Friday, February 15, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #69 Thu 2/14/13 Happy belated Valentine's day! Moments of revelation, feelings are let loose ( Bea and Dances, Nikki and Frankie and Vicky and Angel)

Amores Feb 14:


At the Blonde Bimbo’s,

Dances has Kendra on a single-hand neck lock, yanks her around her apartment: Who do you think you are? Don’t mess with Texas (eh… ME!)!! (she brushes it off as no big deal, this only gets him angrier) … Remember I know all about you, the kind of ‘ho’ you are, the full list of who-s who in your bed, and I warn you, stay off my bidness, or I will give that info to Nil-Son in a heartbeat!! ‘Captas??’ (course he did not say that, he said ‘GOT THAT??!’)

Elsewhere in some park, Nikki is walking through rocks, Gorilita tailing her

G: how did the therapy session go?

N: (She keeps brushing off the subject) It ‘went well’. That psychologist (lady) is ‘super cool’. Don’t you see me ‘super cool’ now? (I want the name+ number of this Psychologist!)

G: Ok but you should keep up with the treatment, so you will get better. Also, you should tell your mother about your issue and the therapy.

N: Not now, will talk to her but now is not the right time. They (her parents) have enough with their own issues. I would love for them to get back together, it would hurt too much to lose my family.

G: I understand perfectly, I also hope it doesn’t happen. But in any case you need to get healing, no matter what happens with your parents.

N: (hesitating) yeah.

Back at Bimbo’s apt(like NM said, round two), things get even more violent. BB: you would not DARE!!

Dan: Go ahead, Put me to the test!! I can tell the cops that you had Arriaga’s house burned, and you were the lead in several kidnappings.

BB: You are no angel of mercy either (blanca paloma).

Dan: You better not to mess in MY bidness again!!…

BB: Alright!! But you won’t get rid of me so easily, you and I are accomplices, and you can’t change that.

Dan: From now on, we talk ONLY BIDNESS!! As ‘Hembra’ , I don’t want you anymore! And I warn you (for the 23th time!) don’t mess with the woman I love, because if you do you will regret having been born!!

Lo Nuevo:
Elsewhere, in Alamos, Candelaria is praying to the virgin: Could it be worth it? What good it would do to her to be a Balbanera if her father rejects her?? Forgive me for not telling the truth to my daughter, but I am doing it so she won’t suffer, so I have no choice but to take my secret to death with me.

In some restaurant in MexCity, Anibal is staring at a pink rose in centerpiece.

A: I ended up owing so much to Cande, I would have loved to spend much more time with her, give her the life style she deserved and never wanted.

Antonio: She was so tender/sweet, so proud of her origin.

A: Yes, she always rejected my money. Candelaria Corona is the only woman who ever loved me and was not after my money.

Antonio: No, you are wrong. Pilar also loved you deeply too. And if we are totally honest, she put up a great portion of her fortune so you would become a successful business man. Even if you get angry, it is the truth. Without your wife’s support, you would not be where you are.

A: But Candy… Candy… was the love of my life.

Antonio: Yes, but one day she disappeared.

A: She only left me a letter where she said we could not be. Because she found out I was married with family.

Antonio: Whatever, she abandoned you. Pilar on the other hand, always supported you unconditionally. She gave you two wonderful daughters.

A: One, only one.

Antonio: What do you mean?

A: One of my daughters, Vicky, is wonderful. The other one is a calamity. She only returned to bug me with the story that her daughter is alive and she wants to find her. She even went to talk to Paula about it.

Antonio: Adri is right to do that. Go talk to her! Tell her the truth!

A: Don’t bug me with unsolicited advice. I will deal with that issue my way.

Antonio: Think about it, my friend. Because sooner or later, your big lie will come out to the surface.

A: Never!

At the apartment, Angel is complimenting Cris while he seems to be fixing the blender (how much does a new blender cost nowadays? $29?)

They look very happy, he is saying Jean Marie is a great cook, but she is the BEST!! But his style of cooking is the food they are used to. Not ours like the mole, the refried beans, noodle soups… (definitely in the case of these 2, ‘el amor entra por la cocina’, they seem most passionate when they talk about her cooking and food: ‘I have to cook… / can I help you with ‘anything’?’)

