Monday, April 15, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #1 (Mex 1-2.1) Monday 4/15/13

Gran Estreno: The New Chapter

Ciudad de Mexico, humble home of Maria's family:  As the immortal Don Vicente sings the theme song, sweet Maria wakes up at 5AM, turns off her alarm, and rises in the darkness to give her mother (Amalia) an injection.

Los Angeles, California, mansion of Santo's family:  In the shadow of the infamous “Hollywood” sign is the two-story mansion of Santos' family where his mother, Altagracia, speaks on the phone giving instructions regarding her daughter's wedding. Studly Santos appears and playfully embraces his mother as she ends the call.

Maria's Apartment:   Amalia apologizes for being a burden on her adored eldest daughter, who works late but still rises to administer the injection. Maria is not upset; she has to get her little sisters up to escort them to school. She goes over to their bunk beds to do so. All sleep in the same room and it appears that either the sun has risen within the few minutes between the alarm and this moment or more time has passed than we realize. Isabel wants to stay in bed just a little longer, but Maria admonishes her that she has to go to school. She actives a tweeting bird toy as she prepares to escort her sisters to school. As she exits the room we notice a cute little dog waking up on a doggie bed on the floor near the door.

Garza Mansion:  Apparently the wedding is “tomorrow” and this is the second time around for Wendy, Santos' sister. Altagracia is pleased that Wendy is finally getting Bruno to the altar but – por supuesto – asks Santos when he will finally give himself permission to love. Mariachi music starts as she talk about life being about love, sadness, etc. He promises her he will, but when he finds the woman of his dreams.

Street in D.F:  We cut to a shot of that woman – happy, positive Maria – escorting her sisters to school, ending in the square in front of the Mexico City Cathedral.

Garza Mansion:  Santos protests he isn't ready for marriage; he likes being single. His father, Justo, enters, saying it's high time he considers getting married because the single life doesn't lead to anything worthwhile. From Santos' expression, it looks as though he and his father have a few conflicts.

Garden of the Garza Mansion:  Wendy and Bruno are surrounded by people setting up the garden for the Big Day, saying the obligatory “te amos.” She appears to be sincere, but we should doubt him. He has a goatee and a leather jacket.

D.F.:   Maria buys breakfast from a street vendor and returns home. We see a too-colorful shrine to the Virgen as Maria puts the food on the table. Amalia, dressed for the day, enters and gives Maria the gold medallion of the Virgen. As Maria puts it on Amalia sits down and explains that they are a month behind in the rent. Maria tells her not to worry because her boss promised her a raise and she will be able to get their rent up to date [which veteran viewers immediately realize means that exactly the opposite will happen]. Amalia tells her she doesn't like her working in the bar, that no good young man will fall in love with her. Into to our theme song is heard as Maria tells her that this is what she must do for now. She sadly scoffs at the idea of falling in love.

Garza Mansion:   It looks like Santos and his dad are in the 15th round of this dispute as Justo goes on about how Santos has rejected prospects from “all the best families” and that these girls were all interested in him. Altagracia stops him there, saying “Why don't you tell him the good news?” which turns out to be that he has been appointed Mexican Ambassador to France, which is a life-long dream. Father and son embrace, all seems right with the world now that he is the Mexican Ambassador, Wendy is marrying her Principe Azul [Principe Sucio seems more likely to us.] and Santos is about to present their new line of luxury cars. A new chapter is beginning for the family. [And none of them are the authors.]

Highway just outside of L.A.:  A man and a woman watch from a parked car as an automobile transport vehicle for the Garzas passes by. They exit the vehicle and the man talks into a walkie-talkie giving instructions to be present. “This will be a huge surprise for the Garzas,” he says, sarcastically.

Outside the Garza Dealership, some time later:  Mike Johnson, owner of this dealership, exits his black luxury car and enters as the man and woman from the highway scene watch. He speaks into the official communication device, saying that he has arrived and the operation is prepared. He is Commandante Derecho [which may be an ironic name considering the casting].

Showroom:  Santos unveils a red car, telling Mike it's the car of his dreams. [Can someone identify the make and model? Your author would be grateful.] Bruno and Arnold stand nearby and converse sotto voce. The car has arrived late and Mike will want to drive off with it that night. “The godfather won't like this,” Bruno says. “This could cost someone his life.” Mike revs the motor for a second [Idiot for doing this indoors] and grins.

Outside:   Commandante Derecho pulls back as several black vans arrive and park in their pre-arranged positions. SWAT team guys in flack and with assault weapons exit the vehicles. He tells them “Quickly and silently. I don't want anyone escaping” as they take their positions. [Por favor, wouldn't he be speaking English in L.A.?]

D.F.:   It is evening as the Mendoza family sits down to dinner. Paloma excitedly talks about getting a new party dress. Amalia tells her they can't afford it and Maria tells her not to worry; she should have enough money at the end of the month. Amalia is still not optimistic about this [She has the same gut feel as we flies on the wall], but Maria is still sure. Paloma and Isabel declare she is the best sister in the world.

Garza Dealership:  A cocktail party is in progress. Guests are drinking champagne as Santos takes the microphone and welcomes them. They are friends and clients and he is about to present the new line of luxury cars. Mike's snazzy red speeding-ticket magnet in in the foreground as Santos announces “Let the fiesta begin” and a mariachi band in black suits, red ties, and white hats enters and begins playing.

Jalisco No te Rajes Bar:   Another mariachi band is on stage, playing and dancing along with some female dancers. We spot Fernando Beltrán, El Mil Amores, among them, playing a guitar. The bartenders – also in red mariachi bow ties and one with a 1900's handlebar mustache – also dance as a cigarette girl leads a conga line. Watching over all this with a grim expression is Oscar Fernández, El Coloso de Apodaca, holding and petting a rather splendid rooster. [This clearly means he is the cock of the walk.]  Split screen for some sombreros and T&A shots before the end of the number; we spot the owner, Don Concho, sitting with Rubén del Olmo. The song ends, Oscar takes the mike and introduces Maria as “La Perla Tapatia”. Rubén is approached by a flower vendor who asks if he'd like to buy a rose. He grabs them all and pays her. She walks away happy. Maria enters in a beautiful white costume, greets the audience, and announces she will sing “No Volvere.” [This can portend no good.]

