Tuesday, April 09, 2013

PEAM, Tuesday 4/9/13 (#22): The ORION Express!

"Children and drunks always tell the truth," Alma tells Chucho, urging him to repeat what she drunkenly said to him last night. Reluctantly, he tells Alma about the "I love you." (He says "Te quiero" to her again, and I think maybe this time it's not just a quote.) He confirms that she was looking him in the eyes when she said it, "but you probably thought I was Rogelio," he adds.

Alma is horrified and apologetic. She asks Chucho not to tell Rogelio. (As if!) They synchronize their stories since Rogue will want to know what she did last night. "We'll leave out 'I love you' and the kiss," Chucho says.

Alma nearly does a spit-take with her coffee. "What kiss? Where did I kiss you??"
"In the living room!"
"No, I mean on what part of your body?"

Chucho points vaguely towards his mouth. He tells her this kiss doesn't count, because she wasn't well. Just like the last kiss didn't count because they were "acting." Alma downs the rest of her coffee as if it were a tequila shot.

At the mall, Ricardo - the only Silly whose name I've had any reason to keep track of yet - looks for a designer handbag for Maricela. "What brand?" asks the saleswoman. He doesn't know; it just has to be a really good one. She shows him a really good one, but a glance at the price tag prompts a change of plan. There's a tiny pink clutch purse. 2000 pesos! (That's $165 dollars. I'd rather just have the cash.) He drops the purse in shock. "It's the latest style, and your girlfriend will love it," the saleswoman promises.

The purchase puts a strain on his own purse: he has to split the cost between two credit cards. He gets back to the office and the other Sillies tell him Cardenas - the HR guy, his boss - is looking for him and he's in big trouble. Haw, haw! Just joking!!

And here's Vero in the Avon main lobby. She asks to see Jesus Garcia. She is confused when the receptionist directs her to the regional managers' administrative area. Then she runs into the Sillies (who are already in love with her - I wonder if they'd survive their lunch hour with her at their table?) and they tell her that Chucho is, in fact, a secretario. At first, she almost doesn't believe them, but they point her in that direction. Silly #2 thinks an atomic bomb is about to go off. They chuckle and raise their hands, then awkwardly realize that they don't know how to do a three-way high-five.

Chucho tries to hide from Vero, but Maricela points him out. Vero scolds him loudly for hiding from her and not being truthful about his job. He's willing to discuss it with her - privately. She ridicules him for not having his own office. He leads her to the cafeteria.

Ricardo gives Maricela his gift bag containing a gift box containing the purse. She says thanks, but her father could buy her the whole product line if she wanted it. He starts to tell her it was very expensive, then bites his tongue. "Well, I hope you like it," he says sadly. "It was meant with affection." He leans in for a kiss. She leans away. "God bless you," he says, and slinks off like a wounded puppy. Discreetly, she begins to smile at the gift, but then notices Xochi and Sue frowning at her.

In the cafeteria, where I'm sure the air is still thick with the miasma of fried foods and sugary desserts, Vero continues to scold Chucho for being a big liar and he says if that's the way she's going to be, they're finished talking. She tries to stomp out, and he takes her by the elbow. She purrs like a cat and bites her lip. (Did that really just happen?)

"Let me talk," he says. Of course it was wrong of him to exaggerate about his job, but he felt that he had to do it so she wouldn't have an excuse to keep him from Valentina. "Oh, so now it's MY fault?" Vero huffs. Passive-aggressive much?

(I pause the recording for a moment, and on TV there's a rerun of The Dick Van Dyke Show where Laura is purring at Rob. Really. I feel like it's a conspiracy.)

Chucho gives her a piece of his own mind about her strictly regimented, joyless approach to life. The conversation snowballs downhill fast.
"I'm protecting my daughter!"
"She's my daughter too!"
"You showed up too late!"
"You didn't tell me she existed! Right, so I'M the liar? Yours was the bigger lie!"
"No, just an omission..."
(argument proceeds in a predictable fashion)

Gilberto - he's Silly #2 - tells Ricardo that rich women are impossible to please. Now Ric is wondering how he's going to pay his credit card bills. For that matter, Julio (Silly #3) asks, how can he afford to take Mari out on a date now even if she agrees to go with him in that old beater of his? (I think Gil says it's a 1986 model!) Or his dinky little apartment? Forget it - she's too expensive. "But I loooooves her," Ric moans.

