Friday, February 08, 2013

Por ella soy Eva #143 2/8/13: The Coronation of Napoleon

Alternate title: "The Joy of Slapping"

Morning! At the office, Santi apologizes to Lucia for walking in on her date. Santi says he can move out soon anyway - the tenant he sublet his apartment to is pregnant and needs a bigger place, and Santi can afford to live there again. Lucia tells him there's no hurry to move out, and she'll miss him. He says he's glad her dreams are finally coming true - because (he's asking), Sebastian is her boyfriend, right? Lucia says they aren't technically novios yet, but "almost." (Just when we thought she couldn't get any dumber!)

Marcela takes the morning off from work to be with Ferni. They wait for his lawyer to show up so they can have the meeting with his employer. Marcela doesn't want him to sue and imagines that the company is probably finding him a good specialist right now. But Ferni would rather sue. He explains that they have a record of negligence with their employees. (And their son too, I'm thinking.)

He needs help getting ready for the meeting. She doesn't just take his arm to guide him to the bedroom/bathroom - she lets him spoon onto her back like a snail. (This must be some rare type of blindness that affects his legs.)

At school, Jennifer tells Daniel about her family's latest woes (which always seem to revolve around her father). "No one from the company has even asked how he's doing," she sobs. Daniel promises to help. He hugs her and throws another one of his creepy smiles over her shoulder.

We don't get to see any of the meeting with Fern's employer, but we're told that it was short. It sounds as though the company wants to settle to avoid trouble because they know they're at fault. The lawyer thinks they can get big bucks; Marcela thinks they shouldn't try to gouge the employer. Fernando tells her to keep out of it! The lawyer leaves, saying he'll be in touch.

Fernando grumps at Marcela for interfering. She doesn't think they should take advantage of Daniel's family. Fern whines that Daniel's dad wasn't even at the meeting. Marcela suggests that they not tell the kids anything until they decide whether or not to sue. (It's a good thing Fernando is wearing those sunglasses, because if he took them off Marcela would see dollar signs in his eyes.) He wants her to quit her job. What do they need her salary for? They can take the lawsuit/settlement money and start a small business and be together alllll the time. (Ugh.)

Marcela tries to get him to take a more reality-based approach to the situation; they don't know how much money there will be and anyway, they need to try to get his sight back. This doesn't seem to interest him; apparently he'd LITERALLY rather be blind than let her be the family's breadwinner. He says again that she has to quit her job so the kids won't have to quit school to take care of him. (He seems very worried that he won't be able to find his own piehole.)

No one mentions the obvious solution: use the great riches he thinks he'll get from the company to hire someone to help him around the house. And, you know, try to get his sight back. And find out how blind people feed and clothe themselves and make paper airplanes. But nooooo, he really wants her to quit. That's his big priority, apparently. (Has been for quite some time, come to think of it.) She doesn't want to let Adriano down; after all, he created a whole new department for her to run. She tells Fern they should wait till the company makes an offer, and then decide what to do.

The kids come home from school, and Fernando makes a big show of heroically exiting the kitchen all by himself. (Ithabill was right: whether Ferni's blind or not, his real problem is jackassitis. Is there a cure?)

Meanwhile, back at the office: Pluto tells Eva and Helena that Adriano's taken off for a few days and left him in charge. Women think they're soooo sensitive, Pluto says, but they're NOT. "You disappeared and hurt Adriano's feelings," Pluto scolds Eva. Blah blah blah men in love feel sooooo much pain. (Eva tries to call Adri, but he doesn't answer hsi phone.) Eva protests - she's a shareholder, so she should have had a say in this. "Nobody asked your opinion," Pluto snaps. Adriano gave him a signed power of attorney naming him president of GI and he can do what he wants!

Privately, Eva is extremely angry. Helena tells her to stop kicking the chairs - she'll ruin her shoes. Helena's sure Pluto won't screw things up! Eva's worried that Pluto's presidency will make it more difficult to find the evidence Juan needs.

Helena asks her how things are going with Adriano. Eva says she just can't love him the way he wants her to. Helena knows exactly how that feels. She asks, "Are you in love with someone else?" Eva cleverly says she's not in love with another man. But she's tempted to cancel the engagement. Helena says she should follow her heart - but she should NOT lie to Adriano. "Lying is the WORST!" But Helena's still not convinced that Adri isn't in on the conspiracy; after all, he took Pluto's side on the Fitsa issue.

