Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Amor Bravío #164 (Uni 159) Tue 4/9/13 Hissadora flees, Yago gets his comeuppance, and Our Lady in Lavender makes the ultimate sacrifice.

My last recap for this fantastic TeleNovela!!!

A few scenes have been re-arranged for continuity……

Hissadora is all ears – she’s just overheard Mariano telling Yago that it’s confirmed. Hissadora has been drugging their Pops!    Ah, but she’s not the only one who heard this.  You’ve heard how walls have ears?  Well, in this case, las cortinas have ears cuz LeoCerdo is standing behind the sheer curtains and has heard everything:  “So you want to kill Cayetano! Mendiga vieja!”  He quickly exits stage right.  Mariano continues, saying they’ve got her because they now have the proof.  Sherlock Juarez and Pablo are on their way.  Hissadora will be arrested for attempted murder.  Hissadora wisely figures it’s time to git while the gittin’s good.  She can’t figure out how those “estupidos” found out about Las Gotas!  As she hastily tiptoes out, LeoCerdo’s shadow is seen behind the curtains following her every step.  Outside, she makes her way to one of the ranch trucks and makes her getaway.  LeoCerdo can be seen in the background running across the drive, carrying a plactic bag that surely carries the Hissadora face treatment.  Hissadora takes off, but he’s right behind her in another truck.  The BV capataz sees it all and goes running back inside to raise the alarm. 

Inside,  Mariano returns carrying Hissadora’s purse.  She’s nowhere to be found.  He assures Yago she’s not with Pops – he’s fast asleep.  They’re just about to go check the grounds when the capataz comes running in to tell them that Hissadora just left the ranch at high speed and LeoCerdo was right behind her in ranch truck.  Yago tells him to send the vaqueros after her but capataz explains she had let everyone have the day off for the wedding.  Capataz thought better about it and decided to stick around because of LeoCerdo and now he’s escaped!  Yago can’t believe LeoCerdo was hiding out at BV and he figures Hissadora surely has a reason to have hightailed it out of there.  He figures LeoCerdo either followed her because they’re in cahoots or he means to do her harm.  Mariano’s not taking any chances, he’s calling Pablo and Juarez right away – maybe they’ll run into her on the road. 

La Malquerida
Hipolito and Piedad have a heart to heart.  He tells her she will not die.  If it turns out to be cancer, she’ll fight it and he’ll be there with her.  She starts to protest but he stops her and says that from this day forward there will be only positive thoughts.  She’s worried that if she loses her breast, he will no longer love her.  He tearfully assures her he doesn’t love her for her breasts – her value isn’t in her breasts.  He values her for what she has in her heart and soul.  She wonders if he’s only saying that and that maybe he just feels pity for her and if that’s the case, she’d rather end the marriage right now.  He asks her never in her life repeat that, ever.  He would never pity her, never!  If anything, he would feel admiration.  She’s a warrior (guerrera) who fights for her life, and for her health!  She thanks him.  She will find the strength to confront whatever may come.  They’re both crying now as he asks her never to forget that he loves her.  (sniff, sniff  What a great scene.  What a man!)

In her cabaña, Camila takes a call from Mariano who is in his father’s study.  Yago is busy searching through the desk.  He tells her they have proof Hissadora was poisoning his father.  But she’s escaped with LeoCerdo hot on her tail.  Unfortunately neither Pablo or Juarez came across her on the road.  Juarez has put out the word for everyone to be on the lookout for her.  Mariano wanted to make sure Camila was also aware in case one of them might go La Malquerida.  Camila will tell the muchachos right away but she wants to go to BV so he cant tell her everything.  If Hissadora is caught perhaps she can be the impetus to trapping Dionicio.  Mariano warns her not to come alone.  Yago has found the invoices for both trucks, just in case Juarez may need them.  

Pablo and Juarez arrive  at BV and share their thoughts on what may have happened:  LeoCerdo was hiding out at BV.  Hissadora may have helped him escape and now they’ve now joined forces to harm Pops.  Mariano wouldn’t put anything past her.  Juarez has put out the APB on the two trucks.  He’s sure they’ll soon have news.  He asks to see Cayetano but Yago tells him he’s asleep.  Juarez thinks it’s necessary to tell him what Hissadora has done and also suggests they take him to the hospital for detox. 

Back at La Malquerida, Camila brings Eleuterio and Rodolfo*sigh* up to date.  She takes Rodolfo with her to run over to BV. 

Dionicio’s Lair
Hissadora has the nerve to run to Dionicio for help!  She’s in a panic and even pours herself a stiff one while she’s waiting for Dio.  She pleads with him as he smiles his Cheshire Smile.  She doesn’t know how, but Cayetano’s sons found out about Las Gotas.  She ran out of the house and abandoned the truck because she was being followed.  He’s got to help her!  “How dare you,” El Diablo sneers, “after  you’ve planned to betray me!  Oh no, don’t play dumb with me.  So you were planning to exclude me from BuenaVentura, huh?  Doing it behind my back!  And now you come seeking my help!”  You can almost see the fire coming out of his nostrils!  Hissadora doesn’t hesitate to fire back, admitting she did so because he was putting their plan at risk because of his Camila obsession.  She also found out that he was trying to get her to sleep with him in addition to handing over LMQ!  “It would behoove you to help me escape because if they catch me, mi amor, we’re both lost!  No matter what you say, you must be terrified at the possibility that I may accuse you!  There are some things, Corazon, for which you will be unable to wash your hands!”  Dionicio demands to know what things she could be referring to, “You’re the one who suffocated  Padre Baldomero with a pillow.  It was you who killed Ximena and left Alonso a quadriplegic when you pushed their car over the embankment!”  Hissadora admits to these crimes, “but it was you who sent Julian to Chile to kill Daniel.  You involved Agustina in the retirement fund scheme and you’re the anonymous owner of Un Mejor Futuro and all in order to get LMQ!”  Dionicio is furious and reminds her he did these things because they both wanted LMQ, not just him, “but your  lovely son betrayed us and that’s when it occurred to you to marry Cayetano and then do away with him in order to get BuenaVentura.”  She explains it was the only way to deal with the penalties brought on by the tourist development.  He screams at her, “It was all of no use to you.  You’ve just lost BuenaVentura!”  Hissadora: “Yeah, so?  Why should that matter to you?  Being free of BuenaVentura leaves you free and clear.  You should be appreciative.”  Dionicio is incredulous that she would think he should be grateful that she excluded him from the rights to BuenaVentura.  She continues to try and convince this all works in his favor.  If he only delivers La Malquerida, he won’t have any problems.  That is of course provided he helps her escape.  If he doesn’t, she will tell everything – absolutely everything! 

