Friday, April 19, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #4 (Mex 5.2-6) Thursday 4/18/13 Que Bonito Tentación!

You know how in Spanish class they have you pick a "Spanish" name just to get in the mood?  And how when Pasion finally aired, we were all so giddy (ok, some of us were giddy) we picked pirate names?  Well, how about for this one, we all pick mariachi names!  (I'm going to pretend a great cheer of general agreement went up at that suggestion.)

For the first part of the name, use the title that corresponds to your birth month on the following list:
     January or July: El Rey/La Reina
     February or August: La Flor/El Macho
     March or September: La Joya/El Corazón
     April or October: La Dama/El Señor
     May or November: La Dueña/El Dueño
     June or December: La Duquesa/El Duque

Hey, I just made this up on the fly, and it has no scientific validity whatsoever, so feel free to pick your own.  Pick something descriptive--a different royal title, an animal, a specific flower, a gem, a physical characteristic, something about your personality, your profession, or something you do as a hobby.  Try for a translation or just put it in the comments and someone can help you out.

For the second part of the name, use the geographical reference below corresponding to the first letter of your first name. Or your middle name if you want to be really Mariachi about it:
     A-F: (a direction referring to your place of birth or current home) del Norte, del Noroeste, del Este, del Sureste, del Sur, del Suroeste, del Oeste
     G-M: (a reference to where you watch QBA) del Salon, del Sofa, de la Sala, de la Cocina
     N-S: (a reference to something prominent in your local geography) de las Montañas, de la Playa, del Bosque, del Llano, del Rio, de la Frontera, del desierto
     T-Z: (name of your hometown or current town) de _________

If you don't like any of those, pick something else that refers, even vaguely, to a place.  The only other option that comes to mind at the moment is the place you practice your profession or hobby.  What?  El Contador del Cubículo al Izquierdo is a perfectly acceptable mariachi name.

I, of course, picked something not on the list, así que les presento…La Diva del Desierto!  If Mr. 5ft picks one, I'll let you know.  I can already feel him giving me that sideways "seriously, woman?  Haven't I been through enough?" look.  I'm excited to see what everyone comes up with!

And now, on to the show….

Back in her dressing room, the saucy wenches are praising Maria for her awesome singing tonight.  She's bummed that "Jorge Alfredo" never called her.  They're not too happy with him for it either.  Cause all men suck, etc.

The sucky man himself is approaching her dressing room with a big bouquet and he hears her say that he's ungrateful (un malagradecido) just like all men.  She shakes it off and decides to go get some water and Santos/Jorge Alfredo runs off down the hallway, leaving a trail of roses.

Maria notices and starts picking them up, eventually finding the rest of the bouquet tossed in the trash outside the men's room.  Santos/Jorge Alfredo emerges and asks if she really thinks he's ungrateful.

In the boys' dressing room, Milamores is teasing one of the other guys for having gained weight.  Mirta pauses at the open door to ogle Colosso before she tells him that right now Maria is with the "Pochito" from LA who was there yesterday.

A note on "Pocho" since I haven't seen it mentioned yet…Wordreference gives a neutral definition of "pocho/a" as a Mexican American, but in this context, they're using it as an insult.  They're basically calling him a poser, a wannabe Mexican.  I've usually heard it aimed at people who refer to themselves as Mexican American or Mexican, but can't speak Spanish, don't know jack about Mexican history, etc.  It's one of those words you don't want to sling around carelessly.  Thus endeth your language PSA for today.

Santos/Alfredo says he bought the roses for her to show his gratitude.  Maria calls him inconsiderate for not ever calling her and making her wait up all night for him to call.  She was worried about him, damnit!  Especially when she found out he sent the taxi driver away because he didn't have money.  He apologizes and says he just didn't want to keep imposing on her.  Well, Maria feels responsible for him and really, what did it cost him to frickin' call!  That, right there, is the eternal question.  He kind of chuckles, which pisses her off some more, but she softens when he says it's because he's moved by her kindness.  She wonders if he maybe lost her number, but he pulls out the pink heart-shaped Post It to prove he's still got it.  Maria says the important thing is he's fine and she forgives him because he brought her flowers.  No one's ever brought her flowers before. (Seriously?)  Alfredo says maybe they were afraid to because the roses would wither from envy, to be close to a woman more beautiful than they are.  Hot damn!  That's the cheesiest line, but he's delivering it well.  It's one of those "professional driver on a closed track" kind of lines.  Don't try this at home!  They make googly eyes at each other.

