Thursday, May 30, 2013

CI #13: Poor Maricruz, when it rains it pours‏


We start tonight's episode where we left off last night, Maricruz has come to ask Lucia for forgiveness, she promises to be good and to change her ways, she just wants to be with her husband, she does not care if Lucia treats her poorly or calls her names she will put up with it all just for the chance to be with her hubby. Lucia being the evil wench that she is refuses to accept her apology and informs Maricruz that not only will she never be allowed back into the house, she will also be buying big dogs that will prevent her from coming on the grounds, poor Mari cries and begs her not to do that, all she wants is to stay there until Octavio builds them a little house, Lucia mocks her for thinking that he will build a home for them and again tells her to leave, like now! Mari does but before doing so tells the vipers, I mean women, that they have dark souls and that someday God will make them pay for the way they are behaving, the only one that seems to be a little bit worried about this is Simona, hey maybe she has a heart (I almost cried when I saw poor Mari crying and telling the snakes that someday she would have her little house)

Elsewhere we see Solita being stalked by god awful Eusebio, the poor girl can't even get a basic chore done without this pig stalking her! Eusebio pounces on her and pushes her to the ground, getting ready to attack her again, thankfully two women come upon the scene and get him to leave her alone, Solita runs and hides as Eusebio fights with the women and threatens to kill them if they say anything about what they saw. I hope I'm not the only one that thinks it's cruel for this poor girl to be abused by someone and not be able to protect herself because she can't hear him coming and having to suffer in silence, it's just so heart breaking!

In the hacienda kitchen Maricruz has a chat with Maria, she's sad that Octavio does not want to live in the hut with her, at least while the little house is being built and Maria says of course he does not want to live there, he's an educated young man with money! Ofelia, who seems to fancy herself as being superior to the WIFE of one of the haciendas owners comes into the kitchen because she suspected that Maricruz was there and gives ORDERS that Maricruz is not allowed in the house, now viwerville, we know that Maricruz lacks manners because no one taught her any better, but what is Ofelia's excuse? Maria puts her in her place and tells her she's a servant and not above anyone, Ofelia has no come back and like a wounded animal retreats. Maria gives Maricruz some sound advice and tells her to stay away, it's better not to go where you are not wanted and if her husband really loves her it should be up to him to fix the problems.

Maria continues her lecture and tells MC that she is not meant to mix with people like her new family and that Santa was right, her husband did the wrong thing by getting married to her, MC disagrees, she and Octavio love each other and are happy (child, what universe are you living in?)

In a field somewhere Eusebio laments getting caught trying to attack Solita, he can't risk going after her again (yay, does this mean our girl is safe?) because someone might rat him out. Solita makes it home, and clearly she's shaken by her latest encounter with the evil one, grandpa Ramiro can see something is wrong and asks her what's going on (sir, did you forget she can't talk?) did a poisonous animal attack her? oh no Ramiro, it would be an insult to all animals to have Eusebio compared to them,animals only attack to survive, Eusebio attacks innocent and helpless women for fun, he is lower than scum.


Maricruz is finally home and along with grandpa and lil sis is trying to contain the many leaks that are causing a little river to form in their hut, grandpa never fixed the roof, he's too old and it's not safe for him to be up on the stairs trying to fix it, the roof is in poor shape and their only hope is that is stops to rain soon, otherwise they might drown in their own home. I worry that Moctavio might get a cold. MC tries to figure out whats wrong with Solita, she thinks it's unfair that someone so innocent is dealt such a rough life.

While MC and her family try to stay dry Octavio is nice and warm in his house and he even spares MC a thought, he is worried that she might be having a hard time in her hut and makes his mind up to go see her, sadly viper numero dos gets in his way and tell him to chill, Lucia and Miguel also tell him that everything is a-okay, when Octavio worries that with the rain no one took her any food Lucia says that he should not worry and should instead hang with them and listen to some tunes (god I'd rather poke my eyes out with a pencil than hang out with these horrible people!),  after allJose Antonio took her some yummies and because he loves her he had no problem braving the bad weather. 

