Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Amores Verdaderos #110 Tue 4/16/13 Opalina Arrives; abandon all hope
PUT A FORK IN IT, IT IS DONE! Screencaps and updates are now up! Most of this was written from memory with a few gaps filled in later.
* Christina didn't die in the accident. We see a refry of her being hit by Espanto in the truck, then her in the ambulance.
* Lily, our Little Orchid, gets bad vibes which settle in her stomach. She even passes out. She feels so weird. Doesn't know why.
* Gilda/Hilda is talking with Paula. She's worried that both their gooses will be cooked if/when Anibal finds out what douchebaggery they've been up to (hiding Candelaria's letter, Chris's parentage, etc.) Paula is feeling guilty for everything and hopes to make it up to Chris. (Too late!)
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Paula seems to sincerely be worried about Chris. |
* Big Angel is back in his home town, feeling good and hopeful. He meets up with a friend, the local policeman/sheriff and tells him an abbreviated and tastefully edited (but still honest) account of what happened to him and his family. He, Chris and Lily got jobs, but his schedule only allowed him to see his family once a week, which put a strain on his marriage. He's looking forward to getting things back on track, will look for a job there and everything! He's in high spirits.
* Vicki is talking with Thomasina about Big Angel's departure. Vicki is determined that this is how it must be. We can't build our happiness on someone eles's pain, she vows. Adri comes in and Thomasina excuses herself. Adri wants to know what's up with the bodyguard suddenly leaving. Vicki just says he was a country boy who belongs in the country. Adri is concerned—does this mean that Lili will go too? She's bummed to hear that the answer is probably yes.
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No more access to Lili? Bummer! |
* Lily is getting all freaked out and worried about where her mom is. She visits Bea and tells her that her mom was supposed to be home hours ago, she's not answering her cell phone, and something is wrong! Bea says she'll get Salsa-Dude to help out.
* The evil bruja Kendra-Ho is informed by Espanto that he did the deed and Chris is dead dead dead! He's got a plan to dispose of the vehicle so it won't be traced. Kendra-Ho will only pay him when it's verified that Chris is dead.
* During all these expressions of worry, Opalina arrives with no warning. She looks like an Angel of Death wearing a white caftan. She looks on ominously at everyone.
* Big Angel calls and Opalina answers the phone. She tells Big Angel that "You need to get home; Lily needs you." She's just downright creepy like she knows something but isn't telling. (Which of course is true!) Big Angel knows Opalina and suspects that there's more to this and it can't be good. Try as he might, he can't pry more out of her. Only that he has to get back!
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He's alarmed that Opalina is there and that she's mysteriously telling him to get back. |
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But she won't go into specifics. Just return, pronto! |
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His borderline hysterics won't squeeze any more info out of her. |
* Jean Marie (looking very preppy and with no do-rag) is having a nice date with Estafano. They have been dating for a week. Estefano gives Jean Marie a gift. It's one half of a ying/yang charm. Jean Marie picks one half (I forget which one, is it yang?). This charm signifies a commitment between them. But Estefano's mom doesn't know about them yet. Estefano admits that his mom does not yet know of his "preferences" (English CCs say "doesn't know I'm gay").
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This happy couple brings us some relief from the drama and trauma that fills the rest of the episode. |
* Salsa-Dude quickly finds out that Chris is in the hospital and was hit by a car. He tells Vicki about it first. She is impactada. She urges him to do all he can to help, she offers help, and asks that Salsa-Dude keep her updated. He will.
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Salsa Dude delivers unexpected news to Vicki. |
* Salsa-Dude informs Lily, Bea, Paula (who has joined them) and Opalina about Chris. Cue the obligatory hysterics.
* Big Angel is getting a ride from his policeman friend (who is happy to rush him back via police vehicle). Big Angel calls home and now is told that Chris is hit by a car. Freak out.
* Roy the Boy is putting on the moves on Nikki in her bedroom. They were watching a boring old movie but Roy wants some action. She keeps on rebuffing him, saying she's not in the mood. He takes off his shirt (charmer that he is) and says come on, we're almost married already! Still no dice, the girl just isn't into him!
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Begging won't help you gain access to her underthings. That's because you're a repellant, arrogant little man-boy, dude. |
* Nikki opens the door to her room to see a Little Gorilla hovering right outside. Awkward! Roy the Boy tries to manhandle Nikki, and the Little Gorilla steps in and says "unhand her!" Roy the Boy gives some lip about how Nikki is soooo into him. Yeah, we all heard. Guzman only cares about Nikki's welfare and makes it clear that he won't stand by and watch Roy the Boy hurt her. Roy the Boy makes arrogant sounds that signify nothing.
