Saturday, March 16, 2013

PEAM #5, 3/15/13: Just Another Day in the Junior-High Cafeteria

Over lunch, all of the other reindeer continue to make fun of Jesús. The 3 Stooges needle him about his sexual orientation, and he responds vehemently -- "No, no, gay!" Unfortunately there's an awkward pause and all anyone hears is the last part. Off goes the rumor mill.

Fernando comes along and announces that no one eats until the boss eats, so Jesús has to rabbit off to fetch his high-maintenance lunch. (It's a good thing there's not a rule about no one working until the boss works.) Making Don F. the perfect sandwich takes for-e-ver, Jesús is muy late, and on his way out he gets knocked into and drops the whole thing on the floor. Rather than wait for another order, he slaps it back together as best he can and dashes out.

Back at the office, the mean girls are giving Xochi a hard time about having a crush on the new guy. He's never going to give you a second look, they say...isn't it obvious? For a minute I'm afraid they're going to be mean to her, too, but they just tell her duh, he's gay. Why, he didn't even ogle Jessica, so that proves it! It can't possibly be that he just doesn't like stupid trashy obnoxious women. Alma overhears the "news" and looks disproportionately disappointed. Xochi whimpers.

As Jesús reassembles Fer's sandwich, he gets a good giggle at the memory of it on the floor. "Del piso...a su boca!" I'm surprised he doesn't spit in it. Maybe they're saving that for a later episode. When he takes it in, Fernando lies and says he gave Jesús a bigger bill for lunch than he actually did, and the difference will be deducted from his first paycheck.

Alma tells Jesús she's taking an important international call and wants no one, pero NO ONE, to interrupt her. Naturally the first person who tries is Rogelio, who acts like a tick and is insulting besides. Jesús is stalwart, the two square off (Rogue even throws off his jacket and rolls up his sleeves), but alas, no fistfight-square for the bingo-players -- they are interrupted by Alma, who smooths things over in her usual smooth way, the smoothie. Fer wants Jesús fired, but Rogue gives in to his sweetie and says the secretario can stay, but he's on trial for the first week. I'm sure the first week will seem like a year to all of us.

Xochi and Jesús have coffee and a little misfit-bonding in the cafeteria. He thanks her for being the only one who's nice to him. She clues him in about Rogue & Alma's noviazgo and says poor Alma's got no one in Monterrey except her fiancé and her BFF Pati. Talk about being between a rock and a hard place. Jesús doesn't look nearly as let down by Alma's supposed unavailability as she was by his, but then, he's got lots more problems -- that he knows about, anyway.

Oh, and somewhere along the line there's a madcap moment in which Alma needs a file that Rogue took to Acapulco, he says it's in his suitcase, she sends Jesús down to el parking to fetch it, and he brings back two bags -- one of Rogue's and one of Pati's. Rogue manages to intercept him and treat him like crap, then finds Pati and yells that it's her fault they almost got caught! At this point it's apparent to everyone but Rogue that Pati wants to get caught, but whatever. Rogue grins and asks himself why he's such an adrenaline-junkie. We ask ourselves that as well, and go on to ask why he doesn't take up some nice, life-threatening hobby like alligator-wrestling or skydiving.

As the day draws to a close, Jesús notices that all the employees are hitting the bricks at the stroke of five, but Almita is still in her office. He steps in and sweetly expresses concern about her working so hard. She tells him if she went home now, she'd have twice as much work tomorrow and four times as much the next day, illustrating why she needs a secretary with a math background. He hems and haws and shuffles and finally asks if he can get an advance on his salary to buy his daughter a present. The HR Troll has already left for the day, but Alma presses a personal loan on him. Their hands touch lingeringly.

Unfortunately, someone else is still in the office...Fernando calls Jesús in and gives him a huge pile of filing to do ASAP. He's gone through all the flower names and settled on "darling" ("encanto.") As Jesús weakly protests, he adds another pile, and then a third, which Alma will tell us makes four times as much. "What are you gonna do, darling?" he taunts. "Hit me with your purse?" Chucho's hands ball into fists, but we know he isn't going to land one, coz he's on probation, and anyway it's too soon. One of these days, the moon...

In other news:

- Fer finds out about the floor-sandwich.

- Valentina is harrassed at school for drawing a picture of her two Dads.

- Patilicious meets Jesús and gives him the once-over all Viewerville craves.

- Rogue meets with Fer and endorses Operation Make Chucho Miserable.


Somehow Alma manages to accidentally drop her drawers, Jesús sees her goodies, and Pati reports it all to Rogelio. ¡Caray! 


p.s. If anyone else wants to play Telenovela Bingo, the cards are here:

Rosemary la Otra & I already have 6 squares on card #8 -- but who's counting? ;}

Love the title! Now off to read the rest!

Your are just brilliant, Blue Lass. Gush. Gush. Such a funny recap. Fast paced, snappy and snarky. Where do I begin?

--"It can't possibly be that he just doesn't like stupid trashy obnoxious women."
--"... illustrating why she needs a secretary with a math background."
--"One of these days, the moon..."

I thought last night was much better than Thursday's episode. There's hope I guess.

Now that most of the action is taking place inside the office, I am starting to think that the ''cerro de la silla'' we see through the window is only a poster, and I might quit this TN. Since I don't like the plot so far and most of the characters annoy me, I might as well just read the recaps here, right?
Why bother?

Blue Lass, I just saw your comment on Thursday's thread about Alma talking to a Sr. Balvanera. I cracked up, too!

I wouldn't be surprised if Pancho López & crew show up for a visit...
Talk about crossovers...
Whoever is recapping AV check if The Balvaneras buy their cosmetics from the AVON lady, maybe one day they mention Miss Montemayor as the make up provider for the fashion shows, right?

Blue Lass, loved your recap with its "disproportionately disappointed Alma", "misfit bonding", and of course "to the moon." It made me laugh more than the episode.

For me this episode was better than the middle three episodes of the week but I still have this image stuck in my head of Fernando Colunga physically carrying and dragging all of the other actors and writers to the last episode. I found the whole lunch situation between Fernando and Jesús particularly tedious.

