Thursday, May 09, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #126 Wed 5/8/13 Poor Nikki -- she couldn't break the family curse!

People on the Patio:  Balzac Speaks

In this second edition of People on the Patio, we are thrilled to bring you the one, the only Balzac!!!

NM:  Balzac Longoria -- You are the breakout star this season.  Your name heads the list of The Most Charismatic Dogs in Latino Television.   Your face is on the cover of the Spring issue of Semiotics in Mexican Telenovelas.  And on the Patio, they say that just by showing up, you ensure the success of any episode you are in*.  Are you surprised by the enthusiastic reaction of critics and fans alike to your nuanced portrayal of a dog in crisis?

[*See previous comments for full discussion of the Niecie-Balzac Rating Scale, an exquisite metric inspired by today's guest.]

Balzac:  Um ...what?

NM:  I said people are really into you.

Balzac:  Hey.  It happens.  [Stands, circles three times and settles in comfortably on the couch.  Gnaws in apparent contentment on a drool-encrusted liver chew.]  

NM:  Some of us were shocked when you chose to stay with Jean Marie rather than go back to Estéfano.  What do you say to those who see your decision as disloyalty?

Balzac:  Did you see the crap Stevie made me wear?

NM:  Yes, well the beret was an unfortunate choice ...

Balzac:  … and please don't get me started on my operation ...  

NM:  You mean you were ... er ... fixed?

Balzac:  And I'm here to tell you, it wasn't broke!

NM:  So sorry, dude.  

Balzac:  Anyway -- Have you seen the way Frenchie feeds me?  Next question ...

NM:  You seem so mellow on the show.  Forgive me but … are you, perhaps, heavily medicated?

Balzac:  Uh ... what was the question again?

NM:  Never mind, dude.  Let's talk about your name.  Does it bother you that some on the Patio snicker whenever they say "Balzac" (hehe)?

Balzac:  Names don't matter that much to me.  I'm more into smells and textures.  Anyway, Odette always called me Bubba.  Stevie tried to class it up and I'm okay with that.  Hell's bells, I'm just glad he didn't call me Colette.

NM:  Now that you mention Odette -- what's the deal with you two?  You peed in her shoe and she threw you out on the street, right?  You must feel a lot of resentment towards her ...

Balzac:  No!  You've got it all wrong! I peed in her shoe because I love her!  She is so … fierce! ... oh, words fail me!

NM:  Speaking of words, I have to tell you how impressed I am that you speak Human -- flawlessly!  Can you tell the Patio how you achieved such a remarkable level of fluency?  

Balzac:  I had been working with a fabulous human named Opalina.  You know her?  José Ángel's friend?  Well she is just ... magical.  It's almost spooky how gifted this woman is.

NM:  You had been working with her?  But not anymore?  Did something happen?

Balzac:  [Looks away from the camera and studiously licks his nether regions]

NM:  Balzac, tell us.  What happened between you and Opalina?

Balzac:  [Mumbles something unintelligible]

NM:  You'll have to speak up, Balzac.  We can't understand you.  What?  What did you say?



Balzac:  I didn't know, I didn't know, I didn't know, I didn't know.  I did not know.

[Balzac trembles.  The studio techs are sniffing the air suspiciously.  What is that smell?]  

[NM to someone off camera:  Psssst! Somebody get the damn dog out of here!]

NM:  That's all we have time for today, folks!  And now -- Amores verdaderos!

It was a slow news night on the Patio.  La Ferretti catches us all off balance when she names her supposed baby's supposed father.  Nelson Brizz makes Aníbal blink.  And Roy makes it clear that Nikki is going to pay for her moment of happiness with a lifetime of misery.

Airport drama?
We were hoping that our princess would escape from the malevolent, high-haired troll and make her way back to the good and handsome prince.  No such luck.  Nikki gets on the plane.  With her surly husband.

