Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Amores Verdaderos #130 Tue 5/14/13 Oh no you didn't!
Some screencaps have been added. Put a fork in it, it is done!
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Your chickens have come home to roost, Nikki. I feel sorry for you, but then . . . I don't. |
Brief summary below (may not be in order or fully accurate).
* Nikki is unloaded on by Kendra-the-Ho, who tells her in specific detail how she pulled the wool over her eyes regarding the Little Ape. She even admits she made up a Gigolos-R-Us web page for him, so Nikki would spurn him and marry Roy the Boy. Nikki is disbelieving but finally gets it.
* Nikki decides that all her baby Guzmancitos will be from . . . Guzmancito!
* Cande talks with Big Angel about the Missing Letter. She says that she took it back, and that all it said in it was that she wanted to be buried next to her daughter. Big Angel thinks she's always being a bummer. They chat for a while and have a happy conversation. After they hang up, Cande says to herself that Anyballs was right, that revealing the truth about Lili's origins would make Adri happy, but would really suck for Big Angel. She decides to keep quiet.
* Lili asks Big Angel some relationship advice. Big Angel gets a bit nervous, but Lili assures her that her question is hypothetical—just hypothetical! She wants to know if you can get an persistent, unwelcome suitor off your back by claiming to be dating someone else. Big Angel says that well, if they are that persistent, probably nothing is going to make them back off. Lili off-handedly mentions that she realizes that Big Angel may get into a new relationship some day, and how weird and hard that will be for her to see. Big Angel gulps nervously.
* Roy the Boy is enjoying a hot honeymoon, but not with Nikki, but with some groupie who speaks English. Nikki returns to her room, sees what Roy the Boy is up to, shakes her head, quietly hides in a room so Roy the Boy won't discover her. Alas, the Boy discovers that she left her purse there so he knows she knows. Roy the Boy goes off with his Bimbo somewhere else to complete his hot honeymoon.
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Caught in the act! And she speaks English, so that's extra proof of skankatude. |
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Nikki's reaction after seeing Roy the Boy in action: "I'm off the hook! I can run back to my Little Ape ASAP!" |
* Nikki calls her momma to tell her the totally nasty, bitchy things Kendra the Ho did to her, lying about the Little Ape. Vicki is beside herself and undoubtedly sees the life of Nikki being a repeat of her own life with the Furry Fornicator. Vicki is so overwhelmed by Kendra-the-Ho's nastiness that she goes straight over to the Ho's apartment to confront her. Oh my word, there is a lot of yanking of hair extensions and rapid-fire Spanish being yelled. And slapping across faces too. Poor Big Angel has to get in the middle to try to stop the madness. Vicki keeps yelling that NO ONE MESSES WITH HER BABY CUB!!! It looks like Big Angel was suppressing giggles during some of the fighting and hair-yanking. All in all, awesome scene. (Note, I'm not sure if anyone had hair extensions, but it just sounds better to describe it like that.)
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Nikki's telling Vicki all about the skank Kendra-Ho's confession. |
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Awkward freeze-frame from catfight. |
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Big Angel yells "Enough!" But we were having so much fun . .. |
* Vicki confronts Anyballs about why he won't fire the Furry Fornicator. Anyballs is being very cautious about condemning the FF for what his Ho did to Nikki (I was surprised by that) and won't fire the Fornicator. Vicki gets up in Anyball's face and deduces that the FF has something on Anyballs and that's why he's being so gutless. Anyballs doesn't respond.
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"Oh right, you play the 'I don't mix business with personal' card now, but you sure didn't when you were messing up Adriana's and my love lives!" |
* The nurse that helped Cande with The Baby Switch is being tracked down by a private investigator. I missed something here, but Anyballs finds the private investigator, bribes him with a blank check to tell Adri that the nurse died. We don't know if the private investigator is going for it, since he didn't seem inclined to take a bribe. Until the blank check came out . . .
