Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Amores Verdaderos #57 Tue 1/29/13 Bombshells Revealed, Unfettered Happiness Waiting to be Destroyed
Am feeling lazy (again). But at least I will do some screencaps. Discuss amongst yourselves as I try to prod myself to get this thing up! UPDATE: RECAP IS FINALLY DONE!
First let's start with some teaser screencaps (not displayed in chronological order)
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Lilli is muy contenta to see her parents all reunited and smoochy with each other. |
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Guzmancito confesses his love for that bruja Nikki, but resists kissing her at first. |
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Candaleria unloads one doozie of a confession while at church. |
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Salsa-Dude confesses to Big Angel that he's enthralled with a wonderful lady and he's thinking in the family way. Big Angel is thrilled for him. Salsa-Dude offers his hand in friendship. |
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A kind of bizarre/cute/whatever scene where Guzmancito spoon feeds Nikki. |
Refried: Big Angel has stupidly suggested that maybe Vicki can get back together with the Furry Fornicator. Vicki reminds Big Angel that the Furry Fornicator is a Sleazy Cheater. Big Angel and Chris's marriage problem was based on a stupid misunderstanding, not on any real betrayal.
Nikki has poured out her soul and finally explained the motivation for her bulimia: Overhearing some
She doesn't feel anyone could love her. All her "friends" are in it for her good family or her money. And same with Guzmancito! He's being paid to look after her. He finally admits he loves her. She doesn't believe it at first. He smacks a big smooch on her (complete with a sparkly flash on the screen to punctuate this moment) and they kiss and kiss and kiss.
The New: Kendra-Ho has Odioette over at her apt and is telling Odioette all about the new ad campaign at Meta Imagen. They plot Vicki's ruin as someone comes to the door. It's the Furry Fornicator! Odioette must leave through the service entrance, for F.F. must not know she's been there. Odioette at first balks at leaving through such a humble way, but eventually agrees.
After a few moments of unfettered happiness, where Nikki calls our little Gorilla "Francisco" (and he notes this happily) Nikki gets cold feet and decides that maybe Guzmancito is just there to look after her after all. Uh, okay, whatever.
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Que que what? Frankie is astonished by Nikki's hot-cold act. |
Nelson starts pawing all over Kendra-Ho as soon as he's in the door. He gives her chocolates as a gesture. She is underwhelmed. He's loosening his tie, ready to get busy ASAP. Now all their nookie must happen at her apartment, and time's a wastin'! She shoves him away, telling him that at least for a little longer, he needs to play the devoted husband. After she pushes him out the door (he's so disappointed) she kvetches about the paltry gift of chocolates he gave her. What? No diamonds or other luxury items? She throws the candy on the floor in disgust.
Nikki has returned home. Guzmancito trailing after her. Vicki tells Nikki that she's got to knuckle under and take piano lessons again, as well as do her swimming. She's got to be good for something! (Only Vicki puts it nicer than that.) When Guzmancito arrives on her heels, Vicki thanks him for all his good work and says that he's the perfect guy to look after her daughter. Guzmancito has a little bit of a guilty look on his face.
Candy is back in her kitchen, doing what she loves best—cooking. Lilly is there and they are happy happy happy. They're talking on the phone with grandma, Candalaria. When is Candy going to visit? She can't right now, her job and all. Blah blah. She says that she'll come as soon as she can. Lilly talks a bit about her gardener job, but of course never mentions that it's in the Mr. Anibal household. (Because that would be helpful and would move the story along faster. We can't have that!)
Lilly and Chris talk a little about their happiness, and then about how mama Candy is always in such a rush when she comes to visit them.
That night, at the big estate, Vicki is talking with Thomasina about Big Angel reuniting with his wife. Vick is all happy about it (as she should! it's only appropriate) but Thomasina brings up that semi-porn novel she's writing, as well as the Hideous Painting, and reminds Vicki that she's not exactly ambivalent about the Big Guy. Vicki says it's all a coincidence and nothing. As they are chatting, the Furry Fornicator comes in to have another round of arguing and trying to convince her that he's a good guy and will be faithful. (The cheating rat!) She gives him the same line (and good for her!) about not trusting him anymore. Keep the faith, sister! Don't trust the Furry One!
