Friday, February 08, 2013

Telemundo y más, week of 2/11/13

Here's a new page for your comments.  Stay safe and warm, everyone!

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La Patrona -

no, no, No... don't end the episode there, not on Friday night!

did you see the black eyed dra. Gertrudis Aguirre watering her plants with a big syringe, ha!

go have a drink Alejandro,
so easy to wallow in the past,
so amazing that Gabriela, in a world that hates her,
is still fighting back against totally impossible odds,
"palabra del tigre"

I didn't really catch all of Anibal's thingy of getting Constanza's money, is there anything important in that?

Pasión Prohibida -

thanks so much shallowgal,
for posting the link to welovesoaps,
another wonderful recap by RG,
which pretty much brings us up to date from the beginning on this story,

I'll repost that here,

to be honest, I'm still watching this one, while waiting for la Patrona,
but it is still not clicking,

and I think it's the writing,
as mentioned earlier, this is a remake of a novela in Turkey,
a predominately muslim country,
that helps,

and maybe it's a language thing.

as RG pointed out,
"The actions of the characters are often left open for interpretation"

so maybe I'm just not getting the subtleties,

so lets go with something I know,
I can't remember seeing anyone with a Zippo lighter since...
they are great lighters, so in efficient,
did telemundo get a good deal on them?


Thanks for the link, Jody. I happened to find the episode on line, and here are a few additions:

Susana told Harvey she was going to tell Flora the truth. After she left, Harvey told Max to tell Agua Mala to bug Susana's phone, he wants to know every thing she does.

The presentation that Watusi was called about the other day, was ordered by Vicente! This is what Watusi didn't call Flora about. This is what Watusi and the kids were heading to do when Watusi got a call from Celina that Sabroso was sick. They were going to give a dance show at Vicente's house for Sofi's birthday. This could have been very sticky for Flora!

Cande tells Profe that in his room in the infirmary, there are lots of tools, knives, scalpels, etc. they can use. That's why the escape has to be now, before the guards realize he's better. And they can't wait for Titi, who's in the hole. Perez overhears all this, and tells Titi. Profe tries to reassure Titi it's not true, and gives him some food through the bars. Cande is able to drop a metal tool into the yard for Profe. But I think Perez knows what's going on. He says something to another guard, Fernandez, and I think the escape attempt will be stopped.

I'm pretty sure Imanuol has a thing for Silvia. She tells him she knows martial arts, and he does, too. Later, he has a very telling look when she kisses Vicente. Ironically, she earlier told Imanuol that men are blind, can't pick up signals. This is because she thinks Vicente isn't picking up her signals. But SHE's not picking up Imanuol's signals!

Agua Mala's fake name is actually Ronaldo. He later checks out the security systems of the house and tells Mireya they're triple protected, no way can they disable them and find stuff in the house.

Marcos tells Pablo he wants to ask Sofi to “go steady”. Pablo says that is so 1950's. Marcos still wants to tell Sofi she's special to him, but never gets the chance. Here's another case of women not picking up MEN's signals.

The dance is called the champeta. Of course the important thing here is all the reactions. When Silvia kisses Vicente, Flora is upset, because she sort of likes Vicente (and she's been instructed to flirt with him, too), and Imanuol is upset, because he likes Silvia. Silvia seems to sense her kiss wasn't returned.

One last interesting tidbit. Pablo (who's smart, like Agua Mala, we know, because they both wear glasses :), found a picture of a champeta contest champion on the internet. He shows it to Flora, and says this is you, right, just with a curly wig? She goes no way, that doesn't look like me at all. But it IS!


As we know, the evil psychiatra is names Gertrudis Aguirre. We should come up with some good nickname for her. Her evil helper is Romina. The "nice" nurse is Milagros. And Anibal's wife, also imprisoned there, is named Constanza.


I think I finally caught up with this show so I can start watching it on TV and enjoying your recaps.

About names: Sofía's curly-headed blond cousin is Marcos. The dark-haired guy who wants to be a serious boyfriend is Pablo. I don't think Sofía missed his signals; I think she picked up on them and escaped from an awkward situation by pretending Flora was calling to her.

Vicente was just making conversation about the name "Ronaldo", and saying it was Germanic in origin.

One other thing to add: Watusi's uncle, Sabroso, was coughing up blood. He kicked the gravel to hide the blood on the ground, trying to conceal the gravity of his problem. He is clearly in big trouble. (I was sort of surprised that Vicente didn't offer to help when he heard that Sabroso wasn't well -- maybe he was just too distracted by the party; or maybe he thought Watusi was just fibbing.)

The kiss at the end was interesting, wasn't it? Flora may be playing a role but there was something very genuine in her dismay when Silvia -- rather desperately -- placed herself in front of Vicente, blocking Flora from his view. With her kiss, she was staking a claim -- publicly and rather embarrassingly.


Thanks Hombre and NovelaMaven for the corrections and 'filling in the blanks' on my recap. I appreciate it.


Thanks, NovelaMaven, you're absolutely right, Pablo is the dark haired boyfriend, Marcos is the curly haired cousin. He's the one who keeps picking up little signals that Flora is lying about something. He's the one who knew where to get drugs, who thought it was strange that Flora had dresses with all new tags, and now, the one who he saw on the internet picture of the champeta.

You can't really blame Silvia for kissing Vicente, since Matilda had just told her she and Don Vicente were a good match, and she should "go for it". I've said earlier, though, there's something about her I find suspicious, as if she's secretly working with some bad guys. But this could just be my imagination. One last think, I don't think she's really Vicente's boss, he just said she was "like" my boss. He's the President of the Bank, right? It's just that he's suspended, because of the losses in the accounts (caused by Agua Mala). I think she's an officer in the bank, maybe right now she's "acting president".


I have to say that I really like the intro song (and the opening is well done too!). JenCarlos can really belt them out :)


Pasion Prohibida
Deb thanks for the link to Welovesoaps.
Have not seen that website before and the summary had some fine details. While waiting for the plot to ignite, I pass the time just staring at the two leading actors. Monica Spears' posture is breathtaking.
J in Oregon

El Senor De Los Cielos -

rumor, rumor, rumor,

"During a video conference, Gabriel Porras confirmed that he would be part of this production and would most likely drop out of "Marido en Alquiler"."

"Porras stated that Telemundo called him to work on "Cielos" and would require him to fly to Mexico for the filming. Porras noted that he would have an important role but provided no details on which character it would be."

"Little has been revealed about the plot or release date for the TV series"

""El Señor de los Cielos" was shot in Mexico City, Morelos, and on authentic airports, estates and ranches."


The writers seem to be hinting that Ale and Gaby will not end up together. Notice they contrast Ale's weakness and burgeoning alcoholism with Gaby's constant strength despite all the evil happening to her.

None of the los Suarez are falling apart even though they are in difficult straits while Ale is drinking himself in a stupor. He could easily start an investigation or something but, in true Beltran man fashion, is drinking instead.

Irene upsets me since she's Guerra 2.0 beta.
Is 'impotency' what they call gay in Mexico circa 2004? The way Ricardo responded to Patty's kiss says he's gay, not impotent. At least they both know this is a sham marriage and going into it eyes wide open. I actually thought Ricardo was in love with Patty, but she didn't like him because he was too square for her. This impotence thing is an odd development. Anibal's surprise at the marriage announcement was the funniest thing in this novela. He was like 'Wait, what? How are you getting married when you can't even have sex?'


J in Oregon - I too just watch JC and MS. the rest I >>ff>>.


dMart warns the Alvarados of the recent murder of Alejandra. Luciano and Katherina are in imminent danger because of suspicions that Marcos was murdered by the killer. At the crime scene, Tom takes Leyton to inspect and look for any clues or evidence. Caro is terrified by his presence, while necessary. In an unguarded moment, Lyeton grabs scissors and hides them. In the afternoon, Ali visits dMart in his apartment to show the cards of the monster boy. She thinks the letters were written by a girl, as the person who writes declares her love for Diego. Shortly after, arriving survivors of the massacre, called by Tom. Caro confesses that Ale was about to tell her that Nat was the killer, Martin confirmed it was Nat who gave the suit he wore at the class reunion, the same one worn by Maris companion the day she was killed. Yet such evidence is insufficient to convict Natalia, who claims to be innocent. Leytons help is the key to this investigation, but they seem to ignore that this is another serial murderer. When its time to return to jail, released Leyton stabs and kills his two guards to escape. At Zekes home, Eli asks him about the letters and discover the Monster Boy who came every month to the home to forwarded the letters to prison, but Zeke never did, preferring to lock them.


J, I think they writers are differentiating being gay and being impotent. Ricardo himself said he was not gay, just impotent. He says he's tries various treatments. I'm hoping that his problem is just psychological, and Patricia will, with tender loving, help him get over his problem. This has happened in several other novelas I've seen, the impotent guy just had to find the right woman to solve the problem.


Good comments, JdesdeNYC, Deb, and Hombre. That certainly was one exciting episode. The horrible black haired shrink could easily get a part in a USA slasher movie. Ghastly.

I was hoping Gaby would be able to escape with Constanza as well, but it doesn't look that way.

I still think Gaby and Alejandro will end up together, but there's going to be months of her hating on him for not believing her - AGAIN.

One thing that's fascinating to me is when and if there will be a big time jump. I think she got away, but it could be a tease and they re-capture her to kill some time. But many more electric shock treatments and injections and she would be just like Constanza, not in great shape for the venganza. So I'm betting she will have escaped during tonight's episode. But then I thought she wouldn't lose the baby, so what do I know!!


Thanks, Deb, for the chisme on upcoming novelas.

It certainly appears that El Señor de los Cielos is meant to capitalize on the success of La Reina del Sur, even featuring the same actor as a pilot who runs drugs. [Except in LRDS he was actually working undercover for the DEA.]


