Friday, June 14, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #44 (Mex 65.2-66) Thursday 6/13/13 Que Bonito Aburrimiento

At Casa Maria, Rodrigo and the Mariaettes say grace and have some pan dulce.  Note to self: find gluten-free version.  I miss conchas with coffee!

Colosso and Mirna go to bitch to Concho that JA didn't show up to rehearsal.  They convince Concho that JA is taking advantage of him. Concho wants to see JA whenever he shows up.

Wriggling rat.  Wriggling JA.

Elvira hasn't given up on JA.  She has a new plan, which she won't share with the redhead.  What.  Ever.

Maria's still worried about JA.  And still wearing that gorgeous red dress.  Note to self: get a job where dresses like that are required on a nightly basis.

JA writhes and complains that the porno music won't let him sleep.  He thinks maybe he deserves this, but come on, man…nobody deserves tacky porno music!  He FINALLY (it's been what a week and a half?) drops Maria's ring on the floor and tries to use it to cut the ropes from his hands.

Justo makes plans to meet with the "Procurador"  (Attorney General) and try to save his boy.

Who is still writhing in pain, at least partly from the torture of the music.  And partly from trying to get free.

Justo hangs out with the Attorney General and when he sees OG and Arnold, decides to go over and intimidate them.

JA tries chanting Maria's name to get free.  It doesn't work.

Out in the strip club, Ruben and Fabian watch him through a camera hooked up to an iPad.

JA puts his gag back in place, barely, when some hench guys come in to bring him food and drink.

Justo and the AG make themselves comfortable at OG and Arnold's table.  Justo keeps pressing the AG to interview OG about what he knows about Bruno's death.  OG gets nasty with Justo, saying he's not available to meet the AG tomorrow, as he's heading out to DF to visit an old friend.

Maria prays to La Virgen (Yo, why I gotta fix all y'all's problems that could have been fixed if you'd just behaved like grown people in the first place?) to protect JA.

JA gets threatened with hanging by the henchmen.

Colosso, et al., take the stage at Ay, Jalisco and Colosso introduces Maria, who sings "Ojala Que Te Vaya Bonito."

Ruben and Fabian watch as JA is strung up and made to stand on a stepladder.  Ruben's such a freakin' tool.  Fabian's not much better.

One of the hench guys picks the rat up by the tail…jerks.  Another guy pulls the stepladder out from under JA.  Maria's ring falls from his hand and the beam he's hanging from ends up breaking.  Dudes, you're gonna have to pay for that.  They decide to just leave him on the floor and take off.

Susanito and the guys, some of them anyway, apologize to Maria for breaking the Mariachiketeer Code.  They vow to search high and low for JA.

Mirna mocks Concho for saying he's in charge, but changes her to and says his constant boasting about being in charge turns her on.  Concho has decided to let Colosso have his way.

Fernando is convinced JA will turn up.  Colosso asks them for privacy to talk to Maria alone and Fernando warns him to behave himself or he'll have to deal with the rest of the guys.

Ruben and Fabian are done watching their peep show.  Ruben's planning to kill off JA tomorrow.

JA finds the ring again and goes back to chewing on it.

Colosso wants Maria to tell him where Gloria is.  She chews him out for being a bullheaded macho schmo and says she won't speak to him again while he refuses to accept his son.

Colosso's grumpy about the guys going to look for JA.  Fernando tries to talk him around to being a decent guy and helping them., if not for JA's sake, then for Maria's.  He gives in, finally…for Maria's sake.

Mirna keeps pressing Concho to get divorced.  Um, why?  It's gotta be bad enough just living with him!

The search for JA begins.  Mr. 5ft votes for putting a Lo-Jack on him.

Amalia tries to talk Rodrigo into giving Colosso a chance.

Gloria reflects on Daniela's words as she looks in the mirror.  She remembers Rodrigo as a kid, in an unfortunate smock with a Pater Pan collar, drawing her a picture of "the prettiest mom in the world."

JA keeps struggling to get his hands free.

The search for JA continues.

The guys all go back to the bar, not having found JA.  Colosso thinks JA went back to Los Estates, but Fernando's not buying it.

A few of the guys hang out at their crappy after-work bar and sing "La Vida No Vale Nada."

