Friday, May 10, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #18-19 (Mex 26.2-29.1) Thursday 5/9/13 Que Bonito Traicion

Just a quick summary of yesterday:

• Michael got knifed in his cell, but survived.  While he was getting patched up he asked the nurse what it would take for him to be able to use their fancy dental equipment and provide some actual services while he's there. 
• Orange G is going to have the failed knifer whacked.  Why Orange G doesn't get whacked for continuing to do shoddy work is beyond me.  "The Godfather doesn't tolerate…" my ass!
• Maria overheard Concho and Amalia talking about her dad, so now she knows her daddy wasn't the saint Amalia always let her believe. 
• Amalia still hasn't recovered her sight.
• Ruben and JAntos (I'm stealing that…this guy has too many damn names!) get into a fight at the bar and Ruben threatens to call the cops, but Susanito points out that Ruben's wife won't be happy to find out where he's been.    This finally gets JAntos fired from Ay Jalisco.
• Ruben tries to hire some thugs to beat up JAntos, and it's looking pretty grim until Fernando Milamores and Susanito find him and scare the thugs off.
• Amalia found out JAntos paid the rent and though she still thinks he's hiding something, between that and his telling her about his feeeeelings, she's now convinced he's truly in love with Maria.  She blames all the drama on him being a mariachi.
• Milamores' lover, the gangster's wife, wants to leave her husband.  He gave her a black eye and Milamores swears he'll do anything to help her, but what she wants him to do is let her move in with him.

The refrito goes up to where Maria asks JAntos what Fernando meant about him having suffered a lot. 

He says he went through a lot of stuff before he met her, but he survived thanks to her love. That is not an answer.  Maria won't believe that he wasn't with Elvira and therefore all men are the same.  JAntos begs her to listen to him.

Elvira dragged one of her friends out shopping with her.  The friend keeps dropping all the bags and one of the mariachis helps pick them up.  Their hands meet and the mariachi magic music starts playing.

Maria doesn't believe JAntos was drugged.  Colosso comes in with flowers for Maria and insults for JAntos.  Ooh, he brought her breakfast, too.  And then he lost me by bragging about how he's always there for her.  And ratting JAntos out for getting into a fight with Ruben at the bar.  Maria stomps off, followed by JAntos.  They stare at each other for a while in the hallway outside her mom's room, but she finally says it's over between them. Colosso and Concho join them in the hallway and she finds out that JAntos got fired from the bar.  Concho wants to give JAntos one last chance, in the interest of everyone's wallets.  Maria goes in to see her mom while Colosso and JAntos stand out in the hallway insulting each other and acting like complete tools.

Maria asks her mom to tell her the truth about her dad.  Amalia would have liked to take this  knowledge with her to the grave.  She says Pedro was a great dad, and that's all that should matter to her.  Excuse me, ma'am, but I don't think a man who hurts the mother of his children is a "great" dad.  Maria feels like it must have really hurt Amalia that she adored her father so much and that she wanted to keep the traje in a shrine.  Amalia begs her to keep things separate and says what Pedro made her suffer is between the two of them and that's it.

Oscar and Gloria head for the same corner, but at the last minute, Gloria walks into a store as Oscar walks past the entrance.

JAntos wants to come in and see Amalia and Maria would like to tell him to take a flying leap, but Amalia welcomes him in, since after all, he's the man who loves her daughter.  JAntos swears, with Amalia's hand on his heart, that he'll never love any other woman but Maria.  Amalia asks if there was anything else he wanted to tell her on the day she collapsed.  JAntos says he's going to tell the truth (yeah, right).  "I'm hiding something that changed my life. Something that, like my love for Bonita, made me understand good and evil.  Maria made me see nothing but light and hope and others made me see all the misery in the world."

Bruno's got cabin fever.  Arnold tells him if he cared sooo much about Santos, maybe he shouldn't have taken the job in the first place.  Word!

Amalia wants to know if what happened to him is going to hurt Maria.  JAntos, and I am so losing patience with him, spouts a bunch of BS about how he's only going to hurt her if love can hurt and he can't promise not to make her cry, but he can promise never to leave her.  His "truth" is to be by her side because he loves her.  To be with her, he'd walk into hell itself.  JAntos walks out and his words ring in Maria's head.  Damn you, Jorge Salinas!  You and your damn dimples!  Why are you in this terrible show!  Fire your agent, man!

Arnold keeps picking on Bruno for thinking this gig was some kind of game.  He suggests talking to The Godfather if Bruno is so bothered.

