Friday, April 05, 2013

TELEMUNDO Y MAS, week of April 8, 2013

Here's your weekly posting. Enjoy!!

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Ariel is taunting Guillermo over winning the auction, Guillermo gets Ariel's game. The only one who still has no clue is poor Nico, who is once again caught in the middle. Eventually he realizes that Ariel never planned to win the bid.

In the country, Bruno comes back from riding, Bianca has already let everybody know that Penelope is pregnant again, now she tells Bruno, too; Santi wants the next baby to be a little brother for him. Eliana and Santi don't want to accompany Bruno to the stables, so that leaves Bianca, who, of course, is more than willing. During all this, Deniz looks on, wondering and supposing stuff.

The servants are spending the day on the yacht. They are all very happy, but Yair isn't feeling to well, he is coughing a lot and it can't be his allergies. I wonder if he is sick.
He must be, because against everybody's advice, he goes into the water and when they come back, his cough is worse and he has a fever, too.

Nico goes to his father's office to tell him he knew nothing about Ariel's plan, but Guillermo doesn't believe him; he calls him a traitor and throws him out.

Back in the country, B&B are strolling in the garden or whatever that is, while Deniz and Francisca look on. Francisca wants to know if there are any kind of news about the letter, but Deniz says that subject is forever closed (only if she knew). B&B realize they are being watched and Bruno is sure Deniz knows about them; Bianca thinks she only suspects something, but she has no proofs; Bruno wants to convince the nanny that nothing is going on, but Bianca thinks it is better to have her cornered, unable to tell anything. Quite the strategist, Bianca!

As night comes, Nico goes to Ariel's house, he is very upset because he got caught in he middle and now his father is again upset with him. Ariel is sorry for Nico, but he had to do this against Guillermo because he is always messing with his family. Nico doesn't want to work for him anymore, but Ariel promises him a permanent contract and a partnership by the end of the year if he stays.

After Eliana takes Santi to bed, Deniz and Bruno talk about how close he and Bianca appear to be. He says they have to get along, they live in the same house, the same happened with her and Flavia, right? Oh, boy, can you imagine Mademoiselle and Senora Flavia sneaking around the house, making out in the piano room or in the taller? No? Me neither! Bruno then asks if she has the same feelings for Ariel as before, but Deniz denies it, saying now all she feels is friendhip. Good job, Bruno says, we both know falling for the wrong person is not good. Yeah, how would you know that, Bruno?

Later Bruno goes outside and calls Bianca; he is now sure Deniz knows something about them; she asks him to come back to the house (she is already there) and meet her in the taller; she will come with the letter. She wants to use it as leverage against Deniz, Bruno, I believe, only wants them not to get caught! Deniz witnesses their talk and Bruno's strange behaviour from not to far away (but doesn't hear anything).




In their room, Ariel tells Bianca about Nico and how he is having problems with his dad again; not caring to much (or at all) about the subject, Bianca reassures Ariel that he was only doing the best for his family. Ariel wants a baby, too, but Bianca's "No way, dude!" face says it all!

In the country, Bruno and Eliana are getting ready for bed. He doesn't want to make love in his aunt's house, Eliana is surprised he is such a prude all of a sudden. And what do you know, she wants a baby, too (dam.n you, Penelope, and your fertility). Bruno makes up an excuse about needing his charger and the tablet to watch a movie, so he can go back to the manor, where Bianca is supposedly waiting for him. So he just leaves Eliana alone in his aunt's house!

Ariel wakes up alone in bed, Bianca is nowhere around. He looks through the window and sees Bruno coming home, thengoes in search of Bianca.
She is in Deniz's room, frantically searching for the letter (she still has her copy, right, but she doesn't want to expose her mother, so she decides to expose herself?)
Ariel catches her in the act and is furious that she would do such a thing. Bianca says this may not be her room, but it is her house (really, Bianca?) and she needs to find the letter that proves what she said about Deniz is true: she is in love with Ariel and she plans to steal him. Ariel thinks she's lost her mind, and she certainly acts the part. He is beyond angry, asks Bianca to act like the lady she pretends to be and clean up the mess before someone hears them. Bianca says she won't, but she ends up rearranging the room, while Ariel watches her.

Bruno, who has been waiting in the taller for a while, comes back to the house and goes downstairs, to the servants bedrooms.
When Ariel gets out of Deniz's room, Bruno is there, at the door. How funny would this scene be if Bruno hadn't known Deniz is away and Bianca is in the room, too?
Anyway, Ariel tells Bruno Bianca couldn't sleep and she went to search for a book of Deniz's.
Tere, Camila and Yair wake up because of all the noise and realize something is going on. After Bianca gets out of the room, too, Ariel sends everybody to bed.

As they walk up the stairs, Bianca is holding Ariel's hand, she knows she is in deep trouble. With all this drama going on, I still found the little girl face she made at Bruno before going inside her bedroom so telling for her level of maturity: she just raised her shoulders to express her impotence that their little plan didn't work out. It was quite funny, actually.

Once in the bedroom, He.LL breaks loose. Ariel asks her how would she feel if he read her diary - and he takes it from the drawer, but doesn't open it (dam.n, Ariel!). Bianca acts all cool, she has no secrets, but what if he acts like this because he already knows how Deniz feels? Ariel is so mad with Bianca and the way she crossed the line, he screams at her loud enough to make her shut up, while she is reciting parts of Deniz's letter.

Meanwhile, in the country, Deniz wakes up flinching. She has a bad feeling and, boy, is she right. She starts remembering different moments when she saw something strange going on between B&B: today in the country house, talking with Bruno, the slammed door... She looks worried, she might not have proof, but she is so on to them!

Back at the house, the fight goes on. Deniz wants to push me aside, Bianca says; so she wants to throw the nanny out of the house. Ariel is sick of all the fighting, he decides to go sleep in the taller, but Bianca keep going until he spills the beans and tells her she should thank Denis because if it was't for her, Flavia would be dead; because, yeah, that was no food poisoning, she tried to kill herself.

Pasión Prohibida -

thanks so much AdrianaNoel!

I didn't know what to think of Ariel's goofy devious smile, neither did Nicolas,

so I guess we won't get to see the scene where Nicolas goes home and tells the pregnant Penelope that he no longer has a job, or will he turn down Ariel's offer,

so much terror in this story, you would think someone actually did something bad,
rather than just trying to hide the thoughts of what might happen,

and yes, Mademoiselle has all sensors locked on to the devious duo,
and a new friend, Flavia,
what could go wrong here,

Mónica Spear has been pretty good with the faces all right, Bianca really isn't capable of hiding much, oh wait, except from her mother, like her earlier plan to marry Ariel,

so Bruno came back for his tablet, but what was he doing in the garden Ariel asks,
I kept waiting for him to walk into Mademoiselle's room, not knowing Ariel was in there too,

I couldn't believe that Bianca was totally trashing Mademoiselle's windowless bedroom, and so close, if only she could find that darn key,

I couldn't blame Ariel for being upset, I thought Bianca was going to die when he grabbed the diary, (or at least the letter would fall out), it wasn't until she had the book safely in her lap that she started up again,

short of gagging Bianca and throwing her off the balcony, Ariel was running out of things to shut her up,
she so deserved to hear about her mother's suicide attempt,

yes Bianca, once again your mother has stolen the show away from you and once again Mademoiselle has proven beyond a doubt what a noble person she is,

don't worry Flavia, your secret is safe with us and everyone else,


La Patrona - Friday, episode 64

"Muere maldito"

So after Gabriela reveals herself to Alberto, she then says, help me with Max, and your debt to me will be paid, she rushes off to get Ricardo to take Alberto's statement,

Antonia seals the deal with the owner of the "doll house", for her false testimony against Max, but then she wants her to disappear afterwards, but don't the people that disappear end up dead or crazy she asks?

Julio finds an earring from his strong box on their bed, he beats Lucecita with his belt until she confesses, about Lucho

Macario calls Antonia, Ramon is taken care of, just like she wanted,

Veronica is busy trying to round up Ricardo and get back to the hospital, he is busy putting the pieces together, so you are Gabriela and I am the person that convicted you and, later, let's go...

Antonia with a wig on, sneaks into Alberto's intensive care room,
(but is recorded on the security cameras)
she sits and taunts him,
sees how weak and helpless he is,

Gertrudis is getting too docile, curled up and sleeping all of the time,
so Lucho puts on the wedding march, and goes in to see her
he walks up and touches her as she tries to hide and deny it's him,

as he leaves she begs to be released,
she will give him all of the documents she has, evidence against his enemies,

Antonia turns off Alberto's respirator,
and smothers him with his pillow,
(I guess previous lovers that have betrayed her get special attention)
as Veronica and Ricardo arrive she jumps into the closet,
(so odd that no one in the intensive care ward know that this guy is dead)
as they helplessly try to revive Alberto, Antonia dashes from the room and makes a clean escape,

back home, did Alejandro and Irene do the deed, you know as good parents would, as Lucy starts he chemo soon, a restless Alejandro gets up and runs into a nervous Antonia,

a cheerful Lucho kisses Veronica, who is totally depressed,

next day,
Alberto's death is front page news,
David stops by for breakfast with Cecilia and Veronica,
he finds himself alone in thinking how nice Antonia is,
Cecilia gets up and walks out,

Ricardo, in answer to Lagarto's call, shows up at the jail, to question Antonia's false witness, he is doing pretty good at picking apart her testimony when Lagarto jumps in and starts answering his questions,
yea, that's it, what Lagarto said,

Ricardo being stopped looks at Lagarto,
so where is the proof,

next we see Lagarto's men tearing apart Franciscas house,
outside the door in the garbage can they find the bloody bat and hood used to beat Alberto,

Veronica while chatting with Cecilia and Valentina gets a call,
it's Ricardo, about Max, things don't look so good...



