Thursday, March 21, 2013

Amor Bravío #150 (Uni 145) Wed 3/20/13 " Dan Tells a Tall Tale etc."

Dear Dell,

Please hold this space for us while I finish the last page of the recap, okay?


Dear Mena, 

What else would I do since one of us monopolizes the keyboard alllll the time, if you know what I mean?  And while I have a minute may I remind you to take it easy on the WTQ?  You get a little overexcited when you hit those keys.  I know it is hard to believe some of the antics of these characters because they give me a headache too, but have a heart.  Whoever still wonders if computers can approach the brains of humans didn't watch the antics of a certain hunky lunk last night is all I can say.... Go finish up and post so that viewerville can be updated on hunky lunk's whopper tale he told Wife 2, Miriam. 

Sincerely, Dell

OK, Dell and I offer you the rundown on last night's capitulo....

Miriam and Dan’s Casita:  While searching for a blankie for baby Aggie, Miriam finds a pendant with the carved design of a letter C.  Closer study of the pendant reveals a little “sweet nothing” inscription on it.  Squinting her eyes and concentrating carefully, she wonders aloud….. whose name starts with a letter “!C!”….. hmmmmmm… What do you think “! C!”Caridad? Hmmmm…. I know….. “!C!”Camila!  That’s it!  Viewerville claps that she figured this out so handily.  QTH?  She sets her jaw firmly as she says Dan had better start explaining this, pronto.  [“Beeech”, adds Mr Mena.]

Pablo’s Lonesome Lodging en El Pueblo:  Pablo arrives, hang-dog faced with suitcase in tow.  New Girl persists in asking him to “feel the friendship” and confide in her.  Pablo declines as he a man of few words.  He apologizes but explains that he is planning on unpacking and going to the latest waiting room “muy de la moda” – the one at the jailhouse.  He offers to take her home to avoid any marauders who might be lurking somewhere between the front door and the house next door.  Viewerville considers Pablo may be the one in danger of  being mugged, thugged or hugged.

Miriam and Dan’s Casita:  Miriam thought bubbles momentos del pasado and massages her doubts that Camila and Dan are just amigos:  the intensity of Dan and Camila’s quarrel in the courtyard that Miriam spied one night,  overhearing Camila pleading with Dan that he cannot leave her now as she tries to save his life, and her puzzlement about Dan’s change in persona since arriving at La Malquerida.  Miriam wonders aloud just what is between them. [Viewerville wonders why she doesn’t  do what any other suspicious woman would do and review his phone texts and Facebook.  Just saying…] Hmmmm…

Partyline Between Dio and Gladys’ Son:  Dio, pretending to be one of Agustina’s “defrauded” customers, tries to convince Gladys’ son that Agustina is a crook.  The son is slow to believe this about Agustina; he says she is decent and was a good friend of his late mom.  Dio informs him that Agustina is now in jail, accused of fraud, and claims “his wife” was also a victim like Gladys.  Dio persists, indignantly (sumamente indignado) pronouncing that if the victims don’t band together, Agustina will have won.   Dio is successful at whipping up the son who vows that if Agustina is really the fraud Dio is saying, that she must pay for this.  He promises to go the jail tomorrow to investigate.  No justice, no peace!  Dio hangs up, laughing and pleased with himself. 

Jailhouse del Pueblo:  Camila is visiting Agustina.  She has brought her tortas from the ranch, blankies and a sweater from Viv, and a pillow from Dan.  Agustina is humbled that Dan is being as caring as he is after all Agustina has put him through.  Yes, and not only that, Camila points out, he has given Camila permission to give Agustina the Virgen de Guadalupe medallion with the long history.  Camila explains the story behind the medallion; the woman who took care of Dan and gave it to him to protect him on his journey to Mexico and then his giving it to Camila to protect her.  Camila tells her mamita that she is now giving her the medallion to protect her.  Agustina says she is not deserving of this gift from Dan.  She vows to ask forgiveness from Dan if she gets out of jail.  Not if, assures Camila, when.

Partyline  between Iliana and Rodolfo:  Iliana calls Rodolfo under an assumed name to be sure he will come to the phone.  She informs him that she was kicked out of the Albarran house and her parents are coming tomorrow to take her home with them.  Rodolfo exclaims she screwed up (regaste bien gacho).   She admits that she is in love with Yago but knows nothing will ever come of it.  Rodolfo wonders if she is planning vengeance from afar.  No, Iliana insists that the only thing she wants is for Rodolfo to stop Nutty  Nat from marrying Yago because it will result in an unhappy marriage.  Rodolfo replies that this is not for him to do.  Iliana says that no matter what, it was a pleasure knowing Rodolfo.

Camera Shot Between the Streets of Aculco and the Albarran Den:  Speaking of, Nutty Nat texts Yago to come meet her in town so they can eat dinner together.  She wants to tell him all the latest about Dio and Agustina. Yago says he has to decline, because he has chosen to  is spend his final days bacheloring it at home with dad.  He will be eating dinner with Cayetano.  They text mutual besos etc.  Yago hangs up and yells at the phone that his life will be a nightmare living with Nutty Nat.  To emphasize his point, he throws a dart at the target.

Jailhouse (Muy de la Moda) Waiting Room: Mariano and Dan discuss Camila and the possibility of her relinquishing the ranch to Dio.  Dan doesn’t want her to do that because she loves La MQ so much. Mariano replies that no matter, she will always have a place at his side as a rancher and veterinarian.  Dan looks at Mariano with disdain saying “So that is how you are going to get near her?”.  Mariano defends his place and reminds Dan that when Dan told him to back off, he did.  He asks Dan to do give him the same respect.   Hang-dog once again, Dan admits that Camila has a right to remake her life with someone else.  He resigns himself to his loss, once again, and agrees with Mariano’s proposition to back off and maintain his proper place at the sidelines (el margen) of Camila’s affairs.  Butt out dooood!

