Thursday, May 30, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #141 Wed 5/29/13 Nikki's Back! In other news -- Mysterious Wave of Lactose Intolerance Attacks DF!

Tonight ...

Nikki comes home

Lili lives up to the name "Bratiana"

Frankie spends a whole day in Mexico with his father and he STILL doesn't know that 
--Nikki and Roy are history
--Guillo is missing
--Paula is dying
--Beatriz is -- what? -- 6 months pregnant

Vikki may be developing lactose intolerance

Guillo is in the dumps

Mount Kendra is threatening to erupt

LactoNerd is Down but Not Out
Vikki is understandably disconcerted after Carlos's weird, face-smashing display.  She turns down his offer of a ride home. Carlos is not discouraged.  On the contrary, Vikki seems to have passed his test and he's more determined than ever to win her heart.

Mount Kendra lets off some jealous steam to Espanto.  
Meanwhile Nelson Brizz complains about Kendra's constant nagging.  Salsero, who takes his pleasure where he can find it, tells his boss how to avoid another Kendra: he'd better lay down the law (leerle la cartilla) to Nabila; or better yet -- get a vasectomy.

Felipe and Frankie spend the day apartment-hunting.  Felipe can't bring himself to tell his son about Guillo.  He stretches things out so that when,  at last, Frankie finds the small furnished flat he needs, it's past the boy's bedtime. Too late to visit.  Frankie decides, instead, to see Miss Vikki and pay off the money he owes her. 

Beatriz keeps Leo's phone call a secret.  Well, she is a Guzmán.

In the Dumps
Old guy, Mezcalitos, trains Guillo to pick through the vast garbage dump for items he can sell.  The old guy sits and watches the boy. And three scroungy mutts pose beside him, one balanced on an orange crate, in a surreal echo of an Olympic medal ceremony.   Guillo prays that Mezcalitos will get enough money from the garbage he picks to buy a phone card so he can call his mamita.

Nightfall at the Balvanera Mansion
Arriaga asks Vikki how her novel ends.  Her characters -- the lady and her bodyguard -- took the risk, she tells him.  They decided to live their love!  Arriaga grins.  They did it!  Vikki's smile is sly: she was tempted to leave the two characters apart and have each one find true love elsewhere.  ¡Eso sí que no! sputters Arriaga.  That would be a terrible ending! Vikki agrees that the ending she went with is a crowd-pleaser: people enjoy reading about what they wouldn't have the guts to do in real life. [Zing number one!]

Zing number two:  Carlos phones and invites Miss Vikki to his apartment to chat.  Not only does she accept but she tells Arriaga that he's not needed; Zambrano can drive her.  Para que aprendas, she says to herself. (That'll teach him!)

Paula's House of Secrets
Beatriz tries to knit but is too distraught to concentrate.  Paula sneaks her meds when she thinks Bea isn't looking.  But Bea finds a vial of pills:  Why didn't you tell me you were sick?

At that moment, Candelaria sits at her own kitchen table and reads aloud from a book:  Paula's cancer can affect the bones, the immune system and the red blood cells.  About 15% of patients die within three months of diagnosis.  [So 85% are still living three months post-diagnosis.  Maybe Paula's oncologist didn't have the latest edition of the Readers Digest Medical Guide.  Hmm.]  What a terrible disease, thinks Cande, and what courage Paula shows facing it in silence! [If you say so, Candelaria.]

So how does Soggy Pau explain the pills?  They are anti-inflammatories.  Muscle aches.  You know.  Bea is so relieved -- she couldn't bear it if anything happened to her ma.  Mother and daughter exchange a weepy hug.  Will Pau live to see Guillo again or ever see her unborn grandchild?

Felipe joins Paula and Beatriz and tells them Francisco is back in Mexico.  

Vikki tells LactoNerd she's not ready for a relationship.  She needs time. That's not a problem. LactoNerd has waited twenty-five years.  He is a patient man.

Arriaga warns Adriana to watch her step around Joan Constantín.  Those showbiz types (de la farándula) have bad reps.

Would you take relationship advice from that girl?
Off-stage, Polita takes a whiff from her helium tank.  Then she bounces onto the scene and advises Lili to move in on Guzmán gradually.  After all, her rival, Nikki, is out of the picture.