Garza Dealership, Office:   Mike is asking why he needs to sign the documents right now.
Santos tells him, “I want to make your dreams come true right now!” which is going to look really bad when Commandante Derecho, his partner, and the SWAT team invade the showroom. Screams are heard as the guests begin scattering. One asks the Commandante what the crime is and he informs him that there is a charge of money laundering. We get a closeup of Bruno [Did I tell you his surname is 'Morelli'? Sorry 'bout that.]

Office:   Mike asks why he has to sign; Santos is almost giving him the car. Santos tells him he's almost his brother. “There are so few friends like you, Santos. Thanks.” They shake hands and man-hug. [Please forgive a gringa for not getting that.]

Jalisco No Te Rajes Bar:   Maria accepts the applause, then is not happy to see Rubén waiting for her with the roses. This is clearly not the first time he has been stalking her. We hear a woman stridently call out his name and they turn to see Lorena enter. Of course there is un escanadalo as she calls the place a pigsty [pocilga] and Maria a whore [zorra], Oscar comes down from the minstrel's gallery and arrives just in time to hear Lorena say “Leave my husband alone or something will happen to you.” [We're betting Maria is still a virgen; TN Cliché #2.] Rubén weakly tries to stop her but Lorena goes on, telling Maria to learn her place. Maria, unfazed by this harpy, tells her “Excuse me, Señora? You lowered yourself to follow your husband into this 'pigsty' just to start an embarrassing public scene. A woman of your class telling me my place? I know my place well; who doesn't know hers is you or believe me you wouldn't make such a ridiculous scene.” Before anyone can yell “Catfight” Oscar steps between the two women to hold Lorena back. Don Concho doesn't like this one bit. He goes out to the now non-fray saying he doesn't want trouble in his bar. Rubén starts to apologize, then says to Lorena they should leave. She screams “Don't touch me!”, slapping the flowers out of his hand and striding out. He exits behind her. The band starts to sing something surely meant to be a bad joke on this predator, but Maria stops them. Oscar follows Rubén out to make sure he won't return. Maria apologizes to the audience, suggests that they get back to the party and turns to the band. They barely get out a few notes when Don Concho stops them and makes matters worse by saying “Maria, you can't perform.”

Garza Dealership:  The police begin searching the car trunks. Bruno tries to sneak out as Arnold is put up against the wall. There is no honor among thieves.

Jalisco No Te Rajes Bar:  Oscar stops Rubén, telling him he's better off not returning and bothering Maria again. Rubén attempts a counter-threat and an insult, showing he is as nasty as his wife. He refuses Oscar's challenge and gets insulting again. Oscar starts to charge after him, but is stopped by another employee of the bar, saying that he shouldn't get into trouble with Don Concho because this man is a good tipper and customer. [Grrrrr!]

Garza Dealership:  Commandante Derecho and his partner now look at Mike's new car. She tells him “That's the last one but there are no keys.” He looks inside, comments on it being a nice car, then shoots the trunk open. Screams. The shot is heard by Mike and Santos in the office, the former of whom does not want to go downstairs. Derecho hacks at the padding in the trunk and slits open the package of little green pieces of paper. Satisfied with the evidence he says “I knew it!” He holds the money in both hands, saying to the guests “One of you is going to explain where this money comes from.” An elderly gentleman tells him that they know nothing of this; he has to see Santos about it. Bruno sneaks out while the bearded guy tries to make a break for it. Derecho's partner raises her pistol to get him to halt. We hear a gunshot.

Maria's Dressing Room: She is out of uniform and in the coral blouse she wore in the dinner scene with her family as Don Conucho tells her she's fired if there is one more scene like this. [That's right, Don Concho; blame the victim.] She tries to explain but he doesn't let her. “I don't care who started or who ended it; all I care about is my bar.” He is docking her pay. No matter what she says [We also get the impression she didn't start there ayer or semana pasada] he wants to believe she pursued this married man.

Phone Call; Bruno / Giuliano:  While hiding in the file room, Bruno tells Giuliano that the cops found ten million dollars and Arnold has escaped. Giuliano tells him that when he can he is to wipe the computer archives clean.

Maria's Dressing Room:   Maria tries to tell Don Concho that this man has been bothering her, but he isn't interested in protecting anything more than his profits. “This man, as you call him, always buys the best bottles of cognac and leaves the biggest tips. Money – excuse me – the customer is always right.” [Don Concho, that depends on what is – and isn't – for sale.] Minor key music that indicates trouble as he exits and Maria sits down, looking as though she might cry.

Garza Dealership, File Room:  Santos enters and Bruno tells him that Giuliano wants to speak with him. Santos takes the phone and Giuliano tells him he needs to make himself scarce; it's a trap. That the police found ten million dollars in Mike's car. Santos indignantly tells him he is innocent of this and will fight it. Giuliano tells him “I'm the lawyer here. Get out of the dealership or you and Michael will be the prime suspects. Don't answer anything. I'll take care of things. Don't turn yourself in or you will really complicate things badly.” Mike looks back the way they came and says the police are coming. Santos ends the call [I'm not sure what he said]. They exit past Bruno, Santos returning his cell phone to him.

Hangar at Aero L.A.:  Arnold is sabotaging the left wing engine of a small three-prop plane. He is something of a bumbler or wouldn't have dropped the wrench. His cell phone rings. Bruno asks “Did you do as I say?” He says “working on it.” “Hurry up because Santos is almost there.” He ends the call, looking as cold as ice. Arnold pulls something out of the engine (probably a propeller belt), closes the housing, and runs.