This novela is the best thing I've seen since La Reina del Sur. None of the characters are cartoonish. There is an amazing number of plot twists.

I can never guess exactly what is going to happen. The title character is currently in an orange jumpsuit, having been kidnapped by the DEA from Colombia. But there are hints their case is falling apart and she will be released.

And her DEA boyfriend has currently put himself beyond forgiveness by the agency, having removed an electronic ankle bracelet meant to keep him tethered to a few blocks. He's off to rescue the daughter of La Mariposa who has been kidnapped by guerillas.

There are so many elements to this novela. There are the usual evil narcos. There are guerillas who process cocaine, supposedly to finance their patriotic fight agains government corruption.

There are right-wing paramilitaries that fight the guerillas and also aid and abet narcos. The narcos give these guys money and pretend to be commanders in order to get a reduced sentence and protection against extradition to the US.

There are corrupt politicians who take money from the narcos to push laws through that benefit the narcos - just like in Pablo Escobar.

And there is a selfless and incorruptible Colombian police captain who just wants to do the right thing. They've attempted to kill him and threatened his nephew, whom he loves as a son.

Because of watching La Patrona and Pasión Prohibida, I sometimes don't get to these episodes until the weekend. Watching several in a row just emphasizes how excellent this whole production is.

Novelera-ITA on La Mariposa. I watch on weekends as well.


yes, novelera... for me, best thing ever. I've been doing the Sunday marathon the last couple of weeks(5 straight hours) because it's got the English subtitles.

by my calculation, there's only about 3weeks to go? I will so miss it.


We continue our pattern of close calls, but tonight, we have some major events to go along with them. First, the little things. Flora goes home after seeing Silvia kiss Vicente, not wanting to say anything to Vicente. Her mother wonders if she was jealous, but Flora won't admit to this. Silvia tells Imanuol how foolish she felt, and asks if Vicente said anything. Imanuol hides his feelings for her, and stays quiet. Matilda tries to encourage Vicente to go for it. Vicente admits to Imanuol that Silvia is a fine woman (although when Imanuol brings up Flora, Vicente says SHE's an AMAZING woman, but maybe one day she'll find someone her own age who deserves her). At the end of the episode, Vicente decides he WILL give Silvia a chance, tells her he didn't know what he had right in front of him, and she tells him she liked him even when he was married, but of course couldn't do anything about it. She convinces him they should continue that kiss from the other day, which they do.

Speaking of kisses, Watusi realizes how nice Celina has been. She's really been caring for Sabroso in the hospital, and he's improving. Flora? Well, Champion tells Watu he saw Flora at Vicente's house. So forget her, thinks Watu. Watusi's male hormones start raging, and he once again goes for Celina, who doesn't resist. They fall asleep in the hammock, limbs entwined. Of course Flora, having found out something troubling (more on this later) comes upon them, and is hit with the shock that she's losing her boyfriend.

Harvey has nightmares about Susana saying she was going to tell Flora who Harvey really was. He tells Max not just to monitor Susana's calls, but to stop her from doing something rash. And Susana does call Flora, who happens to be sleeping at the time. She leaves a message, we have to meet, at 10 o'clock, in a prearranged place, I have something important to tell you in person. Susana goes to the spot, starts playing with her ring, when Max comes up behind her and chloroforms her. The rings falls to the ground as he hustles her away. Flora later shows up, doesn't see Susana, but notices the ring. Inside is an inscription, “From Harvey to Susana”. Whoa! That's when she went to see Watu.

In the jail, it's time for the escape. Ironically, it's also visiting day, and Flora and Belen are planning to visit. But the inmates don't know this. They also don't know Perez has been hearing all their plans. Profe tells Cande they need a little hammer, and Cande gets it from the surgical instruments. As they start their escape, Perez goes to Titi, and releases him from the hole. He says your buddies betrayed you, they're escaping without you. Perez gives Titi a knife, telling him, you take care of Profe, I'll take care of Cande. Profe and Cande move the poster, climb up through the ceiling into the ventilation ducts. They edge their way through the vents toward the roof of the prison. Titi uses the knife to pick the lock to their cell, follows them, and surprises them in the tunnel, leaving without me, boys? Cande and Profe make excuses, but say let's all go. They get onto the roof, and it's about 20 feet down, but there are trash bags. Titi pushes Cande off the roof, but he lands on the bags, and is okay. Profe is next, but Titi STABS him to with the knife. And here comes Perez, armed with an assault rifle! He points it at Cande, then swivels, and KILLS Titi! Cande holds his hands up to surrender, as Perez points the rifle at him from up on the roof. But Perez raises the gun, indicating Cande can scram. He does, racing across the open field to freedom. Perez calmly takes out his cell phone, says into the phone “I did my part. He's all yours now.” Switch to the other end of the call. It's Harvey!!!


Yikes! During her struggle with the Vampira shrink, Gabriela stabs her in the eye with the hypodermic needle of the drug meant to subdue her.

We see quite a few scenes of Gaby running through the nuthouse which looks like a crumbling medieval castle.

Gaston’s letter, the other of which was confiscated by Aníbal, arrives to Francisca. She reads about his horrible situation, basically imprisoned for speaking the truth. Aníbal calls Chacón, and everyone at the jail finds out they’ve committed the horrible sin of giving a prisoner paper and pen to write letters. This whole thing is unbelievable. They proceed to torture him and smash his hand with a hammer.

Alejandro gives Max too much money for a shoeshine. He gives it back, saying he doesn’t want charity from anyone – much less a Beltrán. But Max has earned some, and gives it to Francisca for food. She wants to get the gold from El Tigre’s first wife’s grave, but Max wisely says they’d be endangered if anyone knew they had gold.

More amazing crooked pueblo antics. The disgusting mayor tells Antonia and Aníbal that, although he knows the mine Tigre was trying to register belongs now to Gabriela Suarez, he’s come up with a plan to seize it. Because of the mineral waters (sulphur) on that land, he’s going to declare eminent domain and make it a national park!

We see David being a good kid for a change. He overhears the “lobos” plotting and discussing Gabriela’s escape. He calls Max and they arrange to meet at the cemetery.

Antonia, delusional as ever, insists she’ll completely eradicate David’s love for his mother. And she will create him in her image [!].

Irene catches her sister Patricia being sick and tells her she knows she’s pregnant. She also realizes it’s the baby of the mystery man. Irene is getting rottener by the day.

Alejandro goes to Francisca’s house and pours his heart out. He convinces her to tell him that Max and David are meeting Gaby at the cemetery. When he arrives, Gaby tells him that she was violent because she was injected with drugs before and that Macario kicked her repeatedly, causing the miscarriage. She sadly accuses him of never believing her.

Antonia has had Macario follow Ale, and she’s recaptured at the cemetery. She assumes Ale betrayed her once again, and she’s taken off in the police car. Sad, very sad.

La Patrona -

thanks so much novelera for posting this recap !!!
I wasn't really getting a lot of the chit chat.

I've been getting into this story, it's just right amount of action and interesting characters for me, and I think it's the best thing going for telemundo right now.

It seems like Patti is waffling on this marriage thingy, and Ricardo has to reassure her, they make an interesting couple, because the bubbling passion in Patti seems to collide with Ricardo's analysis of how things are.

The Gastón story is so unjust, they just drug him off to jail with no charges, and since he is causing problems, beat him senseless, and with Tigre gone, he seems to be all alone, who would guess he ran the only radio station in town,

Loved seeing David and Max swing into action, they make a good team, and so proud of David making his own escape from the walled hacienda,

Francisca seems so odd, staying at home and counting her few dollars, again, so unlike Tigre's woman, she has done nothing with Gaston's letter, and didn't go with Alejandro to meet Gabriela.

and Alejandro, what can you say, he reminds me of the good doctor in Rosa Diamante, means well but... always seems to be elsewhere, and just enough out of the loop where he never hears what he needs to know, and even though he can resolve the whole Gabriela thing, especially with his Beltrán get-out-of-jail-free card, he is always coming up a dollar short, and a day late.

looks like Gabriela has decided, no ifs ands or buts, that Alejandro betrayed her big time by bringing the cops, looks like the pendelum has swung the other way, and Gabriela will be pushing him away.

needle in the eye, ouch, and now what will the cyclops do to Gabriela now,
or will Gabriela poke out her other eye?

btw, they finally listed the Dra. Gertrudis Aguirre actress on the wiki page, it's Anilú Pardo,
an interesting person to google, she may even have her own cult following,
for example here is a summary of one movie she was in,
El tigre de Santa Julia
"An army deserter turned bandit robs from thieves to give the money to the poor. He was famous for being caught by the police "with his pants down"."


Novelera, thanks for the recap. I agree - so sad.

Something isn't quite right with Ale. He's supposed to be intelligent, well educated, a sharp business man and very aware of his mother's cruel and manipulative behavior. Without fail, though, he misses all the cues and, like last night, becomes the conduit for Gaby's capture. Maybe I'm expecting too much of our hapless hero.

Kudos to Max for his wisely dissuading Francisca on the gold.

From the previews it looks like Dr. Pys-clops is going to exact her pound of flesh from Gaby. And, BTW, that ECT treatment would never be approved by the AMA. Hilarious - like a scene from Young Frankenstein!

Patty's and Ricardo's relationship/situation is the most interesting aspect of this TN to me right now. Constanza's incarceration is going to be exposed sooner or later, and Patty is the most empathetic character to help Ricardo respond to it.

J desde called Irene 'Antonia 2.0 beta' - right on! Irene is one scary, evil lady. I think she' going to figure out that Alberto is Patty's baby daddy pretty quick and use it against Patty.