Thanks once again, AdrianaNoel. you get a much deserved 2day break.

boy, did I want Ariel to hit Bianca with that diary (like a phone book), or give her a good hard shake, or deliver a sounding slap, like Deniz gave the 'f.'

deb, I hadn't thought of throwing her off the balcony. definitely the better solution... lol! that oughta cure her mad-cow disease.

AdrianaNoel - you made a very good point about Bianca not being the only one to blame about the discord in the Piamonte household, but Bruno as well for being the instigator. It's just that it seems troubles are associated with the Santillanas. as for the girls having careers, since the story was written in the late 19th-century, I suppose the writers didn't think to adapt it to present times. most telenovelas I've seen have women just hanging out in the house. what's up with that?


Great summary, Deb, you have a sly sense of humor. Yes, it looked too good to be true when Alberto was ready to testify against Antonia. There is that security tape, but I doubt anyone could recognize her on it. Or if she finds out in advance, it can be erased.

Things certainly look worse for Max, although you'd have to be pretty stupid to put a bloody tarp in your own garbage can after a murder. And if Vero really does hire a big city lawyer, one would think he or she could easily trap the hooker on her testimony.

I liked how David was told don't be so sure your abuela will get Max out of jail. He still hasn't really seen her venom close up. Valentina and Cecelia have.

If Macario took care of Ramon, I guess that means he's disappeared.

Things are definitely taking a turn for the worse for Vero. But it would be too easy if she won every time. Somehow, she has to have a conversion, since she was getting way too similar to evil Antonia.

I can't figure out if David is loyal, greedy or plain stupid. The boy is in for some horrible shocks when the truth comes out and he can't say he wasn't warned, The same for Ale.

I hate the idea that Ale and Irene are serious about having another baby just to harvest marrow. So selfish when with their money they could go to some place like St. Judes or get on a donor regstry. There is also no guarantee that the baby would be compatible. Would serve them right if it wasn't.

Oops i forgot this is Novelaland where almost every one is too stupid to come in out of the rain.


MADE IN CARTAGENA, final comments

I really enjoyed this show. It was short, but that enabled the writers to get rid of any filler. It was filled with action, great characters and great music! And it was original. Instead of your typical drug show, this one had the bad guys stealing the Santa Helena (over and over again). It was also modern, with all the computers and split screen foreshadowing.

Carmen Villalobos proved way more nuanced and showed more range than in previous shows where she was a little cartoony (although always beautiful).

And those accents! From the various Cartagena ones, to Vicente's Spanish one, it gave us quite a challenge in understanding what the characters were saying, but it did get a little easier over time. Today I was listening to a local latino radio station, I think the DJ's are from Domincan Republic (another accent where they drop most of the s's). And I could understand it way better than last year when I listened to that station.

I'm also grateful to the positive comments as to my recaps, which were always fun to write, each night after I watched the recording, furiously typing as fast as possible, so I'd get to bed at a reasonable time!

The next show is Heroes del Norte, which I don't think I'm going to watch, since I think I'll watch El Senor del Cielos starting 4/15. That should be good, with the guy who played Pablo Escobar playing him again!


Hombre, I'm glad to hear you'll be watching El Señor. It looks quite good. I've liked Rafael Amaya in everything I've seen him in. And, although I'll miss Gabriel Porras' terrific beard from Corazón Valiente, I think he'll make a great good guy.

If we could get some more recappers, I'd be willing to pitch in, maybe once a week. You may be worn out from Made in Cartagena! I watched the first week of that, but La Mariposa was still on - and I was watching Pasión Prohibida and La Patrona. Way too much TV time!

Pasion Prohibida

Deb, the bit about Bruno going to the garden and then explaining Ariel was awkward enough, but when he came back to the house, why did he go to the servants' rooms? For all he knew Bianca could have been waiting in his room, like she usually does.
Maybe it had to do with the fact that he supposed that she was searching in Deniz' room.
If he would have gotten inside, I am sure he would have come up with some lame excuse, like: "I wanted to read a book, and I had none in the rest of the house."
Actually, I was surprised that Ariel found Bianca; I thought Bruno would and somehow they would manage to sneak past Ariel.

Shallowgal, Bianca was full on crazy last night and it is not jealousy that motivates her, it's her entitlement, her guilt, her Santillana genes.
As for the girls working, I know there are plenty of women all over the world who don't work, and Penelope surely has all the reasons to stay home, with such a small child to raise. But I never heard her speak about ever getting a job.
As for Bianca, if I had a rich husband who had his own huge company, I would become an "executiva" in a second. But Bianca doesn't want kids, doesn't want to work... right now she just wants Bruno. Like you said, for this day and age, it is rather strange and for me it's a turn off. But Heck, if Bruno can't be bothered with work, then why should Bianca care, right?


Thanks so much for the recap, Deb. Like Hombre, I love your humorous writing style.

I was screaming at my TV when no one, for the longest time, seemed to notice that Alberto no longer had his respirator on, even the stereotypical inept telenovela doctor.

Deb, I don't think Luz actually confessed. She kept insisting she didn't know how the safe was opened.

I didn't think Macario called Antonia about Ramón. What I heard was him saying he'd taken care of the "evidence" so I knew Lagarto would find something in his highly illegal search. Everyone keeps asking the SOB for a search warrant and he usually hits them when they ask for it!

It was surprising to me that Vero sort of let Ricardo know that she might be Gabriela Suárez without actually saying so. Her desperation to help Max matters more right now than keeping the secret.

I wonder when we'll find out who is Alejandro's father. The easiest answer is that he's actually the son of the man he thought he was all along. And Antonia just hooked Aníbal with a lie. But they might come up with a completely different guy!

Unfortunately, this DNA evidence probably rules out Ricardo as a donor. I can't remember if he got tested or not. He might have, just on the odd chance that an unrelated donor might be a match. If my medical knowledge, fuzzy at best, serves, I believe an unrelated person CAN be a match.

La Patrona -

thanks Hombre,

Alejandro running into a nervous Antonia when she gets home, fresh from her kill, he is always so close to the truth, and has been the entire show, but this thing he does, where he never quite gets it, never follows through, wow, I don't know how many more dents my tv can take,

and this letter of the law thing Ricardo does that foils the hopes of the innocent against the lawless Lobos, another wow, I thought for sure he was Alejandro's brother, but I'm really interested now in seeing him work his way into Gabriela's extended family, another somewhat lawless group,

and Gabriela, hasn't she had enough experiences with Antonia and the Lobos to know how they work, why aren't all of these people under surveillance (where is that detective she originally hired), it's business as usual for the Lobos, and Veronica appears helpless to stop them,

so who is Alejandro's father, was Antonia using her pregnancy to get a lean on Anibal, or to hide something else?

and how can we get a match for Luce now, surely they won't shave her head just for this small part?


La Patrona -

thanks so much novelera, for your comments,
and especially for your corrections,
I really appreciate that,



Deb - thanks so much for great recap. Loved the title "Muere maldito"!

Vero is losing her touch. She could have posted one of her security guards in Alberto's room, or she could have CALLED Ricardo on his cell phone. But then Antonia would not have been able to kill Alberto, and Max would be out of jail. That whole ICU scenario was so off. It did show that Antonia is willing to get her own hands bloody to keep her money or stay in control.

So maybe Alejandro's father really is his father and Antonia has been conning AniMal all along - for whatever reason. Or maybe someone else (like in Soy Tu Duena) is the daddy. I'm not sure how old Macario is supposed to be, but he and Antonia have this very interesting relationship, and we know she's fond of boy-toys.

I keep going back to Gabriela's mother, Lucia, and thinking that at this point, Gaby is the only distantly related person who hasn't been tested for compatibility with young Lucia. I think Ricardo was not tested. Novelera, people with no DNA connection can be compatible donors.

So where is Ramon? I'm wondering if Macario really offed him, and if he did, how/when will the body turn up.

I'm liking Cecilia more and more. She has no trouble speaking her mind to David and is a good influence on him.

And did anyone else wonder how Gert got that perfect manicure in the dungeon? Her red nails looked great!



Bingo, Beth!

I also laughed out loud at La Tuerta's manicure in the dungeon.

La Patrona -

great comments,

I think "Muere maldito" is the actual Telemundo name for this episode,
I copied it from the wiki page



AdrianaNoel - it's a good thing I indicated 'women in telenovelas' not having careers; except to prance around and look hot. it's just that it's not the case in my world. and yes, when will Bruno be graduating... geez!

