Friday, June 14, 2013
Amores Verdaderos #152 Thu 6/13/13 Royero Tried… But the Arriagas Are Not Impressed

* Lo refrito: Aníbal is doing the usual stuff – ruining the life of his family members in the name of love. He orders the detective Avellaneda to hide evidences from Adriana.
* Lo nuevo: said Adriana is spending the day with Scarf-Face, working on the script of the movie. The air is definitely sizzling around them. Adri is more beautiful than ever, and Jhoaaannn seems very interested in her. He knows the script was written by Vicky, and he’s bitching a little bit about that the first lover should’ve won instead of the bodyguard, but when Adriana says that the script might’ve hit a nerve, he quickly changes the topic.
* The moment when we folks at the BoyToy’s table are cheering and laughing our collective heads off: Roy shows up in the nursery dressed up in a tree costume (and now it looks like he’s channeling his inner Ent), and now he performs a lame-but-adorable rap song about what he feels for Lili. She loves it. However, she’s still obsessed with Frankie (she asks Roy if he knew Nikki and Guzmi spent the night together), and more importantly, she can’t trust Robroy. The Boy says he only asks her to let him be his friend, and he’ll work very, very, very hard to earn her trust again.

* Victoria and the Angel spend the day in a lovely countryside house that Arriaga bought/built/whatever. And by “in the house” I mean “mostly in the bed”. How could I describe them? Intimate, hot, familiar, hot, passionate, playful, hot, cute and hot.

* When Nikki arrives at home, she confesses to Guzmi that she’s very worried for baby Mia. Frankie says he wants to speak with her father to explain his feelings for Nikki to him.
* The heart surgeon tells Nelson and Kendra that Mia is all right, although she’ll have to spend the next weeks in the hospital under observation. Kendho is happy that her meal ticket is still alive, and Nelson is happy that his child survived the surgery. He’s very grateful to Vicky for helping them (he even sends her a message, wow), which makes Kendra to roll her eyes.

* In the evening Neta and Guzmi are about to have a nice, romantic dinner together, when someone knocks the door like crazy. Guzmi opens it, and oh, it’s everyone's favourite Tatito! Aníbal came to scold Nikki for lowering herself, for bringing shame to her family, to make her change her mind, to tell him that Guzmán is a lowlife who even messed with Liliana, yaddayaddayadda, but she basically tells Aníbal that he can shove his arguments up his… you know where. Tatito, you’ll have to respect her private life, like it or not, and she’s ready to say goodbye to the Balvanera privileges for Frankie. And she really doesn’t understand why he’s so protective about that little gardener girl, Ratiana or whatshername! Aníbal leaves with a huff, and Guzmi hugs his girl to comfort her.

* After eating some delicious taco (or whatever) and working hard to conceive Supersuperman Jr., José Ángel and Victoria talk about their daughters who can’t stop fighting with each other. Angel tells her about how Royero fooled Lili around, and she decides to have a talk with the BoyToy. And it’s really late in the evening, so they should go home.

* Liliana sneaks into Nikki’s old at the Balvanera mansion and she has another rant about that awful Nikki. FF-->
* When Vicky and the Angel arrive at home, they try to sneak into their rooms but they are busted by Liliana, who pulls the best “oh really?” faces at the fake innocence of the couple, and she also has a very effective Grand Inquisitor style. While the Arriagas are leaving to the kitchen to have a serious father-daughter conversation, Tomi shows up, and tells Victoria that Adri is waiting for her in her room, because she wants to talk with her. Well, it seems this is the Night of Interrogations, says Vicky. This night, and next morning, answers Tomasina, because Aníbal wants to discuss something with her, too.

