Thursday, March 21, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #92 Thu 3/21/13 easier said than done... sweeping dirty little secrets under the rug...

Paula arrives at B house. Vicky goes to fetch Niki. Angel questions Paula’s new visit. She just came to sell Avon… jk… she came to teach piano.

In Niki’s room, FoyBoyRoy is miffed that the movie they watched is below par. And of course he has to throw another demeaning comment about Gorilita. Niki nips the subject in the bud saying Guzmi is uneducated gopher.

Vicky comes to get Niki. She does not want to take piano class today(isn’t it always the ‘just this once, pleeeeaaasseee!’ line?), wants to go get a welcome present for Tatito (Anyballs) instead. Vicky will be the piano student today instead.

Downstairs Angel tries to convince Paula to leave but to no avail. Niki, FoyRoy and Vicky come down. Niki and FoyRoy leave to go shopping. Vicky tells Paula she will be the student today, to Angel’s shock.

At KenDrat’s, Cris bit the bait hook, line and sinker, saying Dances is more violent than she thought. KenDrat keeps the play going and throws one last arrow telling Cris that Dances says she is a ho because the man she IS going out with is … wait for it… married??! … Cris is in shock. KenDrat says she fought her feelings. Cris suggests KenDrat talk to Paula, who was lover to a married man… KenDrat bubble thinks ‘stop saying stupid things!’ but thanks Cris for her advise. She is still afraid what Dances would have done if she were alone.

At office, Dances decides to come out open with Bea about having had an affair with KenDrat… but assures Bea that is all over, and he loves only her.

Bea assures him she believes him and does not care what KenDrat says, which totally shocks Dances, probably the only time someone trusts him.

Opalina visits the Apartment, Lilli is very happy to see her (calls her tia/aunt). Lilli tells her that her ‘gut pain feelings’ are failing, she keeps having those pains and both Cris and Angel are fine, so she must be wrong with that ‘signal’. Then what is the reason? … Opalina says the ‘gift’ never fails, it is just that sometimes you need time to understand it. And your time will come. Lilli is desperate to ‘know’. She wants to know if a young man she likes likes her back. Can you read the shells? … Opalina says she does not do house calls of shell predictions regularly. We will do it at my house one of these days but only to answer that one question. … changes the subject… ‘Angel told me you faint when you see a certain woman at the house where you and Angel work’. Lilli explains that she gets anguished when she sees Ms. Adriana. Can you help me figure why? … Opalina says she can’t help.

Lili continues, when she sees Adri, she can’t help herself, she wants to hug her, she gets moved that Adri is so sad and can’t stop crying. Cris comes in slamming door after hearing the last few things about Adri… Liliana??!! Talking about that woman again?? Opal takes her leave. Cris apologizes to Opal, asks her not to leave. Cris feels like when she arrives Opal always leaves. Before Opal leaves, Cris again brings up that Opal refuses to read the shells to her. Lilli adds Opal only reads the shells to my dad and myself. Cris is miffed Opal never wants to read the shells to her. Is there something I should know that you don’t want to tell me? (where do we begin, Cris? Where do we begin? Can you handle the truth??... negative responses heard all around the patio) Opal says she had told Lilli she did not bring the shells and only reads them at home. Cris, who can’t keep her mouth shut even this time, says alright, if you don’t want to read them to me fine, you have never been in my fan club. Lilli intervenes to get Cris back under control. Opalina says there is a right time and place for everything, and this is not the right time and place to tell you (verb said in plural, so it refers to both Cris and Lilli) about your future. Lilli freezes thinking about that. Cris continues nagging that Opal does not like her. You only have eyes for my daughter and my husband. Opal wants Cris to be honest. She never forgave Opalina for JA being with her and her dying mother when Cris was giving birth to Lilli. Not your fault my mom died that day or that you went into early labor. You are the wife of the man I… (Cris lifts her ears)… that I love as a brother. And the mother of this girl… that I love. Cris gets jealous ‘you love them, not me’. (can someone slap the heck out of this woman? Who would not be happy an ‘aunt’ loves your child this much?). Opal hugs Lilli, Cris looks on it jealous. Lilli assures Cris Opal loves her too… group hug, but Cris not buying it at all.

