Friday, May 17, 2013

TELEMUNDO Y MAS - week of May 20

Over to you. Ciao!!

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Antonia Guerra tells Aníbal that her heart rate wouldn’t rise if she had to solve her mine ownership problem by killing Max.

Lucho overreacts again at La Fortaleza asking Vero how she could go back to Alejandro. Ale, secure now in his relationship with Vero, calmly reminds Lucho that he could have turned him in at Irene’s house and gotten rid of him, but he didn’t do it.

Guerra whines about feeling all alone. My hopes get up when Poncia comes into the foyer with a suitcase, but it’s only Lucía’s dolls that Irene asked for. The mention of the dolls causes the witch to vaguely remember a grandchild that might be useful to her.

There’s a meeting of Team Tigre at La Fortaleza. Ricardo gives his legal opinion that there’s not enough evidence to put the lobos behind bars and allow Gabriela to show herself.

Guerra shows up at Casa Montemar, gushing at Lucía and giving her a doll. She tries to convince Irene to come back to La Dorada.

A nurse brings in the results of Cecilia’s blood test and Vero reads it. It shows RU-486 (the morning after pill) having been in her bloodstream.

Ricardo finally demonstrates some cojones – at least temporarily – and breaks it off with Inés. As a parting shot, she tells him he’ll never be able to get it up with Patti.

Alejandro sees Macario hanging out outside Francisca’s house and beats the crap out of him. Sweeeeet!

David comes in to see Ceci while she’s being consoled by Vero. Ceci shrieks that his grandmother is to blame for their losing their child. David really screws up and asks her if she took the drug to lose their baby. He flat refuses to believe Cecilia and then blames Vero for turning Ceci against his dear granny.

David then shows up at Casa Francisca fuming about Vero. He says he can’t stand her; she wants him to believe that his Grandmother is a killer. He gets in a pushing contest with Max when Max asks him to consider that it might be true.

Then David goes to tell Guerra that everyone hates her, but he defended her. After asking him who everyone is and learning that, she tells him he’s a man to defend her and gives him a drink. He gulps it down. I think Poncia is right; she’s unconsciously wanting to control him with alcohol like she did Fernando.

Ricardo had to recuse himself from the trial about Max trying to regain rights to El Chamuco. His father is one of the accused.

Inés calls Ricardo saying that she’s taken pills because he’s refused her. The idiot goes rushing to her side. She’s a doctor and likely knew the exact dosage NOT to die. She tells him she’ll do it again if he doesn’t come back to her!


Irene is definitely missing Lucho. He suggests she return to La Dorada. Casa Montemar has too many cops outside.

Francisca is an admirable witness. She is very forthright and testifies that she was made to understand that they had killed El Tigre and now were after Max. Guerra bursts out that no one would believe a former prostitute. Max erupts. The judge threatens to put him in jail. Vero stands and reminds this judge that the first person who interrupted was Antonia Guerra! Fran describes she and Max being hauled in by Chacón.

Irene talks Lucía into their returning to La Dorada, so they can see El Duende again.

Cecilia comes to file a complaint about Guerra putting the abortifactant in the agua de Jamaica. Rod the Bod, lacking brains to go with his fine body, grills Cecilia and tells her there’s no evidence. He even suggests she might have taken the drug herself. [Hello, Rod? Why would she bring the blood test to the police if she’d accomplished what she wanted, losing the baby?] He finds out Poncia is outside, but she won’t say anything. The complaint is withdrawn. Rod is having an awfully hard time connecting the dots.

Guerra says on the stand that Francisca signed over the land, but she herself wasn’t present because of the death of her son.

On the stand Antonia says that Gabriela killed her own father, Alejandro jumps up, outraged. “Don’t you ever tire of lying?”

David is back to being a shit again. He tells Cecilia he’ll never forgive her. She says she’s the one who won’t forgive him. He then says it’s over between them.

Ricardo lies some more to Patti, not telling her he’s distracted because of Inés. Then he says that he doesn’t trust the judge. The guy owes Aníbal favors. [OK, now this is nuts. If he knows the judge should recuse himself – like he himself did – why doesn’t he appeal over the guy’s head?]

Ale is not happy with Irene for returning to Antonia’s House of Horrors. Irene keeps insisting she’s doing it for Lucía, but we know what her motive is, don’t we boys and girls?

Max testifies about Chacón coming to their house and dragging them off to the police station. He HEARD Aníbal tell his mother that, if she didn’t sign the paperwork, she’d go to jail and Max to reform school. He also says that Aníbal threatened his mother with killing her son.

Irene goes to the stable to meet Lucho. Macario sees her go in there, but goes away. Irene and Lucho start to make love.

Rod grabs Poncia by the arm and tells her she needs to talk.

Aníbal denies threatening Francisca. He produces some kind of contract she signed. Francisca jumps up saying it’s false. [I thought she did sign something way back when, but it seems they’re saying what he has is a forgery??]


Novelera - great recap! You got it all, and I love your humorous comments ("Alejandro sees Macario hanging out outside Francisca’s house and beats the crap out of him. Sweeeeet!")

There was a lot happening in this episode. And some of it was so frustrating:
- Rod challenged Ceci and Poncia on the RU-486 to the point where Ceci withdrew her complaint
- Ricardo knows the judge on the El Chamuco trial is tainted and owes Anibal money but says nothing
- David's predictable, continuing disbelief that Antonia is a murderer
- surprisingly Vero did not vet the judge in the El Chamuco trial and Max and Fran will probably not get a fair verdict

Antonia is doing the same manipulation with David that she used on Fernando - plying them with alcohol and lying, lying, lying.

I thought part of Fran's head had been shaved when she was hospitalized, but tonight (only 'several days later'?) she again had a full, thick head of hair. Reminded me of how fast Lucia's hair reappeared.

Macario had a smirk on his face when he spied Irene in the stables, calling for someone. He'll go straight to Antonia with that bit of news.

There may be hope for Rod. He was bothered by his discussion with Ceci and Poncia so much so that he went to El Dorado to interrogate Poncia. I'm not sure how much he'll get out of her, but at least he's thinking.

If memory serves, Francisca did sign a paper giving up El Chamuco after El Tigre died, but I don't know if it was a contract or a release of deed. I can't remember who signed away Gabriela's rights to the land after El Tuerta declared her insane. Antonia took over David's rights to the land as his guardian. Maybe the 'forgery' part is that Anibal will say he and Francisca had a contract that paid her and Max for the land.


La Patrona -

thanks so much novelera!

so Lucho suggested that Irene return to La Dorada, just so he could start seeing her again, what, where has he been, this place is where it all happens, and now that Macario is homeless, he is there too, this just can't be good,

so cute that Lucia so loves her duende, and so innocently honest when lying for her mother, truly Alejandro's daughter,

ah, I was wondering why judge Ricardo is never a judge, conflict of interest this time I guess, I've come to appreciate how the complete lack of evidence in these novela trials really moves the whole thing right along,

loved it when Alejandro pounded down Macario at Irene's,
good to see he is getting with the program,

why oh why did Veronica give Cecilia the blood results when she is already crushed,
I guess it's reality time for all,
""the abortion pill" is mifepristone. It was called RU-486 when it was being developed."
"The abortion pill is a medicine that ends an early pregnancy. In general, it can be used up to 63 days — 9 weeks — after the first day of a woman's last period."
"It works about 97 out of every 100 times."
"Medication abortion is a process that begins immediately after taking the abortion pill."
"The abortion pill works by blocking the hormone progesterone. Without progesterone, the lining of the uterus breaks down, and pregnancy cannot continue."
(but then a second drug is taken), misoprostol, it causes the uterus to empty.... blah,blah,blah,

I think, "the morning after pill", plan B (Levonorgestrel), is different,

what struck me most about the David/Cecilia fire fight was the look on Poncia's face, she never stops hoping that things will be good for others,

in the trial didn't Max say that as a kid he faulted his mom for giving in, but now that he understands, he forgives her,

hmm, this whole trial, I thought, is about Francisca signing away her rights to the Chamuca mine, but this document Anibal (senator of the republic ) has, seems to be new,

ah yes Ines, a cell with Gertrudis would work for me,

I am watching you...



Great recap, Novelera!

Just when things were going well, we seem to be entering a phase in which they won't go well. I think Francisca is going to lose her case. Cecelia lost her baby and is breaking up with David. David's drinking, and defends Guerra. Ricardo can't seem to shake Ines, isn't being honest with Pati.

Yes, there are positives, such as Lucas, Lagarto and Gertrudis in jail, Alejandro finally knowing the truth, along with a bunch of others. But Gaby still is stuck with the problem of most of her evidence is weak. Lucas and Lagarto aren't talking. Julio, Ramon and Alberto are dead. Gertrudis is insane. And Guerra and Anibal are still upstanding members of the public to any outsiders who don't know the truth.

If only some of the good guys had recorded all the horrendous things that happened, such as with a cellphone.

BTW, I think Ricardo just said that the judge is in the same political party as Anibal, and "might" owe him favors. Again, this may not be enough for conflict of interest. However, I do think the judge will rule against Francisca, because once again, it's sort of the word of Fran and Max against the word of Antonia and Anibal, so there may not be a preponderance of evidence (the US standard in a civil trial, don't know what it is in Mexico).

As for the contract, I thought it's the same thing Fran signed (probably without reading), gives her some small amount for the mine (which I do remember), and therefore isn't a forgery, the good guys are just yelling that out. But I could be wrong.

What the good guys need is a new plan, such as trapping Antonia into admitting something on tape. Don't know how they'd do it, though.


Everybody knows about Aurelio's picture all over the papers. At a tense breakfast, Mati says we should keep acting normal. At first people tell her to shut up, but Ximena says she's right, we'll still send the kids to school. Aurelio runs his business, I run the house. Alba says how do we know it's true, maybe Aurelio isn't involved in drugs at all, but Ximena shuts her up, we all know what's happening, and when it was the Gringos, that was different, but now drugs are flooding our own country.

It won't be so easy to be normal, though. At school, little Victor's Mom meets Xime outside (little Vic and Rutila are in the same class), saying sorry, the authorities won't allow Rutila in, all the other kids would pick on her, you know how cruel kids are.

Juan Villalobos sees that Aurelio is down (and as a matter of fact, Aurelio has temporarily stopped much of the Mexico drug stores), wants to take him out. He sends five heavily armed guys to Sinaloa to assassinate Aurelio. So far, they can't get close, there's too much security. Later, Juan meets with Topo, another druglord, will you join me against Aurelio? We may be able to get the Robles, too. We'll find out Monday what Topo said.

The Colombians are also thinking of switching sides. Oscar, back in Colombia, still wants to work with the Robles, but Cabo and Tijeras think Guadalupe is done, and want to take over his routes, sooner or later. They keep boozing him up. Guadalupe is mad when he finds out Mónica slept with the enemy (AC) but didn't get much in return. Roxana also tries to convince Guad to try to take over, now that Aurelio is down. But Mónica says no way, just be patient, I know what I'm doing (right). Roxie says you're turning into a whore (zorra), and Mónica tells Roxie to butt out.

Aurelio has Irina brought to him (AC can't go out, himself). After their usual bonk, he asks Rusa to talk to Ramiro, and find out who gave the order to put AC's picture all over the papers. And remember, he says, this ass (hers) is mine! However, Irina then goes to Ramiro, and THEY bonk, after which she asks him who ordered the newspaper thing.

EL SEÑOR, Part 2

Well, you know Aurelio, he isn't one to sit around. He orders Chacorta into action, and the next morning, outside La Tarde (the paper where Eugenia works) Chacorta and his guys gun down 5 or 6 delivery men, and set fire to the stacks of newspapers! It turns out they also did this at the other papers. Later, someone (little Vic's Mom?) tells Ximena "your husband just had several innocent newspaper workers killed in retaliation for the pictures." Uuuuuuuy!

Marco is devastated. He, Leo and Orejas had been watching the drugstores, and Ponte even made a small "buy", but nothing much was happening on the street. Now this! He frantically calls Eugenia, she's fine. In fact, Marco had set up security for all the reporters, but who would think that the delivery men would be hit?! Danny is furious, and holds Marco responsible (he's probably also worried about his own involvement). Eugenia and Linares insist they'll keep writing their columns, and the other papers have agreed, too, otherwise Casillas will have won.

Ramiro is also livid, tells Aurelio next time he want to do something like that, let Ramiro know FIRST! He does tell Aurelio that Eugenia wrote the articles, Marco Mejia's girlfriend. Uh oh. In a meeting with Huerta, Castro and Danny, Ramiro roars at Danny, are you the one responsible for this?!!!! We'll find out Danny's answer Monday.

Okay, there was ONE bright spot. Aurelio really thinks he should get that surgical face change now. But Marco was thinking that, too, and they've bugged the office of the surgeon. Turco calls the surgeon, and Orejas tells the crew, here comes a call from Turco, let's tape it!

El Señor

Muchísimas gracias, Hombre, for your wonderful recaps. I depended on them even more than usual while I was traveling. I had hoped to be able to catch the episodes on Telemundo's website, but the videos proved to be more than my feeble netbook could handle. I'm now back and am just about caught up.

Many thanks to you and to everyone who commented.


Un gran recap Hombre

That was extremely cruel to kill some poor people just unloading newspapers.
But you read similar things in the papers every day. It seemed Turco was a little horrified.

The narotraficantes have no friends, nothing but greed on their minds.

LOS CIELOS -- viernes

Wonderful recap, Hombre!

It was a bit chilling to hear the relatively "good" character Ximena express the consensus: It's fine to sell your poison to the United States but when you sell it in your own country, you are sinning.

[Novelera is going to remind me about American corporate giants foisting bad products on third world countries. Yes. Still doesn't make me feel all warm and fuzzy toward Ximena who, for all her wringing of hands, lives very well on blood money.]

I've decided that Aurelio is like Pablo Escobar, just not as likeable.

P.S. Am I the only one who thinks la Rusa resembles a mongoose? (Probably.)

Pablo was good with those he liked but worse than Saddam Hussein with those he considered enemies. He offered to pay off Colombia's debt, but they refused the generous offer.

And Aurelio is better looking, at least in this version of Amado Carrillo's life. Pablo wasn't bad looking when he was younger though.


Thanks Hombre, deb, and Beth for your comments. I appreciate the feedback and the additional brain cells for things I missed!

Deb, thanks so much for researching the difference between RU-486 and Plan B. I had it wrong. Morning after was the first thing that came to mind when I heard what Antonia had given Ceci.

With the help of some caffeine I remembered more about what Francisca signed. I don't know the exact name of it, but she definitely signed over the mining rights. Not sure if she signed over the land itself. She was to receive a stipend every month for signing, migajas, really. I still can't understand why Francisca says it's a forgery, sight unseen.

I'm 99% sure Francisca is going to lose. Thanks, Hombre, for reminding me that the judge was in Aníbal's political party.

Beth, you hit the nail on the head about Vero not vetting the judge. It appears to me that, as she softens up and becomes more Gabriela, her steel-trap Vero personality - the one who thought of everything - is fading.

On the other hand, it's too soon for Antonia to fall. They aren't announcing any últimos of any kind.


Terrific recap, Hombre. This is so rare, for me at least, for there to be two gripping novelas one right after the other! They are very different but I'm enjoying both.

There's much more drama, plot twists, and fine acting in this novela than in the usual narconovela, I think.

It's true that Ximena lost a bit of her saintliness saying she's pretty much OK with hooking people in the US. But I suspect a pretty explosive scene the next time she sees AC about shooting all those newspaper delivery people.

I've got a really bad feeling about the Eugenia character. This is not a spoiler; I have no idea where they're going with this. But, if they do kill her off so Mejía can end up with Leo, I'm not going to be a happy camper. They, in my opinion, unjustly killed Angelica Celaya in Alguien te Mira. I like her as an actress. I like her because she's an American. And she's stunningly beautiful.

Wow, Roxana sure changed up on us. One roll in the hay with the despicable Guadalupe, and she's gone all Lady Macbeth on us. That's two Lady Macbeths in one novela: Jiménez-Arroy's wife is one as well.

I'm enjoying the actor playing Ali Benjumea. I have not seen him before. I wonder if we'll get any back story. He surely has an expressive face. The way he looked hearing about all the dead, innocent people and seeing AC's complete lack of remorse was very interesting.

NovelaMaven, you give me more credit than I deserve for my social conscience! I never thought about US corporations foisting off our bad products on the third world.

What in the world is going to happen with Mathilde and Heriberto? It certainly can't end well. Whenever he tries to break free of her sexual spell, she reels him back in. It's SO hard to watch her teasing him. Maybe she really does have a bit of a thing for him, but my gut tells me it's all about hurting Ximena.

I didn't even recognize Chacorta's baby mama as the person from the school who told Ximena her daughter would be badly treated there.


novelera, I also fear for Eugenia & Linares, the narcos went after the newspaper editors & writers.

Angelica Celaya is Rafael Amaya's real novia.

La Patrona -

I was wondering why Irene and Patti aren't being included as owners of the mine since there should have been some inheritance when Julio died,

ah "vetting", a new word for me,
from wiki,
"Vetting is the process of performing a background check on someone...."
(To vet was originally a horse-racing term, referring to the requirement that a horse be checked for health and soundness by a veterinarian before being allowed to race.)

it seems like this show is well into it's etapa culminantes, it's odd there are no announcements, I'm wondering if maybe they are following the format of the Mexican company that is making this show, like with the different style of avances, btw, way earlier in TW, someone, by way of something said in twitter, pegged this show at 115 episodes, I don't know how true that is, or if it still applies, but this does have the feel of an average length novela (120) and we have just seen episode 93.
(Pasión Prohibida on the other hand, IS in etapa culminantes and has just shown episode 83.)



Novelera, the actor Arturo Barba (el Turco) played the chauffeur, Fernando Lara, in "Yo amo a Juan Querendón." (But I suspect you may have taken a pass on that one.)

I agree with you and Variopinta that Eugenia is in the line of fire right now. I suppose it represents a bitter truth about how dangerous it was then -- and continues to be now -- to be a journalist in Mexico who dares to look to closely at the drug world.

The Leo character is dramatically interesting -- so sly. She is absolutely aware of the trouble she is stirring up between Eugenia and Marcos and she is enjoying it.


Thanks, Hombre, for another great recap. What a sobering episode. Last night nobody was happy!

The excitement the journalists experienced over their successful expose' has turned to shock, fear and a war like determination to continue publishing their anti-drug stories. I'm worried for Eugenia's and Linares' safety.

Mejia is in deep s!!t, as is General Danny.

Don Cleto is clearly upset with AC, first because he suspects AC had something to do with his allies the Villalobos being turned in to the authorities and second, because AC is now selling drugs to the Mexicans. I hope AC does not kill his kids' abuelo.

Aren't Cabo (who has a never-ending collection of running suits) and Tejeras now regretting their proposal to AC that they take over the Robles business and hoping Oscar doesn't hear about it?

Roxana was married to Isidro, so she may have some insight into the family business and cartel politics. Lupe and Monica are both ineffective as cartel leaders and should at least listen to what Roxana is saying.

The "Oh, crap!" look on the surgeon's face when Turco called him said it all.

I've been wondering how closely this story line will parallel Amado Carrillo's life. We know little about Carrillo's personal life, so it's easy for the writers to give us exciting and dramatic episodes. But I do wonder if we'll see a different ending for AC - no spoilers!