Camila arrives and Juarez advises there’s no news.  He gets a call informing him the trucks have been found but no sighting of either Hissadora or LeoCerdo.  Daniel wanders in through an open door and says he’s here to speak to Yago.  Juarez fills him on Hissadora and LeoCerdo. 

Mariano also explains to Daniel that Illeana brought them up to speed that Hissadora had been drugging Pops and even got the gotas for them as proof.  Now Pablo rejoins them and says Pops doesn’t feel up to joining them but he wishes to speak to Mariano and Juarez.  Daniel explains he has a favor to ask of Yago who says it will have to wait because he needs to go see his Pops.  Pablo interrupts him, saying Pops only wishes to see Mariano, Juarez, and himself.  Yago is impactado!  Mariano isn’t surprised after what happened.  They are all disillusioned with Yago.  Mariano, Pablo, and Juarez leave the room.

Daniel wants to speak to Yago about the threats Dionicio made against him. 

Some bulls and a dog in the pasture.  SALUD! And a beer chaser for the dog!

Dionicio’s Lair
Hissadora wins and Dionicio promises to provide her with enough money to find a hiding place while he arranges for a false passport so she can leave the country.  He gives her some money and suggests she stay at a cheap hotel (hotel de paso) If she were to go to the type of hotel she’s accustomed to, the police won’t have any trouble finding her.  Once he gets her passport, he’ll also give her dollars and euros on which she should live comfortably for some time.  He hands her a cell phone so they can keep in touch.  She’s grateful cuz in her hurry to leave the ranch, she left behind her cell phone and her purse.  He promises to call her tonight after Camila has delivered the ranch.  She asks if he’s still going through with his plan.  He grunts his reply.  She can’t understand his obsession with Camila.  He couldn’t possible love that woman so much as to put everything at risk.  He has no need for her advice and suggests she leave now.  Omar will get her a taxi and have them pick her up at the corner.  He doesn’t want anyone to know she’s been here.  He tells her to wait for his call. 

Agustina is in the warden’s office pleading for a chance to call Camila.  She already tried calling her house during the time allotted to them, but no one answered.  Warden replies, “Sorry but that’s not my problem.”  Agustina’s in tears and asks again if she can call Camila’s cell phone to ensure she answers. Madam Warden explains calls to cell phones aren’t possible.  Agustina points out they are from the phone on her desk.  She begs, pleads to allow her to call.  It’s a matter of life and death!  Madam Warden comments that they all say that.  Well, Agustina shouldn’t expect to be treated any differently than other prisoners.  Although Agustina hasn’t had a trial, this doesn’t give her special privileges.  Agustina continues to plead, saying it’s an emergency.  Madam Warden doesn’t let up, saying speaking to her daughter isn’t an emergency, not for a criminal!  She kicks her out of her office and sends her back to her chores.  Poor Agustina sobs and walks away, defeated.

Daniel wants to know if Yago is up to accusing Dionicio for threatening his life.  Yago wonders why he should do this and Daniel explains this would put Dionicio in jail, avoid his getting LMQ, and freeing Agustina.  Camila thinks this is a wonderful idea and thanks Daniel for coming up with it.  She turns to Yago and assumes he’ll help, right?  Yago takes a deep breath…….aaaaand sorry, no can do!  He’s sorry and he knows it would help  her but it would end up ruining him.  Dionicio is dangerous and powerful.  Yago doesn’t plan to put his life at risk.  Daniel can’t believe Yago could be such a selfish coward.  Wasn’t it enough that Nati left him at the door of the church?  He still thinks only of himself?  Yago agrees that what Nati did was humiliating and he’ll never forgive her for that.  But Nati can’t harm him whereas Dionicio can.  He turns again to Camila and apologizes again, saying he won’t put himself out there for her, or anyone else.  He leaves.  Daniel apologizes to Camila but she understands and is grateful he at least tried.  Daniel wonders if they can force him to testify, there are witnesses to Dionicio’s threats.  Camila’s done.  It doesn’t matter now.  Daniel reaches out to her and asks her not to leave like this but she assures him she’s fine.  Daniel’s not fooled.  He knows her better than anyone.  He knows their chances of trapping Dionicio are growing slim.  But they still have the hope of trapping Hissadora.  Camila can’t believe Hissadora would turn on Dionicio.  Daniel explains Hissadora isn’t like them, she has no loyalty to anyone.  He’s sure she would testify against Dionicio.  Camila can only hope that’s true.  She leaves before she can start to cry.  Daniel doesn’t look too sure either. 

Dionicio’s Street
Hissadora sprints down the street to the waiting taxi and speeds away but unbeknownst to her, LeoCerdo is watching from his own taxi and grunts to the driver to “Follow that Cab!” and the chase is on, again. 

Daniel is now on the phone with Amanda explaining Yago’s refusal to cooperate.  Juarez comes back in and tells Daniel he’s heard from Gaston in Chile and that Abraham is about ready to get out of jail and they will begin processing the charges against Dionicio.  It’s now imperative that Daniel return to his country ASAP to do his part in testifying agains Dionicio.  Juarez also believes it will be important for Miriam to be there since she also saw the would-be assassin.  Daniel can only wish they could trap Dionicio before tonight.  Only then, along with his testimony and Miriam’s will Dionicio stop mocking the law.  Juarez feels the same and to that end he shares what he found among HIssadora’s things.  It’s a draft of the agreement she and Dionicios have for the Tourist Development.  Daniel reviews it and finds that Dionicio has an appointment on Monday to hand over LMQ and BV.  “BV obviously can’t be included, but what about LMQ?” wonders Juarez.  He figures Camila must know of this by now but just like everyone else, is waiting for some miracle to trap Dionicio before then. 

