Saturday, May 25, 2013

Corazón Indomable Fri. May 24 Mistakes Were Made

While Maricruz and Abuelo worry and hover over the clearly disturbed Solita (Maricruz asks her what is wrong... has she forgotten that Solita can neither hear nor speak?), on a balcony back at the ranch Ester is draping herself over Octavio suggesting that they spend some quality time together and catch up on old times. Lucia gently reminds Ester that Octavio is a married man now and has a wife to care for. Ester doesn't see a problem here and apparently neither does Octavio.

As Maricruz and Gramps confer outside over Solita's diagnosis (bird flu from some chickens? You folks don't have any chickens. Maybe the evil eye?) They are joined by Solita who weakly smiles and hugs gramps so she must be feeling better. A Festivus miracle! Maricruz suspects that there still may be more to this but remembers that Solita can't speak so... there's still a mystery.

Ester shrewdly suspects that Octavio's wife may be beautiful and this presents a challenge. Lucia takes the opportunity to enumerate a few of Maricuz's flaws as Maricruz admits to Grampa that she hasn't quite picked up the knack of eating at a table with civilized people but right now she's still concerned that not all is well with Solita.

Yay! It's dinnertime and the family is gathering around the table. Maricruz arrives a bit late and the beautiful and patiently concerned Lucia suggests that Maricruz wash her hands as a bemused Ester looks on. Miguel has taken his place at the head of the table and is calmly sipping a shot of Tequila. As Maricruz scampers away to follow her sister-in-law's helpful advice, Ester, who is seated next to Octavio offers for him to taste her green cocktail (it's a bit strong for her)  and flirts a bit as Maricruz returns and promptly goes nuclear, offering to rearrange Ester's hair. Dinner's over.

Maricruz pouts in her room as the Octavio, Miguel, and Lucia gather in the drawing room  to review and analyze the evening's proceedings. They agree... mistakes were made... Maricruz still needs a bit of polishing... Ester could have been a little more discreet.  Later upstairs, Lucia joins Ester who thinks that it all went rather well, Maricruz is now her enemy, as downstairs, Octavio whines to Miguel that he feels that the cousins are ganging up on his wife. Miguel reminds Octavio that Lucia is pregnant and is adversely affected by conflict.

 At bedtime, Maricruz is still in a snit. She complains that she was annoyed by Ester's groping of her husband and refuses to come to bed. A laid back Octavio doesn't see a huge problem but Maricruz is steadfast and threatens... wait for it... DIVORCE! Tomorrow she will return to the family hovel.

She hasn't learned to eat with a knife and fork but somehow is acquiring basic civilization survival skills.

It's morning and Ester is planning to go horseback riding with Octavio. Even Lucia thinks this may be pushing things too far too fast. Too late... Ofelia announces that Octavio is on his way down.

Upstairs Maricruz is asleep on the sofa as The simian Octavio weirdly climbs about her partially clad form. This scene is vaguely familiar... hmmm... maybe without the monkey... some famous painting... She awakens... oops... squirrel shot... and goes to the window in time to catch a glimpse of her new husband riding off with her new favorite enemy...Ester. She hurries down the stairs, out the front door... gone! Already out of sight. She scurries about the yard and bumps into Lucia who wisely counsels her about jealousy. Octavio won't like it and might take her back to grandpa. Too late for that, Maricruz has decided to go home on her own. She returns to her room, gathers up hr rags and her monkey... "She's gone!" Lucia gleefully announces to Ofelia.

And just like that she's back at the hut complaining to Grandfather, "He doesn't want me."

About that same moment two horses gallop up to the ranch house. A race and Ester the Amazon has won but announces that tomorrow she will let him win. Suddenly the Amazon needs help dismounting and ends up melting and oozing down the front of Octavio. He gently but firmly deposits her safely on the ground and goes in search of his wife. He checks their bedroom... she's gone, monkey and all.

Downstairs, Ester boasts to Lucia who is with Miguel that it was a piece of cake. When Octavio joins them complaining that his wife is gone Lucia suggests that maybe she went to the river to wash her things, in any event, even if she's left, she just wasn't fitting in.

In the hut that evening we find that Maricruz has gone all fetal and has decided to languish, starve, and die... much like her mom. She even refuses a cup of milk offered by a helpful, hopeful, and apparently somewhat recovered Solita.

From the front porch back at the ranch a helpful, hopeful, and apparently somewhat annoyed Miguel suggests to his mopey sib that he not go after Maricruz "Teach her a lesson." Octavio looks defeated and numbly replies, "You might be right."

Separately the unhappy couple pouts and whimpers and whines... next!  

No, a cheery India Maria slopping some pornographically posed nubile sows is...  not what  we're looking!

At breakfast, Lucia seems happy that MariC hasn't returned and Miguel just seems vexed by all the bother. Back at the hut, Maricruz is busy fading and dying. Grandpa offers, threatens, and finally decides to go to the ranch to straighten things out.

And heeere's Ramiro! Wearing his best (only?) yellow shirt, he knocks on the rancho front door. Wait'll Offy gets a whiff. Yesterday Cynderella was certain that José Ángel (AV) smells like Old Spice. Today I'm equally certain that Ramiro does not.

He tells Ofelia that he's there to talk to Octavio and when informed that he's not there he insists on speaking to Miguel and if not Miguel, then Lucia... he'll wait. Ofelia informs Lucia of their guest. Not wanting to fill the house with fleas, she agrees to meet with the old man out by the pool.