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Anyballs gets the PI's business card when he visits the nurse embroiled in The Baby Switch. (This was one of the first scenes in the episode, actually.) |
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Trying to bribe the private investigator with a blank check. Will it work or not? |
* Adri is uncharacteristically . . . cheerful! It's because she may be the photographer for a feature film being shot in Mexico by some super-duper fab movie director. No one has ever seen this guy (well hardly anyone) because he's camera shy. The way everyone is talking about this guy, Viewerville is tipped off almost immediately that this is someone of importance. As the episode unfolds, we discover that Jocelyn knows the guy. Adri has lunch with Jocelyn and they talk about Adri's chance to work with this guy. Adri idolizes his work, never having met him but she thinks he's just fab. When Adri has to leave the table momentarily, Jocelyn calls the guy up (where he is in Spain or Europe somewhere?).
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From another part of the episode: Adriana happily talking about her job prospects with this awesome director guy (aka Vicki's old flame, though no one but Jocelyn and Doris know that yet). |
* Doris joins Jocelyn (as Adri is still away from the table) and their discussion reveals that this guy (Joan Constantin) is really Vicki's old flame, and he considers Vicki "the love of his life." Now Viewerville will be immediately consulting their brain's memory banks and remembering that guy (Carlos whatever) who was dating Vicki when Aniballs nixed their relationship and coerced her into marrying the Furry Fornicator. Jocelyn tells Joan (aka Vicki's old flame, probably Carlos-whatever) that Vicki is free now because she's dumping her fornicator husband. It sounds like Carlos/Joan hangs up right then and there, like maybe he's booking a flight back to Mexico? We shall see!
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Jocelyn and her trademark sh*t-eating grin. |
* Odioette lives up to our name for her. She has thrown out all of Estefano's stuff and is going to write him out of her will and the whole thing. She seethes with anger. Damn, this actress is brilliant at oozing hatred. When Estefano confronts her about throwing out all his stuff, she says everything is HERS and she's within her rights. She spews out all sorts of venom at him. She'll make sure he'll be blackballed in every agency everywhere! (What do you bet that she can't blackball him from the Balvaneras? I'm just thinking out loud.) If she knew that he would end up with way he did (gay) she would have aborted him when she was pregnant! He is DEAD to her, DEAD! Man, this is a hard thing for any son to hear. Estefano keeps his composure and says he won't bother her any more, but he will never forget that she is the one who gave him life. He says that money can't buy anything, and it certainly never got her love. He leaves, sadly, but with his dignity.
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NASTY. No, no flowers for you on Mother's Day! |
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He's sad, but she's the one who's really losing out. |
* Nikki calls home because she can't reach Guzmancito. (That's because the Little Ape is busy looking through the security footage of Bea at the shopping mall, and fortunately it looks like they have clear shots of Leo the Low being there, and it's settled that he is behind the false accusation of shoplifting.) Nikki ends up calling the kitchen, where Polita and Lily are talking about their cute Blonde Little Ape, and how low and depressed he's been since Nikki got her hooks into him. What he needs is closure! And they'll help him! Get that girl outta his hair! So when Nikki calls, right during their conversation, Polita has a brilliant idea. She tells Nikki that the Little Ape has Moved On, in the form of dating Lili. Sí, sí, they are novios! Nikki is impactado. Lili is a bit horrified, this is not what she had in mind at all, but when Nikki calls back and Lili answers, Nikki can't be more snotty in expressing her disbelief that the Little Ape could go out with a subhuman like Lili. Well, that's all reason Lili needs to go, "Yep, sorry, sucks to be you, you snooze you lose, Guzmancito is with me now." Nikki is impactado and starts to get a bit weepy. Later we see her compose letters to Guzmancito, asking him what's going on and wondering how he could forget her so soon.