Then she spoils the moment of lust (scratching record sound) by asking him to turn the tv on so she can watch her telenovela. (LOL!) Novela?? Is that all you care about? You prefer that to talking with me?? I can’t believe it!! SMUACK!! / you are the most important in my life. I thank the virgin everyday for having met you. For being your ‘woman’. And for being the father of my daughter. / And you… ‘what a mother!’… SMUACK!!!

At Balbanera, Vicky is in her study, Jocelyn came to visit. She came tell-all to Vicky that her bodyguard gave her the ‘olympic turn down’.(Vicky surprised)

Back at the park and the rocks…

Nikki tells Gorilita he should also take the therapy with the doctor. He would be less sealed shut. He never talks about himself. He knows all about her, and she knows almost nothing about him. Tell me about your marriage. (he loses his ‘nice’ face). Alright. I will tell you. In a nutshell: I met my wife in U.S., I fell in love and we married… / And why don’t you two live together? / Things didn’t work out, I suffered a lot and we split. From that point I swore to myself to not fall in love again so I would not suffer again… / With no one? Neta?/ Right, with no one… not even you. / (she takes it the wrong way and he has to grab her and justify himself. She turns the focus on herself, she ‘accepts that’ he is not attracted to her, saying she has many defects, she is worthless, according to her parents, and all they expect of her is to marry and give them grandchildren, but as things look now, she won’t even please them with that so her life is an ‘ASCO’ (she is worth SH___)

Gorilita has to admit ‘one thing is that I don’t WANT to fall in love with you and another is that I was able to stop myself from it.’ (she is shocked, she babbles asking if he is truly interested in her. He responds ‘how can you ask me that question [looking at me] with those pretty eyes?’)

Frankie confesses to her that he and Polita never had anything going. Nikki (who is now devouring the biggest cotton candy blob I have ever seen, this girl definitely has problems) questions why did Polita sleep in your bed. He says that is true but that does not mean I slept with her. He explains about that night. He slept in living room. After this story, I hope you treat Polita with respect. She is nice, a bit naïve, so she lives in fantasyland. Nikki confesses she felt ‘itch’ to think of them together. He says it is now your turn. Which one of your boyfriends is the one you remember fondly. She tells him the first one, they became ‘novios’ when she turned 15. Frankie shows some of his Neanderthal jealous side as Nikki tells him ‘Roy’ is now a pro tennis player. Frankie tells her he can see that talking about ‘Roy’ puts a smile on her face (I thought the childish one was Nikki). The ‘boyfriends’ she had later were ‘nefastos’ (no good). She has heard about ‘Roy’ via his mother, knows he is still single and, honestly, she would like to see him again. Neanderthal asks if she thinks something could re-vive between them. (Frankie puts on the Neand sour puss smirk) Nikki catches on this and plays along ‘ if he asks me to get back together… why not?’

Back at B house: Vicky is still in disbelief when Jocelyn tells her the story and that Arriaga got angry at her ‘indecent proposal’. ‘For the first time in my life I was turned down!’. Vicky says she can’t see herself doing something like that. Jocelyn says time flies, you should follow my motto. To free yourself of prejudices and listen to the voice of your body. Even if your bodyguard rejected me, I am completely certain he would agree to do it with you. (Vicky again shocked). Hours later, Vicky asks her why she said that, Jocelyn backpedals a bit and says I just said it because he watches after you so intently, and because I want you to put a bit of salt (spice) in your life.

Vicky keeps saying she is a married woman. Jocelyn says but ever since you discovered your husband’s betrayal, you kicked him out. Vicky says I am not going to act the same way. Jocelyn insists she spends lots of time with Arriaga. Vicky says what she likes about Arr is he is a serious man, has a daughter and loves his family. Jocelyn says if something happened with Arr, Nil-Son could not complain because she would just be returning his ‘deed’.

At a casino somewhere, Felipe is really struggling with himself… looks around nervously… fighting his own demons…

Back at the apartment, as Cris is making some green sauce on blender, Angel makes the signal of the cross on himself, gets her attention and asks her not to get her typical over-reaction (no te vayas a enchilar) before telling her about Jocelyn’s ‘indecent proposal’. Of course we get the TYPICAL reaction from Cris, wanting to go meet that ‘tipeja’ to stuff her in the blender with her ‘green sauce’ for having just even attempted to mess with MY MAN.