Back at the hacienda, they mourn the wedding 
Adriana comforts Guzmán and then observes, more to herself than to Lili:
Pobre Nikki, no rompió con la maldición de la familia.
(Poor Nikki, she couldn't break the family curse.)

Salsero phones Guzmán from the Ministerio Público and fills him in on Beatriz's situation.

Victoria reads Nikki's farewell note aloud to Tomasina.  If only she had said goodbye in person …  

An unlikely heroine

Nelson Brizz is in a foul mood.  First he tries to pick a fight with Victoria and then with José Ángel.  But before he can pick up a fire extinguisher, Kendra appears on the scene, all wide-eyed innocence.  Lastly, Vikki joins the others.  Now that her audience is assembled, Kendra is ready to tell them -- and us -- who fathered her child:

La hija que espero … mi bebé … es el resultado de una violación.
(The daughter I'm expecting … my baby … is the product of rape.)

Nelson Brizz is able to breathe again.  Whew.  Victoria is taken aback.  Why did Kendra tell her and Nikki that the baby's father was a married man who refused to take responsibility?  JA echoes:  Yeah, why?  Because Kendra wanted to protect Nikki.  Huh?  That's right -- when they were being held by those bad bad men, Kendra saved Nicole Brizz's very life by trading on the only thing she had to offer -- her virtue!

Kendra blubbers, Nelson gapes, Arriaga shakes his head disgustedly and Victoria is overcome with tender gratitude towards this brave young woman.  Kendra can stay with them as long as she likes, they will arrange psychological help for her if she needs it [oh honey, she needs it].  But la Ferretti hasn't finished her performance:
I finally realized that it wasn't my daughter's fault.  I'll love her even if she was engendered by swine.

Nelson is flabbergasted.  ¿Qué demonios es esto?  He follows Kendra into her room and she explains:  Arriaga was pressuring her so she had to make up a story.  "But it was so real!" marvels Nelson, who is not quite sharp enough to wonder whether she has ever used her acting skills on him.

Guzmán tells Victoria about Beatriz.  She, of course, reacts sympathetically.  She tells Guzmán that after he takes Kendra back to the Mansion, he should go to Bea.  He tries to tell her he is resigning but the question of his job is left unresolved.

Leo gives Guillo a booster dose of lies
He, his mother and Guillo are in a country town, preparing to lie low for a while.  If the police find them, Guillo will go to jail because of Beatriz's lies.  Here Guillo pipes up with his own theory: 
-- Maybe his mom blamed him because she was nervous, you know, like when the teacher calls on you in class and you don't know the answer and you just say the first thing that comes into your head. [ok fans of Guillo.  This was pretty endearing.] 

Maybe, says Leo noncommittally.  But not to worry -- he is working with a lawyer to straighten out their troubles and get mommy out of jail.  And then she can come live with them in the country.

It's time to come clean!
That's what Antonio advises his old friend Aníbal.  But Aníbal is sure he can silence Nelson with a suitable bribe.  Nelson enters right on cue and Antonio takes his exit.

Nelson Brizz has been thinking it over and now he has a revised set of demands:

--Help repair his marriage to Victoria
--Don't mess with Kendra
--Increase his ownership of the company to 51%

Aníbal scoffs:  Nelson, ¡no me vengas con estupideces! (Spare me the crap!)

Nelson pulls Candelaria's letter out of his pocket and reads it aloud -- Cristina Arriaga was his daughter and Liliana could be Adriana's missing daughter!

When Adriana finds out, she'll denounce her father.  And the great Aníbal Balvanera will spend the rest of his life in a stinking prison.  His granddaughter Nikki will despise him.  Victoria will realize that the man she idolizes has feet of clay and her respect will turn to hatred and shame.

Aníbal listens to Nelson and says impassively:
Aunque hablar de negocios después de desayuno es de pésimo gusto, veo que no hay otra opción.
(Although talking about business after breakfast is in extremely bad taste, I see there's no other choice.)