There were a couple of things I did like: 1.when Elías told Valentina that he is her "papá corazonlógico" (dad of her heart)--which he also did in an earlier episode this week --2. when Valentina included Jesús in her family portrait.

I am also watching an episode here and there of the rerun of "Soy tu dueña" and can't understand why FC would want to change that face! It is also interesting to see him in a drama. Now I can see why he has the fan base he does.


Blue: Thanks so much for this magnificent recap. I have missed them! My fav lines were:

Rog-Alligator wrestling and sky diving, don't we wish!
Patilcious meets Jesus and gives him the once over that all of Viewerville craves, lol.

I am so glad Chucho gave the Fern his sandwich after being dropped and the wine from other people's glasses, lol. Maybe Fern will get a bug or something!

Really liking Xochi. What a sweet woman she is. I like that they are forming a bond and she continues to help him.

Jessica so needs to get over herself and I wonder how Alma is reconciling herself to Chucho having a child. Hmmmm.

I was really hoping that Chucho would knock some sense into Fern or Rog but he really can't. Hopefully, he can get more petty revenge on the two of them along the way.

Pati and Rog are so funny, it will be fun to see if they are ever caught.

Pablo: You have to give a TN a couple of weeks to get the flow of it. The first week is really nothing to go by. All the characters are being introduced and it takes at least two weeks or so to get the rythmn so to speak : )

Pablo: I recap for AV and so far no mention of Alma. It would be a first if they did a crossover though. I'll keep an eye out and see if they do it. Their product placements are mainly P&G, ya know Oil of Olay : )

OK. I'll give it one more week, but only because you ask me... LOL!

Hahaha! Really? For the record, it's official: Oil of Olay doesn't work!! Don't tell me is Erika Buenfil who is using it! That would be false advertising! Like Polita advertising weight loss pills or diets!!

This is all too slapstick without the slaps or the sticks. Blue Lass, you have done it credit it doesn't deserve, so I thank you for a terrific recap.

I don't think I can take too much more of what they consider comedy (picking the sandwich off the floor and using left-over wine), but I'd hate to miss out on the recaps and comments. Now *there* is hilarity.

So, I'll take my medicine and for the recappers' sakes, I'll stick with it for another couple of weeks.

Jarifa--BTW--It was for Soy Tu Duena, that FC unveiled his new face. It took as awhile to get used to it. Go back and watch some clips from Alborada, Amor Real, Pasion, and even MEPS for the *real* FC (our TBLMOE and now the Planet).

Blue Lass -- thanks for the very entertaining recap. laughed more reading it than I did watching the episode.

Oh, and just for clarification of the whole suitcase thing: Alma asked Jesus for the packet of info Rogelio took with him for his business trip to Acapulco. Jesus went over to Susanah - knocked on her desk and asked her where the packet was - she called by phone com to Rogelio who said it was in his suitcase in the trunk of his car. Jesus went back to Alma and told her where it was; she gave him a spare set of keys to the car. Later - Pati called up to Roge and told him Jesus just took off upstairs with both suitcases. Roge - in a panic - caught Jesus in Alma's office with the suitcases. He quickly pulled out of the front pocket the packet and hauled both cases back downstairs without Alma seeing him (or the cases).

Did everyone see the bulldog photos around Rogelio's office? Obvious 'tip of the hat' to Copito in the original 'El Secretario'.

Anita, thanks for the info! I will certainly take a look back at clips from the telenovelas your recommended.


Jarifa- I love the "papá corazonlógico" too!

If I decide to keep up with this show it will be for the Elias/Valentina/Chucho dynamic, Xochi, and the comments here at Caray. This place makes mediocre TNs tolerable.

I hope that child doesn't appear too often; I really prefer novelas that don't have them. Her voice annoys me.

Having said that her classmates are more mature than her father's co-workers.

I hate the nickname "Chucho."

Blue Lass...You have a knack for packing a lot of descriptive juice into just a few words:

"rabbit off"
"acts like a tick"
"a little misfit-bonding"

So much info and color and so economical. Kudos to you, lady.

This episode was somewhat more tolerable. Hate the Fernando bullying but am thoroughly enjoying the nefarious Pati, don't know why. My favorite line was "Thank God I have my parents' inheritance so I don't have to work!" I'd say she's working verrry hard to land Rogelio and certainly going for some world record in how many times they can rumple the sheets and hit criterion behavior. I'm exhausted just watching 'em!

Blue Lass, Thank you so much for tying up our first week on this dubious "comedy". I will channel Sara and Jarifa with my enjoyment of your great lines from Reindeer to Patilicious meets Jesus and more. With all of us so disappointed with the quality of this drivel so far, it seems we have a lot of our favorite CC community chiming in with some chilling but hilarious snark.

I don't know what people mean about FC's face, it looks kissable to me but what really sends me are the close-up shots of his luminous and deep eyes. ohh my...

CherylNewMex-I went and looked at some stills from the mentioned TNs and I can't see a difference. Oh, except for the fact that with facial hair Fernando is absolutely divine. Seriously.Sinfully.Divine.

Well played, Blue Lass! If I squint at the screen, I can imagine we are all in Fresno. (We could use some avocados though.)

Maybe this has come up -- I haven't really been here before :( -- but earlier in the week, Carmen Salinas encouraged the vecindad gang to welcome Jesús, saying they were all "regios", after all. As you know, regio/regia is the word for a native of Monterrey (like "jarocha/o for a native of Veracruz, say). The point, you ask? Just an opportunity to introduce (or reintroduce) you to the funniest regia I know:

She could give Nicole Brizz some pointers. And that's saying something. Neta.

Loved that link Novela Maven. Reminds me of the old Marie Claire jokes like when the beggar stops her and tells her he hasn't eaten in three days and she replies, "My dear man, you must force yourself!"
Evidently they have just as many "fresas" in France as they do in Mexico.

The bullying is way too much for me, I might have to give this one a miss.