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Guzman is busily tracking down incriminating video against his scummy BiL, Leo the Low, oblivious to the drama happening with his fan club (Lili, Polita, and Nikki). |
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Nikki reacting to the bad news that the Little Ape has (apparently) moved on. |
* The Furry Fornicator comes to visit the Ho. He's also angry that she messed with Nikki's life the way she did. The Ho explains messing up Nikki by saying she "saved" Nikki from marrying a deadbeat like the Little Ape. She also claims that Nikki and the Little Ape have been lovers. The FF is impactado about this and muses that like mother like daughter—they both have things about their bodyguards.
* The FF wants to break it off from the Ho, angry with her for not lying about being the babymomma of his child. She spins all sorts of crap about how she loves him, she wants to marry him, she'll be an ideal spouse. The FF gripes that he had a good financial deal with Vicki and the Ho messed it up! The Ho amps up her seductive moves and eventually gets the FF to respond. They are getting busy when the episode ends . . .
AVANCES: Either real life or fantasy scenes (can't tell and you know how tricky avances can be) show Big Angel and Vicki kissing and talking about their romance. MUST SEE TV!
Labels: Amores
What a fab recap. Loved the whole thing.
So, Carlos/Joan is about to rear his head. I can't wait to see him! I lol'd about your comment about him booking the first flight to Mexico when he found out Ms Vikki is divorcing the FF. And Jocelyn knows him too. Hmmmmm.
Pobrecita Nikki. I don't like what Polita and Lili did to Nikki. I think if they knew the real circumstances they wouldn't have done it. I hope Guzmancito never finds out what they did. He would not be happy with the two of them.
Ugh, the Kendho! I liked the second catfight as well, just hair pulling though and the Angel trying to get in between the two of them. It was funny this time.
FF is a true dunderhead. What an idiot he is. No wonder the women in his life like the bodyguards, they have a brain. He doesn't.
Didn't we all just know that Anyballs would be finding that nurse. I hated the fact that Lic Avellenda took that blank check. I was hoping he would rip it up right in Anyballs' face. Vivi was so right, I too think Anyballs' has paid her off right out of the country. Adri really needs to know the truth. This has gone on long enough already.
I can't believe Cande caved to Anyballs', but she seems to have those lingering feelings for ole Anyballs. The question is, does he? I am of the mind he doesn't.
Poor Estefano. So Estefano is dead to his um, madre???? I too think the Balvaneras will be scooping him up. Odiodette has no control over Vikki, and I think Vikki would so love to have him join the company and so would Jean Marie, lol.
I wonder if Adri will recognize Carlos Gonzales aka Joan. This should be very interesting but poor Angel. Now another rival.
Well I'm not happy about the two immature gurls we have. This is just me saying this. Please don't get upset with me. I am upset about Polita and Lilliana doing this absolute lie. What if this was enough to drive Nikki to jump and kill herself for being so guilty. These girls are clearly not thinking of the consequences of their lie. When the truth comes out do they think that Guzmancito would even consider either one of them to be his girlfriend or even bffs? Oh, grow up please!!!!I guess hell hath no furry for women scorned. Ok Liliana, I thought at first Royboytoy does not deserve you but now, I think you are perfect match.
And you Nikki, after clearing out that lie from Kendra, how about learning from this and not believe these two until you've clear it out with Guzmancito? We have a saying... You're like an ant, you will right away bite back. Tit for tat.
And Odious Odette!!! Right around mother's day!!! I cried when Estefano responded to her hateful venom.
My mantra.... this is only a tn.....calm down, peace. Good evening everybody.
If Kendra was not pregnant before she sure will be after this episode.
"* Adri is uncharacteristically . . . cheerful!" - -- Ain't that the truth! Who was that woman and what did she do with our Debbie Downer Adriana?
Vikki was oddly calm & cheerful, too, for someone who had just gotten into a slap-fest smackdown with her husband's Evil Trampire. That was really weird.
It is not surprising that Joce knows Carlos/Joan, since she has been BFFs with Vikki all their lives. I guess the guy had to change his name so Anibal couldn't sabotage his business success.