Suegro, answers Nelson, leaning over the older man's desk, tú y yo siempre terminamos entendiéndonos.
(You and I always end up understanding each other.)

Arriaga and Lili prepare to leave the hacienda.  They are unable to reach Candelaria but leave a phone message for her.  They are anxious to find out what her letter said -- they agree it must have been something very important.

Aníbal passes on the word to Victoria -- it's not the right time for a divorce, business-wise.  [He can't look her in the eye when he says this.]

She doesn't get it.  What does business have to do with it?  He tells her that Nelson won't agree to the divorce unless he gets 70% of the business.  What about his adultery?  She can't prove it; it's his word against hers.  Nelson is also threatening to sell his 20% of Meta Imagen to Odette Longoria.  So here is the plan Aníbal concocted:  he'll name Nelson chief executive of the company and increase his ownership.  But it will be a sham -- ultimately they will oust Nelson from the company.

Victoria doesn't like it and refuses to play along.

Guzmán visits Beatriz in her jail cell
It turns out that he was listening to the Junior Detectives on the Patio.  Zambrano has a connection with store security and is having the security camera tapes sent to the Ministerio Público for review.  They are sure to show her innocence and she should be released in a matter of hours.  He and Salsero are working together on this. He's sure they'll find Guillo very soon.

And how about Francisco?  Ay ay ay.  Nikki is married and gone. No matter how much it hurts, it's time to turn over a new leaf.  Bea reaches through the bars and strokes her brother's cheek.

Cranky Odette  is in the midst of criticizing Estéfano's work -- being in love is having a bad effect on it -- when she gets a call from Kendra.  Kendra first taunts Odette about the wedding she was excluded from and then gets ready to explode the bomb about Estéfano and Jean Marie.  But Odette cuts her off -- she's too busy for chitchat -- and leaves Kendra fuming.  ¡Estúpida!  She is determined to parry Estéfano's 'secret' into big money.

Estéfano joins his mother in her office.  Are his ears burning?  He gives no clue.  His mother wants him to come somewhere with her before the dinner with his novia (girlfriend -- unambiguously!).  She's looking for a wedding gift -- a show of what it means to have class! [ooh.  Hostile gifting.]

In the kitchen of the Balvanera Mansion, Estéfano's prometido, Jean Marie, frets over what to wear tonight.  He so wants to make a good impression on Odette.

Elsewhere in the mansion, Arriaga angrily confronts Kendra about her "rape".  She is unfazed: he has to admit it was a great idea.  So what if she destroyed a marriage?  Isn't that a good thing for both of them?  Wink wink.  Arriaga is getting madder and madder.  He won't have her mocking la señora Victoria, taking advantage of her, playing on her sympathies.  He repeats: tell her the truth or he will do it himself!  Sooner or later, Victoria will realize that her worst enemy is living right under her roof.

Kendra moves in close to Arriaga as if to seduce him.  He pushes her away roughly.  She laughs.  As if!  But she grits her teeth angrily when he walks away.

Arriaga is still seething when he joins Salsero in the bodyguard quarters.  He feels he is betraying Victoria by his silence.  He can't take any more of Nelson Brizz and his shamelessness.  And now the latest from la Ferretti?

¡Resulta que ese embarazo es producto de un acto heroico!
(It turns out that that pregnancy is the result of an act of heroism!)

That's right -- she's blaming the sleazeballs Espanto and Jonas!

Salsero speaks in dead earnestness:  "Stay away from la Ferretti.  That viper is very dangerous."

Did she have something to do with the last attack on Victoria?  Salsero won't answer directly.  "Just keep your distance," he says.

A hotel in Miami -- and a fight they will have every day and night they are together.  Forever.

Roy enters, slams the door behind him and looks disgustedly at the scraps of food left on the table.  Retching sounds come from the bathroom.  "Stop vomiting!" he yells.  "You wolfed down everything!  You're disgusting!"