Colosso paces his apartment, looks at Gloria's necklace, and remembers Rod and Paloma telling him off.  He remembers carving his and Gloria's names into an agave and smooching her in the field.

Rodrigo spent the night on the couch at Maria's.  When Fernando and Maria come home, he wakes up and hears that JA is missing.

Colosso tries to convince himself that there was some trickery with the DNA results.

Pobre de Roddy, now he's lost his Mom, his fake Dad, and his Sperm Donor is worthless.  Sucks to be Roddy.  Maria demands the truth from Fernando, who tells her that JA is under a death threat.

Colosso hangs out in his apartment and sings "No Se Que Tienen Tus Ojos" ( to a picture of Maria.  "I don't know what it is about your eyes/I don't know what it is about your voice/But they seem to be just what I'm craving/And they make my blood crazy/I don't know how I got to love you/Or how I came to adore you/But I feel like I'm dying a thousand times/When I'm not looking at you."

Maria freaks out and assumes that JA must be dead by now.

Whiny Wendy Weeps over her Wedding Dress.  Oh, Wendy!  Don't rip that up!  What did it ever do to you?!  Fashion abuse!  Fashion abuse!  Altagracia tries to calm her down.  Good luck with that.

Santos found something (finally!) to use to saw through his ropes.

Ruben chews out his henchmen for not killing JA properly.

Judging from the shattered bottles of wine, he found a corkscrew.  Ruben and Fabian watch him, gloating and laughing.

Maria tells Amalia and the girls that JA is missing and probably dead and then faints.  Fernando carries her to bed and promises he'll find JA.  Amalia prays to La Virgen to help him.  La Virgen helps those who help themselves. Even if it did take them hours to find a corkscrew.

Derecho and Curtis are back in LA and OG and Arnold are on their way out.  Curtis notices them and she and Derecho find out that they're heading for DF.  Derecho is now convinced that Arnold and OG AND Bruno AND Michael AND Santos were all in it together.

Concho laments that his take is five times higher with JA than without.  Elvira comes in whining for money for shoes. The poor child doesn't have a single pair.  Concho tells her that JA disappeared.

JA graduated to a broken wine bottle and has now managed to free his hands.  He drags himself back to his "cot" when he hears the henchmen approaching, hides the ring, and pretends to be tied up properly.

Concho goes to Ruben, who has him sign something that he claims will make Concho the sole owner of the bar.  I bet he's got a bridge he could sell Concho, too.

Baritono comes over to Maria's to check on her.  Amalia gives him her condolences on his mother's death.  Baritono and Maria commiserate about how difficult it is to lose someone you love.

Ruben gloats to Fabian about how Concho just signed the bar over to him.

The henchmen get JA up on his feet and he fights his way free of them with the magic of camera angles and fight choreography.

Ruben and Fabian meet OG and Arnold at the airport.

Maria is whinier and weepier than Wendy this episode.

Amalia got a doctor to come over and shoot Maria up with a sedative.  The doctor advises distracting Maria from whatever caused her emotional pain.

Ruben and Fabian lead OG and Arnold into the warehouse area.  JA hides around a corner when he hears them.  The warehouse is apparently the back entrance to the strip club.  JA peeks around the corner and sees OG. 

Tomorrow: Maria cries; JA gets himself caught AGAIN.


Booked a job off last week's audition. Filmed today. Had to get up at 3:45 to make my 5:30 call. That's AM. Took a bit of a nap this afternoon, but I'm still pretty wiped. And yet, I'm alert enough to know that it's not my level of exhaustion and in fact, NOTHING HAPPENED this episode. See y'all in the morning.

5ft Latina:

Thanks so much for this marvelous recap, you may be wiped out but this recap is so wonderful for a non happening epi.

Poor JA through out this whole epi, trying to get free. They sure milked that didn't they. I had to laugh at your aside about the corkscrew and the broken wine bottle. It was about time! Also the stripper music, you had me laughing about that.

Derecho and Curtis are such tools. If they only stopped to actually investigate, they might find something really useful.

Oscar needs to get his head out of his butt, and quit denying his fathering of Rodri. He needs to get with it and start making amends with him.

So Rueben knows OJ, imagine that! Fabian is just as bad as I thought. Concho is really dumb. I hope there is some paper trail leading right to Rueben's door for all he has done. I really hate his smarmy grin all the time, like he's won.