El Hostel: Nutty Nat arrives and assures Amanda that Dio is just as surprised as the rest of them that Agustina has been arrested.  She explains that Dio is going to get the best lawyer in all of Mexico to help Agustina get out of jail as viewerville sees pigs flying above the rooftops in Aculco.  Amanda exclaims that Dio is the one responsible for Agustina being arrested, but Nat says nosirreee.  In fact, Dio even got the summons to report to the jail court tomorrow morning. Que sorprendido was Dio!  Nat is wondrous that Dio’s story is always different that all the others’ explanations  of the way things are.  Amanda is wonderous how she raised such a dense daughter.  Nutty Nat excuses her pregnant self to go to beddy-bye.  As Amanda sighs, Osvaldo and Teresa arrive.  She unloads her frustration that Nutty Nat still doesn’t get it – that Daddy Dio is the town thug.  But of course, Dio is the master at BS.  Amanda resolves to tell Nutty Nat the whole truth about Dio, but once again, Osvaldo and now Teresa convince her not to. 

Jailhouse (Muy de la Moda) Waiting Room:  Mariano offers to take Camila to dinner and to eat.  She resists.  Pablo arrives and asks how Agustina is.  Mal, replies Camila, now noticing the prominent booboo on Pablo’s beanie.  She asks him what happened.  Nada nada, limonada, he replies.  She suggests that Pablo can take her back to the ranch.   Pablo declines and reluctantly tells Camila that he has returned, solo (except for the barnacle that is NewGirl) to the house in Aculco. WTQ?  Camila wants to know why and Pablo tells her all about his plan to give Luzma the time to solve the problems that haunt her.  He is hopeful the problems will be resolved.

Dan and Miriam’s Casita del Pueblo:  Dan has arrived home after a long day delivering messages and pillows.  Miriam is waiting for him and she is not happy.   He offers to explain all about Agustina in the bedroom and he is exhausted.   Miriam wants to hear all about Agustina, but first, BAMO!  She slams the necklace on the kitchen table and demands to know what this signifies…. the C necklace, that is.   She demands to know what the significance of the “por siempre y para siempre” sweet-nothing inscription on the necklace.  Dan gulps and needs time to come up with a good story.

Random Restaurant in Aculco:  Camila and Mariano talk about Pablo and Luzma’s separation.  Mariano comments that sometimes love is not enough.  Camila agrees, considering her own situation with Dan.  Mariano tells Camila that he has told Dan to back off and butt out of her life.  Camila is surprised yet understands.  Mariano says that each time she sees Dan, it is like poking finger into the sore spot (el dedo en la llaga).  Oh and by the way, Mariano wants to be the guy she leans on.  Camila says the hole left by Dan cannot be filled right now.  Mariano predictably persists that he doesn’t want to fill the hole, but to fill a new spot in Camila’s life.  At least, he asks, he wants her to allow him to help her through this time.

Dan and Miriam’s Casita del Pueblo:  Dan tells Miriam that he will explain and tells her to sit down.  Once upon a time, the fairy tale begins.  Dan explains he wore a magic mask because he thought Camila was evil and he wanted to make her pay for being La MQ godmother who sent her hitman to Chile.  Then he learned she was nice so he kept on his magic mask and wanted to protect her from her evil prince and stepfather.  When he gave up his magic mask, she was real mad that he lied so to make it up to her, he gave her the necklace as a way of saying sorry I wasn’t nice and wasn’t who I said I was.  The sweet-nothing inscription on it was his way of saying “cuentas conmigo”.  Seriously?  [Mr Mena bursts out laughing -  is that the best you’ve got?].   Miriam wonders who this vengeful Dan is.  Dan replies that hurt makes one do things one would not have considered before.  Miriam has one more problem with this explanation.  She wonders if the evil prince husband caused Camila to run into the arms of her new (note: not so bad looking widower) protector.  Hmmm?  Well Dan?  She wonders if Camila fell for Dan.  Dan needs more time to figure out a tap dance (good thing he was once on DWTS).

Viv and Rafa’s Place:  Rafa and Aaron talk about Rafa’s new attitude toward Roman.  Yup, Rafa admits Roman has grown on him and that he now understands how Viv has become so fond of him.  Aaron asks him if that means Rafa is ready to consider adopting him.  Not so fast!  Rafa replies that adopting him is a big responsibility, and maybe Roman is set in his ways.  Aaron del doctor Phil tells Rafa he is being a victim of his own preconceived notions about adoption AND that just maybe, he is resisting adoption because he is secretly still mad that Viv declined his marriage proposal.  Hmmmm…. Rafa should think about this.

Camila’s Cabana:  Camila and Luzma girl talk.  Luzma says Los Rancheros are praying for Agustina.   Camila thanks her but really wants to know what is up with Luzma and Pablo.  Luzma says their situation is like Camila and AlLocolonso’s situation when Al was having, well, ED probs.  Camila protests the comparison, but Luzma makes her case that yes, it is like that.  Camila finally gets what the problem is and reasons that Luzma can change this and that well, even Al was able to  overcome ED, albeit with her own sister. Luzma makes her case for separating with Pablo  with Camila by pointing out that  Al  overcame his problem with someone else.   Camila sort of agrees, but not fully.  Well, Luzma says she doesn’t want to keep Pablo from living a full life because she insists he live a sisterly (i.e. celibate) one with her while she resolves her problems.  Camila urges Luzma to go back to the therapist to find a different treatment that will work.  Luzma agrees, but says that this is no guarantee that things will change.  She says she does not want Pablo to be waiting in vain (esperando en balde). 