* In the kitchen Angel scolds Lili for her behavior, but five seconds later he gets on his good old rollercoaster of guilt. While Lili is turning back into her old sweet self and saying goodnight to her daddy, Arriaga is thinking about that he should tell everything to her. *Viewerville: yes, big guy, you SHOULD* Lili tells the Angel about the developments of her nursery, and he’s very proud of her.
* Upstairs Adriana informs Vicky about what Aníbal and the private detective did. But she swears (in the true Balvanera Drama Queen Mode *trademark*) she’ll find that nurse, and she’ll bring her father to justice, and if it’s up to her, he’ll spend the rest of his life in jail! On a lighter note, she’s totally into Carlos-Jhoannnn-Scarfie, but she isn’t sure about this relationship, because first, she’s worried about Vicky, second, she hasn’t opened up to a man since Vincente. Victoria loves the idea of Adri and Carlos together, so she encourages her little sister to go after him.
* Jhoaaaannn is thinking about Adri. Adri is thinking about Jhoaaannnn.
* In the hospital Kendra talks to the sleeping (and snoring) Nelson: brace yourself, Furry Fornicator, because I’ll milk Mia’s sickness as long as I can. Next day she can finally leave for home. While Nelson is hugging and comforting her, Salsero’s packing her clothes… and his face tells what he thinks about this situation.
* At the Balvanera’s Victoria and José Ángel play good cop-bad cop with Royero, who’s definitely very scared to face Liliana’s angry father. Vicky scolds him for playing with her and Nikki, but he informs her that Neta ain’t an innocent angel either, she did the deed in the stable on their wedding night! Oops, he shouldn’t have talked about it, but anyway, he and Nikki decided to become friends and divorce amicably. And he’s really, really, really in love with Liliana, swears the Boy. Arriaga tells (I mean, shouts) the dumbass boy to leave his daughter alone. All right, says the frightened Elvis-Tennis-Kid, he won’t court her until he’s divorced, and he’s ready to do everything necessary to prove his worth to her and to Arriaga.

When Roy’s leaving, we see the Angel giving a cute grin and a “super secret agent gesture” to Ms. Vicky: we did it, mujer!

* In the kitchen Liliana’s still obsessing over Frankie *Viewerville: Geeeeeez, girl! But at least the sight of Jean Marie and Balzac made this scene bearable* She really believes Nikki is just playing with Guzmi, and when she’s done with him, Lili’ll be there waiting for him.

* Adriana visits Carlos and his unfailing collection of scarves, and… well… there’s a big, passionate kiss in the sunset.