Maria catches up to JAntos in the hallway.  He swears what he said was true.  He begs her to listen to him, when she's calmer.  "Even a criminal can defend himself."  He gets permission to check on Isabel and Paloma. She says they don't know how serious her mom's condition is.  JAntos says they'll understand it's temporary, but he doesn't plan to tell them anyway.  Longing googly eyes and no smoochies.  Bite me, show!

Stupid argument between Susanito and Mancia that results in him putting on a flowery robe instead of walking around in just a towel.  Of course, when he comes back out of his room in the stupid robe the jerkface mariachi with the 'stache takes pictures of him with his cell phone.

Paloma, Isa, and Rodrigo are all doing homework when JAntos comes over.  He says Amalia's getting out soon and she's going to really need their help.  He hands over some groceries and Paloma goes into the kitchen to put things away.  JAntos starts working on intimidating Romeo Jr.

Amalia wants to know what Maria's planning to do.  She's having doubts even since she learned the truth about her dad.  She thinks she might need a change of scenery.  The interview at Ruben's company is today.  Amalia is worried she won't recover her sight.

JAntos is rallying the troops to make some delicious calzones.  No, kids, not "underwear"...calzones.  He tries to explain that they're like a pizza stuffed with delicious ingredients, but Isa is doubtful.  Paloma and Rodrigo are into helping him in the kitchen.  JAntos mixes up the dough by hand…damn his beautiful  cooking self!...the young Romeo and Juliet's hands meet over the bell peppers.  While they're chopping.  That's not good kitchen safety, kids.  Everybody has fun rolling out the dough and throwing dough and flour at each other.

The doctor counsels Amalia to be patient.  Cause she's been so good at following doctors orders so far.  Maria gives her a pep talk.  The doctor says she can go home today.  Ruben comes in, saying he's going to take care of everything, and the car is waiting to take her to her interview.  Amalia is suspicious about what Ruben is taking care of.

The calzones get filled…and JAntos folds the dough around the filling more like a burrito than a half-circle.  I think that qualifies them as stromboli. 

Maria says he was just talking about taking her to her interview.  Maria doesn't want to leave her alone, but Mancia arrives just in time. Once Maria is gone, Amalia tells Mancia that Maria found out about her father's cheating ways.

Ruben is offering to pay Julia to make up for her paying Maria an exorbitant salary.  Julia hopes she is a hardworking girl, so she'll grow in due time.  Ruben wants to accelerate the time line as much as possible. He tells Julia to pressure her into accepting the job and swears he has no interest other than helping her.  "The way I helped you out once, without expecting anything in return."  Julia agrees she'll try and doesn't look the least bit suspicious, so maybe once upon a time this guy actually did do something nice without any ulterior motives.

The stromboli are done and sliced up and now they look more like white bread sandwiches stuffed with ground beef filling with the crusts cut off.  JAntos tells the kids someone he doesn't think he'll ever see again showed him how to make them.

Amalia is stressing out about stressing out her kids.

Maria's interview.  She is apparently studying law during the day.  Julie gives her the hard sell about how since she has no work experience in that field, what she needs to do is accept this job and start working there ASAP.  Maria gives in and says she just needs 2 days and then she'll start.

Fernando comes to visit JAntos with the day's bad news.  Whiny Wendy testified against him.  Testified what, exactly?  "My brother is guilty" is not "testimony" it's "opinion."  In order for someone to testify, they have to actually know something about what happened.  Okay, I keep trying to repair my beanie with duct tape and booze and apparently that's not working.

Isa is stressing out about not being able to visit her mom.  Rodrigo…who needs to quit smiling and shut up…says they have nothing to lose, they might as well go see her.

JAntos says he's lost and he has nothing. Nothing, I tell you!  Not even his Bonita!  Milamores tells him not to get desperate.  It's always darkest before the dawn.  JAntos says he's going to end his life in prison. Prison, I tell you!  Milamores says his sister shouldn't have testified against him, at least without having proof.  No, darling, the court shouldn't have allowed his sister to testify against him since she had no proof, nothing substantial to say,  and also, apparently, only 2 working brain cells--1 of which is devoted to thinking about Bruno and the other of which is spending all its time trying to keep her from dehydrating from all the crying she's doing.  JAntos says the real victim here is poor little Wendy.  She must be going through hell.  That's funny.  I didn't think hell came with a car, credit cards, air conditioning, a private bathroom, and having all one's needs taken care of so one can devote oneself fully to whining about one's called-off wedding.  JAntos says he and Maria are both feeling betrayed right now.  He thinks he could deal with anything if only he had her luuuuurve.

So Maria's all set up with a job at the law office and Julia's ready to be besties and seems genuinely happy to have her on board.

Isa, her doll, Paloma, and Rodrigo sneak into the hospital.  Emphasis on "sneak."