Mariano’s House:  Powwow at Mariano’s and everyone is discussing the latest news del pueblo.  Pablo is telling Mariano about the magic drops Isa is supposedly giving Cayetano,  but Mariano is finding it hard to believe.  What is so hard to believe the others tell him, Isa was recently in jail being accused of murdering Padre Baldomero.   Well, that is lo de menos (the least of it) next to the other latest news, Mariano reports, that Isa and Dio are amantes and making a fool of Cayetano (estan burlandose de mi papa).  No puede ser!  Rocio is devastated, but miraculously momentarily rehabilitated and able to clearly say she knew that woman was after Cayetano’s money.  Refugio says she knew it cuz she saw it with her own two ojos.  Pablo is a bit surprised that his mom still cares about pops.  But of course, Rocio tells him that she has come to realize that Cayetano is the love of her life.  But how will they prove the magic drops part of the story?  The doorbell rings, and Iliana, now dubbed “SuperHeroGirl” walks in handing the family the bottle of the real magic drops and says “with these!”

Dining Room of La BV:  Isa and Cayetano are dining and SuperHero Girl’s parents arrive.  Dopey with magic drops, Cayetano tells them to sit and join them, as if….. No thanks, mom says, this is not a social visit.  WTQ?  Cayetano is still mystified.  Dad yells at Cayetano and Isa that although he knows that Iliana has a “special” character and is not “easy” she didn’t deserve to be thrown off the ranch and humiliated, especially by someone he and his wife trusted to protect her.  Isa jumps in and yells back, au contraire, Cayetano wasn’t the bad guy, it was she who tossed their snotty daughter off the ranch and it was long overdue.  [Up to the recent developments, viewerville would have been in full agreement.] She adds that Cayetano has been the nice guy putting up with SuperHero Girl all this time while she created dissention between his sons, rude little snit that she is.  Indignant meets righteous and they each stand their ground.

Viv and Rafa’s Place (with Roman Temporarily, Maybe):  Dan kvetches with Rafa about the “half truth” he had to tell Miriam. [More than a half truth if you ask me.] He worries that he will forget what he said before and blow the whole series of lies he has already woven for Miriam.  Rafa wonders if it isn’t time for Dan to just face it and go back to Chile.  He said he was going to stay with his wife and child, so he should bite the old bullet and just do it.  Dan worries that he still needs to see justice served – no justice, no peace. Rafa tells him the Scoobie gumshoe gang is perfectly capable of handling affairs in Mexico, and Dan could do a fine job with Abe in Chile, looking into Dio’s crime.   Dan concedes that Rafa is right.  He plans to get a ticket to leave after Rafa’s book presentation.  About that, adds Rafa, not a good idea.  He points out to Dan that all Miriam has to do is read the book and figure out the real story between Dan and Camila.  Changing the names in the book isn’t enough to mask the story (especially after all her thought bubble doubts).   Fine, Dan concedes again, he and Miriam will plan to leave this weekend.

Courtyard of La MQ:  Dorotea and Piedad give Camila some bags of clothes and food antojitos for Agustina.  They tell her they are praying to the VdelG for her well being and return.  Hipo and Los Rancheros join them to express their solidarity with La Doctora.  Camila appreciates their solidarity.  Hipo tells Camila if any clues come alive to tell them and they will jump on it to follow up.  [I think.]  Group hug.

Viv and Rafa’s Place (With Roman Temporarily, Maybe):  Dan, hang-dog faced, is resigned to be leaving Mexico.  He apologizes to Rafa for having to miss his book presentation.  After all, he tells Rafa, the book is the only tangible thing left showing the love affair between himself and Camila.  Rafa soothes him and says the distance will only serve to calm things down, not to change the love they share.  Dan agrees that his and Camila’s hearts will be united forever….. lalala la laaaaa la la la… their theme plays as the cameras close in on Dan’s not-so-hard-on-the-eyes face.

Avances:  Miriam confronts Camila and THWACK!, Camila smacks down Dio’s lying face.


Can't WAIT until tonight for the slap heard 'round the world.

I'm not even halfway through and I just had to jump in here and unload all my complete admiration for one of the funniest recaps I have ever read. You and Dell over there made quite a team this time. I had to take a break from laughing and copying quotables (which I will probably refrain from hogging bandwidth by repeating) I'll just read it all over again for more laughs. You are one funny lady Mrs. Mena (and tell the Mr. he's pretty funny too.)

Mena--I'm romping my way through Dan's fairy tale. Will comment later, but Dan didn't get to *Give* the necklace to Camila. He said the trolls at the bridge blocked access to her and he never got to give it to her. That's why he still has it.

Ok all I have time for today is that was the funniest recap I've read -- you had me laughing from Dell to THWACK and Mr. Mena's Beeech had me from ear to ear. The entire recap was a masterpiece. Thank you for your time and your talent, Mena -- truly enjoyable.


Mena thanks for your recap. I have to agree with Agnes that you gave me quite a few chuckles at lunch. From Mr. Mena's comments, to Pablo being "mugged, thugged or hugged" to your new name for Ilana.

I don't understand the extreme lengths Dan is now going through with MM. How does he not think his "other" wedding will never come to light? Perhaps its because I feel he is regressing as he told lies in the beginning but some of his choices are not making sense to me; unless one is trying to extend a TN.

The preview with Cam slapping Dio was great. I know Dio's a villain and villains lie but he needs to be better with what lie he tells which people. His silly daughter is one thing but to claim to Cam he had no idea about Gussy being in jail, please. And Cam STILL doesn't know how her mother was tied up. If she did, Cam might have given him a great right hook.

Mena: Always look forward to your recaps. I also like Mr. Mena’s two cents worth.

Still blows me away a little bit when Ileana says she loves Iago.

I’m not so sure it was Mariano’s place to tell Dan to butt out. But I am glad that he’s fighting for Cam. I know some of Viewerville have been upset with Cam and Dan for not fighting enough for each other. See. Mariano heard you.

Karen: it's time they tell Cam about Dio's treatment of Agustina that night.

