Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Amor Bravío #110 (Uni 105) Tue 1/22/13 El Gato está fuera de la Bolsa and Aggie is Aghast!

Daniel continues his late night prayer to Miriam, thanking her for everything she gave him and for the life they had together.  He will never forget her and she will be forever in his heart *sniff*, always.

Rocio is still playing the victim, telling Mariano it hasn’t been easy keeping her secret.  She asks her sons to help Cayetanto realize that (how difficult it’s been for her).  Yago thinks it was a shock, the manner in which they found out.  Rocio swears if it had been up to her, they never would have found out.  She never would have been the one to hurt them so badly.  Refugio is sitting in the background, still giving Rocio the ol’ stinkeye.  Mariano understands but says the deception and then the cover up only makes everything worse. Rocio asks him to understand.  Has he thought of his father in the jail?  That’s what would have happened had she told him about the affair, er, rape.  That’s why she preferred to carry this secret, eating away at her soul for such a long time.

Elsewhere at BV, Cayetano is knocking one back as he recalls Rocio’s words telling him about the affair, er, rape.  Maldito Daniel Monterde!  He reaches for another copa and thought bubbles that he can’t believe Pablo might not be his.  Out loud, he says “No he’s mine, all mine.”  The thought suddenly hits him (yeah, like an anvil, I know) that Pablo and Camila have the same blood type.  He recalls how Pablo was the only one with blood compatible to Camila’s the time the bulls ran her over.  He thoughtbubbles that he couldn’t bear it if it turns out Pablo isn’t an Albarran!

In Refugio’s room, she prays to la Virgencita to show Rocio the way and not allow her to commit such an injustice. She asks for help for herself, to help her know what she herself should do. Should she remain silent? Or sing like a canario? What should she do?

Rocio continues to try brainwashing her sons, saying this should explain to them why she never wanted them near La Malquerida,  Camila, and that muchachita that Pablo married.  Mariano reminds her they are not responsible for what happened.  She realizes that but the thought of them being near the Monterdes was a constant reminder of what had happened.  Yago doubts Camila knows what a disgraceful man her uncle was.  Mariano agrees.  For Camila, Don Dan was the best of men.  Rocio says that’s the image he portrayed to the whole world, and to her.  She recognizes her responsibility in all this, allowing him to get close to her.  But she was going through a very trying time, she was vulnerable and he took advantage of that.  Yago wonders if she truly doesn’t know who is Pablo’s father – did she just say that because Cayetano was there?  Rocio swears she never knew and never wanted to know.  She begs them to convince Cayetano not to order the DNA.  He must think of Pablo!

Valle de Bravo
The doctor has completed his examination of Luzma.  He explains it’s difficult to say what’s going on without an ultrasound.  He explains the bleeding generally means the threat of a miscarriage, possibly the detachment of placenta. He isn’t ready to say she’s losing the baby but strongly recommends they visit the gynecologist in town first thing tomorrow for a more precise diagnosis.  He recommends she rest, eat lightly and ZERO activities (bummer).  He’s leaving a prescription at the front desk to be filled tonight.  There’s nothing more to be done tonight.  After he leaves, Luzma wishes it were morning already so they could go to the gynecologist.  Pablo tries to calm her, saying he’s sure the doctor would have told them if the situation were critical.  She confesses she felt sad at the thought of losing the baby.  Pablo feels it’s only logical – it’s her baby and carries her blood.  It’s also her tio’s, she says.  Pablo is so sweet.  He knows it’s not his place to say this but if she changes her mind and wants to keep the baby with them, she has his full support. 

Vivi/Rafa’s Love Nest
Rafa brings Vivi breakfast in bed. He wakes her with a rose.  Luckily, she’s slept in full make-up.  Anyhoo, they cuddle and make small lovey, dovey talk.  She’s never had such a marvelous, handsome man who treated her so well. Likewise, he says.  They talk of their plans for the day and she mentions she’s planning to visit with Roman.  He reminds her Roman is waiting to be adopted and he wouldn’t want Roman to misinterpret her affection for him.  She’ll consider his advice.

La Malquerida
El Diablo comes into the kitchen and starts hounding Piedad for those books.  When she asks if he already looked in the library, he barks at her that he obviously has otherwise he wouldn’t be asking her now.  He orders her to start looking now!  After he leaves, Piedad suddenly thinks of Dorotea and rushes out.

Outside, Cami and Dan are strolling about and he tells her he had trouble sleeping.  She thinks it’s because of the call he got saying Alonso’s mother wishes to speak with him.  She offers to go with him but he doesn’t think it will be necessary and besides she needs to speak with her mother.  He tells her she’s always been a good daughter and when the whole truth comes out, Agustina is really going to need her.  Dionicio walks by as they’re talking.  He offers them a brisk “Buenos Dias” and goes directly to his car. As he climbs in, he gives us a ewwwwwww-worthy moment because he thought bubbles, “It’s me you should be sleeping with, not that imbecile!”  EEWWWWWWW!!!  Almost as though he’s heard Dion’s thoughts, Dan says he can’t stand him!  Cam says that although she’s grateful to him for saving her life, she wishes he weren’t here.  She waves goodbye as he drives by, saying, “good-bye forever, Dionicio!”

In the laundry room, Piedad rushes in asking Dorotea about those books sincerely hoping she really didn’t burn them cuz El Diablo’s looking for them.  Dorotea slyly asks if he’s looking for those books…., or the letters.  She pulls the books out from their hiding place and shows Piedad the picture of Rocio and Don Dan.  Piedad wonders why they’re in the picture together.  Dorotea supposes it was because they had a love affair (amorÍo).  Piedad scolds her and suggests she not even think of saying such a thing in front of Camila or she’ll throw her out “patitas a la calle”!  Dorotea says it’s true and not just because she says it, but because it’s all written in those letters.  She hands one over to Piedad to read.

