Monday, March 04, 2013

Amor Bravío #138 (Uni 133) Mon 3/4/13

Capitulo 138: Buenas Noticias y Recuerdos Malditos

Lo del pasado

El Diablo wonders why not all the bulls are dead yet as Omar.  As Hissadora looks at her sleeping husband she thinks about making sure she maintains control of La Buenaventura; Leoncerdo communicates to Aaron that Hissadora cut out his tongue.  Camila explains to Vivi that Miriam loves Daniel, then immediately rushes in to perform CPR on him.

Lo de nuevo:

Miriam's House:   Mariano fusses over Baby Agatha, recalling Ana as a baby. A few stereotypically parental comments later Miriam's phone rings and it's Gaston telling her that the vaccine has been found and will be delivered via private plane. Abe has taken care of all the bills and Gaston will deliver it personally first thing in the morning. Miriam asks and Mariano agrees to drive her to the airport.

Cabaña:  Camila performs mouth to mouth on Daniel and Viviana reminds her that she could have caught the virus in the process. As she hands her the hospital gown and Camila puts it on she comments on it being an impulse. She puts on the gown and picks up the phone. [Nothing like closing the barn door after the horses have escaped.]

Miriam's House / Cabaña:   Mariano writes down his cell number so Miriam can call him when she gets Gaston's arrival time. He takes out his cell phone to call Camila. Viviana answers as she goes back to tend to Daniel. She remembers to put on her mask before running into the room to deliver the good news. Don Vicente sings, so all should be well. Camila starts telling Daniel the good news, but he does not look as though he can hear her.

Becerra's Office:   Aaron brings him Leoncerdo's written account of Hissadora's crimes. Becerra is impactado at the realization that Leoncerdo learned to read and write to do this; he has also just heard from Juarez that Hissadora and her unfortunate husband are on a flight from the Bahamas that will be arriving shortly. Rafa's cell phone rings and it's Viviana with the good news.  More of the theme music.

La Malquerida, Outside:  Camila tells her people that everyone has to be ready to begin the inoculation process as soon as the juice arrives. She advises that they all have to continue to take the maximum precautions in case anything splashes in their faces, etc. In total the loss is one quarter of the herd and she thinks they can save the rest and recover. She dismisses them to get back to work, but Piedad can't get the confrontation with El Diablo off her mind. Hipolito tells her that as soon as Daniel is better they will tell him. Camila and Pablo talk about assessing the expenses of this situation, including the cost of the vaccine; Mayela tells her they will get right on it. Camila takes a deep breath as she tells them that she and Daniel have parted definitively and that most likely he will return to Chile with Miriam and the baby. Awkward moment that Mayela appears to relish. “Olvidarte Jamas” is heard once again.

Estevez' Office:  El Diablo smugly explains that the virus will take care of the ability to deliver La Malquerida. Estevez presses him on the delivery date. He's obviously been waiting for that, and then proposes a new deal. La Malquerida and La Buenaventura. Estevez doesn't believe this and El Diablo explains that Hissadora has married Cayetano Albarrán and now controls La Buenaventura. El Diablo tires to make Estevez an offer he won't refuse.  However, Estevez won't be fooled a second time with another last-minute issue. El Diablo then tells him he can make another deal... with his competition. He's giving him the first opportunity. He is about to hand over La Malquerida and will shortly have access to La Buenaventura.   [In a pig's eye, of course.]

Cabaña:    Mariano informs Camila of his conversation with Miriam in which she told him what she found out so she can be prepared for the questions, particularly since Miriam appeared to sense that something was going on between them. Camila isn't particularly concerned, as she decided she and Daniel were over. After Miriam helped with the vaccine Camila doesn't have it in her to tell her anything that would potentially hurt her. The sad Mariano/Camila theme is heard as she concludes this.

Kitchen:   Rodolfo is not pleased about the Natalia/Iagho marriage after what Ileana told him. He tells Dorotea and Eleuterio that as long as he lives neither Iagho nor El Diablo will hurt Natalia. Whom he still loves.  We hear the banda music from before.  [Pobrecito Rodolfo, but don't you know that stupid women usually have stupid children? But I guess you don't read The Wall Street Journal.]


Hostal:  As she and her reluctant groom finish dinner, Natalia excitedly talks about honeymooning in Europe. Iagho is alright with this until she gets the lightbulb moment about whether this is a good idea while she's pregnant. “Never thought of that,” says he. “I'll ask the gynecologist” she says and he comments on not wanting the baby to ruin their trip. Amanda's maternal antennae are on Red Alert at this as he comments he needs to pick his father up at the airport and that La Buenaventura is safe. She wants to accompany him to the airport and possibly he can make the formal announcement then, but he puts her off, saying his father will be tired after the trip. He tells her he'll call and exits without kissing her as a new song intrudes. Natalia looks a little miffed and Amanda turns to look.  [There's a new song here we need the lyrics to.]