I doubt Aurelio's outcome will be different but you are right, they didn't know a lot about him. That is why I think they changed the names, they had to give us more filler.
I had never heard of Amado Carrillo, but he sure was powerful.Unlike Pablo Escobar, they knew a lot about him.

Interesting how you go from the mafia (the real Mafia) to this & others, Jamaican, Russian, etc

So hard to figure out how they get a hold on society, I guess its because they give them what they want & the govt makes it illegal.



Just watched Fri's ep and I'm so disappointed in Lucho. How do you tell Irene and Lucia to return back to Lucia knowing what he does about Guerra and Irene-who also betrayed Gaby. He's more a traitor than Alejandro.

Ricardo and Ines....So pathetic and so telenovela. Patti never did this to him with Alejandro. He just needs to go off with Ines so Patti can move on. This state of affairs is just torture for Patti.


deb - re: Irene and Pati and the mine after Julio's death. On one occasion after Julio died, Irene was going to go to the Chamuco board meeting (packing heat!) in his place. But as I remember, Julio did not have the money to buy in to the mine. He was put on the board for his position and influence as mayor, and may have served as a pro tem member. He certainly received money from the profits, but who knows what the legal documentation was.

If your guestimates are correct (and they sound right to me), we have about 5 1/2 - 6 weeks of Patrona left. I think that would be about the right amount of time to tie things up. If Balmy Rod can't find Lucho by then, he needs to turn in his badge!


La Patrona---

I seem to remember a confession of Ramon detailing everything is around somewhere. Doesn't that have the evidence that Gabby/Vero needs? Where did it go. Also what about the evidence of the checks that Ricardo had from Doctor Cyclops? I know that's not admissible evidence, but couldn't that prove something that Anibal and Guerra were up to no good? -- Nia

Lucho is the moron to end all morons. How does it occur to him to agree with Irene in going back to Antonia's. Isn't Antonia enemy number 1 especially the enemy of Gabriela. Also, isn't Irene an enemy as well. I think this whole Lucho and Irene storyline is ruining it for me because it looks like some sort of consolation prize to Lucho's fans. I also don't find any charm with Irene's romance. I can't forget that she was an accomplice in Gabriela's suffering. Remember the whole dress in your face situation. I like him as the clever and charming clown but this seems too contrived. Anyways, someone needs to set him straight because his gallivanting through town while Balmaceda is turning it upside down looking for him is bringing unwanted attention to Gabriela and now with Irene and Lucia at Antonia's house, he's put them in danger as well. After all if Antonia didn't feel any compulsion to murder her grandchild (Ale's and Gaby's baby), I suspect that she can do the same to Lucia. Anyways.

Nia, Ricardo said in Friday's ep that the checks that Gaby got from Gertrudis were only copies, not originals, so they wouldn't stand in court. The recording of Ramon Izquierdo probably wouldn't stand either since they couldn't verify it since he's dead. Largarto, who seems flippable since he knows Guerra shot him told Balmaceda he'll talk once the patrona Guerra wasn't so powerful. So, he might be the best bet as a witness if Macario doesn't get to him first. I have this strange feeling, though, that Macario might end up being the witness once he finds out Vero is Gaby-it might stir something in him to turn since a woman who can come back from the dead is more powerful than Guerra.

2:41 am Anonymous, thank you for saying all I think about Lucho. I don't quite get the love for him among LP watchers, but I know they are rabid enough on-line and through social media, and tend to be young, which novela producers like since novelas are now seen as being watched by middle-aged women and getting young viewers is a feat,they are keen to keep him around to keep up the viewership. I get that, but I think he's betraying GabyVero more than Ale ever did because he knows how dangerous Guerra and Irene are. I also think he deserves someone better than Irene, like Lucecita who got two buttwhippings from Julio Montemar because of Lucho and was loyal nonetheless. However, it seems he's supporting Irene going back to La Dorada to get Ale back with Irene so he can get with GabyVero, who he knows doesn't love him romantically.


Hombre- You have been amazingly generous giving us all these recaps. Thank you!

Wow! There is a lot going on in the universe of these charcters right now. So many changes in play. I also fear for Eugenia and Linares.

I was not shocked by Ximena's code. She grew up in this life, after all. Her beef with Aurelio was never about what he did for a living, but his lack of respect for his family and household. And now she sees he also has a lack of respect for his homeland.

She does want a different life for her kids, and I respect that. Many women who grew up/married into that life would be fine to let it continue forever, like AC's mom. Ximena knows this life is dangerous and closes off options for anything different. She wants more for her kids, and it has nothing to do with her kids being able to live a lavish lifestyle or not. I think she would give up the lavish lifestlye if it meant her kids were safe and happy, and that her husband would be at her side.

La Rusa seems to be a very good match for AC. Both of them are very cold-blooded and calculating, as well as insatiable in the bedroom. Monica is too hot-blooded and emotional. Ximena is too down-to-earth and simple/normal. I have the feeling there is a lot more to La Rusa's background that we have yet to learn.


What a depressing episode! The only thing I liked about it was seeing Gabi/Vero and Ale being a real couple. From their mutual support and hand-holding in the courtroom, to their pillow-talk about the current problems at night in Vero's bedroom. It's good to see them so united.


Ariel gives a speech about how much he loves Bianca. For a while Bianca imagines Bruno telling her how much he loves her. But she snaps back to reality and sees Ariel proclaiming his love to her. Everyone claps. Ariel and Bianca dance (Bianca gives Bruno a look)and Bruno watches in pain. The dance ends and Bruno leaves. Bianca wants to stop the party. Nina had enough too. Ariel has Flav take charge of the party. Nico stares at Bianca and Pen wants to know why. He says its nothing.

Willy is in Elis apt. He tells her that if the wrecked man dies (I thought they said he recovered successfully) Bianca could be charged with homicide (I think he means manslaughter). Bianca will end up in jail if they win. The family also wants 20 million dollars. Willy gets all affectionate and its obvious Eli is uncomfortable.

Ariel and Bianca head upstairs. Ariel says since Bianca is still in pain they should see a doctor. Bianca says she recently had a wreck. Feeling pain is normal and it will soon go away. When asked if she had a good time at the party, Bianca says she did. Ariel says he made mistakes but now he swears to never leave her. He kisses her on the cheek and when he leaves Bianca wipes away the kiss.

Flav cant believe the party ended early. She asks Nina if she is feeling upset. She says shes just tired. Flav says its because of Bruno not showing up. She says no although she does think its rude of him not to show up. Ariel shows up and Flav says the party went well. Soon enough Bianca will end up back in his bed.

Willy “accidently” spills wine on Eli. She says she will change in her room. Willy asks her if she will do a striptease for him.

At the house of horrors, Bruno brought the club girl with him. The girl lives in Los Angeles and has only two friends in Miami so she doesn’t know anything about Bruno. She asks if he has a girlfriend or a wife. They kiss and get in on.

Eli reluctantly performs the striptease. Willy thinks for a model she is a horrible dancer. But he says “Screw it” and throws Eli on the couch. It looks like he raped her.

The next morning Nuria calls complaining to Willy. She misses him. Willy says he loves herand will show up to change clothes.

Apparently he spent the night with Eli. He wants the two of them to spend a night at the hotel. He will lie to his wife and say he is going to NYC. Eli leaves to make breakfast for him.

Bruno gets breakfast as well. The club girl is still with him because she left her car at the club. She will spend all day with him. Bruno wants her to cover up. She doesn’t want to.

Tere is in the master bedroom, fixing the bed, when Ariel walks in. He asks for Bianca. Tere said she left. “In her SUV?” asks Ariel. “No. she was still in pain.” Responds Tere. Ariel thinks Yair is her driver, but Tere says Bianca called a taxi. She didn’t tell anyone where she was going.


Bianca shows up at the House of Horrors, surprising Bruno. Bianca gets her own surprise when she sees he has a woman for company. Bianca is pissed and refuses to listen to anything Bruno has to say.

As Eli and Willy are eating breakfast, he gets mad and starts telling her to stop playing the victim. Eli sought him out and he helped her. The sex was consensual and he didn’t force himself on her. (I guess instead of milk he drank wine for breakfast!) Willy will come back for Eli in 5 hours.

Bianca is leaving and Bruno tries to stop her. She says he did this out of revenge since she is with Ariel. Bruno says that’s not true. Then Bianca says its because hes a womanizer. Bruno says that’s not true. Bianca says Bruno doesn’t love him since hes rolling around with bimbos.

Nico goes to the hospital to talk to the wrecked mans wife. He wants to know why shes suing Ariel. But she will not tell him.

Bruno is trying to calm down Bianca, when Ariel calls her. Bianca tells him she went for a walk and will get home soon. She hangs up and demands Bruno get her a taxi.

Nico sees his father in the hospital and finds him talking to the wrecked mans wife.

Bianca and Bruno argue. She cant believe he would sleep with bimbos. He tells Bianca that she got back with Ariel and said B&B were through. She calls him a coward. He says he just needed time, and she always wants things her way. Bianca cant believe she fell in love with a man like Bruno.

Ariel and Flav are in the main entrance when Deniz enters. She apologizes for showing up late for Santis first day of school, but Ariel says its no big deal. Nico calls Ariel and tells him there is a high chance Bianca will go to jail if the wrecked man is dead or paralyzed. Ariel thought the man was safe. Nico tells him the family changed their mind because of a benefactor: His father.

Flav is worried about Bianca going to jail. Ariel says it was just an accident. Flav says Bianca had been drinking. That’s good enough for Willy to charge her. And his lawyers are like Hyenas. Ariel says if Willys lawyers are Hyenas, his own lawyers are lions. Flav wants Ariel to call Willy. Ariel says that wont do a thing. Flav doesn’t want her daughter in prison. Nina walks in and asks what happened. Ariel leaves. Nina thinks Bianca and her dad argued again. Flav says its Willys fault.

Nico goes to Willys office and tries to enter the password for his laptop. He doesn’t know the password.

Nuria demands to know where Willy spent the night. He says he was working. She doesn’t believe him. He says that’s not his problem. He leaves and drops his phone. Nuria picks it up

Bianca tells Bruno she wanted to apologize, but not anymore. Now she wants to get over him. She will stay with Ariel. A taxi shows up and Bianca leaves.

Nina says she looks horrible on the newspaper cover of Bianca and Ariels anniversary. Deniz says the pictures aren’t so noticeable. Flav says she hardly saw Nina at the party. Nina says she got tired. Flav says Bruno will probably use the same excuse. Nina says she doesn’t care about him. Deniz calms her down and the two leave to play the piano.



The club girl leaves Bruno, realizing he slept with her because he was pissed at Bianca. He apologizes. Club girl forgives him, but doubts Bianca will do the same.

Nina screws up at playing the piano. Deniz knows Nina is not feeling well and tells her that sometimes people take the wrong path and learn it wasn’t the one made for them.

Yair is making a tape for the servants when Bianca shows up. She asks the servants not to tell anyone she made it home. The doorbell is ringing. Its Sylvia and Pen and Bianca doesn’t want them to see her. Yair heads for the door. The servants are confused by Biancas behavior.

Flav answers the door and tells Yair off. Sylvia didn’t like that she wasn’t invited to the party. Flav says the party was private. Sylvia accuses Flav of not wanting her as part of the clan. Pen wants to hear Nina play the piano but she just finished. Tere asks the women if they want any coffee. Flav says not if she is slow like Yair. The women leave for the living room.

Bianca is inside Brunos room and starts to cry.....


La Rusa hasn't revealed why she is called that yet. I think she said it was a long story & told AC she would tell him later. We know they much more important things to take care of.


Yep I think Francisca is going to lose the trial. The Gaby crowd just can't get a break and find real evidence or someone who has the guts to jump ship and tell the truth. I do kind of like th idea of Macario blabbing but it probably won't happen. I do wish Poncia would grow a backbone because she has the goods. I would think knowing what Antonia did to Ceci she would but no she reverts to miss mouse. Balmy Rod still seems on the fence about Antonia but he did put his BFF in prison so there may be hope for him putting the pieces together.

Ines is nuts and now plays the suicide card - yawn how telenovela. Ric has turned from a nice guy into a pig. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree after all.


I think Frani is gonna lose too. The contract she signed probably said she'd get a monthly stipend for Max but she didn't get it, but it's presence in the contract means she's up a creek. i remember Anibal mentioned a small monthly stipend of some sort. It might be a complete lie since Fran didn't get to keep a copy of the contract.

I'm worried that they haven't given us any sign as to when this is ending at all. They keep on saying etapa culminante for PP but no signal marks whatsoever for what the heck is going on with LP. I even think they changed whom GabyVero would end up with because the section where GabyVero finally went with Ale had a copy and paste feel to it. The ep when Gaston told Ale the Lucho/Vero wedding was cancelled and he beelined for Vero and Gaston telling Lucho in the radio station that 'Yeah, Ale didn't help Gaby in her time of need but that's the dude she loves' seemed like a reshoot-the cinematography didn't match and the convo between Gaston and Lucho in the radio station where Lucho was drunk, looked ad-libbed.

It seems as if neither the heads at Telemundo or the writers know how to end this tn, or they are really watching online social media feedback to make
a decision. Maybe blwback from the Corazon Valiente finale is making the writets nervous to get this right.



J desde NYC, I don't really think Lucho wanted Irene back in La Dorada so that she'd re-unite with Alejandro. I think that, almost in spite of themselves, these two are falling for each other. Lucho was fairly happy in Casa Montemar. He licked his wounds over Gabriela a bit and adores Lucía. Once he and Irene did the deed, something sparked between them.

I can't imagine Lucho would be dumb enough to think that Alejandro would re-unite with Irene by virtue of her living at his despised mother's house. After all, he had earlier advised her to be nicer to Ale, and that didn't work at all.

I think all that Lucho wanted was the opportunity to bed Irene again, whether love or lust. He directly suggested that she move back into La Dorada. He told her he couldn't ever come to Casa Montemar because of all the police presence. Considering what a monster Antonia Guerra is, it's not very noble of him to want her under that roof. But when has Lucho ever been noble?

La Patrona -

thanks everyone for you comments, this has turned out to be quite an interesting novela, and I really enjoy reading everyone's take on this,

(and thanks to Bill C. for his most wonderful detailed summaries at the start that got me oriented and pulled me right in)

ah yes Alejandro, I guess I'm a bit hard on this guy because I judge people on what they do, not what they say, or how they appear, or, or, or ...and Alejandro has so often just walked away, and I also see all of the suffering that Gabriela has been through as collateral damage from just knowing this guy, not to mention his nightmare of all nightmares for a mother, but anyway, now that he is one of the gang and all, how long do you think it will take for him to get the idea that maybe he should get a divorce.


Thanks NovelaMan for the recap! A lot of uncomfortable situations going on in htat episode...Poor Elianna, and poor Bianca, crying along on Bruno's bed. Flavia, not so subtly pushing Bianca back together with Ariel. Ugh! And Ariel's toast at the party--he referred to Bianca as "shining like a star, until she goes up and joins all the stars in the heavens, where she will continue to illuminate his life"....That sure can't be a good omen!
J in Oregon

Oopsie, I meant Bianca was crying ALONE on Bruno's bed.
J in Oregon

Pasión Prohibida

thank you so much NovelaMan for hanging in there and turning out such wonderful recaps,

and thanks J in Oregon for translating Ariel's toast,
Ariel has a smile like,
does anyone know who Howdy-Doody is?

it's really hard for me to watch Guillermo pawing at Eliana, when she is so uncomfortable with it, but I guess she said earlier to her girlfriend that she has lost everything she has worked for, including her modeling career and has no where else to turn,
and Guillermo has seen he is now in control,

does Bianca even have a car, I was thinking it was wrecked,

Bruno, Bruno, Bruno,
I really wanted to hear his explanation,
it had to have been one for the record books,

Nico needs to have his own company and get out of the crossfire,

Bianca needs to learn to play the piano, or maybe a violin,
so where is the diary now?

actually this whole cast reminds me of some in-laws that came for a little visit,
and are all still here.


Deb you are right, everyone comes to the mansion but nobody ever succeeds in leaving, as somebody pointed out several weeks ago: Yair, Celeste and Don Salo, Cami, Bianca, Bruno, all are attached by a big rubber band. Only Deniz has succeeded in leaving...sort of.
J in Oregon


I've actually softened on Alejandro as the Tn has gone on. How soft have I gotten? I once suggested he needed to be blinded a la Mr. Rochester in Jane Eyre if he was to end up with Gaby. i am protective of Vero and her suffering and K want her happy.

Now, I don't think Alejandro was a traitor at all because he didn't have enough information to put 2 +2 together to see that GabyVero was set up. He didn't know about Chamuco, and no one, but Max in passing, not Gaston, or Francisca told him about it. Anibal lied about it when Ale asked and the lobos hid their interest in it through a foreign shell company. He didn't know his mother was capable of murder until Poncia told him about Srs Beltran and Vidal 's deaths. Until then Gaby's trial and incarceration made no sense to him as a setup.

Pasion Prohibida
Great recap, NovelaMan, of a cringe-worthy episode, Willie/Eli, Bruno/LA gal, Flav's comment about getting Bianca back in Ariel's bed.
Agree deb on the Howdy-Doody grin! I think Ariel's character is badly written, how could a successful entrepeneur, even if so smitten with Bianca, be so blind? And then his violent behavior before reverting to the dopey smile and jewelry routine.
Looks like Flav is going to renew pushing Nina and Bruno together.


After hearing what Aníbal said in court, Francisca shouts that she only gave up the mining rights, not the mine itself. It sounds like what Aníbal had was a bill of sale. Aníbal is absolutely disgusting in his testimony, as the judge just lets him do it. He says that these miserable poor people had signed the land away but realized afterwards that the mine had increased in value. And, in their ignorance, they thought they could dissolve the contract to sell the mine. He calls them gente insidiosa (treacherous and deceptive). Alejandro jumps up, objecting to the insults.

[I gotta say, this is one of the most confusing telenovela juicios that I’ve seen. Two different guys have appeared to ask the witnesses questions, but I can’t tell to which side they belong. And NO ONE objects to the outrageous “testimony” except Ale, who is then told to pipe down!]

Eventually Francisca is thrown out of the courtroom. Aníbal admits that maybe the contract wasn’t the “most generous” he’s ever seen, but he’s willing to give them some compensation.

Lucho teases Irene in her post –coital glow. He admits that Lucía has stolen his heart. They play some more games where he teases her and she pretends not to care about him. Meanwhile Macario calls Antonia to say they’re “busy” in the stable. She says to just leave them alone. But we see a camera placed in the stable.

Rodrigo grills Poncia about her relationship with Antonia. He asks why her face shows hatred every time she looks at her. Why not leave if she feels that way? He asks if she’s keeping quiet for loyalty or fear. She tells him to draw his own conclusions.

Rod then questions Ricardo some, asking why he’s on the side of the Suárez. When he comments on the likeness of Rick’s mother on the wall and her having left long ago, Ricardo evades his questions.

Alejandro tells Vero they need to trust in justice, but Vero has seen the bias of the judge. Gastón asks Francisca if she read what she signed all those years ago. He’s pretty sure she actually gave away the mine itself.

