Monday, January 07, 2013

Por ella soy Eva #119 1/7/13

Another exciting day in Mexico...

I enjoyed watching Santiago come to terms with his situation; telling Lucia that he's probably gonna lose the apartment (which was his punishment for Katy baby. . . wow, remember her?). Lucia proposes that he move in with her and rent out the apartment (is that what subletting is?) to help make ends meet. Then he gets a hug. More than he deserves, but he has suffered delightfully so far, so maybe it's fair.

Eva is backpedaling hard, trying to postpone the wedding more and more because she's not really so happy with what the designer is showing her. Poor Adriano. How dense is he? How long can this go on? And what'll he do when he finally realizes the truth?

Meanwhile, Helena's press conference isn't going so hot. A reporter brings up the Juan Carlos debacle, mentions rumors of trouble with the construction project, and even wonders aloud if the authorities might get involved! The G.I. team and the guy from the Majagua community share looks of horror and begin to wonder who told the reporter.

After the conference is over, Adri convenes an emergency meeting where he yells at Helena for not telling him earlier about this (he doesn't realize that Pluto has been hiding it from her all along). She storms out, and Pluto gets really obnoxious and tells Adri that he's going to follow and try to tame the beast (aplacar la fiera)! When they're alone, Plutarco tells Helena that he only withheld the truth to protect her, he wanted to solve it on his own and save her the worry. Yuck. Can't wait till it crashes down on him.

Dagoberto follows Mimi back from the store, imposes himself in her house, and makes rude comments about how much the place must be worth. Then he makes a grab and tries for a smooch! She rebuffs him, and claims there's a man in her life. She wants Dago out of her life.


Great recap Ezra. One thing. Santi's girlfriend was Paty Bebe, not Katy :).

Poor Mimi, I wish that Dagoberto had not followed her home from Avon. What a jerk. I hope he doesn't continue to bother her.

So Rebe got those "reporters" to show up and ask those questions, hmmm? She is really gunning for Helena. I hope it backfires on her.

Liked the flashbacks of Fairbanks and that little dalliance that JC had with Fairbanks' finace. I had almost forgotten about that. Loved the way Adri kept saying no comments, lol. Hated what he did in that meeting. Helena brought that project to G.I. even though JC defrauded her of it, and the Councilman from the Playa so does not want to deal with Pluti, at all. He hates Pluti you can tell. And Mendoza being in charge of the Fitsa negotiation and Helena not knowing, she was really pithed and I don't blame her. I hope now she opens her eyes to who Pluti really is, a scammer and blowhard!!

Oh, and I love the fact that Lucia and Santi will be roomates so cool. She sure is acting much better and not so air headed. I like and am looking forward to her trying to reform Santi, lol.

Thanks for rolling this out so quickly , Ezra! There was lots of fast talking and fireworks in this capitulo and it all went so quickly over my head!

Yeah Madelaine. I hated the way Adri came down on Helena in that meeting. Did I hear PLuty say he was bringing Mendoza in 'to fix things.' Or did he say something else about Mendoza? Yuck!!

The only good thing that can come out of this is that Helena has got to be thinking of dumping I mean, PLuty. If he was 'un grand hombre' as Helena likes to say, he would have said to Adri, " Helena was on top of this and I told her not to tell you. My bad' Adri!" But Dickwaa.... Er rather PLuty, was a snake and told Adri what Adri wanted to hear...and I'll say it again. Adri is more comfy being lied to by PLuty than getting the truth from Helena. Eva still has work to do with Adri in that regard. Gertie

Oh, and one more thing. Can't stand that little witch Claudia. Now whenever Eugenia makes some simple misstep, Claudia will keep reminding Eugenia she is crazy! Does anyone know what Chepina said about Claudia to Eugenia? Something about in her village, Claudia would be What??? I didn't catch it , but bet it was good.

Ezra, thanks for the recap.

I am hoping that the switching pills with Claudio turns out to be a placebo and that the non-rx will clear the cobwebs. Wouldn't be fun to see Eugenia light into both Mo and his evil spawn.

Rosemary Primera


Thanks, Ezra. This is really the wrong stage of the TN for me to be missing episodes, but I only caught the tail end. I didn't realize they'd already had the press conference!

Thanks Ezra. That was up fast.

Eugenia has already made one mistake -- and she looked dazed and confused when Claudia called her on it. I also hope that the fake meds are at least some kind of placebo and not something actually harmful. But it does look as though Eugenia does need the meds in order to keep her head clear. I hate where this is going.