Octavio then informs his sister in law that he has made up his mind and has decided that Jose Antonio will take his place in MC's heart (the hell?! She's your wife, not some puppy you can take to the pound so another family can adopt it, what's wrong with you Octavio!?) He also has flashes of all of MC's missteps and Ester pulls a move straight out of the Lion King and tells him to "run, run away" from the situation, seriously it's exactly what Scar told Simba after Mufasa died, I think I'm going to call Ester "Scar" from now on. 

Octavio, who sometimes has human feelings goes outside and is joined by his brother, it seems that Octi still can't  get his wife out of his mind and is about to go visit her when off in the distance Miguel sees someone coming their way and who might the visitor be? It's MC, who is walking in a dress with no shoes and only a cardboard thingy keeping the rain away from her. I hate to report that the cardboard failed to do it's job and MC is soaked to the bone. Miguel suggests that Octavio and his bride talk in the kitchen to avoid upsetting princess Lucia (did he forget that his brother owns half of everything? The nerve!), Octavio objects, this is also his house gosh darn it!

He finally goes and greets his wife, and gently scolds her for coming out in the rain, she could have gotten sick! She tells him she's missed him and she is as healthy as can be! He suggests they get out of the rain and go inside the house, MC then notices Ester and tells him maybe it would be better if they talked in the kitchen, he replies with "this is my house and I will talk with my wife in the living room" followed my a smooch. Once inside the house MC is worried about sitting on the couch, she's wet and dirty! Octavio says nonsense, don't worry about the couch and summons Ofelia who almost faints when she sees a dirty MC sitting on the couch. He orders her to bring his wife a warm drink and a towel, Ofelia does as she is told but when she brings the coffee ignores MC and tries to hand the drink to Octavio (who does she think she is!?), she is then informed that the drink is for la Senora (ha, take that!). Finally Octavio suggests that MC get out of her dirty wet dress, MC is so aware of how poorly she is viewed that she tries to clean the couch but her hubby tells her to leave that to Ofelia (ha,ha!),

While all this is going down Ester goes to informs Lucia that MC is back, Lucia goes into a rage and wants to go find the "basura" and put her in her place (I wish she would, just so that we could all get the joy of seeing MC put the beat down on her), Ester somehow manages to calm the lunatic down long enough for her to call her husband and demand that he remedy the situation and get MC out of the house, she gives him 10 minutes to get the job done or else! What's the else you might ask? Lucia threatens to leave the house and honestly I don't see why Miguel can't figure out that this is a gift from the gods and calls her bluff.

Miguel, because he has no back bone listens to the lunatic he calls his wife and goes to confront his brother, and my goodness does he have a sharp tongue! He demands that MC leave the house, the peace in his household has been disturbed by her arrival and that just wont do! MC, he continues is a savage, has no manners, has embarrassed them endless times and what's more he is sure that Octavio can hardly stand his new wife,does not care for her and only married her to get revenge on him and Lucia, and that he will soon get tired of her and leave her,  they have nothing in common and MC is like a pig. 

Oh yes, he went there. Miguel continues, saying that he and his wife should not be subjected to the likes of MC,  they have done nothing to deserve it and his only sin has been not selling the land they own for pennies. Poor Mari sits on the bed her eyes wide as saucers as she hears all the vile things Miguel has to say, she also notes that her husband does not come to her defense and quietly slips out of the room. Octavio does not even notice.  Octavio finally reacts (way too late) and tells his brother that he does care for MC and that even if he could not stand her he would stay with her because she is his wife, he turns to acknowledge MC and sees that she is no longer in the room.

Once the heated discussion is over Miguel goes to see his wife and informs  her that he has taken are of the situation and that MC will not be returning to the ranch, Lucia satisfied with the results motions for him to  have a seat next to her in the bed ( she smiles and looks at him like a puppy that has finally learned a new trick)

MC, distraught and heartbroken walks through the fields and straight into a river where she intends to drown herself, but super Jose Antonio sees her and runs after her, he pulls her from the river and manages to save her life. He then carries her home where grandpa sees her and immediately thinks she died. They bring MC into the hut and tend to her. Shortly thereafter Octavio arrives and is told that MC almost killed herself, he tells her not to believe a word she heard, his brother said things in anger that he did not mean. MC faces him and tells him that he is a liar and to leave, she does not want to see him ever again! Octavio takes the hint and goes.