Poor David. Antonia is so delusional she's going to completely control his contact with the rest of the world. Even AniMal was skeptical about her obsession with David last night - but for all the wrong reasons of course.



Hombre, I really enjoyed your skillful summation of last night's show. Thank you!

I was surprised at how much I DISLIKED seeing Vicente and Silvia kissing. (It was funny, though, the way Silvia brushed off his talk of "cortejo" (courtship) almost the same way Sofía dismissed Pablo's desire to formalize their relationship -- though with different motives: Silvia's was strategic; Sofi was just trying to wiggle out of an awkward position, I think.)

I was also surprised at how right Celina and Watusi looked together. I've been thinking for a while that for all his 'calidades', Watusi is just TOO DUMB for Flora. He should have been able to connect the dots and get it that she was in trouble instead of doing the hurt, jealous number. It's time for Flora to move on.

[I'm also surprised that I have opinions about stuff like this -- but there is just something about this show ...] :-)


So Spanish even has a word for a one eyed woman, una tuerta. Sounds right for our twisted psychoshrink.


Oh yeah, Hombre. In the wildly terrible TN, Contra viento y marea, there is a character (a bad guy, of course) called "el tuerto."


wasn't "El Tuerto" the name of the crocodile in Doña Bárbara?


Deb, that's right! El Tuerto from Doña Barbara -- he worked in waste management, like Tony Soprano, right?


You guys are cracking me up with the Tuerto comments! Good one about "waste management", NovelaMaven. That croc devoured at least one of DB's rapists. Pirañas got another one. And still another was fed to his army subordinates!


Susana wakes up from being chloroformed to find herself tied up in Harvey's office. He tells her she has to stay quiet, can't tell Flora, but she's insistent, the game is up, I'm telling. He gets angry, she says then just kill me! She's clearly at the end of her rope. He points a gun at her, can't do it, still loves her from when they were engaged or lovers. He ends up locking her in a storeroom. Meanwhile, Flora, fresh from her shock at finding Watu and Celina entwined, finds out that Cande has escaped.

Mireya meets Cande, gives him fresh clothes. Cande wants to see Flora. Harvey wants him to hide out on Harvey's remote farm. Cande totally buys Harvey's pack of bull, and still thinks Harvey is looking out for him. Harvey wants him just to call Flora, not meet her, but Harvey agrees he can meet her for 5 minutes. They meet near the water, and embrace. She's upset he is a fugitive, but he says he'll be okay. She tells him how weird Harvey is. He says we have to trust Harvey, he's always helped us. Flora then tells Cande how she was supposed to meet Susana, but she never showed up. Cande replies, Susana's at the Basurto right now. After saying goodbye to her brother, Flora goes to the Basurto, and when she tells Harvey she wants to see Susana, he says I haven't seen her. But Cande said she was here. Oh yeah, says Harvey, she was, came for some money, but she left (actually, she's locked up in the storeroom). Flora's doubts increase. Harvey also explains the ring, saying the and Susana used to be an item, but now they're just friends.

Susana really WAS at the end of her rope. She sees some electrical cable, and when Harvey and Blatcho go to check on her, she's HANGED herself! Harvey is shocked, almost feels sick. After they calm down a bit, he wonders what's he going to tell Flora now? Agua Mala comes up with an idea, they'll use recordings of Susana, and fake a phone call to Flora. That's what they do, as Flora gets a call from Susana, who just says, I had to leave, I'm going out of the country. Bye. Flora finds this strange. She later talks to her Mom, who is supportive, but of course says not a word of truth. Flora is sad about Watu (who now regrets sleeping with Celina, even though SHE announces to him she wants to be his WIFE), and Flora wonders about Cande, and about Susana. I'm thinking, now that Cande isn't in jail, why should she continue to help Harvey? But when she goes to his office, she says she's sorry for her doubts, she'll help him one more time, if he agrees to persuade Cande to turn himself in, and hire the best lawyer. Harvey readily agrees. Right.

So we're back to the upcoming exhibition of the Santa Helena at the art gallery. This is the one more time that Flora has to help Harvey. But we have a new snag. Jhonny is walking through his gallery, when he sees a security camera on the ground, behind the crime scene of the fallen over sculpture of Max's. He looks up, and there's a NEW camera where the old one was! He immediately smells a rat, and calls Max. Max has to come over in his gay attire. Jhonny's no dummy, he knows Max installed the camera. Max claims it's his performance art, he's the artist voyeur, this is part of his latest work. Jhonny again says you don't fool me for a minute. You're after the Santa Helena, right? Well, I want in! We see Harvey, Mireya and Agua Mala, all monitoring this, give a collective groan.

So, here we go, will the robbery take place? Will they pretend to let Jhonny in on it, and then “terminate” the partnership? We shall see.

martes: The hits keep coming for our fair Gabriela as she is wheeled off back to the nuthouse screaming that she hates Ale, whom she feels betrayed with as muc h intensity as she loved him. At the nuthouse she is now given repeated rounds of electroshock treatment by a beatifully tuerta Dr Aguirre, who looks quite fierce and feminine in her pastel pink jackets and black eyeepatch.

A commenter noted that est is back n vogue with psychiatrists for severe mental problems and that is the case. Gaby doesn't get more nuts, but less a after the electroshock. Constanza comes to her senses enough to ask Gaby is she knows her son Ricardo. Gaby says he's one of the lobos. Constanza disagrees and goes back to her room. Gaby goes to Constanza's room and apologizes for insulting Ricardo , since no Mom missing her child should be insulted that way.

Ricardo and Irene look in love as they discuss with family their boda-they want an intimate wedding while the presidente municipal and senador want a huge bash. Ricardo, like a good nkvio rnomorado says whatever you want Patti is what I want. But problems persist. When alone Ric is happy to be a dad wanting a big family to celebrate xmas and other holidays. Patti agrees and tells Ric she can see herself easily falling in love with him and as she reaches over to kiss him, Ric backs away. Seems the fiscalia wants kids but doesn't want emotional intimacy from a spouse. Emofional distress from mother abandonment she retains her will to live.


La Patrona - Tuesday

I've posted a picto summary here,

(if you are not familiar with TW, if you wander, there may be spoilers),

thanks so much J desde NYC,
love your comments,

Patti is such a down to earth girl,
(loves sex, but that won't help here)
will she be able to crack open the tomb that Ricardo lives in?

love the way she can feel Alejandro's pain.



Thanks Hombre for the recaps. Wow! so Susanah committed suicide in the closet. I didn't see that coming.

I think Harvey's told so many lies, he might not know what the truth is anymore.

Tonight's episode should be very intriguing to watch.

Cont'd-I.m on a tablet, pardon the errors.

Irene reprises her role as Ale's good-time gal, knowing that she isn't Miss Right but Miss Right Now. Of course she is esperando un hijo soon enough and guilts Ale to putting a ring on it whenhe wanted to break up. Ale decides they'll marry for fhe sake of the hijito who gives him something to live for. Irene celebrates with Guerra for getting knock-up and getting a proposal.

Francisca finds out about Irene and Ale marrying as she's at the mine office to pick up her pittance of survivor's benefits due to her from Tigre by Manuel mine administrator. Ric and Ale are thinking about a double wedding since they are both marrying los hermanos Montemar. Overhearing this, Francisca goes off on Ale calling him a traitor who's all talk about his eternal love for Gaby when he never believed she was innocent of the miners' deaths. Ric tries to jump in but Francisca shuts him down like the post office on Saturdays .

She promises that marrying Irene will be Ale's first punishment for his traicion since Irene is a traitor and manipulator like he and his mama....burn Francisca burn. Ale is impactado because he knows Frannie's presentimientos are no
At Guerra's the los Montemar y los Beltran are celebrating. At the dinner portion of the celebration, Guerra kicks out her good-time boy Espino since 'it's only for family' and he's semi-shocked since he thought killing someone for his novia made him said novia's family.

Guerra announces Ale and Irene's marriage and David walks out the room side-eying the crap out of Ale. I told y'all that kid will take Jupiter and Disney trips but still loves his mama more than abuela. Ale runs after David and looks at him as if to say 'Mama didn't lie about you being triflin'.
David telss Ale how could he marry Irene and Ale tella him when you get older you'll understand, I couldn't avoid it. David exposes that he's firmly on team Gaby by basically saying Yes, they injected my mama with crazy and this whole life of ours is a trap. She didn't kill abuelo. Ale is impactado leaves his engagement dinner and sneaks into the manicomio which now has video recording cams so Stealer Nurse and La Tuerta see him breaking in but they don't stop him since Dra Tuerta wants to prove if Gaby is really nuts.


Thanks, J for a great summary, and thanks Deb, I loved your picture summary on TW.

You'd think Alejandro would use birth control, but 1)he didn't with Gabriela, and 2)he's been too drunk to think straight (as if he EVER did think straight). The guy sure is potent, though.

So is Alberto, with Paty pregnant, but too bad Antonia didn't get pregnant, too, although maybe she's beyond that age.

I forsee a possible romance between Gaston and Francisca, if Gaston somehow survives.

I don't see why Alejandro has to marry Irene, can't he just support the child?

Every single child on this show (Max, David, Gaby's who died, Paty's and Irene's) has been conceived out of wedlock. Great message, writers.

LA PATRONA (and general)

Come to think of it, has there ever been a telenovela baby that was conceived IN wedlock? I'm not counting in the gran final, when they fast forward to the families with about 6 each.


Hah. Good question, Hombre. In Abismo de pasión, two of the leads were born IN wedlock (Damián and Elisa) and two, OUT of wedlock (Gael and Paloma.)

General -

ay Hombre,
"babies conceived IN wedlock?"
you must be referring to the ones switched, snatched, miscarried, or appear to have been born dead.

interesting in Corazon Valiente, it was difficult to tell who was actually married.