Pablo & Luzma's House, Dining Room:  It's just after dinner and Pablo sits at the head of the table with Rocio at the opposite end. Both Luzma and Ana get up to get something for her, Luzma telling Ana to sit down because she's the guest. Rocio tells Luzma “Tienes muy buena, hija.” As she exits Rocio approximates a smile and tells Pablo she is happy to see him so happy. Luzma returns and Rocio apologizes to her, saying she is very noble. She tells her that all is well and she is the mother of the man she loves and will always be welcome. She tells Pablo that she has seen the doctor and he says everything is alright and Luzma can now have a normal nooky life. Mariano arrives and Luzma immediately has him sit while she gets him some food. He takes a deep breath and tells Rocio that Dad is arriving momentarily and that he is now married to Hissadora.  Rocio tells them that this is her own fault. When Ana asks her whether she still loves him, she says “Yes. He was the love of my life and I lost him.” and begins to cry.

La Malquerida, Master Bedroom:  Augustina sits up reading, wearing a nightgown she may have gotten as a hand-me-down from Edith Bunker. El Diablo enters. He comments that she didn't say she was retiring and she tells him that this was an emotional day. He asks what happened and she tells him that the ranch is saved; Daniel also. He is incredulous. She tells him that Miriam was able to obtain the vaccines in Chile and they're arriving in the morning. “I don't believe it,” says the devil. “How could this woman get what others couldn't?” Augustina shrugs, saying her brother has contacts for this and has hired a private plane to bring in the magic brew. “No puede ser!” says the devil in frustration, throwing his jacket aside. Augustina looks apprehensive for a moment before asking “What do you mean, this can't be? Aren't you happy that there are vaccines to save the ranch and Daniel?” El Diablo realizes he has lost control of himself and tries to cover by saying “It's not that, but why didn't you tell me?” She tells him she doesn't want to bother him because “You say I suffocate you and who knows what other disagreeable things.” She announces that she's done with that and will now go to sleep. She finishes by turning off the light. El Diablo is not amused.

Hostal:   Amanda serves dinner to her guests and to Padre Anselmo, who thanks her and apologizes he couldn't do more to help her with her daughter's situation. He didn't like what he saw when they came to see him. Iagho got defensive when the padre asked whether he loved Natalia and never showed that he was anxious to marry her. “While I was talking to them I had the feeling he was hiding something.” Amanda thinks the same way, but doesn't know what to do. The padre pretty much tells Amanda that Iagho is bad news and that it's difficult to see his motives for this. Amanda should find a way to delay the wedding. The padre also detected an aggressive streak in Iagho which he fears will get worse with time. Amanda declares she will find a way to protect her daughter.

Viviana & Rafael's Place:   He turns off the lamp on the nightstand as she comes to bed. Both are wearing pajamas, which is not a good sign. After a few uncomfortable sentences she asks if he wants to end it and he tells her he doesn't; he wants to find a solution. They finally go to bed with the matter still unresolved.

Pablo & Luzma's House, Master Bedroom:   He waits on the bed, in pjs and socks (???) and she enters in the white outfit from her trousseau. There are lit candles. He gets up and puts on some music. It's the song they first danced to. They kiss and she sits down on the bed and lies down. Pablo kisses her, but she has flashbacks to the rape. She pushes him away, yelling “Don't touch me!” and more. “It's Pablo,” he says. She runs out, saying “I can't, I can't”, leaving him kneeling in front of the bed.

Prison Cell:  Leoncerdo leans against the bars, relishing his revenge against Hissadora.

Pablo & Luzma's Master Bedroom:  He's gone; she returns and blows out the candles he had lit earlier. “I love you, Pablo.” she whispers. “I want to make love with you but your caresses reminded me of his. Why? Why”

Just Outside:   Pablo has gone outside, thinking about this. Mayela arrives home and approaches him to talk. He doesn't want to, but she won't be put off. She asks if he had an argument with Luzma or... he tells her not to worry. She moves closer, touching first his arm then the open neckline of the shirt he put on over the pj top. The look in his eye indicates, however, that he sees through her as he tells her “I'm alright, so I'm going back in the house. Good night.” as he exits, leaving her looking a little annoyed. [We love your strength, Pablo.]