At B house, Adri is talking to Tomasina. Tomasina wants to know why she not only hides from Anyballs but even from Niki. Adri will not explain. She says you know I am strange, I am sort of a hermit (I would interpret as enclosed in her shell, slow to open up to others). Yeah, a hermit. She sometimes does not feel like seeing anyone. And at clinic, Niki behaved a bit aggressive at her and they did not part very friendly.

Adri gets real happy to hear Vicky is taking piano lessons again. Mom used to teach her, and she loved it. When mom died, Vicky stopped playing.

Adri runs to the piano room and is shocked to see Paula there (she knows who Paula is but Vicky does not.) Vicky introduces her to Paula the piano teacher. After Angel gives Adri a look of ‘keep it to yourself’ and another moment of reflection, Adri follows the lead and fakes not knowing Paula.

Paula also follows the script. Adri also tells Paula that Vicky had not played since their mother died. Adri and Vicky walk away to next room. Vicky tells Adri dad is home, maybe now you can change your attitude and get something out of him. Think about it. Adri agrees to think about it, leaves.

Adri asks Angel to explain all this farce… you don’t deserve my sister’s trust. IF you were loyal to my sister, you would tell her that teacher is my dad’s lover! JA says that is not my truth to tell, that is family business and I am a simple employee. Besides, you also followed the script as if you did not know her. Adri says she has got to know Paula a bit, she is not as bad a woman she thought. JA says if you , her sister, won’t tell her, I won’t either, I am just her employee. For the same reason, not to see your sister suffer.

Adri says Vicky won’t like him holding a secret on her. JA again turns it on her, Vicky’s sister. Adri still miffed that they have to hide this truth from her sister. Adri reveals to JA that Paula made us suffer, destroyed my family. They were on a trip when my mother was dying. That is why my sister refused to meet his lover. Never wanted to even learn her name. I don’t like my dad very much, but I adore my sister. And right now she has a lot of issues on her plate. The betrayal of her husband, the illness of her daughter, and I cannot give her one more issue to add to her pain. Even if my dad widowed, Vicky always refused to meet his lover. JA says now she knows her, and has her here in her house. Adri will talk to Paula to never come back.

Tomasina comes to fetch JA, Anyballs wants to see him. Adri asks Tomasina why Anyballs wants JA, to buy his conscience? Tomasina admits suffering has hardened Adri, but questions Adri’s strategy of blaming her dad. Will you discover/learn anything that way? Adri says what do you suggest I do? To go on living burying my past? I can’t.

Niki, in car with Guzman, is wondering what gift Roy will bring her. Surely it will be mega-wow. Guzman is swallowing hard, looks away. (cute balloon in back of car, spelling ‘get well, Tatito!’) Niki turns to Guzman and tells him she does not care about him or believe anything from him. (his eyes are teary) who will even notice you? .. he responds: you, for example. … she responds ‘how sweet!...’ (this reminds me of the line used in ‘she’s all that’ movie with Freddie Prinze Jr, where the Cinderella character gets told ‘you didn’t think he would ask you to the prom, or did you? … you did! sweet’ by the villainess) .. Niki responds I only went with you to stop my boredom, the truth is you were only an entertainment… Guzman gets irritated and shouts to her ‘how nice you now have someone to entertain you so you will leave me alone!’ … She says he is sensitive, she thought last night when he was with his ‘wolf’ he would be in better moods… but I think it is all lies that you were with someone last night. … Guzman asks ‘then what was I doing last night, according to you?’… Niki says surely you were gambling, since you have my mom to loan you money if you lose and you sign an IOU to her…. Guzman says I will show you who I was with, a very interesting woman, not someone tasteless like you. (dials his own number on cell and fakes talking to ‘mi amor’, faking talking about the ‘great night last night, want to see you again asap’ kissing the phone, etc etc) .. it worked, Niki wants to know all about that ‘low-buki’ and what sewer drain he pulled her out of. Is she prettier than ‘rat-iana’ or ‘bol-ita’? (Lilli, Polita) … he suggests she worry about her fiancée Roy the Roll-ero (troublemaker) and his ‘big surprise’. And the FoyBoy arrives with the big surprise… Niki’s face almost implodes when she sees it is a digital weight scale (YIKES!! Guzman is shocked, I bet if the car seats were not there he would have his hands around FoyRoy’s neck in a flash) Then Roy twists the knife saying it is not just a digital weight scale, ‘flaquita’, it is the cutting edge in digital technology, imported from Germany. But be careful with it, don’t break it.