Ofelia escorts Ramiro to the pool area but cautions him against getting too close to the señora.

The two discuss the relative merits of the marriage but bottom line, Grampa wants Octavio to come and get his wife before she withers and dies and if not... well, he capable of... whatever. "Life for life!"  Woooo!

On the way home, Ramiro vents a little with India Maria who wrings her hands. Yawn.

While Solita is spending a quiet moment (I guess all her moments are quiet) Euby rides up (such a pretty horse... such a disgusting rider), dismounts, and creeps up behind her... "Look, fresh meat." I swear that's what he said... die now, you bastard. He reaches out and strokes her hair. Startled and terrified she flees into the safety of the hut and secures the door.

Maricruz takes a break from her dying and goes outside to confront Eusebio. She tells him to get the Hell out and don't come back they don't want that stinkin' food. He pops his pitiful little whip but she's unimpressed. Perhaps she dimly remembers a sour old guy in a wheelchair who had a much more frightening way with a whip...

She observes that though he is bad, others at the ranch are worse. Solita desperately clings to Maricruz as they watch Eusebia depart.

Followed by Ester, Octavio confronts Lucia inside. She tells him of Ramiro's visit, his threat, and Maricruz's hunger strike. He mounts up and hurries to the hut where he finds Maricruz laid out on her death cot looking ghastly (well he thinks she does, I think she looks fine).

He kneels by her side as we go to a break.

Back from the break, "Maricruz, Maricruz," he implores. She blinks dramatically and replies appropriately, "Octavio, Octavio." Bravo, writers,  Bravo.

We take a chance to catch our breaths after this powerful scene by joining Alejandro and Carola as they discuss improvements for the casino and his intentions toward her sister Raiza... we'll get back to them in a moment but first...

Octavio makes up with Maricruz.

Over a light lunch, the cousins and Miguel discuss the newlyweds.  Ester agrees to back off. Things are gonna get better.

Having made up, Octavio invites Maricruz to come back to the ranch with him. They come dangerously to having makeup sex right there in the hut, but fortunately she is weak from her couple of days of starvation. Phew.

Back with Al and Caro, basically he is lonely, he knows that Raiza is looking out for Raiza but if he can't find his daughter... well, Raiza is not exactly bad company either so far now he will neither encourage or discourage her. As for the casino, his philosophy varies slightly from Carola's. He thinks that people come to gamble and she thinks that they come for a good time. Both agree that it should be profitable. Yawn.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Maricruz is abed and being pampered by her designated Nana, India Maria. Soup, advice, and encouragement. Both Octavios are there. Life is good.

Looks like lunch is still in progress. Octavio joins Miguel, Lucia, and Ester at the table. Ofelia is serving. It's quiet. Octavio notices and asks Ester if mice have eaten her tongue. Nopis, it's just that she's been forbidden to speak with him because of Maricruz's sensitivity. Maricruz is then discussed by all and the consensus is pretty much that Maricruz needs to shape up or ship out before she ends up killing someone.

Upstairs, Maricruz and Octavionito contemplate killing Ester... at least in theory.

Left alone at the table the cousins complain and conspire. Ester is hatching a plan to prey on Octavio's jealousy.

Now outdoors the cousins continue to plot. Lucia has just the right person in mind, a handsome peón, José Antonio. Ester looks wistful, "José Antonio, he's very handsome."

That evening, Eusebio and Ofelia in bed... in the stable... Yikes! They're part of the plan.

Next morning Eusebio takes a moment to terrorize India Maria and a few chickens before finding Maricruz to tell her that he just saw Octavio and Ester kissing... down by the river.

"I"m going to kill her... I'm going to kill her!"

On Monday.



I had planned for pictures but I had a devil of a time just posting this...
here's hoping it sticks.


Great job Carlos. I haven't read one of your recaps before and it's terrific. I can see that I'm going to enjoy your snarky attitude very much.

Let's see, this TN has already given me bingo.
Misinterpreting an action causing intense jealousy? got it.
Attempted suicide over jealousy? got it.
Not seeing the obvious reason for Solita's malaise, even after her intense reaction to seeing Ewsabio, whom she has previously waved and smiled to? got it.
Stupid galan can not push pushy female away? got it
MC believing a lying person that she can't stand? got it. BINGO! I win!


Wow Carlos...what a wonderful surprise to find you here. Is "Cece" your new name, or is that a mistake on the sidebar? At any rate, loved the recap and when I read "Next!" I thought, could it be my old Gancho buddy? Welcome back.

I suppose "festivous miracle" should have tipped me off also, but recappers frequently use each other's funnies as a tribute, so wasn't sure.

Particularly enjoyed "helpful, hopeful and somewhat .........".

Nice. Even better:

"melting and oozing down the front of Octavio". (I'm betting you had fun reliving that scene as you wrote, Dr. Scamp) and not likely to forget your meditation on Old Spice and "equally certain" that it's not Ramiro's aroma. We should team you up with Cynderella and take the stand-up comedy on the road. But only if I can be one of the groupies!

Anyway, just a delicious recap. Missed the episode, as Friday night is when I watch my old Alborada DVD's with a friend (c'mon over Susanlynn!) but sounds like Evil and Sexy Skullduggery continue to abound at the lovely ranch.

And Carlos, you're as funny and gifted as ever.

Carlos- I have so missed your hilarious recaps. Judy already mentioned some of my fave lines, but the melting and oozing one was just so perfect to describe the way Ester slid her body down Octavio's.