Lucía is brought into the stable, and Lucho has magically gotten himself a pirate costume and calls himself Bluebeard. Lucía is overjoyed to see him. Lucía is sworn not to tell anyone about El Duende coming to La Dorada.

The judge gives his “judgment”. Big surprise (not). The only owners of El Chamuco are Aníbal Villegas and Antonia Guerra. Francisca and Max both explode in the court. Later Francisca says that El Tigre must be spinning in his grave. He even gave his life so their family would have the mine. Vero tells them they may have lost the battle, but not the war.


Aníbal and Antonia gloat over their habitual glasses of champagne. She asks him for the $2 million to replace in Val’s account and says she’ll double it very soon. She also wants a chat with his friend the judge. David appears and is given a glass of champagne as well. He gulps his down and pours and gulps another. Aníbal looks shocked.

Constanza, Lucho and Vero are having breakfast. Lucho offers to infiltrate the lobos. Vero realizes what he means, and accuses him of taking advantage of poor, lonely Irene. She remembers her cruelty at the prison, but she says she can’t quite hate her because she’s the mother of a sick child.

Poncia yells at Antonia. She found an empty liquor bottle in David’s room. She tells her that alcoholism is hereditary. Antonia isn’t worried at all. She tells her that he’s just going through a bad patch getting over Cecilia. But there’s lots more fish in the sea, and she’ll get him focused on someone better than Cecilia.

The favor that Antonia got from the judge was getting Lucas out. He’s out on bail, and what he did to Francisca was declared negligence and not intentional!

The Madam visits Antonia, who says she’s heard there are some new muñecas coming, and she wants one of the prettiest for something special.

She then tells David that the pretty, young daughter of a friend of hers [like she has any!] is coming to town, and she wants David to entertain her.

Val and Max talk to Cecilia. She is very sad, missing David. She says he won’t forgive her for accusing his grandmother of causing her miscarriage. She says he doesn’t love her.

Francisca tells Max that Antonia paid Lucas’ bail and he’s free. Max goes ballistic. Vero tells him to calm down. This is what they want, for him to harm Lucas. Vero says that she’s arranged for Max and Valentina to leave before the war heats up.

Antonia tells Rod that the mine was acquired legally. He tells her that pretty much everyone in court thought the acquisition was unjust. Antonia tells Alejandro that she has all the money for Valentina and she wants her to sign a receipt. She then lies her hindquarters off to Rod, complaining about women (Vero) who turn sons against their mothers. She says Alejandro adored her until Vero came to town!


I’ve been wondering about Gastón’s hair. When he was “wild card” radio guy who turned into town drunk after Inocencia’s death, his hair was all over his forehead. When he became Vero’s “consigliere” it was gelled back and quite flat. Now that he’s Francisca’s novio, it’s styled nicely and with a bit of a wave in it. Anyway, Francisca is starting to have some bad feelings about Max and Valentina. Vero feels it as well. Snuggled up to Ale at the hotel, she tells him she fears losing another loved one.

Ricardo shows up bright and early at Inés’ office and, without being pressured at all, grabs her and starts passionately kissing her. This guy is a MAJOR disappointment. He managed to leave his cell phone at La Fortaleza after visiting his mother, and has such a bad case of lust that he doesn’t even miss it. Patti has tried to call him, and Constanza answers. Uh oh.

Antonia has a huge pile of papers for Valentina to sign. She tells Val that these documents are for when she reaches her 18th birthday and everything is hers. Max asks if they can’t take this pile somewhere and review them, but Antonia says she wants Valentina to take control of things as soon as possible. Gah! Neither of these babes in the woods has enough sense to run out of there screaming.

Inés wants Ricardo to stay a while, but he says he feels too miserable. He asks her to stop treating him like a lab rat, but goes back for seconds anyway.

While Val and Max try to understand the papers, Antonia tries saying that Max is going to be delighted with all the money. Max shoots back: Cada ladrón juzga por su condición. (Bad eggs think everyone else is a bad egg.)

Meanwhile, Alejandro, who should be present for this suspicious document signing, is over at Vero’s accepting to be Espino’s replacement as VP of the SPDO bank.

Antonia has greeted a young prostitute the madam has sent her. She’s appalled that the girl is dressed for “work” and, not content with having appropriated Valentina’s money, has taken some of her clothes to dress “Brigitte”. Antonia says she’ll be called Eugenia Toledo Palacios. I think this is supposed to wean David away from Cecilia.

When Ricardo comes home Patti is waiting for him. She tells him she couldn’t call him because he left his cell at his mother’s and, by the way, where was he all morning?

Vero tells Alejandro and Gastón that all is set up in DF for Max and Val. She bought them an apartment near the university where they’re going to study. Meanwhile Francisca is tearfully packing Max’s clothes, and a photo of Max and Val falls off the bureau. A message from El Tigre!


Thanks Novelera for a great recap for a crappy ep. You've been an energizer bunny the past couple if days doing so many recaps and it is appreciated.

This ep made me upset because it was just paint-by-numbers setting up, apparently, Max and Vale's demise. ale not being with Max and Vale to get the receipts Guerra said she had because the money owed was already in the bank and he can't stand being in Guerra's presence. why oh why did M& W not say they need their lawyers to look over the paperwork, or call Ale and tell him shenanigans were at work.

And Ricardo-ugh! I have a theory about him and Pat. He's never done the hard work of actually maintaining a relationship because with Patti, why try and have sex with her as his wife if there's already a kid? Why try and have sex with Patti since she's already a wife and she'll be there anyway, so no pressure. Patti needs to leave-to DF, not her parents' house-, to show Ricardo she's nota plaything. Even with Ines, she's the aggressive one-Ricardo does nothing but show up and she's happy. not a plaything. he has a ready-made family and he feels no need to maintain as a result.

Telemundo is revamping their daytime line up next week on Tuesday, May 28. Gone are "Al fondo hay sitio," "Historias de la Virgen Morena," and "Decisiones Juveniles."

At 10:30 am ET premieres "Amar de Nuevo" - a Telemundo novela made in Mexico in 2011 that is a spin-off of "Amarte Asi," aka "Frijolito."

Only the little boy who played Frijolito is back. the protags are Patricia Garza and Eduardo Rodriguez - who was last seen playing the pervy jefe of Ximena Duque on "Corazon Valiente." Cast also includes Jullye Giliberti, Jorge Eduardo Garcia who was the little boy from "Maid en Manhattan," and Briggitte Bozzo who was the little redhead girl in "Corazon Valiente" and the early scenes of "Abismo de Pasion."

And at 12 pm ET is "5 Viudas Sueltas," a new Colombian telenovela from Caracol. It's about 5 women who meet each other visiting their husbands, who are all in prison for various reasons.

You can view an English friendly trailer at the Caracol Internacional catalog page.

Finally, the 2007 Telemundo Miami telenovela "Pecados Ajenos" is being rerun on the Telemundo subchannel Exitos. It started Monday taking over the slots formerly held by "La Tormenta." It's good fun with Lorena Rojas and Mauricio Islas as the protags; with Catherine Siachoque, the three faces of Sonya Smith, a drunk Ariel Lopez Padilla, Sebastian Ligarde and Lupita Ferrer. The young uns include Mariana Torres, Sofia Lama, Jencarlos Canela and Ximena Duque.

Pasion Prohibida

I haven't had the time to watch Monday's epy, so no recap yet (hopefully, soon).

I really feel bad for Bianca and each day seems to be worse for her.
When I was watching Bruno looking at Bianca with his uncle from the stairs he really made me sad, too, but he kind of created the Hell he is living in.
I'm not that surprised that he cheated, because for men it's easier and this was not about not loving Bianca - he was only trying to forget about seeing her do that tango with Ariel - and that is how most men react - not saying I approve, but we've seen worse in this tn (ARIEL comes to mind).
The fact that Bianca caught him does change things quite a bit, though; I totally get why she felt cheated, but the situation they're in is really awful.

El Señor - Lunes

I thought I'd get the Señor ball rolling with a few thoughts about last night's episode. Its title could have been "The Blame Game." First, we see the crooked government officials (well, Huerta, Castro, and Ramiro) questioning and blaming General Danny for the front-page media campaign against Aurelio, leading to Aurelio's bloody massacre of the workers distributing the papers. Danny puts the blame on Marco Mejia, but the three government Bad Guys aren't buying his explanation, since Marco works for him.

Meanwhile, Marco feels overwhelmed with guilt over the innocent workers who lost their lives. He feels that it was his idea that led inadvertently to their death. He's in a rage and tries unsuccessfully to work out his emotions through rather intense exercise. When that doesn't work, Leo (who is with him, though not by his request) tells him that if he's so angry and wants to fight with someone, fight with her, and she starts hitting him. My guess is that she is filled with all kinds of conflicting emotions, and may also have been turned on by watching the muscular Mejia doing his exercises. They engage in some combat that leads, inevitably, to their almost kissing. Oops.

Marco then goes to General Danny's office and tells him that he is resigning because of the massacre. Danny asks him whether he wants to leave Danny alone to fight Aurelio, and is that what Marco's father would have done? Bingo, Danny says the magic words, and Marco agrees to continue his work. As he is leaving Danny's office, Danny warns him not to say anything to anyone about this conversation. Yeah, right.

Back in the newspaper office, Eugenia is also consumed with guilt for the massacre of the innocent workers, since it was her story and the accompanying photo that pushed Aurelio to send a message via the massacre that no one messes with AC. Her colleague Linares manages to calm her down a bit and reassure her that what happened was not her fault and that she is doing something brave and necessary.

As all this is happening, Aurelio is fuming that his photo was on the front page of so many newspapers. Irina tries to calm him down, passing on to him her grandmother's advice that "Vengeance, like caviar, is best served cold." Her words apparently fall on deaf ears. AC gets a call from Ramiro telling him that the person responsible for the media campaign is Eugenia, the novia of Aurelio's nemesis Marco Mejia. Aurelio first wants both Mejia and Eugenia killed. Eventually he realizes that Mejia is protected by the President, but Eugenia is not, and he orders Chacorta to kill her.

Things also get more complicated back home with Ximena and with Matilde. Ximena urgently wants to talk with Aurelio about what is happening. She calls Turco, who tells her Aurelio is dealing with business elsewhere. She then unexpectedly arrives and demands to see Aurelio. Turco blocks her way and tells her, with a look that silently spells it out, that she cannot see her husband (who is busy with Irina, I think).

As for Matilde, she finally discovers the existence of Victor Junior. Hell hath (almost) no fury like a Matilde scorned.

Pasion Prohibida Monday

Guillermo tells Nuria that he is going to NY because he wants to spend the night with Eliana; but then he finds out that Nico sold the auctions he'd bought from Ariel's company, so he calls his son, asks to see him at the office immediately.
While Nico and Guillermo fight about the auctions, Nuria walks in, just as Nico is asking his father if he's cheating (because he told everyone that he'll spend the night in NY). So Nuria fights with him, too, throws him out of the house and tells the kids she won't forgive him this time.
Penelope asks Nico if he had anything to do with Guillermo's attempt to incarcerate Bianca, but Nico denies everything (and at least we know that is true).

After getting back home, Bianca spends all day in Bruno's room, telling everybody she's there to get away from the visit (Penelope and Flavia's friend - what's her name?)
When Ariel comes home at night, he finds her asleep and takes her to their room, fixes her a bath - whenever I see Ariel with Bianca I get this ewwww feeling...

Bruno gets into the room, watches over Bianca as she is in the bath tub remembering how she found Bruno in the morning - she is crying, he doesn't dare to intrude, so he leaves, but he is heartbroken, too.

Later Bianca comes down and they all have dinner. Bruno gives Bianca the present he bought for the anniversary; at first she is very happy, but then she notices it is a mirror (like the one she broke) and suddenly feels bad and leaves the room. Again Ariel accompanies her and I cringe whenever I see him next to Bianca.

When she is alone, Bianca gets a call from Bruno; she wants nothing to do with him anymore, but he insists that he loves her and this can't be over. Well, it is, Bianca says and hangs up.

In the meantime, Nina is up to no good. Earlier in the day she went to visit Flavia in her room. Even Bruno, the most lazy student in history, has gone to school today, but Nina decided to skip a semester or whatever, because she obviously has nothing better to do than stroll around the house in her hight heels and mini dresses...And she visits Flavia, who manages to allude to Bruno's so called feelings for Nina, again.
Nina doesn't really buy it at first, but then Flavia tells her that Bruno acts so different when she faints, she'd realize he is in love with her if she saw that.

So, at night, alone in her room, Nina decides to test Flavia's theory, so she opens the door to her room, lays down on the floor and waits for someone to find her and presume she fainted. Poor Santi is the one who gets the big surprise and goes running, calling for his dad.


Juanita, thanks! You definitely covered many of the themes of the episode.

I think little Victor's Mom's name is Aida, that's what it sounded like. I guess it wasn't so wise of them talking openly in the house. Matilda at first cried, hurt, then was mad at Alba and Ximena. But little short Ximena stood up to her, and pushed her against the counter, bloodying Mati's lip. Despite the fact that these two both have straying husbands, they can't bond at all, and Mati's probably going to want some revenge for Xime's fighting her (and not telling her). But shouldn't Mati be blaming Chacorta?

Danny first blamed Mejia, but then changed his mind. He told the 3 corrupt guys that at least HE was fighting the drug problem, what were THEY doing? And on the phone, very nervously, he told Aurelio that no, it wasn't Mejia, it was the guys in intelligence and defense (Castro and Huerta). Not sure if AC believed him. Danny's character is very complex, and he's under tremendous pressure. I wonder if he could crack from the strain.

Chacorta and friends have taken over the apartment of a lady who lives across the street from the exit of the newspaper. They have to wait all day for Eugenia to come out, but she finally does, along with Linares, and Marco's there, too. Chacorta asks AC if he can kill Marco now, he's got an open shot, but AC says no. He was just about to shoot when the episode ended!

Oscar is now in Mexico, and tells Cabo and Tijeras he has a new plan. But we don't know what it is.

Roxie keeps advising Guadalupe, and Guad decides he wants sex now. Roxie wasn't exactly in the mood, but Guad says I'm just starting to find you a little appealing now, so put out, babe! (He's a real pig).

Irina shows way more skin than we're used to on these shows. Wow. Good thing Turco stopped Xime from walking in. I also was frustrated by the huge amount of things bleeped out. I can (bleep) hardly understand what the (bleep) they're saying!

Bert offers to put suntan lotion on Mati, but she says she's off limits. We'll see how long THAT lasts, now that she's mad at Xime.

Tonight should be action packed.


Great recap, Novelera, thank you!

I think this show is going to continue for a while, since it's popular. I wouldn't be surprised with 60 more episodes. They introduced a new character yesterday ("Eugenia") and they can keep introducing more characters if they like. Sure, if they wanted to, they could wrap up the show in 2 episodes. But they could also keep it going. I've watched shows before which, when they got popular, were extended (Hasta que el dinero nos separe ended up over 200 episodes). I also think they will still warn us when there are about 7 weeks left, by saying final weeks.

It's very convenient for telenovelas, but the way contracts are signed is really bad for the poor people who don't read them. 1) What about witnesses to contracts? 2) What about notaries to contracts? 3) How about the fact that Valentina is still not 18, doesn't that make the contract invalid? And Max even said one of the documents was Val's Will! She's going to sign a will that Antonia prepared? Beanie time.

Too bad Francisca can't ask Tigre for clarification. It was convenient when they met up in heaven, but I guess they had a time limit.

Balmy was not happy that the judge ordered Lucas released. He's starting to see how "justice" works in this town. But will he ever really break away from Antonia's spell? It'd take some major thing for that to happen.

Lucia was cute when she almost slipped, talking about pirates to her Dad, right after having sworn not to.

I hope they didn't have to reshoot David's gulping down two full glasses of non alcoholic champagne right after each other. I guess he's young.

I also wonder what's up with Gaston's hair. I do think it's intentional, as are the choices of Vero's outfits and hairstyles. But I don't really know what they're trying to get across.


I don't think I can take 60 more eps of Antonia winning every battle, as much as I enjoy this tn. The novela is very pessimistic right now and I need a big church wedding, preferably Gaston and Francisca. Gaston has to get married if he's running for presidente municipal, no?

Gaston's hair is intentional. Pre-jail, it was rebellious, post-jail dirty befitting his beggar status; Vero's right-hand man it's serious and mobster-like when he was seeking vengeance for Innocencia. Now that he's with Francisca it's soft and styled to show he's softened.

Pasión Prohibida

thank you so much Adriana Noel for taking the time to write another one of your wonderful summaries,

I haven't quite figured out that business Nicolas and Guillermo are in together but I guess Nico had to go to Guillermo's office, crack his password to get into his computer, in order to sell the shares, so this was pretty serious,

I don't know how Guillermo found out, but he left Eliana just sitting there,

but the best part was when Nuria slapped him so hard, it dropped him to his knees,

wow, Bianca's sleeping in Bruno's bedroom, did anyone get a clue?
and then Bruno walks in, oh wait, double take, it's Ariel,
of course he doesn't have a clue,

loved it when Nico reminded Penélope, once again, they are on the same team,

interesting how Bianca and Penélope take after their mother so much, who happens to be the strongest character in this story, er, Deniz is pretty tough too,

and the young woman named Nina,
I really missed the thump when she normally hits the floor,

oh and Flavia's unfriend's name is sleazy Sylvia,
who runs to call Guillermo with her news, I hope they set her up again,

so Bruno went to school, how strange, maybe we will see him in a class sometime.


El Señor de los Cielos -

thank you so much Juanita and Hombre for your summaries and comments, they are much appreciated,

so funny about the bleeping words that we can't bleeping hear,

the best cast list I've found, although still incomplete, is here,

wow, was that really Gabriel Porras doing those exercises, that guy is awesome,
and I'm really enchanted with how Carmen Villalobos can say so much with just a look.

so Chacorta, instead of taking the shot, calls up Aurelio to see if he should just kill Marco as well, no "buck fever" here, this guy is so smooth and calculating when killing.



Thanks, Novelera, for the excellent recap! What a terrible episode for the good guys! Is this the part of the TN where the lobos run rough-shod over the good guys for a while longer, and, as Hombre suggests, extends the show?

I have to agree with Gastón - I think Francisca actually did give away the mine.

That whole document signing scenario was so frustrating. Both Val and Max know how manipulative and evil Antonia is, but neither of them said they'd come back later or thought to call Ale for advice. And Antonia now has Max as a witness to Val's signing. I know they're young, but...

Balmy Rod did ask Antonia very pointedly if she knew anything about the abortion drug given to Ceci. Maybe he's catching on...

Cameras in the horse barn. I wonder what blackmail Antonia will get from those videos...

Ricardo - and Ines - so sick, so disturbing.


Muchas gracias, Hombre, for your very interesting and helpful message about last night's episode. Yes, I think you're right about little Victor's mother's name being Aida. That's what I heard, and that's what the Spanish subtitle said. It's amazing that she has gone so many years without Matilde knowing about her. It's not the first time that she has visited Dona Alba, I think. My guess is that now Matilde will try to take her rage out on both Chacorta and Ximena. Perhaps through Heriberto.