Chucho and Vero continue their thoughtful and heartwarming discussion: Better than money, he says, he can give Valentina love. Vero mocks. He's a mere secretario. He can't be in Vale's life any more. She waves her finger in his face. He pushes her hand away gently. She pauses and bites her lip again. (She's gonna be taking a long, cold shower when she gets home.) From now on, he can only see Vale at her house - and only once in a while. His lawyer can work out the rest with her lawyer.

Rogelio wants to see Chucho. Alma sends Xochi to find him. He's rubbing his wrist - Vero must have done something to it in between all the purring and lip-biting - and he tells Xochi that was his daughter's mother. He goes to Alma's office. "He's so sad," Xochi observes. She's like a little alien baby from another planet who is just beginning to learn about human emotions...

Now Alma and Rogelio are arguing about last night. "You told me to shut up. You've never embarrassed me like that before!" Chucho interrupts. "You wanted to see me?" Yes, Rogelio has very good news. Max Valtierra has a job open in his finance department at Orion, and Rogelio convinced him to hire Chucho. Chucho seems skeptical. Rogue calls Max and puts Chucho on the phone. "It's true! You'll start as an assistant at" - we don't hear the amount, but Chucho is shocked. Max misunderstands and offers him more. Chucho says it's so much! He'll start tomorrow.

Rogue is thrilled. He goes on and on about how Chucho is too overqualified to be a secretario. Chucho is stunned, still trying to absorb what just happened. Alma tries to be gracious, but she's very subdued. (Chucho probably thinks it's just the hangover.) She congratulates him, and he shakes her outstretched hand. Both are displaying the kind of enthusiasm one usually associates with wakes and funerals.

Sue and Xochi are trying to impress upon pretentious Maricela the great sacrifice the pink purse must have been on Ric's petite salary. They stop as Rogue follows Chucho into the clerical area, urging him to collect his belongings and go home early so as to rest up and be ready to impress Max tomorrow at Orion. Chucho agrees, but he is still in a daze.

Rogue takes Alma to his office, not noticing that she is almost in tears. He chatters happily about how great Chucho's life will be, working at Orion. Alma is irritable. He doesn't notice that either. He says they'll need a new secretary now - she should get right on that. And this time make sure the new one's not a dude.

The secretarias are curious. Chucho explains as best he can. Nobody looks happy - least of all Chucho, even though he says it's a mind-blowing salary and promises to come back to visit. He thanks Susana for sending those grody lung photos by mistake. (Is she bitter that he got a good job out of her mistake? Nope! She says the photos were his idea to begin with.)

Chucho tells the secretarias he'll miss them. Xochi launches herself at him and wails like a llorona.

Rogue finally stops talking long enough to realize that Alma's been quiet. She says she's still upset about the fight they had last night. He apologizes, flatters her, and tries to find out what she did last night. She says she collected more donations and went home and fell asleep and that's it!

Chucho tells the secretarias about the fight he had with Vero. Susana pretty much rehashes his side of the argument: Vero should have told him he had a kid. Naturally, Maricela sees Vero's point of view: she wouldn't let any child of hers go home with a secretario. Susana gives him a goodbye hug. So does Maricela, but she rolls her eyes and pats his back like she's burping a baby. Nice kid. Then Xochi gives a repeat performance of her llorona routine.

Rogue asks how the wedding preparations are going. She says it's hard to pull a wedding together in such a short time and excuses herself to take care of some of the details. Again, he doesn't notice that all of the enthusiasm is his alone.

Cantú, the Shady Lawyer Dude, brings Yuri's message to Malvino. He really really wants to know what the message is. Malvino doesn't tell him, and kicks him out. Malvino tells Silverio - that's his sidekick, the guy who had the gun last week when they broke into Chucho's place - "we're going to have to kill someone. A guy named Jesus Garcia."

Fernando, whose wardrobe today was stolen from the Saturday Night Fever era, is looking at pictures of women in bikinis on his computer. He's biting his knuckles. It's a good thing he doesn't know about the rest of the Internet, eh? Rogue sneaks up on him and calls him depraved. The two dance happily in celebration of Chucho's departure. There's a lengthy silent bleep.

