Wednesday, May 08, 2013
Amores Verdaderos #125 Tue 5/7/13 After a long wait, it finally happens.
And I'm not just thinking of Nikki and Guzman. The fight between the Furry Fornicator and Big Angel was a long time coming too!
Lo siento, I'm starting to get behind with my novela watching. It'll be a while before the whole recap is up. Video cap is waiting to be processed. (I still need to watch tonight's episodes of Fernando the Secretary and Jorge the Mariachi Singer . . .)
![]() |
Caught by Roy the Boy! |
A brief summary, to get the discussion rolling. May not be entirely accurate and is not in order. MORE TO COME LATER!
* Nikki has a hot wedding night, just not with her husband. Guzman, our Little Ape, is the lucky recipient of her favors. A glow filter is used liberally during the love scenes. Undoubtedly Univision edited the scene heavily, but I haven't seen the unedited version so I can't verify. Nikki tells the Little Ape that she loves him, much to his joy.
* Salsa Dude comes to the rescue. A lawyer is going to try to get Beatriz out on bail. She is beside herself with dispair when she finds out that Leo the Low has taken little Guillo. Guillo calls for his mother as he sleeps in Leo the Low's hideout.
* Big Angel confronts Kendra-Ho and wants her to fess up about being the baby-momma of the Furry Fornicator's pending offspring. He doesn't want Vicki to be left in the dark about what's going on (like she was for too long about the FF's infidelity).
* During post-coital bliss, Nikki tells the Little Ape that this is goodbye, she's gotta do what she's gotta do, i.e. loveless marriage to Roy the Boy. What. Ever. We all know, via Telenovela Law, that the Little Ape has probably planted the seeds of a Baby Little Ape in her womb (not a spoiler, just my guess). So we know this is all just a tactic to stretch out this storyline for an extra 20 episodes or so. The Little Ape tries to get Nikki to tell him what exactly did Kendra-Ho say about him to convince her (Nikki) that he was such a scoundrel? Nikki thought-bubbles about the fake gigolo web page, but given that we need to stretch this show out for 20 episodes, heaven forbid Nikki just TELL the Little Ape specifically what evidence Kendra-Ho had against him. Because had she done that, we would have cleared a lot of this B.S. up, and we can't have that, can we?
* Roy the Boy discovers our couple in an embrace, half-dressed. He is outraged and demands that Nikki go with him now. The Little Ape begs Nikki to stick with him. Roy the Boy's threats of embarrassment (let's let grandpa know) prompts Nikki to tearfully go with Roy the Boy, much to The Little Ape's sad dispair.
* The Furry Fornicator sees Big Angel leave the Kendra-Ho's room, gets all up in Big Angel's face about it, says he doesn't want Big Angel near the Ho OR Vicki! This leads to a tussle between these two men, started by the FF who tries to cold cock the Big Angel. Not a good move, since Big Angel KICKS HIS ASS. AWESOME. Oh, it was a thing of beauty. Screenshots to follow. Right after the altercation, Big Angel apologizes to a sputtering, red-faced FF for losing it.
* The Little Ape laments to Big Angel later about his woes. "Nikki told me she loved me!" he cries. "I would do anything—anything—to have her with me!" he declares. Big Angel commiserates. Big Angel alludes to his relationship with Vicki, and his efforts to not lose control. By "control" he means not beating the crap out of the FF. The Little Ape was clearly thinking of another kind of "control," like the kind of control he and Nikki finally lost that very night.
* Roy the Boy insists that Nikki leave with him ASAP. They leave in the middle of the night. Nikki leaves a note with her mom. The next morning, the Little Ape is upset because he was supposed to escort her to the airport.
* Lily spies Roy the Boy and Nikki departing in the middle of the night. Lily has tears in her eyes.
* At the airport, Roy the Boy and his blushing bride are waiting at a diner somewhere. Roy the Boy castigates Nikki for being an unfaithful slut and trash talks her. WHAT. A. DOUCHE. End of episode.