El Señor de los Cielos -

Rafael Amaya...

""For me, the most important – the most fascinating – thing is human behavior. And my character is a very interesting individual because he's a very emotionally intelligent man. He's a man of the people, who is able to 'read' others and knows when someone is going to betray him and who is useful to him for what. He's an excellent strategist," Amaya said.

The story, although violent, carries a very important message, Amaya said: "It's deep, it's born from the deepest feelings. Aurelio was blinded by power and by ambition, but here we see that power isn't everything, that money isn't everything."

Amaya began his performing career with the youth musical group Garibaldi. His career as an actor in soap operas kicked off in 2001 with a role in "Sin pecado concebido," along with Angelica Rivera, the wife of Mexico's current president, Enrique Peña Nieto.

He has starred in a number of successful soaps since then, in particular "Alguien te mira" and "La reina del sur," the latter of which he considers to be a revolutionary production in the genre.

Amaya says that "El señor de los cielos" is another step in the evolution of the soap opera and advises his fans not to miss it because "We're doing things that have never been done. You're going to enjoy it.""




Since dMart didn’t trust her during the wedding reception. Aliva is certain that he will never trust her. But dMart made a mistake, he really loves her and begs forgiveness for doubting her.

At Feds Manor, Tomas is the last guest (getting drunk Victor Mendoza style!) who asks Fed if he will sleep in peace tonight, who replies “a lot better than you” since he isn’t a cop with a guilty conscience.

Meanwhile, Zeke spends the night with Luisa and they finally do the deed. The next morning, While luisa is in the kitchen, Zeke looks for her passport to find her real name. He learns her real Name is Marcia Rey, a famous psychiatrist who studies serial killers and publishes several books about them.

The next day, Aliva visits Nat and ask that they go to a more private place to talk about their alliance. Aliva will tell her when and where. Alex tells Nat not to go, her chances of being killed are high.

Nevertheless, Nat follows Alivas instructions and goes to an underground parking lot. Inside an SUV, Aliva accepts the deal, but first Nat has to prove her loyalty. She must kill Tom.

Meanwhile, dMart talks to Luci about the evidence that landed her in jail. The evidence was in Lucis room. The only person who had access to the Alvarado penthouse 24/7 is Salva……



Nat tells Tom that Aliva wants to kill him and wants to use her (Nat) to do the task. Tom is shocked but decides to go along with this to bring down Aliva. He asks Nat to contact her again. He will put a tiny microphone in her necklace and prepares her for the final stage.

Meanwhile, at the hospital, Kat is riding in a wheelchair with her baby, named Marcos in memory of her fallen brother. The adoptive parents are outside waiting for their child. Kat is shocked and says she made her decision, she will stay with her baby, no matter what. Miggy A. is happy at hearing this.

That afternoon, Zeke arrives at Alivas apt and points a gun at her, saying that he must stop her. He will never forgive her for killing the love of his life, Mariana. In that moment Aliva asks for one more chance, she tells him she is pregnant. Zeke is surprised but still angry. Aliva admits to killing, but says that she is Toms accomplice, he used her to fuel her thirst for killing. Zeke gives her the benefit of the doubt.

Meanwhile, dMart breaks in Salvas apt to find a clue of the murders, but is hit in the back with a pipe. When he comes to, he is tied to a chair facing Salva. dMart asks him about the murders, Salva says he kills for money, on the orders of a man who is in love with Aliva.

Soon, Aliva calls Tom and says that Salva kidnapped dMart and plans to kill him.....


Pasion Prohibida Monday

- quick recap, this has been a very full day for me

Bianca finds out about her mothers almost suicide. At first she wants to confront her, but Ariel begs her not to and eventually, she just goes to Flavia and reassures her of how much she loves and needs her.
The next day she also tells Penelope the truth.

Back from the country, Bruno tells Eliana he had to much to drink with his uncle and he won't be able to join her back. She is furious, obviously, especially when Bruno even says no to phone sex (snap!).

The next day Ariel and Flavia leave for the country, while B&B are left alone in the house. He realizes it's only the two of them, so he barges in on her taking a bath. She is afraid to see him, but can't hide her excitement. When Penelope shows up without notice, she almost catches them in the bathroom, but Bianca manages to trick her sister into thinking she is alone while Bruno is hidden and in complete shock after having seen Bianca NAKED for the first time (and, boy, did he look like a teenager, setting his eyes on a naked woman for the first time). Alone again, neither is very busy doing any of the pushing, they both look giddy and happy, even if they were almost caught. When Bruno can finally leave Bianca's room and is out in the hallway, she throws him the biggest tease in the world, by opening the door and taking off her robe, for his eyes only (and Camila or Tere, if they happened to be around - they were not)

When Penelope is finally gone, B&B take a stroll in the garden; Bruno wants to know what the fight with Ariel was about, they conclude that Denise has to be stopped with that letter, because she is suspicious of them.
Just as they are about to kiss and decide to go to the taller, Eliana shows up,upset for being stood up the night before.

Guillermo talks to the magazine editor and tells him to publish Flavia's pictures after all.
Kudos for you, Novelera, for guessing that Guillermo was behind the whole police barging in on the secret game! Now I know for sure you were right!

Back in the country, Ariel and Flavia arrive just in time for everybody to be astonished that Bruno left Eliana alone the entire night. Ariel asks Denise if she's had problems with Bianca lately, but Denise says things are fine. But later, when he talks about the so called letter Denise wrote to Francisca, she totally tells him the letter exists, it is not Bianca's invention.

So, several people threw Denise under the buss today: first Ariel told Bianca Flavia's secret, but at least he appologised after that, Bruno agrees with Bianca that Denise has to be stopped (weren't they supposed to be friends? the best way not to be caught is to STOP doing what you're doing now!), and, the most surprising thing of all, Francisca tells Ariel the letter exists.

And yet, with all this drama, I still can't get over the fact that Bianca was such a tease with Bruno. I don't know if the scene was supposed to be funny, but I laughed out loud all through it.



Alejandro tells David that they are similar. Both have a mother who was accused of terrible things. But how can one hate the woman who gave him life, who raised him? He won't answer David's question about whether Antonia is a monster (drat!), but the young man certainly has a lot to think about.

More goes wrong for Vero. Cecelia hears someone calling for help (Gertrudis), asks if they have someone prisoner, is told mind your own business, you went to a restricted area. This is not good.

And Max has to remain in jail. In his preliminary hearing, the testimony of the "unbiased" prostitute, plus the bloody bat and hood, are enough to counteract the testimony of Valentina and Francisca, who are "biased". I think he'll still get a full trial, but for now, he's in jail. Even David believes he's innocent, and is quite miffed at his abuela for not helping him (and she had "promised" to do so).

Lucho is introduced to everyone as Luis Carvajal. Only Julio knows the truth, and he's not talking. Vero says they'll get married in one month (the typical telenovela waiting period). And meanwhile, it's "Luis"'s birthday this week, you're all invited to a party. Irene is loving this turn of events. Alejandro....not so much.

I also enjoyed Vero dressing up as the ghost of Gaby, to haunt Gertrudis, and demand those incriminating papers Gert has (but she hasn't revealed their whereabouts yet).

Val has been looking a pallid lately, then she feels sick, even David has seen enough telenovelas to know this means pregnancy.

And little Lucia wants to be just like that elegant Veronica when she grows up. Awwww, how cute!


Thanks AdrianaNoel for the recap, taking the time out of your busy day. Last night's epi did not disappoint.

I was laughing too. boy, Bruno is so not into Eliana, not even for phone sex.

Whereas Ariel is turned off when Bianca gets crazy, Bruno on the other hand is the opposite. That's what I love about him... he is enchanted w/Bianca no matter, even with that big tease. They don't rub each other the wrong way.

I couldn't believe my ears when Francisca told Ariel the letter exists. 'wonder what's gonna happen.


Thanks for the mini-cap, Hombre. Loved David having seen enough telenovelas to recognize pregnancy symptoms. It's crazy that Val is so dense. Antonia is going to go ballistic when she finds out.

Irene's wide grin upon hearing about the planned Vero wedding was funny. Although she correctly diagnosed Ale's jealousy later on and went into one of her rants.

Antonia looked daggers at Irene when she yelled at her child with cancer when she appeared looking for her father. She ALWAYS looks for her father instead of her self-absorbed mother.

Yep, Cecilia looks like she's going to cause trouble regarding Gertrudis. It's probably too soon for the incriminating evidence to show up, so I don't know where they're going with this.

Are they ever going to look at the security camera that showed Antonia sneaking into the hospital. Of course, with the dark wig, they'll never recognize her. But they might at least connect the dots that someone besides Max wanted Alberto dead.

Yes, David sure went after Antonia, calling her a liar and again calling her Guerra, like Ale does. Her greed is going to cost her the respect and love of the grandson she went to so much effort to get. If she'd just left Valentina's money alone, she might have held onto David's affections.

I thought Vero was going to be more explicit about what happened to Val's granny when she spoke with Antonia, as a way of forcing her to lay off Max. Maybe later. Or maybe Gertrudis will confess to get out of the dungeon.


