remind myself that the funeral is not for the bad guy but for the survivors.

Rosemary Primera


Yeah, and I don't think priests are allowed to say, "we do not want any cosmic reunions with this toad." They go over that in priest school.

I thought it was kind of nice when Padre Benito said, "we are interceding for you down here and hope that you are interceding for us up there." You know, we can all use all the help we can get.

Karen - I thought so. Hope I haven't been a nuisance.

Is it true that el fin is Jan. 30?

I think El Fin is indeed January 30. That's a Wednesday and thus falls on my watch, but if someone else is dying to recap, it's fine with me. I've been gone a long time so I should be at the bottom of the list...!

I have a friend in priest school. Maybe I will ask him if they go over not saying "we do not want any cosmic reunions with this toad" at funerals and wakes. I know, the funeral is for the living, not the dead one, but it's still hard to work up any sadness over the death of that nasty piece of work. I guess one of the things that makes it sad is that as long as the person is still living, you (well, not me, but the family) have hope that they will change, and once they're dead, nope, they're never going to become the person you hoped they could be.

Actually, Julia, I give up when they're around 55. :)

Well, now we know. Manuela was cooling her heels overnight in a way so ever beneath her motel room and then showed up in the morning at the wrong penitentiary. Yeah! score one for karma.

At least from the previews se knew that Fer was going to throw her sorry butt out of the apartment and dump her in the street -- but the actual scene is so much more satisfying than I even imagined. Nuff said for now.


Ooh, I can hardly wait.


Julia your evaluation of the funeral was hilarious (any box will do). Also Padre was probably being kind for Lala's sake. And Knuckles just needs to be exposed for the true jack-wagon he is.

RP - EWM was raised by Horny so that's why she feels entitled.

BL - oh the kind things priest learn to say about those like rIcky. That must be an entire course in seminary.

Sara - how could you be a nuisance? Without you we never would have recapped an entire afternoon TN that started and finished in the afternoon (unlike El Tal).

Güera - thanks for the teaser!

Jueves, part one

Warning - I may be a bit too happy about the good guys scoring points today.

EWM goes to a cheap motel to wait to see Fer (I guess the prison she went to was far away from home).

As rIcky's funeral is winding down Knuckles, still being the self-centered toad he is, calls Barf for assistance with his impending problem with the law.

Lucia confesses to Willy Mr. C is not her novio.

F5 keeps trying w/Zoe (and its working my last nerve) but thankfully she remembers the nightmare of a marriage she lived through with that fool and is sticking to her guns. She even tells Isa and Sarita she wants to give it a go w/Mr. C. HURRAY!!!

Fer is released from jail to the loving arms of his daughters, sister, and Isa. And no EWM! She's at the wrong prison. YEAH

Pancho brings the info he got from Jorrible's computer to Gabino. Later Gabino goes by Knuckles and gives him the scare of his life, yeah.

Barf won't stay at Lala's house and continue her big ol' lie about being pregnant. When talking w/Lucia she keeps lying. Barf and Knuckles should have some anvils hit them very hard, very soon; come on writers even EWM and Horny have gotten nice little comeuppances before their (hopefully) big reveal.

Jueves, part two

Willy confessing to Lala all about Faux-manda.

Fer returns home with a stop by Isa's first where he visits w/Zoe, the baby, and Sarita. He finally goes to his apt that EWM has left trashed. She is at the apt and he tells her she must go. He does what we have wanted him to do for so many months I can't remember. He throws her clothes at the window! And then carries her out of the apt!! It is a very satisfying scene. When the crew at Isa's hears her screams, they all go and look.

Adelita, Tuqueque, and Moncho discuss their wedding date w/the Padre.

Knuckles slimes by the casa hogar to try to apologize but Marisol finds a brain and dumps him! Barf looks on gleefully.

Gabino is a busy man as all the criminal activity in this TN is coming to a head.

After throwing EWM out, Fer goes back to the apt. Fer, you need to contact our fellow-blogger Julia about changing your locks ASAP. While he was throwing her out, he found out EWM had destroyed the family photos. Though really horrible, its evidence for your divorce hearing.

Marisol sees Barf and Knuckles together, FINALLY. But they lie to her AGAIN.

Fer goes to the office and Susie is ecstatic. She calls Jorrible to get him in the office and Fer visits Poncho.

EWM lies to her mother (about the reasons for returning home), and return. Poor Margarita is still there and with witch #2 in the house perhaps that will push her to leave this Hades on earth.

Lu Chong returns! And he helps Isa clean.

EWM makes arrangements for something bad. Writers, the only visits to the hospital better be for the bad guys.

Previews - EWM gets a gun and other bad stuff from the guy she hired to kill Isa.

Karen, great episode and recap, thanks.

Darn, I wish Fer had thrown EWM out the window with her clothes. That would have been very satisfying.

LOL at Isa trying to clean, thank goodness someone called LuChong. He had the place clean while Isa was thinking about it.

The reviews do not look good!

Rosemary Primera


This is getting so exciting as we wind down. I'll be busy hanging with my nietos & will miss a couple of days. I have the VCR programmed -- but -- I know you will all catch me up if I miss anything due to technical difficulties.