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Guess who's been hovering outside her door, listening to everything? |
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The Little Ape won't stand by and watch Roy the Boy mistreat her. |
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Roy the Boy makes typical arrogant empty threats while the Little Ape gives him the stinkeye. |
* Nikki, alarmed by the whole conflict in her bedroom, seeks out her mom for advice. She is ambivalent about marriage. Vicki pounces on this opportunity to suggest that if Nikki is in the least bit hesitant, to maybe consider delaying the marriage. Marriage should be with someone you love. Vicki also brings up what the therapist has said about this. Nikki is still unsure about what to do. Vicki again reinforces the notion that it's okay to postpone and to not make any decisions if she's not yet ready.
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If you aren't sure about Roy the Boy, DON'T MARRY HIM! I'm sure Vicki wants to scream that, as does all of Viewerville! |
* The Little Gorilla is showing off his fabulous bod in the shower when Nikki walks in. She wants to talk to him. The Little Gorilla seems more peeved than anything. When he wraps himself in a towel, she lays it on the line. She wants him gone from the estate when she gets back from marrying Roy. She'll pay him off; she knows he owes her mom, she offers to pay off the debt. Guzman is dumbfounded. She even gives him a blank check and tells him to name his price. He says he can't be bought and tears up the check! He accuses her of still loving him. She denies it, but amazingly admits that he can't stick around because she (wait for it!) can't have sex with Roy the Boy while he's in the house! Impactado face from the Little Ape at that confession.
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Interrupting the well-built Little Ape while he's in the shower. |
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No my dear, you won't get rid of your hunkalicious piece of man candy that easily! |
* The Furry Fornicator has a hot time with the Ho. When he's gone she tells her bebe how she's going to get half of the Balvanera fortune, because now that Chris is gone, Vicki will be free to hook up with Big Angel and give the FF his freedom, thus allowing the Ho to snap him (and the fortune she presumes he'll gain) up!
* Vicki prays that Christina will recover. She prays that she will expunge the love she feels for Big Angel, just let Christina live!
* Everyone arrives at the hospital and are waiting around, on pins and needles, waiting to hear about Chris.
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Big Angel arrives (his policeman friend hovering in the background) as he's told that his wife is in surgery. |
* Candelaria is in town, she cheerfully calls Lily to say surprise! I'm here! Let me know where you guys are, I lost the direction but fortunately remembered your phone number. A choked up Lily has to tell her, just take a taxi to the hospital, because that's where we all are.
* Candelaria joins everyone at the hospital. They're all stressed out and hysterical. Salsa-Dude suspects the Ho is behind all of this douchebaggery.
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Salsa Dude updates Big Angel on what he knows of Christina (naturally leaving out the part about how he suspects the Kendra-Ho is behind it all). |
* Big Angel approaches Opalina and demands that she tell him what's the fate of Christina. Opalina can't/won't tell. That's all, he can't get anything else out of her. But she's still looking ominous and creepy.
* The surgeon comes out to inform everyone that Chris made it through the surgery but things are touch-and-go and she may not make it through the night.
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Everyone's in the hospital waiting room, hoping for news. |
* Candelaria approaches Paula and thanks her for being a friend to Chris and everyone. Paula is predictably drippy and confesses that she feels "guilty" for all of this. Candelaria asks "Why?" Paula drips out, "because ... because ..." and that is where we end the episode!
AVANCES: Chris looks like she's hanging on. Everyone's crying. Vicki is praying for Chris. Big Angel is hovering over Chris in her hospital bed and embracing her. They make it look bad . . . MUST SEE TV!!!!
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Avance from the next episode. |
Labels: Amores
Such a great recap, and from memory too : )
Ay yi yi, I wish the cops had pulled Espanto over. Too bad that there weren't any.
Poor Cris. I liked how they did the operation on her, for a TN it wasn't bad. Did the woman Doctor say the next 24 hours will tell if Cris makes it? I really hope Espanto doesn't end up at the hospital to do more douchebaggery. He's done enough.
Poor Angel and Lilli. She had those feelings again, and Opalina I think knows exactly what is going to happen. Did anyone notice she was reluctant to take Betty's hand and when she did, she have her the strangest look. Betty looked freaked out by her. Thank goodness, in a way, Opalina won't say anything.
I liked that Ms Vikki was praying. If she only knew she was praying for her sister.
Yay!!! Roy the Boy got shot down again. Yay!!!! Guzmi for refusing that check. And isn't it funny, every time Nikki is looking for Guzmi, he is naked and in the shower : ) And she continues to talk to him even though he tries to get her to go. Now Nikki should see he truly isn't after the money. He ripped that check up and tossed it at her. Also she can't have sex with Guzmi in the house, I had to lol. This should be a huge clue for her.
I really thought Pau would spill to Cande. I wonder if she will, Hmmm.