In the dark and by candlelight, Agustina writes a tearful letter to her daughter as we see a montage of hers and Camila’s life, “Camila, my greatest treasure, some time ago someone told me that our children are our greatest teachers.  You have been the best daughter I could have been given.  You are a very brave woman who knows how to face (enfrentar) life with dignity with your head always held high.  Your love for others leads you to make invaluable sacrifices such as distancing yourself from Daniel because of Miriam’s situation; or accepting that maldito Dionicio’s proposition in order to free me.  But that isn’t fair.  It’s time you begin to think of yourself and what you deserve.  You deserve to be happy because I’m not worthy of your sacrifices.  I want you to know that your passion for life, for justice, and the truth, has changed my life.  This isn’t just a letter, it’s a tribute (homenaje) to you, my daughter, my teacher, companion, and my comfort.  I haven’t been the best mother but you have been the best daughter.  It’s been a privilege to be your mother.  Thank you for being in my life.  You have made a difference.  I love you.”  She signs the letter and weeps.  (sniff)

Camila’s Cabaña
Camila prays.  Just the thought of Dionicio’s caresses revolt her……  but it has to do with her mother’s freedom and Daniel’s life.  She flinches in a fit of rage and then takes a deep breath.

Dionicio’s Lair
Meanwhile, the Lothario of Metepec readies himself, thinking aloud, “I always get what I want.  Por fin, Camila, you will be mine.”

Cayetano meets with all three sons in his room.  He realizes now he should have listened when they warned him about Hissadora.  He plans to call Ileana and thank her for getting Las Gotas.  She may have caused some problems for their family, but in the end she saved them.  The sons “monologue” Hissadora’s plans: Las Gotas were only to stupefy him (further) but the final blow was going to be a fatal dose of Potassium, which they found in her purse.  This would have caused a heart attack just as in poor Alonso.  She planned it for tonight and she arranged for The Help to take the day off and no one else would have been home. A receipt from an attorney was found in her purse whom she most likely hired to draft a new will in her favor.  Not to mention the agreement they found handing over LMQ and BV on Monday

Scoobie Meeting at RafaVi
More yammering about how they’re going to nab Dionicio before Camila gives in to his whims,  Yago’s refusal cooperate,  the need to capture Hissadora.  Yada, yada, yada.  If only Miriam had agreed to postpone their trip to Chile.  It would have been better for her health and  Daniel could leave with some peace of mind knowing what happened with LMQ, Dionicio, and Camila!  The talk turns to how odd it is that Miriam’s medical file has disappeared.  Daniel wonders if he’s just paranoid but on the other hand it would be great if his daughter could live her life without suffering the loss of her mother.  That aneurism is a constant threat and keeping Miriam in a bubble is almost impossible.  Vivi thinks it would be awful to know you’re going to die, leaving your daughter. 

Date Night for Amanda and Ozzie
Ozzie asks for the house special (drink).  Amanda’s happy to know Nati is safe even though Dionicio is sure to pressure her again but she doesn’t care, she won’t budge.  Ooooh, Ozzie likes this new feisty Amanda --  confident and happy.  The house drinks arrive.  Amanda takes the umbrella out of her glass and finds a ring!  Ozzie pops the question!  Then he suggests they wed in Chiapas so Nati can share their happiness.

Cayetano figures he’ll have to draft yet another will.   Yago cheers him on.  Ahem, Cayetano knows this probably isn’t the time or the place but he didn’t want to make things worse by barring him from the room.  He’s very disappointed in Yago.  Yago tries to say that he made a mistake, just like his Pops.  No, no, no, not the same thing, says Cayetano, “I was an idiot to think that at my age a woman like Hissadora would love me.  You, on the other hand, you were a coward who caved in out of fear.  You had no misgivings about playing with the life of the mother of your child.  That is very embarrassing for me.”  Yago:  “ Yeah, well, I made a mistake, I’m sorry  it’s time to move forward, no?”  Cayetano knows his #2 son only too well and knows he’s not owning up to his mistake or the harm he’s done.  So for his own good, he’s asking Yago to go out on his own and find employment somewhere outside of BuenaVentura!  “Are  you kicking me out?”  “Let’s just say I’m giving you the opportunity to value what you’ve always had.  In addition, since I’m not confident you’ll take responsibility for your child, I plan to leave half of your inheritance to my grandson.  It’s the least the child and that girl deserves.”  Yago, being Yago, tells him he can do whatever he wants with his money.  He’ll show him he can make himself a fortune just as big as Cayetano’s. 

Cayetano tells Yago he’s only doing this for his own good.  The best thing any parent can do is put limits on their children.  He realizes he should have done so long ago but it’s better late than never.  He adores Yago but he won’t change his mind.  Yago assures them all they’ll see he will be able to make it on his own.  But til then, they’ll hear nothing from him until he returns as what he’s always been…..a breeder (of animals, I’m sure)  Cayetano’s fine with that and wishes him luck.  He hopes Yago attains his goal in an honorable and respectful manner.  His family’s doors will always be open to him.  Mariano and Yago share a brotherly exchange – not really a hug – and Yago leaves.  Cayetano’s done in and Mariano asks him to take it easy.  He and Pablo are in agreement with Cayetano’s actions and hope Yago will learn they all need each other.  Hopefully he’ll lose the arrogance (soberbia) and return to them with a better attitude.  Pablo tells him Ana, Refugio, and Rocio are outside waiting to see him.  He’s surprised Cayetano is agreeable to see all three, including Rocio.  While he’s out of the room, Mariano tells Cayetano Hissadora is still on the loose. 