I am glad the guys finally got together to see if they could find JA.

I didn't like the avances with JA being beaten up again and dumped somewhere. I hope Fernando finds him somehow.

You were right about Maria crying this whole epi, I got sick of it, but what surprised me was Amalia praying to the Virgincita for JA. I guess she really does like him, deep down.

I think plenty happened:

OJ knows that Justo* is on to him re: Bruno's death

LOLAPD, having just seen Bruno in Mexico City, found out OJ & Arnold are headed to Mexico City......what a coincidence, hmm?

Santos found out Ruben & OJ are in cahoots

The viewers found out Wendy** is blaming Bruno for getting himself shot and ruining her dreams. OJ is seriously going to exploit that

Maria learned Jorge Alfredo has been getting death threats

plus Ruben swindled Concho out of the bar.

*Justo should have a P.I. follow OJ around in Mexico City. He has the means to make this happen.

**Anyone else would be vowing to find out who killed Bruno, but Wendy's sitting around blaming Bruno for getting himself shot and ruining her day. Nice.

I think the depiction of Derecho & Curtis are about right. A lot of times investigators say "X is guilty" and seek to find evidence to support their theory that X is guilty, and disregard evidence showing Y or Z might be guilty instead of X.

Curtis & Derecho think that Santos is not only guilty, but the mastermind behind the money laundering. They have no evidence to support Santos being guilty except the word of OJ, Bruno & Arnold. Justo went to them and told them about Santos' plane being tampered with and they disregarded that and Justo telling them to look further into Bruno & 'em. Curtis & Derecho don't want to find the truth, they just want to find Santos and throw him in jail so they can close the case and pat themselves on the back for a job well done.

I think Amalia does like Jorge Alfredo, which is why she doesn't like him. She knows he's hiding something & she's projecting the pain she felt re: Pedro "cheating" onto Jorge Alfredo. Plus she knows JA is the one Maria will leave the family for.

Good work, Kat.

I think Curtis and Derecho want Santos to be guilty. There may be an emotional motive having nothing to do with making it easy for themselves: Taking down someone with money and connexions is a high of its own.

Wendy is an idiot. And what is it with destroying bridal gowns?

Ruben told his henchmen to kill Jorge Alfredo and dispose of the body; does anyone remember the exact verb? I am wondering whether he was telling them to dismember. This proves he is more sadistic than we previously assumed. I'm anticipating a Tosca moment for Maria or worse.

Can we anticipate that Ruben will learn Jorge Alfredo's true identity in tonight's episode and possibly change his instructions? Obviously since Jorge Alfredo needs to survive this series something is going to be different. I do like that he knows that Ruben and Giuliano know each other. His IQ has to come back to do something with that.

Great recap, Kat! I always love your recaps and your off-the-cuff stream of consciousness banter. Bravo!

Another episode (an extra-long Univision episode, no less) with Jorge Salinas thought-bubbling and squirming on the floor! No puede ser! What a waste of Mr. Salinas's talents.

I was also surprised that Don Ruben is so evil as to want to murder his romantic rival. I had hoped that he would just shuttle JA away somewhere, or "scare" him, but he means business! Yikes. And his buddy Fabian, whom I hoped was better—isn't.

Yeah, it was a pretty s-l-o-w episode. At least we saw the rat move! Yesterday I think it was plastic. Several scenes and it didn't move.

I know that Colosso will come around, but it's like pulling teeth sometimes to get him to do it! Doesn't he realize that he can at least "look good" to Maria by trying to help? It shouldn't have taken that much coercion.

I imagine that JA will now know that Ruben is in cahoots with OJ, but that these guys won't know the connection for a while yet. We want JA to keep singing songs in the bar for a while long, and I'm guessing that couldn't happen if Don Ruben knew he was Santos. At least that's my assumption.

Don Concho, Don Concho, Don Concho, you moron! Oh well, I only can feel so much pity for you.

Let's hope that tomorrow's episode at least has some time with JA not in bondage. It's really getting old.

If Ruben now owns the bar he can fire everyone and I think he just might do that.

He could keep Maria from getting another job in order to make her dependent on him.

Deshaganse del cuerpo? Get rid of the body.

Can't feel too sorry for Concho since he was trying to swindle either Lourdes or Mirna out of their share of the bar and we know he swindled the Mendozas out of their share of the bar.