And now for a bizarre interlude: Rebeca is trying to work Mendoza. She tells him how hot he is. "You're so sure of yourself. How ma... macho." (Anyone want to guess what "ma-" word she started to say?) He agrees that he is extremely charming, but he also can tell that she wants something from him. He asks, "How much are you worth? How much am I worth?" "I'll tell you later in a more relaxed atmosphere."

They purr at one another. Mendoza begins to insinuate that she's trying to improve her diminished position at GI. Renato interrupts to summon them to the Special Meeting where Pluto will proclaim himself Emperor of Grupo Imperio.

At the rooming-house, Mimi says that some of the "spa equipment" doesn't look like spa stuff to her. The mattresses, for example. Original Eva (burgundy wig today) ridicules her for having lived such a sheltered life. And if anything goes missing from this place, she'll blame Mimi and the other Eva. She also makes a crack about how much time they spend together.

At the meeting, Pluto has Renato hand out copies of Adriano's letter giving him power and announces that he's in charge. He asks, where's Marcela? Rebeca makes catty remarks about her. Eva slaps her down. Helena says she'll cover Marcela's work, adding, "I sure hope YOU never get sick." Rebeca claims that she'd come in even if she had nephritis. Hmmm... did she just seal her own fate?

Pluto wants to set up a meeting to settle the Playa Majagua situation next week. Eva and Helena suggest that they postpone until Adriano comes back, but Pluti refuses.

The meeting is interrupted when Original Eva steamrolls her way to the boardroom, demanding to see her good buddy, Our Eva. Mortified, Our Eva introduces her as her cousin Eva. To avoid confusion back home, she says, they called her "Prima-te" because she's the cousin who never quite evolved. Original Eva has some insults of her own, and Our Eva drags her out of the room. "Now THAT'S what I call a naca," Rebeca tells her coworkers, and I'm sure they'd all agree that Rebeca is the company's expert on nacas.

In Original Eva's office, Eva the First confronts Eva the Second about the identity theft and the company shares that are in her name. Eva1 (extremely loud; my ears are bleeding) says she saw Eva2's face in a magazine with HER name. Eva2 tries to explain that she was accused of a crime, had an accident, was thought dead, and met Mimi at the rooming-house. Mimi set her up with Eva's name and now she's trying to prove her innocence. She didn't mean for this to go on for so long, but then Antonia, resting among the heavenly fluffy clouds, left her the company shares so she couldn't reveal her identity yet.

Eva1 sniffles and wipes her nose on her hand. (Is she crying? Stifling laughter? Or does she just have a booger?) She scoffs and says it's a ridiculous story and has too many big words in it. But she has an idea to resolve this without involving the police. Yeah, Eva1 doesn't like police... with their bald heads... "like yours," she says, with a meaningful look at Eva2's hairline. She keeps staring at Eva2's chest, too. She says she had some trouble with Immigration in the US a while back. They agree to finish this discussion at home.

Back to the meeting. Pluto quickly puts the spotlight back on himself and repeats that he'll be the decider around here from now on. "For example," he says, looking hard at Helena, "the meeting with the Regidor at Playa M will take place next week, without Adriano." "No problem," Helena says. "Good, because even if you disagreed, I'm in charge. Is that clear?"

"Yes!" cheers Rebeca. "Impose your will! Be impotent! Er... 'impotent' means 'to be imposing,' right?"

Helena asks Mendoza for an update on Fitsa. He is positive but vague. Helena presses for details. Pluto shuts her down and says "levantamos" ("let's get up from") the meeting. Rebeca cracks that there isn't anything else he can "get up."

After the meeting, Rebeca teases, taunts, and flatters Pluto in his office and is rebuffed again. (Why is she bothering with him, now that Onesimo has the money?) She says all their dreams are coming true, and one of their dreams was to be together. He says yes, his dream of running the company has come true - but her dream of being Mrs. Pluto will not. If she messes with him any more, he'll either fire her or send her to work at one of their "express" hotels. She thinks he owes her for sticking with him for ten years. He says she's lucky he doesn't fire her. She says God will punish him for all he's done. (Does she think she has such a clean record?)

Renato tells Helena that Pluto wants a report on her trips to Acapulco and Playa M in an hour. Helena says she already gave her reports to Adriano. Renato says Pluto wants SPECIAL reports.

Marcela asks Eva's advice about Fernando. Eva urges her not to resign, and suggests a brief leave of absence. Pluto may try to nix it, but she'll get Adriano to agree.