In the dining room, Camila comes to speak with her mother about their relationship.  She’s not happy about what’s going on between them.  Agustina feels there’s nothing wrong with telling her things for her own good, such as it’s wrong of her to marry Dan.  Camila explains, “I  know you don’t approve of Daniel.  But then, I’m not happy about your relationship with Dionicio.  But I keep the peace with Dionicio and you.  But this conversation isn’t about them; it’s about you and me.  I miss you.  I miss our conversations; I miss how you would come to my room to listen to my problems.  Yes, you scolded me but you also gave me affection.  You were always there for me.  You’re here, but you’re not with me.  I miss you very much and I love you.”  Agustina caves and agrees she loves her too.  Camila continues, “Ximena is no longer here.  It’s just the two of us.”  They both agree they miss her and Camila says there are some things they can’t change.  Agustina confesses she’s considered suggesting to Dionicio that they move out, even though she doesn’t like his house but it is her home and now Camila and “that man”….  Camila gently stops her here and Agustina addresses Daniel by his name.  She knows they now own all this and probably don’t want her and her hubby crowding them.  Camila of course denies this.  She wants her there, she needs her.  They both gush how much they care for each other.  Camila goes on to say she loves her with all her heart, her liver, which sometime seems as though it will burst (wait, what?), but she also loves her with her head which also seems about to  burst.  Bottom line, she loves her with all her being.  They both cry as they hug and Agustina says how she missed these hugs.

BuenaVentura – the Shrew’s Room
Refugio brings her a cup of witch’s brew.  Rocio informs her Cayetano didn’t sleep there last night, although she was sure her sons would help him rationalize everything.  Refugio informs her Mariano tried speaking with him but Cayetano didn’t want to speak with anyone and left very early.  Rocio will ask her sons to continue to insist.  Cayetano’s got to understand.  Refugio asks what it is he’s got to understand?  She doesn’t understand how Rocio dared to come up with such a whopper.  Don Daniel never abused her!  Rocio tells her to shut her trap and never to repeat that again.  Refugio tells her she can’t stain someone’s reputation in such a manner, especially when that someone is dead and can’t defend himself.  Rocio unbelievably says that’s precisely why this is so perfect!  Don Dan has nothing to lose!  Refugio asks her to consider the people who loved him – his family, Camila, hmmm?  Has she considered how Pablo will feel when he realizes he’s the result of a rape?  Rocio is adamant that Pablo never know.  He should never find out about that, or that he’s Don Dan’s son.  Refugio insists she consider what would happen if he were to find out.  Isn’t it cruel to harm (perjudicar) him just so she comes out clean?  Rocio is determined that Pablo never find out and she’s sure Cayetano would never tell him.  (She wipes away a tear)  No, he wouldn’t consider breaking his favorite son’s heart.  Besides, Cayetano knows Pablo accepted that girl knowing she’d been raped.  In her twisted mind, this means he’d have to accept her just as his son accepted that muchachita!  *freakazoid* Refugio realizes this is where she got the idea and says she’s selfish.  She only thinks of herself.  Rocio rejects this idea.  She thinks of herself and her sons.  It just wouldn’t do to have her sons think of their mother as an unfaithful woman rather than as a victim of a rapist.   Now she instructs Refugio that should anyone ask, she’s to tell them that’s exactly what happened.  Understood?  Refugio is dumbfounded.  And what if she’s not willing to go along with the lie?  “Well, nanita,” says Rocio, “if you don’t….if you don’t do as I say, you’ll have to forget about me and this family para siempre!”

La Malquerida
Piedad can’t believe what she’s just read!  Don Daniel and…….Dorotea finishes her sentence for her, “your consuegra (mother-in-law of one’s daughter/son)”  She spells it out for her, Rocio couldn’t bring herself to come to her son’s wedding, but when it came to mixing it up with the big guy while still married, well, that’s a different story altogether.  Piedad agrees, Rocio was married and Don Dan was a widower.  It’s all there in the letters.  Pablo and Luzma must never find out!  Dorotea thinks maybe they should.  Rocio shouldn’t be putting on airs of being the grand lady.  Piedad thinks this would be devastating for Pablo.  He’s been so good to her. He’s her son-in-law (yerno) and she’s gotta watch out for him now, right?  Dorotea wonders what they should do about these letters.  Piedad thinks they should stay in the books.  Dorotea thinks not, they’ll only end up in Dionicio’s hands.  He’s the one looking for those books and he’s sure to show them to Agustina.  Piedad thinks of another plan.  She’ll give only the books to Dionicio and keep the letters but their existence must be a secret known only to her and Dorotea. 

Rocio doesn’t know how Cayetonto got hold of that letter.  She went over it over and over it all night and she’s come to the conclusion that it had to be that woman, Hissadora.  She was living at LMQ and even came to believe it was hers.  She came across those letters while she was cleaning  (Hissadora cleaning?  What a hoot—Rocio is crazy).  She did it to get Rocio out of the way (apartarme del camino) to discredit (desprestigiar) her to Cayetano.  Hissadora wants to end up with him, his fortune, everything!  Refugio wonders if Don Dan saved all the letters Rocio wrote him?  Rocio doesn’t think so, otherwise Hissadora would have given them all to Cayetano.  That possibility just doesn’t exist.  Just think, if she’s Don Dan’s victim, Cayetano won’t be able to abandon her.  Rocio says Hissadora has declared war, but Rocio’s sure she’s won this battle. 