AVANCES: Look interesting. They make it look like the Ho will finally confess having the Furry Fornicator's bun in her oven. MUST SEE TV!
Labels: Amores
This recap is awesome, totally awesome and you didn't miss a thing! Loved the screencap you put up too.
Ay yi yi, I am starting to hate Roy. Yeah, what Nikki did was bad, but he knew she didn't love him. Does this give him the right to manhandle her and take her cell phone away? I think not. He is a horrible cross between FF and the low one. I can't stand him.
It was wonderful at least that Nikki and Guzmancito had their little time together, they will never forget it. I liked her dreamy look at the airport before Roy snatched that phone out of her hand. Curses! I think Nikki should have found the nearest phone to call her Tatito, the hell with what Roy said. I bet now she is regretting not stopping that wedding.
YaY!!! Finally the FF HAS BEEN SERVED! I have been waiting for this for a long time! FF got everything he deserved, and more. I just knew the Angel wasn't going to severely damage him, and he even apologized. Too bad. I wish the Angel hadn't. And besides would the Angel ever have anything to do with that Ho??? I'm thinking not.
Yay! Betty finally gets some help. I felt so bad for her when the Pau and Felipe came and gave her food, shoes, a binky and a sweater and had to tell her that Guillo is missing and that the low one took him. Boo Hiss. But with Salsa Dude's contacts and Anyballs helping they are sure to find that low one and Betty will be getting out of the carcel.
I hate the low one too. Ugh, poor Guillo. The low one filling his head with lies is just sickening.
That love scene with Guzmancito and Nikki was very tastefully done. I too wonder if it was cut, and the soft lighting was wonderful. I wish Nikki had told him about that fake web page. But it would have ruined the moment. I'm glad she told him she loved him. That will have to sustain them, as you said Elvira for how many, many epis until Nikki can rid herself of Roy!
I can't wait for tomorrow until Kendho tells Vikki if the avances are true and not a red herring.
Yes, Looneyvision edits every single love scene, which is totally unnecessary.
I'm glad that Nikki and Guzmi did the deed, and the surely looked hot together, but the love scene? It was nothing special, I've seen dozens of similar scenes like that. My opinion isn't against Neta and Frankie - I'm a huge Big Ed fan but I found the love scenes of Destilando amor (which was produced by the same producer) cliched and unimaginative, too.
We can probably assume that Nikki will be pregnant, after last night. Isn't it in the telenovela rules that the heroina almost always gets pregnant by her heroe, the first time they "do the deed."
Definitely looks like our BoyToyRoy is back to his day-to-day douchebaggery behavior. And Nikki is now suffering the logical consequences of her decisions and behaviors. Fasten your seatbelt, girl, it is going to be a very bumpy ride.
While the love scene was very well done, there is something deeply disturbing about it all --- glorifying adultery. Both these people are married to other people. I don't like the message it sends to young impressionable viewers. Just sayin'.
susanlynn - I know. Straw. Gah. About as bad as a sandy beach. My telenovela beanie hat is glued to my head. ;o)
Roy just turned into the worst version of himself after finding Nikki and Guzman. I guess the writers are going to make sure she REALLY regrets her stupid choice. This will not be an easy or civil marriage.
I was almost as relieved as Bea when she was taken from the cells to the office with the lawyer, and was able to fall into Santino's arms. I really hope they find Guillo quickly. Bea doesn't need that worry and grief.
The advances gave me the impression that Kendho was going to lie about the baby daddy - maybe even accuse Arriaga! LOL! Now that would be pretty ditzy, but she'd do it just to make life difficult fo Arriaga for a while. Kendho also doesn't realize that Anyballs knows that FF is the baby daddy.
Yep, it sure looked like Niki married an insulting, abusive mini FF. as other folks noted - I guess she really has to learn her lesson.
OMG, The love scene between Nikki/Guzmancito was everything and more I could have hoped for. I could feel the passion, the love, every kiss, every word... Ahhh. This to me is the hands down the best romance scene I ever seen. I went online and found the unedited version which was definitely extra touchy, feely, more romantic in my opinion. My favorite beso was right after she tells him she loves him, the kisses shared after that were even more powerfully romantic. Gosh 'm love struck by this scene.