I suspect Ruben is also in cahoots with the Padrino.

Fabian was never better than Ruben or a good person. He seemed to hate the Mariachi Gang as much if not more than Ruben.

Thank you dear 5Ft for your recap! You amaze me with your talent and all of the projects you have in the works. I have NO doubt you are going to do very, very well with your acting/singing. Congrats to you!


Actually, all that needs to happen is for Mirna to come forward stating that Amalia or Maria is the rightful owner of half the bar. That could provoke an investigation that prevents Ruben taking control of it.

Someone once speculated that Ruben married "up" for a professional/financial advantage. Maybe Fabian came from older money than Ruben, but no combination of that says anything about character. However, Ruben could be insecure enough to have to lord it over anyone he thinks is a threat on any front.

Recap = good reading.

Episode = boooooooriiiiiing

Five footer, a heroic effort (considering the day you had), and very, very entertaining. Lots of delightful zingers. Thank you!

I wasn’t sure what a "procurador" was. I thought maybe prosecutor. But AG? As in for-the whole-state-of-California AG? Good for Justo. Just who does that punk OJ think he is dealing with? :)

Good god, they like to be repetitive in this novela. Why do they have to re-torture Jorge? Why? WE GOT THE POINT THE FIRST TIME. When I saw that advance, I was sure that JA and we were going to be ‘left hanging’ for Friday (so to speak), so I was relieved that the hanging was over and done fairly early in the ep.

For all the mariachis and their frat boy antics, Ruben with his swarmy, self-satisfied grin is the one that really reminds me of a frat boy – of the worst sort. (Yes, I know some fine former frat boys, but Ruben ain’t one of them; he’s the sort that gives them all a bad name.)

Fabnot is a jerk, but he’s smart. He has repeatedly told Ruben to forget about Maria because it will hurt his marriage and could risk exposing whatever the two of them are doing that is illegal. He was right about the former and I sure hope he turns out to be right about the latter. I don’t think he cares one way or the other about the mariachis, but he does like being a bully. I’d like to hope that Ana stays far away from him, but I know what’s coming. Women like her who think all men are jerks always seem to find ones to confirm that opinion.

Somehow I missed Fabnot's reaction to Ruben’s torture and murderous plan for JA. I know that the two of them were looking at the video feed together, but I think I was busy reading subtitles. Did he seem opposed to it or uncomfortable in any way?

Okay, so where do you all take your international visitors as soon as they arrive? To the basement to visit the rats and roaches, right? How ridiculous is that? These writers have no shame when it comes to transparent plot devices. None at all.

Anon 207, “Anyone else would be vowing to find out who killed Bruno, but Wendy's sitting around blaming Bruno for getting himself shot and ruining her day. Nice.” OMG, too funny!!! Give her a moment, and she’ll be blaming him for ruining her wedding dress.

Amalia would have to be crazy to think that Maria would ever leave the family to fend for themselves without her. Jorge is joining them, and Maria isn’t going anywhere. He’s been courting the whole damn family. Sheesh. She’s gaining a son and a breadwinner the likes of which she has no freaking clue. But seriously, has she said anything about this that I’ve missed? Help me out here. Because I sure haven’t seen anything on the show that indicates Amalia is worried that Maria will abandon them, just speculation here on the blog. And I wasn’t surprised that she was praying for JA. While she wouldn’t choose him for her daughter’s novio, she isn’t a bad person, and she knows that he isn’t, either. She doesn’t want him dead or even harmed, ferchristsakes.


I think I know where those papers that Mirna can't find are. The ones that show Maria's dad is part owner. They're in that urn with the ashes of Concho's dead uncle. Might be a while before anyone finds them in there.

I'm actually not sure that JAntos knows Ruben is involved, he only saw OJ and I'm pretty sure thinks that Bronzo betrayed him again. I hope he at least recognized the voice of the others.

I'll be interested to see if the Gang of 4 compares notes and discovers they are after the same dude. They are an interesting if slimy group — the two Capos OJ and The Weasel, with their consiglieri's Fabnot and Fat Arnold. Of the group I think Fabnot has the most brains, Fat Arnold the least.

Got a good laugh about how it sucks to be Roddy. So true. He can't really count on anyone at the moment.