You're right, too, about Danny's trying to turn the tables on the three corrupt guys and put them on the defensive. Still, I think Danny was still VERY nervous about their accusations and implied threats. Perhaps that's why he told Aurelio that it was those guys, not Mejia, who were responsible for the expose of AC in the papers. It's pretty clear that AC didn't believe him, however. He tells Danny not to tell him white lies. The reason he doubts Danny's version is that Ramiro had already told him (AC) that the person behind the expose was Mejia's novia, Eugenia. Of course, it's possible that he could now wonder which one of them (Danny or Ramiro) is telling the truth.

I agree with your description of Danny as complex and under an immense strain. I too am wondering whether he'll crack. Lady Macbeth can prop him up only so long.

I gathered that Oscar was about to announce a change in plans, but I have a hard time understanding the Colombians. All I really understood from that scene is that Oscar loves flamboyant clothes. An orange suit???

Speaking of things I don't understand, I too was having a hard time with all the bleeps. The Protectors of My Purity were really active last night. It drove me nuts.


Oops, I forgot to put "Señor" at the top of my most recent message.

La Patrona -

as always, thank you so much novelera for your terrific recaps,

so tough to watch Valentina and Max try to dig their way through Antonia's fine print, I can't believe Alejandro just abandoned them, and where is that fancy advisor Valentina has,

with Lucas out, isn't Veronica expecting a counter attack now from Antonia,

was Brigitte, er I mean Eugenia Toledo Palacios, going to stick her bubble gum to the underside of the Antonia's coffee table,

and Ricardo has the addiction to beat all addictions and Ines keeps feeding it,

this can't be good that Francisca is packing for Max, so that they will be gone and finally safe,

interesting comments all, about Gastón hair.


Is the Exitos tv channel on dish? if so what number? I want to watch PECADOS AJENOS.


Thanks so much Juanita and Hombre for your comments and insights.

Wow, talk about unbearable tension! Chacorta and the guys setting up across the street from La Tarde's offices was the very definition of that. And Chacorta, the sociopath, happily eating the woman's pozole and cracking wise while preparing to KILL A WOMAN. He made a joke about how late Eugenia was working, wondering where you could find a hardworking woman like that who would keep him in style! [Mathilde not so much!]

Danny went through the gamut of approaches with the corrupt guys. First cowardly blaming the whole newspaper photo business on Mejía and then deciding to play the incorruptible officer. It kind of worked because all three of the others are so very corruptible and they backed off him when he stated that he, at least, was trying to wipe out the drug epidemic in México.

That scene with Mathilde and Ximena was amazing. Yes, she should have headed for DF to accuse the real guilty one, Chacorta. But that's not how Mati rolls. I loved it when Ximena said: "Yes, now you know; I AM bien cabrona" (bleeped, of course). I asked my co-worker from México how bad cabron and cabrona are, and she said pretty bad. I always thought they were kind of modest curse words. It's hard to judge that sort of thing when you're not a native speaker!

Tks Juanita and Hombre
These guys show no mercy, tying up that poor old lady.

Looks like Eugenia bent down to pick up sth just as Chacorta took the shot.
So now they will all take cover & Eugenia lives another day, but AC doesn't give up.

I really like Marco's looks, not the pretty boy & very appealing.

I did not realize that Irina was at AC's (apt,house?), does she climb out the window with a bed sheet?


Variopinta, even though it looks luxurious, Aurelio is in his "guarida" (hideout), which apparently is some mansion tucked away somewhere. Turco has to escort Irina there. But Ximena must also know where it is. In Pablo Escobar, Pablo had a number of these, but his wife wouldn't DARE come to one.


Wonderful recaps of what happened last night. Thanks!

Novelera- When Xinema slapped the taste out of Mati's mouth and said that was my favorite scene last night. It may have seemed like Ximena was some sweet cupcake in the beginning, but she is one tough cookie. Can't wait to see how she reacts to learning (seeing?) AC is with another woman in his safe house.

I am sure Mati will take her revenge out on Chacorta and Ximena through Beto. And I fear for the lives of Aida and Vince Jr.

Definitely a cliffhanger ending, but I also saw Eugenia bend down. I'm not sure if Linares was out of the line of fire though. We'll see I guess.

La Patrona:

I could not believe the extreme estupidez of Val and Max deciding to decipher the legal docs themselves, instead of going to get legal help they can trust! And Ale just leaving them to it, was even more stupid. I can take a lot of silliness in a tn, but I hate it when they just make the characters stupid.


For all the things that Mati deserves to be slapped about, pointing out that Aurelio is a man-whore is not one. She was right; Ximena just doesn't like to face the reality of her life. She's getting a face full of it now.

I just worry about what Mati is going to do now. The advances give some hint (ok BIG hint). But I can see her using this as a reason to get with Berto, which she's (just barely) avoided until now. Then she'll go after any other friend of Chacortas. And in another 10 years, little Voctor. She's the type to hold a grudge. Don't think even Chacorta knows what fury is yet.

But on a happy(-ish) note, How great are those Colombians? Relatively for this show that is. Such style. Cabo with his rotating yet always clean track suits. Oscar in a snappy (ha) coral suit. And Tijeras with his oh so confident flowery shirt and pink pants. Murderous drug dealers? Sure, but fun!



Matilde has already used her wiles on Turco, but being the wise man that he is, he didn't cave.



Kelly, I get a big kick out of the Colombians as well. I've seen the guy playing Tijeras twice before, both times in narconovelas. But in the most recent one, La Mariposa, he played a very upright Colombian cop, practically a twin of Marcos Mejía. And his hair was certainly not shaved in the front like that, and he spoke like an educated man. In Cielos he's using that Colombian mafia accent which always kind of cracks me up. They have GREAT slang.

Tijeras was so cruel & looks so ridiculous with that mohawk gone wrong that I looked up the actor, he is really nice looking, not pretty but he would look good smiling


Variopinta, it was hard to find a picture of Tommy Vásquez smiling, but here's one. He has a GREAT smile.


I knew it, gracias


Vivi, yes, the writers made Val and Max too stupid to live last night. Max just faced off with the Guerra and Villegas and he and Val get bumrushed with papeleo (paperwork), and nothing in them says 'Woah, there, set-up?' I can't even blame Alejandro that much because as he said to Vero 'The money Guerra owed is in the bank-she's just giving Val a receipt.' Max and Val should have called Alejandro and told them something's up.

La Patrona --

J in Desde thank you for the reminding me. I think I am getting tired of seeing Guerra win. I want to see some type of payback no matter how small. Yes there have been some victories but I just want to see more it. I know I am suppose to be a good little viewer, but this is getting crazy. I am wondering when will Vero/Gabby finally take the gloves off and start playing dirty like Guerra. I know she is the heroine and all but enough is enough. I guess this is the reason why I keep tuning in. LOL -- Nia

In the opening credits, Turco is clearly upset by sth. I can only think of one thing that would upset him so much, if sth happened to Ximena.

I think Turco told Ximena that AC's amante of the moment (Irina) is the cousin of the president.

While Matilde was getting it on with Berto, she was fantasizing AC.


Yes, Vario, I think I remember that scene they show in the opening credits. It took place when Turco, who was supposed to be shepherding the little family around Housotn, learned of the car-bombing. He supposed Ximena was dead.

Thanks to all for the great recaps & comments so far. These guys are colorful characters. Oscar was really working that coral suit; and I noticed Tijera also had on the same color.

Mati is thoroughly disgusting, but I suppose no more than anyone else in this sordid tale. And Irina is perfectly cast; could be the lighting, but they really made her look ghoulish last night.

I was horrified by the (not entirely unexpected) wholesale slaughter of the tunnel diggers. When they zoomed in on that one worker's face, I knew they were all doomed. As I suppose might be the good doctor who was trying to squirm out of writing a prescription for Chacorta.


What to write, what to write...I feel like nothing new happens anymore, or if it does, I just don't like it that much...

Everybody totally falls for Nina's fake faint; Bruno is all over her, taking care of her and what not, while Ariel is worried about the reason why Nina fainted again after all this time. Enter Flavia and her venom - the night of the fainting and the morning after she tells Ariel that Nina is in love with Bruno and that as far as she suspects, Bruno is in love, too - even more, they are dating in secret!!! Ariel has his usual stupid, clueless face, but eventually starts to believe Flavia. He takes Nina to the psychologist again (I had no idea Nina ever met with one) and asks the doctor to talk to him in private after the session is over.

Camila overhears Flavia talking to Ariel and by the end of the episode the entire house, Deniz included, know about Nina and Bruno possibly sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G.

Bianca feels that her mother is again up to no good and asks her what she's planning this time. Well, supposedly Flavia is saving Bianca's marriage, nothing more, nothing making Ariel believe Nina and Bruno are a thing - she thinks that once they get married, the B&B danger would be forever gone (because being married means temptation is gone?). Obviously, Bianca is not happy to hear this, but what could she possibly do to stop her mother?

Nina isn't making things easier, either, she is constantly all over Bruno, and Bruno just goes along with it - for him it's an innocent love, but Ariel is starting to look at his daughter and his nephew like they are two star crossed lovers who are keeping their love a secret, and that is why Nina keeps fainting.

Nuria still wants a divorce and warns Penelope to be careful with Nico, because he was more than willing to defend his father the other night.
Francisca discovers the big sell that Nico micromanaged behind his dad's back and wants to talk to Ariel about it, but first, she asks Nico if he has anything to do with it.

After a morning of disgusting bliss with Eliana, Guillermo decides to not see her until his divorce is final - she can barely hide her joy (she doesn't, actually, Guillermo can see right through her) and gets upset when he leaves her a stash of money. As Guillermo leaves, Bruno who decided to check on Eliana after her friend told him she is in trouble, sees the old fart getting out of Eliana's building and is stunned.

Pasion Prohibida
Thanks AdrianaNoel for taking the time to cover everything so concisely and with style. [OT I saw your recap over on Corazon Indomable, and a few lines in, I recognized your voice!]
Does seem we are stuck in some kind of bog.
It is nutty for Flavia to think Nina/Bruno would remove the temptation. I think Flav is trying to buy some time and deflect Ariel's attention from suspecting B/B, as if he would, Ariel seems so blind.
Guessing that the Nina/Bruno house chatter will somehow lead to Yair's reveal and move the plot forward.
Eliana/Willy, too gross and sad. Only sign of life in her dead eyes when Willy says can't see her for a while. Are we supposed to think she's gone completely loca? At least she has a good friend [Maria].
Couldn't believe Penelope was trying to talk Nuria out of the divorce!
Seemed silly for Ariel to get so bent about Bruno/Nina since, as shown in flashback, Deniz had already put him on notice, tho he discounted it. Have to say, to me, Bruno is way too touchy with Nina.
Thanks again AdrianaNoel for hanging in there! Appreciate your effort.

Pasion Prohibida

Clara, thank you for your appreciation; I'm giving it a try with Corazon Indomable, too, but I have to admit, I still find PP much more fun, even these days.

Everything seems so dark and unsolvable; first Bruno followed Bianca and she resisted him, then she caved in, then they started sneaking around, now they are fighting. Normally the big reveal should not be that far behind,but I really don't like this Nina story thrown between them; Bruno is so passive when it comes to Nina, he never took Deniz' warnings serious, he is waaaaay to touchy with her (good point!)and the biggest threat, Flavia seems determined to "solve" the situation.
I've lost all respect and pity for Ariel when the abuse took place, so I really don't care what happens to him anymore. I can't believe that Bruno still sees him the same, though - after all, he did rape the woman he loves, right? And the fact that he can't see how in love Nina is with Bruno makes the fact that he can't see what is going on with B&B all the more natural.
You hang in there, too, we are close to the end with this one.


I found the conversation between El Turco and Ximena to be interesting. First of all, she uses his real name. He keeps trying to protect her from the truth about AC being with a woman in the house, first by deflecting, then by telling a half truth that he is meeting with someone from the gov, and then by lying and saying he’s meeting with the cousin of the president. This is a half truth, as Irena is the go-between for AC and the cousin of the pres.

He also tries to protect her from the truth about AC being the one to order the hit on the innocent newspaper workers. Which is interesting, because later when she confronts AC about it, he admits to it by ripping off her blinders in a cruel way-- saying her father did the same kind of thing in his day, when he had to. Ximena seems to have a nostalgic vision of the drug trade in the past, when the bosses and families had rules and ethics that they stuck to (like not gunning down innocent people, not selling the drugs to their own people, and not going after each other’s families). Did this idealistic past ever exist? Maybe since the stakes are higher, the rules have changed and things have just gotten more deadly. But I agree with AC, that this has never been a kind and gentle way of life, as Ximena seems to remember.



Another interesting part of the Ximena-Turco conversation was the discussion of why he’s part of this business when he didn’t grow up in it like she did. Ximena can’t understand why a man who is so educated and refined like him would be part of this business (makes me wonder if Turco is her ideal for what she wants her son to eventually be). He mentions that loyalty is what’s most important to him, and that basically the work is the same whatever field you work in and whomever you work for. It made me wonder who he’s worked for in the past if working for AC is better! And I don’t see AC as being loyal to ANYBODY! Not his wife, brother (he slept with his wife after all), associates, and certainly not the people who work for him like Turco. So why should he be owed so much loyalty by Turco? Is there something AC did for him long ago that earned him Turco’s loyalty?



Great comments, Vivi and others. Here's a bit more of what happened in the show.

Chacorta sees Eugenia and Linares exit the newspaper office, met by Marco. He tries to get a clear shot. Just as he pulls the trigger, Eugenia playfully tosses her keys to Linares, then bends down to pick them up. Chacorta fires, and hits Linares square in the back! He fires again. Marco and some cops fire back, then rush across the street to catch the assassins, who hustle out of the building. Outside, a cop says drop your weapon to Chacorta, who shoots him dead. Then Marco and Chacorta exchange fire, Chacorta is hit in the shoulder, but escapes.

Linares, Eugenia and Marco rush to the hospital. Eugenia has a flesh wound on her upper arm, but it's minor. But Linares? Although he should live, he may be paralyzed! Eugenia and Marco are distraught, horrified. Leo tries to cheer up Marco, and she even has a new plan, which the previews seemed to reveal, but since we don't discuss previews here, I'll hold off on that.

We now know how Ximena got to Aurelio's safe house, which is in DF (Mexico City). She asked the boys to fly her there in a private plane, they couldn't refuse the boss's wife. Juan Villalobos' men were watching from outside Aurelio's normal house, and didn't see any car leave. Juan now says kill anybody, even his mother! This won't be easy, as there's lots of security. Juan also talks to his brother Sabino in jail, saying he'll try to pay off some guys to protect Sabino in there, but getting him out will be difficult. They both want revenge on Aurelio. Juan tells Sabino that unfortunately, Topo won't join them.

What's Topo (clean shaven guy who always looks down) doing? He and Pollo (greyish hair, slight beard) have had guys dig a tunnel across the frontier from Mexico to the US. As Vivi pointed out, they "reward" the workers by gunning them all down, to prevent witnesses. So we see that Aurelio doesn't have a patent on cruelty.

As LXV and Variopinta pointed out, Matilde comes to Bert in her dressing room, saying how'd you like the copy of me I fixed you up with? Bert liked her. Well, here's the real thing! They proceed to have sex, and Bert is guilty afterwards. Again, those previews seem to signal this situation is only going to get worse!

Guadalupe and Roxie are playing video games. Roxie says she not too good at that. Monica enters, adding, I can name another 20 things you stink at! Little bit of tension there, huh? I think Roxie tells Guad, what if Monica joins up with Aurelio, and leaves you with nada, she'd be your patrona!

I also liked how Turco handled the situation with Ximena, as Vivi so clearly explained.

And the Colombians? Oscar sort of thought he'd go in with the Robles, since Aurelio was not answering his questions. Well, boss, says Cabo, you see Isidro was smart, but Guad.....he's just not leader material. What, says Oscar, you want to go in with Casillas? Nah, boss, not him either. What's a Colombian drug family to do? :)


After getting tired of reading all those pesky documents, including HER WILL, Val just signs everything. Irene overhears Val and Max talk about leaving that very night. She then discusses this with Lucho, and Macario has their room bugged, so he hears it, and tells Antonia. Macario is told to take care of Val and Max, but he is to have some other friends of his do it, and Macario and Lucas are told to come to the club, so everyone will see them there.

Francisca sees that black cloud around Max, wants to go with Max and Val, but everyone pooh poohs this, and she gives in. Most of the characters end up in the club. Antonia is there with Balmy, who earlier asked her about the fact that Cecelia was given an abortion drug. Of course Antonia acts surprised and horrified. How awful! Right. Pati and Ricardo are there, and when Ines tries to dance with Ric, Alejandro sidles in, and makes her dance with HIM. Antonia is loving life. Vero suggests Pati as a possible President of the Club, but Pati doesn't really want to, and Antonia lords it over her, too.

David is introduced to Eugenia, immediately falls for her "charms", has no clue he's been set up. Antonia has told her to seduce David, but don't fall in love or anything, when the job is done, she'll leave town. If she's screws up, it's the carcel.

Even though I saw a little champagne at dinner, Max and Val are driving merrily along, talking about the hundreds of children they'll have. They also had some very tearful goodbyes with Fran before they left. These are not good in telenovela terms. Sure enough, Macario's friend or relative sees the car approach, and drives his own huge truck right into their path. Max looks up, the screen goes bright, they swerve, over the edge they go, and boom! We see their ghosts (?) visit Fran, another not good sign.

We're obviously meant to think they're dead. But anything's possible in a telenovela (one alive, coma, amnesia, etc.), so let's hope for SOMETHING good!

La Patrona:

Thanks Hombre. You didn’t have to be psychic to see the anvils headed Max and Val’s way. I almost erased my recording right then and there when Max allowed Val to sign her WILL, after noting it was strange that 17 year old Val would be signing a will, without even reading it. Come on writers! In JdesdeNYC’s words yesterday—“the writers made Val and Max too stupid to live last night.” Ditto and amen!

These two dumb bunnies deserve to die, but I don’t want Fran to suffer the pain of losing her child, and I don’t want Guerra to legally inherit all of Val’s assets, so I’ll hope for the thrown from car and in a coma/found and taken by locals, but have a bad case of amnesia storyline. Oy!

Pati didn’t want to be club president, but I think Guerra trash talking her mama is going to spur Pati to do it.


This comment has been removed by the author.


Many thanks, Hombre, Vivi, and everyone else who has commented about last night's episode. I don't have much to add. If I understood Don Oscar correctly (always a big IF, especially with the Colombians), he wants to involve Topo in his plans. Topo can give him an in into the Mexican market (I think), and AC has confidence in Topo. With my Spanish, all this is very tentative, but I'm pretty sure Oscar mentioned Topo in a positive way as being part of his change of plans. Given what we saw of Topo last night, it looks as if there will be even more bloodshed in the episodes to come.

I too was very interested in what Turco had to say about his upbringing. Apparently, when he was young, he worked for people who didn't give a damn about anyone except themselves. Turco learned from this experience that there was no good or bad, just people with power and people without it. He obviously sees the advantage of being on the side of the powerful.

I was also interested in the scene between Matilde and Dona Alba. I was at first naive enough to believe Mati when she apologized to Dona Alba. When will I ever learn?? As soon as Dona Alba left, Mati called her a "vieja chancletuda" and spoke of the sweet vengeance that she (Mati) would wreak on the entire family.