Not quite, Ratiana!
¡Sorpresa!  Nikki enters the Balvanera mansion, kisses Tomi, and then goes to greet her not particularly effusive father.  He wants to know where Roy is.  Nikki explains that she and Roy have separated; he is at the Pavía house right now.

And at the Casa Pavía, Roy stands up -- if somewhat pedantically -- for his decision:
El punto es que es un hecho que Nikki y yo, nos vamos a divorciar.
(The point is that it's a done deal -- Nikki and I, we're going to get divorced.)

Nelson argues that marriage is a commitment for life.  You don't end a marriage on a whim.  Nikki stands up to Nelson, just as Roy did to his father:  she doesn't love Roy.  And besides, if marriage were for life, Nelson and Victoria wouldn't be getting a divorce themselves. 

Milton Pavía worries about incurring Aníbal's wrath.  Roy tells him not to sweat it.  He and Nikki gave it their best and it just didn't work.  Besides, Milton has repaid Aníbal and his business is in the black now so they don't need any more of the Balvanera money.

Nelson says he is only thinking of his daughter's happiness.  In the end, he tells her he accepts and supports her decision.  [Remind me again why he wanted Nikki to marry Roy in the first place…]  Is there another man? he asks. No.

In the Balvanera Kitchen.
Frankie has come looking for Victoria.  Salsero greets him warmly although he  realizes, uneasily, that he still doesn't know about Guillo.  Polita takes another whiff from that  helium tank and bounds into the room squealing and wraps herself around Frankie.  Lili smiles.  Arriaga joins the group. While he and Salsero whisper about how it's not their place to tell Guzmán about his nephew, the shorties continue to  fawn and flutter over their crush.

There is no Jean Marie; there is no Balzac [heh heh]; there are no petits-fours.  Dark days.

The group around the kitchen table breaks up -- people have chores to do.  Guzmán is left alone with Ratiana.  She makes yet another desperate play for him.  Can they at least go out for a walk?  As friends?  Frankie hedges, clearly unenthusiastic.  It depends on what time Miss Vikki gets back …  But right now he needs some air.

Frankie heads out to the lawn and Lili, who still doesn't get it, simpers.

He would have been a great film-maker …
if only he had stuck to his dream, Vikki tells LactoNerd.  He listens with an insufferably smug expression on his face.  Now it's getting late and Zambrano is waiting downstairs with the car.  She kisses LactoNerd's cheek and deftly ducks another Ghastly Kiss.  He notices and looks annoyed.

Back in the mansion ...
The Big Angel is staring in the mirror.  He looks annoyed too.  He is imagining Vikki in a big romantic smooch with LactoNerd.  Why is she so late getting back?

Mount Kendra phones Nelson and demands a home visit.  She's sick, she's frightened.  Waaaa!  Oh -- and bring chocolates!  Nelson, experienced executive that he is, delegates Kendra-sitting to Salsero.  That woman is exhausting his patience!

Guzmán stands on the lawn and says softly to the night:  Nikki, mi amor.  He thinks of their time together and remembers the bracelet she gave him; he pulls it out of his pocket and kisses it.  He is surprised by a quiet voice coming from a figure behind him: 
Nikki?  No sabía que habías regresado! (I didn't know you had come back)
Sí -- here she runs to him and they embrace -- ¡Regresé por ti, sólo por ti! 
(I came back for you, only for you!)
Their faces look joyful, their kiss seems endless, their song swells.
♪♪Puedes pedir lo que sea ♪
♪Pero sea junto a ti ♪ 

They are just beginning to talk things out -- after four months apart, it feels like a dream! What happened in her marriage?  What brings him back to the Mansion?  But before he can explain, Bratiana flounces out and says with an edge we didn't know she had:  
So you came back, Nicole Brizz!  
Helloooo, obviously, answers Nikki.  This is my house, Mariana, Rufiana, Gatiana -- or whatever your name is!
My name is Liliana.  And I wanted to welcome you!
Nikki and Lili insult each other while Guzmán watches miserably.  As Nikki moves in close to Frankie and drapes a possessive arm around his neck, Lili's fake smile turns to a frank glare.