In other news Ofelia finds out that Eusebio has been chasing after Solita and lets him have it, he tells her he is tired of her and that he will do whatever he wants, he will sleep with Solita and whomever he pleases and he does not give a flying flip how that makes her feel. I got great satisfaction from Ofelia hearing all this, she deserves nothing better. They continue to argue in the Jeep and I hope they have a bad car accident and that neither are wearing seat belts.

In non MC related news Leopoldo continues to care for the young girl he met and tries to find her work in the casino.

Stay tuned for tomorrow night’s episode, MC informs Octavio that they are now enemigos!



Wow, great job Eli. I love all your comments and couldn't agree more with them.

Our Galan is a Goofus. (A Highlights Magazine reference) I can't be more displeased with him. And he's not even the eyecandy that would make him even slightly bearable. MC needs to get rid of him. JA is clearly a better man than him. It's sad to think that MC and Octavio will end up together at the end, at least I'm assuming they will. But I would be so happy if she realizes that he's not good enough for her. Now that would be a twist that I would stand behind whole heartedly.

Amazing recap Eli. I didn't get to watch last night, but just reading your description of the scene where Miguel insults Mari, made my jaw drop open. I can't believe Octavio just let his spew that crap, and in front of Maricruz!

I'm glad Mari says they are now enemigos. He certainly has been no amigo to her lately.


Thanks for this wonderful recap.

I was so angry during this whole epi last night! Poor Maricruz indeed. I wish Miguel had called his beyotch of a wife's bluff and let her go. Ugh, they are all garbage as the beyotch likes to call Maricruz. I really hate the way they treat Maricruz and to call her garbage, savage and an animal is wayyyy beyond the pale. Miguel needs a good boot up his butt, and Awwfelia and the Scar listening at the door, just stick a fork in them. I hope down the road somewhere, maybe Maricruz will treat THEM like the garbage they are!

I really hate Ewww-sebio. He needs an anvil. I am glad the chisme lady told Awwwfelia all about it.

Abue, Maricruz and poor Solita in a leaky hut trying to avoid the rain was heartbreaking. While the richy rich blackhearts are enjoying the nice warm huge house. And Maricruz is the wife of the co-owner of that house. Octavio is worse than useless. What a jerk. Get some avacadoes and stand up to your useless bro and his beyotch wife already. At least Simona has a conscience, but she should have stood up for Maricruz, since she didn't seem to approve of what Lucia did. Which begs the question, it seems like Simona is way more wealthy than either Miguel or that beyotch so why doesn't she lend Maricruz a helping hand?

I am glad JA saved Maricruz from the river. I didn't want to see her end up dead over that putz.

So glad Maricruz told Octavio off. Good for her. I am glad she is done with him. He has treated her badly by not standing up for her, when it counted the most. Now let's see what he does with the new, stand up for herself Maricruz.

Sorry for the rant, but kudos to the actors for making this so believable. I wanted to throw something at the TV when the beyotch threatened Maricruz with the dogs.

Do we really believe that MC will stick to her guns about Octavio? I don't. I see them making up once again, only to break up again. Ugh.

Madelaine, why don't you tell us how you really feel? I knew it was your rant with the "avacados". I feel exactly like you. Poor MC needs to run very far away and not give the vipers another thought. But then we would have a story and I really feel or friend Karma is going to get them in the end. At this point, I don't see any redemption for any of them.

Eli, terrific recap, thanks.

Rosemary Primera


Tks so much Eli

Cliche # 7 for the 2nd time, Maricruz tries to kill herself. Don't they put suicidal people in the manicomio?

Cliche # 4 Maricruz will for certain become very ill from the rain & near drowning. She was ill before so it's the 2nd time for that one.

How many times have you guys had bingo? Mrs.Mejia keeps yelling BINGO

Well, Miguel's villain came out, & the imbébil just stands there while his wife is being insulted.

I'm looking forward to the fierce dogs & hope to see the mono riding on their back while they lick Maricruz' face.

Hurry Eduardo!!!! I'm desperate

Variopinta, I forgot about the being wet from the rain causes near-death illness cliche. That could be the catalyst for MC and Octavio to reconcile.

Thanks Eli, this recap is excellent. You've manage to capture such detail and ambiance into such a tightly wrapped presentation. Good job.

