Monday, June 24, 2013

Corazon Indomable, #31, Monday, June 24, 2013 –“Woman of Steel” MariAle Teaches Casino Skanks a Few Lessons in the Art of Seduction…..Without Trying!!!

Recap by LatinaInMD
I went to see “Man of Steel” this weekend. Then I returned home to watch MariAle’s odyssey on Episode 31 of C.I. and realized that both characters have much more in common than “Clark Kent Syndrome”:  (i) both have powers/skills beyond human comprehension; (ii) he can kill with his piercing blue eyes; she could kill with her piercing green eyes; (iii) both deal with dimwits who fail to grasp their own inferiority; (iv) both see fighting evil and doing justice as their life’s destiny; and (v) last but not least, both begin life as simple country folk and end up in the city looking like supermodels. (Feel free to add to the list.)


Note:  some scenes are combined.

We begin with Octavio losing his shirt…..figuratively.  (Sorry ladies, no dice.  We are still waiting for THAT big reveal!!!!)  He and MariAle lock eyes. (If her looks could kill!!!)  She tells him she has the feeling that he is a gambling addict, otherwise she can’t explain to herself what he just did.  He tells her he did it on purpose, “for her”, to be able to “approach her” (“abordarla” – a bit of a double entendre, as it also means “to climb aboard”).  “You don’t say,” she replies with a slight laugh, but continuing to glare at him.  “I’m very drawn by your presence.  I want to observe you at all times…..until I convince myself.”  “Convince yourself of what?” “That you are Maricruz.”  She replies quickly and firmly:  “My name is Maria Alejandra.”  “Oh, so you ARE Maria Alejandra?” “Yes sir!!  When have I denied it?”  He tells her he saw her at Toluca airport and called her by her name, but she did not respond.  She says maybe she didn’t hear him, but he doesn’t believe that.  Well, she says, its also not enjoyable having a total stranger screaming to get your attention.  “Because that is what you are to me, a total stranger.”  She reminds him he knows her name, but she doesn’t know his.  “My name is Octavio….Octavio Narvaez.”  A slight hint of the tell-tale dimples appears on MariAle’s face, but she remains cool as a cucumber as she continues to stare him down.  “That name doesn’t tell you anything?”  She takes a deep breath, smiles broadly, and responds: “Nothing.”

Carola tells Raiza that MariAle would be a great acquisition for the casino as a hook, but as a spy she could be very dangerous.  Raiza tells her she’s not good for her as a hook, as a spy, or as a client, as she clearly doesn’t have money since she only wears cheap custom jewelry.  Carola says they can’t deny that MariAle is a beautiful woman.  Raiza flings her mop of yellow hair, laughs and says “not so much”.  Carola insists:  “Of course she is.”  Then she breaks it to Raiza that Tony just informed her by phone that MariAle has “hypnotized” her galan, the pilot.  Raiza is not pleased.

MariAle apologizes to Octavio and tells him she can’t continue speaking with him, as she must move about the casino.  He asks if she will be working there and she says “perhaps, I don’t know.”  He informs her that he will return to Mexico the next day; she wishes him a good trip.  He asks if he can see her later that day, when they arrive back on land.  She says no, she will be too tired and she has a busy day ahead of her tomorrow.  She then bids him goodnight, adding:  “I think I gave you bad luck.  Try now that I won’t be here.  Perhaps you will have better luck.”  She’s about to walk away but suddenly turns back and, putting her hand to her mouth briefly (as if saying “oopsie”), she adds:  “I forgot that you had no money left.”  She smirks and walks away.

Back on deck, Octavio informs Ed that he played at roulette and lost.  With his two brain cells firing at full blast, Octavio keenly notes: “We men are stupid.  All we need is for a woman to draw our attention for her to easily dominate us and make us commit idiocies.”  (Uh, no Chulito, you can do that just fine on your own!!)  Silly Eduardo guesses he’s talking about Raiza. (really Ed?)  Octavio says “No.  Maricruz…well, the one who looks like Maricruz.  She’s a fascinating woman, with a level of self-control that she will not let you get one millimeter within her comfort zone.”  Ed says what they need are obstacles, because when things come easily to them they have no interest in them. 

MariAle informs Carola and Raiza that she had a good first night at the casino.  She says she learned quite a bit, and the truth is nothing further from the information they gave Alejandro Mendoza, as she could see the casino is doing great.  Carola asks how many days she plans to be there; MariAle says two or three more days, as that is probably all she needs “to fix whatever could be wrong”.  (Of course, she’s superwoman after all.)

Still on deck, Octavio and Ed notice Teo passing by them.  Ed tells Octavio he is going to go try to speak with Araceli.  Ed leaves and Octavio notices MariAle and Tony chatting as they walk along the deck towards him.  Once closer, MariAle notices Octavio, glances briefly at him, and continues on her way with Tony.….. Octavio continues on deck, telling himself he can’t deny that “in this woman” he just sees the sweet and good MC, as he would have wanted MC to be.

Araceli is awakened by Ed’s knocking on her window.  She lets him in but tells him to go away because Teo could see him.  Ed says he needs to speak with her and refuses to go….. Araceli admits she is afraid of what Teo could do to Ed; Ed reminds her Teo is nothing to her and insists on her meeting him elsewhere so they can “get to know each other better.”  After some prodding, she agrees to meet with him at a beach the following Sunday.