Now it's Lili's turn to attack.  She grabs Guzmán's arm and lays claim to the walk he promised her.  Nikki, thinking that Guzmancito is at the house because he had a date with Lili, is crushed.  Go with your little gardener, she says spitefully.  You're  two of a kind! (tal para cual).

Nikki returns to the house leaving Lili looking guilty and Frankie looking discouraged.

Mount Kendra
Salsero delivers the box of chocolates as instructed.  Kendra stuffs piece after piece into her mouth and rants about being neglected. ¡Embarazada neurotica! sniffs Salsero dismissively.  Her caterwauling follows him out the door.  She is left alone, muttering threats against Nelson Brizz and that perra, Nabila.

Guzman confronts Liliana
Why did she lie to Nikki and say they were going out?  So she'd stop bothering you!  She doesn't deserve your love!  And she's a married woman!  Give me a chance and I'll help you forget her.

Lili, says the despairing Guzmán, when are you going to get it that I'm fond of you -- no more?  [I'm guessing when Roy rolls into the mansion.  But I could be wrong.]  Pshaw, says Lili.  If you need her so much, go to her!  And she flounces back into the house.  [Which is a lot of flouncing for our little girl tonight.]

Nikki sits on her bed and weeps, believing that Guzmán has, indeed, fallen for Lili, and that she has made a fool of herself tonight.  ¡Qué oso, qué oso!  The sad song plays.

Does your forehead hurt?
The insufferable Nelson Brizz greets Vikki with some news:  While she was out screwing Carlos (revolcándose), her daughter came home -- separated from Roy!

On hearing his words, Vikki rushes off to see Nikki.  And Nelson Brizz approaches Arriaga:
Arriaga, ¿te duele la frente? (Does your forehead hurt?)
Arriaga is puzzled.  Why is he asking that?  Because, says Nelson, tapping his temples with his index fingers, now you're the one with the horns in this house!

Upstairs, Victoria comforts her daughter.  Nelson Brizz and Aníbal will just have to understand that her marriage is over.  Everyone has the right to make mistakes.  But Victoria has one question:  Did her decision have anything to do with Guzmán?  Nikki evades the question -- the flight was so tiring, she needs to rest …

The Ikki's snuggle together.

Avances:  Vikki pushes Nelson to tell Nikki the truth: Kendra is his lover. Leo sets a trap for Bea … will our heroes be able to rescue her?


NovelaMaven - Thank you for the great recap. Succinct! Funny! From Polita inhaling the helium to 'Nelson, experienced executive that he is, delegates…' I can't wait to watch my recording.

Lili needs to get over Guzman and move on. Pronto. Porfis! I'm over 'Bratiana.'

And since when is Polita an expert on helping Bratiana snag Guzman after she, herself, was an epic fail at said endeavor?


Novelamaven: Great recap, what apt descriptions!

Lactonerd. Lactonerd’s kisses are like one of those old hand-pumped hoover vacuums.

Polita taking a whiff off her helium tank, perfect!

I guess having horns means something different in Mexico than it does here.

Boy that crowd is unbelievably adept at keeping secrets! They should work for the CIA. No one in real life keeps secrets so well.



Thanks so much for this perfectly snarky, marvelous recap. You Rock!!!!

I too loved the helium reference for Polita, lol. She is so darn pushy. I am not liking pushy Lili either. I was afraid Lili would go this route. I can't wait for Lili to find out that Roy and Nikki are done, then what will Lili do? And Lili's shoes, really???? Going for a walk in those??? Please!!!!

Those Guzmans all live the bodyguard code don't they? I like what Emarie said about them working for the CIA, they ought to apply pronto!

Like your name for Joan/Carlos LactoNerd, lol. I liked what the Angel said about him too, about the movie people, lol. I think LacoNerd may be getting a clue that Ms Vikki really isn't into him. How much longer can he hide that he is Joan? I can't wait for his jig to be up!

Mount Kendho, bawwwhhhaaa! I was laughing so hard when she was scarfing those chocolates and witching to Salsa Dude and when she was on the phone with the FF whining.

I am so glad Nikki is back, but she is reverting to believing everything people tell her. I did like how she stood up to her Snappi Pappi. He has a nerve. I like how Ms Vikki cuddled with her and told her some times things don't work out.