Maybe Kendra is really evil munchkin Odette's long-lost daughter and was switched at birth with Estefano. Son tal para cual … equis … netas!
Who knew that Polita and Lili could be such ... Mean Girls?
Our little Liliana should be named Lily of the Valley ("Lily of the Valley, also known as Our Lady’s Tears, is a delicate white woodland flower that enjoys cool climates. The plant and its berries are highly toxic, particularly to the heart, and can kill if taken in sufficient quantities. ")
The screen shot of Nikki after that phone call reminded me of Alicia Silverstone in "Clueless".
Yeah, I was going "Oh no you didn't!" when Polita spun that lie to Nikki. Neither Nikki nor Polita can know the drama and heartache that is going on behind the scenes. This is going to drag out Nikki's and Guzman's storyline for however many more episodes! But when Nikki was so snotty to Lili when she called back, I kind of thought, "You reap what you sow." Nikki really has been an uber-bitch to Lili, so dismissive, for SO long, and given that I can understand Lili's impulsiveness and vindictiveness. But oh man was it the wrong time! Guzmancito will NOT be happy when he finds out.
I was pretty annoyed by the Polita/Lilly business. It felt like "here we go again!" And Nikki, after just finding out that her gullibility got her into a mess of trouble with Roy, didn't even question the info. She just swallowed it hook, line and sinker. *groan*
In addition to "Adri is uncharacteristically . . .cheerful " (sure to be the favorite of many of us) "Gigolos-R-Us" and "Roy the Boy is enjoying a hot honeymoon, but not with Nikki, but with some groupie who speaks English" were spot on. The recap was terrific!
I'm so relieved that Odette has been mulling over her premature, violent reaction to Estafano's news. It was immediately apparant she regretted her rash reaction, and we need no further proof than the gentle words: "If she knew that he would end up with way he did (gay) she would have aborted him when she was pregnant! He is DEAD to her, DEAD!". Can her throwing a party for Estafano and Jean Marie be far behind? Sigh. I love that he reacted to his mother's hate and venom with calmness and dignity. Madelaine, ITA that Estafano will gain the Balvaneras as dear family and friends and that he will enjoy a meteoric rise in Vick's company.
I'm beginning to think Cande and Anibal may be well suited after all. There is no excuse for her not telling Adriana about Lili. She knows how heartbroken Adri is, she cried on her shoulder. JA will always love Lili. He will be hurt at first but shielding him from a truth which is sure to be revealed while prolonging Adri's agony is unconscionable.
Now Vicky knows Kendra tried to purposely ruin Nikki's life. I give her full credit for confronting Kendra - I would have done the same. I also thought JA hung back just a bit and let Vicky let out some well deserved anger via the extension hair pulling.
vida2, I completely agree that Polita and Lili were out of line and uncharacteriscally cruel last night. But, I have to agree with Elvira that they had no way of knowing what was actually transpiring on the "honeymoon". All they know is that Nikki proceeded to marry Roy and they think she is toying with and using Francisco. And as Elvira said, the timing could not have been worse.
doris, I was confused by the Carlos/Joan bit so your: "I guess the guy had to change his name so Anibal couldn't sabotage his business success" explained that. Thank you!
I'm still thinking Vicky is too in love with JA to have her head turned by Carlos/Joan. Very curious as to who the actor will be!
Jos and Doris did say that Carlos had to change his name to avoid Anibal's wrath. Love your idea that Joan hung up because he was immediately booking his flight. LOL!
Jos seemed to feel that once he knew Adri is Vicky's sister, he wouldn't hire her. I think he'll hire her because she's Vicky's sister, but we'll have to see. Adri commented a while back, when Jos and Doris were in Vicky's bedroom after she got back from the hospital, that she was only 9 when Vicky got married (meaning Vicky was 19 year old bride!), so she may have been young enough to not remember Carlos/Joan's features all that well.