Thanks so much for the recap, JdesdeNYC. Loved the snark.

There were some smallish good things last night. David isn't buying Antonia's crap. He called her a loba last night.

And Gaby has a friend and ally in Constanza. And they're both spitting out the pills. I was scared one of those evil orderlies would see them doing it last night.

A disgusting sequence of events was Antonia Fed-Exing Loba in Training Irene to Alejandro's bed. And his total lack of resistance to the come-on.

Hombre, I was thinking the same thing. I've actually seen a TN, the name escapes me, in which the galán WASN'T blackmailed into marriage and instead only said he'd financially and paternally support the kid.

I loved Francisca's scene and replayed it a couple of times. She cut Alejandro and Ricardo down to size, while Manuel heard the whole thing. She got them with logic. What crazy person is crazy one day and perfectly sane the next? Why couldn't you believe she was drugged when she told you so?

I'm confused about the gold. We saw Antonia's eyes lighting up with greed at a handful of huge nuggets. I had thought that El Tigre said they wouldn't be able to find the vein because the mine area was so huge. She wants to start mining right away. But the mayor said that the Government would pitch a fit if they did that right after he seized it for a national park.

What's up with the "other women" in telenovelas? 100% believe that by forcing the galán to marry them they'll live happily ever after. They are usually oblivious to the miserable expressions on these guys' faces when pre-wedding celebrations are held.

Just now catching up on recaps and comments. I have to agree with everyone about La Mariposa, it's excellent! Most of the acting is entirely believable, if not top-notch, and there is barely time to catch a breath between edge-of-your-seat moments. Altagracia is my personal favorite, the perfect blend of tough and sensitive :) Very well done in my opinion! Love it!




Flora goes to see Watusi. In a very emotional scene, she tells him that despite all the strange things she's been doing (which she can't explain, sorry), she has never been unfaithful to him. But he HAS, with Celina. And she can never, ever forgive him. So, as much as she's loved him, they have to split up. Forever. Maybe she HAS changed. But what he did was unforgivable. They both cry.

The crew discuss what's to be done with Jhonny. Apparently, he has no prior record of any crime, and even puts stuff on his social network page. How uncrooklike! Should we kill him? No, says Harvey, we go along with the plan, and steal the Santa Helena. THEN we kill him. Max isn't too happy about this, seems to really like Jhonny (and seems to really be a bit gay!).

Harvey asks Blatcho to get the police report from the failed robbery at the bank. He wants to see what Vicente said, and see if Vicente shot Robinson in cold blood, or by accident, or what. This could be bad for Mireya, as we know. Privately, Agua Mala tells her she had a little camera on her that could also show a lot of stuff, but it disappeared. She sweet talks him into going back to the scene and looking for the camera. He does, finding it in the muck of the ground where the shootout took place. I'm thinking he may be able to retrieve stuff from it one day, and will know Mireya has been lying. But not yet.

So the big plan is in the works for the theft of the Santa Helena at the art gallery. Mireya dresses up as a pregnant woman (a rich one, of course). Jhonny has been able to get her on the guest list, since he's in on the plan (sort of). Max is dressed as an EMT medic, waiting outside in his ambulance. He also has a dummy that looks like pregnant Mireya, which I guess they're going to switch with her at some point. As everyone arrives at the gallery, Harvey talks through the mike to Mireya. The plan is for her to put the Santa Helena in her fake tummy, and faint or something.

At the gallery, Flora looks amazing as usual. Vicente is with Silvia. Pablo had wanted to clear up his relationship with Sofía, so when he showed up at the house before the show, Vicente invited him, much to the chagrin of Sofía. She doesn't want a commitment, she's going to France. Flora tells her to make it clear now, because breaking up later can be much more painful (as she well knows).

Harvey is suffering from the smell of Agua Mala, who stepped in something foul while retrieving that little camera. But everyone's happy it's going to be over soon. Finally, they'll be rich! Don Vicente calls the crowd together to announce........the exhibition has been MOVED! For security reasons, it's not going to be in the gallery, but apparently on a boat. Silvia is mad, she wasn't told, Vicente and Imanuol came up with it themselves. The guests are ushered towards the new location. Mireya says into her mike, so the mission is off, right? No, says Harvey, we're still going to do it. Here we go!!!


There have indeed been many tn babies conceived in wedlock. The question is, are the parents together once the baby is born? That's often the other issue, if the baby was conceived in wedlock. Then the drama is about the pair getting back together. Otherwise, there's no point in having a baby in the story and the heroine doesn't get pregnant at all until the gran final.


There are a number of IN wedlock pregnancies and live births in TNs. Gabriela became pregnant by David after she married him in La Verdad Occulta. Of course there was pre-wedding trickery to force the marriage, but the bride was a virgen. And after much turmoil, the happy couple were together at the end with a second pregnancy.

Is there no limit to AniMal's depravity. He's had his wife locked up and tortured in the manicomio for years to get certain documents from her, he took 12 year old Ricardo to a brothel against his will, he's threatened the life of a child (Max) to get Tigre's mine and God knows what else we're going to find out that he's done. There has to be a special punishment for him - something long, slow and excruciatingly painful.

I continue to be hopeful for Patty and Ricardo, but worry about what Antonia and Alberto might do when word gets out that Patty is carrying Alberto's baby.



Hi Another Amy. Also luv Perez... he cracks me up all the time (i.e. eating chips/cookies then always offering to others). The banter b/w him and Altagracia are simply amusing.


AniMal sure is bad. But the one I hate the most is Lagarto. He raped and killed Inocencia, the reporters's girlfriend. He beats up every good guy regularly. And he uses his gun to force people to do things, upon threat of arrest. I think he was one of the people torturing Tigre, along with Macario. Somehow I don't hate Macario as much, maybe because he "only" follows orders, whereas Lagarto gives orders and carries them out.

Once again, Antonia's timing is good, having given Gaby a super strong drug just before she was observed by the guys from the State Board or whatever, in that padded cell. So of course Gaby looks totally crazy, and they get her rights to the mine.

I still want Gaby to do more than just ruin the bad guys. I want some real physical suffering, or even have them killed. I know, the heroine doesn't usually do this. But I'd make an exception in this case :)


This novela is holding my interest, but how many more days and/or weeks are the evil ones going to win every battle.

They got Francisca to sign over her rights for a tiny sum every month and gloated about it.

The horrible shrink was asked to shoot Gaby up with something that the only kindly person at the manicomia said could have killed her or left her brain dead. So she lost her rights to her family's mine legally.

And evil Irene comes to throw Patricia's wedding dress at her. I was surprised she didn't say it had been a church wedding, unless that was implied by the regular wedding gown, as opposed to the white suit she actually wore. She got pushed by Gaby so that may result in some payback for Gaby.

Hombre, ITA about Lagarto. He not only does the "lobos" bidding but seems to be a sadist and enjoy his work!

Small recap and larger discussion about episidio miercoles.

Ale visits Gaby. Confesses he's gonna marry Irene because he weak and got her knocked-up. Begs forgiveness, and kisses her so much that Dra Tuerta and Efermera Ladrona asks why Dr Tuerta won't interrupt them cuz it was getting to sexy.
Gaby flips at hearing he's gonna marry Irene, which is when Tuerta and Ladrona interrupt. Gaby is seriously mad as she not only says 'No te quiero a volver a ver.-I don't want you to come back, see. She also says the strongest 'Fuera'-Get Out-I've heard since Laura Bozzo was kicking pervertidos off her set in Peru. Gaby was mad and utterly heartbroken. She stops spitting out her pills and tells Constanza nothing matters any more.

General -

here is an interesting little article that sheds some light on the old question, what is marriage like for Novela stars,

"Sonya Smith y Gabriel Porras: romance en la escena y en la vida"


Ale goes back to his engagement party after his nuthouse visit and Irene is mad that he'd left. He tells her he had something important to see about....Gaby. Irene is upset and Ale tells her 'I love and will always love Gaby.' So you are just gonna have to deal because I told you that from the beginning. I'm marrying just to make sure the hijito is legitimo and to make you happy...loving you in a distant third.

Patti and Ric get married. They look so in love and happy you don't see the sadness ahead as Ricardo can't even bear to be in the same bed as Patti much less consummate the marriage. He tells Patti thst he's impotent because dear old Dad Anibal took him to a brothel when he was TWELVE to make him a man. The munecas instead rape him, if I heard the verb he used correctly, and took all his clothes. Patti commiserates but Ric is obviously so hurt-his ears turned pink during the scene-amazing job by the actor-and Patti has to beg him to stay jn the same room with him since she doesn't want to be alone on her wedding night.

Irene andAle get married but its drastically scaled down-a civil marriage in the family living room before a judge and just los Montemar and los Beltran. Ale insisted on these conditions since the whole town knows he was supposed to be married to Gaby and he doesn't want a circus cerdmony where he doesn't know the guests. Still David refuses to co-sign with his presence a farce of marriage.

It gets worse for Irene as Ale insists that 'yes, I put a ring on it, but you were sloppy thirds.' Dude goes in the shower abruptly after Irene stars rhapsodizing how great it is the ard together. Irene changes from her white dress-it's a sleeveless, not wedding-y like Patti's and says 'Don't cry Irene , you won.' she puts on the lingerie and Ale comes out smiling to consummate the marriage and says as he's kissing Irene and imaging its Gaby 'I love you Gabriela.' I almost feel sorry for Irene until she decides the next morning to go see Gaby at the manicomio since she's the one responsible for Irene's unhappiness. She should went back upstairs, find a mirror and slap herself 80 times for stupidly thing her honey pot was gold' but I digress.