Leaky roof? Add carpentry to Ramiro's growing list of skills he lacks.


Great work, Eli.

If there is one lesson that novelas teach it is that there are people in this world who are not worthy of redemption. Lucia is at the top of that list for this tale, followed by Eusebio.

Octavio is unworthy of any woman. Maybe when our other pilot enters the story he will be a serious contender for her.

Eli--What a tour de force. This was a terrific recap.

Great one-liners:
...the poor girl can't even get a basic chore done without this pig stalking her!
...Maricruz lacks manners because no one taught her any better, but what is Ofelia's excuse?
...sadly viper numero dos gets in his way and tell him to chill
...I worry that Moctavio might get a cold.
...honestly I don't see why Miguel can't figure out that this is a gift from the gods and calls her bluff.
...MC is like a pig. Oh yes, he went there.

I could go on, but I'd have to include most of the recap. Kudos.

I loved the part where MC tells Octavio to leave and never come back and then asks Gramps if he really left and he says, well, you told him to and she's disappointed.

So, over Miguel's objections he's going to let Lucia get two attack dogs. We all know what we want. They attack her when out for an afternoon stroll by the pool.

Glad you didn't spend any time down by the docks. Don't know why, I just don't like those folks.


Terrific recap Eli, loved the side comments.

Octavio is a walking contradiction. He can be so hotheaded, impatient and not towards the end of the episode when MC stood her guns and chose to stay mad at him for Miguel's words. But then he can be caring and attentive like when he defended her in front of Scar (good one Eli) and Awwfelia when he took her inside away from the rain.

The vipers need to go like yesterday...they're hatred for MC is soooo unreasonable.

I mentioned yesterday that I thought that once MC becomes rich, she should anonymously buy the ranch. Karma.

Thanks Eli for the recap. Love the Scar idea. I'm only scanning this TN, getting my cues from the recaps, which are all awesome.


Good job Eli, as I already expressed I cannot bear to watch this TN until MC is out of this godforsaken rancho and away from these god-awful ppl.
But your fab recap is more than enough to keep me in line with the story.

I cannot belive Oct didn't come to MC defense in time and just let Miguel rant on. Until this point Miguel didn't seem that bad just weak and let on by Lucia, now however he showed his true colours.

Oct needs a good boot in the @ss, you treat stray dogs better than that and she's your wife, you supposedly "LOVE" her.. where in the Sam Hill is this love now..?? just asking..

I hope MC gonna give it to them with interest!! But PRONTO!!


Not so easy episode, but great recap. I don't think, that Octavio was defending Mari in front of Ester. I think he was tired to sleep alone. I want a new galan for Mari.

Why did you recappers get me addicted to this horrible show before I even watched the 1st episode? I watched that POS Octavio last night and I wanted to stab him. Not only should he have taken his wife out of the rain, he should have taken her family members with them. At least bring them a tarp for the roof (he knew their were holes in the ceiling once she told him and he still did nothing!

He's not even HOT!

I can't wait for Octavio to get shot, fall off of a horse, become disfigured or get maimed by one of his enemies. This is not a spoiler, it's just my hope and dream. I'm rooting for the bad guy from this moment on.

Any commenter who disagrees with me I will send a link of this episode along with strong language that is insulting to both you and Octavio. I hate Octavio! I spit on his grave. Patoowy. I feel better now!

Excellent informative recap, Eli. Liked your description of Lucia smiling like Miguel(the dog) had just learned a new trick. The character is about as "whipped" as they come. Pathetic.

Missed the first half last night. So glad I didn't see the second attempted rape of Solita. Gah. Like everyone else, anxiously awaiting the next phase of the story.

But thanks, in the meantime, for keeping us up to speed all you excellent recappers!

And Cynderella...thanks for the rant. I felt better just reading it. Patoowy!

Cynderella, didn't you get hooked on Amores Verdaderos too? You just have a thing for hokey mindless TN drivel.
But with all that said, I'm hoping for a major improvement with the second half.

CathyX, sometimes AV is so ridiculous, that I felt like I had to recap it.

The way you all described the show and characters was cracking me up. BUT, I have no desire to recap this one because I DESPISE the lead character. I would use course language about him every time he came on the screen. There is nothing he can ever do to redeem himself. I wish I was a character on the show so that I could kick him.