Labels: Amores
I can't wait for your recap on this epi, lol.
Wasn't Roy cute in the tree suit, fits right in with Disney Lili's former self. I am glad she is softening toward Roy, but her Papa Angel, ay yi yi! She was like the grand inquisitor, I wanted to bop her one upside the head! I hated that rant she had in Nikki's room too.
Awww Angel and Ms Vikki how very sweet and I also liked that little game they played with Roy, in a way, to find out his true intentions. I felt for Roy cause Guzmi sure didn't get that kind of grilling, jus' sayin'.
Anyballs needs that anvil like yesterday. I can't take him anymore. All this plotting and planning, I fear the old man is going bonkers, well not that, but you know what I mean. Manipulation is his middle name.
Kudos to Nikki for standing up to her Tatito! I like how he didn't steam roll all over her. She is maturing.
I will wait for your always marvelous recap, Aribeth, before I comment anymore ; )
Nikki on the other hand tonight has shown her new grown up self. She's willing to leave all her wealth for the man that she loves. Day by day, she's showing her new image and I love it. Remember her flash bulb moment (and Tomy's), about helping other people with her bulimia, and her compassion for her newborn half sister. So she is on the right path this time. Ahh, what love and happiness could do.
Who knew Roy would be such a hit as Treebeard?? I thought the costume was clever and showed he has a real sense of humor. Lili's laugh made me miss the sweet, trusting young woman she used to be...Lily, I hope Lili can purge Francsico from her mind. Otherwise, she won't be able to move on.
Am proud of how Roy stood his ground with Vicky and the very formidable JA. Well done. I'm now sitting up straight on a chair at Roy's table rather than slinking down, trying to hide.
Madelaine, ITA that Anibal has exasperated our patience and that he needs to go - pronto! His bribing, lying and machinations have exceeded any level of tolerance for him to continue to exist.
vida, agree that Lili is spoiled and while Nikki has made great strides, I was disappointed to her her backslide with her "Ratiana...etc" tirade last night. These 2 are going to have to try and get along.
Susanlynn, I also love the chemistry between Vicky and JA. Initially, I wasn't sure about Erika as the lead, but she has been amazing and was the perfect choice.
Aribeth, looking forward to the recap.
Yes, you kind of have to cut Roy the Boy some slack. Anyone who will dress up in that costume is showing that he has no shame, and I mean that in a GOOD way. The "old" Roy the Boy would have never done something like that, especially not for a "mere" female. *snort*
Things are chugging away swiftly between Carlos and Adri. I still anticipate that her baby daddy, Vincente, will appear on the scene, so I hope she doesn't get in too deep with Carlos. Though I admit I have a soft spot for Carlos and his silver hair. No spoilers, but I have been assuming that Adri would end up with Vincente, since he's the baby daddy and all. But who knows, maybe Carlos is her happily ever after.
vida2, yep, what Nikki said (about Paula's actions being more "understandable") was really too much. But I don't think Nikki is beyond hope or anything. She's still growing up. I agree, she does need some aspirations and interests, and maybe she should find out if she has any talents and develop them. Right now she's just this very beautiful girl with a snappy attitude who attracted Guzmancito. But Guzmancito is someone who has applied himself and developed skills and talents, and I'm afraid he'd start to get sick of her if she's still got nothing in ten or twenty years. She needs to have something that helps define her, other than being beautiful and rich. Let's hope they show her doing that before the show ends.
As much as Anyballs is ticking me off at the moment, and as delusional as he's being, I hope he can reform (at least in part) because he has done some good, loving things (Nikki and Vicki love him) and I'd hate that all to be destroyed in the end. Though he needs to at least partially pay for the crap he's pulled, particularly on Adri. But as far as we know, Anyballs hasn't killed anyone, he's not that kind of bad. So I hope for reform and a new Happy Grandpappy type of Anyballs. Part of me is afraid he'll croak from a heart attack, after seeing his daughter and granddaughter defy him so.
Looking forward to the recap and for the next episode!
It's Anibal's fault that Lily is keeping hope alive for Guzman. Even Polita has given up her Guzman-Lily dream. But it seems that Lily's plan is a long-term one-- become a successful business woman to impress Guzman and win his love. At least her pining is productive, rather than spending months doing nothing but writing sappy love letters. By the time she has built her gardening empire, Guzman will be a distant memory. I'm sure Roy will have charmed his way back into her heart by then too.
So JA lies again. I'm glad JA asserted who's the parent in that situation, but kind of hard not to look guilty when he and Vicky did spend most of the day and night getting busy. Lily is going to be beyond p-ssed when she realizes even Nikki knew about it.
Nikki did a good job standing up to Anibal. I'm sure he will continue to try to split them up. The old goat never gives up trying to ruin the lives of his kids and their kids.
Lilith sure acts like she's related to both Anyballs and Cristina. QTH was that tantrum/inquisition for? Daddy is Miss Vicky's bodyguard. If Miss Vicky goes out, he goes out, and it's none of Lili's business where or at what time. Lil is lucky Vicky IS in love with her father, because if she wasn't, Lili probably would have been unemployed a long time ago.
I do wish JA would just tell her the truth, though. He's being a coward.
I think Roy thinks everyone blames him for this busted up marriage of his and Nikki's so I think he just wanted Angel and Ms Vikki to know as they say, "the rest of the story", and I agree he regretted telling Ms Vikki the details. I had to laugh though, when Roy was leaving and Angel turned to Ms Vikki and gave her the smarmy grin, which she returned, I think they just wanted to know if Roy was sincere about Lili, that was the whole intent I think.
You are right about JA, but if you were in his shoes, but you just up and tell her the truth? I think he is kinda scared and really looking for the right time to tell her. I know, I know, the longer he waits the worse it is gonna be. I hope he finds a way to tell her.