Poor Lily of the psychic stomach.
Opalina is psychic or what? Someone mentioned before she was a childhood friend of Jose Angel, but why does she think she knows that Christina and he won't be together? Does she think she and he will end up together? She's pretty creepy.
Many lines stood out: "Cue the obligatory hysterics" but your best were reserved for Roy Boy: "He takes off his shirt (charmer that he is)" and "Still no dice, the girl just isn't into him!". Yes!
Was Opalina's timely return due to intuition and/or a freakishly accurate snail reading? She did indeed look like the angel of death. When she held Bea's hand (and seemed hesitant to do so as you noted Madelaine), Opalina's stinging reaction revealed she "saw" something in Bea's present or future. Whatever she sensed, she did not appear to be happy about it...
It's ridiculous that Cris survived being tossed like a rag doll after being hit with such force. I suspect she and JA will have time for a deathbed reunion, for which I am happy. Hopefully, he will confess his love for her as there seems little doubt he intended to go back to Cris, their life together and leave Vicky behind forever.
Paula has done such terrible things but I do feel pity for her here. She will always know she is to blame for what happened and so she should as her lies and deceit are what set this tragedy in motion.
Susanlynn, your humor was a welcome addition to the sad events last night: "Nikki is...well...she's a dumbass. I also feel very sorry for the Kenbun in that Easybake oven. Pobrecito." Gracias.
Jean Marie and Estafano - at least one happy couple graced the screen last night...
Thank you again Elvira for your thoughtful, well written summary.
She was a childhood friend of JA. He went to be with Opalina when her mother died. Unfortunately, that was when Cris gave birth (and had a terrible time). JA's absence was a source of friction between Cris and Opalina. Opalina is very close with Lili.
Susanlynn, I too loved your line about Niki and the bun in the EasyBake oven... PERFECT!!
This novela sure is rising in the thriller level and it does work like a magnet, we ALL want to find out how they all end up and who finally puts EasyBake, Odiosa, Nil-Brains, Anyballs and RoyBoyToyFoy into the dark humid mysery ward they deserve.
Maybe Cristina will pull through, but Opalina's demeanor doesn't make it look good. And her response to touching Bea . . . eek!
I doubt Paula will feel too guilty. She will just cry some more, make her hide-a-tears-dress soggy, and move on.
"I doubt Paula will feel too guilty. She will just cry some more, make her hide-a-tears-dress soggy, and move on."
Maybe not. Paula's guilt makes Cristina's tragedy all about Paula
Best exchange of the night:
Post-nookie, FF tells Kendra she was on fire that time and she says something like "Death makes me hot." Furry looks askance and she backpedals, saying something like "You know, life is short." I'm telling ya, Kendra is letting her crazy show these days.
I was completely faked out by the way Candelaria kept looking at Paula -- I thought she was going to attack her, not THANK her for being such a good friend to her daughter.
I admit I was a little disturbed at the idea of Cris departing when she was not exactly in a state of grace. Now she has a chance to make nice before she goes.
Opalina creepy? Not in general, but last night, yeah, definitely.
Gratuitous Shirtlessness -- it's what's for dinner.
I have to remind myself never to drink coffee when I read your comments, lol. I loved Gratuitous Shirtless, it's what's for dinner, lol.
Wasn't it weird that Lili called Adri, thinking she was in trouble, and Ms Vikki had the chills. Maybe there is more of the ESP in that family then we thought?
"Wasn't it weird that Lili called Adri, thinking she was in trouble, and Ms Vikki had the chills. Maybe there is more of the ESP in that family then we thought?"
Or maybe it's llamado de la sangre, the conference call
Your title is perfect. Opalina gives me the heebie-jeebies. She and those dratted snails never bring good news. I liked her better as a candle rep.
Have I missed something? Jean Marie and Stefano seem to have made definite progress in their relationship. That scene was sweet and tender. I especially liked how Jean Marie followed suit and tucked his yang in his shirt after Stevie hid his yin. I think that Odette is already aware of Stefano's preference. Too bad we didn't get a Balzac (heh heh) sighting as well.
Wow, what a caution that Kendra is... nothing like a death to spice up the sex.
"Angel of Death wearing a white caftan".
Cris always had so much energy. Seeing her still like that is so sad. I thought all the performances in the hospital were good.
I'm back at the Salsero table and I think I'm staying no matter what this time. He may not be a boy scout, but I'm betting on him to eventually see KendaHo gets her just desserts.
My guess is Odiosa does realize Estefano is gay but wants him to marry a woman anyway.