So the Pavias are in the black again. Isn't it odd that Milton is so worried about what Anyballs will do when he finds out that Nikki and Roy are wanting a divorce. Anyballs' reputation must have preceeded him. I know I remember that Anyballs told Milton and Roy that Roy better be making Nikki happy, but still. I am glad Roy stood up to Milton and Doris good for him.

I didn't like the avances with poor Betty, but maybe now the low one will get what he so richly deserves. He has been terrorizing Betty long enough!

Good morning folks!

Doris, glad you enjoyed the recap. Yes, Lili needs to move on (although we all know whose arms she'll be moving to)

Mads, thanks so much. I was impressed by "those shoes" too -- I kept thinking about the holes they were making in that gorgeous lawn.

Emarie, thank you for the nice words.

About having horns --
ponerle los cuernos a alguién, to put horns on someone, means to cheat on someone.

To have horns (llevar los cuernos) means you are the person being cheated on.
Nelson is rubbing Arriaga's nose in the "fact" that Vikki is stepping out with Carlos.

Great recap, NovelaMaven. Hilarious. My favorite line:

There is no Jean Marie; there is no Balzac [heh heh]; there are no petits-fours. Dark days.

Dark days indeed. Those landfill dogs are cute but we need us some Balzac (heh heh).

Oh my... what have they done to our sweet little Ratiana? Wait'll she discovers her birthright. The Balvenera mansion is suddenly boiling over with prima donnas.


Thanks, Carlos!

The Balvenera mansion is suddenly boiling over with prima donnas.

True. But you have to admit -- they've all got great hair.

Great work NM. You provided us with lots of chuckles, despite the writers' determination to drive us crazy with the stalled plot. I did enjoy Vicky playing with JA to get him to take action.

Carlos- Every Balvanera is a prima donna! It's in their blood. I think Lili is going to shed her sweet country girl persona and put on her Balvanera Girl persona in this "fight" for Guzman.

What a wonderful recap, NovelaMaven.
Very, very thorough.
The lack of communication is not just Guzman family trait, Without effective communication we would not have a basis for any novela- LOL.


Novelamaven, I loved your image of the dogs echoing an Olympic medal ceremony - among other descriptions! Mount Kendho - so appropriate and so hysterical.

Madelaine, thanks for explaining the Pavias were now in the black. I didn't understand that with my limited Spanish. I thought Doris' look of terror when Roy was telling them of his divorce was because she was imagining all the clothes, etc., she might have to return now that her money source was going to dry up.

I find myself starting to FF through some of the Lilliana/Francisco scenes...and the Leo/Beatriz as well.

Thank you!



Does anyone think that FF would get a *gasp* vasectomy? I think he likes spreading his seeds around a bit, lol.

I like what many of you said about Lili and her Balvanera prima donna, lol. I can't wait until she finds out she is Anyballs' granddaughter. Watch out Nikki, the claws are already out but the talons will come out then over Guzmancito and everything else.

Thanks for the clever recap. You're recaps are really cute and VERY informative. I'm serious when I say that I really enjoy reading them. I liked the lead-in. I was really trying to figure out how Vicky was becoming lactose intolerant. LOL.

P.S. You said "revolcándose" ;-)


I was disappointed to see that Guzman didn't even put up a struggle when Nikki showed up. All she had to do was say his name and walk across the lawn and he was all hers. What is wrong with him! He has no dignity!


Ay yi yi, he is putty in her hands. He can't help himself. He is just a bowl full of jiggy jello whenever he is near her. Sigh!

Thanks NovelaMaven, hilarious!!

Can anybody please tell these girls. Polita and Ratiana that "he's just not that into you" please. What language are they using with Guzmancito? how is it they could not understand him at all!!
Mads, it's so funny how you noticed Ratiana's pump as she ambled her way thru the grass. That is way too funny.

I've always thought that the Balvaneras have explosive characters.

Vivi -- hey, thanks. So you mean it's not just my paranoia? The writers really ARE trying to drive us crazy? Whew. What a relief!

Tablet jefa -- thanks so much. I didn't know you were watching this one. Good to see you here. You're right -- if our characters started communicating clearly, the writers would have to fill maybe 175 of the 180 episodes with ... what? Banda? Hey, I'm in.

