Thursday, April 18, 2013
PEAM #28- 4/17/13: Rompope Could Be Both Healthy and Engergizing
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What a terrific recap. I liked your title too!
I had to lol when Discua was telling Fernando about her tic. It was too funny. Now we know it's a tic and not something she does on purpose. I am glad she got to scoot out of the car and also the way she announced the police business, too funny.
Patymelt was trying her hardest to get Chucho to go back to Avon. I liked the chat that Chucho had with Valentina, she is sooo cute.
So Vero actually has a soft side. And the way she was tossing down the Rompope, wow!!!! I wonder if she was a drinker in the past. I can just see her doing shots of tequila : )
I am really liking Chatita. She is there for everyone to tell their troubles to. I really like the way she listens and then gives advice. I am hoping her memory becomes better : )
I agree with you about Jessica vs Discua.
I was surprised by Vero's visit to Chatita - and by her knocking back the Rompope. Chatita's on again off again memory problems annoy me a bit but I like her as a sounding board and advice giver.
There are lots of child actors who are cringe inducing but in this show Valentina's scenes are often my favorites. She is adorable and she brings out the best in the actors around her. The skype scene was cute.
Pati caused quite a sensation at Orion -- and a bit of turmoil in the hearts of Jésus and Alma.
I disagree on Jessy v. Solidad physical features, Soledad (Discua)has a rear end that causes traffic to stop, causes men to stop breathing. But her dedication to being a virgin, will make cold showers a part of Fern's nightly routine.
To the ladies: Jesus Garcia is the luckiest man alive, he has the affections of Sexy Pati, Semi-Sexi Alma, Soon to be Sexy Xochil, and now also Sexy Veronica....(Plus half the females on this blog.)
Btw, Jessy is starting to get on my nerves, with her silly A$$...the way she turns and shake her butt, as if she is saying "kiss my A$$." She is both sexy and stupid....but I still want to see her in something other than the secretary long before Soledad gets to wear the uniform? Will she be exempt from wearing the gear? Only time will tell, and as slow as the days move, it may be next week before her second day on the job.
I will stay tune....With all the bad news around the world, and across the country lately, it is nice to turn on something as silly as this show.
I wanted to say that Rompope (milk, sugar, eggs, vanilla, rum or sugar cane liqueur, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves) was also able to make you loosen your tongue or forget your inhibitions, but Verónica, being as strict as she is (or should I say, double faced), eating only organic and healthy stuff, started talking before the first sip. I think she did that to get courage, because she needed someone to talk to very badly. Didn't matter who. She needed to tell her version of the story to anyone not involved (or who didn't know her well), and being a lonely woman without friends (so far we have seen her interact only with people related to her because they have to), with Elias gone, Minerva too busy screening every inch of the house with the black light looking for bacteria, etc., the only available ears were Chatitas, although telling her stuff is like playing lotto, you never know if you're talking to the wall or to a loudspeaker... It was fun though, seeing her bonding with another human being. Hopefully this happens again and they become friends.
After all, both of them have something in common and is not Jesús, is something in the brain...
The antics are another story, but the body, I think is harmonious and proportionate. Not too much to make her fall on her face and not too much to make fall on her a$$. Just enough... balanced.
Good you like Conde better so we won't fight, LOL!
IN this episode I really enjoyed:
Discua's description as "virgen y santa" and her "rules".
Cachita's conversation with Pánfilo and Verónica. Besides the Rompope, Verónica got a good dose of reality. And it is always Christmas at Chatita's house!!!
Lee, I also wonder how long before Discua will be forced into the fuschia trimmed uniform.
I guess they are trying to soften Vero up for us, but not buying it yet. Was a cute scene with Her and Chatita though. That woman, lord love her, is so hug worthy.
As for the preference on Discua vs. Jess....well, I sort of like our little Patimelt. But all the short skirts and skin tight dresses get on my nerves a bit. I know this is a comedy so the costumes and outfits are more extreme, but boy some of that would not fly in a corporate workplace in the real world. And personally, I think a woman can be just as sexy and alluring without the painted on apparel. And this coming from someone who is impatient for some TRUE gratuitous shirtlessness in this TN ( not MAL), so take my opinion with a total grain of salt, or swig of Rompope.