Scoobie Meeting at RafaVi
Daniel finally scores some good news.  Dante has called and informed him that Alonso’s recording has been cleaned and everything on the tape can clearly be heard.  The good thing is that the police is already on Hissadora’s heels because of what she did to Cayetano.  The recording will also confirm her part in Camila’s kidnapping.  Vivi thinks the Hissadora caper should be resolved by the time Daniel leaves for Chile.  The thought of his leaving saddens her.  She knows she’ll miss him.

Aggie is asks Carmela to personally  hand her letter to Camila.  Carmela asks if she’s certain she’s ready and Agustina assures her she is.  Carmela won’t judge her and who knows, if she were in Agustina’s place she might do the same.  (ruh-roh)  They embrace.  Carmela promises everything necessary will be done and that Camila will be called.  Agustina still doesn’t think she’s a good woman but Carmela tells her indeed she is. (sniff)

EEEEEEEWWWW  ALERT!!!!!  Avert your eyes!!!!  

Dionicio’s Lair
Dionicio is sitting in his living room, decorated with a few candles – beg red ones.  Suddenlty Camila appears.  “Buenas noches,” says the spider to the fly.  She explains she’s there to give him what he’s asked for in exchange for the documents that will free her mother.  He reminds her of the title to LMQ.  She will deliver the deed on Monday in front of a Notario in exchange for the documents exonerating Agustina.  Oh, he gives her his word that Juarez will receive documentation that Agustina’s situation was the result of a “grievous” error.  They will show that Agustina does work for Mejor Futuro and that her clients will be able to cash in their funds.  At that moment she’ll hand over LMQ.  Camila accuses him of planning this from the beginning and he freely admits it.  He’s a businessman.  But he’s also a romantic even though she may not believe.  He steps toward her but she’s circles the room.  He teases her, saying she’ll have a good time.  Her presence here shows him she’s a woman of her word.  Tonight she will give him half of the agreement (convenio).  Viewerville averts its eyes as he approaches her saying, “Tonight, your body and your caresses will be for me.  This will make me the happiest man in the world.”  Camila tries to avert her own eyes as he tucks his hand under her chin to lift her face.  (I think I’m gonna be sick)

Seems like a peaceful evening out on the yard.  The guards are talking in a corner when suddenly a ruckus breaks out and all hell breaks loose!  Agustina is in the shadows.  She takes advantage of the distraction and runs to that tower we all saw earlier and begins the long climb to the top.  She stands on the ledge to the sound of a heart beat. She asks God’s forgiveness, saying she’s only doing this to save her daughter’s life.  “My life in exchange for hers.  I entrust my soul to You.”  She leans forward and, just like that, we see her body fall.  The last shot is of her lifeless body.  (sniff)



I loved this Novela. Great story, a lot of surprising twists, and quite a few strong women!

Thought from tonight's episode. How is it that no one can smell LeoCerdo coming a mile away? He spent some time in the garbage, hasn't bathed or changed his clothes! Eeeew! Can't believe that cabbie even let him in his Taxi!

Someone has to stop Dionicio from seducing Camila -- no way this will take place. But I hope that whatever happens, he won't so much as kiss her. The thought of them kissing makes me cringe. shudder!!

As an homage to Our Lady in Lavendar, I plan to wear something purple to work tomorrow.

Paquita- I stayed up late just to read this. Thank you so much for all your wonderful recaps. I will be more coherent tomorrow, but wanted to share my grief over Gussy's end. *sniff* So sad. The letter was beautiful though and it was nice to see those flashbacks of mother and daughter. Poor Camila has lost her fiancé; her beloved uncle who was like a father to her; Padre B. who was her close spiritual guide; her sister; her ex-husband, who she still cared about despite his many flaws; and now her mama. Pablo is now her only living relative!

The TVyNovelas final nominations have been published. No SN on the best actress list...


Paquita, I, too, have stayed up to read your recap. I could not see the show tonight. You captured it all!!

I am so sad about Agustina. I think this will be so hard for Camila to bear. Yes, she is strong, but there is only so much a body can handle.

I'm sad. I'm also very sad at the news you posted Vivi in DC that Silvia Navarro is not nominated for an award. I just can't believe it. Was it you who said she was leaving Televisa for another studio (I don't know what else to call it)? This just doesn't seem fair that SN has been ignored for an award. I'm mystified.

Paquita, thank you so very much! I will truly miss your recaps. I'd like to know where you will be recapping next. :))


Paquita, What a superb recap, you have captured the details and mood perfectly with wry observations. This is a huge shift emotionally from PEAM which is fun but so full of silliness. Thank you so much.

Sigh, poor Agostina, but even worse, Camila does not need another funeral.

Wasn't it said before that they had something against Silvia Navarro b/c she came from another studio?

Paquita, thanks for all your wonderful contributions in AB.
May Agustina rest in Peace. This is so sad, I thought her retribution was just being humbled in jail but I guess she has to be proven a good mother for all her past misdeeds to her children. I did cover my eyes, Paquita. I have a feeling the phonecall from the jail warden will interrupt whatever the evil Dionicio was about to do to Camilla. I hope so very much. This would have shown the audience that she did not die in vain.
I am disappointed that Sylvia Navarro won't get nominated. I like her acting.
When I started this Novela, I was glued in suspense every night for the first two months and now tonight it's the same. I was holding on to my seat because of so much important happenings.Good job writers. Thanks.

Can't wait to watch these last episodes!

I don't say it every day but thanks to all the recappers. I have recapped on another site and I know it's hard work but well worth it to share the love of novelas with others.

I'm giving QBA a try even though I have to record it. Salinas had me hooked after LQNPA and I'm familiar with Peniche and Montero.

Paquita, thank you for your time and your tremendous contribution to AB.

Tonight I'm going to llorar como Camila--excellent episode tonight.

Regarding Silvia, wasn't she the one that pulled her name out the last time for CME? Does anyone know that she isn't doing the same thing this time around? In any event, it's not fair to her fans--whether she's the one that doesn't want to participate or the committee board that are envious of her talent--she's by far the most talented female lead in this genre and especially for this year's nomination. If anyone had any doubt, tonight's episode alone should have clinched her nomination.