Garza Dealership, Office:   Bruno is shredding paper files and deleting computer files as Derecho and his partner enter. They force him to his knees at gunpoint, demanding to know where the boss is. “He escaped.” is the reply. 

Maria's Dressing Room:   A knock and Oscar enters. He asks what's wrong and she tells him that Don Concho just docked her a day's pay and denied her the promised raise. He says “Damn, what bad luck.  But I told you to tell that customer off” or something to this effect, but Maria tells him that this hasn't kept him from bothering her. And because he is the biggest spender he is the boss's favorite customer. “Men like that won't take you seriously” he tells her. She gets a little testy and he finally says that this happens because she doesn't have a man like himself at her side. This is nothing new either; she asks him why he's still singing that same song again. He seems sincere in his intent, but tells her finally that if the day comes that a real man comes along for her he'll give up. [We'll see.]

Road en route to Aero L.A.:  Giuliano tells Santos and Mike that someone has been laundering money through the dealership. Santos asks “Who” to hear “I don't know.” [Mentira] He goes on about having a friend in Mexicali who can help, he should go over the border until he (himself) can get the charges vacated. Mike doesn't know why this is necessary and Santos points out that he is no coward. He will turn himself in and prove his innocence. Giuliano tells him “Fine; do it, but think of the scandal.” He points out that this isn't just about his freedom, but what the disgrace would do to his father's diplomatic career. His choice is to flee or to mess up his whole family's lives.

Maria's Apartment:    She enters in tears to contemplative music with a sad cello strain. “Qué voy hacer?” She keeps asking herself. After a brief cut to shots of Santos withdrawing cash from multiple ATMs, we are back with Maria and Amalia. Maria tells her about Rubén's wife accusing her of being her husband's other woman and the humiliating scene it caused. And the financial consequences. She can't take any more and will have to look for another job. Amalia asks about school and she says that has to stop.

Outside Aero L.A.:  Altagracia, who is behind the wheel of the car, asks Santos who set him up. He doesn't know. He asks her if she believes he is innocent. Por supuesto she does, saying that a mother always knows her children and that she knows he has only ever done good. He's grateful for her faith in him, explaining that Giuliano has advised him to leave the country and he will have to trust him to clear his name. He had wanted to turn himself in, but Altagracia doesn't like this. Who knows how long it will take to clear his name or what else can happen? She'd rather he flee than to have to see him behind bars.

Maria's Apartment:  Amalia begs her not to give up her education or her dream [What time does Maria have for school with all her responsibilities?] Amalia tells her she can go back to work. Maria tells her no way; she could get sicker and become blind. [TN Cliché # 3] Amalia tells her quite flatly that if she quits school, she will go back to work.

Outside Aero L.A.:  Altagracia implores Santos one more time to go; we hear police sirens as he agrees and asks her to bless him. She does so, he exits the car, and she cries to the sound of violins expressing her anxiety about what is to come next.

Maria's Apartment:  Amalia suggests they sell the large, engraved silver mirror on the door because the money would cover all their bills; Maria will not hear of it because it belonged to her father. Amalia relents. However, when Maria leaves the room she thinks out loud “Ay, Pedro; if Maria only knew how you made me suffer.” [TN Cliché # 4]

Hangar:   Santos enters carefully, looking behind himself. Arnold watches him as he enters the sabotaged plane, starts it, and almost sees there is a problem. On the second attempt all appears to be well and Santos taxis out of the hangar. Arnold comes out of hiding to watch as he takes off. The SWAT vans arrive trying to block the runway, but Santos grits his teeth and takes off, flying just over the tops of the vans. Derecho curses. “Damnit; he escaped.” The SWAT team aims at first, but declines to shoot when they realize that Santos is out of range. Arnold, back near the hangar, calls Giuliano to update him quickly, ending by saying he has to flee. He drops his jacket, then climbs a ladder to a storage unit above the hangar floor. However, Derecho and his men come in and capture him.

Cockpit:  Engine trouble and sparks. A dashboard alarm sounds and Santos realizes he could shortly be in otro mundo. Somewhere on the road Altagracia realizes the same thing with DNA radar [TN Cliché #5] and gasps his name. He sees smoke coming out of the engine and is remarkably calm as he asks himself what he can do about this. He is over a large, grassy field.

Maria's Apartment:  She takes out a pink box and looks through it, realizing that her mother's medications have run out. She says she will have to leave school and look for a day job.

Cockpit:    The alarm gets faster, the smoke gets blacker, and the music more staccato as Santos tells himself he will be alright.

Garza Mansion:   Justo looks like he's been pacing as Altagracia returns. He asks where she was and she tells him that Santos had to flee because of what happened at the dealership.

Cockpit:   Both engines are now expelling black smoke as Santos tries to keep the nose of the plane up. He finally goes down in the grassy area.

[Title sequence, colorful as usual]

Garza Mansion: Giuliano tells Santos' parents he recommended he leave while he gets the documents together. The doorbell rings and someone brings them the news about the plane crash. It was reported by the immigration authorities. Altagracia becomes hysterical as Justo agrees to accompany this man to the medical examiner's office.   The official expresses his condolences. Altagracia cries.

Police Lockup: Bruno protests his innocence, but Derecho is not having it. He is left in the lockup while another prisoner asks him if he was about to marry Santos de la Garza's sister.

Garza Mansion: Justo speaks to the diplomatic office, trying to resign from the diplomatic post. They don't accept his resignation. He tells Altagracia, leaving her to go to the medical examiner's office.

The press gets there. Vultures.

Mike's Hotel Room: He sees the news report on TV. “No puede ser.”

Garza Mansion: Wendy has the gall to ask if her wedding is going on tomorrow.

Medical Examiner's Office: Justo is escorted in. Derecho asks him to identify the body, if he can.

Garza Mansion: Of course, Wendy is being the total bridezilla, demanding “Why me? Why me?”