I may be the only one, but I was not that bothered by two teenage girls telling a mean girl (who from what they have seen, has broken the heart and played with the feelings of a guy they care about) a small lie. So what if Guzman went on a date with Lili, or any other girl! He's within his rights. Nikki married Roy, despite Guzman begging her practically on his knees, and left with him. She's on her honyemoon with her husband! She's lucky Polita and Lili decided on this little prank instead of cursing her out.
I was more annoyed with Nikki throwing in the towel so easily. Once again, so what if Guzman went on a date?! She knows he loves her. And she says she loves him. So why not take care of what she needs to do (dump Roy), and go back to Mexico to FIGHT for her love. She's such a wimp!
Anibal didn't disappoint me last night. Always looking out for number one.
But Cande did disappoint me. Diana- Ditto everything you said about her.
"The Ho explains messing up Nikki by saying she "saved" Nikki from marrying a deadbeat like the Little Ape."
And Nelson Brizz seems to accept this "explanation". What a guy!
About Odette -- I thought I saw a bit of self doubt in her eyes when Stevie turned the other cheek with his "I'll never forget that you gave me life." I agree with Diana: "I love that he reacted to his mother's hate and venom with calmness and dignity."
The avances show Felipe handing Guzmancito plane tickets to Miami. Let's hope that Nikki isn't on her way back to Mexico when he gets there. A little Miami romance would be fun ...
Oh and I'm not a fan of the Mean Girls thing. (Really Sara, it didn't bother you?) But there has been a slight shift in the Polita-Ratiana dynamic. Polita seems to be ok with Ratiana and Guzmán for reals. When did THAT happen?
I think at this point Polita thinks she's protecting Guzman from Niki's machinations (plus getting a little of her own back).
Yay - can't wait to meet Jhoan/Carlos!
Hope Viki stays firm in her conviction that FF has something over Anyballs.
I'm also looking forward to Carlos entering the picture. Looks like we're entering a new stage. Vicky and Nikki know the truth about Kendra (although Nikki still doesn't know about the affair); Adri is likely getting a cool job; and Carlos will be entering the picture. Doesn't sound like Anibal will be able to boss him around like he did before either. Yay!
Good for Vikki! She is definitely on to Anyballs being blackmailed by the FF, and she's not going to give in to either of them.
Anyballs did take the news about KendHo's messing with Nikki, but then Anyballs is a very cool customer. He wouldn't want Nikki marrying a bodyguard anyway, and he assumes Nikki is happily married and enjoying her honeymoon.
Poor Odette had another bad day. She looked like she was going to cry after that horrible scene with Estafano. His statement that she will always be the woman who gave him life really got to her (and me too!).
I did enjoy the Mean Girls - Nikki deserves to be taken down a bit for her constant crappy treatment of both Lili and Polita. I just hope Guzman isn't hurt by their antics.
FF succumbing to KendHo's seduction - more of the same - getting boring.
That says a lot about you, more of the two wrongs make a right kind of woman huh... I don't agree with the way Nikki treated Lili, but before this episode though I don't like Lili I actually admired Lili for not stooping low to Nikki's level and now she is no better if not worse because she knows how Guzmancito feels about Nikki; in my opinion she just showed her true colors. Of course Guzmancito is going to be hurt, he loves Nikki with every fiber of his being and I hope Guzmancito finds out what she did and says something/puts her in her place, whatever. Just saying!
Team Nikki/Guzmancito
They don't know Nikki loves Guzmancito but they DO KNOW that Guzmancito loves Nikki and that is way worse because they are supposedly supposed to be Guzmancito's friend and care about him. They were out of line, regardless of their reasons, it's not their place. Some friends if you ask me!!!
