Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Amores Verdaderos #95 Tue 3/26/13 Inappropriate Liberties are Taken
Recap finished! Here are some preview screenshots.
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Ewww! No, just no. Don't let Roy the Boy get too cozy with you, Nikki! |
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BEHAVE, YOU TWO! He's a married man! |
Refried: Kendra-Ho tells the Furry Fornicator that she's expecting his bebe. He is not overjoyed. Victoria wanders into his office. Fortunately for the slutty couple they weren't doing anything incriminating. They make up some story about Kendra being there for business.
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Kendra breaking the news to the Furry Fornicator that she has a bun in the oven. |
Victoria spins some tale to Big Angel about writing a poem to hubby, because they're reconciling. Big Angel seems suspicious, due to the ambiguous, bittersweet content in the poem.
The New: Victoria's friends Doris and Jocelyn visit Vicki at work. They're chatting animatedly. Doris is thrilled that they may end up being related some day via the marriage of their kids (Nikki and Roy the Boy).
Roy the Boy is talking with his coach (or some tennis associate) about his plan for success. The coach (or whatever) points out some of Roy's shortcomings on the court. And he's lacking funds. But there's a tournament in the Estados Unidos that Roy the Boy wants to be in. Roy the Boy boasts that the source of big bucks will be in the form of a lovely 22-year-old heiress—Nikki! He's smug in his confidence. Douche.
Paula is giving lessons to Nikki. She's playing the scales on the piano. Awkward scene when Guzmancito comes in and looks icily at his mom. Then Anibal comes in and looks icily at his ex amante. They exchange pleasantries. After Guzman and Nikki leave the room, Anibal chews out Paula for being there. He gives her a hard time about the story of the third daughter. She has a challenge for him—he'll tell her his secrets, and she'll tell him hers!
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Nikki and her beloved grandpa. Oh if you only knew some of the douchebaggery he'd been up to, Nikki! |
Guzman Gambling Dad, Felipe, comes to visit our Little Gorilla, Guzmancito. He talks glowingly about his hopes at reconciliation with Paula. Guzmancito is shocked and horrified. It obviously shatters his whole world view, where he and his dad were united in their feeling of betrayal over Paula. It comes out that Paula works as Nikki's piano teacher. Felipe at first assumes that Guzmancito got her the job—hey, can Guzmancito get Felipe a job too? Guzmancito is mortified by that suggestion. Too many family members here, clearly!
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Back with Vikki schmoozing with friends Jocelyn and Doris. She tells about how her reconciliation with the Furry Fornicator is not to be. Doris and Jocelyn suggest going out for a fun night on the town, "just like old times!"
Salsa-Dude is hovering around Beatriz at her work station. She tells him that she has heard Kendra talk smack about him, but she told Kendra-Ho to back off, because she isn't listening to any gossip and won't allow anyone to poison what she has with Salsa-Dude. She assures Salsa-Dude that she trusts in him. He is thrilled. He tells her that he wears the engagement ring and she's helping him be a better man. She's hoping that she can get a divorce finalized in a few months. Leo hasn't shown up, but if he does he is not to have access to Guillo.
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Salsa-Dude tenses up when she talks about encountering Kendra-Ho. |
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She's putting all her trust in him. Just what he wants to hear! |
Nikki is talking with her dad about how awesomely top-notch Roy the Boy is. The Furry Fornicator is all in favor of this union, and talks about Roy the Boy's good family. Guzmancito is listening at the door. Nikki sees him and ramps up the effusive praise for the niño of her dreams, Roy. (She does call him niño!) She asks her dad how things are going with mom. Fantastic, he lies.