Angel tries to calm her down saying he got angry at the woman and turned her down. Cris is a bit calmer but still fuming inside, saying ‘it better be that way because if not… (poor giant white onion lands on floor hard)…

Angel asks ‘where did you get that temper? (character) Not from your mother because she is a sweet bread… ’ Cris says that even if she did not meet him, surely it was my dad’s…

Said ‘padre’ is meeting with Dr Montano (the Dr who assisted Adri way back when). Arrogant Anibal begins the conversation with ‘I suppose you remember me / how could I forget you Mr B? / That happens to my friends and enemies, Dr M.. Especially someone like you, who I helped so much. I got you out of a small town clinic and put your career on a catapult and turned you into one of the most prestigious doctors in the country, with international awards and a very fine financial record, all thanks to ME. / I would never forget your generosity. / Let’s see if it is true, Dr M. Because I will test your loyalty.

At his room in Felipe’s apt, Guillo is very distant and a bit cold with his mother Bea, she wants to pray with him, he prays alone. She offers to tell him a story, he says he is sleepy already. She is crying sad as she sits on his bed while he falls asleep.

At the other apartment, Angel is watching the ending credits of Amores Verdaderos (LOL!) on tv and Cris offers to put egg on his chilaquiles. He turns her offer down, and she asks what is up with you? And he jokes about her wanting to see him with making him look like a washing machine instead of washboard (six-twelve pack).

Suddenly the commercial that he and Kendrat recorded comes up and both Cris and Lilliana go beserk and after the commercial is over, they attack him at unison… then it all ends up a family joke moment with ‘trajes Altur’

At Kendrat's dungeon, she and Nil-Son talk about her working with Angel on the commercial. Nilson of course compliments her but says Vicky must have been out of her mind to use Arriaga as model. Kendrat says it was denigrating working with a rookie and thank goodness Vicky cut off the ‘kiss’ part. Imagine me kissing Arriaga, worse than chewing ‘zacate’ (no idea what that is, but I can imagine some things to fill the blank with).

Kendrat is afraid Vicky liked the end product of the commercial, and will end up hiring Arriaga at MetaImagen. Nil-Son gets irritated ‘No way! I won’t allow it!’ KenDrat then moves to her next page, mentioning that Nikki hasn’t done commercial modeling in a while. Nil-son says they can’t find anything that Nikki won’t leave half-way. KenDrat uses that to say ‘you poor thing with so many things you take care of, you also have to watch after Nikki (while giving him a massage from behind). Nilson says you can’t imagine how exhausting it is to educate a child. Then KenDrat lies saying Nikki has told her that all she wants to do is get married and have children. Nil-Son says how can that be if she doesn’t even have a boyfriend. Kendrat suggests Nil-Son find her a good candidate. What if she ends up with a lowly man? Nil-Son says in that one subject he agrees with Anibal, a father cannot allow a daughter to wind up with a mediocre man with no fortune or surname.

Felipe arrives home, apparently from his facial expression at seeing the money in his wallet, he has lost most of his money in gambling … AGAIN.

Of course he lies to Bea when she asks where he was. She tells him about Guillo being mad at her. Felipe asks her to give it some time. Kids get a bit odd when parents are splitting. He will find out Leo has abused her for so long. Bea would rather prefer Guillo have a good image of his father. But how hard it is. This was not my day. Even Francisco called to yell at her because their mother is trying to get close to him. Felipe says Paula is only reaping what she sowed. Felipe wanted to help her but she is still with that man she abandoned us for. Bea doesn’t want to ‘go there’ again today, she has had enough, feels overwhelmed. Felipe suggests she forget her problems and go out dancing for a while. It will relax her. He’ll watch Guillo.

Dinner at Arriaga’s apt…

They talk about Bea. She is still suffering through nightmares with Leo. Leo is using their kid and making him mad at her. Cris tells Angel that Dances has become her good friend, they are dance partners. Angel is in disbelief.

Anibal is at Paula’s,

An: Adri must never find out the truth.

Paula is high on whinning,

Pau: Why did you tell me the story?

An: Because only you can understand me. I trust no one else, but you.