Cabaña:    Camila, still in her inadequate scrubs, leans over Daniel saying she will never forget him as we hear “Olvidarte Jamas”. She has gotten an oxygen tank and he is masked.

Miriam's House:  Dante tries to explain that he did as he was asked and when he got back to the ranch he had no authority to refute the lies. That does not satisfy her. She questions his loyalty “I thought I was important to you; that we were friends” and he tells her of course, skirting on the edge of admitting that she means more than that to him. She is upset that his loyalty to Daniel is greater than his loyalty to her. [Excuse me?] He tells her he is loyal to both of them. Daniel asked him to maintain the lie because she was in delicate health before the trip. She isn't accepting this, but he tells her that her health was his A1 priority. She tells him – in an understandable state of annoyance – that she is fine and nothing is wrong. He apologizes once more and asks if she wants him to have a talk with Abe. She tells him no; she will do that although his secret mission seems eternal. Dante asks what about Daniel? She tells him quite forcefully that as soon as his business there is concluded she will ask that they return to Chile lo antes possible (ASAP). “What if he doesn't agree?” “He has no weighty argument to stay” is the essence of her reply. Further, with regard to his recuperation, he can recover in Chile. She doesn't want to stay. “I feel like such a fool because of Daniel, Abram, and you.” Dante, undaunted by this, tells her it hurt him to do this, but that they need to find the real guilty parties. He asks her forgiveness again. She hesitates -- but only for a second -- then forgives him. He kisses her hand and she looks at him with an expression that all is alright between them. [Perhaps more than alright.]

Toluca Airport:  At the International Arrivals terminal, Iagho waits. Cayetano and Hissadora arrive, she in an animal-print dress that doesn't do much for her. Iagho barely has time to greet them when Sherlock Juarez arrives with two SWAT guys and an arrest warrant for the murder of Padre Baldomero. Hissadora starts protesting as one of the cops cuffs her behind her back, struggling as they frogmarch her to the police vehicle. Cayetano goes on about calling the lawyer as he retrieves their suitcases. “How do they dare arrest my wife?” he asks. Unseen by his father, Iagho smiles in the direction of the arrest before making a lame reply. “The Monterde family bought this. This isn't the first time they've tried to make her look guilty for something.” Iagho looks at his father as though he were batshit crazy, but shrugs as Cayetano takes Hissadora's purse [That had to have been shown for a reason] and they exit the terminal with the suitcases. Outside the terminal Hissadora is still playing the indignant lady as they drag her to the car. Sherlock Juarez asks her to cooperate because he doesn't want to have to use force. She shoots daggers with her eyes as they put her in the back seat and she goes on with “You will regret this!” several different ways. Cayetano takes out his cell phone and calls his lawyer as the police car pulls away from the curb.

Pablo & Luzma's House, Master Bedroom:   Pablo comes back to find Luzma in bed, clutching the pillow. She apologizes, telling him she feels frustrated over this. He tells her they have time and he has patience. He gets into bed next to her and holds her in a comforting manner. [Obviously his parents did something right in his upbringing.]

Police Station:  Hissadora's frogmarch continues; one of the cops suggests relieving her of her shoes. They take her to her cell as Juarez approaches the desk. A grey-suited Rowan Atkinson look-alike enters behind him, introducing himself as Hissadora's lawyer. He wants to bail her out. Juarez calmly tells him that since she is a murder suspect, this will not be possible. She will remain in custody until proven innocent. Cayetano (who entered right behind the lawyer) brings up how he was wrong in trying to charge her with the murder of her son. Juarez points out that she is being detained for a statement but.... now they have proof. Music from the horn section covers his explanation as Cayetano and Iagho listen. Cayetano is determined not to believe what he hears; Iagho, though, looks like he believes it.

Cell Block:  The SWAT-team cop brings in our incorrigible murderess with the Hitchcockian music in the background. As he unlocks her cuffs we wonder whether she will try something, but he is both smart and fast enough to get out and lock her in first. She starts wondering how anyone could know anything because her plan had been so perfect. Flashback to her imperfect crime as Daniel drove away without seeing her in her inexplicable peasant disguise. She relives the orgasmic moment of the murder and the escape where she was stupid enough to not cover her hair before leaving the building and was seen by the neighbor. Lastly she remembers Daniel saying they can pinpoint the hour and the minute of Padre Baldomero's death. She finally says aloud “Without proof, they can't keep me in here.”