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She quickly sneaks a glance and sees the Little Ape overhearing their conversation. |
When the Furry Fornicator leaves, the Little Ape comes in. This provides Nikki with an opportunity to spend time with Guzmancito and to torment him. She says she's "bored" and wants someone to talk to, and he'll do. Is he her clown? he asks. No, he does make her laugh, though, she replies. She comments on his sour look. He says that he doesn't approve of how her dad is pushing her to marry Roy the Boy. This gives her a chance to praise Roy and try to twist the knife with how she's going to marry Roy the Boy, shalala, etc etc. She taunts him a little bit with this, assuring him she's not interested in him. "Why shouldn't you be interested in me?" he asks. When she denies her feelings, he does his Guzmancito Caveman thing and pulls her in for a hot kiss. She immediately responds (and keeps on enthusiastically responding) and of course this is when Roy the Boy wanders in and witnesses.
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Caught in the act! |
Does Roy the Boy run over and separate the two in hurt outrage? Does he look devastated and heartbroken? No. He looks like he's almost going to confront them and then walks away, with a scheming look on his face. "Now I see that the peon takes liberties with her!" he muses to himself.
In the kitchen, Polita, Jean Marie and Thomasina are chatting. There's something about an adorable dog (Balzac) but I don't think Thomasina is aware of Balzac, aka Monet, is being hidden by Polita and Jean Marie.
Roy the Boy wanders into the kitchen. Then Vicki with Big Angel. Roy the Boy makes it very clear that he'd marry Nikki ASAP. Vicki gets a cautious, concerned look on her face and advises that more time be taken. Roy the Boy says sure, if that's what they want.
Nikki and Guzmancito have finally broken away from each other. She explains away her response to his kisses by saying "well you're a good kisser" but adds that Roy the Boy is the perfect guy for her! "Yeah sure" Guzman says, because they're both spoiled and immature.
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She's exploring Guzmancito's tonsils with her tongue one minute, then declaring that Roy the Boy is her Prince Charming the next minute. We believe that, right? |
Nikki keeps repeating the tired old mantra of how Roy the Boy is so super mega awesome. She asks Guzmancito about his (imaginary) novia. He says she's great too. Nikki makes a snarky remark about the novia being poor like him? (Bruja!) He says that whatever she is, she's a grown woman and not a spoiled kid like Nikki! She tries to stick in the knife by telling him that she she's head over heels with Roy the Boy. Is Guzmancito's (imaginary) novia the same way? Guzmancito doesn't have the chance to answer because Roy the Boy is ushered back in. Nikki proceeds to fawn all over him and pretend to be attracted to him, just to stick it to a seething Guzmancito, who stalks off after a minute of watching these two together.
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Tormenting the Little Gorilla |
Back in the kitchen, Vicki tells Big Angel that she won't be needing his services that evening. They seem distant and chilly towards each other. Big Angel looks solemn and dejected as he wanders away.
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Not making eye contact. |
Bea is hanging out with her mom Paula. Bea is telling Paula that she loves Salsa-Dude and will be marrying him, and Paula has to accept that. Paula asks Bea if she would like to move in with her after the divorce is final. Bea seems delighted!
Bea leaves the room and Anibal calls up Paula. He's been thinking about it and he thinks they need to talk. His secrets are weighing on him. Besides, he has missed her in his life. She looks beyond thrilled. Anibal is giving off lying bastard vibes for this recapper. Be cautious, Paula, be cautious!
Vicki and Thomasina have scurried off to Vicki's room, and Vicki's planning on sneaking off for a PARTAY! with Doris and Jocelyn. She would like Thomasina to come with them! Thomasina backs off. That wouldn't work, as Vicki's friends wouldn't know what to think of her being there. No, their friendship is for the household only. Thomasina is after all, only her employee. Well Vicki thinks it's more than that. She insists that Thomasina is her best, best, totally best friend and she loves her more than Doris or Jocelyn. They hug.
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The Furry Fornicator visits his pregnant amante, Kendra-Ho. He bluntly says he wants a DNA test. She's astonished. She asks if he thinks she brought other men to her bed? Well, he sputters, our relationship wasn't exclusive, she could have . . . she slaps him resoundingly across the face and shoves him out the door.