Patti and Ric are home from the Irene Ale wedding and Patti asks Ric to stay in her room for the night and he says no. Patti says she sees her future and it'll be just liks Irene's married to a man who doesn't lover her and Ric is hurt by the accusation. He insists he loves her and she says he doesn't sexually and what will she do when she wants sex. Ric tells her to find someone else, but be discrete since he doesn't want to find out about it. Patti looks as if she was slapped and kicked in the heart. And I want to cry too because I had such hope for them.

Guerra 2.0 Irene, goes to the manicomio to gloat about nabbing Ale from a poor girl like Gaby and throws Patti's dress in Gaby's face to emphasize her victory. Congratulate me, she tells Gaby. Congratulate me. When Gaby just stares at her, probably wondering, If you won, why are you here and not in bed with Ale, Irene decides to emphasize her victory by saying 'I have him on my breasts nd his child in my womb. Which sets Gaby in a rage as she pushes Irene.

By the way Ale is in the office at the crack of dawn the morning after his boda because, as he tells Manuel, the wedding was one of my great errors and I can either work to forget it or drink myself into a stupor. A pyhrric victory to say the least Irene.


La Patrona -

thanks so much J desde NYC for your summary,
I'm really missing a lot of the little details,

wow, Alejandro really ripped it for me last night with his visit to Gabriela, in between his perdonames for all the stupid things he has already done he throws in the current events, that while she has been tormented day and night in this medieval nuthouse he has knocked up Irene and will of course do the noble thing and marry her,

how could he do this?
and how could he not have the slightest clue about how crushing this all is for Gabriela?

and later we see him clean and healthy sipping champagne and chatting with friends, while Gabriela is undergoing the worst punishment a human being could ever be subjected to, wow, the bad guys win again, and he by his inaction and unawareness is actually helping them out, and not to mention poor Gastón, all the while he and Ricardo celebrate their new marriages.

at least while making love to Irene, on their wedding night, he said "te amo Gabriela", I did like that part.

La Patrona -

ah yes,
Chacón "Lagarto" has got to go,

I thought he might self destruct after killing Gastón's fiancé,
but this turned out to be just another day for him,

it drives me nuts the way he keeps his gun tucked into his pants,
and always at the ready, with his hand on it,
maybe he will get a twitch in his finger.

Deb, thanks for appreciating the effort. I'm on a tablet and it leads me to spell miserably. Once I get my laptop in order I'll read more intelligently.

As heartbroken as Gaby was last night I think the fact that Ale told her himself versus having her find out from Guerra, who would relish telling this news to Gaby, actually will lead him to being spared during the venganza portion. She'll at least say 'at least he loved me enough to tell me himself.' Costanza's being in the manicomio is what's gonna spare Ricardo too.

I think last night's ep was great for good reasons as a reflection on the Madonna/whore dichotomy in most cultures. Irene is a whore-she sold herself so cheaply to Ale-who doesn't want her, while wanting to be treated like a rMadonna, the respected mother of his hijo. Patti is for Ricardo a Madonna since she's gonna give him a child without his effort but Patti wants to be whore-sexually desired by her husband.


Thanks, JdesdeNYC, for the excellent recap. Are we to assume you'll be doing these every day? If so, I'll hold off commenting until you post so as not to steal your thunder!

It was definitely significant, especially in the strongly Catholic, Mexican culture that Irene and Alejandro did not marry in the church. This is often an out when either the male or female protagonist gets trapped into marriage with the wrong person.


Thanks, J desde NYC, for your recap - another crushing episode for our Gaby. I really wanted her to punch Irene in the nose so Irene would go home bloodied and swollen. It looks from the avances like Gaby's going to pay big time for trying to strangle that red headed witch!

I still have hope for Patty and Ricardo. His description of the humiliating rape was heartbreaking, and Patty was both sympathetic and supportive in response. I thought he said the pros further insulted and demeaned him by laughing at his inability/naivete. What a great acting job.

What can you say about Ale - he's so clueless! What an idiot, running off to the nuthouse on a whim and then further tormenting Gaby with an update on Irene's pregnancy and the wedding. Especially after Macario killed Gaby's baby.

And, Deb, I also enjoyed the 'Te amo Gabriela'; I'm sure it's what drove Irene to go taunt Gaby.



Pasion Prohibida

Bruno and Bianca finally have their first almost intimate moment, when Bruno gets sick and Bianca is the only one left at home to take care of him (the army of servants is there, too, but nobody is rooting for Bruno and Lupe, right?).

After she helps him take off his T-shirt because he is sweaty and he has a high fever, Bianca prepares a remedy that she knows from home (can you imagine Dona Flavia's dedicated care for her daughters?); then, she helps Bruno take it; poor soul, sick as he is, spills some on his naked chest and Bianca cleans it up with a tissue. Of course, Bruno is barely conscious through all this, but Bianca can't help but take a good look at him, as he sleeps, half naked and so, so very young (you know, unlike her husband, Ariel).
Later Bruno wakes up, feeling much better, so he goes downstairs to eat something. He sees Bianca in the living room, she is sleeping and he has his moment of gazing at her (removing a strand of hair from her face); when she wakes up she wants to make him a sandwhich and they both go to the kitchen, but he is so turned on by the whole situation, that he yells,chasing her away. She thinks he is rude,but we know better.


AdrianaNoel -- Welcome! And thank you for giving the PP people a jumping off point for discussion. Your minicap is perfect -- just right for this page. I hope you will keep writing. Maybe you will inspire a few other PP fans to step in and recap.

Thanks again!

Pasion Prohibida
Wednesday (2)

While Bianca and Bruno are left behind in Miami, Ariel, Mademoiselle, Nina, Santi and Yair go to New York for Santi's game. When talking to Ariel on the phone, Bianca mocks Mademoiselle, thinking that her poor husband is bored to death in her company; but, what do you know, Mademoiselle let her hair down and Ariel likes what he sees (although he is to much of a gentleman to show anything).

Dona Flavia is out of the hospital and she is back to her old lovable self.Sshe will be staying with Bianca's family and she is more than happy about it. Bianca realises the trap, but it is to late to back down; she overhears a talk Dona Flavia has with her ex lover, where she tells him that she never loved him and that she only stayed with her husband because of the quality of life he could provide. So much for choosing the family over love...

Anyway, Bruno, Nico and Bianca help her get installed in the ex-TV room (for a moment I thought Mademoiselle was going to sleep in the dog shed or something, but we know Dona Flavia would have never agreed to sleep on the same floor as the servants).
While helping with the move, Bianca has nothing better to do then check to see if Bruno still has a fever(touching his forehead, acting more like a girlfriend then an aunt) and, of course, Dona Flavia realises something is up between the two ex foes.

I bet she will know something is going on between them before something actually happens.

Anyway, finally some progress... And the chemistry between B&B is slowly showing.


I would also like to thank you for your recap, AdrianaNoel. Very well written.

I've been watching this one, but haven't been commenting very much.

@Novelera - doing the recap is very fun, helps me share some of my impressions.

When I was little I used to watch TN with my mom, but now we don't live in the same country anymore, so it is a little more difficult to do that. So, when I watched Amor Bravio, I had to keep it all to myself (and that was torture). Now, with PP I hope I found a solution on this blog, because sometimes I really need to vent.

I will try to post these mini recaps as often as I can; there will be a time difference, though, because I can only watch online and I live in Europe.

If anyone else wants to join me, it would be great!

I agree about Perez, he's adorable! Their relationship is so funny, almost kind of a big/little brother thing. I really like these characters, since they seem to be the only source of light-heartedness we get in such intense episodes!

Jencarlos is winning me over in this one! I've always been kind of on the fence about him, but he's really doing this character well. Ay, ay, ay... que fuego between Bruno y Bianca! The simmering chemistry in this episode was intense!

Then of course there is the theme song that I can't stop listening to...

I only catch this one every few days, so there are a lot of holes for me in this one, but once again an actor that I've never been much impressed with is blowing me away. Carmen Villalobos is so real in this one... it's obvious she is definitely in her element here! I kind of wish I'd never seen Lola Volcan or Sin Senos...


Not sure I'll be doing a daily recap, but I'll try since Bill C seems to have stopped doing it.

Gaby nearly chokes to death the 'victorious'
Irene and is punished with a psuedo wedding with psychopath Casanova in a straight jacket by Dra Tuerta. To give realism to the proceedings, Gaby is put in Patti's gown and has Psycho Casanova try to rape and generally wreak havoc on Gaby. Gaby bashes PC upside the head and Dra Tuerta proclaims tbat Gaby alsays surprises her. She puts her in the catacombs away from everyone, a nice place, since there are huge rats that can give you dysentery, which kind nurse Milagros mentions when begging for a reprieve for Gaby; no dice, though. Dra Tuerta tells Milagros do her job or leave since Gaby is gonna rot in the catacumba. Apparently the cops are after Milagros so Tuerta advises she shut up and follow orders.

Patti wants to donate her wedding dress and finds out from Irene she took it to the manicomio to gloat and she doesn't know where it is since it's a scary place. Patti doesn't go get the dress like a normal person, but asks why Irene would go gloat at pobrecita Gaby who's locked away. Irene shares the sordid honeymoon story of Ale calling her Gaby in coitus and says 'yes, even locked away, Gabriela Suarez is my rival.'

Life goes on for los Montemar y los Beltran even as Gaby rots in the catacombs. She starts counting from June 13 to count the days and months on the walls since counting is the key to not go insane. She's still in Patti's dress btw. Six mo.ths pass as we see Ale meeting Tuerta to try and see Gaby but is refused. He's tried every week for six months and no dice.

Patti and Irene's babies are cute as buttons, and of course Ale decides to name his daughter with Irene Lucia, after Gabriela's mother. He's a proud papa even as Irene is cold and distant as a mother.