What a great recap! I felt the same for so many of your comments and asides and did so want to avert my eyes at that critical point last night. What a sad end for Agustina. And poor Camila -- losing one more person in her life, and one she truly loved. Wearing purple today ... a sweet idea!

And thanks for your many excellent recaps throughout. I am sure going to miss this group and the exceptional work of the recappers.

Once again, our hapless duo mess up. Isa, in all of her pride and smugness, has ruined every one of her clever plans by being just a bit too clever. Dio has been smarter, but not enough. Oooh, I am going to enjoy his end.

Hipolito. Again, a fine man. Assuming Luzma comes back to Pablo, mother and daughter will have the good men they so deserve.

No SN? Wow.

Thanks for the recap! It was a difficult ending to watch for Augustina, being so hemmed in that she had no choice and not able to see the happy ending that she has hopefully sacrificed herself for. Thanks for clarifying the conversations for me.

And thanks for all the work through this TN.


Excellent work, Paquita. The last half dozen episodes are always the most exciting and provide us with the best material.

It does bother me that Silvia isn't on the nomination list when all the other actors from this cast are (unlike the other series). The idea of Victoria Ruffo being nominated for Lagrimas is laughable in comparison.

Equally wrong is that Laura Flores wasn't nominated for Refugio.

It has always bothered me that the Premios are only about Televisa programs when there is Azteca and now Telemundo to contend with. Don't they get all of Telemundo's programs in Mexico sooner or later? This award program needs to include work by networks whose total novela output is seen in Mexico, since the magazine does cover that stuff.

A few head-scratchers from last night:

-- Malodorous Leoncerdo; this is a no-brainer.
-- Candles in a prison cell? Unless the entire facility is made of steel I can't imagine them permitting the risk of a fire.
-- The other mother in the prison yard didn't scream when she saw Augustina climbing the ladder to the tower?
-- Did the Albarrans and Sherlock Juarez forget that Leoncerdo accused Hissadora of cutting out his tongue?

Iagho. Selfish to the end. No surprise about that.


Don't you think that the whole suicide was set up among the inmates, so that the other inmate knew that Augustina would be climbing the tower?

I thought so.


Carmela (her cellmate) knew. The dark-haired one probably suspected, but I don't think Augustina actually told her.

Just stopping by before hitting the salt mines.

This morning, I am still sad about Agustina. Someone needs to spell it out to me, but why did she feel she needed to do this and what, specifically, would her death accomplish?

Also, for those of you who are so well versed in this genre, are you surprised that in such a strong Catholic country, that the Mexican writers wrote in this suicide?

Finally, from the very few glimpses of what I saw of the lead female actress in the Lagrimas novela, I just don't see how she can even be considered in the same league as Silvia Navarro.

I surely don't know the workings of this "Premio" stuff, but YIKES, how blind are these people?!


Morning all! Fatima- I am also still so sad about Gussy's end.

What does Gussy's death accomplish? With her out of the way, Camila and the gang don't have to waste time and resources trying to get her out of jail (paying off the people swindled, searching for proof of her innocence, a trial, etc.), and most importantly Dionisio can't use her freedom or her life as a bargaining chip/pressure point to get what he wants from Camila (her body and MQ). It's a drastic solution. And Gussy was feeling like she was out of options and was desperate. Of course, the audience knows the good guys are close to putting the bad guys away, and this sad event could have been avoided, but both Camila and Gussy felt backed into a corner to do something drastic to save the other.

Fatime, the magazine TVyNovelas is owned by Televisa. This is the likely reason for the nominations being restricted to Televisa-produced programs. Victoria Ruffo has been under contract to them for 95% of her career while Sylvia Navarro has only been with them for a couple of years. I know Ruffo has won in the past, but I don't know how long ago.

Suicide in telenovelas is not a surprise to me; the religious taboo is the very reason for it. It would have shock value among religious viewers.

An interesting co-incidence happened yesterday: On AMF yesterday morning Cristina tried to commit suicide over the rejection of her daughter and there was the same kind of retrospective of their relationship as in last night's AB.

Have to get to the salt mines myself today but HAD to comment on the nominations. I don't usually pay attention to the TN premios but OMG Ruffo was nominated? No puede ser. I watched Lagrimas the first few months maybe then just couldn't take it anymore. This nom will only encourage her and the directors to keep those Lagrimas flowing. Talk about a one trick pony--yeesh! Navarro is by far my favorite in this genre followed closely by Calderon - she does evil right.

Ok, rant over.

It would be great if the TVyNovelas folks included other networks. But I understand this is a business and they're going to bow tho their masters/owners Televisa and make it all about their tns. Fine. Televisa churns out more tns than any of the other networks combined, so there's more than enough competition in-house. But if you're going to select from among Televisa's tns/actors, then do it right and actually include the best of the best in your nominations! Not including SN, Jaime Camil (Eva), or Laura Flores (Refugio) just makes it seem like a bigger joke than it already is.

Thank you, Paquita, for all your wonderful recaps. My stomach did a back flip when Dio touched Camila's face. You described the feeling perfectly.

I feel really bad about Agustina. I get her reasoning, but this will be so hard for Camila. And what a heartless b--ch the prison official was when Agustina asked to make a simple phone call. She hadn't been convicted yet, and the official called her a criminal!

I truly hope that Camila gets the news about her mother before anything happens with Dio, but even a kiss will be too much. How delusional Dio is that he can say he looks forward to her caresses! Whatever goes down, I doubt she'd be anything other than a lifeless, doll-like participant.

Yes, Hipolito is quite a man. Hope Luzma can reunite with Pablo before this all ends.

Again, thanks to all recappers for a delightful experience!


Augustina never knew about the threat to Daniel. Her suicide will serve no purpose other than pointing to the depth of El Diablo's evil. At this stage nobody needs that reminder.


As usual there are some terrific descriptors and turns of phrase here in this recap:

"You’ve heard how walls have ears? Well, in this case, las cortinas have ears cuz LeoCerdo is standing behind the sheer curtains and has heard everything" (Pure genius!)