For a minute there I thought that the Mariachi Rescue team was going to do all their searching riding around in that awful pimp mobile. At least they had the sense to get out and do some actual walking and questioning.

I too think that Derecho and Curtis have made up their minds that Santos is guilty and like true incompetents are making every clue they find fit their scenario without questioning anything. I wonder if once they find out that Bruno has been murdered they might think they are wrong. The case may be important to Derecho but if he isn't careful he'll spend the rest of his career in the property room.

So not so smart Concho the Con man gets conned out of the bar. Cannot wait to see when Ruben turns the screws on him and for the reaction of the sharks.
I can almost hearing the screeching now. I am also worried about the Wenches since I'm pretty sure Ruben has big, nasty plans for them.

So yet another wedding dress gets shredded, it's getting to be almost as much a cliche as the phone throwing. LOL

Carolina, that's why Wendy is too stupid to live... or breed.

Amalia doesn't have to say that she fears being abandoned; it's obvious she feels that way. It may not be a financial abandonment or even a geographic one as much as an emotional one. Maria's attention is being more and more diverted to Jorge Alfredo and once she crosses the line (making love with him) she will not be retrievable.

If Maria chose to go to El Lay with Jorge Amalia would be afraid to follow. She would be out of her comfort zone there. Paloma and Isabel would adapt quickly and eagerly but Amalia wouldn't. Never mind that she could probably have better health care there.

There is also the issue she doesn't know about, which is the Garza family. She would feel very uncomfortable around them. While Altagracia would definitely not snub her, Wendy would. Amalia already knows that Jorge isn't a garage mechanic who makes only 4500 pesos per month and she knows he got money from his parents that he used for Isabel's medical care. She had to have done the math on that one to realize that Jorge comes from a family of some means.

My fav: "(Yo, why I gotta fix all y'all's problems that could have been fixed if you'd just behaved like grown people in the first place?)" LOL!

"Fashion abuse!  Fashion abuse! " Too funny!

"Another guy pulls the stepladder out from under JA.  Maria's ring falls from his hand and the beam he's hanging from ends up breaking. " Great scene, totally unexpected, and even pretty shocking considering what passes for realism with these telenovelas. Kudo's for Mrs. Mejia--actually they should go to JS and his cameraman and film editor.


Kat: congrats on your latest project triumph! If it's film, will we be able to see it on Youtube or some such?

Thank you for the recap! I wonder how many more episodes we have to endure with JA being missing.

So did I miss the memo when "mamacita" became a term of endearment? Or did MilAmores trademark it?

I'm actually surprised that Ruben is playing dirty with Don Concho, but maybe I shouldn't be.

An alliance between Ruben and Giuliano doesn't sound good.

I don't know if yesterday's will end up online anywhere. I know it's going to be on local TV. The one I was working on back in May will definitely be online, but I don't know when.

5ft, would love to see your performance.

Also, I wanted to say that the death of Pablo Montero's brother is so sad. I can't imagine losing two brothers like that.

UA, what is obvious to you is not at all obvious to me. :) I am not comfortable making that kind of an assumption. I’m more of an evidence-based kind of gal. And I see *nada* to support Amalia fearing abandonment and plenty to support the point of view that Amalia wants Maria to be find love and be happy.

I think that I’m over-thinking, but if M hasn’t ever had a serious bf before, in addition to her being super busy, it could be that guys see her family situation and don’t stick around because they don’t want to take on a woman with three dependents. JA, on the other hand, has lost his family and would love to adopt/be adopted by the Mendozas. He isn’t daunted by the prospect of the dependents because he knows eventually he will regain access to his money. He desperately wants a family and one that is ready made, off the shelf is just fine with him.

For as long as I have been involved in Mexican culture, I think I still can’t comprehend the overriding importance of family to them. JA needs a family in a way that is difficult for us to understand. Likewise, Maria is attached to her family in a way that we can barely comprehend. She would not abandon her family, emotionally or otherwise, any more than she would cut off her arm. I just can’t see that happening.

Plus, the whole lot of them are so cocooned in the apex of Mexican culture, mariachi central, they aren’t going to ever want to leave that. JA has fallen in love not only with M and her family, but with Mexico.

I agree that there would be problems with both of these families accepting each other. But I wouldn’t assume that health care is better in LA. If you can afford it, Mexico has great private hospitals and some aspects of care are much better than in the US. I have known several Americans who have chosen to stay in Mexico for treatments, even when they could afford to go the US if they had wanted.