Medical Examiner's Office: The doctor lifts the sheet. Derecho asks Justo if he can identify the body. No reaction yet.

Garza Mansion: Altagracia tells her nasty daughter not to say anything she will regret; Wendy accuses Santos of ruining her life. Bitch. Altagracia tells her Santos is dead.  They cry.

D.F.:   Gloria escorts her son (Rodrigo) to a new school. He's not liking this until Paloma turns around and he sees her.

Maria's Apartment: A neighbor tells Maria she has read her cards and she will shortly meet her Principe Azul, but there will be many problems. [TN Cliché # 6].

Field: Santos gets up and walks away from the downed plane. A helicopter passes overhead and he collapses conveniently against a hill. A young man appears, carrying a jug of water. He has just crossed the river, which is two kilometers away. He turns around and there is a drawing of Jesus Christ on the back of his shirt. [TN Cliché # 7].

Maria's Apartment: Amalia has just prepared dinner. Isabel tells her mother excitedly about the tarot card prediction.

Outside: The police catch up with Santos, who runs for it and dives into the river.  They leave, not realizing who has escaped.

Maria's Apartment: Maria tries to explain the prediction to her mother as Paloma arrives to tell her she has met the boy of her dreams.

River: Santos climbs out of the river to see a roughly made cross.
Maria's Apartment: Maria doesn't believe this stuff, but Paloma is still on Cloud 9.


Road: Santos walks along the road and enters Tijuana.

Garza Mansion: Justo gets home and tells the ladies he couldn't recognize the body; it was almost completely incinerated.

Tijuana Motel Room: Santos sees a news report of his death that is greatly exaggerated. He picks up the phone, then realizes he can't risk calling his parents from a phone that can be traced. He finally calls his mother from a pay phone outside the motel.

Maria's Apartment: Amalia tells the neighbor that she has to return to work so that Maria can stay in school.

Phone Call: Santos calls Giuliano to tell him where he is. Big mistake.

Road in L.A.: Giuliano sends some goons to capture Santos as though they were actually police. “The godfather doesn't tolerate mistakes.” He speaks to them in Italian.

Tijuana Motel Room: They get there and pound on the door. Santos escapes through the window.


Amor a primera vista. [That's TN Cliché # 1.]

Mariachi Music and Bands

Here is Wikipedia's article on mariachi music with a brief history of the form and the evolution of the modern mariachi band.  Former President George W. Bush has had mariachis perform at the White House more than once:  Pablo Montero was once in former Mexican President Vicente Fox's entourage on a state visit.   Methinks the Bush daughters appreciated that.


Mexico City and Los Angeles are two time zones apart in case the alternating scenes looked weird.

Just had to get this out now: I was a bartender for several years during college and endured some pretty awful stuff from customers.... and Don Chucho's attitude about it. I hope Maria can deliver some payback for this later.

Urban anthropologist, I don't think you missed a thing in this action packed first episode. I especially enjoyed your "extra commentaries" or "asides." Loved the "príncipe sucio." Thanks.
I usually do not watch telenovelas that aren't comedies because most of the dramas I have begun have become terribly violent and sordid. If they maintain the tone of this first episode, this might turn out to be fun.


Thanks so much, UA. A comprehensive recap along with one of your lovely fans!

I know this won't be everyone's cup of tea, but I'm ready for a cliche-ridden, florid, predictable meller drama of the old style. I also see many cast members from past times.

La Paloma


Thank you so very much for this marvelous, detailed recap. Loved the whole thing. Because of you, I have been listening to mariachi music on Youtube, and I am really liking it. It is truly wonderful. I never knew there was such a range, and Pablo, sigh, I really like the way he sings.

Such familiar faces in this TN. I didn't know that Roberto Paleuzus (sp) could speak Italian. All he really said was understand.

I am liking Maria, she has a lot of spunk. The tarot lady was funny. I like Altagracia. The sister is truly a beyotch.

The bad guys must be mobbed up. When was the last time a TN had an Italian mob in it?

The scenery here is very beautiful, and you're right about they should have been speaking English in L.A. and the accents were bad, lol. But all in all this is a great start. I already can't stand the bar owner and Oscar is a bit pushy too. I like Maria's family dynamic. I think I will stick with this one too : ) The music really makes it worth it.


Omg this was so much fun! I noticed the two different time zones and I was just about to go on Google to research the time difference between LA and Mexico, just too make sure I wasn't missing anythIng. Also when they said Marias prince charming was coming from a "far away land" my head was screaming " dude he is just from the other side of the border!", and I want to know what illness Marias mom has, I mean she could go blind or loose her ability to walk, that's a pretty hardcore illness! And Wendy, man what a pain in the arse, how did she not know her brother was in trouble? Girl, go on Facebook, check your Twitter!

When it comes to QBA don't ask any questions. It's useless.

I am wondering whether Amalia is diabetic. Blindness is a risk to anyone with that disease who truly doesn't follow doctors' orders but it usually is not affected by work.

Italian is probably easy to learn for a native speaker of Spanish. Roberto Palazuelos wouldn't have a hard time of it.

As to Italian mob + telenovelas, there is an excellent Argentine one called Hombres de Honor which has been shown on Latele Novela Network. I wish they would show it again because it was excellent. A period piece with beautiful detail on 1940s fashion, props, cars, furniture, etc. Excellent actors -- mostly of Italian descent -- and a leading man who resembles Chris Noth in his prime. The accents in that series are also interesting.

One of the interesting things about the casting of this series is that Danna Garcia was one of the Elizondo sisters in Pasion de Gavilanes and the two guys who are competing for her are from FELS.

Oh, I just realized that Uni showed more than 1 episode. Maybe one and a half. In Mexico first episode ended with the fall of the plane.

That caught me by surprise last night. This is what the UFCS team had to deal with.