Couldn't watch or comment on Monday's El Señor yesterday, so thank you Hombre and Variopinta for bringing me up to date with your recaps. And thanks, Hombre and Vivi, for today's recap.

What an ugly episode. Mati of course has already set her revenge plan in motion with her seduction of Beto, and you know she's going to let Ximena know about it in the sleaziest, most hurtful way possible.

How did Mejia know it was Chacorta - facial recognition? I was a little surprised when Marco yelled 'Chacorta' in the alley just before he shot him.

It looks like the little old lady in the apartment escaped certain death when the assassination went south. I had been thinking one of AC's men would shoot her after they killed Eugenia.

On the one hand I felt a bit sorry for Ximena who is seeing her life go to sh*t right in front of her eyes - on the other hand, she's living in her own dream world. She knows the drug business is ruthless and that AC is an ambitious, unfaithful liar, as evidenced by her talk with Turco.

Right now I'm enjoying the Colombians, pastel suits and all. Interesting that Cabo favors stars on his sweat jackets.



Juanita, your Spanish must be pretty good, because I think everything you said is 100% correct. Thanks for reminding us that Oscar also mentioned Topo.

Bev, I do think Marco recognized Chacorta, Marco walked right into their headquarters one time, and definitely knows what they look like. Since Chacorta shot that cop right before Marco's eyes, they could put Chacorta's picture in the paper, not just Aurelio's. But given all the payback, they probably won't do that.

I mean Beth.


Thank god for those Colombians! They and their wardrobes are like comic relief among all the ick.

Interesting background on Turco though. It seems like his philosophy is that you are loyal above everything to the people you love, and everyone else can go dig a tunnel (metaphorically. Was that really necessary, killing those guys?). Muy cínico, Ali. Although I think his loyalty is more to Ximena than to Aurelio. Aurelio just has the power Turco needs, not his affection. This will probably get him killed.


Note to self: Stop believing the previews.


Hombre, thanks for the recap. What a downer! Parts of this episode were hard to watch. I guess it's time for the good guys to act stupid and the bad guys to win the battles.

I know we've all said it before, but - Antonia is truly evil. She had Val sign her own death warrant/will. Then she arranged the details of Max's and Val's accident and made sure that she, Macario and Lucas would be seen at the club when it happened. And she had the sheriff with her for good measure!

The one humorous item last night was Alejandro's swooping in and pulling Ines away from Ricardo when she tried to dance with him. I'll give Alejandro credit for trying to help Ric and Pati.

But Ines - how brazen and arrogant to flaunt her affair with Ricardo and, in essence, threaten Ale with exposure about his affair with Pati.

I'm also hoping that the two dumb bunnies (Thanks, Vivi!) are in a coma and not dead, but there are so many possibilities for plot development if they are dead. Poor Francisca - she knew something terrible was going to happen, and now she'll blame herself for letting them leave when they did.


La Patrona -

thanks so much Hombre,
and to Vivi and Beth as well for your always wonderful comments,

I am still disappointed that Alejandro abandoned Valentina and Max at such a critical time, he seems to have a nose for this, and when he hooks up with Gabriela, she seems to be distracted as well,

I don't know why no one believes Francisca, it's not like she isn't right EVERY time,
sending Valentina and Max down the same road that Tigre went down was so wrong,

and what's with Veronica putting Patti in harms way, this president's job didn't go so well with Prudencia, and Patti even has a worse history to pick apart.

and it looked like Antonia dug through all of the paperwork to get to Valentina's will, and launched a big smile when she saw that it was signed,

Macario and Lucas together are like the dynamic duo gone wrong.



As you all have mentioned, what's with Vero putting Pati in the line of fire? Vero knows full well what Antonia is capable of and that Pati's affair with Ale can be used against her.

Deb - "Macario and Lucas together are like the dynamic duo gone wrong." LOL! I burst out laughing when Lucas flew out the door with a pistol to shoot Lucho as he snuck away from La Dorada - and Macario just as quickly ran after Lucas to stop him from shooting.


Pasión Prohibida -

thanks so much Adriana Noel,
and for your comments Clara,

Flavia must have the most boring life I have ever seen, it seems like she never even leaves the house anymore, and Katia waits on her every minute, must be about time to check on Iván, before he strays again,

and so while Bruno was showering the woman called Nina with caresses and kisses, in her bed no less, Bianca was standing outside the door watching, will these two ever run out of ways to torment each other,

to look at the shell of Eliana, the Zombie, I would guess that Bruno must bring so much passion to the table, that when he leaves....

and there is always the innocent young son called saint, is case we forget what a good person is like.


El Señor de los Cielos -

thanks so much Vivi and Hombre, for the summary,
and to all that commented, there is so much here that goes right past me,

yes, Turco is quite an interesting character, always fit and well groomed with a soft spoken suggestion to keep things moving along smoothly, as well as the occasion kill like with Mati's manager.


Pasion Prohibida

Deb, Eliana really looks very bad...makes me fear for Bianca, even for Nina.
I didn't think Bianca was looking at Bruno and Nina in bed, did I miss that? I thought Bianca spend the entire Nina faint in her room...If only we could be as lucky as to be spared...

Pasión Prohibida -

hi Adriana Noel,

there was a scene where Bruno was alone with Nina, she on her bed, brotherly caressing, kissing, hugging, saying goodbye, he leaves, closes the door and in the dark hallway turns, and comes face to face with Bianca, Yikes!, I thought she was skipping all of this drama as well, but you can tell from her face that she had been watching.



If someone pooh poohs one of Fran's premonitions again after this, I hope she throws a big rock at THEIR head!


Vivi, you are hilarious about Fran throwing a rock at the tigre heads if they doubt her again. Thing is, she saw a chalaca or ghost around Vale when Antonia was poisoning her and she didn't die, so I get the doubt. However, the Tigres have communication issues. Ale told Val she was collecting a receipt. As soon as she saw that paperwork, Val and Max should have called Ale and asked why Guerra was swamping them like this. After all, Max just went to court over Guerra giving Fran and him shady paperwork to sign. The will and the other papeleo warranted an immediate cell call to Vero or Alejandro. They were dumb. The one thing I fault Ver for was letting them leave at night. Anything could hapoen-but then again Tigre got kudnapped in daylight.

Beth, I get why Ale didn't go with Val and Max to Guerra's. He doesn't trust himself to stay calm and keep the secret around her now that he knows she's evil. He beat the stuffing out of Macario without warning and he doesn't want to risk exploding on Guerra and compromise GabyVero's identity. He speaks with Guerra in short terse sentences now. Like last night when Guerra told him she had the money she 'borrowed'. He was terse. 'No, you didn't borrow it, you stole it.' That was it. Also the money owed was already in the bank-Val was just to pick up the receipt.

I think, as Hombre said, only one person died-I think Max since he said 'Don't cry over me' to Fran in her dream and Vale didn't speak, which tells me she lived but is in a coma.


I hardly saw Bianca in yesterdays cap.
Not much to say other than that.

La Patrona:

But Fran was right about Val too! Someone (hmmmmm, I wonder who?) was poisoning Val and she would have died had she not been hospitalized in time. But then all the Tigres just forgot about that and moved on after she left the hospital. Plot hole!

I'm sure Turco is very well paid, Amado Carrillo had a net worth of 25 billion, that is billion with a b. He was the most successful narco of his era.

Killing is nothing to these people as long as it's not their family or associate. Lots of cases where they slaughter the poor people trying to get to the US because they refuse to carry drugs.

Some of the cartels have enlisted the gangs to do their dirty work & they are extremely cruel. I saw a movie "Sin nombre" about a girl & her padre trying to get to the US from Honduras & she meets up with a member of a gang called Mara Salvatrucha in Mex, the movie was very violent but really gives a true picture. I believe the gang later joined with the Juarez cartel. They have gangs in many cities in the US. Check them out on wiki,it is a real gang.


Variopinta- Mara Salvatrucha is active in this region, mostly in Northern VA. I was just having a conversation with friends about them this weekend because one friend bought a new machete in NoVA, and was giving my dad back the machete he had loaned him. My friend was really run through the wringer when he bought the machete because the sellers are so paranoid that they are being bought by Mara Salvatrucha gang members. There have been numerous maimings (hacked off limbs) and killings via machete by that gang in the area. It’s their weapon of choice. Yikes!

Do you think it’s the money that keeps Turco at AC’s side? He doesn’t seem to be a guy who lives an ostentatious lifestyle, nor does he seem to get off on power trips like all the other guys high up in this business that we have seen (including the Colombians). Does he have a sick mama he’s supporting somewhere? Is Ximena his main reason for being loyal to AC? Even after his conversation with Ximena, I still don’t get why a guy with a brain, who isn’t money and/or power hungry, works for AC.


I had thought about Turco's seemingly simple life. Wonder where he lives, apparently there is not family life that we know of. One reason could be that once you do sth for the narcos, you are in it & can't get out.

Maybe Turco had a problem that AC helped him with & Turco thought he owed him, & once in, there is no out.

Mara Salvatrucha is a Salvadorean/American gang that started around Pico in LA. Wikipedia gives a rundown of their activities and reach. (including the DC area and Boston).

About Turco, I'm thinking he's an outsider (with his very Spanish/Arabic name). Perhaps aristocratic, with ties to Spain, and obviously refined, self-controlled and well-educated; clearly not of the ilk of the rest of AC's cohort. Usually when people have a nickname that smacks of nationality, it means they are different from the rest of the group they run with. One wonders what put him in thrall to Aurelio. But then, as others (like the mine diggers & doctors) have learned, once you tangle, however unwittingly or unwillingly, with the devil, you don't get out alive. There must be a debt of servitude as others have pointed out. It's a mess because, not only does he love Ximena deeply (she doesn't deserve it), but his exquisite service (protecting her from bombs, bullets and bad news) will only get him on the wrong side of his boss.

I meant tunnel diggers, not mine diggers. those poor guys. That's the thanks they get.

Dama y Obrero - coming to Telemundo

I saw a promo for this tonight, muy pronto,
(supposedly this will follow Pasión Prohibida),


Ana Layevska as Ignacia Villavicencio
José Luis Reséndez as Pedro
Fabián Ríos as Tomás Villamayor
Felicia Mercado as Engracia
Sofía Stamatiades as Mireya

"Dama y Obrero" features Ignacia, a young engineer who works in a large construction company owned by her boyfriend Tomás. Ignacia and Tomás have been together for a long time and finally decide to get married, although Ignacia could never imagine the kind of man Tomás really is. Days before the wedding, they have a heated argument, and Ignacia decides to leave town and have some time to herself. From there, she meets Pedro, a man who appears to be wealthy and with whom she spends an unforgettable weekend. However, Ignacia knows she is only living a dream, a pause in her life, so the next morning, Pedro wakes up to find a note from Ignacia but with no trace of how to find her. Regretting what has happened, she goes back home where Tomás is waiting for her with an offer for an impressive promotion at his company and expects that this will make her forgive him. When Ignacia, now in a powerful position, discovers that Pedro is an average construction worker, the two will find that despite having every reason on earth not to be together, they will love each other despite prejudice, differences and rejection that threaten to pull them apart.


Pasion Prohibida Wednesday
Part 1

Francisca explains Nico about the strange company that bought and then sold a bunch of stocks that belonged to one of their subsidiaries. Nico pretends he doesn't know anything about it, but I think he's shaking in his booths a little.

Still in Eliana's lobby, Bruno receives a phone from Bianca. He is very lovable, but Bianca cuts him off, by telling him what Flavia told Ariel that he and Nina are involved. Bruno laughs, he is sure Ariel won't believe this, but Bianca is not that sure; she even suggests that Ariel is considering throwing him out of the house because if this - and that would lake her happy, because it would mean she doesn't have to see him all the time. Bruno is upset to hear this, but Bianca hangs up before he can try to defend himself again. He wants to go inside Eliana's building, but he changes his mind and walks away. Behind him we see Eliana getting out, so now I'm thinking that he changed his mind because he saw her, too. Anyway, Eliana does see him and looks frightened. She calls Guilly to ask him if he met with Bruno. She is sure Bruno saw him and is all whinny about it. But Guilly tries to calm her down, he'd be the one to lose the most out of this, so she better behave.

Nina is at the therapist, talking about his furniture. But the doctor wants to know what happened when she last fainted. She flashes back to the way Bruno carried her to the bed and how caring he was. Back to reality, she tells the doctor that she only pretended to faint because she wanted to see her family's reaction.

Flavia is having her weekly booty call at Ivan's; he seems to be ok with their arrangement, he still loves her. But Flavia thinks he doesn't deserve only pieces of love...FF They talk about her life a bit, she says she can't live her life, she has to take care that Bianca's life doesn't go boom like hers did.

Back at the therapist, Nina is talking about the kiss with Yair and how she wasn't pretending then but still, nothing could ever come out of that. The doctor knows why she rejected Yair, it was because she wants Bruno. Nina refuses to talk about this, but the doctor insists that every time she wants an answer she behaves in a certain way - before with Yair and now with Bruno. He keeps pushing, asking if she's ever fainted before to get a reaction out of Bruno. Finally, she accepts that she does like Bruno, she loves him, and Bruno feels the same way about her. BAM! This is a mess!

Francisca and Ariel talk about the company who bought their stocks and then sold them - one of the owners of that company is Guillermo and there is another one they don't know. Francisca mentions that she asked Nico about it and he denied having any involvement, but she doesn't trust him.

Nico goes to see his dad, tells him that Ariel knows about the company they created - Guilly told him nobody will ever find out, but it was only a trick that Nico had no clue about. Nico realizes he was an idiot and his dad only wanted to get him fired. Basically Guilly wanted Nico on the streets, begging for his help...Father of the year ...he's not!

Bruno arrives at the company and tells Ariel about seeing Guilly at Eliana's - surely he wants to take advantage of her to attack them.

Pasion Prohibida Wednesday
Part 2

Bianca is in her bedroom...what on Earth is that blouse she's wearing?
She grabs the necklace Bruno gave her and her journal and starts ripping the pages (make sure you don't miss any); then she also destroys Bruno's picture from her heart shaped pendant.

Camila and Tere, who are cleaning the office hear noise coming from Bianca's room. Camila wants to go check her out, but Tere is afraid of Bianca's rage. They both conclude the problem between Bruno and Ariel has to be serious, since he is still sleeping in the taller. And Tere points out the fact that maybe Bianca finally realized that she's trapped in a golden cage and now she wants out. Well said, Tere, very well said!

Ariel asks Bruno if he's interested in another woman and Bruno accepts that he's seeing someone but prefers not to talk about it for now, he wants to make sure things will work out. Ariel insists in knowing more and Bruno tells him he can't share more because his new woman is not a random person - the cue for Ariel to think about Flavia telling him about the secret lovers, Nina&Bruno.
Nina's therapist calls and Ariel asks if Nina told him she has a relationship with Bruno. The doctor refuses to give him this information, but Ariel deduces that the romance is true - and, as far as the doctor knows, IT IS! Oh, Lord, to much much...

Nina and Yair are shopping, he needs to go buy groceries, they talk about she fainting all the time.

Bianca is napping when Ariel calls her. He's talked with the therapist and now he believes that what Flavia told him is true. Bianca asks him not to make any haste assumptions, but Ariel tells her he also talked to Bruno, who confessed that he is involved with another woman, that he cares very much about. Bianca gets a glimpse of happiness, she almost tells Ariel she is the woman Bruno was talking about, but finally only ends up saying who it isn't: Nina.
Ariel insists that who ever she is, she is very important for Bruno and he won't stop until he finds out her identity.

Bruno and Nico fight because Bruno thinks Guilly is taking advantage of Eliana.
Nuria and Guilly fight, too, she still wants a divorce, he says he has a lover because Nuria didn't give him what he needed, he acts like a d!!ck...Bleah..FF

Eliana and her friend are talking, Eliana thinks that maybe Bruno wanted to get back together and she should call him to explain about Guilly. Maria explains her she is the one who asked Bruno to check up on her. Eliana is very upset...

Nina is still with Yair, shopping for her room. The servants talk about Bruno and Nina ...FF

Ariel visits Deniz, tells her that he believes Nina and Bruno have a secret romance. Deniz warns him not to trust what Flavia said. When Ariel tells her that even Bruno confessed to be in love with a special woman, Deniz sure knows that is not Nina, especially when Ariel tells her that Bianca, too, thinks his daughter is not the mystery woman. Deniz' face is truly priceless in this scene, I think she finally has her confirmation.

Guillermo tells Eliana that he is divorcing Nuria and he doesn't care about appearances anymore, so he'll come live with her. LOOOOOL!!

Back at the house Bianca tells Bruno that he shouldn't have told Ariel he is in love, because what happened between them is over - come on, Bianca, grab this opportunity...But, no, she has to get all icy with him, asks him to stay away. But Bruno gets passionate, says he can't hide what he feels, he can't stay away from her anymore. And then he adds that he is desperately in love, just as Ariel walks in behind him. B&B are both stunned, but since Bruno didn't mention who he's desperately in love with, Ariel will surely suppose it's Nina.

Pasion Prohibida
Gracias como siempre AdrianaNoel, you captured my highlights: lol Bianca's black blouse, the diary sighting followed by diary abuse, and Tere's golden cage comment.
deb, excellent point, "Santi!" Maybe why that kid annoys me less than most TN children. And, Flavia took your advice to check on Ivan. Also thanks for the dama y obrero info.
Not sure how Willy with Eli is an attack on the Piamontes? As Bruno said to Ariel.
I want Nico to be a loyal guy.
Overall, altho we are experiencing pacing problems with the frustrating endless circling advance and retreat, some of the looks and facial expressions in PP are priceless. Credit the actors.


There wasn't a whole lot of action in the episode. Maybe we needed a breather, after the terrifying recent events.

The President has appointed a new Secretary of the Interior Arturo Benitez, who vows to root out all government corruption. He's saying this right in the face of Ramiro, Huerta, and Danny. Privately, Ramiro says this guy will be no problem, but I'm not so sure. When Marco asks what happened at the meeting, Danny says, just routine. Two seconds later the President finds out Danny didn't tell Marco about Benitez, and isn't happy, although it's smoothed over. Maybe this new guy will help things. Both he and the President totally support what Marco's doing, including plastering Aurelio's picture in the papers.

The Colombians? They still haven't fully decided what they're doing, although they are going to meet with Topo (a meeting they requested) and Guadalupe (a meeting HE requested).

Matilda is so mad about Chacorta's second family she barely cares about the fact he was shot. She wants revenge somehow, and flat out tells Ximena that she slept with her son! Ximena is shocked, later asks Bert, who denies everything. But Xime can tell when he's lying. She later tells Mati, if Chacorta or Aurelio find out, you could be dead. Mati apparently considered this fully, and tells Bert, they'll have to keep their little "game" secret.

Leo's plan is that she'll infiltrate Casillas's gang. After all, nobody knows her face. But Marco is adamantly opposed. No way. It's not safe, and besides, here in Mexico, I'm your boss. Eugenia says what's up, and they tell her. Later, she says to Marco, why can't she do it? Marco says she infiltrated Pablo Escobar's gang, and had to sleep with him. Oh, says Eugenia, so is THAT what you're worried about?

