Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Amores Verdaderos #135 Tue 5/21/13 Carlos has entered the building
To get the discussion going, here is the gentleman in question:
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It's CARLOS! And you know he's from Spain, because he pronounces "s" like "th." |
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Vicki and Carlos chat. |
OVERVIEW OF EPISODE (may not be completely in order).
* Guzman and Amber catch up on what's going on. They seem friendly and easy with each other. Amber is good with divorcing; she's in a stable relationship and divorce would be a good thing. She asks him about what's up; he explains a little about Nikki and how it sucks to be him. Amber is sympathetic. It's revealed that Guzman had a bodyguarding job for some guy who is soon returning to England.
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Guzman chats with his ex as they hang out in the Estados Unidos. |
* Vicki is in Buenos Aires. She's being very cosmopolitan and writing her novel while drinking coffee at a cafe. She befriends a waitress and explains how she's writing an
* Nikki and Roy the Boy take more time in Florida and then it's time to leave. On to Toronto!
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But they had such good times. . . |
* We have a "meses despues" (months later) and we see a "Passage of Time" montage. Big Angel is taking bodyguard training and of course he's the best in the class. Lili takes plant classes of some kind. (Gardening, whatever.) Felipe and Paula are still in search of Guillo and put up posters with his picture on them. It's revealed that they've managed to keep the truth from Guzman all this time about Guillo, because what's the point? They don't want Guzman to quit working in the Estados Unidos when there's nothing he can do, they think.
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Big Angel undergoes proper training for being a bodyguard. |
* Beatriz's pregnancy is starting to show, but she covers up with baggy clothes so no one has guessed yet. Salsa-Dude has kept his distance but still keeps looking for Leo the Low and Guillo. Kendra-Ho has wears slinky tight-fitting clothes to show her substantial baby bump. The Furry Fornicator still isn't reconciled with her, though he does give her a monthly income. Big Angel, Lili, and Adriana hang out a lot (as Big Angel is Adri's bodyguard). They are happy and close, but not too close, if you know what I mean. Adri obviously loves spending time with Lili.
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Adri, Big Angel, and Lili: Happy, happy, happy. |
* Nikki and Roy the Boy get along okay. Roy the Boy does his tennis thing and Nikki just vegetates at home and writes letters to the Little Ape that she never sends to him. She moons over the loss of the Little Ape and mopes. Roy the Boy starts to nag Nikki about what she's doing with her life (nothing). (As Vivi points out, it's pretty bad when Roy the Boy is the go-getter among the two!)
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Nikki writes letters to the Little Ape, while he is galavanting around the Estados Unidos. Even in her sadness, Nikki is still bitchy and jealous about Lili. |
* There's a rehash of Beatriz's despair on not knowing where Guillo is. No new leads, no nothing. She would do anything, even give her life, just to get Guillo back. Paula and Felipe seem united in supporting her. She misses Salsa-Dude but is afraid of him finding out how Leo the Low raped her, because she's afraid that Salsa-Dude will try to kill Leo the Low. (Which would only be a bad thing because Salsa-Dude would end up in jail.) Meanwhile, Leo the Low (now wearing a very black and fake-looking wig and moustache) is still in the country with Guillo and his mom. Guillo is worried about mommy and wonders how come they can't see her now. Leo the Low gives some B.S. stalling excuse.
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Felipe comforts Bea. |
* Big Angel did super-duper awesome on his training. Salsa-Dude congratulates him. The conversation strays to Salsa-Dude's great love for Bea, and how he will keep on looking for Leo the Low.
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Big Angel has a friendly chat with Salsa-Dude. |
* Adriana helps Lili shop and get a new wardrobe. She's looking more citified and grown up. Big Angel needs some time getting used to this. He says she looks very pretty. Adri bought the clothes for Lili and seems so happy and content showering Lili with love and goodies.
* The Furry Fornicator notices how happy and close that Big Angel, Adriana, and Lili are. Only the Furry Fornicator wants to zero in on Big Angel and Adriana—he suggests that Adri has "stolen" Vicki's lover! Adri is outraged and tells the FF what a twisted SOB he is. (Only she says it nicer than that.)