Alone on deck, MariAle thought bubbles how ironic it is that the man who betrayed her and was so cruel to her was just at her side and for so long, attentive towards her (“pendiente de mi”) and at her beck and call (“a mi voluntad”).  She says to herself:  “How I detest him.  How I wish I could have been again the savage he knew, and scratched his eyes out.”  Then with puppy dog eyes and a tone of longing in her voice she asks herself:  “Will I see him again?”  She sighs.  (And we sigh too, seeing how the mere thought of our galan is like kryptonite, turning this superwoman into mush.)…..Still alone on deck, MariAle is now thinking how skillfully she seduced Octavio.  She tells herself:  “I had the courage to smile at him, to interact with him, and to seduce him…..and how.”  Then she thought bubbles:  “Of course, it’s no great effort for me, since I’ve loved him so much, and I still feel so attracted to him, so much.....that I would kill him.  Yes, I would kill him, but killing myself at the same time.”

The next morning, Raiza stares into her mirror, pretending Teo lied when he pointed out the crow’s feet around her eyes.  She wonders what piece of jewelry she will put on, unlocks the drawer where she keeps her jewelry box, and immediately notices the empty box.  She runs to the phone and calls Carola to inform her, telling her the thief left a handwritten note saying “Affectionate greetings from El Zorrillo.”….Shortly after, Carola goes to Teo and informs him of the theft, telling him this may be the last one, as El Zorrillo left an important clue that may lead to his capture.

Dressed in full uniform, Octavio and Ed are about to leave their hotel and head for the airport.  Ed says “I slept very little last night” and Octavio one-ups him with:  “I haven’t closed an eye.”  (Yikes!!!!  Don’t tell that to the passengers on their planes!!!!  Could this be why Televisa didn’t get any real airlines to promote themselves on this novela?)  Octavio admits he stayed up thinking about the “living portrait” of Maricruz, while Ed informs him he made real progress in his goal of conquering Araceli.

MariAle sits in her hotel room typing away on her laptop.  (She’s typing pretty fast too.  Any guesses on words per minute?)  Back at the mansion, Don Ale reads the email out loud to Tobias; in it MariAle tells him what she has found out so far but notes she will have to be “very astute” to discover whatever fraud there may be.  She will not permit anyone to fool him.  Both men are clearly impressed.

Carola informs Raiza that the ship will not assume responsibility for the loss of her jewelry, since she failed to use security boxes.  She also informs her an international VIP has arrived on the island, an Arabian oil magnate named Sultan Karim.  Raiza perks up and wonders if she might be of interest to him.  (Dream on, Raiza!!!)  Carola assures her he is “fascinated” by women like her.  Raiza hopes that’s how she can get new jewelry.  Carola says no doubt, but warns her to make sure he sees her first, “before that other woman bewitches him.”

The writers (or the editors) did a poor job of showing us the passage of time, as only later do we realize that it is now “the following Sunday” - the appointed day for Ed and Araceli’s rendezvous on a beach.  Thus, viewerville may be confused by the fact that, just two scenes after the scene in which they discuss MC’s impressive email, we now see Don Ale and Tobias out on the mansion’s back lawn discussing the fact that there have been “no news” lately from MC.  Don Ale suggests MC is too young to handle the Canseco sisters.  He tells Tobias he thinks the best solution to Carola’s possible fraud is to just sell the whole casino to her. (Really writers?!  We can handle a two-brain-celled galan but, come on, the Voice deserves a few more brain cells.)

Carola, Raiza and MariAle, along with several casino employees, form a receiving line along the deck of the ship, now lined with a red carpet.  Carola announces that the Emir has arrived, then speaks directly to MariAle, reminding her that the Emir is a VIP, as if saying “I hope you know the drill”.  Dressed in tux and sunglasses, the whitest-looking Arab we have laid eyes upon comes on deck and slowly walks the red carpet, as each person he passes in the receiving line curtsies or bows down to him.  Without glancing at her, he pauses in front of Carola, who curtsies and bids him welcome.  He does the same with Raiza, who also curtsies.  He takes another step and stops in front of MariAle, who merely stares at his profile and does nothing.  He turns towards her and removes his sunglasses, revealing a pair of steely blue eyes that are now locked in a staring contest with MariAle’s own steely green eyes.

Teo tells Araceli a VIP is arriving that day on the ship, so he must be watchful over the employees.  (How is that different from any other day?)  Anyway, he tells her to lock herself inside and not let anyone in.  Araceli agrees, but as soon as Teo leaves she drops what she is doing and gets ready to leave too.

MariAle and the Emir are still having their staring contest.  Finally, he gives in, hands his glasses to one of his men, and walks off.  MariAle looks in his direction and smirks.  Behind her, Carola asks her why she didn’t at least curtsy to him.  MariAle turns to her and says:  “Because I’m not a woman from his harem.”  (Score one for MariAle!!!!)  Carola glowers at her, then takes off after the Emir. 

On another deck, we now can see the Emir is wearing the most ill-fitting tux a rich and powerful man could possibly wear.  Carola catches up with him.  He asks “who is she?”  Carola feigns ignorance, asking “who?”  “The lady who denied me her greeting.”  “Oh her.”  Carola asks him to forgive her, noting she’s just a new member of the casino staff and not familiar with appropriate protocol.  In a commanding tone he says “I want to meet her” and walks away.