Cayetano approaches the cell with the lawyer behind him. He has to explain he can't get her out and that the lawyer will help her. Comandante Juarez has evidence that she killed Padre Baldomero. She asks “What proof? I didn't kill the padre.” She asks Cayetonto “Do you doubt me? Do you believe I'm a killer?” Of course, she goes on about how Juarez has it in for her and has accused her of everything since Alonso died. The lawyer tells her that the body was exhumed and the autopsy proved that Padre Baldomero had been asphyxiated. Hissadora protests that this doesn't prove she did it. However, says the legal eagle, there was a neighbor who saw her leave the hostal at the time of the death and Señor Daniel Diaz Acosta was the one who brought the accusation. Furthermore, Leoncerdo wrote them a letter about it after learning to read and write in prison.

La Malquerida, Study:  El Diablo tries to call Abe's office in Chile, but his desk is unoccupied. No reply. He ends the call, but then tries Abe's cell phone and gets the voicemail. He leaves the following message: “Abram, this is Dionicio Ferrer. What are you up to? You were supposed to keep me informed about everything going on in Chile. That was our agreement, wasn't it? Why didn't you tell me about the vaccines? Call me when you get this message, por favor.”

Cabaña:   Camila and the doctor hover over Daniel, who is getting worse. The doctor tells her there is nothing else they can do before the vaccines arrive. He has to get back to the hospital to perform surgery. She was smart to get the oxygen tank because Daniel's lungs would have otherwise collapsed. She is frustrated over this, saying “I'm only a veterinarian.” He tells her to have confidence in herself. He'll return as quickly as possible. However, Daniel needs the injections in less than 12 hours and if she had not done what she had in the meantime nothing could have saved him.


We're now in Ultimas Semanas as Cayetano becomes suspicious and Camila injects Daniel.


Ultimas semanas... I knew it but it still feels bad.

I'll be back tomorrow, but just wanted to stop in tonight and say thanks for this UA.

In total the loss is one quarter of the herd and she thinks they can save the rest and recover." I didn't catch that and am glad to have some sense of the facts in this matter. I thought the count had gone to 72, quite a lot, but if it's really only one fourth, then I suppose, they might not completely go under.

And..."Augustina sits up reading, wearing a nightgown she may have gotten as a hand-me-down from Edith Bunker." Cracked me up. I knew I had seen that gown somewhere. But isn't our Augie getting feisty these days! Hurray.

Great job Urban! I thought Isa’s outfit was pretty fabulous for prison-wear. That plunging cleavage could earn her great favors among the guards and the other prisoners. LOL!

ITA about Pablo. That boy is loyal and very strong willed. I loved how he said that this (making love) needs to a special moment for the both of them. I really hope Luzma can get past the trauma. How awful to have Leoncerdo pop into your head when you’re being kissed by a cutie like Pablo. Blech!

We have the answer about the vaccines—there is a human one and an animal one. Camila better inject herself, and Vivi, as soon as it arrives! Actually, maybe EVRYONE (except Dio).

One correction- Yago didn’t say that Nat could lose the baby (although he probably wishes). He was bummed that the kid could cause them to lose out on their fabulous honeymoon. Amanda was mighty bugged that he would put his selfish needs ahead of the baby’s well-being. As she should be. Natalia is lucky to have so many people looking out for her (Amanda, Becerra, Rod, Padre), but what good is it if she’s not willing to open her eyes to the truth about Yago and Dio?


Thanks, UA, for a very helpful recap. The Spanish captions must have caught that damned virus, because they were choking and gasping for breath and sense.

I was delighted to see Hissadora behind bars. Like you, I was afraid that she was going to pull some kind of move on the officer who unlocked her handcuffs and escape. I'm normally appalled at the Mexican justice system that assumes someone is guilty until proven innocent, but tonight I applauded it!

I agree with you about the probable significance of Hissadora's purse. I kept hoping that Cayetano would open it and find the "love drops" she's been putting in his drinks. Indeed, I'm still hoping that will happen.

Your remark about Agustina wearing a hand-me-down nightgown from Edith Bunker cracked me up. I was also glad to see Agustina talking back to Dio. However, I'm still very apprehensive about whether she'll make it to the end of the TN.

Damn New Girl! I kept wondering what she was doing in this TN. I'm beginning to fear that she's the one truly stale, stereotypic element in the plot: the Other Woman, the seductress who has her sights/claws on Pablo. I hope I'm wrong. The writers have done a very impressive job of avoiding most TN cliches, so perhaps New Girl will play a different role, but it sure didn't seem that way tonight.

Thanks so much UA. I think most of us will miss this TN. It has been one of the best I've seen in a long time.

Agnes - yes, Gussy is getting quite feisty and to the right person now too. I just hope he doesn't harm her as he will be getting desperate.