I have my CJ final this morning which is my last final for the semester (yay) and work after until 5 and then Bible study at 6:00 so I wont be able to comment more, probably. I just had to get my short two sense in about my favorite couple. My apologies!
Team Nikki/Guzmancito
Ay yi yi, Best romance scene in my eyes, I cried some and smiled through the entire scenes lol. So romantic, but you're probably seen countless more novelas than me lol
Team Nikki/Guzmancito
Doris, I freely admit I wasn't very comfortable with the Nikki/Francisco tryst. Coming merely hours after a ceremony that could have been easily stopped, it just seemed...well...wrong. And from what little we saw, not at all extraordinary - ITA Aribeth.
Victoria, so evident you enjoyed every moment of their scenes. Glad for you!
Madelaine, was it just my imagination or was Nelson literally purple when JA was close to strangling him? Too bad he stopped in time. Really. In addition to everything vile, he is colorless and has no soul.
Vivi, what a relief to see Santino. Let's hope he can work his connections and find Guillo. Pronto.
Susanlynn: "I thought that BoyRoy's pompador was going to deflate when he saw TrickyNikki in the arms of his rival Guzzy". OMG! That horrific "do" must have contained a can of hair spray. Hideous.
Audrey, I've already dragged my seat away from Roy's table. Granted, I wouldn't be in the best of moods seeing my new wife with her lover right after the vows, but he could have stopped the wedding too. No excuse for his abusive behavior.
Elvira, I will echo that you didn't miss anything and the screencaps will be great indeed.
I'd feel better about Nikki and Guzman making love on her wedding night if she had refused to leave with Roy the next morning. And what's with letting Roy take her phone? She controls the purse-strings in this marriage. Hope she discovers that soon.
Cynderella - ITA "Roy reacted like a normal person." Even though the marriage is an open sham, Roy's not hurt but his ego is on the line.
Whom will KendaHo name/lie as her baby's daddy? Hope it's just coinkydink that JA just told Vickie about Opalina's prediction.
I''m very fond of Nikki, I've been a fan from her very first "¿OK? ¡Neta!", but I was ashamed of her and Guz last night.
"... it just seemed...well...wrong."
"OMG, The love scene between Nikki/Guzmancito was everything and more I could have hoped for."
I'm happy for you.
For me it was very sensuous... ummm... passionately icky.
Audrey and Vivi,
I immediately thought ...Arriaga when Kendra was about to announce the daddy in the avances, then Salsero occurred to me, so I thought, why not post the odds for whom she'll name?
José Ángel (Arriaga) 2:1
Salsero (Santino) 3:1
Francisco Guzmán 4:1
Aníbal Balvenera 6:1
Jean Marie 12:1
Nelso Brizz scratched
Carlos (not a choice... just signing my post)
Anyone who is acquainted with JA even slightly likely knows he dislikes, even despises Kendra.
However,loathing someone doesn't necessarily mean you won't sleep with them. It would be absurd but certainly an unexpected and most unwelcome development. Of course, this could be quickly remedied with a DNA test, but something tells me Kendra will be one step ahead and already planning to fix the results.
Perhaps the only positive thing is that Anibal knows about Kendra and Nelson. But, does Kendra know Anibal knows?
Now I'm fairly certain that Arriaga will be the designated daddy. Drat those snails... he's jinxed.
We are the winners, however... just imagine what a wonderful "¿QUÉ?" face that José Ángel will come up with.
Kendho doesn't know what FF knows. In other words, FF hasn't told her anything about his convo with Anyballs and Anyballs knowing about he and Kendho.
I too think Kendho will try to blame this bebe on the Angel. She would try anything to be rid of him.
I liked your odds : )
Kendho has told FF she is having a girl. If she is pregnant and this is a fact can't be the Angel's according to Opalina's prediction. Also I wouldn't put it past Kendho who knows someone, who knows someone that could fix that ADN test to reflect who she wants the bebe daddy to be.