Alba summons the principal of the elementary school to her ranch. You know, Ms. Principal, that my granddaughter was not allowed in classes the other day? Well, let's not talk about that. I would like to make some contributions to your school. A new soccer field and a new swimming pool. The children should learn to swim, shouldn't they? Yes, M'am says the principal. And you'll allow my granddaughter back in school tomorrow won't you? Yes, M'am.

Irina questions Turco about Ximena. Turco won't say anything, asks Ximena, are you jealous, is she your rival?

Juan Villalobos still has his men outside the ranch, still is plotting to kill someone in there.

I hope Leo does get to go undercover. But how in the heck would Aurelio juggle Ximena, Irina, Monica and Leo? Turco could have his work cut out for him!


Before I forget, I've learned a few new words in recent episodes. First, there was estrado, which means the witness stand. Then we have insulsa, which means insipid or bland (Ines used it about Pati).

At this point, it's 99% certain that both Max and Val are dead. That's what all the authorities are saying. I'm sure we'll know tonight if they have the wake or funeral. Of course, Francisca was right. She's beyond upset, almost catatonic, even refuses to eat a sub sandwich (yes, it didn't really look that appetizing). She goes through a few phases, one of which is accusing Gaby of murdering Max. This results in Gaby crying, then saying I AM guilty. But THAT makes Fran calm down, you're all I have left, so they hug.

Alejandro is really getting some pantalones. He's SURE it's Antonia, breaking a few things, accusing her, even though there's no proof. Go, Alejandro! He had noticed at the club, Antonia was all upset, then quickly turned super happy, welcoming Pati's challenge as Club Pres. That was strange, what had caused Guerra to change (phone call from Macario, we know). BTW, the guy who caused the accident, and following orders, reports it to the cops, is Macario's cousin. It's remotely possible someone could find this out. We'll see.

There are some other clues, too. Lucia sees a little black thing on a lamp in her Mommy bedroom. Irene realizes it's a microphone. She may tell Lucho, and they could figure that their discussion of Val leaving was overheard.

Ale also heard Antonia saying, "nobody could accuse La Patrona", although he didn't hear earlier when she admitted to Anibal she had to do it.

David is also destroyed, Max was his brother, and Val like a sister. Antonia tells him, it's us against the world. But one day....

Also, Eugenia's cover is already starting to slip a bit. Ale observes her behavior doesn't look so virginal to him. And later, she drinks booze from the bottle with Lucas and Macario. Hasn't been caught yet by others. But I predict she'll slip up and be gone pretty soon.

Another clue. Val and Max were signing lots of papers. This may have been in the previews, but I think Ale finds this out.

So there's hope.


I meant to saying Mati had NOT considered it fully (what would happen if Chacorta found out).

Gracias Hombre,
At least sleeping with Aurelio is 100% better than sleeping with Pablo Escobar, at least in Pablo's later days.
Ximena wont sleep with him she is so angry, so the juggling is easier.


Hombre, thanks for the minirecap. Is it alright if I did a more detailed recap. There were a lot of little details that yours missed, that actually showed that as dumb as the setup for Max and Val's deaths were, last night's ep about the fall out actually moved the story along and hardened the battlelines between los lobos and los tigres. Plus, you missed the superb Pati/Guerra catfight.

Pasión Prohibida -

thanks so much Adriana Noel!
great comments Clara,

Guillermo seems to be on a roll in trashing everyone,
he seems to have feelings for Nuria, but since she is kicking him out, he doesn't take losing lightly,
Eliana looks horrified when he tells her he is moving in,
and Nicolas is stunned when he realizes his dad was just playing him for a fool to get him fired,

not sure what Bruno is upset about but he seems to never need an excuse to jump on Nicolas, maybe he just doesn't like guys who move in on his ex's, and especially ones that jeopardize his top spot in the family,

Bianca is just plain miserable with no one to talk to,
but has a devoted mother,

Nina is an emotional pin ball machine,

Deniz should have got it a long time ago, but she never quite does, and the way Ariel ripped on her earlier for even suggesting something about Bianca, I don't think she will ever do that again.

and you can almost hear the air whistling through Ariel's empty head.



It looks like Ariel finally figured it out. Than fast? (Unless its a fantasy in someones head which im betting it is) And why Why WHY hasnt Bianca reported the rape?

I wont be watching DAMA Y OBRERO.

Did anyone watch AL FONDO? i didnt.

I will miss DECISIONES JUVENILES Why didnt Telemundo give Daniel Elbittar a role in their novelas? I liked his acting?

Lastly Unimas has ben Airing SIN TETAS under the name SIN ELLAS NO HAY PARAISO if anyones intrested...

La Patrona -

thanks so much Hombre,

Antonia, with the world at her feet, and her off the cuff kill Max/Valentina and keep the inheritance move, I wonder if she even considered the repercussions, Alejandro stopping by to rip on her really brought the house down,

and earlier, the way Gabriela's remarks to her in the manicomio affected her, about her dying alone unloved, along with similar remarks by Poncia, and the way Antonia was so desperately clinging to Balmy when he was dying and calling out her name, really brings out this obsession she has, to be loved,

and now that all seems to be hanging by a thread, with David still clinging to her.


LA PATRONA: More detailed recap


Francisca wakes up from her dream where she sees Max and Val are dead, cursing Tigre for taking Max. She even asks God why he hates her so much for taking her child, her only son and child. Heartbreaking. She calls Gaston and tells him about her dream and he leaves el cloob to go calm her down.

In the meanwhile Pati accepts Vero's nomination for club president saying that Guerra's insults were the empujucito--the little push--she needed to accept. Guerra asks that she and Pati talk alone "like the two intelligent women they are" and it's a doozy of a talk.

Guerra says Pati is just like her mother--envious of her and adulterous--and she'll reveal Pati's affair with Alejandro if she doesn't step down. Pati says "If the club presidency requires a saint, there'll be none, Guerra. You have a longer list of lovers than I do. You cheated on your first husband, Marcos Beltran, with his best friend, Marcelo Vidal, whom you married so quickly after he died. And you cheated on both of them with Anibal Villegas your business partner and made him falsely believe Alejandro was his son." Guerra says, "Don't bring my son into this." To which Pati says, "You're the one who brought Alejandro up. You were willing to sully your son's name just to get rid of me. But you're not going to destroy me like you did my mother. I know how to defend myself and I'm not scared of you." Guerra insists that Pati is no competition and needs to go home and look about her husband “before I let him know you cheated on him with Alberto Espino.” Sayeth Pati: “Oh, Ricardo knows I was with Alberto before I married him. Alberto was your personal gigolo, right? And what about all the tennis instructors that were your lovers?” Guerra looks genuinely shocked by the tennis instructor bit, but Pati finishes her off by saying, “Do you want me to continue to list all the open secrets about you, because, from one adulterer to another, you have a lot more to lose if I do.” I squealed so hard in delight at this. GO PATI!

Brigitte, er Eugenia Toledo Palacios, is too smoochy too soon with David, who reciprocates to make Cecilia jealous. Vero watches them all smoochy and says to Ale: “There’s something odd about that girl my son’s with. What do you think?” Sayeth Ale: “She’s very young but the way she’s touching and looking at David, she isn’t as innocent as Cecilia. She’s been around the block.” I think the phrase Ale used was hacer vuelos for “been around the block.”

Pati thanks Vero for nominating her for the club presidency, but realizes she’s in a battle with Guerra with a complicated life. She won’t back down from running, though, since she remembers how awful Guerra was to her sister Julia since she was barren, and destroyed Prudencia’s reputation.



Thanks, Hombre, I enjoyed your recap and your vocabulary. I don't often cry in telenovelas, but I certainly needed a couple of Kleenex for last night's show.

I thought the actor playing Francisca and Aracely both knocked their grief scenes out of the park,.

I don't think Max and Val will show up later on, not dead. Ale said he identified their bodies.

I was cheering for Patti as she countered Guerra's every insult with one of her own.

Ye Gods, how long will we have to put up with that crazy and disgusting Inés? She turns my stomach every time I see her.

I actually thought Guerra was shaken by the things Alejandro said to her. But she's obviously planning to have David replace any other family ties.

And speaking of how long, how long is Balmaceda going to be blinded by testosterone?

I'll do a recap tonight, everyone.

El Señor de los Cielos -

thanks Hombre,

I've been wanting to throw Matilde from an airplane for so long that I'm actually getting used to her, anyone that doesn't know what this woman is capable of is beyond hope, but I guess she has the part where she is "family" to protect her, so who would have the final say, Chacorta?

Irina is getting a little scary in that she has a meeting with Turco to talk business, but instead pumps him for info, and reads him well, his love for Ximena,

is Victor jr. mother a teacher at the school?

I'm kind of on the fence with Marco/Leo, being the fall guys with a conscience, this seems beneath what either of these actors are capable of, I would like some more action here, taking down the bad guys, there seems to be plenty to go around,

and Danny in-the-middle, the general without an army, he looked so effective when he rounded up Aurelio and Chacorta for there first chat, where are all of those guys, now he just seems to be treading water.


Guerra is upset that Pati is running for club presidency. Balmy tells her not to worry since “it’s just the presidency of a club.” Guerra insists, no one knocks her down. Balmy says, “Is that just Patricia Montemar or a warning for me as well?” Guerra leaves the room to talk with Macario who tells her that Max and Val are gone and she’s so happy. Revenge is best served cold, she says. She gets back to the main area of the club and tells Balmy he’s right the club presidency is meaningless in perspective. She gets champagne and toasts Pati’s candidacy and the woman who supported her Veronica Dantes. Vero and Ale stare at each other wondering what the heck made Guerra change her mind. She’s up to something, Vero says.

Gaston brings Francisca to Vero’s house and Fran insists that Max and Val are dead. Constanza believes since “Gabriela puts a lot of stock into Francisca’s premonitions and they always come to pass.” The rest of the tigres aren’t so sure and Gaston and Lucho are calling Max and Vale’s cell phones and get no answer. “They won’t ever say anything again. I know in my heart my son is dead,” Francisca insists. Coni tells Gaston to go to the police station to get any first hand account if they are dead.

Gaston goes to the comisario and as he’s asking Gonzalez if any accident victims on the highway match Val and Max, Gonzalez gets a call confirming that yes, there’s a car accident and the victims match Max and Val—and no, they didn’t survive. Gaston goes back to Vero’s and confirms with Fran and the gang that Francisca was right all along. Of course, Fran is devastated. It’s weird that none of the other tigres cried, though, but that’s just me.

Back at the club, Ricardo toasts Pati from running for the club presidency since it’s a great way to honor her mother and prove to Guerra that the town can carry on without her. Inés interrupts them and Pati promptly tells her to go because she’ll put a robamaridos, a husband robber, like her in her place. (If I just faced off with Guerra and won, I’d feel pretty bold to take on Inés, too). Inés insists Pati is “badly informed” because she didn’t steal anything and ask Ricardo which one of us does he prefer. And Ricardo without skipping a beat says “Pati” and tells Inés to “Go away and don’t come back.” Ouch! But oh-so-deserved. Inés says she’ll skat since she always follows the judges orders. (I have a feeling that Inés is going to team up with Guerra to get back at Pati for their own selfish reasons.)

Balmy gets a call from Gonzalez that Max and Val are dead and he tells Vero and Ale and Ale loses it. He knocks over every glass at the bar and just sobs in grief. Guerra comes over to say how sorry she is and he promptly cry-screams at Guerra “Don’t touch me. You feel nothing. You never loved her (Valentina).” Vero begs to calm down and hands him over to Pati and Ricardo, telling them not to leave him alone. Vero is shocked but of course can’t show her emotions because she can’t show Max meant anything to her. And she even manages to give Guerra a heartfelt “Mi mas sincero pesame”—My deepest condolescenes—before saying she’ll let the mother of Maximiliano Suarez know Max has died. (Jorge and Aracely knocked this scene out the park).

Pasion Prohibida

NovelaMan, if you think Ariel figured out that Bruno is in love with Bianca, I'm sure he's still clueless about that.
But if you are referring to how quickly he put together some red herrings and decided that Bruno is in love with Nina, than yeah, he is such a brainy!

Deb, whenever I need to express one of Ariel's stupid faces when he hears this or that, I'm lost for words, because 1. to many stupid faces; 2. he is the only one who never gets a clue. So your "hear the air whistling through Ariel's empty head" works perfectly, so I propose to use it for each and every recap from now on - it just describes him perfectly.
Nina is usually pretty harmless, but now that she thinks Bruno likes her, too, I smell trouble. Why can't Bruno take this whole thing seriously? I can almost see him walking down the isle with Nina and still thinking this is just a joke...

Clara and Deb, thank you for reminding me about Santi. I wanted to add a long time ago how sorry I feel for him in this house of mad people; everybody has a different agenda, he is completely neglected either because his sister is in constant need of attention or because he is considered to young to be better acknowledged. The poor kid is always playing alone in his room, because his cousin is either chasing his step mom or covering his tracks, his dad is a busy man with a young wife who is always keeping him on his toes, his step mom seems to care about him but her personal life is just a huge mess, his nanny just moved out and we barely see them together anymore and his sister is just to self-involved.


Back at La Forteleza Francisca is in stunned silence. She stays that way until Vero comes home crying. Fran calls Vero Max’s murderer because she says she warned her that Max and Val were going to die; and since she knew they were going to die, at least Vero should have let Fran go with them and die with her kids than feel this awful pain. After saying to Vero that she let the lobos steal Max from her like they took your son from you, Fran scream-cries at Vero “Tell me how you feel, killer? How do you feel that you killed your brother?” And Vero admits, “Yes, I killed Max. I don’t deserve your forgiveness. Please kill me too.” Fran just looks at her and says, “How can I kill you when you’re all I have left?” And then they bawl together. And so did I--again. I cried when Alejandro lost it at the club.
At La Dorada, Anibal and Guerra come home and Guerra seems near giddy. Anibal on the other hand is shocked. “You just ordered the deaths of a couple of teenagers. Aren’t you scared they’re going find out?” Guerra says well, it couldn’t be helped. The ends justify the means. Besides, they can’t tie me to it because everyone saw me and my men (Macario and Lucas) at the club. And then Alejandro comes in at the tail end of this and does a full “j’accuse”—“Yo te acuso, Antonia Guerra. Tu mataste a Valentina”-I accuse you, Antonia Guerra. You killed Valentina. Poncia comes in the room at this and begs Alejandro to tell her Valentina didn’t die. And of course, it’s true and Poncia howls in such grief, as if her arm had been ripped off without anesthetic, she interrupts David and Eugenia, and David runs out the room, saying “Sorry, Ceci”—I noticed he called Eugenia, Ceci, too—and sees his uncle near choking Guerra for killing Valentina. Alejandro says “Yes, Guerra, you killed Valentina just like you’ve always done to this family. You are a wild beast that eats her own children. You’ve eaten us off into small pieces.” And then he lists all Guerra’s crimes against her family. “First you killed my father, then my brother; and now Valentina.” What proof do you have of this? Guerra says. Ale says: “I’m the proof. You destroyed my life. First you got rid of the woman I loved and the child we were going to have.”—How can you invent such a lie? Guerra says.

Irene runs out and is actually shocked and does a good job of being a shoulder for Poncia to cry on. Meanwhile David can’t believe Max and Vale are dead. “They told me they were going to DF to study and get married; they wanted me to go with them, but I said no.” And he’s so devastated he's hyperventilating. And Ale says “See mama, that’s your work.” Ale not only put on his pants, he milled the cloth for the pants, sewed it and put them on. He tells his mother that her house is hell and she’s death in the flesh. Plus, he warns Irene to get their daughter out of this house, too.

At the comisario, Macario’s cousin plays innocent, accidental killer saying Max and Val’s car came from nowhere and he hit into them accidentally and they went over the cliff. Ale comes in to hear this and despite Balmy saying, “See it was an accident,” Alejandro insists it wasn’t- I don’t believe it, he says.

Back at La Forteleza Vero insists Guerra did this crime because she wanted Val’s money and Max was going to get vengeance on her one day. Ale comes in and hugs Vero, and Lucho says, “Despite our differences, I’m sorry about your sister.” Ale takes the condolences and tells Vero that he identified the bodies and Max and Val are now together forever and he was there all night at the morgue because he couldn’t leave Max and Val alone. And he tells Vero, “It had to be her (Guerra). I don’t have any proof, but I know it was. It’s just that no one knows how to stop her.” And Vero has that glassy look in her eye that says she’ll have to be the one to stop Guerra.


Novelera, I co-sign everything you said. I cried at least twice during last night's ep, and once again rewatching a scene to do the recap. As dumb as the setup of the M&V's deaths was, the aftermath episode was amazing as a plot development issue. When Ale said of Val: "She was my little girl," I lost it. For one thing, Val was like a daughter, as much as a sister. He took her, David, and Max on that date they had, which told me Gaby was a big deal to him since he made it a family event; and that's the meeting where Max and Val feel for each other. Ale was the one who gave Max the scarf Val made for him when they reunited again as teens. So, losing Vale was a huge deal that solidified his status as a tigre. Alejandro is done with Guerra.

Another thing, in mourning for Max, Ceci finds out that Vero is Gaby. That's great show and not tell writing on the writers' part. The tigres, in their shock and grief, probably didn't even realize they revealed all that information, and Ceci probably won't say a word about it outside the house. I'm sure she has enough information to put two and two together that Guerra finding out Vero is Gaby is dangerous to her, and the tigres', health.

Ines is awful and obviously stalkerish. The "vete" Ricardo gave her wasn't genuine imho, since he told Ale he isn't sure if he wants to end it with her, but it was well-deserved. Ricardo has said repeatedly that Pati is the woman he wants the happy-ending with, Ines is just torturing herself chasing a man for a real relationship who just sees her as a sex object. I get the sense she's near the boiling bunny, slashing tires stage of her ire--which is when Ricardo will finally wake up. I still think Coni needs to have a talk to Ricardo about Ines and tell him that he's acting like a pig, but that's just me.

I'm getting the sense that Alejandro is Poncia's legitimate child because they have the same hair and coloring, and it would explain how Guerra has pretty much given up on Alejandro. When Fer told her off, she was hurt, but still wanted his love. With Ale, she gets the sense that he's lost to her forever.

Gen. Dan is just trying to save his own hide. He is playing both ends, accepting Aurelio's money while looking like he is fighting the narcos. He goes after the little guys. In the real scenario there was a Gen like that. When a narco has 25 bil, he can buy a lot of people, those he can not, he kills or tries to. They were childhood friends but at this point I don't think it matters to either one of them.

I just read this today

La Patrona -

thanks so much J desde NYC!

I really appreciate the added detail, there were some really incredible emotional scenes that you captured very well, the one that got to me the most was when Gabriela admitted to having killed Max/Valentina and all, and she so pulled back into herself and just stood there with her tear streaked face, trembling, all alone, wow,
I'm so thankful to Francisca for going to her, and putting her arms around her,

and I wasn't really getting all of the banter between Patti and Antonia, so that was nice, nobody pulls the wool over Patti's eyes,

say anyone remember, did they name the place where the crash was, something like guillotine curve, or were they saying something else?



Deb, that scene with GabyVero crying and admitting her guilt, was tense. You're right, she was all alone and I was thinking, "Why won't someone hug her?? She needs a hug!" I think Francisca realized it was pointless to blame GabyVero after that, especially when Vero said she wished Fran would kill her too, since Gaby is all that she has left of Tigre.