Vivi - poor Luzma. She just has to get some counseling very quickly. The writers have made Pablo one of the best galans ever. He has rebuffed all NG's moves and he's quick to do so as well not like these galans whose lips happen to get stuck on the villainess.

Did anyone else notice the people taking pictures of Isa getting arrested? That was hilarious.


Karen- Yes. I laughed out loud at that and at Yago trying to stop them from taking pics. LOL!

Juanita - I'm hoping NG can lure the other brother as we know Iago is in heat anyway.

One or two more thoughts. I winced when Camila told Mariano that she and Daniel were definitely no longer together; she even PROMISED Mariano that that was the case. I realize that she was saying this in part to convince herself and burn bridges, but all it will do is give Mariano real reason to hope and fantasize. Sigh. He deserves a better fate.

And though there did seem to be some chemistry between Mariano and Miriam, I think the chemistry between her and Dante is considerably stronger. In view of this and the clearing-the-air talk between Ana and Teresa, it looks as if Teresa's going to get her wish, even if Mariano doesn't share her enthusiasm.

Karen- Luzma is still seeing the psychologist, but it looks like she needs to step up her therapy sessions.

Karen, I like your idea about New Girl and Iago. Of course, I might be even happier if neither of them wound up with a partner.

Ehhh...Miriam forgave Dante too easily! But whatevah! Hopefully, she'll be much harsher on Dan 'cuz HE'S got some explaining to do!

Now, for some other thoughts:

- Dammit, Cami! Stop giving Mariano false hopes!

- Poor Luzma! Reliving the trauma again!

- Darn it, Natalia! How could u STILL be in love with that jerk???

- C'mon, Vivi! Just dump Rafa already!

- HOORAY! Finally, Gussie's talking back at her husband!

- & OH NO! Hiss...adora's gone to jail! :O

~ posted by not-a-dan-fan

Thank you, UA for your usual witty and quick recap.
I too, knew that Amor Bravio's days were numbered.
I loved the references to Hissadora. That dress did not do her justice. Mayalen is working my nerves, yes, let's throw her to Iago who would return her subtle advances.Yay- Pablo for brushing her off, you were raised right. I also loved the reference to Hissadora's arrest as the frogmarch. I can't stop laughing. I really hope that she rots in jail. Maybe she can meet up with Leonicio. What a reunion.
Poor Luzma and Pablo, she may need professional help.

Hissadora's purse would not only contain that poison it would also have her cell phone with the text messages between her and El Diablo. I don't recall seeing her hit any delete keys. Finding that poison should clue somebody in to having the cell phone checked.

It still amazes me that there doesn't seem to be a public issue with the idea of anyone taking over a ranch the size of La Malquerida and turning it into a tourist trap in the middle of an area that may not welcome it. Whether it's meant to be turned into a spa, a casino, or a theme park is irrelevant; the other ranchers in the area can't like this very much and the nearby town may not have the resources to support this. Also, while this might sound economically advantageous for the locals it would fundamentally change the character of the area... which they might not want.

Luzma definitely needs to see the shrink more frequently. Natalia probably needs one for being so desperate for male approval she would marry a jerk who is being pressured by a criminal.

I don't think Cam promised Mariano she is done with Dan. She said she made a promise (i.e. to herself, to God). There's a subtle difference there. I also don't see a problem with her telling Mariano since she had just told the whole ranch that she and Dan were through and that he'd be heading back to Chile with his child and wife, who by the way, just saved the ranch and all of their jobs by getting that vaccine.

If she hadn't told Mariano right then, he would have just heard it from Pablo later that evening at PabLuz's house.

In PabLuz's house, Nana gets to sit at the table. She never sat with the family at Casa Albarran. Mariano was surprised to see her sitting there, and she said it's the way Luzma wanted it. Pablo and Luzma looked so cute being all adult-like and heading up their little family.

Did you notice that after Cami had showered and changed into the dark blue top, when she was talking to Mariano in the cabin, she was wearing Dan's Virgin medallion again, along with her bull's head necklace? It might be just because she's praying really hard right now for Dan to pull through. But we all know it has a lot more than religious significance to her since it was her proposal/engagement necklace.

Thank you, UA. This was a great recap, full of good observations and humor.

One small item: I could have sworn that the episode ended and avances began with Ultimos Capitulos. I noted it, because we seem to be missing the Ultimas Semanas. Not sure that it matters a bit, but here we are so close to the end.

The moment that pobre de Luzma emerged in her pretty white robe from the bathroom of the master bedroom I feared that memories of that pig of an uncle would get in the way. Yes, more shrink time. It reminded me of El Manantial, when Adela Noriega was raped and eventually was able to establish a "normal" life with Mauricio Islas. Viewerville breathed a sigh of relief.