Thanks for the great recap, Karen! Terrific kick-to-the-curb on the part of Fernando, but Marisol was pretty impressive herself. We know Manny will get hers, but let's hope there are some consequences for Knuckles as well.

Thank you, Karen! For the recap, and also for the advert for my Telenovelaland locksmith biz :).

Fer needs to not only change the apartment locks, but also get the building security improved and station guards outside the office. EWM is nuts and won't just slink away.

I'm so glad Zoe isn't taking FFFFF back. All his TLC regarding the baby (aside from not buying a car seat) has only convinced me he'd be okay to have visitation rights or shared custody. He still isn't husband material and would be right back to cheating at the first opportunity.

I too thought Fer should throw Manny out the window along with her clothes, but I guess it's not really worth going back to jail over. I wonder if he will ever find out that she was the one who poisoned him, with something that caused loss of will. Speaking of which, can't he mention in his divorce papers that he had been poisoned with such a thing and thus the marriage should be annulled since his ability to make a valid choice was compromised?

Hell, why aren't we doing the "unconsummated" thing? Surely that's still an option, at least in TelenovelaLandia?

Karen-Thank you. I am glad the blog mom allowed us to do this one. I really have enjoyed this TN. It's my favorite one I've watched so far. I will miss it.

I cheered when Fernando kicked Manuela to the curb. I really think the writers have forgotten about the poisoning. Drat.

How does that happen, that the writers keep forgetting their loose plot ends? I mean, I have a full-time job and I don't forget them. Sheesh.

RP - ITA w/you about Isa and cleaning Fer's apt. I kept thinking you love him but why do you WANT to clean his house; I have people I really care about but housecleaning wouldn't be my "gift."

BL - yes I hope Knuckles and Barf get some serious anvils soon. Marisol is the only one who suspects she's horrible and based on her constant returning to Knuckles we question her mental acuity. LOL about the missing plot points.

Julia - happy to advertise for one of the most needed businesses in TN world. And ITA with your eloquent assessment about F5.

Sara - Glad you asked blog mom to do this; its been a fun ride. It will be a shame if the writers don't reveal EWM's poisoning scheme. Maybe new and improved Fer will remember that time, his drugging and bring Minnie back.


Viernes, part one

Isa jokes with her mother and Zoe about moving in w/Fer right now.

Faux-manda returns and we hope really leaves Willy for good.

Marisol and Juancho see another. She tells him Knuckles is history and they kiss (but she runs away).

Gabino visits with reformed Jaibo; its amazing how having a full head of hair and less menacing countenance make him seem like a real person. Jaibo remembers he stole the bracelet with rIcky (but doesn't remember rIcky's name) and describes the house. I think Gabino realizes its Horny's place.

Willy tells Chico and Nacho that Faux-manda is over and never was real and that Lucia is his life.

Jorrible, recovering from his hang over, returns to the office to find Fer there. Fer demands his position as president back and refuses Jorrible's offer. The three co-padres have a good laugh about the shocked look on Jorrible's face. Jorrible is in trouble because he let down Mr. Smith.

Horny seems to be getting her drink on constantly this episode. Gabino visits her to let her know he found Sofia's bracelet in her house. This confirms Sofia was murdered and he ARRESTS her. Wow, that was a pleasant surprise. Margarita looks on in amusement. She has quite the meltdown in the back seat of the car and passes out.

Meanwhile her crazy daughter gets a gun from the hitman, who tried to kill Isa.

Poncho visits Doris to show her pics of Aldo.

Viernes, part two

Mr. C and F5 are eating out and F5 spots a new woman. Mr. C has to tend to his mother so guess who's left to play. I hope this stops the writers from playing with us about his reconciliation with Zoe.

Fer and the girls visit Aldo. He talks about adoption with the woman who cares for Aldo and she tells him he must be married to adopt. Really!

Margarita tells EWM about Horny and the latter seems to like the idea of her mother being pinned with the crime. It appears she's planning on killing and running b/c she packs some clothes and takes money from Horny's safe.

Fer and the girls return home and Gabino lets Fer know his evil sugera is in jail for Sofia's death.

Willy in full mariachi regalia serenades Lucia. I guess he has told everyone but Lucia about Faux-manda so she is mad about the serenade. When she comes out, he finally does confess everything, she forgives him, and they kiss. Whew!

Previews - its seems Barf's anvil is coming Monday with Lala learning she is not pregnant. We just have to be concerned about who EWM will harm w/the gun.

Karen, great recap of a great episode.

Finally, Lucia and Willy Boy get their stories straight, it took long enough. Willy Boy look terrific in his black mariachi outfit and his voice is not bad.

Too funny when Horny was handcuffed and taken to jail. Too bad her favorite scandal sheet guy wasn't there with a photographer, that would have been perfect.

I am amazed at how upbeat Doris and Poncho are in spite of everything - good for them.

Doesn't Fer know that Poncho and Doris want to adopt Aldo?