After the commercial break and credits, they continue their argument. He gets a call from Kendra-Ho. Vicki suspects it's his amante. She tells him to take the call from his mistress somewhere else, for crying out loud. After he's left, she crumples down on the floor and cries in despair.
At Gambling Dad Felipe's house: Betty is chatting with son about his school work (something about conserving the planet and our resources). She gives him a candy bar, which he takes eagerly, until she mentions that the thanks really belong to Salsa-Dude, because he's the one who got the candy. Then Guillo doesn't want anything to do with the candy.
Gilda/Hilda whatever has come to visit Paula and tells her that Anibal is hiring a good detective to find Candalaria. Uh oh.
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Impacatada Paula. |
Vicki and Anibal talking. Anibal wants her to take the Furry Fornicator back for the sake of the company. Of course she won't do that. He asks her if the F.F. has mentioned selling his shares to Odioette. She says no.
She says she's not sure that she can pretend that everything's hunky dory at work with her Fornicating and Furry husband. She doesn't know what to do with the pain he's caused. She comments that she's glad she never met Anibal's mistress, because she's not sure what she would have done! Anibal looks thoughtful.
Gilda/Hilda whatever is trying to convince Paula to fight for that manly prize *cough* Anibal. "You won't let Candalaria snap him up under your nose, will you?" (Seriously, I know this guy is rich and all, but is he all that? I don't think so.) Gilda/Hilda reminds Paula that she tanked at trying to recover Francisco's love, as he still hates her guts. So why not try to get Anibal back? Paula sounds resolved to do that.
At the Big Angel home: Big Angel comes home with flowers and liquor. Happy happy happy. He smooches on his wife and they are both like cooing doves full of joy and sweetness. Lilly looks on with contentment. Big Angel vows to love his wife forever. She's got a nice dress on and he compliments her. Kissy kissy.
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Big Angel gets down on one knee and gives his wife some flowers. Happy happy happy. We know this can't last. |
Back with Vicki and Anibal. She brings up Adriana's pain and how Anibal did Adri wrong. Anibal doesn't think he did anything wrong at all. Vicki reminds him that he's not God and he shouldn't be going around controlling everyone's lives all the time. She leaves him to think on this.
Adriana and Godfather are chatting at a restaurant. She tells him about her intense Call of the Blood moment with Lilly. "It was almost like she was my daughter!" Wow, how about that.
More unfettered happiness at the Big Angel household. They get ready for dinner and drink a toast. Another toast being drunk at the restaurant, where Adri is thanking her godfather for his support, yadda yadda.
Cute scene where Guzmancito brings in Nikki's meal on a tray, as she is in bed. To get her to eat, he spoon-feeds her, doing the childhood "fork as an airplane" trick where he "flies" the fork to her mouth. This goes on for a while and many flashing white smiles are displayed. He mentions that his mom did this for him when he was a kid. She asks about his mom, but he says his mom is DEAD. No smiles for a moment. Then he sits down to sit with her for a while. She asks, now that she's finished her meal, isn't he going to go? No, he says he's going to stay until
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He's going to make sure she eats the whole meal, because she's going to be fed by him! |
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Open wide! |
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All cozy and tucked in . . . |
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. . . with her Prince Charming by her bedside. |
Vicki is writing appalling poetry or maybe updating her soft-core porn romance novel, as a happy Big Angel and Chris get it on for real. Her dialog/voiceover is heard (as she reads her writing aloud) as we see a love scene between Big Angel and his wife.
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It would make a good cover for a romance novel! (Well as soon as the CCs were removed! LOL) |
Adri is at a clinic trying to get info on her giving birth 18 years ago. The clinic lady is saying, sorry, we lost our records 10 years ago in a flood. Adri wants to know, isn't there anyone who can remember anything, who knows anything? A doctor? A NURSE?
And then we cut to A NURSE. Candalaria. But I'm sure it's just a coincidence! LOL. She's in church, pouring her heart out in prayer. She asks God for forgiveness for a sin that haunts her. It's the reason she can't live near her family. But she did it out of love—the love a mother has for her daughter. (Now what on earth could this secret she's carrying be? What? LOL.)