The thing that got to me was when she and Ale found out about M & V's deaths at the club and how GabyVero had to stay calm and pretend Max meant nothing to her. That look she gave Guerra when she gave her condolences was heartbreaking. It was if she was thinking "I know you killed both of them, but since they're supposed to mean nothing to me, I'm just going to pretend I don't know you killed them, and that they meant nothing to me since I'm a newcomer here. And besides, my etiquette and deportment teacher in the US taught me to control my emotions at all times." Aracely knocked it out the park in that scene. And Jorge, wow, he just was suitably devastated and righteously angry. And Geraldine Zinat, that's the woman who plays Francisca, was amazing in the ep's first scene when she cursed Tigre and begged God to bring Max and Val back. When she said, "My son, my only son," I was tearing up already!


Thanks, J desde NYC, for your fine recap.

Deb, that's exactly what they said: Guillotine Curve. I'm assuming Macario planned the accident for there for the purposes of plausible deniability because it's a sort of blind curve. If that cousin of his had hit them head on on a straight stretch of road, it wouldn't have washed. And some other guy was stationed way before the curve to let the truck driver know when they'd be approaching. Ghastly.


J desde NYC - wonderful recap, full of emotion, wise insights about the characters. Always free to write longer recaps than anything I put up.

I usually go online at lunchtime, which is about noon Eastern time. If nobody has written anything about La Patrona or Cielos, I write mini recaps. I don't actually take notes (except for the occasional new word or name), so there may be many gaps. Fuller recaps and corrections are always welcome.


Thanks, Hombre. I enjoyed your recap very much.

I LOVED the facial expressions of Ramiro, Huerta, and Danny when Benitez was introduced. Ramiro, thinking his familial relationship gives him some say-so, was shut down quickly by El Señor Presidente. And what a contrast to the pleased smile on Mejía's face when introduced to the guy. I'm liking this President of México. He showed up at the hospital to see both Linares and Eugenia.

My God, that Mathilde is completely BSC. She doesn't care if Heriberto, Aurelio or Chacorta die when her seduction comes out (surely blamed on Heriberto) as long as he gets her revenge. It doesn't seem to occur to her that she could be killed as well.

It looks like Heriberto has figured out that he's stepped in it; but, was I reading something into it, or did Mathilde more or less say that she wasn't going to LET him back off?

I wonder if Eugenia is right? It could be one of two things: Mejía could be SO upset about her wanting to infiltrate because his father did that, was tortured, and then killed. Or Eugenia could be having women's intuition that he doesn't want Leo in Aurelio's bed. I'd prefer the former, but I'm not the writer!

Yep, Irina surely did sense Turco's feelings for Ximena. And will use it to her best advantage, I'm sure. I don't like the character much and was hoping she'd be a flash in the pan. Maybe Mónica will get rid of her soon!

Many thanks, Hombre, for another excellent recap. Thanks too to novelera for insightful comments. I actually laughed out loud, novelera, at your "solution" vis a vis Irina. And yes, I think if I had to put money on either Mónica or Irina, I'd go with Mónica. She has already proven that she won't let anyone get in her way.

I enjoyed the scene with Dona Alba and the school director. It's not that Dona Alba's solution to the problem of getting Rutila back in school and ending the "rumors" about Aurelio is in any way imaginative, but it certainly is effective. I suspect she's had lots of practice over the years as the wife of a narcotraficante. She did a great job of blending generosity, graciousness, and threats.

Can someone explain to me what's up with Cabo and Tijera? Whose side (other than their own) are they on?


Juanita, Cabo and Tijeras are very confusing these days. I'm getting the sense that they're ready to betray Oscar Cadena and branch out on their own. They already tried to take over Guadalupe Robles' Mexican share of the drug running behind Oscar's back. But Aurelio is playing it close to the vest. He pretended to be shocked, shocked that anyone would ask him to betray his close friend Lupe.

Oscar is playing the long game. He wants to have several Mexican buyers because he thinks Aurelio might be power hungry enough and greedy enough to figure out a way to control Oscar's cartel and maybe do some price fixing.

Cabo and Tijeras are right in seeing that Guadalupe won't last long, but don't seem to be worried about Aurelio.

Anyway, the Colombian jargon is pretty hard to understand sometimes, but I got the impression Cabo would like to make a move against his boss, but isn't quite sure it won't backfire. So he's dithering a bit.


Thanks VERY much for the helpful info re the Colombians. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who finds them confusing, though obviously you're much more on top of things than I am.

Again, muchas gracias.


They are all playing the waiting game to see who will emerge the strongest, they want to be on the side of the winner, which will be Aurelio.

Dios Mio
I hope Ximena gets out of this, but those guys that took her are going to wish they were dead when Aurelio & Don Cleto get a hold of them.

I thought Tijeras was Oscar's man & now he seems to be plotting with Cabo or is Cabo going to lose his fingers?


Deeply depressed, Vero tells Alejandro that she’s certain they won’t find anything to involve Antonia in the accident. What she can’t figure out [and we, of course, already know] is how Antonia knew when Max and Val were leaving for DF.

Balmaceda has come to express his sympathies to Antonia for the death of her step-daughter. She puts on quite the performance about how Val was like a daughter to her, and she’s so very sad. Poncia looks like she’s going to explode, hearing this.

Everyone is at the cemetery: lobos and tigres. David is completely miserable and slips away from the rest to take a drink from a flask. Alejandro makes a graveside speech calling Valentina mi niña querida y hermanita del alma. He also says that Max was the brother of the woman he loved. He says they won’t be forgotten; and, if anyone did this on purpose, he swears by his daughter that their deaths won’t go unpunished. Poor Francisca sees a brief image of the ghosts of Max and Val, smiling.

Ricardo tells Patti he’s pretty sure Ale was speaking about Antonia at the cemetery. He gets a call, looks guilty, and tells Patti he’s going to see Balmaceda. Patti doesn’t buy it.

Antonia is full of herself, bragging to Aníbal about how she hid the will among a pile of other papers. She knew those two would be easy to fool. Aníbal reminds her that the inheritance will make her Suspect #1. But she says she set up the will so that Ale and David also inherit. She coolly tells him that any one of them could have done it. Aníbal occasionally looks at her, and this is one of those times, as if she’s turned into a horned devil in front of him.

Macario and rabbit-faced Lucas are listening to Gastón on the radio. Gastón gives a highly inflammatory talk on his radio program. He mentions the miserable authorities that let this happen. [Balmaceda listens also, looking like he needs an antacid.] Gastón reminds his listeners that “they” also killed Tigre, Max’s father. He says the deaths lleva la impronta de la viuda negra de este pueblo y la jauría de asesinos que la acompañan. (These deaths bear the mark of the black widow of this town and the killer pack of hounds that are with her.) Gastón says they all know who this is, and we all know who the accomplices are. Whoa! Lucas has come in and told Antonia to put on the radio, and she’s furious. She has her usual solution: Kill Gastón. Aníbal, as usual, tries to talk her out of it. Then she suggests that he get the corrupt judge who got them the mine to go after Gastón.

The barman at the club has called Alejandro who comes and finds David extremely drunk at the bar. He sobs on Ale’s shoulder that Max and Val are gone, like his mother.

Irene has gotten Lucho to come see her. She’s very upset about the happenings at La Dorada. She tells him that Antonia knows about their relationship.

Alejandro gives David the “Dutch Uncle” talk, saying he’s harming himself. David says he’s the son of Fernando and Gabriela Suárez. He says he should have died with Val and Max. If he’d accompanied them, he could have done something. [He may be right; if Guerra knew he was going along.] He blubbers that he just saw them yesterday, signing all the papers his grandmother gave them. Ale gets it right away. What papers?

Irene shows Lucho the microphone and he connects the dots right away. He remembers Irene telling him that she overheard that Max and Val were leaving that night.

When Ale brings David home, Poncia says it’s all Antonia’s fault. She tells Ale that Guerra is giving him alcohol so he won’t really see her for what she is. She tells Ale that, now that she’s lost him, she’ll never let David escape.


And we cut to another infuriating scene with Randy Ricky and Inés, the shrink most likely to be sued for malpractice in all of México. She pours it on thick, telling him what a stud he is, really an extraordinary case. She says, between kisses, that she might "put him on a diet" because of the way he humiliated her in front of his wife by saying he preferred Patti. He tells her it’s the simple truth and don’t mix up what’s going on here with love. She says she might want to change things. “What if she won’t let him touch her until he tells Patti to go to hell? Would he be willing to give all this up and go back to a sexless life?” His answer is to go for another round.

Alejandro discovers Lucho in the stable and is furious. Lucho preens himself a bit, thinking he might be jealous of Irene and him. Ale tells him he’s an idiot. That’s not it. If he gets arrested, Constanza, Veronica and even Irene could be jailed.

Antonia sees the guys helping David into the house. She’s shocked. Poncia tells her this is her doing. “Is this why you wanted your grandson? To turn him into a sad, useless thing like his father? What kind of mother are you? The kind who eats her children?” Slap.

Macario catches on something is up in the stables and tries, roughly, to get past Irene. Alejandro charges out and administers another beat down. Ale loses control a bit and tells him he knows what he did to Gabriela, and kicks him in the guts, telling him it’s for his child. The fight gives Lucho a chance to hide in the back of Ale’s SUV.

Aníbal comes to tell Balmaceda his duty is arrest Gastón and shut down the radio program. Balmy tells him he doesn’t have to obey his orders. And, furthermore, Gastón didn’t mention any names. There isn’t any crime.

After hearing Gastón, Vero is worried he may be killed. She says they all have to organize and not let their emotions rule them.

Randy Ricky comes home to hug his wife fondly. She smells his jacket, and he accuses her of being paranoid.

Ale and Lucho have a kind of funny scene, trading insults. Ale says Lucho has fooled Veronica, Irene and now Lucía. Lucho says that Lucía is a princess, and it’s a good thing she doesn’t resemble her father!

Macario goes right to Antonia with the news that Ale directly accused him of causing Gabriela Suárez’s miscarriage.

Lucho asks Irene to hook the microphone back up. He says something about doing some spying himself.

Ale tells Vero about David being drunk and that Antonia is helping this problem along. Vero jumps up saying she’s going to tell David the truth. She tells them that, when Antonia came to see her in the manicomio, she said David would be turned into someone docile and sick like Fernando.

After we wait the whole episode, and for Lucho to have a shower, he finally tells about the microphone, after first trying to keep Irene out of it. He feels like what happened is his fault.


Thanks so much Novelera. Such a sad episode last night. The deaths of Max and Val is really a game-changer for everyone.

I wish that Ale would rent a house in town (better yet, out of town), or ask Irene to borrow hers, and go live with David, alone, just the two of them. I think David would respond to the man-to-man time right now, and it would be great to get him away from Guerra (and her booze and women) for a while. They don't have to talk about Guerra (so as not to push David's buttons).

I hope Lucho now realizes that he extracurricular activities with Irene had consequences. It's bugged me how much flack he's given Vero and Ale about their relationship, yet he's been happily having his fling with Irene in secret. Glad he had to come clean to everyone about his thing with Irene and their overheard pillow talk. I do look forward to seeing what kind of false information they can feed Guerra through the microphone.

Lucho told Irene he couldn't tell her what's going on because he doesn't trust her. I totally agree with him. Irene could very easily sell them out to Guerra, despite knowing what a monster she is, and despite whatever her growing feelings for Lucho are. Now that she has been learning to love and care for Lucia, I almost wonder if Guerra will have to do something to Lucia to finally get Irene to turn on her. I was disappointed that she didn't immediately move back to her house when Ale accused Guerra of killing Val (Irene knows she capable), and implored Irene to take his daughter out of that house.



I'm sort of feeling like Poncia is a coward right now. I accepted her keeping her mouth shut, when she was alone and when she had a poor niece who depended on her. But now, she has Los Tigres, including Ale, behind her. And Ceci is under the care of Vero. Val has been killed, and David is being subjected to a slow death via alcohol by Guerra. These young people are like her children. What does she have to lose? Even if she doesn't succeed and goes to prison (or gets killed by Guerra), isn't that better than living with the guilt of keeping quiet about all of Guerra's crimes?! She is an eye-witness!


Thanks, Novelera for the detailed recap of a powerful episode. Antonia ordering of the killing of those two innocent teenagers is one of the cruelest things one can do. Even Anibal sees it. At least there's some hope for the Tigres to fight back, but it won't be easy.

Pati is really being strong, even though she sort of knows Ricardo is still seeing Ines, she's not pressing him on this too much. It's sad that Ric can't tell her the truth.

One of the problems the good guys have is that almost all their evidence is based on their own eyewitness accounts. Constanza could tell a lot, so good Gaby. And so could Poncia. But how can Poncia prove what she saw? Antonia could say you're a liar, you were always jealous of me, you were a murderer, and why should anyone believe you? They need to somehow record the lobos admitting stuff.


Here comes the action! Ximena is upset about the Matilde/Bert thing, let alone Aurelio's affairs, possible murders, etc. She needs some fresh air. She jumps in her SUV, despite what the guards say. A few of them get in a car to follow her. But this is what Juan Villalobos's men have been waiting for. They stop the SUV, kill the 3 guards in the following SUV, and kidnap Ximena!

They tie her up, take off her watch and wedding ring, and put them in a little box, which is left outside the gate to the ranch. Don Cleto arrives to ask about Ximena, and Alba says she just left, when the box is brought in. The box also contains a note, compliments of the Villalobos! It says if you don't follow orders, the next box might contain a finger! Cleto knows the score. He also realizes that Aurelio must have turned the cops on the Villalobos. He's livid, and tries to call, but they won't answer (Juan's laughing, his brother or henchmen keeps trying to fondle Ximena).

Cleto flies to DF, to Aurelio's safe house, bursts in with his gun, I'll KILL you! Aurelio finally calms him down, still insists he didn't turn in the Villalobos. Turco lies to cover for his boss, saying I did it, sorry, everyone, I wasn't thinking. Yeah, right. Anyway, they have to get Ximena back. Juan V. speaks to Aurelio on the phone, I want two things. Give me the routes I was supposed to get, and 2) get Sabino out of jail. Aurelio is fine with #1, but says he can't get Sabino out. Juan says then Ximena dies. So somehow, Aurelio is going to have to use his pull with the gov guys to get Sabino out (or maybe do some armed rescue thing).

Bert is trying to fend off Mati, but it isn't easy.

Marco still hasn't agreed to allow Leo to go undercover, but Leo is planning it anyway, thinking she'll be the woman Aurelio always wanted but could never have.

Danny's upset about Benitez, but Doris says let's just invite him to dinner! They're going to invite all the bigwigs and their wives. Doris is hoping Danny will be able to make one of the other guys take the fall, since they're all corrupt. But her Danny has to appear to be good, together with Benitez, Marco and President Cesar.

Slimy Ramiro makes a date with Irina, but his wife hears the end of the conversation, and accuses him of going with one of his whores. He denies, and gets another call. After he leaves, she writes in a little notebook "today he again mentions El Señor de Los Alturas" (how clever he didn't say de los Cielos. Not!) At the bar, he tells Irina to tell Aurelio not to touch Marco - he's protected by the President.

Earlier, Monica had sex again with Aurelio, and again wanted business, but he was interrupted by the news about Xime.

The Colombians meet with Guadalupe, tell him they want him to continue with AC, but they'll also give him some extra business on the side. Later, Cabo tells Tijeras he has some plan. But we STILL don't know what it is (or maybe I STILL can't understand his accent!)

Novelera, great recap! You got all the great details! I chortled at 'Randy Ricky and Dr Inés, the shrink likely to be sued for malpractice in all of Mexico!' Ricardo es un cerdo and Constanza needs to slap some sense into him. He needs to leave Pati and run off with Ines, or stay with Pati and get rid of Ines. He can't have his cake and eat it too especially since he's bold-faced lying to Patti and she gave him a way out by offering to divorce him so he can be happy with Ines. One of these women will end up stabbing him with a fork if he keeps playing with their emotions.

Vivi, I agree wrt Poncia. She is the witness they need, and she is a coward. The way she cried after learning Val died was heartwrenching and shows she really loves those kids, but she needs to woman up. She now knows that while she injured her hubby, she didn't kill him, so that should free her from the guilt of hurting him and her ties to Guerra. However, as this is a TN, I've come to learn that when an ancillary character like Poncia has the key to solving cold cases like this, she has a larger purpose. I still think she's Ale's real mother and even she doesn't know, and that's why she's important and that may make her snap out of the fear she has. The fact that Guerra and Poncia's hubby were accomplices in Marcos Beltran's murder tells me they had some scheme cooked up and getting rid of him was Guerra's way to erase her past and some dark secret even Poncia wasn't to know.

I have a feeling this won't end up in court either way. A villana this evil dies tragically

Bien hecho Hombre! gracias

"But we STILL don't know what it is (or maybe I STILL can't understand his accent!)" —I think the former. Your comprehension seems pretty darn good.

The Columbians continue to embrace pastels. I love the wardrobe they give these guys.


Thanks Hombre. I wonder what kind of woman AC has always wanted, but could never have? They all seem to fall at his feet: good mafia princess (Ximena); bad mafia princess (Monica); off-limits women (SIL Mati); high class Europeans (Irena); hookers, actresses, beauty queens, etc. What does that leave? Rich fresas? Businesswomen? Heiresses? A COP??!! Hmmmmm...

By the way Hombre, have you been paying attention to the case in your city of the gang leader who impregnated a few of the female prison guards in charge of guarding him? Even had his name tattooed on themselves! AC has nothing on this guy.

I really hope they get Xime out before that guy has his way with her.


This comment has been removed by the author.


Many thanks, Hombre, for a great summary that helped me re-enjoy the episode (though "enjoy" is probably not the right word!) and see much that I missed.

Not being a narcotraficante (and not having watched many previous narconovelas), I'm having a hard time imagining how Aurelio will satisfy Juan V's demands AND do so in a way that doesn't make Aurelio seem weak and vulnerable. He certainly has strong motivation: the threat that if he doesn't meet Juan V's demands, the next time he'll get not Ximena's wedding ring but her finger, followed by not the watch but an entire hand.

Hombre, I confess that I'm heartened to know that you too are having a difficult time following the Colombians. All I know is that when Don Oscar (who thank goodness is no longer wearing his salmon/orange/peach colored suit) told Guadalupe that he (Don O) wanted to give Guadalupe a little extra mercancia, both Cabo and Tijeras looked rather unhappy. I know that they don't think highly of Guadalupe, but I'm not sure how Don O's plans interfere with theirs (especially since I still don't know what theirs are!).

Meanwhile, Matilde's words and actions get more and more provocative and vile each day. Even Heriberto now looks as if he wants to be done with her. The look on his face in last night's episode was really cold. But she's not likely to let him go, not only because she apparently does enjoy having sex with him (while imagining that he's his father) but also because she wants vengeance against the entire family, and sleeping with Berti enables her to hurt Ximena, Aurelio, and Chacorta and severely sour things between Chacorta and Aurelio.


Juanita- Following on what you said about Mati, Chacorta tells Turco in this episode that he's put guards on his school teacher mistress and his son, because he knows Mati is crazy and spiteful enough to have them killed. And why is he married to her again? It's as if AC had married crazy Monica, and had kept wholesome Ximena on the side as a mistress.