Re: yesterday’s end of day comments:

Cathyx: I’m also a little concerned about the negativity that attached itself to this TN blog. This is the first time this has happened—in my admittedly limited experience. I’ve been on boards that are vicious and I have always been grateful that this one existed. For the most part, though, it’s been lively and respectful.

Chris: There are a couple of people here whose opinions and their way of expressing them I respect very much, while I vehemently disagree with them. ☺


Mena, I loved this recap. Some of my faves:
*Re Pablo and NG: " Heoffers to take her home to avoid any marauders who might be lurking somewhere between the front door and the house next door. Viewerville considers Pablo may be the one in danger of being mugged, thugged or hugged."

*"[Nat] explains that Dio is going to get the best lawyer in all of Mexico to help Agustina get out of jail as viewerville sees pigs flying above the rooftops in Aculco."

*"Dan needs more time to figure out a tap dance (good thing he was once on DWTS)."

My favorite part of last night's episodio were the avances. I cheered out loud when Cam slapped Dio. One part of the avances that you didn't mention involved Ana questioning Miriam. Yay!!


Thanks for the laughs. I slept through a great deal of last night. I wondered about watching the rest this AM, as I am so over some of these characters, but I am glad I did now. Your wit makes the witless enjoyable.


Mena- Great afternoon reading!

You really had some great lines, as everyone has mentioned. Loved Mr. Mens chiming in. These were some of my faves:
"Dan needs more time to figure out a tap dance (good thing he was once on DWTS)."
"Amanda is wonderous how she raised such a dense daughter."
"Indignant meets righteous and they each stand their ground."

You were really on a roll, starting with your conversation with Dell. :)

Both Dan and Pablo were like kicked puppies last night-- puppies kicked to the curb by their owners (Cam and Luzma). How many folks actually believe Dan is going to make it to that weekend flight to Chile? Plans is tns are only made to be ruined.


You just got me through my post-lunch slump. What a funny, well-done recap, complete with a Dell-Mena discussion!

Really, much as I love our Daniel, is it any wonder that Miriam's jaw seemed to set itself in stone? His busy day of delivering messages and blankets -- too funny.

I did cheer on on Rafa's message to Daniel: time to go home to Chile, buddy! You just have to stop with the fairy tales.

I do want to hear what everyone has to say about Isa's breakfast table dress. Another animal print, age inappropriate. Cayetano is so far gone, he doesn't seem to notice.

What a funny description of Amanda's reaction to Natalia's denial: how did I raise such a dense daughter?

Let's hope that the THWACK hurts. I just hated his egomaniacal laugh on contacting Gladys' son. And this, from a villain who has failed at every turn.

Thanks Mena, you are fortunate to have a Mr. 5ft of your own who watches with you. I love the tag team

I can only comment now since I have to work the rest of the day, boo hoo.

It's funny that everything Isa said about Ileana is true and we all have been saying the same thing and that she needs to go, but now that she's actually useful, I hate to see her go. And about Ileana saying that she loves Yago. Why would she? What about him would she fall in love with? She knows he's a player and he's never been nice to her. It doesn't seem plausible.

I hate to say that I called the Natalia reaction to her convo with Dion correctly, but hey, I did. One of my few, I must admit. That girl really bugs me.

I thought Dan's lie was a great coverup excuse. But he's also correct that he can't keep that up and remember what he's said. He does need to go to Chile, but I'm guessing something else waylays him and forces him to stay. (I hope so)

It doesn't matter what Mariano tries with Camila. When she kisses him, it will never be as good as with Dan, so she will never go there and settle for that. She already did that with Alonso and she won't do that again.

Ok, Mena--finally done laughing and rereading the recap. I even got a chuckle (slight, of course) of Camila pushing and stuffing bags, blankets and pillow through the bars of the jailhouse cell for Gussy. They couldn't have opened the cell door, for heaven's sakes? I remember in Montecristo, Alberto and Leandro had tables, chairs, tv, food and drink, visitors coming and going all the time--oh that's right, they were mafioso-types with plenty of bribe money. Poor Gussy is a nobody and Sherlock Juarez is in charge.

Loved Mr. Mena's reaction to the Fair Maid Marian and the Magic Locket needing some 'splaining. (It took her long enough to make the C connection, ya?) Must say, for a rational, head on her shoulders gal, MM jumped right to a wrong conclusion that it was Camila who went after Dan, the Man, Viudo. Too bad she wasn't around to see how it really happened.

The new waiting room "muy de moda."
Liked that alot. Now, besides hospital scenes, should we make a list of who has been in jail or had to come down to make a declaracion?

Is there *no end* to Dionisio's intrigues? (That's retorical, of course.) He had it all planned out long ago. Hope this one turns out as well as his other ones and Gussy gets to go home soon.

I can't take any more of Pablo and Luzma. Fish or cut bait, you two. I know, I'm being harsh, but now there's only 16 hours left to solve their intimacy problem and we have bigger fish to fry.

Dan can't always keep his promises to butt out of Camila's life. Remember how well that worked when he and Rafa promised to woo Camila fairly and Dan would not take advantage of his position at the ranch? (Not that I minded. He and Camila were a much more sizzling match than she and Rafa would have been.)

Aren't MM, Caridad and Baby Aggie the only ones in all of Aculco, Metepec, LMQ and BV that don't know that Cam 'n Dan's relationship got as far as marriage? Can't believe no one has made any bigger slips that Ana.

Love your line, Vivi. TN plans are made to be broken. Yes, you and Cathyx are no doubt right. Daniel may never set food on the Chilean shores again. But gosh, things have gotten complex in the fabrication department.

Oh, and I loved the communication from Dell, BTW. Computers that talk, what on earth will be next!

Isa’s Dress had all the typical Isa clothing qualities, all rolled into one dress. It was too tight, too short, showed too much cleavage for so early in the morning, was animal print, and was both gaudy and militaristic with those sparkly, dangling epaulets on the shoulders. It was a wonder to behold.