Raiza tells MariAle that she is very daring and made a very grave error with the Emir.  MariAle responds:  “I don’t think like you do, Raiza.”  Raiza reminds her that if she is there as an employee, then she should be more “complacent” with clients, especially one like Karim.  MariAle agrees that she “could be amiable, perhaps, but submissive NEVER.”  (Score again!!!!)  Raiza tells her that place is not made for her.  MariAle merely smiles and turns away.  Just then Carola returns and informs MariAle that the Emir wants to meet her.  MariAle smirks again, with clear self-satisfaction.  (Score again!!!!)  (Cut briefly to Araceli, who is now racing out the door.)  MariAle tells Carola to give the Emir her regrets, but at that moment she does not wish to be introduced to anyone.  Carola tries to treat her as an employee, but MariAle reminds her she is there as the owner’s representative, not as her employee.  Carola gives up and says she will have to go apologize to the Emir on MariAle’s behalf, but MariAle insists that she tell him the truth, “that we are in a democratic country and at this moment it does not please me to chat with any symbol of royalty.”  Carola calls her a “stupid woman” and walks off.  MariAle smirks again.  (Carola teletransports to the casino’s main salon and informs the Emir that MariAle does not wish to be introduced to him.)  Raiza tells MariAle that Carola is right, she is a stupid woman because she doesn’t realize that the Emir could make her rich overnight.  As Raiza walks away, MariAle thought bubbles:  “Rich overnight.  Rich.  Which is the same as powerful.  Yes, perhaps I’m a stupid woman.  Perhaps.”

The Emir practically orders Carola to arrange for MariAle to be at his side that evening.  He gets up and heads to the roulette table, completely ignoring Raiza as she is about to greet him again.  Carola grabs Raiza by the arm and tells her “don’t bother trying anymore” (“no insistas”).  She tells her the Emir is obsessed with “La Mendoza” (there it is – MariAle’s new title!!!) and it’s not surprising, since MariAle has everything, beauty, youth, etc.  She tells Raiza they must convince MariAle to attend to the Emir, as it is convenient for them too.

Back in her hotel room, MariAle writes another email to Don Ale, informing him that the casino earns more each day, and his business partner is “very corrupt”.  But she has promised herself to unmask her.  She will defend his interests with teeth and nails.  She adds:  “Don’t fear for me.  Life made me weak, but thanks to you I have turned into steel.”  (Yup, she did indeed call herself a “woman of steel”.  Coincidence?!  I think not!!)

Araceli and Eduardo meet at the beach.  He immediately turns the charm on, telling her he is falling in love with her.  He asks if she wants to be his girlfriend.  She says she knows pilots are like sailors, with a girl at every port.  Besides, she still doesn’t know him.  And she is very conservative, so the day she has a BOYFRIEND it has to be FOREVER.  Yikes!!!  He agrees marriage should be the goal, but not right away.  All goes well for Ed, until his wandering eyes betray him, as two girls dressed in binikis walk by and his eyes follow right behind them.  Araceli gets furious and storms off.

Octavio arrives at TOHOID (“the only hotel on Isla Dorada”) just as MariAle is leaving.  She sees him and says:  “You again?!  It seems I’m condemned to run into you with every step I take.”  He says it’s logical, since they are on a small island and staying at the same hotel.  He also informs her that his airline added several flights to this island.  MariAle laments that she will keep seeing him around there.  Octavio says she will if she plans to remain here.  “No, I don’t plan to.”  “Don’t you work at the casino?”  “That’s right.”  “Then how am I to understand that you don’t plan to remain on the island?”  “Don’t try to understand it,” she recommends to him.  (That’s right, Chulito, that might be too much of a strain for your two brain cells.)  He asks if she wishes for him to accompany her where she is going.  She responds:  “What do you take me for?  Don’t you think that each time you behave with more and more audacity?”  Surprised at her reaction, he apologizes and says that is not his intention.  “Well, you better not make a mistake about me.  Good day.”  She takes off, leaving him standing there in awe of her.

Teo hums and holds a creepy chat with his flowers, just as MariAle arrives in a taxi.  She gets out of the taxi and walks towards him.  (btw, she’s wearing a VERY short rose-colored dress with bell-shaped sleeves that looks like it was designed by the same person who designed MC’s favorite raggedy white dress.)  She greets Teo and he immediately compliments her on her beauty.  She asks for his sincere opinion about Carola.

Sitting in the cockpit of their plane, Eduardo (who apparently got demoted into becoming Octavio’s copilot) brags to his buddy that all the begging paid off because Araceli is now his girlfriend.  Octavio, on the other hand, feels like he had a bucket of cold water poured over his head that morning.  Ed asks by whom.  “By the beauty from the casino.”  “Maricruz the 3rd, the 4th, the 5th, or which one of them all?” jokes Ed.  “Eduardo, she was so rude that I think I will never speak to her again.”  (Somehow we know Oblivio will forget that promise before the plane takes off.)  Ed tells him if she is that aggressive with him it’s probably because she likes him.  (I guess we are back in middle school, kids!!!)….Octavio tells Ed he is not getting his hopes up, because he is convinced “that woman” does not like him.  He tells him:  “That woman has an attitude as if no one deserves her.  She is grating, sarcastic, conceited.” 