Judy- Carlos is not Cece. He and Cece are splitting Fridays. We actually now have folks splitting most of the days, but the sidebar hasn't been updated yet.

I didn't like the way that Octavio admitted to his bro and SIL that Ester was coming on too strong to him and that it was disrespectful to his wife (as if he couldn't put a stop to it by switching seats), but then with Maricruz made it seem like it was all in her crazy jealous head. And girlfriend IS crazy jealous, so I'm not sure that Ester should be playing this game, for her own health (and head of hair).

" "Maricruz, Maricruz," he implores. She blinks dramatically and replies appropriately, "Octavio, Octavio." Bravo, writers, Bravo. "

And Bravo, Carlos, Bravo. Yours is the perfect narrative voice for this ... this uh ... gut-wrenching drama.

Thank you for this wonderfully clever and witty retelling of a tale which is, alas, neither of those things.


If I made you smile it was certainly worth the effort. I really struggled with the mechanics of posting this. Cece and I are taking turns with this on Fridays, so look forward to enjoying her debut next Friday.

I still miss Gancho. I would love to see Ximena again as well as Dani all grown up.

Besos Amiguita,


The dinners at the CI ranch are starting to become as legendary as those in MEPS and Refugio Para el Amor.

- MEPS- Tense dinners when you never knew WHO was going to explode and threaten to kill someone. But no matter what, Barbara Greco was always somehow behind it.
- Refugio- Rosalena turned the long, long dining table into a battle field, and no family member or servant was safe from her sharp tongue, insults, putdowns, and orders.
- CI- Everyone waits in eager anticipation for Maricruz to make some faux pas, shriek, cry, pull someone’s hair, and run up the stairs. Maricruz is shamed into feeling like an idiot. Mission accomplished.

Did I see pregnant Lucia take a shot of tequila at the dining table? Maybe she needed it as fortification for what she knew was to come?


Well maybe they'd have fewer problems if they'd eat faster. That lunch must have been a couple hours long.

Good recap for a silly show. I think we're all just bidding our time until the jump which can't come soon enough. I just hope Solita comes through it ok since no one has bothered to ever teach themselves and her sign language.

This one was good for proving that even though MC is uneducated, she is still smarter than her idiot husband. How hard would it be to change seats at the table? Say no to horseback riding, or ask MC first? Make Ester get off the horse her dang self? I'm ready for the vengeance part of this.


Vivi and NovelaMaven, if you two master (mistress?) recappers were entertained I'm gratified. I was a little worried because my preferred milieu is the comedic TN, but if I can control Blogger a little more deftly I think it'll be OK.




Is that Jack I see in your avatar, Carlos? If so, what is that scoundrel up to these days? I still think a new pup would bow to Jack's natural dominance, rather than be a threat. But what do I know?

Anyway, welcome back you you you and welcome back Jack.

Carlos - Hilarious. I'm not watching CI, but once I started reading your recap I couldn't stop. My favorites: "...she's gone, monkey and all." "...and replies appropriately, Octavio, Octavio." Thanks for the laughs.

Dinner's over. I don't know why, but I almost choked when I read that line. Thanks for the recap Carlos. It was hilarious. I have never read one of your recaps. The recappers for this TN are soooo funny!

I have a question. Why would Lucia tell Octavio that her grandpa stopped by because his wife is in distress if she is intent on breaking the newlyweds up. Wouldn't it be better to just keep her mouth shut and let MC die at the shack?


I'm sorry, I could have sworn that I left a congratulatory note on your successful BINGO. And thanks for your appreciation of the recap.

Thanks, Kelly. Just recently Aníbal Balvenera (AV) reminded us that revenge is best served up cold... so keep a jacket handy.

Thanks Niecie, you're welcome and of course you're always welcome to join us here.

Yes Judy, that is the invincible Jack. He took my snail's place.


Carlos! I loved your recap and I loved your line about the grumpy old man with the whip, Rogelio!

Carlos, thanks for the witty and meaty recap (I meant content, not just the pigs and chickens.) Lots of highlights, as already mentioned--Ramiro NOT an Old Spice user, "bravo, writers, bravo."

I'd like to see Eusebio miss with his whip and take out an eye or some other vital part. Why does Ofelia think MC is trash, yet can tolerate sleeping with Eww in the stables? Just one more tiny inconsistency.


Carlos---Thank you for a job well done. I liked your line--what a pretty horse...what a disgusting
rider. Great snark all the way through. And you are right, I don't think that gramps smelled like Old Spice. LOL

Evil Eyes might be pregnant but she obviously isn't affected by conflict.

Yes, Ana Brenda and whips--what's up with that? Both novelas now.

Octavio could put a end to Ester's
advances very fast. When she touches him, he should grab her wrist firmly and tell her in front of everyone, "do not ever touch me again--comprendo??!! he could twist her wrist [slightly] to make sure that she got the message. She would. Is he to much of a gentleman
to do that? Don't know but he needs to put her in her place fast.
I think that he doesn't want to cause trouble whith Evil Eyes and Miguel. He is just being too nice,
but he had better wise up and fast.

Anita---I think that no harm was meant but that was a spoiler on Thursday's post. Thank you for straitening it out. Maybe others don't mind so much but I LOVE this novela and spoilers hurt, even unintentional ones.
the gringo

As their respective characters come to light, it becomes more and more of an affront that Maricruz has made an Octavio of her monkey.

No no NovelaMaven. We better not have any of that. Rape and murder are bad enough.

Oh dear, Cathyx. And I thought we had left all the back-row bad girls back in the Yucatán.