To the rest of the team for QBA: Last night was episode 1 and the first half of episode 2. Let's number them this way in the blog in case we need to catch up "offline."

Thanks for the descriptive recap UA. My MIL is staying at our house for a couple of days, and I'm unable to record anything. So I have to read the recap to know what is happening this week.
It does sound like it's the typical cliched stories that I do dislike so much. How many were there so far? 7? Anyway, I'll keep reading this week and see if I want to continue with this.
Unfortunately, I can't record El Senor either, and there are no recaps for that one. I'm going to try to watch them online.

Does your cable system provide On Demand? Telemundo's stuff should be available the next day. Time Warner's Espanol on Demand is usually a week behind on Univision, which annoys me.

BTW, the actress who plays Wendy was Nathy in TdA. I almost didn't recognize her.

UA, great startup recap. I can't really comment because i saw the first (LHDM) and this one is a bit odd and badly casted in some cases imo, so i will limit my comments. Just wanted to add one thing...
when Santos jumped in the river to cross it, he was crossing from US to Mexico, so the cops did not really shoot at him since they thought 'well, seems he changed his mind [about crossing the border illegally into the US]'. I thought that was pretty comical.

now it is going to be interesting why Santos' dad told the police that the body was indeed his son Santos... from his facial expression i can see he knew the truth and was just leading the police into believing Santos is dead.
In the original, Rosario (Maria) only has the one very young sister, not two, so the new couple they have here (middle sis and boyfriend) is new to this version.

Also in the original Maria's mom has arthritis which prevents her from working. Here it seems to be advanced diabetes.

Thanks UA for getting this off to a rousing start. Like Marta, I saw all of the original so I will also be limiting my comments and of course will not be making any predictions. I was a bit disappointed with some of the casting. Jorge Salinas does seem a bit old for the lead though I really like Dana Garcia (our little boxerette from Gancho) for Maria.

I found the geography a little puzzling. Maybe someone from California can help with this. Where did Santo's plane crash and which river did he swim across to end up near Tijuana?


No Televisa remake is word-for-word or what would be the point? Telemundo's remake of El Clon was almost exactly the same as the original because the original writer from Brazil was brought on board. All they did was change the Western Hemisphere location from Rio de Janiero to Miami and a few character names from Portuguese to Spanish.

One of Mejia's trademarks is exaggeration, so he is increasing Maria's financial responsibilities by giving her another younger sister.

As to the issue of why Justo lied to the police, that's a good question. Considering the casting I am wondering whether he has an evil or selfish reason for this. We'll see.

Roberto Palazuelos is running true to form; he made the Sexual Predator list in our villains gallery.

The little I read about this series implied that Pablo Montero is a villain in this. As talented as he is I can't see him in that light although it would probably benefit his career for him to develop a dark side in a character at least once.

BTW, what I found comical about the river scene was that the police didn't recognize Santos. They should have, in view of him being a suspect in such a large money-laundering scheme that appeared to be ongoing.

I forgot to ask this question last night: You mentioned Maria and Mom discussed selling the large silver mirror. My impression was they were talking about selling her father's charro suit with all the silver trim. Just wondering--the charro suit almost looked like an altar.

La Paloma

UA, haven't decided if I'm going to watch this one or not, but LOVED the recap. So many fine clichés! Some people may have bingo already!

So who *was* the crispy critter?

Thanks Urban for this first recap, of a really long episode. You set everything up really well.

I think my telenovela beanie is a bit overloaded right now with AV, so I don't think this show will be a regular one for me. But I will read the fabulous recaps!

I laughed when Coloso appeared, stroking a cock. LOL!

Funny to see Danna/Maria and Renata/Paloma playing sisters, when a few years ago in Gancho Danna was playing Renata's adopted mom. Also, I think Renata played a 16 year old in that, and she played an 18 year old recently in Amorcito Corazon. Now she's regressed in age and is playing a 15 year old. Is she becoming the next Sherlyn? The eternal teenager.

if this one follows the original in that aspect, yes Maria and mom were discussing selling the dad's charro suit and the silver hardware for it.

OK. Just looked Renata Notni up. She really is only 18 now. She was 13-14 when Gancho was filmed and played a bit older. She played basically her age in Amorcito Corazon (17 going on 18). So now playing a 15 year old at 18 isn't bad. She also played a 14 year old in LFDD with a crush on David Zapeda a few years ago.

I too think Jorge Salinas is a bit old for the character, but as far as their matchup to role, i still have the jury out for the Maria and Santos characters... although i will always prefer Mark and Carolina in LHDM.
But i am really intrigued how Arturo Peniche will do in the role that combines two characters in the original (Sigi and Molina). Peniche certainly will look older than 'Molina' but about same as 'Sigi', so i am looking forward to that. I LOVE Arturo Peniche... since his earlier days of 'Monte Calvario' with Edith G.
Pablo M has big shoes to fill with Pernia's portrayal of 'Coloso'. I thought that was one of the highlights of LHDM.
Juan Ferrara... sort of stroke me as 'so so' when i think of Guillermo Murray in original, but JF could pull it off... i hope they do change some things in the character and not make it a copy. Curious to see what they show as his reasons for lying at morgue.

UA, i didn't mean to undermine this version right off the bat.
We are way too early in the novela (1 ep or 1 and half ep) to make any strong judgements.
I do like some of the updates Televisa made to the Pura Sangre story into Manana es para siempre, so Televisa does sometimes make good improvements.
What I can promise is i will avoid giving any spoilers and will avoid making that many negative comments.

Could be the brightness controls on my screens.

It doesn't make sense to me to display a charro suit when the fabric would fade from sunlight exposure. Those have to be almost as expensive as a matador's traje de luces so wouldn't they want to preserve it?

Vivi, I once had to explain to a young colleague how the child labor laws impact the entertainment business. Renata is 18 now but if she is still playing teens at 28 (like Sherlyn) she may not be happy about it. I certainly wouldn't have been too happy about that kind of typecasting.