BS, Dan! You're so full of b***s***!

Another great performance by Miriam! I applaud her for that! *clap. clap*

No, seriously, that da(m)n jerk! Always making up excuses/lies to cover up his stupidity! He's so full of bs(!) that it's getting out of hand now! How much more can poor Miriam take?! So now she's gonna demand some answers & she's not just gonna sit around & do nothing about this! And now he's gonna get Cami into trouble all because of his lame excuses!!! Whatcha gonna do??? When the hulkster comes for you???.....%&$#!((())) /// <<< i have no idea what i'm doing.

ok, i like that cami's showing an independent spirit through all this, but girl, that ain't enough to stand your ground. u gotta be firm in ur decisions & stick to it 'til the end. what da heck am i talking about? i'm referring to the promise she made about her relationship w/ dan and that goes for him as well. but of course, somehow they'll end up together eventually, right??? THAT's what gets me so mad! also, i hate cop-outs! & i have a feeling that dan will be getting another one very soon enough...

~ posted by not-a-dan-fan.


Mena, thank you for a masterpiece. You had me in stiches. Loved it!

Nanette, I like everything about Mariano and the way he handles himself. I think him telling Dan that turn about is fair play was not at all out of line, and Dan seemed to take it well. He is absolutely right that Camila doesn’t need the MalQ; she could be his partner in ranching at the BA. Maybe he is not the sexiest man on earth, but he has a heart of gold and is someone who would be very easy to be married to for decades. Sexiness matters short term but character matters long term. Or at least that is what decades of being happily married to a sexy man with great character has taught me. :)

Anita, you are right. You would think that in a small community like the pueblo or Alculco where a lot of the people have lived for generations a shopkeeper or a neighbor would have let it slip by now. “I see your name is the same as the fellow who married the Monterde gal” or “I notice your accent is Chilean, do you know the man who married the owner of the MalQ?” or something along those lines.

Dan was knee deep in it last night. Oy ve. When he told Rafael that if Miriam learns the truth that would be awful, I didn’t think he was talking about her health. He was sounding scared for his own health and well being. She did hit him last night, right? Please tell me I didn’t just imagine that. BTW, I say good for her for telling Dante that she wouldn’t stay with someone who doesn’t love her. It won’t be long now before she’ll have to walk that talk.

Vivi, that dress was a wonder indeed. I was also wondering if I have really seen the epaulets, so thank you for the confirmation.


Thanks for the recap Mena!

I think that tonight, Cam should just tell MM: "Yes, I fell in love with Dan but Dan is going to go back to Chile with you so that's all."

Then let MM deal with that. She can get the info little by little. She can go visit Vivi and run into Roman, or get a glimpse of Rafa's book, or ....

Of course Miriam is going to think that CAMILA is the one chasing after Dan b/c many women think it's the woman coming for their man, not the other way around. Miriam has seen this intimate necklace, a lovers spat and Daniel running off to Camila's aid but she's not going to believe it unless somebody spells it out for it.

From the looks of the advances, Miriam is going to remember back when Ana blabbed about Camila being married to Daniel. Now why would that little girl say that, hmm?

I don't come down too hard on Miriam because through no fault of her own, she's lost her husband. They weren't having problems. They were wildly in love and expecting a baby. And now a year later her husband is lost to her. In the end, I think Miriam will make up Dan's mind for him, because I think she has too much self respect to want Dan to stay by her side for pity or charity.

If Miriam does set Dan free, I hope Camila will not take him back with open arms and I don't think she will take him back with open arms, because both of them will know the reason he's there isn't because he loves her, but because Miriam rejected him.

While Rafa's advice is sound, I think he'd like Miriam and Daniel go back to Chile ASAP so Miriam won't read his book/come to the book party and find out about Camila & Dan's story.

However, I think somehow Miriam is going to get her hands on a copy of Rafa's book and read for herself how she lost her husband. When she reads the book, she will understand Dan is lost to her and she will let him go. That's just speculation on my part, but I think Rafa's book will be the stake driven through the heart of the Daniel/Miriam marriage.

Thanks All (kick kick - Dell, take your bow already!)

Anita, Thanks for clearing up that part of the fairy tale. Trolls eh? I must have missed that because Mr Mena and I were floored by the Fairy Tale Dan came up with!

I forgot to mention my astonishment that Miriam got extra ornery last night.. the lady has a temper. If I am not mistaken, she er tossed [I say threw] the necklace at Dano. She also told him that any little provocation has him running to aid Camila et al at the La MQ.

Mr Mena had a comment that I forgot to include. He wants to know when Dio's word became the Gospel truth to Nutty Nat?


Viv LOL on Isa's age-inappropriate breakfast outfit!

Acknowledgements of course to 5 Ft who provided the Mr Recap title, clever recapper that she is. (Kick Kick, 5 Ft, take your bow already!)


Anon207, I'm in general agreement with you, as I often am. Most women are going to think some other woman was after their man before they think their man went astray. However, Miriam has seen such a big difference in Dan's behavior and his emotions toward her, it is not logical for her to conclude it was one-sided with Camila being in love and Dan not. Not that illogic stops anything in TN Land. :)

I also think that Camila will take Dan back. If he returns, it won't be simply because Miriam gave him the boot. The only reason Dan was with M is because of her fake health problem. So if she finds out the truth and doesn't keel over, he is free at last of her. Camila knows that Dan has always said he loves her. Just how true that is, given that actions speak louder than words, is debatable, but I think Camila believes in his love.

I don't fault Miriam for being in the position that she is in at all. Her personality just sets my teeth on edge and it's hard to get past. I like her a lot more now that she is being more assertive.

Interesting theory on the book being the frijole spiller, but I think it has to happen faster than that. It would be some enlightening reading for Maid Miriam whenever she gets to it, for sure.