Thank you, Blue Lass! I started giggling at the title, really cracked up by "reindeer", and didn't stop.

I am liking Alma a lot better after all that yelling at Fernando. I'm thinking one of these days Chucho can put his math skills to work and reduce her taskload, once she gets him out of Fernando's high-maintenance idiotic clutches.

I think Patimelt might have some sort of hormonal disorder. She's insatiably lusty and seems so het up all the time she's a bit sweaty even. Plus she hasn't seemed to notice that Rogue doesn't even like her much.

Julia you are such a whiz at names! Patimelt-- love it!

Re FC-- I guess a lot of you just don't want him to look older. I'd love some eye crinkles, forhead lines, smile crinkles. He *is* 47, after all.

Don't get me wrong, I still love and admire his professionalism and acting skills. I'll watch anything he's in (for awhile, anyway, hehe) and would choose him over any other galan to hold me in his arms and whisper sweet nothings to me.


Marie Claire jokes? Oh, wow! I always learn something wonderful from you.

[Wish you were over in True Love. Now THAT ONE is funny.]

Blue Lass -- I forgot to say before:
Thank you for spelling out the name of the novela in your header. I always have trouble with alphabet soup titles. [You get old. It happens.]

Add me to the list of quitters. I said I'd give it a week, and Friday's cap sealed the deal. I'll stick around for the recaps (great job, Blue Lass!), and probably watch once a week, but I won't invest more time than that.

What decided it for me is that there are too many bad guys and not enough good guys.
All the sctys except Xo are rotten.
All the three stooges are rotten.
The Galan and Sweet Young Thing are good, but all the other principal characters are rotten (Rogue, Patti, Fer, Vero).
Elias and Chata are good but peripheral and powerless.

The main couple MUST be good souls - it's a TN rule. Other than them, if we skip the peripheral ones, there's only one other good guy - Xo. Everyone else is rotten. That wears me out.


Thank you, Blue Lass. I will add myself to those who enjoyed the recap more than the show itself. It was very cleverly written. I was thinking myself the cafeteria scene was like high school (hence the shudder), but you're right, it was more like junior high. I think the nickname Rogue is perfect, as is Julie's Patimelt. And thank you for the link to the bingo cards! I've been wondering if they literally exist.

I loved Por Ella Soy Eva so much there was little desire to poke fun at anything, so I'm thinking maybe I've missed a Caray rite of passage. This may be the place to get my wings. I still like Jesus, although I felt overwhelmed by how hard everyone is on him. I don't hate Alma, and I'm working overtime to like her. But I want to hit both Fernando and Rogue with a frying pan. I don't know anyone that immature. You guys stress giving a TN a couple of weeks for it to get its pace so I'll do that. Otherwise I may throw over TBLMOTP for Jorge Salinas in a few weeks. I know. Heresy.

Bill, if this be heresy, let us make the most of it. Even though I coined the term TBLMOE... hay limites. Look for me amid the mariachis.

It occurs to me as it must have to you that a lot of the abusive, not at all funny humor about mistreating employees and making fun of gays could be avoided if the office with two important high powered executives did not try to share an executive secretary. How stupid and unlikely is this anyway. The real Avon should be well ashamed of this script. The daily haranging of employees is disgusting. I wonder if the real Avon is even aware of how offensive these practices are in the US and really aren't they also offensive and stupid to Mexican viewers?

I too do not like that they mess with that beautiful fact. In STuD they wanted he & Lucero to appear younger.
FC was way too thin & the botox was not good. Lucero looks fantastic. I would like to know her plastic surgeon. The boob job looks very natural.

FC's padre is very handsome, so let that man age naturally!

So far this is silly, but have hopes it will improve. It certainly has to be better than Amores Verdaderos.

beautiful face, not fact

Thanks for the kind words, everyone! I took some more cold medicine and went back to bed, but I'm having another window of lucidity, so I thought I'd drop in...

Paula, I agree that there are just too many bad guys. Surely our Jesús will win them over one by one -- but I hope it starts soon.

UA, the only child actor I've really liked has been Tuqueque in Amorcito (Violeta Isfel's real-life son), but so far Val hasn't made me want to mute the sound.

Thanks for the Cindy link, NM! I love her!

Bill, hope you'll join us for Bingo. Everyone wins, really.

For those who are ready to bail, I sympathize -- but you might want to hold off for another week. I remember the first two weeks of Abismo were torture -- it was basically an extended child-abuse narrative -- but once they sprinkled miracle-gro on the kids and grew them up to full-size, it really got interesting, and it turned out to be a pretty good TN. Anyway, you've got to hang out *somewhere* while you're waiting for Jorge Salinas. :)

I'm actually enjoying this one. The slapstick comedy is a Mexican comedy staple, so I expected it.

I'm lovin' TBLMOE in a comic role, something I've never seen before. I thought it was hysterical when he did that del piso a su boca routine when he re-heated the sandwich. He said something also about bien calentita also, so I was very hopeful Fern would burn his mouth, but no.

Thanks for the terrific recap, Blue Lass and also for clarifying the no ... soy gay. I misunderstood, thinking he actually said he was gay to explain why he was taking a job perceived by the neanderthals to be a gay man's job.

I'm fairly patient with the awful bullying, especially because the later, repeated musical opening scene shows all the people in the office liking him. And Fernando's evil deeds sort of make me laugh because the guy is such a good comic actor.

I totally can't understand Rogelio. I guess the "adrenaline" comment kind of explained it. Is he supposed to really love Alma? Right now it's more like he's after her money and really goes for Pati. But probably they just want him to be a garden-variety horndog who wants his cake and eating it as well.

Rogelio seemed relieved when Alma came out and broke up the near-fight. Since Jesus had no idea who he was, he was literally and physically standing up to him and there was (IMO) a worried look on Rog's face right after he took off his jacket. I think for this reason he's going to be harder on Jesus, because he (Rogelio) KNOWS Jesus can easily handle him if he so chooses. Fear makes a coward lash out more and being the big boss gives him the only way of overpowering Jesus.