SH -- I appreciate your comment and I'm glad you're here. I admit I'm also free with the FF button during some of those endlessly looping Lili/Frankie and Leo/Bea scenes (though never when I'm "on duty").

Cynderella, Thanks for your nice words. No, seriously.

P.S. If the [bleeping] Univisión censors let a word through, then I [bleeping] well can do the same. [bleep]!!!

Hola vida2, So glad you liked the recap. "Explosive" isn't even the half of it! What I'm afraid of is a war between the Ikki's and the Ana's. I love the relationship between Adri and Vikki and I would hate to see their princesses (Nikki and Lili) dragging them into the mud. But I have a feeling ...

Thanks NovelaMaven for this recap, It was absolutely enjoyable in every sense.

I really enjoyed this reunion between Guzmancito and Nikki. Big Surprise lol.

Finally Liliana shows her true colors and I too would like to see how she behaves when she finds out she too is Belvanera.

Great Comments everyone!

Team Nikki/Guzmancito

Yes, NovelaMaven,
I watch and drool over Eduardo Yanez nightly. :-)

Madelaine - My personal private nickname for the FF is …. The Sperminator. No way would he consider a *gasp* vasectomy.

Ratiana's shoes …. they were so light in color and contrasting against the dark evening light… those things looked as large as all the rest of her. Bad wardrobe choice, Rati.
And those hot pants of Nikki's, white legs in stark contrast to dark evening light... Her legs go all the up to her … waist.

NM - Yes, the writers are trying to drive us crazy. I think we have entered . . . (dun… dun… DUNNNN!) The Twilight Zone. That place where a telenovela has been extended beyond what is necessary to get the job done. Actually, seems like I read here or T-W that four or six weeks were added to it, due to a delay in starting the telenovela that follows AV.

So, "revolcándose is not a polite word? Good to know, netas!


Victoria in Texas:
Let's be honest here -- everyone on the Patio knew this one was YOUR episode. I'm relieved I didn't let you down.

Tablet jefa, don't let Mads know but ... I don't always love Big Eddie. In this one, though, I think he's absolutely charming -- so funny and such great chemistry with Erika.

revolcarse isn't a dirty word, per se. It means "to roll around". But in some contexts, it is used with a vulgar meaning, the way the word "screw" can be used in English.

I've always considered Spanish a minefield of double entendres -- order breakfast at your own risk* -- but this one is pretty straight-forward I think.

[*¿Tienes huevos? she asked innocently.]

Victoria- I don’t like that Lili is being so dense with this whole Guzman thing, and it serves no purpose other than to lengthen the Nikki-Guzman separation (so I understand your annoyance with her). She needs to learn that no means no.

BUT if someone were talking down to me, using insults, and changing/screwing up my name like that, I sure as heck would have some choice words and attitude for them too. Lili wasn’t even being half as nasty to Nikki as Nikki was being to her. And who is older? Until Nikki learns to use her words nicely and to be polite to Lili, I’m not going to fault Lili being disrespectful right back.

Related to this, I would have found Nikki’s letters to Guzman sweet if they weren’t FILLED with insults to Lili every other sentence. Were these love letter to Guzman, or hate letters to Lili?


Great recap. Thanks! I like the lactose intolerance theme. Sorry, Carloser, there is no place in Vicky's novel for the milkman!

Here I thought Guillo was finally being all smart and brave, and he's just hanging around the dump? Now that he's got a little food and rest, he can't keep on walking until he finds someone with a phone, or a police officer or something?

And it looks like Bea gets to suffer even more. She'd better get a heck of a happy ending.

Polita and Lili are irritating the bejeesus out of me. Get a clue, chicas, and move on. Maybe Guzmi needs to be a little less gentle with them, since they are NOT getting the message. I was disappointed he hung out there on the lawn talking to Lili instead of going after Nikki.

NovelaMaven---Thanks for such a great job. Great snark to start the day. Others have mentioned them already so I won't go into detail but Polita and her helium tank, Mount Kendra and No Jean Marie, No Balzac,and no petit-flours. Dark days, were all GREAT
snarky lines.