Mena--Tell the Mr. that this all came on rather quickly once she knew she had a father. She was kind of on the outs with her mom back then because she had withheld what Natty Nut considered important information. Then, the stories didn't coincide (married vs. never married) and no proof of either. She *wanted* to believe Dio because he had been so solicitous and *nice* to her (and got a lot of goodies, too, including a house in town for her wedding). Money still talks.

..oh, and Natty Nut's own illusions about the ideal father. A cruel crook doesn't fit the image.

Nat wants the fairytale-- Perfect Protective Papa, and Perfect Princely Prometido. She has neither, but she's trying really, really hard to believe that she has both. Maybe if she squints, and turns the lights off Dio and Yago will look like halfway decent human beings.

LOL, Vivi. She wants a fairytale wedding, too. Giving up on papa means the wedding goes *poof* and I can't see her letting go of that so easily.


LOL again Viv - "maybe is she squints!"

Anita: OK, now he understands, money talks ... he knows about how that can turn a teenager-from-hell into a soon-to-be-ordained saint.

Inspired and hilarious, Mena. What a nifty treat for my afternoon off.

Though I was, am, and will be (at least until she kills someone) a New Girl supporter...some of your best zings were at her expense:

“feel the friendship” (I think Vivi and few others here have felt it from the first day that she wandered onto the set)

"(except for the barnacle that is NewGirl)"

very clever stuff.

My scenario for Miriam's final enlightenment:

The weekend return to Chile actually takes place. In the airport Miriam spies a book in the gift shop.

"Hey, you didn't tell me that your friend Rafael wrote a book!"

They settle in in First Class...she begins to read...


Carlos- LOL!!!! I can just imagine the fireworks in the middle of that flight to Chile between Dan and Mir as she gets further and further into the book. And he'll be stuck in the seat next to her, eyes growing larger as he waits for her head to explode, begging her to calm down.

Ha! How to make a long flight seem like an eternity. The other passengers will be GLAD when Baby Agatha starts wailing.

Carlos, I love this scenario. How long is the flight to Chile anyway? So many more ways for those frijoles to get out of the can, now that the necklace is out of the way: the photo, a stressed-out Dan blabbing the wrong lie, Ana yapping inappropriately, a chance encounter with a villager who isn't in on the secrecy pact.

It's about 8 if you get a direct flight, but usually there's a connection that adds several hours. Long enough to read a whole novel, especially if the plot is gripping. :)

Thanks, Mena, for a fantastic recap. I'm going to reread it later because I raced through it because of an appointment.

Raced through the comments also, but have to bring up that, Vivi, you were right and I was wrong about Natalia. I really thought she was catching on re: dear old dad, but now it looks like she's right back where she left off before she had a slight beanie moment:)


Carolina: I like Mariano, too. I like him better than Dan but, obviously, a Mariano/Cam permanent hookup is not going to happen. Regarding my comment about it not being Mariano's place to tell Dan to butt out, I think you are right. It's not like he's manipulating the situation to further his ends, instead he's doing what he thinks is best for Cam, as a friend and someone who loves her. And he's not wrong about what he said.

To Juanita (from Tuesday's ep) - your understanding of whether Leo was sizing up the possibility of escape through the trash truck was correct. When Leo was saying "no le saques, no le saques," he was talking to himself, meaning something like "only three guards, you can do this, you can do this." There is a phrase "sacar la vuelta" that means to avoid, used most often when one is leery/scared of something/someone, (i.e., vi al perro feroz y le saqué la vuelta: I saw the ferocious dog and turned back around). FeoLeo was giving himself courage to do it, since presumably "only" three guards are involved and telling himself he shouldn't be afraid of that.

Loved Miriam's expression during Dan's Daily Tall Tale when he said Camila was angry at him for lying. Miriam's "Ohh, she didn't like that you lied to her for her protection!" Her facial expression somehow conveyed "air quotes" around the word 'protection' to me. LOL

What Mariano found hard to believe about Isadora and the drops was that it was some type of witchcraft. Rosario had said, "she's probably using witchcraft on him." Mariano does not find it difficult at all to believe Isadora is capable of poisoning Cayetano - just the witchcraft part.

I love how the SITs (Scoobies-In-Training) - Rodolfo, Piedad, Eleuterio, Dorotea and Hipolito - are ready to jump in and follow up on anything (clues/info) they can in order to help bring Dio down! These employees know the real meaning of considering their coworkers/patrones "a family."

re the Avances:
Yes, Camila should tell Miriam the truth but she should say "WE" fell in love, not "I" fell in love ... then let Dan and Miriam deal with that! Hoping, but not really expecting her to do it.


Good stuff!

I don't think Dan will be going back to Chile. Best laid plans in TN's always go awry for many reasons.

I hope Ileana gets out of there before Hissadora catches on about the missing poison. She's the only suspect because she is the only one who caught her administering that stuff.

Soyyo- Oh yeah. Miriam's tone was dripping with irony when she said that bit about Cam not being pleased with Dan lying to her for her "protection."

Marta- I wish Nat had truly opened her eyes, but she's in the same Club of Fools as Gussy (ex member) and Cayetano. They need to actually see it with their own eyes to believe it.

Marta, we're in the same boat, I had such hopes for our Nutty Nati to turn around and sleuth for the scoobies, but alas, she's got boda brains and is now playing the pregnancy card for all it's worth. Nasty Nati to turn your back on your long-sufferig mama the way you did last night. Oh, and thank you Carolina for the link you provided yesterday about the grisly prison conditions in Mexico. I had always understood that they were scary and uncomfortable, but I couldn't even watch that whole video. Pobre de Auggie, and it's no wonder Cami is adamant about not letting her move from the local holding tank to the Big House.