Thanks, AdrianaNoel, excellent recap. And thanks for the tip of your cap to me about Guillermo being behind the poker raid.

I hope Flavia's emotional makeover lasts. She's going to need to be strong when G surely manages to get those pictures published.

Nico is behaving like a child. His father deserved the head fake on the bid, and more. Doesn't he remember that his papí tried to get him to tell what Ariel was bidding? I am with Francisca, Ariel's sister. Let things fall where they may. If Nico is stupid enough to quit the best job he's ever had with one kid and another on the way, then let him suffer or else crawl back to more abuse from his rotten father.

Eliana is just dumb. Even if Bruno were in love with her, red flags would be going up for any man about the constant cell phone calls at all hours of the day. And asking him where he is as soon as she calls. While it was a pretext, his excuse was perfectly good. His beloved uncle waylaid him for a couple of drinks at the house, and he couldn't drive having had alcohol. Shut up, Eliana. This poor actress was equally annoying in Corazón Valiente, constantly pursuing poor Pablo, the handsome bodyguard who was in love with someone else. She's typecast, it appears.


Hombre - thanks so much for recapping; I too loved Gaby the Ghoul visiting Gert in the dungeon - particularly with the red circles under the eyes.

I couldn't believe someone left the reality TV on so that Cecilia would hear Gert yelling. And you'd think Vero would have much better sound insulation in that house.

And speaking of Cecilia, those were pretty spikey heels she was wearing to study grammar in the gazebo.

Val needs to go visit Cecilia at Vero's place for the next few weeks. She doesn't seem to have a clue that she's (probably) embarazada, and we all know Antonia has no problem killing the unborn, especially when they're los Suarez. Val's money is just too much of a temptation for our greedy Antonia.

I wonder if Patricia will be planning Luis' birthday party. And what does Vero have planned for the lobos?

Where's Ramon? I hate these loose ends.



novelera - I also remember Priscila Perales in Eva Luna, her character trying to seduce Guy Ecker. Bruno sure is an expert at coming up with reasons to not be w/Eliana.

Pasion Prohibida

Shallowgal, the fact that Bruno is so turned on by Bianca's craziness could be caused by the fact that they are still in the rosy part of the relationship (if I may call it like that), there isn't much that they wouldn't find hot about one another right now. But in the future, who knows...Bianca is very passionate and reckless, Bruno has a tendency to chicken out...that is what I see right now.

Novelera, you always come up with a different take on the stories and it always makes sense.
I understood Nico's point of view, but he has to see that Guiilermo asked for this, right? I was rather surprised that Penelope, too, was upset over Ariel's offer. Wasn't she cheering for the partner position almost as loud as Flavia?
I think Bruno couldn't care less if Eliana called him 10 times a day or once a month. He only remembers her when he needs her to make Bianca jealous. The fact that she is still willing to marry him after the way he treats her is just to stupid for words.
Francisca telling Ariel about the letter will really put some things in motion, and that is great. I love it when secrets are revealed and things start happening. Beside, Francisca can't really stand Bianca, so maybe she hopes that if Ariel finds out about Deniz's feelings, he will starts noticing her more.

A shout out to everybody who is watching Pasion Prohibida: my work schedule is changing these days and I may not be able to post the recaps daily as I'm doing right now; so, if anyone feels like writing, maybe we can come up with a system. If not, I may have to skip on some episodes..not sure yet.



Adriana/Noel, you've done more than your share with your daily recaps. Don't feel badly about it if you can't keep it up.

I got a bit burned out on recaps a while back. My solution has been not to commit to any, but to throw in a short one when my time permits and when I'm in the mood. A couple of paragraphs with the high points usually sparks some comments from others.


I just remembered one more thing. When Eliana showed up at Casa Piamonte, Bianca pretended to chew out Bruno for having left her at the ranch to sleep alone. Ye Gods, she was the one who called him and told him to come over.


Verónica plans to buy into El Chamuco and makes an offer under a company name Antonia, Aníbal and Alejandro don’t recognize.

Cecilia tells Poncia there are ghosts at La Forteleza. Why in blue blazes do they leave the reality TV on all day with Gertrudis moaning and groaning?

Ricardo hints that he’s ready to “be with” Patti. He peeks at her in the shower and then jumps in suit and all. Sadly, he has a flashback to the putas his father paid for and can’t proceed.

Gastón comes to the bordello and takes Estrella to her room. Lagarto and Macario are not best pleased.

A woman walking her dog finds the corpse of Ramón Izquierda under some garbage bags. [These people should watch The Sopranos for body disposal tips.]

Vero comes to present herself as the new inversionista. Antonia bristles at the thought of giving up any control. Vero is as cool as a cucumber telling Guerra that they won’t find anyone else to invest. It’s known that the vein is running out and also about the bad management of before. Others won’t necessarily believe Alejandro could turn it around. She gives them the rest of the day to decide.

Lagarto tries to tell one of his cops to keep Ramón’s body a secret, but Ricardo overhears. He won’t back down and tells Lagarto he’s taking over the case. Later he asks for the files on ALL Lagarto’s cases.

When Francisca and Valentina visit Max in jail at the same time, Francisca has one of her sixth sense feelings that there’s a dark cloud around Valentina.

In a fantastic coincidence, Patti runs into a friend named Inés, who just happens to be a sex therapist. She tells her she has a client for her.

Lagarto appeals to Julio about Ricardo possibly causing him to lose his job. Julio basically says payback is a bitch.

We get to see a smoking hot scene between Ale and Vero. He follows her out of the meeting and is pretty annoying at first. He suggests she’s investing in the mine to be closer to him. He suggests she brought Luis [Lucho] to La Dorada to torment him. He grabs her and some torrid kisses ensue. She slaps him, but he says she was “this close” to asking him to make love to her. She calls him un engreido y un sangrón (full of himself and obstinate). She stalks off, and he remembers Gabriela Suárez saying the same phrase to him in a teasing way in bed. “Gabriela! he says!”

Valentina faints in David’s arms upon returning to La Dorada from the jail.

Antonio tells Aníbal she’s decided to be in favor of Vero’s offer. She realizes Vero has a thing for Ale and he for her. She thinks maybe she’ll get a change of daughter-in-law, a richer one this time. Aníbal is shocked.

The doctor says Valentina has gastritis brought on by stress. Later Guerra says it will be easier to get Valentina out of her way than she thought. [What? Thought she wanted to keep her around and get her hands on the money. Would she inherit if Val died?]

Luz shows up at La Fortaleza in a jealous rage, having seen Vero and Lucho’s engagement announced in the paper.

After hearing about Francisca’s fear for Valentina, Vero suspects that Antonia Guerra is behind her illness.


Novelera - Thanks for the super quick recap. "These people should watch The Sopranos for body disposal tips." Good one, Novelera! The Sopranos is one of my favorite series. And you're right; Tony's guys would have made sure Ramon was 200 miles away from town at the bottom of a ravine. Macario was supposed to personally dispose of Ramon so there would be no problems, and he left the body in the trash?! I wonder if Macario subcontracted the job to Lucas.

Absolutely loved Ricardo hopping into the shower, suit and all.

So Antonia's looking to trade up for a richer daughter in law? I can't see Irene going quietly. And I don't think Antonia will arrange another suicide. What diabolical plan will she come up with for Irene?

Vero's onto something; maybe someone is poisoning Valentina, and she isn't pregnant.

I think Antonia wants to get her hands on Val's money and will keep her around if she has to. But if she can get Val's money and get rid of Val, that's even better.



No recap today, sorry, but I do have some random thoughts about the show

- quite a boring episode, it feels like up until the last few seconds, nothing really happened

- Guillermo changed his mind again about using that picture of Flavia? what a waste of air time. I'm glad to see Nico accepted to remain with Ariel's company (with a 6 month old and a bay on the way there were not that many options, anyway) and rejected the "socio" position - he is one of the few in the show who actually seem to have a backbone

- so Francisca told Ariel the truth, why? to make Ariel put a brake on his budding friendship with Deniz, banishing her from the family vacations? did Francisca believe Ariel would get a divorce and marry the nanny? now Deniz thinks this is all Bianca's doing, and not that Bianca loves her to much, but she's done plenty of bad stuff, she doesn't need other people's "help" in getting a bad reputation

- did I see wrong, or was that chemistry between Nina and Yair? When he was asleep and she went to give him his medicine, she did take a good look at his naked body, right? This is so reminiscent of B&B's early days.Maybe they hook up, too and start sneaking around the house; I bet that big mansion has a pantry they can use, or a tool shed. To say that Yair is completely smitten is an understatement, I was feeling the heat, too, when Nina hovered over him to get the pills. Now if only she could forget about Bruno for a second...Oh, and was I the only one who thought Nina would somehow meet Bianca or Bruno on the hallway, or even better, both?

- I like Flavia so much better in this reconciliatory mood, I don't know what is wrong with her but ever since Deniz saved her life, she is so much nicer to everybody, not just the nanny.

- and since we can't have one day of harmony in that house, now that Flavia is playing nice, Bianca is raging all over the place; when she asked Ariel if he wanted a divorce and to get rid of her, it suddenly dawned on me how much relief she would feel if he actually said yes. Later, when they made love, she was so crushed - and it had nothing to do with Deniz, this really is about her guilty conscience. What Ariel sees as jealousy might just be her twisted way of giving him a way out...