The cops decide Santos is, in fact, in Mexico City.  Then some pencil pusher comes running in to announce that some jewelry was pawned in Texas by someone identifying himself as Santos Martinez de la Garza.  I hereby announce that I will not be giving you the details on any conversations between the cop and his fawning assistant unless they pertain directly to the action of the show.  In absence of details, just assume that he jumps to a bad conclusion which she explains in a ridiculous way and then she flirts pathetically with him.  If they deviate from that, I'll let you know.

Awww, Rigo gave Santos' name on purpose to confuse the cops.

Colosso is pissed that the pocho hasn't left yet. Milamores tells him to back off…how was he supposed to know that?  Curly-haired mariachi says no worries…that guy is "as Mexican as a hamburger."  Colosso says he'll have to tell the pocho that on the road to Maria, you shall not pass El Colosso de Apodaca!  Milamores tells him not to cause a scene or he'll get Maria in trouble with Don Concho.  Other mariachi says he'll go home eventually.  Colosso says he'd better go sooner than later, if he wants to leave in one piece.

Maria checks out Santos/Alfredo's head wound, which seems to be doing much better.  She noticed that he's dressed a little nicer today.  "Looks can be deceiving."  She asks why he didn't go back to LA.  Alfredo says his friend had a problem, so he's on his own for a while.  His family is too poor to help him.  Alfredo asks for her help.  He realizes he doesn't have enough money to pay for another night at the nice hotel where he was staying before.  Maria offers to help him find a room at a much more reasonably-priced guest house after she's done with her second set.  Alfredo makes puppy dog eyes at her and says it's true…angels do exist…and she's his guardian angel dressed as a mariachi.  Once again…leave lines like that in the hands of the pros!  They continue flirting until Colosso interrupts them.

Three "hot" women walk down the street collecting "piropos" (catcalls) from the men lining the street.  Elvira is the blonde and her daddy would not be pleased to see her looking like that.  They get her to put her coat on before she walks into Ay Jalisco.

Cockfight.  Colosso comes to give Santos/Jorge Alfredo a hard time for still being there.  Alfredo needles him by saying he had to ask Maria a very intimate question.  Before he can find out what the question is, Don Concho comes in griping about how they're supposed to be on stage already!  Did they discuss the set list?  He keeps trying to get them to get the hell on stage, but Maria is hanging back. Alfredo introduces himself as "San--san…."  Maria steps in and introduces him as "Jorge Alfredo" from LA.  Don Concho says, in English "So, you come from LA?  You don't look like a wetback to me.  Are you one of those?"  Alfredo says that's not the case.  Concho tells Maria the public is waiting for her, so get a move on.  Concho wants to hang with Alfredo since they both lived in LA.

Maria comes in to gather the mariachis for her second set.  She wants to start with "Poco a Poco Me Voy Acercando a Ti" ( but Colosso whines that she wants to sing it to the pocho…"No way!"  The guys don't like him vetoing Maria, but he apparently has the authority.  He says he'll tell them what song as soon as they get on stage.  They don't like that much either, but he promises it's one they already know.  He tells Maria to go fix herself up a little bit so she'll look even prettier.  Asshat!  He goes ahead and lets Milamores and Susanito in on his song choice--"Con Estos Celos" ( and it will be dedicated to Jorge Alfredo.  So he can get a taste of his own medicine.  Milamores isn't convinced that El Colosso won't be the one who ends up being jealous.

Don Concho gets himself and Santos/Jorge Alfredo set up at a table with some tequilas (his own private label, natch) and tells Alfredo about himself.  He worked in LA doing a bunch of different jobs, eventually he worked for a guy who owned a string of nightclubs, he saved up his money and came back to Mexico and he opened this bar.  Alfredo says it's a nice place.  "It's a great place. It's a beauty, man!" says Don Concho in English.  Elvira walks in (her friends are already seated) and notices Alfredo sitting with her dad.  One of the waiters sticks his chest out and swishes across the room, mocking her.

When he gets to the bar, he, Pichi, and one of the saucy wenches talk about how Don Concho doesn't realize what a hot piece his daughter is. Um, maybe cause he's her father?  Pichi laughs that it's not her fault she was blessed with an overabundance of boobs.  Saucy wench doesn't think she's that pretty.  The guys start insulting each other's female relatives, semi-good-naturedly.