* Kendra the Ho is chatting with (whatever his name is! the guy who mowed down Christina). She's kvetching about how the FF barely tolerates her. She's stir crazy and bored, being stuck in her apartment all the time. Pregnancy is such a drag. She vows to never have any more kids after this.
* Nikki sees an article online about Kendra the Ho. She & Roy the Boy then talk about Kendra and what a Ho she is. Nikki mocks Kendra's choice in baby names "Mia." So common! Roy the Boy doesn't even think Kendra is that hot. (Well, we all want to know his expert opinion! LOL) They wonder who the babydaddy is. Nikki says she saw Roy the Boy on TV. Congrats! He wonders why she doesn't get her skinny, lazy ass out of the hotel room and see him play in person. "Sure Roy" (she says in English). After he takes off to shower, she dreams of her Little Ape and again says how she misses him and how different her life would be if she could be with him.
* Adri, Lili and Big Angel are having dinner together, in a room that is not the main dining room. It's become their custom. More talk about buying Lili's clothes. Big Angel isn't so sure about Lili getting short skirts and maybe slutty wear. Adri assures Big Angel that this is the 21st Century and he'll just have to deal. Lili is a full-grown LADY now! In the middle of this happiness, Adri gets a phone call from Joan Constantin, aka CARLOS, sporting a fetching Spanish accent. He tells her she's got the job! She squees and gets all excited, much to Carlos/Joan's kind amusement. The camera doesn't let us see Joan's face (they are teasing us). She tells everyone else the news and they rejoice with her.
* Odioette is recovering at home, still handicapped by her stroke, not able to talk or move very well, paralyzed on one side. She's energized by her hate. Dear Jean Marie, who has the patience of a saint, comes in and cheerfully brings her food. She growls at him; she wants him to leave. Jean Marie is unflaggingly upbeat. When he tries to feed her, she lashes out and spills all the food on the floor. She yells at him and blames him for corrupting Estefano. Poor Jean Marie!
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Jean Marie shows his love and respect for Estefano by dealing with Estefano's vile mother. |
* Joan/Carlos now calls Jocelyn to ask her a favor. She is driving and she cheerily replies that she can't, she's on the way to pick up Vicki from the airport.
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A tantalizing view of Carlos's back. |
* Jean Marie is lounging in the kitchen, telling everyone how Odioette is in a bad way (and is kindly saying she's a handful) but he's trying to help out of his love for Estefano. Big Angel comes in and they chat a bit and then off to work. Adri comes in to remind Big Angel that Today Is The Big Day, Vicki returns! Big Angel seems to have unsteady hands as he smiles and says he knows. Adri teases Big Angel because she can tell he's looking forward to Vicki returning and that he's still "interested." Big Angel refuses to verbally acknowledge this but Adri is not fooled, as she laughs and walks away. When left alone, Big Angel sighs like a schoolboy that Vicki's coming back, squee!
* Jocelyn has picked up Vicki from the airport and says that they've got to stop and Jocelyn's bachelorette pad for a moment. As they are in the elevator, Jocelyn hints around that Adri has been spending a lot of quality time with Big Angel. Vicki purses her lips. As they approach the door of the apartment, Jocelyn makes up an excuse of going back to her car to get her cell phone. This leaves Vicki alone to wander around the apartment. Suddenly, a silver-haired guy emerges . . . it's CARLOS! She's impactada. He says he's been dreaming of her for 25 years and now finally she's in front of him.
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The Return of Carlos. |
* Oblivious that he now has some silver-haired competition, Big Angel is spiffing himself up for Vicki's arrival. He's preening in the mirror and awkwardly spraying cologne on himself. Meanwhile, Carlos is flattering Vicki and she's lapping it up. He says she's more beautiful than ever. She comments that he hasn't changed hardly at all, she instantly recognizes him (he points to his silver hair, as if that makes a big difference). She is delighted but she just can't believe he's there! He admits that he asked Jocelyn to set this all up. He bends in for a greeting kiss, hovering over her mouth for a moment and then kissing her on the cheek. Lots of chemistry brewing here as Big Angel continues to prepare for her arrival in front of his mirror.