A sadder farewell takes place in Alma's office. Chucho's attitude is almost apologetic: it's a lot of money and he has to take the job to be with Valentina. Alma calls Cardenas to see if Chucho's check is ready yet. (Cardenas is taken completely by surprise. Rogue neglected to tell him about any of this.) It will take him an entire THIRTY MINUTES to get that check ready!

Fernando carelessly remarks that it's a good thing Rogue's getting rid of Chucho now because he was getting a little too cozy with Alma last night. Rogue stops dead in his tracks. I want him to say "qué qué WHAT?" but all he's got is a feeble "qué."

Xochi the Llorona is still in peak form. "I'll never see him again!" Maricela insists that Chucho will be better off with the big money job. Xochi doesn't care. Sue tries to get her to drink a warm beverage (hopefully not coffee). "Boohoohoo, he's the love of my life!"

Fern tells Rogue that Alma boozed it up big time and the secretario carried her out of there like a swooning heroine. Fern says it was just a coincidence he happened to see them. He isn't sure how long they were inside Alma's place. He tried to call, but Rogue didn't pick up. Rogue is furious. He wants to kill Chucho!

Malvino reminds Silverio that Jesus Garcia is the secretario whose apartment they broke into last week. They pick through an assortment of guns and equipment, selecting their tools for the job at hand.

Vero waits impatiently for the saintly Elias to come home. She pounces on him with accusations: "Don't come near me! Did you know Jesus is a filthy secretary?"

Chucho and Alma have another one of those awkward conversations where they both look miserable. He's in no hurry to leave, but neither of them can think of a reason for him to stick around.

But then he has an idea. Alma told him at some point, I guess, that she'd never made her Confirmation. But he knows a priest! He can hook her up!

Next time:
Jessica finds out Chucho is leaving.
Rogue sees Chucho and Alma together in church and objects! Sorry, Rogue... you've got the wrong sacrament entirely!
And a NEW RECAPPER makes his debut!


Break up with the little ponce, Alma, he's cheating on you!

Just when I was starting to love Jesus in the new purple shirt that moves with his biceps, ..he considers taking another job with Maximo. I don't blame him since the Ice Queen is giving him so much crap for being a secretario . It s not over yet in LA.

Some of you PESE fans help me out here....did Jaime Camil not get nominated for best actor this year for Eva? Well that makes no sense since he acted the other competition right off the stage. But then again, it could be that he was so good they just couldn't handle it. Hope I am wrong. Gertie



Can't wait for your take on this epi : )

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It seems a Brother Dimm actually got a good idea - getting Chucho a job with Don Max.

As Cheryl mentioned yesterday, the other Dimm needs to actually work or perhaps a gf. However, there are no women on the show I would wish him on as he is too stupid.

ITA Gertie poor Alma needs to get more perceptive regarding her loser fiancé.

Gertie- Here is the list of nominees that just came out. I see many people missing who I would want to win.

Mejor Telenovela:

“Abismo de pasión”
“Por ella soy Eva”
“Amor bravío”
“Corona de lágrimas“.

Mejor actriz protagónica:

Angelique Boyer por “Abismo de pasión“.
Zuria Vega por “Un refugio para el amor“.
Victoria Ruffo por “Corona de lágrimas“.

Mejor actor protagónico:

David Zepeda por “Abismo de pasión“.
Cristian de la fuente por “Amor bravío“.
Gabriel Soto por “Un refugio para el amor“.

Mejor Actriz antagónica:

Sabine Moussier por “Abismo de Pasión“.
Mariana Seoane por “Por ella soy Eva“.
Lety Calderón por “Amor bravío“.

Mejor actor Antagónico:

Salvador Zerbpni por “Abismo de Pasión“.
César Évora por “Amor Bravío“.
Marcelo Córdoba por “Por ella soy Eva“.

Mejor Actriz Juvenil:
Esmeralda Pimentel por “Cachito de cielo“.
Livia Brito por “Abismo de Pasión“.
Mariana Van Rankin por “Amor Bravío“.

Mejor actor juvenil:

Eddy Villard por “Amor Bravío“.
Pablo Lyle por “Cachito de cielo“.
Ferdinando Valencia por “Por ella soy Eva“.