- ...because this is obviously what she wants; did your mouths drop on the floor when Bianca asked Bruno to run away together? Is she testing him, does she want him to get scared and let her go? Because she is right about something: he keeps sniffing around her, he started all this seduction game and when she is close and willing, he starts his "pobre tio Ariel" speech. He can't have it both ways...If she is not bluffing with the whole "running away together" plan, I bet Bruno won't do it, though.



AdrianaNoel - that's a recap alright. it captured a lot, if not all, of what happened last night. Thank you.

Bianca having sex w/Ariel purely out of duty, and guilt was so disheartening. Her facial expression said it all. Especially since Bruno sort of hand a hand in by telling her ease up on Ariel. there's a lot underlying psychological issues with Bianca, that probably stems from being 'f's daughter, to start with. She saved her sister from Bruno, Penelope ended up with a great guy, and here she is with Bruno. I'm so glad she called him out on his seduction game.

Deniz - she should be overjoyed to be taking a break from the Piamontes; and to any destination she wants? c'mon. time to move on and try to find another amor. the self-sacrificing act bores me.

anything Yair - >>ff>>.



oops... 'Bruno sort of HAD a hand in IT'

one more thing... Bianca's whole thing is she simply wants to be loved, even though she doesn't inspire it in a lot of people (who don't matter to her). but her father, who probably adored/loved her, and died, left a big void. then to be left w/ the 'f'?? 'nuff said. in the beginning, she pleaded with Ariel to just love her, and thought a one way street so to speak would be enough for her; not realizing she was only after a father-figure.

(sort of) OFF-TOPIC - has anyone seen the miniseries called The Forsyte Saga w/ Damien Lewis. He played an insufferable, seemingly cold-hearted man. PP sort of brought that to mind, cuz Damien Lewis' character was utterly misunderstood (imho), when all he wanted was to be loved as well.

La Patrona -

thanks so much novelera,
always a treat!

as they keep showing the old mine, I always wonder what is going on over there,

speaking of ghosts, I would love to see Tigre's appear,

Patti (Alexandra de la Mora) and Ricardo (Aldo Gallardo) are really knocking it out of the park with there no sex love affair,

Gastón is becoming the mystery man, like the phone call he got from Max earlier telling him of Antonia's suspicious activities, or his going off with Estrella at the doll house, and then he never says anything,
but he is getting good at showing up for Francisca, and yes Lagarto, if you don't like the radio show, change the channel.

I don't know what the deal with Ramon's body is, that has to be right where Macario left him, was Macario expecting the garbage guys to just throw him in the truck,

thanks novelera for translating, "un engreido y un sangrón", you have a nice way of catching the same words I wonder about,

on Valentina's condition, I may be wrong but I thought Antonia already has control of Val's money as legal guardian or what ever the spanish word was, but only until she turns 18 when Valentina regains full control, so I have been wondering why Antonia has been dragging her feet, (of course there was the part where Alejandro hired a lawyer to reverse this but like all things Alejandro everyone just wondered off to other things)

so since the marriage with David is a no go, is this thing with Max just out of spite, because he is a Suárez, and because he was sneaking around behind her back,
and have they turned the tables on us and Valentina is not pregnant?

seems like Alejandro's failure earlier to pull Gabriela from his mother's clutches has forced Gabriela to man-up and take charge of her life, and only if she cracks, and Alejandro steps in and starts being the man (saves the day), will this relationship ever work, it's not about the passion they have for each other, my thoughts,

and Lucho, in my opinion, just does not fit into this picture at all, and what were the words Antonia and Anibal were using when talking about Lucho, they seem to think this won't work either.


Pasión Prohibida -

I keep waiting for everyone in the house to get this odd gagging cough that Yair has, since he keeps coughing on everything, I guess no mystery cure from Bianca's mother, just the seductive pill and glass of water,

wow, so Guillermo tore up the picture of Flavia, I was figuring Nicolas was going to be collateral damage in that war, and so honorable that Nico turned down the obligated partnership until he has earned it, so far so good with at least one person remaining good in this story,

Francisca and Ariel are really good with business and work well together, they really have created a paradise for their family and friends, who are all determined to prove that it is not.

yes, Flavia looks so much nicer when that snake tongue isn't always flicking about,

so true AdrianaNoel, Bianca can really fill the void her mother left in disrupting the household,

good point shallowgal about Bianca's obsession with "being loved", I can really see that when she thinks about losing Ariel (who she really doesn't love) to Denis,

ah yes, Bianca and Bruno, running away together, living happily ever after,
(maybe Ariel will lend them the money),
do they think they can they really leave this house.



Terrific comments, deb.

Aníbal was calling Lucho un vividor which translates into English as an opportunistic fortune hunter or basically any man who lives off his female partner. I suppose the same would work for a guy who lived off his male partner, but they mostly don't go there in telenovelas!

I'm pretty sure she got rid of Max because of the money. It's true that Val would gain control of her money when turning 18. Her original plan was to marry her off to David, and keep the money close. So part of her vendetta against Max is fear of HIS making the decisions about Val's money. Also there was a tiny hint she may have been eyeing him as Alberto's bedtime replacement. And she would have hated being beaten out in that arena by Valentina.

What I don't understand is, if she's poisoning Val and wants to kill her, does being her guardian make her inherit? What other relatives does Val have? Would a step-mother, unrelated by blood, automatically inherit?


Great recap, Novelera, thanks for explaining the key words some of the characters used.

I really liked Vero's black and white beaded necklace. The wardrobe department is really finding some amazing outfits to put Vero in.

Hopefully Gaston will get some info from Estrella.

That new lawyer who is representing Max looks too young to be a top litigator, but what do I know? Also, he had that shadow of facial hair, not too dignified for an attorney. Hopefully, his brain will impress me more than his appearance.

I loved when Lagarto said to Ricardo, don't tell me how to do my job, and Ricardo responded, I'm the chief judge, I can do whatever I want! Not sure how true that is, but it was fun nevertheless.

I also liked how Ricardo told Pati he had a little strange "feeling", like some action was happening "down there" (my interpretation) when thinking about Pati. Keep that feeling going!!

La Patrona -

thanks novelera,
the way I have been thinking,
if Valentina dies,
what if when they sit down to work out the inheritance,
there isn't that much money there anymore.



I've been watching this the last few nights, it's nearing the conclusion, and it sure is action packed! Last night we had a wedding between our hero and our villainess (I think). But the truth is just about to come out. I love the actress playing Natalia, she's been in several novelas, usually in the role of best friend to the star. And the guy playing Tomas, a hero cop here, was a drunken husband in Maid in Manhattan.


Hombre, I'm also watching the last week of this long, strange journey. I gave up for a long time and NovelaMan's recaps got me back for the last couple of weeks.

I think Marlene Favela (who is indeed the serial killer) is doing a great job of portraying a sociopath.

Yep, the actress playing Natalia was in Mi Corazón Insiste as Carmen Villalobos' best friend. And the guy playing Tomás I saw in Madre Luna (villain) and Doña Bárbara as the crooked overseer of Santos Luzardo's hacienda, who eventually worked for DB.

There are so many ridiculous things in this novela I just can't believe it. Last night, for example, the psychiatrist who is posing as a nun went to Miami to buy off the guy who was going to identify serial killer Alicia. In what universe does a shrink become a killer's enabler?


Must be too much coffee this morning. Can't stop posting!

I was wondering if Antonia's plan is NOT to kill Val, just make her very sick. At one point, when she heard that Valentina had gone to the jail to make a statement for Max's alibi, she said something about this girl not going to be out and about so much. I was wondering then if she was going to lock her up in her room. But maybe the plan is to make her too sick to help Max.


I wonder who is making Val sick. Poncia gave her that "tonic" but she doesn't strike me as a poisoner. Antonia has to do something before she turns 18 or she won't be able to get her hands on the money. I also find it interesting that Francisca sees a dark aura around her and knows something is wrong. Wonder who will step in to help her.

Poor Lucia and her leukemia. What the hell is the matter with these people that they think the only cure is to have another child and hope it will be compatible. I hate the idea of harvesting children. They have money and someone should think of St. Jude's or any number of first rate places that do work on the disease but no they sit around in the back of th beyond and do nothing.

Ale is certainly full of himself. Grabbing Gabi/Vero and assuming that she is doing all this stuff to be closer to him. He has got nothing to base that on. Then the idiot, typical galan, is convinced it is Gaby but he doesn't even bother to wonder why she is back in town, where she got all the money and what the hell she is up to. Guess he thinks she came back for him


Decie Girl, I'm 99.9% sure Antonia is making Valentina ill. Not sure how she's doing it or why.

Again, I don't know if it's to keep her weak and controllable in the two months until she's 18. Or if it's to kill her because Antonia would inherit. Again, would she? Unlikely a 17-year old has a will. Don't know if a guardian assigned by the court would inherit.