I too felt sorry for poor little Orchid. That was painful for her. Too bad Roy didn't see her crouching in the bushes and crying. I think he would have delayed his plan and talked to her. I don't know, but I sure can't stand him grabbing Nikki's face like that and grabbing that cell phone from her.
Or, maybe "none of the above." Maybe KendraHo makes up some phantom married man.
I think you may be right. Naming the Angel won't really help her except for getting rid of him and that would hurt her mis planes. But Santino did tell her off when he called her, so maybe she will name him to be rid of him. But then again, even if FF tries to fire him, Anyballs has the last word on that, and I doubt Anyballs, knowing that Kendho is the lova of FF thanks to Santino and who the bebe daddy is, no matter what she says, he'll keep Santino around. Santino knows too much to be let go just like that.
I am impressed at the collective intelligence of the Patio directed towards the Kendra Problem. But I am especially impressed by the insights of Mads and Niecie:
Mads points out:
"Kendho has told FF she is having a girl. If she is pregnant and this is a fact can't be the Angel's according to Opalina's prediction."
The snails say blue. Kendra says pink. Ergo, no go.
And Niecie reminds us:
"Wouldn't KendraHo be worried that naming JA would break up JA and Vickie and that a hurt Vickie might even be willing to take back Nelson?"
Yes. Kendra is stuck on pairing up JA and Vikki.
Well done, all!
Add me to the list of those who are NOT comfortable w/Nikki and Guzman having their own wedding night.
While one can understand Roy being upset, the move to make him an abusive idiot is confusing. I don't want him near Lily and after possible weeks/months in TN time seeing him be horrible to Nikki I'll probably just want him to go away like Leo. Know I'm not comparing to two and the second deserves a most horrible death. He and FF can go to a wretched place were petty men are tormented.
I am of two minds about the barnburner scene. On the one hand, it would have been so much nicer and less shady if she had declined to marry Roy, or at least told him she wanted an annulment before getting it on with the gusanito. On the other hand, it's Roy. He's too repugnant for me to care whether Nikki is putting the horns on him. It isn't even like he feels betrayed because he thought they had a real was strictly a business transaction. He certainly has no plans for fidelity himself. He's just mad because his fragile pride has been wounded. After that grotesque preview of abusiveness at the airport, I hope she RUNS away from him as fast as she can. Sigh, she probably won't. I hope she continues getting treatment for her bulimia; she desperately needs more nutrition to her brain so she can figure out that the gigolo thing makes no sense.
On the other hand, it's Roy. He's too repugnant for me to care whether Nikki is putting the horns on him. It isn't even like he feels betrayed because he thought they had a real was strictly a business transaction. He certainly has no plans for fidelity himself.
and i would have been totally in agreement except when i saw Roy beg to Liliana i saw truth in his tears, and as a brat and selfish boy he is, he is really suffering.
But I agree i would have liked to see them stop the ceremony and then got it on.
and I LOOOOOOVE this!
she desperately needs more nutrition to her brain so she can figure out that the gigolo thing makes no sense.
It was love, it's not like it was a one night stand, and it's not like Roy could give a d*mn, it's just him trying to feel like he owns Nikki, when all she is, is a business deal.
Guzmancito loves her! Nikki loves Him, EVERYONE knows, and I am not one bit disappointed. It was romantic and passionate scene and not all over the place.
Team Nikki/Guzmancito
I'm just a little disappointed about the comments on here.
Team Nikki/Guzmancito
I understand where you are coming from. It's the moral question for a lot of people here. Everyone knows that Guzmancito and Nikki love each other, it was the timing of the lovemaking, I think that is at issue. It was supposed to be Nikki's honeymoon with Roy. I am NOT defending Roy here, trust me. He is a douche and a half and not worth her time. And you are right, he is not only thinking he owns her, he is more like he didn't get Lili so Nikki can't have Guzmancito either. I don't know what would have happened if he had walked in on them during the deed itself. He thinks he can control Nikki by running to Anyballs, but Anyballs is gonna wonder why little Roy The Roller boy isn't making his Nikkita happy. Nikki and Guzmancito just picked the wrong time to do the deed.