Nikki comes out of the bathroom, a picture of misery and shame.  But she has enough strength to tell her husband to show some respect.  Respect?  She lost any claim to respect when she screwed that servant!  Shut up, Roy!  Why? It bothers you when I speak the truth?  Well get used to it because from now on you're going to suffer for making a fool of me! (por haberme puesto los cuernos, for putting the horns on me, for cuckolding me)

"I told you I was sorry", says Nikki miserably.  That's hardly enough for Roy.  She acted like an animal.  Well, everything comes in cycles -- and now it's Roy's turn.

He is heading out to a tennis event.  Nikki begs to go with him.  He'd rather not have her around, looking like death and stinking of vomit.

"Please, please!"  But Roy turns his back on her "drama".  Just before he leaves he turns back and says scornfully:  "Call room service and order whatever you want.  Total, si vomitas, no voy a verlo." (All in all, if you vomit, I'm not going to see it.)

Nikki makes a desperate phone call to Frankie and while she is talking to him, she falls and hits her head on the tile floor of the bathroom.
Victoria asks Salsero for the name of the woman who sent her the anonymous text.  Will Kendra be unmasked?


NovelaMaven: The interview was fresh and inspired: "[Looks away from the camera and studiously licks his nether regions]" had me laughing heartily. A real treat.

Your summary was sublime. Your words conveyed every thought, feeling and emotion of last night's tumultuous events. Most excellent. "Malevolent high-haired troll" and "hostile gifting" were among my favorites.

I've underestimated Kendra. She may be one of the most brillant Villains - ever. Sheer genius to implicate her "abductors".

"He feels he is betraying Victoria by his silence". Yes, you are! At this point, JA has to step up and tell Vicky the truth - "bodyguard code of silence be damned".

Sweet Guillo. Praying for a fast release for Bea and for a reunion with Guillo. She needs protection 24/7.

Nikki is paying dearly for her mistake. Let's hope Francisco goes out and rescues her pronto.

NovelaMaven, thank you again!



This recap is truly inspired. Loved the Balzac(hehe) interview. I had to put my coffee down. Marvelous recap : )

Poor Nikki. I have no words. The poor thing is reverting back to the bulimia with no support in sight. I too hope Frankie shows up to rescue her, or her Mama. Somebody, Anybody! Roy needs a good kick in the pants or his nether regions, enough is enough already.

Poor Guillo too. I can't stand that low one, and why is his mother going along with this???? She ought to take Guillo and go as soon as the low one goes to sleep. I don't think she has the courage.

So glad that FINALLY something is being done for Betty. Her rape, the taking of Guillo, I'm surprised the woman hasn't collapsed into a crying puddle of tears. She is very strong and I hope they find Guillo soon.

Did we on the Patio think that Kendho would tell the truth? Nah, not so much! The truth needs to be told already. I think JA is this close to telling it himself. At least Santino now knows what she is pulling. Will he do something to help the Angel out?

FF is just over the top, but Anyballs is ready for anything. I don't like the way he is forcing Ms Vikki to stay married to this idiot. I wonder how Anyballs thinks he can pull this off. He should have listened to the Godfather and told all, the consequences be damned. But Anyballs is a shrewd reprobate. I'm sure he will come up with something else.

Poor Jean Marie and Estefano. I don't like what they are stepping into. Odie will have a cow. I hope Estefano finally stands up to her.

NovelaMaven - Thank you for your delightful interview of Balzac. And the recap. Now that AV writers have jumped the shark with the Nikki/Guzman/NOT-Roy noche de bodas, I'm ready for intelligent stuff. Like Bal-sac.

Anibal should just come clean, but nobody ever accused him of being smart.

Whoa! Did anyone see Kendra's latest big story coming? The kidnapper raped her? Gah. In telenovela /AV calendar days, how many months ago WAS that? The fake baby should be in kindergarten by now.

And Kendra tossed her cell phone again! Is anyone keeping a tally of her cell phone tosses?