I was discussing this with my born-in-Mexico co-worker today and she remembered that what Ricardo signed, in spite, a while ago made Antonia the albucea of Valentina's estate. The online dictionary calls this an executor. An executor can manage the funds (in the US) of a deceased person per their will or of a person declared incompetent (as in the case of a friend of mine who is the executor of her schizophrenic sister's inheritance).

My memory of what happened with Val is that Antonia was granted the tutela of her step-daughter. This word means the guardianship. This also gives Guerra the rights to spend her money, I guess.


Correction: albacea


Now that Richard is digging into all of Lagarto case files, and Lagarto ran and told Anibal and Antonia, will Anibal or Antonia give the order to kill Richard.

As far as Val getting sick, I do think she is being poisoned, but I am wondering how?

I know that Ale is the hero and all but I just don't like with Gabi/Vero, I just can't like him. I keep waiting for someone else to enter the picture......

-- Nia


Oops I mean I don't like him with Gabi/Vero....typing to fast again....



What an episode tonight. Poor misguided Cecilia almost met her maker. Ricardo and Constanza finally had their tearful reunion. And now both Ricardo and Alejandro know Vero is Gabriela, although Ricardo is light years ahead of Ale in questioning why she's back and what is she planning.

I'm thinking that Antonia won't kill Valentina. Grandma just recently died, and two deaths in the same casa involving the same large inheritance might attract considerable attention, not that Antonia worries about that very much. The Dr. at the clinic said he was running tests on Val so whatever Antonia (or whoever) could be giving Val could be identified.

Since Antonia has custody of both Val and her assets, she can spend/invest Val's money as she sees fit under the guise of improving Val's financial situation. With the court order from Ricardo, Antonia can very easily make herself co-owner of all Val's accounts (in fact, I wonder if she has already done this). She doesn't have to wait for Val to die.

I'm also wondering if Lagarto will be the next lobo to go. AniMal is so concerned about his political image that he may decide to leave Ricardo alone and get rid of Lagarto. It's wouldn't take much to push Julio to go after Lagarto.

I enjoyed Francisca's show of jealousy when she learned Gaston met the pro at the dollhouse. Those two really appreciate and complement each other.



Great comments, Beth and Nia. As disappointing as Alejandro has been, I still think he and Gaby/Vero will end up together. After all, she's not perfect either. And there's no way she could end up with Lucho, although maybe they could get married (civil only).

Beth, I agree Lagarto may be coming up next. Vero remarked how there were 3 so far. But in her talk with Cecelia, she hinted that her revenge plans may change, and now it would be better for the bad guys to face justice. I just hope that until this happens, Cecilia can avoid blabbing about Gertrudis.

Like Francisca, I, TOO am wondering, did Gaston sleep with Estrella? Or would he, to get the info? My feeling is that he won't, that only "bad guys" do this.

Ricardo was so emotional when he finally got to hug Constanza, I felt the emotion in that scene. And he's now working with the good guys. So far, Anibal doesn't want to tarnish Ric's rep, since that would bounce back on the Senator, if others did it? Yes, I see major problems for Ricardo, possibly the threat of revealing his impotence will compromise him (Antonia knows about this, could tell Anibal, or maybe Anibal knows). And it's not too wise to just leave all those files out in the open in Ricardo's office. We've had fires before.

I just hate that Julio, even though he's suffering, I want him to suffer more.

I liked how Valentina and Lucia were supportive of each other, that was a sweet scene.

I was thinking that Vero's necklace, half black beads, half white beads (her dress, too), was symbolic of her present position on the fence between good and evil.


Wow, love that Alicia in her blood spattered wedding gown with that chainsaw! As usual, the cops are always one step behind. But since the new show starts Monday, the gran final has to be Friday, right?

I haven't been following this show, but am I right that if Alicia goes to jail, there's no one left for Martin?

It looked as if Natalia likes Tomas, which is ironic since the other day, Alicia was forcing her to pretend to kiss and rub up against him!

At the start of the show, Ezekiel was a really bad character. Now he seems not so bad. I liked the scene with him and that mafia guy commiserating.

I agree, Novelera, Luisa as a shrink helping her patient who is a killer stretches credibility. And dressing up as a nun? Okay.

I always enjoy when they dress up the female villains as teenage boys. We had this in El Fantasma de Elena, recently in Made in Cartagena, now Marlene Favela gets to do it. The little cap always provides the perfect touch (and the fake mustaches help, too).


I was also surprised that Lucecita can't read. Now she wants revenge against Lucho (actually here's an example of a "good guy" who slept with someone to get info, but it was before he committed to Vero). I wonder if her inability to read is going to affect her revenge plan?


Hombre, I agree; Gaby and Ale will end up together. Lucho has the morals of an alley cat, and while Vero will love him like a brother and tolerate and use his actions for her venganza plan, she won't become his mujer. And the physical attraction is still there for both Gaby and Ale; she really has the hots for him. I hadn't thought too much about the civil marriage, but that would add to the intensity of Ale's feelings about both Gaby/Vero and Lucho.

I don't believe Gaston slept with Estrella either. He's not like Lucho (see alley cat above!).

Julio is not suffering anywhere near enough for me, but the Luz/Lagarto pairing should send him over the edge. Maybe a little gunfight?

Last night both Vero and Constanza talked about the bad guys facing the justice system. Interesting that Ricardo, our objective, get-me-the-evidence litigator, is out for blood and had to be talked down by Constanza. He's showing more and more genuine emotion.

I predict (oh, God - I'm probably going to be sooo wrong on this!) that Antonia will out Ricardo on his impotence but Paty will announce that she's pregnant just to save his little terrier face. And then they'll finally consummate the marriage, and she will get pregnant.

Nice analogy about the black/white evil/good conflict in Vero's life!



Aliva convinces Zeke to spare her. He cant kill her due to her pregnancy, but if she is the real killer, Zeke will kill her after she has the baby.

That afternoon, Aliva gets in a car with Nat, but changes her plans. She knows that Tom has been following and listening to their conversations due to a microphone hidden in Nats necklace.

Meanwhile, Salva holds dMart hostage in his apt. Zeke wants to come in, Salva tries to hide dMart but the police break in. Salva ends up in prison. After getting hit in the face by dMart, he says that his boss is Tomas Buenaventura. This shocks Sandra, who refuses to believe that a cop is capable of such evil.

To get rid of Tom, Nat is taken to some sort of basement and is tied up. Tom arrives and asks Aliva to stop the madness. But its useless, using some sort of voice enhancer, she tells him that by now the police are searching his house……



Aliva drugs Tom and ties him up. At that moment, the police search Toms apt. They find objects that belong to the victims. Marianas ring and Carolina Pintos jewels.

Since Tom is a suspect, dMart doesn’t trust the police and decides to investigate with Diana. But he makes a mistake, he tells Aliva about his trip to Miami to investigate the people who last saw Francisca Marquez. Aliva asks Luisa to silence the waiter who saw them.

Alex threatens Aliva with a knife and demands to know Nats state. Aliva asks him what he plans to do after killing her, only she knows the location of his wife and if Alex kills Aliva, Nat will die of hunger and thirst. She promises Alex that they will be reunited on her wedding day.

Meanwhile, dMart and Diana decide to go to Miami to look for clues regarding the real killer. He cant trust the police, they are useless and his wedding day with Aliva is close.

That night, Alex calls dMart and apologizes for doubting Aliva. He recently found sex toys in Nats closet, she probably used them with Tom when they were together.

Meanwhile, dMart and Diana go to Miami and visit the bar owner where Francisca was last seen. Luisa bribes the waiter who last saw Aliva with Francisca, when Diana shows him a foto of Aliva to see if he can recognize her, he is shocked, but gives a strange answer, he doesn’t want to accuse anyone who is innocent.

Backed against the wall, Aliva strips Tom and Nat and takes sexual fotos of them. (Now we know how Toms sex addiction is relevant in the storyline!)



Aliva drugs Tom with a needle, and leaves him in a warehouse. Then she takes Nat with her to be the honor maid, just like she promised to Alex.

That afternoon at the hotel, the waiter who last saw Francisca looks for Diana to admit that Aliva was with her and they left the bar. But its too late, Diana and Dmart have left for NYC.

dMart however, has his doubts, he wants to believe in the innocence of his partner, soon it will be the most important day of his life and he doesn’t want anyone to ruin it. Diana promises to be by his side and search for the truth.

And finally the wedding day. Aliva completes her dream and marries the man she loves. Nat watches everything in frustration and angry that she cant do anything to stop it. But during the ceremony, Aliva has visions of the Blonde Gorgon.

Meanwhile, Luci tells his mother that he is certain that Salva is lying. Tom isn’t the killer, but maybe Aliva is. Laura calls Fed to stop dMarts wedding, he already paid 20 years for Aliva and now he may be signing his death warrant.

Despite everything Aliva marries dMart……



dMart and Aliva celebrate their wedding with a big party alongside the Mercarders, Alvarados, and Samaniegos. Aliva looks happy and natural for her big day, but refuses to let Nat leave her for even a second.

Nat is sared s**tless, she knows that if she says anything, she Tom and Alex are in danger.

Nevertheless, she talks to Diana asks for help and says that Tom is kidnapped and in could be killed by Aliva. She is the killer. Diana is shocked, but soon interrupted by Aliva.