Eva1 strolls through the halls of GI, loudly proclaiming her big plans to install mirrors and beaded curtains everywhere once she gets her shares. She checks out all the female employees and asks if they have any experience giving "manual treatments" to people. They could make a lot more money. She looks at Rebeca and says she's kind of old and skanky, but she could maybe be a manager.

Later, Eva1, "Juana Carlota," and Mimi discuss how they'll deal with the identity theft. Eva1 says let's cut all the BS; I know what you did. Eva2 can stay at the rooming-house, but in exchange she has to be Eva1's business partner. Yes, it will be something unsavory, but that's what she gets for being an impostor. "Yes! This woman is a fake!" And she tugs at Eva2's hair. It doesn't come off. Eva1 is miffed.

Helena gives her Playa M report to Pluto. He feels it's not detailed enough. She says there are no details to give because she's been shut out of the project. She asks why she's being excluded. "I don't owe you any explanations," Pluto snarls.

As for the Acapulco report, Helena says, she gave it to Adriano because he's the one who assigned her that task. (It seems that Pluto doesn't actually know what her Acapulco assignment was... and she's not going to tell him!) "I am the president of this company and you are a mere employee! You must obey me, whether you like it or not!"

"Do you really want to know about my work - or are you just trying to find out if I was there with a boyfriend?" He tries to play dumb. She challenges him to just come right out and ask. He accuses her of cheating on him while they were still together. He doesn't believe her denials.

"I have every right to know who he is!"
"This time I don't owe you any explanations!"

She tries to leave his office. He grabs her arm and says she's not going anywhere because he loves her. He's hers! She can't love someone else!

He tries to kiss her. She twists away and slaps him. At last!! It's kind of a wimpy slap and it's not the rusty cast iron griddle we were all dreaming about, but it's a nice start. The effort is enough to muss her hair, anyway. Pluti is impactado (literally!).

Next time: Pluti vows, "You'll regret this!" Meh. That's what they all say just before the anvil squishes them.


Julie: Thanks so much for being a trooper and I hope you don't lose power and take it easy shoveling. Stay safe and warm and have some hot chocolate breaks : )

Loved your whole recap. Pluti does indeed think he is the Emporer of G.I. Loved the Title of your recap too, he does think he is Napoleon.

Maybe I was wrong and Real Eva is really a fake as I first thought. If someone stole my identity I'd be calling the coups tout de suite I can tell you. Does she want a cut of those shares? The Evalettes sure didn't like her and loved what Real Eva said to Rebe and what Rebe answered her back and called her a naco, lol. I think Real Eva is opening a house of ill repute and not a spa.

Yay!!!! Helena finally slapped Pluti a good one, but I wish she had really socked him so hard and knocked him out. She would have such a great sexual harrassement suit if only she had a witness. That would have been really good. Now Helena knows for sure he thinks he owns her.

Poor JC/Eva is in a real pickle. What is she gonna do about the identity theft and the shares of G.I.? I wonder how JC/Eva will get rid of Real Eva and save Mimi's pension? I can't wait to find out.

Rebe just doesn't miss a chance does she. First Mendoza and then Pluti. She just can't win. I really thought since Pluti is now the Emporer her would fire Rebe.

Poor Marcela. I really agree with everyone yesterday that thought Fern was faking. He just wants things his way. That company I think, won't give him near the money he is looking for. I hate the way Fern told Marcela to quit. I completely agree with you Julie. He should focus on seeing again, and learning his way around, if in fact he is blind. But he has always been a burden and will continue to be, until Marcela either kicks him to the curb or somehow wakes up on his own. I really want that anvil for Fern, enough of him already!

Poor Jennifer, she is just getting deeper in with Daniel. He's another one I have had enough of already. I so don't want Jennifer to be hurt.

I too hope all that money in Pluti's safe is fake, now that would be divine justice in a way. Hopefully, he doesn't find out until right before the end, and he'll find the money is useless, now that would be a great anvil!

Sorry, typo, I meant cops lol.

Julie, you're a recap heroine! Thanks for looking out for us and keep safe and warm in the storm.

Excellent title! I had to tunnel back into my history cache to remember how Napoleon snatched his crown from the Pope and put it on his own head. Pluti was really full of himself in that meeting.

Yes, Fern needs the shades to hide the dollar signs in his eyes.