BTW, isn't Solita the unluckiest arrimada in the universe? Ending up with those two bozos who never thought to play Pictionary with her? I mean what would it cost them to give her a stick and have her trace out some pictures in the dirt? BAD MAN. ME HURT. HERE. (Points).

Oh Carlos, this was masterful! Frankly I don't remember the episode itself as being much, but boy, you sure gave it life. Can't wait for future recaps.

All this plotting and planning is getting tiring. Even Mari's moping is getting old. Hopefully, I cling to Latina's advice that this current period won't last too much longer.

Who I really want to just see disappear is Ewwwwsie. Lord, no offense to the actor, but he's just disgusting. The scene with Solita, argh! and I left the room during that bedroom scene. I had a stomach bug this week and didn't feel like getting all queasy again. As you said Carlos, "die now, you bastard."

For a ranch that is having financial issues, they sure know how to lay a table, throw parties and Lucia's wardrobe could probably feed everyone for a year. Just once I would love to see Lucia in something beside a slinky maxi dress. You live on a ranch woman...maybe she has knobby knees and needs to hide them, who knows.


NovelaMaven, the back row bad girls go where ever the next TN is.

Well, here I am sitting on the living room sofa trying to master the Ipad that hub got me for Mother,s Day...he is trying to drag me into the 21st century. As I was reading , the witty writing style seemed familiar. I thought that the recapper might be Julie . is mi amigo Carlos. I am not watching this novela but I think that I might start because a crazy novela with odd characters and a bizarre storyline might be just the escape from reality I could use. I did surf into the show just in time for the blissful wedding night followed by Mari hiking back to the hovel. Carlos, if Abuelo isn't an Old Spice kind of guy like mi telenovio Big Ed, do you think that he might be an Axe man ..Brut ?????

Carlos, wonderful surprise. It's always great to get a male's perspective. I get Octavio's conflict. He cares about MC and needs her sexually. He probably doesn't realize he is falling in love with her. The question is, when is he going to stop just thinking of her as a savage. The savages are wearing fine dresses and jewellery. The Ester character irritates me greatly. What is her problem? Is she doing harm to MC simply because of Lucia, or is there another motive?
Thanks again Carlos.


Judyb~~~~I think that I just might have to pull out my Alborada dvds and get lost in the magic that is Don Luis.

Gracias Carlos
Even though kitties are much more cuddly than caracoles, I miss your escargot.

Some of you have said this is going to get better, please swear that on a bible, koran & torah. I don't see how, I'm just waiting for Eduardo.

Mrs. Mejia has portrayed Octavio as a total idiot. He has a jealous wife & just goes off riding with Ester???
It's like he is just egging Maricruz on & he is supposed to love her??????
She would be better off with the cute ranch hand.

I don't see that anyone is HELPING Maricruz improve her etiquette, just setting her up for failure. We expect that from Lucia & Awfelia, but Octavio doesn't guide her just yells at her when she does sth outlandish.

And speaking of Lucia & Awfelia, Lucia would confide in a mere servant?
I guess Awfelia is a cut above basura.

Variopinta, misery loves company, and she needs her help too.

Oh, I just remembered a moment that made me laugh out loud, when Maricruz was talking to Octavio about the cuzca (basically ho) Ester keeping her hands off him, and Ocatvio responded by calling Ester cuzca too, instead of by her name. LOL! I guess he agrees with the label.

I found cusca

cusca SF
hacer la cusca a algn (familiar) to play a dirty trick on sb
2 (CAm) (=coqueta) flirt
3 (Méx)(muy familiar/argot) (=puta) tart (informal), hooker EEUU (very informal/slang) whore

Yep, a ho. ;-) That's exactly what Ester is, and Maricruz isn't too naive to recognize it.


glad I could make you smile, you certainly manage to do the same for me... I think that our senses of humor are similar... scary.


thanks. I wondered if anyone would remember Rogelio.

NovelaMaven and cathyx,



thanks for your generous praise. You certainly had a lot of opportunity to admire your goddess in this episode.

La Paloma,

glad you didn't include Eusebio's, "Look, fresh meat," in your acknowledgement of the meat I offered up.


thanks... but... knobby knees? Careful, I'm captivated by those eyes.




thanks old friend. You would have enjoyed spending the afternoon with the Lovely Linda, my Princess daughter Andrea, and I as we sat out on the patio sipping margaritas as we listened to the blaring Mariachi music played by the guys building our new gazebo. Turns out that my daughter and I share some of the same tastes in music... Alabama Shakes... who would have guessed?



thanks and sorry... I think that snail might have been interfering with my posting of this... he (she?) had to go, but you'll be glad to know, he was delicious. Also sorry but the avances showed cute ranch hand getting plugged in the chest.


Carlos - thanks so much for your delightful recap. You took the caracoles and turned them into escargot. Your best line that really describes the whole episode: "Bravo, writers, Bravo!" (after the riveting "Maricruz, Maricruz," he implores. She blinks dramatically and replies appropriately, "Octavio, Octavio.")

How prophetic is it that the sabateurs so quickly jumped from MC is an ignorant, jealous savage with no social graces or manners to - she's dangerous and going to kill someone.

I love little black Jack - he looks very much like my sweet little Bimba!


Yes ii would have liked to share a beverage and listened to some tunes with you and your family. I am currently a big fan of Pitbull.