Meanwhile, Tom frees himself and gets the phone Nat hid from him. He tries to call dMart but the signal is lost before he can say anything.
Scared, dMart tries to stop another death and tells Aliva about the call. She fakes concern.

The waiter who last saw Francisca, goes to the station to tell Sandra everything he knows. Aliva killed Francisca.

Alone with Nat, Aliva threatens her with scissors for betrayal. At that moment, Diana enters the room and sees the scene. Aliva says she is the victim and Nat provoked her, but its too late, her lie has been discovered and the police are on their way thanks to the waiters accusations.

dMart gets more worried when he gets another call from Tom, thinking his wife is in danger, he asks Diana for help. But she tells him to open his eyes “Alicia is the killer”. Shocked dMart leaves the party to find her.

At the warehouse, Aliva beats Tom to tie him up again and forces him to write a suicide note. That way everyone will think that he couldn’t stand the guilt and decide to take his life. Tom refuses and Aliva cranks up a chain saw and tries to cut off his leg, without realizing that Dmart is watching this. dMart begs her to stop, he is terrified and confused, the woman he loves and was willing to due for, is a killer…..



Fed decides to cancel the wedding ceremony since everyone has found out that Aliva is the real killer. The police are looking for her.

dMart at last know the real identity of his wife, in the worst manner, Aliva was found with a chain saw mutilating Tom. Luckily he arrived before the poor cop lost his life. His eyes refuse to believe that the woman he loves is responsible for the reign of terror.

dMart feels like his life is falling apart, as if love betrayed him. Diana tells him to keep going forward, like he has before.

That night, Marcia Rey decides to confess Alivas xrimes to the police. She dressed up as a nun to be her alibi and helped her even at a young age.

Zeke apologizes to dMart for not telling him the truth. He knew what a monster his daughter was when he learned Luisa was Marcia. Dmart asks why he didn’t say anything, Zeke could’ve stopped him from the mistake he made . Zeke answers that Aliva is pregnant with his baby.

Aliva tries to commit suicde. She cant. She calls dMart (she tells him the pregnancy was a lie) who asks that she turn herself in. but only he can stop her, or else, she will harbor the monster inside of her.

The next morning Sandra presents dMart the man who went with Mariana at the hotel. Aliva called him and told him that he would have a small part in a movie. Once he got to the hotel, he didn’t remember anything because she drugged him. But seeing Aliva in the newspaper made the actor remember everything.

Marcia receives a box, inside is the bloddy wedding dress and the words “TRAITOR”

Later she calls Fed (Laura is pissed at him for keeping quiet about Alivas murders. Since Luci is paying for her crimes) to meet with her.
Zeke arrives at a bar and finds Aliva disguised. He wants to know why Aliva killed Mariana. Mariana loved dMart not Zeke. Aliva wanted dMart all to herself (she even has to nerve to say she saved Zeke from an unhappy marriage!). No other woman deserved dMart. Zeke says he doesn’t want to see her ever again and if she tries to contact him of any other family member. He will lock her up.

Aliva is all alone…..



I think Gaston is sleeping with Estrella-he wouldn't have ran off so quickly if he wasn't. Plus, everyone in thi TN is dirtied-up in some way. I also think it's funny that GabyVero's men have to become courtesans and gigolos to get information while Vero remains pure as the driven snow in that regard. I don't think she's slept with Lucho because the writers would have shown it to please the Lucho fanatics and I think Lucho is like Aldo in La Fea Mas Bella-he's an angel sent by Tigre to help GabyVero. He has no family looking for him or even previously scammed people other than Julio after him. He literally came fron left field.

Although I'm Team Ale, I loved when Lucho told Ale to back off from Vero because unlike Ale he wasn't a rich mama's boy who didn't respect married women. The chastised look on Ale's face was priceless!

Beth, your predictions always come to pass-I think it's NovelaMan whose predictions are famously and admittedly wrong. So I think Ricardo is going to have to consummate his marriage or the chisme brigade in the town is going to damage him. Since he's seen Constanza, he might be less restrained now.

I knew once Ric saw Coni he was going to put Anibal tres metros abajo. You separate a man from his mother for 25 years, he's not gonna take it too well. He's going to do everything legally possible to take Anibal down and will personally escort him to jail house if necessary-I think he'd even pull the switch or inject him with lethal injection to mske sure Anibal died


Thanks so much, NovelaMan, for your nice, long recaps.

I thought the final scene with Alicia and Ezekiel was very well acted on both their parts.

Hombre, you are correct. There's no other woman on the scene for Martin to fall in love with. Alicia pretty much bumped off the whole female cast!

And the back story on Natalia and Alex is that he was impotent with his wife, but had an affair with Carolina. Natalia couldn't take this kind of marriage any longer. She briefly slept with Luciano before he and Diana were a real couple. And she had a relationship, and he actually moved in, with Tomás. Apparently he is a sex addict. The sex addict part came out when I wasn't watching the novela, so I don't know much about that.

Yeah, they sure have rehabilitated Ezekiel. We knew early on that he framed Diego Mercader, but they teased us for months about whether it was for his son Luciano or his son Marcos. Eva Samaniego being alive was not revealed until much later and even later that she was his daughter instead of Federico's.

At one point early on Zeke had Salvador kidnap Antonia, Martin's first post-prison love, and was pointing guns at her. Now he's as nice as can be!

I don't think Gaston is an alley cat like Lucho but he did hot foot it out of Francisca's when the subject came up.

Antonia might try outing Ricardo to make him an object of ridicule but Paty would stand up for him. She also has that friend who is a sex therapist and now that Ric is reunited with his mother who knows about his problem he might be open to talking to the woman.

Julio has been getting off easy so a fight with Largato might be as way to get rid of two of the lobos at once.

Cecilia, Cecilia why go snooping when Gaby/Vero and everyone has been so good to you. I hoped she learned her lesson and will keep her mouth shut but i doubt it. If she finds out who Vero really is she's sure to blab to David.


Decie Girl - you are so right. Cecilia will tell David everything once she knows Vero is his mother.

I think Gaston didn't sleep/have sex with Estrella, and he ran out of Francisca's house because he didn't want to have that conversation with Francisca. To me, Gaston is gutsy and outspoken when he's on the airwaves, but right now he's quiet, shy and very respectful around Francisca. I think he knows what her background is and doesn't want to talk about the dollhouse with her.

J desde NYC - "I think he'd even pull the switch or inject him with lethal injection to make sure Anibal died" - ditto!



So Vero lets Gertrudis go free, in exchange for the incriminating papers, which Lucho and Gaston dig up from a cemetery. These papers prove lots of bad things about Gertrudis, including how she's made many people disappear, long before Gaby was in that pycho ward. But they also incriminate Anibal, as his checks are there, paying for Constanza to be locked up.

Vero says she's now going to go by the law (following Ricardo's advice), but now Lucho doesn't look so sure about it.

Alejandro can't figure out why Ricardo's grinning from ear to ear after coming out of Veronica's house. Ricky's not tellin'.

That slimy Lagarto "comforts" Lucecita, who wants to file a complaint against Julio for abuse (but also wants to kill him). Lagarto and Julio are heading for some kind of showdown. Antonia and Anibal want no part of this. But we VIEWERS would love to see Julio and Lagarto take each other down.

Valentina's condition continues to worsen, guess it wasn't pregnancy.

Gaston has been getting quite an earful hanging out at the doll house, listening in on Anibal and Julio.


Yes, the gran final is tonight. So they sort of set things up last night, without resolving much. The police are so inept. Yes, Sandra is okay, but her helpers looks like Larry, Moe and Curly! After everyone figures out that Letitia the maid has been working with Alicia, the best way to get her to tell the truth is to have a psychologist interview her. And the psychologist is....Luisa/Marcia! Isn't she a little biased in all this? But she says to Letitia, do you know what a psychopath is? No. It's someone who has no feelings. Is that you? Ummm, no. Great questions, Ms. Psychologist. Not!

So, after having his leg nearly severed, Tomas is needed by Martin, and he's totally cured!

I also liked how Alicia told Diana, you kill me with this poison, or I'll kill you. Gentle Diana can't do it, especially since Alicia apparently IS pregnant, even though she told Martin on the phone she wasn't. So at the end, I think Alicia said to Diana, I'm going to cut you in half! Uyyyy!


dMart goes to the hospital to tell Tom that Aliva called him. dMart needs Toms help to stop her from killing again. Tom says they will need resources to beat her. dMart says all they have to do is think like her. It turns out Francisca lost a foot and Marcia received it. Sandra thinks Aliva has a backup plan.

Marcia wants to leave but Sandra plans to throw her in jail after the novella ends. Aliva sees a newspaper that reads “Boda De Sangre”. dMart tells Sandra that Aliva wants them to follow her steps. At Zekes penthouse Diana returns with Luci (No explanation how he was freed). He learns that Miggy A and Kats baby is named Marquitos in memory of their fallen brother.