Poor Guzman can only close his eyes and nod in disbelief.

FoyRoy asks for his ‘kiss’ expression of thanks. Niki is totally quiet, almost shivering. FoyRoy has to lean on her, and since she pulls away, he asks ‘what’s the matter, (did he say ‘gordi’?), didn’t you like the present?’

(this has really turned Guzman’s irritation up a notch and he stops looking via the mirror to turn his head to give FoyRoy a killer stare. But Niki decides to stop the activity level in the car from turning violent, saying a faked, ‘yes, I loved it’. And asking Guzman to turn the car on and take them home.

Guzman won’t drop the stare to FoyRoy that easily so she has to repeat the order giving him a stare of her own. FoyRoy is not done, he needs a confirmation from her that the present was ‘incredible’. She confirms. (INCREDIBLE IT IS, but not in the way he thinks. how moron can he be??)

At the B house, Adri packs away the gun and ammo in closet.

Angel arrives to see Anyballs, asks Anyballs not to compromise him to be in middle between him, Paula and Vicky. Vicky does not know Paula the lover is the piano teacher. Anyballs surprised Vicky is now also taking piano lessons with Paula. Anyballs tells Angel not to come to give him advise. Angel pleads to him not to involve him in his(Anyballs’) business anymore. Adri arrives. She asks to speak to Anyballs. She asks Anyballs take his sunglasses off, she wants to look him in the eyes. Anyballs not pleased.

Jean Marie is talking to Odiosa (competitor of Vicky’s business)… she learns Anyballs left the hospital and is here, even though he can’t drink cognac or smoke cigars again. Odiosa thanks him for the info and reminds him they should get together soon.

Polita barks at Jean Marie when he hangs up, should not talk to that vieja. Jean Marie is playing with the dog Balzac. JM comments, if she (Odiosa) knew she is my future mom in law? (LOL!!) Polita and JM alternate holding Balzac. In comes Angel and he seems to know how to hold Balzac better, like a baby. Says Balzac needs fresh air, trees, etc.

Polita alerts Angel that Cris just came in. Angel asks Cris what she is doing there. They have to talk. Polita and JM comment on Angel’s attitude with Cris.

Back to Anyballs room. He tells Adri he had no idea Paula was Niki’s piano teacher. Adri asks him to tell Paula never to come again. If Vicky finds out who she is she will never forgive him. Adri wants to leave, Anyballs grabs her back and swears he is doing everything he can to find that doctor to find out what happened to his granddaughter. Adri does not believe his sudden interest in finding the granddaughter. Anyballs just wants to end the nightmare. He is ill. It makes no sense for them to be fighting, Anyballs seems to put on a fake play that he does care. he wants to convince her he is on her side and that he understands her pain. After all, he is still her father. Adri says ‘a father whom I cannot trust... Are you really on my side? If that is true tell me what you did with my daughter! (leans on bed to get closer to him)Tell me, Anyballs!! Tell me!! (she does call him by his name, not as ‘dad’. Anyballs seems to hold his chest as if having a ‘BIG ONE’)

Anyballs pleads to Adri to calm down. He says he is in no condition to argue. Takes a pill. I promise you that I will do everything I can for that doctor to tell us the truth, I need to recover my granddaughter and above all, recover you. I need your love again. (Adri now buys into his pain) she says she won’t bother him with her problems anymore. Right now all that matters is for him to get better and be calm. (he thanks her, she kisses his forehead and leaves, then she changes facial expression to a frown as she is out of his sight (did she really buy his script?) and once she leaves he relaxes and smirks a smile of pride in himself (he thinks he has her in the bag for sure.)