The secretaries' little "is he/isn't he gay" session that Alma overheard just proves how unprofessional SHE is. Where in the real corporate world (I know, this is a TN) would a high-powered executive overhear something like this and tolerate it? Also, a real executive would not allow a 'hostile environment' to develop, such as is happening with Fernando. This would leave the company open to too much litigation. Avon should be calling soon and straighten this out.

Terrible novela - they should move this to daytime or midnight, but great recaps. Dropping out and sticking to the recaps only.

Blue Lass add me to the list of your admirers. This recap was well funnier than the episode IMO. Again, it is so maddening to have such great actors and such a poor script. My one last hope is that if Chucho survives his week from hell the plot will start to become more focused and the JUST WRONG behavior of the bosses and employees will be minimal at best. I still have my weekend marathons of Amor B to keep my TN fix going. So want this one to get better since AB is in ultimates.


Oh Blue, you always make me laugh. Right from the beginning with your "all the other reindeer" to your ending "one of these days, the moon...", and in-between with your "disproportionately disappointed" (more about this later).

I haven't been able to chime in since Monday's recap, and I apologize if any of these have already been said:

Chatita - seems this character borrows heavily from Dori in Finding Nemo

Julia, et al. who have commented on Blanca Soto being a little too poised: Just add shoulder pads and she could be Crystal Carrington walking around the mansion with her skinny, top heavy, disproprortionate body. They're real, you say?

Ithabill and Jarifa - Not only have I seen Judith Light in the new Dallas, but Cate del Castillo (la ex-mujer de Aaron "Beltbuckle" Diaz") played a police officer this past week.

Emilia - it was me who asked about Aly and her beanie. She is darling and so BIG!

Elle - I'm with you on the bullying. It would be nice if being gay was a non-issue, but I do get how it could be used in this plotline. However, I do not understand the need for the heckling.

Blue? Who's counting with Bingo? We are! Hoot! Hoot! Undefeated champs! Is anyone else playing tho?


I think maybe that's why we always win, R la O. Coz we're the only ones playing. WORKS FOR ME.

Maybe if we didn't share a card, we'd have some competition.

Blue Lass thanks for rounding up the week. I have to keep reminding myself about the over the top nature of TN comedies and hope the bullying stops soon (so glad for the FF option).

ITA w/Julia's assessment of Patimelt. She would jump on anything male and thank goodness Alma was in the room when she met Jesus or she would have jumped him.

Excellent recap, Blue Lass. I love the nickname Rogue. It suits him well.
UA- I'm not a fan of children in telenovelas but I find Valentina adorable.
I hope that week 2 will be better than the premiere week.


Great recap Blue! Gracias.

I'm trying to give this one a few more days, but have to admit I've fallen asleep during the show the last two nights. That's not a good sign. There's only one other tn that bored me so much in the first weeks that I gave up on it- El Talisman- and even that had WAY more going on in the first episodes. But that tn also spawned recapping GOLD. Best recaps ever! Can this tn provide that level of snark-filled recaps?

Like Chucho, I am giving this tn one more week of "prueba", and then we'll see what happens.

Loved the scenes with Elias and Valentina. I need to see more of him. Actually, I want more scenes of Elias, Chucho and Valentina together-- minus Vero.

Hmmmmm...what do El Tal and this tn have in common? As if BS isn't a dull enough actress, they show a long close-up of her checking the computer plug outlet. I was FFing through it, and that shot was still long!

That being said...I do like the lightness of this show. It balances well with AB.

Thanks for this, Blue Lass. Great recap.

Like many here, I'm struggling to like this show. For one thing, it almost seems as though everyone is trying too hard and it seems frantic. So far some of the most relaxed and genuine scenes have been those between Rog and Pati.

Jesús seems awkward and ill at ease, which I suppose is intentional, but I'm just not able to picture how he is going to comfortably settle in...perhaps if a horse were involved or at the very least a cardigan smartly draped over his shoulders.

Thank goodness for Veronica. For me she is absolutely fascinating. She is beautiful but very uptight with unusual (sorry Judy) tastes. She was apparently once enough in love with a Chucho to make a baby with him... so how did she get from there to here?

I worry about this show. if not for FC it would have noontime written all over it and might yet.



Thanks, Blue Lass. I like only 2 things about this novela : Fernando Colunga and the guy playing Elias. I'll keep watching for them, but I'll dig out my Alborada and Amor Real dvds. My favorite novela was Alborada. I loved Fernandito as Don Luis.,,,sooo sexy sweet. The stuff of fantasies.

Carlos~~~I think that you're baiting me. We've had this conversation...NO shoulder-draping cardigans or I. am. out. of. here. I can tolerate the silliness...but no cardigans. However, the horse was a good idea, so let's hope for a horse. p.s. Alma seems to have the same expression on her face but I can't decide if it's sleepy, dopey, or bashful.

Blue lass, you are a classic. This sparkled and ditto on all the comments people have made about your clever lines.

My favorite scene was Pati leering at Jésus. She is fun to watch. Second favorite -- Elian & Valentina.

I always gravitate to these lighter shows and find most of the straight dramas too melodramatic -- except for Cuando Me Enamoro -- loved that one. So, I expect the over the top stereotypes and heavy handed set ups in the early going. On Dinero there was not a single likable character except the galan & his family. But all of the cardboard self obsessed characters turned out to be much more interesting and fun after we got to know them (Even Vickie, Vickie, Vickie) I'm just glad I missed the first few weeks of Una Familia con Suerte. Some of those characters were manic. I bet the setup was as horrific as this one.

The bullying is annoying but don't forget what a scene Jésus created when he first showed up. He didn't mean to but he dissed everybody -- acting as if he was too good for any of them because he is a licenciado of finances. Little by little he'll win them over.

Syracuse is currently wiping the floor with Louisville. Gotta go see if they can hold on to the lead this time.



susanlynn--Do you remember when you posted this about a new tn starting?