Elvira goes over and says "hi" to her daddy. He introduces her to Santos/Jorge Alfredo then asks her what she's doing there.  She says she came down with a few of her friends, so he encourages her to go back to the table instead of leaving her friends alone.  When she leaves, he tells Alfredo in both languages that she's his "pride and joy" and he'll kill any guy who hurts her.  "They better watch out or they gonna find me!" he says in English.  Yeah, that's one that doesn't translate well…"Si me buscan, me van a encontrar" I would say is better translated as "If they come looking for trouble, they're gonna find it," even though literally it's "If they look for me, they're going to find me," which doesn't really sound like much of a threat.  Anyway, Concho apologizes for letting his fatherly love get the better of him.  The dance that's been going on onstage ends and Colosso and Maria come out to do their set.  El Colosso jokes that this is a special evening because the audience is all there to see them and they'll be spending their paychecks.  They he dedicates the song to their "foreign visitor"

 I saw you
 You were so beautiful, so sensual
 I imagined you away from me and it hurt me
 Ay, ay, love
 Ay, ay, what pain!
 Too late I understood
 With you I had everything, and I lost it
 I saw you
 With your "melena" (mane of hair) in the wind
 And your look
 And at the "ras de tu escote" (neckline) your "lunar" (birthmark)
 Ay, ay, love
 Ay, ay, what pain!
 I'm dying to think I won't be the one you're going to love
 This jealousy hurts me, it drives me crazy
 I'll never learn to live without you
 The worst part is too late I understood, yes
 With you I had everything, and I lost it
 With you I had everything, and I lost it….

Colosso sings by himself and Maria just dances around the stage, pretending to play hard to get.  Santos/Jorge Alfredo applauds, and he seems to find Colosso's attempt to piss him off amusing, but Maria looks uncomfortable.

Ruben's lawyer(?) criticizes him for risking his marriage on "that singer."  Ruben tells Fabian he can't get her out of his head. He dreams about her, he dreams about having her.  Fabian tells him he's getting obsessed instead of focusing on Lorena, who's a lady.  Ruben gripes that Lorena's not much of a lady when she gets pissed off…screaming, slamming doors.  Oh, but Maria's an angel. News flash, jerkwad, wives aren't obligated to behave in a ladylike manner when they find out you're obsessing over another woman.  Fabian warns Ruben he may end up losing more than he gains in "getting" Maria.

Colosso now introduces Maria, who's going to sing….  She grabs the microphone before he can announce the song and says she'll sing "El Jinete" (

 Out by the far mountain
 A rider gallops
 He wanders the world alone
 And he's wishing for death
 He carries a wound in his chest
 He goes with his soul destroyed
 He wants to lose his life
 And be reunited with his beloved
 He loved her more than life
 And he lost her forever
 That's why he carries a wound
 That's why he seeks death
 With his guitar, singing
 He spends entire evenings
 Man and guitar crying
 By the light of the stars
 Then he gets lost in the night
 And although the night is beautiful
 He goes asking God
 To take him to her
 He loved her more than life
 And he lost her forever
 That's why he carries a wound
 That's why he seeks death
 That's why he carries a wound
 That's why he seeks death

Now it's Colosso's turn to stand there trying to look like he's doing something important.  Dang, she holds out that one note beautifully!  Santos/Alfredo thinks so too.

Mancia goes to question Amalia about the guy who was visiting Maria till all hours of the night.  She hopes he's the prince from afar she saw in the cards.  Amalia says no way!  He went back home already.

Nope, he's sitting in the bar, enjoying the show.  Elvira sneaks over to try to eavesdrop on her dad and Santos/Alfredo.  Concho wonders what he thought of Maria and he cannot stop singing her praises to Alfredo…she's got a great voice, she's a hard worker, she's serious, and decent!  Tons of guys have tried to hit on her, ("pegar el chicle"--stick the gum) but she shuts them all down.  OK, that makes him doubly a jerk for knowing and admitting this, and still docking her pay and refusing to give her a raise. Jerk!  Speaking of…Ruben walks in and goes over to greet Concho.

Milamores mocks Colosso for being jealous, then shushes the guys because he's about to walk into the dressing room.  He tells Maria it's his prerogative to choose the songs and she'd better not override him again.  She says she sure as hell will when he tries to use them to embarrass her.  He complains that she's upset that he showed the pocho that she's got someone who wants her and is willing to defend her.  Colosso thinks he's a liar and trying to take advantage of her. He's proud to be working-class, but he knows guys like that.  He's a phony and he's going to be keeping an eye on him.  "You'd better tell him, so he knows there's a man who loves you and is willing to defend you with his life, if necessary."  He leaves before Milamores can get him to calm down, so Milamores ends up telling Maria to buck up.