Teo tells MariAle that he will not give her his opinion about Carola, but he will give her some advice.  “Don’t let yourself get fooled by appearances nor by the words of the Canseco sisters.  Neither one of them.”  (Doesn’t that pretty much reveal his “opinion”?  Duh.)  Before she leaves, Teo asks MariAle if she will allow him to give her a flower.  She smiles broadly, and sounding and looking a bit like the old MC, she says:  “No one has ever given me a flower.”  She tells him she not only will allow it; she will be grateful for it.  He cuts it and hands it to her.  As she walks away, he says to himself:  “What a woman.  She makes me shudder (“me estremece”) from head to foot.  I have to change my face.  I need it.”  (Really, Teo?!!  Beyond his deformities, just consider that she is the SAME AGE as Araceli.  Eeewww.)

MariAle arrives at Carola’s office (no sign of the lovely rose she just received, so either she crammed it into her clutch purse or she tossed it into the sea) and Carola informs her that she asked her to go see her so they could clarify some things…..MariAle’s rose is now sitting on Carola’s desk.  (Better continuity please, Mrs. Mejia.)  Carola informs MariAle that her attitude toward Emir Karim was most inconvenient and she reminds her that she went there “to collaborate” in the business, not to act against it.  Carola tells her it’s not easy for a man like Emir Karim to become interested in a woman just like that, no matter how beautiful she is.  MariAle laughs and asks “so what does that have to do with me?” (As if she doesn’t know!!!) Carola points out that if Karim goes to gamble every night just to see MariAle, then they will all gain, including Alejandro.  MariAle agrees to do what she can, but warns Carola to remember:  “I don’t have a price.  I am not for sale.  There is no fortune that can purchase me.”

In his opulent mansion, the Emir orders his assistant Muhammed to find out where MariAle lives and send her something – they don’t say what.  Muhammed points out that the lady is too conceited.  The Emir says it’s because she knows she’s beautiful.  They both agree that she is playing hard to get (“dandose a desear”) as a tactic, but the Emir is sure that she will eventually give in:  “What woman has not fallen into the arms of Karim?” he asks.  Muhammed says “this one” could be the first, but the Emir assures him that won’t happen.

Carola asks MariAle if she is really that sure of herself.  Yes siree, says MariAle.  Carola asks if she is there to inspect things (“fiscalizar”).  MariAle admits she is partly there to do that.  Carola then asks how far MariAle’s inspections will lead her.  “All the way to the books, MI ESTIMADA” replies MariAle, who somehow has learned how to use a simple term of endearment like “mi estimada” as a putdown, a la “mommy dearest”.  Carola assures her all the books are in order, and at her disposal whenever she wishes.  MariAle is glad to hear it, but also points out she can make calculations at first glance about the casino’s general direction.  Carola tells her she doesn’t like dealing with distrustful people and MariAle retorts that she will have to make an exception with her.

Back in her hotel room, MariAle has a rather pitiful looking bouquet of flowers delivered to her with a note from Emir Karim saying “For the most beautiful woman that my eyes have seen.”  (We cut to a blindingly pale Emir Karim sitting in his Jacuzzi, drinking champagne, and basking in some much needed sunlight.  Muhammed informs him his gift has been delivered to MariAle, and Karim seems oddly surprised when Muhammed tells him that she is a guest at THE hotel of Isla Dorada – TOHOID.)  Back to MariAle, who tells herself life is so ironic.  “Wretched Maricruz Olivarez, the savage peasant, receiving flowers from an Arab Emir.”  No sir, she says, grabbing the flowers and tossing them in the trash.  She admires the one rose she received from Teo, saying it’s worth more than all the flowers that could be bought with gold, exploitation and shamelessness.  (Gotta wonder how she would feel about that rose if she only saw how Teo “shuddered” for her as she walked away with it.)  She then calls the front desk and gives them clear orders not to receive any more gifts on her behalf.  She hangs up and says to herself:  “You’ve made a mistake with me, powerful Emir.  Being deceived by one man is more than enough for me.  Octavio was able to hurt me by pretending to love me.  Octavio Narvaez, deceiver of women.  You behaved with me like a scoundrel.”  (Now we get flashbacks to her happy and sad moments back at Ranch Hell.)  “But you can’t imagine how you are going to pay me back.”

Carola informs Teo that she is leaving him in charge of the casino while she goes to Mexico to personally explain to Alejandro Mendoza the casino’s current situation.  She notes she didn’t appreciate him sending her a “little miss know it all” to investigate her.  Teo says he knows who that is, “a woman who can light a fire in the heart of any man.”  Carola laughs and agrees, saying it looks like she lit Alejandro’s fire.  Teo laughs but is not amused. 

Later that night, Teo stands guard in the casino when MariAle walks in wearing yet another new, light gray-colored evening gown.  (How many wardrobe changes has she had in this one episode?  She must spend all her free time shopping for clothes now, then giving them away after one use, because she repeats nothing.  This must be her way of dealing with the trauma of wearing just three raggedy dresses as wretched Maricruz.)  Teo informs MariAle that Carola left for Mexico City to speak with Don Alejandro.  MariAle is not the least bit concerned, as she is sure this time Carola won’t get her way.