"One question : Are there any pirates in this one ? )))Susanlynn , the impatient"

Followed by this one:

"I get a real kick out of the adjectives used to describe these people. It reads like those interviews they used to do with the Playboy bunnies. 'This is Tiffany Schmidt. She loves kayaking , collecting bottles, and whistling. Her favorite color is tangerine. She has six cats and makes her own jelly. She is funloving, impulsive, and frisky.'"

(Hint- it was 6 years ago.)

Maybe pirates could take care of all the workplace harassment.

And we can switch Pattycakes for Tiffany and it would still be valid, I think.

BTW everybody who loved Refugio...I noticed that David Ostrosky is to appear later as a Licenciado Astudillo (Hey Vivi, what can you make of his name?)


Hmmm... astute and studious? Can we assume he'll be a good guy?

Elias and Rohellno are reasons enough for me to stick with long as he looks like Erick Elias, Rogue will still be a Rohellyes.

I also really enjoyed the scene of Chucho fixing up Fernandon't's lunch...pouring in leftover wine out of other people's glasses (Fern really gets wine with lunch?! I guess he doesn't work anyway), adding water from a vase, stirring it with the flower stems, reassembling the sandwich off the floor.

It is pretty convoluted that Alma and Fern would share a secretary. What do the other secretaries do? Susana is Rogue's secretary, but what about the other two?

Alma should NOT be putting up with that kind of vicious gossiping and childish behavior. As much as the whole staff seems to love her, it seems she could do something about it if she bothered.

Thank you Blue Lass for your totally fab recap! Very snappy and snarky. Loved it!

I started watching this novela when it first aired (last Fall) and stopped after about a dozen episodes or so. I enjoyed it a lot but to be honest I don't remember all the details of why I loved it. NO SPOILERS but I will try to explain why I think it's worth a shot. (Based on my dozen-episode viewing, anyway.)

It is silly, very, and I lowered my expectations (as I do with all TNs). The harassment and bullying were hard to take (especially from Fernando) but if I recall it wasn't as intolerable after a while. I found Jesus adorable as he suffered with all of this. I remember being worried that he was going to be a "wimp" and just take the abuse. I think we see in this episode (with his fists clenched at the end of the episode) that no, he is not a wimp, he's just holding back.

I like Alma (Blanca Soto) but then I liked her in Eva Luna and never watched much of El Talisman. I think the chemistry between Jesus and Alma is pretty good. But then I am very forgiving and have a damn good beanie.

Anyway, I enjoyed the episodes I previewed and will keep on watching. This is a departure for Fernando Colunga and I think he's adorable. Time will tell if the show continues down the path that I anticipated (after viewing the first episodes). But I encourage everyone to give it at least another week. And wear your beanies! Tighten them up good! :D

Another comment, regarding Que Bonito Amor. I started watching about a dozen of those episodes too.(I finally decided to take a break on both of these shows and just wait for them to come on Univision.)

I will be front and center watching that novela when it comes on (because it's Jorge Salinas! Come on!) but it took me about 10 or so episodes to get the "feel" of it and I will share my hopefully non-spoiler feelings now (whether you ask for it or not!). It's totally corny, it's old-fashioned, over-the-top melodramatic, it is very colorful and full of music and silly drama, and you really need a beanie but you just have to Don't analyze and nit-pick the flaws. That spoils the fun of it. I mean, look at the ads, we have Pablo Montero stroking a rooster while wearing an enormous sombrero! Lots of enormous sombreros in this one.

I personally wish Mr. Salinas had a different novela to do after his award-winning triumph in LQNPA, but this is what we got. After a while I decided it was fab for what it was (over the top) and I hope to enjoy the rest of it. Apparently it's got good ratings in Mexico (last I heard) so I hope that's a good sign.

Wow, Anita...6 years ago. Where did you get that quote from...the archives. My world was very different 6 years ago. I first found Melinama's site when I started watching Alborada about halfway through. When was that?...1995 ? When Pasion was promoed, I was EXCITED. I found a site to generate pirate names . That's how Sylvia became Captain Sharkbait. I was Mad Bess. Time flies.

Hey Anita, thanks for bringing back some of those marvelous Susanlynn quotes. Lady, you are always fun, whether your life is a telenovela or not.

And Carlos, love ya amigo, even when you're giving me a hard time about my "unusual" food tastes. Fiber, fiber, fiber makes me forgiving!

To everyone who is ready to bail on this one....

May I remind you that this is supposed to be a comedy. I've been watching the original since last fall on Telemundo in the morning. It is hilarious. There is slapstick, double talk and every character has a sense of comedic timing and a sense of humor. There is a definite night and day difference between the two productions. (El Secretario is the original version produced by Caracol TV, Colombia).

If you are hoping for this to be another drama or melodrama like FC has done for the past 10 years, you will be sadly disillusioned. Even FC has said in the past, he wants to do a comedy or something different. Well, this will be different for him. I'm sticking around and crossing my fingers that the humor and comedy will eventually come out.

Susanlynn and Carlos, in the original ES, there are no horses or cardigans or feathers.

Hasn't this been quite popular in Mexico giving Amores verdaderos a lot of competition?

Elvira- I am very conflicted about Que Bonito Amor. You know I love Jorge, but this is a Meh-jia production. The last one I saw (TdA) felt like torture after a while.

PS not that popular means quality (I'm looking at you, Twilight series and its spawn 50 Shades of Gray.)

According to my highly unscientific studies, this show will be tolerable based on the mid-trada. The song is cute and catchy. I tend to like the shows if I like the theme. Lol.

PPS Julia-- Fernandon't. Another good one.

I guess I've annoyed everyone enough now.

susanlynn --- here's an advance clue: if you stick with this, you will get to see FC at the beach.

Jody~~~Thanks for the heads up. The promise of FC in a speedo is enough for me to keep watching. JudyB~~~Amiga, we had some fun times back in those early days of caraycaray, verdad ? Also, I am right there with you at the table...fiber, yogurt, no red meat. I love me a big bowl of oatmeal and fruit. However, unlike Vegan Vero, I read the news and drink coffee and have an occaisional chocolate. I am trying to remember to buy a bottle of red wine. I just started taking probiotics. I need my strength for my supporting role in my own personal novela. IU mam not the star...just a supporting player. Luckily, my hero is still by my side.