Pau: I would have rather not known.

An: Are you now more disappointed of me? I had no choice, I did what was the best for Adri.

Pau: No, Anibal. Try to talk to her, explain why you did it, she is an adult. Ani: I can’t. Adri repulsed me when I separated her from the guy who got her pregnant. Now it would be catastrophic (funesto) that she found out what I did. Besides, Vicky would never forgive me for it either.

Pau: That is all you care about. Not to lose the respect and love of your oldest daughter. You never cared about Adri.

An: You can’t judge me. In live, not all is good or bad. There are shades of gray and good justifications for everything.

Pau: No, that is excuses we come up with to justify hurting our loved ones.

An: It is already done. And I am willing to stand firm behind with ‘my truth’.

At Kendrat’s, Nil-Son tells her that tomorrow is Vicky’s birthday and he is arranging a surprise party for her (boy oh boy this will get good tomorrow).

Kendrat says surely Vicky will be happy with it and forgive his ‘pecadillo’ (little sin). Kendrat offers to go with him to pick a birthday present for Vicky. He buys/bites her good intentions ‘hook, line and sinker’.

Then we get a 5 minute wordless scene at the disco, a very pretty in red Bea arrives and hesitates going in, is about to head out and suddenly the song she and Dances like begins playing… Dances is at the bar, he turns around at hearing the song too… slowly they both meet right by the dance floor and smile a bit shyly at each other… (have to say the song lyrics are pretty seductive, adding to the scene very nicely … incl: ‘desire, passion, body, caress, hug me, squeeze me, the sea of your body… you get the drift)
[I have to say Susana Gonzalez did a marvelous job here in portraying all the feelings of Bea... fear, desire, attraction, relief, guilt, etc etc... i loved this scene.]
We come back from commercial break and they both have found their voice.

D: Bea, did not know you would come.

B: Neither did I. Did not think I would find you here. Maybe I should go.

D: (grabs her back) please, Bea, stay. You are my dance partner… (she smiles) and they are playing the song of when we met.

B: Yeah, I heard it. (slowly they begin dancing and enjoying themselves)

At B house, Vicky is writing in her studio... about a woman alone sitting at table, ‘the walls were cold, she was lonely, the silence that kills and the sadness of doors that don’t open… ‘ suddenly the door opens and in comes Arriaga singing ‘las mananitas’ carrying a small cake. They begin acting like small kids, he insists she has to have a wish before blowing the candle, she is in tears, all this is very moving to her. Then she blows the candle.

She tells him the first minute of her birthday she is celebrating with him.

He is only thankful to her for all she has done for him and his family. In these events you remember someone because they are special to one.

She thanks him again because she was sad and his words comforted her. She thanks him at least a dozen times, then asks him to turn off the lights when he leaves. He seems to look a bit deflated. She is halfway up the stairs when he calls her to ask her if she wants to go out (with him) tonight. (she looks kind of confused) Then he apologizes as something stupid he came up with. She says no… well, yes!... yes… she agrees to go out with him. They laugh happily… he is in disbelief but his smile says LETS GO NOW!!!

At Frankie’s room in B house, Nikki comes in. She asks to come in. She can’t sleep. Need to talk to someone. He says it is not right that she be in his room at this hour. She begs, can’t sleep and want to talk. He suggests she call one of her friends. She wants to spend time with him, and pulls him close to her.

Just as Victoria agreed to go out with Angel, Nikki is trying to convince Frankie to go out right now. She explains with ‘pears’ since he doesn’t get it with ‘apples’. She gets close to his ears and yells ‘LETS GO OUT!!’. Poor Frankie, hopefully his hearing does not suffer permanent damage from that.

At Arriaga apt, Lilliana and Cris are in bed together, Lilli tells Cris that Frankie confirmed he was married. Cris is sure he said that to get Polita off his back. Lilli agrees. Cris says she likes Frankie as Lilli’s man. Lilli likes him too, but he doesn’t see her as a woman, more like a younger sister. Cris says she will have countless prospects. Lilli says and my dad will be sweeping them all out the door. But he exercises heavy self-control and asks what she is thinking of ‘doing’. She has no clue, all she wants to do is have a good time (pasarla ‘hiper’) … together. He insists in finding out where they are going to set up a safe ‘route’. She wants him to leave the ‘bodyguard’ hat at home, just get dressed, hurry! Smile!... (as she leaves he can’t help but smile)_

Just at same time Nikki and Guzman are talking where to go, Vicky and Angel are kidding around and saying same things while she takes a big chump at the little birthday cake he brought her. Suddenly Vicky remembers a cool place she used to frequent with her daughter. Angel asks if men are allowed there. She says yes. But don’t go as my bodyguard, but as my ‘date’. He is a bit take offguard but then smiles.