Carola arrives at the mansion and Tobias allows her to promptly head up, unannounced, to Don Ale’s bedroom where he is resting..…Don Ale explains that he’d been wondering why that casino was doing so badly.  Carola tells him he now knows why – that thief had them whipped.  He hasn’t been trapped, but at least he stopped robbing the casino’s clients.  Nothing had been heard from him, until he stole all of Raiza’s jewelry.  Don Ale tells Carola to help Raiza, to raise her salary.  Carola refuses, saying even if she’s her sister, she is not about to diminish their earnings by giving her a raise.”

Back at the casino, Raiza tries unsuccessfully to get MariAle to spill the details about her relationship with Don Alejandro.  She asks how she managed to insert herself into his life.  “With intelligence and astuteness,” points out MariAle.  “You’re an enigma, Mendoza.”  “Perhaps it just seems that way, Raiza.”  Tony comes over and informs Raiza that the Emir is about to begin gambling.  Raiza insists that MariAle go with her to greet the Emir.  They both head his way, with MariAle a few steps behind Raiza.  Raiza arrives first at the Emir’s side and greets him.  The Emir turns towards them just as MariAle arrives and, completely ignoring Raiza, he points to MariAle and wishes her Allah’s blessings.  Raiza informs him that the two of them “will be doing the honors for him” that night.  (Now what exactly did she mean by “doing the honors”?  Only Allah knows!!!!) The Emir asserts no man on earth was ever better attended to, then points at MariAle and says “but I have enough with her.”  He waives Raiza away dismissively and tells her to go attend to his guests.  (Ouch!!!!)  The Emir requests MariAle to accompany him.  MariAle says with pleasure and graciously asks for his arm.  Shocked reaction from his entourage!!!  MariAle asks what’s wrong and the Emir responds:  “In my land, women don’t hang onto men’s arms.  They follow us.”  MariAle informs him that if he doesn’t give her his arm, she will not accompany him, adding:  “I DON’T FOLLOW ANY MAN!!!”  (On behalf of all women, thank you, MariAle!!!!)…..The Emir smiles and says that he’s not in his own land, so he doesn’t have to refuse to follow a local custom there on the island.  He offers MariAle his arm and she says that’s much better.  She asks if he wasn’t about to start gambling, but he happily states that for the moment he wants to chat with her.  A triumphant MariAle smiles, says “very well, let’s go”, takes his arm and leaves with him.  Raiza is left behind, fuming…..MariAle and the Emir sit on some cozy sofas and she promptly asks:  “What was it you wanted to talk to me about?”

Previews:  Sorry, I saw this online and didn’t get any previews.  Feel free to mention them in the comments.



Absolutely fabulous recap LatinaInMD! Loved your comparison between MC/MA and Clark Kent/Superman. Just perfect. Did you notice that when Carola called Teo off of the tug boat to come speak to her before she went to D.F., he said he'd be there faster than a speeding bullet? LOL!

MariAle really got in some great zingers tonight. Loved the way she dealt with the Emir, Tav, and the Blonde Sisters. From the previews, looks like she strikes some kind of deal with Emir.

Carlos de la Mota (Emir) is one of my fave actors. He usually plays goofball characters. I think he's also playing this suave character in a goofy way. Should be fun.


Oh, and I love that the Blonde Sisters call MariAle "La Mendoza" behind her back, and simply Mendoza to her face. It sounds so tough.

@Vivi - I noticed lots of stuff, but if I had mentioned it all this recap would have been twice as long. It's still too long, but I didn't want to leave out all the zingers. I loved the dialogues on this episode. I will say I almost fell over when I saw the scene where she said she turned to "steel". The first time I saw this episode was a couple of months ago and I didn't remember that scene. I picked the Superman/Superwoman theme because I really did see the movie this weekend, so it was a little shocking to see her saying she "turned to steel" when I was already halfway through the writing of my recap.

Excellent recap, LatinaInMD. Liked your comparison of Superman and SuperMari.

Don Alecito has indeed formed her into a fighting blade of the finest Toledo steel. Oblivio has no chance against her powers.

Neither does the Emir have a chance against her. Ever since I saw the cast list, I've been waiting for the appearance of Carlos de la Mota as an Arabian Prince! Possibly he came to earth from outer space just like the man of steel--he is indeed the palest, most blue-eyed emir I've ever seen. Que que what?!!

Maybe Don Ale has an open account at one of the Isla Dorada boutiques for MariAle's ever expanding wardrobe?

I really enjoy La Mendoza's enigmatic conversations with all the people at the casino. She lets them draw their own conclusions without ever lying to them.


I laughed seeing Carlos play the Emir. Usually his characters can barely handle a business account or one woman, much less a country and a harem.

If Octavio really thought he was being gaslighted, couldn't he just fly up to the ranch for a night and check things out? He claims to be obsessed with MC but hits on MA, who shouldn't be impressed even she were a different person.


forgot to leave a name ... sorry

Great point Kelly. If he's so confuzzled, why hasn't he taken a quick surprise trip to Tamaulipas to at least see if MC 1.0 is still there. At least one of his questions would be answered then.


Thanks so much for this wonderful recap! I too had to laugh at Tav. He should have made a trip to Ranch Hell as soon as he saw MC/MA in the D.F. Then he would know for sure. I agree I think he is down a couple brain cells and is just operating on half, lol.