Iago is a terrible human being and bad husband material, but I did enjoy watching his face while Isadora was going through her resistance to arrest in that ugly patterned dress.

Traveling Lady- I noticed that they said that too and I immediately had an uh oh moment. It made me worry that they were going to start chopping up what should be ultimas semanas (28 caps/6 weeks), to make them fit into ultimas capitulos (2 weeks usually). Then I thought, no fricking way they would do that, so someone at Uni just made an error with the wording. I'm going to choose to believe that.

Vivi - I'm in the same kind of what I hope isn't denial. They wouldn't dare! The thought of chopping up this beautifully paced novela makes me cringe. I agree, wrong sign; they meant to say "semanas". I'm counting on six more weeks.


I agree, Vivi. That seems to be what happened with Eva, which I enjoyed in the beginning. I only have paid half attention to it since because I felt the premise was carried on too long.

BTW, I think they chop up the reruns currently on UniMas. I've been watching two of them and I think they have edited down AMF because they're already almost at episode 90.

Thanks for the recap UA. I appreciated your comment on the look on New Girl's face when Camila was talking to all the workers. I has not noticed that. I kept wondering too, why this new girl as this show is winding down (up?). How about this prediction? She is a Dio plant, charged with keeping up with the ranch books and try to get her claws into its second potential heir?


I don't think so. The first encounter between Mayelin and El Diablo looked like it actually was the first and she seemed creeped out by him. He seemed to have been adding her to his list of future victims. However, if she asks anyone about him I hope they have the sense to keep any major suspicions to themselves because nobody knows yet how she would handle it.

Urban, once again thank you for your prompt and sharp recap.

Cam can't help it if Mariano is making "una pelicula en su cabeza" -- she has no control over what he feels or doesn't; she's been clear more than once with Mariano about their relationship.

I maintain my firm trust in Pablo - he's just not that type of man.

Perhaps NG is around to become friends with Luzma not to seduce Pablo after all.

Lots of red herring in AB.



New Girl could be creeped out by Dio while still taking his money.


I don't think so. Both looked as though they had never seen each other before and nobody else was in the room. There was no reason to pretend that.

If this were 40 episodes ago I would think that Rocio had hired her to distract Pablo from Luzma, but then what was Ileana supposed to do?

I think she's meant to demonstrate to us that Pablo is a steadfast, solid, loyal guy. She is also possibly a future sacrificial lamb.

Thanks UA for another great recap. Though I certainly understand your apprehension about and suspicion of New Girl, I sure missed:

"Awkward moment that Mayela appears to relish..."


"...he exits, leaving her looking a little annoyed."

Maybe I should be paying closer attention to her, but so far her only crime seems to have been the offer of a back rub.

Thanks to Isadora and that dress for awakening a dormant adolescent fantasy...I wonder if she could teach algebra?

Agustina was absolutely wonderful last night. I liked her nighty though it didn't awaken any adolescent fantasies.


Rafa is quite the guy. When VIvi asked if he wanted to end their relationship, he answered with, "No, I want to work through it." That takes maturity and guts.

Vivi already emotionally betrayed him/did not include him in planning the adoption yet he is still open to being with her. But her terms are ridiculous. It's all about her and her needs, 24/7.

Vivi is so locked up in herself emotionally, an honest adult relationship isn't possible for her.


Thank you, UA, for another fabulous and thorough recap! And what a gorgeous fan.

I too missed the part about 1/4 of the herd being affected thanks for clearing that up.

Hats off to Agustina! She was great, although garbed in Edith Bunker's hand-me-down....LOL.

Yes, I thought NG was looking pretty miffed.

I really hope the contents of Isadora's bag are revealed. Such a pleasure to see her hauled off to el carcel:)

Gracia UA, superb recap.

I was afraid of that with pobre Luzma. Pablo is so sweet, patient & wonderful, + guapo. He is more like Mariano than either of his padres.

Ah, Cayetano has Iza's purse, I bet he finds the toloache drops. Aggie saw the light, maybe he will too.

72 bulls dead at last count, 1/4 of herd, looks like about 300 total. That's a lot of bull.

Actually, I don't know if that's a large herd when part of the business is bullfights.

During LQNPA when Rogelio got into the dairy business I estimated he needed at least 500 cows to be able to commit to contract he made for milk delivery.

I totally agree that Pablo is more like Mariano. I'll bet Mariano was the ultimate older brother back in the day.

UA: Love these lines:

“Don Vicente sings, so all should be well”

“[Pobrecito Rodolfo, but don't you know that stupid women usually have stupid children? But I guess you don't read The Wall Street Journal.]”