Hombre - thanks so much for the excellent recap. What an eventful episode!

I'm hoping that Ximena is returned home safely, with all her parts in place, and that this frightening experience gives her the courage to take her kids and get far away. She must be aware that her kids were as much at risk as she was for abduction - or worse. I think Beto is too far gone down the drug road to leave his father's business, but Ximena could certainly get the girls away, and, if she played it right, with AC's assistance.

Too bad the Villalobos boys didn't grab BSC Mati instead of Ximena....

Hombre - "Cabo tells Tijeras he has some plan. But we STILL don't know what it is (or maybe I STILL can't understand his accent!)" I don't think it's your understanding his accent. I have CC, and I didn't get what Cabo's plan is either. I did get the impression that Oscar senses something is up with Cabo.

Ramiro's wife obviously has a plan of her own. I wonder if she's collecting info for herself (?maybe a divorce settlement) or working with someone from the government.

Cleto must see by now that the Villalobos are not remotely his allies and that they view him as AC's man.

It looked to me like the president has his doubts about Danny. He was very pointed in asking Danny about his not telling Marco the good news about Benitez.

Irini - we still haven't heard her story. She had a very cautious, guarded look on her face when Ramiro told her to tell AC to leave Marco alone because the pres is protecting him.



Oscar (rightly) doesn't seem to trust Aurelio and wants to side with Guadalupe, but Cabo prefers Aurelio and has a plan B, unknown to Oscar, that he's not even telling Tijeras yet. Maybe he thinks Aurelio will keep him him in even nicer track suits?

Vivi- I thought the same thing about Leo being the kind of woman Aurelio's never had. Does that kind of woman exist? She'd have to be the kind of woman who says "no", which would defeat the purpose, right?



Yes, Vivi, her in Baltimore there was some drug kingpin who was pretty much running the jail from inside. I think fourteen guards have been arrested for helping him, most of them female, and 4 have gotten pregnant by him! Now he's in solitary, and they're also trying to block all the illegal cellphones the inmates apparently have, but it's not pretty. Apparently, he's a really charming guy some of the female guards can't resist (like Aurelio?). Amazing.


Hombre, thanks so much for the terrific recap. I'm in the same boat with you. I back up and listen perhaps 3 times, and I still don't know what Cabo is trying to get across to Tijeras. I did get that Cabo got a bit pissed at Tijeras because he didn't "get it" that Oscar was just letting Guadalupe drink all he wanted and make a complete ass of himself. Oscar is definitely not excited about Lupe as a business partner; he just wants to hedge his bets against AC.

I REALLY enjoyed Don Cleto's scene with Aurelio [Shades of El Tigre Suárez for those of you also watching La Patrona.] Cleto absolutely knew that Aurelio had been the one who wanted to get the Villalobos out of contention and was the one responsible for harm to his beloved daughter.

Vivi, I also noticed what Chacorta said about Mati harming Victor Junior and Aida. We've said before, and this is a prime example, that this is a completely toxic relationship.

I was fairly irritated at Ximena. Ok, ok, it's a plot development. But the mafia princess should know better than to leave the hacienda without bodyguards. And, of course, in telenovelas, whenever a woman is held captive, there's always some ugly lech groping her!

I was surprised no one noticed how Mr. Cool, Turco, was practically unhinged by the news that Ximena had been kidnapped.

Emma is a very wise woman. And she's right. Women can nearly always tell when their partner or husband is attracted to someone else, whether or not he actually does anything about it.


Vivi, I have also occasionally been irritated that Poncia stays at La Dorada. I actually thought she might leave when she found out what happened to Max and Valentina.

But I think she's meant to represent a witness to the activities at Guerra's place and will doubtless contribute to her downfall at some point. We often get a closeup of her face what some new atrocity is revealed.


Bianca tells Bruno it was clever of him to tell Ariel that he was in love with a woman. He says it’s the truth. Bianca doesn’t want Ariel to find out because what they had is over. Bruno says Bianca is lying and he tells her how much he loves her. Unfortunately Ariel walks in and hears this. “Good afternoon” he tells them. B&B say the same thing. Ariel heads upstairs. Bruno asks Bianca if Ariel heard what he said and Bianca responds Ariel stood right behind him. Bruno didn’t want his uncle to find out in this manner. Bianca heads upstairs.

Ariel is in the bathroom. He seems pissed. When Bianca calls for him, Ariel says he will be out in a minute.

Flav approaches Bruno in the living room. When she asks him where everyone is, he says they are upstairs. He tries to leave, but Flav tells him to sit on the couch and talk to her. She wants company.

Ariel cant understand how Bruno is in love. Bianca tries to explain everything but it turns out Ariel thinks Bruno is in love with Nina.

In the kitchen Cami and Tere tell Kat to attend to Flav since they don’t want to get yelled at. Kat doesn’t know what she did to end up with the two gossipers. “Katia, take a deep breath” she tells herself. Cami and Tere shoo her away as she leaves. The duo is about to start gossiping away but Salo ruins their plans.

Ariel cant believe Bruno is in love with Nina. He also doesn’t understand why Bruno told Bianca and not him. Bianca tells him he only heard Bruno say he was in love. Ariel didn’t hear Bruno say he loved Nina. Ariel says “If Bruno isn’t in love with Nina, then with whom? Eliana?” Bianca cant admit the truth and lies. She says Bruno is in love with Nina.

Katia is in the living room with Bruno and Flav. Flav wants a martini. Kat asks Bruno if he needs anything and Flav snaps at her to get the martini. Bruno heads upstairs to make a phone call. Flav asks Kat whats going on upstairs. Being in the kitchen, Kat has no clue. Flav tells her shes supposed to be spying on everyone then sends her away for the martini.

Bianca asks Ariel if he will kick Bruno out. He cant since Bruno and Nina are in love. Bianca says he doesn’t know if Nina feels the same toward Bruno. Ariel says that she (Bianca) said that and so did her mother. Even the psychiatrist noticed it. Bianca asks if the psychiatrist confirmed it. Ariel says the information was private but the way the Perez responded it seemed Nina did love Bruno. Bianca asks him what he plans to do. He doesn’t know. Ariel: “Talk to Nina?” Bianca: “Youre asking me?” Ariel: “Im confused I don’t how how to deal with this”. Bianca says he should wait until Ninas therapy is over. Then he should talk to her. Ariel agrees



Bruno calls Bianca on his phone. He wants to know how his uncle reacted. Ariel thinks that Bruno is in love with Nina. Bianca taunts him calling him a liar and a traitor. Now he has a lie to cover up his other lie.

Ariel, Flav, Nina, and Santi are in the living room. Santi wants to redo his room. Nina says there is nothing wrong with his room. Santi says that Nina doesn’t want his room to be better than hers. The 4 laugh at this and Tere shows up saying dinner is ready. Flav asks if Bianca will join them. Ariel says she is probably upstairs getting ready. Nina heads upstairs to call for B&B. Santi says Bruno got a call from some girl and went out.

Bruno is looking at the ocean. He remembers when he broke into Biancas room. Bianca was angry for misunderstanding things. She didn’t misunderstand anything. Bruno asks if she thinks he is a mistake. Bianca never said that. Bruno only needed time and Bianca is angry that he sent her back to the Piamonte mansion.

Eli is watching TV in her apt, when someone knocks on the door. Its Nico who says he wont stay long. He asks how she is doing. She says she is ok. He thinks it’s a shame she tried to lose her life over Bruno. Eli agrees in embarrassment. Nico wants to know Elis relationship with his father. Willy is heading for Elis apt. Elis says she has no relationship with Willy. Nico says Bruno is accusing her of having an affair with Willy. She should look him in the eye if it isn’t true. Elis says Willy was just helping her. Nico asks how. There is a knock on the door Eli tries to avoid answering it saying she will tell Nico the truth. Nico says if she doesn’t open he will. Eli opens the door and Willy sees Nico.

Bruno is in the nightclub and he runs into the same girl he bedded the morning Bianca caught him. She asks him for a drink. Bruno says that’s not a good idea. She notes that things haven’t gotten better with Bianca. Bruno says Bianca is nothing to him. Bargirl says that he can fool Bianca but not her. Bruno can use her to make Bianca suffer more.

Nico cant believe what he is seeing. “How could you do this to my mother?” he asks. Willy says when Nico is married for 30 years he will understand. Nico is disgusted by Willys behavior he says the same way Willy disowned Nico, Nico will now disown him. As Nico leaves, Willy looks hurt.

Nina asks Bianca if she wants to she how she will decorate her room. Bianca says she will help out. Ariel and Nina head upstairs to talk. Bian tells Flav she needs to stop filling BS about Bruno and Nina in Ariels head. Flav says its not BS it the truth. And she will do everything she can to save Biancas marriage. It will be great seeing Biancas prince married to the princess. Bianca thinks Flav is crazy. Flav says Bianca suffers knowing her wordxs are the truth. “Don’t you know im the wicked witch in this story. And the witches have it all. Goodnight” Flav leaves.

Nina wants he wall decorated gray. Ariel tells her that important decisions must not be rushed but taken with time. When you want something for a long time you want it now, but you should consider the consequences of your actions. Nina asks if Ariel is talking about her room. “Your room life dreams aspirations your lovers….” Ariel and Nina share a hug.



Depressed Nico walks into a bar. (If you look closely you can see Bruno with the Bargirl) Bruno catches Nico drinking and taunts him. Nico hits him in the face. Everyone gathers around for the fight and Bruno goes Juan Marcos crazy on Nico. The bouncers break it up. Bruno calls Nico a loser. Nico says he has a college degree and that Bruno is jealous that Ariel favors him more. Bruno swears to bring down Nico. (You can see the Bargirl behind Nico)

Ariel is drinking whiskey in the living room. Flav approaches him. Ariel says tomorrow he is going to NYC to see in he can find any evidence against Willy. Ariel then tells her she was right. Bruno is in love with Nina. Bruno confessed to Bianca. Flav says its silly for the two to hide their love. Ariel says he really doesn’t know how to react to all this. Flav tells him goodnight.

Nico limps home. Pen sees his beat up face. Nico admits he had a runin with Bruno. Today was the last straw. Pen asks why they fought. He prefers not to tell. His father was even worse today. Pen asks if he fought with his dad as well. Nico says he begged his mom to give Willy a chance, and he cheated on her with Eli.

Willy ask Eli to stop combing her hair. She did it for 30mins in a row. He wants her to take of her robe as well she does and complains saying its cold. Willy says he will warm her up soon. He is glad that they can admit they are a couple. Eli is worried about being seen as a home wrecker. Willy says everyone will see her as his new women. Eli will still face accusations. Willy doesn’t care what the world thinks because every night he has the hottie in the sack. And not that bitter Nuria. Eli tells him not to talk bad about his wife. Willy says it was a long time that he and Nuria were happy. Nico married Pen and betrayed him by working for Ariel. Nuria always supported Nico. Now Willy is free from their labor.

The next morning Bianca enters Flavs bedroom. They argue some more about Bruno and Ninas love. Flav thinks Ariel will pressure the two into getting married. Bianca says Nina will be hurt by Flavs manipulations and turns to leave but Pen enters the room and tells them Bruno got in a fight with Nico.

Nico is eating breakfast with Nuria. Nuria asks if Willy hit him! Nico says it wasn’t him. But since Nuria brought it up he wants to know how she feels. She says she doesn’t want to see Willy again. It hurts Nico but he is glad his mother feels that way. Nuria says that Willy thrashed everything yesterday. He was stil prideful. Nico says his dad lied to him about the business stocks. He feels bad for betraying the Piamontes. He begs Nuria not to tell anyone about the stocks.

Flav tells pen that Bruno and Nico never really liked each other. She thought the two would fight at Pens wedding. Pen says they fought because Nico found out that Willy was cheating on Nuria with Eli. Bianca and Flav are disgusted. Flav thinks Bruno found out and took his anger on Nico. Bianca says she doesn’t know that and asks Pen to continue the story.

Cami and Tere finished cleaning Nina room. Yair enters to get a box. Nina filled the box with stuff she didn’t want anymore. Cami and Tere leave and Yair sees his gift inside the box. He flashes back to when Nina opened his present. Yair is obviously hurt.



Willy and Eli are eating out. Eli is still uncomfortable being seen by the public. Willy doesn’t care what the public thinks. Wily gets a phone call and learns that Ariel asked the stock market to investigate Willy. Willy moans that has problems at work with his family and Eli sees him as a father.

In NYC, Ariel and Francis plan to bring down Willy. Ariel feels bad for Nico being caught in the crossfire. Francis still doesn’t trust him. Ariel does. Francis tells him he still needs to be in guard just in case.

In the living room the women laugh about Ninas remodeling the room. Flav says women always need to fix everything. Bruno walks in. Nina asks what happened. Bianca taunts him about his fight with Nico saying he didn’t like Eli sleeping with Willy. Pen is mad at Bruno of course. Nina is disguted at Eli. Flav says Bruno and Nico should stop fighting since they are family.

Yair is in tears looking at his music box. He remember when he caught B&B in Ariels workshop. Yair pulls out his camcorder. He records a video in which he confesses to Ariel that B&B are betraying him.....


Pasión Prohibida -

thanks so much NovelaMan!

talk about two deer caught in the headlights of a passing car, that was Bruno and Bianca when Ariel walked by,

wow, Jencarlos, sure showed some boxing style when he fought back with Nicolas,

it's odd to see everyone gasp at the thought of Guillermo and Eliana together, ignoring the same contrast of Bianca with Ariel,

and Yair, doesn't he have a comic book collection or something that he could occupy himself with?

I guess I'm not really getting what Nico's intentions were when he went into business with his father, it seems like they formed a company and then proceeded to buy shares of one of the Piamonte's smaller companies, and I think driving up the stock price, then Nico scuttled the whole thing by selling all of the shares, which I would think would have made them a lot of money, not sure why Guillermo was so upset, but I guess the out come is that Guillermo was setting him up, knowing that Ariel would discover what they were doing, and fire him, and Francisca can look right through the empty head of Ariel and see that something is not right.


Vivi, I missed Chacorta's telling Aurelio that he put guards on Aida and Victor Jr. because Matilde is BSC. I loved your question "Why did he marry her?" and your likening his arrangements to Aurelio's marrying mad Mónica and keeping Ximena as his mistress. It's clear that Chacorta really does get turned on by Mati, and perhaps he met and married her before he met Aida. OTOH, perhaps by not marrying Aida he's making it possible for Victor Jr. to lead a more normal life and not follow in his father's footsteps., scratch that, that might have been a motivation for some other character in some other telenovela, but not for Chacorta.

Beth, I too wondered about Ramiro's wife's keeping a record/diary of his apparent transgressions. I had assumed she was planning an eventual divorce when such detailed accounts might be useful, but I like your other idea much better--that she may be working for someone in the government, perhaps even Ramiro's cousin, el Presidente.

La Patrona -

thanks so much novelera, another great recap!

I had to laugh at Anibal laughing at Antonia pulling the wool over Balmy's eyes, and Poncia's look said it all,

interesting funeral, they were all well dressed in black, but without the black sunglasses, and once again got them into the ground before the bodies cooled off,

I don't know why the ghosts of Max/Valentina always look so happy, Francisca just isn't getting the humor,

wasn't David's drunk ramblings about his mother being dead, being met with Alejandro's 'don't say that', it's not true', etc., etc.

interesting to watch Alejandro beat the crap out of Macario, while he calls him patron and doesn't fight back,

I don't know why Alejandro didn't load up Irene, Lucia, and Poncia in his black narco SUV, along with Lucho, and get them all out of there,

I thought Gabriela might reveal herself to Patti last night, she hasn't yet has she?

so are we looking at a gran final where San Pedro is a ghost town with a large cemetery and David is thinking aloud that maybe his grandmother is not as good as he thought?


Tks so much Hombre, great as always
I think it is going to be a very bloody night, unless tonight it strategy & Mon is bloody. I'm sure Ximena will return with all her fingers. Dios mio, a rape in CI & now Ximena, however I think Juan will stop it. If Aurelio agrees to Juan's demands & Ximena is hurt, it will be all out war & I'm sure that is not what Juan wants.

Even Berto thinks Matilde is BSC, the sex isn't worth it. Chacorta probably be the one that kills her.

I bet Juan kills the creep that is molesting Ximena. Not because he is the protector of women, but it's bad for business.


Patti already knows. I can't remember exactly when they told her.


Thanks, Novelera, for your great recap. So much

Deb - "I don't know why Alejandro didn't load up Irene, Lucia, and Poncia in his black narco SUV, along with Lucho, and get them all out of there". I was thinking exactly the same thing. Ale has just told everybody how he thinks his mother is an evil murderer, but then he leaves his child and wife in that snake pit. Didn't make sense to me.

I thought Gabriela had told Paty who she is when Ricardo introduced Paty and Coni. I have to admit that it's getting hard to remember who knows and who doesn't know. I was glad to see that Paty is now included in the tigres' club.

It was rewarding to see Ale beat up Macario, but I'm afraid his comments about Macario killing his child have given Antonia a heads up. Perhaps the bedroom bug will provide some juicy, deceptive misinformation.

p.s. Ale always wears the same P-coat, and it makes me wonder how cold it is in SPdHell. Just bugs me.

Deb, Novelera,

Patti found out Vero is Gaby when Coni and Ric reunited. Remember, Patti figured out the woman in the burka was Coni and got Ricardo to ask about it. There wasn't an official I'm Gabriela Suarez meeting, but it's implied that Ricardo told her since he used to tell Patti everything and Patti confronted Vero by telling her Ale never forgot her. She knows, she was the second one to know.

The most intriguing thing to me is that Cecilia knows Gaby is Vero but only because of the Fran/Vero fight after Max died and it seems as if in the midst of the mourning, the tigres don't realize they let Ceci know. And Vero saying 'mi hermanito, mi Max' over and over is just soldifying it. Deb, I think Ceci will tell David inadvertently


Why Chacorta is married to Matilde: It seems to me that Chacorta married Mati 17-20 years ago (and back then she was probably a cute, spunky/crazy fun girl). On one occasion Mati told Beto that she had changed his diapers, and isn't he about 17-18 now? Chacorta's son Victor is 8-10. So, Aida and Victor came along some time after Chacorta's marriage. And of course, being good Catholics (wink, wink), Chacorta isn't going to get divorced.

Alba also said that Mati never wanted to ruin her body by having children.


Beth, Ale can deflect the suspicion abouthow he knows what Macario did by saying Gaby told him ten years ago, but he only believed after Ceci lost her child. It is about 70% the truth. When GabyVero told him during her reveal, Ceci lost the baby that same day. But I love that Macario knows to make himself scarce around Ale or he will get beat down. I guess Macario's loyalty to Guerra keeps him.from hitting back at Ale. Guerra would kill Macario if he did fight back.

I think the peacoat is supposed to make Ale look like a crusading detective since he's now a tigre and not an idiot anymore. I think the fact he had on no shades at the Val and Max funeral while GabyVero's were semi opaque and Guerra were opaque as midnight was interesting. GabyVero was hiding who she is but not how she felt in the semi-transparent shades, Guerra was hiding that she was a darkhearted killer, and she shed no tears, while Ale was open and transparent about his feelings for the difuntos and clear about his purpose.

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