I want to say Thanks to Madelaine y
Jorocha for your info on the name Joan yesterday. The names conversation that followed was interesting. I didn't know that there was a baseball player named Anibal. Anyway---I know that there are language differences in the various contries but still, it's hard for me to accept Joan for a man as I always picture a womans face everytime I hear or see that name in writing.

Well yet another Nikki and Liliana
confrontation. I was so hoping that wouldn't happen. I want to see them become friends.

Vida2---It's so easy to understand.
Yes, Little Orchid knows that Guzman is not into her but she also knows or thinks that Nikki is happily married and that means that Guzman is available. Every person has pride and confidence in themselves--she has to try to win him over. Just think about it. How many times has a guy been turned down time after time but wins in the end as he walks down the isle with his dream.I don't blame Lili at all for giving it one more try.
I just hope that they end up friends in the end.
the gringo

Vivi---Good point about the Nikki
name calling. No one would be happy with that. Ratiana?? Please.
the gringo

I just have to add this post since I needed to go ran errand earlier.
To try and analyze Ratiana, she really had an underlying resentment against Nikki regarding the men that she has a liking too or in love with. On Nikki's wedding day and upon discovering that Roy was the groom, she cried out loud that she hated Nikki and her being rich and snagging away the men that she loves. Likewise, in defense of Nikki, from the very beginning, she doesn't like Ratiana for the simple reason that her instinct tells her that she has her eyes set on the man she loves.
Her meaness comes from being a rich'bred brat mean girl but her words doesn't mean anything. And she only listens to the usual people that surrounds rich people. She does need to grow up, but it doesn't mean she is not a good girl within or she is evil like Kendho. She does bite back when stung, but we have seen her very sweet to Tomasina, her supermom , and even Ratiana when her mom died. Whenever these two girls face each other they lock horns. I'd like to ask Tomy what their signs are.
And yes Gringo, I do want for them to end up bffs. I feel like a mom to girls with sibling rivalry going on. Actually I do have two girls having this. Oh what to do.


I can understand both of their anger. Lili, because the guys she likes always go after Nikki, and Nikki, because she thinks that Lili latched onto Guzmi the minute she was gone and she's had four months to stew and build up steam over it.

Guzmi and Nikki just didn't have enough time to chat before Lili interrupted. She said her marriage started terribly, then was okayish, but I don't think she ever got as far as telling him that she and Roy had separated and were planning to divorce. They never clarified the Lili situation, so he doesn't even know why Nikki's still so peeved about Liliana...if she'd just had a chance to mention it and he had said no, we were never dating and certainly weren't engaged, I think Nikki would have been calmer and not lashed out at Lili so much.

Eventually, Nikki should realize that if Guzmi left the day after her wedding, then he wasn't around dating Lili, but she hasn't processed that far yet.

NAmes and gender can be confusing. In my area , I know three guys named Laverne. In ENgland, some guys are named EVelyn. WHen I get my class list, I am sometimes not sure if a student is a girl or a boy.

Thank you for the wonderful recap, NovelaMaven!

I'm still laughing my head off at LactoNerd. :)

As for the pace of the novela: oh yeah, sometimes it's painfully slow. (Though I had no problem with the last few episodes because I enjoyed the JhoannnCarlos-Arriaga rivalry much.) It wasn't extended in the classic way (by adding brand new storylines and conflicts) because everything that happened so far also happened in the original Argentinian show. But AV has much more filler scenes, and those slow the story down. However, the storyline of AV (and especially the relationships between the characters) is still more clear, simple and less crazy than that of the previous three versions. Because those were even bigger circos. When the show is about to end, I'll write a list about the major differences between AV and the three Amor en custodias.

Oh, and ladies and gentlemen: don't miss the next episodes. Just don't. :)

Vida- I know Nikki has a good heart and isn't evil. And Lili also has a good heart. In the end, I'm sure they will end up being good friends, and great cousins (after many fights and many mistakes made on both sides).

But Nikki is a woman, now approaching her mid 20s. Time to grow up. She knows the power of words, and knows how hurtful they can be. And she's darn good at hurting people with her words. She shouldn't bait Lili with her hurtful words if she doesn't want to hear some hurtful words thrown back at her.

She has over 4 years on Lili, has WAY more experience with dating and men, has traveled the world, and has many more life experiences than Lili has. She grew up with great examples of kindness and grace in her mother, aunt, and Tomi. We have seen that she is capable of goodness and graciousness. Her behavior bugs me, precisely because I expect more from her at this stage. I want to see character growth!