Bea tells Dances she has decided. She accepts (being his girlfriend, I guess?). They seal it with a kiss.

Vicky is teaching Angel how to swing at a bowling alley, they have their arms on each other when Nikki and Frankie arrive… Surprised/questioning faces as Nikki asks ‘Mama?’


Good morning Marta. Looking foward to your recap!

You've already noted the best scene (of many) - Bea and Salsero. An incredible scene. Bea's face mirrored every emotion she experienced in her brief search for and walk to Salsero. Disappointment, fear, longing and happiness. Susana has been luminescent and simply lovely.

For some reason "Darted around the store suspiciously while loudly humming the ' Mission Impossible' theme" made me laugh out loud. Forget Tom Cruise, it's all about Peter Graves (and was there ever a cooler customer than Barbara Bain??).

Anita, any possibility you will be stocking computers in your Meta*Mart? I am seriously considering a home computer,not because of work or home finances, simply because I hate missing Madelaine's recap and reading everyone's comments.

I am hooked, hooked, hooked on this novela (and the wonderful recaps and comments).


Everyone is going bowling tonight!


Marta, thank you so much for this marvelous recap, lol'd at SMUACK. What a wonderful way to describe Angel and Cris' kisses.

Nikki is too funny in those high heeled shoes in the park. At least Guzmi explained what was up with his marriage, and seems Nikki had a boyfriend she was serious about. Interesting.

So maybe Anyballs wasn't that rich when he met Pilar and she used her fortune to set him up. And come to find out maybe Cande never worked for Anyballs or the Balvaneras. Hmmm. So I wonder how he met her? He actually sounded like he really loved Candy, he seemed so sincere.And he never really knew about Cris either.

So Cande is praying to the Virgincita. And she is taking the secret to the grave, I hope this is not an anvil for her.

Hated that meeting with the Dr. and Anyballs. I hope the Dr. spills the beans to someone.

Loved the scenes with Betty and Dances. So very sweet, they are so made for each other, but Dances is gonna have to come clean at some point. I so want him to be redeemed.

So as Carlos said, everyone is going bowling. I can't wait for that, that should be fun.

Diana: Thanks so much for the compliment. I wish you could comment on weekends too : )

I was so glad to see that JA didn't go out with Vicky instead of hanging out with Cris. He hung out with Cris AND is going out with Vicky. He's juggling both his women on the same night. What a man! Now on to read the recap.

Marta, simply sensational. Your narrative was superb. Enjoyed your conversation translations immensely - they really enabled me to "see" the recap again in my mind's eye allowing me to inhale all the savory moments! "moment of lust" and "Kendrat's dungeon" were a few of my favorites.

I see we were in total agreement that "Susana Gonzalez did a marvelous job". As did you. Great acting. Great writing, what could be better??

Is there a place one can land that's lower than "rock bottom". If so, that is Anibal's next destination.

Loved the Angel with Cris and Lili - the AV ID was great. But, also loved Angel with Vicky. He lightens and lifts her heart and spirit. It's so evident.

Madelaine, I thought Cande worked for Anibal too. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

Carlos, I was shocked it seemed that Vicky was showing the Angel to bowl and not the other way around?? Looks like grand fun.

Safe and happy weekend all. See you Tuesday.


hmmm! Carlos!! the girls and i have not done that in SOOO long. I will suggest it to them to see if they want to go tonight... at least the ones that can, my oldest might work tonight. But thanks for the idea!

Marta - Terrific recap. Thanks for all the dialogue. My favorite line: "Don’t mess with Texas (eh… ME!)!!"

ITA on the Bea and Salsero scene.

Wondering why JA told Cris about Jocelyn’s indecent proposal. Looking for a merit badge for turning her down? Maybe Jocelyn and Cris really will meet up down the road.