Cayetarugo is dining with Hissadora.  She empathizes with him.  She knows he must have had a difficult night.  He’s haggard (ojeroso) and gaunt (demacrado).  *gee thanks Hissadora*  Cayetarugo can’t believe he never realized he had an enemy as a neighbor.  “Daniel and I weren’t close, but we were friends.  I never thought him capable of abusing my mujer!”  Hissadora almost chokes on her fruit, “Daniel never abused your wife.  They were lovers!”  Cayetano repeats Rocio’s version, “Daniel tried to seduce my wife.  She was attracted (atraida ?) and flattered (halagada) and allowed herself to be taken in.  But when she realized Daniel’s true intentions she tried to distance herself from him and that’s when he raped her.”  Hissadora is dumbfounded, “Is that what she told you?”  Cayetano doesn’t believe she’d lie about something so serious.  Hissadora wouldn’t be so sure about that, “The letters I read spoke of devotion (entrega), of a an excessive (desbordada) passion that consumed her.  Of having loved him with her heart……and body.  Because I don’t want you to continue to be deceived, I swear to you I will find the rest of those letters no matter what!”  Cayetonto, who’s looking more demarcado with each second replies, “If what you say is true and Rocio not only deceived me but also threw it in my face, I swear she will regret the day she was born.”  Hissadora gives him her best combination oh well/cat ate the canary look.

La Malquerida
Mariano comes to share the chisme with Camila that his father has found a love letter from his mother to Don Daniel.  Camila has to absorb this, “Between  your mother and my tío.”  Mariano continues to tell her that his mother suspects Pablo may be Don Daniel’s son.  Camila can’t believe that Pablo may be her cousin!  “Well, that’s not all,” says Mariano, “The truth is my mother doesn’t know who the biological father is.  She’s told us that she rejected Don Daniel’s advances and then he raped her.”  Camila:  “Como?  My tío raped your mother?  No!  Perdon, but no, I will not accept it.  Your mother is attempting to sully my tío’s name and I will not allow it! 

Refugio has gone to speak to Padre Anselmo about Rocio’s threats.   She can’t threaten (amedrentar) you in that manner.  Refugio:  “You don’t know her.  Apparently neither do I.  I’ve know her for so many years but she’s someone else.  I never imagined her capable of being so…so…perverse.”  Padre Anselmo is incensed, “What she’s doing is very wrong.  Tarnishing someone’s memory in order to wash away her own guilt.  You are obliged to speak about this.  You must tell the truth.”  Refugio worries about where she’ll go if Rocio fires her.  Who will hire her at her age?  She has nowhere else to live.  She’s dedicated her life to the Albarran.  Padre tells her to trust in the love those sons have for her and in God’s grace.  “Rocio’s afraid and that’s why she’s threatened you.  You cannot allow her to go through with this farce.  Don Cayetarugo, his sons, and even Camila have the right to the truth.  If you don’t, you’ll have to live with that disgrace the rest of your life and you will have turned yourself into her accomplice.”  Oh, Refugio’s shaking in her boots now!

La Malquerida. 
Mariano doesn’t believe his mother is capable of lying about something so serious.  He understands what a blow this must be to her, discovering what her uncle has done.  Camila:  “no, I can also understand what a blow this must be for you but we both know this is a lie.  You knew my tio.  He would be incapable of laying a hand on a woman.  He was not a rapist!  What are you talking about?!”  Mariano counters that just as she refuses to believe that of her tio, he refuses to believe his mother would lie about something so serious.  Camila is adamant that she will not accept this, “We’re talking about a man of integrity.  He’s not here to defend himself and your mother is taking advantage of that.  I’m sorry , but I will not allow it!  We’re not talking about he-who-shall-not-be-named, my tio was a very different man!”  Mariano understands what this implicates for her and Pablo.  He doesn’t know yet and they convinced Cayetano not to say anything until they know for sure who the biological father is.  A DNA test will be ordered without Pablo’s knowledge and they’ll decide whether or not to tell him after the results are known.  “To each his own,” replies Camila.  Mariano says this is been very difficult for him as well.  He will not make excuses for his mother.  She fell in love with Don Dan and accepted his flirting (galanteos), but she’s also a victim of the abuse she suffered.  Whoa!  Camila tells him they should both chill.  She’s sorry but she doesn’t see his mother as a victim.  She feels the only victim here is Pablo, and her tío, because his name is being tarnished.  Again, she will not permit it!  Is there even any proof?  “What proof?” asks Mariano, “It’s my mother’s word.  This happened many years ago.”  Camila looks as though she is ready to strangle him: “Well then, I’m going to speak with your mother because if all I have is her word, I will ask her swear to me on you and your brothers that what she’s saying is true.  Because really?  I don’t believe her!”  He agrees she’s within her rights but asks that she not do so today and allow him to speak with her first. 

Valle de Bravo
Our sad tortolitos are at the doctor’s office and he shares the results of his tests.  Hers is a high risk pregnancy and he uses some medical jargon about placentas and such.  Bottom line:  he’s recommending they return home and that she have complete bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy in order to save her baby.

Jailhouse Chayo
Daniel visits with Chayo who has still more information from Alonso who insisted this be for Daniel’s ears only so as not to distress the fair Camila.  Alonso had obtained info on calls between Dionicio and Julian but this was surely burned in the accident.  This information proved Alonso’s innocence.  She begs Daniel to find copies of this or at least the person who got it for Alonso.  Daniel promises to do so in order to prove Alonso’s innocence and to unmask those responsible.  Alonso also wanted Daniel to know about a recording that was sent from his cell phone to his e-mail.  This recording proves Hissadora masterminded Camila’s kidnapping and obliged Alonso’s involvement.  He only accepted in order to protect Camila.  Unfotunately, she doesn’t have Alonso’s e-mail so it will be up to Daniel to figure that out. 

Diablo Hotline
Dionicio informs Hissadora that he’s charged The Help with finding those books.  She tells him it’s urgent that they find those books.  Rocio’s now come up with the story that Don Dan raped her and Cayetantarugo believed her!  Dionicio’s laughs his evil laugh and is amazed at Rocio’s shenanigans.  Hissadora doesn’t find this amusing and tells him to find those letters if he wants to save his skin.  She releases the call and mimics his laugh, “Estupido!”