(These two definitely showed the apple does not fall far from the tree in this scene. Who is putting on a script for whom?)

Downstairs, the piano lesson continues. Paula tells Vicky she is doing real good. Vicky says she has not practiced in a long time, she feels like she honors her mother when she plays (Paula dies not swallow this very easy). When she plays, she feels closer to her mother. She was going to stop playing at all too, thinking about when her mother dedicated herself to her dad… to think she gave it all for a man who abandoned her for another woman… every time I think about it I am more convinced my father was very selfish. He lived how he wanted with that woman! And you have no idea all that my mother suffered! Even the day she died, my father was with that woman!! Yes, Paula, like I am telling you, my mom was dying while my dad was having fun with his lover!.. Paula tries to ease it saying maybe circumstances are not as we think they were. Vicky won’t bulge. No, Paula. He could have avoided it, returned and buried my mother as he should. But that soulless woman kept him at her side. I was mad at my father for years. With time I started to forgive him. But not Adriana. Because she is more resentful. In that she is more like your son, Paula. Paula keeps hoping one day Francisco will think about it again and come close to her again.

In come Niki and FoyRoy. Guzman does not have a happy camper face. Niki loves that Vicky and Paula are becoming friends. She asks Guzman to confirm. He just replies ‘do you need me?’ . No, not for now. Roy and Niki go to take the presents to Anyballs. Guzman asks Vicky to let him talk to her later. Paula asks Vicky to let her go talk to Francisco. Vicky says go ahead. Then she talks to herself ‘poor woman’.

Pau finds Francisco in kitchen and has to insist that he stay and talk to her. Polita hears when Paula refers to Francisco as ‘hijo’ and is shocked.  Tomasina summons Polita and JM out of kitchen to leave Guzman and Paula alone.

G: Don’t call me son again. You lost that right!

P: Fran, even if you don’t want to, look at me!! I exist!! I am your mother! We can’t keep on going like this, please! I am not asking anything!

G: You ask too much! I told you I don’t want to see you again!

P: Please, Francisco, lets talk.

G: We have nothing to talk about! Please understand that once and for all!

P: Please, Francisco! forget the past. Come visit me tonight.

G: I said no!
(Angel and Cris come in the kitchen where Paula and Fran are but Angel notices that a heated argument is going on so he immediately drags a reluctant Cris back out of the kitchen to the service suite)

P: Please, today, tomorrow, whenever you want! MY house will have open doors for you always.

G: The house your lover got for you?

P: Please, Francisco.

G: I don’t know how come so much love for me all of a sudden. But it is too late. Many years went by when you did not care what happened to me.

P: You are wrong, son. There was not one day I did not think about you. I know what I did was wrong and I am sorry for it. But I had to run away from so many problems, from the bad life I led with your father. I could not take it anymore… and made the wrong choice.

G: Well, now you suffer the consequences. He had such pain and resentment about your leaving, that I could not stand living in the same place so I went far away. To another country. Your leaving us is what has hurt me most in life and I cannot forget it. Don’t ask me for something I cannot do.

P: But, son…

(She walks away upset, he is alone in kitchen, cries hard himself too… hey, he is human! And this along with Niki’s mocking him is a bit much for anyone)

Angel is barking at Cris in his room about having left Liliana alone. Cris says Liliana is grown up, almost 18 (wow, good smart point on Cris, for a change)

Angel barks that Cris didn’t even let him know she was leaving. Then she takes Paula to give piano lessons to Niki and Vicky. How will I tell Ms Vicky ‘look, it turns out that your piano teacher is your dad’s lover’. And when Francisco finds out, the least he will have to do is quit his job!! Look at all the trouble you caused!! … Cris is tired of him yelling at her and criticizing her. Our relationship is wearing out day by day. What is going on between us??

Angel says maybe having left their hometown behind has changed their lives. Cris says that has nothing to do with it. It is us. We are not the same. Angel says maybe it was a mistake that you convinced me to take this job. Maybe the solution is that I quit. Cris says it is not the solution. You have a job and I do too. For first time I am getting a salary. Angel says what he does not like is that she work for someone he does not trust at all. Cris says not everything at capital is bad. Even Lilli is working and loves it and is near you. Angel would want… Cris interrupts and says ‘the same as I, I love you JA, you are my whole life. I know I screwed up with the Paula issue, but I promise I won’t screw up that badly again. I promise. She tries to kiss him but he detours at last moment and kisses her forehead and holds her head in an embrace instead (thanks Carlos for the correction, missed that).