Ha ha, Susanlynn, "my own personal novela" is the reason I can only watch comedies these days. Too much drama IRL.

Carlos, I think we will see a draped cardigan sooner or later, but I predict it will be on Rogue. He's the draped cardigan type. Tennis togs, too, I predict for him, and perhaps driving gloves.

Sara, I am going to drop in on the mariachi-doodle if only for the music. I've never seen a Mejía, I don't think. At the risk of starting an avalanche, why does everyone say "Mejía" with such visible (even in print) horror?

This comment has been removed by the author.

Blue Lass- I don't know about everyone else, but my one and only Meh-jia prodcution--TdA--often felt as if he was making it up as he went along. There didn't seem to be a plan. (In fact, I'm pretty sure there were several audience polls that determined some outcomes...) It was a circo with no purpose and we spent a lot of time wondering why certain things were happening...example: Max should have married Maria waaaay sooner than he did.

Despite it being so drawn out and pointless, I do hold a soft spot in my heart for it since it was the first one I recapped and I got to know a lot of Carayites. Novela Maven wrote a MUCH better ending for it.

I judge bad novelas by Fuego en la sangre, whether it's a step o several up. That one was extremely painful to finish even though the villains were great. Abrazame muy fuerte was awful also but I didn't watch but a little of it on DVD. And that one had my telenovio FC in it & I still couldn't watch. Mejia is king of the TN cliche.
The mariachi music & Jorge Salinas will interest me until it really gets bad.

Maybe the fact that it's a remake will ties his hands a little...? I'll give it a try, anyway. I love, love, love mariachi music. And who can say no to a rooster-huggin' man?

TdA was a remake and I don't think it stopped him from turning it into a circo. Lol. I will give it a week because I am also a sucker for mariachi, Arturo Peniche and Angelica Maria. And you gotta love a man who's kind to animals!

Oh which reminds me-- JudyB, how did you feel during those scenes where Chucho was admiring the ... whatever animals those were that were displayed in all their poor deceased glory in the shop window. Remember, when he was looking for work? It really upset me and I had to look away. It bothered my vegan soul (note: I am not a tight a** and don't force it on others like Vero)

Haven't all the Mejia tns covered on CarayCaray been remakes? Triunfo del Amor, Fuego en la Sangre, and Corazon Salvaje (2009).

And all of them have the same things in common-- Mejia throws every single tn cliché he can think of in; nothing is too over the top, dramatic, or cheesy for him; he inserts corny comedic scenes and characters into dramas; and his storylines meander and could really use tightening.

But, he manages to get the biggest stars, so that's always the draw to his tns.

Sounds like a bingo-player's paradise. :)

Oh it is, Blue Lass! If Mejía didn't exist, we'd have to invent him!


Ah Sara...I was nauseated. It looked like corpses hanging in the window.

Well it WAS corpses hanging in the window.

Guess that made Chucho hungry for meat but it didn't work for me!

I cut him some slack though because he was really really hungry. If I were starving, I'm sure I would eat anything, nausea or no.

And Susanlynn...yes, keep up your strength with the most nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables going. When our children are suffering it's like a knife in the heart. But you're wise and balanced and strong and I'm sure your daughters take after whoever is going through a tough time right now will survive and eventually thrive. And be blessed because you're there for her.

You crack me up, Blue with your GETTING PSYCHED! The only thing that bothers me is that QBA will be taking the 10 PM (EST) time slot. Waaaay past my bedtime. If I watch it I will have to record it and watch it when I can.

I expect that anyone who has seen "La Hija del Mariachi" will be sorely, pero muy requete disappointed in this remake.

Thankfully I have not seen the quality original and therefore will blissfully unaware of what I have missed.

Oh, JudyB--glad I wasn't alone. And I agree, if I were that hungry I would not be choosy either. Still, I was bothered by the corpses. *shudder*

I am much less offended by men salivating over roast goats than I am by men salivating over women AS IF they were roast goats. But who asked me, anyway?

Sara, I too will have to record QBA and watch it over breakfast the next day. Sounds like a nice eye-opener, though.

I am one of those ready to bail on this tn. Actually, I DID bail on it. I realize it's meant to be a comedy, but it's not funny. It might be funny if I were in junior high school. Might be. It's really beyond silly ... in my opinion (of course) it's actually stupid. Enjoyed the recaps, so have fun everybody. I'm gone from this ... no recaps for me, 'cause I don't even care what happens to who(m?) - and I LOVE FC!

Oh " men salivating over women AS IF they were roast goats." Well said, Blue Lass. That cold medication didn't blunt your wit. Maybe we could get you on the writing team.

Judy B. Congrates to Ohio State for winning their conference tourny.

Lets see where we all dance next week...


Judy, this group could write rings around the pros, as we've proven time and time again...our alternate endings RULE.

You know those old Looney Tunes where two guys would be stranded on an island and one would see the other as a big roast chicken with a talking head?

Well, that's how I am going to imagine all the females on this show from now on...except it will be roasted goat bodies.

You're a hoot Blue Lass! And yes, it is far more offensive to see the women being salivated over than to see an actual food product salivated over (gurgle belly sound effects included.)

Yes Lee, March Madness is beginning. I've been pacing the floor all weekend with the close games in the Big 10 Tourney...doubt if anyone expected us to win that, given where we were mid-season.

Your team, Güera's and mine are in, but sorry that Carlos' Baylor team and Mike and Emilia's Kentucky team are out this year.

We used to have a strong Minnesota fan on this blog, but we haven't heard anything from him in a couple of years...but they're in too. As well as Indiana, Michigan, Michigan State and Wisconsin, and Illinois.

Wishing you and Güera luck!


Daisynjay...sorry Purdue didn't make it. This just wasn't their year.