Smarmy snake Pluti sure undercut his supposed sweety. What a sleaze. At least he stepped in & told Adri that is was his idea to keep the Playa Majuaga problems from him until HE had solved them -- but his way of seeming to defend Helena was to make her look like someone who needed manly protection.

What nerve he had acting as though he was the Playa Majuaga guy's best friend -- giving him a big hug, walking out with his arm over th guy's shoulder. Too bad the guy didn't tell Helena what it is that he has against Pluti -- that he tried to bribe the locals. Some day soon she has to open her eyes to all these signs that Pluti is NOT a "buen hombre."


Madeleine, Chepina said that in her village Claudia would have been given "sus buenos cinturonazos"--I imagine a good beating. I found it interesting that Eugeia has left her dramatic quotes in explaining Claudia's behavior in light of her grief and quoted from Saint Teresa of Avila--Spanish mystic poet. Perhaps her most famous poem it goes: Don't let anything disturb you; don't let anything scare you; everything passes; God doesn't change; patience achieves everything. Chepina's reaction of it scaring her when Eugenia says such things was sort of scary in itself. ??? It has always been one of my favorite poems.

Even scarier was that Helena gave in to Plutarco and did not go straighaway to Adri with the FITSA concern because even though Plutarco told Adri that it was he who told her not to bother Adri with it, it still made her look bad with no mind of her own.


Thank you, Ezra, for the recap!


Thanks Ezra! And thanks to all the other recappers, too. I've been out of town so I haven't been able to comment.

Like the way the old Lucia is coming back. Roomies, yes!

I, too, am disturbed with the Claudia plot. Eugneia doesn't need anymore problems.

And poor Mimi. She helps everyone else but no one helps her. Hope she can get revenge on The Dogbert guy.

Mil in NC

Jarifa- thanks so much for what Chepina said about Claudia, so spot on. St Teresa of Avila was really a woman before her time. So wise, but I didn't know she wrote poetry. Thanks for the poem.

I haven't been following much, so good to catch up with this recap Ezra - thanks!

Cinturon means belt. So a cinturonazo would be a hit with a belt. Buenos cinturonazos = a good belting.

Thanks Ezra.

I agree, poor Mimi. She gave and gave to pull JC out of hopelessness, and he breezed right past her hour of need. Yes, he was distracted by his mother's need, but...

I fear the Mimi plot will get much worse before it gets better.

We get frustrated because Helena doesn't kick Pluto to the curb. But what I see is that all these incidents are gradually tarnishing his hero armor. Little by little she's trusting him less and less.


Two questions:

1. Where did Eva get her company shares? Did she inherit them from Pluti's wife?

2. Do we know anything about Lalo's father?

Yes, Eva inherited them from Antonia, Plutarco's wife. Antonia considered Eva her best friend. If I remember correctly, Lalo's dad Mario made a brief appearance and wanted to re-enter Lalo's life but then he was made an offer to disappear that he couldn't refuse. The offer was made by Plutarco and his thuggy friends.


Oooo -- thanks, Jarifa. Muy dramático. :)

And the really cool thing about Eva inheriting those shares from Pluti's wife? Pluti had been DESPERATELY trying to get those shares for himself. He was SURE that he'd get them when Antonia died. At the reading of Antonia's will, when they got to the disposition of her shares, the look on his face was just magnificent.

Thanks, Ezra, for that compact yet complete rundown.

I so want Mimi and Eugenia to triumph over their foes--they deserve to be rewarded.

It's all good that Pluti's shiny sharkskin armor becomes tarnished, but he needs to dig himself into a hole he can't climb out of or talk himself out of. He needs to be standing there with egg all over his face AND his sharkskin, with the authorities coming to haul him away. And everyone needs to point and laugh at him. (Ooops--did I betray my dislike of him?)

I'm waiting to see how Lucia and Santi, "the roomates," plays out.

La Paloma

Thanks, Ezra. The flashback to the first capitulo was funny for me because I had worried I'd made a mistake in choosing this TN. I didn't like the main hero. Not because he was a womanizer, but because he seemed, well, silly. I'm glad to have been so wrong.

And I agree, Julie, one of the finer moments of this show was when Eva got Antonia's shares instead of Plutarco.

Paloma - that is one vivid image! It's times like this that I wish I could draw. :-)

Just thinking out me it seems as if Claudia & Jennifer's boyfriend (his name escapes me right now, Daniel?) are the next generation of Rebeca & Plutarco.

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