Does anyone have any ideas why the ranch hand that the goddess was talking to got shot? Que? What's up with that? Will marrcruz get blamed for it? Can't wait for as they say, esta lunes.
the gringo

Hey, Anita did labsolutely nothing wrong. The Univision sinopsis and the English version posted on Caray before the show even began included more detail than her reminder. Comments had been made about the extreme nature of some of the characterizations so far, etc. All she did was remind us what was already on the table: big changes in locale and situation coming. The story so far is setting up the situation, explaining who hurt whom, etc., for the story in chief yet to come.
Anything in the "official" Univision sinopsis and the rundown given on Caray has to be fair game even if it would otherwise be a spoiler. It is already out there and was set out (on this very blog) precisely to be read ahead of time to entice viewers to give the show a chance. It is part of the common stock of knowledge of the Caray community, even if not every individual here read it.
If there's any one to grumble about, its the Uni promo people. this sinopsis does seem to move further into the story than some. They probably figured that this remake was so soon after Marimar that it would have been futile to hide that aspect of the plot arc. One of the challenges the writers and producer have set themselves here is to create an engaging and worthwhile take on a situation they assume will be familiar to their audience. So far I am hoping they hit their stride in the new situation.


make that "I think LatinainMD did absolutely nothing wrong...." oops.
Chris in FL

Carlos, thank you for the exquisitely clever recap. Like others, I enjoyed Ester's oozing and Maricruz "gone monkey and all". And, who couldn't help but snicker at MC "offering to rearrange Ester's hair"?

"While Solita is spending a quiet moment (I guess all her moments are quiet)" Am I bad to have laughed at this (un poquito)?

"pornographically posed nubile sows" Hmmm Carlos……these girls don't seem like your usual type.

But finally Carlos, thanks for the most pithy and insightful character comment I've seen so far this TN: "Miguel just seems vexed by all the bother". LOL!

This is the first chance I have to comment since this TN began and I want to thank all the recappers for their wonderful work. I personally am enjoying this show quite a bit. I quite like Ana Brenda and Daniel Arenas has been much better than I expected after what someone else accurately described as his wooden performance in Teresa.

I like both Octavio and Maricruz. They are both basically nice people and they are a sweet couple. Octavio may not be husband material yet but give him time. And though he may be a little lazy in the education of his diamond in the rough, I have yet to see Maricruz push him to show and explain things to her or for her to ask Santa for her advice and help.

Maricruz is a good person and I'm a little nervous since it was mentioned that one of the previous renditions of this story was called La Venganza. I'm hoping that doesn't refer to our MC actively pursuing harm against those that have harmed her. I like our protagonistas strong but good (and that doesn't have to mean a doormat). To me the best revenge is doing well without hurting and hopefully helping others. Indifference to jerks like Lucia and Ester, as they have been so far, is fine by me (Eewsebio needs definite consequences however).

Barbara, "How prophetic is it that the sabateurs so quickly jumped from MC is an ignorant, jealous savage with no social graces or manners to - she's dangerous and going to kill someone." Wow, I hope that's not prophetic at all!

Barbara, there are two of us now on Caray Caray. (Yea for us!) Though I have seen your delightful comments about AV, I hadn't seen any prior (?). To make things clearer for others and so you won't be saddled with my opinions/rants/whatever, I will henceforth be known not simply as Barbara but as CorgiMom!


Excellent work, Carlos.

I hope that Maricruz lets them all have it later; Lucia is so despicable. I'd love to see the original with the great Helena Rojo.

I love your new avatar and so does my Figaro!

Wow. What a funny recap. Thanks.
About spoilers. The main spoiler - opening credits. Almost all sinopsis you can see there.

Chris in FL - thanks for coming to my defense. I was just going to stay quiet about it. I would have even erased my supposedly spoiler post but I don't know how. But you are right - I read the synopsis and ALL the previous comments, and everything I said had been said before. Perhaps my mistake was stating it in more affirmative terms (since I have seen later episodes) and saying how much suspension of disbelief would be required, instead of merely "speculating" about potential future events. But as you said, I only did it to encourage doubters to "give this novela a chance". They don't have to, of course, but they would be missing out. Despite the excruciating early episodes and the rather silly plot, I believe this is the most entertaining novela of Televisa's current crop. There's a good reason why it is now breaking ratings records in Mexico. But of course I won't give the reason as that would spoil the fun.

I wish that these TNs weren't shown earlier where others can watch ahead, it always makes it tempting to reveal something that has yet to occur, whether by accident or not.

For me, a spoiler is something that you wouldn't know if you didn't already see it ahead of time. That doesn't include avances, because they are showing those to us right now. And that doesn't include guessing an outcome. We all like to try to predict what is going to happen, and many times we predict correctly.
There are subtle and not so subtle spoilers.
Some subtle ones that I have read over many TNs are: Just wait a little longer, it gets better. There will be more dark times ahead, but just hang on, it will get better. There will be 2 more weeks of this, but then it improves. This actor/actress is in the TN for only 50 episodes, so we can figure that something happens to them.
So you can get the idea. If one hadn't watched the show before or read up on info on the show, one would not know these things. Those are subtle spoilers, but spoilers non the less. I personally prefer not to know these things.
The not subtle spoilers are obvious, and usually the recapper removes the comments. I've accidentally read some of them before they can be removed, and it really does spoil the show.