Amalia knows that JA isn’t working class. She picked up on his level of education when he offered to help Isa with her math homework very early on. She questioned him about it and he didn’t really explain anything. But she knew that if he were able to help her, he’s way better educated than an ordinary working class guy in Mexico. He also recently told her, when she asked how his family could have sent so much money, that he had fallen from a higher position. This info about him just makes her more uncomfortable, though, because he is clearly not telling the whole story.

Just my take on things.



I too was surprised at the realism of the hanging scene. Did anyone notice that JAntos had rope marks around his neck afterward. Very realistic and I couldn't help thinking that with all the women around Maria bitching that JA was probably off with another women he would at least have proof that wasn't so.

I can't help wondering who will find him or will we have one of those interminable time spans where somebody finds him and stashes him away while his friends and family go loco looking for him. In any event if/when he returns to the barrio he is going to have to be extra careful as he now has two deadly enemies plus the cops from two countries on his tale. Time to call home for reininforcements.

Whiny ran true to form. Just as when the original disaster went down all she could think was that Santos had ruined her boda, now she can bemoan the fact that she is pregnant with ratbastard's child. Unbelievable that she is doing didly about pushing the cops to find the killer and maybe clear her brother's name. The sad part for everyone involved is that Bronzo's dying confession went first to an aiehead and secondly to Santos's sister who would probably not be believed.

I don't think anyone would believe a word out of that ditz's mouth anymore, and that might include her parents. She charges into a courtroom accusing her own brother of this federal crime, then later blames the guilty fiance for getting shot and ruining her wedding. I would advise her parents to either put her under house arrest or have her locked up in a loony bin so she can't do anyone -- herself included -- any more damage.

Isn't Justo on his way to D.F.?

I am also hoping that there aren't a dozen or more episodes with Jorge Alfredo being MIA and Maria being easy prey to Ruben, who is such a poisonous snake. He's even starting to look like one to me. He will suffer a very serious Karmageddon for his actions.

If Jorge Alfredo ends up with amnesia, I will have an apoplectic fit.

Carolina, you make a great point about Maria's family situation looking scary to her possible suitors. The only other realistic one we know of at this point is Oscar, who didn't seem afraid of it; he did once pay Amalia's medical bills. He is as Mexican as it gets, handsome, talented, and knows how to make nice with a future suegra. But he doesn't light Maria's fire because she knows him too long. Amalia isn't getting that. Nor has she witnessed his frat boy behavior or heard him deny his own child. If that doesn't change her mind about him, she is a few sandwiches short of a picnic.

As to Jorge Alfredo's non-disclosure, we know the reasons for that. Amalia may choose to understand them when the time comes or not. If she fails to understand this, she is still clinging to her objections for reasons having nothing to do with reality.

I don't think Amalia sees that Jorge Alfredo has fallen in love with Mexico and its culture. She also knows that he hasn't been fully accepted by his colleagues, except for the womanizing Fernando.

I am sick of her treating Maria like a child.

This opens up another issue that last night's episode highlighted: The idea that anguish and grief can be medicalized out of a person. In most cases I've seen in other series it's about the convenience of the person (usually a controlling parent) who doesn't want to hear the tears and sobs. Amalia would rather not face what Maria really feels. This is either out of being overprotective or envious, or both.

UrbanA: "If Jorge Alfredo ends up with amnesia, I will have an apoplectic fit." I'll second that!

Decie: I have digital and maybe since I was watching a small screen this time I didn't see the neck marks. That's attention to detail for darn sure.

As for whiny, somebody said she was too stupid to live. I have to admit I vote for a fatal fall/trip down one of those cavernous airport escalators after getting a tacone stuck in the moving steps while traveling to Mexico or something.

DCG, I saw the rope marks, but I didn't think of how they could be useful as physical evidence to corroborate his story. Good point.

I will also have some sort of fit if JA gets amnesia.

Medicating Maria threw me last night, that's for sure. It seems weird and old fashioned to me. Maria's raw emotion could be making Amalia feel guilty. Catholics do guilt like nobody's business. :)


If anyone else has a weekend topic idea, please post one. I'm having a bit of a problem with my computer and can't concentrate on one at the moment.

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