They skipped Ultimas Semanas and went straight to Ultimas Capitulos (I see others caught that, too).

Did you notice how Rafa called Vivi “mi amor” when he answered the phone?

I’m loving Dorotea and Eleutario’s scenes—they are so cute together.

Luz and Pablo. Knew that was coming I have to say I was surprised when she was able to be touched and kissed by Pablo soon after the rape.

I hope this isn’t the end of Isa. I’d rather they get Dio before getting Isa. She’s such a delicious villain.

Karen: “Juanita - I'm hoping NG can lure the other brother as we know Iago is in heat anyway.”—me too. I can’t imagine this late in the game that Pablo would suddenly turn into a jerk, but in Luz’s fragile state, she might misinterpret something.

Not a Dan Fan: I know who you don’t like ☺, but who’s your favorite character? Mine is Luz. I’ve seen three other TNs. Jacinto was my fav in (MEPS) and I still love seeing the actor (who plays Padre A) in anything. He’s actually turned up in STuD and CME. Benita was my fav from STuD and Gabi in CME.

UA: I think the tourist idea for the area is probably a beanie moment.

Vivi: “Did you notice that after Cami had showered and changed into the dark blue top, when she was talking to Mariano in the cabin, she was wearing Dan's Virgin medallion again, along with her bull's head necklace?”—no, but it’s very significant.

Carlos: I have to say I kinda liked Agustina’s nighty, too. I was surprised it was sleeveless. As for NG, she did touch Pablo last night. Very inappropriate on a few levels, including the fact that he’s her boss.

I wonder if Mariano had done more to raise his younger brother than just the normal older brother thing.

Fatima: Last time I bug you, I promise. But please feel free to e-mail me if you want to discuss the TN off site. Miss your input.


Did notice, Nanette, that Rafa called Vivi "mi amor," and also noticed that he said, "I love you more," which must mean that Vivi said "I love you" to him just prior to that. I have faith in this couple. It's just going to take a little time....

Marta: Thanks. I didn't get the other part of that converstation.

If the ranch is saved, what is going to be the big drama that takes us through to the real ultimas capitulos?

Good question, Nanette. Hopefully, slow, torturous finales to the villian and villianess....and to the rest of the bad seeds. Unfortunately, I think there could be some casualties along the way.

Thanks UA, but I actually liked Aggie's nighgown. At the time I saw it, I said to myself that it was a pretty purple print. I guess I have Edith Bunker tastes.
I was surprised that Aggie didn't wonder more about Dion's reaction to the vaccine. His negative reaction should have raised huge red flags for her. No one would have reacted negatively to that news.

Poor Pablo, he's waited so long for this moment to finally do it with his girlfriend/fiance/wife, and he will have to wait some more. That boy is a saint.

Loved loved loved Yago's smile when they arrested Isa. I laughed out loud when I saw that.

Right now, the Viv/Rafa scenes are a fast forward until Viv sees the light. Then I'll watch.

Caye will have to be the one to look in Isa's purse and see the drops and phone calls. He wouldn't believe anyone else. Couple that with more evidence of Alonso's death, and he might just start believing.


Even with MQ safe (although in huge debt), there’s still plenty of potential for drama. We know Isa isn’t going down so easily—no way do they pin her down in jail so soon (and not expose all her other crimes); BV is still in danger; Cayetano’s life is in danger; Gussy’s life insurance/retirement plan fraud; Leo is bound to escape from jail; Dio and Gussy have to try to avoid being thrown in jail by Estevez for fraud if they don’t cough up a property, any property, soon; and the Justice League has to expose Dio and his false identities.

And of course, we have the personal dramas to resolve—the Cam-Dan-Mir triangle; Luzma and Pablo; Vivi and Rafa; Yago, Nat and her mafia papa Dio; and on a lesser scale, Mariano, Teresa, and Dante.


Marta: I agree with you about the casualties. I'm very much afraid one of our beloved or semi-beloved characters is going to die before the end.

Agustina's involvement in the fraud still has to be revealed, but that just doesn't seem to me like a big enough drama--especially after the emotionally draining ranch tragedy.

Typo. That's-- Dio and Isa have to try to avoid being thrown in jail by Estevez..

Part of that list is proving Dion was married to Amanda. That will show Aggie and Natalia that Amanda wasn't making things up and as Dion insisted, and that Dion was lying. And then hopefully they will start to question all of his other lies.
And I think that the insurance scam will be big. Aggie will go to jail over that. Dion will deny knowing it was a scam, but by then, Aggie may be convinced that he's a scam artist.