The newly decorated "spa" and massage parlor is sporting a classic brothel look with the red and gold decor. Original Eva is obnoxious, but she makes me laugh. Her stingers to Rebeca were funny.

Por Ella is my favorite alternate reality. I guess I'll just have to wallow in the fun of the final weeks.

La Paloma

I still have power, for now, but I can't replay the episode yet (there's more stuff I want to add after I rewatch), because I've unplugged my precious recording device so it doesn't get struck by lightning. (We might get thundersnow overnight. Oops, I mean OMGTHUNDERSNOW!!11!!)

Pluto is already seriously drunk with power. If Adri could see him now, he'd have a stroke.

I can't decide whether Original/Real Eva is a fake or not. I can see why it would make sense, but wouldn't Mimi recognize her own cousin? (I missed a couple of episodes, so maybe this was explained?)

It's true that being an imposter would be one reason she wants to avoid cops; however, her plan for the "spa" and problems with her immigration status are also plausible reasons to avoid legal entanglements.

I don't THINK she said she wanted a cut of those shares - I think she offered to let Our Eva in on her "spa business," though. And maybe Eva would have to sell her shares in order to afford it? (See, this is why I need to play it back before I finish the recap.)

I think Pluti did threaten to fire Rebeca. They can threaten each other until the cows come home, but it doesn't matter because neither can really afford to hurt the other just yet. I'll say it again: if Rebeca knew how to trust people and work with them, she'd be dangerous. As it stands, the person she's most likely to harm is herself.

I very much doubt that Fernando is really blind, but then you'd think a doctor could tell the difference, so... maybe he is? I mean, for the kind of "accident" he had, was faking blindness actually his plan? Or did it just not work out the way he expected? I figure that if he were really blind, he'd be a lot more upset about it. On the other hand, don't I know better than to expect him to react like a rational person?

Regarding Pluti's money, he did say he "deserves" it for putting up with Antonia. I think it's safe to assume that the "money" in there now is exactly what he deserves - hell money, perhaps, or toilet paper or whatever, but nothing that will satisfy a disgruntled loan shark with a gun, or whatever.

Thank you for a great recap and I hope that you will have power this weekend. So far we have about 5 inches of snow and I pray that the power stays on. Is it June yet?
I was happy to finally see Pluti get the left slap.
The tacky Eva is giving me a headache.
I didn't get to comment yesterday, but thanks Bill and I think that the money in the safe is fake. Can't wait until Pluti the Psycho finds out.


La Paloma's right, you are a recap hero, Julie! I've been following the snowstorm on the weather channel here in LA and they did confirm that some places back east are in fact getting thunder snow! Stay warm and cozy!!

I had a few good chuckles reading this. I pray that Marci doesn't listen to her selfish jerk of a husband and stays employed.

I think that real Eva is the distraction that will slow down JC/Eva's search for proof of the fraud....things are obviously getting worse before they get better.

I'm really glad Helena slapped Pluti. She should go to the soccer field with her son and practice her 'drop kick.' I don't know if they have drop kicks in futbol Mexicano, but they do in futbol Americano. Gertie


Thanks Julie. I've very glad you have power. I loved your line about the blind learning how to fold paper airplanes.


Julie, I hope you keep warm and safe in that terrible snowstorm. Madelaine and La Paloma, I agree that the "spa" has that bordello look. May the "real Eva's" idea of a spa is different than ours . . .

Rebeca was a hoot getting in all of her digs at the meeting from the definition of NACA to Pluterco and his impotency with her little glance you know where. She was also in rare form flirting with Raúl who clearly knows she is on thin ice with Pluterco. I also liked how they basically agreed "nothing for nothing". Isn't that was Onésimo has been telling her?

Although she is a "villainess" the "real Eva" makes me laugh especially when she starts with a rhyme and then goes off singing some goofy made up song. My favorite was when "our Eva" is talking about Antonia in heaven and then they are both singing "hallelujah."
Although it was not surprising, I am happy that the "real Eva" wants to stay far away from any police involvement.

Though not as strong as I would have liked, the slap sent Pluterco a message his ears didn't want to hear. Now, we just have to wait and see what his response will be.



Bravo, Julie. You're a trooper. I hope the weekend doesn't leave you without power. It's weird to sit here in Syracuse (the home of the golden snowball) and watch you all buried while we sit under a mere 6 or 8 inches.