Hola amigos/amigas, If you are on right now you can check out YouTube to see Jane doing a live Google+ concert for St. Patrick's Day:

I think you can see it later but this is an opportunity to see our Melinama LIVE! Willa and I are listening/watching - well really Willa is listening with her eyes closed but join the fun.

Judy B. on an earlier blog,(back in Feb.) there was an Anonymous person here that was for any of the Philly big 5 teams. Temple was their alma mater, but they really wanted Villanova to get in....and they did.

ESPN is predicting Ohio St. to win it all...... They now have a buleye on their backs.

Let the games begin, and the good times roll.


Thanks, Blue. "Floor sandwich" - a nice turn of phrase.

(84 comments? Holy crap! Is this show popular or something? ;-)

My Utah Utes and Drake Bulldogs didn't even make it in. My family went to St. Louis for the Missouri Valley Tournament, and I guess that's going to be it for us. March Sadness.

I'm approaching this one by looking at the recap and then skipping to the parts that sound watchable, so I appreciate the recaps very much--thanks, Blue Lass! I ended up liking La Fea Mas Bella in the end, so I'm thinking I'll get used to the flat lighting and the sit-com style, but it's a huge change after the gorgeous lighting and semi-realistic interactions of Amor Bravio.

I must be very petty, because no one else has commented on Alma's necklace. It didn't work with either the asymmetrical neckline or with her bust. In every scene of hers I kept watching it hanging over to her left-hand side.

And I do agree with Krystal Carrington comparison someone has made--Alma has just that way of carrying herself.

They're definitely setting it up for someone from the office to see Jesus with Elias and assume that they're partners.

JudyB~~Thank you. Your kind, hopeful words mean a lot to me. From your lips [mind] to God's ear.

Thanks to all the recappers this week for letting me follow and keep up with this show as I have only had time to see parts of it here and there. 

I may try to make this the telenovela I follow once AB ends. Of course, the big draw is TBLMOE.  I too am having difficulty with SO MANY mean, cruel and unpleasant people in the show.  And, I don't want to see Jesus engage in any petty revenge no matter how deserved. As someone else mentioned, I want to see him win over most of them one by one by being the good guy. Any bad stuff that happens to the nasties, sillies, etc. should be crap they bring upon themselves as they stand smack dab in the center of that big 'ol fan breeze.

I liked when one of the secretaries greeted Rogelio on his return from his trip and Rog blew her off in English with his reply "Whatever".  LOL!  

"They're definitely setting it up for someone from the office to see Jesus with Elias and assume that they're partners."

That could be funny...but only for a little while. :-)

I kind of hope they get past the "gay is funny" kind of humor.

I guess it's because I have not seen a lot of the comedies I am willing to give it one more week.

Those of you who watched UFCS-- was there an instant "like" or did it need some time to become "good." I ask because I'm pretty sure PEAM is the same producer. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Sara, I came into UFCS about 2/3 of the way through and ended up loving it. I wasn't interested at first, but I kept catching the last 10 minutes or so while waiting for my *real* telenovela, and I got attached to some of the characters. It was my first comedy -- now I need the laughs.

Sara- Yes. Both Familia and PEAM were produced by the same person, Juan Osorio.

I just went back and read the comments on the first week of Familia. Although the audience was small (no FC to draw a big crowd), and the comedy silly, it showed much heart and many endearing qualities in the first week—Pancho was silly, but also very sweet and able to convey great emotion for his family and Fernanda (the older lady who changes his fortunes), and the villains were fun and showed endearing qualities. The biggest complaint was about not being able to understand Pancho, who just made up words all the time and spoke in that extreme sing-song tone. Here are some comments from the first week. So far, PEAM is not measuring up.

“I think Pepe has great charisma and is going to be part of the next generation of galans. Loved his smoking kiss. Loved how Fernanda could predict what Pancho was going to do. Mostly I love how many NICE people there are in this show and how even the villains are fun.”
“It's tons of fun and great fodder for good-natured snarkiness. It definitely reminds me of Juan Querendon.”
“I had hoped to pare down my watching as well, but I may end up getting hooked on this show too. So far it seems pretty funny!”
“I like the casting of Pancho. I don't know much about the actor and I don't think I've seen him in anything, but he is very engaging and approachable. Yep, great chemistry between him and Fernanda.”


Thanks, Vivi! That was really helpful, although discouraging.

I finally figured out why Avila's little stardust kick-turn maneuver isn't working -- it's because he's not Sergio Sendel. :(

Familia had a great draw, Abeja & Popeye. They were adorable dogs, Abeja, a wealthy Pomeranian and Popeye the mutt. Loved the way they pronounced Popeye. They were in love to the horror of Abeja's family, very funny the doggie interaction.

Speaking of Sergio Sendel, we haven't seen him since Familia. Is he working on anything? Love him.

Just thinking of Sergio Sendel petting and cuddling little Abeja can send me into a fit of giggles. He really threw himself into that role. So far, none of the PEAM villains have lived up to that level of funny evilness.

Maja to the PEAM rescue!

Thanks everyone. I am going to hold out hope since it's same producer. Both PEAM and UFCS are remakes, so maybe the problem with PEAM is the original (which I know nothing about.)

For my own sake I need to write a list of positives:

-Kika Edgar as Xochi.
-Valentina (sue me, I like the kid)
-catchy theme song
-FC is pretty.

Hmm ... Not a very long list. Lol

I'm counting Monterrey as a character, and I like her, too.

I like the little kid, too,Sara. Her face is very charming (perhaps because it reminds me of my granddaughter's)and I think she plays her part well.

I LOVE the theme's great for dancing.

Of course I adore Colunga, facial hair or no, but has anybody else noticed that his hands are like paws? really thick and stubby. Just makes him more lovable of course that he's not COMPLETELY perfect. 'Cause we sure aren't.

Sara, I liked Familia right away, or at least I was hooked on it by the end of the week. My enthusiasm waxed and waned as increasingly ridiculous storylines popped up but mostly got resolved quickly, but I never stopped liking it. (For the most part I liked the cast, and Sergio Sendel and Daniela Castro carried it through its less brilliant moments.)