I don't want this to offend anyone or affect anyones joy of trying to predict outcomes, that's part of the fun of being here. But if you are one who has watched ahead, please take a second look at your comment to make sure that you are not telling us something that we wouldn't know yet.



thanks. It is fun to be back to recapping. Still difficult for me to picture Maricruz as particularly dangerous except perhaps to coiffures.
Bimba must be a beauty.


thanks for joining us here, are you watching this regularly? I began watching TNs on the recommendation of one of my patients who encouraged me to watch Ramona when it was showing on Univision. At the time she said it was too bad that I didn't have the opportunity to watch Marimar because she thought it was the best TN ever. Well, heck, I just had to watch this remake of the best TN ever. It is reassuring that this is going to get better.

CorgiMom (other Barbara) thanks for the praise and such a carefully thought out comment. I love Welsh Corgis. QEII cracked me up during an interview she gave years ago when she was asked whether she was frightened by an intruder who had somehow managed to confront her in her room in the palace... she answered that she wasn't afraid for her personal safety but had feared that the intruder might get bitten by one of her Corgis.



thanks, it's always great to hear praise from a talented fellow recapper. Lucia is so beautiful that she may have to kill someone before I can arrive at despising her. Figaro is clearly a love.


thanks. I always enjoy your comments and your enthusiasm for this show is keeping me hopeful.


I'm glad to have you joining us here. I hadn't bothered reading the synopsis until this past Thur. You're right, it certainly reveals a lot that we haven't seen in or been made aware of by the episodes so far.


I'm still amazed that you jumped ship on Gancho (that silly show with the lady boxer)... granted the premise and plot were lame but you really did miss some of the best acting ever.


Colunga fans

Ladrón Que Roba a Ladrón

Is on Univision at 2PM EST

It is very good
other people you will recognize
Gabriel Soto, Miguel Varoni

Carlos, your love for the silly is so cute. I left that monstrosity for the same reason I left Que Bonito Amor and Amores Verdaderos. I really dislike TNs that repeat the back and forth, over and over, love me hate me, love me hate me, again and again and again. It's exhausting. I bet I can read the latest recap of AV and it will be almost the same as the day I stopped watching. That was what the Gancho al Corazon was like for me. And I'm guessing I wasn't alone with that because they did move that to the afternoon timeslot eventually, where bad TNs are left to finish.

Let's hope this one doesn't meet that fate, I don't think it will since the reviews from Mexico are positive.

Don't forget Saul Lizaso! I saw that in the movies back in the day and it's very amusing.

Variopinta, is that a comedy? It sounds like one from the title. And is it a repeat?

I want to add something about Solita. I don't think she understands how much she was hurt.


"I don't think she understands how much she was hurt."

I absolutely agree with that. Anita pointed out on Fri. that probably with a minimum of gentleness and finesse Eusebia could have successfully seduced Solita, probably without her realizing in the least at how inappropriate and downright wrong that would have been. I suppose that the brutality and violence was included so there would be no doubt that this was rape.

In a way, a gentle seduction followed through in this situation could have been even more damaging.
I think it is also safe to assume that this will result in a pregnancy.


CorgiMom (the other Barbara!) - hello and good morning! I didn't know there were two of us with the same moniker on Caray Caray, so I appreciate that you've removed any confusion over postings - thank you! I've run into the multiple Barbaras situation several times over the years, once working with three other Barbs in the same small department. Can be confusing.

"The saboteurs" claims of MC being dangerous and killing someone seem to fit with the avances showing MC with a young man who is shot. My guess is that MC will be blamed for the attack. But we all have seen avances and trailers that are misleading, so no spoiler here.

Carlos - you're so right. My little Bimba is a beauty - and she's also quite the intellectual. When she's not sitting on my lap or napping, she edits my postings by sitting on the keyboard!


Carlos--You finally make an appearance (my first time) with a lengthy but pithy commentary on all the goings on in Tamaulipas--I love your short pithy comments and was absolutely delighted by your recap. What a treat.

LatinaInMD - I didn't want to start a storm or hurt your feelings, but maybe my choice of words did. Perhaps if I had used the phrase "Too Much Information" at least in my case, it might have gone over a little better.

Like cathyx, I like a little anticipation. I hadn't seen Mari Mar, but read the synopsis in Caray and decided to watch it--without benefit of Uni adverts on its website, the TVyNovela magazines or anything else, because of Ana Brenda and Daniel. Forgot the synopsis other than the transformation, but how or why we get there is all in the future.

And, a tn, like a novel, usually stands or falls in the first few pages/weeks. If folks don't "bond" with it after a couple of weeks, it is their prerogative to leave it.

So far, this has a lot going for it--characters played by good actors, even though some of the behaviors are extreme. I'm certainly going to watch Monday night to find out if the shooting of that (cute, cute, cute) ranch hand was part of Lucia's long-range plot--and if so, I hope it backfires on her (hehe).

We all suffered through a similar period with El Talisman. We had such high hopes for the production and the actors chosen for the roles. It was bad from the beginning and we said so. Most people watching/commenting bailed on it, but the recappers kept it going and had such fun making fun of it--a drama that couldn't be called anything BUT an unintentional comedy.

I don't think that is the case here, so Salud! and Happy Watching and Happy Reading, too--with Carlos on board that makes it even better.


I would call Ladrón an action movie. It does have it's funny moments. It's not a TN. It was made in 2007 & FC looks cute.

Here is a synopsis of Ladron

No worries, Anita. No hurt feelings. It wasn't my intention to reveal anything, but I understood what you said and wanted to remove my comment. I just can't figure out how to do it, so if anyone can do it please go right ahead. I enjoy the recaps and will stick around for sure. I'll just refrain from saying anything from now on that does not relate to episodes already aired on Univision.