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Getting ready for her return, whistling as he works. One word: ADORABLE. |
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Carlos's brilliant smile of happiness at seeing Vicki. |
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Vicki is pleasantly surprised by the arrival of her old flame Carlos. |
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Going in for a kiss on the cheek, but hovering around the mouth first. Carlos, you devil you. |
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He thinks he looks like a proper galán. Well, yes he does, but he's got competition now! |
* Carlos is getting Vicki caught up with his life—but it's all a lie. He spins some yarn about having a job with a market chain. It sounds like a respectable middle management job, nothing shabby but not Richie Rich either. She seems interested and asks him questions about it. He's very clear that he's just a working schlub. She asks him about his dreams to become a film director. He blows them off and says they're still a dream, but he's always so busy and tired from work he hardly has time to go to the movies anymore. He plays the "Humble working man" card VERY hard. Man, Carlos, is your nose growing longer from all these lies?
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Oh sure, Carlos, You're just a hard-working guy, nothing fancy-schmantsy about you at all. |
* Vicki is very happy to see Carlos. He tells her he kept in touch with Jocelyn in all these years, but never tried to contact her out of "respect for her husband."
* More with Nikki moping, doing nothing but writing letters to the Little Ape (that she never sends to him) and the Little Ape working in the Estados Unidos, looking lonely.
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Nikki misses her Little Ape. |
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The Little Ape is kept busy working in the Estados Unidos. |
* The Furry Fornicator and Kendra-the-Ho are fed up with each other. He's visiting her in her apartment and she wants more, more, more. He's impatient, he's busy and he's got too much on his plate and she's a pain in the neck! Shrieking and nagging. He storms off, telling her that her crappy attitude is driving him more away from her and making him less likely to want to marry her. After he's gone, she tells her bebe that he doesn't know that she knows he still loves his wife (does he?) but she will get rid of that obstacle, just like she got rid of Christina. Uh oh!
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Let's hope that none of her selfish evil will rub off on the bebe. |
* Big Angel is fussing around in Vicki's studio, carrying a pot of flowers, obviously excited for her return. But Vicki is otherwise occupied, still chatting with the hunky Carlos. He's still playing the working man card to the hilt. "Here, have a cup of coffee! I got it on sale!" He suggests that she did better with the Furry Fornicator, because he was able to give her the life she was used to. She replies, "Perhaps I would have been happier with you." This leaves him impactado and that is where we leave the episode!
AVANCES: Exciting, more stuff with Carlos. MUST SEE TV!!
Labels: Amores
Nevertheless - that rapid fire diction? Dead giveaway that he's a Spaniard.
Looks like Kendra really IS preggers. Ack. She and Nelson really deserve each other.
I like Guzman's ex. It's great that they can be friends.
Odette is SO not a happy camper. Well, bless her heart. NOT!
Questions that came to mind:
- How does Guzman know Nikki is in Toronto, but Nikki has no idea where he is and that wherever he is, he is NOT with Lili?
- Why's it still the middle of winter in NY 4 months later?
- How is it that Guzman believes the lie that his nephew is back home, when he hasn't spoken to him on the phone in the four months he's been away? What kind of lie did the Guzmans come up with for where the kid was each time? He's doing homework; outside playing; sleeping off a hangover (you know little kids can't hold their liqour)...
- Why the HELL is Nelson still in the BV house?!
- Is Kendra giving birth to a basketball?
Loved that pic of Carlos/Joan. He is muy guapo. I like this actor and can't wait to see him as a good guy this time, I hope. Can't wait for your marvelous recap.
I think Frankie is getting updates about Nikki from the Angel or maybe Adri. Adri is still a good friend of Frankie's. As for the rest I think Pau and Felipe are filling him with you know what, so he doesn't come rushing back to Mexico. Agree about Kendho and the basketball, lol.
I missed about the first twenty minutes so will wait for Elvira's always marvelous recap to see what I missed.
Oh, and I love Lisardo's accent. could listen to him all day, rapid fire or not : )
Excellent questions Vivi! And you had answer for questions I was planning on asking, I missed the 1st half of the episode so when I saw Kendra's basketball I was like "huh?!" So 4 months have passed? I would think though that Guzman knows where Nikki is based on where Roy is playing tennis. Can't wait for the recap! I need it!