Pasion Prohibida

Bruno and Mademoiselle talk about how Bianca treats Mlle badly. Bruno defends Bianca, saying that she was very nice to him, curing him when he was sick.
Senora Flavia and Penelope warn Bianca that she is being to friendly to Bruno. Of course, she shuts them down, she is only trying to have a civil relationship with him. So civil that she keeps cheking up on him and touching him to see if he still has a fever. This bothers Bruno, he is rude to her in order to keep his distance. Later, he apologizes, not before fighting with her about Flavia's lover, that he just found out about.

Nina has another one of her tantrums in front of Bruno (will this ever end?)
Bianca finds Mademoiselle's photo taken in New York and she is not happy about it.
Nico and Penelope find a place to stay.
At the end of the episode, Bianca takes a pregnancy test.
Ay, ay...I don't think this baby will see the light of day.


Cont'd LA PATRONA jueves

We seee Gaby's feet and hands only as she walk away the years in the catacumba, compiling her venganza list. All the lobos, Antonia, Espino, Julio Montemar, Anibal, Ramon, Largarto and Irene are on it. Gaby's dirty, blooded feet are contrasted with las hermanas Montemar's soft, manicured feet on soft carpet. Los hermanas Montemar aren't happy with their maridos, though. Ricardo still hasn't slept with Patti and Irene won't care for Lucia so Ale does, which makes him upset.

Four years pass as we see Patti, Ricardo and Anibal have a birthday party for nino Villegas, aged four. We still don't know the kid's name, though. Is that a state secret, writers? Patti's a drunk now since still no sex from her husband.

Irene is jealous of Lucia since Ale gives her all his attention and tells Sra Montemar no more kids for her since she worked hard to get her figurs back from Lucia and kids are like penitence.

Constanza visits Gaby in catacombs and screams horrifyingly at seeing her so disfigured, which the audience doesn't see.

Patti is drinking too much and gets collected by Ale who takesz her home. Manny called him to get Patti. Patti confesses the whole my husband won't tkuch me details and ends up in bed wjth Ale. Ale, you know you can say no when a woman propositions you?

ntemar no more kids for her si.ce they

MADE IN CARTAGENA - Ep. 25 - Feb. 14, 2013:

On the docks near a tall sailing ship, Vicente, Pablo and Imanuol are talking. Vic and Imanol check on the security set-up, make sure everything is in place. Flora, Silvia and other guests start to arrive and board the ship.

Harvey and the rest of the gang are in the headquarters cave watching the computer monitors. Mireya whispers to Harvey about the tight security patrols - that no video is being allowed on board and Flora has already gone on the ship. Harvey tells Mireya to stay with Flora; Jhonny is Max’s bro so he’s one of the gang today. Harvey then tells Flora in her earpiece to stay with Mireya. Flora is stunned and nervous. Mireya walks over to her to calm her down and tell her about Jhonny.

Back at Sabroso’s cabin, Watusi is at the oil can - he lit a bonfire and is burning all his photos of Flora.

On the ship, Flora and Vicente meet. She asks about the Santa Helena. Vicente tells her how he brought it here to study. She acts like she understands. He says his work will continue. Meanwhile, Harvey is talking with the gang in the cave as they continue to watch the monitors and computer screens. Vicente and Flora continue their conversation - he tells her his story about how he brought the statue to Cartagena (and his wife?)

At home, Belen leaves Dixon there alone. He wonders what is going on with Flora; where is she going?. She refuses to give him any information. When he insists, she tells him she’s going to clean rich people’s clothes.

On the ship, Flora and Silvia talk about the Santa Helena. Silvia tells her, “nothing is as it appears.” Sofia and Pablo are nearby, finally getting a chance to talk privately. Silvia and Flora watch them - Silvia mentions that the statue is important to Vicente, but his daughter is more important to him. Sofia tells Pablo that she thinks of Flora as her sister. Pablo comments. Sofia tells him how much she misses her mom and says she felt so alone because her dad worked too much. Pablo sympathizes/consoles her.

Dixon sneaks around the mansion and sees all the video cameras outside. Harvey and Agua Mala check the video feed from the mansion and see Dixon sneaking around there. They can’t do anything but watch. Inside, Belen catches Dixon - Dixon picks up a framed photo of his sister, Flora, and asks if she is the rich person whom Belen referred to?

Flora and Sofia get an opportunity to talk on the ship. Vicente watches them. Sofia walks away.

At the cabin, Sabroso finds Watusi at the bonfire. Watusi tells him that he and Flora have officially broken up and why.

Spying on the argument, Harvey tells Agua Mala to lock all the doors to the mansion so they can’t leave. In the house, Belen and Dixon hear the locks close. Dixon panics and tries to open the front door. Belen yells at him, it’s no use, they are locked inside.

Vicente tells Sofia how happy he is that she’s there to share in this moment. She’s happy also to be there. She knows this is important to him/ that it completes a promise he made to her mom. In another part of the ship’s deck, Flora and Pablo talk about Sofia. He mentions how Sofia thinks of her as her best friend. Sofia tells her dad that she wants him to be happy - if that’s with Flora, then he should go for it. Sofia calls Flora over to join them. Sofia then gives her dad and Flora her blessing.


MADE IN CARTAGENA: Feb. 14 - pt. 2:
A black security guard enters the mansion and knocks Dixon unconscious on the floor. Belen scolds him and goes upstairs. Celina talks with Sabroso inside the cabin - she asks permission to move in overnight. Outside, she finds Watusi in the hammock and joins him. He’s still mourning the loss of his love affair with Flora.

Silvia joins Vicente, Flora and Sofia and is stunned by Sofia’s comments. They toast.

Celina tells Watusi that she asked Sabroso if she could move in - Watusi says that’s fine; it gets dark so she may be safer to spend the night there. She then tells him her new idea - for them to dance together - he agrees (but he’s heart isn’t into it.)

At Bazunte bar, Belen enters, followed by the black security guard holding tight to Dixon’s arms. Agua Mala meets them in the bar area. Belen storms up to Harvey’s office. Agua Mala and Dixon start to argue. Meanwhile, Belen tells Harvey off about what she sees he is doing to her children - Cande is in hiding, Flora is heart-broken and confused. Harvey tells her Dixon is safer if he doesn’t know what is happening. Belen questions Dixon’s safety. Harvey calls Agua Mala on his cell phone and tells him what to do with Dixon (get him out/ don’t harm him). Agua Mala relays the message to the security guard. Guard takes Dixon out the back down - Dixon is still yelling.

Back on the ship, Mireya watches the security patrol as Imanuol and Vicente stake out positions and watch the crowd. Imanuol and Vicente talk about the security around the Santa Helena.

In his office, Harvey tries everything to get Belen to calm down and leave - he’s busy at the moment. Belen scolds him about her sister Susanah’s sudden departure. Harvey tells her he tried to sleep with her but she freaked out, went crazy and left. He said she thought Flora was his lover. He tells Belen, he thinks of Flora and Dixon as his own children. Belen believes him and hopes he really does take care of her treasures.

Celina and Watusi are at the bar. She leaves him just as Belen walks back through and spots Watusi sitting there alone. She scolds him for being a lying bastard who broke her daughter’s heart. Meanwhile, Harvey returns to the cave. Agua Mala hands him the headset and he starts to talk with Mireya. He tells her to use her pregnancy belly and have Flora help her put the next phase of the plan into action now. Vicente and Imanuol are confident that they have enough security - everything seems to be fine so far - Flora uses her microphone and earpiece to question what Harvey wants her to do.

Vicente and Imanuol watch Flora and Imanuol wonders if they can really trust Flora - Vicente thinks they can. Flora and Harvey continue their debate. He tells her this is his last favor - Vicente walks over and starts to talk with Flora. Mireya walks over to Flora as Vicente leaves. Mireya takes a pair of surgical gloves from her purse and hands them to Flora. She tells Flora to put them on and go down below to search some rooms. Flora is worried she will be caught. Mireya assures her she’ll be safe and will she will wait for Flora to return when finished. Mireya walks away and leaves Flora alone. Flora looks around at Vicente, Imanuol, Sofia. She starts to panic and can’t catch her breath.

MADE IN CARTAGENA: Feb. 14 - pt. 3:

Harvey watches her on the monitors and is concerned. He uses the microphone to call to her and find out what’s wrong? Agua Mala tries to tell him not to push. Harvey doesn’t listen and continues to call to Flora. Flora finally responds with her frustrations and worries about this favor and about Cande’s phone call. Harvey says she needs to do this; he promises nothing will happen to Cande. Flora still panics. Agua Mala gets on the microphone and works his magic to calm Flora down. She agrees to do it. A waiter bumps into her and she about drops the gloves. She panics again. Meanwhile, Mireya has already wandered down below deck to the gated area where the Santa Helena is being kept. She uses her microphone to tell Agua Mala and Harvey that there is only one guard and one entrance/exit to the area. Agua Mala tries to make a suggestion but Harvey rejects it and tells him to get back to the computer.

Flora is now in the bathroom. She takes some deep breaths as she looks in the mirror and reflects on her conversations with Vicente, her godfather Harvey, and Cande. She takes another deep breath and puts on the gloves to get to work.

On deck, Pablo brings Sofia some water to drink. She says she isn’t thirsty. She’s more worried about her dad. Pablo is understanding. Vicente walks over and Sofia tells him she feels faint. Vicente is concerned - he also wonders where Flora disappeared to. Flora is still below deck, searching around the bathroom and another room.

Back at the cabin, Celina walks to get close to Watusi. Watusi won’t open up and tell her what he’s thinking.

Flora joins Mireya on deck. Agua Mala gives Mireya and Flora some code numbers. Harvey and Agua Mala give them their next set of instructions - to get the Santa Helena. As Imanuol and the security watch over the crowd, Jhonny joins Mireya and Flora. He tells Mireya where Dominguez went. Flora and Mireya go inside the ship. Mireya fakes fainting and starts to pant (like she’s having a contraction). The security guard believes her and tries to help. This gives Flora time to sneak past him.