Thanks, Novelamaven. I liked Balzac's attitude in the interview. I still don't understand much Spanish, but I was able to figure out that the tale Ken was spinning had to do with her being raped by the ''kidnappers.'' WOW...The girl thinks fast on her feet, but that kidnapping was quite awhile ago, or has this novela moved that s-l-o-w-l-y ? Anyhoo, I am still wondering how Ken will pay for all her evil deeds. Whatever happens, I hope it happens to Fluffy , too. They are both too reprehensible to tolerate.They can both be hated on so many levels. If I were Miss Vikki, I would be very unhappy with the folks who say that they love me but never told me about Fluffy and Ken. Ignorance is not bliss.

NM- LOL! Thank you for the hilarious opening interview with Balzac. So do we think he self medicates? We all needed some self medication after this episode.

We knew Kendra wouldn't tell the truth, but did not see that particular lie coming. Vicky is bring pulled in deeper and is being made an even bigger fool. I'm ticked at JA for not telling her the truth himself. I rolled my eyes when he acted all shocked and offended that Kendra broke her promise to tell the truth. Duh! What the heck made him think Kendra had a truthful bone in her slammin body?

The only good thing about Roy turning into el Rey de Jerks is that it may hasten Nikki finally opening her eyes and ending this farce, or hasten her hitting rock bottom and getting real help from the people who really love her- Vicky and Guzman. Which it looks like will happen from the previews.

NovelaMaven, too cool... you were able to snag an interview with Balzac (heh heh). I just wish you'd asked him more about his time out on the street, but you did reveal his association with Opalina. Who knew?


"Anibal should just come clean..."

How right you are. I think that he should negotiate with Adriana with Tony as the mediator. The truth is already out there, all that's left is to reveal the details. In fact it's just now that he has learned that Roxana is the missing daughter. He could even come off as something of a hero by reuniting mom and daughter. I can't see her insisting that he be punished by going to jail.

I often think that the TRUTH is sometimes way over-rated in TNs, but in this case, I think it will serve everyone well.

Raped? That wasn't a choice. Drat you, Kendra.

I think that Odette may be more accepting, forgiving, and gracious about the news than we are anticipating.



Good morning! Balzac (hehe) has asked me to pass along his regards. He's glad you enjoyed the interview though he is still feeling emotionally shaken by the experience. He needs a little time now to lick his ... er ... wounds -- he hopes you will all understand.

He did mention, however, that he disapproves very strongly of Kendra co-opting Betty's plot line. One character should respect another's space -- Kendra Ferretti has definitely closed a line. [According to Balzac (hehe)]

He also asks that no one on the Patio refer to Roy as a "dog" since it would be an insult to canines everywhere. (He is fine with "troll".)

Remember those trolls people used to collect? If you take a close look at the Roller Boy and his hair, imagine if his hair was purple, or blue or pink. There you have it. I rest my case : ) P.S. Apologies to those that collected trolls ; )

NovelaMaven – Your recap is pure gold. Yippee, the return of Balzac. You had me at “And I'm here to tell you, it wasn't broke!”- lol. But eating Opalina’s snails - too much. :D

I’m so happy Roy has become a class-A jerk. This means no way will Little Orchid wind up with him in the end, I hope. I will surely be anti-Roy tomorrow, but last night he had me laughing my head off cause pobrecita Nikki willingly (stupidly) traded in Guzman’s “mi amor, together we can conquer your bulimia problem” for Roy’s “you crazy b____, go vomit all you want.”

Doris – ITA “The fake baby should be in kindergarten by now.”

Madelaine - I will never look at RoyBoy's hair the same again. Ever. I will only see neon pink or green. And those faces. LOL

And, Mads, I think you're spot on about Roy not ending up with Lili.


Genius and intuitive as always!!! Balzac interview inspired!

Loved "Before he can grab a fire extinguisher" hahaha! So many witty lines which I am now forgetting.