Dionicio continues to laugh after the call has ended, then turns around to find Natalia approaching him.  (I don’t know about y’all but I hadn’t noticed he was at the clinic)  He asks if she’s ready to know the truth and she is.  He turns to the nurse behind the counter and she hands him an envelope which he turns over to Nat to open.  She opens it, then turns to Dionicio, “It’s positive.  It turns out that I’m your daughter”

He brings her a cup of coffee and tells her not to worry.  He will recognize her as his daughter and give her the rightful place in his life.  She worries about what Agustina might think.  He doesn’t feel she has any reason to disapprove.  Surely, she’ll be surprised about his relationship with Amanda but that took place a long time ago.  Long before he had met Agustina.  She’ll have to understand and accept her as he has.  Natalia asks what he would do if Aggie were to make him choose between them.  He replies that he was resigned to remain childless until the day she told him she could possibly be his daughter.  Everything then changed for him, knowing he could be her father.  He wants to make it very clear to her that he will never lie to her.  So it would be best that Agustina accept her because he will never reject her, or leave her defenseless.  Natalia mentions her mother told her the truth when she said he was her father.  Dionicio begins to dole out the poison:  “The fact that I’m your father doesn’t mean that your mother told you the truth.  Because she wasn’t truthful with respect to me or our relationship.”  Natalia doesn’t know who between the two of them is lying to her.  Dionicio:  “The only way I have of demonstrating to you that I don’t lie will be to confront your mother.  I want her to tell me to my face everything she told you about me.”  He assures her he’s sure about this.  Natalia wants to get this done now.  She must know who is deceiving her.  Dionicio:  “It would be a pleasure.”  Bwahahaha

Valle de Bravo
Our sad little tortolitos comfort each other.  Luzma is so sorry their honeymoon is ruined.  Ever the gentleman, he assures her she’s not to blame.  She angrily blames he-who-shall-not-be-named saying what all of Viewerville thinks:  even from jail, he continues to ruin her life. 

La Malquerida
Piedad brings Agustina her coffee and takes this opportunity to bring her the books Dionicio is looking for.  Camila walks in shouting for her mother and asks Agustina if she knew about Don Daniel’s little aventura with Rocio.  “What?”  Camila explains Mariano just told her and apparently there’s a letter to prove it.  “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!  This is impossible!”  Exclaims Aggie.  “Possible,” says Camila.  “That woman is saying he raped her!”  Aggie is aghast and Camila insists they go over now to confront her.  She’d put her hands in the fire to protect her tio, “They’re defaming his good name.  We have to do this before Cayetano ruins Pablo’s life.  Because now it turns out that Rocio is saying Pablo could be his son!”  Piedad’s eyes have been bugging out during this whole conversation and comes out with it that she has the infamous letters!  She didn’t know what to do with them and thought it would be bad if Pablo got a hold of them.  But now that Cayetano knows, the bomb has exploded.  She thinks it’s only right that Camila do with them what she thinks is right.  Aggie urges her to go get them right now!  Hurry!!!  


Well, well, well, Rocio is about to get her just desserts! I, for one, am looking forward to Cayetantarugo to throw her out on her tush! How dare she come up with such a whopper of a story and then greedily say to Refugio that Don Dan's got nothing to lose since he's dead! ugh, what a witch!

Question for everyone, what is the upside for Dion and Hissie for everyone to know Rocio's shameful affair? I think I may have missed something. Will it make a difference who spills the frijoles?



Thank you for the thorough and thoughtful recap. I love your phrase for Pablo and Luzma: Our sad little tortolitos. They are such a winning and admirable couple . . . and the hits just keep on coming!

If the goal is to estrange Rocio from Cayetantarugo (love it!), it would seem to matter little who spills the beans. The more people that know it, the better, given Cayatano's old-fashioned view of everything, including his attraction to women. But, like all of their plots, this one of our Boris and Natasha, must have some holes in it.

I figured that Dio would find a way to deny his parentage of Natalia. One way or another, the goal seems to be to hurt Amanda.

I was reading about the actor who plays Iago and learned that he was in Teresa, where he had a relationship with the character played by Fernanda Castillo (Viviana here). Perhaps the momentary flirtation at the wedding was another sendup to an earlier novela. I didn't watch Teresa, so I'm shooting in the dark on this one.

Paquita- Thank you for the wonderful recap. ITA with you on that sweetie Pablo. Luzma was right when she said a number of episodes ago that despite the other crap going on, Pablo is a blessing in her life. He is. And if she has to go through this rape/pregnancy situation, there is no one better to have by her side than Pablo.

As for Rocio, that woman has NO shame. She actually admitted to Nana that it was Luzma's situation that gave her the idea for her lie. Wow! Just, wow! I cannot wait for Cami to go over there with those letters and to see Rocio's lies blow up in her snobby, shrewish face. This is one Isa/Dio plan I can get behind.

I am so glad this lie was found out within one episode. Even though it plays into Isa's plans to get Rocio out of the way and to gain Cayetonto's trust (and then his ranch eventually), I really don't feel bad for Rocio or Cayetonto. I feel bad for Pablo, who is unaware of all this stuff that's happening that will shift how everyone thinks of his identity and his place in his family. He has enough on his plate trying to support and care for Luzma.

Cayetonto said to Isa that not only did Rocio deceive him all these years, but now she's trying to make a fool of him (dar la cara). That really ticked him off. I predict fireworks when he sees those letters. Can't wait!

I liked the touching moment between Cami and Gussy. Dan, before he left, told her to lower her guard and he pride, to have that talk with her mom. He's such a good yerno, and yet Gussy is still calling him "that man." I loved how Cami gently made her call Dan by name-- much like Pablo does with his parents when they call Luzma "muchachita."