Time to vent---Some have said that they can barley stand to watch this poor tn. Often poor dialogue is mentioned like Mari-Mari is said to the sleeping Maricruz. She awakens and says Octavio-Octavio. I
say, so what? The "important" thing was that her husband went after her to tell her that he loves her and to bring her back to the rancho.---Maricruz didn't get it that Solita once smiled and waived to EWWsebio and now she is afraid of him. Solita could have taken a stick and drawn a picture in the dirt. Ok, what then? Call the sheriff? It's her word against his, there were no witnesses, nothing can be proven. We in Caray, Caray! land know that EWWsebio is a bad guy and that "his
time/tn anvil" is comming. Maricruz
will figure it out soon enough.---
Maricruz And Solita wash the clothes but Grandpa's shirt is still dirty. Ok!!! She missed his shirt the day she did the laundry.

I remember once some time back I read something very powerful
it nearly blew my mind. I showed it to a coworker who said, I don't get it--who said this, why did they say it, when did they say it,
and ,and on, and on. The bottom line was that she was so busy trying to analize the comment that she missed the whole point, she couldn't see the forest through the trees. The same thing is going on here. People are trying to analyze every line or every action
and are missing the beauty of the
story, and it's a beautiful story.
I think that it will end right up there with "Triunfo Del Amor,' "La
Fuerza Del Amor," "Refugio Para El Amor," "La Que No Podia Amor' and
others. That's the way I see it. I welcome opposing comments.
the gringo


"...with Carlos on board that makes it even better."

Wow... you make me blush.


Hey, I just calls 'em as I sees 'em.


Latina--No need to remove your earlier comment. It wouldn't make sense and it was not intentional. Believe me, I've been guilty of a little too much enthusiasm. In fact one of my comments was removed from QBA late one night recently because the folks on the West Coast hadn't had a chance to watch the episode. I should have waited until the next day. So, I'm still learning.

gringo--Can't you tell, we're all enjoying the show. But we are also secret Leonard Maltins and Roger Eberts that have to find *something* amiss or wrong to nitpick. But what we love the best is to read the recapper's interpretation of the action and his/her use of language. If we didn't, we could just watch the dang tn and never come to Caray at all.

My only opposing comment is that I would never put Triunfo del Amor at the same high level as LQNPA and Refugio, both of which earned great marks in Caray--despite Rogelio being branded as a douchebag--but those puppy-dog eyes and dimples melted many a heart.


I forgot Abismo De Pasion.

That's ok Carlos, call em any way you see em.

Anita---I don't know how big it scored but I very much enjoyed Triunfo with Maite y William, the fashion industry etc. From RBD to top model for Maite Perroni, I loved it. From a beautiful voice on to a beautiful model and a great love story---well, it did it for me.
the gringo

Carlos, wonderful recap. Loved the dinner scenario... and not to worry...your comedic skills may end up being put to good use more and more in this one. I am hanging in there for now but it strikes me as a little over-kill on a theme akin to "raised by wolves." Ick. Hope something else kicks in to take us away from the licking-of-fingers focus at the dinner table.



Happy MEmorial DAy, everyone. I just want to comment on how polite the people on this forum are. I really appreciate that because life is stressful enough . Caraycaray is inhabited with very nice folks. I am looking forward to seeing where this novela goes.`````susanlynn, still struggling with technology

I love dinnertime at the Narváez casa.

I rate the worst TN's next to FELS, that is the worst one I've watched in it's entirety. Even it had 2 great performances by Diana Bracho & Guillermo García Cantú.
Guillermo García Cantú is still the very worst villain IMO.

I did get through Abysmal de Pasion & Truimfo del Amor which were pretty bad.

I'm sticking with this one for awhile longer waiting for Eduardo. !Hurry!


Gringo, I'm enjoying this story and your cheering for it. Many of us just have a sarcastic sense of humor and love to let it off the leash.

I tend to watch TNs with an angel on my right shoulder, smiling and melting at the Troow Lurve on display. The devil on my left shoulder snickers and points at the absurd moments or overdone stuff.

One thing a little different about this TN--our young couple is already married, so they can love it up and solidify their relationship in the beginning. When the evil forces of fate tear them apart, they'll have to fight to get back together, but at least they've already sworn and consummated their love.


There will have to be a wedding in the church, white dress etc in the final episode

Latinain MD: I echo Anita's reassurance that there's no need to remove your comment.

However, if at any time you're not comfortable with something you've said, or if you have a double post, which sometimes happens, you can remove it by clicking on that little garbage can at the bottom of the comment line (after the day and time). That simple! your all-in enthusiasm. Us more cautious types will gradually catch up with you and be totally hooked, I'm sure. It always works that way with me.


thanks. I remember dinnertime always being such a treat during MEPS even though I can't recall an episode in which they made it all the way to dessert.

By the way, does anyone know what that cocktail which Ester had Octavio taste was? Maybe a Gimlet?

This TN is a recapper's dream so far. Heck, how often can you elicit chuckles just by quoting a few words of dialogue?


Carlos, it looked like a vodka gimlet to me. It looks like it would make a nice new avatar for you. And maybe a drink for this evening.

JudyB - thanks. Well, now I know why I couldn't figure out how to delete a post. Turns out that on my screen I don't see any little garbage cans where you indicated, after the date and time. But I did notice a little "hyphen" there, so I clicked on it and, sure enough, the "hyphen" is a stand-in for the little garbage can. Now I know.