Guzman walks into another Nikki/FoyRoy embrace, then later in kitchen he has a bit of a face-off with FoyRoy (what is your problem with me? / ALL)

Also, Cris kisses JA in front of Vicky, but later JA tells Vicky ‘things between Cris and I will never be the same again…’ Vicky asks ‘is it because of that woman you told me about?’ .. ‘ yes, it is about that woman.’



BoyToyRoyera's crass gift for Nikki was unbelievable.



You are so right it was inappropriate and why didn't Nikki tell him so? Still scared of herself I guess : )

Marta: So looking forward to your great recap as always : )

Oh, geez, I couldn't watch the episode and I'm impatient to know what Roy gave Nikki. I thought they were going out to get Tatito a gift and Guzmi told CoyJoyBoyRoy-ToyToyToy if Nikki needed a new scale to get it himself. Is that what he got her?


Yup. Digital. Made in Germany.

The best thing is Frankie's reaction. He looks like his head is going to explode.

(They did go out to get a gift for tatito but we don't know what they bought. We only got to see the Welcome Back Tatito balloon in the car.)

Oh I wept with Guzmancito. He's such a beautiful man crying.
Now how can Paula ever be forgiven by the B sisters now that it came out that they were out of the country travelling while the wife/mom was dying. How? and their goes Guzmancito's chance of having Nikki once the sisters find out he's the son of the mistress. Is the BoytoyRoy Actor related to FurryBrizz? They look related.

I need to watch the last 15 minutes. I turned it off after Roy brought Nikki the "surprise". That boy is just a jerk!! I'm so glad Guzmi was there. Now I hope he will say something to Vikki.

Oh wait, it's only episode #92.

Looking forward to it Marta!

Last night had a lot of emotionally charged conversations. At least now I know why JA wasn't quick to invite Opalina over to dinner-- she and Cris have their own drama.

I wish Paula would spend her time trying to be a good mother to Bea and grandmother to Guillo, instead of begging Guzman for forgiveness she doesn't deserve. Bea and Guillo could really use some extra love, pampering and support right now.

Marta, excellent title. Perfection.

And here I thought a vacuumn was the worst possible gift. Ever. Wrong again!

Yes, I thought Francisco was going to jump over the seat and beat Roy into a pulp. But sadly that did not occur. Drat.

Vivi, I did not understand a word of Opalina and Cris' discussion. So frustrating. It was obvious there was tension but what was said was lost in translation.


Diana- Here are the basics of the beef between Cris and Opalina:
1) JA was with Opalina when Cris went into early/difficult labor. Opalina's mother had died and JA travelled to be with her.
2) Opalina has always refused to read the shells for Cris, although she does it for Lili and JA all the time. Cris wonders/is freaked out that this means her future is bleak. (BINGO!)
3) Cris thinks Opalina doesn't like her. Opalina thinks Cris still holds a grudge about the whole JA not being present at Lili's birth thing.

Vivi, thank you so much!!! I so appreciate your taking the time to explain things to me that I often miss. Your post certainly explains things. Opalina's refusal to read the shells for Cris is certainly a dark foreshadowing.

The funeral dirge music playing during her scenes? Grim indeed.


Best part of last night.... BALZAC scene! So cute!!!

Oh, and about Balzac last night, the way he was being cradled by everyone (and we never saw him walk or pant), I began to wonder if they were holding a honest-to-goodness peluche de pug. A stand-in. Think about it. I rewound that scene and unless that dog is waaay laid back, Bubba-style, or drugged, that had to be a very good peluche. I've seen some that are quite convincing.