The liver thing-- like we used to attribute the liver (bile) to anger, in Spanish they still refer to this. So basically Camila was saying that although at times she gets angry at Gussy (her liver and head exploding) she still loves and needs her.


Good work, Paquita.

It won't matter who spills the frijoles here; it's Rocio's infidelity and Pablo's parentage that will estrange her from Cayetano. That's what Hissadora needs to get into La Buenaventura.

It will be very interesting to see how fast Cayetano makes that happen. Mariano will fight that and (perhaps) get disinherited for it. Or at least that's what Hissadora and El Diablo are counting on.

What is getting me with regard to this is that El Diablo's "investors" don't seem to care about how the property is being acquired. Mariano could easily see that this is tied up in court for years -- just as Camila and Daniel would have done if necessary -- and the excavation would still not happen.

As for El Diablo's parentage of Natalia, he will use the positive result to hurt Amanda.

Traveling Lady, I saw Teresa and I don't remember this actor from there. What's going on here is that Iago is a skirt-chaser and this is meant to show that he is not going to be good for Natalia.

Traveling Lady- Diego (Yago) had a small role in the beginning of Teresa. I almost forgot! Fernanda (Vivi) was the painfully shy sister of the galan (Sebastian Rulli). Diego played her friend who really wanted to be her boyfriend, and eventually they did become novios, despite her shyness. Her dedication to her brother, however, prevents her from really moving forward with her own life and eventually that relationship fades away (and he left the show). She later reencounters her childhood crush, a known womanizer, falls for him, and gets engaged to and pregnant by him. But then, of course, Teresa steals him to gain access to his $$. Fernanda's character, Luisa, decides to become a strong single mother at the end. (Showing that it is possible for a good girl to not marry and to raise a baby on her own by the end of a tn.)

Thanks, Vivi. Interesting how these actors and pairings make their way through the novelas. I think UA is right, that hitting on Vivi was just a show of his caddishness and womanizing, but I was surprised to see that the two actors had been a couple in another novela.

I looked him up because the credits at the beginning give him a little more emphasis, making me wonder if he was a rising novela star. I hadn't seen him before, that I recall anyway, and he doesn't have real matinee idol looks.

He definitely requires improvement if he wants to be a galan. Darker hair and a better physique would help.

Does anyone know what happened to Quien Eres Tu?. I was watching this and it seems to have been cancelled.

Urban- I had been recapping QET in the Telemundo y Mas post on Caray. UniMas pulled QET because it wasn't getting great ratings against sister channel show Amor Bravio. Yeah, makes no sense that they thought it would. But it's a really good show. Just a dumb move on UniMas's part! It's still showing in other countries and so far I have been able to find up to Cap 13 online-- Daily Motion and YouTube. And this weeks episodes (up to cap 13) are really good.

Diego (Yago) was one of the main young galans in Una Familia con Suerte. He was actually quite funny as Freddy, the spoiled fresa and son of Sergio Sendel-- who called him Nene (baby). The two of them were quite funny together.

Vivi, I actually wondered whether that was a mini-series on the assumption that the premise isn't really sustainable over a series as long as Televisa is now accustomed to making. There was a time when TeleFutura ran 5-episode ones in the 10PM time slot but I never caught any of them.

AB is so good they could not have expected it to be able to compete. Julian Gil is a good actor but needs to change his look if he wants to be taken seriously as a leading man. You should check out Gabriel, Amor Inmortal where he plays a doctor.

Back to AB...

They need to stop teasing us about what's up in Chile. We need to know whether Miriam is alive (I believe she is) and what Abe is up to.

Paquita thanks for the recap. I too am shocked at the new depths Rocio has taken and look forward to her getting the boot.

Making pregnancy complications for Luzma just increases the pain in an already excruciating plot. It does show how great Pablo is and at such a young age!

Vivi - thanks for remembering "Iago" in Teresa. I had completely forgotten him.

UA - thanks for your recap yesterday and ITA about the Chile plot. The writers do keep teasing us about what is really going on there.

Paquita, thanks VERY much for another wonderful recap. It helped me see things I'd missed and provided me with some very useful Spanish vocab. And, of course, it delighted me with the great snark. As I was watching the scene in the bedroom with Vivi and Rafa, I thought to myself "does anyone really look that good when they wake up?" So needless to say, I especially liked "Luckily, she’s slept in full make-up." I also enjoyed "Refugio brings her a cup of witch’s brew" and "(Hissadora cleaning? What a hoot—Rocio is crazy)."

After so many things have gone well for Cam and Dan and for Pablo and Luzma, apparently the mierda is about to hit the fan big time, not just for them but for Amanda as well. Even though Dan now knows about Alonso's efforts to prove his innocence, probably Miriam will occupy all his attention, making him unable to follow up for quite a while on what Rosario told him. And it looks as if Camila is about to feel alone, fearing she has lost Dan to Miriam and doesn't even have Mariano's shoulder to cry on. And Hissadora will once again seem to be triumphant. Of course, probably everything will work out well in the end, but I fear that we in Viewerville will be in for an extended rough patch. Thank heavens we'll have the pleasure of these marvellous recaps to lift our spirits.

Iago was also in Familia con suerte as Vicente y Josefina's son.

About leading galans...I think the actor who plays Rodolfo could carry it off.

Paquita: Awesome recap. Thanks so much. It really helps. It was one of those talky eps.

One laugh out loud moment: “(Hissadora cleaning? What a hoot—Rocio is crazy).”