Miss JudyB, Anytime, you need me to rant, just say his name.

Eli---Great job!!---I liked your line--why Miguel can't see that Lucia's threat is a gift from the gods. So true.-- I also liked--she smiles and looks at him like a puppy that has finally learned a new trick--I laughed when I read that one because while I was watching the novela last night, I was thinking that Miguel looks and acts like a whipped puppy dog.

As I have stated before, I love this novela but I must admit that it was hard for me to watch last night. OMG!!! that poor family and to make it worse, they are good people. Poor Solita, poor Maricruz.
With every novela drama I have watched I've learned that the bad people appear to win but that victory never lasts. In other words
it's always dark before the dawn so if we are a Corazon Indomable fan we have to get through these dark chapters before the sun shines
brighty. I know that Maricruz will somehow end victorious, I just hope that she doesn't stoop to the level of vengance for that would take some of the shine away from victory.

One of the few good parts last night was the fight between EWWWsebio and Awfulfelia---YEAH!!

Evil bruja Ester was still wearing
that shirt with the grotesque face
of death on it. A perfect shirt for her.

I have to disagree with Cathyx and Cynderella though. This guy Octavio
Daniel Areans is so handsome that he makes me jealous. Even in my best days I would have been no match or competion for him. What a hunk. It's easy for me to see why Maricruz fell for him. Now if he could just get some backbone.

I was thinking last night that even if Octavio laid down the law that he is "half" owner and that Maricruz is his wife and is going to live there whether they like it or not, It wouldn't work out. Evil
Eyes has too much hatred for the "lower" class that she would never be able to be civil, even if she halfway tried. Actually, Octavio has few options at this point. His biggest problem is lack of money. He could go live in the shack--fat chance, even if he tried that, I don't think that he could take it. So what is the answer? I guess that we will have to stay tuned.
the gringo

How many of you watched Marimar? Because let me tell you even though Octavio is an a$$ he is still much better than Eduardo capetillo was, although I agree, he is not worthy of beautiful MC (I have a girl crush on Ana Brenda) and Miguel was right, Octavio only married her out of spite, he is the one really responsible for all the bad things that have happened to MC. I also think MC should buy the ranch and get three big dogs to guard it. What really gets me is that MC is aware of all her faults and if someone any one would just treat her with some kindness she would bloom because she does want to learn and be better. I'm disappointed that they again made her attempt to kill herself over Octavio, it's not like he is Lenny Kravitz or something.

I love your rants, Cynderella. And your lustful fantasies about galans that you like.

So...Octavio Octavio Octavio Octavio Octavio!

Or let's go back to Abismo and our villainous galan (I blush to admit I've forgotten his name....Was it Gabino?). Gabino Gabino Gabino Gavino!!!!!

Anyway, I haven't forgotten the "treasure trail" so feel free to go off on either of those subjects.

Ellie aka Eli: I only watched the first 10 episodes of Marimar and your right the galan their was a jerk. At least in this one Octavio shows some type of warmth towards MC even if its only sometimes.

Alegria: You're probably right. Octavio was probably getting lonely. Things were getting steamy before Miguel interrupted them with his tirade against MC.

I had high hopes for Miguel. It looked like he was gonna turn around and accept his brother's marriage but I guess Lucia got him wrapped around her finger.

THanks,ELi. I am seeing a pattern. MC and Oc fight...she hikes to the hovel...she wanders back or he comes to the hovel....they fight usually because OC let's the burkas ...or weakling Miguel dis her....Mc hikes back to the hovel.....sometimes in the rain with a stop at the river to end it all...goodbye cruel world....basta. As for useless, spineless, worthless, immature, vapid OC standing up to those brujas and his whipped hermano, I am always amazed at galans who do not act like heroes...or even minimally decent human beings. In Amor REal, MAnuel forced the heroine on their noche de boda,. THen, they became lovey dovey and he was so romantic and solicitous until he thought that she was cheating on him with her old beau at which point he threw her, her Tia, and her maid out of the hacienda. THen, he lost himself in a bottle and later began an affair with his slutty housekeeper. Que the hell. As much as I adore Fernando COlunga and that novela, I cringed that the writers allowed the galan to be so cruel and heartless. I need my galans to basicallgood people. changed ''brujas'' to ''burkas'',,,,,missed that' but caught when it tried to change ''noche'' to ''niche.''