"You can almost see the fire coming out of his nostrils!"

"the Lothario of Metepec readies himself" (Had me LOL!)

Thanks so much for keeping us entertained as well as "Al tanto" weekly. It's been a great roller coaster ride with you along for the shrieks and giggles. Glad you'll be there for the next one, too!

WTH is Daniel referring to when he says there are witnesses to Dionisio threatening Iago? I thought I must have misheard that last night, but now I see it in the recap.

There aren't, unless you count Natalia's eavesdropping when Iago signed the contract, and Dionisio's threats were very veiled by that point- no overt threats of violence, just "if you know what's good for you" which could be open to interpretation.

Iago told Iliana that Dionisio had threatened his person, but she witnessed nothing and, at the time, took the threat as hyperbole. Nobody saw his men running him off the road and holding a gun to his head, and Iago never even told anyone about that until Friday's episode.

In other TN's this sloppiness of the writers having characters refer to things that never happened is common, but this is the first incidence of it I've noticed with AB.

By then they knew El Diablo well enough to recognize a veiled threat. Iagho's responses to him in the conversation Natalia heard said enough.

El Diablo's henchmen can also be compelled to testify.

Actually, Anonymous, there were witnesses, and that would be the thugs themselves. Given the offer of a deal with the policia, I think they would cave when they realize Dio is going down big time:)


Great recap, Paquita. Thanks so much for your dedication throughout. You always manage to spice things up with your personal observations.

I was stunned when Agustina actually did it. I thought we'd seen the last of damage done to characters we care's the last week for goodness sake.

Thought I really liked his shirt last night I was very disappointed in Yago. Finally he had a little chance at some redemption and he blew it.

So Dionysio considers himself a romantic? Bull. Agustin (CME) was equally creepy and disgusting but at least he was a romantic. Dionysio is just a lecherous old goat. No dinner... no drinks... a couple of puny candles and worst of all... no rose petals.



Paquita, thanks so much for this and all your other superb recaps. Once again, you've helped me understand some things that went right by me when I watched the TN.

I can imagine how emotionally difficult this episode was to recap, given the scene between Dio and Camila and, of course, Agustina's suicide at the end. I was happy to see that your sense of humor didn't desert you. I loved your describing LeonCerdo "carrying a plactic bag that surely carries the Hissadora face treatment." And I was moved by your homage to the Lady in Purple.

There were one or two places where I think you may have made an error. You said of Camila "she wants to go to BV so he cant tell her everything." I assume you mean "can," not "can't." And I was under the impression that when Yago told his father that he would return only after he became what he really is, un ganador, he was saying "a winner," not a breeder.

One thing that surprised me was Amanda's enthusiasm over the restaurant Ossie took her to. She said something like "oh, how beautiful," but it looked pretty modest and casual to me. Perhaps her description reflects her happy state of mind rather than the actual appearance of the restaurant.

Cindy, I too thought that the melee in the prison yard had been arranged to give Agustina an opportunity to climb the tower unperceived. I don't know whether all the inmates were in on the plan--perhaps just Aggie's cellmate. But it doesn't take much to set off such a brawl.

I was very sad and moved by Agustina's letter to Camila, but at the same time I was exultant: I understood every word she said as she composed her letter; I never had to look at the Spanish captions. That experience is rare enough for me that my delight overcame even my sadness.


Vivi, thanks for posting the URL for the [expletive deleted] TVyNovelas premios nominations. What a farce! Victoria Ruffo?? And no Silvia Navarro??? Oh well, I was glad that AB was nominated for Best Telenovela, and Leticia and Cesar for best villains. And CdlF for best actor. I see that the actors who play Leoncio, Luzma, and Pablo also were nominated. I have no idea what "Revelación Feminina" refers to, but I was happy to see Olivia Bucio recognized. I also have no idea what Mejor Actriz de Reparto means, but the person who played Ximena was included there. AB also was nominated for best song, but not for best director. [another expletive deleted]

I think maybe I'll cancel my subscription to TVyNovelas in protest. I subscribed both to improve my lame Spanish and to try to get info about upcoming TNs, but I haven't had much luck with the latter. And now that I see that the revista and Televisa are hand in glove, I guess I see why.

I'm finally back home from the salt mines. And what a slog is has been.
First, thank you UA for all the hard work and dedication you've put into this novela. I read your recap but was unable to comment at all yesterday. But everything was said that I would have said, and more.

And thank you Paquita, for your hard work and dedication as well. This is the first TN I've watched with you recapping, and I really enjoy your writing style.

I was surprised that Aggie actually jumped. I thought for sure that she would not do it at the last minute.
The previews I saw showed Camila in the black dress/negligee, whatever it is, and so she doesn't get wind of Aggie's demise before she changes. How will Camila get the news? Will she answer her phone during the disgusting sexy time?

Paquita- When Vivi says this early on in the episode about Miriam, we didn't know that it would actually apply to Agustina by later in the episode: "Vivi thinks it would be awful to know you’re going to die, leaving your daughter."


Juanita- From what I can tell, “Revelación Feminina/o” means a younger/virtually unknown actress/actor who had a really impactful performance in a part that wasn’t very big. And “Mejor Actriz/Actor de Reparto” means a more established actress/actor who had a really impactful performance in a part that wasn’t very big. In the case of Laura C. (Ximena) and Flavio M. (Alonso), I guess since they weren’t in the entire tn, they fall in this later category. Flavio was wonderful in his role as Alonso.

I hope he, Mariana (Luzma), and our AB villains win. Oh, and I hope AB wins for best tn.

I agree, Vivi, but I also hope Laura Carmine wins for her role as Ximena. I thought she was fantastic.

Paquita thanks so much for your recap that became so unpleasant at the end.

OB hit another out of the park with that letter and the entire episode. You could see her desperation growing to this really awful conclusion. If the producers were going for shock, they were successful.