All the stuff that Vivi said plus Dio's obsession with Cam -- which might a major plot towards the end


Nanette, ITA w/Marta regarding what will happen over the next few weeks. Dio has done a lot of mess and most if not all of it will have to be revealed and that could take a while. I also think either Isa or Leo will break out of jail; perhaps they both will escape, run into one another, and fight to the death.

And the stuff Vivi said ;)

I know we have a lot of loose ends to tie up. I guess there won't be one big drama, but a lot of the ones that have been percolating for awhile coming to a head before ultimas capitulos takes care of it all and give us our happy ending.

Hope you didn't really mean it about not posting. The criticism wasn't directed at you. It helps to develop a thick skin in the blog world. Pls come back, you had some good input.

Yes, very exciting as to what will happen over the remaining weeks. I do hope it includes an Isadora/Leonicio face-off....with Leonicio the victor. Never thought I'd say anything like that after what he did to our Luzma, but Isa needs a taste of her own medicina, and I think Leo is more than ripe for the challenge.

Hey, with Isa and Leo both in jail, there doesn't even have to be a break-out, just some shoddy internal security. And if the guards were a bit too late, and too rough, getting to Leo afterwards... Just don't like the idea of Leo on the loose with Luzma on his mind.

Fatima, just to add my more than two cents, I don't know what happened to make you decide to not post when you seemed to enjoy it so much and you had such great input! My feeling is that perhaps you can forget about whatever it is that hurt you because it doesn't really matter what anyone else thinks. What matters is that this is a fun site, and you are a good part of it:)

UA – Terrific recap. Loved “Pobrecito Rodolfo, but don't you know that stupid women usually have stupid children?” - lol. At this point, I don’t want Rodolfo to wind up with Nat. She’s shown no romantic interest in him at all, and to suddently turn to him if/when she finds out about Iago is lame.

Enjoyed all the commentary. Fatima, hope you pipe in too.

Traveling lady - “Iago is a terrible human being and bad husband material, but I did enjoy watching his face while Isadora was going through her resistance to arrest in that ugly patterned dress.” ITA. Watching Iago’s face made Isadora’s arrest even more fun.

Love Luzma and Pablo as a couple. Those two can express so much with few words.

If Dion gets found out, i.e. his deception and illegal activities, before the wedding and Yago becomes aware of it, you can bet Yago will call it off. He's only doing it because of Dion's threats. If Yago is no longer afraid of Dion, he will tell Natalia see ya.

Loved your recap, UA. I especially LOL at Aggie's nightgown looking like it belonged to Edith Bunker ☺!! But I kinda liked it better than those purple frocks with those long and short set-in sleeves. They looked like they were all cut out with the same pattern -- just different fabrics.


I agree with Anonymous that it's all about Vivi. She wanted to adopt Roman and never gave a thought to how Rafa felt about it. Maybe down deep inside, she really doesn't care.


Oops, signed off on the wrong line.



ARGHHH!Visited my Mom over the weekend (she lives in senior housing and we were in the community room) and was kind of stuck for a long time (she's not very mobile) and had to sit through some ladies discussing AB! The problem is they were visiting from Mexico so "soltaron la sopa" and now I know what's coming up! :-( I'll have to be really careful with my comments (if any) - I'm a little leery, hoping I don't let a spoiler out by accident. I DO NOT LIKE knowing what's coming - it's not as much fun, but will still watch faithfully and read the recaps and comments, which are great.

Soyyo: Bummer for you. Sometimes I want to know what happens, especially when I'm expecting something bad, it kind of blunts the bad feelings, but usually I like not knowing what's going to happen.

Re: Augustina and the shares she has been selling. A new customer popped up out of nowhere and made a point about her certification recently. I assumed she was an investigator of some kind or was going to file a complaint

Yikes! I mean YIKES! I've been working long hours these past two days and stopped in to read the Monday recap and comments. This evening is the first time I've had a chance.

I don't know what to say, but that I am totally floored at the kind comments many of you have directed towards me. At first, I didn't understand Nanette's comment this evening, so went back to previous posts.

Please, you must absolutely know that I am not someone who runs off and then hopes someone will beg me to do something. Gosh...that is not me. I was brought up to never pull a stunt like that or more than my hand would have been slapped!

I don't "do" Facebook and honestly don't post online anywhere. I was thrilled when I found this place that would help me with my Spanish, so it was a huge move for me to post here.

Your kind words have meant a great deal. I don't think I can thank you enough. I don't have insight into these stories like many of you, but I'm just floored at your kind words.

Thank you!!!

Fatima :)

Yay Fatima! We thought we'd lost you.

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