Colosso goes into the dressing room Maria was using and starts to undress…with the door open.  Elvira comes in and starts macking on him…ooh, her daddy's not gonna like that!

Concho welcomes Ruben and introduces Santos/Jorge Alfredo.  He invites Ruben to sit at his table and points out that Ruben and Alfredo have LA in common.  In English, Concho says, "That is my hometown, remember that?"  Ruben isn't going to drink tonight.  He's come to ask Maria to dinner.

Colosso tells Elvira not to sneak up on him like that again!  "I've told you a thousand times, if Don Concho finds out and sees me like this, he'll fire me!  We decided we'd see each other in secret so noone could catch us.  But if you can't respect that, then we'd better end it."  She complains about his long absence and he agrees to make up for it…later.  More face-sucking.

Milamores praises Maria for what she did to Colosso, as does Susanito.  They both think he had it coming and she served it up well!  One of the Saucy Wenches comes running in to tell Maria that Ruben is there.  Susanito and Milamores both agree that that guy is never going to give up.  "That's not the worst of it…he's sitting at a table with Jorge Alfredo!"  Maria says she'd promised him she would help him with something important.  Saucy Wench, Milamores, and Susanito all look troubled at the though of how this is going to play out.

Ruben accepts a cognac eventually.  Concho goes to get it and Ruben starts chatting with Santos/Jorge Alfredo about his upcoming business trip to LA for lawyer-y things.

Concho checks on his daughter and her guests and tells her he'll just say goodbye to Ruben and then they'll be leaving.  Elvira asks why Ruben is there so early.  "He wanted to ask Maria out to dinner."  He leaves and Elvira crows to her friends that she was right!  Maria and Ruben are gettin' it on!  The stupid friends chime in about how she's such a ho.  "I told you so!"

Maria goes out into the bar, preceded by the Saucy Wench.  It appears Milamores has a bit of a thing for this Saucy Wench.  Colosso comes in and asks if they're ready to go.  Then, seeing their faces, he asks what's wrong.

Maria walks out into the bar and hesitates, seeing Ruben and Santos/Jorge Alfredo sitting together.  She watches Don Concho say his goodbyes. She sees Elvira saying a too-friendly goodbye to Alfredo.  Alfredo makes a confused face.  Maria comes up to greet him and points out a smudge of lipstick (I assume) on his face.  Ruben tries to talk Maria into accepting what's probably a very expensive bracelet, but she refuses.  She also refuses his invitation to dinner, saying she had already agreed to let Alfredo walk her home and she couldn't go back on that.  Ruben gets pissy and says he'll take her to dinner some other time.  Alfredo says goodbye and offers his hand to shake, but Ruben ignores it, drawing another confused look from Alfredo.  He watches Ruben walk out and gives Maria a questioning look.  She shakes her head slightly.

The Saucy Wenches comment among themselves about those crappy men cheating on their wives!

Santos/Jorge Alfredo asks if he's causing problems for her, but she says the guy's just a bar patron.  Before they can leave, Colosso comes over to ask if she's really leaving with him.  "I don't know who you are, but I'm warning you…if anything happens to my girl, I'll make you wish you'd never been born!" Maria and Milamores keep an all-out fight from starting.

In the Walk of Mariachi Fame, Santos/Jorge Alfredo only semi-jokingly asks Maria if he's already run into all of her "enamorados" (guys who are in love with her) cause he'd really like to know how many enemies he's going to run into.  "Am I going to get killed before I even get to the guest house?"  Maria says they're not in love with her.  "Well if that's the way they behave when they're not in love with you, I don't want to know how they behave when they are!"  An organ grinder starts playing Que Bonito Amor.  Alfredo surprises Maria (and me!) by singing along.  (Is that really him singing?  Someone please tell me it's dubbed!)

And finally we get a commercial break!  And opening credits!

Amalia is up at 3am, worrying about her eldest.  The other two are in bed, sleeping.  She wonders if something happened to Maria.

Santos/Jorge Alfredo, stopped singing before he got to "come close to me" because to sing that, he'd have to address her with the familiar "tú."  Zing!  Maria tells him to go for it, so he cues the organ grinder.  Dubbed, I think.  Good.  I need to be a little less dazzled.  Between that and the floppy hair, I think I'm safe.  Maria joins in on the singing.  The Mariachis from Ay Jalisco hear the great singing and stop to listen.  Colosso wants to go gambling already.  He figures whoever's singing is just trying to beg for a job.  The guys want to establish that Colosso was the big loser at gambling last time as he now has some responsibility to do something this round of gambling that I don't quite understand…loser buys the drinks maybe?  Alfredo and Maria keep singing, surrounded by an appreciative crowd.  One older lady assumes they must have sung so beautifully because they're so in love.  Alfredo and Maria let go of each other's hands.