I like the name La Mendoza for MC/MA. It so fits her now. I love how she takes charge, disses Tav and the Emir too, you go girl! And Carlos de la Motta, I am happy to see him in this one, but he usually plays such a goof ball, wouldn't it be interesting if he plays someone opposite of that here.

Raisa thinks she is all that and a bag of chips. I am really liking her being dissed too.

I am still on the fence about Teo. He is reminding me more and more of Phantom of the Opera. I really do think he is trying to protect Arecely, but I'll have to see what else he does, before I make up my mind about him.


Looking forward to watching this episode after reading this wonderfully detailed recap. LatinaInMD, after your descriptive powers, I can barely wait.

I think Teo robbed Raisa to get back at her. He is not the real El Zorilla however. Just my guess.

LOVED, LOVED, LOVED your recap Latina!

I couldn't list my favourite snarks because then I just have to copy-paste the whole thing! The superman comparison is most appropriate!

Action packed episode, Supervoman MariAle became more craftier and cunning within a few weeks of tutoring under her belt than the two Blonde Sisters hardened by years and years of casino life :)
Loved how she scored several times over Caro & Raiza! I like the attitude and that she doesn't let ppl walk all over her anymore but rather dictates the happenings.
BTW, I like the new wardrobe, AB looks great in these jewel toned new clothes."This must be her way of dealing with the trauma of wearing just three raggedy dresses as wretched Maricruz" - LOL - maybe her suitcase is like Mary Poppins's and you could fit in whole cabinets full of clothes.
Oblivio is lagging sooooooooo far behind, I almost feel sorry for him in one of those clueless moments, he needs to see an oculist, otologist and a brain neuro surgeon ASAP (he can choose the sequence)! If he suspects something is off, why not go home and look into it, I wonder?

I'm surprised by the choice of actor for the emir, they could have chosen from among so many dark eyed, haired, skinned actor why they chose him I wonder? I like this actor, saw him in several TNs, but he doesn't look a bit like an arab.

And I'd like to complain about the fact that we get to see his (the emir) snow white and not so impressive bare chest and none of the prota's (Oct or Eddy) or at least Tony's who have much more developed and nicer assets!

LatinaM, Lol at your "abordarla" - to climb aboard - I would have never thought about that one, it's kind of kinky, I love it! :))

I have doubts about Octavio seeing sweet MC in Maria Alejandra, what he sees is a hot woman who is not fawning all over him like MC used to.

Octavio is her kriptonite - very good point!

It's no wonder no airline is promoting the tn - would you want your business associated with the likes of Oblivio and Eduardo?

The fact that Octavio didn't think about going to the ranch to make sure MC is still there should come as no surprise; it was a miracle that he had the brain power to ask for a letter from her...I believe he doesn't want to go because that would mean facing her and he is, after all, a coward.

I have to admit the story is getting better. And even if Octavio deserves to be punished, a heroine who loves a hero but still wants to revenge is my favorite kind of story and it always makes me root for the couple.

Maybe we should all keep count of the moment we stop seeing Octavio like an idiot and start rooting for him. Which of us do you think will have the softest heart?

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What a hoot of a recap LatinaMD. I've got Blackhawk's withdrawal this morning and can barely open my eyes. This certainly perked me up.

So our steely girl is winning over all the men, Teo included (maybe creepy?) I so love Carlos, but as an Emir? C'mon casting. Could have just made him a chauvinist billionaire...again, we park the beany and just have fun with this.

I kind of cracked up seeing MC sitting and talking to herself and there are people steps away from her. Glad they decided to switch over to the "thinking the words" mode. I also have to laugh just have savvy she is at everything--cripes, I know a lot of people who are tech savvy and can't type that fast. She is certainly a wunderkind---or should we call her Superwoman!



Latina in MD, this was so entertaining. I love love love your writing style. I wish you had added more detail because it was such a good read, I wanted more.

Everyone seems to be down on Teo as creepy, I haven't seen him that way. I see him as someone who hasn't had very many people be nice to him and he is a sweet guy who will look out for those who treat him well.

MC (I will always think of her that way) has gotten some good zingers in. I love that. So she doesn't trust Carola to not cook the books. I hope MC will realize that there may be two sets of books.

@cathyx - my first draft was about 50% longer, but I thought if it stayed that long it would take as long to read my recap as it would take to watch the episode. Even after I trimmed it and sent it to Vivi for posting I thought it was too long and cut out another page before I sent her a final revised draft. I can get carried away.


Thanks for this super recap. I love your liberal integration of translated dialogue woven into the narrative so seamlessly.

I really don't have a problem with blonde haired blue eyed Emir Carlos. I imagine that his daddy was an Emir who traveled widely and collected a blonde wife along the way.

My secretary Kathy has a cousin who married an Arab from Abu Dhabi (not an emir or sheik, but very wealthy nonetheless) and one of their daughters has reddish-blonde hair and green eyes.

I think the thing about Maricruz's transformation that amazes me most is her apparent awareness of the power her femininity and beauty affords and her firm confidence and reliance on that power. She always has had superior inner strength but self-awareness... not so much.

I simply can't wait for her to confront Lucia.


Super recap Latina,
ummm, blue eyed Arab, interesting. With all the black eyed Latinos, I think they could have done better on that one, buuuuut this is Mrs Mejia & I guess she put even less thought into that one. I do like de la Mota though.