Mejor Actriz de Reparto:

Raquel Olmedo por “Abismo de Pasión“.
Raquel Garza por “Corona de lágrimas“.
Tiaré Scanda por “Por ella soy Eva“.

Revelación femenina:

Cassandra Sánchez por “Corona de lágrimas“.
Esmeralda Pimentel por “Abismo de pasión“.
Tania Lizardo por “Un refugio para el amor“.

Mejor Primera Actriz:

Blanca Guerra.
Raquel Olmedo.
Helena Rojo.

Mejor tema musical:

“Cuando manda el corazón” Vicente Fernández.
“Solo un suspiro” para “Abismo de pasión“.
“Corona de lágrimas” Cristian Castro.


In the meanwhile...

It's still November 3rd. and I had a little time to check out the Avon menu:
#1 Has something like scrambled eggs and Iced tea.
#2 Is the one with the Carrot cake and presumably the orange juice with granadina.
#3 Has a huge slice of an 8 layer cake.

I don't know what I hate most, the sound effects or the PEAM stickers on every single computer around!

Slang word: ABOGANGSTER (from abogado-lawyer and gangster)

Caption lady occurrences: Cartera: clutch bag instead of Handbag, Me lleva! -Crap instead of Damn, and Naco - tacky.

The currency denomination of 3 pesos doesn't mean that's the actual price of something, but that is cheap. Comes from: ''More fake than a 3 pesos bill''

I can not wait for tomorrow (nov. 4th) when Jesús will start working in a new environment, hopefully healthier!


Vivi, thanks for the complete nomination list. Gertie,I agree that Camil's absence from the list is a glaring ommission. Makes me think of things that make you go hmmmmmm . . .

Julie, I love your title and thanks in advance. Jesús couldn't be moved out to a new job any quicker than he was.

I loved Jesús standing up to and telling off Verónica and Jesús wiping the phone off after Rogelio used it before using it himself.

Alma is clearly conflicted with her relationship with Rogelio and didn't want to kiss him even after his apology but is still moving ahead with the wedding. What is that about???


Angelique Boyer por “Abismo de pasión“.
Zuria Vega por “Un refugio para el amor“.
Victoria Ruffo por “Corona de lágrimas“.

There is someone missing here, where is Silvia Navarro? She is 10 times better than those 3 combined. Victoria Ruffo????? I'm going to start sobbing & sobbing & sobbing.

Oh, I definitely hate the sound effects more. I barely notice the stickers.

I do think "clutch" (though not "clutch bag") is a better translation than "handbag" for the particular type of purse Ricardo bought. (I'd describe the first purse, the big one, as a "handbag." I know it doesn't make sense that the little purse you hold in your hand isn't the kind we call a handbag, but there it is.)

Actually, "wallet" might be a better translation for "cartera." I couldn't tell whether it was supposed to be a small clutch purse or a big wallet.

Thanks For the list, Vivi. I totally agree that there are glaring omissions but it is anyone's guess how the nomination system works in a very different culture and in a very different place. Maybe they throw darts or something. Maybe it is money based? Or maybe all the categories changed to something like like Best 'Lagrimas' in a Leading Role....Gertie

Julie- I only got to see the last few minutes of this episode. So I look forward to the recap. Chucho does look very good in his new shirt. Will he get to wear snazzy suits in his new job?

Variopinta- The ommission of SN and Jaime C. from the list of nominees is criminal.

Here is the complete list of all nominees: http://masquetelenovelas.blogspot.com/2013/04/los-nominados-definitivos-de-premios.html


You definitely wanna take those award shows with a grain of salt. If you need a beanie to watch the TNs, you'll need a Faraday cage to watch the premios.

I, for one, am looking forward to seeing how Jessica reacts when she finds out that her old job is up for grabs - and I doubt that Alma will give it back to her.

Oh - the recap's done, but I just realized I forgot to add one more little thing to the avances. Back in a sec...

There. Now it is finished. Good night!


Thanks so much for the marvelous recap. I love the title.

Poor Xochi. Her crush is leaving Avon and she is crushed poor thing.

That wallet is actually a clutch purse. The clasp was on the side, very pretty color.

Poor Alma, she is so confused. She couldn't even kiss Rog, too funny and he just blew that off. Can't wait for tomorrow to see Chucho and Alma at the altar. And Rog busting in, thinking they are getting married. Should be very funny.