ON MONDAY: Harvey’s plan goes into action. Dixon grows more and more suspicious of Harvey being behind Flora’s sudden changes. The official presentation of the Santa Helena.

EL SECRETARIO - EP. 103 - Feb. 13, 2013:
Dona Trudy wanders around Copito. Toni takes her down to Castillo's office. They end up at the loading dock. Toni has to help Dona Trudy read the documents (first pulling it away from her face, then locating her glasses on the chain around her neck). Lorena, Frank and Emilio join Castillo, Toni and Dona Trudy on the loading dock. Lorena makes an excuse about going to the store for toilet paper and she and Frank get Dona Trudy to leave. Emilio and Toni take the elevator back upstairs to the offices. On the elevator, Toni tries to cover why she and Dona Trudy were in Castillo's office, but Emilio gives her one look - she laughs and says he knows her too well. She tells him Dona Trudy told her the theory about Olga not being pregnant and she was helping her. Emilio tells her he knows about Dona Trudy's theory but is playing along like Olga is really pregnant. Mario is in his studio apartment - he still hurt and angry with Felix. He talks to his mannequin and typing up a letter to send out to everyone everywhere in the world about his own brother firing him from Copito International. Emilio and Olga in the copy center - Olga starts to talk with him - he smiles and kisses her and rubs her belly. (too cute! too funny!) Alfredo (Pato/Padrino) helps Nelson out with the report that is due this very minute (as Nelson's mommy, Delfina, calls to remind her son). Episode ends with Conde, Aguirre and Nelson handing over the financial report to Felix. They leave and Felix ponders where he's heard Nelson's voice before.

EL SECRETARIO - Ep. 104 - Feb. 15, 2013:
(This is what happened in the second 15 minutes of the comedy)

Felix wanders around the finance department. (It isn't a good sign when the boss knows the employees by their scent). Felix sniffs one desk. He makes an ugly face - ugh! conde! - he wanders near a different desk. He makes another ugly face - pwufah! aguirre!. he wanders near the third desk - sniffs and says - a-ha! patequilla!. He sits down and slips his cell phone in the coat pocket. He gets up and remarks about the cleanliness as he leaves. The employees are on lunch break.

Frank, Lorena and Dona Trudy are walking back home from the store. Frank calls Emilio. Dona Trudy swipes the phone and begins to give him an earful of all the stuff she has been able to uncover about Olga's non-pregnancy. She repeats to him "Olga isn't pregnant" and tells him about the documents Toni showed him from Olga's employment folder to prove it. Emilio is stunned speechless. Call ends. Emilio looks at Olga - Olga is nervous and asks what the call was all about. Emilio tells her, You're not pregnant. Olga starts to cry and runs away.

Olga runs straight for the ladies room. She sits down and starts to cry (her mascara runs down her cheeks). Later, Yensy, Millie and Delfina join her in the ladies room. They try to get Olga to tell them what happened. Yensy guesses (er, blurts out) Emilio found out about the lie, that you're not pregnant. Delfina and Millie start to scold Yensy for saying that - it couldn't be true. Olga breaks down and tells them, she's right. it's true. I'm a lying, manipulative, snake. Millie and Delfina say Emilio isn't the only one hurt in this. We are also.

Olga begs their forgiveness as she explains her actions and reasons. Delfina reminds her that she will have to live with the consequences of her actions.

Frank, Lorena and Dona Trudy return home to the apartment. As Lorena starts to get after Trudy for telling Emilio everything on the phone. She wonders how Emilio looked when he heard everything. Frank feels sorry for Olga. Lorena mentions baby. Trudy returns to her confused sinility (What baby? Huh?).

Emilio sits moping at his desk. Toni walks over and asks what's wrong? what happened? Emilio tells her about Dona Trudy's call - that Olga isn't really pregnant. Toni is a kind, understanding friend. He says a part of him was sad that the illusion has died but a part of him is also relieved.

Felix approaches Emilio's desk and asks Toni, "Have you seen my cellphone?" Toni says, "No". Felix grumbles about his cellphone being stolen in his own company as he goes to his office. Toni puts her hand on Emilio's shoulder and Emilio puts his hand on hers.


Thanks for the recap, Jody! Here are a few minor details.

Vicente's wife Marcela was the one really interested in the Santa Helena. So since she died, he's sort of honoring her memory. This is what he explained to Flora.

It appears that Belen doesn't know any more than Flora. She also is buying Harvey's bull about this whole thing will free Cande. I don't think Harvey has let Cande go, I think they have to keep him prisoner somewhere, or somehow shut him up, until they have the Santa Helena.

Sofi didn't accept Flora as her father's interest, she accepted Silvia as her father's love interest. She would be upset if she thought Vicente and Flora were an item.

Mireya was going to steal the Santa Helena, but decided that security people were watching her, so she suggested Flora has to do it. Flora is super upset, she has to STEAL something? This is very hard for her, as she's always tried to be honest. The surgical gloves will avoid fingerprints. Agua Mala had to find the combination, and by going through the ship's prior owners, he found it was still the same! (this is a bit hard for me to believe).

So Flora has to steal the Santa Helena, then pass it to Mireya, who will put it in her fake tummy.

They're teasing us with Sofi feeling faint, and having to go to the rest room. I predict the following: A close call with Sofi, Flora does steal it, does get it to Mireya, and when they go to unveil it, it's gone!! Just a guess, but that would make this story REALLY interesting, as NOW what would Flora do? Who would be a suspect? What would happen to Cande? to Dixon? The show could switch to Vicente trying to get it back. I may be wrong, of course (usually am).

The tension in last night's show was almost unbearable!


Great recap, J desde NYC, thanks!

It's a good thing they provided Gaby with a lifetime supply of chalk.

So who's that new guy, who wants to give Anibal and Julio a million dollars in "tinted" bills, could anyone understand that part?

I agree, Ale has very little control when it comes to being seduced. And you KNOW he's not using birth control. Could Paty get pregnant again? She sure could.

David continues to go down the wrong path, too.

At least there was some good news with Gaston. Ricardo apparently didn't even know Gaston had been imprisoned with no charges for FOUR YEARS, and under RICARDO's authority! Okaaaaaay.

The fun continues.


Thanks so much for the fine recap, JdesdeNYC.

Wow, I surely hope they repeat Patti jumping into bed with Alejandro because my DVR, which is set to record 2 minutes more to try to outwit the insane Spanish TV channels' overlapping of shows, cut off the end of the episode.

I'm not liking the four years in the catacombs part of the story. Much of what is happening to Gabriela appears to have been written by the writer at Telemundo I'll call Chief Sadist in Residence.

David had an attack of appendicitis and appears to be completely won over by Antonia. Speaking of being in complete denial, she appears to not have registered that her elder son is miserable in his marriage and the younger one was a raging alcoholic rapist. But, of course, she's the best person to raise David.

Max mentioned the mine that was taken from Los Suarez to Alejandro and he did a bit of feeble snooping with Aníbal, but it doesn't look like it's going anywhere.

I noticed that Ale was upset at the bottle that was prepared for his daughter and tried to get Irene to nurse. As if.

Since Friday is usually the big night for major developments, I hope Gaby gets out somehow tonight. Maybe a rabid rat will escape and bite La Tuerta.


AdrianaNoel, I was fascinated by your story of watching Telemundo novelas from Europe! If anyone has Melinama's [Chapel Hill Fiddler] email address, I bet she'd love this detail. And recapping them as well!!!

Bianca continues to baffle me. I completely understood her animus toward her mother at the beginning, after they showed the horrible things Flavia said to her father, and then his death. But now she's done a 180 and has invited the serpent into Eden. Flavia has already started to antagonize everyone in the household.

And Bianca behaves very badly toward Mademoiselle which bothers me, and is making an enemy of her.

And Katia! What? She was so sweet and accommodating when she lived in the Santanilla mansion. Now that she's moved into Ariel's house, the writers have turned her into a witch.

Anyway, I think the writing on this one is weak. But the actors are gorgeous!


hola AdrianaNoel!! so nice of you to join us, and thanks for the mini recaps. that scene of Bruno sick in bed made me just want to crawl right in there with him... can't blame Bianca for salivating. He is so beautiful to watch.

off topic: one of my fave scenes of Jencarlos from Mas Sabe el Diablo


La Patrona - Thursday

thanks so much J desde NYC !!
great little summary and your details add so much more color to the story for me,

I have also done a picture summary of last nights show, here,

I'm going to miss the Manicomio, this place is just too weird,
everything is black and white and shades of gray,
and even the chairs, tables, cameras, everything, are transformed into a time long gone,

Hombre, I thought the same thing about Alejandro and Patti,
no birth control here,
I could just see the gears working in Alejandro,
yea ok, why not?

and Gabriela,
still wearing the same dress...

if she ever gets out of that place,
the whole town will be traumatized,
like the Frankenstein story,
she has got to be Loca for sure, now.


Thanks so much, Jody, for the recap and Hombre, for the added details.

I don't think Imanol is suspicious of Flora (although obviously, he should be). What he was suggesting to his friend and boss, Vicente, was that perhaps Vicente has romantic feelings for Flora. Imanol notices the way Vicente looks at Flora -- we viewers, along with Imanol, are always watching Vicente watching Flora. Imanol wants Silvia for himself (although she isn't interested in him) so he'd like to get Vicente out of the picture. If Vicente acknowledges his interest in Flora, then Imanol thinks he'll have a chance with Silvia.