Carlos - "So Dionysio considers himself a romantic? Bull. Agustin (CME) was equally creepy and disgusting but at least he was a romantic. Dionysio is just a lecherous old goat. No dinner... no drinks... a couple of puny candles and worst of all... no rose petals." Thanks for giving us a laugh about this icky situation and you are right the man has no romantic skills.


At least Augustin was goodlooking.

LOL! True. Agustin got a whole ship for her too! Granted, her quarters were a bit cramped, and being tied up and injected with drugs was no fun for Renata. But he always had wine and food at the ready for her. And, took the time to buy her favorite perfume. And remember those specially designed earrings. What a guy! His taste in lingerie and dresses left a bit to be desired. That short, tight red dress and black stilettos were not exactly Renata’s style. Dion doesn’t really seem to get Camila’s style either. Let’s hope his end is just as painful as Agustin’s. :)

A few thoughts before reading the recap and comments.

Agustina may have done some stupid things but she didn't deserve jail and she certainly didn't deserve to die (and will Cam feels guilty because she did it to save her?). I hope the writers have a horrible end in store for Dio, but I think at this point, nothing would satisfy me. Is it too late to bring back hanging, drawing and quartering? No--not even that. No wait. I just thought of something. I hope he does go to jail and becomes someone's you-know-what.

When I first saw the avances with Agustina on the tower and the next scene with Cam/Vivi/Rafa/Dan, I thought that Agustina's death would be what stops Dio from raping Cam. I thought either someone will come for her or possibly call her with the news and she'd tell Dio she had to take the call or they'll worry about her and deduce where she is.

Now on to the, I already know before I read them, awesome recap and comments.


Many thanks, Vivi, for explaining the TVyNovelas premio categories. Frankly, I'd be delighted to see AB win every award it's up for. Though I'm still bummed about the snub to Silvia Navarro.

Hanging, drawing, and quartering won't ever happen again in the civilized world; Mexico doesn't do capital punishment either.

I also doubt that Dionicio could be anybody's prag. The most important reason I think he should be in ad seg (administrative segregation or solitary confinement) is so he can't start trouble that becomes too big for a prison staff to handle. The bonus is that keeping him from outside contact will drive him stir-crazy.

excellent points on the lack of Dio's romanticism. He may have fired the maid/cook, but he could at least get take out. What goes well with rape? I just hope she kept her phone out to get the (please Lord) call to save her from his ickiness.

Shout out to Super Hipolito! He's a good guy. His watery eyes when he was talking to Piedad almost made me cry.

I was the one who read that Silvia was jumping ship for Telemundo. now I hope it's true. Many of the commenters agree with us too. They allowed four nominees in some categories so they could've thrown her name in just to appease the fans, and then vote for someone else. At least Laura Flores got a nod in the Favoritos del Publico.


When I saw Victoria Ruffo & no Silvia Navarro I thought these people have lost their minds. VR, are you crazy?
Is sobbing for 180 episodes a talent?

From what I saw of Refugio, Zuria Vega didn't look very good either.

Silvia is just so far superior to all of them.
She was at Azteca before Televisa. After she left Azteca, it was like they wiped her off the face of the earth. Did I hear sth about her moving to another network, could be the reason she was bypassed. Anyone with half a brain would know she is by far the best. VR, get real!

The last time I was so mad about the Premios was when Lucero & Joan Sebastion's song was not nominated from STuD.


OK. I just finished up the comments for Monday's ep before starting the current recap and read where SN did not get a nom!!!! CdlF gets a nom for best actor and SN who is a so much better actor she's off the charts, doesn't?!!! We all know she'd wipe the floor of her competition if she were nominated. What a disgraceful shame.

Paquita - Fantastic recap. My favorite line: “carrying a plastic bag that surely carries the Hissadora face treatment” –lol.

For once, I'm glad the previews gave up too much information. Otherwise, I'd be totally flabbergasted about Augustina. So sad for Camila. Augustina's suicide is being portrayed as the selfless act of a mother, but I so wish that she had thought deeper and come up with another plan. I kept thinking why didn't she just fake her death instead. But I guess the point was to show Augustina had left behind years of selfishness to make the ultimate sacrifice for her daughter.

I must've blanked out when Dio snuggled Camila because happily I don't remember it at all.

OK, down to business

Tks Paquita for todays recap & all the previous. It has been so enjoyable.

Is Camila going to get a call on her cell in mid congress that her mom offed herself? RIP Aggie, we hardly knew ya. I think the inmates knew what she was doing & wouldn't go against her plans.

Where did Leo get money to pay for the taxi, I know, tighten the beanie. This TN has had fewer beanie moments than any other.

Don't you just want to slap the crap out of Mariano every time he asks Dan "¿qué haces aquí?"

Variopinta- Remember he stole the money from the BV capataz.

Since Sylvia Navarro wasn't even nominated, we need to keep in mind that these awards are just a popularity contest among the powers to be at Televisa. Nothing more. Victoria Ruffo is obviously well liked among them.

For anyone posting a comment from their iphone, I found that if I just post the comment with only typing in the letters and not the numbers, it goes through usually. I will try it from my computer and see if it works this way as well.

I just posted that last comment without typing any numbers, and it worked. Go figure.

I thought it was an interesting theory by Pablo that maybe Isadora and Leoncio are working together to help each other out, and that maybe Isa helped Leoncio escape. I know it's not true, but they don't and it would seem plausible to them.

Awesome, Paquita. I'm going to miss your recaps--unless you decide to recap the new 7:00 that's coming in a few weeks (I assume, since they're in Ult Sem).

We were expecting one of the good guys to buy it before the end and Agustina was it. Flaco thinks there might be one more, but I hope not. That was enough.

UA: I get what you say about Dio's anvil. Solitary confinement would be bad for him. I just wish I felt more satisfied by that end.

I have a trio of actors that I follow (introduced to me in my first TN--MEPS), Lucero, Fernando Colunga and Silvia Navarro. I'll follow them anywhere. But if they all have a TN on at the same time, I would choose SN's everytime. Even if it's a Meija one. :)


For my romantic evening, dinner, expensive wine, but NO damn rose petals unless you are going to clean them up. I don't even want candles,I have cats. A few drinks & I'm good. My escort is FC, cancel dinner & wine.