I couldn’t understand everything Rocio was saying, but her expressions, tone, body language makes me despise her even more. She must have been different in her youth. I can’t believe that two dynamic men like Don Daniel and Cayetano fell for her. What a freakin’ shrew. I’m beginning to feel sympathy for Caye. And I see from reading the recap I have reason to despise her. Does she really not know who Pablo’s father is? I’m guessing that’s another lie. I can’t stand this woman. And what kind of an utter fool is she to think that Pablo being a “product of rape” won’t come out. Her affair just did. This woman is from another planet. Planet Stupid. Now she’s threatening Nana!!! I dislike this B***h intensely. And if she calls Luz muchachita one more time . . . !!!!!

“Luckily, she’s slept in full make-up.”—I’ve watched TNs where they have minimal makeup on and it looks so natural. I wish they’d do that in this one. I also cringe whenever someone wakes up and starts kissing like they don’t have morning breath. I have to pretend they took a Breath Assure before going to bed (have to say, I’ve never done that so don’t know if it’s false advertising or truly works).

Dan encouraging Cam to talk to her mother. This is just another instance of how Dan treats women. He’s all about protecting his “girls”.

Funny--Cam saying goodbye forever to Dio as he was driving away. Glad she’s not allowing his saving of her to blind her to who he really is.

I was so afraid that Dorotea had burned the books. I love that she read the letters and then shared them with Piedad and how later Piedad tells Cam about it. I love the way when it looks like the villains get an upper hand, the Scoobies immediately checkmate them. It’s refreshing not having to agonize over the villains winning for very long stretches at a time—or waiting until Ultimas Semanas for the good guys to finally start getting the upper hand.

Love the scene between Cam and her mother.

Cam gets going re: Rocio’s lies about her uncle. Viewerville knew that she would. I can’t believe that once Mariano thinks about it and knowing his mother, he won’t come to believe she lied. Do you think she’d actually go so far as to swear on her sons’ lives that it’s the truth?

Padre is right about the boys and Nana. There is no way that Nana will EVER be on the “streets”. And don’t forget Cam and Dan. Even if Pablo wasn’t Cam’s cousin (and I’m pretty sure Rocio lied about not knowing who is father is) they would take Nana in in a heartbeat. Any of the Scoobies would.

I wonder why all the letters but that one were in one book? Why separate them?


Thanks Paquita, what a great episode with so much to discuss.

Let's not gloss over Dion asking for the books and Aggie (and hopefully Camila) learning that he asked for them. She has to wonder why he knew about them and why he asked for them. There is only on answer. Isadora's involvement. I'd like to hear his explanation.

Dion saying he wants Nat to confront Amanda with Dion present doesn't bode well for Amanda. I hope Amanda doesn't get scared and go along with Dion's story.

I loved that Rosario told Dan about the phone log and the taped conversation sent to Al's email. Go Dan Go.

If I were Luzma, I'd go for a 3 mile run right now.

That picture of Rocio and Don Dan in their younger days makes me think that those 2 actors were in a something together that many years ago and had their picture taken together in real life. And they are using it for this show.

Cathyx: "That picture of Rocio and Don Dan in their younger days makes me think that those 2 actors were in a something together that many years ago and had their picture taken together in real life. And they are using it for this show."--that's a Vivi question.

Gotta pay homage to "Hissadora cleaning"! And an all around informative and entertaining recap.

Rodolfo is played by Ricardo Franco who is apparently going to be in Corazon Indomable that is scheduled to follow Lagrimas. Don't know much about it except he's not the main character and plays a pilot. Wonder if he got any tips on fighter pilot "attitude" from CdelaF? If you google Ricardo don't get confused by the director of the same name.

Mmmm, yet another role with tight pants.

Cathyx said "If I were Luzma, I'd go for a 3 mile run right now." I agree, except that doing so might also be dangerous for Luzma.

Juanita, around the hospital.

I think the photo of young Rocio and a younger Don Daniel was photoshopped. "Rocio" looked like the young actress who played Jana in Un Refugio Para el Amor, photoshopped with a photo of Rogelio Guerra in his younger years.

Ricardo Franco was in multiple episodes of Mujeres Asesinas as a cop or forensic specialist. He has galan potential and I predict he will play somebody's younger brother a few times first. He's an alpha male in training.

There were two false books. When Hissadora discovered the first one she didn't have time to look into the second one because someone was on their way into the library.

Here is the photo: Young Rocio with Don Daniel was in my recap of the episode where Hissadora found it.

That's definitely Don Daniel when he was younger. It's hard to say if that's Rocio. Some women's looks can change a lot as they age.

PdelBarrio -

Nifty recap where you explained everything so well. There seem to be so many little side stories that I find I have to pay close attention to. Bien hecho!

On that note:

UA: Your recap was wonderful... same note about explaining everything so well... and so tidy with the grammar and formatting too! Where you find the time and how you do it is impressive.

Jardinera: If you are lurking, thanks for your recap too. It is loaded with so many phrases that I need my full attention and my English dictionary tambien.

All you recappers are amazing and loads of fun to read. I was away from my internet connection for the long weekend, so the recaps really helped with some speedy catching up.


Another comment to the recapping team:

5Ft - You have never failed to make me laugh with your recap. My current favorite, which I have been using with long pauses between words....Dumb. A$# .

Succinctly to the point in many cases.

Storyline comments: Rocio has really shown the depth of her character (o mas bien, lack of it). No need for genetic tests with Pogostick Yago - he is definitely hers and Cayetonto's son! I might begin to question Mariano's,based on his noble nature. Maybe he spent more time with Nana before Nana started being complicit with Rocio's lie.


Mena, I'm still unemployed. As to my writing, there was a time in my life when I wanted to write romance novels. Despite the discovery that I am utterly unqualified to do that, I am a grammar Nazi.

I was wondering why Don Daniel put one letter in one book and the rest of the letters and photos in the other. Maybe the one letter was ultra special to him?