My very first Carlos recap. What a hoot!!!!

Still skipping this one for the most part. Going to watch CE's scenes, since I'm liking him as a good guy and I'm afraid he won't last long. Also, want to see Mocktavio again and Ester (just so I recognize her later when I start watching again).



I hope you enjoyed it. I think that it'd be great if you joined us with this. My patient told me that Marimar was the best TN ever so surely this has to be pretty good. By the way I found that Univision has made available this site which has repeats of recent episodes of Corazón Indomable in high quality video and even with excellent CCs.

Thanks to everyone for your warm reception for my return to recapping. You guys are simply the greatest and make recapping such a gratifying pleasure.


Carlos: I hate commenting on my phone. Have tried twice to respond to you and have lost both comments. Here's hoping third time is a charm. I'm coming back to this one when the transformation happens, give it a couple of weeks then decide whether I'll be watching this one or PEAM. I'm really beginning to like PEAM a lot.

Great job with the recap, Carlos; right now I enjoy reading about CI more than actuallt watching.

Cathy, I totally get what you're saying about spoilers; I don't mind them, but I know plenty of people who do and I totally get it; I wish I could have their restraint, but I don't - even when I watch a scene that I didn't see coming and realize how much spoilers can ruin the viewing experience, I still can't help it.
With CI, since I'll be doing some of the recaps, too, and the TN is further along in Mexico, I decided not to read anything about it, not to spoil myself, because I'm sure some of the information I know would leak into my writing.


Thanks Carlos, I just occasionally watch the beginning of this TN because I hate watching as they humiliate and verbally abuse somebody (even if it is just a fictional character) so just keep FFW and read the wonderful comments made by you guys.

As soon as they do the makeover and MC start on the full venganza mode I'll be a regular follower here, my english is still better than my spanish, even though I understand more and more of it now, there are always things that needs to be cleared up, after I watch online the original MX.

Carlos: I couldn't miss reading this recap and of course your clever wit and the ability to give me a much needed chuckle and a guffaw or two is still in Full Power On mode and much appreciated.

Octavio is on autopilot (pardon the pun, perhaps?) while playing at being an adult. I get the feeling he and Maricruz could be going through the same motions in a future living course and be play parenting an egg at the local highschool.


As if once isn't enough , I watched it again. I get a lot more out of it when I watch on the computer.

When Lucia & Ester were talking at the dinner table after everyone else had left, I noticed a chest behind Ester & in very large letters printed on the chest was "planted pots"
???? All I can think of, it contains pots in which to plant things, but in ingles???

I also noticed that after Maricruz told Ewwwsebio she didn't want anything from those people & left the bag on the ground, it was sitting on a chest in the hut.

The mono is beginning to grow on me, he is cute. Does anyone ever give the poor thing a banana?

Vario: Who cleaned up after Octaviocito it in the bedroom? Knowing Maricruz's penchant for animal behaviors, I cannot imagine her even noticing. Since Tav is nothing but a paper cut out, I guess I can't imagine him noticing either....oh well.....

Adriana Noel,

thanks. I also enjoyed your recap last Fri. very much. Unless an unexpected event is revealed I don't care all that much one way or another. As I mentioned, I hadn't read the synopsis until this past Thurs. Heck I thought it was a comedy what with India Maria, the monkey, Ramiro, Ofelia, and even Eusebia... then Eusebio goes and brutally rapes Solita and at that point I suspect that this might not be a comedy after all.


thanks... I look forward to you joining us full time. I'm trying to picture a refined vengeful Maricruz... do you think that they are going to ditch the monkey?


thanks. We've known each other for quite a while but this is the first time that we're both recapping on the same show. It's an honor for me. When this TN began, I had to drop QBA, (it was the logical choice since I've already watched LHdM and 4 TNs daily is just too much) but I still read your great recaps. I almost jumped in today with one of my blood type explanations but I think that in the TN world the normal genetic principles simply don't apply and for some fans it might just be something of a spoiler.


There are many interesting official backstage photos on the No spoilers and many funny photos with the monkey. I can post links.

Excellent Alegria, please do.


Carlos, I do think they keep the monkey, it adds a lot to the whole picture because he's cute, however I'm sure it'll be strange running around in a great beautiful mansion

Hovever, even in Marimar they kept the talking dog during the whole show and we could follow up on his opinion of the happenings through his thought bubbles..)

I think I prefer the silent monkey

I belive that at some point in Marimar the dog and the black servant woman were the ones that made Sergio add up two-and two and finally realize it is the same woman, maybe they'll follow up on that storyline, wouldn't be interesting if the monkey'd be the clue??

I would love to see the mono photos

Hi, Jardinera, old friend. Good to ''see'' you. ehmmmmm...'revenge and a monkey. At least that's original. Monkey revenge ? Revenge by monkey ? Monkey business ?

I was very surprised the mono didn't cause way much more reaction from Lucia.
I have seen them in diapers, I have also seen them pee down the back of their owner while on their shoulder.
Can they be potty trained?
My advice, get a cat.

Variopinta: In a tv interview Ana Brenda Contreras revealed that this monkey peed all over her hair when they were filming the tree scene with India Maria and her monkey. :-)

Here they are

Others sets with spoilers, so i'll give links later

Thanks for the pics Alegria! So we see how they get Ana Brenda's straight hair to get that wild crimped look-- the braid it and then take the braids out.


What a most marvelous recap! I agree with what everyone has already said, but wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your recap. I am so glad you are back recapping again : )

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