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Candy confesses out loud, so all of Viewerville can connect the very large, very obvious dots. |
Chris visits her good friend and neighbor Paula. She effusively tells her that she and Big Angel had a very hot night of reconciliation. Paula's glad. Chris wants to contact Beatriz and see if she'll come back to live with them. Chris wouldn't blame Bea if she were ticked off, the way Chris left in a huff, leaving Bea high and dry. But Paula says that she's sure Bea (Betty) would understand. Chris says that yes, Bea must take after her dad, because what a nightmare of a mother! There is no forgiveness for a woman who abandons her kids the way Bea's mom did! Paula has this frozen smile on her face all during this.
In the bodyguard salon. Salsa-Dude and Big Angel are doing manly things like cleaning guns. Salsa-Dude decides to ask Big Angel about kids. Namely, Bea's little escuincle, who isn't warming too greatly to Salsa-Dude. Big Angel talks about his own kid, Lilly, and how much of a treasure she is. He also (just coincidentally) adds that they never had any kids after Lilly, because Chris had such a hard time with that pregnancy.
Then it all comes out with our Salsa-Dude. He never though much before about family, settling down, having kids. But now that's all changing, thanks to the beautiful Bea (though I'm not sure if he mentions her by name?). Big Angel is delighted to hear this and surmises that this newfound love of Salsa-Dude is why Salsa has been in such a good mood lately! Salsa-Dude offers Big Angel a hand in friendship and thanks him, making some allusion to how he never expected . . . (aka he never anticipated that he'd like the guy who he's been setting up all this time.) Bright beautiful smiles from both these guys. (I'm totally on Team Salsa-Dude, by the way.)
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Waxing rhapsodic about his love for his daughter. |
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Our Salsa-Dude flashes a brilliant white smile as he thinks about the Beautiful Betty. |
Jean Marie is dressed in a lovely coral suit and is off to see the most beautiful (cough cough) Odioette! Polita warns him to be careful, as this could be considered traitorous. Jean Marie can't help it, he must do it for love! Polita thinks on that and understands—she'd also do a lot for the love of her blonde cutie, Guzmancito.
Chris has come to talk to Beautiful Betty to explain that she can come live at the apartment again. Betty says that's okay, she's good at Guzman Gambling Dad's place now. Leo will just have to learn to accept that she's not returning to him. Betty thanks Chris for being there for her when she most needed her. During this whole exchange, Gilda/Hilda is giving the two the stinkeye, for some reason I don't get.
It's breakfast at the Big House. Vicki, Furry Fornicator, Anibal, and Nikki are all eating. Big Angel comes in and Lilly follows. She has some plants to show them or something. Nikky notably calls Lilly by her real name for once. But she's a bruja, making some snarky comment about how Lilly not only works in the garden, but also in the kitchen! As this is going on, Adriana storms into the room, demanding of Anibal to tell her where her hija is! Said hija (or so Viewerville has been led to believe) is holding a potted plant and drops it, impactada. And that is where we leave our episode.
Avances: It looks like the Furry Fornicator wants to use Nikki as a bargaining chip, to prevent Vicki from divorcing him. There's some weird up-close-and-personal moment between Big Angel and Vicki.
Labels: Amores
Can't wait for the recap. Another great episode.
(I don't know much about bulimia, but I'm glad the scene was written that Franki stayed with Nikki after she ate. The problem isn't getting her to eat, it's getting her to not vomit it all up, right?)
Your screen shots? Terrific. Have to say that Ana Martin looks fantastic and the years seem to have fallen away...Is it the lovely haircut? If so, I must get to a hairdresser pronto to get something similar.
I am really looking forward to you explaining Candelaria's confession. As she worked for Anibal's family, taking Adriana's baby makes the stealing even more heinous. (Doesn't it??)
Very nice that Angel is enthused about Salsa-Dude's new lady. I suspect he might not have been as excited if DWS revealed it was Bea. DWS missed a golden opportunity to speak with Francisco stating his honorable intentions. The last thing Francisco needs is to hear this tidbit at all, let alone second hand.
Who in the world could make me smile in delight over the feeding Nikki scenes other than Rulli? Instead of the eye roll, I thoroughly enjoyed every moment. EY will always be my fav, but Rulli makes his scenes great fun where with others they might seem ridiculous.