Aliva is at her hideout and calls Fed to help her flee the country, but like Zeke, he refuses. Zeke informs dMart and Luci that he talked to Aliva earlier in the day. She admitted to killing Mariana but said she didn’t kill Marcos. She tried to stop him but he drove off the cliff anyway. Luci doesn’t believe it. dMart says if she killed Marcos she would’ve kept an item as a souvenir. Luci says she framed her crimes on Marcos, he couldn’t take the pain and killed himself. dMart doubts the police will ever get her.

Eli, Kat, and Diana decide to go to sleep. Luci says that Aliva was always obsessed with dMart, if she cant have him there must be something else ”I want you to close the chapter in this story”. She wants dMart to kill her. Then it hits him. Shes after Diana. dMart bolts out the door and heads for Zekes pent. Aliva drugs Diana, the door knocks. It turns out Leticia is an ally of Aliva. Aliva calls Miggy A and tells him to give Marquitos a happy childhood. Miggy wants to return home. dMart, Luci, and Zeke arrive. dMart finds the syringe with a note “Martin, Since I Cant Have You I want To Die In Your Arms…..Alicia”.

Alicia takes Diana to her hideout. Diana says Aliva can still live another life, but Aliva insists it is too late. Sandra and the cops arrive at Zekes pent. Luci asks for Tom. Sandra says Tom is going to jail for covering Alivas crimes. Luci says that Tom knows the loca better than anyone else. Sandra thinks Aliva will use Diana as means of extortion. Zeke says Aliva will not extort but kill Diana.

The next morning dMart goes to see Tom (a nurse asks him to leave or else she will call security). dMart shows him the letters. dMart needs him to help find clues. Sandra gave Tom permission to leave the hospital. dMart calls the doctor to discharge Tom.


Zeke knocks on Marcias door and looks for Aliva. Zeke blames Marcia for being an accomplice. She says that she really thought Aliva stopped killing people. Zeke says Marcia should’ve denounced her then he would be at peace. “Married to a woman who never loved you” Marcia replies. And she would be at peace having never met him. Zeke leaves, knocks on the door, then kisses Marcia. Luci tells Sonia and Juan that Diana has been kidnapped. Juan apologizes to Luci for believing him to be the killer. They get together to say a prayer. Diana discovers that Aliva is pregnant after all.

Tom is at Zekes pent. Sandra tells him that he will face prison when this is over. She wants dMart to leave but he refuses to abandon his sister. Diana tells Aliva that the pregnancy can change her. Aliva doesn’t want to change. They will go far away then Diana will kill. Aliva cant kill her because she(Diana) is dMarts twin and aunt of Alivas child. Tom says Aliva kidnapped Diana to force dMart to chase her. Tom cant believe how powerful Aliva is. He ruined his career and dMart ruined his life. Dmart notices grammatical errors. They may mean something:

“There was once a sad princess and an evil prince. The princess told the prince that she wanted to marry him, but since the prince was evil he said no. This made the princess even sadder and the prince said if she smiled he’d marry her. The princess tried to smile but she couldn’t. So the prince left her. “Its in our nature. Ill always be evil, and youll always be sad” he said. And they lived bloodily ever after”

Aliva has had enough of Dianas speeches. Carlos the actor calls Aliva (The police are tracing the call). He told them everything they agreed on but they need to meet up soon. Aliva agrees. “Weve got her.” says Tom. dMart apologizes to Layton (His face is okay or 90% okay!). Layton knows that Dian is held hostage. His theory is that Aliva will kill Diana then commit suicide. There is nothing Dmart can do. Dmart says something must be done. He shows Layton the princess story. dMart thinks it’s a code. Layton says to find the clue dMart must probe deeper into his childhood. dMart still doesn’t get it.

Aliva and Diana are being driven by Octavio (another accomplice) to an airport. Once they go to another country Diana will die. dMart apologizes to Alex and Nat. He thinks maybe they can help him unlock the code in the note. Luci thinks the note is just a diversion but Alex says it’s the only clue they’ve got. Miggy A is still furious at Fed for covering Aliva.

Zeke just found out Leticia has been assisting his psychopath daughter. dMart calls Zeke to ask that Leti doesn’t escape (how does he know?). Dmart doesn’t want Leti jailed. She could help them. Tom calls dMart to say Aliva will meet up with Carlos. dMart says she is smarter than that. dMart wants to see her. He must save his sister no matter what. Tom hangs up. Aliva give Diana a syringe telling Diana to kill her.



Diana cant bring herself to kill her sis-in-law and her nwphew (or niece). Aliva swears to cut Diana in half. She drops the syringe in on the road.
Dmart is trying to decipher clues from the note. “Princess” is written twice with one s. Luci leaves to interrogate Leti. Aliva wrote “Sonrisa” with one e. Dmart says she never had spelling mistakes. Nat thinks the note was written in a hurry, but dMart doesn’t think so. Then he remembers 20 years ago Aliva gave him her phone number: 0=a 1=b. Alex says “casaria” is written twice in Z. I=8. The pone number is in hes head but he still cant remember completely.

Tom and his men storm in a warehouse and find a naked woman. Aliva isn’t there. The was a note. “You were always a better lover than a cop. Im leaving you this gift so you can have fun. Alicia” Tom is pissed.

Luci demands to talk to Leti. Marcia is talking to Leti. Leti doesn’t have Alis phone number. It was a private number. Alex thinks they need more letters. Nat thinks they missed a letter. dMart remembers the locker code 5528. Aliva still has the lock. Ans she wants Dianas belt as a souvenir…..


Well, Gert was set free, but Lucas saw her leaving town in a taxi, so she may be the next lobo to go. That was a very humane but dangerous (?stupid) move on Vero's part. Gert is the one person that AniMal will want most to disappear so I'm sure that he'll send Lagarto after her. If she's caught and talks, the 4 musketeers will be exposed, and everyone will know that Gaby and Coni are back in town. I'm concerned that Coni will be in danger.

What did Antonia do with those documents Macario stole from the attorney in DF?

I'm nervous about that box of incriminating papers. If the box goes to Ricardo, it will be with all those "unsolved" cold cases. Was it you, Hombre, that said there have been fires?

I loved the bedroom scene with Lagarto telling Julio that his lagarto pleased the ladies more than Julio's little lagarto! Too funny! I'm really hoping for an all out gunfight between those two. And I hope they're both good shots!

I thought Ale didn't quite believe Paty and Ricardo about his paternity. He's searching for answers though, and sooner or later the DNA results will come to light. In the meantime I'm not sure what this means for the Ale/Ricardo relationship.

How will Irene let Antonia know that she thinks her behavior is slutty and despicable?

Absolutely loved Ricardo telling Irene that he hopes she doesn't choke on her own venom. I hate to see mothers with children die in these TNs, but that woman has got to go.

I'm sure it's Antonia poisoning Valentina. She took the tray away from Poncia to deliver it herself and make sure Val is eating right. Someone needs to get that girl out of El Diablo ASAP.


Why is that that only about half of the "Telemundo y más" weekly discussions that were on the main page are being posted in the "Discussions" (linked to on the side-bar?)


Karamy, I don't understand your question. Normally when I come to Caray, Caray to look at recaps and comments on Telemundo novelas, I scroll down until I get to Telemundo y Mas and I click on the very last link "Telemundo Recap Feed" which takes me to a further set of links for each week's postings.

This week's posting is labeled "Week of April 8" and contains recaps and comments for La Patrona, Pasión Prohibida, El Rostro de la Venganza, some parting comments on Made in Cartagena, and posts about the upcoming El Señor de los Cielos. Novelas not on Telemundo are the reason for the "y Más".

As far as I can tell, everything that has been posted this week is available under that April 8 link.

Don't know what seems missing to you.

Yes, everything that has been posted this week is here, but what I'm referring to as missing are the weekly threads, not the individual posts.

Once a weekly thread has been knocked off the main page (which sometimes happens before the week is finished) I look for it under the "Discussions" link on the left side-bar, under "Telemundo y Más." About half of them are there, the rest aren't. Scrolling down from the top, right now there are threads for the week of Apr. 8, then the week of March 11, then that of Feb 25, etc.

When I click on the link titled "Telemundo recap feed" all I get is a full page of stuff like this:

<feed xmlns='' xmlns:openSearch=''



Karamy, it works fine for me when I click on Telemundo Recap Feed. When I click on discussions, I agree, they're not all there. I think that was the old method, which used something called Delicious. Anyway, it should work by clicking on Telemundo Recap Feed, and should give you all the weeks. Maybe try a different browser.


Thanks, Hombre and Beth, for your comments.

Super busy today, so can't say too much.

I also liked Chacón needling Julio, who I can't stand. He asked Mayor Miserable if perhaps his two women (Prudencia and Luz) had been making comparisons that didn't favor him, pretty clearly about "size".

Yeah, the only person who would poison Valentina is Antonia. Poncia loves her. They never were explicit about how she was doing it, but last night she took the dinner tray, pretending to want to make sure the poor thing was eating well. I could be wrong, but I think it's to make her too ill to visit Max and/or testify. I don't think she's trying to kill her.

I also could be wrong about Gertrudis. I thought once she got in the cab she was going to get away. Obviously Ricardo is going to put out an APB on her once he sorts through the evidence. But I don't think the lobos are going to snatch her up right away.

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