Lili’s life has been turned upside-down. She lost her home and her mother, and experienced her first major heartbreak without her mother there to cuddle up in bed with her. She’s barely 18, living a totally different life than the one she had for the past 17 years in the countryside. I expect growing pains (bad stuff and all) from her. She’ll eventually find her equilibrium again.


NovelaMaven. Great recap. Some of my favorites have already been mentioned, but here's a few more:

"Lili lives up to the name 'Bratiana"

"...the shorties continue to fawn and flutter over their crush."

Lili has a lot of fight in her, just like her two moms. I like that. Nikki is beautiful, rich, and snobby but Ratiana never let that stop her from fighting back. Unfortunately, Lili is in the wrong fight (she and Guzman have zero chemistry!) and she needs to give this up -- pronto.

I never have criticism for Guzman, unlike some of my favorites, no matter what he does. Until last night. He looked like a wimp letting Lili pull him aside and Nikki walk off. He could've still been a gentlemen by telling Lili he'd get back with her later cause he and Nikki had stuff to discuss.

Love when Salsero rubs it in with Nelson. Yep, vasectomy is the way to go.

Thanks NM! Loved what Guzman still hasn't learned after a day in Mexico. So true! And loved "if you say so, Cande"!

But the line of the recap was "Offstage, Polita takes a hit of her helium tank!" GENIUS!



"Sorry, Carloser, there is no place in Vicky's novel for the milkman!"

Good one! And I have the feeling that Vikki is a ONE novel kind of writer. Although it might have been good for the Mexican dairy industry ...

Thanks so much for the nice words. I'm expecting that before we are done here, Lili and Nikki will end up like sisters -- clashing at times but basically loving one another and defending each other against the Nabilas and Kendras in the world.

Oh -- looking down at the comments, I see that vida2 and I are thinking alike on this.

Gender-neutral names have been really popular in the last several years, haven't they? And more and more girls go by boy's names and no one blinks an eye at it. (Joey Lucas in The West Wing comes to mind). But most of us are still uncomfortable with A Boy Named Sue ... or Joan -- unless he's español :-)

Thank you, Queen Aribeth!
You know I'm not unhappy with the pacing of this show. Most of the time, I enjoy being with the characters (which, for me, is the heart of the pleasure of a telenovela). Of course the whole subplot involving Leo is loathsome; it can't end too soon as far as I'm concerned.

Niecie in MD:

Thank you!
"Love when Salsero rubs it in with Nelson. Yep, vasectomy is the way to go."

I like to see Salsero getting his little revenge too. The funny thing is, I don't think Nelson would mind a vasectomy. It's not like he jumped for joy when the Ferretti told him she was going to make him a daddy again.

Aw, Katy. You're too kind.

"Her behavior bugs me, precisely because I expect more from her at this stage. I want to see character growth!"

I've been listening to some lectures on Don Quixote and the professor spent some time defining the literary terms "romance" and "novel" this way:

Romance: A story with a linear plot in which one episode follows another and the hero and heroine remain unchanged. It is an easy to follow form with a clear moral.

Novel: Work in which there is a clash between the protagonists and the settings in which they move; and in which the characters EVOLVE as a result of the actions in which they are involved.

The claim is that Don Quixote was the first "novel".

I suspect that most -- but not all -- telenovelas are more like romances than novels. Clearly, a novela like "La Pola" was more novel than romance. What do we think Amores is?

Forget a vasectomy for the FF. We need Lorena Bobbitt to pay him a visit!

"What do we think Amores is?"

Good question NovelaMaven.

I'll say romance...until the last week when it will become a novel. ;)

"I'll say romance...until the last week when it will become a novel. ;)"


You do know that a new LUK doesn't count as EVOLUTION, right??? (Although perhaps with the right shoes ...)

VIvi.....I want you for my life coach. I always marvel at your clear analysis of the characters and situations in these novelas.

LOL! New lukes definitely don't count. But during the last week everyone will have a magical personality transplant that will match their new lukes.

I'm late leaving a comment, but thank you NM for this fab recap! Love "Lactonerd"! LOL

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