Lovely scene with Angel, Cris and Lili. I just soaked it in, not wanting to think about what will or won't happen...
Sara, I was also glad Francisco stayed with Nikki after she ate! He's pretty shrewd and am sure he wanted to be sure what went down, stayed down.
Can't wait to hear more Elvira!
Diana: Cande wasn't working for the Balvanera's at the time of the switch. When she was pregnant with Cris she left the Balvanera's.
Carlos: You were so right about Cande, who knew. I really didn't think she would have anything to do with a baby switch, but you were right. She probably knew the doc and that's how the baby switch happened. Can't wait to find out how she managed it.
I wish I felt better knowing she didn't intentionally steal Adriana's baby but it doesn't...
Watching Adri last night, she and Cris share a trait, their tempers. They do go off, dont' they. Just a little observation.
This was another fun episode.
We *knew* Carlos was right about Candy's involvement in the baby scheme -- well, Carlos is always right, or almost --as soon as we saw Candelaria's facial expression after her phone conversation with Lili.
Of course the church confession later brought the point home. (If people prayed silently, telenovelas would be much shorter.)
Then we get Arriaga telling Dances that his wife had serious problems with Lili's birth and they weren't able to have more kids. Oh ho!
Nice to see you here!
Re Adriana's "lover", ie the father of her baby: All we know is that his name is Vicente Celorio. She told her sister, Victoria, that their father had separated her from Vicente, her one true love, and she hasn't had any interest in romance since then.
So, we got some hints that Cande may have had a role in the baby switch to help her daughter. But we don't know anything else about the circumstances, so I don't think we should beat ourselves up trying to figure it out yet.
We have no idea if Cande knew that the live baby she was switching for her daughter's dead baby was a Balvanera. I doubt it though. Anibal probably had Adri in the clinic under a fake name to avoid scandal. But there are so many questions about the circumstances on both sides (Anibal's role and Cande's role), that I can't even guess how it all came to be at this point.
As for the ages of the sisters, Adri was 15 when she had her baby; Cris married JA after graduating from high school, so she was likely around 20 when she had her baby; and Vicky, who is 10 years older than Adri, was 25 with a toddler/small child and in grad school in Italy. When Cande left Anibal pregnant with Cris, Adri would not be born for another five years or so-- Cande never knew Adri.
Beautiful screen caps - look
forward to your synopsis.
Carlos - great detective work, and if you've got any connection to Ana Martin, please let us know the secret of her Fountain of Youth.
Vivi is right, we should not speculate too much driving ourselves crazy. I am WRONG all the time, so I might as well take another stab at being WRONG again.
Piggybacking on Carlos somewhat,
Anibal goes to a doctor in the clinic after Adriana's baby's birth. He tells the doctor that the young mother does not want anything to do with the baby and for her sake, please find a good home for the baby.
Now there is Chris's dead baby to deal with. What is to become of this baby? The doctor is negotiating with Cande, but the dead baby needs to be buried...or some variation of this.
The doctor goes back to Anibal and makes a deal with him - I'll find a home for A.'s baby girl, if you agree to give a proper burial to this baby BOY.
Adriana knew she was having a baby girl, but when the tomb is opened, it is the remains of a baby boy. I have no idea how much remains of a tiny body would be present after 18 years.
When Salsero was talking to Arriaga, he asked him if he had ever considered having a BOY.
I see this as foreshadowing.
Anibal did not know about Candelaria's involvement in the switch, and we don't know whether or not Cande knew about Anibal's involvement.
Now, you can tear this theory to shreds. I am up for it.
Am enjoying all the comments.
Ana Martin looks great & she's not the criada, yea.
Can't wait 'til he beats the mierda out of Leonardo.
On the one hand, I can't see Francisco ever accepting him as Bea's novio after these little truths come out (espeically as Nikki is his love).
Still, I can't believe the writers would be so cruel as to have Bea endure Leo and his abuse only to end up with Salsero if he has not admitted and atoned (to the degree he can) for what he has done.
It is going to be very interesting to see what happens.
The Arriagas were such a gorgeous family last night. They looked perfect for a family portrait. Which makes me wonder if they even have family photos since the house burned down.