Team Nikki/Guzmancito
Team Nikki/Guzmancito
Count me in as more PO'ed at Nikki than at Polita and Lili. When is Nikki going to fight for her amor? She just got the best news of her life -- that Guzmancito is no gigolo and that he really is in love with her -- and she lets herself get floored because Guzman and Lili are novios? Give me a break. First, Nikki knows all the past trash talking she gave Polita and Lili, so she should suspect what they're saying. Second, Lili's supposed going to the movies with Guzman is a tame date and certainly doesn't signal a hot romance.
Odette was crying. She's just too mean for tears.
I too am disappointed in Cande. She let Anibal feed her fear, but I'm guessing she'll go back to the priest again and he'll set her on the right path.
So Jocelyn kept up with Carlos over the years. At first I thought Jocelyn was Vickie's backstabber friend -- not Doris -- and maybe that she even slept with Nelson, but I'm liking her now. At least until she tries to paw JA again.
I so agree with you about Jocelyn. I thought she was a backstabber too, but maybe she isn't. She has kept up with Carlos all these years.
Another thing, Doris sure is blowing the money isn't she? Did anyone notice all the pearls she was wearing and she looked so happy going shopping? Hmmmmm.
Seriously, I'm I writer's dream. I just sit slack jawed in front of the screen and take it all in. I rarely question anything. I don't think about much either. Lol
But you are subconsciously observing. Many a time you come up with the best ones, like craptastic, and Ewwww-sebio. You are paying attention, amiga : )
I too zone out sometimes when things go over the top, but all in all I want to know what makes the characters tick and why they do the things they do.
Julia is the queen of coming up with great nicknames, IMHO.
I have a question---Could it be possible that Estefano will be Nelson's replacement at MetaImagen?
I had to laugh when you said that you were not sure if they had hair
extensions but it just sounds better to describe it like that.
Surprise, Josie and the Pussycat are back.
I have read all sides and consided
everything that was said about the
Polita, Lili, Nikki thing last night. As you all know, I have never been seated at the Nikki table on the patio--well at least not yet. Victoria---maybe at some time in the future. But let's look at Nikki. WAY BACK, All THE WAY BACK TO THE VERY BEGINNING---Nikki
has been a snotty, nose in the air, look down on those that are not rich, pampered, spoiled, brat, princess bi--h. Last night she got some garbage thrown back at her---a long time overdue. Think about it. If you had been treated like you were just dirt beneath her feet, would you be inclined to be
sweet and nice to her? That would be a very hard thing even for nice people like Polita and the Little Orchid. Sarah c---you are right,
Nikki is oh so gullible and not very smart I might add. Vivi, you are also right, she's a crying baby wimp. Sorry Victoria, I know that you liked her from the beginning but remember--what goes around comes around. It's about time that "your Nikki" grows up.
I'm not saying that what Polita and Lili did was right, but I didn't shed a tear for the Brat Princess last night. Sorry Victoria
but she hasn't been a very nice person and by her own actions, she makes it hard for people to feel sorry for her.
the gringo
the gringo
And thanks Elvira! That really was a great recap - you didn't miss anything.
la terna List of the three finalists for a job or position
So if Adriana is on "la terna", does that mean that Joan/Johan/Jhoan has knowingly put her there? If so, he is surely looking for a way to connect with the Balvanera family.
Could it be a blind list? Johan knows the work but not the names of the candidates? But then how does Adri know that the others on the list are an Italian and a Spaniard?
Or maybe Adri herself has an artistic name, say La dama de la tristeza y de las bufandas and so Johan doesn't know she is related to his true love?
Hey Niecie, are you really liking Jocelyn?
First she tells Adri that she is a shoo-in for the job but never tells her the director is THE OTHER CARLOS. [CARLOS THE LESSOR? Well, maybe that sounds like he rents. Need to think.]
And then she cackles to Doris that Adri is dead in the water.
The Balvanera girls have to get themselves some new friends. [o eso digo yo]
It would be lovely if Estefano replaced Nelson.
Nelson and Kendho revolcandose are such a turn-off. Too much airtime! And why is Kendra bothering with Nelson anyway?