I like how you put "funny" in quotes to describe all the shtick...
True Jess's beauty is more natural, but the character's pettiness and stupidity (and the butt-shaking thing she does that Anon#1 mentioned) drives me up the wall. But if she ends up finding her brain and heart I could end up liking her.
On the other hand, no matter how hard I try to dislike Ninel Conde or at least be jealous of her, I just can't do it. I wonder how she will rock the Avon uniform? (And how high will she keep the hem of her skirt?)
I have trouble disliking Discua too. I saw Ninel Conde in Mar de Amor and couldn't stand her there. I think with her hems, she may keep the hemline she has now with her pistachio dress. Look at Xochi, hers are long, as is Susanna's. Maricela's are mid length, short not too short, but Jess has them all beat. I agree with you about Jess too.
I too agree with you about Patymelt. Everything she does is so naturally funny. She doesn't have to try to be funny at all, and I like her clothes too : )
I like Pati over all, with her petite size and attitude.
I like Jess body.
I like Ninel for the first time in a TN even when I don't like entirely the way she looks.
I am starting to like Chatita even when I don't like Carmen Salinas at all.
I need more time to see if I like everybody else.
Thanks so much for explaining the Mexican eggnog. My Mom always made eggnog from scratch and gave bottles of it to friends as Chistmas gifts. Chatita reminds me a lot of my Italian mom.
I hope Ninel Condi's character remains painfully virginal. I want her to drive horney Fernando crazy. When Ninel was having the interview with Alma and Alma got real happy, my bad Spanish made me think that Ninel said she was formerly a man...and had some that would have been hilarious but a little too twisted for this novella.......but the virgin thing could be even better. Gertie
Jarifa, How will Discua wear the Secretary Uniform? I bet they will have a different design for her, same color as the others, but somthing to show off her assets..
One last thing....the last few episodes, Jessy doesn't look as "ashey". (I guess they gave up on trying to make her skin lighter.) And Alma has recovered from her two black eyes....
Haven't had a chance to watch yet, but I'm willing to bet they had to special-order Discua's uniform (or, as Maricela says, "yoonifirrrrm.")
At least you men have a number of hot women of various shapes and sizes to argue about in this tn. We only have ChuloChucho and Elias (not that I'm complaining). The rest are schmucks. Although, I do find Rogue to be adorable from time to time.
ITA w/daisynjay that Vero's transformation would be more believable if she were not so horrible with her young daughter.
"Fernando has a new flavor this month..."
and {Chucho} "has to ignore this mermaid's {Patti} singing" [Way to bring in the classics, my friend! Nice touch.}
Pablo, there were two interesting words used last night. One I found..."patizamba"=meaning either knock-kneed or bowlegged.
Doubt if Discua is either, but that was Jessica's diss on her.
The other was Chatita referring to Marisela as a "huerca". I knew it wasn't a complimentary term, but it's not in my diccionario. Can you help? Thanks.
Also, love love love the cultural information. Rompope by the nuns sounds ambrosial, vegan or no!
Now on the relative merits of these babes, I should just let you guys fight this out on your own. But actually, Jessica, Alma and Patti are all beautiful and when Ninel Condé is rocking Bonbon Asesino, she's spectacular.
But I like the way they have softened her look and manner to play the virginal and virtuous Discua. Got to give the lady props for "playing against type"! And I think she's doing a good job in this role.
Now, if you don't mind, I'll just go back to thinking sweetly of little Valentina, and drooling into my lunch napkin over Chucho.
Patizamba (patas- legs + zambas- curved) is indeed someone whose legs are not straight. Zambo(a) means the same.
Guerco(a) is a kid. Could also be guerquillo(a) and is the way people from the north area in México refers to small kids. Is not offensive, is more like when we say ''mocoso'' (kid with boogers), meaning the person is a fool/has no experience. Marisela is a guerca who has not figured anything out yet and she has a lot to learn, A LOT!!