Sorry to see it seems Candelaria had a part in the baby switch. Carlos, you sure called it. I agree with those who don't think Cande knew that the other baby was also Anibal’s grandchild.
But at least Cande is sorrowful for what she's done, so much so that she's put distance between herself and Cris' family. I guess she couldn't stand to see them regularly knowing what she'd done.
Anibal's assistant/Paula's friend seems jealous of Beatriz. Does she know that Beatriz is Paula's daughter?
At first, she seemed to welcome Bea quite warmly and was very nice to her. Not sure what happened.
The doctor mentioned to Anibal that it was too bad the baby was unwanted because another young lady was having a baby at the same time and it was a high-risk birth where the child would probably not survive. And the parents were SUCH lovely people who would be devastated if this happened! The light bulb goes on and Anibal (being so "generous" and "charitable") convinces the doctor to switch the babies. The doctor finally agrees and in turn (after Anibal is gone, of course), convinces Cande (who now just HAPPENS to be a nurse who just HAPPENS to work at this particular hospital where her daughter just HAPPENS to be giving birth - well, it IS a tn) to assist in the births/switch - never giving out names, so she never knows they're switching one of Anibal's granddaughters for another.
Anon: " she never knows they're switching one of Anibal's granddaughters for another". Interesting - I hadn't quite thought of it that way but Cande and/or whomever was involved did just that.
So much fun here today.
"...well, Carlos is always right..."
Thanks, but I'm still waiting for Antonio's (CME) wife and daughter (who went missing in a jungle plane crash) to suddenly reappear.
Actually, until Friday's episode, my money was on Nikki as the regifted baby and thought that Vikki and Anibal were the masterminds.
Now I think there is one other accomplice...Padrino Antonio. He seems to know a lot and has asked Anibal if he ever thinks about Adriana's baby and what might have happened to her.
With all her ire toward her dad, I'm puzzled that Adriana is giving Antonio a pass although he has been aware all this time that her baby is alive.
Wow, the love scene between José Ángel and Cristina was intense and how odd that the voice over during the whole thing as Vikki's.
My favorite scene of course was of Frankie feeding Nikki. Was there anyone who didn't find that just too precious for words? I think that all of us in the Nikki support group enjoyed that immensely. No need for bags last night.
Who else noticed that Nikki actually addressed Liliana by her correct name?
A careful reading will show that as always, I hedged my bets:
well, Carlos is always right, or almost
Still, your batting average is far better than mine. And I too was in the Nikki is the Lost Hija Camp until Vicki reminisced about being in Europe with her baby daughter when Adri was with child.
Couldn't believe Odioette actually balked at leaving Kend-Ho's via the "back door". Your pride is more important that getting caught? Priorities woman...
Carlos: "Who else noticed that Nikki actually addressed Liliana by her correct name?" Yes, she did! And she did so in such a kind, warm way, did she not?? :)
Aribeth---your recaps are too good for Cris's corner to roar at you.
Madelaine---you have great musical taste.
Anonymous 1/29 at 6:29 pm I hope that you are not right but I'm afraid that you might be.
variopinta---Of all the criers, Victoria Ruffo bothers me the most.
I don't like her crying at all.
When I looked at the screen caps today and saw "Guzmancito confesses his love for that bruja Nikki" I had to laugh---Carlos, you chose the bruja while I chose the beautiful, sweet orchid. Well things might change--will have to wait and see.
the gringo
And I didn't comment yesterday but it is so beanie time for me. Adri is searching for her missing daughter, she meets a girl who is the same age her daughter would be who starts sobbing the moment she sees her, says she feels like she's known her all her life, and Adri's all "Huh! That was weird!". Why do the smart characters have to turn stupid!
Loved the "here comes the airplane" scene with Guzman. Those two are too cute for words. I'm at your table Carlos and NM!
Nikki doesn't believe anyone could really love her, including Guzman, because she doesn't love herself. So it's easy to see why she keeps distancing herself from Guz as soon as she gets close to him.
Guz has lived with rejection from the most important woman in his life, his mother, so it fits that he puts up with Nikki's "rejection" of him, over and over.
A match made in telenovelaland heaven.