I get what you are saying about Lili, but really Frankie has told her time and again she is like a sister to him, nothing more. I want her to get that fact, no matter what Anyballs or anyone else tells her.
You are right and I am not giving Nikki a pass either. She is way over the top in her dislike of Lili. She needs to get over it herself. Maybe with time they can at least be civil to each other, without all the drama.
I agree with you about Lili too. I like the fact she has friends to confide in, although Nikki really doesn't. What I really want is the return of the Wise Woman, she really isn't a child anymore. In other words I want Disney Lili back : )
Roy has made many mistakes but he is trying to rectify them and fight for Lili against seemingly insurmountable odds (JA, Vicky, Anibal, etc.)
"...Nikki started this whole feud by calling LIli names and putting on her spoiled, rich, mean girl panties."
I think those may have been the only panties she had at the time.
You are right. I tend to forget about Tomi and Ms Vikki always giving Nikki a shoulder and an ear.
You are right about the rap, lol. And Polita maybe she did, lol.
I have a sister too, younger, but we really didn't fight growing up. I went to school with snobby girls too, so I know what you mean. And I totally agree about Roy being a work in progress. He kinda of reminds me a little lost boy.
I agree with Carlos that they were indeed the only ones she had at the time (good one!).
Still smiling, Diana
Madelaine...My sister is 8 years older than I am, so there wasn't much "fighting"...mostly bossing around. She'd come home from school, turn on American Bandstand, and tell me that we were going to I'd have to put down my Crayolas ...AND DANCE. The upside of having a bossy older sister is that I learned to dance at a very young age.
DIana...Happy I gave you a smile.
Roy’s ratting Nikki out on getting busy with Guzman in the barn on *his* wedding night was hilarious - I give all three actors points for not breaking character (especially Miss Vickie who kept that professional poised look) during that scene cause it was hilarious to me.
Okay, up to now Lili has been nothing but nice and sweet to Miss Vickie. My take on her surliness last night is that her intuition, not to mention her eyes, is telling her Miss Vickie and Angel are involved. Her resentment is natural and Angel needs to step up and address it. Lili is a loving daughter and ultimately wants to see him happy. She will come around, it just takes time.
The visit to Lili’s room? Well, Cris never did anything creepy or stalky to Miss Vickie. Cris was always energetically straight-up. :D
One question. Who is gonna wash those sheets? Gross! Opi doesn't have any servants.
Then she gets a text from Dr.I telling her that things went well and doesn't even text back a thnx! I'm beginning to see where Nikki gets some of her sense of entitlement.
Diana: LOL at Treebeard, Royero reminded me of an Ent, too! :)
And I hope you don't mind I added a few gif files. I promise I won't go overboard with them in the future, I just made these ones two months ago and decided to add them to this recap.
One error you might want to change-- Roy says he'll wait till he's divorced (not married) to court Lily.
Carlos and Susanlynn- Vicky was actually worried about leaving when things were uncertain with Mia, but JA told her to quit worrying. She had done all she could do, and it was much more than she needed to to (given the people involved). That's when she decided to just go with it and enjoy the surprise JA was taking her to.
"Scarf-Face", "Aníbal is doing the usual stuff – ruining the life of his family members in the name of love" and "Kendho is happy that her meal ticket is still alive" were sensational. Outstanding job!
I think any chance Vincente (if he indeed surfaces) had with Adriana is diminishing by the minute. The Adri/Carlos attraction is deepening. Although not enamored with Carlos, would the writers bring him back to be rejected by not 1, but 2 Balvaneras (?) Maybe, but... Carlos isn't all bad but he's not all that good either...
I love the humorous interplay between JA and Vicky. They really are building their future on friendship, companionship in addition to love. A winning combination.
Aribeth, you've outdone yourself (once again)!
(I screwed it up because in my mother language "until he's married" means "while he's married", not "until the day he gets married". :))
No worries about the small error. Just wanted to make sure no one who didn't see it and just read wasn't confused. I'm amazed by how well you write all the languages you know.
I'm not surprised at that, the owners of that cat and the media will milk the Grumpy Cat Brand as long as the can. But she's really adorable. :)
Since little Mia's surgery was such a success, perhaps a fully recovered Kendra can think of a way to demonstrate her appreciation.
I admit I'm cheering the Lili-Roy couple, but fed up with Lilli's obsession with Guzmi already.
JA truly gives Roy the hard time, he has it from both sides (father-daughter) I'm really sorry for him.
I only saw the actor who plays Jhoan in villano characters before and like what he does here even though he's not a staright up good boy here either. Go for it Adri!!:)
I would like to request a seat at Roy the boy's table! And in his defense for ratting out Nikki, I understand he did it because like Madeline said he doesn't what the blame on him only. I feel like Roy is still growing up and he knows he made a mistake in marrying Nikki for the money. He seems like a lost little rich boy who had his priorities wrong but now that he met a girl he's really into he's trying to change. I LOL when he ratted Nikki though!
Lily, not-a-Nikki-fan :)
The other Lily, that's not-a-Nikki-fan
Thanks so much for this great recap and all the gif files and the screen caps. I always love your screencaps and thanks so much for this marvelous one : )
Lily: the Ents are fantasy creatures who showed up in The Lord of the Rings. Basically they are walking, talking, singing treelike giants, the shepherds of the forest. And when I saw Royero in that costume, I thought he looked like a baby Ent :)
Diana mentioned Treebeard, who's a very old and very wise Ent who was introduced in the second LOTR-book. Although Roy does look like him, I'm pretty sure Treebeard would roll his eyes at the young and silly BoyToy. :)
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