You obviously know your women.
I like both Jessica and Discua, but for different reasons. Jessica was there first and was unfairly punished. She's a knockout, even if she does have to wear that short short whatever they call it. Fernando is a jerk. Discua is sincere and doesn't know the Jessica-Fernando-Bodega backstory. She believes in working hard and has a sweet personality.
Thank you for the names of the two new sillies at Orion. Does anyone know who the cute guy is played by (not Marcial of Refugio)?
I asked this once before and didn't get an answer. Now I'll ask it rhetorically. Jesus is the only person in either Avon or Orion that does NOT have to wear an ID tag. Why is this? Even Patricia has to wear one when she comes to visit and all the secretari-as and sillies wear them and Alma, too.
As for Marisela's dad chewing the fat with Chatita--we would call this TOGCC in Monterrey (The Only Garbage Collection Company) in Monterrey. That explains why Chatita and M's dad are able to get together.
Judy, I also heard Jess say that Discua had a papada - a double-chin. LOL. Like anyone would be looking at her chin(s)?
I can't stand Carmen Salinas, and I don't even know why. There must be something about her that annoys me on a subliminal level. I've warmed up to Chatita the character, but would have preferred Ana Martin in the role. :)
I've gotten used to Blanca Soto. I know a few people compared her to Mayrin what's-her-face (from UFCS) at the beginning of this TN, but I think Blanca's actually a little better. Or maybe it's the character. I never liked Mayrin's character in Familia very much.
Gertie, one of the (few) interesting things Fernando said last night was when he told Jess that at least with Discua he knows where he stands. He'd rather have a firm "no" than be teased. I find that strangely refreshing. :-)
Vivi, I confess I hadn't even realized that we were getting short-changed in the hunks department. When Chucho and Elias are on the screen at the same time, I don't even know where to look. If they threw in Sebastian Rulli, I would probably go blind.
Some people wear their badges up high - like on their collars - while others wear them low, on their waistband or pocket. They're less noticeable if you wear them low. (I'm thinking they could also be a problem with the bright studio lights if the badges are shiny, so it might be a good idea to keep them out of the way.)
b) recycling could be something they do here because is a TN.
I have a friend in DF who told me he separates the garbage (organic and inorganic, glass, etc.) and then the garbage collectors throw ALL THE BINS TOGETHER IN THE TRUCK!!!
I couldn't help to laugh, because it's true, some people don't respect recycling and just ignore our efforts.
BTW, I don't separate glass (save jars for preserving) from inorganic, but I compost. I feel good giving something back to mother earth.
THIS! Too funny Julie. ( I have a habit of not changing the channel after PEAM and watch Amores occasionally. Dear Sebastian had a shower scene the other night...the lack of shirtlessness in this TN was more than compensated for.)
After which, the trash guys helpfully throw the bins over my neighbor's fence and I don't get them back until my neighbor notices and gives them back to me.
My Spanish tutor introduced me to rompope by giving me a bottle of Santa Clara Rompope for Christmas one year. I had never seen any before but I love the stuff. It goes great over Starbucks coffee ice cream or sipped straight chilled.
As for good looking guys, I think that both Rog and Fern are very handsome men and the curly-haired silly who was Arnie in Gancho and Oliver in LldA is not ugly either.
For me, Fernando just keeps getting better. Is anyone else reminded of Pepe le Pew?
When I first began watching Spanish language television, Carmen Salinas hosted a show that seemed like sort of a raunchy version of Oprah. I didn't understand a great deal at that time plus if there were CCs, I hadn't discovered them, plus it seemed like half of the words were bleeped but it was hilarious and she was quick to give rather harsh frank advice to her guests... especially the men and the sluttier women. Chatita seems like a tame version of... well... Carmen Salinas.
Pablo--Your debut posting was last Thursday. We were deep into party preparation, so I hadn't read it. I just read it. You are a hoot. Really glad you joined in as a recapper.
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