Amalia paces in front of the Emergency Traje/Altar and begs the Virgen not to let anything bad happen to her daughter.

Santos/Jorge Alfredo tells Maria, as they continue their walk, that it was his grandmother who taught him to sing, but she died years ago.  "Sometimes I really miss her.  She was a very tender, lovely woman…as lovely as you."  Amorcito Corazon ( is playing in the background.

The guys settle in for their game of dominos.  Milamores encourages Colosso to please, for the love of sanity, forget about Maria and quit wasting his time!  He gets a booty call and abandons his bros at the table.  Amalia calls Colosso looking for Maria because she's not home yet.

Santos/Jorge Alfredo and Maria walk along.  She explains that she's watching the shadows on the ground as a form of self-defense, so she can see if there's anyone else there.  He laughs that that would have come in handy when he got mugged and mentions the procession to St. Jude.  Maria says St. Jude is pretty miraculous.

 Alfredo: My mother is very devoted to the Virgen de Guadalupe.
 Maria: Of course!  We're talking about the Queen!  Want to know what I call her, out of affection?  "My pretty Virgen."
 Alfredo: And she is.  Just like you….

Hello!  My virgin alarm's going off, fo' sho'!  Using the Virgen de Guadalupe to flirt…the way he does it, it's so wrong it's right!  He asks permission to call her that…Bonita (pretty).  I'm glad he left the "virgin" part off, cause that would have been creepy.

Colosso figures Maria is with Alfredo, who did not go back to the US as planned.  Colosso tells Amalia that he has a bad feeling about that guy.  He thinks Alfredo is waiting for the chance to take advantage of Maria.  Amalia thinks he seemed like a decent guy.  "Out at this hour, with your daughter?  No way.  A decent guy respects a woman and takes her home early!"  Amalia looks horrified.

Maria walks him to the guest house, but she's worried that it's a little too humble for him.  He likes the proximity to her place.  They stop in front of an altar to the Virgen, then head for the check-in desk, where Doña Prudencia is taking a nap.  She's happy to see Maria, but when she asks about renting a room, poor Doña Prudencia thinks Maria's looking for a place to shag this guy for the night.  Santos/Jorge Alfredo steps in and explains that the room is only for him and he'd like it for a few days, not hours.  Doña Prudencia says she should have known, cause Maria's so very, very pure. 

Colosso is furious and the guys are picking on him for it.  He threatens to rain down hell on that pocho until he leaves.

Doña Prudencia offers to rent Santos/Jorge Alfredo her old storage room.  It needs some fixing up, but it's got a great view.  "Like a five-star boutique hotel," Alfredo jokes.  The ladies don't get it.  The room is up on the roof and she's going to charge him 350 pesos a week if he pays in advance.  He offers her the 100 he has, and says he'll pay the rest later.  Doña Prudencia hesitates, but since he refuses Maria's offer to pay for him, like a decent gentleman, she's moved to take the last of his cash and let him pay the rest later.  Doña Prudencia hands over the key and Maria says she'll just walk him up.  "Ok, but only to the door!"

Maria crosses the threshold and says it's terrible!  The smell seems to bother her and she says it's never been cleaned.  She thinks they should find somewhere else, but Santos/Jorge Alfredo says no way!  To be near her, he'd sleep on the street.  This place is perfect and he just needs to clean it up a bit.  He's looking around and finally says he can't seem to find the bathroom. Maria explains it's down the hall.  You know.  Which is why the rent is cheap. Alfredo is surprised, but then he says for the amount of rent, he couldn't expect more. He opens his window and sees a view of the plaza.  "I don't know if you'll be able to sleep with all this noise.  I can hear the mariachis from here."  Alfredo says it won't bother him…on the contrary, it will ensure he'll be thinking of her.  Zing!  Is there a cheesy line this man can't deliver with complete sincerity?

Amalia continues her pacing and worrying.  She thinks maybe…but she can't finish the thought.

Maria finally realizes how late it is and says she has to go home.  She won't let him walk her, because it's so dangerous!  "Please, I know my 'hood, but you…you've already been robbed once."  "And now the only valuable thing I have left is you.  I can't let anyone steal you."  Zing!  She makes him promise to be careful on the way back and he agrees.