Amalia chats with Mancia.  The girls and Rodrigo burst in and Amalia can't hide that she can't see when she reaches in the wrong direction for the doll.  The girls start freaking out, which I'm sure is very helpful.

Ruben takes Maria out to celebrate.  She's surprised but grateful to be earning so much.  She'll be able to pay him back much faster, and insists on doing so.  If he won't let her pay him back, then she'll have to decline the job.  So he agrees, but only if she won't be making any sacrifices in order to do so.  And guess what?  A friend of Ruben's wife sees them takes out her cell phone.

Fernando wants JAntos to focus on something else for a little while.  Like his love for Maria.  He wants him to meditate on it.  Breathe in…breathe out…and sing Si Nos Dejan (  yeah, yeah, it's me…couldn't resist the shameless plug)

If they'll let us
We'll love each other all our lives
If they'll let us
We'll go live in a new world
I think we'll be able to see
The new dawn of a new day
I think you and I can still be happy….

Lorena's friend calls and asks another friend what to do.  She doesn't want to call Lorena because she doesn't think Lorena will believe her…greeeeeat.  It's the cell phone pictures again.  She uses her iPad for this.  Well, sure, you want to make sure you're getting a good picture.  She says this is "contundente" (conclusive) proof.

Amalia rallies the crying girls.  Isa blames the star for not making her wish come true.  Paloma blames herself for getting her to make the damn candy!  Both girls promise they'll take care of her and she won't have to lift a finger!  Amalia says their love will help her get better quickly.  Rodrigo stands there like a block of wood.  I'm sorry, the kid's trying, but he needs to work on his acting skills.  He smiles at inappropriate times, he doesn't have any reaction at all in this scene.  Just about the only think he's good at is making googly eyes at Paloma.

Lorena sees the pictures and cries that she knew it.  Her friends advise her to get the hell out already.  Lorena says tomorrow, on his birthday, she'll serenade him with mariachis and she'll make that girl pay!  Oh, sure, blame the other woman.

As Amalia is being wheeled out of the hospital, the mariachis are waiting for her in the lobby to play for her and cheer her on.  She thanks the boys.  See, right there…see the difference between the actor playing Rodrigo and the actress playing Paloma?  He's standing there like he's trying to figure out how he's supposed to be reacting and she's just reacting.  She's in the scene, she's in the moment…he's off in his head somewhere.  Okay, maybe the booze isn't helping my patience.  Oscar and Rodrigo meet and Oscar feels LA LLAMADA DE LA SANGRE.  DRIIIIIIINK!  Rodrigo feels nothing whatsoever.  Maria whispers to her mother that tomorrow is the last night she's singing at the bar.  Colosso tells all the guys to meet him at the bar…on time, please!  JAntos tells Fernando that Maria accepted the job with Ruben and he knows Ruben has ulterior motives.

Ruben and his buddy hang out at a strip club.  Fabian doesn't like that he's treating his wife so badly.  For purely financial motives, of course.  A divorce would suck hardcore for Ruben.  Ruben makes some dumbass remarks about bitchez not realizing that their constant complaints about men's dumbass behavior is just tiring.  Try not acting like a dumbass, maybe.  Just a suggestion.  They toast to his upcoming conquest.  "Divorce" corrects Fabian, jokingly.

Lorena invites Ruben's mom to the birthday party from hell.

Maria gives Amalia her shot before she goes off to her second-to-last night at the bar.

Colosso has something planned to piss off JAntos.  Maria's the one who's going to get pissed off, warns el mariachi del ponytail.

Gloria is glad Rodrigo went with Paloma to the hospital, but she wishes he would have called.  They'll go over to Maria's tomorrow to visit Amalia.  Rodrigo tells her there are pictures of mariachis all over the walls and Maria works in a bar singing mariachi.  He even met a few, like one guy…El Colosso…who reminded him of somebody….  Gloria makes him promise to stay away from that man.

Colosso tells Maria and JAntos they're going to open the show tonight.  With a beautiful love song…Si Nos Dejan.  Maria doesn't want to, but Colosso overrides her.  I love her dress!  I think I have a 2 costume, 2 song minimum per episode to keep me happy.  Hey, she's all pissy with JAntos, but she's still wearing the flower and rebozo of their luuuuuuurve.  Colosso tells them to get to the stage already.  He welcomes the audience and introduces Maria and JAntos before the mariachi's start playing.  Milamores is not happy.  They start singing (see above for the first verse).

If they'll let us
We'll find a corner near heaven
If they'll let us
We'll make velvet from the clouds
And there, together the two of us
Near God
It will be what we dreamed
If they'll let us
I'll take you by the hand, my love
And we'll go there.