If you haven't read Carolina's excellent last post from Monday night, DO SO. Carolina--exceptional thoughts on the rape accusation and Dan's dream.

Just look for UA's fan for the right episode.

Now, on to Paquita's recap and oh, my, so many comments.


UA - I would toss that unqualified notion aside and just do it... think of JK Rowlings. Having said that, if you aren't one to sit down and write and suffer through many rejections, than yes, keep the "day job". Personally, I think there is room for turning these stories into English language novels. The Spanish versions are harder to find, and of course, everyone doesn't speak Spanish to read them.

Besides, all the recap team can cheer you on!! Seriously!

Mena, I don't even know if there will be a market for books in the future. Do you have any idea how many people I've heard proudly declare -- online and otherwise -- that they don't read books?

I did once consider writing a US version of Corazon Salvaje but didn't want to be accused of plagiarism.

The only difference it would make as to who spills the beans on Rocio, is that Isa wanted to be the one to tell el Tonto and worm herself more into his life. The end result will be the same, but she wants any little extra foothold she can get.

Cathyx - agree with you re Dio and Amanda. From what he's said to Amanda before, I believe he'll tell her to "say it to my face" as he stands right beside Nat with his arm around her shoulder and his hand "lovingly" caressing her neck while he smirks at Amanda and "dares" her to tell the truth. Amanda will get that he is actually threatening Natalia and she'll cave.

Rocio definitely knows that Pablo is not Cayetano's. She's referenced it numerous times, including the time she was watching them talk about the wedding and said, "and he's not even his real father!"

What if: Pablo is really a Monterde, but he is really Cayetano's son? Yes, you see, Caye and Don Dan are really fraternal twin brothers who were separated at birth and ... too telenovela-ish? Okay, just kidding!

Paquita, thank you so much for a very detailed and enjoyable recap.

“Vivi/Rafa’s Love Nest: Luckily, she’s slept in full make-up.” LOL!

Did I somehow miss these two actually climbing into bed together? Or are they still working up to it?

“Camila goes on to say she loves her with all her heart, her liver, which sometime seems as though it will burst (wait, what?)”

LOL! As I remember from reading Shakespeare many moons ago, at one time the liver was considered the source of bile and thus represented anger, much in the same way that we still see the heart as representing love. I didn’t know that Mexicans would still reference the liver in that way, but apparently at least Camila still does.

Also *freakazoid* and “Hissadora cleaning? What a hoot—Rocio is crazy.” LOL!

Rocio is crazy, that is true, but she was smart enough to figure out the Isadora connection quickly and accurately – less a few details.

TL – I saw a photo of the actor who plays Iago with a haircut and all cleaned up and I thought he was very good looking. It’s on the AB Facebook site, somewhere. Proceed with caution though, as it is full of spoilers. There is also a stunning photo of the actor who plays Aaron – wow! He is most definitely galan material, IMHO.

I really like the relationship between Camila and Augustina.

cathyx: “Let's not gloss over Dion asking for the books and Aggie (and hopefully Camila) learning that he asked for them. She has to wonder why he knew about them and why he asked for them. There is only on answer. Isadora's involvement. I'd like to hear his explanation.”

Good point – and remember that Gussy was so suspicious just the day before when she saw the lipstick on the glass and smelled Isa’s perfume in Don Dan’s old office. I think this may penetrate Gussy's wall-o-denial, though she may not admit it to anyone.

UA: That someone on their way to the library was Gussy. She is the one who interrupted Isa when she first found the fake books and asked her what she was doing in there.

Anita, thank you! :-) Rocio has crossed into evil territory and I can only hope she gets her just desserts.


UA - Holy Mole! Let's hope that not reading books is a valid trend. Hard copy books I can understand (although I do like the feel of the book and the pages myself), but any book? e or otherwise?

One last hijacking comment on English versions of TNs. I bet a publishing co would buy into the plan and confirm the stories that are public domain. Then away you could go.

Anon 3:52: I had forgotten that Rocio has said before that Pablo is definitely Don Daniel's son.

I'd still like to know if anybody has a theory as to why that one letter ended up by itself in the other book. Maybe just a bit of dramatic license on the part of the writers?

UA: Flaco and I are kicking around writing a bible for a spoof novela. Just for fun.

Paquita - Thanks. Appreciate the detail and vocab.

Love that Piedad and Dorotea safeguarded the letters. Dio and Hissadora of course assume that mere house servants would retrieve the book without any possibility of them reading the letters inside and realizing their importance.

The argument been two good, decent friends, Camilla and Mariano, was well done. Camilla trying to be polite while still calling Mariano a gullible dumba$$.


Here's a pic of Norma Herrera (Rocio) in her prime. They did a good job of choosing someone that looks like her for the photo. Either that, or it's her. It's not the actress that played Jana in Refugio.

Norma Herrera:

Since I don't go that far back with tns, I'm not sure if Norma (Rocio) and Rogelio (Don Dan) worked together before, but they have both been in the biz so long, it's almost a guarantee that they have.

Vivi, that looks just like the woman in the picture with Don Dan. It must be her. And I'm sorry to say, what happened to her looks?

When I first saw the two books, I thought the second one would have the relics of Don Dan's amorlo with Agata. Like having binders full of women.

I can only think the reason the one letter was by itself was to that this little plot mechanism would unfold in this way. If all the letters were together, Rocio could make the rape claim and Isadora wouldn't be frothing at the mouth, and Dio wouldn't be discovered as being in cahoots with Isa (for asking for the books), as I think he will be.

I meant to say Rocio could NOT make the rape claim.

I couldn't find any series or film common to both, so the picture is still photoshopped.

It could also have been posed for as a prop on the set of another series, such as Luis Couturier posing in a photo as the father of Carlota and Macarena in ENDA. I think Erika Buenfil posed for a photo that was of the mother of Isabel, Diana, and Carolina in Nina, Amada Mia. This does not always show up on an actor's resume.