At Maria's place, they stop to pay respects to the Virgen.  At her door, she says she'll see him tomorrow to help him fix up the room.  He thanks her again for everything she's done.  "I can't thank you enough."  He goes in for the kiss and hesitates, thinking he shouldn't do it since he's leaving soon. He kisses her on the forehead instead.  Oh, I call foul on that!  Gimme the smoochies already!

The Mariachimobile pulls up in front of Maria's.

Maria and Alfredo exchange "see you tomorrow"-s.

As he starts to head down the stairs, he's greeted by Colosso spouting some macho nonsense about teaching him a lesson. Stupid boys!

Maria gets chewed out by her mom for getting home late.  She explains that yes, Alfredo is still around, his friend couldn't send him the money, she was helping him find a room, etc.  A room, huh?  Amalia begs her to say she's not doing anything she shouldn't.  Maria laughs that off, saying to look in her eyes.  "How can you doubt me?  I've always shown you you can trust me."  Amalia says trust only makes us stronger when we're cautious.  And Colosso doesn't trust the guy. Maria says Alfredo has been a perfect gentleman, his eyes light up when she talks to him, he defends her…. "It sounds like you're falling in love with him.  Are you? Are you falling in love with Jorge Alfredo?"

Tomorrow: Is she in love with him?  Will the boys come to blows?  Will he just kiss her already?!


OK, I'm won over...for now. Jorge Salinas delivers his cheesy, cheesy lines so damn well I just can't resist!

It is cheezy and so much fun. They are a good looking couple so its easy on the eyes.

And this caray writer! Funny, witty, and fast thinking.
I'm loving the recap.

Great work, Kat, and gracias for answering the question I had all through the episode. I get irritated when I can't get a word translated and especially when it becomes important in the episode.

Oscar is being a real jerk toward Maria and I really don't get how he doesn't see how ineffective this is. Got to give him about 1000 points for chutzpah for booty calls with the boss's daughter who looks like she likes living dangerously.

Great rendition of the song despite the purpose of it. I hope there's a recording to come.

Dubbed Singing: Good job on Danna Garcia, but bad job on Jorge Salinas. If they're going to dub him they need a full baritone, like Alejandro Fernandez. Santos' voice should be half an octave lower than Oscar's. Since there was an earlier comment that several voices were used for Jorge Salinas, I am hoping that this means to show progress for Santos but it is likely that they were looking for the right one under production pressure.

It actually doesn't surprise me that they would need to dub him; his ability to sing this particular music is not compatible with smoking, which I hope he no longer does.

If we were to rank the alpha males on Televisa's payroll, I'd say that Jorge Salinas is #1. He can make any pickup line work.

More later; need my caffeine fix.

Danna is not dubbed. It's her voice. As far as I know, only Jorge is dubbed here.

5ft latina, loved loved the recap!
ita with you, i have never been a huge fan of JS, but he sure can deliver those cheesy lines with ease and in a sort of believable way. I like your 'zing!'...

i found his facial expressions when Ruben gave him the box to hold while he tried to put the bracelet on Maria so funny, as was his expression when Concho's slimy daughter slimed his cheek...
I also laughed when he asked Maria if, beside the guy who left miffed and the other one who threatened him inside, there were any other 'candidates' on her list.
It was very similar to the line used in LHDM but it reminded me of that scene and i had to laugh.
Even though i have very nice memories of Don Genaro (and Dona Aracely, or stte) in LHDM, I like Cachita as Dona Prudencia here. Great potential of comic relief.
I can't wait to see what other neighbors Santos will meet at this pensión.

You had me dieing at hello.
I'm not watching this show but I think I will work on a name anyway.
Thank you 5ftL. You brought giggles to my morning. ...and yes I still carry the Bonnie from our Pasion days.

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Thanks so much for this great recap, song lyric translations and links.

I'm with Urban about the dubbing of Jorge Salinas. The voice they used to dub him was not right. I have watched part of FELS and Jorge's natural voice really wasn't bad.

Rueben sure was looking at Alfredo intently, like I'm gonna find out who you are. Since he's a business man I wonder if he knows Santos' family, as in maybe he has some connection.

Coloso is like the cock of the walk. I wonder if he just wants Maria cause she is unattainable. She rejects him time and again. He sure is a ladies' man.

5ft: I agree with you about Alfredo's cheesy lines. They work great : )

Gracias for the comments so far!