Carlos - what a great theory that Adri's padrino was the one who took Adri's baby away. How else would he know Lucía is still alive?. I'll bet you are right.
Katy, this whole Adriana/Liliana weird behavior stuff is called "la llamada de la sangre", although normally it is not as over-the-top as this week's episode. "La llamada de la sangre" is one of the telenovela rules and we all drink the Kool-Aid. Trust me, there is far cornier, stupid stuff in telenovela rules. This is why we all wear Telenovela Beanie Hats.
"Because that would be helpful and would move the story along faster. We can't have that!"
"Don't trust the Furry One!"
"… trying to convince Paula to fight for that manly prize *cough* Anibal."
I thought Odiosa had the best line last night. When Kendra asked her to take the service exit, Odiosa said "What is this? Vaudeville?" lol
Great recap with great photos. Hilarious. My favorite line:
"...of course never mentions that it's in the Mr. Anibal household. (Because that would be helpful and would move the story along faster. We can't have that!)"
My exact thoughts as well.
Excellent insight on why Nikki pushes Guzman away, and especially on why he puts up with it.
Ugh, Anyballs, how could he ask Ms Vikki to take that Furry Fornicator back, it just suspends beleif. He doesn't care who he hurts, Anyballs needs an anvil. I am glad Ms Vikki is standing her ground.
Furry Fornicator is another one. Using Nikki as a bargaining chip. I am glad that Kendho for once dissed him. Serves him right. He needs a bigger anvil.
Liked Angel and Cris' night of passion, but it was too weird with Ms Vikki's voice over. I too am glad that Cris and Angel are back together.
Poor Lili, to be dropping that plant. Adri and Cris are alike with their little tempers, I think. They both like confronting people. I don't blame Adri for doing that though. She has wanted anwers from Anyballs for so long, that now she will blow against him. I wonder if he will tell her.
I did like Nikki and Guzmi in this epi with the feeding, it was very cute. I'm glad he stayed with her too, so she didn't barf it up.
Elvira loved this whole recap and the screencaps and the lined out parts, lol. So perfect.
I liked all the Furry Fornicator/F.F. riffs. Your opinions of the poetry/soft porn novel and painting had me giggling. Guess I was right to fast forward through all that this morning.
I am amazed by Vicky's restraint when Anibal tries to convince her not to divorce FF because of the company. I would have slapped him, or yelled at him, or thrown my Baileys at him by now.
I really hope Guzman (and the writers) don't think he can cure Nicki's eating disorder by spoon feeding her like a baby, and giving her big pretty smiles.
So Vicky wants Nicki to pick up her piano lessons again...and Guzman is an expert piano player...
Vicky still needs to prod Nikki into finding a career or some other major function in life, though, besides a few hobbies.
I think Nikki's bulimia is going to be a long, drawn-out plotline. She must not be too far gone into that wormhole yet, though. She was willing to eat with Guzmi watching her and she didn't even try to get away to vomit. Plus, compared to people with eating disorders I have lived with, Nikki is downright pleasant and amiable.
I especially giggled at the way you allowed us a glimpse into your creative process by showing us parts of your first draft. :)
I also like the scene between Guzmancito and Nikki, they are so cute together. Please find sweet and young Liliana another boy to love.
Furry Fornicator!!!! best name for that guy. Yuk!!! please don't show anymore love scene from them(FF and Kendho)Instead show more of Daniel and Camila's (oops sorry, that is from another tn AB).
Loved that kiss between poor tortured Gusanito. The music they played for their theme song was killing me--I knew I had heard it someplace. It turns out I just heard it earlier whenever the two of them got romantic. If anyone is not yet seduced by it or doesn't know the tune, it's by Marconi, with Eiza Gonzalez singing along to Me Puedes Pedir Lo Que Sea (and they actually say Amor Verdadero).
To add to the controversy on Candle's hand in Adri's baby ending up with Cris and JA, I'm with Floridia's explanation. After all, Anibal knows it was a live birth. Adri's godfather knew it from him and has recently confirmed it for Adri.
RE: Vicky's voice-over. I think we were supposed to think it was the author putting down a particularly racy scene down in her paen to JA. She's imagining what they are doing and they ARE.
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