Doris, I, too have been tracking Kendra's cell phone throws. Maybe that's her way of showing her diva super-modelness!

Carlos: I hope you're right about Odettes reaction to the novio but her earlier words about "I'd rather be dead" than have you "that way" are haunting me!

Victoria in Texas: I never get to comment because my three busy kids get in the way of my blogging fun. But iSTA with EVERYTHING you say about Nikki and Guzman!!! I love them and think their chemistry is off the charts. I am with you in spirit, Sister!!!!

Thanks again, NM. You know what I think of your talent and amazing writing skills!


Diana, I suspect we may have all underestimated Kendra. As you say, "She may be one of the most brillant Villains - ever." [shudder shudder]

Mads, I had those very trolls in mind -- the blue ones with the long hair you could stand straight up. Maybe Roy will inspire a new line: Tenista trolls. (If they make them in soft foam, they could double as nerfazos)

Doris, you always crack me up:
"The fake baby should be in kindergarten by now."

Susanlynn, what can I say? Miss Vikki IS going to be very hurt when she finds out about Kendra. It's funny that Kendra has the women fooled while most of the men seem to have her number. The stereotype would suggest the opposite -- the women would be trying to unmask her and the men would be insisting on her innocence.

Vivi, I'm afraid that Balzac almost certainly self-medicates. I wasn't sure before but his behavior during the interview confirmed my worst suspicions.

"I think that Odette may be more accepting, forgiving, and gracious about the news than we are anticipating."

Hmm. Balzac would probably agree with you. Me, I'm with Katy on this. Odette did say she'd rather be dead ... But maybe she hides a soft mushy core under her steel wool exterior. Remember her sick room visits to her old friend Aníbal? Oh, wait -- she was trying to induce another heart attack, wasn't she?



I like your name for the Roller boy, El Rey de Jerks. I am going to "borrow" that at some point ; )

Carlos: "I think that Odette may be more accepting, forgiving, and gracious about the news than we are anticipating".

My first inclination was to ask if we were watching the same show :) But, who am I to question? Who would ever have dreamed (early on) that Salsero would be traveling the road to redemption and anticipated the unexpected, inexplicable transformation of Roy (for the few fleeting moments that it occurred)?

All things are possible. Improbable but possible. I'm with Katy on this.

Madelaine, I'm timidly raising my hand. I had quite the collection of brightly color coiffed trolls but none with the astounding height of Roy's pompador.


"I’m so happy Roy has become a class-A jerk."

Niecie, I'm with you. Roy has been unmasked. Let's keep him far away from the little orchid!

Katy, it's always fun when you sneak away and find some time to play with us here. I'm glad you liked the Balzac interview. (I don't know if you had a chance to see it but the first issue of "People on the Patio" is an interview with Roy the Boy; it's buried in last Wednesday's comments section.)

Oh and about the amazing chemistry between Nikki and Frankie -- I'm right there at the table with you and Victoria!


Not to worry, I must shamefully admit I collected them too ; ) Thank goodness I had none that looked like the roller boy!


I just knew we were on the same page about the trolls. Next time the pompous a$$ comes on the screen I will throw my troll nerfazo at him ; )

Oh, and about the Kendho. Did she REALLY thinks she could be seducing our Angel. In her dreams! She thinks she is all that a box of sweetarts, so NOT!

I think we've posted as many (if not more) comments about Roy's hair and platform sneakers than on his character.

NovelaMaven: "Remember her sick room visits to her old friend Aníbal? Oh, wait -- she was trying to induce another heart attack, wasn't she?" - still chuckling.

doris - I still don't think Kendra's phone tossing is up anywhere near Sergio's - or am I wrong> ;)


NM, I DID read the "People of the Patio" about Roy! Loved every minute of it.

As horrible as they are making Roy, why do I get the impression that when the writers are so inclined, they will pull him out of the character nose dive and make him likable just in time to be Lily's boyfriend? Because I've hated him this bad before, usually when he was goading Guzman or cheating on Nikki with the German twins. But then I aaaaaalmost started to like him when he was nice to Lily. Anyway.