Maybe Adriana is only using her first name, ya know artistically speaking and isn't using her last name or she could be using her Mama's family name maybe. But then again Joan(the Spanish spelling for Johann) might know about that because of Ms Vikki, so maybe she is just using her first name. Is Adriana a common woman's name in Spanish? He wouldn't necessarily know if it is common name. I think really he will hire her, especially if he finds out she is Vikki's sister and since Adri hasn't seen him since she was little, she may not recognize him and he has changed his name from Carlos Gonzales to Joan Constantine so she may not know she knows him. But he may use Adri to get info on Ms Vikki.
I think you are right about Jocelyn's motives. She does want the Angel for herself. Kendho only wants FF for the fortune she "thinks" he will get in divorcing Ms Vikki. She is imagining that FF will get all of Meta Imagen, this is her thinking, and tons of millions of moola. In her dreams. Now that Anyballs knows about the Ho and the bebe, if I were Kendho, I'd be watching my back. Look what he did to Adri. I swear Anyballs reminds me of the Godfather, not Antonio, but the Godfather from the movie, don't dare cross his butt!
Yep, Jocelyn cackling about Adriana not getting the job -- bad. But Jocelyn taking glee in ticking off Nelson - good. Maybe Vickie should limit their friendship just to the strip club visits.
These two episodes had very high ratings in Mexico. People loved the drama, and I LOVED how our two refined, blue-blooded, well bred Balvanera ladies (aka Vicky and Adri) turned into trailer trashes who cursed and slapped the cr** out of Kendho.
While I'm sitting at Nikki's table, and I don't like meangirling, I agree with everyone who said it was a well-deserved karma coming back and biting her in her bratty butt.
And yes, it's high time for all three girls to grow up.
Tumblr also loves AV:
Sherlyn and Eiza
Lady Odiodette of the Broken Gaydar
Kendho-Vicky-Arriaga (I'm afraid Eduardo was harmed in the making of this scene. :))
and this is for the Guzmi/Nikki fans :)
Team Nikki/Guzmancito
If any of you wants to know who'll play him, here's an article from the Univision site:
Thanks so much for the Tumblr links and also the link for Carlos Gonzales. I can't wait until he appears, cause here he plays a good guy instead of the louses he usually plays.
And I'm also not bothered by Liliana and Polita's lie. If I can be forgiving for all of Nikki's stupid choices then I can be forgiving for Lili's.
I hate the name Joan Constantín for a Spanish native. Those poor men born with the name should be suing their parents.
I don't think that Jocelyn is particularly good or bad, she is just Jocelyn. She lives in a perpetual Happy Hour. I'd venture to say that she has boinked both Nelson and Carlos/Jhon. I don't think that she wants José Ángel for her very own but would like to borrow him for awhile.
I hope that the detective rejects Aníbal's offer, but it looks as though he might have a price after all. Reminds me of the joke about the lady who says, "What do you think I am?"
It'll take Odette a bit longer to come to grips with Estéfano's revelation, but I'm sure she'll come around.
I've been a Nikki supporter from the beginning but I don't mind what the mean girls are doing. I was actually expecting Ratiana to spend a little quality time with Guzmán. Now it looks as though Nikki and Frankie will cross paths in the Miami airport, but neither will notice the other.
gringo--Interesting observation about Nikki--"Nikki
has been a snotty, nose in the air, look down on those that are not rich, pampered, spoiled, brat, princess bi--h. Last night she got some garbage thrown back at her---a long time overdue."--yet she fell in love with Guzman but STILL treated him like scum (with Kendra pulling the puppet strings). I would rather have had Lili throw some verbiage type of garbage back at her.
The other comment I agree with is that Polita and Lily don't know what's going on in Miami, so this is a practical joke made to *help* their gorilita chulo get Nikki out of his heart. They shouldn't have used Lili as the target--that's only going to bring complications. If not, though, where is the story going to go.