Nikki is having a meal with Roy the Boy. There's more levity with the dog in the background, but it flies over the head of the Nikki and Roy. Guzmancito comes in and she asks him if he wants to go out to see his novia. Roy the Boy asks her why she is interested in that. She blows it off saying she doesn't care, in fact Guzmancito can take the day off. And she asks Roy the Boy to come up to her bedroom. (Said for effect in front of the Little Ape.) Guzmancito has his typical unamused face on during all of this.
Big Angel wanders down to the kitchen and wonders where Victoria is. Thomasina is evasive.
Vicki's at the Chippendale's place with Jocelyn and Doris. They have a seat right up against the podium where these hottie guys are barely dressed and gyrating around. Jocelyn is totally in her element and seems to be a regular customer because she is familiar with the dancers. Jocelyn is beyond delighted to be there. Doris seems to be having fun but is slightly mortified. Vicki is grinning and enjoying things but seems a bit embarrassed. A dancer takes particular interest of Vicki and keeps on trying to drag her onto the dancing podium. She keeps on saying "thanks but no" but he insists. He insists once too much because all of a sudden BIG ANGEL is right by her side, telling the hot dancer guy to leave the lady alone. Impactado look from Vicki.
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A tantalizing view of the club with our three ladies viewing the festivities.
Victoria and Big Angel are at the club away from Jocelyn and Doris. Vicki wants to know why Big Angel showed up. Ah yes, Thomasina ratted her out. "She did it because she was worried!" he explains. He seems shocked and scandalized that she'd be in such a place. He mocks the naked dancing guys. (Well they're not totally naked. . .) He just doesn't see her as the kind of woman to go to a place like this! She's married after all!
Vicki admits that her marriage is in the toilet. He asks her about that poem she wrote? "It was written to an imaginary man!" she insists. He's not really buying that one.
Adriana has visited Paula. Paula keeps her updated on any news. She hasn't learned anything yet about Adriana's baby, but she's going to see Anibal tomorrow and maybe something will surface then. There's someone knocking at the door. Who is it? she asks. It's Guzmancito! Paula is beside herself with hope at the thought. . .
Back to Vicki and Big Angel at the club. They bicker a little longer, then abruptly Big Angel asks Vicki to dance. "Dance?" she asks, surprised. "Yes, let's dance!"
As soon as they hit the dance floor, they are the only ones there. The camera shows them completely alone in the club, yet the sounds in the background tell us that there is just as much activity, noise and havoc as always. These two are in their own world; no one seems to exist but them.
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Even in a noisy crowd of club patrons, they only notice each other. |
They dance and get closer and closer. Never quite kissing on the lips but always on the verge of doing it. Finally Vicki asks Big Angel if he's feeling what she's feeling. Yes he says he is. Big Angel kisses her on the cheek but barely avoids her mouth. They continue to look into each other's eyes, caress each other's faces, and dance . . .
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In their own world. Don't succumb to temptation yet, Big Angel, you're still a married man! |
Avances: Kendra-Ho has the fakey 'incriminating' photo of Christina posing with the fashion show guy delivered to Big Angel. Will this be the final nail in the coffin of Big Angel's marriage? Must see TV!
Labels: Amores
And Jocelyn is still a hoot. She loved the chippendale show ao much. :)
I do not believe, for one minute, that Kendra is preñada.
I was screaming (inside my head) "Oh Noes!" when I saw Roy Rollero in Nikki's bed.
On the other hand, she has been such a brat lately, perhaps she needs to marry Roy-ero and get that out of her system and (hopefully) grow up.
Yep, Doris looked happy; Vikki, not so much. I don't think Vik is buying into Roy-ero's act.
Does anyone on the Patio really think Anibal is going to divulge his secrets to Paula? My money is on him saying, "You go first, Paula". And then we all know what'll happen next.
Uuummmm …. Felipe, how about you get your own job, yourself? What a loser.
For a moment there, I thought the strippers were going to sing the "Y.M.C.A." song.