Poor Jean Marie getting slapped by Odette :(
ITA with you Vivi about what Carlos is doing, genius! And I too noticed Vicki's hair Doris, definitely means big changes are in store!
What's Vicki's friend Joselyn's deal? Did she really tell Victoria she got an apartment for her "encounters"? So she's married but she's actively cheating on the husband she was seen dining with not too long ago? Eeewww why would Vicki want a friend like that?
Lily - Jocelyn told her it was for her encounters. Joce is a bit of a slutsky in an "open" marriage. (eeew, but "equis.") That's not really Joce's place, and only said that as a pretext to get Vikki into Carlos' apartment and leave her there. Joce set Vikki up after working it out with Carlos. It's really HIS apartment.
In reality, if Kendra has gained minimum weight, the size of her basketball is believable. Princess Kate is due in two or three months and doesn't look much bigger, last time I saw her on TV.
Back in the late 1940s and early 1950s, doctors wouldn't let pregnant women gain more than 16lbs total, according to my mother-in-law, QEPD. My doc wouldn't have survived.... I gained a whale-like almost 40 lbs.
Squeee! Another Spaniard in the house!! I love listening to them...even when they are suppressing the c/z=th. I hope he and Estefano get a scene together.
Thanks for the info Audrey!
doris, you are so right about Lisardo "has a serious Paul Newman look". I'm looking forward to the recap Elvira!
I thought Vicky was genuinely happy to see Carlos but she hardly melted on the spot. But, of course, how could she, being in love with the handsomest, most charismatic man on earth? :)
Estefano seems genuinely nice without a mean bone in his body. However, his having Jean Marie in such close proximity to his mother borders on insensitivity. I hardly think that is a prescription for a speedy recovery. I would imagine blood pressure within limits might be preferable for a recovering stroke victim.
Vivi: "You know you're a lazy bum if Roy is more hard working than you are" and "(you know little kids can't hold their liqour)..." were priceless.
I am out until later next week to be with my brother Marc who is recovering remarkably well since his stroke (thanks for all the prayers and well wishes).
Wishing all of you a safe and happy holiday weekend. Cannot wait to catch up when I return...
Kendra having a basketball! Too funny - I was thinking the same thing.
I had a thought about Nikki hanging around the hotel and doing nothing for four months. When the Ikki's talked in Miami, Nikki promised her mother that she'd get involved in a nutrition/bulimia program (I forget the exact words they used). Perhaps Nikki is attending an intensive program and that's how she's spending some of her days. In Mexico before her marriage, Nikki's activities consisted of sleeping late, pampering herself, shopping and partying most of the night. Her behavior has changed dramatically. Perhaps the writers are going to surprise us with a healthier Nikki when she finally goes back to Mexico. I'mnot a Nikki fan - she's my least favorite 'good guy', and this is not a spoiler. Just a thought about her seemingly indolent behavior.
Odette was just awful, slapping JM and throwing her food tray across the room - pretty good range of motion for a post stroke patient! She has so much to atone for. Did she ever read the contents of Salsero's envelope?
Indeed Barbara. Just when is Anibal's great plan to get rid of Nelson going to kick into gear? Because right now, Nelson has everything he wants: still married to Vicky, and even better, she's out of his hair in another country; still works for MI; still has shares in MI; still lives in the BV mansion; still seeing his pregnant mistress; gets all free booze he can manage to slosh around and smash on the floors with impunity; and gets to go around insulting the staff (especially JA) and the BV family. This guy is living in adulterer heaven right now!
I am hoping that in all these months, Anibal has been slowly embezzling funds from the company and making it look like Nelson has been doing it, and then BAM! Hit him with an audit and time in jail, just in time for Vicky's return. But my faith in Anibal's ability to screw up the lives of anyone but his women, daughters and granddaughters is limited, however.
Oh, Anyballs is full of mischief! He is crafty and I wouldn't be surprised at all if he found some way to send FF to la carcel. I know he only has screwed up the lives of the Balvanera women, but he also stole a bunch of Odette's clients when he opened Meta Imagen. I really think he will give FF just what is coming to him, I can't wait for that, just my opinion.