Fer is so self involved. Of course if his blindness were real and his accident not of his own making he would have the right to be a bit centered -- but his actions are not those of a truly injured person I'm sure he's faking. His guilt trip on Marci is such nasty blackmail. I hope she doesn't cave.

Real Eva is annoying and hilarious. I think she's the real deal and that her cop aversion is because she has some sort of record. I suspect that her absence all this time was because she is wanted by the law or something like that. I agree that the Alleluia song was hilarious -- and that the "spa" is very bordello looking.

Yea for the slap even if it's a wimpy one but from the previews it appears that Pluti's revenge motor was just revved up even more by Helena's slap.

Oh the swirling nastiness that awaits us over these next few ultimas semanas!

Thanks, Julie! Way to brave the elements! Where are you, BTW? Here in Maine we are having blizzardrifting -- bare ground in some places, huge piles in others, and you can't tell where any of them are coz it's blowing sideways at whiteout speed. Good times!

Off to catch up on the last 3 days of Eva...

I'm in New Bedford, MA. There's no bare ground visible here except where people have shoveled very recently. I can tell the plow came through earlier, but that was definitely not recent.

I haven't started shoveling yet. Snow is piled up against the screen door and I can't open it. I'll have to go through the side door (assuming the snow isn't too high on the step below as well) and dig my way around to the front. That is not unprecedented, unfortunately.

If THAT doesn't work, I have a third option, but I'll spare you the explanation and just ask you to think happy thoughts on my behalf because if I have to take the third option, I will surely go mad.

I still have power, but much of nearby/similar Fall River remains unplugged. With a heavy crust of snow weighing down the power lines here, there's still ample opportunity for woe, especially with temps potentially going down into the single-digits tonight. (Even with oil heat, you still need electricity for the burner.)

There have been reports of people dealing with CO poisoning because their heating system or gas generator can't exhaust properly in the snow. I don't even know where my exhaust vent is, but my home is fortunately (eh, mixed blessing I guess) well-vented due to an unrelated missing windowpane in the basement and a mystifying problem in my kitchen where I can't completely close the back door ever since last night, creating a slight draft. (Can't open that door either, because it opens out and the wind blew **36** inches of snow against that side of the house.)

It's tempting to fantasize about a warm place like Mexico. However, cold-related deaths are shockingly frequent there, especially up in the mountains. Many households are ill-equipped to deal with serious cold and are done in by fires or carbon monoxide poisoning. I'm going to remember that and count my blessings while I shovel, shovel, shovel the afternoon away.

Regarding the paper airplane comment - I had started off on a rant about the challenges of blindness, the amazing technology and support available to assist the newly-blind to resume most of their regular activities, etc etc and then realized that none of these things would probably matter to Fernando because his chief occupation is complaining, which requires no vision at all.

Plus, the power went out for a few seconds, which reminded me to focus on finishing the recap. So I got my sense of humor back and made a joke instead.

I'm still undecided whether he's faking or not. Blindness would certainly be a great symbolic justice for a man who would not see, but it would also be an unfair punishment for Marcela, who would never leave him.

But who knows? Maybe he'll become a happy blind chef and his final line will be some corny statement that he needed to lose his sight in order to "see" the truth about his life.

Sigh. Much as I enjoy talking about myself and commenting on my own recaps, I think it's high time I go outside and start shoveling.

Ai, Julie, pobre de tí! Good luck with your shoveling.

Just finished watching Wednesday's episode, in which JC/Eva calls the real Eva a "suripanta" -- my dictionary says "chorus-girl, slut, hussy" -- and Thursday, where Dogbert refers to JC/Eva as "Juana, Cara de Iguana." Jajá.

Julie- You're a star for getting us a recap when you have Mother Nature to battle. I'm glad to hear you still have power and heat. Fingers crossed that it stays that way.

I was so glad to see Helena slap Pluti. I wish it had been preceded by a knee to the groin. But, you guys are right that it's just fueled Pluti's fire even more.

The reason why Pluti doesn't fire Rebeca is because he plans revenge on her. What's funny to me is that he thinks Adri won't think it strange when all of a sudden there is evidence that Helena, Rebeca and Renato have all been fleecing the company. I already have my doubts about Adri's intelligence, but that would be a bit much to swallow without asking some deeper questions. Especially when all of these people are managed by Pluti.