Cris and Lili double-teaming JA with a kiss on each cheek after viewing his commercial was too cute.

So, at first, Candelaria didn’t know Anibal was married. Hmmm, I thought earlier they said she was a nurse for his wife.

Now that JA and Vickie have started to date, is it officially called “cheating” now?

Fun, fun recap Marta. I loved your description of the wordless scene on the dance floor. ITA that SG did a fabulous job in that scene.

Tonight should be fun...both Vicky and Nicky on bowling dates with their bodyguards. They should make it a double date and all bowl together! Wouldn't Nelson flip his lid if he knew. What are the chances that he'll take Kendra bowling that night?... :)

Great recap!
I loved that you used plenty of dialogue in this recap.
I very much enjoyed it.
Team Nikki/GUzmancito

Thank you SuperMarta---I am so with you. Susana Gonzalez at the Salsa Club was my favorite scene by
far last night. Susana played it perfectly, just perfectly. Ms. Gonzalez should be at the top of the "A" list all over Latin America
I was trying to get her an Oscar for the GREAT job she did in LQNPA
and although her role in this novela isn't as demanding, her brilliant acting really shines through.

Well, it started last night for sure---here we go. "Don't go as my bodyguard, go as my date." Is this the beginning of the end for Cris??

I have watched this one from the beginning. Did I miss something? I don't remember seeing Pilar. Anibal's first love was Candelaria, his second love or companion was Paula---so who is/was
Pilar? I'm confused.

I read yesterday's comments as always but it was very late and so I didn't post anything.

Niecie in Md---your comment caught my eye. "The only good guys in this TN are near adulterers." YES

Anita at META*MART---I want to pre-
order the book "The Collected Wisdom of Diana." Those books will sell out fast so I want to get my order in right away.
the gringo


marta - thank you for the recap. What an episode! I agree that the Bea/Salsero scene was the best acted, directed, and filmed.

QTH? Vikki and JA going out on a date? Imbeciles Verdaderos, here we go yet again. Argh...

gringo - Pilar is long dead before the start of the telenovela, something like /// veinte anos ...

I need to go to MegaMart for a new computer, too. Really. Mine died yesterday and I"m on hubby's laptop that always makes lots of typos. Argh. I have to buy a new one.... does MetaMart have a location near me??? ;-)

doris. (on a substitute 'puter)

marta - thank you for the recap. What an episode! I agree that the Bea/Salsero scene was the best acted, directed, and filmed.

QTH? Vikki and JA going out on a date? Imbeciles Verdaderos, here we go yet again. Argh...

gringo - Pilar is long dead before the start of the telenovela, something like /// veinte anos ...

I need to go to MegaMart for a new computer, too. Really. Mine died yesterday and I"m on hubby's laptop that always makes lots of typos. Argh. I have to buy a new one.... does MetaMart have a location near me??? ;-)

doris. (on a substitute 'puter)

Gringo- Pilar is Vicky and Adri's mother-- Anibal's dead wife.

I think many assumed Cande was Pilar's nurse because we knew Pilar had died of illness and it was assumed she had been ill a long time. We don't really know anything about Pilar, other than she put up with Anibal's infidelities, and we've only just learned that Antonio also was in love with her and that she was rich.


I'm glad that we learned that Cande did not start the relationship with Anibal knowing he was married. That makes me feel better about her, but it further brings him down in my estimation (like that was possible) knowing that he lied about his marital status to start a relationship with Cande.

Vivi: I am with you about Cande, and here I assumed she knew he was married when she got involved with him. With you too about Anyballs. He is just shameless. It's all about him and what he needs/wants. I do really believe that he loved/loves Cande cause I think she really stood up to him and left him high and dry. I hope we learn some more about Pilar.

I can hardly wait for tonight to see how this surprise party is supposed to go.

Oh, and Bad Angel for "dissing" Jean Marie. Our poor chef de cuisine. I think I'll just go visit his little pastry shop for some petit fours, pain au chocolat and some beignets. Yum : )

Great recap Marta complete with excellent translations. Good job.

I'm excited about the upcoming trip to the bowling alley though I'm not quite clear on how José Ángel is suddenly justifying a date with Vikki... but OK... OK?