I felt sorry for Opalina this episode, and wasn’t freaked out by her. I was reminded of the Greek tragedy of Cassandra. It's a hard thing to be able to see/sense bad things that will happen in the future. If you tell people, they either don't believe you, or they try pointlessly to change a future that can't be changed. In either case, they end up being angry at the messenger. But if you keep your mouth shut (as Opalina has chosen to do) they still get angry and frustrated at you. All she can do is try to remain impartial, yet sympathetic and supportive, which is what she's doing.
Also, can we assume that Nikki is not a virgin?
We really don't know if she is. We are assuming she isn't. We could be surprised who knows?
Susanlynn---I feel sorry for the Kenbun in that Easybake oven. LOL
That poor baby.
Also---Nikki is...well she's a dumbass. I think that Marta said it best yesterday when she mentioned the holes in Nikki's swiss cheese brain. [sorry Victoria
I was wondering why Opalina was so cold to Bea last night---Bad news on the horizon? Leo is due back soon. Will Salsa Dude be killed by him or will Bea and Salsa Dude die together? Novelas can be brutal.
On the other hand---Niecie in MD you could be right that Salsa Dude will be around to see that KendHo gets what she deserves. But then where does that leave Bea???
the gringo
Elvira--Gracias for the recap. You set the tone for all the good and bad things that happened in this episode. Can't wait to see what screen shots will go with the recap.
Cristina should have died on the spot. That was a horrendous impact. And, someone should have seen it, rather than only gathering after Espanto took off.
Opalina is giving away too much of coming events. She's a natural spoiler!
NovelaMaven--Death makes me hot. I completely missed that. It should become a classic.
Susanlynn--Kenbun in the EasyBake Oven. That ought to be a classic, too.
Goblue--Nikki would like everyone to think she's experienced--except to her own family. She probably a tease and a flirt with all her male companions, but stops shy of going all the way. We don't know what would have happened the night of the storm when the lights went out. She and Guzmi were getting pretty close to the point of no return, but when the lights came back on, she looked horrified and pushed him away.
I'm going to vote that Nikki is still a virgin.
Funny how every time Nikki encounters Guzmi in the shower, whatever she has to say is super urgent and can't wait until he is dressed. Every time I see those scenes, I just wonder who in the heck designs showers like that. Did the architect just assume that all the bodyguards would be exhibitionists who don't want any privacy while they shower? Do the non-bodyguard staff have their own separate bathrooms?
I was surprised by how fast everyone found out what happened to Cristina. I was afraid she would languish in the hospital for awhile unidentified, since she had lost her purse and phone.
My guess is that she will hang on just long enough for some tearful last words with her various families.
If Salsero can get this pinned on Kendra and stop her from taking out any more of her "obstacles", I would consider that a big step on his road to redemption.
I had to laugh at your bodyguard shower comment. Really I'm glad it was designed this way, other wise we wouldn't be able to see the hunkalicious display of manliness in that shower, jus' sayin'
If only Nikki could see that Roy wants her for her money, the very thing of which she is accusing Guzman (who does not want it). Gah.
Roy got out of that shirt awfully fast! He must have lots of practice. Caray!Caray! that boy is a horndog. Do not let him near sheep.
I thoroughly enjoyed the gratuitous shower scene and cheered when Guzman told Nikki he couldn't be bought to stay or leave, tore that check up, and tossed it back at her.
NovelaMaven - "llamada de sangre - conference call" Love it!
How did Candelaria know Paula was Paula? ESP? The crying? Llamada de las amantes de Anibal? I never saw them introduced.
GoBlueFan - there are no such thing as HIPAA laws in Mexico, or at least in TelenovelaLand.
Thank you everyone for your comments. You are always so sweet and generous.
Re Nikki and her virginal status. If it becomes an issue (which I don't know) I'd vote for her still being a virgin. Every time she's had a boy over (usually to make Guzmancito jealous) she's very uncomfortable when they get cozy. I think she's all smoke and mirrors when it comes to that. She can pretend up to a point and then she pushes them away. The only one she hasn't pushed away in that same way is the Little Ape. And that scares her!
I hope that Christina will be able to say goodbye properly to everyone before she leaves this earth (if her death is destined, which I think it is). The avances make it all look very sad, though. I always liked Chris but what must be, must be!
--Begging won't help you gain access to her underthings. That's because you're a repellant, arrogant little man-boy, dude.--
It would only have taken one more Suelteme for Gorrillo-man to come crashing through the door to save his beloved.
"what must be, must be!"
Sadly... Gee, who knew that our destinies are determined by a humorless lady and a few mollusks?
I am so looking forward to reading NovelaMaven's recap.
Did you try the sidebar to view NovelaMaven's recap? I can see it and read it either from the sidebar or the front page. Are you using Internet Explorer? I will email NovelaMaven and see if she formatted her recap and fix it.
Thanks so much for checking. Of all days to not be able to access the recap!
Vivi, I like you Cassandra-Opalina comparison.
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