Original Recipe Eva definitely has some shady stuff in her past that she doesn't want the cops to look into. Mimi and Eva/JC should investigate her and see if they can force her out of their lives. When she first came back and was speaking to Mimi, there was some implication that Eva might have been working as a lady of the evening. But then she tried to spin the story that she had been a field worker in the States, picking fruit and veggies. I don't think Mimi bought that story. Eva does NOT look like she's been in a field a day in her life. So the "massage" parlor instead of a real spa makes sense given her likely past. It was hilarious that she didn't think Rebeca was high class enough to work at the spa, while she thought the Blue Dresses were super high class.

Fernando is a FAKE. End of story.

Hands up for whoever is REALLY sick of Fernando's caveman mentality about Marcela being the breadwinner in the family. I have both hands in the air on that one, signaling how sick I am of it. He his massive macho ego won't let him see that she earned her spot in that company. While he was busy being lazy and flying paper airplanes around the room, she was busy working on things to improve the company and/or the Majaha (sp?) Beach Project.

Excellent work in the face of blizzard conditions, Julia.

So, this capitulo was a turning point for me. I have so far given Fern lots of slack, because his family loved him I thought he couldn't be THAT bad. Now, however...the nerve of that jerk, telling Marci to quit her job to take care of him!

Pluti in authority is so not good. More slapping is needed, soon

Sue in Florida --sorry to yous in blizzard land, sunny and 70 here.

Julie, Blue, TJ and others back east, we're sending you all our warmest thoughts and hopes that you continue to have power through the blizzard. The footage that they are showing on the weather channel is amazing with all the drifts, intense winds, buried cars.

I too had a good laugh about the blind making paper airplanes. It would be a nice silver lining if Ferni had an epiphany of sorts and realized that it took his blindness to see his own faults as Julie suggested. That assumes that he is really blind. If he is faking it what a cruel thing to do to to his family. The thing I like most about this family is the way they really seem to care about one another. How is lying about a serious injury showing care for your wife and for your kids?? It is a coin toss with this guy as to what 's really going on with him. Gertie

I would like Fernando to see the light - figuratively, anyway - just for his family's sake. (We do not want Kevin to grow up to be like that.) But he is running out of time to have a plausible transformation. Otherwise, I think the only thing that could end his misery would be death. And this isn't supposed to be that kind of TN. :-(

I'm coming in a bit late to the party! No snow, no excuse. Just a busy afternoon... at the movies!

Thanks Julie for the uber funny post. Napoleon? How do you come up with this stuff?

Sorry about the snow. We've been spared in VA, though the wind knocked a tree onto power lines and we were without electricity for ten hours. We got the tail end of the blizzard but not enough to cancel school (which would have been cool, because I could have watched PESE.)

I agree that Lucia is making the same mistake, AGAIN, and with the same guy as before. She hasn't learned much from the past, has she?

As for Fer... I was willing to put up with his machismo for the sake of Marcela, but o more. Off with his head (eyes and all). He is a fake, no doubt about it. How many of us, in such a situation, would not be mourning our vision and the change of life blindness would bring about? But no; all Fer thinks about if the money he is not entitled to receive. Your comment about the $$ in his eyes made me laugh out loud.

Real Eva is definitely into the cuerpocitos business. Seems like she had problems with the law and "migration" issues, but perhaps it had more to do with her "business," which seems interesting, to say the least. Ojala que her special "spa" doesn't get Mimi in trouble! I loved her take on the Handel's Messiah! She may trun out to be okay if she is willing to work with Mimi and JC to protect his identity.


On... Monday, I think it was, Original Eva was saying she'd done "everything," and Mimi said something like "you don't mean..." and Eva said no no, not THAT! But her behavior suggests that she knows more than the typical civilian would about that business. Perhaps her work was more on the "management" side of it than the "hands-on" side. So to speak.

And she REALLY freaked out when she overheard Mimi telling someone (JC) on the phone that she was there. She's hiding from someone, anyway.

I just finished watching the Wednesday and Thursday episodes (haven't rewatched Friday's yet), and Dogbreath actually addresses Original Eva as "queen of Calexico". He also says he that in order to locate her, he had to ask his old pals from jail. I'm sure we're meant to conclude that she's a well-known criminal.

Julie, when you rewatch Friday, I'd be really interested in what you think Rebeca was about to say to Raúl when she corrected herself and said, "Qué ma...cho." I'm sure it was something naughty, but I haven't got a clue.

Those two are too slithery for words. Do they make snakeskin sheets?