@UA, do you mean "pocho"? It was a bit of a shock to me to hear that word tossed around so casually! And then Don Concho asks if he's a "wetback"...I'm guessing he means it in the older, narrower definition, when it applied only to farm workers. That would make sense for him to think JA doesn't look like a farmhand.

@Bonney: least there are a million "pirate name" generators online. I have more respect for the people who wrote those's not easy coming up with enough options!

@Madelaine: I completely expected Ruben to say "Oh, you're from LA? You look familiar...."

What would concern me about having Jorge sing in this series is the lung power required for ranchera. It's the second most challenging vocal work there is.

More about that during the weekend discussion (already in progress).

Ruben will definitely cause problems for Santos and I agree that Oscar probably sees Maria as the Ultimate Prize because she is Unattainable.

Kat, that's the one. There was no question in my mind that it was meant as an insult, particularly with "-ito" attached to it.

Thank you, 5 ft Latina, for the amazing recap complete with mariachi name instructions, song lyrics and musical links! I feel like I am getting an education in mariachi music! (which is a good thing)

All I can say, no matter how cheezy, corny or dubbed I loved the duet between our protagonistas.
This is just going to be fun!

Jarifa (La Joya del Norte)


Weekend discussion posted. No history, just an invitation to discuss what Latin music does it for you.

Feel free to discuss your live music experiences!

As to the issue of nicknames, I must be in the minority here because I hate them in all forms. My real-world name is one that doesn't have any, but is used as a vulgar slang term in a different English-speaking country.

Thank you Kat, that was a fantastic recap and had me laughing many times! I love your sense of humor and writing style.

I agree, only pros can get by with some of the cheezy lines that Santos, aka Salinas, can. He's the ultimate pro, isn't he?

Yes, I was a bit surprised and disappointed by the singing voice he was given. To me it seems too "sweet" compared to his speaking voice. I think you're right, UA, it's a little too high.

As you can see, I'm giving myself a mariachi name for the duration. Thanks for the idea, Kat! :D

I got it into my head to do some screencaps from this show (because it's got Jorge Salinas, don't you know . . . do I need any other reason?). You can see posts for Cap 1 & 2 on my blog here: I will try to finish out the week soon. I don't think I'll do the daily screencap thing beyond this week, but will try to make QBA screencaps a semi-regular thing! Because you know how I love my screencaps! LOL.

Cheez-Whizz, Ms Five Foot, the way you delivered the recap just made all the cheese melt in my mouth!

I like Saucy Wenches better than a Gaggle of Geese.

I love Emergency Traje/Altar--just break glass and/or pray.

If Danna was not dubbed by anyone else, I believe she was lip syncing her own. There's no way they would have gotten that pure a sound on a noisy street. It would have worked better if they hadn't tried to do a close up of Jorge Alfredo singing. Ni modo, I loved the duet.

Does anyone suspect that the throwaway Amorcito Corazon song was to remind the real Jorge that he is married to the real Elizabeth and this is all pretend?

Pero, si, si, bring on that beso, please.

Elvira's hair-do was one of the worst examples of hair extensions I've seen in a long time. It looked wiggy. Even when you know it's not real, KendraHo's do on AV is ten times more interesting.

Just loving Jorge/Jorge.

P.S. I don't want to be a Dama. I'll think up something else, but count me in on the renaming contest. It's going to be cheesy, though. La Quesita de Manchego, maybe?

I think Elvira is meant to look cheap and somehow her father is clueless or blind to it. Agree that the hair looked too fake. I'm also wondering how fake the boobage is.

I'm not watching this season's Nuestra Belleza Latina, but in past seasons, I was surprised how many of those girls walked in with big 'ol fake ones and there seemed to be no big deal... The judges would ask "And those...are they fake?" "Yes." And they'd just move on to another topic.

Didn't it used to be a rule years ago that no plastic surgery was allowed? When did that change?

In this case, I wonder if there is padding in addition to any surgery. I'm going to search for photos and see.

Based on these search results it looks like she bought an upgrade.

So far Santos/Jorge and Emiliano/Francisco have VERY similar personalities... they reacted exactly the same way to Coloso's 'feeling of entitlement' on Maria/Rosario, and the major makeover of self-esteem on Santos/Emiliano has already begun...

The 'Elvira' of LHDM ('Virginia') dressed just as slotty but her hair was natural, as far as i know. The one whose hair looked fake was Ruben (Macias).