But there are still way too many beanie moments in this crime drama. It's so keystone kops the way they agonize over a set of fingerprints that could be pulled from any doorknob or whiskey glass. The whole comedy about the combination on Dio's briefcase cracks me up, too. If they have that number, why aren't they over there cracking it open. But good for Ileana for purloining the telltale drops. The ignorant Hissa keeps putting plain water in his beverage. At some point, he will emerge from his stupor and wonder WTF. I can't wait. I forsee complete reconciliation with the former Snobby Beech Rocio. Two flawed individuals who have suffered their comeuppance . They'll have something to bond over in their golden years.

Soyyo: Thanks for clearing that up about Mariano and the drops. Also, I agree with you and hope that Cam will say "we" instead of "I". Of course, not expecting her to, either.

Agnes- I think the fingerprints issue is that they can't just pull them from any old thing. It has to be on a legal document or taken by the authorities. Otherwise, there is no way the good guys can prove that they belong to Dio, and not the "real" Hector Gutierrez who's stashed away somewhere. And unless the cops have some valid warrant, or whatever, to get those fingerprints, they can't just go pulling them from Dio's drinking glasses from his house. This is why Juarez is planning on getting them when Dio comes to the police station to make his statement.

It's also only been one day since Gussy told Os and Amanda about the combination and that she has the key to Dio's house, just before the cops came and took her away. And Dio hasn't left his house. So, not much chance yet to break in to get his briefcase. Hopefully, there will be a full meeting of the Justice League (minus Dan who should be on a plane to Chile-- yeah right) soon to put together a plan for getting the briefcase.

I find it interesting that Dan's words at every turn were "tienes razon." So everyone was right. He's just stuck. He thinks Miriam is going to die at any second because of anything that learns about "the situation," and he keeps promising that he'll leave Camila alone, but he just can't do it. I'm mush when it comes to showing a love story from a man's point of view. I love seeing that Dan literally can't even think straight. I love his character, flaws and all.

Vivi, as always, you are the voice of reason. I'm just so darn impatient for the great roller coaster of justice to start moving. But it seems that Juarez would have had cause (and time) enough to issue a warrant for a legitimate search for evidence. I guess he's still pulling loose ends together back at the delegation. I wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of the law in Mexico.

Do we suppose that somehow, Miriam and the budgekin (and Caridad, of course) will be on that plane and Dan will not? Caridad still hasn't had a chance to spill her frijoles about MM's fatal condition.

Agnes- So far, only Isa has left behind proof of her villainy, leading her to be detained twice, but not held/imprisoned (drat!).

Dio has been very good about not leaving any tangible evidence around. He's a failure in every other way but this. The Justice League needs at least one concrete thing before they can accuse him of something/anything legally-- giving the cops cause to obtain prints or search his house.

The phone records between him and Julian are floating around in Aculco/Metepec somewhere; the paperwork for the retirement funds are all under his control; as are the passports proving he's a con man/fraud; and the good guys don't know who the developers are or that Dio is *this* close from being thrown in jail for fraud by them. If at least one of these things can fall the hands of the good guys, then they can finally start the ball rolling on Dio's downfall.

Our girl Cam has been listening to the audience and suggested that Luzma get another type of therapy if what she's doing now isn't working.

Agnes, I am glad that you looked at that link and I am sorry it was to hard to look at! I know that TNs do a lot of non-reality based stuff, but having been a long time fan of Locked Up Abroad, I know that the prison and jail scenes are pure fairy tale. It makes me wonder how the Mexican audience reacts. I find it hard to believe that they think their real prisons resemble Leoncio's in the least. After all his violent behavior, he would be in the very worst section of the prison shown in that video.

As for Gussie, I think women's prisons are better than men's, but no wonder Camila is so desperate to get her out of there.

I don't think Miriam would go back to Chile without Dan or she would have done so already. However, if she finds out about Dan-n-Cam, anything, and I mean anything, could happen.

Carlos, I love what you said about Miriam reading the book in the airplane on the way to Chile. The plane would be making a big U in the sky like the old Juan Valdez coffee commercial!

LVX, Love your lines: "The ignorant Hissa keeps putting plain water in his beverage. At some point, he will emerge from his stupor and wonder WTF." I can't wait either.

Only three more weeks? I will miss AB and all of you.

Thanks Mena for a great recap.
As we are in the final capitulos I find it both annoying and exciting to watch and witness how they are bringing the many loose ends to closure.

I always found Dio's laugh annoying but his hyena laugh after his conversation with Glady's son was repulsive. Which makes me wonder how on this board which is dedicated to snark, he has gotten away with not being tagged with a evil nickname other than "El Diablo" which I think is really is kinda cute since "little devil" is what I call my cat when he's mischievous). Anyway, just venting my frustration with him and his mocking laugh.

Foxy, I think other Cesar Evora villains earned that description in their scripts from other characters. If you are watching Abrazame Muy Fuerte on UniMas you are looking at a villain far more evil than "Dionicio Ferrer."

Let me take this opportunity to say that I don't like shortening that to "Dio" which is Italian for God. My sixth sense says that he will get more repulsive before he meets his Karmageddon.

BTW, I almost named my boy cat "Mephistopheles" because he looks like a little devil, but an atheist friend talked me out of it.


Foxy- I can't think of anything creative beyond punching him in the face when he gloats and laughs, but here are some attempts at a nickname for Dastardly Despicable Dio:
The Giggling Goon
The Laughing Lout
The Snickering Sneak
The Cackling Criminal

There was a character in Corazon Valiente who we called D3, D4, etc. as we added more bad ‘D’s to his name (Dastardly Dad, etc.) Now we’re doing the same with a character in Amores Verdaderos who we call F4 (Failed Furry Fornicator..). Dio could definitely be a multiple ‘D’.


I do not sympathize with that Dan jerk. I despise that dumb (un)apologetic look on his face. Like, whatever! You're not even sorry at all! Every word that comes out of his mouth is just plain garbage! Yet that's the same mouth that Cami wants to so desperately kiss! (Yuck.)