Late to the game today, but I certainly echo everyone's compliments on the great recap.

And yes, Tav is an idiot with no common sense whatsoever. Plus, I don't remember the background on the brothers' mother ( did she die early?? I seem to think maybe yes?) but these two have zilch skills with women. Miguel hasn't a clue that he married a shrew who is leading him by the nose, and Tav needs to even learn the definition of "wife".

I hope MC sticks to her guns, grows a spine, and tells Tav to take a hike. After all, we have to go thru how many episodes to watch this jerkwad, cute, but jerkwad prove he deserve her.

I can't even go there with Ewwwsebio. If Esther wants to shoot someone, I think I have her candidate.



Irisz- I don't think Octavio has ever said that he LOVES Maricruz. To her face he has only used "querer" (which can basically just mean I care about you), and only after she has gushed about how much SHE loves him. He's never said he loves her to anyone else either, as far as I remember. So, he's not being totally hypocritical in his treatment of Mari. He doesn't love her, and has never said he does. He cares about her (like one cares for a pet), and he’s really attracted to her.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Vivi: I agree. I don't think he loves her. He's going to fall in love with Mari 2.0. Which means, if he and MC don't get a divorce, he will be cheating on his wife. Jerk!!

Vivi is right, he likes MC most of the time, but does he love her? Nope. I think he has some fondness for her and a boat load of guilt for what his family is doing to her although he's still too stupid to figure out that Lucia, Scar and Awwfelia are really setting MC up to fail.

Thanks for clearing it up Vivi, he's treatment of her is not even close to how our loved or even liked ones were being treated

he really treats her like a pet, as several commenters already mentioned, good for a little unga-bunga but throw her away as soon as she starts to become uncomfortable in any situation.. even a lot of pets are being treated better..shame on you Octavio

nevertheless I think Octavio muy chulo, he has a great body, we need some shirless shots of him though he's too covered up

Yes, he never said "amo". When he proposed to her, he asked: No sentiste amor en mis besos? Or something like this, when she thought that he was lying. And at their first night he said that they love each other - "amamos". So I think she had reasons to think, that Octavio loves her.

Eli great recap! missed the episode but have caught up. Thanks a lot Eli. Miguel is a jerk I get that, but Octavio? where was his sensitive heart. All the poor girl did was to love him unconditionally. His actions tell me he doesn't really care about MC. He sees how she is treated and yet makes feeble attempts to help. He is more wimpy like his brother than he knows. Miguel thinks he is cultured and refined, yet he talks like this in front of MC. Who is the savage now. I hope for the sake of this producer, that all the snakes and vermin get what's coming to them. The cruelty is too much. Is been poor a crime in novelaland? They sure portray it as such in their TNs.Octavio is dead to me.


Alegria- Yep. He sort of fudges it each time so that he's not outright declaring "te amo". When he proposed to her and asked her about the kisses, he then looked really guilty as he hugged her and basically asked forgiveness for lying in his thought bubble.


irisz79, I love your avatar.

this is why I love this blog, I just keep learning :)

I always thought quiero means love because so many times I hear declarations of te quiero just before the galan kisses the girl and carries her off to the sunset..and Oct several times called her mi amor as well, but as I understand now it's just a figure of speach for fondness and not of love?

did I get is right?

unfortunately I cannot watch any TN with CC-s because UNIVISION only avaible in US I allways get "Este vídeo no está disponible en tu país" every time I check, it would be so much easier to watch with CC-s


Amar is pretty easy. It’s just straight up love. No if, ands, or buts about it. Querer, however, can mean many things: to love, to care for, to cherish. It can be used with friends, family, lovers, children, your dog or cat, anyone.


irisz 79, I can suggest you to use google-translate. You should paste the link with the video and try to translate the page. And then the video will be availiable with subtitles. But it works only with the last 5 episodes.