Ooh, I am with you all in hating that inappropriate gift from boy toy Roy to Nikki. I feel so bad for her! I thought Guzman was going to say something to Vikki, but then the rest of the epi was taken up by the convo between Guzman and Paula. I really hope he tells Vikki about the gift 1) because we need to see someone besides Guzman who is completely against boy toy Roy and 2) because there needs to be some damage control for Nikki after receiving a "gift" like that.

As for the drama between Anibal and Adriana- yea, you go on thinking that you are clever enough to get the upper hand old man. You ain't foolin' nobody!

Vivi in DC: thank you for explaining what was going on between Christina and Opalina. I can't watch this show with subtitles, so I don't always know what is going on. This was the main scene that have me trouble- glad to see I want the only one. Thanks again, :)

*that GAVE me trouble

*that I WASN'T the only one

Sheesh, you'd think I've never heard of proofreading, ha ha.

Balzac was adorable, many infants don't get much cradling and attention! Of course I was sighing loudest when he was in JA's arms. Lucky, lucky pooch. Sigh.

Toni, you aren't alone. It's hard to follow at times - (I don't have captions either).


I smiled at Aníbal last night. As Adriana stressed him he clutched his chest as though he were about to experience the Big One and the smugly smiled when she left. What a lovable old rascal.


I smiled at that moment too, Carlos, and I thought:


I can't believe how much pleasure I get out of seeing everyone, and JA in particular, cuddle that pooch like a baby. And I've never had a dog or any other pet! It just puts a big smile on my face-- but not a sinister/self satisfied smile like Anibal had after he thought he'd fooled Adri.

Balzac/Monet did walk off at one point after JM put him down and before Polita took her turn cradling him.

Marta: terrific first half. Favorite lines were: "Cris, who can’t keep her mouth even this time", and "where do we begin, Cris? Where do we begin? Can you handle the truth??... negative responses heard all around the patio)". For sure!

Your detailing was intriguing and complete. Thank you for capturing everything between Lili, Opalina and Cris.

"Lilli assures Cris Opal loves her too". Yes, but Lilli's words, NOT Opalina's. Methinks it is more of "she is not at ALL into you as a friend". Although in her defense, that's likely best if an ominous end is in Cris' future.

Your "Bea assures him she believes him and does not care what KenDrat says, which totally shocks Dances, probably the only time someone trusts him" made me reflect. After what appeared to be a minor hesitation (hmmm, beautiful, famous top model) Bea took the news well. I'm sure Bea believes in Santino. But, will it be enough to withstand Kendra's cruel and calculating machinations combined with duped Cris' erroneous, misguided opinion?

Adri wasn't forced at gun point (so to speak) to NOT reveal Paula's identity to Vicky. She faltered and tried to blame everything on JA. Glad he stood up to her. I believe Adri acted mostly to spare Vicky but think for just a moment, Adri did soften.

Can Francisco really take Roy seriously? I mean they aren't even on the same playing field. I could see him being jealous if Nikki had anything remotely resembling a real man but...

Carlos and NovelaMaven: Anibal's Fred Sanford imitation last night was even slyer than Red Foxx. The old coot.


Marta - Thanks for part 1. Appreciate all the vivid details.

Wondering if there will ever be a time when Opalina, Lili, and Adriana are all in the same place at the same time. Come to think of it, seems like Adriana would go back to Opalina just for a check-up.

From yesterday----
Aribeth---Great post about the telenovela encyclopedia.

The first novela I ever saw was "Clase 406". I found it by accident during a re-run---I missed maybe the first one fourth but recognized
four of RBD's six members, [I am a HUGE fan of RBD] and so I had to watch it. I immediately fell in love with it. "Clase 406" was a BIG success and because of that success, "Rebelde" soon followed. It was during Rebelde that RBD was formed and the rest is history. RBD
became known and loved worldwide.

Now Eleazar Gomez---You know that everyone's favorite Boy Toy Roy is in the teen novela Miss XV but you may not know that he is part of a Latin Pop group called EME15.
The next RBD? Maybe---Some good video clips/songs on youtube are "Wonderland" and "Solamente Tu"

What you may not know is in the late 90's Eleazar sang in a family
group called "Los Rollers Gomez." There are a few video clips of them on youtube---The one sister in the group you may know is Zorida. Zorida has been in several novelas--she was in "Rebelde."