And Carlos, I didn't mean to start a coalition against you and your hopes for Odette. I am one of your biggest (albeit quietest!) fans! :) I wanted to take those odds against JeanMarie yesterday but it's just as well I didn't....

And lastly, QTH Kendho? How dumb do you think Arriaga is? (And the rest of us on the patio for that matter!) Arriaga throws down the proverbial gauntlet and says "Stop lying or else" and so you tell her a BIGGER LIE?!?!?! And you think that will keep Arriaga quiet?

Oh, NM, I just remembered I also loved your line about FF not being quite smart enough to realize Kendho's brilliant lying skills might have been used on him! HAHAHAHA! Perfect!


"As horrible as they are making Roy, why do I get the impression that when the writers are so inclined, they will pull him out of the character nose dive and make him likable just in time to be Lily's boyfriend?"

I know, Katy. I have the same feeling. But I hope we're wrong because Roy seems to be a cruel little man, at heart -- not unlike Nelson Brizz. For heaven's sakes, he all but date-raped the Little Orchid and then left her to her luck, alone at night in the big city. Ugh.

Don't feel sorry for Nikki at all. She deserves everything she gets for treating Guzman the way she did. When you love somebody you give them the benefit of the doubt, or at least the opportunity to explain themselves. She had no right treating him like garbage and NOT telling him everything she "knew" about him from Kendra. Too bad for her. She asked for it, now deal with it.

Can't stand the mini troll though. At certain times and in certain angles he looks like a smaller version of the big troll (Nelson), smirky face and all. He, too, will grow (?) up to be a beady red-eyed rodent. (sorry, rodents)

Katy, Madelaine, NovelaMaven, and Diana,

Odette talks tough and was pretty impressive as she taunted Aníbal with his pill as he gasped for breath with chest pain, and she did put Balzac (heh heh) out on the street, and she did make that unfortunate declaration, but she is a mom first and foremost, and I think that she will ultimately defend her son like a grumpy mother badger.

Also, don't forget how sweet and charming Jean Marie can be.


Thanks, Novelamaven, that was fab!

Awesome work como siempre, NovelaMaven.

I might be a little more understanding of Roy's nastiness if I really thought it was based in hurt over being cheated on. However, I think he's always been that awful and is just feeling free to let loose now that he's closed the marriage deal. He's always been rude about Nikki's bulimia, he just forced himself to act supportive to get her to marry him.

I hope she snaps out of it soon and remembers that she does NOT have to put up with this. I wouldn't put it past Roy to steal her passport and credit cards so she'll be trapped and have a hard time getting away on her own, though. He's gambling a lot on her not telling her family that he is NOT keeping her happy.

I hope Leo's mother ends up in prison for enabling him.

I also hope JA just TELLS Vicky what he knows about Kendra. He works for Vicky; his loyalty should be to her even aside from the fact that they are in lurve.

Thanks Novela Maven. Did anyone notice the way Roy shove and brushed away Nikki's arm? Is this is a preview of what he could start out to be? a wife beater? I hope not.
The advances does not look good. Can't wait to watch tv.

Anonymous 3:58 ITA with everything you said! LOL and Niecie I LOL'd at Roy telling Nikki she smelled and to vomit all she wants!

Loved the interview and recap! Thank you!

LOL at so many comments! Don't have much to add just want to let you know. :)

ITA Julia It makes me so mad the way the low one's mother enables him! She deserves to go to jail for helping kidnap guillo! Leo is clearly a sick bastard that needs to be put away and she allows it!

Queen Maven: I love your recaps. All of them. But this one was one of yours bests. Thank you very much! :)

Balzac ♥

Audrey, Lily, Julia, Vida2 and Aribeth,

Thank you so much for your comments and than you especially for your kind words.

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