Vero is way over the top. She is really mean to everyone, including poor little Valentina, and now she is being mean to Elias, the nicest guy. I think her lie was the worst one, never telling Chucho he was a Papa and having to find out on the internet. I hope he makes scads of money and gets a lawyer and demands custody.

What is the name of the actress portraying the blonde buxom receptionist at Avon?

Could be Ivonne Soto, listed according to imdb as ''recepcionista''.

Soto? Blanca's sister, perhaps?

Maybe, maybe not, Alma was born in Monterrey, and Ivonne in Chihuahua...

They could be related though, because both are Soto and because imdb's data is not all trustworthy... :-)

Julie! I am so enjoying this recap! I'm not even done but I had to stop and applaud this observation about Xochi: "She's like a little alien baby from another planet who is just beginning to learn about human emotions..." That so nails her. Oh. My. Gosh! Her pain was palpable! Pobrecita! As a matter a fact that can be said for Chucho, the other secretaries AND Alma. Also, Vero was not very subtle about how Chucho's touch was igniting certain nerve endings: damn! Similarly inflamed was both Alma and Chucho in the "see ya later" scene in Alma's office!

Anyway, thanks Julie! Back to the recap!



Zepeda over Camil? They have GOT to be kidding...he spent 90% of Abismo looking like he'd just been shot with a tranquilizer dart.

Fun recap, Julie! My favorite observation:

"He's so sad," Xochi observes. She's like a little alien baby from another planet who is just beginning to learn about human emotions..."

(But you really outdid yourself with the Faraday Cage in the comments. ROTFL!)

All done! Absolutely fun and fine recap Julie! I'm wondering if that well-endowed chica in the opening credits is going to be at Chucho's next job and a distraction and competition for Alma. . .or maybe she's Don Max's mujer? I don't know her name, I remember her from other novelas. Anyway, a new work environment will be fun!


Well, I'm sure there's more than one Soto family in Mexico. But sometimes we see the stars' relatives in minor roles in these things. Like Daniela Castro's daughters and Jaime Camil's dad. So I thought maybe...

Lila, do you mean Ninel Conde? I had already forgotten she was going to be in this (I usually skip the credits, they're over a minute long). Yeah, it's high time she showed up!

About Xochi, I know her crying over Chucho was a bit much, but the "he's so sad" really struck me as odd even for her. It's like if you looked at your coffee and said, "hey, this stuff is brown!"

We know that's Kika Edgar; we know she's pretty. Xochi could get a makeover and become a knockout. She could go to charm school and learn about poise. But it still seems as though something is missing.

Incidentally, I think Ricardo would be a better match for her than for Maricela. He's quiet and thoughtful. I don't know who I'd fix Maricela up with. Maybe Silly #3, if he hits the lottery.

And I fixed the recap so the wallet is now a clutch purse. A very tiny clutch purse. You could barely fit a smartphone in that thing! But the way the bigger handbags always flop around limply on these shows, we can tell that nobody puts anything in them anyway except for whatever few props they need to take out of them (phone, money, keys, incriminating documents, pills for secret disease, gun).

Love your recap Julie!! extremes of emotions last night--bad guys happy, check. Good guys, sad. Even Chucho--he's happy/sad.

There always seems to be the one character that plot and screen time can just be canned and you wouldn't care. Maricela is my choice. She aggravates the daylights out of me, and I know her living conditions are sad, but I just have not been able to garner any sympathy towards her yet.

Xochi--way too much! Her wailing scares my cat!! She's is a sweety, but love of her life? Uh....she needs someone ( but I have a bad feeling it will turn out to be one of the other three idiots eventually.)

I am anxiously awaiting Vero's reaction when she finds out about Chucho's new job. Ha!

Vivi and Variopinta: I so agree with you on Silvia. I've been watching Amor on weekends, and no one can tell me that Ruffo is a better actress. Ok, need to not burst a blood vessel over this....but it's sooo wrong. I don't know why Silvia is always ignored.

Yes Julie, it's Ninel Conde. I remember her as a dancer/mistress to a bad guy in one afternoon soap I used to watch and other roles which are somewhat foggy. Yah, I think she'll show up in Don Max's empire.