The very first time I was in a bowling alley I was 14 yrs. old and had no idea what to expect. I thought, "This must be how heaven is."


Loved your recap, Mart.

I just loved the Bea and Dances scene. I think it was the most memorable one and the best of the episode. Her beautiful eyes and smile told it all. But I would have loved to see them really dance (unless I missed some of that scene. No one else seemed to mention that it was too short.)


I have to say, that was one hell of a sensual salsa dip Susana Gonzalez did - in that bright red dress too! Hubby and I were both VERY impressed!

SuperMarta has struck gold--again. SMUACK and air kisses to you.

What a fun episode to do for Valentine's day with our couples sort of getting along and there's one big attraction scene to boot. Actually in kind of reminded me of all the smaltZy slo-mo running through the fields, only this time it was a smoky salsatheque.

I was surprised, too, that Nikki didn't stumble and twist her ankle in those ridiculous shoes. She should have been wearing a pr. of sturdy hemp hiking boots, por favor (lined with fake rabbit fur, of course).

I'm beginning to think PauTooTooWhiny buys her dresses at the Meta*Mart Outlet store. She always looks like a patchwork quilt.

Computers, hmm. Meta*Mart might consider it, but right now we only carry clever imitation and high-quality knock-offs of better goods. Don't know if computers would fall into that classification, unless we could decorate them in bright enamel colors. You know, flowers, abstract designs, similar to what Miss Vicky turns out on her canvasas.

I'm tired of Cande's prayers. She needs to get her behind to D.F. pronto.

Meet you all at the bowling alley tonight. What is everybody wearing? I probably won't be wearing a barely-covering-my-rear stretchy and 4" platform stilettos.


Thank you Marta. I was busy with other things last night and barely paid attention so your very detailed recap was needed. I appreciate all the dialog translations.

Kendra's remark about JA's kiss probably tasting like 'zacate' - zacate means grass (not the smoking kind), so that's a peculiar thing to say. Grass would taste clean, wouldn't it? (But then, maybe she's not familiar with the concept of clean?) ... I don't know why she would say that.

Nikki was funny trying to get Guzman to go out, nearly busting his ear drum.

Every once in a while, JA and Vic act like total kids and it's fun to see. I don't think JA thinks of this as a 'date' date. He's a spontaneous, thoughtful man and I think he just wants her to have fun for her birthday. It's more fun to go as friends than as employer/employee.

Victoria says they're going to a place she used to go with her daughter and Nikki's probably taking Guzman to a place she used to go with her mother - happy memories for both, but RUH,ROH! here we go again!

Oh, maybe she (Kendra) meant it (the kiss) would be boring.
Anon 6:53

Carlos, of course Vicky's last line last night took JA totally by surprise, i think up until then he was thinking more in the lines of acting a bit childish and he just wanted to give her a good time 'in good clean fun' so to speak. He certainly was not thinking full blown DATE in its most common sense. Can't say same about Nikki and Guzmancito... those two are a totally different story. there was no trust in themselves being 'attractive/worthy' and all of a sudden vulnerability got exposed and jealousy came to the surface and next thing we know they are going out.

Anon 6:53, I think we were totally on same wavelength about JA's attitude and intentions with the 'going out for her birthday'.

Sara, lovely painting in your avatar. my grandmother used to sew handkerchiefs like that and i remember she had a very noticeable hump in her back right below the neck from the hours on end of doing that earlier in her life.

Thank you, Marta. It's a Velázquez. Interesting about your grandmother. I think my scoliosis makes me look like Quasimodo and I can't even claim that it's because I spent my early days stitching hankies.

Thanks, Martaivett, for the entertaining recap and thanks for the placeholder article on taking your hubby to Target. My favorite line from that was "trying to put a bag of M &M's on layaway."

Loved the scene with Bea and Dances. Hope they repeat it tonight. Can't try to use logic in this novela but it is a fun way to spend an hour. Thanks to all the great recappers.


Martha thanks. I like Valentine's day episode, everybody is happy. Also I enjoyed Nikki because of her funny antics with Guzmancin. The humor in this tn is very subtle and natural it's not in your face. Well done.

I'm late to this game, but wanted to thank Marta for your fabulous recap!

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