Sara C---Pedero Damian's novelas "Clase 406" and "Rebelde" are available in dvd. If your class likes Eiza's earlier novela, they would love these.

Now on to the recap.
the gringo

Omg, I enjoyed your recap so much Marta.

Anita- I'm right there with you, Guzmancito is a beautiful crier, him being a beautiful man ever more so. *sigh*
I wish Nikki wouldn't of been so hurtful to him, she went way overboard with hurting Guzmancito's feelings.

I found it humorous how Guzmancito faked a call with a lover that doesn't exist and kissing the phone. BTW I wish I had that phone after he kissed it Lol.

I could just kick Roy Roller boy in the junk. Really?!
I did laugh out loud though as soon as Guzmancito learns what Roy Roller Boy bought Nikki. He looked like he was ready to tear him to shreds, cute how he became upset for Nikki even though she hurt his feelins. Guzmancito even looks at Nikki like, "Really, this is the guy you choose over me?" Lol

Team Nikki/Guzmancito


Thanks so much for this great part one. Couldn't beleive the boytoy bought Nikki a scale to replace the broken one. As Diana said worst present besides a vacuum cleaner, really!!! Don't blame Guzmi for giving Toy Roy the stink eye. boy toy is a real jackwagon!

I too loved the cradling of Balzac/Monet in the Angel's arms. It was so wonderful the way Jean Marie, Pollita and JA take care of that precious pooch. By the by EY has a dog in real life and also a cat!

What I focused on this epi was the threesome of Opalina, Lili and Cris. You can tell that Cris barely tolerates Opalina and she is jealous of the dynamic with Lili and Opalina. Opalina has a very expressive face and I have to say there was some interesting looks on Opalina's face. Do you get the feeling that that unfinished sentence when she said she l....loves the Angel like a brother, when she probably would have said she loves the Angel? That is the feeling I got with the unfinished sentence. That makes three women now, Ms Vikki, Cris, and Opalina that are in love with the Angel. Hmmmmm, interesting.

I am glad Santino told Betty the truth about Kendho and I think she will stick with what Santino said never mind what Kendho tries to pull.

Kendho was way over the top I must say. She can change those emotions of hers in a heart beat. I really hope Cris figures out what type of woman she is really working for, and isn't gulliable enough to beleive what ever Kendho tells her. I wish Cris would catch Kendho with the FF. Now that would be something!

Thank you Super Marta---
Did you guys notice the previews?
The Guzmancito plays rough with Nikki's Boy Toy---That should be interesting.
the gringo

I forgot to mention that Bea's new lover Salsero/Santino was a young teacher in "Clase 406" quite a bit younger and very handsome.
the gringo

Excellent, Marta...very nicely done.

I thought it was a bit strange that Vikki poured her soul out to Nikki's piano teacher. While Paula is not a real favorite here, you have to admit that she is a good listener. Maybe one of the reasons that Aníbal found her so attractive.

"They kiss and hug."

I thought not so much. Didn't he divert his lips from hers at the last moment, kissing her forehead instead?

Balzac (heh heh) seems to be having... well... a ball.


Marta - Great part 2. Thanks for all the dialogue. "Tell me, Anyballs!! Tell me!!" - lol

Yep, JA kissed Cris only on the forehead. My feeling was he knows their marriage is in deep ____, but she doesn't. To give Cris a little credit, she didn't know Paula was Guzman's mom, only Anibal's amante, when she recommended her for the job. Paula should quit and stop harassing her son.

There was a funny moment when the balloon bopped Guzman in the face and Nikki smirked at him. Maybe this wasn't scripted.

Carlos said:
"I thought it was a bit strange that Vikki poured her soul out to Nikki's piano teacher."

I did as well. There was also the scene where Bea let Liliana know leo raped her. I found that odd as well, considering how young Lili is supposed to be. Clearly people on this TN will just open up to whomever the writers have put in the room. Logic and sense mean nothing.

No off to read the recap.


Great work, Marta! A few faves:

--isn’t it always the ‘just this once, pleeeeaaasseee!’ line?