"Mi amor", like any term of endearment, can be used as lightly or as seriously as the user wants. Some people throw them around more than others. I haven't seen a lot of feeling behind Octavio's tender words. More like he's just going through the motions (and saying some of the appropriate words) of being a husband/lover.

thanks Vivi, I appreciate it

Alegria, thanks to you as well, I tried the google translate thing, and what I got was - Sorry, this video is currently not available in your region.- now in English,
I belive the sites are checking the ip adress that tries to connect to the site and since I'm in Europe I do not have access unfortunately.
I tried some tricks to avoid this perviously and those that work slower and block the internet speed so much, that the video is almost unwatchable, stops like every 5 second and loads, you get the CC though.. it is one of those out of the frying pan into the fire situations


Great recap, Eli.

But I also live in Europe. Try this link

Thats not working either.. which part of Europe do you live, I'm in the middle, maybe there are some differences.

Thanks for the help though.
I'll try again later, maybe it'll work.

I'm from Ukraine, but I know, that works in others countries. Try to use another browser or later.

That was an excellent recap, Eli. Cuz Ester does act exactly like Scar.

At least the gossips did a good deed, for a change. I'm happy they saved Solita from Ewwsebio.

If Octavio is condemning MC to life in the shack, he needs to make it liveable. He may not have money, but he could at least buy a tarp for the roof, as Cynderella also said.


To my Spanish speaking friends, how would you explain the difference between "querer" and "amor/amar" to someone who does not speak Spanish? The best I can think of is that in English we can use the word "love" to show we like/care about something for example saying "I love those shoes" "I love that book" etc. but in Spanish you can't go around saying "yo amo ese libro" or "yo amo a mi gato" because the word "amor/amar" deals directly with loving/ being in love with someone, "querer" is more of a way of expressing that you are fond of someone but don't necessarily have romantic feelings towards them. Can someone tell me if I'm right?
I put this on my Facebook status to see if someone can help me explain the difference between amor and "querer" hopefully someone will come thru for us,lol.

Octavio (agree that he is not that hot) is full of, in the words of my old non-Spanish-speaking history teacher, full of "el toro poopoo!"

In Spanish you don't Quiero or Amo things.
You encanto things

Me encanto este jamón

Me encanto estos zapatos

I think of querer as loving your family, pets

and amar as romantic love.

Ellie- You are correct. "Querer" can be as deep or as shallow as you want-- so it has multiple meanings. Much like how we throw around the word love in English. But "amar" is the real deal.

Amar is not just romantic love. People say te amo to their parents and siblings, and sometimes we see this in tns. But querer is the most commonly uses verb in all circumstances, while lovers like to use amar to really emphasize how deep their feelings are.

Variopinta, thank you for that, I'm a native speaker I should know this! I blame my ignorance on living in SoCal and Mr. Hernandez, my Spanish teacher who never taught anything and instead made us watch Disney movies-in Spanish.


I believe that encantar is used in the same sense as gustar, so I think instead of me encanto estos zapatos it would be more appropriate to say me encantan estes zapatos or even a mi me encantan estes zapatos.


Right Carlos, zapatos plural, but I have a correction for you, plural of este is estos.

Great to have class, my Spanish teacher is ill & I haven't had class for 2 mths.

So Ellie, Mickey Mouse in Spanish

Miguel ratón ?

I know people raised in a Spanish speaking home but have been schooled in English, so they misspell words like we do. Leave out the h, s for z or c

It took me a while to realize that "amar" can apply to parents and children, but I still cringe at it. I think that romantic love deserves a verb all its own.

Yes, of course... estos zapatos, but now I'm a bit confused. Is it appropriate to say:

me encanto este jamón. ?


me encanta este jamón.

or are both OK to say?

yo me encanto este jamón.

doesn't sound right to me.


Now that I think about it,
Miguelito Ratón

Urban- Remember when Camila (Amor Bravio) was in the jail cell with Agustina before she got hauled off to the big prison? Camila said "te amo mama" quite a few times during that whole ordeal because it was so emotional and it was so important to get across how much she loved her mother. I think amar was totally appropriate and needed in that situation.

Right again Carlos

The ham pleases me
Me encanta este jamón

Now you know why I can't learn Spanish,takes half an hour to get one little phrase right.

El Raton Miguel?

Me encanto means you're enchanting yourself. Are you?

Carlos, "yo me encanto este jamón"
is off, it should be "a mi me encanto este jamon"= "I really liked this ham" "a mi me encanta este jamon"=I like this ham. I think. Don't take my word for it, I'm a bad Mexican.