Maria keeps trying to avoid looking at JAntos and he keeps trying to get her attention.  Finally, she can't resist.  The audience applauds wildly and Maria breaks away from him and storms off the stage.  Colosso gets back onstage and jokes that it looks like they didn't let them, ja ja ja!

Back in the dressing room, Maria tells the Saucy Wenches she is sick of Colosso screwing with her like this, but whatevs.  Tomorrow's her last night at the bar and then she goes to work at Ruben's law office.  The Saucy Wench on the right says that's a terrible idea, especially after the way his wife reacted in the bar the other night!  The Saucy Wench on the left says it's one thing to take a job because it's a good job, but she thinks Maria is just trying to get away from JAntos.  Which Saucy Wench on the right reminds her is silly, since he's going to be leaving soon anyway.

Tomorrow: Maria doesn't know how to get JAntos out of her heart; Oscar and Elvira gloat; JAntos gets picked up by the cops.


I think this is my third Mejia and Mr. 5ft is convinced it's the absolute worst one--not only of Mejia's but in general. I don't know if I agree with him or not, but possibly I've blocked out my previous traumatic Mejia experiences.

I do hope Julie turns out to be a decent person and I find myself agreeing with her that if Maria is working on a law degree, having experience in the law office is going to be great for her. Not that I think there's anything wrong with singing mariachi in a bar every night as a professional, but obviously it's not paying her bills.

RL update: my latest project will be done filming by the end of this month, and then once it's edited, it will be up online for everyone's viewing pleasure.

Good work, Kat, and break a leg.

I could think of worse novelas than this one; Abrazame Muy Fuerte comes to mind when one thinks of the stretches in credibility, and Telemundo has done a few doozies in their relatively brief time as a producer.

At least this one has Jorge, Pablo, and good music.

I also admit to a controversial prejudice against children in entertainment. I could definitely do without these attempts at cutesy scenes with children. At least Isa isn't younger than she is.

I hope Ruben's mother treats him like Mancia treats Susanito. the difference is that I won't feel sorry for Ruben. His wife is some piece of work but one has to wonder whether she was like that from the beginning or whether she has become this way because of his philandering.

If Maria actually goes to work in Ruben's firm she will ultimately find out what his real motives are but he already has her trapped the same way Oscar did when he paid Amalia's medical bills x years ago. She'd be better off getting the money from Don Concho, but that might mean working for him for the next ten years.

Now, does Gloria know whom she's talking about when she tells Rodrigo to stay away from "El Coloso?" Here's where I think the writers are really starting to fall down on the job.

As to Lorena blaming "the other woman" this is -- sadly -- very realistic. A good friend of mine discovered her husband was cheating on her in 1999 after they had been together 20 years and one thing she said to me was "If only so many women wouldn't be so eager to sleep with married men.." My response was that at least half of the women who do are likely to have been deceived into it and the man is always equally guilty. Lorena won't like that truth any more than she did.

It just occurred to me that Lorena sending mariachis to Ruben is a perfect opportunity for a female to sing "Rata de dos Patas."

Kat- Looking forward to seeing your latest project when it's done.

What did Maria's costume look like? The costuming department really seems to have put a lot of work into these beautiful mariachi outfits.

Si Nos Dejan is one of my faves. I'll listen to your version later today.

Did Ruben promise not to come on to her anymore, or is Maria just convenietly forgetting that this married man was wooing her in earnest not too long ago? You would think she'd be more suspicious of his motives for paying her mother's medical bills and getting her a job. I am remembering Camila turning Dio down flat everytime he offered help or money, even in her darkest hour. The look of defeat and frustration on his face is something that Ruben deserves to experience.

I have to admit that I didn't try very hard to give this tn a chance (plus, I'm watching too many shows as it is), but what makes Mr. 5 Ft. think it's Mejia's worst to date? This tn has two very strong leads (unlike Triunfo), plus music and great costumes. That alone would seem to elevate it above Triunfo and Fuego.


Thanks for the highlights from Wed. BTW, and for this one.

"Jorge Why are you in this terrible show! Fire your agent, man!" I'm starting to wonder if their contracts call for at least one stinker per year at Televisa/Uni.

"Okay, I keep trying to repair my beanie with duct tape and booze and apparently that's not working." Kat, I must have gotten my beanie from the same crappy place on line out of Hong Kong as you.

I must have fallen asleep and missed something near the end. Will have to review cuz all of a sudden Maria and JAntos were singing Si Nos Dejan. Her dress was a frilly black and red number that matched Oscar's outfit. Somebody needs to offer to get JAntos another Charro in a different color. Hey, was that JS's voice singing Si Nos Dejan last night? It sounded like it could be--actually it was the first time the singer they dubbed sounded like JS, too, IMHO.