One scene they had in LHDM that they skipped here in QBA is a very casual moment where 'Santos' and 'Ruben' came to almost be standing by each other, it is one of those moments we would have to store our beanie hat away securely.
Before 'Santos' left the nice hotel(and I already mentioned he registered with his real name in LHDM), when he came to reception to ask if they had received the money wire (from Michael), he was wearing a very memorable watch (a custom Patek Phillipe, about $50K), the 'Ruben' character was only a few feet from him since he and hsi partner came to the hotel for a business meeting. 'Ruben' saw the watch and later commented about its value to his 'partner', and could very easily have remembered the 'face' of 'Santos' later on, but he never recalled this moment later when they interacted often.

Did I already say I LOVED the face of Satisfaction on Santos when Maria refused the bracelet and refused to change her mind about leaving with Santos and Ruben had to leave quietly, bracelet in hand, clinching his teeth?

Why does the setting/color palette of the bar and dressing rooms look so tacky? It almost looks like Maria does not belong there when she is dressed as mariachi.
And they did maintain that each of the mariachi uniforms is different, they are not same pattern.
I wonder if Televisa is meaning to make this a bit more humorous than the original, like they did with YSBLF and La Fea mas Bella.

As usual, HILARIOUS! Diva del Desierto... One of your best.

Lest I forget the other fine recappers, UA, PdelB and Anita. Great jobs. I am really amazed how much each and all of you now about the music and the history behind music, the meaning behind some of the songs and all. I am also impressed at how you have caught on with all the slang being thrown around. You seem to be catching quite a bit of it.

The use of Pocho surprised me too. It is used an awful lot in So Cal and it is not at all taken lightly. It is really an insult. I remember being surprised by the use of the word "vato" in AB too (not always too positive a connotation). Just goes to show how regional use of a word can really vary.

Mena "Reina de .... < thinking > ....

Reminder: It was requested on Tuesday to resist the temptation to compare this to LHDM, particularly as the possibility exists that this series' events will be different and there are likely to be personality variances in the characters. I was reprimanded for this during TdA and my posts removed, so I waited until the finale to discuss this issue.

Thank you.

P.S. Did anyone NOTICE that the U.S. flag in Commandante Derecho's office was hanging upside down? It was draped, but it looked like the stripes were above the stars. Hmmmmm.

Paquita and 5ft.: Thanks to both of you. Took a while to catch up with my reading. Terrific job translating those lyrics and giving us a backgrounder on 'Pocho".
JS is smooth as silk when it comes to delivering a romantic line. Very few hombres can carry it off, but this guy makes it look sooooo easy!

I got to admit also that I absolutely marveled at Dana Garcia's range--a very pleasant surprise as is Arturo Peniche's voice--especially when singing El Jinete and the way she hit and held the high notes. WOW! I would be one of those who would buy a CD if the Uni folks decide to put one of the music in this thing out for sale.

This is turning out to be a fun little tn after all, despite Mejia.


BTW, I went looking for recordings of El Jinete just for grins cuz so far it's my favorite. Here are a couple of other famous "Cantantes de Charro" and one done by Jose Feliciano of all people, too.

The best recording:

Here's Jose Feliciano singing it.

Diva del Desierto - I have it....

Mena aka: Reina de Snarky California del Sur

What do you think?!

Hilarious, Kat. You've certainly quickly gotten into the spirit of this.

Last night I was glad to see a rather soft side of don Concho. He seems genuinely fond of Maria and dotes on his slutty daughter. However, I don't care much for his obsequiousness toward Rubén.

Poor Coloso has loser written all over him but he his right of course that Alfredo is a downright liar.

I am stunned by Danna Garcia's voice if indeed that is her singing. Wow!

Now that we've already had an abundance of awkward face to face moments between the two, I've become intrigued by the look on her face. It's as if she is expecting and wanting the kiss but with an additional warning in her eyes that if indeed he dares to, she will of course be obligated to slap the snot out of least the first time.


Carlos: "

she will of course be obligated to slap the snot out of least the first time" --well, but of course she will!

Good one, Mena :D


I agree on the Salinas dubbing. The voice is completely wrong. It should at least have been somewhere within his normal speaking range but it is too high. He wasn't bad in FELS but I think there will be a lot of singing in this and he would probably not be up to it.

I've been a Salinas fan for years but I think he still isn't fully healthy from that scare he had a while back. His face is still a little gaunt.

Cannot decide if Oscar is supposed to be a serious villain or just a love rival. I'm looking forward to the day he discovers his lost love or abandoned love and what is obviously going to be his son.

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