Julie, I thought so too, Blanca Soto, Ivonne Soto, could be her big sister trying to break in the business, but no, they could be cousins, maybe?

Everyday we learn something new. So, the one you hang from your shoulder is a HAND BAG and the one you carry in your hand is a CLUTCH BAG? Where do you put your clutch? In the wallet? What is a PIERCE? I am lost!


A clutch purse you just hold in your hand. Sometimes they have a little tiny wrist strap and sometimes a skinny strap so you can wear it over the arm. There are different styles of clutch purses. I have one just held in the hand, but have seen the other styles.

Maybe pierce, if you got that from the caption lady, meant purse, misspelling maybe?

Oh, the crazy lexicon of ladies' accessories.

A handbag is usually kinda big and has one or two handles. (Why don't we call it a handlebag?) If the handles are long, you hang it from your shoulder. Else you carry over your arm or hold the handles in your hand and let it dangle.

You might also call it a "shoulder bag" but only if you specifically want to highlight that the straps/handles are long enough to hang from the shoulder.

If it is smaller, but still has handles, you can still call it handbag, or you can call it a purse. (Technically all of these things are purses, but "purse" usually refers to a smaller bag.)

If it's smaller and has no handles, it's a clutch purse and you either hold it in your hand or stick it under your arm.

You might put a really tiny wallet in a clutch, I suppose, but I think the idea of having a clutch is that you're on a hot date and therefore you don't need much money because your sugar daddy is going to pay for everything. (Like I said, I'd rather have the cash.)

The tiny thing Ricardo looked at after the handbag, before the clutch, was a change purse/coin purse. I've already forgotten the Spanish word for it. I left it out of the recap, but that was probably a 500 peso item and I imagine Maricela would have punched him in the nose if he'd bought that instead.

Honestly, I cannot imagine what it would take to impress her, but if she comes home one day and finds Daddy dead she's going to have to rethink her priorities.

(I was only joking about the hot date and the sugar daddy - but you really can't carry much in a clutch.)

In school, I knew some kids named "Pierce" (or maybe it was "Peirce") who insisted their name was pronounced "purse." So I guess that's a thing.

I believe the saleslady called the change purse a "monedero" or something like that. My captions are quixotic as well.

And Pablo, if your clutch has sparkles, it's an "evening bag." Isn't this fun?

Oh, Blue:

You made me laugh, cause I do have an "evening" bag, clutch, it has sparkles all over it, lol.

Thanks. Excuse my ignorance, but so far the only bags I knew were the GROCERY BAGS, and they not only come in paper or plastic, but reusable, environment friendly...

My mother gave me one and said, here, so you can put inside ALL the plastic bags with the groceries!... LOL

Mads, all the bellas damas have a sparkly evening bag, of course, PORQUE TODAS SOMOS MEXICANAS!!!!!

I use the recyclable grocery bag for my computer.

Gracias, Julie! I liked your description of Xochi, too. She seems so just-hatched and vulnerable.

Vero's purring all over Chucho was funny. Is it possible she was also intoxicated by sugar and grease fumes?

It is obvious that the nominations for premios have NOTHING to do with acting or show quality. If someone who was actually really good gets on that list, is it merely a coincidence. They just give them to their pets. I assume Camil is ineligible because he isn't willing to be a suck-up studio slave.

Thanks for the recap Julie. My garage sale VCR only recorded part of the show so I'm beholden to ya' as well as just enjoying your special "did that just happen?" style. Yes, our conflicted Veronica definitely purred/growled with pleasure every time Chucho got all dominant with her...physically or mentally. Clearly she's longing for something besides puppyish, accommodating Elias. And he certainly deserves better also.

Favorite lines:

"she like a little alien baby from another planet who is just beginning to learn about human emotions"
"kind of enthusiasm one usually associates with wakes and funerals"

and now, just apprised of another culture gap, I'm going to have to look up Faraday cage and find out what the heck it is!

(and ye gods, how could they nominate anyone from that train wreck Corona de Lagrimas!?)

Speaking of words for purse, handbag, clutch, etc., does anyone remember the now old fashioned term "pocketbook"?


Thanks Julie! Another great recap that I needed because more and more I find myself paying less and less attention to this one.

Daisynjay--I also would like to vote Maricela off the island.