I wonder how Dio is going to explain away his wanting those books now that Piedad told Cam and Augie. Why else would he demand them but for the letters? Good luck with that, hombre.

Pablo is just the best young man ever. When the doctor was telling them Luzma had to rest and have no activity, he said "Me endiendes?" and looked right at Pablo without so much a raised eyebrow, and Pablo got it (no sex). If anyone can go months without getting a little from his wife, it's this guy. Yago would've left her at the doorstep. But then he's probably busy figuring out to use this Pablo news to his benefit.


Kelly, exactly right! He could say he didn't know anything about the letters, but he still would have to explain why he was asking for the books on Isa's behalf. I don't see how he could wiggle out of that. She treated them all so badly; he shouldn't be doing her any favors and certainly not fetching things for her that don't even belong to her.

It may come down to his word against Piedad's, and, if so, Camila will believe Piedad and Gussy will most likely believe Dio, just like she has every other time someone has tried to enlighten her about him.

Somebody will wonder what El Diablo's interest is in those "books." He will likely pretend not to know that one of those books was a fake. He has to know that because Hissadora found its twin.

Si, si Nanette--You haven't been checking Operation Shine the Light. We've known about Pablo's true parentage for a good long time.

All your HPLPs are there, too, week by week since you started them. It's a great read!

Anon at 1:19--Ricardo Franco. The first time I saw him, the camera was panning a bunch of young people in Lorena's (Altair Jarabo) house in Mi Pecado. We all did a double take because the camera did linger on him just a bit more than anyone else. He turned out to be Julian (a minor character, very minor), as a sometime boyfriend of Lorena's that tries to help her out.

We all decided he was destined for greater roles and not just another pretty face. I guess he had to learn to talk ranchero-style for AB, but he's definitely galan material. Maybe he just needs a little more seasoning.

Thanks Paquita for the great recap complete with the very necessary translations. I'm helping wih homework so have to make this a quickie.
IMO Cayetano and Rocio deserve each other. That was inconsiderate to say the least for Caye to bring that delicate subject up in front of his grown sons and nana. Morality wise, it's the pot calling the kettle black.

Paquita--Finished the recap. Whew. Such an effort to please us hungry for more, more, more AB.

I too, loved the Viv waking up in full make-up. When Camila wakes up, she's usually being admired adoringly by Dan, so it wouldn't matter how she looks--but her hair is usually smooth and I only detect light make up.

Liked your riff on Rocio's aff.. er rape.

Will Refugio sing like a canario, good one.

Rocio is deluded if she thinks this is going to stay in the family. There's always Bratgirl to sniff out the dirt.

It is interesting that we don't see a lot of cooking, cleaning and ranching going on over at BV. Surely Refugio isn't the only servant in the house. They all have ears and this latest brouhaha was pretty loud.

Poor Luzma what a dilemma to put her in. 'Nuff said.

Sorry, but Dionisio, the Rat Ba*tard just can't get any worse. He has no qualms about hurting Amanda if he thinks it will bring Natalia into his sphere of total influence. Dan to the Rescue (I hope). Can't wait to see how he spins it to Gussie--that paragon of thrice-married virtue.


Thank you Paquita for this funny recap of my current favorite TN. I found this wonderful site while looking for a place to refer to my non-spanish speaking coworkers who I'm trying to get hooked on this story. I have to say that I haven't seen an TN actress like SN who IMO, is the best I've seen in many years. The ways she raises or lowers her voice, the different expressions on her face..she is so natural.. When I see her, it is almost as watching a real life scene of my me and my girl cousins, with the exception that we don't have a galan like the one she has :). Not since Carolina Ramirez in La Hija del Mariachi have I liked and admired so much an actress.
On another note, the picture of the young Don Daniel and Rocio is of some actors(sorry, don't know their names) I casually saw recently in the afternoon TN Amorcito Corazon. The actress plays the role of a single mother who lives in a "casa hogar"run by Lucia (Africa Zavala) and the actor I saw him in only one or two capitulos as the one-night-stand of Manuela(Fabiola Campomanes. ITA the resemblance these actors have with a young Rogelio Guerra (Don Dan) and Norma Herrera (Rocio) is striking.
I love reading everyone's comments.


Welcome DulcedCafe (what a neat nom de plume). Silvia is one of Mexico's hardest working and best loved actresses. Just check out her filmography on Wikipedia. She's been paired with just about every outstanding galan in the business and with every one she makes it look real (although Vivi and I think it looks even real-er with CdF). She's definitely a natural--and think you are right that she's probably very much like her characters in real life.

Welcome DulcedCafe! I hope you succeed in getting your co-workers hooked. Thanks for the info on the actors they found to be in the Rocio-Dan picture. They did a great job picking young actors who actually look like the younger versions of the older actors. Now that you pointed her out, I can see now that it's the curly haired single mother in Amorcito who's young Rocio in the pic.

ITA on SN. I can see quite a few of my best girlfriends in her mannerisms. It makes it easier to root for the heroines she plays.


I wonder if Sylvia Navaron will ever play a bad character.

Cathyx- I watched her movie Cabeza de Buda online. In it she plays a selfish and shallow dancer who dumps her boyfriend who is having emotional problems after he accidently kills a thug while trying to save her. So, not evil, but definitely different than the warm caring characters she usually plays in her tns.

Wasn't the Rodolfo actor's character named Miguel in Mi Pecado? Usually I can't remember stuff like that; he made quite an impression on me! I recall we all thought he was very good and should have had a bigger role.

Paquita, thank you for the excellent recap!

Julia--Totally right, it was Miguel. Julian was Maite's love of her life. You can tell--I can't remember character's names very well without visual aids--I just blurted this one out without looking him up first.

He's certainly improved since then.

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