I'm hoping that kiss we see in the avances is somebody's illusion. I don't want to see Arriaga being so rough. I want to see him as he was the night he and Vikki danced together at the antro and just move seductively down from her cheek to her lips. That was so romantic.
How long is it going to take Vik to figure out what FF has over Anyballs. Right now, only the two men know what, although FF alluded to it to Kendra.
For once, I was pulling for the FF to give Kendra the cold shoulder and leave rather than cave to her charms. We still could have had a story with her sending Espanto after him to "harm" him where it would hurt him the most. We could probably use another hospital scene about now.
I was so proud of Estefano last night. Will he be too proud to ask Vikki for a job, though? Maybe he'll tell JM about Odette's threats to blackball him and JM mentions it to Vik.
Please, let's not have the ...he's leaving on a jet plane going north while she's leaving on a jet plane going south(west). That ticket is rather expensive for folks living from paycheck to paycheck--and they owe some abogados a lot of dough for Bea.
I got a big LOL out of the possibility of Kendra, if not pregnant before, she would be after last night's bedtime games.
I wish we could have seen Vikki actually pull out some of Kendra's hair extensions and have them end up in her hands. There's nothing worse than a model being denuded of her fake locks.
Funny how Nelson fairly seethes with disgust at the thought of Vikki and Nikki messing around with 'simple empleados' - yet, what is Kendra? She lords it over the low-class bodyguards and feeds into the FF's class prejudices while she is lower-classed than all of them. Nelson is a blind, stupid fool.
It doesn't seem to me that Joan knows that Adriana is one of the finalists for the job. From Adri's conversation, the producers are putting the team together for the film and she was told that Constantin would be the Director and would make the final decision from one of the three finalists. They probably told the Director they were putting the group together but that he would have the final say on the photog once he's in Mexico.
Vikki knows that Jocelyn knows Joan and suspects that she may have had a 'dalliance' with him. I wonder what she'll think when she finds out he is Carlos (and that her best friend has maybe slept with him)? Oops!
Carlos, How you could you say such a thing?! I praying not!
Anon 3:55- "Guzman WILL find out and he will feel so disappointed in Lili and Poli that THEY will end up being hurt by how he can't trust them any more."
I'm hoping for it! Also that he tells them off! Just saying!
Team Nikki/Guzmancito
I was hoping Lili wouldn't stoop to that level, but I guess I'm not really surprised. Not a good strategy if she really does want any chance with Guzman, though...oh, wait, this is Telenovelaland, where, if a guy can't be with the one he loves, he'll go for the one who is most omnipresent and persistent, no matter how he actually feels about her. Well, I hope Guzmi has more sense...Nikki is young for him, but Lili is REALLY TOO young. Hop on over to the club and Go Fish, Lili.
I like that Vicky figured out that Anibal is being blackmailed to keep FF around. Now maybe she and her team can counter that with some blackmail or threats of their own and get rid of the petulant toad.
I am disgusted with Cande. Tell the truth, you coward. Jose Angel will be fine. He can still be Lili's dad.
Loved the links Aribeth.
Glad you are back gringo! "I have a question---Could it be possible that Estefano will be Nelson's replacement at MetaImagen?" We can only hope!!!
Team Nikki/Guzmancito
I don't think Vicky cares that much anymore who is boinking Nils, but she's still mad at Kendrat over the betrayal. Kendrat was her employee and supposedly her friend and her daughter's friend, and she was living in their house and taking advantage of their hospitality and borrowing jewelry and whatnot. That's a big step worse than just being some garden-variety anonymous stranger ho.
I apologize for last week when I crapped out and didn't add any screencaps. I still think I might. I have the episode and could do it. Who knows. Last week was a very hectic day and no puedo, no puedo.
Looking forward to tonight's episode for sure!
I love your photos and captions. Especially speaking English as proof of skankatude.
Thanks for all your splendid screen shots and I am with Julia you are spoiling us rotten!
I too liked the skanktatude, lol.
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