I saw an inquisition museum in Mex & the spiked chair & head crusher would be a good choice for Dio's punishment.

cathyx, you don't have to type capital letters either.

Variopinta, I never bothered to capitalize the letters. I always typed them lowercase.

RIP in Sp is Q.E.P.D. (que en paz descanse)

PdelB, Thanks so much for your recap and all those in the past. Today's was one of the best I have read. It is hard to keep an appropriate somberness with the graveness of suicide, but still funny with the rest of the antics that continue. Bien hecho amiga!


Yes, Variopinta. I for one want to slap Mariano every time he says "¿qué haces aquí?" to Daniel. How many good ideas has Mariano come up?

I meant "come up with"?


This made me laugh out loud:

"... he could at least get take out. What goes well with rape?"

Shame on us.


Urban Anthropologist said...
By then they knew El Diablo well enough to recognize a veiled threat. Iagho's responses to him in the conversation Natalia heard said enough.

El Diablo's henchmen can also be compelled to testify.

Marta in NY said...
Actually, Anonymous, there were witnesses, and that would be the thugs themselves. Given the offer of a deal with the policia, I think they would cave when they realize Dio is going down big time:)

Sure, the veiled threats were recognizable as such, but if Natalia reported that conversation (if she were willing to leave Chiapas) to the police I seriously doubt that it would lead to his arrest, which is what is now at issue.

And I think the henchmen would not cave until AFTER the police order his arrest, that order being what Daniel hoped witness testimony could achieve.

Thanks much for the recaps, this one and all those that came before.
You have helped my comprehension enormously and added a good deal of humor as well.
Chris in FL

Carlos- Kelly always has awesome one liners, I want her to be my virtual BFF.

OMG I just watched last night's episode. ¡Pobrecita de Agustina! QEPD.

I wouldn't blame Camila one bit if she pulled a "Bobbit" on Dionisio.

Ah! Brilliant, Sue! That does eventually need to happen in a novela.

Yes, can't stand Mariano's attitude toward Daniel. Even if he NEVER comes around Camila again, she still won't go for you, Dude, deal with it! And how stupid was he when he had just asked Yago about Isadora, Yago said, "She's around here." Then the dumbkof still spouts all the news about Isa and the gotas and the fact that Juarez is on his way to arrest her right then and there without checking to see if she's in the area. So, of course she's listening, and of course she takes off! "Que haces tu aqui, Mariano?"


PS - Thank you, Paquita and all the other recappers, you have made this TN doubly enjoyable!

Soyyo: "So, of course she's listening, and of course she takes off! "Que haces tu aqui, Mariano?"--laugh out loud moment.

I think I've been saying this for 3 nights, but tonight is the night for Iza. I just wish they would get it over with.

Don't know If I'll have a chance to comment again during the final week of AB. Just want to say thank you to all the great recappers and all the regular commenters. You have no idea how much more enjoyable the whole TN watching experience has been for me since I discovered Caray Caray a few months ago. Everyone's insight, attention to details, backstories for the characters has been incredibly interesting. I've been watching a week's worth of episodes on Saturdays and Sundays, but I've made an exception this final week. I just have one comment re: last night's episode. Did anyone notice that in the scene with Dan, Viv and Rafa (in Viv's apt), they are all wearing black? (Cami is also wearing black when she arrives at Dio's place..mmhh. For a moment I thought they were getting ready to go to a funeral. At that point I had no idea Agustina was going to jump/die.. Did I miss something?? Maybe it is not important, I just couldn't remember ever seeing Vivi wearing all black clothing..


They might as well keep the black clothes on.

I had never heard of a Faraday Cage, but wiki came through.

Save that for QBA, I think you are going to need it. The beanie is good enough for this one. However TV & novelas could use one.

Flaco thinks Dio is going to put a hit out on Isa. I'd rather see Leo get her, but it's definitely a possibility.

Dulce- The writers were definitely forshadowing. Not only with Vivi's comments about mothers dying, but also with her and Rafa wearing all black (although they have worn matching outfits before). Camila was wearing a black jacket over a cream vest and red checked shirt. Dan was still wearing his black and silver charro suit from the non-wedding, but had the jacket off. The dress Dio bought Cami to wear is black, and he changed out of a gray suit from the wedding into a black suit for his "noche de amor" with Camila.

I noticed Amanda wore black at the nonwedding also. I wondered at the time if she was wearing black because she knew it wasn't going to take place.

Thanks Vivi... you have such a "photographic" memory. I will go back and watch that part, because I can't remember (did not pay attention) Vivi saying that... but love how quick you and others catch that ...

OAT-I read somewhere that CdlaF is returning to TNvs this summer. Will he be teaming up with the same AB producer/crew?? Maybe somebody here knows.. This is my most reliable source of info for info on AB actors :)

Thanks again


Dulce: I thought I read that he was going to be in a TN produced by the CME/AB guy and LC (Isa) was also in the cast. UA and Vivi would know.

I'm afraid I don't. We need Jarocha for that info.

Yep. Jarocha would have a better idea. I just looked around the internet and it says that CdlF has signed on to do a new Carlos Moreno tn, with the same writers. Filming is supposed to begin in July, but no leading lady has been chosen yet. I didn't see anything about the name or theme of the tn. In any case, we wouldn't see it here in the U.S. for a while. I hope the select the leading lady carefully. As much as I think CdlF is a hottie, and I also have been more pleased with his acting that I thought I would be, SN is really the one who brought out the best in him. The leading lady would have to be strong.

She's the best leading lady on Televisa's payroll since Edith Gonzales, whom I really miss.

I've found CdlF a bit wooden in this role, except when he's angry. There have certainly been more than enough stellar actors in this one to make up for it, though.

Thanks for all your wonderful recaps, Paquita!


The new CdlF TN is Aroma de lobos. It also has Leticia Calderon.

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