Just an FYI if you're trying to keep up: this was Caps. 26-28 and 1/2 of 29.

There must be some benefit to being in a Mejia production because it always seems like the best actors are fighting to be part of them. Parhaps it's because his shows are always in primtime slots in both Mexico and the US?

Could be the time slot, indeed. Prime still means getting the most viewers despite recording devices and the internet.

Mejia may be bad with over the top stuff but the one whose work I never watch is Juan Osorio. Something about the guy just creeps me out. In any event at least this has good music although I will admit the theme is getting on my nerves.

I've somehow managed to try and overlook the fact that almost every member of the cast except Maria and her family are for the most part too old for what they are playing and a couple of them look it.

Why is Maria in addition to be an eternal weeper almost as annoying as Wendy suddenly so stupid? She accepts albeit reluctantly money from Creepy Reuben and now the job. She has to know that once his wife finds out the poop will hit the fan and she'll be out of a job. How she can forget his unwanted advances is beyond me.

Let me get this straight Gloria is looking for Oscar to tell him about his son yet when Rod mentions he met all the mariachi's and mentions El Coloso she tells him to stay away. How does she know that is the name Oscar is using or is she just worried about her son hanging with mariachi's in general. That was last night's head scratcher for me. There always seems to be one.


Thanks so much for this marvelous recap and the one from yesterday too and break a leg.

I know Meija is a pain, but look who he gets to play the parts in his novelas : ) plus the scenery and the music is also very good.

I agree with what Decie Girl said about the Creepy Rueben. He is reminding me of that creepy Lastro, but far worse from Refugio. I don't want Maria to feel trapped or obligated to Rueben.

I too wonder why Gloria was telling Rodrigo to avoid El Coloso. Did she know this is Oscar's Mariachi name? BTW I love all their costumes and the colors are wonderful.

I like Susanito, he is just so cute. Everytime I see him or hear his name I think about that old Johnny Cash song "A Boy Named Sue", lol. I too think his Mama must have seen something in the cards with him.

Michael Johnson is a true friend. I hope he sticks to his principles and doesn't cave. I too agree with what someone said the other day about kicking Wendy out of the family and adopting Michael. He is worthy, Wendy is not.

I agree with Jardinera too about poor JAntos's Mariachi costume. He needs a change and wouldn't he look fab in a red one, hmmm.

I don't think that Gloria knew that. Since she's trying to find Osacar that wouldn't make any sense although we could understand her wanting to talk to him before he meets Rodrigo.

I don't like the red costumes. A red dress for Maria? Sure. Red traje de charro? Too garish. The red and black on Oscar is fabulous and would look equally good on Jorge Alfredo.

Dark grey, navy blue, black, brown, cream... those should be the colors the guys wear.

I think Maria's career at the law firm might be over before it starts, because the firm may not want Maria working there, now having this sordid connection to Ruben. I want to say I think Julia might've had a concern about that. If Maria did start working there the other people at the firm would've heard what Lorena did and would shun Maria.

Fabian seems more hostile to the mariachi class than Ruben does.

Lorena was very, very silly for pulling off this stunt. She "exposed" Maria & Ruben but made herself look crazed & deranged in the process. Now people are like "well no wonder Ruben is stepping out on ya." Lorena has no dignity or self-respect and per usual, blames the woman & will go after the woman with gusto instead of putting her husband in check.

JAntos Enemies' List:

Orange Julius
Bruno (reluctantly)
Wendy Wendy Wendy
El Coloso
Mexico City Police

Maria Enemies List


This show is pretty good compared to Fuego en la Sangre & Triunfo del Amor. Both of those shows kind of sucked. All Sofia did on FELS was cry all the time.

Maria & the William Levy character were too dumb for life and so were the villains. The only people worth rooting for was the priest, the spoiled younger daughter & the gardener.

Maria cries a lot on this show too, but I don't see this Maria as a passive person like Sofia on FELS. Both Maria & Susanito are very naive, sheltered characters and I don't think it's any coincidence both of their moms are friends. Maria has to listen to her heart instead of what Amalia, Saucy Wenches etc. are telling her.

As far as Santos being as old as he is & never being in love, it could happen. I don't know if I would believe it if Santos said he was a virgin, but being his age and never being in love, yeah I could believe it. He didn't say he had never been in a relationship, and he could've been with women he cared for, just not enough to want to marry. From the looks of it, Santos has probably been spending more time caring about his loved ones' needs and not taking care of his own.

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