Rosemary Primera


Karen- I have been busily getting my place ready for out of town guests (Inauguration), so I have not had time to watch today's episode or comment on the last one. But, muchas gracias for the great recaps.

I am so excited to see things finally fall into place, although I don't like the sound of Mani being on the loose with a gun. Yikes! But I am so happy to hear Horny has been locked up for Mani's crime that she covered up. Yay!

I am also glad to see that the writers remembered just who philandering Felipe is. Now, let's end this farce of a "choice" between him and Cecilio.


Thank you, Karen! Such an exciting episode!

Oh frabjous day, calloo, callay! Another fun mariachi serenade and POR FIN Willy and Lucia are back together!

Mr. Smeet is hilarious. I know he's a bad guy, but since he only threatens other baddies, I love him.

I also thoroughly enjoyed Horny's arrest. Her indignity and trying to throw Idrogo out of her house when he wanted to arrest her and going on about being friends with the procurador, please! Snobbery will only get you so far. I was worried that she might have faked the fainting as an escape tactic. Let's hope Idrogo is too smart for her. I know she didn't really kill Sofia (or did she?!) but I don't think she'd hesitate to turn EWM in to save herself, and it's her fault EWM has been on the loose wreaking havoc all this time.

I might, *might*, clean someone's place for them if I really cared and there was no one else to do it, but if I just stood around while someone else cleaned, I wouldn't take all the credit when Fer showed up and heaped praises!

The childcare lady was funny when Fer asked about adopting Aldo. "No, you have to be a STABLE couple." HA! So are Fer and Doris going to end up competing to adopt Aldo? I assume she'll get out of jail one of these days.

Thanks, Karen, for the delicious nuggets! I'm out of town right now, but I am *so* looking forward to Sunday night...can't wait to see Jaibo the good guy, Horny's arrest, and the new mariachi serenade. This episode was full of goodies!

Thank you Karen. It's good to see things clicking into place and finally see Willy and Lucia together. (And Daniel Arenas looked great in a Charro suit.)

RP - I don't think Fer is aware or perhaps forgot Poncho and Doris want Aldo. And its too bad Horny's reporter didn't see her arrest; that would have been great.

Vivi - Enjoy your friends and the inauguration. Yes an armed EWM can only be bad though her mother going to jail for covering for her was really nice. And the writers need to allow Mr. C and Zoe to have more nice moments with their theme song since F5 is still a jerk.

Julia - ITA Mr. Smith is very bad but the terror he puts in Jorrible is wonderful. Horny didn't kill Sofia but has been covering up EWM killing her. I'm hoping Fer will not compete to adopt Aldo as he and Isa will most likely have at one other child.

BL - enjoy your time out of town. This episode was quite fun and you'll have a nice time watching the scenes you mentioned.

Sara - its nice Lucia and Willy are finally together and Willy did look good in the Charro suit!

The thug saying to EWM "Careful with that; it's loaded" when he gave her the gun gave me hope that she will accidentally shoot herself :). Heck, if numerous gun enthusiasts at gun shows on Gun Appreciation Day can do it, why not an inexperienced crazypants?

Here is a list posted on another forum enumerating Manuela's crimes:

1. Murdered her own sister Sofia by pushing her down the stairs.
2. Stole the bracelet that belonged to Sofia from Sofia's dead body.
3. Hired someone to beat up Sabrina.
4. Poisoned Fernando.
5. Hired someone to murder Isabel (and is responsible for Sarita's shooting).
6. Tampered with the breaks from Isabel's car (and caused Zoe's car accident)
7. Murdered Cuevas with a pillow at the hospital.
8. Caused Marifer to have an asthma attack (twice).
9. Hid Marifer's inhalers and blamed Minerva.
10. Attempted to get Lu Chong locked up by putting an expensive watch in his luggage.
11. Robbed from Hortensia. (Though I don't remember this)
12. Illegally bought a gun.
13. Illegal possession of a weapon.

I would also add

14. Knocked out Margarita to escape Hortensia's house. (I like Margarita, she puts up with a lot.)

I wonder if all of this will be exposed (or if the writers even remember) before the fin.

She also drugged Hortensia to keep her unconscious, blackmailed Doris, authorized a rebar substitution (here, that would be considered practicing engineering without a license) which led to a failure that injured people, paid Cuevas to keep quiet about it, and accused Minerva of poisoning Fer. She's assaulted Isa more than once.

Plus, some of her outfits are criminally ugly.

Julia - I hope you are right about EWM shooting herself as she is quite a dangerous. And ITA as well as LOL about her outfits being criminally ugly.

Sara - thanks for the list. Her stealing from Horny happened on Friday, I believe, when she raided her mother's safe before she goes on her hopefully thwarted shooting spree.

I'm not surprised there are more crimes. How could I forget about blackmailing Doris?

Clearly I have a mind like a steel sieve if I can't remember Friday's robbery.

Thanks for the memory jog, Karen and Julia!

Wowie, that was a good one. Can we please leave Lucía and Willy together now, please?

I can't believe Felipe is romancing some chippy already. Can't wait to see him good and busted.

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