~ posted by not-a-dan-fan. (lol)

*p.s. Am I done ranting yet? Hell, no! There is more to come, I'm sure, soon enough in the episodes that follow...

Also, the same goes for Ileana (that's her name, right? the orange-headed?). How can she be so "in love" with that Yago jerk??? Like, what the hell! He treats you like s***! Yet you can somehow see past that! Well, I can't! At first, I assumed she only said that for the money ('cuz u know, money talks), but now she's really acting desperate at this point, always turning to him for sympathy/affections when obviously he does not give a damn about her! It's just so pitiful! Why?! Why must they torment us with this? It's just so painful to watch. I just hate him! He's so egotistical & always gets the last laugh! I just really hate that...

~ posted by not-a-dan-fan.

Iagho has to run afoul of El Diablo at least once more before the latter hits his Karmageddon. I'm hoping that will be the comic relief considering what I expect will happen with Camila and the devil.

Vivi - I love your names for Dio. It would have been fun tagging him with such applicable names as the story progressed.

UA - I also had conflicting thoughts about referring to such an evil man as "Dio". But remembered that I grew up in a neighborhood where there were a lot of gang members named Jesus.
So I figured it was just me overreacting.


Can anybody enlighten me about this necklace? I've seen ones like it with a split heart, but I don't understand why these ones are in the shape of ... Arkansas?

And if the custom is to exchange them, as Dan-n-Cam did, then you wear the one with your partner's initial. I have know Mexicans who did this. So wouldn't Miriam know that Dan would wear the one with the 'C' and his story about intending to give it to Camila doesn't make sense. And couldn't she tell from looking at it that it was a half of a shape. (Just guessing here, but maybe the shape of Nebraska?) And why didn't she ask him why it didn't have a box, like a new necklace normally has? Or why he never gave it to her, if it was just a platonic thing, representing trust not love? If that were the case, he could still give it to her with Miriam present before they leave, couldn't he?

I don't know if Miriam bought that load of ... wait for it ... bull :) that Daniel was selling and we didn't get to see her response at the end of the conversation.

Carolina--I thought the dije on the necklace looked more like a scroll, but ni modo. And yes, Dan would have been wearing the "C" one and Camila wore the "D" one. MM doesn't know there is another one and perhaps some people *do* wear necklaces with their own initial on it. Remember Victoria in Sortilegio? We got so sick and tired of it, made fun of it and then it started to take on a life of its own. (I have one that says Anita in a gold disk on a chain.....)

Mena...just home from the salt mines and got to read your wonderfully hilarious recap! What a little gem! Thank you so much. :))

Luzma...I don't know...rapidly losing my interest.

Natalia...I'd like to slap that dopey look off her face only because I will really have to tighten the vise on my head when she finally see the light one day before the final episode. Not. Believeable.

My questions: will Cayetanestupido and Grateful Gussie make it out alive? They're both Blockheads, but they don't deserve to die, especially at the hands of the perpetually inappropriately dressed Hissadora and the Evil Dion.

Carlos...really, really love your idea about MM getting the truth while on the plane to Chile. What a wonderful idea!

Not a Dan Fan...I hear and understand your frustration!

No insights from me...just a huge thank you to Mena!!!


Oh, BTW, I just got back from seeing the opera Norma. At the beginning I thought hmm, how like a man, abandon his lover and their two children and fall in love with someone else, equally prohibida.

All I could think of was Dan and his two wives. No one could make up their minds what to do about it.

At one point, the two women it seems are ready to kick the two-timing b**tard to the curb and pledge eternal friendship to each other and are going to go away together. (Are you listening Dan? Watch out. AND,'s a solution you might accept!)

Sadly it doesn't quite end that way for the principals.

Almost forgot...I just can't seem to feel the love for the comedy with Colunga. It's almost a jolt watching it after all the action and suspense on AB.

Traveling Lady, was it you or LXV/Agnes who posted that link to the novela from Spain? Thank you! I'm going to investigate that one.


Fatima--They are two completely different genres of telenovela, on opposite ends of the scale, actually. If you don't like it (and we think it's getting better), wait for Que Bonito Amor--maybe you can feel the love with Jorge Salinas--dressed in CHARRO.

Anita, thank you! If you think it's getting better, maybe I'll hang on a bit more. I agree...two entirely different stories, but I think the transition from AB to anything is going to be so hard for me! I hate giving it up.

Salinas surely looked handsome even during the few episodes I saw of his last story. I'm looking forward to that and really, really hope that this AB group of posters will be there, too!

Thanks, Anita. :))


Anita, thanks for your response. Yes, people do wear necklaces with their own initials; I have one myself.

But because Dan bought them together and they way they exchanged them, I was interpreting this necklace as part of a set, like those that are two halves of a heart. And in that case, you wear the other person's initial. I have seen these in Mexico, both for sale and some people wearing them who I have asked about it because it wasn't their initial. I don't know if other Latino cultures also do this, but Dan knew about it, so I'm thinking that they do it in Chile, too.

But if you are right (sharper eyes than mine!), and it is a scroll and not the half of something, then M wouldn't know it was part of a set of matching necklaces. she could still ask those other questions about it, though.

Fatima, TL, Agnes and anyone else, I checked out the novela from Spain and it looked good, great, actually. There were tons of shows on that site and many looked interesting. Thanks for the link.

However, that show and most of them on that site don't seem to have captions and I really rely on them, so I'm not sure how well that would work for me.

I'm thinking that I'll be up for QBA. I like this time slot.

Carolina, this is great that you liked that novela from Spain! I usually try to write down what words I hear, but that can be tedious. Still, it's helped. I do agree that the subtitles are so helpful as I sometimes hear a word, but can't sound it out. Sometimes, I'm surprised as to how it's written when compared to what I hear.


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