I liked PEAM right away too, but I liked it less on Friday than I did on Monday, which is definitely a bad sign. I'm interested in the Vero/Elias/Valentina part of the story, but I'm not interested in the office antics AT ALL. That is going to have to get better fast.

As far as the humor - even though there was a lot of mean-spirited behavior in Familia, Pancho and his gang always managed to get the upper hand before long. I think what Jesus/Chucho needs is a sassy sister-in-law with a big mouth, and a scruffy little mutt to pee on Fernando's shoes.

Sara and Blue, your list of good characters (including Monterrey) is just about the same as mine.

Incidentally, I'm doing Bingo Card 5. Does the Avon office count as "obvious product placement," or should I hold out for something more specific? (I know it won't take long!) I'm not even sure if a gun was fired last week... I need to pay more attention!

Judy, I like big paw-hands, so I don't count that as an imperfection. I do think his face looks unnaturally smooth these days, though. I miss those fledgeling crow's feet he was sporting a couple of years ago.

I want to know if the Avon office is a product as well. No gun so far. (I would have noticed.)

Julie, I think you definitely have the squares for both Villain and Galán talking out loud to self. Not sure if FC said he would ¡¡jamás!! be a secre...

I am not counting the little choque with Ury as a full-fledged automobile accident, but I could be persuaded. :)

Familia went for over 260 episodes! Because it was so popular they extended the heck out of it, and it was STILL funny most days. Just think how much better it would have been with 100 episodes less. I can't see this one going for that long (heaven help us!); it could have potential if they keep it on the shorter side, like Eva, and bring a few more characters over to the good side quickly.

Blue Lass-I can see Monterrey as a character.

JudyB-I've noticed the same thing about FC and I find those paws endearing.

Julie-It is a little disheartening that I liked it on MOnday, but by Friday I was unsure. I am in the same boat: I like the Vero/Elias/Chucho story, but not the office stuff.

For some reason, though, I can't give up.

Hmm - I'd say the bike/limo collision counts as an accident. Just not a severe one.

And I believe Jesus did specifically say "JAMAS" when protesting his new job title. (Even if he didn't, it won't be long before someone else says it anyway!)

I'm pretty sure he said JAMAS.

Go for it. I'm counting the "automobile accident" on your say-so.

Hmmm..."endearing paws"...okay, I could get on board. I've always liked long tapering fingers but I could expand my preferences I'm sure! Fernando Colunga, are you listening honey? I'm on board!

That's what I find so endearing -- his hands just don't seem to "match" the rest of him. Really his hands would be unattractive on anyone else. I guess the little flaw make him more attractive to me.

Blue - to understand the magic of Mejia you'll just have to see for yourself. My first (of two) Mejias was Mundo de Fieras, featuring an evil twin. (With an eyepatch.) Why'd I watch that one from beginning to end? I liked the theme song. And I was too lazy to change the channel.

On the other hand, if I hadn't been recapping FELS I am pretty sure I could have gotten up the motivation to change the channel on that one. I agree with Variopinta - FELS is a good reference point for bad TNs.

In retrospect, I actually disliked STuD even more than FELS, but am not sure if I would necessarily say that it was worse. Perhaps it was just more annoying to me personally. It's frustrating when you see talented actors trying so hard to work with such a bad script. Nobody looked like they were having fun. Bad as FELS was, people seemed to be enjoying themselves in that one and not taking it so seriously.

An evil twin with an eyepatch? SIGN ME UP.

One more reason to get excited, Blue Lass-- el luchador Latin Lover will be Que Bonito Amor.

Oh yeah, no one rocks the shlock like Mejía. I keep hoping against hope that La Madrastra will be run again. Now *that* one set a benchmark for So Bad it's Good that no one has ever come close to -- not even El Tal (which only go the "So Bad" part of the story).

I had to be elsewhere this weekend and couldn't comment, so just now joining in.
Great recap, Blue Lass, just can't say I'm enthralled with this show. Too much cruelty and stupidity in proportion to the comedy, but maybe it improves?

Can't even enjoy my FC fix from the StuD reruns because it is an annoying TN, with the cooing cousin and whining auntie. Guess I'll kick the waves in the kiddie pool of PEAM until the deep waters of Jorge Salinas roll in.
La Paloma


God, I love the soup!

Giving this another week.

Flaco was in Mexico when this first started and said it wasn't very popular, then just recently we heard it was doing very well--so it may need a little time to get going.

Don't like office tyranny, so having a hard time with that.

Oh how original!!! A plot line regarding a misunderstanding about someone being gay!! Yawn.

Pati never stops moving. When her mouth isn't moving, and usually while it is, she's twitching, sashaying, touching her face and her hair. FF through her scenes with Rog.

Will probably end up just skimming this one and commit to the Jorge Salinas TN, though I swore I'd never watch another 10:00--makes my bed time too late. I'm going to have to watch the eps the next day on that one.


Maybe the reason why TN end up doing well in México is because all Televisa programs are forced to tell everybody that the TN is good. They carry the water to their own mill, so to speak...
A lie 10 times told come true and people start seeing ''the emperor's new clothes'' even when is actually naked...
I barely watch TN and when I do I do it very sporadically, but this time I wanted to see Monterrey, and I am afraid I won't see it much now that everything happens inside the office... :-(


Best YouTube link ever! Thanks!

The soup did a really good spoof on LFCS with Abeja Y Popeye but I haven't been able to find it.


Vivi: The original 'EL Secretario" has a total of 152 episodes. As of last check, PEAM in Mexico and El Secretario on Telemundo both have broadcasted about 114 episodes. In Mexico, PEAM is one hour episodes; on Telemundo, ES is half-hour episodes.


Ditto Susanlynn on no shoulder-draping cardigans, at least on FC. UGH. (I can picture Fernando wearing one, though.)

I'll also request no hysterical sobbing from FC. Remember MEPS? It sounded like the yelping of a kicked puppy.

Susanlynn, I wish you the best of luck - or better, if that's possible. Personal telenovelas are no fun.

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