About the locks:
My understanding is that the locked DOOR was a surprise to the gang. Agua Mala found the code by hacking into the ship's manufacturer (there were 17(?) ships equipped with identically coded locked doors). Inside the door, we are expecting the statue to be within a locked casket (urna). Since it's the same "urna" as the one in the gallery -- or so everyone assumes -- Jhonny has the code for its lock and passes it to Mireya who gives it to Flora.

The guy who picked up the latex gloves for Flora is going to remember that detail if the Santa Elena disappears.

Yes, the suspense was intense. Even though Flora is now in the room with the statue (and it looks like it is just sitting there, exposed, which doesn't make a lot of sense), I keep hoping she will have a change of heart and decide not to go through with it. Or maybe Sofi will interrupt the theft when she steps below looking for the bathroom.

By the way, in order to allay Belén's suspicions about Susana's sudden disappearance, Harvey told her that Susana got mad when she saw him with MIREYA (true). He also said, as Jody mentioned, that Susana accused him of sniffing around Flora (lie).


Great recap, J desde NYC; thanks so much for taking the time to do this. Even with CC, I miss a lot of the dialogue.

This ep was so dark with evil and dysfunction all around.

If I counted right, we're up to 2010. David is 12, Max is 18 and Gaby is 31. The 2 marriages are shams, Patty's a drunk, the lobos are howling and our fair heroine is still in solitary. And that dress!? Euww!!

Four years in the catacombs will have made Gaby so hardened in her hatred and intent for revenge. And is she disfigured? That last scene in the catacombs with Constanza screaming gave me the shivers.

Was Ale's name on Gaby's enemies' list?

So Gaston will finally get out of jail, and at what cost to Ricardo? Just another reminder that AniMal will screw over anybody to reach his goals (except maybe Antonia?).

Potential future humor - is Alberto working with the new cute guy to scam the other lobos? That would be fun to watch.

Maybe tonight will be a better ep for Gaby. Even if she gets out of the nuthouse (which I doubt), she'll need money to fund her Venganza Tour, so maybe this is where the writers will hook her up with the new cutie....

I so hope the evil doctor hasn't scarred - or worse, blinded- Gaby. But all that screaming from Constanza!




On the blog home page, Melinama asks people to contact her at:

caray [at]

You probably know this already but one of the recappers in the Amores verdaderos team, Aribeth, is also in Europe. Mappamundi, indeed.


Novelera wrt to Dvr issue, put more minutes on the recording time or you can get the eps free on demand from your cable provider. I have Optimum/Cablevision and they put up the eps 11 am Est following first airing. Telemundo puts them up similarly as well, but not always.

Usually, I watch on YouTube. Someone uploads the ep within 2 hours of initial airing. This works best for me it helps me listen to Spanish versus reading it on the tele while allowing my family to watch the television. I have cc2 but not cc3, which is the english closed captioning of the TN.

Gaston being in jail for four years without trial because of Anibal using his son Rjc's name was nuts. However, to show you how basic the galans are, where did they think a big-mouth like Gaston went to? The rich kids in this show never delve deep in anything.

La Patrona -

a couple of points made at TW that I found interesting,
(that I now see Beth also brought up, btw, I really love all of your comments Beth)

Alejandro is not on Gabriela's lobo list,

and I guess this show somewhat parallels "the count of monte cristo" (which I haven't read), as to there being another character that helps out, and doesn't Constanza have a great deal of money that Anibal was trying to get?

Pasion Prohibida

Novelera, I have been watching TN since I was very young. TN are very popular in Eastern Europe, even where I live now (France) there are some on TV.

Back home I used to watch all kind of TN, from all Latin America; that is how I learned spanish. Now I only watch something that really catches my eye. Like, I watched Amor Bravio in a frenzy for Cristian de la Fuente and the huge chemistry he had with Silvia Navarro. And now, with PP, it is similar, the chemistry between the leads is off the charts, and we haven't even seen something happen between them, yet.

The way I got Bianca's reaction was like this: while Flavia was still in the hospital, she talked with her ex lover and realised that maybe there were parts of her mother she doesn't quite know yet, like being truly in love, but giving it all up for her family; so I believe that softened her heart. But then she overheard Flavia's talk with Ivan, where Flavia says that she would have never left her husband because he had money. And then Flavia tells Bianca herself that she doesn't care about her house anymore, since she got what she wanted all along - stay in the Piemonte house. So, Bianca realises she was tricked, but there is nothing she can do about it anymore. For the record, I think Flavia was lieing when she said she never loved Ivan, but Bianca is willing to believe the worst because of her father and because her mother keeps complaining about how having kids ruined her life.

I don't get Katia, either, I think she will only cause troubles. She is acting like a total B.

As for Bianca's treatment to Mlle...well, Bianca is no pure flower, she is trying to mark her territory; besides, she most definitely realised Mlle is in love with Ariel, she is very intuitive with stuff like that.


Ale isn't on the list-yet. He may not be because he didn't lie to or on Gaby. A lot of people were ssging it was cruel for Ale to tell Gaby he was going to marry Irene but I think that's what kept him off the list because he was man enough to tell Gaby that he messed up and took the blame. Every one else on the list lied their pants off on Gaby and didn't apologize.
That may change tonight since Ale is sometimes stupid, but so far he's not on the list.


The one truly annoying thing about this telenovela is Nina. Or maybe it's the actress.

She has no evidence for this, but she's already trying to rat out Bianca as having something to do with Bruno because she cared for him when he was sick. We know these two are attracted to each other, but I don't see where Nina has anything to go on except spite.

And Nina is just a brat. Can't stand her.


deb - Constanza has "documents" that (I think) equal either 1) money, 2) incrimination of crime or 3) public/political embarrassment to AniMal (or even a combination of the above). He has been trying to get them/their location from her for years and I suspect that's why she's locked up and not dead or divorced. He told Gertrudis in one ep that he had to get the papers from Constanza before she died and they became public knowledge.

This situation seems vey odd to me; if Constanza dies, her husband will get control of her assets and belongings unless she has a specified executor. And if she does have an executor, where has he/she been these past 2 decades? Is it a lawyer that the Gertrudis periodically updates on the status of Constanza's schizophrenia? I don't think Constanza's family knows she's in the manicomio because Ricardo probably would also have that information by now. Very strange.



novelera - ugh, ITA about Nina; aggravating. when Katia said that Mademoiselle celebrates Nina's every move, she hit that nail right on the head.


Beth, I had the impression that Constanza was worried about her safety when she was married to Aníbal and set up some kind of "If I die under strange circumstances, send these documents to the newspapers" arrangement.

I think Aníbal told Ricardo that his mother left them and, at least once that we heard, bad-mouthed her because he resented Ricardo's having a portrait of her on the wall.

I don't recall Constanza having any money Aníbal was trying to get his hands on, although I may have just missed that.

I think it's all about the incriminating evidence of Aníbal's crooked deals that would finish him off politically.

It would be great if she were loaded and able to finance Gabriela's campaign of vengeance, but I don't know if that will be the case.


novelera - yes, you've jogged my memory! During one of their discussions, when Anibal told Antonia that she should not want those docs to come to light because they would effect her too, Antonia (of course!) said "Well, why don't you kill her?" His response was something about Constanza had to tell him where the papers are so he could have them in his possession.

I'm guessing the venganza will be funded with loot that Gaby and the cute guy get from the lobos since they killed Tigre to get his gold.



Thanks Hombre and NovelaMaven for clearing up the specific details on Sofia's permission to Vicente; Flora's hesistance and panic attack; and Mireya's pregnancy pillow. Now they definitely make more sense.

This is definitely getting interesting.

Pasion Prohibida

This show is really getting intense. JenCarlos Canela is to die for and now that Bruno is starting to feel drawn to Bianca, their scenes are more intense every time.

Today Ariel overhears Bianca telling Flavia and Penelope that she is pregnant, but she doesn't want to keep the baby. Flavia is upset, she tells Bianca that a baby would ensure her future in the family. Ariel is very angry about it; luckily for Bianca, she realises that he has been listening and manages to do some damage control, by quickly telling him that she is pregnant and why she doesn't want to have the baby: she is trying to win over his kids, she feels a baby is not the best idea right now. I am not sure that is her only reason, but she is right about something - Nina will not like this, I don't even want to think about her constant whining when the news becomes official. Eventually Ariel manages to convince Bianca to at least think about it.

Also, Ivan, Flavia's boyfriend, comes over and Ariel, being upset with Flavia, makes it so that Ivan gets into the house and he talks to Flavia about rekindling their relationship. She says no, but she is all giggly about it.

During dinner, with all the family present (including Penelope and Nico), Ariel, who is still very angry with Flavia for what she said about the new baby being Bianca's meal ticket, is very sarcastic and throws some accusations at Flavia; they are so obvious, that even Nina notices that something is off.
The dinner scene is very intense ; they talk about Penelope's baby, then about a possible new baby in the Piemonte family (Nina's number one freak out about the subject), some allusions to the guy who visited Flavia...All the people around the table know part of the secrets, but nobody knows everything, so they stare at one another, trying to guess all that is not being said.
Eventually Ariel leaves, he is still vety upset with Flavia; Bianca follows him and just as she is trying to calm him down, his phone rings. He goes back to the dinner table, with a serious look on his face, stares at Bruno and says that he has news from Columbia (I believe that is where Bruno is originally from).
The episode finishes in this state of semi shock written all over their faces and I have no idea what this is all about.

But I can't wait for next episode. The last part (the dinner, the little back and forth between B&B about Flavia's supposed lover that Bianca denies that exists) kept me on the edge of my seat and there was nothing major happening.
I am glad Ariel is starting to notice what is going on around him, and with B&B the plot is finally starting to thicken.

And, just for the record, I don't condone cheating, but this is a TV show and we all know B&B will go there eventually. How it happens is another story, but so far the slow built has been spot on.

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