AV is almost over, so a little overdose can't hurt...

I did not consider the cops not recognizing Santos that odd since he is all dirty and ragged, wet, and it has been supposedly less than 24 hrs since the raid at the car dealership...
besides, chances are those are border cops and it would take a while for any new 'wanted' reports to get to them.

Thank you UA for your masterful recap! It's going to be nice to have this show recapped by all you fabulous ladies. This was a detailed recap and an excellent start for this novela.

Carlos, I wouldn't worry a bit about geography in this show. I don't think that's been a consideration at all. It's not surprising to me that they didn't shoot the L.A. scenes in L.A. (though they did shoot the Chicago scenes in Chicago for PEAM), but what really did it for me was that they FAKED the HOLLYWOOD SIGN!!! LOL! They just found a hill and put "H O L L Y W O O D" on it. Anyone who is familiar with the area around the real Hollywood sign knows it doesn't look like that. How bizarre that they tried to create a makeshift one anyway and pass it off as real. Plus all the scenes of "Los Angeles" were waaaaay too green.

Anyway, about a river, I have no idea which river supposedly Santos crossed over, if any river exists. It's just beanie tightening time.

Yes, Jorge Salinas is too old for this part, but who cares! He's Jorge Salinas! I like the actress who plays Maria. And Pablo Montero is fab. His singing is wonderful.

I have assumed all along that Maria's mom has diabetes. No, working should not make her go blind. And por favor, working by cooking? So silly.

I'm IN for this show! It'll generate a lot of snark I am sure. I only "previewed" about a dozen or so episodes, but from what I saw, it goes completely campy with lots of color and singing (some of it dubbed). The singing I really grew to enjoy, though.

LOL @ "Mike Johnson".

Is Mike Johnson supposed to be America and speak "American" like Steven Norton/MEPS did? LOL

A little detail about the original background...
Monica Agudelo-Tenorio was the writer, and RCN bought the rights to use ANY AND ALL songs written by Jose Alfredo Jimenez (Funny the similarity to the names Santos will pick, shown in previews) so they could use any of his original songs at any point, PLUS they bought rights to other individual songs by other authors.
Fernando Gaitan (who wrote Cafe and Betty la Fea, and served as consultant/guidance for Monica in LHDM said that she would write the script of an episode AFTER she had picked the JAJ song she wanted to write the episode around. So the music is a very integral part of the novela, even a character on itself.

Just so you know - US Border Patrol does not pull guns on suspected illegals on foot. And was that supposed to be the Rio Grande? If so - wrong state. No river on the Mexico/California border as far as I know.

I live right on the Texas-Mexico border, so I see the border action all the time :).

I think that the music is always a character in a film or TV series, but this becomes even more prominent if an important character is a professional musician.

If they dub Jorge Salinas' singing I hope they choose someone who can sound like him. Back in the 50s and 60s there was a singer named Marni Nixon who dubbed Audrey Hepburn and Deborah Kerr flawlessly.

On that note, I think a Latin music discussion is in order for the upcoming weekend.

Thanks, Martaivett, for the background information. The knowledge of the Caray recappers and commenters always makes the telenovelas much \ more interesting!


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Anon207, I think he is meant to be a gringo. I love that he didn't really try to speak Spanish badly. That is a novela cliche I want to see die.

Of course, they should have been speaking English in the L.A. scenes.

Does anyone know if Jorge Salinas can speak any English?

UA: Terrific first night intro! You had a number of great zingers and I loved the way you gave us all the tn cliches, especially ala Dave.

Some of my favs:
petting a rather splendid rooster [This clearly means he is the cock of the walk.] LOL!--

"[Por favor, wouldn't he be speaking English in L.A.?] My thoughts exactly"

"snazzy red speeding-ticket magnet" --I will have to check with the hubster, but I believe it is a Lamborghini Gallardo from what I remember. (Or otherwise it may have been a Ferrari. but not from what I thought I saw.)

I watched the first half of TM's El Cielos and didn't like it at all!! Taped this and missed the first couple of minutes so glad you captured it all.

This one looks to be fun and, yup, it has the uber-melodramatic signature of Mejia complete with baroque visuals in its religious symbolism and excessive musical flourishes.

The Garza's mariachi band was excellent, as was the audio, AND the hoochi-koochi Mexican Mariachi act made to look 2nd rate was actually really excellent also! It does take some real talent to make something well done look appropriately and believably tacky like that IMHO.

I think Don Chucho secretly wishes he could Hooterify the bar to a greater degree than he has. Some of the dancing did look tacky but it does look like a fun place with good vibes (owner notwithstanding).

There will definitely be serious conflict between Santos and Oscar.

Which -- for anyone who doesn't know -- is the name Pablo was born with. However, IMNSHO, he doesn't look like an Oscar Daniel Hernandez-Rodriguez and that would not fit on a marquee.

The owner of the bar is named Don Concho, not Don Chucho.

Just made the changes. I wish we could edit out comment posts.

UA, I don't know for sure, but I don't think Jorge Salinas speaks much English. The few episodes I saw of this show seemed to avoid demonstrating him speaking English altogether. As some of you may know, I am keenly interested in seeing any example of English spoken in telenovelas (I collect video examples of this) and would love to add Jorge Salinas speaking English to my collection. So far, no luck.

In my opinion, JS's singing voice sounds like it's dubbed. You can tell me if you think they chose well in the type of voice for him! I thought he had a good voice in FELS (sort of a "whiskey" quality). We will invariably discuss the singing in QBA in more depth when we hear examples of it! One thing is certain: Pablo Montero's voice is NOT dubbed! LOL.

Yes, the police would have spoken English amongst themselves. Los Angeles has a very diverse population and the police must serve them all. I'm sure some of the LAPD speak Spanish, but I doubt that all of them are fluent. Plus they have to have officers who speak other languages too, so it's not like they can all focus on becoming fluent in Spanish. (I say this as a native of the Los Angeles area but not as someone who is all that familiar with the LAPD, however!)