--can someone slap the heck out of this woman? Who would not be happy an ‘aunt’ loves your child this much?

-- I bet if the car seats were not there he would have his hands around FoyRoy’s neck in a flash (AMEN! I bet half of viewerville wanted to strangle that twerp.)

Again, Balzac stole the show.

Sebastián Rulli was in Clase 406, playing a teacher. Sherlyn was one of the students.

Yes, it would be great if Opalina, Arriaga and Lili accidentally ran into Adriana at her shop (JA and Lili to have Opa read the shells for Lili; and Adriana to try for more info about her daughter) - sparklers and fireworks would go off and the truth would be found!

Roy, as dirt-baggy as he is, was not being mean for mean's sake with his inappropriate gift to Nikki. He's a moron who places value on looks and image above everything, and since Nikki had broken her scale, in his eyes, he was being "awesome" by giving her exactly what (he thought) she wanted. He's just plain ignorant. Besides, he doesn't know about her bulimia, so he wasn't intentionally sabotaging Nikki. Still can't stand him, though.

Nikki becoming suddenly affectionate to Roy when thanking him for the gift was not so much trying to keep the violence down between him and Guzman as much as putting on an act for Guzman of how much she "loves" Roy. He (Guz) had just 'spoken' to his 'lady' so she (Nikki) wanted to get back at him by kissing up to Roy, pretending she loved his gift.

IMO, Guzman isn't jealous of Roy specifically. He's just hurt by Nikki's sudden change toward him. He's in love with her and doesn't want her to be with anyone else, but a little immature jerk like Roy wouldn't make him "jealous" per se.

I'm with those who hope Guzman doesn't forgive Paula, that she doesn't deserve it. For his own emotional health, though, he might have to. Maybe he can forgive her, but continue to distance himself (physically) from her. Forgiving someone doesn't mean you want to be around them. Forgive her and ignore her, there you go.

Cris had a worried look on her face after she went in for a kiss and Arriaga turned her head away and kissed her cheek and her forehead. If he is a one-woman man, he's already started being faithful to Vikki!


And Francisco Gattorno and Julio Camejo were also in Clase 406.

oh as I was rereading comments today I saw I put Anita, but I meant Vida2. Sorry was in a hurry when I wrote that.

Team Nikki/Guzmancito

Thanks for the wonderful recap Marta! Hope you had a good time out with the kids.

Carlos- I noticed the kiss deflection to Cris' forehead too, and immediately thought of Dan and Miriam over on Amor Bravio. Cris and Miriam could have a LONG talk about losing their husbands to the heroine.

"You are the wife of the man I… (Cris lifts her ears)… that I love as a brother. And the mother of this girl… that I love."

That pause by Opalina was interesting, indeed. Although I haven't picked up on any vibes that Opal feels more than brotherly love for JA.

Also, I seem to remember that Opal actually called Cris the woman who raised (criar) Lili-- not her mother. That was very telling.

ITA that Opalina's hessitating was very interesting and foretelling indeed...
thanks Vivi, i did not notice how Opalina referred to Cris as the woman who raised LIlli vs her mother.
I also totally agree that Guzman has more trouble dealing with Niki's attitude toward him than with FoyRoy himself. As we can see in Tonight's episode, Francisco would have no trouble at all 'dealing' with RoyToy...
I agree that Roy is just very ignorant and might have meant well giving Niki the scale... but he has his nose so high up his brains that he can't think of anything other than securing the inheritance of ANyballs... RoyToy should take some course that ANyballs teaches, somehow he seems like a very young student of the Anyballs school of values.

I like the option of Francisco forgiving Paula but not necessarily getting back to live with her or even seeing her that often. At least he will have his conscience more clear.
I do agree with Carlos that Paula does seem to be a good listener, but also seems to be the person who will investigate details behind your back and if it affects her at all, she won't hessitate to twist things in her favor. (as she did with the info about Adri's daughter)

Marta: I also thought I heard boy Roy call Nikki "gordi" in the car. I asked my friend at work who watches the show and is also fluent in Spanish, and we heard right. What a jerk!

Also, thank you for the recap. :)

marta - Thank you for the recap!

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