Oh, I remember the scene you mean. I don't know enough bad words to guess. I know at the time I thought it sounded like "que menso," but I'm sure Rebeca could come up with something more colorful than that!

I'll have to watch this tonight and update the recap tomorrow morning. Sorry I'm taking so long to get to it.

I searched online for snakeskin sheets and found some at Macy's by Calvin Klein, but I wasn't impressed by the picture. Whoever came up with that design must not have looked at many snakes.

OMG what are we going to wear for the gran final? So many possibilities...

Blue Lass, sometimes people talk about Eva being a large woman. I think I'll choose a semi-matronly dress like Eva's office wear. That will suit me better than the slutty stuff some of the other characters strut about in.
La Paloma

But I do want parakeets in my hair.
La Paloma

No law against mixing & matching, Paloma!

I'm having a hard time coming up with an emblematic outfit for this TN -- I don't really have the figure for most of the ladies' (or even the "lady's") outfits. In fact, I'm built more like I think maybe a nice scarf, Bermuda shorts, and copetes. :D

I'm just grateful I won't need to wear a tinfoil hat for this one.

I've got a perfect scarf and a fair number of matronly dresses. (Why didn't they seem matronly when I bought 'em?)

I'm going to rewatch Friday's now. I know I know, but I figure better late than never...

For those who are interested, don't forget, Camil's chat is today, 5 PM Central time. Details on Thursday's recap.

Okay... correct me if I'm wrong, but do you really dress up for the finale??? I am new to Caray! Caray! Any guidance would be great. (Do you exchange pictures of the outfits?)

I don't know what I will wear but I do want to be a "mujercita bella"! :)


Annick, sometimes the costume party gets off the ground and sometimes it doesn't. We usually at least talk about it, though. (And I must say I made a stunning photographic debut as La Difunta Elisa for the Abismo final.)

I apologize for the delay. I had omitted a lot of things on Friday that I really wanted to include, so it's all there now. It's mostly the second half of the recap, but I added/corrected a few things in the first half, too. The "spa equipment" Mimi questioned? Mattresses!

As for dressing for the finale... I don't PHYSICALLY do that, but I like the idea of a virtual costume party. Also, I DO usually get ice cream.

OH YES, food! I plan to do an Onésimo and order "eight of the usual."

Yes, I should have something special in One's honor. What kind of ice cream goes with chicharrones?


Thanks for the value-added, Julie. Mondays are soooo long without any new dirt from Grupo Imperio...

I get the feeling Original Eva suspects JC/Eva's secret -- she keeps looking her up and down and making suggestive comments. When JC/Eva mentioned the police, Original Eva said, "No police! Not even the "p"!" and looked meaningfully at...well, where the starts-with-p would be if she had one. Which she does.

Oh yeah, I think Eva1 knows that much about Eva2 (that she's a he). With all those great minds at Grupo Imperio, it took the Queen of Calexico to figure that out??

With the ice cream selections available to be locally, I'm afraid jalapeno brittle will have to be a virtual flavor for me. But the chicharrones will be real! (And they'll be spectacular!)

Thank you, Julie. There were a lot of insults flying in this capitulo- which I haven't seen yet. I also have never heard how you guys spend the finale together. They didn't do dress up over at LQNPA. But then that was a much heavier show. I think I'll do Eva- I have a similar build.

Thanks again Julie....I enjoyed the full recap very much.

I vote that parakeet-Eva had a booger. I think she scratches and smells her armpits a lot too...just to be as totally obnoxious as she can. The parakeets are probably eating birdseed right out of her hair.

I really loved Rebecca's comments about Pluty's winkie during the meeting. If I'm Helena and Eva, I'd be really scared about PLuty being in charge....but at least they had a few good laughs from Rebe's remarks...if they were paying attention. I missed so much of Rebe's comic relief....thanks so much Julie for going back and sharing that!!! Rebe is treading on thin ice! Gertie


I think I'll be an Eva too; can't stand the high heels Helena sports. They look great but too much for me.

Now where can I get a wig??? And make up that loud? AVON!!!!

I'll have to create a menu for the end! Any ideas?

Oh, and thanks Julie for adding the details. There are certain characters whose Spanish I understand really well, and others that are more difficult for me to grasp, like Eva-bird. Her colloquial brand of Spanish bypasses me... unless I am spellbound by her outfits and can't concentrate on what she is saying. Either way, I miss on the dialogo.

Wish there was a "like" button for the above comments... There would be quite a few I would thumbs up!

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