UA--You came out of the starting gate with a fabulous recap. With so many characters and scene changes, I admire your stick-to-it-ivness.

I'm puttin' on the Ritzy white dress, pulling my hair back, adding a rose and gettin' ready for tonight. Wish me luck everybody---the scene changes last night gave me heartburn, especially as they cut whatever music had started to play.

I don't have a large library of tn references and am not that familiar with mariachi music, so I will depend on everyone to fill in.

We don't know exactly where Santos' plane went down, so he might have been heading SE from LA and landed in some field not too far from the Rio Grande, but lets not require too much exactness from the writers and filmers when it comes to US geography. We're just glad Santos made it over the border (the other way).

Ciao tutti.

A rather rolling-eyes rank flaw is repeated here as in the original. If Santos/Emiliano is as educated and savvy of world as he should be (even if his previous brushes with the criminal law are slim to none), why would he escape, even if the lawyer recommended it? The actual relationship between Giuliano (The lawyer) and the family is never really developed far enough for us to realize WHY they trust this guy so much... is it because they don't deal with any other lawyer? really? hard to swallow. Unless like we see a lot in novelas, when the situation is stressful and fear sets in, people with the highest education seem to fall into a brainless trance.
Someone who flees the country will never have any chance to have 'suspension de orden de aprehension' like Giuliano said he was going to negotiate. I think the nail that sealed it was the possibility of the arrest costing his dad the diplomat/embassador assignment in Paris.j

On another note, i LOVED the way they contrasted the great relationship each (Santos and Maria) have with their corresponding mother... good way to show the things these two have IN COMMON (deep love for family) so they connect even when the rest of their worlds are SOOOO different.

I wish Salvador Pineda (Don Concho) would take on a role that was not a thug or a 'old man in the dumps who looks for attention all the wrong ways'. Maybe he should play a priest or good side lawyer/patriarch of a family so he gets out of his stereotype. Even though I think the role does go with him.

loved Angelica Maria's acting when 'Maria' says 'my dad was so good' (she always hid her issues with her husbands to her daughters), we see her later talk to the 'suit' saying 'if your daughter knew about all the hurt you caused me'.

Univision Wins Friday Ratings War Thanks to “Amor Bravio”:

Great recap. My, oh my. This looks like a remake of "La Hija del Mariachi" that starred Mark Tacher and Carolina Ramirez in the starring roles. The music was absolutely great in Hija. I just don't think this version is going to be that good. El Coloso in Hija was called El Coloso de Jalisco and was the prime troublemaker.

i think it is not a spoiler to begging all of you not ask any questions. It is useless, I know for sure.
About voice. I think only Jorge is dubbed. And with different voices.
And I cant say, that it's a remake. It's a new story. Really new.

Thanks UA for the awesome recap. I am going to enjoy this TN. All the background info was great. UA, you just made my day with your comment
" she seem sincere but we should doubt him, he wears a goatee and a leather jacket." That is too funny. We all need something to laugh about after yesterday. Thanks again friend.

Pasofino, hi!! how are you my friend?
and El Coloso comparisons will certainly be unavoidable. Pernia did such a marvelous job but Pablo might surprise and rise up to the test..who knows. i have not been impressed with his prior roles but i am holding up my judgement.

Not sure Roberto Ballesteros can measure up to our Daniel Lugo (PR).
Then again, if Alegria is right and they change the story considerably, we might be positively surprised.

Could be the Tiajuana River

I'm not watching this, just wanted to stop by to see how it's going.

Hmmmm cliche # 7 already

Thanks UA for such a wonderful detailed recap. As a tn newbie, I have a question - what is the definition of a cliches? I've always thought that it meant that something happens over and over making it predictable?? However that didn't fit in this case: "..... He turns around and there is a drawing of Jesus Christ on the back of his shirt. [TN Cliché # 7].."
Added to my confusion was the statue of Christ that Santos saw when he reached land. That went completely over my head. What was that about?

copied this from wiki

The Tijuana River rises in the Sierra de Juárez of northern Baja California, approximately 45 mi (70 km) ENE of Ensenada. It flows WNW through Tijuana, crossing the border approximately 5 mi (8 km) from the Pacific. It flows west, just skirting the international border south of the San Ysidro section of San Diego.

"We don't know exactly where Santos' plane went down, so he might have been heading SE from LA and landed in some field not too far from the Rio Grande, but lets not require too much exactness from the writers and filmers when it comes to US geography. We're just glad Santos made it over the border (the other way)."

Well considering that El Paso is 800 miles from Los Angeles, across 2 other states and a continental divide, we're talking hours and hours in a small plane. The writers just decided to put a border river in there for some reason.

"The Tijuana River rises in the Sierra de Juárez of northern Baja California, approximately 45 mi (70 km) ENE of Ensenada. It flows WNW through Tijuana, crossing the border approximately 5 mi (8 km) from the Pacific. It flows west, just skirting the international border south of the San Ysidro section of San Diego."

I see - there's a short section where it comes north to cross the US border a few times. Well, that must have been it then :) .

Martaivett: Good to hear from you. I've been in the audience but have not been commenting. De acuerdo with your comment re the policia.

'cliches' are pretty much 'standard' subplots used in many telenovelas (either leading lady or leading man loses memory for a while, the couple has relations and zas! she is pregnant!, someone goes blind and/or loses memory for a while, giving villains another window of time to continue creating havoc, etc etc... the list is quite long.

as far as the Jesus Christ on the other guy's shirt back, or the crucifix with Jesus buried near edge of the river/water stream, if this is supposed to be a very popular spot to cross into the US, those are crosses for peole who have not quite made it accross, and the crosses are put there by relatives, friends or other people who did or did not make it accross in the group but were not killed in the process. Very much like the crosses you see at the edges of roads where people died by getting run over by cars or trucks.
does that help?