I really thought Vikki used poor judgment in dancing in public like that with JA, leaning into him the whole time for a kiss. This could end up on the society pages of the local paper. Or Facebook. Or Twitter.
What a gem of a recap, and loved your title and the screencaps too!
I had to laugh when Jean Marie and Polita were talking about Balzac, lol, er Monet, and Tomi looked confused. At least he was mentioned this epi.
Hated Roller Boy and Nikki in her bed. I too was yelling, don't go there, I am hoping they actually don't do it. I don't think she can get pregnant just yet, cause her body is in no condition. Still, we all know what the Roller Boy is really after now. He doesn't care a fig for Nikki at all. Just the money, honey.
Smart FF I must say, demanding a DNA test. I had to laugh when Kendho asked the FF if he thought she was some kind of ho!!!! lol. With her reacting the way she did, I too wonder if she is really preggers.
I liked the Chippendale Club. I liked how the Angel came in and defended Ms Vikki and that dance was so smooth. Liked the music int he background too, Addicted To Love, by Robert Palmer. That was such a great fit for the scene. Wonder what is gonna happen now with these two? That cheekie smooch was really close to Ms Vikki's mouth. She wasn't pushing him off either.
I too wonder what Angel is going to do when he sees that picture of Cris with Andre.
Jocelyn is really a hoot. I was laughing so hard when she was smoozing all over the Angel. Doris I think is really nice. I don't think she is like the Roller Boy. I like the fact that Ms Vikki thinks Tomi is her bestie. Ms Vikki is not a snob at all.
Nikki blabbers about the "niño of her dreams, Roy. (She does call him niño!)" Yes, she does. Hah.
In that House of Interruptions and Eavesdropping -- isn't someone on deck to walk in on Nikki and the Rollero -- before anything happens?
So Doris has decided to keep her mouth shut and let the Boy do his thing. Well. I'm glad that Vikki knows who her true best friend is (Tomi); now it's time for her to learn who her true enemies are.
“Anibal is giving off lying bastard vibes for this recapper.”
"ALERT! ALERT! Push the Eject button, Nikki!”
JA and Vickie on the dance floor – mega *sigh.* Took my breath away. But, JA, be straight with Cris. I’m not hopping aboard the JA-Vickie train till you do.
It was funny when JA asked Vickie to dance and she asked "with you?" and he said something like "or you could dance with the stripper."
Liked when Vickie told Tomasina she is a closer friend to her than Doris and Jocelyn. It's a good thing – since Doris is keeping her mouth shut about her son going after Nikki for the money and I suspect (without proof) that Jocelyn has banged Nelson in the past.
Got to give Roy the Boy props. He's strategic, angling how to make the most hay out of Nikki’s bulimia and her thing with Guzman.
Nikki calling Roy the Roller Boy "nino" lol, that's because that's exactly what he is. Them in the bed together eh eh eh, I hope Nikki comes to her senses and gets out of the bed with that "nino".
I loved Guzmancito taking charge and kissing Nikki, its so obvious she knew that was coming, and by how long that kiss lasted she wanted it more than he did, so it seems.
I'm so happy that Beatriz is a strong enough woman to trust in Salsero. I just wish Nikki would have been the same way with Guzmancito, but where's the fun in that huh.
Arriaga and Victoria getting a bit cozy on that dance floor there. I hope they at least admit their feelings for each other. I would prefer they don't kiss just because Arriaga's character as at least a faithful husband fits him even though I'm not a fan of Cris (I'm sorry for those who like her, but she really annoys me and is too much of a gossiper).
My night was made with the Nikki/Guzmancito scene :)
Team Nikki/Guzmancito
I don't like the fact that Ms Vikki isn't telling Nikki the truth about her and the FF and I also don't like the fact that JA is flirting with being unfaithful, wooo boy, did I just say that? I want them to resolve their personal issues before the dive headfirst into anything, although I think they would be perfect together. Neice is right, that dance was to sigh for, sigh!