Agree Carlos, the new MA and Lucia will be very interesting.

The funniest thing about this episode for me was Ed trying to convince Aracely of his love, then get completely hijacked by the two women wearing bikinis, and then running after Aracely. He is such good comic relief!

Thank you for your wonderful recap, LatinainMD. Your "Man of Steel" analysis was very original. I was pleasantly surprised that they broke the mold when they went with casting Carlos de la Mota as the Emir. Too bad they didn't do the same thing for their "Arabic" music theme.

All in all, I am liking this tale of revenge. I wonder what the changuito is doing when we don't actually see him . . .


Carlos- I still remember when Ed first met MC and complimented her on her beauty and horse riding skills, and she responded, "I know." LOL! She has been aware of her beauty a long time. And I am still convinced that she knew exactly what she was doing all those times she turned on the waterworks and got Tav to submit to her will.

AdrianaNoel- Love your new avatar. :)

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Thanks ,LatinainMD. I couldn't watch this episode, so I really appreciate your detailed recap.

I am confused about Teo. If Mari gets a good vibe from him and his single rosé it would seem that he is a good guy.

It's interesting that they have introduced an emir into the story. I suppose to reinforce Mari's hot hotness for us. A man who could have any woman is interested in her, and she has no price. Okay, we get it..she's beautiful and hot hothot. I am anxious to see this pseudo Arab. As Carlos notes, some Arabs have blue, green, and hazel eyes.

@Vivi - I love it, too! As much as I love him, I don't think all his pictures are good. But this one is simply beautiful (those eyes!!)To bad the resolution isn't that great!

BTW, I just sent you an e-mail about him! :))

When the Emir's "Hi I'm an arab" music came on, was anyone else singing along with "there's a place in France where the naked ladies dance..."?

What is MA going to do with the financial nooks, or has she become a cpa too? She's really making me look lazy.


@Vivi - I agree with you that MC knew exactly what she was doing with the "waterworks". I think that's why Ana Brenda chose to do those scenes in such an exaggerated way (the sobbing etc., with nary a tear in sight). It gave a "fake" air to the scenes. Anyone not familiar with Ana Brenda's acting would probably think her a bad actress if the first thing they saw was one of those fake "waterworks" scenes. I'm a HUGE fan of hers and even I found those scenes a bit grating. But if there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that when it comes to "genuine" natural crying there's almost no other actress at Televisa who can do it better than Ana Brenda.

LatinaInMD- I would have to say that Silvia Navarro is a way more natural crier. The best. But Ana Brenda is very good. She's one of my fave Televisa actresses too.

I hate to admit it, but Eduardo has a point. Aracely's relationship with Teobaldo creeps me out. She can't leave the house?!?! He's become violent lately!!??! She's not really his servant, she says, she is just grateful and indebted to him. Ugh. How disgusting. This is an abusive relationship. End of story.

Can I also say I LOVE Maricruz's attitude in this episode? Wow. She is so confident and capable. I was going to give up on this show during the first 20 episodes or was just so painful to watch Ramiro, Maricruz and Solilla getting hurt over and over again. But now I am glad I stuck with it!

Thank you Latina in MD. Loved it. your opening line was so funny----
Octavio is loosing his shirt.....
figuratively. So funny the ladies are still waiting for the big reveal.
I'm with cathyx, no need to shorten an excellent recap.
I was confused by your statment---she can kill with her piercing green eyes---Ana Brenda has brown eyes. Did I get something wrong?

I was laughing at Oblivio when he said, "That woman has a attitude as
if no one deserves her. She is grating, sarcastic, conceited." WELL, who gave her that attitude Oblivio?

I'm with anon 9:59 on La Mendoza's
enigmatic conversations--She must be driving them half mad by just saying enough but not really saying
all to answer their questions. All
that abuse down on the farm/ranch has turned MC into a woman of steel and made her smart to. GO MARi!!

Madelaine---Raiza thinks she is all that and a bag of chips. I am really liking her being dissed too.
You got me laughing with that one. Yes, I would say that her ego is definitely deflating a little by now.

Adriana Noel---ITA Octavio doesn't
want to go back to the ranch to face Maricruz, the woman he abandoned. Yes, he's a coward.

No airline would pay to promote a show with Oblivio flying the plane.

Someone mentioned typing speed. Maricruz could barley read and write a month or two back and now she's mastered the computer, spread
sheets and is a fast typist. GO WONDER WOMEN!!!
The funny thing is that I don't like or watch action movies as they are just to phoney/ridiculous
for me but novelas? I eat them up. Go figure.

Cathyx---I'm with you, La Mendoza is ok but the beautiful wild flower
will always be Maricruz to me.

Carlos/Variopinta---I'm waiting for the BIG SHOWDOWN between Maricrz and Lucifer also but I don't think that it will come until after the babies are born.
the gringo

@Vivi - LOL - believe it or not, I was thinking of Sylvia Navarro when I wrote "...almost no other actress..." - of course, Sylvia also has several years more experience in novelas than Ana Brenda. But I think of the twentysomethings on Televisa, Ana Brenda is the best.

Ahhhhhh..yes...three pregnant women..two in denial.. The pregnancy is going to cut down on Wonder Woman's powers of seduction. I also wonder if all three pregnancies will result in three babies. Wonder what poor Solita is doing with Mari gone. Well, she has Monkey and Justa seems to be very sweet to her .