Angel, Adri and Lili are cute as a "family" aren't they? So easy going and the Angel has been laughing a lot lately. Lili looks like she is feeling less sad too.
I think Ms Vikki has more than one laptop. I believe she kept one in her bedroom/art room and one she carries with her all the time.
I like Vikki's new hair style. It is softer and frames her face really well. I love the way she dresses too. What lovely outfits she wears.
JA was so adorable grooming himself for Vickie's return and waiting for her in her studio.
Vivi - I'm laughing with everyone else at your crack about even Roy noting Nikki is a lazybum.
Vickie told Nikki that she'd let her read her novel now that she's finished. Does this mean Vickie's ready for Nikki to know of her love for JA? Everyone who reads it figures out it's real.
Anger seems to fuel Odiodette. So maybe JM continuing to visit will do her good. Anibal should probably pop back in too. If Odiodette can rally to slap JM, think what a rise Anibal will get out of her.
Diana - Glad to hear your brother is recovering well. Have a good trip.
Why IS Vikki's divorce taking so long???
Because Nelson is fighting it, and Anibal is probably holding Vicky's lawyer back since Nelson has promised to reveal what he knows about Anibal (as well as sell his shares) if Anibal doesn't make sure Vicky doesn't divorce him and that he gets more shares in the company. Anibal has kept his end of the bargain, at least on the divorce. He's stalling in the shares thing. And supposedly he has some great plan to squash Nellie so that he will finally agree to the divorce and set Vicky free, but I'll believe that when I see it. *rolls eyes*
I like your nickname for the FF. Nellie, lol. That is so apropos for him. He whines like a girl, lol.
"This guy is living in adulterer heaven right now!"
I didn't even know there was such a place.
Thanks so much for this part one and all these fab screen shots. I am sorry I missed the first twenty minutes now! Nellie is just a freaking putz. I am really thinking of something stronger to say, but not on this blog, lol. What a jerk.
Poor Betty, I feel so bad for her. I hope she doesn't have to give up her life or anything else for that freaking low life who shall remain nameless. I am glad I missed that part.
I wonder if Nikki is using these letters as some type of diary or something. Maybe she'll write a book like her Mama, lol. I too think she needs to do something with her time instead of loafing around. I am glad she is finally seeing the Ho for what she really is. Too bad she still doesn't know that Nellie is the papa to the Ho's Mia. I am hoping Nikki is getting stronger both physically and mentally. We will have to wait and see. But I still don't like the fact she is just loafing.
I wish someone would pour salt on NelfromHell and he would shrivel up and die. Four months to think about it and Anyballs still hasn't come up with a way to get him out of the house? Lame.
Awesome pics and summary, Elvira la Dama. I like your title, too.
Viv, I thought of you last night as Nikki sat around doing NOTHING. A man can't save you or be the only thing that makes you happy! Even if she lands Guzmancito, she can't just sit around in wedded bliss all day. She's got to DO someting with her life. Let's hope a personal growth spurt is in her future. At least we now know she's not pregnant with Guzmi's child since she's still "flaquito".
And speaking of pregnant, I was so happy when we saw "meses despues" that we would finally see a baby bump and we weren't disappointed (LOL, Viv-basketball!).
Why does Vikki need an army of bodyguards in her own backyard but can go to Argentina for 4 months and hang out in the street cafes solo?
I hope when I see my old college boyfriend I look like Vikki with my hair blown out, perfect make up and a hot pink jacket. Somehow I think it will be when I haven't washed my hair and I'm wearing workout clothes!!!
If I never hear "vomitaste?" again, it will be too soon.
I wondered the same thing about Guzman. How is he supporting himself? Am I missing something? Do you think the severance check that Vicky gave him was THAT good or was Kendra correct and he has another occupation. ;-)
So am I the only one who remembers Aníbal thought-bubbling that once Kendra's baby is born, he will demand a DNA test? That the results will prove Nelson Brizz's infidelity and he won't be able to contest the divorce?
(I can hear you all saying SO WHAT? That doesn't neutralize NB's blackmail threat! True. But hey, I don't write this dreck, I just make fun of it.)
can't wait for your GREAT 2nd half.