I still think Nikki should have stopped that wedding and Roy is at fault here too, but I DO see why Nikki and Guzmancito did it. She is afraid she will never see him again. How does she know he will still be working for the Balvanera family once she goes to the States? He could just up and quit and I think she wanted a lasting memory of Guzmancito as he did of her. I think that is why they did the deed, besides being so over the top in love they probably couldn't have stopped themselves if the wanted too.
Kendho is staying at the Balvanera Manse, because Santino went to her place for the orginal video she had of the Angel and Ms Vikki and the striptease dance and he tossed her place. He didn't take anything but the video, but she showed up at the Balvanera Manse saying she had been robbed and she was sooo scared. She claimed all her jewelry had been stolen. FF didn't want her in the house, but Nikki and Ms Vikki took pity on her and let her stay with them. Plus she was worried she was going to lose the "bebe" so they let her stay.
Nikki and Guzmán are my favorite couple, too, but,
"'s not like it was a one night stand..."
Por favor, are we watching the same show? It was her wedding night (to another man) whom she vowed earlier that day to be faithful to, and she is leaving with that man (as weasley as he may be) on a jet plane bound for the USA to live for who knows how long? How much more one night standish can you get?... unless of course you classify it as a 15 min. stand.
Julie- "Once more, she glued Guzmi back together only to shatter him yet again. It was cruel." Sad to say I don't disagree with you.
Team Nikki/Guzmancito
WOW really Carlos, I'm pretty sure it was more than 15 minutes, I'd be willing to bet on it, but that's beside the point. They are in LOVE, they didn't pick each other up at a bar or club. Come on! Those to me are considered one night stands, not knowing each other, loving each other, and sharing a very romantic, kodak moment and conversation right before. One night stands don't get that personal. Just saying! They consoled each other and their feelings toward what has just happened and shared a very deep conversation. I'm not an expert on one night stands but I'm sure they are not anything like what they showed.
Team Nikki/Guzmancito
LMBO! Enjoy!
Team Nikki/Guzmancito
Team Nikki/Guzmancito
I can't pass up acknowledging:
"Doris, I believe you can determine the sex of delusional pregnancies quite early."
Simply too funny.
Kendra has certainly had the strangest TN pregnancy ever:
No plastic stick
No passing out
No nausea or vomiting
A plastic surgeon is her OB Dr.
I haven't even noticed any puffy ankles.
We need some proof!
All very true. And yet, Carlos, the writers may be toying with us.
In a recent Telemundo novel, a character claimed -- even more implausibly -- that she was with child. When people asked why, several months into this odd pregnancy, she wasn't showing, she would say: "That's how my mother carried -- that's how all the women in my family carry."
She was well into her third trimester when she popped out. And shortly thereafter ... Ta-Da!!!
I hope the writers don't turn the spitfire, witty, feisty Nikki into an abused victim at the hands of Roy. She shouldn't have married him or bedded Guzman once she did, but it would be sad and boring to see her become Roy's meek, guilt-ridden target while he, I'm sure, will continue his girl-hopping ways.
I wondered how this episode would go over here. I didn't like the circumstances for Nikki and Guzmán's coupling either I must say.
I don't have a problem with Roy getting hurt, he is a jerk and the actor overacts too much for me to care about him. But, I don't think things aren't wrong just because the person who got the most upset is a jerk.
I didn't hate the characters for this but this was certainly the point when I decided I didn't care anymore if they got hurt or not by their own stupid actions. All heartbreak these choices caused, they brought them up for themselves.
For a while when I saw the glow filter that made the love scene so tenderly done, I thought that it could just be a dream of either Nikki or the little Ape.
I will not judge the two, I will just look and see how true love is.
I'm so in love with them.
One of the best scene ever. Love it.
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