@Gringo - Ha!!! I was waiting for someone to say something about the eyes. It's a bit of an ongonig debate with some fans. But, nope, she has green eyes. Some fans have said they are more hazel than green, because they have a bit of a yellow tinge to them. But I saw an interview with her where they asked her who she inherited her eyes from and she said she got the shape of her eyes from her maternal grandmother but the color from her green-eyed father.

@gringo - She also made it a point of saying that on camera you can't always tell because she has to get the right kind of lighting. Hopefully I'm not spoiling anything by saying this, but you'll see AB's eyes in much better lighting in several future episodes.

@gringo - Look, you can actually tell they are green (with a little yellow tinge) in this photo:

LatinaInMD thanks for your wonderful recap. Like Cathyx, I think you could have included the extra as I had a blast with this!

Add me to the list of those loving Superwoman MC. She is messing with Oblivious like he's a child (ok, he is). And she's freaking the Blonde sister out as well. I wonder what type of deal she and the Emir will make.

Though I like the actor (de la Mota), I think they should have cast someone else. I'm sure he'll be fun nevertheless.

All I will say is, Univision has a knack for very misleading previews.

Wow! hard to believe. I've been looking at several pictures. I wouldn't have believed it Latina but in some pictures her eyes look quite brown but in other pictures you can definitely see green. Magic
eyes, maybe that is why Ana Brenda
is so beautiful.
the gringo

maybe she wears colored contact lenses.

I don't think she wears lenses, I think her eyes are like this.
My eyes are green (always) but if I wear blue or the light is a certain way, they look blue (not sky blue, more like turquoise).
AB's eyes are just the same, but with a different combination, of hazel and brown, that is why in some pictures they appear to be brown.
Regardless, they are quite beautiful!

LatinaInMD- Here is Silvia Navarro at the same age as AB is now, Invisiline braces and all, in La Duda. Her character, like AB’s character in CI, has been persecuted by her boyfriend’s rich family. Her parents have been murdered, and her boyfriend’s father has just arranged for her to be brutally raped. Yeah, pretty horrible. Witness her crying skills and rage in Minute 4:21 after the attack; and her vowing revenge for her parents at Minute 8:05:


Thank you for the link, Vivi! You'll never guess, but the tv channel that you provided in the link (called "acasa") is Romanian (where I'm from), the subtitles are in Romanian :)) I watched almost all my tns on that channel (so the last 15 years or so, before leaving the country). But, funny enough, I don't remember La Duda, I only know of SN before Televisa from Cuando seas mia (where she was great, by the way).

And I agree with you, I think she is simply the best.
But AB has her stuff, too, I especially like her smile, there are not many like hers in the artistic world.

Just wanted to say awesome recap latinlnMD! loved remembering all those great zingers MC gave us yesterday. Pity for those who stand in her way, fun for those of us who get to watch.


AdrianaNoel- Ana Brenda is definitely one of my top fave tn actresses for sure.

My goodness must have put hours of work into this. So complete...and a lot of thought went into it.

Like everybody else, enjoyed the Superman comparisons (and Maricruz certainly resembles the beautiful Wonder Woman that I remember from my comic book days).

Loved your "losing his shirt...sorry!) joke and your noting those "two brain cells firing at full blast". Yes, poor Octavio is cutting quite a pitiful figure while our once humiliated Maricruz is besting everybody.

Like many others, I wondered why one of the many handsome dark-skinned, dark eyed actors weren't chosen to play the prince, but I too know several Arabs with light skin and eyes. Even without adding blonde wives in the mix.

Last night was fun. Hope there's more to come with la Mendoza calling the shots for a change.

Thanks very complete and thoughtful.

Sorry it took me so long, but great work!

As for Carlos de la Mota cast as an Arab, did anyone else see the original El Clon? Said was fair-skinned, light-haired, and light-eyed because his mother wasn't an Arab.

I do have to say I was ready to give a standing ovation to how Maricruz stood up to that arrogant jerk.

Ahh, I loved thee...

@Vivi - I think maybe I wasn't too clear. I also think Silvia Navarro is THE BEST cryer. That's why I qualified my comment about AB's crying by saying "almost no other actress....", precisely because I know that Silvia is better. Again, I'm just saying that of the CURRENT twentysomethings AB is the best. But I know Silvia was awesome even as a 19-year-old in PERLA.

I got ya Latina. We're on the same page. :)

I LOL'ed while reading this recap. Thanks for the laughs!

I would have liked for Carlos de la Mota to attempt to speak Spanish with some sort of accent, since he's playing a foreigner. I wasn't too thrown off by the casting of such a guero as a middle Eastern 100% Persian brother-in-law is light skinned with light brown hair and blue-gray eyes.

The Emir's "follower" looks familiar; if we ever get to see him without his headdress maybe I can place him.

Teobaldo is just plain weird the way he is possessive over Aracely. And Octavio...I don't even want to go there.

The Emir's assistant Muhammed is played by Luis Uribe, who played captain Jose Maria Sevilla (the original "Lirio de Plata" and Emmanuel's biological father) on "Llena de Amor". I didn't recognize him at first either because he almost always has a mustache but he doesn't have one on C.I.

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