Just brief comments today.
Paul Newman look? I agree. Will he give big JA a run for his money?
Gobluefan---1 or 2 laptops? good one. She must have a backup.
Diana---Fill us in on Marc when you get back. Good Luck.
Which one Nikki or Roy is lazier?
That's a laugh out loud for sure.
Vivi---Good observation. Nelson is doing quite well. Did his anvil get lost or misplaced? Just wondering.
the gringo
Nikki. At least Roy is running all over a tennis court.
Vivi - Thanks! I always ask the lamest questions and you always answer them for me. (((Hugs))) I'm so distracted lately (will be a 1st-time grandmother in 3 months, sewing up a storm) that AV is taking a back seat to my focus.
Another lame question --- Is Bea still working at MI? If she is, does she think Salsero won't notice her baby bump at some point?
Or has she quit, to stay home with Paula?
Another story the writers sort of dropped with the "jump" was the KendHo viral video. Did she get busted for it by Stefano? Or is he the new Nikki, thinking his worst enemy is his BFF?
I'm saying Carlos is some good competition for JA. He better do something obnoxious because otherwise, he's a handsome, nice guy whose pulled himself up by his bootstraps. He's a keeper! Maybe for Adri?
I thought leo the low looked like Hitler in the wig and moustache.
Of course, Adri's long lost love, Vicente, hasn't shown up yet, and I believe he will be played by one of my favorite telenovios, so my loyalties may be split further down the line.
He seems to already be a hit here but he reminds me too much of Augie (CME).
"Anyballs still hasn't come up with a way to get him out of the house?"
Aníbal told Vikki that he likes his revenge served cold... maybe he likes it stale as well.
I predict that Jean Marie will ultimately win Odette over, but she sure is a surly tough old bird.
Hahahahahahahah!!!!!!! Perfect Carlos.
How could Carlos not be a hit when he's your namesake? Seeing as we're almost 100% sure that Vicky and JA will be a couple soon, it doesn't really matter if Carlos is starting out his renewed relationship (only friendship) with Vicky with some fibs about his profession.
Sure looks like it! LOL!
I also love Viki's new "luke". It really becomes her.
I am soooo sick of Joslyn who as far as I'm concerned is a skank with a bit more money than Kendra Ho. I prefer to call her Jo-Ho. There's a 12 Step program for you Joz. It's called Sex And Love Addicts Anonymous, and honey, you need it badly.
Vikki, you need to get some decent friends and dump Joz and Doris.
I looked at the cast list and now I am in hyper-puppy-like anticipation of Vicente's appearance. Tu fresh y yo eagerly awaiting the ogling ;).
I suspect he also wants to hide his other persona from Aníbal who was determined to make it impossible for Carlos to find work in Mexico. He doesn't need Aníbal declaring war on Joan Constantín and ruining his film-making project in Mexico.
Apparently Vicki has no idea that Aníbal had Carlos blackballed in Mexico, otherwise she would wonder how he was in business in Mexico at all. She seems pretty ignorant of the situation behind their breakup.
So the big deal with Guzman, the cleaning lady, and the flowers for Nikki went nowhere. Nikki didn't learn of Guzmancito's attempt to reach her in Florida since she out of the country now.
So cute seeing Big Angel's nervous anticipation in his getting ready to see Vikki again, The too generous spray of cologne was a hoot. Looks like he becomes a little unwrapped as time goes by waiting for Vikki. And when he finds out why she was tardy, oh no.
Thanks, Elvira. I stick get a laugh out of your nickname, Salsa-Dude.
I would, in fact, LOVE to see her go shopping! Anything!
Thanks so much for the fab part 2 of your recap and the added screen caps.
I agree with you Audrey about Anyballs, and his getting rid of those guys any way he could.
I don't know if he paid them, I doubt it, or if he told his girls the boys took the money and ran, but he for sure got rid of them.
I think this marriage to Roy may be good for Nikki, I know don't yell at me yet. It seems that Nikki is slowly but surely getting some independence and just a thought, but I think maybe this will be a little maturing lesson for her. We'll have to see.
Vivi and Julia:
Yes can't wait for Vincente. I have known for some time who he is and I can't wait : )
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