I see in TV listings that El senor des los cielos is repeated at 11:30 PM EST.
So you can watch QBA & Cielos.

" Watching over all this with a grim expression is Oscar Fernández, El Coloso de Apodaca, holding and petting a rather splendid rooster. [This clearly means he is the cock of the walk.]"

Or maybe it's for the eggs.


So the Mexican Ambassador to France lives in L.A.??

Someone earlier asked about why Justo nodded when shown the body, burned beyond description, yet told his family he couldn't identify it and assumed he was lying. There is an explanation, but it is outside the boundaries of TN Cliches. If Justo was REALLY clever and not following the script, it would be a good thing for Santos to be dead. They would stop looking for him. He already knows Altagracia helped him get away, although they know the plane crashed and "a" body was found.

As Alegria has noted, this is not going to be a beanie-free story, so just tighten those screws and join us for a bumpy ride.

The big indications (aside from Wendy's most excellent dramaturgical display of melodrama) that this was so was 1) Comm. Derecho didn't fire when he had a chance to keep the plane from taking off; 2) both Maria and Paloma are going to meet their Principes Azul; 3) after the plance crash, the body was brought back to L.A. while Santos was lying there next to the disintigrated plane the whole time; 4) he was looking sharp in his royal blue shirt, suit and tie and only a slight smudge on his face after what looked to be a horrific crash--and he WAS belted in.

Anon at 4:28:
Justo is currently the consul in L.A. from Mexico. His new post is to be Ambassador to France from Mexico. In other words, he's moving up the ladder.


Anon and Anita, LOL!! yeah good one!

Anita, i totally agree, we need to either tighten the beanie hats or throw them out the window. this novela is not to dig deep into the details, it is to enjoy the music and emotional drama and comedy here and there...(can't wait until Chachita comes in the scene, will leave Carmen Salinas character in PEAM lost in the dust...)


Poor Don Concho does not seem to be very bright. Rubén is a valued patron of the bar who spends lots of money. I'm fairly sure that he only comes to the bar to see Maria... so now don Concho is threatening to fire Maria?



Concho knows she's financially desperate and probably wants to back her into a corner. He is probably threatening to fire Maria because she won't cave to Ruben's advances. In other words, he wants to pimp her out. Patan.

Martaivett thanks a bunch for the explanations about the cliches and especially about the crucifix near the rivers edge. In fact, thanks for all of your input, it's so helpful :-)

Thanks, UA. Like Jardinera, I was disappointed in El Senor. I am back to Televisa and the joy of reading our recappers. Now to reset the VCR.

A note about the repeat showings on Telemundo: They typically only do this for the first week. After that they will keep whomever enjoys the program or lose those who don't to Univision.

Can we also refrain from comparison to LHDM until much later on? I get irritated when I see comments elsewhere from people who dismiss all remakes out of hand.

As with FELS this is likely to be a different story with a similar premise and ending to the original. There are probably going to be some changes to some characters' personalities and any violence is likely to be escalated. From what I've seen in comparing Mexican novelas to Colombian ones the Mexican ones are more violent (This comparison excludes drug stories).

I agree with UA . . . while commenting on previous versions can be helpful and interesting (we do it on Amores all the time and we did it for LQNPA) it's only going to go so far. I think we can assume that this version of the story will stray a lot from the previous incarnations.

Beanie tightening is probably mandatory with this show, and I intend to fully enjoy that! LOL. I'm sure I'll squawk and complain sometimes, but that's part of the fun too!

Hey all. I thought I'd join in on the fun. Glad to see so many familiar faces as well as the regular commentators. So far, this has already gotten on to a crazy start and of course I'm glad to see Jorge Salinas on the screen again after missing him playing mean Rog on LQNPA. Excellent recap as always UA.

Otra novela, otro mal Bruno. :)
(Another novela, another bad Bruno.)

Sue455--I made the same mental note. I don't think they've ever used the name Bruno for a good guy, or even a dog.

LFDD had a beautiful dog named Bruno.

Martaivette, check our discussion on primeres actores for a retrospective on Salvador Pineda; he did once play a priest.

Sooo late to the party! I'm trying to be more participatory on this one and actually keep up with watching and commenting...we'll see how long that lasts!

Word to everyone who commented on the name "Bruno." Mr. 5ft and I will be testing out our new theory on the correlation of bad tans and evil.

Love, love, love the traje under glass. All it needs is a sign in front that says "Break glass in case of mariachi emergency." I SO need one :D

Of course, I then forget what I originally meant to say, which was

GRACIAS, UA! and great job starting this one off!

This episode was actually easy because it was very well-written as a set-up episode:

-- Most of the characters in it are identified by name
-- The key relationships are identified
-- We're given some background info on Wendy
-- We know what's important to the lead characters and what they have in common.

I needed a beanie the size of a sombero for this first episode. There were a lot of unbelievable,
'no puede ser' moments. To wit: the age of our galan hero Santos relative to his mother and sister, the fact that the 'police' arrived in cars at the dealership but had to go up on the roof and come down by ropes in truly wacky fashion, and our hero, after having been nearly killed in the airplane crash with wounds all over his face, jumps in the river, and by the time he is at the motel (perhaps not far from Tijuana) not a scratch!! The person responsible for continuity must have taken a break when they were editing this segment. All in all, quite funny.

Hey UA, have we had a weekend photo-essay on TN dogs yet? If not, I think it's time. :)

I think I'm going to give this one a miss, as I am pretty deeply into Manda and traveling quite a bit again (although Hulu is treating me very well.) It was a stunning debut, though -- SIX bingo squares in one night!

I am not watching this TN but I saw that scene (wounded, jumps in the river, and by the time he is at the motel without a scratch!! ) in Skyfall!! Maybe the writers thought it was credible, LOL! I mean, if Daniel Craig could, why not Salinas?

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