That Roller Boy may be a nino, but he sure is calculating. That is what I am afraid of with Nikki. I so hope she just doesn't marry the nino. It would be so tragic for her to marry him, just to spite Guzmi. Ms Vikki would so accept him as a son in law, and I know Ms Vikki would so not leave Nikki penniless. I also agree that Nikki should not be making major decisions right now.
Novela Maven:
The Nutcracker and Smirnoff, lol. I was rolling when I read that.
They used it in The Passion Pit, in Amorcito Corazon and now here. I don't know if they used it in Refugio, I know there was the threat of one there. It has become quite popular.
That promo is really far into the future, and I don't know why Univision decided to show that. Those promos are also very misleading, so we really don't know if this will really happen.
Also welcome to this TN. With these promos sometimes they are really fantasies or dreams sometimes or thoughts of characters. That is why we never put too much stock in them, especially when there have been similar promos before which ended up not to be the case : )
I doubt Nikki is going to let things go all the way with Roy-- if only because she would be aware that anyone could walk in anytime.
I'm going to give Doris the benefit of the doubt and assume that although she knows her husband would like a Roy-Nikki pairing for the money, she believes Roy is truly into Nikki. We haven't seen her interact with Roy yet, so we don't know. I think he's putting on the same loving boyfriend show with her as he does with Vicki-- and snickers with his dad behind her back.
I got a flashback to Refugio when Vicki and her amigas were in her office. It reminded me of Gala and her amigas-- one blonde, one dark haired.
I have been trying to figure out what message this tn is trying to send about infidelity. ???
"Infidelity happens, so just go with the flow!"
"Got the 20 year itch? Scratch it with a new love."
"A little short of "I'm in love with you," but very close." True!
Madelaine- Yes Roy is playing his role smooth, even though I agree about the "nino", I see very well that he is using his brain to his fullest extent just to marry Nikki for the money. His goal: No matter what happens, play the "perfect guy" so she can marry and he'll marries into the fortune. Eh makes me sick!
I'm just glad he saw Nikki and Guzmancito kissing, I was like "HA".
I too am glad ole Roller Boy saw Nikki kissing Guzmi. He should know that Nikki is no pushover.
Vivi: So agree with you about Doris. I too think she thinks the Roy the Roller boy is into Nikki. I don't think she has a clue. I had to lol about your comment about Gala and her two amigas. I sure miss Valentina the voice of reason, but I think Tomi is in that role here.
About the message of infidelity. They are both fighting it, or were. I think they are showing infidelity realistically here. I have no experience with infidelity, only from what I see in the TN's or American TV but what I really like here, is that so far, they haven't jumped right into bed. That is what usually happens and so far, nothing like that has happened. It has taken 95 epis to get them this far. I am withholding judgement until I see what else happens. I want them to resolve their marriage issues before they go off to the bedroom so to speak : )
Your welcome and come back and join us. This TN is a bit different from the normal ones and this is why I am so passionate about it : )
You bring up a very good point. Twenty percent in a company really isn't that much. And I don't know why Kendho doesn't know that Anibal holds the purse strings and noone else. Roy is the same way. He thought if Anibal died that Nikki would be the sole heir. Kendho and Roy haven't got a clue. I don't think that Nil-son brought very much or any money into this marriage, just his "good"name. He might have a good name but I think little else. I truly think that if Ms Vikki would iniate the divorce he would milk her for everything he could get out of her and Anibal.
Now that Balzac (heh heh) has lived with Jean Marie for awhile, I wonder if he'll have ambivalent feelings (much like José Ángel now has) about getting back with Steve?
I was surprised to see Josie and the Pussycat last night---I had almost forgotten about them. Josie was her real self--all wound up, hav'in a good time.
Not to much happened when Boy Toy saw the kiss, I guess he learned--
"don't attack the bodyguard."
No more time---will finish reading all of the comments tonight.
the gringo
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