They sure are building up an interesting psychological profile for Vero, aren’t they? If it weren’t for the way she treats Valentina, I would actually like her and her crazy/kooky self. Just a mere seven years ago she was a disorganized, messy person in a relationship with Chulo Chucho—a man who goes through life avoiding one disaster after another, yet always lands on his feet. I get the feeling that she was a manic mess; while he was the same mellow, but MANLY dude he is today.

Did pregnancy change Vero? Did she decide that if she were going to be a mom, then she needed to “grow up”? Meaning, bringing order and control, that wasn’t there before, to every aspect of her life and the life of her child—food, sleep, exercise, germs, etc. She found a man who fit into that ordered and controlled life (Elias)—a sweet man, with a stable/steady good-paying job, and willing to accommodate her demands and needs.

But I think she misses the chaos that was once a part of her old life. Chucho represents that chaos (which she sees as bad), and also the fun, and passion she must have freely allowed herself back then. I think Elias is capable of being fun-loving (we’ve seen it with Val), and passionate, and MANLY, if she’d let him.

Alta Alma also needs Chulo Chucho to bring a bit of chaos, fun, and passion to her orderly/boring life.


Pocketbook! Yes, that's the word my mother still uses to refer to all of these various things.

Jarifa, Julie....I catch myself using 'pocket book' sometimes and my 10 year old goddaughter responds "pocket what??"

Awesome recap Julie...had a nice laugh at the Saturday Night Fever era remark.

It sounds like any entire army of assassins are headed to Jesus's apartment ...and they will all probably show up on the night when little Valentina is having a sleepover. That little kid is resourceful though...if this is a true comedy...she has the wits to pull a few "Home Alone" maneuvers on them. But I am guessing....big time!

So the tequilla shooter wants to receive her Confirmation. This must be a novella! I just went through this process with my godson: you are supposed to have a sponsor (Jesus) and you must pick a new confirmation name! Gotta love us devout Catholics for loving our sacraments! Gotta love Julie for helping Rogue keep his sacraments straight!.....the stupid putz that he is! Gertie

Very funny, Julie. Excellent job. Your description of Xochi is perfect.


Welcome to the Verónica table. Pull up a chair while I pour you a carrot cocktail. The Purel is right there. Here...snack on these alfalfa sprouts. Looks like we have the entire table to ourselves.

Seriously, your assessment of Roni reflects perfectly the way I view her. I hope that we get some flashbacks to their hippie days together. Even I'll admit that she was not real likable last night.

The sillies were almost funny last night. Certainly they all have good vision.


I was surprised no one was eavesdropping on Vero and Chucho's argument? What was everyone doing? WORKING?!

Carlos- Well, she shares the same name as my mom, so I kind of already had a soft spot for her...

Carlos: for once I agree with you re: "bad girls". I like Vero, too. Maybe "like" isn't the right word, considering some of her behavior, but she's certainly interesting and she's one of my favs--along with Pati. I even have a soft spot for Marciela.

Well, I still think the Pati table is more fun -- probably because we're all on top of it instead of around it.

I've been laughing about the clutch, handbag, purse remembrances . And speaking of paper bags, my oldest tia was also the best educated of seven children was leaving her family on the Iowa farm while teaching science classes in Chicago. As she traveled back and forth she always used 3 or 4 paper bags for carrying her stuff, her sarcastic younger brothers (my father included) always referred to as her "matched luggage".

Jarifa! Ahhh! Pocketbook! That word gives me warm fuzzsies! That was the first word I heard for "purse". Rememgber many of them had the interlocking spherical clasp but there were many other types of closures.

;D Lila

Judy: You may recall that our "beanie" is a fashionable version of the tinfoil hat that conspiracy theorists wear to protect their brains from mind control rays, radiation, etc.

The Faraday cage is similar, but it shields the entire body. That way the mind control waves can't enter your body from any direction. Depending on the kind of radiation you're trying to avoid, it can be made of flexible fabric. So I'm picturing something like a hazmat suit. But maybe with a little more designer flair.

Hey! I just remembered another type of bag: the duffel bag. We all used to carry our books around in them.

Yes! We all had bookbags before backpacks became fashionable for indoors.

Poor Pablo. I'll bet he's sorry he asked.

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