I miss my weekly Tue. tutoring sessions with my profa Adriana who up and moved to Austin a few months ago. We still talk on the phone but graciously she only corrects my most egregious errors on those occasions.

She understands my Spanish quite well, but my doubts in my abilities were aroused last Sat. The guys rebuilding our gazebo had Mariachi music blaring as the Lovely Linda, Princess Andrea and I were sipping Margaritas on the patio. One of the workmen walked by to get a tool from their truck and said hi. Being friendly and because of the music they were playing (and quite frankly, proud of my Spanish) I inquired ¿ Vds. son de Jalisco? He stopped, smiled, shrugged, and replied Sorry, I don't speak English."



Carlos, that's hilarious!

Ellie, I know... it was Variopinta that said "me encanto este jamón"
I restated it with yo. to clarify what she had said... oh never mind.


"Me encanto means you're enchanting yourself. Are you?

Actually... yes... most of the time.


I'm so confused. Curse you LAUSD and your inability to properly educate me!

PS: is that you kitty Carlos?

Vario said:

Me encanto este jamón
Me encanto estos zapatos

Carlos said:

me encanto este jamón. ?
me encanta este jamón. or are both OK to say?
yo me encanto este jamón. doesn't sound right to me.

Anita says:
Me encanta este jamón is the only OK.
You'd never say Yo me encanto este jamón.
But--you might say A mi me encanta este jamón (loosely translated it would be I really love this ham)

Unless you are really gushing over this ham and the shoes, encanto is over the top.

Most conversational speakers would go for the Gusto.

Me gusta este jamón.
Me gustan estos zapatos.

(Not a teacher, just grew up bi-lingual and swear by the school of "Don't know why, but it sounds right." )

I'm going to do some research into "querer" and "amar" tonight,lol

Elie--You are correct using encantó, if you accent it--no doubt it would be past tense.

...Me encantó este jamón (I really liked that ham.)

Encanto without the accent is a noun, too--un encanto.

Ese niño es un encanto. That kid is really a charmer.

I want ham so badly right now!

I really appreciate (and need) the vocab/grammar discussions but the show obviously needs to step up the action if this is where the discussions are going.

(now singing "quiero jamon, jamon, jamon..." to the Blue Danube tune).


Carlos....Ouch, regarding the guy who thought you were speaking English. On countless occasions, I have gleefully whipped a little Spanish, Chinese, French, or Korean only to have the native speaker look at me blankly or....worse.....giggle having no idea what I was saying. I studied Latin and French in high school. Miss Moore who taught me both languages, taught French the same way she taught Latin a dead language. She mostl taught us songs. I can still sing ''Adeste Fidelis'' [Oh Com All Ye Faithful'' and ''Frere Jacque.'' I also studied to years of French in college, but nhave never been able to speak or understand French, as my French students have let me know. I do best in Arabic because in that language, the syllables have a strong ending they do in English.

Here is a discussion on querer y amar

I learned that gustar and encantar work the same way: the thing you like agrees with the verb in number and the indirect object is used.

–¿Qué te parece?
–Me gusta. Pero a mi me gusta más este vestido.

Me encantan las obras de Mark Twain.


Oh we have some spam here.

And the people who own that ranch are despicable.

A mi no me encanta spam.


In the case of spam whether in the can or on the computer I think gustar is better

a mi no me gusta spam


Odio spam

OMG Eduardo just showed up at the ranch

Quiero Eduardo,

hasta luego

Mickey Mouse is - el Raton Miguelito.

Querer - like, love (humans, animals); want (I want to travel/eat/sleep)

Amar - love (mostly in the romantic sense, but also used w/family & friends - never with inanimate objects)

Desear - like, want, desire

Gustar - like

Encantar - really, really like; love (love those shoes, that book, etc)

Another Mexican from SoCal :)

I know, I was just trying to add my comment in the flavor of (pun intended) the earlier jamon comments.

Welcome, so nice to have another mexican from SoCal here!

I think Octavio is guapo! he y Maricruz have a lot of chemistry. i am rooting for ellos!

owo, and I was told hungarian was a hard kangualge, when will I figure this out??

THX for the grammar lesson everybody, I can use it any day

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